San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro
San Teodoro is a 4th-class municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
. According to the 2010 Census of Population and Housing, it has a total population of 15,039, household population of 15,027, and 3,281 households. The municipality is classified as partly urban.
. It is bounded to the north by the Verde Island Passages, to the east by Baco
, to the west by Puerto Galera
, and to the south by Santa Cruz
in Occidental Mindoro
In 1828, the visita was headed by Gobernadorcillo
Ysidro Crisostomo. He was succeeded by Gobernadorcillo Juan Sextol in 1830. When Subaan became a visita del pueblo y cabecera de Puerto Galera in 1840, Candido Fulgencia’s position was reduced to "Cabeza de Barangay
". This was also the title conferred on Marcelino Crisostomo in 1841.
Subaan and Baco were again annexed to Calapan in 1852. Melchor Alcones Felix was elected gobernadorcillo with Rufino Arcon and Justo Arandia as cabezas de barangay of 2 barangays. In 1856 they were replaced by Domingo Artillero and Bernardo Arenillo. There were just 3 barangays in 1889 and the cabezas were Faustino Artellero, Telesforo Fernandez and Modesto Alcones. When Subaan was declared a sovereign municipality (pueblo) in 1892, the new gobernadorcillo was Juan Rojas. In 1897, it was Ruperto Arce with the title Gobernadorcillo changed to "Capitan Municipal
". When Capitan Juan Rojas won the election again, it made him the only official who had been addressed by 3 different titles in his capacity as mayor of Subaan. He was the last gobernadorcillo because after his term, it was changed to capitan municipal. He was the last capitan because when Mindoro fell to the hands of the revolutionaries, he took oath under the emissary of Gen. Miguel Malvar
in July 1, 1898 as "Presidente Municipal
". Pres. Rojas was the first and the last leader of Subaan under the Revolutionary Government of General Emilio Aguinaldo
Before the turn of the century, Subaan had four cabezerias: Ylag, Tacligan, Bigaan and Pauican plus Subaan Proper (Lumangbayan) which in turn had 7 sitios namely Agbiray, Calabugao (both named after adjacent rivers), Bulaso, Calero, Calumpang, Tanak and Tubigan. During those times only the coastal areas were populated as water boats were the only mode of transportation between barangays. Bigaan was an exception because it had 10 inhabitants despite being inland.
The people had reasons to be apprehensive. Six months earlier, 25 Mindoreños were killed during the American assault of Calapan. Random firing from Calero hilltop felled the priest named Fr. Vicente Jose and former Gobernadorcillo Pedro Luces Luna. Several houses were torched and large cache of firearms and ammunitions were captured. Mindoro is used to be bypassed by the Americans at the height of their campaign against Filipino insurgency. But after the capture of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on March 1901, they turned their attention to Mindoro, one of the islands in Luzon under Filipino control. The Americans employed many Filipino mercenaries whom they called "Macabebes". These mercenaries were feared more by the Mindoreños because of their ruthlessness. The hoisting of the Star-Spangled Banner in Calapan town plaza on July 29, 1901 ended the short-lived revolutionary government in Mindoro. But the insurgency never came to a halt. Sporadic fighting around the island continued. Americans employed reign of terror. Towns were razed to the ground, sources of drinking water poisoned, animals and harvests were confiscated or burned, and prisoners were maltreated. Houses were demolished for the construction materials needed in building military quarters and stockades and to create spaces for plazas and markets. War between the Americans and Mindoreños became destructive. Each camp resorted to atrocities utilizing kidnapping and hostage taking of families to force rebels to surrender as in the case of Governor Juan Morente of Pinamalayan
. The group of Valeriano Gasic of Naujan
in turn executed 70 suspected American collaborators.
The sparsely populated Subaan community was defenseless. The US pacification and exploration force leader Commander Lt. Theodore Hutchins and his soldiers went ashore but were surprised to see that the town was deserted. Before noontime, when still nobody showed up, Lt. Hutchins ordered the burning of the town. President Juan Rojas upon seeing what happened from his observation post at Tanak Hills rushed to the shore and approached the Americans. To appease the returning evacuees. Lt. Hutchins through the interpretation of Sgt. Teodoro Viray of Pampanga, offered them a policy of attraction. It was the objective of Governor William H. Taft to “hold the Philippines (as colony) for the benefit of the Filipinos”. He replaced Gen. Arthur MacArthur, the father of Douglas MacArthur
of World War II fame, because the military governor treated the Filipinos harshly. Civil Governor-General Taft then launched a sweeping reorganization of central and local government. He later returned to the United States to become the 27th American president.
During a meeting with the local leaders, Melecio Apolinar, the Cabeza de Barangay, Simplicio Castillo, Jacinto Jurado, Donato Arcon, and Felix Arguelles, Lt. Theodore Hutchins learned that the place was called Ylag. Sgt. Teodoro Viray suggested that the new town be named "San Teodoro" in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, the American President during that time who had the sovereign authority over the colonial Philippines. Adding the prefix ‘San’ in naming a place was customary during the Spanish period in honor of patron saints thus San Teodoro
Because the first names of Sgt. Viray and Lt. Hutchins were also Teodoros, this led others to believe that the town was named after them, too. Teodoro Viray was a Macabebe and Theodore Hutchins ordered the burning of Subaan. Being authors of atrocities, the naming of San Teodoro could not be attributed to their infamous deeds.
The congressional legislation declaring San Teodoro, Baco and Mansalay as separate municipalities was passed on December 8, 1928 under Act 3498.
A temporary town planning was conceived to formalize the future town site. They fell down some trees and outlined 3 streets parallel to the shore. The new streets from the shore going inward were named after the owners of the lots: the Castillos, Arenillos and Jurados. The 3 streets parallel to the shoreline had undergone several name-change due to provincial politicking until they were officially identified as Juan Luna, J.P. Rizal and Mabini Streets. Some residents of Subaan were advised to move to the new site. Being related by blood, the leaders did not have a hard time on the distribution of the lots.
Thereafter, Melecio Apolinar was the designated president. The other officials were Simplicio Castillo, Jacinto Jurado, Aquilino Arenillo, Juan Rojas and Angel Aldaba. Subaan proper became a barrio of San Teodoro and was called Lumangbayan, meaning “former poblacion”. Ilag is still used today to refer to a neighboring barangay north of Poblacion but it now extends up to the boundary with Puerto Galera near Bisay-an River.
During that time, San Teodoro extends up to Pulang Tubig in the south (now part of Baco) up to Matala on the north (Km. 37) along the shores of Subaan Bay and Varadero Bay (now part of Puerto Galera), and to a limitless boundary on the west.
The new municipal government of San Teodoro was short lived. In 1903, together with Baco and Puerto Galera, San Teodoro was absorbed to become a barrio of Calapan as organized by the Philippine Commission
headed by Gov. William H. Taft. In 1905, the new Philippine Commission Act No. 1280 decreed that the 15 municipalities of the entire island be reduced to eight. Abra de Ylog, formerly a part of Puerto Galera, was added to Mamburao together with Paluan. Mindoro was divided into "Oriental" and "Occidental" only in 1950 by virtue of Republic Act No. 205.
In 1921, due to some political maneuvering, San Teodoro was annexed to Baco as its barrio. Representative M.P. Leuterio lobbied that San Teodoro be incorporated with the newly reconstituted town of Baco, his hometown, in order to gain patronage from his constituents. He was supported by his ally, Gov. Juan Liboro. When their rivals, Juan Luces Luna and Arturo Ignacio were elected representative and governor respectively, they reversed the works of their predecessors.
Act No. 3498 was passed by congress on December 8, 1928 declaring San Teodoro, Baco and Mansalay as separate municipalities. Our Lady of Immaculate Conception
is the patron saint of San Teodoro whose feast day is celebrated every December 8. However, the official founding was held 2 months later on February 16, 1929 with Governor Arturo Ignacio and Congressman Juan Luces Luna officiating the ceremonies.
