Australian 2nd Division (World War II)
The 2nd Division commands all the reserve brigades in Australia. These are the 4th in Victoria, the 5th
and 8th
in New South Wales, the 9th
in South Australia and Tasmania, the 11th
in Queensland and the 13th
in Western Australia.
The division was first formed in 1915 as part of the First Australian Imperial Force
(1st AIF), and served in the Gallipoli Campaign
and on the Western Front World War I
Apart from a period from 1960 to 1965, the division has existed in one form or another.
on 10 July 1915 as part of the Australian Imperial Force to fight in World War I
. It fought at Gallipoli
during the latter stages of the campaign and then traversed to the Western Front
in France
where it was the last Australia
n division to see combat.
After the war ended and the AIF was demobilised, the 2nd Division name was revived and assigned to an Australian Citizens Military Forces (reserve) unit.
The initial commander was to be J.W. McCay
, however on 11 July he was injured, and invalided back to Australia. As a result, the command of the division went to Lt-General J.G. Legge
Due to the pressing need for more soldiers for the Gallipoli Campaign
, parts of the 2nd Division was sent to Anzac Cove
in mid August 1915, with the rest of the division arriving by early September - despite the fact that the division was only partially trained.
The 2nd Division held a quiet stretch of the original line (as a majority of the fighting was taking place north of ANZAC Cove), and only a part of the Division (the 18th Battalion
saw serious fighting during the Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
on 22 August.
The 2nd Division was evacuated from the peninsula in December, returning to Egypt, where it was brought back up to strength.
with the Australian 1st Division) to a quiet sector south of Armentières
to acclimatize to the Western Front conditions.
In mid-July, with the British offensive on the Somme
dragging on, I Anzac Corps was sent to join the British Reserve Army
of Lt.-Gen. Hubert Gough
who intended to use the Australian divisions to take the village of Pozières
(the Battle of Pozières
). Due to the casualties sustained by the Australian 1st Division's attack at Pozières on 23 July, it was replaced by the 2nd Division on 27 July. Continuing the attack started by the 1st Division, the 2nd Division attacked on 29 July. However, due to the hurried preparation (some of the attacking troops had not seen their objective in the day), the division sustained approximately 3500 casualties for little gain.
The 2nd Division attacked again on 4 August, capturing the OG2 trench line and part of the crest. Alarmed by the loss of the defences (including the crest), the Germans initiated a severe, sustained artillery bombardment. The position of the Australian salient, meant that the soldiers were receive artillery fire from the rear (from German batteries near Thiepval). After 12 days on the front line (and sustaining a total of 6846 casualties), the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division
on 6 August.
After a brief rest (during which the division was built up to two-thirds strength), the 2nd Division again relieved the Australian 1st Division from its position beyond Pozières (in front of Mouquet Farm) on 22 August (the Battle of Mouquet Farm
). Attacking on 26 August, the 2nd Division succeeded in penetrating past the fortifications at Mouquet Farm - only to be attacked from the rear as the German troops (the elite 1st Guards Reserve and 4th Guards Divisions) emerged from the fortified underground positions at Mouquet Farm. These counterattacks succeeded in forcing the 2nd Division back from Mouquet Farm. After sustaining another 1268 casualties, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division on 26 August.
On 5 September, I Anzac was withdrawn from the Somme and sent to Ypres
for rest. The division anticipated spending winter quarters in Flanders
but was recalled to the Somme for the final stages of the British offensive. This time they joined the British Fourth Army
, holding a sector south of Pozières near the village of Flers
. The battlefield had been reduced to a slough of mud but the 2nd Division was required to mount a number of attacks (the Battle of Le Transloy
), with the 7th Brigade attacking the German series of trenches called "The Maze" on 5 November. While part of the German trenches were captured (and held), the exhausted soldiers were ejected from their gains a few days later. The 7th brigade attacked again on 14 November, but were only partially successful in capturing parts of the "Gird" and "Gird Support" trenches immediately to the north of "The Maze". However, a German counterattack on 16 November succeeded in recapturing all of the trenches captured by the 2nd Division, which had sustained a total of 1720 casualties in the two attacks.
In January, Lt-General Legge fell ill and was replaced by Br-General Smyth
(who had formerly commanded the Australian 1st Brigade since during the Gallipoli Campaign), with Maj. General Legge returning to Australia to take up the post of Inspector General. However, until Br-General Smyth was available, the division was temporarily commanded by the commander of the 6th Brigade, Br-General J. Gellibrand
), the 2nd Division was active in engaging the German rear guard as it fell back to the first fortified reserve position (known to the British as the "Loupart-Le Transloy Line", and called the "R.I." position by the Germans). The Germans had decided to temporarily hold the R.I. position (which was centred on the village of Bapaume), and so on 25 February, the 5th and 6th brigades mounted an unsuccessful attack on the "Malt" trench - an outpost in front of the R.I. position.
Continual small attacks were conducted on the Malt Trench through 26 and 27 February, with a larger attack attempted on the 27th and 28th by the 7th Brigade. However, as the wire defences were undamaged, little headway could be made. It wasn't until 2 March (after sustained artillery fire had cut various paths through the wire) that the 7th Brigade captured portions of Malt trench. This brought the 2nd Division close enough to be able to attack the R.I. position.
As the 2nd Division was preparing to attack the R.I. position in front of Loupart Wood (the attack was planned to commence on 13 March), it was discovered on 12 March, that the Germans had already withdrawn to the second reserve position "R.II. Stellung" (which was centred on the crest of the ridge beyond Bapaume). The R.II position was evacuated by the Germans on 17 March, as they withdrew to the Hindenburg Line
Starting on 17 March 1917, the 2nd Division was reorganised to pursue the German withdrawal, with the 6th Brigade chosen to lead the pursuit. On 20 March, the 6th Brigade attempted a hasty attack on the fortified village of Noreuil
, which was beaten back with 331 casualties. However, the next attack (on the fortified village of Lagnicourt
) on 26 March was successful, with the German counter-attack on the same day defeated by the defending Australians.
Soon after, the 2nd Division was relieved by Australian 4th Division, which conducted a second attack on the fortified village of Noreuil, which was successfully captured on 2 April. With the capture of Noreuil (and Louverval and Doignies
, which were also captured by the Australian 5th Division on 2 April), the I Anzac Corp was within striking distance of the main Hindenburg defences.
offensive. Once the first attempt on Bullecourt had failed, the 2nd Division relieved the Australian 4th Division from in front of Bullecourt (a front of approximately 2750 yards (2,514.6 m) on 13 April.
As such, when the Germans launched a counter-stroke on 15 April in front of the village of Lagnicourt
(the Battle of Lagnicourt), part of it fell on the 17th Battalion
(which was holding the right flank of the 2nd Division), with the remainder falling on the 1st Division. The attack was strongest along the divisional boundary between the 1st and 2nd Divisions, and as a result the Germans managed to penetrate between the 17th Battalion and the neighbouring 12th Battalion
and capture the village of Lagnicourt. Prompt counter attacks by the 5th Brigade (2nd Division) and 3rd brigade (1st Division) managed to drive off the attacking Germans, and re-establish the original front line. During this battle, the 2nd Division experienced 305 casualties (of the 1010 casualties experienced by the I Anzac Corps).
On 3 May the Second Battle of Bullecourt commenced with the 2nd Division attacking the two trench lines east of Bullecourt - seizing parts of both trench lines. Counter attacks forced the troops out of the second trench line, and out of most of the captured first line. Further attacks were conducted on 4 May and 6 May by brigades of the Australian 1st Division that were attached to the 2nd Division, supported by the troops of the 2nd Division, resulted in the capture of most of the first line of trenches. After repulsing a total of 6 German counter attacks, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 5th Division on the 8th/9 May, having experienced 3898 casualties. The 2nd Division was then sent to rest areas in the Somme region, until the end of July, when the division was sent to Flanders for training.
Relieving the 3rd Infantry Division (United Kingdom) between 29 September and 1 October, the 2nd Division's task in the Battle of Broodseinde was to advance 1800 yards (1,645.9 m) to 1900 yards (1,737.4 m), and to capture one of the ridgelines which dominated the Ypres Salient
. Attacking on 4 October, one of the most unlikely of occurrences happened, when a German attack started at almost the same time as the Australian attack - resulting in the two attacking forces engaging each other in no-mans land. Quickly gaining the upper hand, the 2nd Division captured all of its objectives, while sustaining 2174 casualties. This battle marked the peak of British success during 3rd Ypres, and with rain starting to fall on 3 October, was the last successful battle of the Third Battle of Ypres.
With rain starting to fall heavier and heavier, the conditions on the ground deteriorated, so that when the next attack started on 9 October (the Battle of Poelcappelle) the ground became difficult to traverse, resulting in the troops moving up to their starting positions becoming exhausted prior to the start of the attack. The role of the 2nd Division in the Battle of Poelcappelle, was for the left brigade to advance 800 yards (731.5 m) (and so protect the flank of the 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division
) while the right brigade would pivot on its right flank and match its left flank to the movement of the left Brigade. With an average battalion strength of only 160 men, and supported by a weak artillery barrage, the advance quickly stalled, and resulted in only small gains at a result of 1253 casualties. As a result of the exhaustion of the troops, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division by 12 October.
The 2nd Division relieved the Australian 5th Division on 27 October, and continued to hold the line along the Broodseinde Ridge, until all of the Australian divisions (by now grouped into an all Australian Corps
) were transferred south to Flanders
(centred on the town of Messines
), where it stayed until 3 April. The Division was relieved by the 25th British Division
, and began moving to the Somme
in response to the start (on 21 March) of the initial German offensive - Operation Michael
Upon reaching the Somme on 4 April, the leading brigade (the 5th) was detached to relieve the overstrained troops around Villers-Bretonneux
, while the rest of the Division (under the command of the British Third Army) relieved the Australian 4th Division (where the 4th had just fought the Battle of Dernancourt) near Dernancourt
on 8 April.
