Siege of Basing House
The siege of Basing House near Basingstoke
in Hampshire
, was a Parliamentarian
victory late in the First English Civil War
. Whereas the title of the event may suggest a single siege, there were in fact three major engagements. John Paulet, 5th Marquis of Winchester owned the house and as a committed Royalist
garrisoned it in support of King Charles I
as it commanded the road from London to the west through Salisbury.
The first engagement was in November 1643, when Sir William Waller
at the head of an army of about 7,000 attempted to take Basing House
by direct assault. After three failed attempts it became obvious to him that his troops lack the necessary resolve, and with winter fast approaching Waller retreated back to a more friendly location.
Early in 1644 the Parliamentarians attempted to arrange a secret surrender of the Basing House with the temporary commander Lord Charles Paulet, but the plot was discovered, Lord Charles was relieved of command and tried for treason, and so the plot failed.
Parliamentary forces continued the siege by garrisons on the static approaches to Basing house to stop the Royalists foraging and relief convoys getting through. Then on 4 June 1644, Colonel Richard Norton using Parliamentary troops from the Hampshire garrisons closely invested Basing House and attempted to starve the garrison into submission. This siege was broken on 12 September 1644 when a relief column under the command of Colonel Henry Gage
broke through parliamentary lines. Having resupplied the garrison he did not tarry but left the next day and returned to Royalist lines. The Parliamentarians reinvested the place but by the middle of November threatened by a Royalist army and his besieging force decimated by disease Weller ended the investment. Five days later on 20 November Gage arrived with fresh supplies.
The last and final siege took place in October 1645. Oliver Cromwell
joined parliamentary forces besieging the house with his own men and a siege train of heavy guns. They quickly breached the defences and on morning of the 14 October 1645 the house was successfully stormed. As the garrison had refused to surrender before the assault—during the two years of the siege, upwards of 2,000 Parliamentarians were slain.—the attackers, who had little sympathy for those they perceived to be Roman Catholics, killed about a quarter of the 400 members of the garrison, including ten priests, (six of whom were killed during the assault and four others held to be executed later).
During the assault the house caught fire and was badly damaged. What remained was "totally slighted
and demolished" by order of Parliament, with the stones of the house offered free to anyone who would cart them away.
, created Baron St. John of Basing by Henry VIII
. and Earl of Wiltshire and Marquis of Winchester by Edward VI, converted Basing House from a feudal castle into a magnificent and princely residence. A good description of the House as it stood before the siege is found in the Marquis's own Diary. Basing House stood on a rising ground, its form circular, encompassed with brick ramparts lined with earth, and a very deep ditch but dry. The lofty Gate-house, with four Turrets, looking Northwards, on the right hand thereof, without the ditch, a goodly building containing two fair courts; before them was the Grange, severed by a wall and common road, etc. Some idea of the magnitude of the place may be founds when it is remembered that from a survey made in 1798 the area of the works including gardens and entrenchments, covered about fourteen and a half acres.
The siege, which has rendered the name of Basing House famous, commenced in August, 1643, when it was held for the King by John Paulet, 5th Marquis of Winchester, who retired hither in the vain hope that "integrity and privacy might have here preserved his peace" but in this he was deceived, and was compelled to stand upon his guard, which with his gentlemen armed with six muskets he did so well that twice he repulsed the attempts of the "Roundheads" to take possession. On 31 July 1643, the King, on the petition of the Marquis, sent one hundred musketeers, under Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Peake, to form a garrison. Within a few hours of the arrival of these troops, colonels Harvey and Richard Norton
attempted a surprise attack, but were beaten off and retreated the same night to Farnham
.Colonel Harvey "a merchant whose military experience consisted of dispersing a crowd of London women who were petitioning parliament for peace".
The Marquis, who had taken out a commission as Colonel and Governor, at once set to work with the aid of Colonel Peake (appointed Governor of the House under the Marquis) directing Peake's troops, and a reinforcement of 150 men, to strengthen the works, as rumours had reached him that Sir William Waller was marching towards the house with a strong force.
Among the inhabitants of the house during the siege were a number of notable men of letters and the arts, some of them were Royalist soldiers and others as Royalist refugees from London. William Faithorne
, a pupil of Robert Peake's father was one of the besieged, and has left a clever satirical engraving of Hugh Peters
(an enemy at the gate), as well as many other fine portraits. Yet another engraver, and a still more famous one, was in the House, was Wenceslaus Hollar (see Virtue's Life of him) engraved a portrait of the Marquis. Other inmates were Inigo Jones
, the great architect, and Thomas Fuller
, author of the "Worthies of England" who is said to have been engaged on that work at the very time of the Siege, and to have been much interrupted by the noise of cannon. (History of the Holy Ghost Chapel, p. 24.) Another man of letters found shelter at Basing House, where he lost his life, viz. Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Johnson
, M.D., the editor of Gerard's Herbal, and author of several botanical works. Captain William Robbins
, a prominent comic actor in the Jacobean and Caroline eras, was killed during the siege.
There is little doubt that a scarcity of ammunition, as well as of provisions, was the cause of some embarrassment to the Marquis in his defence of the House. In the first year of the siege the King issued a warrant (12 October 1643):
This having been communicated to the Marquis he wrote as follows:
Sir William Waller
, who was more active than Earl of Essex
, was at that time the favourite of those in the Long Parliament
who believed that greater energy would produce more successful results. On 4 November 1643 he placed at the head of a new South-Eastern Association, comprising the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire. What supplies could be procured were hurried forward to his headquarters, and on 7 November he set out to besiege Basing House—Loyalty House, as its owner loved to call it—the fortified mansion of House, the Catholic John, Marquis of Winchester, now garrisoned by a party of London Royalists. Basing House commanded the road to the west through Salisbury, as Donnington Castle
, now garrisoned for the King, commanded the more northern road to the west through Newbury.
On 6 November 1643 Waller with 7000 horse and foot surrounded the House, where they remained nine days, during which time they made three ineffectual attempts to carry the place by storm, but were each time beaten off with heavy losses, During these assaults only two of the garrison were slain.
Waller's first attack upon Basing House was frustrated by a storm of wind and rain. His second attempt came to nothing from a cause far more ominous of disaster. His troops had long remained unpaid, and a mutinous spirit was easily aroused amongst them. On the 12 November a Westminster regiment refused to obey orders, and two days later the London trained bands, bidden to advance to the assault, shouted "Home! home!" and deserted in a body. It was impossible to continue the siege under such conditions, and Waller was compelled to retreat to Parliamentary controlled Famham. At this juncture the King's troops, under Lord Hopton
, marched to the House and assisted in strengthening the works.
Nothing of importance appears to have occurred during the winter months which followed. The house was still short of arms and on 2 February 1644 the King despatched a second letter containing a warrant for the same amount of "powder and match, proportionable" as before, together with sixty "brown bills". A third letter from the King, similarly addressed, dated from Oxford, 13 May 1644, gave orders for a thousand weight of match and forty muskets, "to be delivered to such as shall be appointed by the Marquess of Winchester to receive the same, for the use of our garrison at Basinge Castle".
Amongst those who took part in the council of war was Sir Richard Grenville
, a younger brother of Sir Bevil
. In the historian S.R. Gardiner's
opinion "A selfish and unprincipled man, [who] had gone through the evil schooling of the Irish War", and, falling into the hands of the Parliamentarians upon his landing at Liverpool, he had declared himself willing to embrace their cause. His military experience gained him the appointment of Lieutenant-General of Waller's horse. He was not a man to feel at home in an atmosphere of Puritanism, and on 3 March 1644 he fled to Oxford, carrying with him the secret of Paulet's treachery. Richard Grenvile's name was attached with every injurious epithet to a gallows in London, whilst at Oxford he was regarded as a pattern of loyalty.