A street was named after Congressman Juan Luna to show the town’s gratitude for his effort to make San Teodoro a sovereign municipality.
It was the gold rush
in San Teodoro of that year that brought the influx of migrants from all over the country majority of which were Bicolanos. San Teodoro became famous as No. 1 to have gold producing areas in the whole of Mindoro and became known as the logging center of the province. It once had the largest forest reserves supplying the country’s need for lumbers, the rest being exported to other places of the world. The "Valbueco Inc." and "Philippine Matchwood Co." employed many workers and planters in response to the reforestation program of the government. People from adjacent Batangas, Bauan and Isla Verde migrated to San Teodoro.
In the morning of December 9, 1920, the Parish Priest from Puerto Galera was not able to come ashore due to sudden change of weather condition and instead proceeded to Calapan. Pres. Melecio Apolinar instructed the intrepid sailors from Isla Verde to cross the sea and fetch a priest from Batangas. They brought with them an Aglipayan priest thus weddings and baptisms were all officiated by him. For almost three years, many were converted to Aglipayan, Salve, Protestant, Adventist
and Iglesia ni Cristo
The first Aglipayan Priest was Padre Klarin and the last was Padre Belen. After the Calapan–San Teodoro road was completed, the Catholic priest from Calapan took over and once again Catholicism dominated. In the 1950s, Mindoro’s religious landscape was prevailed over by the German SVDs. For 3 decades, San Teodoro had Germans for parish priests as in the rest of the province. The very first resident priest of this town was Fr. Herman Enninga SVD dubbed by the press as “guerilla priest”.
There was also a time when Mindoro had no parish priest. In 1898 when the Spaniards surrendered to the revolucionarios, all Spanish nationals including priests were sent to a concentration camp in Luzon. The sacristan mayor of Calapan then administered the church rites himself.
and takeover of the senate, San Teodoro regained its township in 1919. Melecio Apolinar, who headed the town since 1902 as municipal president and as barrio captain from 1903 to 1919 when San Teodoro was under Calapan, was the best choice to take the helm of a municipal government. The officials during this short period of autonomy were Melecio Apolinar as President, Conrado Aldaba as Vice-President, Francisco Arenillo, Simplicio Castillo, Benigno Patulan, and Pedro Bae as Councilors. Pres. Apolinar enforced strict rules to the people. Although he allowed gambling, drinking and social gatherings on Saturdays and Sundays, he obliged the people to clear forest, plant coconuts, abaca, other crops and some fruit bearing trees, and enhanced commerce with other towns and ports.
Blas Apolinar was elected as next president of the new town. He died within that year. His vice-president, Emilio Ponce, took over. During Pres. Emilio Ponce’s term, Saclag Settlement Farm School was established for the benefits of the ethnic minorities of San Teodoro, the Mangyans.
On October 16, 1931, Esperidion Dimaculangan took his oath as President. He was advised by his Councilor Gregorio Castillo for the establishment of a new municipal building but he declined. Instead he held his office in the old Municipal Building along Arenillo and Mabini Streets. The President being wealthy could afford an excellent representation for officials and private visitors so that the popularity of his administration spread far and wide. For having a daughter teacher and a principal teacher son-in-law, it was easy for him to convince school officials to open new schools and grades. President Dimaculangan, being a merchant and a farmer, exerted all his efforts to encourage the people to acquire lands, do farming and increase commerce with other ports. He was so busy in his entire administration, until the last day of his term on October l5, 1934.
Francisco Arenillo Sr. was elected and took control of the Municipal Government from October 16, 1934 to October 15, 1937. With many years of experience as a legislator, he was an executive with unchanging hatred to vices and laziness. He suppressed gambling and joblessness and was strict in carrying out the regular sessions of his council which got him hated by his councilors. He was generous enough to furnish a spacious yard for the Presidencia Building. He achieved this by procuring the two adjoining lots at the center of the town by exchanging them with his own properties. He then donated them to the Municipal Government moving the Presidencia Building to the site. He transferred the Treasurer’s Office and the Post Office downstairs and a jail was provided. The transfer of the Presidencia Building at the head of Mabini Street changed the course of the Calapan–San Teodoro–Puerto Galera Road moving farther south of the town, causing the construction of an additional street at the expense of the Insular Government.
President Francisco Arenillo Sr. was a determined President. During the joint session of the Municipal Councils of San Teodoro and Baco on matters of boundary dispute, he challenged every opponent to anything should the decision be unfair. He created disorder when the old boundaries were not followed. The members of his council were Eulalio Ramos as Vice-President, Meliton Aldaba, Ceferino Flores, Antero Paglinawan and Emilio Ponce as Councilors. Vice-President Eulalio Ramos died on the later part of April, 1936, Councilor Ceferino Flores took his place and Casiano Evangelista was appointed Councilor. Pres. Arenillo Sr. purchased the market site with his own money and collected from the government later.
Exequiel Fernandez became President on October 16, 1937, with Emilio Ponce as his Vice-President, Meliton Aldaba, Mariano Añonuevo, Ceferino Flores, and Isidro Llave as Councilors. President Arenillo’s project of the construction of the public market was pushed through. The market was completed but gave no income to the Municipal Treasury. Young President Exequiel Fernandez took an active part in the organization of the Commonwealth Government
against the opinions of his councilors. When the transitory Commonwealth Government was established, Manuel L. Quezon
was elected president. The title "Municipal President" was changed to "Municipal Mayor" making Exequiel Fernandez the last municipal president and the first municipal mayor. His term was extended two and a half months and ended on December 31, 1940.
, guerilla organization, American Liberation, and Philippine reorganization and reconstruction. He was supported by Vice-Mayor Domingo Alisna and councilors Gregorio Cubos, Jose Patulan, Delfin Magpantay, and Epitacio Apolinar.
After the first conference of Municipal and Provincial Officials on January, 1941, Mayor Mendoza got the support of Raul Eleuterio for the construction of Home Economics building for San Teodoro. An indefinite quantity of asphalt was also granted for asphalting the National Road from Poblacion towards Calapan. With the home economics building completed and road asphalting started, Mayor Mendoza secured the cooperation of the school authorities under the supervisor teacher Luis Raymundo to conduct and maintain the general cleanliness of the whole town and the vicinities next. All yards were fenced, heads of the streets were kept open, seashores were raked, and garbage disposed.
The official observation and celebration of the founding of San Teodoro was activated on February 16, 1941, 12 years after its creation. Different barrios and schools headed by councilors and teachers were represented in the parade. Academic and athletic contest as well as social programs were held. Supervising teacher Luis Raymundo and Principal teacher Josefa Casanas were very important factors in every public activities of Mayor Tomas Mendoza as the two of them were an ever rolling spirit in school activities.
The town fiesta of San Teodoro, December 8 that year, fall on Sunday. Mayor Mendoza advanced it a day and held it on Saturday, December 7, 1941. While fireworks and firecrackers were setting off that night at the festival's pageant coronation program, Japan was bombing Clark Airbase, Nichols Airbase, Manila, Baguio, Davao, and other places shortly after Pearl Harbor
starting the Pacific War
. On Sunday morning, December 8, 1941 the people of San Teodoro were awakened by the news of the war. Rushing to Calapan to confer with Governor Felipe Abeleda and Major Ramon Ruffi, Mayor Mendoza, Manuel Caeg, and some soldiers were told to organize volunteer guards. Every Councilor was recognized as Lieutenants heading a company. Councilors Epitacio Apolinar and Antero Roxas were recalled by the Army. Delfin Magpantay, murdered by unknown persons, was substituted by Vicente Atienza for Tacligan. Chief of Police Angel Ramirez, by the order of Major Ruffi was relieved successively by Gregorio Saldaña, Lazaro Amparo, and Emilio Ponce.
