Yakovlev Yak-9
The Yakovlev Yak-9 was a single-engine fighter aircraft
used by the Soviet Union
in World War II
and after. Fundamentally a lighter development of the Yak-7 with the same armament, it arrived at the front at the end of 1942. The Yak-9 had a lowered rear fuselage decking and all-around vision canopy. Its lighter airframe gave the new fighter a flexibility that previous models had lacked. The pilots who flew it regarded its performance as comparable with those of the Messerschmitt Bf 109G
and Focke-Wulf Fw 190A
The Yak-9 was the most mass-produced Soviet fighter of all time. It remained in production from 1942 to 1948, with 16,769 built (14,579 during the war). It was the first Soviet aircraft to shoot down a Messerschmitt Me 262
It was used by North Korea in the Korean War
fighter, a production version of the lightened Yak-7DI, taking full advantage of the combat experience with its predecessor. Greater availability of duralumin
allowed for lighter construction which in turn permitted a number of modifications to the basic design.
Yak-9 variants carried two different wings, five different engines, six different fuel tank combinations and seven types of armament configurations. In December 1943 it became possible to install the more powerful M-107 engine on a new Yak-9U airframe: the engine mounting was new with individual faired exhaust pipes; fuselage structure and wings were made of metal and the whole aircraft was covered with a plywood skin (on the wing this plywood was bakelized). Fuel capacity was increased to 106 gallons (781 lb). In order to re-centre the model, the wing was repositioned four inches forward and in order to soften the hard cloche
, the horizontal tail surfaces were slightly reduced. The rear part of the canopy was lengthened and the antenna cable was put inside it. Usual armament was an axial ShVAK cannon with 120 rounds and the same UBS with 170 rounds each.
The State trials took place from January to April 1944. They revealed a very exceptional machine, with a very clear superiority in top speed over all the other fighters in service on the Eastern front, up to 19,800 feet. The aircraft was very simple to fly and very stable. Unfortunately, the defects of the M-107A engine and moreover all the M-105 variants from which it derived, persisted: power plant overheating, oil leaks, loss of pressure in climbs, intense vibrations, fast burning out of the sparks and, above all, the short engine life (25 hours). In spite of all these defects, considering its performance, the Yak.9U/VK-107 was ordered into production in April 1944 with 1,134 machines produced by December 1944.
. The versatile Yak-9 operated with a wide variety of armament for use in anti-tank, light bomber and long-range escort role. At low altitude in which it operated predominately, the Yak-9 was faster and more maneuverable than its main foe, the Bf 109, but was far less well-armed.
A series of continual improvements in performance and armament did not hamper the superb handling characteristics that allowed its pilots to excel at dog-fighting. Soviet pilots regarded the Yak-9's performance as on the same level as the Bf 109G and Fw 190A-3/A-4. A Luftwaffe order was made regarding the Yak-9: "On no account should pilots engage Yak fighters with an oil cooler intake under the nose." The "9" and its predecessors looked so similar that German pilots were likely to get a nasty surprise if they engaged a Yak-9 expecting to be fighting an earlier model. In later series Yak-9s, the nose intake was deleted with its function moved to wing root intakes.
After the Smolensk
battle, in the second half of 1943, the famous Free France Normandie-Niémen
unit became a Groupe and was equipped with the Yak-9. The four flights were named Rouen
, Le Havre
, Cherbourg and Caen
. On June 1944, at the beginning of the great summer Soviet offensive, the French Yak-9s achieved their first air victories, but suffered their first losses as well, in the Borisov
region. On 15 July 1944, the Group was moved to Mikountani, in Lithuania
, while German armies were pushed back for 400 kilometers. The French pilots took their Russian chief air crews in the fuselage of the fighters, but during the trip, the Yak of Lieutenant Maurice de Seynes suffered a mechanical failure. The French pilot refused to bail out in order to save the Russian crewman Biezoloub and tried an emergency landing, but the Yak dived nose-down out of control and de Seynes and the Russian airman were killed in the crash.
The first unit to use the Yak-9U, between 25 October and 25 December 1944 was 163.IAP. Pilots were ordered not to use the engine at combat speed since this reduced its life to two or three flights only. Nevertheless, in the course of 398 sorties, the unit claimed 27 Focke-Wulf Fw 190As and one Bf 109G-2, for the loss of two Yaks in dogfights. One was lost to flak and four in accidents. The Yak-9U contributed very largely to the Russian winning of air superiority, and the Germans avoided the Yaks “Without antenna mast”.
A large formation of the Yak-9DD version was transferred to Bari
(Puglia, Italy) from Ukraina to help Yugoslav partisans in the Balkans
One of the top-scoring Yak-9 pilots was First Lieutenant A.I. Vybornov. Flying an ordinary type –T (equipped with a cannon in the nose) he achieved 19 air victories, plus nine shared. He was awarded the Gold Star Medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union in June 1945. At the end of the war, on 22 March 1945, L.I. Sivko from 812.IAP achieved the first VVS air victory against a Messerschmitt Me 262
jet fighter, but he was killed soon afterward by another Me 262, probably piloted by Franz Schall
, a top scoring Me 262 pilot.