Paulet was arrested and sent before a court-martial. Eventually, however, he received a pardon from the King, who, as Gardener conjectured, was unwilling to send the brother of so staunch a supporter as the Marquis of Winchester to an ignominious death.
In the Spring of 1644, the Parliamentarians having met with so many reverses in trying to take the place by storm, set themselves to the task of starving the garrison out, and for this purpose strong bodies of their troops were quartered at Farnham, Odiham, Greywell, and Basingstoke, who patrolled the adjacent country to prevent the taking in of provisions.
Matters appear to have continued in this condition until 4 June, when Colonel Norton came a second time upon the scene with a force drawn from the neighbouring Parliamentarian garrisons, and closely invested the place, he having, by means of information received from a deserter, two days previously defeated a party of the besieged at Odiham. This force consisted at first of a regiment of horse (his foot not having arrived), and were quartered in Basingstoke at night, all avenues by which food could be taken into the House being closely watched.
On 11 June, Colonel Morley's regiment of six "Colors of Blues!, Sir Richard Onslow's of five of Red, with two of White from Farnham, and three fresh troops of horse, fetched in by Norton's regiment, drew up before the House, on the South towards Basingstoke, and in the evening some were sent into quarters at Sherfield and others to Andwell and Basingstoke.
On 17 June the Church was occupied and fortified by the attacking force, who managed to shoot two of the defenders. The garrison of the house being few in number, the Marquis decided to divide them into three parties, two of which should be constantly on duty. To each Captain and his company was assigned a particular guard, and the quarters of the garrison were given to Major Cufaude, Major Langley, and Lieutenant-Colonel Rawdon, while Lieutenant-Colonel Peake had charge of the guns and the reserve. All these officers acted as Captains of the Watcli, except Colonel Rawdon, who was excused on account of his great age.
On 18 June a sally was made from the House, and several buildings, from which a galling fire had been maintained, were burnt. The besiegers having rung the Church bells as an alarm, the Royalists had to beat a hasty retreat, but not till they had effected their purpose.
On 29 June the first piece of artillery was placed in position against the House, and six shots were fired from a culverin
placed in the park. On the following morning fire was opened from a demi-culverin
in the lane, which was silenced however the same day by a shot from the house.
In June a detachment of cavalry was detached from the siege to act as cavalry for Major-General Brown, who force would combine with Waller's and be defeated Battle of Cropredy Bridge
on 29 June.
On 11 July Colonel Morley sent to the Marquis this demand: "My Lord, — To avoid the effusion of Christian blood, I have thought fit to send your Lordship this summons to demand Basing House to be delivered to me for the use of the King and Parliament. If this be refused, the ensuing inconvenience will rest upon yourself. I desire a speedy answer, and rest. My Lord, your humble servant, Heebeet Moeley".
To which the Marquis returned this reply : "Sir, — It is a crooked demand, and shall receive its answer suitable. I keep the House in the right of my Sovereign, and will do it in despight of your forces. Your letter I will preserve as a testimony of your rebellion. Winchestee".
The siege was then renewed with great vigour until the latter end of August, when the provisions of the garrison began to fail, and some of the men deserted, upon which the Marquis made an example of one, which seems to have had the effect of preventing, for some time at least, a repetition of the attempt.
On 2 September Colonel Richard Norton sent a summons to the Marquis, couched in these words:
To which the Marquis at once sent answer : —
Again the siege was prosecuted with increased fury, shot and shell being poured daily into the House, and many of the defenders falling, while famine was at the same time reducing their strength and energy. Some time previously a messenger had been despatched to the King for succour, and a promise was received that assistance should arrive on the 4 September, with a view to which arrangements were made to co-operate from the House, but it was not till 11 September 1644 that welcome intelligence was received by the garrison that the reliefs were marching towards them, and had already reached Aldermaston
, instructing him to co-operate with Colonel Gage, by entering Basing Park at the rear of the Parliamentarian quarters between four and five o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, 11 September.
Sir William Ogle contented himself by sending a messenger to meet Colonel Gage, to say that he dared not send bis troops, as some of the enemy's horse lay between Winchester and Basing.
With reference to Sir William Ogle's conduct in this matter, there is in existence an old song, entitled, "The Royal Feast" a loyal song of the prisoners in the Tower, written by Sir Francis Wortley
, and sung at the Andover Buck Feast on 16 September 1674, in which occurs these words:
Colonel Gage, being thus left to his own resources, held a council of war, and at seven o'clock, after a desperate struggle, gained the summit of Cowdery's Down, and, notwithstanding the exhausted condition of his troops, cut his way through the lines of the beleaguering forces. In his efforts he was ably assisted by the garrison, who made a vigorous sally, and being thus
attacked in front and rear, the Parliamentarians soon left the way clear, and Colonel Gage made a triumphant entry into the House, carrying with him a large quantity of ammunition. The attacking forces, being thrown into great disorder, retired to some distance to re-organize themselves, and the opportunity was seized by Colonel Gage to collect food and forage for the use of the garrison. The provisions being brought in, a sally was made by 100 musketeers under the command of Major Cufaude and Captain Hall, and the enemy's works upon the Basing side were carried, including the Church, the garrison of which were made prisoners, and consisted of Captains John Jephson and Jarvis, 1 Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants, and 30 Soldiers. The quarters of the Roundheads were that night set alight in three places, "the enemy so Hastening from these works as scarcely three could be made to stay the killing".
The following day, 12 September, warrants were issued to the adjacent villages to supply certain quantities of food on the morrow, on pain of having their towns burnt in the event of non-fulfilment. This plan was merely a ruse on the part of Colonel Gage to mislead the besiegers as to his intentions, information having reached the House that large bodies of troops had arrived at the villages between Silchester
and Kingsclere
, with a view to cut off his retreat upon Oxford. At eleven o'clock that night Gage marched off with his men as silently as possible, and, while the Roundheads were peacefully sleeping, reached the river Kennet
at Burghfield Bridge
, and having forded the river (the bridge being destroyed) on the following morning crossed the Thames at Pangbourne
, and arriving at Wallingford in safety, decided upon quartering there for the night. Next day he returned in triumph to Oxford, having completed the arduous task entrusted to him with a loss of only eleven men killed and forty or fifty wounded. For this exploit he received the honour of knighthood at the hands of the King on 1 November.
Between this period and November the time was spent by the garrison in arranging and carrying out a series of sallies, in many of which they succeeded in destroying some of the works of the enemy, at others seizing their provisions. With November came a complaint of shortness of food, as on the 1st of that month the stock of bread, corn, and beer was exhausted, while the officers had already denied themselves one meal a day. During the succeeding fortnight the garrison were in a sad condition, and appear to have lived from day to day upon what could be seized by the troops in their sallies.
was again instructed to
attempt the relief of Basing House. The King, apparently with a view of diverting attention from Gage, marched towards Hungerford with his troops. Waller, wearied with twenty-four weeks of unsuccessful attempts upon
the place with his army, reduced from 2000 to 700, while disease was working havoc among the remainder, on hearing of the King's movements determined to retire into winter quarters.
Accordingly 15 November, after burning their huts, the foot marched in the direction of Odiham
, leaving the horse to cover their retreat, but the gallant garrison, though weakened
by famine and want of rest, determined upon giving their enemies a parting shot, and, seizing the opportunity. Cornet Bryan with a party of horse fell upon their retreating forces and threw them into great disorder.
On Tuesday, 19 November Colonel Gage proceeded to carry out his instructions, accompanied by 1000 horse soldiers, each carrying on his saddle bow a sack of corn, and bearing around his waist a "skein of match," besides taking many cartloads of other necessaries. 20 September 1644. The next night Sir Henry Gage arrived with his troops opposite the House, intending to cut his way through the enemy's lines, and arranged that having arrived close to the House each trooper was to throw down the articles carried by him and at once make good his retreat. These plans were however not carried out when it was found that there was no enemy to contend with, and Colonel Gage rode into Basing House to the great joy of the defenders.
