Resistance 2
Resistance 2 is a science fiction
first person shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games
and published by Sony Computer Entertainment
for the PlayStation 3
. The game was released in North America
on November 4, 2008, Japan
on November 13, 2008, and in Europe
on November 28, 2008. Resistance 2 is the sequel to the best-selling PlayStation 3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2 sees protagonist Nathan Hale travel to the United States in order to once again battle the Chimera, who have launched a full scale invasion of both the east and west coasts. In this game, Hale is part of an elite force of soldiers called "The Sentinels", who, like him, are infected with the Chimeran virus, and must keep it under control through regular application of inhibitors.
Unlike its predecessor, Resistance 2 does not offer co-op for the single player campaign. Cooperative mode features a separate campaign mode set in 1952-53 in the gap in the time line of the single-player campaign. The cooperative campaign supports anything from two to eight players, taking the role of a special forces group called "Spectre Team". Players are tasked with many randomized objectives around the map, while defeating hordes of Chimera in the process. The strength of the enemy forces is altered based on the number of players and their skill levels. There are three classes to choose from: Special Ops — long-distance damage dealers, who also provide ammunition; Soldiers — the "tanks" who endure the most damage; and Medics — who drain life from enemies and impart to teammates.
Competitive mode features support for up to 60 players during the Skirmish mode; which allowed for the greatest amount of players in an online PlayStation 3 game at the time of release, but was last surpassed by MAG. Five games modes are available: Deathmatch
, Team Deathmatch, Core Control (Capture the Flag), Skirmish, and released via update, Meltdown. Skirmish has players getting split up into squads of five and take part in objective-based proxy-battles. Players can play as either the Humans or the Chimerans (but due to updates, the player can now be a Cloven, a Female Ranger, or a Ravager), and get to choose their weapon loadout before and during a game while respawning.
Many weapons make a return from the original, most notably the Carbine, Bullseye, Fareye, Auger, Rossmore and LAARK (although this can be only accessed through a berserk). However, the Arc Charger and Dragon did not return, and were instead replaced with the Bellock, Wraith, Splicer and Pulse Cannon. The addition of berserks is a new feature, and can only be accessed if the player reaches a required XP during a game through kills. The berserks give players an additional advantage such as a new weapon or added health but only for a short period of time.
There are a variety of campaign based maps featuring maps of different sizes (10p, 20p, 40p, 60p) with the player choosing their preference. Custom games also made a return, although unlike Resistance: Fall of Man, players cannot receive XP in custom games. The ranking system is also identical to that of Resistance: Fall of Man, with players progressing through 20 ranks with three tiers each from private up to supreme commander (making a total of 60 ranks). As some ranks are gained, players receive unlockables such as different berserks and skins.
aircraft, and sedated. Upon arrival at the SRPA "Igloo" Base in Iceland, they find it under attack by Chimera forces. Their VTOL is shot down by a Chimera Goliath and only Hale and Major Richard Blake of the SRPA survive. As the two make their way to safety, they encounter and unknowingly unleash Daedalus, an incredibly powerful Chimeran creature that is apparently controlling the Chimera. Hale and Blake find Russian scientist Fyodor Malikov who has been working with the SRPA investigating the Chimeran virus, and are able to safely extract him to America before the Chimera overrun the base. Hale is introduced to the Sentinels, others like Hale who have been exposed to the Chimeran virus, giving them superhuman strength and regenerative abilities, but take regular injections of an inhibitor to prevent them from fully succumbing to its effects. Over the next two years, Hale is promoted to Lieutenant and becomes a part of the Sentinel force in charge of Echo Squad in the place of the KIA Lt. Hank Leavitt (revealed in Intel during the Cooperative campaign) - comprising Sergeant Ben Warner, Specialist Aaron Hawthorne and Corporal Joseph Capelli - and put on the same regimen of inhibitors to prevent the virus from changing him further.
On May 15, 1953 the Chimera launch a full-scale invasion of the United States
, attacking the country from both the east and west, and overwhelming their defenses. Hale, Malikov, and most of the surviving SRPA soldiers escape from the destruction of their base at SRPA 3 in San Francisco after Hale kills a Chimeran sea monster, referred to as a Kraken
as the Chimera lay waste to the city. The SRPA units pursue a damaged Chimera battleship to Orick, California
, where they manage to board the battleship and destroy it using explosive charges. Following their escape, they are shot down and crash near Twin Falls, Idaho
which lies on the Liberty Defense Perimeter. Hale and other Sentinels successfully reactivate two defensive towers to repel the Chimera fleet, which was about to breach the perimeter, after Hale knocks a giant leaper-like Chimera known as "The Mother Spinner" off one of the towers, sending it falling to its doom. Hale refuses to return to base for his inhibitor treatment, disregarding the fact that he is long overdue, and instead takes a black ops squad to 'Station Genesis' in Bryce Canyon, Utah in order to extract Malikov from the base before a Chimera attack force wipes out SRPA troops there. Hale is able to successfully retrieve Malikov from the base but not before encountering Daedalus again. Malikov explains to Hale that Daedalus used to be a human known as Private Jordan Adam Sheppard who, along with Hale, was part of "Project Abraham", a military program designed to try to create Chimera-human hybrids such as the Cloven to use as super-soldiers. Sheppard was part of Malikov's tests, one of the two (the other being Hale himself) who were injected with pure Chimeran DNA to actually survive. Unlike Hale, who had the DNA become dormant until his re-infection in York re-activated it, Sheppard's injection mutated his body into the barely human form of Daedalus, and gave him knowledge of the Chimera's origins and goals, and the ability to control their armies.
