Second Siege of Krujë
The Second Siege of Krujë by the Ottoman Empire
took place in 1466 at Krujë
in Albania
and lasted until 1467. Ottoman forces were initially led by sultan Mehmed II
and later by Ballaban
. Although their crushing superiority in numbers and in armaments they couldn't capture the city and were defeated by Skanderbeg
had been a renegade Ottoman captain who united several Albanian princes under the League of Lezhë
. From there, he led a war against the Ottoman Empire
, defeating them in battle multiple times, and had grown close with the Western Christian states, especially with Alfonso V of Aragon
and the Papal States
. On 14 August 1464, Pope Pius II
, one of Skanderbeg's major benefactors, died and took his plans for crusade against the Ottoman Empire with him to the grave. The alliances and promises for help from the major Christian powers disappeared. The Kingdom of Hungary
under Matthias Corvinus, the Republic of Venice
, and the League of Lezhë
were notable exceptions, however. Sultan Mehmed II
realized the power vacuum created after Pius died, so he tried to take advantage of the situation. He thus attempted to agree to peace with Hungary and Venice so that his attentions could be focused on Albania to gain a base for his planned campaigns in the Italian peninsula. His efforts came in vain, however, since neither Venice were Hungary were ready to open up peace. Mehmed thus kept his armies stationed in the Balkans, one force in Jajce
in Bosnia, one in Ohrid
, and another in the Morea
Skanderbeg led an incursion into Ottoman territory near Ohrid with the aid of Venetian forces under a condottiero named Cimarosto on 6 September 1464. Together, they defeated
the Ottoman forces under Şeremet bey stationed there on 14 or 15 September. The Venetian Senate informed the Hungarians the joint Albanian-Venetian success on 29 September. Mehmed, sensing the weakness in his frontier, assigned Ballaban Badera
as commander, replacing Şeremet. Ballaban was an Albanian by birth who had been incorporated into the Ottoman army through the devşirme system. In the meantime, Pope Paul II
began planning his own crusade, but with means different from his predecessor. He planned on getting the major European states to help fund the crusade while Venice, Hungary, and Albania would do the fighting. He also wanted to help the Albanians as much as possible and urged the Kingdom of Naples
to supply Skanderbeg with proper forces. Venice began to consider peace with the Turks since great strain had been placed on their resources and Hungary had adopted a defensive strategy. Pressure from the pope and Skanderbeg forced them to abort their efforts.
The Ottoman-Albanian war continued through 1465 with Ballaban Badera meeting Skanderbeg at Vaikal
, Meçad
, Vaikal again, and Kashari. Mehmed meanwhile continued to negotiate peace with Hungary and Venice. Skanderbeg found himself isolated during these negotiations, even if they did not succeed, as the conflicting powers temporarily ceased conflict. In the meantime, Ferdinand I of Naples
did not send his promised forces and the Venetian forces under Cimarosto left Albania. During the autumn of 1465, Turkish forces moved from the Morea and Bosnia in order to speed up the negotiations for peace. Venice, however, refused peace and Skanderbeg felt confident that a new Albanian-Venetian campaign would begin. He kept Pal Engjëlli
in constant correspondence with the Signoria
(Venetian Senate). Venice sent Engjëlli with a letter informing Skanderbeg that troops were being raised, although only 300 had been recruited at the time, with Cimarosto as the commander. Venice was also in the process of sending its provveditore
s in Albania Veneta
3,000 ducats to recruit men. They would also send four cannons, ten Springald
s, and ten barrels of gunpowder. Throughout April, rumors spread that The Ottomans were preparing to march into Albania. By 18 April 1466, Venice received intelligence that the Turks heading to Albania.
(Durrës) already garrisoned 3,000 men. The Scutari Fortress was also reinforced after Skanderbeg's urging. On 19 April 1466, rumor spread that the sultan was going to march into Avlonya
(Vlorë) with an army of 100,000 men. The situation was not clear however as it was thought that Turks could march against Bosnia, Serbia
, Dalmatia
, Negroponte
, or Albania. By the beginning of May, however, it was clear that Turkish preparations had been made for Albania. This was made clear when after ending his campaigns in Wallachia
, Karaman
, and the Morea, Mehmed directed his forces against Albania. None of the promised reinforcements from Naples and Venice arrived and Skanderbeg was thus left to fight Turkish forces alone.
, Mehmed realized that the only way Albania could be conquered would be through isolating Krujë
, the main Albanian fortress, by refusing Skanderbeg manpower, supplies, and political and moral backing. Afterwards, Krujë would be put under siege. The Ottoman campaign was thus sent in two directions: one through the Shkumbin River valley and another through the Black Drin
River valley. Both would field their men in the frontier regions, right and left of both valleys, and would engage in massacring the local populations, raiding inhabited areas, and burning every village which offered resistance. The populations thus decided to flee into safe areas.
Skanderbeg did not expect such a campaign and his army was not ready to halt the advances. According to an act released Monopoli
in Apulia
, an army of 300,000 soldiers (a figure considered to be exaggerated) had marched into Albania, massacred 14,000 people, and sacked many populated areas while Skanderbeg was preparing to flee to Italy. Skanderbeg had remained in Albania, however, but he had sent many inhabitants of Krujë to Italy as refugees in twelve ships. With them, he sent his wife, Donika
, and his son, Gjon. They headed for Monte Sant'Angelo
, a castle awarded to Skanderbeg after his campaigns to restore
Ferdinand I of Naples
to his throne. The arrival of Albanians further distressed the pope and many Italians who had come to believe that Albania had been conquered and that Mehmed was now preparing to march into Italy. News to the contrary reached Rome telling that the Albanian resistance had not been broken and that Krujë still stood.
The Albanian resistance saw a massive struggle against Ottoman forces and its front was expanded throughout Albania. Mehmed's akıncı
was let loose to all sides of Albania and, according to, Mehmed Neshriu, was in revenge to Skanderbeg raids in Macedonia the previous years. Idris Bitlisi, however, says that Mehmed's campaign was a response to the breaking of the ceasefire in 1463 when Skanderbeg learned that the crusade against the Ottomans organized by Pius II was ready to set off from Ancona
. Nevertheless, the Albanian resistance was described by Tursun Bey. The Albanians had gained control of the mountaintops and valleys where they had their kulle (fortified towers) which were dismantled when captured. Those inside, especially the young men and women, were sold to slavery for 3,000-4,000 akçe
each. Michael Critobulus, a Greek historian for the sultan, also describes the Albanian resistance and its aftermath. The Albanians in his chronicle had like wise gained the mountaintops; the light Ottoman infantry climbed up the heights where they cornered the Albanians behind a cliff and fell on them. Many Ilyrians (or Albanians) jumped the cliffs to escape massacre. The soldiers then spread throughout the mountains and captured many as slaves while also taking anything of value.