The detached 5th Brigade (under the command of the British Fourth Army) was initially put into a reserve line (locally known as the "Aubigny Line") under the 14th Division, before it was sent further south to support (and later relieve) the 18th Division south of Villers-Bretonneux.
After the 5th Brigade had relieved the 18th Division (on 5 April), it was decided that the 5th would recapture the lost parts of Hangard wood, and so reduce a salient that threatened the southern flank of the Australian forces at Villers-Bretonneux. The attack was conducted on 7 April, and while it succeeded in clearing Hangard Wood (at a cost of 151 casualties), the position that the attacking troops were expected to fortify was poorly sited, and as a result the attacking troops retreated to their starting positions.
Another attack was planned for 15 April, this time in conjunction with the French First Army, with the objective of eliminating the entire salient south of Villers-Bretonneux. However, when the next German Offensive (the Battle of Lys) started on 9 April, it drew off the British forces required to mount the attack. In addition, German attacks on 7 April and 12 April resulted in the capture of the village of Hangard, and abandonment of the attack. However, it was decided that a small local attack would be mounted, with the intention of capturing the cemetery and cemetery copse north of the village of Hangard.
The role of the 5th Brigade was to capture the copse, while the French captured the cemetery. The Australians were unable to secure the copse, which fell to German counterattacks (with a total of 84 casualties), however the French were able to capture the cemetery.
The 5th Brigade returned to the Australian Corp on 19 April.
on 11 May, and continued peaceful penetration
operations that had been started by the 3rd Division.
On 19 May, the 2nd Division attacked the Germans on either side of the village of Ville-sur-Ancre
(an advance of approximately 1000 yards (914.4 m)), and despite the opposing German troops being fresh and anticipating the attack, the attack succeeded in capturing the village. The attack cost 418 casualties, but also resulted in approximately 800 German casualties (including the capture of 330 Germans and 45 machine guns).
As a result of the "Australiaisation" of AIF forces, on 22 May, Maj. Gen. C. Rosenthal
(who had previously commanded the Australian 9th Infantry Brigade) replaced Maj. Gen. N. M. Smyth
as commander of 2nd Division.
On 10 June, the 7th Brigade conducted an attack over a 3000 yards (2,743.2 m) frontage between Morlancourt and Sailly-Laurette
, and succeeded in advancing an average depth of 700 yards (640.1 m), with approximately 350 casualties and the capture of 325 Germans, 30 machineguns and 6 trench mortars. This attack revealed the ease in which a well-planned attack could be conducted, and also revealed that there was no major offensive planned on the Amiens front.
. In response to this (and to gain support for a French attack south of Villers-Bretonneux), it was decided to attack the German salient and capture the village of Hamel as well as Hamel and Vaire Woods. In preparation of this attack, the 2nd Division relieved the Australian 3rd Division on 28 and 29 June.
At this point in time, the average Australian Division was under strength by approximately 1600 men (the 2nd Division was under strength by 1686 men), and as a result, the strength of an Australian battalion was reduced from 966 to 900 men.
As a result of the under strength nature of the Australian divisions, it was decided that the upcoming Battle of Hamel
would involve units from three Australian divisions (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Australian Divisions), with the 2nd Division temporarily placing it's left Brigade under the command of the 4th Division for the attack.
The attack at Hamel (conducted on 4 July) was a complete success, with the battle completed in only 93 minutes. The 2nd Division Brigades temporarily attached to the Australian 4th Division suffered only 246 casualties (out of a total of 1380 Australian and American casualties). The total German casualties for the battle were approximately 2000 (of which approximately 1600 were captured), and included 177 machineguns and 32 trench mortars.
After the Battle of Hamel, the division continued Peaceful Penetration on its front, and by 11 July had advanced its front line by approximately 200 yards (182.9 m). This aided a planned offensive whose objective was to capture more of the Villers-Bretonneux plateau. In fact, Peaceful Penetration had already achieved the objective on the northern flank.
The continued Peaceful Penetration on the northern flank of the salient below Villers-Bretonneux caused the Germans to withdrawal by 1000 yards (914.4 m), leaving only outposts and sentries behind to deceive the Allies that the front was still being held. This withdrawal meant that the Australians were able to capture Monument Farm, parts of Monument Wood and the first German tank ("Mephisto"
- disabled on 24 April) to be captured by British forces. The withdrawal also meant that the planned offensive was now superseded, as Peaceful Penetration had already achieved the objectives.
Further Peaceful Penetration patrols were conducted, this time with the objective of advancing the Australian 7th Infantry Brigades front by 1000 yards (914.4 m), and capturing the remainder of Monument Wood and "The Mound" (spoil from a nearby railway cutting). However this would then expose the southern flank of the Division (which was bent back at an almost 45 degree angle - so that it went east-west rather than northeast-southwest). As a result, Maj. Gen. Rosenthal was authorised to approach the French Division and Regimental commanders with a deal - that the Australians would capture the ground, which would then be defended by French units.
As the Germans were now starting to dig proper fortifications (they had previously not done so to induce the Allies into believing that further offensives were planned in the area), Peaceful Penetration was becoming more difficult to conduct. As a result, a small-scale offensive (conducted by only 2 battalions on 17 July) was conducted, advancing the line by 500 yards (457.2 m) with 129 casualties, and inflicting at least 303 German casualties.
Due to their vulnerable southern flank, no further advances were possible until the French forces south of the 2nd Division advanced. French patrols on 18 July managed to advance their line, but it remained a mile behind the neighbouring 2nd Division.
The Peaceful Penetration conducted over the previous 2 weeks had advanced the line by an average of 1000 yards (914.4 m) over a frontage of 4500 yards (4,114.8 m), at a cost of 437 casualties (only 16 more than their neighbouring Australian units holding the line in front of Hamel), and had achieved all of the objectives set down for the offensive that was to occur after the Battle of Hamel.
As part of the training of the American Expeditionary Force
(AEF), units were attached to other Allied forces, and the Australian forces no exception, with the 65th American Brigade (from the American 33rd Division) assigned to the Australian Corps (arriving from 26 July to 5 August). As a result, two battalions of the 129th American Regiment were assigned to the 2nd Division, joining it in the Villers-Bretonneux sector. The Americans were assigned by company to an Australian Battalion, and as some of the Australian Battalions were extremely under strength (for example, the front line strength of the 24th Battalion was only 193 men), it meant that there was equal number of Australians and Americans in the front line.
The 2nd Division continued attacking on 9, 10 and 11 August, capturing Vauvillers
, Framerville
and Rainecourt, at a cost of 1295 casualties. The attacks post 9 August were often hasty, and lacking in co-ordination between neighbouring units - resulting in a lot of the fighting being an infantry battle (relying on manoeuvre over artillery/tank support), and a subsequent increase in casualties.
Between 16 and 18 August, Peaceful Penetration
was carried out by the 6th Brigade (then the only unit of the 2nd Division on the front line) around Herleville
, culminating in an attack on 18 August to the edge of Herleville itself. By this stage the 6th Brigade was suffering from the continuous combat, with the 22nd Battalion down to company strength, but still required to attack over a large frontage (in this case 1000 yards (914.4 m)). The 2nd Division was relieved on the next day 19 August) by the 32nd British Division.
The 2nd Division relieved the Australian 1st Division on 26 August, with the intention of holding the front with "aggressive patrols", as the Battle of Arras was to be the main effort of the British Expeditionary Force.
Despite the order from Gen. Rawlinson
(4th Army commander) for only "aggressive patrols", the 2nd Division kept advancing along the south bank of the Somme River
(capturing various villages such as Herbécourt
, Flaucourt
, Barleux
and (despite a stiff defence) Biaches
), and with German morale crumbling, was ordered to advance towards Péronne
and Mont St. Quentin
, with the intention of capturing Mont St. Quentin (which dominated the surrounding terrain and was considered to be one of the most heavily fortified positions in the area).
The plan for the Battle of Mont St. Quentin
was for the 2nd Division, the Australian 3rd Division and the British 32nd Division to attack to the east, and cross the Somme River in the vicinity of Péronne, with the 2nd Division continuing on to take Mont St. Quentin. However, it was discovered that the defences along the river were too strong to be overcome. And so the 2nd Divisions front was taken over by the Australian 5th Division, and the 2nd Division then move north behind the Australian 3rd Division (which was to take Cléry
and continue east to protect the 2nd Division flank), and then approach Mont St. Quentin from the north of the Somme River, and then attack Mont St. Quentin from the west.
The offensive succeeded, with the Australian 5th Brigade (with a strength on 1340 men, supported by 5 brigades of field artillery, and 4 brigades of heavy artillery) succeeded in capturing Mont St. Quentin on the morning of 31 August, capturing over 700 German prisoners from the 21st German Division
and the Kaiser Alexander (1st Guards Grenadiers). Back in Amiens, the Army commander (Gen. Rawlinson
) wrote that "It is indeed a magnificent performance..." However, the fifth German counterattack in the afternoon of the 31st succeeded in recapturing the crest of the Mont St. Quentin hill.
Mont St. Quentin was attacked a second time in the morning of 1 September, this time by the Australian 6th Brigade (with a strength of 1334 men), with its right flank protected by the Australian 14th Brigade (5th Division) capturing Péronne. Attacking against the German 94th Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Regiment and the Kaiser Alexander (1st Guard Grenadier) Regiment (both under the command of the German 38th Division
), the 6th Brigade succeeded in capturing Mont St. Quentin.
The attack continued on the next day (2 September), with the 7th Brigade attacking east from Mont St. Quentin to protect the southern flank of the Australian 3rd Division (which in turn was protecting the southern flank of the British III Corp as it attacked towards Nurlu
During the two attacks on Mont St. Quentin, and the one east of Mont St. Quentin (from 31 August to 2 September), the 2nd Division had suffered 1370 casualties. While the casualties were not as high as in previous battles (such as Pozières
), it should be remembered that as the Australian Divisions were severely under strength (with the average battalion strength down to approximately 150 men), even such a small number casualties accounted for approximately one-third of the rifle strength of the division.
