Villains in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy
The fictional villains of the Power Rangers
universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy were the generals in the army of the insectoid warlord Scorpius and later his daughter Trakeena. They all served aboard the space ship, the Scorpion Stinger. Later in the series, an opposing group of villains was shown that served Captain Mutiny.
Information about all of them can be found below.
and ruler of the inhabitants of the Scorpion Stinger. He resembled a large arachnid with tentacles instead of legs. He was an enemy of the Magna Defender
, having attacked his planet 3,000 years ago and killed his only son, Zika.
Scorpius frequently attempted to gather powerful objects to himself, including the Quasar Sabers and the Lights of Orion. The result of these mad quests often left the objects in question in the hands of the Galaxy Power Rangers
, and severely depleted Scorpius' army as they were either punished or destroyed by the Rangers.
Scorpius had a daughter, Trakeena, upon whom he doted. He refused to allow her to be involved in his evil deeds, and he would not allow her to engage the Rangers in battle despite her requests.
Eventually, Scorpius webbed a cocoon for Trakeena. He told her that it was her time to enter the cocoon, to shed her mortal beauty and become an insect with magnificent powers, like him. Then, also Scorpius is supposed to have been born with some human features before entering another cocoon webbed by a parent in the past. Trakeena declined, and when Scorpius tried to force her, she ran away and teleported out into space.
Scorpius had later met Deviot and appointed him as his new general. Deviot plotted against Scorpius, to depose him and enter the cocoon so that he could gain great powers. Deviot tricked Scorpius into attacking the Galaxy Power Rangers
, saying that Trakeena was their prisoner. Though Scorpius was mortally wounded, Trakeena returned to take his throne before Scorpius could pass it to Deviot. Before he died, Scorpius told Deviot to be as loyal to Trakeena as he had been to him.
Scorpius is voiced by Kim Strauss
Trakeena was incredibly vain and proud. On one occasion, she had the monster Crumummy steal the beauty from all the female inhabitants of Terra Venture, because she hated the thought that they might be more beautiful than her. This plan was foiled, however, and the beauty was restored to the inhabitants of the station.
She also liked to accompany her father's generals on their missions, though her father disapproved of it. In one such case, Treacheron claimed that Trakeena had followed him to battle, whereas in truth, he had allowed it. This upset Trakeena, and in retaliation she convinced her father Scorpius that Treacheron was a traitor, for which he was locked up. This feud continued, and Treacheron tricked Trakeena into searching for a silver goblet, just so that he could ambush her once he was free from his cell. She was saved only thanks to the intervention of the Galaxy Power Rangers
Eventually, Trakeena learned that her father Scorpius wished for her to enter the cocoon, to become an insect with great powers, like him. She refused, mainly not wanting to lose her mortal beauty the transformation would cause, and fled to the planet Onyx when he tried to force her, where she met Villamax. Villamax offered to train her to be a great warrior, and taught her swordplay and martial arts. She returned to the Scorpion Stinger after hearing of Scorpius' defeat at the hands of the Rangers. While Scorpius was dying, Trakeena was given his throne and all of his powers. Deviot told her that Scorpius was destroyed by the Red Galaxy Ranger. Though she captured the Red Galaxy Ranger, he escaped.
Terra Venture entered the Lost Galaxy, where Trakeena was unwilling to follow. When it emerged once again, Trakeena destroyed the ship of Captain Mutiny, who was pursuing it.
Though Trakeena had put her father's cocoon into storage, Deviot still wanted to enter it to gain power. He dragged her into the cocoon, where they merged into a single being. Deviot's power and ruthlessness had been incorporated into her personality, driving her insane. She had the Scorpion Stinger unleash a vicious attack on Terra Venture, destroying their last engine and causing it to crash on a moon nearby Mirinoi. While the colony was forced to evacuate the damaged ship, she launched a full-scale assault, arming all her Sting Wingers with bombs, so as to destroy the colony. Her general Villamax believed that this tactic of mass suicide bombing was foolish as Trakeena was destroying her own army. Using this tactic, Trakeena succeeded in destroying the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords, though in the process lost her whole army. After the colony escaped and fled to Mirinoi, she pursued them in the Scorpion Stinger, planning to blast the escape ships. When Villamax refused to obey this order, she destroyed him. When she attempted to attack again, the Power Rangers intervened in the Astro-Megaship. In an attempt to stop her, the Rangers self-destructed the Astro-Megaship, causing the Scorpion Stinger to crash back on the moon. However, Trakeena survived and as a last resort, entered the cocoon again. She emerged, mutated into a green, humanoid insect, just as her father had intended. She then powered up Terra Venture's remains to destroy the colony on Mirinoi. Her full plan was to crash the damaged Terra Venture into Mirinoi, obliterating the colony and the planet as well as destroying the Power Rangers in the crash (her own fate of the crash was not mentioned). She engaged the Rangers in battle, and was seemingly destroyed by the Red Galaxy Ranger's Battlizer when he pulled her in close and shot her pointblank. The crash of Terra Venture was diverted from the colony by the timely intervention of the Galaxy Megazord, under control of the Galactabeasts only, in this instance.
However, in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, it was revealed that she had survived and managed to return to her human form, though was now horribly disfigured. She then made her way to Earth, planning to obtain her revenge on the Rangers by destroying their homeworld. She acquired the allegiance of the Demon Triskull and his army of ghouls, collecting energy to return to her insectoid form. To do that, she captured humans to drain their lifeforce. Leo teamed up with the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers in an attempt to stop her. However, Olympius, tainted the energy with a poison dagger, causing Trakeena to mutate into a gigantic monster. Despite the help of the Galactabeasts, the Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers were unable to stop her until the Omega Megazord became infused with the Lights of Orion. Trakeena was then permanently destroyed. Trakeena is the first human villain to be destroyed, unlike other human villains from previous seasons were turned good by Zordon's energy.
Trakeena was played by Amy Miller in Lost Galaxy & Jennifer Burns in Lightspeed Rescue.
He was one of the most loyal and sinister generals of Scorpius, having turned all the inhabitants of Mirinoi into stone. As the first major threat to Terra Venture, Furio often proved to be Leo's equal in swordfight; thus, his ruthlessness was instrumental in the maturity of the Red Galaxy Ranger.
Furio is voiced by Tom Wyner
-like wings as a partial cape behind him; he had a samurai
sword, and a blue face with a black-and-white version of his horizon emblem on his head.
Treacheron was known as the arch-rival of the Magna Defender
. 3,000 years ago, he had beaten the Magna Defender and imprisoned him within the planet Mirinoi for centuries.
After Furio's destruction, Treacheron was appointed the general position. At Scorpius' request, he was sent to find the Lights of Orion.
On one occasion, Treacheron was seduced by Trakeena into taking her to Terra Venture to find the Lights and battle the Rangers. He complied, despite knowing that Scorpius would be angry about it. When he was forced to explain himself, he lied that Trakeena had followed him without his permission.
When the Lights had finally been found, Scorpius sent Treacheron and Destruxo to retrieve them. Impostra, disguised as Treacheron, tricked Destruxo into absorbing the power of the Lights, and Scorpius, believing that Treacheron had betrayed him, confined Treacheron to a cell. Treacheron swore to make whoever had done this to him pay dearly.
The Shark Brothers informed him that it was Trakeena that had set him up. Treacheron arranged some payback. He told Trakeena about the location of the Silver Goblet, then escaped and set up an ambush for her. Treacheron would have slain her, but the Rangers interrupted. Treacheron was destroyed by Leo Corbett in his Orion Armor.
Treacheron was resurrected by Hexuba in the Lost Galaxy, but was destroyed by Mike Corbett. He appeared unaware that he was facing a different Magna Defender.
Treacheron is voiced by Derek Stephen Prince
and Galactabeasts with in battle. However, these Zords turned to good, having once been Galactabeasts. After continuous failures, Deviot stole the legendary Galaxy Book, and used its power to mutate. He was defeated, and joined forces with Captain Mutiny.
After escaping the Lost Galaxy, Deviot was attacked by Trakeena, and both fell into the cocoon. The being that emerged was an amalgam of Deviot's evil and Trakeena's power.
Deviot shared many characteristics with the Power Rangers in Space
villain, Darkonda as both were treacherous and deceptive and clashed with a fellow villain possessing more honorable qualities.
Deviot is voiced by Bob Papenbrook
Villamax's honorable qualities, like that of the unbrainwashed Ecliptor of Power Rangers: In Space, often clash with the ruthless evil of Deviot (one notable instance is when he actually let the other rangers and the Magna Defender go after Leo agreed to give himself up to Trakeena, which he promised to do beforehand). Villamax is particularly horrified when Trakeena and Deviot merge, and Trakeena becomes a merciless maniac. When Villamax saves a young girl during Trakeena's assault on Terra Venture, and she gives him a flower, Villamax wants nothing more than for Trakeena to stop her chaos. When Villamax attempts to reason with Trakeena, she kills him and crushes the flower. Villamax's final words to Trakeena were, "You've learned nothing."