The following winter and summer appear to have passed in comparative quiet the garrison being sufficiently occupied in repairing the damage caused by the enemy's artillery and in the accumulation of provisions against the arrival of another attacking party.
, which surrendered on the following day.
From his capture of Winchester and the surrender of its Castle
on 5 October, Cromwell marched to Basing House, to which Colonel John Dalbier
—an old German officer who had served under Duke of Buckingham
, and had been equally ready to drill the Parliamentary troops—had for some weeks been laying siege. Cromwell arrived on 8 October 1645, bringing with him a siege-train of five demi-cannons (32 pounders) and a 63 pounder cannon. It was through the possession of siege-guns that he hoped to win his way where so many of his predecessors in command had failed. On 11 October when he was ready to open fire, he summoned the garrison to surrender. The defenders of the noble mansion of the Catholic Marquis of Winchester, were not the professional soldiers to whom Cromwell was always ready to give honourable quarter. They had, so at least ran his accusation, been evil neighbours to the country people. Their house was "a nest of Romanists", who, of all men, could least make good their claim to wage war against the Parliament. If they refused quarter now it would not be offered to them again.
There were no signs of the garrison yielding. They treated Cromwell's summons lightly and miscalculated the power of his heavy guns. By the evening of 13 October two wide breaches had been effected, and at two in the morning it was resolved to storm the place at six, when the sky would be growing clear before the rising of the sun. The weary soldiers were directed to snatch a brief rest, but Cromwell spent part at least of the remainder of the night in meditation and prayer. He was verily persuaded that he was God's champion in the war against the strongholds of darkness, and as he figured to himself the idolaters and the idols behind the broken wall in front of him, the words, "They that make them are like unto them, so is every one that trusteth in them", rose instinctively to his lips.
At the appointed hour the storming parties were let loose upon the doomed house, rising for the last time in its splendour over field and meadow. It had been said that the old house and the new were alike fit to make "an emperor's court". The defenders were all too few to make head against the surging tide of war.
Quarter was neither asked nor given till the whole of the buildings were in the hands of the assailants. Women, as they saw their husbands, their fathers, or their brothers slaughtered before them, rushed forward to cling to the arms and bodies of the slayers. One, a maiden of no ordinary beauty, a daughter of Dr. Matthew Griffith
, a Anglican clergyman expelled from the City of London
, hearing her father abused and maltreated (he was wounded but not mortally), gave back angry words to his reviler. The incensed soldier, maddened with the excitement of the hour, struck her on the head, killing her. Six of the ten priests in the house were slain, and the four others held for the gallows.
After a while the rage of the soldiers turned to thoughts of booty Plate and jewels, stored gold and cunningly wrought tapestry, fell a prey to the victors. The men who were spared were stripped of their outer garments, and old Inigo Jones
was carried out of the house wrapped in a blanket, because the spoilers had left him absolutely naked.
One hundred rich petticoats and gowns which were discovered in the wardrobes were swept away amongst the common plunder, whilst the dresses were stripped from the backs of the ladies. On the whole, however, the women were, as a contemporary narrative expressed it, "coarsely but not uncivilly used". No one of them in the very heat of the soldiers' fury had to fear those worst of outrages to which their sisters have too often been subjected when fortresses have been stormed by armies in every military sense as disciplined as that which was under the command of Cromwell.
The booty is said to have been worth £200,000, and Hugh Peters, Cromwell's Chaplain, in his "Full and last elation of all things concerning Basing House," speaks of "a bed in one room furnished that cost £1300". Peters himself presented to the Parliament in London the Marquis's own colours, which bore the motto of the King's coronation money, "Donee pax redeat terris" (Until Peace return to the earth).
In the midst of the riot the house was discovered to be on fire. The flames spread rapidly, and of the stately pile there soon remained no more than the gaunt and blackened walls. Before it was too late the booty had been dragged out upon the sward, and the country people flocked in crowds to buy the cheese, the bacon, and the wheat which had been stored within. Prizes of greater value were reserved for more appreciative chapmen.
Contemporary reports of the number killed and taken prisoner vary. The historian S.R. Gardiner
stated that the most probable estimate asserts that 300 taken prisoners and 100 were slain, while G. N. Godwin , who wrote a in a detailed history of the siege, states that about 200 were taken prisoner and that 74 men and one woman (the daughter of Dr. Griffen) were seen to be dead, with more dying unseen because they were trapped in the fire.
The Marquis himself owed his life to the courtesy with which he had formerly treated Colonel Hammond, who had been his prisoner for a few days. Hammond now in turn protected his former captor, though he could not prevent the soldiers from stripping the old man of his costly attire. After this the lord of the devastated mansion was safe from all but one form of insult. Consideration for fallen greatness never entered into the thoughts of a Puritan controversialist, even when that controversialist was of as kindly a disposition as was Hugh Peters. A Catholic, too, was beyond all bounds of religious courtesy, and Peters thought it well (as Cheynell
had thought it well in the presence of the dying Chillingworth
), to enter into argument with the fallen Marquis. Did he not now see, he asked him, the hopelessness of the cause which he had maintained? "If the King," was the proud reply, "had no more ground in England but Basing House, I would adventure as I did, and so maintain it to the uttermost. Basing House is called Loyalty". On the larger merits of the Royal cause he refused to enter. "I hope," he simply said, "that the King may have a day again."
The feeling of the day about the slaughter among supporters of the Parliamentary cause is well brought out in a contemporary London newspaper. "The enemy, for aught I can learn, desired no quarter, and I believe that they had but little offered them. You must remember what they were: they were most of them Papists; therefore our muskets and our swords did show but little compassion, and this house being at length subdued, did satisfy for her treason and rebellion by the blood of the offenders".
Cromwell's characteristic letter dated from Basingstoke on the 14 October 1645, gives the most detailed surviving description of the disposition of the forces for the attack. It is addressed to William Lenthall
, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Cromwell did not mention the killings after a summons to surrender had been rejected, because as the laws of war then stood, he did not see any need to give such an account:
Immediately before going to Basing House, Cromwell had used his siege-train to subdue the Royalist town of Winchester and its Castle
. His treatment of the protestant garrison there which when the situation became hopeless surrendered to him, and their surrender was accepted, was in marked contrast to his treatment of the garrison of Basing House, which did not surrender when offered a chance to do so and contained known Roman Catholics.
On the morning of 28 September, Cromwell entered Winchester without opposition. Almost his first act was to offer to Bishop Curl a convoy to conduct him to a place of safety. The Bishop, however, preferred to take refuge in the Castle. He was not likely long to remain in peace. By 5 October Cromwell's batteries opened fire, and a practicable breach being soon effected, the governor gave up hope and surrendered. "You see," wrote Cromwell to the Speaker, "God is not weary of doing you good. I confess, sir. His favour to you is as visible when He comes by His power upon the hearts of His enemies, making them quit places of strength to you, as when he gives courage to your soldiers to attempt hard things".( Cites: Cromwell to Lenthall, 6 October. Carlyle, Letter XXXII. Carlyle follows Kushworth in calling this a letter to Fairfax ; but see C.J. iv. 249, and Perfect Diurnal E. 264, 26.). In the cause of the doomed King all but the very staunchest slackened their effort, whilst the least vigorous of his enemies knew now that failure was impossible.
Cromwell was as prompt in the execution of discipline as he was in the attack upon a fortress. Six of his men were caught plundering the disarmed soldiers of the garrison as they marched out. He hanged one of them on the spot, and sent the others to Oxford, that the new governor, Sir Thomas Glemham, might deal with them as he pleased. Glemham, however, thanking Cromwell for his courtesy, set the rogues at liberty ( Cites Sprigg, 144).