By 4 September, the 2nd Division was relieved and was rested until late September. It was during this time (23 September) that the 19th, 21st and 25th Battalions were disbanded to make up the strength of the other battalions in their brigades, resulting in the 2nd Division following the same organisational structure (as a 9 battalion division) as British divisions of the British Expeditionary Force.
By early October, forces attached to the Australian Corps
(such as the Australian 3rd and 5th Divisions, and the American 27th and 30th Divisions of the II American Corps) had succeeded in capturing the main Hindenburg
defences (in the first part of the Battle of St. Quentin Canal), and the supporting defences - however this left the third line of defences, the "Beaurevoir Line". Relieving the Australian 5th Division on 1 October, the 2nd Divisions task was to attack (with the Australian 1st Division and the American 27th and 30th Divisions) and breach the Beaurevoir Line, and open a gap for the Cavalry Corp to exploit before winter ended the campaigning season.
The 2nd Division attacked the Beaurevoir Line on 3 October, with two brigades (the 5th and 7th - with a rifle strength of 2500 men) on an initial frontage of 5000 yards (4,572 m) (with the objectives calling for a 2 mile advance, resulting in a frontage of 6500 yards (5,943.6 m)). Attacking at 45 minutes before sunrise, the soldiers managed to capture the fortified positions at the la Motte Farm and Mushroom Quarry (at a cost of 989 casualties), but were stopped short of their objectives - the village of Beaurevoir
and the heights that the village was situated on.
Continuing the attack on the next day (4 October), the 2nd Division managed to approach the village of Beaurevoir, and conducted further attacks on 5 October to capture the village of Montbrehain
. After much hard fighting by two battalions of the 6th Brigade (reinforced by the 2nd Pioneer Battalion) (against the German 241st (Saxon) Division (reinforced by the German 24th Division
and the German 34th Division
), the village was captured, along with nearly 400 German prisoners. The capture of the village drove a mile long salient into the German lines, and was described as "one of the most brilliant actions of Australian infantry in the First World War". However, this action cost the 2nd Division an additional 408 casualties.
The 2nd Division was relieved by the 30th Division on the evening of 5 October, with the intention of allowing it to rest until the start of the campaigning season in 1919, however as the Armistice was signed in November 1918, the Australian 2nd Division was the last Australian division to see combat in World War I.
With the end of the war, Australian forces were quickly disbanded, and the soldiers transported back to Australia. As a result, the 2nd Division merged with the Australian 5th Division in March 1919 (as a single division of 4 brigades), and by May 1919 the last Australians were transported from France to England. By September 1919, only 10 000 Australian troops were in England, and on 1 April 1921 the AIF was officially disbanded.
The memorial lists the battle honors of the 2nd Division as:
!Battle Honor!!Description
|Battle of Pozieres
|Mouquet Farm
|Battle of Mouquet Farm
|The Battle of Le Transloy
, including the attacks on "The Maze" and "Gird"/"Gird Support" trenches
|Malt Trench
|A trench system that was part of a German reserve line, and used by the Germans as a delaying position during the retreat to Hindenburg Line
|Battle of Lagnicourt
|Second Battle of Bullecourt
|Menin Road
|Battle of Menin Road
|Broodseinde Ridge
|Battle of Broodseinde
|Battle of Poelcappelle
|Scene of intense fighting around, and capture of, Ville-sur-Ancre
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack
|Battle of Hamel
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack on the front south of Villers-Bretonneux
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack to the edge of the village of Herleville
|rowspan=2|As part of the Battle of Amiens, the pursuit of the withdrawing Germans past the villages of Herbécourt and Biaches
|Mont St. Quentin
|Battle of Mont St. Quentin
|Beaurevior Line
|The attack that breached the third (and final) fortified line of the Hindenburg Line
(the "Beaurevior Line") during the Battle of St. Quentin Canal
|An attack which drove a salient into a line of fortified villages past the Beaurevior Line during the Battle of St. Quentin Canal
1917-18: Maj. Gen. N. M. Smyth
1918-19: Maj. Gen. C. Rosenthal
's 2nd Division is a Citizens Military Forces/Militia (reserve) formation formed in 1921. During World War II
it was composed primarily of infantry
units from New South Wales and was based initially in Sydney
. The division was partly mobilised, although the Militia was barred from overseas service. As a result, many members joined the Second Australian Imperial Force
. In 1940, Maj. Gen. Herbert Lloyd assumed command of the division.
As the possibility of Japanese
invasion loomed, in May 1942, the 14th Bde (3rd, 36th, 55th Battalions) was transferred to New Guinea Force
, for the defence of Western Australia. The 5th Bde (54th, 56th and 44th Battalion, the latter being a WA unit) and 8th Bde (4th, 30th and 35th Battalions) were joined by the 13th Brigade (the 11th, 16th, 28th Battalions, all from WA).
As actions of the war turned to favour the Allies, the division prepared for active service in the Australian territory of New Guinea
. In early 1943, the 13th Bde was detached and the 2nd Brigade became part of the division until August 1943. When the 8th Brigade was transferred to the 5th Division
in North Queensland in September 1943, for service in New Guinea, the 3rd Motor Brigade joined the division.
from 1951. The 2nd Division was formed again as the main CMF formation in New South Wales, but was disbanded in 1960 with the advent of the Pentropic
(five-battle group
) organisation scheme.
The division was revived in 1965 when the Pentropic organisaiton was abandoned and now commands all the reserve brigades in Australia.
The Second Division is currently commanded by MAJGEN Craig Williams, AM.
Military history of Australia during World War I
5th Brigade (Australia)
5th Brigade is a brigade of the Australian Army. It is a Reserve combined arms formation based in New South Wales and forms part of the 2nd Division.-History:...
and 8th
8th Brigade (Australia)
8th Brigade is an Australian Army Reserve combined-arms formation stationed in New South Wales.The 8th Brigade is one of six brigades of the Australian Army's 2nd Division, and includes units and personnel from all Armoured, Infantry, Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Ordinance , Medical, Nursing,...
in New South Wales, the 9th
Australian 9th Brigade
The 9th Brigade is an Reserve formation of the Australian Army headquartered at Keswick Barracks in Keswick, South Australia, with elements located in Tasmania, South Australia, New South Wales and the Northern Territory.-History:...
in South Australia and Tasmania, the 11th
11th Brigade (Australia)
The Australian 11th Brigade is an Australian Army brigade which currently comprises most Australian Army Reserve units located in Queensland. The Brigade was first formed in early 1916 as part of the 3rd Division and saw action during World War I and World War II.-Brigade Structure:*Headquarters...
in Queensland and the 13th
13th Brigade (Australia)
The 13th Brigade is an Army Reserve formation of the Australian Army headquartered at Perth, Western Australia and its various units have depots in Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Albany and Katanning as well as Joondalup and Rockingham in the metro area. The 13th Brigade was first created in early 1916 and...
in Western Australia.
The division was first formed in 1915 as part of the First Australian Imperial Force
First Australian Imperial Force
The First Australian Imperial Force was the main expeditionary force of the Australian Army during World War I. It was formed from 15 August 1914, following Britain's declaration of war on Germany. Generally known at the time as the AIF, it is today referred to as the 1st AIF to distinguish from...
(1st AIF), and served in the Gallipoli Campaign
Battle of Gallipoli
The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign or the Battle of Gallipoli, took place at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during the First World War...
and on the Western Front World War I
Western Front (World War I)
Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by first invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The tide of the advance was dramatically turned with the Battle of the Marne...
Apart from a period from 1960 to 1965, the division has existed in one form or another.
World War I
The Australian 2nd Division was formed from reinforcements training in EgyptEgypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...
on 10 July 1915 as part of the Australian Imperial Force to fight in World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...
. It fought at Gallipoli
The Gallipoli peninsula is located in Turkish Thrace , the European part of Turkey, with the Aegean Sea to the west and the Dardanelles straits to the east. Gallipoli derives its name from the Greek "Καλλίπολις" , meaning "Beautiful City"...
during the latter stages of the campaign and then traversed to the Western Front
Western Front (World War I)
Following the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by first invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The tide of the advance was dramatically turned with the Battle of the Marne...
in France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
where it was the last Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
n division to see combat.
After the war ended and the AIF was demobilised, the 2nd Division name was revived and assigned to an Australian Citizens Military Forces (reserve) unit.
5th Brigade (New South Wales)
- 17th BattalionAustralian 17th BattalionThe 17th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. Although its numerical designation was bestowed upon in during World War I, the 17th Battalion can trace its lineage back to 1860, when a unit of the New South Wales Volunteer Rifles was raised in St Leonards, New South Wales....
- 18th Battalion18th Battalion (Australia)The 18th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. During World War I, the battalion was raised in 1915 as part of the Australian Imperial Force, attached to the 5th Brigade, of the 2nd Division...
- 19th BattalionAustralian 19th BattalionThe 19th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. Although the unit's numerical designation was bestowed upon it during World War I, the unit can trace its origins back to 1860 when a Volunteer Rifle corps was raised in South Sydney...
(Absorbed into 17, 18 and 20 Battalions on 10 October 1918. Reference 19 Battalion War Diary) - 20th BattalionAustralian 20th BattalionThe 20th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. Raised in early 1915 as part of the Australian Imperial Force, it was attached to the 5th Brigade, 2nd Division that served during World War I. The battalion first saw action during the Gallipoli campaign, before being evacuated...
6th Brigade (Victoria)
- 21st Battalion21st Battalion (Australia)The 21st Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. It was raised in 1915 as part of the First Australian Imperial Force for service during World War I and formed part of the 6th Brigade, attached to the 2nd Division. It fought during the Gallipoli campaign and on the Western Front...
(Disbanded in September 1918) - 22nd Battalion
- 23rd Battalion
- 24th Battalion
7th Brigade
- 25th Battalion25th/49th BattalionThis article deals with the First AIF/CMF/Militia/Army Reserve units known as the 25th/49th Battalion. For information on the Second AIF unit during World War II, see 2/25th Australian Infantry Battalion....