's blockade and the allied airlift. A section of the aircraft's operating manual was accidentally omitted from the translation from Russian into some languages: before starting the Yak-9, it was necessary to hand-crank a small cockpit-mounted oil pump 25 times to provide initial lubrication to the Klimov
V12 engine, unlike World War II German and Western fighters equipped with forced closed-cycle lubrication systems. Skipping this unusual but vital step resulted in frequent engine seizures during the takeoff roll and initial climb, causing several fatalities during 1950.
Yakovlev OKB created 22 modifications of the Yak-9, of which 15 saw mass production. The most notable of these include:
First production version, Klimov M-105
PF engine with 880 kW (1,180 hp), 1 × 20 mm ShVAK cannon
with 120 rounds and 1 × 12.7 mm UBS machine gun
with 200 rounds.
Yak-9 (M-106)
Prototype with Klimov M-106-1SK engine with 1,007 kW (1,350 hp), did not advance to production because of problems with the engine.
Yak-9 armed with a 37 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-37
cannon with 30 rounds instead of the 20 mm ShVAK, cockpit moved 0.4 m (1 ft 3 in) back to compensate for the heavier nose. Initially poor quality control led to multiple oil and coolant leaks from cannon recoil
. Recoil and limited supply of ammunition required accurate aiming and two-three round bursts. Yak-9T was widely used against enemy shipping on the Black Sea
and against tanks, but was also successful against aircraft with a single cannon hit usually sufficient to tear apart the target. Time to turn a complete circle: 18–19 sec.
Yak-9T with the ability to install either the 20 mm ShVAK, the 23 mm VYa, the 37 mm NS-37, or the 45 mm NS-45
cannon in the "vee" of the engine block. Did not enter production because the difference between 20 mm and 23 mm cannon was insignificant and the 45 mm cannon was unreliable.
Yak-9T modified with a 45 mm NS-45 cannon with 29 rounds and a distinctive muzzle brake
to deal with the massive recoil
. Firing the cannon at speeds below 350 km/h (220 mph) caused dramatic loss of control and tossed the pilot back and forth in the cockpit; however, accurate shooting was possible at higher speeds and in 2–3 round bursts. The recoil also caused numerous oil and coolant leaks. The heavy cannon installation degraded performance sufficiently to require fighter escort. Yak-9K saw only limited use due to unreliability of the NS-45.
Long-range version of Yak-9, fuel capacity increased from 440 l (115 US gal) to 650 l (170 US gal) giving a maximum range of 1,360 km (845 mi). Combat usefulness at full range was limited by lack of radio navigation equipment, and a number of aircraft were used as short-range fighters with fuel carried only in inner wing tanks. Circle time: 19–20 sec. Weight of fire: 2 kg (4.4 lb)/sec.
Yak-9D with NS-37 cannon and provision for 4 × 50 kg (110 lb) FAB-50 bombs under the wings.
Fighter-bomber version of Yak-9D (factory designation Yak-9L) with four vertical tube bomb bays aft of the cockpit with capacity for up to 4 × 100 kg (220 lb) FAB-100 bombs or 4 PTAB
cassettes with 32 × 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) bomblets each, although normally only 200 kg (440 lb) of weapons were carried in the front bomb bays. Poor handling with a full bomb and fuel load and lack of special aiming equipment limited combat usefulness.
Yak-9D and Yak-9T modified to further increase the range, fuel capacity increased to 845 l (220 US gal) giving a maximum range of 2,285 km (1,420 mi), radio navigation equipment for night and poor weather flying. Yak-9DD were used primarily to escort Petlyakov Pe-2
and Tupolev Tu-2
bombers although they proved less than ideal for this role due to insufficient speed advantage over the bombers. In 1944, several Yak-9DD were used to escort B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator
bombers attacking targets in Romania
using the Ukraine
Yak-9D with the cockpit moved 0.4 m (1 ft 4 in) to the rear like on Yak-9T, numerous fixes and improvements based on experience with previous versions.
Yak-9M PVO
Yak-9M with slightly reduced fuel capacity, Klimov VK-105PF2 engine with 925 kW (1,240 hp), and radio and navigational equipment for night and adverse weather flying for PVO Strany.
Yak-9 MPVO
Single-seat night fighter aircraft, equipped with a searchlight and an RPK-10 radio compass.
Yak-9M with Klimov VK-105PF engine, new propeller, and armament consisting of 1 × 23 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23
cannon with 60 rounds, and 2 × 20 mm Berezin B-20
cannons with 120 rpg. Did not enter production due to poor performance compared to Yak-3
and Yak-9U.
Single-seat tactical reconnaissance aircraft.
UBS machine gun replaced with a second 20 mm ShVAK with 175 rounds, did not enter production due to the decision to use larger caliber cannons.
Yak-9P (VK-107)
Yak-9U with an all-metal wing, Yak-9P in this case was a factory designation different from Yak-9P with two ShVAKs (see above).
High-altitude interceptor (unrelated to the two other Yak-9P above) with Klimov M-105
PD engine designed specifically to intercept Luftwaffe
Junkers Ju 86
R high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft overflying Moscow
in 1942–1943. Initially poor performance due to unreliable engine dramatically improved with adoption of Klimov M-106PV with water injection
, with the aircraft reaching 13,500 m (44,300 ft) during testing. Armament reduced to the ShVAK cannon only to save weight.
