Sulaimani Bohra
Sulaymanis are a Musta‘lī
community that predominantly reside in Saudi Arabia
, Yemen, Pakistan
and India
. They are also called Makrami. They number between several hundred thousand and one million in Saudi Arabia alone. They belong to Tayyibi Ismailis which bifurcated in various Bohras including major group Dawoodi Bohra
This Ṭayyibī Isma'ilī community is named after their 27th Dā‘ī, Sulayman bin Hassan
, who succeeded to this position after the death of the 26th dā‘ī muṭlaq
, Dawūd ibn Ajabshah.
Sulayman ibn Hasan was Dawūd ibn Ajabshah's deputy in Yemen
at the time of the latter's death and a heated dispute broke out because in India,as per the Sulaymanis, Dawūd Burhanu d-Dīn Qutb Shāh claimed the position of dā‘ī muṭlaq for himself and managed to win the support of the majority of the Indian Ṭayyibis.As per the Sulaymanis, Sulayman returned to India to claim the succession on the basis of the nass (explicit designation of succession by his predecessor) of Dawūd ibn Ajabshah. The heated succession dispute was brought before the Emperor Akbar at Lahore, but before his claim and the dispute came to any conclusion, Sulayman died under mysterious circumstances in Lahore.
The great majority of the Ṭayyibi Ismailis in Yemen and a small group of Indian Ṭayyibi Ismailis upheld the succession rights of Sulayman ibn Hasan. Henceforth the Sulaymanis and the Dawūdis followed different du‘āt (dā‘īs).
When Sulayman ibn Hasan was released from the Ottomans jail, he was contacted by the Yam tribe and specially by al-Fakih Ali ibn Hanthalah al-Yami, who was handling the da‘wah's affairs in Najran at the time, to move the center of the da‘wah from Yemen to Najran. However, Sulayman ibn Hasan visited Najran and had to leave to India to deal with urgent issue of sccession dispute. He appointed Muhammad ibn al-Fahad al-Makrami to handle the affairs of the da‘wah in Yemen and Ali ibn Hanthalah al-Yami to handle the affairs in Najran and sent al-Fakih Jabir ibn Hadi al-Waili to India ahead of him.
Sulayman ibn Hasan was succeeded by his elder son, Ja‘far ibn Sulayman, as 28th dā‘ī mutlaq. During his youth, Safī ud-Dīn Muhammad ibn al-Fahad, belonging to the influential Makrami family of the Yemeni Isma‘ili tribe of Yam, ran the affairs of the Sulaymani da‘wah as mustawda "acting dā‘ī". He was later designated as 29th dā‘ī al-mutlaq after Ja‘far ibn Sulayman.
The Sulaymani da‘wah headquarters was transferred to Najran in northeastern Yemen when the 31st Dā‘ī, Ibrāhīm ibn Muhammad ibn Fahad was appointed by Sulayman ibn Hasan's younger son, ‘Alī ibn Sulayman, who had succeeded by then as the 30th Dā‘ī al-Mutlaq.
The Sulaymani du‘āt fought battles with local Zaydi Imāms who ruled Yemen after expelling the Ottomans in 1045 AH (1635 CE). During the dā‘īship of Hibatullah ibn Ibrahim al-Makrami, the Zaydis formed a pact with the Sulaymanis which allowed the latter to control Haraz
In 1127, Dai Muhammed bin Ismail bin Ibrahim Almakrami left Taibah in Yemen to Najran as a result of the fierce fighting that was going on at the time, he settled with Yam tribe of Najran and formed a coalition with them (the coalition included the Makramai tribe, the Yam tribe and Ibn Abdullah tribe, and a local army of the Da'wa to protect them from hostile raids was formed. This army then sought to re-claim their land and properties in Yemen. The army however would only be able to go to Yemen through Tihaamah. This lead Dai Muhammad bin Ismail bin Dai Ibrahim Almakrami and his coalition to form another alliance with the rulers of the Al-mekhlaf Alsulsimani who reside in the Tihaamah region and control traffic to and from Yemen. The two parties then signed pacts of peace and cooperation against outsiders.
The Da'wa coalition was very strong and militarily advanced that the rulers of Al-mekhlaf Al-sulaimani (currently called Jizan in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia) relied on them and asked for their assistance and back-up in their internal and external wars. Moreover, the Da'wa coalition led by Dai Muhammad bin Ismail bin Dai Ibrahim Almakrami engaged in many battles from Hadhramout (in Yemen) to Najd (in the center of Arabian Peninsula)
In the mid 12th century AH (18th century CE), the Sulaymanis, led by their du‘āt, were able to take control of the Mikhlafus-Sulaymani, which adjoins the Red Sea. Later, they went on to conquer Hadramout in 1170 AH (1756 CE) and attained political power in that area. It was at this time that they were faced by the rising power of the Sa‘ūdī family of Central Arabia. In the mid 12th century Hijri (18th century CE), it lay under the banner of the powerful Muhammad ibn Sa‘ūd; this marked the beginning of the Wahhabi State in Central Arabia.
By 1202 AH (1788 CE), all of Najd had been conquered by ibn Sa‘ūd's son and successor, ‘Abdul-‘Azīz, who was successful in repelling three expeditions sent against him by the Sulaymanis. However, in 1288 AH (1871 CE) the Ottomans reoccupied Yemen and curtailed the power of the Zaydi Imāms and expelled the Sulaymanis from Haraz. The 42nd Dā‘ī, al-Hasan ibn Ismail ash-Shibam, was killed at this time and their fortress at Attara was destroyed. It was this event that marked the end of the political power of the Sulaymanis and the Makrami dynasty in Yemen.
Sulaymani du‘āt and their community in Yemen withstood much hostility from the Zaydis; after accepting a peace settlement with the Sa‘ūdīs, their du‘āt moved permanently to Najran.
In the 20th century CE, ‘Abdul-‘Azīz II became king of Sa‘ūdī Arabia and war broke out with Yemen over a boundary dispute. After defeating the Zaydi Imam Yahyá, the demarcation of the boundary was drawn up and Najran, seat of the Sulaymani du‘āt, was apportioned to Sa‘ūdī Arabia. Though times were turbulent, the 46th Dā‘ī, ‘Alī ibn Muhsin Shabaam, used all of his diplomatic skill and foresight to handle this dispute carefully, conferring with King ibn Sa‘ūd and the Zaydi Imām Yahyá.
The 47th Sulaymani Dā‘ī was an Indian, Ghulam Husayn, who visited Yemen and Najran twice but died shortly after being a Dai, and is buried in Bombay . The 48th Dā‘ī was Dai Ash Sharafi al-Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Makrami, who eventually died in Ta'if.
After him Ad Dai Ali bin Husain Ash Sharafi was designated as dai and for about 46 years served the Daiship and Da'wa, Da'watul Haq.
After him Ad Dai Sayyadna As Sharafi Husain bin Hasan bin Abdullah Al-Makrami was a designated Dai, who served the Da'wa ilallahi Ta'aala in the best possible way.
After him 51st Sayyadna Ad Dai Ash Sharafi became the Mansoos Alaihi, Rightful Dai and was instrumental in bold reforms for the betterment of Da'wa.
In recent years, after a long illness, the 51st Dā‘ī, ash-Sharfī Husayn ibn Isma'il died on 2 June 2005. He was succeeded by Al-Fakhrī Ad Dai' Sayyadna ‘Abdullāh ibn Muhammad bin Husain al-Makrami.