Villamax is voiced by David Lodge
Kegler and Villamax met Trakeena on Onyx and decided to join her army on the Scorpion Stinger after the death of her father, Scorpius.
Kegler became suspicious of Deviot when he disrespected Villamax's code of honor. It is possible that it was Kegler that learned of Deviot's treachery and informed Villamax and Trakeena while Deviot was in the Lost Galaxy.
After Trakeena and Deviot merged into one being, Kegler witnessed the death of Villamax at Trakeena's hands. He was not destroyed on screen, but he presumably died in the Scorpion Stinger when it crashed on Mirinoi's moon.
Kegler is voiced by Richard Cansino
A blue and white robotic warrior who captured the Galactabeasts so that he can become one of Scorpius' generals. He was destroyed by Scorpius for failing to destroy the Galaxy Rangers.
NOTE: Brunt is a recolored hybrid of two Beetleborgs
monsters. It has the head of Mean Green Cannon Machine and the de-spiked body of Rocket Man.
A scorpion
monster used by Furio to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Lion Galactibeast.
In "The Sunflower Search," Radster was featured in a flashback as part of Scorpius' attack upon the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago.
A weevil
monster and weapons collector hired by Furio. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Horn was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked an industrial area. The Rangers fought him and defeated him with the Transdaggers' star formation blast. He grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Lion Galactibeast.
A stag beetle
monster used by Furio to attack Terra Venture. He Grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Gasser was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked an industrial area. Fire emitted from Leo's hands is what defeated Gasser.
A shapeshifting sea urchin
monster used by Furio to trick Leo into opening Orion Cavern. He Grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Mutantrum was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked Maya and Leo in a forest. They defeated Mutantrum with a jump kick.
A squid
monster used by Furio to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord.
A wasp
monster used by Furio to seek out the Lights of Orion. Could generate earthquakes. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Hexuba resurrected Quakemaker as Kai grabs on to Quakemaker's ghost. He managed to get Kai off him and landed in a forest. Kai used his super-charged Quasar Saber to destroy Quakemaker.
An unseen starfish monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. All that was seen of Starcog was its shadow. Once Leo chased it outside, Starcog wasn't seen.
NOTE: Despite not being seen, Starcog was fully seen in Gingaman. He was sent to destroy skyscrapers, using humanoid robot bombs, to release the Lights of Orion, which were thought to be there. He was eventually destroyed by the Falcon Galactabeast's Japanese counterpart.
A pill bug
monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord.
A sledgehammer-wielding coral
monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Magna Defender wielding the Magna Saber.
A scorpionfish monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. 3,000 years ago during Scorpius' invasion upon the Magna Defender's planet, Fishface was the one holding Magna Defender's son Zika hostage for Scorpius. Fishface let Zika go on Scorpius' command, but Zika went after Scorpus and was killed in the process. 3,000 years later, Fishface was later sent to Terra Venture and believed the Lights of Orion where in a sunflower statue. He was strong enough to deflect the Quasar Launcher's energy blasts. Fishface took a little girl hostage to haunt Magna Defender's memories. Fishface blew up the statue and was upset to find out it was empty. He was destroyed by the Defender Torozord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Fishface was resurrected by Hexuba and fought Mike in a plaza area. Mike managed to defeat Fishface with a strong slash attack from his sword.
A blue and brown rhinoceros beetle
monster that had accompanied Scorpius in the attack on the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago. He was seen attacking Earth during an unknown time, via Trakeena's archives in "The Chameliac Warrior". He could fire a laser from the gun-like horn on his head. In "Protect the Quasar Saber," Sledger was among the monsters bidding on the Pink Quasar Saber at the Onyx Tavern.
NOTE: Sledger's name came from the original FoxKids.com website and possibly from the script of "Homesick" where he was supposed to be seen, though edited out for reasons unknown, most likely time or content. Sledger was seen, via a picture, giving Gasser a large sledgehammer in which to smash the fossilized Galactabeasts. In Gingaman, his character and Gasser's characters were brothers and assigned to a scheme together, though Sledger didn't appear until the second half of said scheme. In Gingaman, he was destroyed by Gingaioh. (Galaxy Megazord)
A jellyfish
monster, Chillyfish caused the entire colony to fall asleep except for animals. Terra Venture's engines shut down and also caused Alpha Six to freeze. Leo and Chillyfish fought on horses. Chillyfish was fooled by fake Lights. Magna Defender gave Chillyfish a choice to tell him what he knew about the Lights and spare him but the monster refused and was destroyed by the Defender Torozord.
A powerful lobster
-themed samurai
monster used by Treacheron to unleash the Lights of Orion. The Galaxy Rangers used the Lights of Orion Energy Attack to destroy Destruxo. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Destruxo was resurrected by Hexuba and fought the Rangers beneath the Halfpipe Bridge. Sword slashes from Leo, Karone, and Maya were enough to destroy Destruxo.
A shapeshifting Medusa
-like monster used by Trakeena to double-cross Treacheron. In "Orion Returns," a flashback showed that Impostra was with Scorpius' army in the attack upon the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago. She claimed she would be back, though nobody saw her again.
NOTE: Footage of her return in "Shark Attack" was replaced with Trakeena finding the Silver Goblit. In this episode, she was also supposed to have been destroyed by Treacheron, which is what happened in Gingaman.
A red hammerhead shark
and a green shark
(who speaks in the style of Jabberjaw
) with horns who aided Treacheron against Trakeena. Both Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord.
A tribal tiki
monster used by Trakeena to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Freaky Tiki was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked Leo near a mountain. Leo used the Quasar Saber's fire slash attack to destroy Freaky Tiki.
A skeleton
monster used by Scorpius to steal the Rangers' powers. Used the stolen powers to create Skeleton Warriors. Trapped the Orion Galaxy Megazord in a mirror, but was destroyed by the Defender Torozord.
An unnamed alien that guarded the Galaxy Book on an abandoned ship. Trapped Several GSA Officers in it's web. Destroyed when the ship it was on blew up.
NOTE: This unnamed alien is a US-exclusive monster.
A mummy
monster used by Trakeena to steal the beauty of Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Defender Torozord.
A bulky-scaled Bigfoot
monster used by Deviot to control the Centaurus Megazord and the Stratoforce Megazord. Destroyed by the combined forces of the Orion Galaxy Megazord, Defender Torozord, Strataforce Megazord, Centaurus Megazord, and Zenith Carrierzord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Hardtochoke was resurrected by Hexuba and fought the Rangers in a Terra Venture parking lot near some mountains. It took a combination of Leo and Maya's Galaxy Quasar Launchers, Damon's Transblaster, Karone's Beta Bow, and Mike's Magna Blaster to destroy Hardtochoke.
A crab
monster used by Deviot in an attempt to assassinate Trakeena. He wielded a staff and enlarged off-screen after being destroyed by Deviot. Destroyed by Galaxy Megazord.
An octopus
-in-a-basket monster used by Deviot in an attempt to assassinate Trakeena, but Teska was destroyed by Trakeena insted. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Teksa was revived by Hexuba and attacked Leo in a plaza. Leo charged his Quasar Launcher in staff mode with flaming energy and rammed the end into Teksa destroying him.
A shapeshifting pharaoh
monster used by Trakeena to steal the Galaxy Book. Disguised himself as Maya's Friend Shondra. Destroyed by Orion Galaxy Magazord, Strataforce Megazord, and Centaurus Megazord.
A robotic cannon
monster used by Trakeena to kidnap High Councilor Reiner. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, and Strataforce Megazord.
A fallen angel
monster used by Trakeena to gain control of Commander Stanton. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord.
A motorcycle-riding praying mantis
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In a flashback in the episode "The Sunflower Search," Motor Mantis was among the monsters in Scorpius' army when he attacked the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago.
A noble warrior that came under the control of Trakeena's forces. He seemed to be mace-themed. Trakeena offered him the Power Rangers as his last worthy opponents. At first, he didn't want Maya, a woman, to fight him but she continued to and they fell off a cliff and she scraped her knee. He felt ashamed since he failed at destroying them and that she was a girl. Loyax worked together with Maya to escape a cave and he insisted his last battle to be an honorable one and fought the villains, especially Deviot who mocked him. Loyax revealed he once was good but was corrupted by evil. He refused her offer to be good again and was Deviot controlled Loyax with a device. Deviot exploded Loyax when he had the Galaxy Megazord tried to remove the device. He was destroyed and Maya put his sword in the sand in remembrance.
A Motorcycling Lamia
monster used by Trakeena to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, and the Centaurus Megazord.