Yak-9U (VK-105)
Yak-9T with Klimov VK-105PF2 engine and numerous aerodynamic and structural improvements introduced on Yak-3
. Main visual difference from Yak-9T was in the oil coolers in the wing roots like on Yak-3 and in plywood covering of the fuselage instead of fabric. Visually differed from Yak-3 only by main landing gear covers. Armament increased to 1 × 23 mm VYa with 60 rounds and 2 × 12.7 mm UBSs with 170 rpg. The VYa cannon could be replaced by a ShVAK, B-20, or NS-37, the latter requiring removal of the starboard UBS machine gun. Did not enter production because the VYa cannon was considered unsatisfactory and because the one cannon, one machine gun armament seen on previous models offered a significant increase in range.
Yak-9U (VK-107)
The definitive Yak-9 variant, Yak-9U (VK-105) equipped with the new Klimov VK-107
A engine with 1,230 kW (1,650 hp), and the 20 mm ShVAK with 120 rounds replacing the VYa. Weight of fire: 2.72 kg (5.98 lb)/sec. Early test flights in 1943 indicated that the only comparable Soviet fighter was Polikarpov I-185
prototype which was more difficult to fly and less agile due to higher weight. The prototype's top speed of 700 km/h (435 mph) at 5,600 m (18,370 ft) was faster than any other production fighter aircraft in the world at the time. Early problems with overheating were fixed by enlarging the radiators and production aircraft had further improved aerodynamics. Turning ability to complete a circle: 20 sec, best Soviet fighter at altitude.
Two-seat trainer version of Yak-9U (VK-107), armament reduced to a single Berezin B-20
cannon with 100 rounds. Did not enter production due to introduction of jet aircraft.
Yak-9U (VK-107) armed with 1 × 37 mm Nudelman N-37
cannon with 30 rounds and 2 20 mm Berezin B-20
cannons with 120 rpg, giving a one-second burst mass of 6 kg (13.2 lb). Similarly to Yak-9TK could be converted to replace the N-37 with a 20 mm B-20, 23 mm NS-23, or 45 mm N-45. Production aircraft carried NS-23 instead of the N-37 cannon as the default armament.
Two-seat trainer version of Yak-9M and Yak-9T, Klimov VK-105PF2 engine, armament reduced to 1 × 20 mm ShVAK with 90 rounds.
Modern replicas
In the early 1990s, Yakovlev started limited production for the warbird
market of Yak-9 and Yak-3
replica aircraft using original World War II equipment and Allison V-1710 engines.
Fighter aircraft
A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat with other aircraft, as opposed to a bomber, which is designed primarily to attack ground targets...
used by the Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
in World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
and after. Fundamentally a lighter development of the Yak-7 with the same armament, it arrived at the front at the end of 1942. The Yak-9 had a lowered rear fuselage decking and all-around vision canopy. Its lighter airframe gave the new fighter a flexibility that previous models had lacked. The pilots who flew it regarded its performance as comparable with those of the Messerschmitt Bf 109G
Messerschmitt Bf 109
The Messerschmitt Bf 109, often called Me 109, was a German World War II fighter aircraft designed by Willy Messerschmitt and Robert Lusser during the early to mid 1930s...
and Focke-Wulf Fw 190A
Focke-Wulf Fw 190
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Würger was a German Second World War single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed by Kurt Tank in the late 1930s. Powered by a radial engine, the 190 had ample power and was able to lift larger loads than its well-known counterpart, the Messerschmitt Bf 109...
The Yak-9 was the most mass-produced Soviet fighter of all time. It remained in production from 1942 to 1948, with 16,769 built (14,579 during the war). It was the first Soviet aircraft to shoot down a Messerschmitt Me 262
Messerschmitt Me 262
The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944...
It was used by North Korea in the Korean War
Korean War
The Korean War was a conventional war between South Korea, supported by the United Nations, and North Korea, supported by the People's Republic of China , with military material aid from the Soviet Union...
Design and development
The Yak-9 represented further development of the successful Yakovlev Yak-7Yakovlev Yak-7
The Soviet Yakovlev Yak-7 was developed from the earlier Yak-1 fighter, initially as a trainer but converted into a "heavy" fighter. As both a fighter and later reverting to its original training role, the Yak-7 proved to be a capable aircraft and was well liked by air crews. The Yak-7 was simpler,...
fighter, a production version of the lightened Yak-7DI, taking full advantage of the combat experience with its predecessor. Greater availability of duralumin
Duralumin is the trade name of one of the earliest types of age-hardenable aluminium alloys. The main alloying constituents are copper, manganese, and magnesium. A commonly used modern equivalent of this alloy type is AA2024, which contains 4.4% copper, 1.5% magnesium, 0.6% manganese and 93.5%...
allowed for lighter construction which in turn permitted a number of modifications to the basic design.
Yak-9 variants carried two different wings, five different engines, six different fuel tank combinations and seven types of armament configurations. In December 1943 it became possible to install the more powerful M-107 engine on a new Yak-9U airframe: the engine mounting was new with individual faired exhaust pipes; fuselage structure and wings were made of metal and the whole aircraft was covered with a plywood skin (on the wing this plywood was bakelized). Fuel capacity was increased to 106 gallons (781 lb). In order to re-centre the model, the wing was repositioned four inches forward and in order to soften the hard cloche
Cloche may refer to:* Bell , especially in music directions* Row cover, a covering for protecting plants from cold temperatures* Cloche hat, a close-fitting women's hat...