The total number of Sulaymanis currently are around 300,000, mainly living in Najran, Saudi Arabia
. Beside the Banu Yam
of Najran, the Sulaymanis are in the eastern district of Haraz
in the northwest of Yemen
, among the inhabitants of the Jabal Maghriba and in Hawzan, Lahab and Attara, as well as in the district of Hamdan and in the vicinity of Yarim,and in the subcontinent of India and Pakistan too.
and the South Asian mission remained in the hands of Sayyadi Hassan Khan ibn ‘Abd ul-Malik, who was appointed by Sayyadna Ad Dai'Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Fahad al-Makrami.
The first mansūb "representative", or Dā‘ī Hind wa Sind "missionary to India and Sind" was Dawūd ibn Ahmad. He was appointed by the 32nd Dā‘ī Mutlaq. The second mansūb was Sheikh Dawūd ibn Fīr. Later, the responsibilities were taken away from him and Dawūd ibn Babu was appointed mansūb. Mansūbs were appointed separately for Sind during the time of Syedna Al-Dā‘ī Sulayman ibn Hassan and thereafter by Ja‘far ibn Sulayman and ‘Ali ibn Sulayman. The first Mansūb of Sindh was Dawūd ibn Babu. The last Mansūb in Sindh
was Shēr Muhammad ibn Abdul-Khaliq.
In recent times, during the dā‘īship of Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ad Dai'Ghulam Husain ibn Sayyadi Al Mansub Farhat Ali, his brother Almansub Sayyadi AlAalimul Awwah Fatehul uloom Fathullāh became 16th Mansūb Hind wa Sind (1341–1355 AH). He died in Baroda, India and the 19th Mansūb, Muhammad Husayn ibn Shamsu d-Dīn was appointed (1355–1360 AH) by Dai Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ghulam Husain bin Mansoob ul Jali Farhat Ali . The 20th Mansūb was Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee (1356–1376 AH). He was appointed by Sayyadna Ash Sharafi Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Makrami and his time in office was quite eventful. The da‘wah began to expand, with many new buildings being constructed under his watch; the old mosque was rebuilt in Hyderabad,India ,which was contemplated and started by Dai Sayyadna Husamud Daarain Ghulam Husain bin Farhat Ali. cooperative banks were established and many young Sulaymani's began to migrate heading to the Persian Gulf
states, Saudi Arabia
and to Western Countries.
After the death of Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee Saheb, Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Shakir Zi‘a ibn Mullah Walī Muhammad Toorabally Saheb and Sayyadi Almansub Nasrullāh ibn Mulla Hibatullāh Husami became the 21st & 22nd Mansūbs, appointed simultaneously by Sayyadna Aljamali Ad Dai'‘Alī ibn Husayn al-Makrami. Sayyadi Muhammad Shakir Zi‘a ibn Walī Muhammad Toorabally Saheb was a renowned poet and scholar in Arabic
, Persian
and Urdu
and was sent to Lucknow to study at Nadwatu l-Ulama' under the guidance of Maulana Shibli Naumani
. He stayed there for four years and was later sent to Najran
under the guidance of Sayyadi Almansub Fathullāh ibn Al Mansub Farhat Ali Saheb. After returning to India, he decided to travel to Bangkok
, Thailand; he was the Amil of Bangkok for many years. He later moved to Japan to help his father in business and lived in Kobe
for some time. There his father Mulla Walī Muhammad ibn Haji Toorabally was a well-known personality, fluent in Arabic
, English as well as in Japanese. He traveled extensively before settling down in Japan in 1890. There he helped to establish the first mosque and was twice elected the president of the Japanese India Club. When he returned to Baroda, he was made Amil "Representative" of Baroda by AlMansub Sayyadi Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee.
Sayyadi AlAalim ul Awwah AlMansub Nasrullah ibn Mulla Hibatullah Saheb Husami was a grandson of Sayyadi Almansub Fathullah ibn Almansub Farhat Ali, and along with Sayyadi Almansub Zia Ali ibn Muhammad Sayyadi Almansub Ishaq Ziaee and his brother Sayyadi Almansub al-Fakhri Abdullah ibn Hibatullah Fathi,he was sent to Najran by Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee for further religious studies called "Hijrat". there they resided for nine months.
Sayyadi Almansub Al Aa'lim ul Awwah Nasrullah ibn Hibatullah Husami,based his Da'wa in Bombay, India .He was an able administrator,a fine Orator of Religious discourses ,a prolific exponent of Fiqh and of uloom e Ahle Bait of a very high form ,a Qari of repute and a learned Master of Arts in Arabic and Urdu from Osmania University ,Hyderabad ,India. during his time in office and through his best persuasion ,Sayyadna Ali bin Husain the 49th Dā‘ī-u l-Mutlaq Sayyadna Ali ibn Husayn al-Makrami visited India in 1973, followed by his visit to Jazeera e Sindh in Pakistan . This was the first visit of a Sulaymani al-Makrami Dā‘ī to India and Pakistan. following this visit, Mumbai became the centre of Indian Da'wah replacing Baroda. During his time extensive building expansion for the downtrodden members of the Community, renovations and new building constructions of Masaajid and Jamaat Khana were undertaken in all places of his jurisdiction in India and Pakistan and even facilitated the construction of A huge building called Ribaat in Makkae Muazzama and Madina e Munawwara. Many religious books and manuscripts were translated into Urdu
and published in all Sulaymani centres in his time .
During the historic visit of Sayyadna ‘Ali ibn Husayn al-Makrami in 1973 AD (1393 AH) Sayyadi Muhammad Shakir Zia ibn Mullah Walī Muhammad Toorabally was taken seriously ill but was so excited by the historic arrival of Sayyadna ‘Ali ibn Husayn Al-Makrami that in spite of his illness he went to Mumbai to welcome his Dā‘ī-ul-Mutlaq personally. Soon after he died in Baroda on the 6th of Rajab 1393 AH at the grand age of 86.
Sayyadi Almansub Nasrullah ibn Hibatullah Husami died in 1399 AH (1979 AD)at a ripe age of just 58 years .
Sayyadi AlmansubZia Ali ibn Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee become the 23rd Mansūb being appointed by Husayn ibn Hasan Al-Makrami.Sayyadi Alfakhri Abdullah bin Mulla Hibatullah was made his deputy as Naib e Mansub ,to function as Mansub in his Ghiyaab (Absence).
In Pakistan
there is a well established Sulaymani community in Jazeera e Sindh( politically the Province of Punjab) some 15,000 Sulaymani's live in rural areas of Jazeera e Sindh. These Ismaili Sulaymani communities have been in Sindh from the time of Maulaana Ali bin Abi Taalib ,when he sent one of his Dai' named Hars bin Murrat ul Abdi to go there in Jazeera e Sindh and propagate the true Deen e Haq as enumerated by Maulaana Nabi and his Wasi Maulaana Ali, he died there in the village of Langarwah and was buried there.
The Fatimid Imām Mu‘izz liDīn in Allāh also sent his du‘āt to Sindh to propagate the da‘wah. The rest reside in Karachi
Pakistan. In India
, there are around 5000–6000 Sulaymanis living mainly in Baroda, Hyderabad, Mumbai
, Surat
and Indore
There are also about one thousand or so Sulaymanis scattered around the world; mainly from the South Asia, they are found in greatest numbers in the Persian Gulf
states, USA, Canada, Thailand
, Australia, Japan and UK.