A copier-themed robot warrior used to guard the laser dish that can destroy the Galactabeasts. He could duplicate the Rangers weapons and attacks. The key to beating him was to use the other Rangers weapons and attacks, thus confusing him. This also worked via the Galactabeasts weapons and attacks. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Strataforce Megazord.
An unnamed centipede
monster seen during a missing battle on Trakeena's archives. This was actually unused Gingaman footage.
NOTE: He was used in Gingaman by Villamax's counterpart in order to absorb electricity from the Earth. He would then use it to shock Titanisaur's counterpart back to life. He failed and was destroyed by the combined Gingalion's fire breath and Gingalcon's finishing attack.
A cockroach
monster used by Deviot to ambush the Rangers. Destroyed by the Lights of Orion Energy Attack.
NOTE: In Gingaman, he was used in place of Mutantrum in that particular scheme.
A robotic tank
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Centaurus Megazord.
A robotic power-draining magnet
monster used by Villamax to attack Terra Venture. Drained Power from the rangers, preventing them from morphing. Leo's Powers were restored by the Battle Tech Keys, and Magnatox was destroyed by the Red Battle Tech Armor. After Magnatox was destroyed, everyone's powers were restored.
A sonic cicada
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Lights of Orion energy attack.
, was the leader of a villainous crew of space pirate
s in the so-called "Lost Galaxy" that the crew of Terra Venture encountered when they were magically transported there. At first, he pretended to be sympathetic to their plight, and even offered to help them get back home. However, it soon became apparent that he was anything but philanthropic in his intentions. Rather, he intended to loot the space station and enslave its population. His plan was foiled by Mike Corbett and the other Galaxy Power Rangers
When Deviot joined Captain Mutiny's crew, Mutiny was a bit reluctant, fearing that if Trakeena found out, she would "toss him overboard". This goes to show that not only does Mutiny know of Trakeena, but is afraid of her as well. This fear would turn out to be justified: when he pursued them into the normal galaxy, Trakeena destroyed his castle, taking him down with it.
Captain Mutiny is voiced by Mike Reynolds.
Barbarax is voiced by Richard Epcar
-like sorceress who served Captain Mutiny. She was responsible for resurrecting several monsters that the Galaxy Power Rangers
had already defeated as well as Treacheron. After the Rangers defeated the revived monsters, she merged together with those monster spirits and challenged the Rangers herself, but was destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, Defender Torozord, Strataforce Megazord, and Centaurus Megazord.
Hexuba is voiced by Rajia Baroudi.
NOTE #1: In Gingaman, she is Kegler's niece and Rykon's sister.
NOTE #2: Hexuba's "powered up" form includes Hardtochoke's head on her left shoulder, the head of a blue and red Asura
monster (unused in this series) on her right shoulder, the faces of Icy Angel, Crumummy, and Skelekron on her left arm, Freaky Tiki and Maronda's faces on her right arm, and Rykon's face within her stomach (only Rykon lacked a jewel in its mouth).
monster that serves Captain Mutiny. It was naturally giant, the same size as a megazord or any other giant monster. It carries Mutiny's castle on its back, can be directly controlled through a steering wheel in the castle, and has the capability to "swim" through space. It is also very strong, tearing the arms off several megazords. Its one weakness is that while Mutiny's castle is attached to it, Titanisaur gets overheated and must be cooled down by submerging in water. To better even Titanisaur's odds against the Rangers, Mutiny disengaged his castle from it and allowed the monster to fight the Rangers on its own. Even with this added advantage, however, Titanisaur was destroyed and even had its tail severed by the Torozord.
A robotic rocket
monster used by Barbarax to attack the Galaxy Rangers. Defeated by the Galaxy Megazord and Strataforce Megazord. Destroyed when Deviot drained his power to restore his original form.
NOTE: In Gingaman, this is Titanisaur's second form after being revived by the energy of the Earth.
A fire-breathing swordfish
-like sea monster
who accompanied Captain Mutiny to the planned execution of Leo and Damon. Destroyed by the Red Battle Tech Armor.
NOTE: Rojomon was originally B-Fighter Kabuto
monster Tokasuzura (unused in "Beetleborgs Metallix
A robotic monster used by Hexuba in the nightmare world. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Centaurus Megazord.
Power Rangers
Power Rangers is a long-running American entertainment and merchandising franchise built around a live action children's television series featuring teams of costumed heroes...
universe that appeared in the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy were the generals in the army of the insectoid warlord Scorpius and later his daughter Trakeena. They all served aboard the space ship, the Scorpion Stinger. Later in the series, an opposing group of villains was shown that served Captain Mutiny.
Information about all of them can be found below.
Scorpius was an alien insectoidInsectoid
Insectoid denotes any creature or object that shares a similar body or traits with common earth insects and arachnids. The term is a combination of "insect" and "-oid" . Compare "humanoid"....
A warlord is a person with power who has both military and civil control over a subnational area due to armed forces loyal to the warlord and not to a central authority. The term can also mean one who espouses the ideal that war is necessary, and has the means and authority to engage in war...
and ruler of the inhabitants of the Scorpion Stinger. He resembled a large arachnid with tentacles instead of legs. He was an enemy of the Magna Defender
Magna Defender
The Magna Defender is a fictional character from the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy TV series. He is a warrior who has been alive for many years, and is the sworn enemy of Scorpius....
, having attacked his planet 3,000 years ago and killed his only son, Zika.
Scorpius frequently attempted to gather powerful objects to himself, including the Quasar Sabers and the Lights of Orion. The result of these mad quests often left the objects in question in the hands of the Galaxy Power Rangers
Galaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
, and severely depleted Scorpius' army as they were either punished or destroyed by the Rangers.
Scorpius had a daughter, Trakeena, upon whom he doted. He refused to allow her to be involved in his evil deeds, and he would not allow her to engage the Rangers in battle despite her requests.
Eventually, Scorpius webbed a cocoon for Trakeena. He told her that it was her time to enter the cocoon, to shed her mortal beauty and become an insect with magnificent powers, like him. Then, also Scorpius is supposed to have been born with some human features before entering another cocoon webbed by a parent in the past. Trakeena declined, and when Scorpius tried to force her, she ran away and teleported out into space.
Scorpius had later met Deviot and appointed him as his new general. Deviot plotted against Scorpius, to depose him and enter the cocoon so that he could gain great powers. Deviot tricked Scorpius into attacking the Galaxy Power Rangers
Galaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
, saying that Trakeena was their prisoner. Though Scorpius was mortally wounded, Trakeena returned to take his throne before Scorpius could pass it to Deviot. Before he died, Scorpius told Deviot to be as loyal to Trakeena as he had been to him.
Scorpius is voiced by Kim Strauss
Kim Strauss
Kim Strauss is an American singer, songwriter, actor, voiceover artist, and Amazon.com Bestselling author with his children's book Kalan the Mighty Warrior: Book One - Braxus the Owl: Guardian of the Forest.-History:...
Trakeena is the main antagonist in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, the insectile daughter of Scorpius, the evil princess of his alien army. Trakeena was born with both mortal beauty (human beauty) and insect features as well. She carries a staff with a cockroach emblem on the side of it, but lost this one in the desert on Onyx. However, after her father's death, she gained another staff with an amber-encased spider within the staff that could also be transformed into a sword to be used for hand-to-hand combat. She can use her insect armor to protect her from harm, but was never shown to have used it in any of the episodes after her father's death.Trakeena was incredibly vain and proud. On one occasion, she had the monster Crumummy steal the beauty from all the female inhabitants of Terra Venture, because she hated the thought that they might be more beautiful than her. This plan was foiled, however, and the beauty was restored to the inhabitants of the station.
She also liked to accompany her father's generals on their missions, though her father disapproved of it. In one such case, Treacheron claimed that Trakeena had followed him to battle, whereas in truth, he had allowed it. This upset Trakeena, and in retaliation she convinced her father Scorpius that Treacheron was a traitor, for which he was locked up. This feud continued, and Treacheron tricked Trakeena into searching for a silver goblet, just so that he could ambush her once he was free from his cell. She was saved only thanks to the intervention of the Galaxy Power Rangers
Galaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
Eventually, Trakeena learned that her father Scorpius wished for her to enter the cocoon, to become an insect with great powers, like him. She refused, mainly not wanting to lose her mortal beauty the transformation would cause, and fled to the planet Onyx when he tried to force her, where she met Villamax. Villamax offered to train her to be a great warrior, and taught her swordplay and martial arts. She returned to the Scorpion Stinger after hearing of Scorpius' defeat at the hands of the Rangers. While Scorpius was dying, Trakeena was given his throne and all of his powers. Deviot told her that Scorpius was destroyed by the Red Galaxy Ranger. Though she captured the Red Galaxy Ranger, he escaped.
Terra Venture entered the Lost Galaxy, where Trakeena was unwilling to follow. When it emerged once again, Trakeena destroyed the ship of Captain Mutiny, who was pursuing it.