, the horizontal tail surfaces were slightly reduced. The rear part of the canopy was lengthened and the antenna cable was put inside it. Usual armament was an axial ShVAK cannon with 120 rounds and the same UBS with 170 rounds each.
The State trials took place from January to April 1944. They revealed a very exceptional machine, with a very clear superiority in top speed over all the other fighters in service on the Eastern front, up to 19,800 feet. The aircraft was very simple to fly and very stable. Unfortunately, the defects of the M-107A engine and moreover all the M-105 variants from which it derived, persisted: power plant overheating, oil leaks, loss of pressure in climbs, intense vibrations, fast burning out of the sparks and, above all, the short engine life (25 hours). In spite of all these defects, considering its performance, the Yak.9U/VK-107 was ordered into production in April 1944 with 1,134 machines produced by December 1944.
World War II
The first Yak-9 entered service in October 1942 and first saw combat in late 1942 during the Battle of StalingradBattle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in southwestern Russia. The battle took place between 23 August 1942 and 2 February 1943...
. The versatile Yak-9 operated with a wide variety of armament for use in anti-tank, light bomber and long-range escort role. At low altitude in which it operated predominately, the Yak-9 was faster and more maneuverable than its main foe, the Bf 109, but was far less well-armed.
A series of continual improvements in performance and armament did not hamper the superb handling characteristics that allowed its pilots to excel at dog-fighting. Soviet pilots regarded the Yak-9's performance as on the same level as the Bf 109G and Fw 190A-3/A-4. A Luftwaffe order was made regarding the Yak-9: "On no account should pilots engage Yak fighters with an oil cooler intake under the nose." The "9" and its predecessors looked so similar that German pilots were likely to get a nasty surprise if they engaged a Yak-9 expecting to be fighting an earlier model. In later series Yak-9s, the nose intake was deleted with its function moved to wing root intakes.
After the Smolensk
Smolensk is a city and the administrative center of Smolensk Oblast, Russia, located on the Dnieper River. Situated west-southwest of Moscow, this walled city was destroyed several times throughout its long history since it was on the invasion routes of both Napoleon and Hitler. Today, Smolensk...
battle, in the second half of 1943, the famous Free France Normandie-Niémen
The Normandie-Niemen Regiment was a fighter squadron, later regiment of the French Air Force. It served on the Eastern Front of the European Theatre of World War II with the 1st Air Army...
unit became a Groupe and was equipped with the Yak-9. The four flights were named Rouen
Rouen , in northern France on the River Seine, is the capital of the Haute-Normandie region and the historic capital city of Normandy. Once one of the largest and most prosperous cities of medieval Europe , it was the seat of the Exchequer of Normandy in the Middle Ages...
, Le Havre
Le Havre
Le Havre is a city in the Seine-Maritime department of the Haute-Normandie region in France. It is situated in north-western France, on the right bank of the mouth of the river Seine on the English Channel. Le Havre is the most populous commune in the Haute-Normandie region, although the total...
, Cherbourg and Caen
Caen is a commune in northwestern France. It is the prefecture of the Calvados department and the capital of the Basse-Normandie region. It is located inland from the English Channel....
. On June 1944, at the beginning of the great summer Soviet offensive, the French Yak-9s achieved their first air victories, but suffered their first losses as well, in the Borisov
Borisov , or Borisova is a common Russian and Bulgarian last name and may refer to:-Borisov:*Alexander Alexeyevich Borisov , Russian painter*Alexander Fyodorovich Borisov , Soviet actor...
region. On 15 July 1944, the Group was moved to Mikountani, in Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...
, while German armies were pushed back for 400 kilometers. The French pilots took their Russian chief air crews in the fuselage of the fighters, but during the trip, the Yak of Lieutenant Maurice de Seynes suffered a mechanical failure. The French pilot refused to bail out in order to save the Russian crewman Biezoloub and tried an emergency landing, but the Yak dived nose-down out of control and de Seynes and the Russian airman were killed in the crash.
The first unit to use the Yak-9U, between 25 October and 25 December 1944 was 163.IAP. Pilots were ordered not to use the engine at combat speed since this reduced its life to two or three flights only. Nevertheless, in the course of 398 sorties, the unit claimed 27 Focke-Wulf Fw 190As and one Bf 109G-2, for the loss of two Yaks in dogfights. One was lost to flak and four in accidents. The Yak-9U contributed very largely to the Russian winning of air superiority, and the Germans avoided the Yaks “Without antenna mast”.
A large formation of the Yak-9DD version was transferred to Bari
Bari is the capital city of the province of Bari and of the Apulia region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, and is well known as a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas...
(Puglia, Italy) from Ukraina to help Yugoslav partisans in the Balkans
The Balkans is a geopolitical and cultural region of southeastern Europe...