Cromwell went on to recommend that what remained of the fortifications should be destroyed, and that a garrison should be established at Newbury
to keep Donnington Castle in check. Having given this advice he moved rapidly west to rejoin Fairfax at Crediton
on the way he took the surrender of Lanford House on 17 October without the formality of a siege.
House, "Aymez Loyaute", which became the motto of his family.
At the suggestion of Cromwell, the House, and Works were, by a resolution of the House of Commons, dated 15 October 1645, (the day after the capture) ordered to be "totally slighted and demolished," and whosoever would fetch away any stone, brick or other materials was to have the same freely for his pains.
Elias Archer in his "True Relation of the Marchings of the Red Trained Bands of Westminster, the Green Auxiliaries of London, and the Yellow Auxiliaries of the Tower Hamlets" (London 4to. 1643) mentions the repeated occupation of the town by the Royal troops, while the following extracts show the use to which it was put by their opponents during the first siege.
Wednesday, 8 November 1643. The Trained Bands "withdrew all their forces to Basingstoke, where they stayed and refreshed their men about three or four days in respect of the extremity of hard service and cold weather, which their foot forces had undergone and endured before the house".
On Monday, 13 November 1643, "in the morning, in regard of the bad success of the preceding day's service and the disheartening which our men sustained by it, together with the present foulness of the weather (for it was a very tempestuous morning of wind, rain and snow) all the forces were again withdrawn to Basingstoke, where we refreshed our men and dried our clothes".
Basingstoke is a town in northeast Hampshire, in south central England. It lies across a valley at the source of the River Loddon. It is southwest of London, northeast of Southampton, southwest of Reading and northeast of the county town, Winchester. In 2008 it had an estimated population of...
in Hampshire
Hampshire is a county on the southern coast of England in the United Kingdom. The county town of Hampshire is Winchester, a historic cathedral city that was once the capital of England. Hampshire is notable for housing the original birthplaces of the Royal Navy, British Army, and Royal Air Force...
, was a Parliamentarian
"Roundhead" was the nickname given to the supporters of the Parliament during the English Civil War. Also known as Parliamentarians, they fought against King Charles I and his supporters, the Cavaliers , who claimed absolute power and the divine right of kings...
victory late in the First English Civil War
First English Civil War
The First English Civil War began the series of three wars known as the English Civil War . "The English Civil War" was a series of armed conflicts and political machinations that took place between Parliamentarians and Royalists from 1642 until 1651, and includes the Second English Civil War and...
. Whereas the title of the event may suggest a single siege, there were in fact three major engagements. John Paulet, 5th Marquis of Winchester owned the house and as a committed Royalist
Cavalier was the name used by Parliamentarians for a Royalist supporter of King Charles I and son Charles II during the English Civil War, the Interregnum, and the Restoration...
garrisoned it in support of King Charles I
Charles I of England
Charles I was King of England, King of Scotland, and King of Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. Charles engaged in a struggle for power with the Parliament of England, attempting to obtain royal revenue whilst Parliament sought to curb his Royal prerogative which Charles...
as it commanded the road from London to the west through Salisbury.
The first engagement was in November 1643, when Sir William Waller
William Waller
Sir William Waller was an English soldier during the English Civil War. He received his education at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and served in the Venetian army and in the Thirty Years' War...
at the head of an army of about 7,000 attempted to take Basing House
Basing House
Basing House was a major Tudor palace and castle in the village of Old Basing in the English county of Hampshire. It once rivaled Hampton Court Palace in its size and opulence. Today only its foundations and earthworks remain...
by direct assault. After three failed attempts it became obvious to him that his troops lack the necessary resolve, and with winter fast approaching Waller retreated back to a more friendly location.
Early in 1644 the Parliamentarians attempted to arrange a secret surrender of the Basing House with the temporary commander Lord Charles Paulet, but the plot was discovered, Lord Charles was relieved of command and tried for treason, and so the plot failed.
Parliamentary forces continued the siege by garrisons on the static approaches to Basing house to stop the Royalists foraging and relief convoys getting through. Then on 4 June 1644, Colonel Richard Norton using Parliamentary troops from the Hampshire garrisons closely invested Basing House and attempted to starve the garrison into submission. This siege was broken on 12 September 1644 when a relief column under the command of Colonel Henry Gage
Henry Gage (soldier)
Sir Henry Gage was an English Royalist officer.-Life:He was born at Haling, in Surrey, the son of John Gage and Margaret Copley...
broke through parliamentary lines. Having resupplied the garrison he did not tarry but left the next day and returned to Royalist lines. The Parliamentarians reinvested the place but by the middle of November threatened by a Royalist army and his besieging force decimated by disease Weller ended the investment. Five days later on 20 November Gage arrived with fresh supplies.
The last and final siege took place in October 1645. Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell was an English military and political leader who overthrew the English monarchy and temporarily turned England into a republican Commonwealth, and served as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland....
joined parliamentary forces besieging the house with his own men and a siege train of heavy guns. They quickly breached the defences and on morning of the 14 October 1645 the house was successfully stormed. As the garrison had refused to surrender before the assault—during the two years of the siege, upwards of 2,000 Parliamentarians were slain.—the attackers, who had little sympathy for those they perceived to be Roman Catholics, killed about a quarter of the 400 members of the garrison, including ten priests, (six of whom were killed during the assault and four others held to be executed later).
During the assault the house caught fire and was badly damaged. What remained was "totally slighted
A slighting is the deliberate destruction, partial or complete, of a fortification without opposition. During the English Civil War this was to render it unusable as a fort.-Middle Ages:...
and demolished" by order of Parliament, with the stones of the house offered free to anyone who would cart them away.
Sir William PauletWilliam Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester
Sir William Paulet was an English Secretary of State and statesman who attained several peerages throughout his lifetime: Baron St John , Earl of Wiltshire , and Marquess of Winchester .-Family origins and early career in Hampshire:William Paulet was eldest son of Sir John Paulet of...
, created Baron St. John of Basing by Henry VIII
Henry VIII of England
Henry VIII was King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. He was Lord, and later King, of Ireland, as well as continuing the nominal claim by the English monarchs to the Kingdom of France...
. and Earl of Wiltshire and Marquis of Winchester by Edward VI, converted Basing House from a feudal castle into a magnificent and princely residence. A good description of the House as it stood before the siege is found in the Marquis's own Diary. Basing House stood on a rising ground, its form circular, encompassed with brick ramparts lined with earth, and a very deep ditch but dry. The lofty Gate-house, with four Turrets, looking Northwards, on the right hand thereof, without the ditch, a goodly building containing two fair courts; before them was the Grange, severed by a wall and common road, etc. Some idea of the magnitude of the place may be founds when it is remembered that from a survey made in 1798 the area of the works including gardens and entrenchments, covered about fourteen and a half acres.
The siege, which has rendered the name of Basing House famous, commenced in August, 1643, when it was held for the King by John Paulet, 5th Marquis of Winchester, who retired hither in the vain hope that "integrity and privacy might have here preserved his peace" but in this he was deceived, and was compelled to stand upon his guard, which with his gentlemen armed with six muskets he did so well that twice he repulsed the attempts of the "Roundheads" to take possession. On 31 July 1643, the King, on the petition of the Marquis, sent one hundred musketeers, under Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Peake, to form a garrison. Within a few hours of the arrival of these troops, colonels Harvey and Richard Norton
Richard Norton of Southwick Park
Richard Norton of Southwick Park , was a colonel in the parliamentary army in the English Civil War and a member of several parliaments...
attempted a surprise attack, but were beaten off and retreated the same night to Farnham
Farnham is a town in Surrey, England, within the Borough of Waverley. The town is situated some 42 miles southwest of London in the extreme west of Surrey, adjacent to the border with Hampshire...
.Colonel Harvey "a merchant whose military experience consisted of dispersing a crowd of London women who were petitioning parliament for peace".