Though Trakeena had put her father's cocoon into storage, Deviot still wanted to enter it to gain power. He dragged her into the cocoon, where they merged into a single being. Deviot's power and ruthlessness had been incorporated into her personality, driving her insane. She had the Scorpion Stinger unleash a vicious attack on Terra Venture, destroying their last engine and causing it to crash on a moon nearby Mirinoi. While the colony was forced to evacuate the damaged ship, she launched a full-scale assault, arming all her Sting Wingers with bombs, so as to destroy the colony. Her general Villamax believed that this tactic of mass suicide bombing was foolish as Trakeena was destroying her own army. Using this tactic, Trakeena succeeded in destroying the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords, though in the process lost her whole army. After the colony escaped and fled to Mirinoi, she pursued them in the Scorpion Stinger, planning to blast the escape ships. When Villamax refused to obey this order, she destroyed him. When she attempted to attack again, the Power Rangers intervened in the Astro-Megaship. In an attempt to stop her, the Rangers self-destructed the Astro-Megaship, causing the Scorpion Stinger to crash back on the moon. However, Trakeena survived and as a last resort, entered the cocoon again. She emerged, mutated into a green, humanoid insect, just as her father had intended. She then powered up Terra Venture's remains to destroy the colony on Mirinoi. Her full plan was to crash the damaged Terra Venture into Mirinoi, obliterating the colony and the planet as well as destroying the Power Rangers in the crash (her own fate of the crash was not mentioned). She engaged the Rangers in battle, and was seemingly destroyed by the Red Galaxy Ranger's Battlizer when he pulled her in close and shot her pointblank. The crash of Terra Venture was diverted from the colony by the timely intervention of the Galaxy Megazord, under control of the Galactabeasts only, in this instance.
However, in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, it was revealed that she had survived and managed to return to her human form, though was now horribly disfigured. She then made her way to Earth, planning to obtain her revenge on the Rangers by destroying their homeworld. She acquired the allegiance of the Demon Triskull and his army of ghouls, collecting energy to return to her insectoid form. To do that, she captured humans to drain their lifeforce. Leo teamed up with the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers in an attempt to stop her. However, Olympius, tainted the energy with a poison dagger, causing Trakeena to mutate into a gigantic monster. Despite the help of the Galactabeasts, the Galaxy and Lightspeed Rangers were unable to stop her until the Omega Megazord became infused with the Lights of Orion. Trakeena was then permanently destroyed. Trakeena is the first human villain to be destroyed, unlike other human villains from previous seasons were turned good by Zordon's energy.
Trakeena was played by Amy Miller in Lost Galaxy & Jennifer Burns in Lightspeed Rescue.
As Scorpius’s general, Furio (whose name is based on a term "Furious", hence his frowny face) led the brutal attack on the planet Mirinoi, seeking to gain the powers of the Quasar Sabers. Not amongst those chosen, however, Furio couldn’t pull the saber from the stone, just like numerous warriors before him. He was confronted by six warriors (Mike, Leo, Maya, Kendrix, Damon and Kai) who battled his army of Stingwingers to protect the people. It was in this awesome battle, the six warriors are able to pull the legendary Quasar Sabers from the rock. Enraged, Furio sought to destroy everyone in Mirinoi by turning them to stone. He pursued the warriors and managed to create a crevice in the jungle like planet, which tragically sealed Mike inside. Furio witnessed the warriors transform into Power Rangers and was no match against their energy. He left the planet and reported to his superior that he was going to retrieve the sabers for him. His next encounter with the rangers would take place on Terra Venture, where he attacked Leo but left abruptly. With Scorpius growing impatient with him, Furio assigned several monsters to snatch the sabers. When Horn succeeded, Furio ordered him to destroy the weapons, having been commaded by Scorpius to do so. He then allied with Scorpius’ daughter, the adventure starved Trakeena, and sought to gain the Lights of Orion, yet another ancient source of power. In a devious plot to use Leo for the Lights, Furio and Trakeena managed to trick Leo into believing that his brother had returned. When this plan failed, Scorpius almost destroyed him, having grown tired of his constant failures. Desperate to prove his worth, he finally stumbles on what he believes are the Lights of Orion. Before he can retrieve it to his master, however, he’s interrupted by Leo once more. The two engage in battle and Furio, at his last straw, commits suicide by exploding himself and Leo, in a fruitless attempt to destroy his enemy because Leo is saved by Magna Defender.He was one of the most loyal and sinister generals of Scorpius, having turned all the inhabitants of Mirinoi into stone. As the first major threat to Terra Venture, Furio often proved to be Leo's equal in swordfight; thus, his ruthlessness was instrumental in the maturity of the Red Galaxy Ranger.
Furio is voiced by Tom Wyner
Tom Wyner
Thomas Halperin "Tom" Wyner is an English-born voice actor for anime series who usually gets tough guy or villain roles. He is also a producer, director, and writer...
Treacheron, a loyal servant whose name, ironically, is based on the term "treachery", was the second general of Scorpius's army. He had a mostly white and blue outfit with manta rayManta ray
The manta ray is the largest species of the rays. The largest known specimen was more than across, with a weight of about . It ranges throughout waters of the world, typically around coral reefs...
-like wings as a partial cape behind him; he had a samurai
is the term for the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. According to translator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society, and this is also true of the original term in Japanese, saburau...
sword, and a blue face with a black-and-white version of his horizon emblem on his head.
Treacheron was known as the arch-rival of the Magna Defender
Magna Defender
The Magna Defender is a fictional character from the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy TV series. He is a warrior who has been alive for many years, and is the sworn enemy of Scorpius....
. 3,000 years ago, he had beaten the Magna Defender and imprisoned him within the planet Mirinoi for centuries.
After Furio's destruction, Treacheron was appointed the general position. At Scorpius' request, he was sent to find the Lights of Orion.
On one occasion, Treacheron was seduced by Trakeena into taking her to Terra Venture to find the Lights and battle the Rangers. He complied, despite knowing that Scorpius would be angry about it. When he was forced to explain himself, he lied that Trakeena had followed him without his permission.
When the Lights had finally been found, Scorpius sent Treacheron and Destruxo to retrieve them. Impostra, disguised as Treacheron, tricked Destruxo into absorbing the power of the Lights, and Scorpius, believing that Treacheron had betrayed him, confined Treacheron to a cell. Treacheron swore to make whoever had done this to him pay dearly.
The Shark Brothers informed him that it was Trakeena that had set him up. Treacheron arranged some payback. He told Trakeena about the location of the Silver Goblet, then escaped and set up an ambush for her. Treacheron would have slain her, but the Rangers interrupted. Treacheron was destroyed by Leo Corbett in his Orion Armor.
Treacheron was resurrected by Hexuba in the Lost Galaxy, but was destroyed by Mike Corbett. He appeared unaware that he was facing a different Magna Defender.
Treacheron is voiced by Derek Stephen Prince
Derek Stephen Prince
Derek Stephen Prince is an American voice actor who is most memorable for his various roles in the Digimon series, as well as the voice of Elgar in the live-action Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers in Space.While a talented actor, with vocal skills capable of anything from High School girls to...
Deviot (whose name was based on the term 'devious') was a treacherous robotic alien who sought the power of Scorpius' cocoon. Soon after his appearance, he developed a strong hatred toward Maya, the Yellow Galaxy Ranger, and would often attack her first during battle. Deviot appeared on the scene with three Zords that he attacked the Galaxy Power RangersGalaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
and Galactabeasts with in battle. However, these Zords turned to good, having once been Galactabeasts. After continuous failures, Deviot stole the legendary Galaxy Book, and used its power to mutate. He was defeated, and joined forces with Captain Mutiny.
After escaping the Lost Galaxy, Deviot was attacked by Trakeena, and both fell into the cocoon. The being that emerged was an amalgam of Deviot's evil and Trakeena's power.
Deviot shared many characteristics with the Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers in Space
Power Rangers in Space is a television show that aired in 1998 as the sixth season and fourth installment of the Power Rangers franchise...
villain, Darkonda as both were treacherous and deceptive and clashed with a fellow villain possessing more honorable qualities.
Deviot is voiced by Bob Papenbrook
Bob Papenbrook
Robert DeWayne "Bob" Papenbrook was an American voice actor. Fellow voice actors often nicknamed him "Pappy". He was very well known in the worlds of anime and video game voice-overs for his voice acting of "gruff" characters...
Villamax is a warrior who is first seen on the planet Onyx with his sidekick Kegler. Villamax aids Trakeena when she is attacked by unscrupulous patrons of the Onyx bar, and agrees to train her as a warrior. When Scorpius is mortally wounded by the Rangers, Villamax returns to the Scorpion Stinger with Trakeena and serves as one of her generals.Villamax's honorable qualities, like that of the unbrainwashed Ecliptor of Power Rangers: In Space, often clash with the ruthless evil of Deviot (one notable instance is when he actually let the other rangers and the Magna Defender go after Leo agreed to give himself up to Trakeena, which he promised to do beforehand). Villamax is particularly horrified when Trakeena and Deviot merge, and Trakeena becomes a merciless maniac. When Villamax saves a young girl during Trakeena's assault on Terra Venture, and she gives him a flower, Villamax wants nothing more than for Trakeena to stop her chaos. When Villamax attempts to reason with Trakeena, she kills him and crushes the flower. Villamax's final words to Trakeena were, "You've learned nothing."