After recovering Malikov and escaping Station Genesis, Hale and Echo Squad head to Chicago
, against the orders of command, in order to deactivate one of several activated Chimera towers that are slowly powering up, since these towers are key to the Chimera's plans for Earth. After a vicious battle through the city, in which Hale kills a 300 ft tall Chimeran monster, known as the "Leviathan", Malikov is able to deactivate it, only to find the tower reactivated remotely immediately afterwards by Daedalus from Iceland
, and the only way to shut it down is to travel there. The Sentinels and the other SRPA soldiers launch a heavy assault against the Iceland tower (Holar Tower map in multiplayer), but find it to be a trap, with many of the forces being lost. Hale and Echo Squad are able to enter the tower, only to find Daedalus waiting for them. During their time in the tower Hawthorne is ripped in half by Daedalus, Warner is stabbed and killed, and Hale is stabbed in the stomach by Daedalus and passes out from his injuries. Corporal Capelli finds his body and saves his life. Hale wakes up from a medically-induced coma in a field camp in Cocodrie, Louisiana
and finds that it is six weeks later; the Chimera have overwhelmed the American defenses, killing over 80 million people, and forcing the 3 million remaining survivors to America's last stronghold in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
. Even worse, Hale also discovers that because he went so long without the inhibitor, his body had succumbed to the virus, and he has only 3 hours, at most, before it fully consumes him. Hale decides to use this time to take part in an attack on the majority of the Chimera fleet currently hovering above the Gulf of Mexico
around the Chicxulub Crater
on the Yucatan Peninsula
, waiting for some unknown purpose. Hale and Capelli are able to recover a nuclear warhead and deliver it onto Daedalus' flagship
, but Major Richard Blake and his squad, who are taking the warhead to the ship's central reactor are killed, and it is taken by Chimeran forces and brought to Daedalus. Hale makes his own way to Daedalus and kills him; though upon touching its corpse, he is suddenly overwhelmed by strong psychokinetic abilities. After re-activating the bomb, Hale escapes with Capelli. The resulting explosion destroys the Chimeran fleet and a pulse similar to an electromagnetic pulse
forces Hale and Capelli's ship to crash land.
When Capelli regains consciousness, he notices that Hale is missing. Heading outside he sees that the sky has turned red with a number of destroyed planet-like spheres clearly visible in space with Hale looking in awe at them. Hale recalls Daedalus' words: "Can you hear them? They are calling to us...It's beautiful!" finishing with, "This is just the beginning." Capelli sees that Hale has nearly become fully engulfed by the virus and solemnly, in contrast to his disrespectful attitude previously towards Hale, replies "Forgive me, sir. It was an honor." then shoots Hale at point blank range in the head, killing him.
. Gamers who reserved their copy from GameStop received a card that contained a beta registration code. Once registered through the official site, the beta voucher was emailed to the address provided. Users could then download and install their beta from the PlayStation Store
. The Public Beta was available from October 24 to October 29. It included three multiplayer maps - San Francisco, Orick (California), and Chicago
- and could be played in the 8-player co-op campaign and the 60-player online multiplayer.
. Before the events of the games, Hale had been involved in an accident during a live fire exercise that led to serious injury to himself. The accident was blamed on faulty munitions. After being rehabilitated both physically and mentally, Hale returned to active duty. His commanding officers often granted him high-risk missions because of his excellence as a soldier, but concerns were constantly raised about his psychological well-being. Hale volunteered along with Jordan Shepard (who later became Daedalus) in a military project, known as Project Abraham. Outwardly the project was supposed to be experiments to find a cure for the European Influenza epidemic, but it was really testing a vaccine against the Chimeran virus. Hale was the only test subject to survive and therefore developed a limited immunity to the virus. During the events of the first Resistance game, Hale is infected with the Chimeran virus, but is not completely transformed by it. He gains certain aspects of the Chimera, such as yellow eyes and increased strength, but still remains in control of his mental state. In the beginning of Resistance 2 Hale is teamed with others who are semi-resistant to the virus and is tasked with helping to lead the fight to save the United States from the Chimera. Throughout Resistance 2 Hale becomes increasingly Chimera-like until the very end of the game where it is implied that he has fully converted. He is killed by Corporal Capelli.