The Japanese Imperial Forces landed at Calapan and Puerto Galera on February 27, 1942 after the Fall of Manila. Mindoro fell into the hands of the Japanese without much resistance. The Mayor instructed Secretary Jovencio Ponce and Sanitary Inspector Francisco Fernandez to meet the Japanese and get their intentions. The mayor busied himself visiting the people in different hiding places. After the meeting at Pagsiiran, at the advice of Ex-Governor Liboro, the root of resistance was organized at Nagpatay. Benedicto Arias, Emilio Ponce, Eutequio Caeg, Dominador Caeg, Modesto Calinawan, Leoncio Atienza, and Mariano Bañares formed the local guerilla organization. Supervising teacher Luis Raymundo was forced to suspend all classes at elementary school.
On March 8, 1942, Mayor Mendoza walked all the way through Calapan with his most trusted liutenant A. dela Cruz of Lumangbayan. He met Governor Abeleda and the Japanese Commander for Mindoro and accepted the designation as Mayor of San Teodoro. Then, he had a meeting with old Manuel Caeg at Sta. Rosa. The underground movement of San Teodoro was formally organized on March 10, 1942 designating Sgt. Epitacio Apolinar as head and Old Manuel Caeg as Adviser. Mayor Mendoza remained Chief Executive and Head of Intelligence and Supply Groups. Lauriano Aparato, Alvin dela Cruz, and Ramon Bae joined later. After a meeting with Philippine Constabulary Sgt. Vicente Garachico and Mauro Magpili at Pakala, Tacligan, the resistant organization was greatly strengthened.
When the Japanese ordered the opening of schools, Mayor Mendoza, with supervising-teacher Luis Raymundo, exerted his efforts and obliged the teachers to open complete elementary grades in Central School and primary grades in all barrios. Both of them, being guerillas in the intelligence and supply group, convinced the teachers and students that it was a pretext to show peace and order to the Japanese. The schools run well for two successive years bringing graduates in elementary grades. Whenever the Japanese officials visited San Teodoro, Mayor Mendoza and Supervisor teacher Luis Raymundo were proud to show them that there was really peace and order in San Teodoro.
in Calapan for several days. They were sentenced to die by firing squad. Through the intercession of Governor Abeleda, they were set free. Leonora Sanchez was kept for several months to be set free in the condition of the capture of the guerillas in San Teodoro.
On March 22, 1944, Lt. Fernando Juerto, Antonio Zamora, and San Teodoro guerillas attacked the Japanese soldiers stationed at the house of Cirilo Medina resulting the killing of 5 Japanese and the wounding of 2 guerillas and Edelwina Cruz, the granddaughter of Capt. Dodson, by grenade shrapnel. After two hours of battle, the surviving Japanese soldiers rode their swift boats to Lumangbayan. The following day, the Japanese soldiers stationed in Lumangbayan scoured the vicinities of Tibag and Capipi. After a fruitless search for guerillas in Pawikan, the Japanese soldiers returned to Lumangbayan where they were met again by another group of guerillas in the early night. The encounter enraged the Japanese more and they burned Lumangbayan which last until morning.
(the Battle of Mindoro
). After the New Year's day of 1945, guerillas from San Teodoro and Calapan met in Naujan
. The combined forces headed by Guerilla Ex-Governor Juan Navarro, together with Alfonso Umali Sr., Major Ruffi and Captain William Dodson, attacked the Japanese garrison (now Gov. Alfonso Umali Memorial High School) liberating Calapan. Captain Dodson with Lt. Maximo Feraren and his platoon, guerillas and some American soldiers, engaged the enemy in the "Battle of Longos" which drove the Japanese to the forest of Baco.
On early March of same year, Mayor Mendoza with about 500 Filipino guerillas from San Teodoro, some of whom were escapees from war camps in Mamburao and Abra de Ilog, reinforced the 300 Americans fresh from Okinawa under the command of Major Brown and Capt. Dodson. They were engaged in the final battle in the Valley of Karayrayan, Baco. After 9 days of fighting, all the Japanese forces were completely crushed.
, Mayor Mendoza and some of San Teodoro prominent men held a meeting for the establishment of a secondary school in the town. After so many consultations and preparations, an assembly of interested persons was held at the Municipal Building on the Labor Day of 1947. "Northern Mindoro Academy, Inc" was created. The mayor was elected President being one of the main stockholders of the newly established secondary school. The first teachers for Northern Mindoro Academy were the Spouses Severino and Josefa Araullo, Marianito Rivera, Paz Esguerra, Isabel Paradero and the Mayor himself.
Melanio Tuason Sr. was the mayor of this town from 1948 to 1951 with Antero Roxas as his vice-mayor. During his time, fishing and logging were the primary sources of livelihood and revenues for the municipal government. Small scale mining sometime brought fortunes to the few lucky prospectors.
The deed of exchange and selling of the old Presidencia Building and site were concluded by Ex-Mayor Mendoza and the Municipal Government of San Teodoro. The Office of the Municipal Government was transferred temporarily to the Public Dispensary building. Calsapa and Bisay-an were provided elementary schools. Unfortunately the buildings were blown down by a super typhoon.
Faustino Aldaba succeeded Melanio Tuason Sr. in 1952. Antero Roxas continued acting as vice-mayor. Mayor Aldaba was named the "Governor of the Mangyans". He initiated the mass titling of most of the lots in San Teodoro to generate more revenues for the government. Exportation of logs continued but the pestilence of abaca, swine, and other livestocks occurred in his time.
Maximo Feraren was elected in 1956. He initiated the construction of the new Municipal Building located at its present site. The arrivals of many families from other towns and provinces increased the agricultural activities locally. The extensive campaign for payment of tax obligation gave the Municipality a good income through the indefatigable works of Assessor Carlos Mendoza and Treasurer Benjamin Garcia. Treas. Garcia was responsible for the construction of the present public market through his appeals in the print media. The Mayor donated a portion of his own property for the site of Bisay-an Elementary School. Roads were asphalted and many other infrastructure projects were initiated by Mayor Feraren, until his term of office ends in 1964.
Melanio Tuason Jr. assumed office in 1964 with Tomas Arcon as his vice-mayor. He initiated the release of some forest zones into “alienable and disposable” by the then DANR office. Proper utilization and conservation of marine resources within the municipal fishing territory was strictly enforced by Police Chief Vicente Garachico Jr. for the great benefit of subsistence fishermen.
In 1968, Primitivo Atayde and Vicente Roxas as his vice took their oath of office. The Mayor initiated the concrete fencing of the town plaza. His diligence in asking support funds from higher agencies of the provincial and national government resulted in the installation of the water system and the Sanduguan medical mission of the town. During a meeting with other mayors over the old boundary dispute, he was overzealous in emphasizing the San Teodoro claim over several territories. He initiated other infrastructure projects in his term. He lost to Melanio Tuason Jr. in the 1972 election.
The first local election ever held during martial law was in 1980. Claro Patulan won as mayor and his young teammate Antonio Roxas as vice-mayor. Mayor Patulan initiated the construction of the Multi-Purpose Building and the concreting of some municipal streets.
Brgy. Bisay-an is now Brgy. Villaflor, Puerto Galera which is being disputed by San Teodoro.
causing abrupt termination of incumbent government elected officials. In 1986 the new Philippine president, Corazon Aquino
, appointed Officer-In-Charge(OIC) mayors to replace the incumbents. Antonio Chua was appointed as OIC with Albert Gutierrez as Vice-OIC. On December 9, 1987 the two officials were replaced by Leonardo Ramos and Isabel Aldaba respectively.