The Marquis, who had taken out a commission as Colonel and Governor, at once set to work with the aid of Colonel Peake (appointed Governor of the House under the Marquis) directing Peake's troops, and a reinforcement of 150 men, to strengthen the works, as rumours had reached him that Sir William Waller was marching towards the house with a strong force.
Among the inhabitants of the house during the siege were a number of notable men of letters and the arts, some of them were Royalist soldiers and others as Royalist refugees from London. William Faithorne
William Faithorne
William Faithorne , often "the Elder", , English painter and engraver, was born in London and was apprenticed to William Peake....
, a pupil of Robert Peake's father was one of the besieged, and has left a clever satirical engraving of Hugh Peters
Hugh Peters
Hugh Peters [or Peter] was an English preacher.-Early life:He was baptized on 29 June 1598 in Fowey, and was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge....
(an enemy at the gate), as well as many other fine portraits. Yet another engraver, and a still more famous one, was in the House, was Wenceslaus Hollar (see Virtue's Life of him) engraved a portrait of the Marquis. Other inmates were Inigo Jones
Inigo Jones
Inigo Jones is the first significant British architect of the modern period, and the first to bring Italianate Renaissance architecture to England...
, the great architect, and Thomas Fuller
Thomas Fuller
Thomas Fuller was an English churchman and historian. He is now remembered for his writings, particularly his Worthies of England, published after his death...
, author of the "Worthies of England" who is said to have been engaged on that work at the very time of the Siege, and to have been much interrupted by the noise of cannon. (History of the Holy Ghost Chapel, p. 24.) Another man of letters found shelter at Basing House, where he lost his life, viz. Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Johnson
Thomas Johnson (botanist)
Thomas Johnson has been called "The Father of British Field Botany" but has been largely neglected, no doubt largely due to the very scanty records of his life which have survived. Such as there are, moreover, in any cases confuse rather than help the biographer, owing to the popularity of the...
, M.D., the editor of Gerard's Herbal, and author of several botanical works. Captain William Robbins
William Robbins (actor)
William Robbins , also Robins, Robinson, or Robson, was a prominent comic actor in the Jacobean and Caroline eras....
, a prominent comic actor in the Jacobean and Caroline eras, was killed during the siege.
There is little doubt that a scarcity of ammunition, as well as of provisions, was the cause of some embarrassment to the Marquis in his defence of the House. In the first year of the siege the King issued a warrant (12 October 1643):
This having been communicated to the Marquis he wrote as follows:
Sir William Waller
William Waller
Sir William Waller was an English soldier during the English Civil War. He received his education at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, and served in the Venetian army and in the Thirty Years' War...
, who was more active than Earl of Essex
Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex
Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex was an English Parliamentarian and soldier during the first half of the seventeenth century. With the start of the English Civil War in 1642 he became the first Captain-General and Chief Commander of the Parliamentarian army, also known as the Roundheads...
, was at that time the favourite of those in the Long Parliament
Long Parliament
The Long Parliament was made on 3 November 1640, following the Bishops' Wars. It received its name from the fact that through an Act of Parliament, it could only be dissolved with the agreement of the members, and those members did not agree to its dissolution until after the English Civil War and...
who believed that greater energy would produce more successful results. On 4 November 1643 he placed at the head of a new South-Eastern Association, comprising the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire. What supplies could be procured were hurried forward to his headquarters, and on 7 November he set out to besiege Basing House—Loyalty House, as its owner loved to call it—the fortified mansion of House, the Catholic John, Marquis of Winchester, now garrisoned by a party of London Royalists. Basing House commanded the road to the west through Salisbury, as Donnington Castle
Donnington Castle
Donnington Castle is a ruined medieval castle, situated in the small village of Donnington, just north of the town of Newbury in the English county of Berkshire.- History :...
, now garrisoned for the King, commanded the more northern road to the west through Newbury.
First siege

Waller's first attack upon Basing House was frustrated by a storm of wind and rain. His second attempt came to nothing from a cause far more ominous of disaster. His troops had long remained unpaid, and a mutinous spirit was easily aroused amongst them. On the 12 November a Westminster regiment refused to obey orders, and two days later the London trained bands, bidden to advance to the assault, shouted "Home! home!" and deserted in a body. It was impossible to continue the siege under such conditions, and Waller was compelled to retreat to Parliamentary controlled Famham. At this juncture the King's troops, under Lord Hopton
Ralph Hopton, 1st Baron Hopton
Ralph Hopton, 1st Baron Hopton was a Royalist commander in the English Civil War.-Life:Hopton was the son of Robert Hopton of Witham Somerset. He was apparently educated at Lincoln College, Oxford and served in the army of Frederick V, Elector Palatine in the early campaigns of the Thirty...
, marched to the House and assisted in strengthening the works.
Nothing of importance appears to have occurred during the winter months which followed. The house was still short of arms and on 2 February 1644 the King despatched a second letter containing a warrant for the same amount of "powder and match, proportionable" as before, together with sixty "brown bills". A third letter from the King, similarly addressed, dated from Oxford, 13 May 1644, gave orders for a thousand weight of match and forty muskets, "to be delivered to such as shall be appointed by the Marquess of Winchester to receive the same, for the use of our garrison at Basinge Castle".
1644 plot
In early 1644 Basing House was in the custody of Lord Charles Paulet, the brother of the Marquis of Winchester, and it was believed in London that Lord Charles was prepared to betray his trust.Amongst those who took part in the council of war was Sir Richard Grenville
Sir Richard Grenville, 1st Baronet
Sir Richard Grenville, 1st Baronet was a Cornish Royalist leader during the English Civil War.He was the third son of Sir Bernard Grenville , and a grandson of the famous seaman, Sir Richard Grenville...
, a younger brother of Sir Bevil
Bevil Grenville
Sir Bevil Grenville was an English politician who sat in the House of Commons of England between 1621 and 1642. He was a Royalist soldier in the English Civil War and was killed in action at the Battle of Lansdowne.-Backgound:...
. In the historian S.R. Gardiner's
Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Samuel Rawson Gardiner was an English historian.The son of Rawson Boddam Gardiner, he was born near Alresford, Hampshire. He was educated at Winchester College and Christ Church, Oxford, where he obtained a first class in literae humaniores. He was subsequently elected to fellowships at All Souls ...
opinion "A selfish and unprincipled man, [who] had gone through the evil schooling of the Irish War", and, falling into the hands of the Parliamentarians upon his landing at Liverpool, he had declared himself willing to embrace their cause. His military experience gained him the appointment of Lieutenant-General of Waller's horse. He was not a man to feel at home in an atmosphere of Puritanism, and on 3 March 1644 he fled to Oxford, carrying with him the secret of Paulet's treachery. Richard Grenvile's name was attached with every injurious epithet to a gallows in London, whilst at Oxford he was regarded as a pattern of loyalty.
Paulet was arrested and sent before a court-martial. Eventually, however, he received a pardon from the King, who, as Gardener conjectured, was unwilling to send the brother of so staunch a supporter as the Marquis of Winchester to an ignominious death.
Second siege
An extract from a letter sent by Sir "William Waller to Lord Hopton, who had been his companion in arms abroad, relative to the part he was to take in these wars, may to some extent account for his want of success in his three attempts upon Basing House, he says:In the Spring of 1644, the Parliamentarians having met with so many reverses in trying to take the place by storm, set themselves to the task of starving the garrison out, and for this purpose strong bodies of their troops were quartered at Farnham, Odiham, Greywell, and Basingstoke, who patrolled the adjacent country to prevent the taking in of provisions.
Matters appear to have continued in this condition until 4 June, when Colonel Norton came a second time upon the scene with a force drawn from the neighbouring Parliamentarian garrisons, and closely invested the place, he having, by means of information received from a deserter, two days previously defeated a party of the besieged at Odiham. This force consisted at first of a regiment of horse (his foot not having arrived), and were quartered in Basingstoke at night, all avenues by which food could be taken into the House being closely watched.