One of the top-scoring Yak-9 pilots was First Lieutenant A.I. Vybornov. Flying an ordinary type –T (equipped with a cannon in the nose) he achieved 19 air victories, plus nine shared. He was awarded the Gold Star Medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union in June 1945. At the end of the war, on 22 March 1945, L.I. Sivko from 812.IAP achieved the first VVS air victory against a Messerschmitt Me 262
Messerschmitt Me 262
The Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe was the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft. Design work started before World War II began, but engine problems prevented the aircraft from attaining operational status with the Luftwaffe until mid-1944...
jet fighter, but he was killed soon afterward by another Me 262, probably piloted by Franz Schall
Franz Schall
Franz Schall was a German World War II fighter ace and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross . The Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross was awarded to recognise extreme battlefield bravery or successful military leadership...
, a top scoring Me 262 pilot.
During 1949, the USSR provided surplus Yak-9P (VK-107) aircraft to some satellite states in the Soviet bloc in order to help them rebuild their air forces in the wake of West BerlinWest Berlin
West Berlin was a political exclave that existed between 1949 and 1990. It comprised the western regions of Berlin, which were bordered by East Berlin and parts of East Germany. West Berlin consisted of the American, British, and French occupation sectors, which had been established in 1945...
's blockade and the allied airlift. A section of the aircraft's operating manual was accidentally omitted from the translation from Russian into some languages: before starting the Yak-9, it was necessary to hand-crank a small cockpit-mounted oil pump 25 times to provide initial lubrication to the Klimov
The Kirill Klimov Experimental Design Bureau under the direction of Vladimir Yakovlevich Klimov designed engines for Soviet aircraft. The OKB was formed in the early 1930s to produce and improve upon the liquid-cooled Hispano-Suiza 12Y V-12 piston engine for which the USSR had acquired a license...
V12 engine, unlike World War II German and Western fighters equipped with forced closed-cycle lubrication systems. Skipping this unusual but vital step resulted in frequent engine seizures during the takeoff roll and initial climb, causing several fatalities during 1950.

First production version, Klimov M-105
Klimov M-105
-See also:-External links:*...
PF engine with 880 kW (1,180 hp), 1 × 20 mm ShVAK cannon
ShVAK cannon
The ShVAK was a 20 mm autocannon used by the Soviet Union during World War II. It was designed by Boris Shpitalniy and Semyon Vladimirov and entered production in 1936...
with 120 rounds and 1 × 12.7 mm UBS machine gun
Berezin UB
Berezin UB was a 12.7 mm caliber Soviet aircraft machine gun widely used during World War II.-Development:...
with 200 rounds.
Yak-9 (M-106)
Prototype with Klimov M-106-1SK engine with 1,007 kW (1,350 hp), did not advance to production because of problems with the engine.
Yak-9 armed with a 37 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-37
Nudelman-Suranov NS-37
The Nudelman-Suranov NS-37 was a aircraft cannon, which replaced the unreliable Shpitalny Sh-37 gun. Large caliber was planned to allow destruction of both ground targets and planes .Developed by A. E. Nudelman and A...
cannon with 30 rounds instead of the 20 mm ShVAK, cockpit moved 0.4 m (1 ft 3 in) back to compensate for the heavier nose. Initially poor quality control led to multiple oil and coolant leaks from cannon recoil
Recoil is the backward momentum of a gun when it is discharged. In technical terms, the recoil caused by the gun exactly balances the forward momentum of the projectile and exhaust gasses, according to Newton's third law...
. Recoil and limited supply of ammunition required accurate aiming and two-three round bursts. Yak-9T was widely used against enemy shipping on the Black Sea
Black Sea
The Black Sea is bounded by Europe, Anatolia and the Caucasus and is ultimately connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas and various straits. The Bosphorus strait connects it to the Sea of Marmara, and the strait of the Dardanelles connects that sea to the Aegean...
and against tanks, but was also successful against aircraft with a single cannon hit usually sufficient to tear apart the target. Time to turn a complete circle: 18–19 sec.
Yak-9T with the ability to install either the 20 mm ShVAK, the 23 mm VYa, the 37 mm NS-37, or the 45 mm NS-45
Nudelman-Suranov NS-45
The Nudelman-Suranov NS-45 was an enlarged version of the Soviet Nudelman-Suranov NS-37 aircraft autocannon. It was evaluated for service on the Yakovlev Yak-9 during World War II, but proved to be unreliable and was not adopted for service. However, two were mounted on the prototype Tupolev Tu-1...
cannon in the "vee" of the engine block. Did not enter production because the difference between 20 mm and 23 mm cannon was insignificant and the 45 mm cannon was unreliable.
Yak-9T modified with a 45 mm NS-45 cannon with 29 rounds and a distinctive muzzle brake
Muzzle brake
Muzzle brakes and recoil compensators are devices that are fitted to the muzzle of a firearm or cannon to redirect propellant gases with the effect of countering both recoil of the gun and unwanted rising of the barrel during rapid fire...
to deal with the massive recoil
Recoil is the backward momentum of a gun when it is discharged. In technical terms, the recoil caused by the gun exactly balances the forward momentum of the projectile and exhaust gasses, according to Newton's third law...
. Firing the cannon at speeds below 350 km/h (220 mph) caused dramatic loss of control and tossed the pilot back and forth in the cockpit; however, accurate shooting was possible at higher speeds and in 2–3 round bursts. The recoil also caused numerous oil and coolant leaks. The heavy cannon installation degraded performance sufficiently to require fighter escort. Yak-9K saw only limited use due to unreliability of the NS-45.