As stated earlier, in 1973 AD, after the visit of 49th Dā‘ī-ul-Mutlaq,Sayyadna ‘Alī ibn Husayn, to India, Mumbai became the new center of the Da‘wah for all regions aside from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, replacing Baroda.
The Sulaymanis official day-to-day language was gradually changed from Gujarati
to Urdu
and all their religious discourses, lectures and correspondence are conducted in this language, apart from Namaz
and religious gatherings. Sulaymanis follow no special dress code, blending with and adapting to the local norms of dress. There is no compulsion or coercion to make any payments to the religious authorities. All donations and other religious obligations are voluntary.
Most of these changes occurred during the Dā‘īship of Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ghulam Husayn ibn Al Mansub Farhat Ali who was an eminent scholar, author of many books and an able administrator. His younger brother Sayyadi Almansub Fathullah ibn Almansub Farhat Ali was himself a well known scholar ,a fine Orator ,an exemplary Teacher and and a finest example to his students who numbered in great numbers when they came to Hyderabad to learn deen e Haq . During the time of these two able brothers, the Sulaymani community transformed into a modern and progressive society.
Today Sulaymanis have their own mosques, community halls, cemeteries, religious schools, co-operative Banks, medical centers and other welfare and social organizations.
After the Demise of Sayyadi Almansub Zia Ali ,Sayyadi Almansub Alfakhri Abdullah bin Mulla Hibatillah bin Almansub Fathullah Saheb was elavated by a nass to Mansubiyat by Sayyadna Ad Dai Ash Sharafi Husain bin Ismail almakrami,and he was given a title of Saheb ul Jazeeratain by current Dai e Mutlaq Sayyadna Alfakhri Abdullah bin Muhmmad.
Sayyadi Alfakhri Abdullah is an Able Administrator ,living his life by example to others and a keen Historian, with such a profound knowledge of uloom e Dawat that it keeps the Mumineen enthralled for hours .
His Khidmaat is very Wasi' and large to be captured in mere sentences here.
The two mansūbāin currently residing in India are Sayyadi Almansub al-Fakhri Abdullah ibn Hibatullah Fathi, the 24th Mansūb appointed in 1417 AH (1996 AD), he was followed by Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ibrahim ibn Sayyadi Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee, who become 25th Mansūb in 1419 AH (1999 AD). They are assisted and helped by their amilsand Mufeedeens ,(religious Tearchers ) in the day to day affairs of the community in Deen and Duniyaawi affairs .
was the centre of the Sulaymani Da‘wah in India during the Dā‘īship of Ja'far ibn Sulayman ibn Hassan and ‘Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Hasan but later relocated to Baroda. However because of the presence in Ahmdabad of the Rouza "mausoleums" of their Dā‘ī Sulayman ibn Hassan and his son ‘Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Hasan and many other earlier Dā‘ī's rouzas and graves, many Sulaymanis visit Ahmedabad as a centre of pilgrimage from all over the world, there is a Sulaymani centre in the city, with a mosque, jamatkhana and accommodation and other facilities for travelling pilgrims.
Ahmedabad still houses some Sulaymani families with an amil to look after the affairs of the community.
Baroda became the centre of the Sulaymani da‘wah and was the centre of Da‘wah for a long period before it was transferred to Mumbai in 1973 AD. It is still the largest Sulaymani centre with two mosques one of which is recently built, a large jamatkhana also a function hall, a library, a bank, a cooperative banking society, school for young children, a medical centre and many other welfare organizations.
During the time of Ghulam Husayn ibn Farhat Ali, the late Mullah Gowhar Ali ibn Mullah Nūru d-Dīn Hakim was the Amil of Baroda, he was a prominent and well known personality and the advisor to the late Maharaja Gaekwad of Baroda, was also a member of the Muslim Council of Baroda and a Member of Parliament. He initiated and established a boarding school for young Sulaymani children.
Ra's l-Hudūd Maulvi Muhammad Abbas ibn Mullah Nūru l-Husayn Nadvi was another personality in Baroda, he was originally from Surat but made his home in Baroda, before moving to Hyderabad where he became the amil, a teacher by profession, he taught in many languages including Arabic, Persian and Urdu , at first teaching in schools and later at Osmania University. In his youth he was sent to Nadwatu l-‘Ulamā', a well known Muslim school of Theology in Lucknow with two other Sulaymanis by Fathullah ibn Farhati ‘Ali. After his retirement from teaching, he returned to Baroda, and died in 2000, at the age of 107.
Azim Hussain Tyabji
was another Sulaymani from Baroda, an educationist and a reformer, he was a well known public figure, pioneer of the Urdu Academy he was also the founder member of Muslim Education society (MES) in 1936 which has established 15 schools for Muslim girls in Baroda, he was the president of the Sulaymani Co-operative Bank, the bank has been a very successful enterprise and used by Sulaymani's and other communities alike, at present his son Irshad Tyabji is the current chairman of the bank, his wife Amina Tyabji was a very active socialworker. Fatehali Huseinuddin Palejwala
, a Sulaymani lawyer was the Speaker of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly.
In Mumbai
during the time of the 15th mansūb, Farhat ‘Ali and the 16th mansūb Zia ‘Ali (1892), the Sulaymani mosque and jamatkhana was located in Nagpada, which at the time was a rundown and undesirable area of Mumbai. However. as the Sulaymani community progressively developed so did their needs. It was at this time that Farhat ‘Ali decided to move the mosque from the Nagpada to Khetvadi. This was possible due to the generous aid and help from a well known and wealthy Sulaymani Badruddin Tyabji, and the centre named after him, Badarbagh.
After 11 years in 1905, the centre moved again to a new location, the present day centre, called new Badarbagh. This centre was only a bungalow at first, with a land which was purchased by Badruddin Taybji and given to the community in trust for the community to use. This has developed in to a large centre with jamatkana, mosque and many buildings for including residence for mansubs and amils, recently the centre is being redeveloped in to a modern up to date centre for Sulaymani community of Mumbai.
Badruddin Tyabji was the son of Mullah Tyab Ali Bhai Miyan. He sent all of his six sons to Europe for further studies, at a time when English education was considered an anathema for Muslims in India. Badruddin Tyabji returned to India in 1858 as the first Indian Solicitor, one of the other brother was sent to Najran for religious studies. Apart from Badruddin Tyabji (who at one time was the vice-chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University), all of his other brothers were prominent and well respected members of Indian establishment. Their accomplishments included the first Muslim Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, the first Indian barrister and the first Muslim to qualify as an Engineer.
Asaf Ali Asghar Fyzee, another Sulaymani, was a scholar and an eminent writer and a legal luminary, as well as was the ambassador to Egypt. He translated in to English the famous work of al-Qāḍī al-Nu‘mān
's Da'a'imu l-Islam", which is the authoritative Ismaili work of fiqh
, used by all Ismailis as well as many other books on Ismaili subjects.
Atiya Fyzee was a Sulaymani social worker, writer and a poet. Abbas Tyabji
was a prominent freedom fighter and played an important role in the struggle for Indian independence.
Dr. Salim Ali was another Sulaymani, the "Bird Man", an ornithologist and a writer of many popular and academic books on the subject. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1958 and then Padma Vibhushan in 1976, for his life long work and research on birds. He also received numerous awards internationally and elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy in 1958, was nominated a member of upper Houses of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1985.