Oscar Aldaba was re-elected for the second term in the 1998 election. He was assassinated at the Catholic Church premises on February 6, 2000. Vice-Mayor Manuel Bae succeeded the slain mayor. Councilor Number one Lourdes Alisna was promoted to Vice-Mayor and Francisco Marinduque was appointed Councilor.
Research Authors: Cincinato C. Mendoza and Henry M. Garcia
The Philippines , officially known as the Republic of the Philippines , is a country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. To its north across the Luzon Strait lies Taiwan. West across the South China Sea sits Vietnam...
. According to the 2010 Census of Population and Housing, it has a total population of 15,039, household population of 15,027, and 3,281 households. The municipality is classified as partly urban.
The municipality of San Teodoro is seated about 32 km west of the province's capital, the City of Calapan, 19 km from Puerto Galera, and about 140 km south of Philippine main capital Manila. It is located on the northern part of Oriental MindoroOriental Mindoro
Oriental Mindoro is a province of the Philippines located in the island of Mindoro under MIMAROPA region in Luzon, about 140 km southwest of Manila...
. It is bounded to the north by the Verde Island Passages, to the east by Baco
Baco, Oriental Mindoro
Baco is a 4th class municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 30,167 people in 5,717 households.-Location:Baco is located on the northern part of Oriental Mindoro...
, to the west by Puerto Galera
Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro
Puerto Galera is the northwesternmost municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. It is located at the southwestern end of the Isla Verde Passage, about south of Manila.-Demographics:...
, and to the south by Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Occidental Mindoro
Santa Cruz is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Occidental Mindoro region 4, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it had a population of 26,887 people in 5,407 households.-Barangays:Santa Cruz is politically subdivided into 11 barangays....
in Occidental Mindoro
Occidental Mindoro
Occidental Mindoro is a province of the Philippines located in the MIMAROPA region in Luzon. "Home of the Indigenous Mangyans". Its capital is Mamburao and occupies the western half of the island of Mindoro, on the west by Apo East Pass, and on the south by the Mindoro Strait; Oriental Mindoro is...
Provinces of the Philippines
The Provinces of the Philippines are the primary political and administrative divisions of the Philippines. There are 80 provinces at present, further subdivided into component cities and municipalities. The National Capital Region, as well as independent cities, are autonomous from any provincial...
San Teodoro is politically subdivided into 8 barangayBarangay
A barangay is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village, district or ward...
Barangay | Urban/Rural | Population |
Bigaan | |
Caagutayan | |
Calangatan | |
Calsapa | |
Ilag | |
Lumangbayan | |
Poblacion | |
Tacligan | |
Spanish Period
The town of San Teodoro was called "Subaan" during the Spanish times. The town center and seat of government was located at what is now Lumangbayan. Officially, Subaan and its neighboring town Baco, were "visitas" of Calapan, the cabecera (capital) of Mindoro.In 1828, the visita was headed by Gobernadorcillo
The Gobernadorcillo was a municipal judge or governor in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period, who carried out in a town the combined charge or responsibility of leadership, economic, and judicial administration. The Gobernadorcillo was the leader of a town or pueblo . In a coastal...
Ysidro Crisostomo. He was succeeded by Gobernadorcillo Juan Sextol in 1830. When Subaan became a visita del pueblo y cabecera de Puerto Galera in 1840, Candido Fulgencia’s position was reduced to "Cabeza de Barangay
Cabeza de Barangay
The Cabeza de Barangay was the leader or chief of a barangay in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. The post was inherited from the first datus who became cabezas de barangay when the many independent barangays fell under the rule of the Spanish Crown...
". This was also the title conferred on Marcelino Crisostomo in 1841.
Subaan and Baco were again annexed to Calapan in 1852. Melchor Alcones Felix was elected gobernadorcillo with Rufino Arcon and Justo Arandia as cabezas de barangay of 2 barangays. In 1856 they were replaced by Domingo Artillero and Bernardo Arenillo. There were just 3 barangays in 1889 and the cabezas were Faustino Artellero, Telesforo Fernandez and Modesto Alcones. When Subaan was declared a sovereign municipality (pueblo) in 1892, the new gobernadorcillo was Juan Rojas. In 1897, it was Ruperto Arce with the title Gobernadorcillo changed to "Capitan Municipal
Cabeza de Barangay
The Cabeza de Barangay was the leader or chief of a barangay in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. The post was inherited from the first datus who became cabezas de barangay when the many independent barangays fell under the rule of the Spanish Crown...
". When Capitan Juan Rojas won the election again, it made him the only official who had been addressed by 3 different titles in his capacity as mayor of Subaan. He was the last gobernadorcillo because after his term, it was changed to capitan municipal. He was the last capitan because when Mindoro fell to the hands of the revolutionaries, he took oath under the emissary of Gen. Miguel Malvar
Miguel Malvar
Miguel Malvar y Carpio was a Filipino commander who served during the Philippine Revolution and subsequently during the Philippine–American War. He assumed command of the Philippine revolutionary forces during the latter conflict following the capture of Emilio Aguinaldo in 1901...
in July 1, 1898 as "Presidente Municipal
Cabeza de Barangay
The Cabeza de Barangay was the leader or chief of a barangay in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period. The post was inherited from the first datus who became cabezas de barangay when the many independent barangays fell under the rule of the Spanish Crown...
". Pres. Rojas was the first and the last leader of Subaan under the Revolutionary Government of General Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy was a Filipino general, politician, and independence leader. He played an instrumental role during the Philippines' revolution against Spain, and the subsequent Philippine-American War or War of Philippine Independence that resisted American occupation...
Before the turn of the century, Subaan had four cabezerias: Ylag, Tacligan, Bigaan and Pauican plus Subaan Proper (Lumangbayan) which in turn had 7 sitios namely Agbiray, Calabugao (both named after adjacent rivers), Bulaso, Calero, Calumpang, Tanak and Tubigan. During those times only the coastal areas were populated as water boats were the only mode of transportation between barangays. Bigaan was an exception because it had 10 inhabitants despite being inland.
The Coming of the Americans
In the morning of early February 1902, at the decline of the Philippine–American War, the town people of Subaan proper (now Lumangbayan) were disturbed by the deafening series of horn blasts coming from an American warship escorting a gunboat that anchored off the shores of Subaan Bay. The people headed by Capitan Juan Rojas preferred to flee to the forest and took refuge in the hills of Tanak and Pawikan.The people had reasons to be apprehensive. Six months earlier, 25 Mindoreños were killed during the American assault of Calapan. Random firing from Calero hilltop felled the priest named Fr. Vicente Jose and former Gobernadorcillo Pedro Luces Luna. Several houses were torched and large cache of firearms and ammunitions were captured. Mindoro is used to be bypassed by the Americans at the height of their campaign against Filipino insurgency. But after the capture of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on March 1901, they turned their attention to Mindoro, one of the islands in Luzon under Filipino control. The Americans employed many Filipino mercenaries whom they called "Macabebes". These mercenaries were feared more by the Mindoreños because of their ruthlessness. The hoisting of the Star-Spangled Banner in Calapan town plaza on July 29, 1901 ended the short-lived revolutionary government in Mindoro. But the insurgency never came to a halt. Sporadic fighting around the island continued. Americans employed reign of terror. Towns were razed to the ground, sources of drinking water poisoned, animals and harvests were confiscated or burned, and prisoners were maltreated. Houses were demolished for the construction materials needed in building military quarters and stockades and to create spaces for plazas and markets. War between the Americans and Mindoreños became destructive. Each camp resorted to atrocities utilizing kidnapping and hostage taking of families to force rebels to surrender as in the case of Governor Juan Morente of Pinamalayan
Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro
Pinamalayan is a 1st class Municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. The name Pinamalayan comes from the word "ipinamalay", meaning "made aware or made known". According to the 2007 census, it has a population of 77,119 people in 14,326 households.- History :A group of...
