Victorian Institute of Teaching
The Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) is a statutory authority
Statutory authority
A statutory authority is a body set up by law which is authorised to enforce legislation on behalf of the relevant country or state. They are typically found in countries which are governed by a British style of parliamentary democracy. They are common in the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc but...

 whose task is to recognise and regulate members of the teaching profession in Victoria
Victoria (Australia)
Victoria is the second most populous state in Australia. Geographically the smallest mainland state, Victoria is bordered by New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania on Boundary Islet to the north, west and south respectively....

, Australia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...

,. The Institute registers teachers working in all schools in Victoria.

Teachers must be registered to teach in Victoria. The Institute is governed by a twenty member Council, the majority of whom are practising teachers from government,Catholic and independent schools.

The Institute:
  • registers all teachers to ensure only qualified people are employed in Victorian schools
  • works with teachers to develop standards of professional practice
  • supports teachers in their first two years of teaching with a structured induction program
  • approves and accredits pre-service teacher education courses
  • investigates and makes findings on instances of serious misconduct, serious incompetence or lack of fitness to teach.

One of the functions of the Institute is to assess and approve courses that will lead to qualifications and competencies in teaching that satisfy the requirements for registration as a teacher. This task is the responsibility of the Institute's Accreditation Committee based on standards, guidelines and process approved by the Institute Council.

See also

  • Teaching in Victoria
    Teaching in Victoria
    Teaching in Victoria, Australia is regulated by the Victorian Institute of Teaching, though the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development , which is part of the State Government...

  • Education in Victoria
    Education in Victoria
    Education in Victoria, Australia is supervised by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development , which is part of the State Government and whose role is to 'provide policy and planning advice for the delivery of education'...

  • Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

External links

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