Villamax is voiced by David Lodge
David Lodge (voice actor)
David Lodge is a voice actor who is not to be confused with the British actor of the same name. He is active in the anime and video game voice acting community, but is also very well known for his voicework in the Power Rangers franchise...
Kegler is a stout little being, the longtime companion of Villamax. Though he lacks battle skills, he makes up for it with his extensive knowledge of technology. His name presumably comes from the fact that his body is inside of a keg barrelBarrel
A barrel or cask is a hollow cylindrical container, traditionally made of vertical wooden staves and bound by wooden or metal hoops. Traditionally, the barrel was a standard size of measure referring to a set capacity or weight of a given commodity. A small barrel is called a keg.For example, a...
Kegler and Villamax met Trakeena on Onyx and decided to join her army on the Scorpion Stinger after the death of her father, Scorpius.
Kegler became suspicious of Deviot when he disrespected Villamax's code of honor. It is possible that it was Kegler that learned of Deviot's treachery and informed Villamax and Trakeena while Deviot was in the Lost Galaxy.
After Trakeena and Deviot merged into one being, Kegler witnessed the death of Villamax at Trakeena's hands. He was not destroyed on screen, but he presumably died in the Scorpion Stinger when it crashed on Mirinoi's moon.
Kegler is voiced by Richard Cansino
Richard Cansino
Richard Cansino is an American voice actor. He is also known as Richard Hayworth because he is the nephew of Rita Hayworth, and occasionally goes by the name Steve Davis after the British snooker player of the same name...
Sting Wingers
Scorpius and Trakeena's insectoid foot soldiers that have a sickle arm and can fly. The entire army was eventually destroyed when Trakeena had bombs attached to them in a kamikaze-related plot to destroy the Centaurus Megazord and the Stratoforce Megazord.Scorpius' Monsters
These are the monsters used by Scorpius and his henchmen. In earlier episodes, a monster would drink a special liquid to make them grow. In later episodes, the monsters grew on their own.Brunt
- First Appearance: "Race to the Rescue"
- Voice Actor: Kirk ThorntonKirk ThorntonKirk Thornton is an American voice actor.-Bio:He is known for playing tough or grouchy men in English-dubbed anime and video games. His career includes Hotohori in Fushigi Yūgi and Jin in Samurai Champloo...
A blue and white robotic warrior who captured the Galactabeasts so that he can become one of Scorpius' generals. He was destroyed by Scorpius for failing to destroy the Galaxy Rangers.
NOTE: Brunt is a recolored hybrid of two Beetleborgs
Big Bad Beetleborgs
Big Bad Beetleborgs is an American television series produced by Saban Entertainment. It aired for two seasons on Fox Kids between September 7, 1996 and March 2, 1998. Reruns later aired on UPN Kids during 1998-1999...
monsters. It has the head of Mean Green Cannon Machine and the de-spiked body of Rocket Man.
- First Appearance: "Race to the Rescue"
- Voice Actor: Bob PapenbrookBob PapenbrookRobert DeWayne "Bob" Papenbrook was an American voice actor. Fellow voice actors often nicknamed him "Pappy". He was very well known in the worlds of anime and video game voice-overs for his voice acting of "gruff" characters...
A scorpion
Scorpions are predatory arthropod animals of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida. They have eight legs and are easily recognized by the pair of grasping claws and the narrow, segmented tail, often carried in a characteristic forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger...
monster used by Furio to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Lion Galactibeast.
In "The Sunflower Search," Radster was featured in a flashback as part of Scorpius' attack upon the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago.
- First Appearance: "Rookie in Red"
- Voice Actor: Blake TorneyBlake TorneyBlake Torney is an American producer, director, actor and entertainer. His prestigious career includes theatre, film, television, and nightclubs. Blake has worked with film directors Alfred Hitchcock, Franco Zefferelli, Hal Ashby, John Frankenheimer, Barry Levinson and Paul Verhoven...
(2nd Time)
A weevil
A weevil is any beetle from the Curculionoidea superfamily. They are usually small, less than , and herbivorous. There are over 60,000 species in several families, mostly in the family Curculionidae...
monster and weapons collector hired by Furio. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Horn was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked an industrial area. The Rangers fought him and defeated him with the Transdaggers' star formation blast. He grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Lion Galactibeast.
- First Appearance: "Homesick"
- Voice Actor: Dave MallowDave MallowDave Mallow is an American voice actor. One of his known aliases is Colin Phillips.-Life and career:Mallow was born in Park Ridge, Illinois. His father worked in radio and television and was a thirty year on-air veteran at Chicago's WGN. He attained a BFA in Theater Arts from Drake University in...
(1st Time), Blake TorneyBlake TorneyBlake Torney is an American producer, director, actor and entertainer. His prestigious career includes theatre, film, television, and nightclubs. Blake has worked with film directors Alfred Hitchcock, Franco Zefferelli, Hal Ashby, John Frankenheimer, Barry Levinson and Paul Verhoven...
(2nd Time)
A stag beetle
Stag beetle
Stag beetles are a group of about 1,200 species of beetle in the family Lucanidae, presently classified in four subfamilies Some species grow up to over 12 cm , but most are about 5 cm .-Overview:...
monster used by Furio to attack Terra Venture. He Grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Gasser was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked an industrial area. Fire emitted from Leo's hands is what defeated Gasser.
- First Appearance: "The Lights of Orion"
- Voice Actor: Robert AxelrodRobert Axelrod (actor)Robert Axelrod is a U.S. actor who has been in several movies and lent his voice to countless televisual shows including Digimon, having started vocal acting for the English versions of Japanese cartoons in 1980...
(1st Time), Neil KaplanNeil KaplanNeil Kaplan is an American voice actor, entertainer and comedian.-Biography:Kaplan grew up in San Jose, California. He got his start as a comedian doing impressions of presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. He also impersonated a little known journalist at the time, Dan Rather. He...
(2nd Time)
A shapeshifting sea urchin
Sea urchin
Sea urchins or urchins are small, spiny, globular animals which, with their close kin, such as sand dollars, constitute the class Echinoidea of the echinoderm phylum. They inhabit all oceans. Their shell, or "test", is round and spiny, typically from across. Common colors include black and dull...
monster used by Furio to trick Leo into opening Orion Cavern. He Grew into a giant, but was destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Mutantrum was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked Maya and Leo in a forest. They defeated Mutantrum with a jump kick.
- First Appearance: "Double Duty"
- Voice Actor: Ezra WeiszEzra WeiszEzra E. Weisz is a voice actor who is also known as Ethan Murray.-Career:Ezra Weisz is a prolific voice actor in the anime community, having done voices in various anime shows such as Outlaw Star, The Big O, Rave Master, and Scryed. He is also well-known for his past voice work in Saban...
A squid
Squid are cephalopods of the order Teuthida, which comprises around 300 species. Like all other cephalopods, squid have a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms. Squid, like cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer, tentacles...
monster used by Furio to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord.
- First Appearance: "The Blue Crush"
- Voice Actor: Michael SorichMichael SorichMichael John Sorich is an American voice actor who is also a screen actor, writer, director and voice director.- Biography :...
A wasp
The term wasp is typically defined as any insect of the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita that is neither a bee nor an ant. Almost every pest insect species has at least one wasp species that preys upon it or parasitizes it, making wasps critically important in natural control of their...
monster used by Furio to seek out the Lights of Orion. Could generate earthquakes. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Hexuba resurrected Quakemaker as Kai grabs on to Quakemaker's ghost. He managed to get Kai off him and landed in a forest. Kai used his super-charged Quasar Saber to destroy Quakemaker.
- First Appearance: "The Magna Defender"
An unseen starfish monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. All that was seen of Starcog was its shadow. Once Leo chased it outside, Starcog wasn't seen.
NOTE: Despite not being seen, Starcog was fully seen in Gingaman. He was sent to destroy skyscrapers, using humanoid robot bombs, to release the Lights of Orion, which were thought to be there. He was eventually destroyed by the Falcon Galactabeast's Japanese counterpart.
- First Appearance: "The Magna Defender"
- Voice Actor: Brianne SiddallBrianne SiddallBrianne Siddall is an American voice actress. She is usually cast in the short kid role of a timid young boy. She was also a voice actress during the Power Rangers era who was active in the franchise until it moved to New Zealand in 2003...