On 11 June, Colonel Morley's regiment of six "Colors of Blues!, Sir Richard Onslow's of five of Red, with two of White from Farnham, and three fresh troops of horse, fetched in by Norton's regiment, drew up before the House, on the South towards Basingstoke, and in the evening some were sent into quarters at Sherfield and others to Andwell and Basingstoke.
On 17 June the Church was occupied and fortified by the attacking force, who managed to shoot two of the defenders. The garrison of the house being few in number, the Marquis decided to divide them into three parties, two of which should be constantly on duty. To each Captain and his company was assigned a particular guard, and the quarters of the garrison were given to Major Cufaude, Major Langley, and Lieutenant-Colonel Rawdon, while Lieutenant-Colonel Peake had charge of the guns and the reserve. All these officers acted as Captains of the Watcli, except Colonel Rawdon, who was excused on account of his great age.
On 18 June a sally was made from the House, and several buildings, from which a galling fire had been maintained, were burnt. The besiegers having rung the Church bells as an alarm, the Royalists had to beat a hasty retreat, but not till they had effected their purpose.
On 29 June the first piece of artillery was placed in position against the House, and six shots were fired from a culverin
A culverin was a relatively simple ancestor of the musket, and later a medieval cannon, adapted for use by the French in the 15th century, and later adapted for naval use by the English in the late 16th century. The culverin was used to bombard targets from a distance. The weapon had a...
placed in the park. On the following morning fire was opened from a demi-culverin
The demi-culverin was a medium cannon similar to but slightly larger than a saker and smaller than a regular culverin developed in the early 17th century. Barrels of demi-culverins were typically about long, had a calibre of and could weigh up to . It required of black powder to fire an round...
in the lane, which was silenced however the same day by a shot from the house.
In June a detachment of cavalry was detached from the siege to act as cavalry for Major-General Brown, who force would combine with Waller's and be defeated Battle of Cropredy Bridge
Battle of Cropredy Bridge
The Battle of Cropredy Bridge was a battle of the English Civil Wars, fought on 29 June 1644 between a Parliamentarian army under Sir William Waller and the Royalist army of King Charles...
on 29 June.
On 11 July Colonel Morley sent to the Marquis this demand: "My Lord, — To avoid the effusion of Christian blood, I have thought fit to send your Lordship this summons to demand Basing House to be delivered to me for the use of the King and Parliament. If this be refused, the ensuing inconvenience will rest upon yourself. I desire a speedy answer, and rest. My Lord, your humble servant, Heebeet Moeley".
To which the Marquis returned this reply : "Sir, — It is a crooked demand, and shall receive its answer suitable. I keep the House in the right of my Sovereign, and will do it in despight of your forces. Your letter I will preserve as a testimony of your rebellion. Winchestee".
The siege was then renewed with great vigour until the latter end of August, when the provisions of the garrison began to fail, and some of the men deserted, upon which the Marquis made an example of one, which seems to have had the effect of preventing, for some time at least, a repetition of the attempt.
On 2 September Colonel Richard Norton sent a summons to the Marquis, couched in these words:
To which the Marquis at once sent answer : —
Again the siege was prosecuted with increased fury, shot and shell being poured daily into the House, and many of the defenders falling, while famine was at the same time reducing their strength and energy. Some time previously a messenger had been despatched to the King for succour, and a promise was received that assistance should arrive on the 4 September, with a view to which arrangements were made to co-operate from the House, but it was not till 11 September 1644 that welcome intelligence was received by the garrison that the reliefs were marching towards them, and had already reached Aldermaston
Aldermaston is a rural village, civil parish and electoral ward in Berkshire, South-East England. In the 2001 United Kingdom Census, the parish had a population of 927. The village is on the southern edge of the River Kennet flood plain, near the Hampshire county boundary...
Gage's relief
An express was sent from Oxford to Sir William OgleWilliam Ogle
William Ogle, Viscount Ogle was an English soldier and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1640 to 1643. He fought on the Royalist side in the English Civil War....
, instructing him to co-operate with Colonel Gage, by entering Basing Park at the rear of the Parliamentarian quarters between four and five o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, 11 September.
Sir William Ogle contented himself by sending a messenger to meet Colonel Gage, to say that he dared not send bis troops, as some of the enemy's horse lay between Winchester and Basing.
With reference to Sir William Ogle's conduct in this matter, there is in existence an old song, entitled, "The Royal Feast" a loyal song of the prisoners in the Tower, written by Sir Francis Wortley
Sir Francis Wortley, 1st Baronet
Sir Francis Wortley, 1st Baronet , poet who supported the Royalist cause in the English Civil War.In 1610 Wortley was a commoner of Magdalen College, Oxford. He was created a baronet in 1611. He was Member of Parliament for East Retford in the 1624 and the 1625 Parliaments. He supported Charles II...
, and sung at the Andover Buck Feast on 16 September 1674, in which occurs these words:
Colonel Gage, being thus left to his own resources, held a council of war, and at seven o'clock, after a desperate struggle, gained the summit of Cowdery's Down, and, notwithstanding the exhausted condition of his troops, cut his way through the lines of the beleaguering forces. In his efforts he was ably assisted by the garrison, who made a vigorous sally, and being thus
attacked in front and rear, the Parliamentarians soon left the way clear, and Colonel Gage made a triumphant entry into the House, carrying with him a large quantity of ammunition. The attacking forces, being thrown into great disorder, retired to some distance to re-organize themselves, and the opportunity was seized by Colonel Gage to collect food and forage for the use of the garrison. The provisions being brought in, a sally was made by 100 musketeers under the command of Major Cufaude and Captain Hall, and the enemy's works upon the Basing side were carried, including the Church, the garrison of which were made prisoners, and consisted of Captains John Jephson and Jarvis, 1 Lieutenant, 2 Sergeants, and 30 Soldiers. The quarters of the Roundheads were that night set alight in three places, "the enemy so Hastening from these works as scarcely three could be made to stay the killing".
The following day, 12 September, warrants were issued to the adjacent villages to supply certain quantities of food on the morrow, on pain of having their towns burnt in the event of non-fulfilment. This plan was merely a ruse on the part of Colonel Gage to mislead the besiegers as to his intentions, information having reached the House that large bodies of troops had arrived at the villages between Silchester
Silchester is a village and civil parish about north of Basingstoke in Hampshire. It is adjacent to the county boundary with Berkshire and about south-west of Reading....
and Kingsclere
Kingsclere is a large village and civil parish in the county of Hampshire, England. Kingsclere is located near to Watership Down, the setting of Richard Adams' 1972 novel Watership Down.-Geography:...
, with a view to cut off his retreat upon Oxford. At eleven o'clock that night Gage marched off with his men as silently as possible, and, while the Roundheads were peacefully sleeping, reached the river Kennet
River Kennet
The Kennet is a river in the south of England, and a tributary of the River Thames. The lower reaches of the river are navigable to river craft and are known as the Kennet Navigation, which, together with the Avon Navigation, the Kennet and Avon Canal and the Thames, links the cities of Bristol...
at Burghfield Bridge
Burghfield Bridge
Burghfield Bridge is a bridge and a hamlet in the Parish of Burghfield, which stands to the south of it in the English county of Berkshire.The settlement is situated between the village of Burghfield and the Reading suburb of Southcote.-History:...
, and having forded the river (the bridge being destroyed) on the following morning crossed the Thames at Pangbourne
Pangbourne is a large village and civil parish on the River Thames in the English county of Berkshire. Pangbourne is the home of the independent school, Pangbourne College.-Location:...
, and arriving at Wallingford in safety, decided upon quartering there for the night. Next day he returned in triumph to Oxford, having completed the arduous task entrusted to him with a loss of only eleven men killed and forty or fifty wounded. For this exploit he received the honour of knighthood at the hands of the King on 1 November.