. The group of Valeriano Gasic of Naujan
Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Naujan is a 1st class municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. It covers a land area of 52,804.15 hectares accounting for 12 % of the province’s total land area....
in turn executed 70 suspected American collaborators.
The sparsely populated Subaan community was defenseless. The US pacification and exploration force leader Commander Lt. Theodore Hutchins and his soldiers went ashore but were surprised to see that the town was deserted. Before noontime, when still nobody showed up, Lt. Hutchins ordered the burning of the town. President Juan Rojas upon seeing what happened from his observation post at Tanak Hills rushed to the shore and approached the Americans. To appease the returning evacuees. Lt. Hutchins through the interpretation of Sgt. Teodoro Viray of Pampanga, offered them a policy of attraction. It was the objective of Governor William H. Taft to “hold the Philippines (as colony) for the benefit of the Filipinos”. He replaced Gen. Arthur MacArthur, the father of Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur was an American general and field marshal of the Philippine Army. He was a Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s and played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II. He received the Medal of Honor for his service in the...
of World War II fame, because the military governor treated the Filipinos harshly. Civil Governor-General Taft then launched a sweeping reorganization of central and local government. He later returned to the United States to become the 27th American president.
Founding of San Teodoro
Lt. Hutchins saw that the topographic location of Subaan proper was not suitable for future municipal site expansion. The place was surrounded by nipa swamps and marshland, and the shores were muddy and rocky. He asked Pres. Juan Rojas if they could find a broader place for the town site. The president together with the inhabitants led the Americans to the North crossing Subaan River. After about a kilometer walk, the commander was delighted to see the broad, level land facing Subaan Bay with the hills of Balucanag at the rear and the flat land extending up to the banks of Subaan River.During a meeting with the local leaders, Melecio Apolinar, the Cabeza de Barangay, Simplicio Castillo, Jacinto Jurado, Donato Arcon, and Felix Arguelles, Lt. Theodore Hutchins learned that the place was called Ylag. Sgt. Teodoro Viray suggested that the new town be named "San Teodoro" in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, the American President during that time who had the sovereign authority over the colonial Philippines. Adding the prefix ‘San’ in naming a place was customary during the Spanish period in honor of patron saints thus San Teodoro
Saint Theodore
-People:*See Theodore, Philippa, and Companions for Theodore of Perge, 3rd century martyr and saint*Theodore of Amasea, or of Tyre, "the Tyro", "the Recruit", 4th century military saint and martyr...
Because the first names of Sgt. Viray and Lt. Hutchins were also Teodoros, this led others to believe that the town was named after them, too. Teodoro Viray was a Macabebe and Theodore Hutchins ordered the burning of Subaan. Being authors of atrocities, the naming of San Teodoro could not be attributed to their infamous deeds.
The congressional legislation declaring San Teodoro, Baco and Mansalay as separate municipalities was passed on December 8, 1928 under Act 3498.
A temporary town planning was conceived to formalize the future town site. They fell down some trees and outlined 3 streets parallel to the shore. The new streets from the shore going inward were named after the owners of the lots: the Castillos, Arenillos and Jurados. The 3 streets parallel to the shoreline had undergone several name-change due to provincial politicking until they were officially identified as Juan Luna, J.P. Rizal and Mabini Streets. Some residents of Subaan were advised to move to the new site. Being related by blood, the leaders did not have a hard time on the distribution of the lots.
Thereafter, Melecio Apolinar was the designated president. The other officials were Simplicio Castillo, Jacinto Jurado, Aquilino Arenillo, Juan Rojas and Angel Aldaba. Subaan proper became a barrio of San Teodoro and was called Lumangbayan, meaning “former poblacion”. Ilag is still used today to refer to a neighboring barangay north of Poblacion but it now extends up to the boundary with Puerto Galera near Bisay-an River.
During that time, San Teodoro extends up to Pulang Tubig in the south (now part of Baco) up to Matala on the north (Km. 37) along the shores of Subaan Bay and Varadero Bay (now part of Puerto Galera), and to a limitless boundary on the west.
The new municipal government of San Teodoro was short lived. In 1903, together with Baco and Puerto Galera, San Teodoro was absorbed to become a barrio of Calapan as organized by the Philippine Commission
Philippine Commission
The Philippine Commission was a body appointed by the President of the United States to exercise legislative and limited executive powers in the Philippines. It was first appointed by President William McKinley in 1901. Beginning in 1907, it acted as the upper house of a bicameral Philippine...
headed by Gov. William H. Taft. In 1905, the new Philippine Commission Act No. 1280 decreed that the 15 municipalities of the entire island be reduced to eight. Abra de Ylog, formerly a part of Puerto Galera, was added to Mamburao together with Paluan. Mindoro was divided into "Oriental" and "Occidental" only in 1950 by virtue of Republic Act No. 205.
Official Foundation Day
In 1921, due to some political maneuvering, San Teodoro was annexed to Baco as its barrio. Representative M.P. Leuterio lobbied that San Teodoro be incorporated with the newly reconstituted town of Baco, his hometown, in order to gain patronage from his constituents. He was supported by his ally, Gov. Juan Liboro. When their rivals, Juan Luces Luna and Arturo Ignacio were elected representative and governor respectively, they reversed the works of their predecessors.
Act No. 3498 was passed by congress on December 8, 1928 declaring San Teodoro, Baco and Mansalay as separate municipalities. Our Lady of Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception
The Immaculate Conception of Mary is a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, according to which the Virgin Mary was conceived without any stain of original sin. It is one of the four dogmata in Roman Catholic Mariology...
is the patron saint of San Teodoro whose feast day is celebrated every December 8. However, the official founding was held 2 months later on February 16, 1929 with Governor Arturo Ignacio and Congressman Juan Luces Luna officiating the ceremonies.
A street was named after Congressman Juan Luna to show the town’s gratitude for his effort to make San Teodoro a sovereign municipality.
In 1903, there were only 302 residents in San Teodoro, the smallest among the settlements in the province and elsewhere in the country. There was a slight increase in population by 1918 (1,069 residents). Population doubled by 1939 with 2,911 residents. The density per sq. kilometer was less than 5 persons before 1918.It was the gold rush
Gold rush
A gold rush is a period of feverish migration of workers to an area that has had a dramatic discovery of gold. Major gold rushes took place in the 19th century in Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and the United States, while smaller gold rushes took place elsewhere.In the 19th and early...
in San Teodoro of that year that brought the influx of migrants from all over the country majority of which were Bicolanos. San Teodoro became famous as No. 1 to have gold producing areas in the whole of Mindoro and became known as the logging center of the province. It once had the largest forest reserves supplying the country’s need for lumbers, the rest being exported to other places of the world. The "Valbueco Inc." and "Philippine Matchwood Co." employed many workers and planters in response to the reforestation program of the government. People from adjacent Batangas, Bauan and Isla Verde migrated to San Teodoro.
Owing to the long Spanish rule, the people of San Teodoro were mostly Catholics. After 1920 some changes in religious dominance took place. The migration of Batanguenos, most of whom were Aglipayans, caused the town to be multi-sectarian.In the morning of December 9, 1920, the Parish Priest from Puerto Galera was not able to come ashore due to sudden change of weather condition and instead proceeded to Calapan. Pres. Melecio Apolinar instructed the intrepid sailors from Isla Verde to cross the sea and fetch a priest from Batangas. They brought with them an Aglipayan priest thus weddings and baptisms were all officiated by him. For almost three years, many were converted to Aglipayan, Salve, Protestant, Adventist
Adventism is a Christian movement which began in the 19th century, in the context of the Second Great Awakening revival in the United States. The name refers to belief in the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It was started by William Miller, whose followers became known as Millerites...
and Iglesia ni Cristo
Iglesia ni Cristo
Iglesia ni Cristo also known as INC, is the largest entirely indigenous Christian religious organization that originated from the Philippines and the largest independent church in Asia. Due to a number of similarities, some Protestant writers describe the INC's doctrines as restorationist in...