A pill bug
Armadillidiidae is a family of woodlice, a terrestrial crustacean group in the order Isopoda. Unlike members of other woodlouse families, members of this family can roll into a ball, an ability they share with the outwardly similar but unrelated pill millipedes and other animals...
monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord.
- First Appearance: "The Magna Defender"
- Voice Actor: Kirk ThorntonKirk ThorntonKirk Thornton is an American voice actor.-Bio:He is known for playing tough or grouchy men in English-dubbed anime and video games. His career includes Hotohori in Fushigi Yūgi and Jin in Samurai Champloo...
A sledgehammer-wielding coral
Corals are marine animals in class Anthozoa of phylum Cnidaria typically living in compact colonies of many identical individual "polyps". The group includes the important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans and secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.A coral "head" is a colony of...
monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. Destroyed by the Magna Defender wielding the Magna Saber.
- First Appearance: "The Sunflower Search"
- Voice Actor: Richard EpcarRichard EpcarRichard Epcar is an American actor voice actor / director, mostly specializing in the field of voice acting in games, animation and anime. He is the husband of voice actress Ellyn Stern, with whom he owns and operates Epcar Entertainment, Inc., a voiceover production service company based in Los...
(1st Time), Derek Stephen PrinceDerek Stephen PrinceDerek Stephen Prince is an American voice actor who is most memorable for his various roles in the Digimon series, as well as the voice of Elgar in the live-action Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers in Space.While a talented actor, with vocal skills capable of anything from High School girls to...
(2nd Time)
A scorpionfish monster used by Treacheron to seek out the Lights of Orion. 3,000 years ago during Scorpius' invasion upon the Magna Defender's planet, Fishface was the one holding Magna Defender's son Zika hostage for Scorpius. Fishface let Zika go on Scorpius' command, but Zika went after Scorpus and was killed in the process. 3,000 years later, Fishface was later sent to Terra Venture and believed the Lights of Orion where in a sunflower statue. He was strong enough to deflect the Quasar Launcher's energy blasts. Fishface took a little girl hostage to haunt Magna Defender's memories. Fishface blew up the statue and was upset to find out it was empty. He was destroyed by the Defender Torozord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Fishface was resurrected by Hexuba and fought Mike in a plaza area. Mike managed to defeat Fishface with a strong slash attack from his sword.
- First Appearance: "The Sunflower Search"
A blue and brown rhinoceros beetle
Rhinoceros beetle
The Rhinoceros Beetles or Rhino Beetles are a subfamily of the scarab beetle family . Other common names – some for particular groups of rhino beetles – are for example Hercules beetles, unicorn beetles or horn beetles...
monster that had accompanied Scorpius in the attack on the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago. He was seen attacking Earth during an unknown time, via Trakeena's archives in "The Chameliac Warrior". He could fire a laser from the gun-like horn on his head. In "Protect the Quasar Saber," Sledger was among the monsters bidding on the Pink Quasar Saber at the Onyx Tavern.
NOTE: Sledger's name came from the original FoxKids.com website and possibly from the script of "Homesick" where he was supposed to be seen, though edited out for reasons unknown, most likely time or content. Sledger was seen, via a picture, giving Gasser a large sledgehammer in which to smash the fossilized Galactabeasts. In Gingaman, his character and Gasser's characters were brothers and assigned to a scheme together, though Sledger didn't appear until the second half of said scheme. In Gingaman, he was destroyed by Gingaioh. (Galaxy Megazord)
- First Appearance: "Silent Sleep"
- Voice Actor: Tony Robinson
A jellyfish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. Medusa is another word for jellyfish, and refers to any free-swimming jellyfish stages in the phylum Cnidaria...
monster, Chillyfish caused the entire colony to fall asleep except for animals. Terra Venture's engines shut down and also caused Alpha Six to freeze. Leo and Chillyfish fought on horses. Chillyfish was fooled by fake Lights. Magna Defender gave Chillyfish a choice to tell him what he knew about the Lights and spare him but the monster refused and was destroyed by the Defender Torozord.
- First Appearance: "Orion Rising"
- Voice Actor: Neil KaplanNeil KaplanNeil Kaplan is an American voice actor, entertainer and comedian.-Biography:Kaplan grew up in San Jose, California. He got his start as a comedian doing impressions of presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. He also impersonated a little known journalist at the time, Dan Rather. He...
A powerful lobster
Clawed lobsters comprise a family of large marine crustaceans. Highly prized as seafood, lobsters are economically important, and are often one of the most profitable commodities in coastal areas they populate.Though several groups of crustaceans are known as lobsters, the clawed lobsters are most...
-themed samurai
is the term for the military nobility of pre-industrial Japan. According to translator William Scott Wilson: "In Chinese, the character 侍 was originally a verb meaning to wait upon or accompany a person in the upper ranks of society, and this is also true of the original term in Japanese, saburau...
monster used by Treacheron to unleash the Lights of Orion. The Galaxy Rangers used the Lights of Orion Energy Attack to destroy Destruxo. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Destruxo was resurrected by Hexuba and fought the Rangers beneath the Halfpipe Bridge. Sword slashes from Leo, Karone, and Maya were enough to destroy Destruxo.
- First Appearance: "Orion Returns"
- Voice Actor: Nancy Van Iderstine
A shapeshifting Medusa
In Greek mythology Medusa , " guardian, protectress") was a Gorgon, a chthonic monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. The author Hyginus, interposes a generation and gives Medusa another chthonic pair as parents. Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone...
-like monster used by Trakeena to double-cross Treacheron. In "Orion Returns," a flashback showed that Impostra was with Scorpius' army in the attack upon the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago. She claimed she would be back, though nobody saw her again.
NOTE: Footage of her return in "Shark Attack" was replaced with Trakeena finding the Silver Goblit. In this episode, she was also supposed to have been destroyed by Treacheron, which is what happened in Gingaman.
Shark Brothers
- First Appearance: "Shark Attack"
- Voice Actor: Patrick ThomasPatrick Thomas (actor)Patrick Thomas is an American actor and voice actor. Thomas has had roles in several different TV shows and movies. He has also done voice acting. He also goes by the aliases Pat Thomas, Puppy Thomas, and Courtney Burr.-Television roles:* 3rd Rock from the Sun - Customer #1 * Family Affair - Eddie...
(Red Shark), Tom FahnTom FahnThomas "Tom" Fahn is an American voice actor. His sister and brother, Melissa Fahn and Jonathan Fahn respectively, and wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, are also voice actors. Tom Fahn is also sometimes credited as Tom Charles and Marvin Lee...
(Green Shark)
A red hammerhead shark
Hammerhead shark
The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks in the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a "cephalofoil". Most hammerhead species are placed in the genus Sphyrna while the...
and a green shark
Sharks are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago....
(who speaks in the style of Jabberjaw
Jabberjaw is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and produced by Hanna-Barbera and aired from September 11, 1976 to September 3, 1978 on ABC.-Premise:...
) with horns who aided Treacheron against Trakeena. Both Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord.
Freaky Tiki
- First Appearance: "Redemption Day"
- Voice Actor: Blake TorneyBlake TorneyBlake Torney is an American producer, director, actor and entertainer. His prestigious career includes theatre, film, television, and nightclubs. Blake has worked with film directors Alfred Hitchcock, Franco Zefferelli, Hal Ashby, John Frankenheimer, Barry Levinson and Paul Verhoven...
A tribal tiki
Tiki refers to large wood and stone carvings of humanoid forms in Central Eastern Polynesian cultures of the Pacific Ocean. The term is also used in Māori mythology where Tiki is the first man, created by either Tūmatauenga or Tāne. He found the first woman, Marikoriko, in a pond – she seduced him...
monster used by Trakeena to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Freaky Tiki was resurrected by Hexuba and attacked Leo near a mountain. Leo used the Quasar Saber's fire slash attack to destroy Freaky Tiki.
- First Appearance: "Destined For Greatness"
- Voice Actor: Doug StoneDoug Stone (voice actor)Douglas David Stone is a voice actor who is most notable for his representation of the character Psycho Mantis from the popular video game Metal Gear Solid, as well as the voice of Matt Trakker and several other characters in M.A.S.K., and Dragonborg in Beetleborgs Metallix...
A skeleton
Skeleton (undead)
A Skeleton is a type of physically manifested undead often found in fantasy, gothic and horror fiction, and mythical art. Most are human skeletons, but they can also be from any creature or race found on Earth or in the fantasy world.- Myth and folklore :...
monster used by Scorpius to steal the Rangers' powers. Used the stolen powers to create Skeleton Warriors. Trapped the Orion Galaxy Megazord in a mirror, but was destroyed by the Defender Torozord.
Spider Monster
- First Appearance: "The Rescue Mission"
- Voice Actor: Kirk ThorntonKirk ThorntonKirk Thornton is an American voice actor.-Bio:He is known for playing tough or grouchy men in English-dubbed anime and video games. His career includes Hotohori in Fushigi Yūgi and Jin in Samurai Champloo...
