Sulayman bin Hassan
The 27th Da'i-ul-Mutlaq of the Sulaymanis. His becoming a Dai' as per Nass-e-Shareef of Sayyidna Dawood Bin Ajab Shah led to a schism with a group who did not accept him primarily in India and elsewhere in Arab lands. Those who had not accepted him were called Dawoodi Bohras. Those who did follow him as per the policy of Nass and Tauqeef are called the Sulaimani Isma'ilis, also referred to as Ahl-e-Haq.
He was born to Ghair munfarid Dai' Sayyidna Hasan bin Sayyidna Ad Dai' Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman and mother Sayyadatina Zainab binte Moosa, a niece of Sayyidna Yusuf on the 6th of Shawwal 961 Hijri, corresponding Gregorian date, 13th September 1554 AD, in Qasr-e-Sa'daan, Qila-e-Tayba of Qabeela-e-Hamadaan, the city of Sana'a in Today's north Yemen.
At the modest age of 34 years, he was made a Dai' by Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah, by the sending of a Nas; encompassing 19 "Nass-e-Shareef" in that One Nas, dictated by his Dai' Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah and hand written by Dawood bin Qutubshah specifically, who later claimed that Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah had made a Nass on himself. Sayyidna Sulaiman died in the 44th year of his life, on the morning of the 25th of Shahrullah (Shehr-e-Ramadhan) in 1005 Hijri, in what is now Lahore, Pakistan.
He was born to Ghair munfarid Dai' Sayyidna Hasan bin Sayyidna Ad Dai' Yusuf Najmuddin ibn Sulaiman and mother Sayyadatina Zainab binte Moosa, a niece of Sayyidna Yusuf on the 6th of Shawwal 961 Hijri, corresponding Gregorian date, 13th September 1554 AD, in Qasr-e-Sa'daan, Qila-e-Tayba of Qabeela-e-Hamadaan, the city of Sana'a in Today's north Yemen.
At the modest age of 34 years, he was made a Dai' by Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah, by the sending of a Nas; encompassing 19 "Nass-e-Shareef" in that One Nas, dictated by his Dai' Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah and hand written by Dawood bin Qutubshah specifically, who later claimed that Sayyidna Dawood bin Ajab Shah had made a Nass on himself. Sayyidna Sulaiman died in the 44th year of his life, on the morning of the 25th of Shahrullah (Shehr-e-Ramadhan) in 1005 Hijri, in what is now Lahore, Pakistan.