, Skanderbeg's main biographer, Skanderbeg had placed 4,400 men under Tanush Thopia
, along with Venetian infantry under Baldizar Perducci, in Krujë while he placed his men outside the fortress in a manner similar to the first siege of Krujë. Mehmed had marched into Albania with Ballaban Badera
under his command. Mehmed offered rewards to the garrison if they surrendered, but the garrison responded by bombarding the Ottoman positions. The ottomans then began to heavily bombard the fortress but this came to no effect. According to documentary sources, the siege began in mid-June, one month after Mehmed began his campaign to force the eastern regions of Albania to submit to him. Mehmed's campaigns there had put Skanderbeg under massive strain while the latter had yet to receive financial aid from abroad. In the beginning of July, Skanderbeg sent Pal Engjëlli to Venice. On 7 July, Engjëlli informed the Venetians that the Albanian resistance continued and Krujë still stood, contrary to the rumors that said otherwise. He then requested the arrival of the forces which had been promised by Venice when they signed a treaty of alliance on 20 August 1463 and the promised contribution of 3,000 ducats. The Venetians responded that they were already in a difficult situation due to the Turkish threat in Dalmatia
and the Aegean
where they possessed territories. They also responded that they had had difficulty recruiting new soldiers due to financial trouble and could only send 1,000 ducats to its provveditores in Albania. Despite these incredible difficulties, Skanderbeg and his men continued fighting. After convincing himself that Krujë would not fall by arms, Mehmed left 80,00 men under Ballaban and in August 1466 withdrew with his main army.
Despite his inability to subdue Krujë, Mehmed decided that the Ottoman presence would not leave Albania. He planned to organize a timar
in eastern Albania to strangle Skanderbeg's domains. The previous Sanjak of Albania was thus joined with several other administrative areas to form a larger Sanjak of Dibra. He also decided to build a powerful fortress in central Albania to counterbalance Krujë's position and to form a base for further Ottoman campaigns. The fortress would be called Ilbasan (Elbasan
). According to the Ottoman chronicler Kemal Pashazade, the sultan would place several hundred men to keep watch over the area and to defend the fortress. The foundations were built upon a field named Jundi located in a valley (Shkumbin
valley) where the climate was favorable and water was abundant. Since the resources had been prepared beforehand, Elbasan was built within a short time (within one month) and Franz Babinger
believes the work to have begun in July. Critobulus, who accompanied Mehmed in this campaign, describes that the men stationed in Elbasan would constantly harass the Albanians, to leave them no place for refuge, and to repel any Albanian force which descended from the mountains. Due to his personal guidance, Mehmed was able to see the construction finish before summer ended. There would also be inhabitants inside to serve the 400 soldiers stationed there along with cannons and catapults; the fortress would be under the command of one of Mehmed's best commanders (Ballaban Badera).
The personal care and attention Mehmed paid to Elbasan's construction testifies it's importance in the sultan's plans. This is further testified by the message Mehmed gave to his son, the future Bayezid II
, describing how he had devastated the country and in its center built a powerful fortress. Upon his exit from Albania, Marin Barleti says that Mehmed passed through Dibra and massacred 8,000 people, a figure close to the number given by the Ottoman chronicler Oruc ben Adil of 7,500. The importance of the fortress was further underscored by its position on the ancient Via Egnatia
and its central position in the Shkumbin valley from where the Turks could travel to the coast unhindered. Elbasan concerned not only the Albanians, but also the Venetians who feared for their possession in Albania as Durazzo lay only 30 miles (48.3 km) away. On 16 August, around the time that Elbasan was finished, Venice urged its provveditores in Albania to cooperate with the Italian and native forces in their proposed siege on Elbasan. Venetian faith in Skanderbeg's resistance began to subside, however, since the sultan took a much more aggressive approach in his relations with Venice. Since the Signoria still had not delivered its promised aid, Skanderbeg sent his son Gjon to Venice. Even though the Albanian resistance was at its apogee, Gjon returned to Albania empty-handed. This forced Skanderbeg to look towards Rome and Naples for help.
. He was greeted by Italian ambassadors from the various states where he was offered "aid and favors" and by several bishops and prelates. Paul, however, was still wary of giving Skanderbeg aid since the Neapolitan threat was more powerful than the Turkish one. Unlike his predecessors, Paul never attempted to form a crusade against the Turks and instead wished to bring peace to Italy. Despite this, Skanderbeg continued to stay in Rome, hoping that Paul would allocate some of his funds (of about 500,000 ducats) to Albania. Paul would assert to Skanderbeg that Venice's refusal to cooperate with him prevented him from directly helping Skanderbeg. Thus, Skanderbeg was sent to the Signoria to negotiate their stance.
During the last weeks of the year in Albania, there was no fighting since the Ottomans did not normally engage in battle during the winter. But Krujë was still held under siege and Ottoman garrisons in other areas remained. Life became harder for the population after the destruction of crops and villages and the masses of refugees. Mehmed launched a campaign against the Venetian possessions in Albania to pressure the Republic to accept peace or ceasefire. The Signoria was slow to come to terms with Mehmed due to the great pressure put on it by Pope Paul, Hungary, and Naples to remain at war. The attempt to sway the Venetians failed and the campaign was cancelled. This had an adverse affect for the Ottomans since Lekë Dukagjini
, Skanderbeg's lukewarm ally in northern Albania, decided to work without reservation with Skanderbeg against the Turks. The pope continued to hold Skanderbeg in Rome and would only give him 300 ducats to support his stay. On Christmas Eve, Paul invited Skanderbeg to a ceremony where he was awarded with a sword and cap and referred to him as Alexander, king of the Epirotes. By 7 January 1467, a consistory convened where Skanderbeg and the pope were present. According to Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga
, the pope's appeal to fund Skanderbeg with only 5,000 ducats was heard and when the Cardinals responded that this fund was minimal, Paul explained that he would send more once Italy was peaceful. This opened up a fierce debate on Italy's future which left Albania's fate undiscussed. A second consistory was called on 12 January but did not result in anything favorable for Skanderbeg. Contemporaries were critical to the pope's delays but he explained that he was waiting to see what Ferdinand of Naples was willing to offer before offering anything himself, in order not to waste money
Skanderbeg's desperation was made worse with news coming from Albania, increasing his sense that his time in Italy was becoming more and more irrational. His pessimism grew once he found out that Venice was now pressuring Paul into refusing Skanderbeg aid since they wished to put an end to the war and capitulate Krujë. During the first days of February, news arrived from the Republic of Ragusa
that Albanian resistance was nearing its end and that if the necessary actions were not brought up to speed, Albania along would fall along with Venice's possessions. Skanderbeg's pleas for proper aid were continually rejected on the basis that Italy's peace must first be secured and instead, Paul ordered Ferdinand to award what tribute would have been given to the pope to Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg lost all hope and decided to return to Albania before pleas from several cardinals convinced to stay, offering aid from their own pockets and hope in persuading Paul. A third consistory was convened on 13 February 1467 which, like the other two, came to nothing regarding aid to Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg thus began his departure from Rome. Paul met with Skanderbeg and gave him the authority to pull 7,500 ducats from Ferdinand's aforementioned tribute to the Church. This amount had not been gathered, however, and Paul thus offered Skanderbeg 2,300 ducats. Skanderbeg departed from Rome on 14 February and soon received news from Albania: the Albanian resistance was at a desperate end and needed Skanderbeg to return; a Turkish force sent to crush the resistance once and for all, however, had been defeated. He also met with Giosafat Barbaro
in Scutari
, the Venetian provveditore in Albania Veneta, where he gathered help from Venetian nobles.