In recent days, Air-Vice Marshal Idris Hasan Latif was the Governor of the State of Maharashtra. Zafar Saifullah was the first Muslim Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India, Maqbūl Fida Husain (M. F. Husain) the internationally renowned and famous painter was awarded the Padmashree in 1966, the Padma Bhushan in 1973 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1986, he also nominated as a member of the Upper Houses of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1986.
He recently celebrate his 100 birthday as per Islamic calender (AH) and after a brief illness died in London on 8th. of June 2011 and buried there in Brookwood cemetery, Woking, UK.
The first Sulaymani family migrated to Hyderabad
originated from Aurangabad and this occurred in the 17th century. In the 19th century, during the time of Mansub Fathullah, the Sulaymanis were a prosperous business community, however under the guidance of Mansub Fathullah and with his insistence, the community's emphasis began to shift to education.
The person who was the first Muslim to pass the examination of the Gazetted Officer for the finance department was Mohammed Akbar Hydari the son of Mullah Nazar Ali Hydari. He become the Finance Secretary and later Minister of Finance in Hyderabad
, and with in few years the Prime Minister of Hyderabad
. He was the most competent and ablest Prime Minister of the State of Hyderabad, he was Knighted by the British Government, and the Nizam gave him the title of "Haydar Nawaz Jung". In 1941 he was appointed as the member of the Executive Council of the Viceroy of India. He represented Hyderabad in three Round Table Conferences in London. His wife Lady Amina Hydari was renowned for her welfare and social work. Their elder son, Sir Muhammad Saleh Akbar Hydari, served as the Governor of Assam State after the Independence.
There were many personalities of the Sulaymani community residing in Hyderabad, which was considered to be the centre of Muslim culture. Hashim Mu‘izu d-Dīn (Hashim Yar Jung) was Legal Advisor to The Nizam of Hyderabad, later he become the Chief Justice of Hyderabad High Court. Hasan Latif was the Chief Engineer of the State and soon become the Principal of the College of Engineering of the Osmania University, his brother Alma Latif was the person, who first conceived the idea of esablising a university, using Urdu medium of instruction. Osmania University was established in 1918 with the guidance of Sir Mohammed Akbar Hydari and under the patronage of HEH The Nizam of Hyderabad.
Extract from Farhad Daftary's "The Ismailis their history and doctrines",Page 323:
"In sum, the Sulaymanis have come to represent a progressive group, approving of social change and enouraging modern secular education and the attainment of specialized training at the higher occidental institutions. It is not surprising, therefore, that the small Sulaymani community has produced, proportionately speaking , a significant number of prominent men & women".
The Musta‘lī Ismā'īlī Muslims are so named because they accept Al-Musta'li as the nineteenth Fatimid caliph and legitimate successor to his father, al-Mustansir...
' is a branch of Shia Islam. It is the second largest branch of Shia Islam, after the Twelvers...
community that predominantly reside in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , commonly known in British English as Saudi Arabia and in Arabic as as-Sa‘ūdiyyah , is the largest state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in the Arab World...
, Yemen, Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...
and India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
. They are also called Makrami. They number between several hundred thousand and one million in Saudi Arabia alone. They belong to Tayyibi Ismailis which bifurcated in various Bohras including major group Dawoodi Bohra
Dawoodi Bohra
Dawoodi Bohra is a subsect of Ismāʿīlī Shīʿa Islām. While the Dawoodi Bohra is based in India, their belief system originates in Yemen, where it evolved from the Fatimid Caliphate and where they were persecuted due to their differences from mainstream Sunni Islam...

Sulayman bin Hassan
The 27th Da'i-ul-Mutlaq of the Sulaymanis. His becoming a Dai' as per Nass-e-Shareef of Sayyidna Dawood Bin Ajab Shah led to a schism with a group who did not accept him primarily in India and elsewhere in Arab lands. Those who had not accepted him were called Dawoodi Bohras...
, who succeeded to this position after the death of the 26th dā‘ī muṭlaq
Da'i al-Mutlaq
The term Dāʻī al-Mutlaq literally means "the absolute or unrestricted missionary". In Ismā'īlī Islām, the term dāʻī has been used to refer to important religious leaders other than the hereditary Imāms, and the Daʻwa or "Mission" is a clerical-style organisation. "The Daʻwa" was a term for the...
, Dawūd ibn Ajabshah.
Sulayman ibn Hasan was Dawūd ibn Ajabshah's deputy in Yemen
The Republic of Yemen , commonly known as Yemen , is a country located in the Middle East, occupying the southwestern to southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, and Oman to the east....
at the time of the latter's death and a heated dispute broke out because in India,as per the Sulaymanis, Dawūd Burhanu d-Dīn Qutb Shāh claimed the position of dā‘ī muṭlaq for himself and managed to win the support of the majority of the Indian Ṭayyibis.As per the Sulaymanis, Sulayman returned to India to claim the succession on the basis of the nass (explicit designation of succession by his predecessor) of Dawūd ibn Ajabshah. The heated succession dispute was brought before the Emperor Akbar at Lahore, but before his claim and the dispute came to any conclusion, Sulayman died under mysterious circumstances in Lahore.
The great majority of the Ṭayyibi Ismailis in Yemen and a small group of Indian Ṭayyibi Ismailis upheld the succession rights of Sulayman ibn Hasan. Henceforth the Sulaymanis and the Dawūdis followed different du‘āt (dā‘īs).
When Sulayman ibn Hasan was released from the Ottomans jail, he was contacted by the Yam tribe and specially by al-Fakih Ali ibn Hanthalah al-Yami, who was handling the da‘wah's affairs in Najran at the time, to move the center of the da‘wah from Yemen to Najran. However, Sulayman ibn Hasan visited Najran and had to leave to India to deal with urgent issue of sccession dispute. He appointed Muhammad ibn al-Fahad al-Makrami to handle the affairs of the da‘wah in Yemen and Ali ibn Hanthalah al-Yami to handle the affairs in Najran and sent al-Fakih Jabir ibn Hadi al-Waili to India ahead of him.
Sulayman ibn Hasan was succeeded by his elder son, Ja‘far ibn Sulayman, as 28th dā‘ī mutlaq. During his youth, Safī ud-Dīn Muhammad ibn al-Fahad, belonging to the influential Makrami family of the Yemeni Isma‘ili tribe of Yam, ran the affairs of the Sulaymani da‘wah as mustawda "acting dā‘ī". He was later designated as 29th dā‘ī al-mutlaq after Ja‘far ibn Sulayman.
The Sulaymani da‘wah headquarters was transferred to Najran in northeastern Yemen when the 31st Dā‘ī, Ibrāhīm ibn Muhammad ibn Fahad was appointed by Sulayman ibn Hasan's younger son, ‘Alī ibn Sulayman, who had succeeded by then as the 30th Dā‘ī al-Mutlaq.
Yemen and Najran
In Yemen, the Sulaymanis were supported by the powerful tribe of Banū Yam who, like the bulk of the Yemeni Isma'ilis, had sided with Sulayman ibn Hasan and the Sulaymani cause. Sulaymani du‘āt ruled Najran independently, usually from Badar.The Sulaymani du‘āt fought battles with local Zaydi Imāms who ruled Yemen after expelling the Ottomans in 1045 AH (1635 CE). During the dā‘īship of Hibatullah ibn Ibrahim al-Makrami, the Zaydis formed a pact with the Sulaymanis which allowed the latter to control Haraz
Jabal Haraz
Jabal Haraz is a picturesque mountain region of Yemen, between Sana'a and al-Hudayda. In the 11th century it was the stronghold of the Sulaihid dynasty, many of whose buildings survive..-History and location:...