On the withdrawal of Colonel Gage, the House was quickly re-invested by the troops under Waller, Basing Church was re-taken, and the siege pushed with renewed energy.Between this period and November the time was spent by the garrison in arranging and carrying out a series of sallies, in many of which they succeeded in destroying some of the works of the enemy, at others seizing their provisions. With November came a complaint of shortness of food, as on the 1st of that month the stock of bread, corn, and beer was exhausted, while the officers had already denied themselves one meal a day. During the succeeding fortnight the garrison were in a sad condition, and appear to have lived from day to day upon what could be seized by the troops in their sallies.
Gages's second relief
News of their condition having reached the King, Sir Henry GageHenry Gage (soldier)
Sir Henry Gage was an English Royalist officer.-Life:He was born at Haling, in Surrey, the son of John Gage and Margaret Copley...
was again instructed to
attempt the relief of Basing House. The King, apparently with a view of diverting attention from Gage, marched towards Hungerford with his troops. Waller, wearied with twenty-four weeks of unsuccessful attempts upon
the place with his army, reduced from 2000 to 700, while disease was working havoc among the remainder, on hearing of the King's movements determined to retire into winter quarters.
Accordingly 15 November, after burning their huts, the foot marched in the direction of Odiham
Odiham is a historic village and large civil parish in the Hart district of Hampshire, England. It is twinned with Sourdeval in the Manche Department of France. The current population is 4,406. The parish contains an acreage of 7,354 acres with 50 acres of land covered with water. The nearest...
, leaving the horse to cover their retreat, but the gallant garrison, though weakened
by famine and want of rest, determined upon giving their enemies a parting shot, and, seizing the opportunity. Cornet Bryan with a party of horse fell upon their retreating forces and threw them into great disorder.
On Tuesday, 19 November Colonel Gage proceeded to carry out his instructions, accompanied by 1000 horse soldiers, each carrying on his saddle bow a sack of corn, and bearing around his waist a "skein of match," besides taking many cartloads of other necessaries. 20 September 1644. The next night Sir Henry Gage arrived with his troops opposite the House, intending to cut his way through the enemy's lines, and arranged that having arrived close to the House each trooper was to throw down the articles carried by him and at once make good his retreat. These plans were however not carried out when it was found that there was no enemy to contend with, and Colonel Gage rode into Basing House to the great joy of the defenders.
The following winter and summer appear to have passed in comparative quiet the garrison being sufficiently occupied in repairing the damage caused by the enemy's artillery and in the accumulation of provisions against the arrival of another attacking party.
Third siege
Meanwhile the King's cause became more and more hopeless. Fairfax had gained the important victory of Naseby, where Cromwell, who was in command of the horse, took part. Leicester, Bridgewater, Bath, Sherborne, and Bristol had surrendered in quick succession. Fairfax marched to the relief of Plymouth, then closely besieged by the King's troops. Cromwell had orders to keep the road to London open, by reducing those places which at that time obstructed it; and on 21 September 1645, he appeared before the Devizes CastleDevizes Castle
Devizes Castle was in the town of Devizes, Wiltshire, England .The first motte and bailey castle on this site was built in 1080 by Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury. This castle burnt down in 1113 and was rebuilt in stone by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, by 1120. He occupied it under Henry I and later...
, which surrendered on the following day.
From his capture of Winchester and the surrender of its Castle
Winchester Castle
Winchester Castle is a medieval building in Hampshire, England. It was founded in 1067. Only the Great Hall exists now; it houses a museum of the history of Winchester.-Great Hall:...
on 5 October, Cromwell marched to Basing House, to which Colonel John Dalbier
John Dalbier
John Dalbier , was a professional army officer who served various English commanders before and during the English Civil War in which he served in both the Parliamentary and Royalist armies.-In service of Count Ernst von Mansfeld :...
—an old German officer who had served under Duke of Buckingham
George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham
George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham KG was the favourite, claimed by some to be the lover, of King James I of England. Despite a very patchy political and military record, he remained at the height of royal favour for the first two years of the reign of Charles I, until he was assassinated...
, and had been equally ready to drill the Parliamentary troops—had for some weeks been laying siege. Cromwell arrived on 8 October 1645, bringing with him a siege-train of five demi-cannons (32 pounders) and a 63 pounder cannon. It was through the possession of siege-guns that he hoped to win his way where so many of his predecessors in command had failed. On 11 October when he was ready to open fire, he summoned the garrison to surrender. The defenders of the noble mansion of the Catholic Marquis of Winchester, were not the professional soldiers to whom Cromwell was always ready to give honourable quarter. They had, so at least ran his accusation, been evil neighbours to the country people. Their house was "a nest of Romanists", who, of all men, could least make good their claim to wage war against the Parliament. If they refused quarter now it would not be offered to them again.
There were no signs of the garrison yielding. They treated Cromwell's summons lightly and miscalculated the power of his heavy guns. By the evening of 13 October two wide breaches had been effected, and at two in the morning it was resolved to storm the place at six, when the sky would be growing clear before the rising of the sun. The weary soldiers were directed to snatch a brief rest, but Cromwell spent part at least of the remainder of the night in meditation and prayer. He was verily persuaded that he was God's champion in the war against the strongholds of darkness, and as he figured to himself the idolaters and the idols behind the broken wall in front of him, the words, "They that make them are like unto them, so is every one that trusteth in them", rose instinctively to his lips.
At the appointed hour the storming parties were let loose upon the doomed house, rising for the last time in its splendour over field and meadow. It had been said that the old house and the new were alike fit to make "an emperor's court". The defenders were all too few to make head against the surging tide of war.
Quarter was neither asked nor given till the whole of the buildings were in the hands of the assailants. Women, as they saw their husbands, their fathers, or their brothers slaughtered before them, rushed forward to cling to the arms and bodies of the slayers. One, a maiden of no ordinary beauty, a daughter of Dr. Matthew Griffith
Matthew Griffith
Matthew Griffith , master of the Temple; B.A. Gloucester Hall, Oxford, 1618; rector of St. Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, and St. Benet Sherehog; Fequestered, 1642; D.D. Oxford, 1643; royal chaplain, 1643; helped to defend Basing House, 1645; his royalist sermon answered by Milton, 1660; master...
, a Anglican clergyman expelled from the City of London
City of London
The City of London is a small area within Greater London, England. It is the historic core of London around which the modern conurbation grew and has held city status since time immemorial. The City’s boundaries have remained almost unchanged since the Middle Ages, and it is now only a tiny part of...
, hearing her father abused and maltreated (he was wounded but not mortally), gave back angry words to his reviler. The incensed soldier, maddened with the excitement of the hour, struck her on the head, killing her. Six of the ten priests in the house were slain, and the four others held for the gallows.
After a while the rage of the soldiers turned to thoughts of booty Plate and jewels, stored gold and cunningly wrought tapestry, fell a prey to the victors. The men who were spared were stripped of their outer garments, and old Inigo Jones
Inigo Jones
Inigo Jones is the first significant British architect of the modern period, and the first to bring Italianate Renaissance architecture to England...
was carried out of the house wrapped in a blanket, because the spoilers had left him absolutely naked.
One hundred rich petticoats and gowns which were discovered in the wardrobes were swept away amongst the common plunder, whilst the dresses were stripped from the backs of the ladies. On the whole, however, the women were, as a contemporary narrative expressed it, "coarsely but not uncivilly used". No one of them in the very heat of the soldiers' fury had to fear those worst of outrages to which their sisters have too often been subjected when fortresses have been stormed by armies in every military sense as disciplined as that which was under the command of Cromwell.