The first Aglipayan Priest was Padre Klarin and the last was Padre Belen. After the Calapan–San Teodoro road was completed, the Catholic priest from Calapan took over and once again Catholicism dominated. In the 1950s, Mindoro’s religious landscape was prevailed over by the German SVDs. For 3 decades, San Teodoro had Germans for parish priests as in the rest of the province. The very first resident priest of this town was Fr. Herman Enninga SVD dubbed by the press as “guerilla priest”.
There was also a time when Mindoro had no parish priest. In 1898 when the Spaniards surrendered to the revolucionarios, all Spanish nationals including priests were sent to a concentration camp in Luzon. The sacristan mayor of Calapan then administered the church rites himself.
After the dissolution of the Philippine CommissionPhilippine Commission
The Philippine Commission was a body appointed by the President of the United States to exercise legislative and limited executive powers in the Philippines. It was first appointed by President William McKinley in 1901. Beginning in 1907, it acted as the upper house of a bicameral Philippine...
and takeover of the senate, San Teodoro regained its township in 1919. Melecio Apolinar, who headed the town since 1902 as municipal president and as barrio captain from 1903 to 1919 when San Teodoro was under Calapan, was the best choice to take the helm of a municipal government. The officials during this short period of autonomy were Melecio Apolinar as President, Conrado Aldaba as Vice-President, Francisco Arenillo, Simplicio Castillo, Benigno Patulan, and Pedro Bae as Councilors. Pres. Apolinar enforced strict rules to the people. Although he allowed gambling, drinking and social gatherings on Saturdays and Sundays, he obliged the people to clear forest, plant coconuts, abaca, other crops and some fruit bearing trees, and enhanced commerce with other towns and ports.
Blas Apolinar was elected as next president of the new town. He died within that year. His vice-president, Emilio Ponce, took over. During Pres. Emilio Ponce’s term, Saclag Settlement Farm School was established for the benefits of the ethnic minorities of San Teodoro, the Mangyans.
On October 16, 1931, Esperidion Dimaculangan took his oath as President. He was advised by his Councilor Gregorio Castillo for the establishment of a new municipal building but he declined. Instead he held his office in the old Municipal Building along Arenillo and Mabini Streets. The President being wealthy could afford an excellent representation for officials and private visitors so that the popularity of his administration spread far and wide. For having a daughter teacher and a principal teacher son-in-law, it was easy for him to convince school officials to open new schools and grades. President Dimaculangan, being a merchant and a farmer, exerted all his efforts to encourage the people to acquire lands, do farming and increase commerce with other ports. He was so busy in his entire administration, until the last day of his term on October l5, 1934.
Francisco Arenillo Sr. was elected and took control of the Municipal Government from October 16, 1934 to October 15, 1937. With many years of experience as a legislator, he was an executive with unchanging hatred to vices and laziness. He suppressed gambling and joblessness and was strict in carrying out the regular sessions of his council which got him hated by his councilors. He was generous enough to furnish a spacious yard for the Presidencia Building. He achieved this by procuring the two adjoining lots at the center of the town by exchanging them with his own properties. He then donated them to the Municipal Government moving the Presidencia Building to the site. He transferred the Treasurer’s Office and the Post Office downstairs and a jail was provided. The transfer of the Presidencia Building at the head of Mabini Street changed the course of the Calapan–San Teodoro–Puerto Galera Road moving farther south of the town, causing the construction of an additional street at the expense of the Insular Government.
President Francisco Arenillo Sr. was a determined President. During the joint session of the Municipal Councils of San Teodoro and Baco on matters of boundary dispute, he challenged every opponent to anything should the decision be unfair. He created disorder when the old boundaries were not followed. The members of his council were Eulalio Ramos as Vice-President, Meliton Aldaba, Ceferino Flores, Antero Paglinawan and Emilio Ponce as Councilors. Vice-President Eulalio Ramos died on the later part of April, 1936, Councilor Ceferino Flores took his place and Casiano Evangelista was appointed Councilor. Pres. Arenillo Sr. purchased the market site with his own money and collected from the government later.
Exequiel Fernandez became President on October 16, 1937, with Emilio Ponce as his Vice-President, Meliton Aldaba, Mariano Añonuevo, Ceferino Flores, and Isidro Llave as Councilors. President Arenillo’s project of the construction of the public market was pushed through. The market was completed but gave no income to the Municipal Treasury. Young President Exequiel Fernandez took an active part in the organization of the Commonwealth Government
Commonwealth of the Philippines
The Commonwealth of the Philippines was a designation of the Philippines from 1935 to 1946 when the country was a commonwealth of the United States. The Commonwealth was created by the Tydings-McDuffie Act, which was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1934. When Manuel L...
against the opinions of his councilors. When the transitory Commonwealth Government was established, Manuel L. Quezon
Manuel L. Quezon
Manuel Luis Quezón y Molina served as president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines from 1935 to 1944. He was the first Filipino to head a government of the Philippines...
was elected president. The title "Municipal President" was changed to "Municipal Mayor" making Exequiel Fernandez the last municipal president and the first municipal mayor. His term was extended two and a half months and ended on December 31, 1940.
Japanese Occupation
The most eventful elective term in the history of San Teodoro was that of Tomas Mendoza who assumed office as Municipal Mayor from January 1, 1941 up to December 31, 1947. His seven-year term of office was without interruption through peace and war: Japanese occupationJapanese occupation of the Philippines
The Japanese occupation of the Philippines was the period in the history of the Philippines between 1942 and 1945, when the Empire of Japan occupied the previously American-controlled Philippines during World War II....
, guerilla organization, American Liberation, and Philippine reorganization and reconstruction. He was supported by Vice-Mayor Domingo Alisna and councilors Gregorio Cubos, Jose Patulan, Delfin Magpantay, and Epitacio Apolinar.
After the first conference of Municipal and Provincial Officials on January, 1941, Mayor Mendoza got the support of Raul Eleuterio for the construction of Home Economics building for San Teodoro. An indefinite quantity of asphalt was also granted for asphalting the National Road from Poblacion towards Calapan. With the home economics building completed and road asphalting started, Mayor Mendoza secured the cooperation of the school authorities under the supervisor teacher Luis Raymundo to conduct and maintain the general cleanliness of the whole town and the vicinities next. All yards were fenced, heads of the streets were kept open, seashores were raked, and garbage disposed.
The official observation and celebration of the founding of San Teodoro was activated on February 16, 1941, 12 years after its creation. Different barrios and schools headed by councilors and teachers were represented in the parade. Academic and athletic contest as well as social programs were held. Supervising teacher Luis Raymundo and Principal teacher Josefa Casanas were very important factors in every public activities of Mayor Tomas Mendoza as the two of them were an ever rolling spirit in school activities.
The town fiesta of San Teodoro, December 8 that year, fall on Sunday. Mayor Mendoza advanced it a day and held it on Saturday, December 7, 1941. While fireworks and firecrackers were setting off that night at the festival's pageant coronation program, Japan was bombing Clark Airbase, Nichols Airbase, Manila, Baguio, Davao, and other places shortly after Pearl Harbor
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941...
starting the Pacific War
Pacific War
The Pacific War, also sometimes called the Asia-Pacific War refers broadly to the parts of World War II that took place in the Pacific Ocean, its islands, and in East Asia, then called the Far East...