An unnamed alien that guarded the Galaxy Book on an abandoned ship. Trapped Several GSA Officers in it's web. Destroyed when the ship it was on blew up.
NOTE: This unnamed alien is a US-exclusive monster.
- First Appearance: "Stolen Beauty"
- Voice Actor: William ButlerWilliam Butler (actor)William Butler is an actor, writer, director, make-up artist, special effects technician and producer.-History:He is known for his characters being killed in many of the horror films that he appears in...
A mummy
A mummy is a body, human or animal, whose skin and organs have been preserved by either intentional or incidental exposure to chemicals, extreme coldness , very low humidity, or lack of air when bodies are submerged in bogs, so that the recovered body will not decay further if kept in cool and dry...
monster used by Trakeena to steal the beauty of Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Defender Torozord.
- First Appearance: "The Lost Galactabeasts"
- Voice Actor: Ken MerckxKen MerckxKen Merckx is a screen actor/voice actor who is also known as Ken Merchx and Ken Ring. He has done voicework for various Power Rangers series, but is perhaps best known for his role of Count Dregon in the short-lived Saban Masked Rider series, as well as his role as the voice of the Org General...
(1st Time), Michael SorichMichael SorichMichael John Sorich is an American voice actor who is also a screen actor, writer, director and voice director.- Biography :...
(2nd Time)
A bulky-scaled Bigfoot
Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is an ape-like cryptid that purportedly inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedal humanoid...
monster used by Deviot to control the Centaurus Megazord and the Stratoforce Megazord. Destroyed by the combined forces of the Orion Galaxy Megazord, Defender Torozord, Strataforce Megazord, Centaurus Megazord, and Zenith Carrierzord. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Hardtochoke was resurrected by Hexuba and fought the Rangers in a Terra Venture parking lot near some mountains. It took a combination of Leo and Maya's Galaxy Quasar Launchers, Damon's Transblaster, Karone's Beta Bow, and Mike's Magna Blaster to destroy Hardtochoke.
- First Appearance: "An Evil Game"
- Voice Actor: Stephen ApostolinaStephen ApostolinaStephen F. Apostolina is a voice actor who is also known as Steve Apostolina, Jim Taggert, Sean Mitchell, Mitchell Ray, Randy Alan/Randy Allan.-Anime roles:...
A crab
True crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which typically have a very short projecting "tail" , or where the reduced abdomen is entirely hidden under the thorax...
monster used by Deviot in an attempt to assassinate Trakeena. He wielded a staff and enlarged off-screen after being destroyed by Deviot. Destroyed by Galaxy Megazord.
- First Appearance: "An Evil Game"
- Voice Actor: Kim StraussKim StraussKim Strauss is an American singer, songwriter, actor, voiceover artist, and Amazon.com Bestselling author with his children's book Kalan the Mighty Warrior: Book One - Braxus the Owl: Guardian of the Forest.-History:...
(1st Time), Michael SorichMichael SorichMichael John Sorich is an American voice actor who is also a screen actor, writer, director and voice director.- Biography :...
(2nd Time)
An octopus
The octopus is a cephalopod mollusc of the order Octopoda. Octopuses have two eyes and four pairs of arms, and like other cephalopods they are bilaterally symmetric. An octopus has a hard beak, with its mouth at the center point of the arms...
-in-a-basket monster used by Deviot in an attempt to assassinate Trakeena, but Teska was destroyed by Trakeena insted. In "Hexuba's Graveyard," Teksa was revived by Hexuba and attacked Leo in a plaza. Leo charged his Quasar Launcher in staff mode with flaming energy and rammed the end into Teksa destroying him.
- First Appearance: "Memories of Mirinoi"
- Voice Actor: Carol HoytCarol HoytCarol Hoyt is an American actress. She is known best as Ens. Azaria in The Micronots! and Divatox and Dimitria in Power Rangers Turbo. She is married and has 2 children.-External links:...
A shapeshifting pharaoh
Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. The title originates in the term "pr-aa" which means "great house" and describes the royal palace...
monster used by Trakeena to steal the Galaxy Book. Disguised himself as Maya's Friend Shondra. Destroyed by Orion Galaxy Magazord, Strataforce Megazord, and Centaurus Megazord.
- First Appearance: "Green Courage"
- Voice Actor: Tom WynerTom WynerThomas Halperin "Tom" Wyner is an English-born voice actor for anime series who usually gets tough guy or villain roles. He is also a producer, director, and writer...
A robotic cannon
A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellents to launch a projectile. Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees,...
monster used by Trakeena to kidnap High Councilor Reiner. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, and Strataforce Megazord.
Icy Angel
- First Appearance: "Blue to the Test"
- Voice Actor: Barbara GoodsonBarbara GoodsonBarbara Goodson is an American actress known mostly for her versatility in voicing original and dubbed cartoons. She is voted one of the ten best women to do the voices for young males in cartoons...
A fallen angel
Fallen angel
Fallen angel is a concept developed in Jewish mythology from interpretation of the Book of Enoch. The actual term fallen angel is not found in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament. Christians adopted the concept of fallen angels mainly based on their interpretations of the Book of...
monster used by Trakeena to gain control of Commander Stanton. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord.
Motor Mantis
- First Appearance: "Mean Wheels Mantis"
- Voice Actor: Michael McConnohieMichael McConnohieMichael D. McConnohie is a voice actor and is the President of the Nevada-based Voxworks voice-acting corporation. He is known for his recognizable deep booming voice and is generally known for playing more charismatic characters...
A motorcycle-riding praying mantis
Mantis is the common name of any insect in the order Mantodea, also commonly known as praying mantises. The word itself means "prophet" in Latin and Greek...
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Galaxy Megazord. In a flashback in the episode "The Sunflower Search," Motor Mantis was among the monsters in Scorpius' army when he attacked the Magna Defender's planet 3,000 years ago.
- First Appearance: "Loyax's Last Battle"
- Voice Actor: Simon PrescottSimon PrescottSimon Prescott Born in Brooklyn,New York 26 May 1936;has many Stage,TV & Film credits...also has many V.O. credits including Japanese Anime Cartoon Series and Video games; He has also voice-matched and dubbed many Foreign & Domestic films.-Anime:...
A noble warrior that came under the control of Trakeena's forces. He seemed to be mace-themed. Trakeena offered him the Power Rangers as his last worthy opponents. At first, he didn't want Maya, a woman, to fight him but she continued to and they fell off a cliff and she scraped her knee. He felt ashamed since he failed at destroying them and that she was a girl. Loyax worked together with Maya to escape a cave and he insisted his last battle to be an honorable one and fought the villains, especially Deviot who mocked him. Loyax revealed he once was good but was corrupted by evil. He refused her offer to be good again and was Deviot controlled Loyax with a device. Deviot exploded Loyax when he had the Galaxy Megazord tried to remove the device. He was destroyed and Maya put his sword in the sand in remembrance.
- First Appearance: "A Red Romance"
- Voice Actor: Brianne SiddallBrianne SiddallBrianne Siddall is an American voice actress. She is usually cast in the short kid role of a timid young boy. She was also a voice actress during the Power Rangers era who was active in the franchise until it moved to New Zealand in 2003...
A Motorcycling Lamia
Lamia (mythology)
In ancient Greek mythology, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon. Aristophanes claimed her name derived from the Greek word for gullet , referring to her habit of devouring children....
monster used by Trakeena to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, and the Centaurus Megazord.
- First Appearance: "The Chameliac Warrior"
- Voice Actor: Tom FahnTom FahnThomas "Tom" Fahn is an American voice actor. His sister and brother, Melissa Fahn and Jonathan Fahn respectively, and wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, are also voice actors. Tom Fahn is also sometimes credited as Tom Charles and Marvin Lee...
A copier-themed robot warrior used to guard the laser dish that can destroy the Galactabeasts. He could duplicate the Rangers weapons and attacks. The key to beating him was to use the other Rangers weapons and attacks, thus confusing him. This also worked via the Galactabeasts weapons and attacks. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Strataforce Megazord.
Centipede Monster
- First Appearance: "The Chameliac Warrior"
An unnamed centipede
Centipedes are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are elongated metameric animals with one pair of legs per body segment. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs from under 20 to over 300. Centipedes have an odd number of pairs of...
monster seen during a missing battle on Trakeena's archives. This was actually unused Gingaman footage.
NOTE: He was used in Gingaman by Villamax's counterpart in order to absorb electricity from the Earth. He would then use it to shock Titanisaur's counterpart back to life. He failed and was destroyed by the combined Gingalion's fire breath and Gingalcon's finishing attack.
- First Appearance: "Protect the Quasar Saber"
- Voice Actor: Brett Walkow
A cockroach
Cockroaches are insects of the order Blattaria or Blattodea, of which about 30 species out of 4,500 total are associated with human habitations...
monster used by Deviot to ambush the Rangers. Destroyed by the Lights of Orion Energy Attack.