(QueenslandQueenslandQueensland is a state of Australia, occupying the north-eastern section of the mainland continent. It is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the west, south-west and south respectively. To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean...
) (Disbanded in September 1918) - 26th Battalion (Queensland)
- 27th Battalion (South AustraliaSouth AustraliaSouth Australia is a state of Australia in the southern central part of the country. It covers some of the most arid parts of the continent; with a total land area of , it is the fourth largest of Australia's six states and two territories.South Australia shares borders with all of the mainland...
) - 28th Battalion (Western AustraliaWestern AustraliaWestern Australia is a state of Australia, occupying the entire western third of the Australian continent. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, the Great Australian Bight and Indian Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east...
2nd Division Artillery.jpg)
Field Ambulance
2nd Division Field AmbulanceGallipoli, 1915
The Australian 2nd Division was formed in July 1915 from a collection of brigades that had been raised independently in Australia (in February and April 1915), and sent to Egypt (in May and June 1915) for further training.The initial commander was to be J.W. McCay
James Whiteside McCay
Lieutenant General Sir James Whiteside McCay KCMG, KBE, CB, VD was an Australian general and politician. A graduate of the University of Melbourne, where he earned Master of Arts and Master of Laws degrees, he established a successful legal practice, McCay & Thwaites...
, however on 11 July he was injured, and invalided back to Australia. As a result, the command of the division went to Lt-General J.G. Legge
James Gordon Legge
Lieutenant General James Gordon Legge CB, CMG was an Australian Army Lieutenant General who served in World War I. His son Stanley Ferguson Legge reached the rank of Major General.-Early life and career:...
Due to the pressing need for more soldiers for the Gallipoli Campaign
Battle of Gallipoli
The Gallipoli Campaign, also known as the Dardanelles Campaign or the Battle of Gallipoli, took place at the peninsula of Gallipoli in the Ottoman Empire between 25 April 1915 and 9 January 1916, during the First World War...
, parts of the 2nd Division was sent to Anzac Cove
Anzac Cove
Anzac Cove is a small cove on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. It became famous as the site of World War I landing of the ANZAC on April 25, 1915. The cove is a mere long, bounded by the headlands of Ari Burnu to the north and Little Ari Burnu, known as Hell Spit, to the south...
in mid August 1915, with the rest of the division arriving by early September - despite the fact that the division was only partially trained.
The 2nd Division held a quiet stretch of the original line (as a majority of the fighting was taking place north of ANZAC Cove), and only a part of the Division (the 18th Battalion
18th Battalion (Australia)
The 18th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. During World War I, the battalion was raised in 1915 as part of the Australian Imperial Force, attached to the 5th Brigade, of the 2nd Division...
saw serious fighting during the Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
The Battle of Hill 60 was the last major assault of the Battle of Gallipoli. It was launched on 21 August 1915 to coincide with the attack on Scimitar Hill made from the Suvla front by General Stopford's British IX Corps. Hill 60 was a low knoll at the northern end of the Sari Bair range which...
on 22 August.
The 2nd Division was evacuated from the peninsula in December, returning to Egypt, where it was brought back up to strength.
Somme, 1916
The 2nd Division started to arrived in France in March 1916, and was initially sent (as part of the I Anzac CorpsI Anzac Corps
The I ANZAC Corps was a combined Australian and New Zealand army corps that served during World War I.It was formed in Egypt in February 1916 as part of the reorganisation and expansion of the Australian Imperial Force and the New Zealand Expeditionary Force following the evacuation of Gallipoli...
with the Australian 1st Division) to a quiet sector south of Armentières
Armentières is a commune in the Nord department in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region in northern France. It is part of the Urban Community of Lille Métropole, and lies on the Belgian border, northwest of the city of Lille, on the right bank of the river Lys....
to acclimatize to the Western Front conditions.
In mid-July, with the British offensive on the Somme
Battle of the Somme (1916)
The Battle of the Somme , also known as the Somme Offensive, took place during the First World War between 1 July and 14 November 1916 in the Somme department of France, on both banks of the river of the same name...
dragging on, I Anzac Corps was sent to join the British Reserve Army
British Reserve Army
The Reserve Army was a field army of the British Army during World War I and part of the British Expeditionary Force during the First World War...
of Lt.-Gen. Hubert Gough
Hubert Gough
General Sir Hubert de la Poer Gough GCB, GCMG, KCVO was a senior officer in the British Army, who commanded the British Fifth Army from 1916 to 1918 during the First World War.-Family background:...
who intended to use the Australian divisions to take the village of Pozières
Pozières is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:The commune is situated on the D929 road, some northeast of Amiens between Albert and Bapaume, on the Pozières ridge.-Population:-History:...
(the Battle of Pozières
Battle of Pozières
The Battle of Pozières was a two week struggle for the French village of Pozières and the ridge on which it stands, during the middle stages of the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Though British divisions were involved in most phases of the fighting, Pozières is primarily remembered as an Australian battle...
). Due to the casualties sustained by the Australian 1st Division's attack at Pozières on 23 July, it was replaced by the 2nd Division on 27 July. Continuing the attack started by the 1st Division, the 2nd Division attacked on 29 July. However, due to the hurried preparation (some of the attacking troops had not seen their objective in the day), the division sustained approximately 3500 casualties for little gain.
The 2nd Division attacked again on 4 August, capturing the OG2 trench line and part of the crest. Alarmed by the loss of the defences (including the crest), the Germans initiated a severe, sustained artillery bombardment. The position of the Australian salient, meant that the soldiers were receive artillery fire from the rear (from German batteries near Thiepval). After 12 days on the front line (and sustaining a total of 6846 casualties), the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division
Australian 4th Division (World War I)
The Australian 4th Division was formed in the First World War during the expansion of the Australian Imperial Force infantry brigades in February 1916. In addition to the experienced 4th Brigade were added the new 12th and 13th Brigades...
on 6 August.
After a brief rest (during which the division was built up to two-thirds strength), the 2nd Division again relieved the Australian 1st Division from its position beyond Pozières (in front of Mouquet Farm) on 22 August (the Battle of Mouquet Farm
Battle of Mouquet Farm
The Battle of Mouquet Farm, which began on 5 August 1916, was part of the Battle of the Somme and followed the Battle of Pozières. The farm was eventually captured on 26 September by No. 16 Section of the 6th East Yorkshire Pioneers.-Battle:...
). Attacking on 26 August, the 2nd Division succeeded in penetrating past the fortifications at Mouquet Farm - only to be attacked from the rear as the German troops (the elite 1st Guards Reserve and 4th Guards Divisions) emerged from the fortified underground positions at Mouquet Farm. These counterattacks succeeded in forcing the 2nd Division back from Mouquet Farm. After sustaining another 1268 casualties, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division on 26 August.
On 5 September, I Anzac was withdrawn from the Somme and sent to Ypres
Ypres is a Belgian municipality located in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Ypres and the villages of Boezinge, Brielen, Dikkebus, Elverdinge, Hollebeke, Sint-Jan, Vlamertinge, Voormezele, Zillebeke, and Zuidschote...
for rest. The division anticipated spending winter quarters in Flanders
Flanders is the community of the Flemings but also one of the institutions in Belgium, and a geographical region located in parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. "Flanders" can also refer to the northern part of Belgium that contains Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp...
but was recalled to the Somme for the final stages of the British offensive. This time they joined the British Fourth Army
British Fourth Army
The Fourth Army was a field army that formed part of the British Expeditionary Force during the First World War. The Fourth Army was formed on 5 February 1916 under the command of General Sir Henry Rawlinson to carry out the main British contribution to the Battle of the Somme.-History:The Fourth...
, holding a sector south of Pozières near the village of Flers
Flers, Somme
Flers is a commune near the northern edge of the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.It lies to the south of the D929 road, between Albert and Bapaume.-History:...
. The battlefield had been reduced to a slough of mud but the 2nd Division was required to mount a number of attacks (the Battle of Le Transloy
Battle of Le Transloy
The Battle of Le Transloy was the final offensive mounted by the British Fourth Army during the 1916 Battle of the Somme.-Prelude:With the successful conclusion of the preceding Battle of Morval at the end of September, the Fourth Army of Lieutenant General Henry Rawlinson had finally captured the...
), with the 7th Brigade attacking the German series of trenches called "The Maze" on 5 November. While part of the German trenches were captured (and held), the exhausted soldiers were ejected from their gains a few days later. The 7th brigade attacked again on 14 November, but were only partially successful in capturing parts of the "Gird" and "Gird Support" trenches immediately to the north of "The Maze". However, a German counterattack on 16 November succeeded in recapturing all of the trenches captured by the 2nd Division, which had sustained a total of 1720 casualties in the two attacks.
In January, Lt-General Legge fell ill and was replaced by Br-General Smyth
Nevill Maskelyne Smyth
Major General Sir Nevill Maskelyne Smyth, VC, KCB was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.-Early life:Born the son of Sir Warington Wilkinson Smyth, a noted...
(who had formerly commanded the Australian 1st Brigade since during the Gallipoli Campaign), with Maj. General Legge returning to Australia to take up the post of Inspector General. However, until Br-General Smyth was available, the division was temporarily commanded by the commander of the 6th Brigade, Br-General J. Gellibrand
John Gellibrand
Major General Sir John Gellibrand KCB, DSO & Bar was an Australian Army Major General in World War I and member of the Australian House of Representatives, representing the Tasmanian Division of Denison as a Nationalist Party member from 1925 to 1928.-Early life and career:John "Jack" Gellibrand...
German withdrawal to the Hindenburg Line, 1917
In mid January 1917, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 5th Division, however by late February (during the German withdrawal to the prepared fortifications in the Hindenburg LineHindenburg Line
The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences in northeastern France during World War I. It was constructed by the Germans during the winter of 1916–17. The line stretched from Lens to beyond Verdun...