. On Sunday morning, December 8, 1941 the people of San Teodoro were awakened by the news of the war. Rushing to Calapan to confer with Governor Felipe Abeleda and Major Ramon Ruffi, Mayor Mendoza, Manuel Caeg, and some soldiers were told to organize volunteer guards. Every Councilor was recognized as Lieutenants heading a company. Councilors Epitacio Apolinar and Antero Roxas were recalled by the Army. Delfin Magpantay, murdered by unknown persons, was substituted by Vicente Atienza for Tacligan. Chief of Police Angel Ramirez, by the order of Major Ruffi was relieved successively by Gregorio Saldaña, Lazaro Amparo, and Emilio Ponce.
The Japanese Imperial Forces landed at Calapan and Puerto Galera on February 27, 1942 after the Fall of Manila. Mindoro fell into the hands of the Japanese without much resistance. The Mayor instructed Secretary Jovencio Ponce and Sanitary Inspector Francisco Fernandez to meet the Japanese and get their intentions. The mayor busied himself visiting the people in different hiding places. After the meeting at Pagsiiran, at the advice of Ex-Governor Liboro, the root of resistance was organized at Nagpatay. Benedicto Arias, Emilio Ponce, Eutequio Caeg, Dominador Caeg, Modesto Calinawan, Leoncio Atienza, and Mariano Bañares formed the local guerilla organization. Supervising teacher Luis Raymundo was forced to suspend all classes at elementary school.
On March 8, 1942, Mayor Mendoza walked all the way through Calapan with his most trusted liutenant A. dela Cruz of Lumangbayan. He met Governor Abeleda and the Japanese Commander for Mindoro and accepted the designation as Mayor of San Teodoro. Then, he had a meeting with old Manuel Caeg at Sta. Rosa. The underground movement of San Teodoro was formally organized on March 10, 1942 designating Sgt. Epitacio Apolinar as head and Old Manuel Caeg as Adviser. Mayor Mendoza remained Chief Executive and Head of Intelligence and Supply Groups. Lauriano Aparato, Alvin dela Cruz, and Ramon Bae joined later. After a meeting with Philippine Constabulary Sgt. Vicente Garachico and Mauro Magpili at Pakala, Tacligan, the resistant organization was greatly strengthened.
When the Japanese ordered the opening of schools, Mayor Mendoza, with supervising-teacher Luis Raymundo, exerted his efforts and obliged the teachers to open complete elementary grades in Central School and primary grades in all barrios. Both of them, being guerillas in the intelligence and supply group, convinced the teachers and students that it was a pretext to show peace and order to the Japanese. The schools run well for two successive years bringing graduates in elementary grades. Whenever the Japanese officials visited San Teodoro, Mayor Mendoza and Supervisor teacher Luis Raymundo were proud to show them that there was really peace and order in San Teodoro.
Resistance against the Japanese
On January 2, 1943, some Filipino escorts of the Japanese, including Vidal Ilagan who came from Bauan, Batangas, were killed by the guerillas headed by Sgt. Vic Evora at San Rafael bridge. The Japanese soldiers seized Diosdado Peña, Laureano Aparato, Fructuoso Villareal, and Cipriano Guttierez in the old cockpit arena in Lumangbayan together with Leonora Sanchez and the Mayor. They were imprisoned at the Japanese garrisonGarrison
Garrison is the collective term for a body of troops stationed in a particular location, originally to guard it, but now often simply using it as a home base....
in Calapan for several days. They were sentenced to die by firing squad. Through the intercession of Governor Abeleda, they were set free. Leonora Sanchez was kept for several months to be set free in the condition of the capture of the guerillas in San Teodoro.
On March 22, 1944, Lt. Fernando Juerto, Antonio Zamora, and San Teodoro guerillas attacked the Japanese soldiers stationed at the house of Cirilo Medina resulting the killing of 5 Japanese and the wounding of 2 guerillas and Edelwina Cruz, the granddaughter of Capt. Dodson, by grenade shrapnel. After two hours of battle, the surviving Japanese soldiers rode their swift boats to Lumangbayan. The following day, the Japanese soldiers stationed in Lumangbayan scoured the vicinities of Tibag and Capipi. After a fruitless search for guerillas in Pawikan, the Japanese soldiers returned to Lumangbayan where they were met again by another group of guerillas in the early night. The encounter enraged the Japanese more and they burned Lumangbayan which last until morning.
The US Capture of Mindoro
American forces led by General Douglas MacArthur with the Filipino soldiers started the invasion of Mindoro on December 15, 1944 in San JoseSan Jose, Occidental Mindoro
San Jose is a 1st class municipality in the province of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 111,009 people in 22,464 households. According to the 2007 census, the population increased to 118,807 people....
(the Battle of Mindoro
Battle of Mindoro
The Battle of Mindoro was a battle in World War II between forces of the United States and Japan, in Mindoro Island in the central Philippines, from 13-16 December 1944, during the Philippines campaign....
). After the New Year's day of 1945, guerillas from San Teodoro and Calapan met in Naujan
Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
Naujan is a 1st class municipality in the province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. It covers a land area of 52,804.15 hectares accounting for 12 % of the province’s total land area....
. The combined forces headed by Guerilla Ex-Governor Juan Navarro, together with Alfonso Umali Sr., Major Ruffi and Captain William Dodson, attacked the Japanese garrison (now Gov. Alfonso Umali Memorial High School) liberating Calapan. Captain Dodson with Lt. Maximo Feraren and his platoon, guerillas and some American soldiers, engaged the enemy in the "Battle of Longos" which drove the Japanese to the forest of Baco.
On early March of same year, Mayor Mendoza with about 500 Filipino guerillas from San Teodoro, some of whom were escapees from war camps in Mamburao and Abra de Ilog, reinforced the 300 Americans fresh from Okinawa under the command of Major Brown and Capt. Dodson. They were engaged in the final battle in the Valley of Karayrayan, Baco. After 9 days of fighting, all the Japanese forces were completely crushed.
Post-World War II
On July of 1946, few days after the signing of the Treaty of ManilaTreaty of Manila (1946)
The Treaty of Manila is a treaty of general relations signed on July 4, 1946 in Manila, capital of the Philippines. Parties to the treaty were the governments of the United States and the Republic of the Philippines...
, Mayor Mendoza and some of San Teodoro prominent men held a meeting for the establishment of a secondary school in the town. After so many consultations and preparations, an assembly of interested persons was held at the Municipal Building on the Labor Day of 1947. "Northern Mindoro Academy, Inc" was created. The mayor was elected President being one of the main stockholders of the newly established secondary school. The first teachers for Northern Mindoro Academy were the Spouses Severino and Josefa Araullo, Marianito Rivera, Paz Esguerra, Isabel Paradero and the Mayor himself.
Melanio Tuason Sr. was the mayor of this town from 1948 to 1951 with Antero Roxas as his vice-mayor. During his time, fishing and logging were the primary sources of livelihood and revenues for the municipal government. Small scale mining sometime brought fortunes to the few lucky prospectors.
The deed of exchange and selling of the old Presidencia Building and site were concluded by Ex-Mayor Mendoza and the Municipal Government of San Teodoro. The Office of the Municipal Government was transferred temporarily to the Public Dispensary building. Calsapa and Bisay-an were provided elementary schools. Unfortunately the buildings were blown down by a super typhoon.
Faustino Aldaba succeeded Melanio Tuason Sr. in 1952. Antero Roxas continued acting as vice-mayor. Mayor Aldaba was named the "Governor of the Mangyans". He initiated the mass titling of most of the lots in San Teodoro to generate more revenues for the government. Exportation of logs continued but the pestilence of abaca, swine, and other livestocks occurred in his time.
Maximo Feraren was elected in 1956. He initiated the construction of the new Municipal Building located at its present site. The arrivals of many families from other towns and provinces increased the agricultural activities locally. The extensive campaign for payment of tax obligation gave the Municipality a good income through the indefatigable works of Assessor Carlos Mendoza and Treasurer Benjamin Garcia. Treas. Garcia was responsible for the construction of the present public market through his appeals in the print media. The Mayor donated a portion of his own property for the site of Bisay-an Elementary School. Roads were asphalted and many other infrastructure projects were initiated by Mayor Feraren, until his term of office ends in 1964.