In 1127, Dai Muhammed bin Ismail bin Ibrahim Almakrami left Taibah in Yemen to Najran as a result of the fierce fighting that was going on at the time, he settled with Yam tribe of Najran and formed a coalition with them (the coalition included the Makramai tribe, the Yam tribe and Ibn Abdullah tribe, and a local army of the Da'wa to protect them from hostile raids was formed. This army then sought to re-claim their land and properties in Yemen. The army however would only be able to go to Yemen through Tihaamah. This lead Dai Muhammad bin Ismail bin Dai Ibrahim Almakrami and his coalition to form another alliance with the rulers of the Al-mekhlaf Alsulsimani who reside in the Tihaamah region and control traffic to and from Yemen. The two parties then signed pacts of peace and cooperation against outsiders.
The Da'wa coalition was very strong and militarily advanced that the rulers of Al-mekhlaf Al-sulaimani (currently called Jizan in the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia) relied on them and asked for their assistance and back-up in their internal and external wars. Moreover, the Da'wa coalition led by Dai Muhammad bin Ismail bin Dai Ibrahim Almakrami engaged in many battles from Hadhramout (in Yemen) to Najd (in the center of Arabian Peninsula)
In the mid 12th century AH (18th century CE), the Sulaymanis, led by their du‘āt, were able to take control of the Mikhlafus-Sulaymani, which adjoins the Red Sea. Later, they went on to conquer Hadramout in 1170 AH (1756 CE) and attained political power in that area. It was at this time that they were faced by the rising power of the Sa‘ūdī family of Central Arabia. In the mid 12th century Hijri (18th century CE), it lay under the banner of the powerful Muhammad ibn Sa‘ūd; this marked the beginning of the Wahhabi State in Central Arabia.
By 1202 AH (1788 CE), all of Najd had been conquered by ibn Sa‘ūd's son and successor, ‘Abdul-‘Azīz, who was successful in repelling three expeditions sent against him by the Sulaymanis. However, in 1288 AH (1871 CE) the Ottomans reoccupied Yemen and curtailed the power of the Zaydi Imāms and expelled the Sulaymanis from Haraz. The 42nd Dā‘ī, al-Hasan ibn Ismail ash-Shibam, was killed at this time and their fortress at Attara was destroyed. It was this event that marked the end of the political power of the Sulaymanis and the Makrami dynasty in Yemen.
Sulaymani du‘āt and their community in Yemen withstood much hostility from the Zaydis; after accepting a peace settlement with the Sa‘ūdīs, their du‘āt moved permanently to Najran.
In the 20th century CE, ‘Abdul-‘Azīz II became king of Sa‘ūdī Arabia and war broke out with Yemen over a boundary dispute. After defeating the Zaydi Imam Yahyá, the demarcation of the boundary was drawn up and Najran, seat of the Sulaymani du‘āt, was apportioned to Sa‘ūdī Arabia. Though times were turbulent, the 46th Dā‘ī, ‘Alī ibn Muhsin Shabaam, used all of his diplomatic skill and foresight to handle this dispute carefully, conferring with King ibn Sa‘ūd and the Zaydi Imām Yahyá.
The 47th Sulaymani Dā‘ī was an Indian, Ghulam Husayn, who visited Yemen and Najran twice but died shortly after being a Dai, and is buried in Bombay . The 48th Dā‘ī was Dai Ash Sharafi al-Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Makrami, who eventually died in Ta'if.
After him Ad Dai Ali bin Husain Ash Sharafi was designated as dai and for about 46 years served the Daiship and Da'wa, Da'watul Haq.
After him Ad Dai Sayyadna As Sharafi Husain bin Hasan bin Abdullah Al-Makrami was a designated Dai, who served the Da'wa ilallahi Ta'aala in the best possible way.
After him 51st Sayyadna Ad Dai Ash Sharafi became the Mansoos Alaihi, Rightful Dai and was instrumental in bold reforms for the betterment of Da'wa.
In recent years, after a long illness, the 51st Dā‘ī, ash-Sharfī Husayn ibn Isma'il died on 2 June 2005. He was succeeded by Al-Fakhrī Ad Dai' Sayyadna ‘Abdullāh ibn Muhammad bin Husain al-Makrami.
The total number of Sulaymanis currently are around 300,000, mainly living in Najran, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , commonly known in British English as Saudi Arabia and in Arabic as as-Sa‘ūdiyyah , is the largest state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in the Arab World...
. Beside the Banu Yam
Banu Yam
Banu Yam are a large tribe native to Najran Province in Saudi Arabia, and are the principal tribe of that area. They belong to the Qahtanite branch of Arabian tribes, specifically the group known as Hamdan, and are therefore native to southwestern Arabia....
of Najran, the Sulaymanis are in the eastern district of Haraz
Jabal Haraz
Jabal Haraz is a picturesque mountain region of Yemen, between Sana'a and al-Hudayda. In the 11th century it was the stronghold of the Sulaihid dynasty, many of whose buildings survive..-History and location:...
in the northwest of Yemen
The Republic of Yemen , commonly known as Yemen , is a country located in the Middle East, occupying the southwestern to southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, and Oman to the east....
, among the inhabitants of the Jabal Maghriba and in Hawzan, Lahab and Attara, as well as in the district of Hamdan and in the vicinity of Yarim,and in the subcontinent of India and Pakistan too.
South Asia
After the death of 30th Dai'Sayyadna ‘Ali ibn Sayyadna Ad Dai' Sulayman in 1088 AH,and was buried in Ahmadabad ,India the da‘wahs headquarters moved to NajranNajran
Najran , formerly known as Aba as Sa'ud, is a city in southwestern Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen. It is the capital of Najran Province. Designated a New town, Najran is one of the fastest-growing cities in the kingdom; its population has risen from 47,500 in 1974 and 90,983 in 1992 to...
and the South Asian mission remained in the hands of Sayyadi Hassan Khan ibn ‘Abd ul-Malik, who was appointed by Sayyadna Ad Dai'Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Fahad al-Makrami.
The first mansūb "representative", or Dā‘ī Hind wa Sind "missionary to India and Sind" was Dawūd ibn Ahmad. He was appointed by the 32nd Dā‘ī Mutlaq. The second mansūb was Sheikh Dawūd ibn Fīr. Later, the responsibilities were taken away from him and Dawūd ibn Babu was appointed mansūb. Mansūbs were appointed separately for Sind during the time of Syedna Al-Dā‘ī Sulayman ibn Hassan and thereafter by Ja‘far ibn Sulayman and ‘Ali ibn Sulayman. The first Mansūb of Sindh was Dawūd ibn Babu. The last Mansūb in Sindh
Sindh historically referred to as Ba'ab-ul-Islam , is one of the four provinces of Pakistan and historically is home to the Sindhi people. It is also locally known as the "Mehran". Though Muslims form the largest religious group in Sindh, a good number of Christians, Zoroastrians and Hindus can...
was Shēr Muhammad ibn Abdul-Khaliq.