Long-range version of Yak-9, fuel capacity increased from 440 l (115 US gal) to 650 l (170 US gal) giving a maximum range of 1,360 km (845 mi). Combat usefulness at full range was limited by lack of radio navigation equipment, and a number of aircraft were used as short-range fighters with fuel carried only in inner wing tanks. Circle time: 19–20 sec. Weight of fire: 2 kg (4.4 lb)/sec.
Yak-9D with NS-37 cannon and provision for 4 × 50 kg (110 lb) FAB-50 bombs under the wings.
Fighter-bomber version of Yak-9D (factory designation Yak-9L) with four vertical tube bomb bays aft of the cockpit with capacity for up to 4 × 100 kg (220 lb) FAB-100 bombs or 4 PTAB
PTAB was a Soviet World War II design of a Shaped Charge bomb.-Use:...
cassettes with 32 × 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) bomblets each, although normally only 200 kg (440 lb) of weapons were carried in the front bomb bays. Poor handling with a full bomb and fuel load and lack of special aiming equipment limited combat usefulness.
Yak-9D and Yak-9T modified to further increase the range, fuel capacity increased to 845 l (220 US gal) giving a maximum range of 2,285 km (1,420 mi), radio navigation equipment for night and poor weather flying. Yak-9DD were used primarily to escort Petlyakov Pe-2
Petlyakov Pe-2
The Petlyakov Pe-2 was a Soviet dive bomber aircraft used during World War II. It was regarded as one of the best ground attack aircraft of the war and it was extremely successful in the roles of heavy fighter, reconnaissance and night fighter...
and Tupolev Tu-2
Tupolev Tu-2
|-See also:-References:NotesBibliography* Bishop, Chris. The Encyclopedia of Weapons of WWII: The Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,500 Weapons Systems, Including Tanks, Small Arms, Warplanes, Artillery, Ships, and Submarines. New York: Sterling, 2002. ISBN 1-58663-762-2.* Ethell, Jeffrey L. Aircraft...
bombers although they proved less than ideal for this role due to insufficient speed advantage over the bombers. In 1944, several Yak-9DD were used to escort B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator
B-24 Liberator
The Consolidated B-24 Liberator was an American heavy bomber, designed by Consolidated Aircraft of San Diego, California. It was known within the company as the Model 32, and a small number of early models were sold under the name LB-30, for Land Bomber...
bombers attacking targets in Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...
using the Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
Yak-9D with the cockpit moved 0.4 m (1 ft 4 in) to the rear like on Yak-9T, numerous fixes and improvements based on experience with previous versions.
Yak-9M PVO
Yak-9M with slightly reduced fuel capacity, Klimov VK-105PF2 engine with 925 kW (1,240 hp), and radio and navigational equipment for night and adverse weather flying for PVO Strany.
Yak-9 MPVO
Single-seat night fighter aircraft, equipped with a searchlight and an RPK-10 radio compass.
Yak-9M with Klimov VK-105PF engine, new propeller, and armament consisting of 1 × 23 mm Nudelman-Suranov NS-23
Nudelman-Suranov NS-23
The NS-23 was a aircraft cannon designed by A. E. Nudelman, A. Suranov, G. Zhirnykh, V. Nemenov, S. Lunin, and M. Bundin during World War II as a replacement for the Volkov-Yartsev VYa-23 cannon. It entered service in 1944...
cannon with 60 rounds, and 2 × 20 mm Berezin B-20
Berezin B-20
The Berezin B-20 was a 20 mm caliber autocannon used by Soviet aircraft in World War II.-Development:The B-20 was created by M.E. Berezin in 1944 by chambering his Berezin UB 12.7 mm machine gun for the 20 mm rounds used by the ShVAK cannon...
cannons with 120 rpg. Did not enter production due to poor performance compared to Yak-3
Yakovlev Yak-3
The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a World War II Soviet fighter aircraft.Robust and easy to maintain, it was much liked by pilots and ground crew alike....
and Yak-9U.
Single-seat tactical reconnaissance aircraft.
UBS machine gun replaced with a second 20 mm ShVAK with 175 rounds, did not enter production due to the decision to use larger caliber cannons.
Yak-9P (VK-107)
Yak-9U with an all-metal wing, Yak-9P in this case was a factory designation different from Yak-9P with two ShVAKs (see above).
High-altitude interceptor (unrelated to the two other Yak-9P above) with Klimov M-105
Klimov M-105
-See also:-External links:*...
PD engine designed specifically to intercept Luftwaffe
Luftwaffe is a generic German term for an air force. It is also the official name for two of the four historic German air forces, the Wehrmacht air arm founded in 1935 and disbanded in 1946; and the current Bundeswehr air arm founded in 1956....
Junkers Ju 86
Junkers Ju 86
The Junkers Ju 86 was a German monoplane bomber and civilian airliner designed in the early 1930s, and employed by both sides during World War II. The civilian model Ju 86B could carry 10 passengers. Two were delivered to Swissair and five to Luft Hansa...