) where they gathered an army to assault Ballaban's forces. Together with 400 of Dukagjini's cavalry and a large number of infantry, 600 heavily armed Italian soldiers, and 4,000 natives from Durazzo, Scutari, Alessio, Drivast
(Drisht), and Antivari (Bar
), Skanderbeg commanded 13,400 men to relieve Krujë.
Ballaban had raised his camp in the southwestern direction of the camp and beneath Mt. Sarisalltëk, he placed a guarding force. The main army surrounded Krujë. Skanderbeg's staff assigned different groups for an assault on the main Ottoman camp: northern Albanian forces would be put under Dukagjini's command, Venetian battalions were under the command of Nicolo Monetta, and Skanderbeg's most trusted forces would be assigned to another group under his command; Krujë's garrison would naturally defend the fortress. Moneta's and Dukagjini's men would attack the besieging forces from the north and Skanderbeg's men would attack from the south while also blocking any possible Ottoman reinforcements from the east. Skanderbeg first assaulted the guarding force which Ballaban had left and from this strategic point. Skanderbeg then managed to defeat Ottoman relief forces under Ballaban's brother, Jonuz, and captured him and his son. Four days later, Ballaban ordered an assault on Krujë but was killed in the resulting clashes by Gjergj Lleshi (Georgius Alexius).
With the death of Ballaban, Ottoman forces were left surrounded and according to Bernandino de Geraldinis, a Neapolitan functionary, 10,000 men remained in the besieging camp. Those inside the encirclement asked to leave freely to Turkey, surrendering all that was within the camp to the Albanians. Skanderbeg was prepared to accept, but many nobles refused. Among them was Dukagjini, who wanted to annihilate the Turkish camp. Demetrio Franco
, one of Skanderbeg's primary biographers and personal associates, described Dukagjini's proposal with the Albanian word Embetha which in modern Albanian means dhe mbi ta or in English upon them. The Albanians thus began to annihilate the surrounded army before the desperate Ottomans cut a path through their opponents and fled through Dibra. On 23 April 1467, Skanderbeg entered Krujë. Meanwhile, the Venetians had taken advantage of Mehmed's absence in Albania and sent a fleet under Vettore Capello into the Aegean
. Capello attacked and occupied the islands Imbros
and Lemnos
after which he sailed back and laid siege to Patras
. Ömer Bey
, the Ottoman commander in Greece, led a relief force to Patras where he was initially repelled before turning on his pursuers and forced them to flee, putting an end to their campaign.
This victory sparked enthusiasm among the Albanians which was expressed by Geraldinis: Skanderbeg was in his camp with 16,000 men and every day his camp grows with young warriors. The victory also sparked enthusiasm in Italy with contemporaries hoping for more good news. But the victory did not signal an end to the war, despite the great moral and material losses. Skanderbeg's damaged forces, however, had been renewed with fresh northern warriors and Venetian battalions. The situation remained critical, however, due to the economic hardships suffered during the siege. Skanderbeg's only hope was for help to come from Italy, but the Italian states had lost faith in funding any war in Albania. Hungary continued its defensive war; Skanderbeg's only ally was Venice. Even Venice became skeptical of continuing the war and was becoming isolated. Venice reported to Hungary that Mehmed had offered peace and was willing to accept it Hungary also opted for peace. But Mehmed sought peace with Venice only in order to isolate Skanderbeg and thus peace was not signed. Skanderbeg and Venice continually began to worry about the remaining garrison in Elbasan. Skanderbeg prepared an assault on the fortress but nothing would come out of it. According to Critobulos, Mehmed grew furious after learning that Elbasan had been besieged and began preparations for a new invasion which would result in the third siege of Krujë.
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...
took place in 1466 at Krujë
Krujë is a town in north central Albania and the capital of the municipality and the Krujë District. It has a population of about 15,900. Located between Mount Krujë and the Ishëm River, the city is only 20 km from the capital of Albania, Tirana....
in Albania
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...
and lasted until 1467. Ottoman forces were initially led by sultan Mehmed II
Mehmed II
Mehmed II , was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire for a short time from 1444 to September 1446, and later from...
and later by Ballaban
Ballaban Badera
Ballaban Badera was a battle-hardened and experienced Janissary commander who fought for the Ottoman Empire. He was born Michael, son of Milosch and Helena, and was kidnaped, when a child, during Ottoman raids...
. Although their crushing superiority in numbers and in armaments they couldn't capture the city and were defeated by Skanderbeg
George Kastrioti Skanderbeg or Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu , widely known as Skanderbeg , was a 15th-century Albanian lord. He was appointed as the governor of the Sanjak of Dibra by the Ottomans in 1440...
George Kastrioti Skanderbeg or Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu , widely known as Skanderbeg , was a 15th-century Albanian lord. He was appointed as the governor of the Sanjak of Dibra by the Ottomans in 1440...
had been a renegade Ottoman captain who united several Albanian princes under the League of Lezhë
League of Lezhë
The League of Lezhë was an alliance of Albanian Principalities forged in Lezhë on the 2nd of March 1444. It was initiated and organised by Skanderbeg with the aim of uniting the Albanian principalities that had been founded in the 12th - 14th centuries, to fight the Ottoman Armies...
. From there, he led a war against the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...
, defeating them in battle multiple times, and had grown close with the Western Christian states, especially with Alfonso V of Aragon
Alfonso V of Aragon
Alfonso the Magnanimous KG was the King of Aragon , Valencia , Majorca, Sardinia and Corsica , and Sicily and Count of Barcelona from 1416 and King of Naples from 1442 until his death...
and the Papal States
Papal States
The Papal State, State of the Church, or Pontifical States were among the major historical states of Italy from roughly the 6th century until the Italian peninsula was unified in 1861 by the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia .The Papal States comprised territories under...
. On 14 August 1464, Pope Pius II
Pope Pius II
Pope Pius II, born Enea Silvio Piccolomini was Pope from August 19, 1458 until his death in 1464. Pius II was born at Corsignano in the Sienese territory of a noble but decayed family...