In recent times, during the dā‘īship of Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ad Dai'Ghulam Husain ibn Sayyadi Al Mansub Farhat Ali, his brother Almansub Sayyadi AlAalimul Awwah Fatehul uloom Fathullāh became 16th Mansūb Hind wa Sind (1341–1355 AH). He died in Baroda, India and the 19th Mansūb, Muhammad Husayn ibn Shamsu d-Dīn was appointed (1355–1360 AH) by Dai Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ghulam Husain bin Mansoob ul Jali Farhat Ali . The 20th Mansūb was Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee (1356–1376 AH). He was appointed by Sayyadna Ash Sharafi Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Makrami and his time in office was quite eventful. The da‘wah began to expand, with many new buildings being constructed under his watch; the old mosque was rebuilt in Hyderabad,India ,which was contemplated and started by Dai Sayyadna Husamud Daarain Ghulam Husain bin Farhat Ali. cooperative banks were established and many young Sulaymani's began to migrate heading to the Persian Gulf
Persian Gulf
The Persian Gulf, in Southwest Asia, is an extension of the Indian Ocean located between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.The Persian Gulf was the focus of the 1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War, in which each side attacked the other's oil tankers...
states, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , commonly known in British English as Saudi Arabia and in Arabic as as-Sa‘ūdiyyah , is the largest state in Western Asia by land area, constituting the bulk of the Arabian Peninsula, and the second-largest in the Arab World...
and to Western Countries.
After the death of Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee Saheb, Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Shakir Zi‘a ibn Mullah Walī Muhammad Toorabally Saheb and Sayyadi Almansub Nasrullāh ibn Mulla Hibatullāh Husami became the 21st & 22nd Mansūbs, appointed simultaneously by Sayyadna Aljamali Ad Dai'‘Alī ibn Husayn al-Makrami. Sayyadi Muhammad Shakir Zi‘a ibn Walī Muhammad Toorabally Saheb was a renowned poet and scholar in Arabic
Arabic language
Arabic is a name applied to the descendants of the Classical Arabic language of the 6th century AD, used most prominently in the Quran, the Islamic Holy Book...
, Persian
Persian language
Persian is an Iranian language within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It is primarily spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and countries which historically came under Persian influence...
and Urdu
Urdu is a register of the Hindustani language that is identified with Muslims in South Asia. It belongs to the Indo-European family. Urdu is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It is also widely spoken in some regions of India, where it is one of the 22 scheduled languages and an...
and was sent to Lucknow to study at Nadwatu l-Ulama' under the guidance of Maulana Shibli Naumani
Shibli Nomani
Allamah Shibli Nomani was a respected scholar of Islam from Indian subcontinent during British Raj. He was born at Bindwal in Azamgarh district of present-day Uttar Pradesh. He is known for the founding the Shibli National College in 1883 and the Darul Mussanifin in Azamgarh...
. He stayed there for four years and was later sent to Najran
Najran , formerly known as Aba as Sa'ud, is a city in southwestern Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen. It is the capital of Najran Province. Designated a New town, Najran is one of the fastest-growing cities in the kingdom; its population has risen from 47,500 in 1974 and 90,983 in 1992 to...
under the guidance of Sayyadi Almansub Fathullāh ibn Al Mansub Farhat Ali Saheb. After returning to India, he decided to travel to Bangkok
Bangkok is the capital and largest urban area city in Thailand. It is known in Thai as Krung Thep Maha Nakhon or simply Krung Thep , meaning "city of angels." The full name of Bangkok is Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom...
, Thailand; he was the Amil of Bangkok for many years. He later moved to Japan to help his father in business and lived in Kobe
, pronounced , is the fifth-largest city in Japan and is the capital city of Hyōgo Prefecture on the southern side of the main island of Honshū, approximately west of Osaka...
for some time. There his father Mulla Walī Muhammad ibn Haji Toorabally was a well-known personality, fluent in Arabic
Arabic language
Arabic is a name applied to the descendants of the Classical Arabic language of the 6th century AD, used most prominently in the Quran, the Islamic Holy Book...
, English as well as in Japanese. He traveled extensively before settling down in Japan in 1890. There he helped to establish the first mosque and was twice elected the president of the Japanese India Club. When he returned to Baroda, he was made Amil "Representative" of Baroda by AlMansub Sayyadi Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee.
Sayyadi AlAalim ul Awwah AlMansub Nasrullah ibn Mulla Hibatullah Saheb Husami was a grandson of Sayyadi Almansub Fathullah ibn Almansub Farhat Ali, and along with Sayyadi Almansub Zia Ali ibn Muhammad Sayyadi Almansub Ishaq Ziaee and his brother Sayyadi Almansub al-Fakhri Abdullah ibn Hibatullah Fathi,he was sent to Najran by Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq ibn Maulvi Muhammad Ibrahim Ziaee for further religious studies called "Hijrat". there they resided for nine months.
Sayyadi Almansub Al Aa'lim ul Awwah Nasrullah ibn Hibatullah Husami,based his Da'wa in Bombay, India .He was an able administrator,a fine Orator of Religious discourses ,a prolific exponent of Fiqh and of uloom e Ahle Bait of a very high form ,a Qari of repute and a learned Master of Arts in Arabic and Urdu from Osmania University ,Hyderabad ,India. during his time in office and through his best persuasion ,Sayyadna Ali bin Husain the 49th Dā‘ī-u l-Mutlaq Sayyadna Ali ibn Husayn al-Makrami visited India in 1973, followed by his visit to Jazeera e Sindh in Pakistan . This was the first visit of a Sulaymani al-Makrami Dā‘ī to India and Pakistan. following this visit, Mumbai became the centre of Indian Da'wah replacing Baroda. During his time extensive building expansion for the downtrodden members of the Community, renovations and new building constructions of Masaajid and Jamaat Khana were undertaken in all places of his jurisdiction in India and Pakistan and even facilitated the construction of A huge building called Ribaat in Makkae Muazzama and Madina e Munawwara. Many religious books and manuscripts were translated into Urdu
Urdu is a register of the Hindustani language that is identified with Muslims in South Asia. It belongs to the Indo-European family. Urdu is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It is also widely spoken in some regions of India, where it is one of the 22 scheduled languages and an...
and published in all Sulaymani centres in his time .
During the historic visit of Sayyadna ‘Ali ibn Husayn al-Makrami in 1973 AD (1393 AH) Sayyadi Muhammad Shakir Zia ibn Mullah Walī Muhammad Toorabally was taken seriously ill but was so excited by the historic arrival of Sayyadna ‘Ali ibn Husayn Al-Makrami that in spite of his illness he went to Mumbai to welcome his Dā‘ī-ul-Mutlaq personally. Soon after he died in Baroda on the 6th of Rajab 1393 AH at the grand age of 86.
Sayyadi Almansub Nasrullah ibn Hibatullah Husami died in 1399 AH (1979 AD)at a ripe age of just 58 years .
Sayyadi AlmansubZia Ali ibn Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee become the 23rd Mansūb being appointed by Husayn ibn Hasan Al-Makrami.Sayyadi Alfakhri Abdullah bin Mulla Hibatullah was made his deputy as Naib e Mansub ,to function as Mansub in his Ghiyaab (Absence).
In Pakistan
Pakistan , officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast. In the north, Tajikistan...
there is a well established Sulaymani community in Jazeera e Sindh( politically the Province of Punjab) some 15,000 Sulaymani's live in rural areas of Jazeera e Sindh. These Ismaili Sulaymani communities have been in Sindh from the time of Maulaana Ali bin Abi Taalib ,when he sent one of his Dai' named Hars bin Murrat ul Abdi to go there in Jazeera e Sindh and propagate the true Deen e Haq as enumerated by Maulaana Nabi and his Wasi Maulaana Ali, he died there in the village of Langarwah and was buried there.