R high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft overflying Moscow
Moscow is the capital, the most populous city, and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the continent...
in 1942–1943. Initially poor performance due to unreliable engine dramatically improved with adoption of Klimov M-106PV with water injection
Water injection (engines)
In internal combustion engines, water injection, also known as anti-detonant injection, is spraying water into the cylinder or incoming fuel-air mixture to cool the combustion chambers of the engine, allowing for greater compression ratios and largely eliminating the problem of engine knocking...
, with the aircraft reaching 13,500 m (44,300 ft) during testing. Armament reduced to the ShVAK cannon only to save weight.
Yak-9U (VK-105)
Yak-9T with Klimov VK-105PF2 engine and numerous aerodynamic and structural improvements introduced on Yak-3
Yakovlev Yak-3
The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a World War II Soviet fighter aircraft.Robust and easy to maintain, it was much liked by pilots and ground crew alike....
. Main visual difference from Yak-9T was in the oil coolers in the wing roots like on Yak-3 and in plywood covering of the fuselage instead of fabric. Visually differed from Yak-3 only by main landing gear covers. Armament increased to 1 × 23 mm VYa with 60 rounds and 2 × 12.7 mm UBSs with 170 rpg. The VYa cannon could be replaced by a ShVAK, B-20, or NS-37, the latter requiring removal of the starboard UBS machine gun. Did not enter production because the VYa cannon was considered unsatisfactory and because the one cannon, one machine gun armament seen on previous models offered a significant increase in range.
Yak-9U (VK-107)
The definitive Yak-9 variant, Yak-9U (VK-105) equipped with the new Klimov VK-107
Klimov VK-107
|-See also:-Bibliography:* Gunston, Bill. World Encyclopedia of Aero Engines. Cambridge, England. Patrick Stephens Limited, 1989. ISBN 1-85260-163-9...
A engine with 1,230 kW (1,650 hp), and the 20 mm ShVAK with 120 rounds replacing the VYa. Weight of fire: 2.72 kg (5.98 lb)/sec. Early test flights in 1943 indicated that the only comparable Soviet fighter was Polikarpov I-185
Polikarpov I-185
|-See also:-Bibliography:* Abanshin, Michael E. and Gut, Nina. Fighting Polikarpov, Eagles of the East No. 2. Lynnwood, WA: Aviation International, 1994. ISBN 1-884909-01-9....
prototype which was more difficult to fly and less agile due to higher weight. The prototype's top speed of 700 km/h (435 mph) at 5,600 m (18,370 ft) was faster than any other production fighter aircraft in the world at the time. Early problems with overheating were fixed by enlarging the radiators and production aircraft had further improved aerodynamics. Turning ability to complete a circle: 20 sec, best Soviet fighter at altitude.
Two-seat trainer version of Yak-9U (VK-107), armament reduced to a single Berezin B-20
Berezin B-20
The Berezin B-20 was a 20 mm caliber autocannon used by Soviet aircraft in World War II.-Development:The B-20 was created by M.E. Berezin in 1944 by chambering his Berezin UB 12.7 mm machine gun for the 20 mm rounds used by the ShVAK cannon...
cannon with 100 rounds. Did not enter production due to introduction of jet aircraft.
Yak-9U (VK-107) armed with 1 × 37 mm Nudelman N-37
Nudelman N-37
The N-37 was a powerful, 37 mm aircraft cannon used by the Soviet Union. It was designed by V. Ya. Nemenov of A.E. Nudelman's OKB-16 to replace the wartime Nudelman-Suranov NS-37, entering service in 1946...
cannon with 30 rounds and 2 20 mm Berezin B-20
Berezin B-20
The Berezin B-20 was a 20 mm caliber autocannon used by Soviet aircraft in World War II.-Development:The B-20 was created by M.E. Berezin in 1944 by chambering his Berezin UB 12.7 mm machine gun for the 20 mm rounds used by the ShVAK cannon...
cannons with 120 rpg, giving a one-second burst mass of 6 kg (13.2 lb). Similarly to Yak-9TK could be converted to replace the N-37 with a 20 mm B-20, 23 mm NS-23, or 45 mm N-45. Production aircraft carried NS-23 instead of the N-37 cannon as the default armament.
Two-seat trainer version of Yak-9M and Yak-9T, Klimov VK-105PF2 engine, armament reduced to 1 × 20 mm ShVAK with 90 rounds.
Modern replicas
In the early 1990s, Yakovlev started limited production for the warbird
Warbird is a term used, predominantly in North America, to describe vintage military aircraft.- Naming :Although the term originally implied piston-driven aircraft from the World War II era, it is now often extended to include all military aircraft, including jet-powered aircraft, that are no...
market of Yak-9 and Yak-3
Yakovlev Yak-3
The Yakovlev Yak-3 was a World War II Soviet fighter aircraft.Robust and easy to maintain, it was much liked by pilots and ground crew alike....
replica aircraft using original World War II equipment and Allison V-1710 engines.

- Albanian Air ForceAlbanian Air ForceThe Albanian Air Force is the national Air Force of the Albanian military. Currently it operates under the Albanian Joint Forces Command and it is regrouped in the Albanian Air Brigade...
received 12 aircraft in 1951.

- Bulgarian Air ForceBulgarian Air ForceThe Bulgarian Air Force is a branch of the Military of Bulgaria, the other two being the Bulgarian Navy and Bulgarian land forces. Its mission is to guard and protect the sovereignty of Bulgarian airspace, to provide aerial support and to assist the Land Forces in case of war. The Bulgarian Air...