, one of Skanderbeg's major benefactors, died and took his plans for crusade against the Ottoman Empire with him to the grave. The alliances and promises for help from the major Christian powers disappeared. The Kingdom of Hungary
Kingdom of Hungary
The Kingdom of Hungary comprised present-day Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia , Transylvania , Carpatho Ruthenia , Vojvodina , Burgenland , and other smaller territories surrounding present-day Hungary's borders...
under Matthias Corvinus, the Republic of Venice
Republic of Venice
The Republic of Venice or Venetian Republic was a state originating from the city of Venice in Northeastern Italy. It existed for over a millennium, from the late 7th century until 1797. It was formally known as the Most Serene Republic of Venice and is often referred to as La Serenissima, in...
, and the League of Lezhë
League of Lezhë
The League of Lezhë was an alliance of Albanian Principalities forged in Lezhë on the 2nd of March 1444. It was initiated and organised by Skanderbeg with the aim of uniting the Albanian principalities that had been founded in the 12th - 14th centuries, to fight the Ottoman Armies...
were notable exceptions, however. Sultan Mehmed II
Mehmed II
Mehmed II , was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire for a short time from 1444 to September 1446, and later from...
realized the power vacuum created after Pius died, so he tried to take advantage of the situation. He thus attempted to agree to peace with Hungary and Venice so that his attentions could be focused on Albania to gain a base for his planned campaigns in the Italian peninsula. His efforts came in vain, however, since neither Venice were Hungary were ready to open up peace. Mehmed thus kept his armies stationed in the Balkans, one force in Jajce
Jajce is a city and municipality located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is part of the Central Bosnia Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity...
in Bosnia, one in Ohrid
Ohrid is a city on the eastern shore of Lake Ohrid in the Republic of Macedonia. It has about 42,000 inhabitants, making it the seventh largest city in the country. The city is the seat of Ohrid Municipality. Ohrid is notable for having once had 365 churches, one for each day of the year and has...
, and another in the Morea
The Morea was the name of the Peloponnese peninsula in southern Greece during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. It also referred to a Byzantine province in the region, known as the Despotate of Morea.-Origins of the name:...
Skanderbeg led an incursion into Ottoman territory near Ohrid with the aid of Venetian forces under a condottiero named Cimarosto on 6 September 1464. Together, they defeated
Battle of Ohrid
The Battle of Ohrid took place on 14 or 15 September 1464 between the Ottoman Empire's forces and Skanderbeg's Albania. A crusade against Sultan Mehmed II had been planned by Pope Pius II with Skanderbeg as one of its main leaders. The battle near Ohrid occurred as a result of an Albanian incursion...
the Ottoman forces under Şeremet bey stationed there on 14 or 15 September. The Venetian Senate informed the Hungarians the joint Albanian-Venetian success on 29 September. Mehmed, sensing the weakness in his frontier, assigned Ballaban Badera
Ballaban Badera
Ballaban Badera was a battle-hardened and experienced Janissary commander who fought for the Ottoman Empire. He was born Michael, son of Milosch and Helena, and was kidnaped, when a child, during Ottoman raids...
as commander, replacing Şeremet. Ballaban was an Albanian by birth who had been incorporated into the Ottoman army through the devşirme system. In the meantime, Pope Paul II
Pope Paul II
Pope Paul II , born Pietro Barbo, was pope from 1464 until his death in 1471.- Early life :He was born in Venice, and was a nephew of Pope Eugene IV , through his mother. His adoption of the spiritual career, after having been trained as a merchant, was prompted by his uncle's election as pope...
began planning his own crusade, but with means different from his predecessor. He planned on getting the major European states to help fund the crusade while Venice, Hungary, and Albania would do the fighting. He also wanted to help the Albanians as much as possible and urged the Kingdom of Naples
Kingdom of Naples
The Kingdom of Naples, comprising the southern part of the Italian peninsula, was the remainder of the old Kingdom of Sicily after secession of the island of Sicily as a result of the Sicilian Vespers rebellion of 1282. Known to contemporaries as the Kingdom of Sicily, it is dubbed Kingdom of...
to supply Skanderbeg with proper forces. Venice began to consider peace with the Turks since great strain had been placed on their resources and Hungary had adopted a defensive strategy. Pressure from the pope and Skanderbeg forced them to abort their efforts.
The Ottoman-Albanian war continued through 1465 with Ballaban Badera meeting Skanderbeg at Vaikal
Battle of Vaikal
The Battle of Vaikal occurred in April 1465 in the valley of Vaikal, southeastern Albania. A new Ottoman captain of Albanian origin, Ballaban Badera, was sent by Sultan Mehmed II to inflict heavy losses on the Albanian forces. Skanderbeg had been prepared for the battle and prepared his troops for...
, Meçad
Battle of Meçad (1465)
The Battle of Meçad took place on July 1465 between Skanderbeg's Albanian forces and Ballaban Badera's Ottoman forces. Skanderbeg had been leading a war against the Ottoman Empire for over two decades and Ballaban Badera was an Ottoman captain of Albanian origin who had been recruited through the...
, Vaikal again, and Kashari. Mehmed meanwhile continued to negotiate peace with Hungary and Venice. Skanderbeg found himself isolated during these negotiations, even if they did not succeed, as the conflicting powers temporarily ceased conflict. In the meantime, Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinand I , also called Don Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. He was the natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon by Giraldona Carlino.-Biography:...
did not send his promised forces and the Venetian forces under Cimarosto left Albania. During the autumn of 1465, Turkish forces moved from the Morea and Bosnia in order to speed up the negotiations for peace. Venice, however, refused peace and Skanderbeg felt confident that a new Albanian-Venetian campaign would begin. He kept Pal Engjëlli
Pal Engjëlli
Pal Engjëlli was an Albanian Catholic clergyman, Archbishop of Durrës and Cardinal of Albania who in 1462 wrote the first known sentence retrieved so far in Albanian. Pal Engjëlli is reported to have been a friend, co-worker and close counselor of Skanderbeg. As his envoy, he frequently traveled...
in constant correspondence with the Signoria
A Signoria was an abstract noun meaning 'government; governing authority; de facto sovereignty; lordship in many of the Italian city states during the medieval and renaissance periods....
(Venetian Senate). Venice sent Engjëlli with a letter informing Skanderbeg that troops were being raised, although only 300 had been recruited at the time, with Cimarosto as the commander. Venice was also in the process of sending its provveditore
The Italian title provveditore or proveditore , "he who sees to things", was the style of various local district governors in the extensive, mainly maritime empire of the Venetian dogal republic...
s in Albania Veneta
Albania Veneta
Venetian Albania was the name for the possessions of the Venetian Republic in southern Dalmatia that existed from 1420 to 1797. It originally covered the coastal area of what is now northern Albania and the coast of Montenegro, but the Albanian and southern Montenegrin parts were lost to the...