Melanio Tuason Jr. assumed office in 1964 with Tomas Arcon as his vice-mayor. He initiated the release of some forest zones into “alienable and disposable” by the then DANR office. Proper utilization and conservation of marine resources within the municipal fishing territory was strictly enforced by Police Chief Vicente Garachico Jr. for the great benefit of subsistence fishermen.
In 1968, Primitivo Atayde and Vicente Roxas as his vice took their oath of office. The Mayor initiated the concrete fencing of the town plaza. His diligence in asking support funds from higher agencies of the provincial and national government resulted in the installation of the water system and the Sanduguan medical mission of the town. During a meeting with other mayors over the old boundary dispute, he was overzealous in emphasizing the San Teodoro claim over several territories. He initiated other infrastructure projects in his term. He lost to Melanio Tuason Jr. in the 1972 election.
Martial Law
During Martial Law, after its declaration on September 21, 1972, Mayor Melanio Tuason Jr. continued as the Mayor of San Teodoro. He had Deogracias Añonuevo as his vice-mayor. Elections were suspended during the early part of martial rule. The tenure of all public officials were extended.The first local election ever held during martial law was in 1980. Claro Patulan won as mayor and his young teammate Antonio Roxas as vice-mayor. Mayor Patulan initiated the construction of the Multi-Purpose Building and the concreting of some municipal streets.
Loss of Barangay Bisay-an
In 1978, the cadastral surveys of San Teodoro and Puerto Galera for tax mapping purposes was executed resulting to the establishment of new political boundaries. San Teodoro lost Brgy. Bisay-an to Puerto Galera due to Martial Law politics.Brgy. Bisay-an is now Brgy. Villaflor, Puerto Galera which is being disputed by San Teodoro.
1986 EDSA Revolution
The assassination of Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. in 1983 brought nationwide discontentment culminating in EDSA RevolutionEDSA Revolution
The EDSA Revolution may refer to three events in Philippine history referring to popular political upheavals occurring in the EDSA highway:*People Power Revolution of 1986 that toppled the administration of Ferdinand Marcos after allegations of widespread cheating in the 1986 presidential...
causing abrupt termination of incumbent government elected officials. In 1986 the new Philippine president, Corazon Aquino
Corazon Aquino
Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco-Aquino was the 11th President of the Philippines and the first woman to hold that office in Philippine history. She is best remembered for leading the 1986 People Power Revolution, which toppled Ferdinand Marcos and restored democracy in the Philippines...
, appointed Officer-In-Charge(OIC) mayors to replace the incumbents. Antonio Chua was appointed as OIC with Albert Gutierrez as Vice-OIC. On December 9, 1987 the two officials were replaced by Leonardo Ramos and Isabel Aldaba respectively.
1988 Election
Antonio Chua and Romulo Flores won the election in 1988 and serve until 1994. Projects they completed are the construction of the Multi-Purpose Building named Claro A. Patulan Memorial Multi-Purpose Center, the construction of the irrigation system of Bigaan, the construction of the Paspasin Elementary School, and the asphalting of the municipal and national road from Poblacion towards Barangay Ilag. The Municipal Health Center was constructed during their tenure. An approved resolution by the Chua administration brought about the establishment of San Teodoro National High School.Oscar Aldaba Assassination
In 1995, retired military Major Oscar Aldaba was elected mayor of San Teodoro. He renovated the present Municipal Building and transferred the Police Station adjacent to the Multi-Purpose Center. He initiated the construction of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology building. Under his term, he upholds discipline and promotes the clean and green movement. His diligence to obtain public funds from higher government agencies resulted in the granting of heavy equipments to the municipality and the concreting of municipal and part of national road in San Teodoro during the time of Governor Rodolfo G. Valencia. It was during his term when the Chief of Police of San Teodoro, Leodegario Torno was murdered along the National Road in Lumangbayan allegedly by members of the communist New People's ArmyNew People's Army
The New People's Army is the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines. It was formed on March 29, 1969. The Maoist NPA conducts its armed guerrilla struggle based on the strategical line of 'protracted people's war'.The NPA exacts so called "revolutionary taxes" from business owners...
Oscar Aldaba was re-elected for the second term in the 1998 election. He was assassinated at the Catholic Church premises on February 6, 2000. Vice-Mayor Manuel Bae succeeded the slain mayor. Councilor Number one Lourdes Alisna was promoted to Vice-Mayor and Francisco Marinduque was appointed Councilor.
2001 Election
During the 2001 election, Manuel Bae and Malvin Diokno won as Mayor and Vice- Mayor respectively. Seven months later the newly wed Vice-Mayor passed away with Lourdes Alisna taking over. This administration initiated the construction of some infrastructure projects such as basketball courts, concreting of the national road, and the construction of the perimeter fence around San Teodoro National High School. Funds were secured from the provincial government for the repairs of existing municipal and barangay roads. The Municipal Multi-purpose Covered Court and the Pakala Farm-to-Market road were the last government projects that were completed by this administration.2004 Election
In 2004, Apollo Feraren was elected as Mayor with Erwin Maravilla as Vice-Mayor. This administration concentrated in promulgating good governance and promoted agri-tourism for the municipality.Term of Office
PRESIDENTS / MAYORS of San Teodoro- Melecio Apolinar
- 1902-1903 (American Governors) 1914-1919 Juan L. Morente (Governor) 1919-1925 Cipriano A. Liboro (Governor) 1925-1928 Juan Navarro (Governor)
- Blas Apolinar(1929) / Emilio Ponce
- 1928-1931 Arturo A. Ignacio (Governor)
- Esperidion Dimaculangan
- 1931-1934 Arturo A. Ignacio (Governor)
- Francisco Arenillo Sr.
- 1934-1937 Santiago C. Garong (Governor)
- Exequiel Fernandez
- 1937-1941 Santiago C. Garong (Governor)
- Tomas Mendoza
- 1941-1945 Felipe S. Abeleda (Governor)
- 1946 Juan Luces Luna (Governor)
- 1946-1947 Arturo A. Ignacio (Governor)
- Melanio Tuason Sr.
- 1948-1951 Conrado M. Morente (Governor)
- Faustino Aldaba
- 1952-1956 Francisco S. Infantado Sr. (Governor)
- Maximo Feraren
- 1956-1960 Francisco S. Infantado Sr. (Governor)
- 1960-1964 Luciano Joson/Rodolfo Ignacio (Governor)
- Melanio Tuason Jr.
- 1964-1968 Rodolfo Ignacio (Governor)
- Primitivo Atayde
- 1968-1972 Alfonso Umali Sr. (Governor)
- Melanio Tuason Jr.
- 1972-1979 Alfonso Umali Sr. (Governor)
- Claro Patulan
- 1980-1986 Hicoblino M. Catly (Governor)
- Antonio Chua
- 1986-1989 OIC Benjamin I. Espiritu (Governor)
- 1989-1992 Benjamin I. Espiritu (Governor)
- 1992-1995 Rodolfo G. Valencia (Governor)
- Oscar Aldaba
- 1995-1998 Rodolfo G. Valencia (Governor)
- Oscar Aldaba/Manuel Bae
- 1998-2001 Rodolfo G. Valencia (Governor)
- Manuel Bae
- 2001-2004 Bartolome Marasigan (Governor)
- Apollo Feraren
- 2004-2007 Bartolome Marasigan/Arnan C. Panaligan (Governor)
- 2007-2010 Arnan C. Panaligan (Governor)
- 2010-2013 Alfonso Umali Jr. (Governor)
Research Authors: Cincinato C. Mendoza and Henry M. Garcia