- People's Liberation Army Air ForcePeople's Liberation Army Air ForceThe People's Liberation Army Air Force is the aviation branch of the People's Liberation Army, the military of the People's Republic of China...
- Armée de l'AirFrench Air ForceThe French Air Force , literally Army of the Air) is the air force of the French Armed Forces. It was formed in 1909 as the Service Aéronautique, a service arm of the French Army, then was made an independent military arm in 1933...
- Normandie-NiemenNormandie-NiemenThe Normandie-Niemen Regiment was a fighter squadron, later regiment of the French Air Force. It served on the Eastern Front of the European Theatre of World War II with the 1st Air Army...
- Normandie-Niemen

- Hungarian Air ForceHungarian Air ForceThe Hungarian Air Force is the air force branch of the Hungarian Army.- 1918 to Pre–World War II :Following the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918, a small air arm was established operating surviving aircraft from Hungarian factories and training schools...
received aircraft in 1949. The type's Hungarian name was "Vércse" (Kestrel).

- Mongolian People's Army AviationMongolian People's ArmyThe Mongolian People's Army or Mongolian People's Revolutionary Army was established on 18 March 1921 as a secondary army under Soviet Red Army command during the 1920s and during World War II.-Creation of the army:One of the first actions of the new Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party...
received 34 aircraft in late June 1945.
- North Korean Air ForceNorth Korean Air ForceThe Korean People's Army Air Force, , is the name of the unified aviation forces of North Korea. The KPAF is the second-largest branch of the Korean People's Army with an estimated 110,000 personnel. It possesses between 1,600 and 1,700 aircraft of different types, mostly of Soviet and Chinese...
- Air Force of the Polish ArmyAir Force of the Polish ArmyThe Air Force of the Polish Army , unofficially known as the People's Polish Air Force was the name of the Soviet-controlled Polish Air Force in the USSR between 1943 and 1947 created alongside the Polish People's Army , a subordinate to the Red Army...
- Polish Air ForcePolish Air ForceThe Polish Air Force is the military Air Force wing of the Polish Armed Forces. Until July 2004 it was officially known as Wojska Lotnicze i Obrony Powietrznej...
operated several aircraft from 1947 to 1953. - Polish NavyPolish NavyThe Marynarka Wojenna Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej - MW RP Polish Navy, is the branch of Republic of Poland Armed Forces responsible for naval operations...
- Soviet Air ForceSoviet Air ForceThe Soviet Air Force, officially known in Russian as Военно-воздушные силы or Voenno-Vozdushnye Sily and often abbreviated VVS was the official designation of one of the air forces of the Soviet Union. The other was the Soviet Air Defence Forces...
- SFR Yugoslav Air ForceSFR Yugoslav Air ForceThe Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslav Air Force , was the air force of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia . Formed in 1945, it was preceded by the Yugoslav Royal Air Force which was disbanded in 1941, following the German occupation of Yugoslavia...
– 16 Yak-9T, 40 Yak-9P, 47 Yak-9D/M and 68 Yak-9U aircraft in 1944-1950/1960- 111th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1947–1948)
- 112th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1947–1948)
- 94th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1948–1952)
- 116th Fighter Aviation Regiment116th Fighter Aviation RegimentThe 116th Fighter Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1944 as 113th Fighter Aviation Regiment The 116th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Serbo-Croatian: 116. lovački puk / 116. ловачки пук) was an aviation regiment established in 1944 as 113th Fighter Aviation Regiment The 116th...
(1948–1950) - 117th Fighter Aviation Regiment117th Fighter Aviation RegimentThe 117th Fighter Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1944 as 112th Fighter Aviation Regiment The 117th Fighter Aviation Regiment (Serbo-Croatian: 117. lovački avijacijski puk / 116. ловачки авијацијски пук) was an aviation regiment established in 1944 as 112th Fighter...
(1948–1950) - 141st Training Aviation Regiment141st Training Aviation RegimentThe 141st Training Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1952 as part of the SFR Yugoslav Air Force...
(1952–1953) - 2nd Training Aviation Regiment (1946–1948)
- 101st Fighter-Training Aviation Regiment101st Fighter-Training Aviation RegimentThe 101st Fighter-Training Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1945 as 2nd Training Aviation Regiment The 101st Fighter-Training Aviation Regiment (Serbo-Croatian: 101. školski-lovački vazduhoplovni puk / 101. школски-ловачки ваздухопловни пук) was an aviation regiment...
(1948–1950) - 103rd Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment103rd Reconnaissance Aviation RegimentThe 103rd Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1947 as Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment .-History:-Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment:The Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment was formed on...
(1950–1951) - 104th Training Aviation Regiment104th Training Aviation RegimentThe 104th Training Aviation Regiment was an aviation regiment established in 1945 as 1st Training Aviation Regiment The 104th Training Aviation Regiment (Serbo-Croatian: 104. vazduhoplovni školski puk / 104. ваздухопловни школски пук) was an aviation regiment established in 1945 as 1st Training...
(1948–1950) - Training Squadron of 32nd Aviation Division (1953–1959)
- Training Squadron of 39th Aviation Division (1953–1959)
- Training Squadron of 44th Aviation Division (1953–1954)