3,000 ducats to recruit men. They would also send four cannons, ten Springald
A Springald is a late 12th century or early 13th century mechanical artillery device for throwing large bolts and less commonly stones or Greek fire, based around the design of a contemporary crossbow and a Greek ballista, but with inward swinging arms....
s, and ten barrels of gunpowder. Throughout April, rumors spread that The Ottomans were preparing to march into Albania. By 18 April 1466, Venice received intelligence that the Turks heading to Albania.
Once news of the approaching Ottomans arrived, Venice sent reinforcements to its cities along Albania; DurazzoDurrës
Durrës is the second largest city of Albania located on the central Albanian coast, about west of the capital Tirana. It is one of the most ancient and economically important cities of Albania. Durres is situated at one of the narrower points of the Adriatic Sea, opposite the Italian ports of Bari...
(Durrës) already garrisoned 3,000 men. The Scutari Fortress was also reinforced after Skanderbeg's urging. On 19 April 1466, rumor spread that the sultan was going to march into Avlonya
Vlorë is one of the biggest towns and the second largest port city of Albania, after Durrës, with a population of about 94,000 . It is the city where the Albanian Declaration of Independence was proclaimed on November 28, 1912...
(Vlorë) with an army of 100,000 men. The situation was not clear however as it was thought that Turks could march against Bosnia, Serbia
Serbia , officially the Republic of Serbia , is a landlocked country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, covering the southern part of the Carpathian basin and the central part of the Balkans...
, Dalmatia
Dalmatia is a historical region on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. It stretches from the island of Rab in the northwest to the Bay of Kotor in the southeast. The hinterland, the Dalmatian Zagora, ranges from fifty kilometers in width in the north to just a few kilometers in the south....
, Negroponte
Euboea is the second largest Greek island in area and population, after Crete. The narrow Euripus Strait separates it from Boeotia in mainland Greece. In general outline it is a long and narrow, seahorse-shaped island; it is about long, and varies in breadth from to...
, or Albania. By the beginning of May, however, it was clear that Turkish preparations had been made for Albania. This was made clear when after ending his campaigns in Wallachia
Wallachia or Walachia is a historical and geographical region of Romania. It is situated north of the Danube and south of the Southern Carpathians...
, Karaman
Karaman is a town in south central Turkey, located north of the Taurus Mountains, about south of Konya. It is the capital district of the Karaman Province. According to 2000 census, the population of the province is 231 872 of which 132,064 live in the town of Karaman. The district covers an area...
, and the Morea, Mehmed directed his forces against Albania. None of the promised reinforcements from Naples and Venice arrived and Skanderbeg was thus left to fight Turkish forces alone.
Ottoman activities in Albania
News arrived from eastern Albania that the Ottomans had begun massacring the inhabitants there. The pope was distressed by this and called on the Christian princes of Europe to aid Skanderbeg. Soon after, Mehmed's men marched in full force into Albania. Unlike his father Murad IIMurad II
Murad II Kodja was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1421 to 1451 ....
, Mehmed realized that the only way Albania could be conquered would be through isolating Krujë
Krujë is a town in north central Albania and the capital of the municipality and the Krujë District. It has a population of about 15,900. Located between Mount Krujë and the Ishëm River, the city is only 20 km from the capital of Albania, Tirana....
, the main Albanian fortress, by refusing Skanderbeg manpower, supplies, and political and moral backing. Afterwards, Krujë would be put under siege. The Ottoman campaign was thus sent in two directions: one through the Shkumbin River valley and another through the Black Drin
Black Drin
The Black Drin is a river in Albania and the Republic of Macedonia. It flows out of Lake Ohrid in Struga, Macedonia. After approximately it crosses the border to Albania, west of Debar. It merges with the White Drin in Kukës to form the Drin, which flows into the Adriatic Sea...
River valley. Both would field their men in the frontier regions, right and left of both valleys, and would engage in massacring the local populations, raiding inhabited areas, and burning every village which offered resistance. The populations thus decided to flee into safe areas.
Skanderbeg did not expect such a campaign and his army was not ready to halt the advances. According to an act released Monopoli
Monopoli is a town and comune in Italy, in the province of Bari, region of Apulia. The town is roughly in area and lies about 40 km southeast from Bari. It has about 50,000 inhabitants....
in Apulia
Apulia is a region in Southern Italy bordering the Adriatic Sea in the east, the Ionian Sea to the southeast, and the Strait of Òtranto and Gulf of Taranto in the south. Its most southern portion, known as Salento peninsula, forms a high heel on the "boot" of Italy. The region comprises , and...
, an army of 300,000 soldiers (a figure considered to be exaggerated) had marched into Albania, massacred 14,000 people, and sacked many populated areas while Skanderbeg was preparing to flee to Italy. Skanderbeg had remained in Albania, however, but he had sent many inhabitants of Krujë to Italy as refugees in twelve ships. With them, he sent his wife, Donika
Donika Kastrioti
Donika Kastrioti Arianiti Muzaka, Princess of the League of Lezhë was an Albanian noblewoman. A member of the Houses of Arianiti, Muzaka and Kastrioti she was the wife of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg. She was the daughter of Gjergj Arianiti who stood as one of the greatest leaders' war against the...
, and his son, Gjon. They headed for Monte Sant'Angelo
Monte Sant'Angelo
Monte Sant'Angelo is a town and comune of Apulia, southern Italy, in the province of Foggia, about 15 km north of Manfredonia by road and 4 km west of Mattinata, on the southern slopes of Monte Gargano.-History:...
, a castle awarded to Skanderbeg after his campaigns to restore
Skanderbeg's Italian expedition
Skanderbeg's Italian expedition was undertaken to aid his ally Ferdinand I of Naples, whose rulership was threatened by the Angevin Dynasty. George Kastrioti Skanderbeg was the ruler of Albania who had been leading a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire since 1443 and allied himself with several...
Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinand I of Naples
Ferdinand I , also called Don Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. He was the natural son of Alfonso V of Aragon by Giraldona Carlino.-Biography:...
to his throne. The arrival of Albanians further distressed the pope and many Italians who had come to believe that Albania had been conquered and that Mehmed was now preparing to march into Italy. News to the contrary reached Rome telling that the Albanian resistance had not been broken and that Krujë still stood.
