Teaching in Victoria
Teaching in Victoria
Victoria (Australia)
Victoria is the second most populous state in Australia. Geographically the smallest mainland state, Victoria is bordered by New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania on Boundary Islet to the north, west and south respectively....

, Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

is regulated by the Victorian Institute of Teaching
Victorian Institute of Teaching
The Victorian Institute of Teaching is a statutory authority whose task is to recognise and regulate members of the teaching profession in Victoria, Australia,. The Institute registers teachers working in all schools in Victoria....

, though the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), which is part of the State Government. The DEECD is biggest operator of schools in the state, and along with the independent and Catholic school systems have an interest in teaching as the operator of schools and employer of teachers.

Education and teaching in Victoria follows the three-tier model consisting of primary education
Primary education
A primary school is an institution in which children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as primary or elementary education. Primary school is the preferred term in the United Kingdom and many Commonwealth Nations, and in most publications of the United Nations Educational,...

 (primary schools), followed by secondary education
Secondary education
Secondary education is the stage of education following primary education. Secondary education includes the final stage of compulsory education and in many countries it is entirely compulsory. The next stage of education is usually college or university...

 (secondary schools or secondary colleges) and tertiary education
Tertiary education
Tertiary education, also referred to as third stage, third level, and post-secondary education, is the educational level following the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school, university-preparatory school...

 (Universities and TAFE Colleges
Technical and Further Education
In Australia, training and further education or TAFE institutions provide a wide range of predominantly vocational tertiary education courses, mostly qualifying courses under the National Training System/Australian Qualifications Framework/Australian Quality Training Framework...


Regardless of whether a school is government or independent, they are required to adhere to the same curriculum frameworks. Education in all government schools must be secular and not promote any particular religious practice, denomination or sect.

Post-compulsory education is regulated within the Australian Qualifications Framework
Australian Qualifications Framework
The Australian Qualifications Framework provides the hierarchy of educational qualifications in Australia. It is administered nationally by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Few qualifications outside the system are accepted by employers or for...

, a unified system of national qualifications in schools, vocational education and training (TAFE) and the higher education sector (university).

Teacher qualifications and training

All teachers graduating from Victorian pre-service teacher education programs in recent years have completed pre-service teacher education courses approved under the guidelines developed by the Victorian Institute of Teaching
Victorian Institute of Teaching
The Victorian Institute of Teaching is a statutory authority whose task is to recognise and regulate members of the teaching profession in Victoria, Australia,. The Institute registers teachers working in all schools in Victoria....

 Standards Council.

Prospective teachers must undertake a four-year undergraduate programs in either a single education degree (e.g. Bachelor of Education) or a double degree where two degrees are completed at the same time (e.g. Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts). Alternatively, graduates who already hold a non-teaching degree or equivalent may undertake their pre-service teacher education in a postgraduate course of one or two years duration (e.g. Graduate Diploma of Education, Graduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Teaching).

All prospective teachers must also undertake supervised teaching practice (known as the practicum) of at least 45 days. Most one-year postgraduate programs include 45–60 days. Longer postgraduate and undergraduate programs include 60–100 days. Many also include periods of professional field experience (not usually formally supervised teaching practice) in schools.

Teacher registration

Teachers must be registered by the Victorian Institute of Teaching
Victorian Institute of Teaching
The Victorian Institute of Teaching is a statutory authority whose task is to recognise and regulate members of the teaching profession in Victoria, Australia,. The Institute registers teachers working in all schools in Victoria....

 (VIT) before they can teach in Victoria, whether they teach in a government, Catholic or independent school.

VIT is the statutory authority
Statutory authority
A statutory authority is a body set up by law which is authorised to enforce legislation on behalf of the relevant country or state. They are typically found in countries which are governed by a British style of parliamentary democracy. They are common in the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc but...

 responsible for the regulation and promotion of the teaching profession in Victoria.

Public and private schools

According to the Schools Australia Preliminary Report, released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia's national statistical agency. It was created as the Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics on 8 December 1905, when the Census and Statistics Act 1905 was given Royal assent. It had its beginnings in section 51 of the Constitution of Australia...

 on 4 February 2008, the number of students enrolled in Victorian state schools was 535,883 in 2007 — a drop of 234 students on the 2006 figures, while the non-government sector stood at 297,970 in 2007 - a gain of 4,252 students. The non-government sector, which includes Catholic, private and Jewish schools, recorded steady growth since 2002, gaining more than 16,890 students in the past five years.