NOTE: In Gingaman, he was used in place of Mutantrum in that particular scheme.
- First Appearance: "Protect the Quasar Saber"
- Voice Actor: Eddie FriersonEddie FriersonEdward Davies "Eddie" Frierson is an American voice actor and stage actor who is also known as Christy Mathewson, Ted Richards, and Eric Frierson Edward Davies "Eddie" Frierson (born November 22, 1959) is an American voice actor and stage actor who is also known as Christy Mathewson, Ted Richards,...
A robotic tank
A tank is a tracked, armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility, tactical offensive, and defensive capabilities...
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Centaurus Megazord.
- First Appearance: "Facing the Past"
- Voice Actor: Dave MallowDave MallowDave Mallow is an American voice actor. One of his known aliases is Colin Phillips.-Life and career:Mallow was born in Park Ridge, Illinois. His father worked in radio and television and was a thirty year on-air veteran at Chicago's WGN. He attained a BFA in Theater Arts from Drake University in...
A robotic power-draining magnet
A magnet is a material or object that produces a magnetic field. This magnetic field is invisible but is responsible for the most notable property of a magnet: a force that pulls on other ferromagnetic materials, such as iron, and attracts or repels other magnets.A permanent magnet is an object...
monster used by Villamax to attack Terra Venture. Drained Power from the rangers, preventing them from morphing. Leo's Powers were restored by the Battle Tech Keys, and Magnatox was destroyed by the Red Battle Tech Armor. After Magnatox was destroyed, everyone's powers were restored.
- First Appearance: "Turn up the Volume"
- Voice Actor: Kim StraussKim StraussKim Strauss is an American singer, songwriter, actor, voiceover artist, and Amazon.com Bestselling author with his children's book Kalan the Mighty Warrior: Book One - Braxus the Owl: Guardian of the Forest.-History:...
A sonic cicada
A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha , in the superfamily Cicadoidea, with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. There are about 2,500 species of cicada around the world, and many of them remain unclassified...
monster used by Deviot to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Lights of Orion energy attack.
Captain Mutiny's army
This was a group of space pirates that enslaved the passengers of any spacecraft that passed through the region and forced them to mine valuable gems on their homeworld. Here is the army of Captain Mutiny:Captain Mutiny
Captain Mutiny, who appeared in the final third of the Power Rangers: Lost GalaxyPower Rangers: Lost Galaxy
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is the fifth television series and seventh installment of the Power Rangers franchise that aired in 1999. It featured familiar elements from previous incarnations. It is based on the Japanese Super Sentai television series Seijuu Sentai Gingaman...
, was the leader of a villainous crew of space pirate
Space pirate
Space pirates are a type of stock characters from science fiction. They operate as pirates in outer space and travel by spacecraft; as opposed to the more traditional pirates on the high seas of Earth, who travel by boat...
s in the so-called "Lost Galaxy" that the crew of Terra Venture encountered when they were magically transported there. At first, he pretended to be sympathetic to their plight, and even offered to help them get back home. However, it soon became apparent that he was anything but philanthropic in his intentions. Rather, he intended to loot the space station and enslave its population. His plan was foiled by Mike Corbett and the other Galaxy Power Rangers
Galaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
When Deviot joined Captain Mutiny's crew, Mutiny was a bit reluctant, fearing that if Trakeena found out, she would "toss him overboard". This goes to show that not only does Mutiny know of Trakeena, but is afraid of her as well. This fear would turn out to be justified: when he pursued them into the normal galaxy, Trakeena destroyed his castle, taking him down with it.
Captain Mutiny is voiced by Mike Reynolds.
Barbarax serves as the strongman on the small crew of the evil Captain Mutiny. He wields a powerful battle axe that can send energy charges through the ground. He is destroyed by Trakeena when she crushes Mutiny's palace.Barbarax is voiced by Richard Epcar
Richard Epcar
Richard Epcar is an American actor voice actor / director, mostly specializing in the field of voice acting in games, animation and anime. He is the husband of voice actress Ellyn Stern, with whom he owns and operates Epcar Entertainment, Inc., a voiceover production service company based in Los...
Hexuba was a PharaohPharaoh
Pharaoh is a title used in many modern discussions of the ancient Egyptian rulers of all periods. The title originates in the term "pr-aa" which means "great house" and describes the royal palace...
-like sorceress who served Captain Mutiny. She was responsible for resurrecting several monsters that the Galaxy Power Rangers
Galaxy Power Rangers
The Galaxy Power Rangers are fictional characters in the Power Rangers universe and the main protagonists of the television series Power Rangers Lost Galaxy....
had already defeated as well as Treacheron. After the Rangers defeated the revived monsters, she merged together with those monster spirits and challenged the Rangers herself, but was destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, Defender Torozord, Strataforce Megazord, and Centaurus Megazord.
Hexuba is voiced by Rajia Baroudi.
NOTE #1: In Gingaman, she is Kegler's niece and Rykon's sister.
NOTE #2: Hexuba's "powered up" form includes Hardtochoke's head on her left shoulder, the head of a blue and red Asura
-In Hinduism:In Hinduism, the Asuras constitute a group of power-seeking deities, sometimes considered sinful and materialistic. The Daityas and Danavas were combinedly known as Asuras. The Asura were opposed to the Devas. Both groups are children of Kasyapa...
monster (unused in this series) on her right shoulder, the faces of Icy Angel, Crumummy, and Skelekron on her left arm, Freaky Tiki and Maronda's faces on her right arm, and Rykon's face within her stomach (only Rykon lacked a jewel in its mouth).
Titanisaur is a colossal dinosaurDinosaur
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals of the clade and superorder Dinosauria. They were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period until the end of the Cretaceous , when the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event led to the extinction of...
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...
monster that serves Captain Mutiny. It was naturally giant, the same size as a megazord or any other giant monster. It carries Mutiny's castle on its back, can be directly controlled through a steering wheel in the castle, and has the capability to "swim" through space. It is also very strong, tearing the arms off several megazords. Its one weakness is that while Mutiny's castle is attached to it, Titanisaur gets overheated and must be cooled down by submerging in water. To better even Titanisaur's odds against the Rangers, Mutiny disengaged his castle from it and allowed the monster to fight the Rangers on its own. Even with this added advantage, however, Titanisaur was destroyed and even had its tail severed by the Torozord.
- First Appearance: "Beware the Mutiny"
- Voice Actor: Glen McDougal
A robotic rocket
A rocket is a missile, spacecraft, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. In all rockets, the exhaust is formed entirely from propellants carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work by action and reaction...
monster used by Barbarax to attack the Galaxy Rangers. Defeated by the Galaxy Megazord and Strataforce Megazord. Destroyed when Deviot drained his power to restore his original form.
A hideous monster used by Captain Mutiny to attack Terra Venture. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord, Defender Torozord, Strataforce Megazord and Centaurus Megazord.NOTE: In Gingaman, this is Titanisaur's second form after being revived by the energy of the Earth.
- First Appearance: "Until Sunset"
- Voice Actor: Randy Swerdlick
A fire-breathing swordfish
Swordfish , also known as broadbill in some countries, are large, highly migratory, predatory fish characterized by a long, flat bill. They are a popular sport fish of the billfish category, though elusive. Swordfish are elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood...
-like sea monster
Sea monster
Sea monsters are sea-dwelling mythical or legendary creatures, often believed to be of immense size.Marine monsters can take many forms, including sea dragons, sea serpents, or multi-armed beasts. They can be slimy or scaly and are often pictured threatening ships or spouting jets of water...
who accompanied Captain Mutiny to the planned execution of Leo and Damon. Destroyed by the Red Battle Tech Armor.
NOTE: Rojomon was originally B-Fighter Kabuto
B-Fighter Kabuto
is a Japanese television series in the Metal Hero Series. It is the sequel to Juukou B-Fighter, taking place ten years after the preceding B-Fighter series. Kabuto aired from 1996 to 1997. The action footage and props were used for the Beetleborgs Metallix series.-Plot:Ten years after the...
monster Tokasuzura (unused in "Beetleborgs Metallix
Big Bad Beetleborgs
Big Bad Beetleborgs is an American television series produced by Saban Entertainment. It aired for two seasons on Fox Kids between September 7, 1996 and March 2, 1998. Reruns later aired on UPN Kids during 1998-1999...
Nightmare Monster
- First Appearance: "Dream Battle"
- Voice Actor: Walter Emanuel JonesWalter Emanuel JonesWalter Emanuel Jones is an American actor and dancer known for playing the role of Zack Taylor, the Black Ranger on the hit television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.-Life and career:...
A robotic monster used by Hexuba in the nightmare world. Destroyed by the Orion Galaxy Megazord and Centaurus Megazord.