), the 2nd Division was active in engaging the German rear guard as it fell back to the first fortified reserve position (known to the British as the "Loupart-Le Transloy Line", and called the "R.I." position by the Germans). The Germans had decided to temporarily hold the R.I. position (which was centred on the village of Bapaume), and so on 25 February, the 5th and 6th brigades mounted an unsuccessful attack on the "Malt" trench - an outpost in front of the R.I. position.
Continual small attacks were conducted on the Malt Trench through 26 and 27 February, with a larger attack attempted on the 27th and 28th by the 7th Brigade. However, as the wire defences were undamaged, little headway could be made. It wasn't until 2 March (after sustained artillery fire had cut various paths through the wire) that the 7th Brigade captured portions of Malt trench. This brought the 2nd Division close enough to be able to attack the R.I. position.
As the 2nd Division was preparing to attack the R.I. position in front of Loupart Wood (the attack was planned to commence on 13 March), it was discovered on 12 March, that the Germans had already withdrawn to the second reserve position "R.II. Stellung" (which was centred on the crest of the ridge beyond Bapaume). The R.II position was evacuated by the Germans on 17 March, as they withdrew to the Hindenburg Line
Hindenburg Line
The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences in northeastern France during World War I. It was constructed by the Germans during the winter of 1916–17. The line stretched from Lens to beyond Verdun...
Starting on 17 March 1917, the 2nd Division was reorganised to pursue the German withdrawal, with the 6th Brigade chosen to lead the pursuit. On 20 March, the 6th Brigade attempted a hasty attack on the fortified village of Noreuil
Noreuil is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.-Population:-World War One:In 1917 it was the location of fighting during World War I. In early 1917, General John Gellibrand, acting commander of the 2nd Division, advanced as he suspected that the...
, which was beaten back with 331 casualties. However, the next attack (on the fortified village of Lagnicourt
Lagnicourt-Marcel is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.-Geography:A farming village situated southeast of Arras, at the junction of the D18, D14 and the D5 roads.-Population:-Places of interest:...
) on 26 March was successful, with the German counter-attack on the same day defeated by the defending Australians.
Soon after, the 2nd Division was relieved by Australian 4th Division, which conducted a second attack on the fortified village of Noreuil, which was successfully captured on 2 April. With the capture of Noreuil (and Louverval and Doignies
, which were also captured by the Australian 5th Division on 2 April), the I Anzac Corp was within striking distance of the main Hindenburg defences.
Hindenburg Line
The 2nd Division was in support during the First Battle of Bullecourt which was the Fifth Army's main contribution to the ArrasArras
Arras is the capital of the Pas-de-Calais department in northern France. The historic centre of the Artois region, its local speech is characterized as a Picard dialect...
offensive. Once the first attempt on Bullecourt had failed, the 2nd Division relieved the Australian 4th Division from in front of Bullecourt (a front of approximately 2750 yards (2,514.6 m) on 13 April.
As such, when the Germans launched a counter-stroke on 15 April in front of the village of Lagnicourt
Lagnicourt-Marcel is a commune in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.-Geography:A farming village situated southeast of Arras, at the junction of the D18, D14 and the D5 roads.-Population:-Places of interest:...
(the Battle of Lagnicourt), part of it fell on the 17th Battalion
Australian 17th Battalion
The 17th Battalion was an infantry battalion of the Australian Army. Although its numerical designation was bestowed upon in during World War I, the 17th Battalion can trace its lineage back to 1860, when a unit of the New South Wales Volunteer Rifles was raised in St Leonards, New South Wales....
(which was holding the right flank of the 2nd Division), with the remainder falling on the 1st Division. The attack was strongest along the divisional boundary between the 1st and 2nd Divisions, and as a result the Germans managed to penetrate between the 17th Battalion and the neighbouring 12th Battalion
Australian 12th Battalion
The 12th Battalion was raised for the First Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. the battalion was recruited from South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia and formed part of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Division....
and capture the village of Lagnicourt. Prompt counter attacks by the 5th Brigade (2nd Division) and 3rd brigade (1st Division) managed to drive off the attacking Germans, and re-establish the original front line. During this battle, the 2nd Division experienced 305 casualties (of the 1010 casualties experienced by the I Anzac Corps).
On 3 May the Second Battle of Bullecourt commenced with the 2nd Division attacking the two trench lines east of Bullecourt - seizing parts of both trench lines. Counter attacks forced the troops out of the second trench line, and out of most of the captured first line. Further attacks were conducted on 4 May and 6 May by brigades of the Australian 1st Division that were attached to the 2nd Division, supported by the troops of the 2nd Division, resulted in the capture of most of the first line of trenches. After repulsing a total of 6 German counter attacks, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 5th Division on the 8th/9 May, having experienced 3898 casualties. The 2nd Division was then sent to rest areas in the Somme region, until the end of July, when the division was sent to Flanders for training.
Third Battle of Ypres
The 2nd Division's artillery was in action from the start of the Third Battle of Ypres on 22 July 1917 but the infantry were not called upon until the second phase of the battle commenced on 20 September with the Battle of Menin Road. Attacking along with ten other divisions, including the Australian 1st Division on their right and the 9th (Scottish) Division on their left, the 2nd Division advanced an average of 1000 yards (914.4 m). The division sustained 2259 casualties, and was relieved on 22 September by the Australian 4th Division (which then continued the offensive in the next battle, the Battle of Polygon Wood.Relieving the 3rd Infantry Division (United Kingdom) between 29 September and 1 October, the 2nd Division's task in the Battle of Broodseinde was to advance 1800 yards (1,645.9 m) to 1900 yards (1,737.4 m), and to capture one of the ridgelines which dominated the Ypres Salient
Ypres Salient
The Ypres Salient is the area around Ypres in Belgium which was the scene of some of the biggest battles in World War I.In military terms, a salient is a battlefield feature that projects into enemy territory. Therefore, the salient is surrounded by the enemy on three sides, making the troops...
. Attacking on 4 October, one of the most unlikely of occurrences happened, when a German attack started at almost the same time as the Australian attack - resulting in the two attacking forces engaging each other in no-mans land. Quickly gaining the upper hand, the 2nd Division captured all of its objectives, while sustaining 2174 casualties. This battle marked the peak of British success during 3rd Ypres, and with rain starting to fall on 3 October, was the last successful battle of the Third Battle of Ypres.
With rain starting to fall heavier and heavier, the conditions on the ground deteriorated, so that when the next attack started on 9 October (the Battle of Poelcappelle) the ground became difficult to traverse, resulting in the troops moving up to their starting positions becoming exhausted prior to the start of the attack. The role of the 2nd Division in the Battle of Poelcappelle, was for the left brigade to advance 800 yards (731.5 m) (and so protect the flank of the 66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division
66th (2nd East Lancashire) Division
The British 66th Division was raised as a second-line Territorial Force division in August 1914 shortly after the commencement of the First World War. It went on to serve as a full-fledged frontline division on the Western Front in 1917 and 1918...
) while the right brigade would pivot on its right flank and match its left flank to the movement of the left Brigade. With an average battalion strength of only 160 men, and supported by a weak artillery barrage, the advance quickly stalled, and resulted in only small gains at a result of 1253 casualties. As a result of the exhaustion of the troops, the 2nd Division was relieved by the Australian 4th Division by 12 October.
The 2nd Division relieved the Australian 5th Division on 27 October, and continued to hold the line along the Broodseinde Ridge, until all of the Australian divisions (by now grouped into an all Australian Corps
Australian Corps
The Australian Corps was a World War I army corps that contained all five Australian infantry divisions serving on the Western Front. It was the largest corps fielded by the British Empire army in France...
) were transferred south to Flanders
Flanders is the community of the Flemings but also one of the institutions in Belgium, and a geographical region located in parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. "Flanders" can also refer to the northern part of Belgium that contains Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp...
(centred on the town of Messines
Mesen is a city located in the Belgian province of West Flanders. The municipality only comprises the town of Mesen proper. On January 1, 2006, Mesen had a total population of 988. The total area is 3.58 km² which gives a population density of 276 inhabitants per km².Mesen is the smallest city in...
German Spring Offensive, 1918
The 2nd Division was in support or reserve at Messines until 8 March 1918, where it then entered the line in the southern sector (centred on PloegsteertPloegsteert
Ploegsteert is a village in Belgium located in the municipality of Comines-Warneton in the Hainaut province. It is approximately 2 kilometres north of the French border. Created in 1850 on part of the territory of Warneton, it includes the hamlet of Le Bizet....
), where it stayed until 3 April. The Division was relieved by the 25th British Division
25th Division (United Kingdom)
The 25th Division of the British Army was raised for the Third New Army during September 1914. It served on the Western Front for most of the First World War. The component units were assembled around Salisbury and moved to Aldershot in May 1915 to complete their training...
, and began moving to the Somme
Somme is a department of France, located in the north of the country and named after the Somme river. It is part of the Picardy region of France....
in response to the start (on 21 March) of the initial German offensive - Operation Michael
Operation Michael
Operation Michael was a First World War German military operation that began the Spring Offensive on 21 March 1918. It was launched from the Hindenburg Line, in the vicinity of Saint-Quentin, France...
Upon reaching the Somme on 4 April, the leading brigade (the 5th) was detached to relieve the overstrained troops around Villers-Bretonneux
Villers-Bretonneux is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Villers-Bretonneux is situated some 19 km due east of Amiens, on the D1029 road and the A29 motorway.-History - World War I:...
, while the rest of the Division (under the command of the British Third Army) relieved the Australian 4th Division (where the 4th had just fought the Battle of Dernancourt) near Dernancourt
Dernancourt is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Dernancourt is situated on the D52 road, some northeast of Amiens.-Population:-Places and monuments:...
on 8 April.
The detached 5th Brigade (under the command of the British Fourth Army) was initially put into a reserve line (locally known as the "Aubigny Line") under the 14th Division, before it was sent further south to support (and later relieve) the 18th Division south of Villers-Bretonneux.