The Albanian resistance saw a massive struggle against Ottoman forces and its front was expanded throughout Albania. Mehmed's akıncı
Akıncı were irregular light cavalry,scout divisions and advance troops of the Ottoman Empire's military. When the pre-existing Turkish ghazis were incorporated into the Ottoman Empire's military they became known as "akıncı." They were one of the first divisions to face the opposing military and...
was let loose to all sides of Albania and, according to, Mehmed Neshriu, was in revenge to Skanderbeg raids in Macedonia the previous years. Idris Bitlisi, however, says that Mehmed's campaign was a response to the breaking of the ceasefire in 1463 when Skanderbeg learned that the crusade against the Ottomans organized by Pius II was ready to set off from Ancona
Ancona is a city and a seaport in the Marche region, in central Italy, with a population of 101,909 . Ancona is the capital of the province of Ancona and of the region....
. Nevertheless, the Albanian resistance was described by Tursun Bey. The Albanians had gained control of the mountaintops and valleys where they had their kulle (fortified towers) which were dismantled when captured. Those inside, especially the young men and women, were sold to slavery for 3,000-4,000 akçe
thumb|250px|AkçeA silver coin, the akçe was the chief monetary unit of the Ottoman Empire. The word "akçe" is derived from the Greek "" , the name of a Byzantine silver or billon coin, current in the region that eventually became the Ottoman Empire. The akçe is hence often called asper in English...
each. Michael Critobulus, a Greek historian for the sultan, also describes the Albanian resistance and its aftermath. The Albanians in his chronicle had like wise gained the mountaintops; the light Ottoman infantry climbed up the heights where they cornered the Albanians behind a cliff and fell on them. Many Ilyrians (or Albanians) jumped the cliffs to escape massacre. The soldiers then spread throughout the mountains and captured many as slaves while also taking anything of value.
The first phase of the Ottoman campaign to isolate Krujë lasted for two months. According to Marin BarletiMarin Barleti
Marin Barleti . was an Albanian historian and Catholic priest. He is considered the first Albanian historian, especially because of his biography on Skanderbeg, translated in many languages in the 16th to the 18th centuries.-Life:Barleti lived in Shkodër and was a scholar and a clergyman...
, Skanderbeg's main biographer, Skanderbeg had placed 4,400 men under Tanush Thopia
Tanush Thopia
Tanush Thopia was an Albanian nobleman of the 15th century and one of the closest collaborators of George Kastrioti Skanderbeg.Thopia descended from the Thopia family. He was a commander of the infantry of the League of Lezhe, and his garrison became famous for their resistance during the Second...
, along with Venetian infantry under Baldizar Perducci, in Krujë while he placed his men outside the fortress in a manner similar to the first siege of Krujë. Mehmed had marched into Albania with Ballaban Badera
Ballaban Badera
Ballaban Badera was a battle-hardened and experienced Janissary commander who fought for the Ottoman Empire. He was born Michael, son of Milosch and Helena, and was kidnaped, when a child, during Ottoman raids...
under his command. Mehmed offered rewards to the garrison if they surrendered, but the garrison responded by bombarding the Ottoman positions. The ottomans then began to heavily bombard the fortress but this came to no effect. According to documentary sources, the siege began in mid-June, one month after Mehmed began his campaign to force the eastern regions of Albania to submit to him. Mehmed's campaigns there had put Skanderbeg under massive strain while the latter had yet to receive financial aid from abroad. In the beginning of July, Skanderbeg sent Pal Engjëlli to Venice. On 7 July, Engjëlli informed the Venetians that the Albanian resistance continued and Krujë still stood, contrary to the rumors that said otherwise. He then requested the arrival of the forces which had been promised by Venice when they signed a treaty of alliance on 20 August 1463 and the promised contribution of 3,000 ducats. The Venetians responded that they were already in a difficult situation due to the Turkish threat in Dalmatia
Dalmatia is a historical region on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. It stretches from the island of Rab in the northwest to the Bay of Kotor in the southeast. The hinterland, the Dalmatian Zagora, ranges from fifty kilometers in width in the north to just a few kilometers in the south....
and the Aegean
Aegean Sea
The Aegean Sea[p] is an elongated embayment of the Mediterranean Sea located between the southern Balkan and Anatolian peninsulas, i.e., between the mainlands of Greece and Turkey. In the north, it is connected to the Marmara Sea and Black Sea by the Dardanelles and Bosporus...
where they possessed territories. They also responded that they had had difficulty recruiting new soldiers due to financial trouble and could only send 1,000 ducats to its provveditores in Albania. Despite these incredible difficulties, Skanderbeg and his men continued fighting. After convincing himself that Krujë would not fall by arms, Mehmed left 80,00 men under Ballaban and in August 1466 withdrew with his main army.
Construction of Elbasan Fortress

Timar is a land granted by the Ottoman sultans between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, with a tax revenue annual value of less than 20 000 akçes. The revenues produced from land acted as compensation for military service. A Timar holder was known as a Timariot...
in eastern Albania to strangle Skanderbeg's domains. The previous Sanjak of Albania was thus joined with several other administrative areas to form a larger Sanjak of Dibra. He also decided to build a powerful fortress in central Albania to counterbalance Krujë's position and to form a base for further Ottoman campaigns. The fortress would be called Ilbasan (Elbasan
Elbasan is a city in central Albania. It is located on the Shkumbin River in the District of Elbasan and the County of Elbasan, at...
). According to the Ottoman chronicler Kemal Pashazade, the sultan would place several hundred men to keep watch over the area and to defend the fortress. The foundations were built upon a field named Jundi located in a valley (Shkumbin
Shkumbin is a river in central Albania, flowing into the Adriatic Sea. It is considered the dividing line for the two dialects of the Albanian language: Tosk and Gheg ....
valley) where the climate was favorable and water was abundant. Since the resources had been prepared beforehand, Elbasan was built within a short time (within one month) and Franz Babinger
Franz Babinger
Franz Babinger was a pioneering historian of the Ottoman Empire, best known for his authoritative biography of the great Ottoman emperor Mehmed II known as the Conqueror, originally published as Mehmed der Eroberer und seine Zeit...
believes the work to have begun in July. Critobulus, who accompanied Mehmed in this campaign, describes that the men stationed in Elbasan would constantly harass the Albanians, to leave them no place for refuge, and to repel any Albanian force which descended from the mountains. Due to his personal guidance, Mehmed was able to see the construction finish before summer ended. There would also be inhabitants inside to serve the 400 soldiers stationed there along with cannons and catapults; the fortress would be under the command of one of Mehmed's best commanders (Ballaban Badera).
The personal care and attention Mehmed paid to Elbasan's construction testifies it's importance in the sultan's plans. This is further testified by the message Mehmed gave to his son, the future Bayezid II
Bayezid II
Bayezid II or Sultân Bayezid-î Velî was the oldest son and successor of Mehmed II, ruling as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1481 to 1512...