The booty is said to have been worth £200,000, and Hugh Peters, Cromwell's Chaplain, in his "Full and last elation of all things concerning Basing House," speaks of "a bed in one room furnished that cost £1300". Peters himself presented to the Parliament in London the Marquis's own colours, which bore the motto of the King's coronation money, "Donee pax redeat terris" (Until Peace return to the earth).
In the midst of the riot the house was discovered to be on fire. The flames spread rapidly, and of the stately pile there soon remained no more than the gaunt and blackened walls. Before it was too late the booty had been dragged out upon the sward, and the country people flocked in crowds to buy the cheese, the bacon, and the wheat which had been stored within. Prizes of greater value were reserved for more appreciative chapmen.
Contemporary reports of the number killed and taken prisoner vary. The historian S.R. Gardiner
Samuel Rawson Gardiner
Samuel Rawson Gardiner was an English historian.The son of Rawson Boddam Gardiner, he was born near Alresford, Hampshire. He was educated at Winchester College and Christ Church, Oxford, where he obtained a first class in literae humaniores. He was subsequently elected to fellowships at All Souls ...
stated that the most probable estimate asserts that 300 taken prisoners and 100 were slain, while G. N. Godwin , who wrote a in a detailed history of the siege, states that about 200 were taken prisoner and that 74 men and one woman (the daughter of Dr. Griffen) were seen to be dead, with more dying unseen because they were trapped in the fire.
The Marquis himself owed his life to the courtesy with which he had formerly treated Colonel Hammond, who had been his prisoner for a few days. Hammond now in turn protected his former captor, though he could not prevent the soldiers from stripping the old man of his costly attire. After this the lord of the devastated mansion was safe from all but one form of insult. Consideration for fallen greatness never entered into the thoughts of a Puritan controversialist, even when that controversialist was of as kindly a disposition as was Hugh Peters. A Catholic, too, was beyond all bounds of religious courtesy, and Peters thought it well (as Cheynell
Francis Cheynell
Franicis Cheynell was a prominent English religious controversialist, of Presbyterian views, and President of St. John's College, Oxford 1648 to 1650, imposed by the Parliamentary regime....
had thought it well in the presence of the dying Chillingworth
William Chillingworth
William Chillingworth was a controversial English churchman.-Early life:He was born in Oxford, where his father served as mayor; William Laud was his godfather. In June 1618 he became a scholar of Trinity College, Oxford, of which he was made a fellow in June 1628...
), to enter into argument with the fallen Marquis. Did he not now see, he asked him, the hopelessness of the cause which he had maintained? "If the King," was the proud reply, "had no more ground in England but Basing House, I would adventure as I did, and so maintain it to the uttermost. Basing House is called Loyalty". On the larger merits of the Royal cause he refused to enter. "I hope," he simply said, "that the King may have a day again."
The feeling of the day about the slaughter among supporters of the Parliamentary cause is well brought out in a contemporary London newspaper. "The enemy, for aught I can learn, desired no quarter, and I believe that they had but little offered them. You must remember what they were: they were most of them Papists; therefore our muskets and our swords did show but little compassion, and this house being at length subdued, did satisfy for her treason and rebellion by the blood of the offenders".
Cromwell's characteristic letter dated from Basingstoke on the 14 October 1645, gives the most detailed surviving description of the disposition of the forces for the attack. It is addressed to William Lenthall
William Lenthall
William Lenthall was an English politician of the Civil War period. He served as Speaker of the House of Commons.-Early life:...
, the Speaker of the House of Commons. Cromwell did not mention the killings after a summons to surrender had been rejected, because as the laws of war then stood, he did not see any need to give such an account:
Immediately before going to Basing House, Cromwell had used his siege-train to subdue the Royalist town of Winchester and its Castle
Winchester Castle
Winchester Castle is a medieval building in Hampshire, England. It was founded in 1067. Only the Great Hall exists now; it houses a museum of the history of Winchester.-Great Hall:...
. His treatment of the protestant garrison there which when the situation became hopeless surrendered to him, and their surrender was accepted, was in marked contrast to his treatment of the garrison of Basing House, which did not surrender when offered a chance to do so and contained known Roman Catholics.
On the morning of 28 September, Cromwell entered Winchester without opposition. Almost his first act was to offer to Bishop Curl a convoy to conduct him to a place of safety. The Bishop, however, preferred to take refuge in the Castle. He was not likely long to remain in peace. By 5 October Cromwell's batteries opened fire, and a practicable breach being soon effected, the governor gave up hope and surrendered. "You see," wrote Cromwell to the Speaker, "God is not weary of doing you good. I confess, sir. His favour to you is as visible when He comes by His power upon the hearts of His enemies, making them quit places of strength to you, as when he gives courage to your soldiers to attempt hard things".( Cites: Cromwell to Lenthall, 6 October. Carlyle, Letter XXXII. Carlyle follows Kushworth in calling this a letter to Fairfax ; but see C.J. iv. 249, and Perfect Diurnal E. 264, 26.). In the cause of the doomed King all but the very staunchest slackened their effort, whilst the least vigorous of his enemies knew now that failure was impossible.
Cromwell was as prompt in the execution of discipline as he was in the attack upon a fortress. Six of his men were caught plundering the disarmed soldiers of the garrison as they marched out. He hanged one of them on the spot, and sent the others to Oxford, that the new governor, Sir Thomas Glemham, might deal with them as he pleased. Glemham, however, thanking Cromwell for his courtesy, set the rogues at liberty ( Cites Sprigg, 144).
Cromwell went on to recommend that what remained of the fortifications should be destroyed, and that a garrison should be established at Newbury
Newbury, Berkshire
Newbury is a civil parish and the principal town in the west of the county of Berkshire in England. It is situated on the River Kennet and the Kennet and Avon Canal, and has a town centre containing many 17th century buildings. Newbury is best known for its racecourse and the adjoining former USAF...
to keep Donnington Castle in check. Having given this advice he moved rapidly west to rejoin Fairfax at Crediton
Crediton is a town and civil parish in the Mid Devon district of Devon in England. It stands on the A377 Exeter to Barnstaple road at the junction with the A3072 road to Tiverton, about north west of Exeter. It has a population of 6,837...
on the way he took the surrender of Lanford House on 17 October without the formality of a siege.
It is a tradition that the Marquis had written with his own hand on the windows of theHouse, "Aymez Loyaute", which became the motto of his family.
At the suggestion of Cromwell, the House, and Works were, by a resolution of the House of Commons, dated 15 October 1645, (the day after the capture) ordered to be "totally slighted and demolished," and whosoever would fetch away any stone, brick or other materials was to have the same freely for his pains.
Near neighbourhood
The near neighbourhood of Basing House involved the town of Basingstoke to some extent in the protracted military operations of which the former was for two years the centre. The condition of Basingstoke Church, the walls of which are indented with shot on every side, but especially on the South, makes it almost certain that (as is known to have been the case at Alton and at Basing itself) the sacred building afforded a refuge to the troops of one or other army, while their enemies assaulted it. A Parliamentary Committee had its sittings in the town in July, 1644, but fled on the approach of Colonel Gage with his relief.Elias Archer in his "True Relation of the Marchings of the Red Trained Bands of Westminster, the Green Auxiliaries of London, and the Yellow Auxiliaries of the Tower Hamlets" (London 4to. 1643) mentions the repeated occupation of the town by the Royal troops, while the following extracts show the use to which it was put by their opponents during the first siege.
Wednesday, 8 November 1643. The Trained Bands "withdrew all their forces to Basingstoke, where they stayed and refreshed their men about three or four days in respect of the extremity of hard service and cold weather, which their foot forces had undergone and endured before the house".
On Monday, 13 November 1643, "in the morning, in regard of the bad success of the preceding day's service and the disheartening which our men sustained by it, together with the present foulness of the weather (for it was a very tempestuous morning of wind, rain and snow) all the forces were again withdrawn to Basingstoke, where we refreshed our men and dried our clothes".