After the 5th Brigade had relieved the 18th Division (on 5 April), it was decided that the 5th would recapture the lost parts of Hangard wood, and so reduce a salient that threatened the southern flank of the Australian forces at Villers-Bretonneux. The attack was conducted on 7 April, and while it succeeded in clearing Hangard Wood (at a cost of 151 casualties), the position that the attacking troops were expected to fortify was poorly sited, and as a result the attacking troops retreated to their starting positions.
Another attack was planned for 15 April, this time in conjunction with the French First Army, with the objective of eliminating the entire salient south of Villers-Bretonneux. However, when the next German Offensive (the Battle of Lys) started on 9 April, it drew off the British forces required to mount the attack. In addition, German attacks on 7 April and 12 April resulted in the capture of the village of Hangard, and abandonment of the attack. However, it was decided that a small local attack would be mounted, with the intention of capturing the cemetery and cemetery copse north of the village of Hangard.
The role of the 5th Brigade was to capture the copse, while the French captured the cemetery. The Australians were unable to secure the copse, which fell to German counterattacks (with a total of 84 casualties), however the French were able to capture the cemetery.
The 5th Brigade returned to the Australian Corp on 19 April.
Peaceful Penetration
The 2nd Division was relieved by the 47th Division on 2 May, and became the reserve division for the Australian Corps. After resting, the division relieved the Australian 3rd Division opposite MorlancourtMorlancourt
Morlancourt is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Morlancourt is situated on the D42 road, some northeast of Amiens.-Population:-Personalities:* Louis Friant , French General, was born here....
on 11 May, and continued peaceful penetration
Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration was an Australian infantry tactic used during the First World War , which was a cross between trench raiding and patrolling...
operations that had been started by the 3rd Division.

Ville-sur-Ancre is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-External links:* * *...
(an advance of approximately 1000 yards (914.4 m)), and despite the opposing German troops being fresh and anticipating the attack, the attack succeeded in capturing the village. The attack cost 418 casualties, but also resulted in approximately 800 German casualties (including the capture of 330 Germans and 45 machine guns).
As a result of the "Australiaisation" of AIF forces, on 22 May, Maj. Gen. C. Rosenthal
Charles Rosenthal
Major General Sir Charles Rosenthal KCB, CMG, DSO, VD was an Australian Major General of World War I, and later a politician elected as a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly.- Early life :...
(who had previously commanded the Australian 9th Infantry Brigade) replaced Maj. Gen. N. M. Smyth
Nevill Maskelyne Smyth
Major General Sir Nevill Maskelyne Smyth, VC, KCB was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.-Early life:Born the son of Sir Warington Wilkinson Smyth, a noted...
as commander of 2nd Division.
On 10 June, the 7th Brigade conducted an attack over a 3000 yards (2,743.2 m) frontage between Morlancourt and Sailly-Laurette
Sailly-Laurette is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:The commuen is situated some east of Amiens, by the banks of the Somme River, where the D42 road crosses.-Population:-References:*...
, and succeeded in advancing an average depth of 700 yards (640.1 m), with approximately 350 casualties and the capture of 325 Germans, 30 machineguns and 6 trench mortars. This attack revealed the ease in which a well-planned attack could be conducted, and also revealed that there was no major offensive planned on the Amiens front.
Battle of Hamel
As a result of the advances by the Australian Corps in front of Morlancourt, the southern flank was exposed to artillery fire from near the village of HamelHamel, Nord
. In response to this (and to gain support for a French attack south of Villers-Bretonneux), it was decided to attack the German salient and capture the village of Hamel as well as Hamel and Vaire Woods. In preparation of this attack, the 2nd Division relieved the Australian 3rd Division on 28 and 29 June.
At this point in time, the average Australian Division was under strength by approximately 1600 men (the 2nd Division was under strength by 1686 men), and as a result, the strength of an Australian battalion was reduced from 966 to 900 men.
As a result of the under strength nature of the Australian divisions, it was decided that the upcoming Battle of Hamel
Battle of Hamel
The Battle of Hamel was a successful attack launched by the Australian Corps of the Australian Imperial Force and several American units against German positions in and around the town of Hamel in northern France during World War I....
would involve units from three Australian divisions (the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Australian Divisions), with the 2nd Division temporarily placing it's left Brigade under the command of the 4th Division for the attack.
The attack at Hamel (conducted on 4 July) was a complete success, with the battle completed in only 93 minutes. The 2nd Division Brigades temporarily attached to the Australian 4th Division suffered only 246 casualties (out of a total of 1380 Australian and American casualties). The total German casualties for the battle were approximately 2000 (of which approximately 1600 were captured), and included 177 machineguns and 32 trench mortars.
After the Battle of Hamel, the division continued Peaceful Penetration on its front, and by 11 July had advanced its front line by approximately 200 yards (182.9 m). This aided a planned offensive whose objective was to capture more of the Villers-Bretonneux plateau. In fact, Peaceful Penetration had already achieved the objective on the northern flank.
The continued Peaceful Penetration on the northern flank of the salient below Villers-Bretonneux caused the Germans to withdrawal by 1000 yards (914.4 m), leaving only outposts and sentries behind to deceive the Allies that the front was still being held. This withdrawal meant that the Australians were able to capture Monument Farm, parts of Monument Wood and the first German tank ("Mephisto"
Mephisto (tank)
Mephisto is the name of a German tank captured by Australian troops during World War I. One of only 21 built, it is the last surviving example of the first German military tank, the A7V Sturmpanzerwagen, and is displayed at the Queensland Museum in Australia.Mephisto, chassis serial number 506,...
- disabled on 24 April) to be captured by British forces. The withdrawal also meant that the planned offensive was now superseded, as Peaceful Penetration had already achieved the objectives.
Further Peaceful Penetration patrols were conducted, this time with the objective of advancing the Australian 7th Infantry Brigades front by 1000 yards (914.4 m), and capturing the remainder of Monument Wood and "The Mound" (spoil from a nearby railway cutting). However this would then expose the southern flank of the Division (which was bent back at an almost 45 degree angle - so that it went east-west rather than northeast-southwest). As a result, Maj. Gen. Rosenthal was authorised to approach the French Division and Regimental commanders with a deal - that the Australians would capture the ground, which would then be defended by French units.
As the Germans were now starting to dig proper fortifications (they had previously not done so to induce the Allies into believing that further offensives were planned in the area), Peaceful Penetration was becoming more difficult to conduct. As a result, a small-scale offensive (conducted by only 2 battalions on 17 July) was conducted, advancing the line by 500 yards (457.2 m) with 129 casualties, and inflicting at least 303 German casualties.
Due to their vulnerable southern flank, no further advances were possible until the French forces south of the 2nd Division advanced. French patrols on 18 July managed to advance their line, but it remained a mile behind the neighbouring 2nd Division.
The Peaceful Penetration conducted over the previous 2 weeks had advanced the line by an average of 1000 yards (914.4 m) over a frontage of 4500 yards (4,114.8 m), at a cost of 437 casualties (only 16 more than their neighbouring Australian units holding the line in front of Hamel), and had achieved all of the objectives set down for the offensive that was to occur after the Battle of Hamel.
As part of the training of the American Expeditionary Force
American Expeditionary Force
The American Expeditionary Forces or AEF were the United States Armed Forces sent to Europe in World War I. During the United States campaigns in World War I the AEF fought in France alongside British and French allied forces in the last year of the war, against Imperial German forces...
(AEF), units were attached to other Allied forces, and the Australian forces no exception, with the 65th American Brigade (from the American 33rd Division) assigned to the Australian Corps (arriving from 26 July to 5 August). As a result, two battalions of the 129th American Regiment were assigned to the 2nd Division, joining it in the Villers-Bretonneux sector. The Americans were assigned by company to an Australian Battalion, and as some of the Australian Battalions were extremely under strength (for example, the front line strength of the 24th Battalion was only 193 men), it meant that there was equal number of Australians and Americans in the front line.
Hundred Days, 1918
The 2nd Division commenced the Battle of Amiens (the start of the final British offensive) on 8 August, attacking (with the Australian 3rd Division) from its position near Villers-Bretonneux. The 2nd Division reached its objective (the "Green Line") between 6.25 and 7 am, and started to dig in. The second wave of Australian troops (the Australian 4th and 5th Divisions) moved through the 2nd and 3rd Divisions at 8:20 am, and continued on to the "Red Line". The soldiers of the 2nd Division stayed at their positions (one brigade in the original front line, the other 2 brigades on the "Green Line") until released at 11:15 to rejoin the attack.The 2nd Division continued attacking on 9, 10 and 11 August, capturing Vauvillers
Vauvillers, Somme
Vauvillers is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Population:-External links:*...
, Framerville
Framerville-Rainecourt is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:The commune is situated east of Amiens on the D329 and a few hundred yards from the A29 autoroute.-Population:-External links:*...
and Rainecourt, at a cost of 1295 casualties. The attacks post 9 August were often hasty, and lacking in co-ordination between neighbouring units - resulting in a lot of the fighting being an infantry battle (relying on manoeuvre over artillery/tank support), and a subsequent increase in casualties.
Between 16 and 18 August, Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration was an Australian infantry tactic used during the First World War , which was a cross between trench raiding and patrolling...
was carried out by the 6th Brigade (then the only unit of the 2nd Division on the front line) around Herleville
Herleville is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Herleville is situated on the D143 road, some east of Amiens.-Population:-External links:*...
, culminating in an attack on 18 August to the edge of Herleville itself. By this stage the 6th Brigade was suffering from the continuous combat, with the 22nd Battalion down to company strength, but still required to attack over a large frontage (in this case 1000 yards (914.4 m)). The 2nd Division was relieved on the next day 19 August) by the 32nd British Division.
The 2nd Division relieved the Australian 1st Division on 26 August, with the intention of holding the front with "aggressive patrols", as the Battle of Arras was to be the main effort of the British Expeditionary Force.
Despite the order from Gen. Rawlinson
Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson
General Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson, GCB, GCSI, GCVO, KCMG , known as Sir Henry Rawlinson, Bt between 1895 and 1919, was a British First World War general most famous for his roles in the Battle of the Somme of 1916 and the Battle of Amiens in 1918.-Military career:Rawlinson was...