The Fatimid Imām Mu‘izz liDīn in Allāh also sent his du‘āt to Sindh to propagate the da‘wah. The rest reside in Karachi
Karachi is the largest city, main seaport and the main financial centre of Pakistan, as well as the capital of the province of Sindh. The city has an estimated population of 13 to 15 million, while the total metropolitan area has a population of over 18 million...
Pakistan. In India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
, there are around 5000–6000 Sulaymanis living mainly in Baroda, Hyderabad, Mumbai
Mumbai , formerly known as Bombay in English, is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fourth most populous city in the world, with a total metropolitan area population of approximately 20.5 million...
, Surat
Surat , also known as Suryapur, is the commercial capital city of the Indian state of Gujarat. Surat is India's Eighth most populous city and Ninth-most populous urban agglomeration. It is also administrative capital of Surat district and one of the fastest growing cities in India. The city proper...
and Indore
Indore is one of the major city in India, the largest city and commercial center of the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. Indore is located 190 km west of the state capital Bhopal. According to the 2011 Indian census, Indore city has a population of 1,960,631...
There are also about one thousand or so Sulaymanis scattered around the world; mainly from the South Asia, they are found in greatest numbers in the Persian Gulf
Persian Gulf
The Persian Gulf, in Southwest Asia, is an extension of the Indian Ocean located between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula.The Persian Gulf was the focus of the 1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War, in which each side attacked the other's oil tankers...
states, USA, Canada, Thailand
Thailand , officially the Kingdom of Thailand , formerly known as Siam , is a country located at the centre of the Indochina peninsula and Southeast Asia. It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos and Cambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the...
, Australia, Japan and UK.
As stated earlier, in 1973 AD, after the visit of 49th Dā‘ī-ul-Mutlaq,Sayyadna ‘Alī ibn Husayn, to India, Mumbai became the new center of the Da‘wah for all regions aside from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, replacing Baroda.
The Sulaymanis official day-to-day language was gradually changed from Gujarati
Gujarati language
Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language, and part of the greater Indo-European language family. It is derived from a language called Old Gujarati which is the ancestor language of the modern Gujarati and Rajasthani languages...
to Urdu
Urdu is a register of the Hindustani language that is identified with Muslims in South Asia. It belongs to the Indo-European family. Urdu is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan. It is also widely spoken in some regions of India, where it is one of the 22 scheduled languages and an...
and all their religious discourses, lectures and correspondence are conducted in this language, apart from Namaz
Salah is the practice of formal prayer in Islam. Its importance for Muslims is indicated by its status as one of the Five Pillars of Sunni Islam, of the Ten Practices of the Religion of Twelver Islam and of the 7 pillars of Musta'lī Ismailis...
and religious gatherings. Sulaymanis follow no special dress code, blending with and adapting to the local norms of dress. There is no compulsion or coercion to make any payments to the religious authorities. All donations and other religious obligations are voluntary.
Most of these changes occurred during the Dā‘īship of Sayyadna Husamuddarain Ghulam Husayn ibn Al Mansub Farhat Ali who was an eminent scholar, author of many books and an able administrator. His younger brother Sayyadi Almansub Fathullah ibn Almansub Farhat Ali was himself a well known scholar ,a fine Orator ,an exemplary Teacher and and a finest example to his students who numbered in great numbers when they came to Hyderabad to learn deen e Haq . During the time of these two able brothers, the Sulaymani community transformed into a modern and progressive society.
Today Sulaymanis have their own mosques, community halls, cemeteries, religious schools, co-operative Banks, medical centers and other welfare and social organizations.
After the Demise of Sayyadi Almansub Zia Ali ,Sayyadi Almansub Alfakhri Abdullah bin Mulla Hibatillah bin Almansub Fathullah Saheb was elavated by a nass to Mansubiyat by Sayyadna Ad Dai Ash Sharafi Husain bin Ismail almakrami,and he was given a title of Saheb ul Jazeeratain by current Dai e Mutlaq Sayyadna Alfakhri Abdullah bin Muhmmad.
Sayyadi Alfakhri Abdullah is an Able Administrator ,living his life by example to others and a keen Historian, with such a profound knowledge of uloom e Dawat that it keeps the Mumineen enthralled for hours .
His Khidmaat is very Wasi' and large to be captured in mere sentences here.
The two mansūbāin currently residing in India are Sayyadi Almansub al-Fakhri Abdullah ibn Hibatullah Fathi, the 24th Mansūb appointed in 1417 AH (1996 AD), he was followed by Sayyadi Almansub Muhammad Ibrahim ibn Sayyadi Muhammad Ishaq Ziaee, who become 25th Mansūb in 1419 AH (1999 AD). They are assisted and helped by their amilsand Mufeedeens ,(religious Tearchers ) in the day to day affairs of the community in Deen and Duniyaawi affairs .
Ahmedabad also known as Karnavati is the largest city in Gujarat, India. It is the former capital of Gujarat and is also the judicial capital of Gujarat as the Gujarat High Court has its seat in Ahmedabad...
was the centre of the Sulaymani Da‘wah in India during the Dā‘īship of Ja'far ibn Sulayman ibn Hassan and ‘Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Hasan but later relocated to Baroda. However because of the presence in Ahmdabad of the Rouza "mausoleums" of their Dā‘ī Sulayman ibn Hassan and his son ‘Ali ibn Sulayman ibn Hasan and many other earlier Dā‘ī's rouzas and graves, many Sulaymanis visit Ahmedabad as a centre of pilgrimage from all over the world, there is a Sulaymani centre in the city, with a mosque, jamatkhana and accommodation and other facilities for travelling pilgrims.
Ahmedabad still houses some Sulaymani families with an amil to look after the affairs of the community.
Baroda became the centre of the Sulaymani da‘wah and was the centre of Da‘wah for a long period before it was transferred to Mumbai in 1973 AD. It is still the largest Sulaymani centre with two mosques one of which is recently built, a large jamatkhana also a function hall, a library, a bank, a cooperative banking society, school for young children, a medical centre and many other welfare organizations.
During the time of Ghulam Husayn ibn Farhat Ali, the late Mullah Gowhar Ali ibn Mullah Nūru d-Dīn Hakim was the Amil of Baroda, he was a prominent and well known personality and the advisor to the late Maharaja Gaekwad of Baroda, was also a member of the Muslim Council of Baroda and a Member of Parliament. He initiated and established a boarding school for young Sulaymani children.
Ra's l-Hudūd Maulvi Muhammad Abbas ibn Mullah Nūru l-Husayn Nadvi was another personality in Baroda, he was originally from Surat but made his home in Baroda, before moving to Hyderabad where he became the amil, a teacher by profession, he taught in many languages including Arabic, Persian and Urdu , at first teaching in schools and later at Osmania University. In his youth he was sent to Nadwatu l-‘Ulamā', a well known Muslim school of Theology in Lucknow with two other Sulaymanis by Fathullah ibn Farhati ‘Ali. After his retirement from teaching, he returned to Baroda, and died in 2000, at the age of 107.