, describing how he had devastated the country and in its center built a powerful fortress. Upon his exit from Albania, Marin Barleti says that Mehmed passed through Dibra and massacred 8,000 people, a figure close to the number given by the Ottoman chronicler Oruc ben Adil of 7,500. The importance of the fortress was further underscored by its position on the ancient Via Egnatia
Via Egnatia
The Via Egnatia was a road constructed by the Romans in the 2nd century BC. It crossed the Roman provinces of Illyricum, Macedonia, and Thrace, running through territory that is now part of modern Albania, the Republic of Macedonia, Greece, and European Turkey.Starting at Dyrrachium on the...
and its central position in the Shkumbin valley from where the Turks could travel to the coast unhindered. Elbasan concerned not only the Albanians, but also the Venetians who feared for their possession in Albania as Durazzo lay only 30 miles (48.3 km) away. On 16 August, around the time that Elbasan was finished, Venice urged its provveditores in Albania to cooperate with the Italian and native forces in their proposed siege on Elbasan. Venetian faith in Skanderbeg's resistance began to subside, however, since the sultan took a much more aggressive approach in his relations with Venice. Since the Signoria still had not delivered its promised aid, Skanderbeg sent his son Gjon to Venice. Even though the Albanian resistance was at its apogee, Gjon returned to Albania empty-handed. This forced Skanderbeg to look towards Rome and Naples for help.
Skanderbeg in Rome
By the end of October, Skanderbeg began his voyage to Italy to speak with Ferdinand of Naples and Pope Paul II over the provisions which they would be willing to give him. Italy, however, was fragmented into several states which were in continuous conflict with each other, forcing them to allot their finances to their own efforts. Since Paul was Venetian, Ferdinand was worried that his interests might be inhibited by the pope and he could spare any aid for Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg thus left Naples with nothing but a promise from Ferdinand to request aid for Skanderbeg. Venice urged for the same thing and Skanderbeg went to Paul after the latter had declared that the Christian League had raised 100,000 ducats for the planned crusade. Skanderbeg reached Rome on 12 December 1466 where he was greeted by the cardinals and their families. Here they received the impression of Skanderbeg as a poor old man, dressed as a simple warrior. He was given residence in Palazzo di San Marco, now called Palazzo VeneziaPalazzo Venezia
The Palazzo di Venezia is a palazzo in central Rome, Italy, just north of the Capitoline Hill. The original structure of this great architectural complex consisted of a modest medieval house intended as the residence of the cardinals appointed to the Church of San Marco...
. He was greeted by Italian ambassadors from the various states where he was offered "aid and favors" and by several bishops and prelates. Paul, however, was still wary of giving Skanderbeg aid since the Neapolitan threat was more powerful than the Turkish one. Unlike his predecessors, Paul never attempted to form a crusade against the Turks and instead wished to bring peace to Italy. Despite this, Skanderbeg continued to stay in Rome, hoping that Paul would allocate some of his funds (of about 500,000 ducats) to Albania. Paul would assert to Skanderbeg that Venice's refusal to cooperate with him prevented him from directly helping Skanderbeg. Thus, Skanderbeg was sent to the Signoria to negotiate their stance.
During the last weeks of the year in Albania, there was no fighting since the Ottomans did not normally engage in battle during the winter. But Krujë was still held under siege and Ottoman garrisons in other areas remained. Life became harder for the population after the destruction of crops and villages and the masses of refugees. Mehmed launched a campaign against the Venetian possessions in Albania to pressure the Republic to accept peace or ceasefire. The Signoria was slow to come to terms with Mehmed due to the great pressure put on it by Pope Paul, Hungary, and Naples to remain at war. The attempt to sway the Venetians failed and the campaign was cancelled. This had an adverse affect for the Ottomans since Lekë Dukagjini
Lekë Dukagjini
Lekë III Dukagjini was an Albanian prince who fought against the Ottoman Empire. A contemporary of Skanderbeg, Dukagjini is known for the Kanuni i Lekë Dukagjinit, a code of law instituted in northern Albania.- Biography :...
, Skanderbeg's lukewarm ally in northern Albania, decided to work without reservation with Skanderbeg against the Turks. The pope continued to hold Skanderbeg in Rome and would only give him 300 ducats to support his stay. On Christmas Eve, Paul invited Skanderbeg to a ceremony where he was awarded with a sword and cap and referred to him as Alexander, king of the Epirotes. By 7 January 1467, a consistory convened where Skanderbeg and the pope were present. According to Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga
Francesco Gonzaga (1444-1483)
Francesco Gonzaga was an Italian bishop and cardinal.-Biography:Born at Mantua, he was the second son of Ludovico II Gonzaga, marquess of Mantua, and Barbara of Brandenburg....
, the pope's appeal to fund Skanderbeg with only 5,000 ducats was heard and when the Cardinals responded that this fund was minimal, Paul explained that he would send more once Italy was peaceful. This opened up a fierce debate on Italy's future which left Albania's fate undiscussed. A second consistory was called on 12 January but did not result in anything favorable for Skanderbeg. Contemporaries were critical to the pope's delays but he explained that he was waiting to see what Ferdinand of Naples was willing to offer before offering anything himself, in order not to waste money
Skanderbeg's desperation was made worse with news coming from Albania, increasing his sense that his time in Italy was becoming more and more irrational. His pessimism grew once he found out that Venice was now pressuring Paul into refusing Skanderbeg aid since they wished to put an end to the war and capitulate Krujë. During the first days of February, news arrived from the Republic of Ragusa
Republic of Ragusa
The Republic of Ragusa or Republic of Dubrovnik was a maritime republic centered on the city of Dubrovnik in Dalmatia , that existed from 1358 to 1808...
that Albanian resistance was nearing its end and that if the necessary actions were not brought up to speed, Albania along would fall along with Venice's possessions. Skanderbeg's pleas for proper aid were continually rejected on the basis that Italy's peace must first be secured and instead, Paul ordered Ferdinand to award what tribute would have been given to the pope to Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg lost all hope and decided to return to Albania before pleas from several cardinals convinced to stay, offering aid from their own pockets and hope in persuading Paul. A third consistory was convened on 13 February 1467 which, like the other two, came to nothing regarding aid to Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg thus began his departure from Rome. Paul met with Skanderbeg and gave him the authority to pull 7,500 ducats from Ferdinand's aforementioned tribute to the Church. This amount had not been gathered, however, and Paul thus offered Skanderbeg 2,300 ducats. Skanderbeg departed from Rome on 14 February and soon received news from Albania: the Albanian resistance was at a desperate end and needed Skanderbeg to return; a Turkish force sent to crush the resistance once and for all, however, had been defeated. He also met with Giosafat Barbaro
Giosafat Barbaro
Giosafat Barbaro was a member of the Venetian Barbaro family. He was a diplomat, merchant, explorer and travel writer. He was unusually well-travelled for someone of his times.-Family:...
in Scutari
Shkodër , is a city located on Lake of Shkoder in northwestern Albania in the District of Shkodër, of which it is the capital. It is one of the oldest and most historic towns in Albania, as well as an important cultural and economic centre. Shkodër's estimated population is 90,000; if the...