(4th Army commander) for only "aggressive patrols", the 2nd Division kept advancing along the south bank of the Somme River
Somme River
The Somme is a river in Picardy, northern France. The name Somme comes from a Celtic word meaning tranquility. The department Somme was named after this river....
(capturing various villages such as Herbécourt
Herbécourt is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:The commune is situated on the D1 road, some northwest of Saint-Quentin, alongside the A1 autoroute.-Population:-External links:*...
, Flaucourt
Flaucourt is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Flaucourt is situated on the D148 road, half a mile from both the D1 and the A1 autoroute, some east of Amiens.-Population:-External links:*...
, Barleux
Barleux is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Situated from the A1 autoroute, at the junction of the D79 and D148 roads, about halfway between Amiens and Saint Quentin-Population:-External links:...
and (despite a stiff defence) Biaches
Biaches is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Biaches is situated by the banks of the Somme, east of Amiens on the D1 and from the A29 autoroute.-Population:-External links:*...
), and with German morale crumbling, was ordered to advance towards Péronne
Péronne, Somme
Péronne is a commune of the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.It is close to where the Battles of the Somme took place during World War I...
and Mont St. Quentin
Mont St. Quentin
Mont Saint Quentin overlooks the Somme River in the region of Picardie approximately 1.5 kilometres north of the town of Péronne, Somme, France. The hill is about 100 metres high but as it is situated in a bend of the river it dominates the whole position and is of strategic significance...
, with the intention of capturing Mont St. Quentin (which dominated the surrounding terrain and was considered to be one of the most heavily fortified positions in the area).
The plan for the Battle of Mont St. Quentin
Battle of Mont St. Quentin
The Battle of Mont Saint-Quentin was a battle on the Western Front during World War I. As part of the Allied counteroffensives on the Western Front in the late summer of 1918, the Australian Corps crossed the Somme River on the night of August 31, and broke the German lines at Mont Saint-Quentin...
was for the 2nd Division, the Australian 3rd Division and the British 32nd Division to attack to the east, and cross the Somme River in the vicinity of Péronne, with the 2nd Division continuing on to take Mont St. Quentin. However, it was discovered that the defences along the river were too strong to be overcome. And so the 2nd Divisions front was taken over by the Australian 5th Division, and the 2nd Division then move north behind the Australian 3rd Division (which was to take Cléry
Cléry-sur-Somme is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:The commune is situated on the D938, by the banks of the river Somme, some east of Amiens.-Population:-External links:*...
and continue east to protect the 2nd Division flank), and then approach Mont St. Quentin from the north of the Somme River, and then attack Mont St. Quentin from the west.
The offensive succeeded, with the Australian 5th Brigade (with a strength on 1340 men, supported by 5 brigades of field artillery, and 4 brigades of heavy artillery) succeeded in capturing Mont St. Quentin on the morning of 31 August, capturing over 700 German prisoners from the 21st German Division
21st Division (German Empire)
The 21st Division was a unit of the Prussian/German Army. It was formed on October 11, 1866 and was headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. The division was subordinated in peacetime initially to the XI Army Corps and from 1899 to the XVIII Army Corps The 21st Division (21. Division) was a unit of...
and the Kaiser Alexander (1st Guards Grenadiers). Back in Amiens, the Army commander (Gen. Rawlinson
Henry Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson
General Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson, GCB, GCSI, GCVO, KCMG , known as Sir Henry Rawlinson, Bt between 1895 and 1919, was a British First World War general most famous for his roles in the Battle of the Somme of 1916 and the Battle of Amiens in 1918.-Military career:Rawlinson was...
) wrote that "It is indeed a magnificent performance..." However, the fifth German counterattack in the afternoon of the 31st succeeded in recapturing the crest of the Mont St. Quentin hill.
Mont St. Quentin was attacked a second time in the morning of 1 September, this time by the Australian 6th Brigade (with a strength of 1334 men), with its right flank protected by the Australian 14th Brigade (5th Division) capturing Péronne. Attacking against the German 94th Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Regiment and the Kaiser Alexander (1st Guard Grenadier) Regiment (both under the command of the German 38th Division
38th Division (German Empire)
The 38th Division was a unit of the Prussian/German Army. It was formed on April 1, 1899, and was headquartered in Erfurt. The division was subordinated in peacetime to the XI Army Corps...
), the 6th Brigade succeeded in capturing Mont St. Quentin.
The attack continued on the next day (2 September), with the 7th Brigade attacking east from Mont St. Quentin to protect the southern flank of the Australian 3rd Division (which in turn was protecting the southern flank of the British III Corp as it attacked towards Nurlu
Nurlu is a commune in the Somme department in Picardie in northern France.-Geography:Nurlu is situated on the D917 road, some northwest of Saint Quentin, in the far south-east of the département.-Population:-Places of interest:...
During the two attacks on Mont St. Quentin, and the one east of Mont St. Quentin (from 31 August to 2 September), the 2nd Division had suffered 1370 casualties. While the casualties were not as high as in previous battles (such as Pozières
Battle of Pozières
The Battle of Pozières was a two week struggle for the French village of Pozières and the ridge on which it stands, during the middle stages of the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Though British divisions were involved in most phases of the fighting, Pozières is primarily remembered as an Australian battle...
), it should be remembered that as the Australian Divisions were severely under strength (with the average battalion strength down to approximately 150 men), even such a small number casualties accounted for approximately one-third of the rifle strength of the division.
By 4 September, the 2nd Division was relieved and was rested until late September. It was during this time (23 September) that the 19th, 21st and 25th Battalions were disbanded to make up the strength of the other battalions in their brigades, resulting in the 2nd Division following the same organisational structure (as a 9 battalion division) as British divisions of the British Expeditionary Force.
By early October, forces attached to the Australian Corps
Australian Corps
The Australian Corps was a World War I army corps that contained all five Australian infantry divisions serving on the Western Front. It was the largest corps fielded by the British Empire army in France...
(such as the Australian 3rd and 5th Divisions, and the American 27th and 30th Divisions of the II American Corps) had succeeded in capturing the main Hindenburg
Hindenburg Line
The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences in northeastern France during World War I. It was constructed by the Germans during the winter of 1916–17. The line stretched from Lens to beyond Verdun...
defences (in the first part of the Battle of St. Quentin Canal), and the supporting defences - however this left the third line of defences, the "Beaurevoir Line". Relieving the Australian 5th Division on 1 October, the 2nd Divisions task was to attack (with the Australian 1st Division and the American 27th and 30th Divisions) and breach the Beaurevoir Line, and open a gap for the Cavalry Corp to exploit before winter ended the campaigning season.
The 2nd Division attacked the Beaurevoir Line on 3 October, with two brigades (the 5th and 7th - with a rifle strength of 2500 men) on an initial frontage of 5000 yards (4,572 m) (with the objectives calling for a 2 mile advance, resulting in a frontage of 6500 yards (5,943.6 m)). Attacking at 45 minutes before sunrise, the soldiers managed to capture the fortified positions at the la Motte Farm and Mushroom Quarry (at a cost of 989 casualties), but were stopped short of their objectives - the village of Beaurevoir
Beaurevoir is a commune in the department of Aisne in Picardy in northern France.-Population:...
and the heights that the village was situated on.
Continuing the attack on the next day (4 October), the 2nd Division managed to approach the village of Beaurevoir, and conducted further attacks on 5 October to capture the village of Montbrehain
Montbrehain is a commune in the Aisne department in Picardy in northern France.-Population:-References:*...
. After much hard fighting by two battalions of the 6th Brigade (reinforced by the 2nd Pioneer Battalion) (against the German 241st (Saxon) Division (reinforced by the German 24th Division
24th Division (German Empire)
The 24th Division , also known as the 2nd Division No. 24 was a unit of the Saxon and then Imperial German Army. The division was headquartered in Leipzig. Until 1899, the division was subordinated in peacetime to the XII Army Corps The 24th Division (24. Division), also known as the 2nd...
and the German 34th Division
34th Division (German Empire)
The 34th Division was a unit of the Prussian/German Army. It was formed on April 1, 1890, and was headquartered in Metz . The division was subordinated in peacetime to the XVI Army Corps . The division was disbanded in 1919 during the demobilization of the German Army after World War I...
), the village was captured, along with nearly 400 German prisoners. The capture of the village drove a mile long salient into the German lines, and was described as "one of the most brilliant actions of Australian infantry in the First World War". However, this action cost the 2nd Division an additional 408 casualties.
The 2nd Division was relieved by the 30th Division on the evening of 5 October, with the intention of allowing it to rest until the start of the campaigning season in 1919, however as the Armistice was signed in November 1918, the Australian 2nd Division was the last Australian division to see combat in World War I.
With the end of the war, Australian forces were quickly disbanded, and the soldiers transported back to Australia. As a result, the 2nd Division merged with the Australian 5th Division in March 1919 (as a single division of 4 brigades), and by May 1919 the last Australians were transported from France to England. By September 1919, only 10 000 Australian troops were in England, and on 1 April 1921 the AIF was officially disbanded.
Positioned at Mont St Quentin 49°56′51.61"N 2°55′55.91"E), where the Australian 2nd Division captured one of the most formidable defensive position on the Western Front, the 2nd Divisions memorial was somewhat unconventional. Instead of the obelisk (as at the other 4 AIF divisions memorials), the original memorial was a statue of an Australian Soldier bayonetting a German eagle sprawled at his feet. However, this statue was removed (and presumably destroyed) by German soldiers stationed nearby in World War II, leaving only the stone plinth. A replacement statue (of an Australian soldier standing in full kit) was installed in 1971.The memorial lists the battle honors of the 2nd Division as:
- {|class=wikitable style="text-align:center;"
!Battle Honor!!Description
|Battle of Pozieres
Battle of Pozières
The Battle of Pozières was a two week struggle for the French village of Pozières and the ridge on which it stands, during the middle stages of the 1916 Battle of the Somme. Though British divisions were involved in most phases of the fighting, Pozières is primarily remembered as an Australian battle...
|Mouquet Farm
|Battle of Mouquet Farm
Battle of Mouquet Farm
The Battle of Mouquet Farm, which began on 5 August 1916, was part of the Battle of the Somme and followed the Battle of Pozières. The farm was eventually captured on 26 September by No. 16 Section of the 6th East Yorkshire Pioneers.-Battle:...
|The Battle of Le Transloy
Battle of Le Transloy
The Battle of Le Transloy was the final offensive mounted by the British Fourth Army during the 1916 Battle of the Somme.-Prelude:With the successful conclusion of the preceding Battle of Morval at the end of September, the Fourth Army of Lieutenant General Henry Rawlinson had finally captured the...