However, while government schools recorded a fall in student numbers in the past two years, the sector recorded growth between 2002 and 2005, and in the past five years recorded an overall gain of 2,466 students.

Despite a five-year growth in the numbers of students attending government schools, the number of Victorian government schools fell to 1,592 in 2007, down from 1,605 in 2006 and 1,613 in 2005. The number of independent schools rose from 210 in 2006 to 214 in 2007.

As at 3 August 2007, teacher-student ratios were higher in the Victorian government sector, at 13.8, compared with 12.9 in the non-government sector. However, in both sectors Victoria compared favourably with national figures: the national teacher-student ratio in government schools was higher at 14.2, and 13.8 in the non-government sector.

There was a rise in the number of teaching staff in Victoria, up from 68,697 in 2006 to 70,342 in 2007.


The curriculum for all Victorian schools, government and non-governments, from Preparatory year to Year 12 is determined by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is a statutory authority of the Government of Victoria responsible for the provision of curriculum and assessment programs for students in Victoria, Australia...

 (VCAA). Between prep and Year 10 the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) framework applies. For Years 11 to 12 the Victorian Certificate of Education
Victorian Certificate of Education
The Victorian Certificate of Education or VCE is the credential awarded to secondary school students who successfully complete high school level studies in the state of Victoria, Australia. Study for the VCE is usually completed over two years, but it can be spread over a longer period in some cases...

 (VCE) program applies. Authorized schools may teach the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and Diploma Programme in place of VELS and/or the VCE. Due to the cost of implementing these alternative programmes they are rarely offered by government schools.


Pre-school in Victoria is relatively unregulated and not compulsory. The first exposure many Australian children have to learn with others outside of traditional parenting is day care
Day care
Child care or day care is care of a child during the day by a person other than the child's legal guardians, typically performed by someone outside the child's immediate family...

 or a parent-run playgroup
Playgroup may refer to:* Pre-school playgroup, a kind of pre-school care*Playgroup , a British dance act*Playgroup , arts and entertainment events in England...

. This sort of activity is not generally considered schooling. Pre-school education is separate from primary school.

Pre-schools are usually run by local councils, community groups or private organizations. Pre-school is offered to three to five year olds. Attendance in pre-school is 93% in Victoria. The year before a child is due to attend primary school is the main year for pre-school education. This year is far more commonly attended, and usually takes the form of a few hours of activity five days a week.

Primary schools

Primary education consists of seven grades: a Preparatory year (commonly called "Prep") followed by Years 1 to 6. The minimum age at which a Victorian child can commence primary school education is 4.8 years. That is, the child can enroll in a school at the preparatory level if he or she would be five years of age by 30 April of that year. A Victorian child must commence education before age six.

Secondary schools

Secondary schools consist of Years 7 to 12. Secondary schools are usually separate institutions to primary schools, though some non-government schools combine primary and secondary levels.

See also

  • Education in Victoria
    Education in Victoria
    Education in Victoria, Australia is supervised by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development , which is part of the State Government and whose role is to 'provide policy and planning advice for the delivery of education'...

  • Victorian Essential Learning Standards
  • Victorian Certificate of Education
    Victorian Certificate of Education
    The Victorian Certificate of Education or VCE is the credential awarded to secondary school students who successfully complete high school level studies in the state of Victoria, Australia. Study for the VCE is usually completed over two years, but it can be spread over a longer period in some cases...

  • Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
    Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
    The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning is a 'hands-on' option for students in Years 11 and 12 in Victoria, Australia.The VCAL gives students practical work-related experience, as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to build personal skills that are important for life...

  • Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
    Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
    The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority is a statutory authority of the Government of Victoria responsible for the provision of curriculum and assessment programs for students in Victoria, Australia...

  • Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
    Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre
    The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre is the administrative body which processes applications for universities in the state of Victoria...

  • List of schools in Victoria
  • Education in Australia
    Education in Australia
    Education in Australia is primarily the responsibility of the states and territories. Each state or territory government provides funding and regulates the public and private schools within its governing area. The federal government helps fund the public universities, but is not involved in setting...

  • Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
  • Ultranet (product)
    Ultranet (product)
    The Ultranet is an online learning management system developed by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Australia to provide extensive services to students, parents and teachers in government schools...

External links

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