, the Venetian provveditore in Albania Veneta, where he gathered help from Venetian nobles.
Final battles
The defeat of the Ottoman reinforcements showed that the Albanian resistance had yet to be fully defeated. This urged Skanderbeg to go to Ferdinand, but there he received only 1,000 ducats, 300 carts of grain, and 500 ducats to support Krujë's munitions. While Skanderbeg was in his court, Ferdinand received an ambassador from Mehmed offering peace, signaling that the Ottomans did not have any aggressive intentions towards Naples. Ferdinand accepted the proposal and Skanderbeg thus began his return to Albania. The situation in Albania continued to be dramatic and Ballaban continued to strengthen the siege on Krujë. Upon returning to Albania, the political landscape began to change. The once distant Albanian nobles, among them Dukagjini, were now convinced of their impending end and allied themselves closely with Skanderbeg. Meanwhile, the Venetians ended their attempts to make peace with Mehmed and accepted cooperation with Skanderbeg. Skanderbeg met with Dukagjini and other northern Albanian nobles in Alessio (LezhëLezhë
Lezhë is a city in northwest Albania, in the district and county with the same name. It is located at and has a population of about 27,500...
) where they gathered an army to assault Ballaban's forces. Together with 400 of Dukagjini's cavalry and a large number of infantry, 600 heavily armed Italian soldiers, and 4,000 natives from Durazzo, Scutari, Alessio, Drivast
Drivast was an important medieval town in contemporary Albania. Today, it is located in the municipality Postribë in the Shkodër District.- History :Drivast is known to have existed before the twelfth century AD...
(Drisht), and Antivari (Bar
Bar, Montenegro
Bar is a coastal town in Montenegro. It has a population of 17,727...
), Skanderbeg commanded 13,400 men to relieve Krujë.
Ballaban had raised his camp in the southwestern direction of the camp and beneath Mt. Sarisalltëk, he placed a guarding force. The main army surrounded Krujë. Skanderbeg's staff assigned different groups for an assault on the main Ottoman camp: northern Albanian forces would be put under Dukagjini's command, Venetian battalions were under the command of Nicolo Monetta, and Skanderbeg's most trusted forces would be assigned to another group under his command; Krujë's garrison would naturally defend the fortress. Moneta's and Dukagjini's men would attack the besieging forces from the north and Skanderbeg's men would attack from the south while also blocking any possible Ottoman reinforcements from the east. Skanderbeg first assaulted the guarding force which Ballaban had left and from this strategic point. Skanderbeg then managed to defeat Ottoman relief forces under Ballaban's brother, Jonuz, and captured him and his son. Four days later, Ballaban ordered an assault on Krujë but was killed in the resulting clashes by Gjergj Lleshi (Georgius Alexius).
With the death of Ballaban, Ottoman forces were left surrounded and according to Bernandino de Geraldinis, a Neapolitan functionary, 10,000 men remained in the besieging camp. Those inside the encirclement asked to leave freely to Turkey, surrendering all that was within the camp to the Albanians. Skanderbeg was prepared to accept, but many nobles refused. Among them was Dukagjini, who wanted to annihilate the Turkish camp. Demetrio Franco
Dhimitër Frëngu
Dhimitër Frëngu was an Albanian scholar, soldier and Catholic priest. His foremost work is considerered to be Comentario de le cose de' Turchi, et del S. Georgio Scanderbeg, principe d' Epyro, a biography of the national hero of Albania Skanderbeg.- Life :Dhimitër Frëngu was born in Drivast,...
, one of Skanderbeg's primary biographers and personal associates, described Dukagjini's proposal with the Albanian word Embetha which in modern Albanian means dhe mbi ta or in English upon them. The Albanians thus began to annihilate the surrounded army before the desperate Ottomans cut a path through their opponents and fled through Dibra. On 23 April 1467, Skanderbeg entered Krujë. Meanwhile, the Venetians had taken advantage of Mehmed's absence in Albania and sent a fleet under Vettore Capello into the Aegean
Aegean Sea
The Aegean Sea[p] is an elongated embayment of the Mediterranean Sea located between the southern Balkan and Anatolian peninsulas, i.e., between the mainlands of Greece and Turkey. In the north, it is connected to the Marmara Sea and Black Sea by the Dardanelles and Bosporus...
. Capello attacked and occupied the islands Imbros
Imbros or Imroz, officially referred to as Gökçeada since July 29, 1970 , is an island in the Aegean Sea and the largest island of Turkey, part of Çanakkale Province. It is located at the entrance of Saros Bay and is also the westernmost point of Turkey...
and Lemnos
Lemnos is an island of Greece in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. Administratively the island forms a separate municipality within the Lemnos peripheral unit, which is part of the North Aegean Periphery. The principal town of the island and seat of the municipality is Myrina...
after which he sailed back and laid siege to Patras
Patras , ) is Greece's third largest urban area and the regional capital of West Greece, located in northern Peloponnese, 215 kilometers west of Athens...
. Ömer Bey
Turahanoğlu Ömer Bey
Turahanoğlu Ömer Bey was an Ottoman general and governor. The son of the famed Turahan Bey, he was active chiefly in southern Greece: he fought in the Morea against both the Byzantines in the 1440s and 1450s and against the Venetians in the 1460s, while in 1456, he conquered the Latin Duchy of...
, the Ottoman commander in Greece, led a relief force to Patras where he was initially repelled before turning on his pursuers and forced them to flee, putting an end to their campaign.
This victory sparked enthusiasm among the Albanians which was expressed by Geraldinis: Skanderbeg was in his camp with 16,000 men and every day his camp grows with young warriors. The victory also sparked enthusiasm in Italy with contemporaries hoping for more good news. But the victory did not signal an end to the war, despite the great moral and material losses. Skanderbeg's damaged forces, however, had been renewed with fresh northern warriors and Venetian battalions. The situation remained critical, however, due to the economic hardships suffered during the siege. Skanderbeg's only hope was for help to come from Italy, but the Italian states had lost faith in funding any war in Albania. Hungary continued its defensive war; Skanderbeg's only ally was Venice. Even Venice became skeptical of continuing the war and was becoming isolated. Venice reported to Hungary that Mehmed had offered peace and was willing to accept it Hungary also opted for peace. But Mehmed sought peace with Venice only in order to isolate Skanderbeg and thus peace was not signed. Skanderbeg and Venice continually began to worry about the remaining garrison in Elbasan. Skanderbeg prepared an assault on the fortress but nothing would come out of it. According to Critobulos, Mehmed grew furious after learning that Elbasan had been besieged and began preparations for a new invasion which would result in the third siege of Krujë.