Azim Hussain Tyabji
Azim Hussain Tyabji
Azim Tyabji was a noted Muslim scholar and reformer. He was also the son of Hussein Tyabji, and grandson of Justice Badruddin Tyabji, who was one of the founders and presidents of the Indian National Congress and the Anjuman-e-Islam college of Mumbai. He had worked in several administrative...
was another Sulaymani from Baroda, an educationist and a reformer, he was a well known public figure, pioneer of the Urdu Academy he was also the founder member of Muslim Education society (MES) in 1936 which has established 15 schools for Muslim girls in Baroda, he was the president of the Sulaymani Co-operative Bank, the bank has been a very successful enterprise and used by Sulaymani's and other communities alike, at present his son Irshad Tyabji is the current chairman of the bank, his wife Amina Tyabji was a very active socialworker. Fatehali Huseinuddin Palejwala
Fatehali Huseinuddin Palejwala
Fatehali Palejwala was the third Speaker of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly. He was in office between March 19, 1962 to March 17, 1967 .He was the second son of Huseinuddin Nuruddin Palejwala.-References:...
, a Sulaymani lawyer was the Speaker of the Gujarat Legislative Assembly.
In Mumbai
Mumbai , formerly known as Bombay in English, is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fourth most populous city in the world, with a total metropolitan area population of approximately 20.5 million...
during the time of the 15th mansūb, Farhat ‘Ali and the 16th mansūb Zia ‘Ali (1892), the Sulaymani mosque and jamatkhana was located in Nagpada, which at the time was a rundown and undesirable area of Mumbai. However. as the Sulaymani community progressively developed so did their needs. It was at this time that Farhat ‘Ali decided to move the mosque from the Nagpada to Khetvadi. This was possible due to the generous aid and help from a well known and wealthy Sulaymani Badruddin Tyabji, and the centre named after him, Badarbagh.
After 11 years in 1905, the centre moved again to a new location, the present day centre, called new Badarbagh. This centre was only a bungalow at first, with a land which was purchased by Badruddin Taybji and given to the community in trust for the community to use. This has developed in to a large centre with jamatkana, mosque and many buildings for including residence for mansubs and amils, recently the centre is being redeveloped in to a modern up to date centre for Sulaymani community of Mumbai.
Badruddin Tyabji was the son of Mullah Tyab Ali Bhai Miyan. He sent all of his six sons to Europe for further studies, at a time when English education was considered an anathema for Muslims in India. Badruddin Tyabji returned to India in 1858 as the first Indian Solicitor, one of the other brother was sent to Najran for religious studies. Apart from Badruddin Tyabji (who at one time was the vice-chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University), all of his other brothers were prominent and well respected members of Indian establishment. Their accomplishments included the first Muslim Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, the first Indian barrister and the first Muslim to qualify as an Engineer.
Asaf Ali Asghar Fyzee, another Sulaymani, was a scholar and an eminent writer and a legal luminary, as well as was the ambassador to Egypt. He translated in to English the famous work of al-Qāḍī al-Nu‘mān
Qadi al-Nu'man
Abu Hanifa al-Nu‘man ibn Muhammad ibn Mansur ibn Ahmad ibn Hayyun al-Tamimi, generally known as al-Qāḍī al-Nu‘mān was an Isma'ili jurist and the official historian of the Fatimid caliphs...
's Da'a'imu l-Islam", which is the authoritative Ismaili work of fiqh
Fiqh is Islamic jurisprudence. Fiqh is an expansion of the code of conduct expounded in the Quran, often supplemented by tradition and implemented by the rulings and interpretations of Islamic jurists....
, used by all Ismailis as well as many other books on Ismaili subjects.
Atiya Fyzee was a Sulaymani social worker, writer and a poet. Abbas Tyabji
Abbas Tyabji
Abbas Tyabji was an Indian freedom fighter from Gujarat, who once served as the Chief Justice of the Gujarat High Court. Mahatma Gandhi appointed Tyabji, at age seventy-six, to replace him as leader of the Salt Satyagraha in May, 1930 after Gandhi’s arrest. Tyabji was arrested soon afterward and...
was a prominent freedom fighter and played an important role in the struggle for Indian independence.
Dr. Salim Ali was another Sulaymani, the "Bird Man", an ornithologist and a writer of many popular and academic books on the subject. He was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1958 and then Padma Vibhushan in 1976, for his life long work and research on birds. He also received numerous awards internationally and elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy in 1958, was nominated a member of upper Houses of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1985.
In recent days, Air-Vice Marshal Idris Hasan Latif was the Governor of the State of Maharashtra. Zafar Saifullah was the first Muslim Cabinet Secretary to the Government of India, Maqbūl Fida Husain (M. F. Husain) the internationally renowned and famous painter was awarded the Padmashree in 1966, the Padma Bhushan in 1973 and the Padma Vibhushan in 1986, he also nominated as a member of the Upper Houses of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1986.
He recently celebrate his 100 birthday as per Islamic calender (AH) and after a brief illness died in London on 8th. of June 2011 and buried there in Brookwood cemetery, Woking, UK.
The first Sulaymani family migrated to Hyderabad
Hyderabad State
-After Indian independence :When India gained independence in 1947 and Pakistan came into existence in 1947, the British left the local rulers of the princely states the choice of whether to join one of the new dominions or to remain independent...
originated from Aurangabad and this occurred in the 17th century. In the 19th century, during the time of Mansub Fathullah, the Sulaymanis were a prosperous business community, however under the guidance of Mansub Fathullah and with his insistence, the community's emphasis began to shift to education.
The person who was the first Muslim to pass the examination of the Gazetted Officer for the finance department was Mohammed Akbar Hydari the son of Mullah Nazar Ali Hydari. He become the Finance Secretary and later Minister of Finance in Hyderabad
Hyderabad State
-After Indian independence :When India gained independence in 1947 and Pakistan came into existence in 1947, the British left the local rulers of the princely states the choice of whether to join one of the new dominions or to remain independent...
, and with in few years the Prime Minister of Hyderabad
Prime Minister of Hyderabad
The Prime Minister of Hyderabad was the chief of government of the former princely state of Hyderabad. The office was also referred to as the Dewan or Diwan. From 1901, the official title was "President of the Executive Council of the Nizam of Hyderabad"...
. He was the most competent and ablest Prime Minister of the State of Hyderabad, he was Knighted by the British Government, and the Nizam gave him the title of "Haydar Nawaz Jung". In 1941 he was appointed as the member of the Executive Council of the Viceroy of India. He represented Hyderabad in three Round Table Conferences in London. His wife Lady Amina Hydari was renowned for her welfare and social work. Their elder son, Sir Muhammad Saleh Akbar Hydari, served as the Governor of Assam State after the Independence.
There were many personalities of the Sulaymani community residing in Hyderabad, which was considered to be the centre of Muslim culture. Hashim Mu‘izu d-Dīn (Hashim Yar Jung) was Legal Advisor to The Nizam of Hyderabad, later he become the Chief Justice of Hyderabad High Court. Hasan Latif was the Chief Engineer of the State and soon become the Principal of the College of Engineering of the Osmania University, his brother Alma Latif was the person, who first conceived the idea of esablising a university, using Urdu medium of instruction. Osmania University was established in 1918 with the guidance of Sir Mohammed Akbar Hydari and under the patronage of HEH The Nizam of Hyderabad.
Extract from Farhad Daftary's "The Ismailis their history and doctrines",Page 323:
"In sum, the Sulaymanis have come to represent a progressive group, approving of social change and enouraging modern secular education and the attainment of specialized training at the higher occidental institutions. It is not surprising, therefore, that the small Sulaymani community has produced, proportionately speaking , a significant number of prominent men & women".