, including the attacks on "The Maze" and "Gird"/"Gird Support" trenches
|Malt Trench
|A trench system that was part of a German reserve line, and used by the Germans as a delaying position during the retreat to Hindenburg Line
|Battle of Lagnicourt
|Second Battle of Bullecourt
|Menin Road
|Battle of Menin Road
|Broodseinde Ridge
|Battle of Broodseinde
|Battle of Poelcappelle
|Scene of intense fighting around, and capture of, Ville-sur-Ancre
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration was an Australian infantry tactic used during the First World War , which was a cross between trench raiding and patrolling...
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack
|Battle of Hamel
Battle of Hamel
The Battle of Hamel was a successful attack launched by the Australian Corps of the Australian Imperial Force and several American units against German positions in and around the town of Hamel in northern France during World War I....
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration was an Australian infantry tactic used during the First World War , which was a cross between trench raiding and patrolling...
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack on the front south of Villers-Bretonneux
|Scene of Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration
Peaceful Penetration was an Australian infantry tactic used during the First World War , which was a cross between trench raiding and patrolling...
, and of a single, well planned (and conducted) attack to the edge of the village of Herleville
|rowspan=2|As part of the Battle of Amiens, the pursuit of the withdrawing Germans past the villages of Herbécourt and Biaches
|Mont St. Quentin
|Battle of Mont St. Quentin
Battle of Mont St. Quentin
The Battle of Mont Saint-Quentin was a battle on the Western Front during World War I. As part of the Allied counteroffensives on the Western Front in the late summer of 1918, the Australian Corps crossed the Somme River on the night of August 31, and broke the German lines at Mont Saint-Quentin...
|Beaurevior Line
|The attack that breached the third (and final) fortified line of the Hindenburg Line
Hindenburg Line
The Hindenburg Line was a vast system of defences in northeastern France during World War I. It was constructed by the Germans during the winter of 1916–17. The line stretched from Lens to beyond Verdun...
(the "Beaurevior Line") during the Battle of St. Quentin Canal
|An attack which drove a salient into a line of fortified villages past the Beaurevior Line during the Battle of St. Quentin Canal
1915-17: Maj. Gen. J. G. LeggeJames Gordon Legge
Lieutenant General James Gordon Legge CB, CMG was an Australian Army Lieutenant General who served in World War I. His son Stanley Ferguson Legge reached the rank of Major General.-Early life and career:...
1917-18: Maj. Gen. N. M. Smyth
Nevill Maskelyne Smyth
Major General Sir Nevill Maskelyne Smyth, VC, KCB was an English recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.-Early life:Born the son of Sir Warington Wilkinson Smyth, a noted...
1918-19: Maj. Gen. C. Rosenthal
Charles Rosenthal
Major General Sir Charles Rosenthal KCB, CMG, DSO, VD was an Australian Major General of World War I, and later a politician elected as a member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly.- Early life :...
World War II
The Australian ArmyAustralian Army
The Australian Army is Australia's military land force. It is part of the Australian Defence Force along with the Royal Australian Navy and the Royal Australian Air Force. While the Chief of Defence commands the Australian Defence Force , the Army is commanded by the Chief of Army...
's 2nd Division is a Citizens Military Forces/Militia (reserve) formation formed in 1921. During World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
it was composed primarily of infantry
Infantrymen are soldiers who are specifically trained for the role of fighting on foot to engage the enemy face to face and have historically borne the brunt of the casualties of combat in wars. As the oldest branch of combat arms, they are the backbone of armies...
units from New South Wales and was based initially in Sydney
Sydney is the most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia's south-east coast of the Tasman Sea. As of June 2010, the greater metropolitan area had an approximate population of 4.6 million people...
New South Wales, 1939-42
When World War II broke out, the 2nd Division was commanded by Major General Iven MackayIven Giffard Mackay
Lieutenant General Sir Iven Giffard Mackay KBE, CMG, DSO & Bar, VD was a senior Australian soldier who served in both World Wars. A graduate of the University of Sydney, Mackay taught physics there from 1910 until 1914, when he joined the Australian Imperial Force...
. The division was partly mobilised, although the Militia was barred from overseas service. As a result, many members joined the Second Australian Imperial Force
Second Australian Imperial Force
The Second Australian Imperial Force was the name given to the volunteer personnel of the Australian Army in World War II. Under the Defence Act , neither the part-time Militia nor the full-time Permanent Military Force could serve outside Australia or its territories unless they volunteered to...
. In 1940, Maj. Gen. Herbert Lloyd assumed command of the division.
As the possibility of Japanese
Empire of Japan
The Empire of Japan is the name of the state of Japan that existed from the Meiji Restoration on 3 January 1868 to the enactment of the post-World War II Constitution of...
invasion loomed, in May 1942, the 14th Bde (3rd, 36th, 55th Battalions) was transferred to New Guinea Force
New Guinea Force
New Guinea Force was a military command unit for Australian, territory of Papua and territory of New Guinea troops serving in the New Guinea campaign during World War II. Formed in April 1942 it was responsible for planning and directing all operations within the territory up until October 1944,...
Western Australia, 1942-44
In July, the 2nd Division was transferred to III CorpsAustralian III Corps
III Corps was an Australian Army unit during World War II. It was responsible for the defence of Western Australia in 1942-45.The founding unit of the corps was a West Australian-formed Militia unit, the 13th Brigade...
, for the defence of Western Australia. The 5th Bde (54th, 56th and 44th Battalion, the latter being a WA unit) and 8th Bde (4th, 30th and 35th Battalions) were joined by the 13th Brigade (the 11th, 16th, 28th Battalions, all from WA).
As actions of the war turned to favour the Allies, the division prepared for active service in the Australian territory of New Guinea
New Guinea
New Guinea is the world's second largest island, after Greenland, covering a land area of 786,000 km2. Located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, it lies geographically to the east of the Malay Archipelago, with which it is sometimes included as part of a greater Indo-Australian Archipelago...
. In early 1943, the 13th Bde was detached and the 2nd Brigade became part of the division until August 1943. When the 8th Brigade was transferred to the 5th Division
Australian 5th Division (World War II)
The 5th Division was an infantry division of the Australian Army which served during the First and Second World Wars. The Division was formed in February 1916 as part of the expansion of the Australian Imperial Force infantry brigades...
in North Queensland in September 1943, for service in New Guinea, the 3rd Motor Brigade joined the division.
In 1948 the Citizen Military Forces were re-formed, firstly by voluntary enlistment but then by compulsory national serviceNational service
National service is a common name for mandatory government service programmes . The term became common British usage during and for some years following the Second World War. Many young people spent one or more years in such programmes...
from 1951. The 2nd Division was formed again as the main CMF formation in New South Wales, but was disbanded in 1960 with the advent of the Pentropic
Pentropic organisation
The Pentropic organisation was a military organisation used by the Australian Army between 1960 and 1965. It was based on the United States Army's pentomic organisation and involved reorganising most of the Army's combat units into units based on five elements, rather than the previous three or...
(five-battle group
Battle group
Battle group may refer to:* Battlegroup , the basic building block of an army's fighting force* Battleship battle group, a battleship and its escorts* Carrier battle group, a carrier and its escorts...
) organisation scheme.
The division was revived in 1965 when the Pentropic organisaiton was abandoned and now commands all the reserve brigades in Australia.
- 4th, Victora.
- 5th5th Brigade (Australia)5th Brigade is a brigade of the Australian Army. It is a Reserve combined arms formation based in New South Wales and forms part of the 2nd Division.-History:...
, New South Wales - 8th8th Brigade (Australia)8th Brigade is an Australian Army Reserve combined-arms formation stationed in New South Wales.The 8th Brigade is one of six brigades of the Australian Army's 2nd Division, and includes units and personnel from all Armoured, Infantry, Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Ordinance , Medical, Nursing,...
, New South Wales - 9th, South Australia and Tasmania
- 11th11th Brigade (Australia)The Australian 11th Brigade is an Australian Army brigade which currently comprises most Australian Army Reserve units located in Queensland. The Brigade was first formed in early 1916 as part of the 3rd Division and saw action during World War I and World War II.-Brigade Structure:*Headquarters...
, Queensland - 13th13th Brigade (Australia)The 13th Brigade is an Army Reserve formation of the Australian Army headquartered at Perth, Western Australia and its various units have depots in Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Albany and Katanning as well as Joondalup and Rockingham in the metro area. The 13th Brigade was first created in early 1916 and...
, Western Australia
The Second Division is currently commanded by MAJGEN Craig Williams, AM.
External links
- First AIF Order of Battle 1914-1918: Second Division
- Army History Unit, "Brief History of 2nd Division".
- Photos of the 2nd Division's Memorial
- Photos of the 2nd Division's Memorial, including the original monument that was destroyed
- Photos of Australian memorials in France (including the 2nd Division's Memorial)
- Photos of the all Australian Divisional memorials
- Australian 2nd Division Vehicle Marking
Military history of Australia during World War I
Military history of Australia during World War I
In Australia, the outbreak of World War I was greeted with considerable enthusiasm. Even before Britain declared war on Germany on 4 August 1914, the nation pledged its support for the Empire alongside other Commonwealth nations and almost immediately began preparations to send forces overseas to...