and took a sample. Using this DNA as well as DNA from lower strains of Chimera, he attempted to develop a vaccine against the Chimeran virus for Russian soldiers. The first serum Malikov developed was named I-8 (the Alpha series), and he began testing with it on January 1, 1927. Initially, the vaccine worked perfectly, inoculating the several thousand Russian soldiers it was administered to. By November of that year, however, the subjects began acting strangely and experiencing horrible nightmares. They called Malikov their "father" and thought of themselves as his children. A few months later, towards the beginning of 1928, the unofficial leader of these people (dubbed "the Cloven"), Andrei Vezenskiy, met with him to try to explain what was happening to them; after Andrei went insane during the meeting and attacked him, Malikov fled the oncoming Chimera and his failed experiments on April 20, 1928. Soon after, he spent 16 years defending a Russian city named Karachev from the Chimeran onslaught before being "liberated" by SRPA agents. After Russia fell to the Chimera, Malikov began to work with SRPA.
After joining SRPA, he continued his work with Chimeran vaccines, developing a Beta series, which was hardly effective, and later a Gamma series, which worked much better. Malikov was the orchestrator of Project Abraham, where volunteered subjects were injected with a vaccine and then injected with the virus. One of the subjects, Jordan Shepherd, who had a weakened immune system, reacted adveresely to the injection of pure Chimeran DNA and mutated into the being known as Daedalus, who would come to command the Chimera. Malikov had Daedalus shipped to Station Igloo in Iceland and studied him there for a time, until he was freed by the Chimera. Using the Gamma series of vaccines, the Sentinals were created.
During the two years following Daedalus's escape, Malikov acted as Nathan Hale's physician and developed inhibitor serums to prevent the Sentinals from succumbing to the virus, and also attempted to reverse engineer some Chimeran technology. It was around this time as well that he discovered that the Chimeran towers were in fact millions of years old and also realized the significance of "Gray tech", advanced technology from a race other than the Chimera that he believed to have been part of what he called the "Promethius Weapon". He believed this weapon was the cause of the pure Chimera's downfall millions of years ago.
After the Chimeran invasion of America began on May 15, 1953, Malikov worked with Nathan Hale to counteract Daedalus's plans, going with him to Chicago to deactivate the tower there; unfortunately, the tower was immediately reactivated by Daedalus from a tower in Iceland. After this, he watched over Hale during his 6-week comatose that resulted from his encounter with Daedalus, and began work on a Zeta series of inhibitors that he hoped would save Hale (whom the Gamma series was having less and less effect on); however, Hale was needed for an operation to destroy the Chimeran fleet stationed over the Chicxulub Crater
and had to be awakened before the new series could be completed. Malikov informed Hale that he had 3 hours left to live and that he eventually went on to commit suicide by injecting himself with 4 vials of morphine, probably because of the immense guilt from indirectly dooming mankind. This however is contradicted by the fact that Dr. Malikov is set to appear as a character in Resistance 3
Most Chimera start out life as human beings, but are converted in a four-stage conversion process. First, humans become infected by the Chimeran Virus by Chimeran bug-like creatures known as Crawlers. These bugs come out of Chimeran spires (specially adapted missiles that unleash thousands of Crawlers upon impact)- Chimera can infect entire cities in minutes with multiple spire attacks. After infection with the virus, the humans fall into a coma, and they are then carried to conversion centres by Chimera known as Carriers (creatures that resemble huge airborne jellyfish
), where humans are then wrapped in cocoons where the Chimeran virus changes them from the inside out. The resultant Chimera that emerges from the cocoon is dependent on the strain and strength of the virus: the lowest form of Chimera are the Hybrids, the ones that closely resemble humans and fulfill the basic role of foot-soldiers in the Chimeran army, which have the shortest gestation period, being converted and birthed in a matter of hours, while other, larger Chimera take months to create, and are made of multiple human bodies. The final stage is the birthing chamber, where Chimera are taken out of their cocoons, and then have their cooling apparatus fused to their bodies. In Resistance 2 the conversion center process is not used and the cocoons are made on the spot by bug-like Chimeran creatures called Spinners (since the events of Resistance: Retribution
have made Crawlers and Carriers redundant). The Chimeran technology is vastly superior to human technology, with weapons that are able to sophisticatedly home in on enemies, even going so far as pass through walls. The Chimera are also capable of building and equipping artificially intelligent robots to assist them in their attack on humans such as Stalkers or Goliaths. The true origins of Chimera remain a mystery: for example, Chimera do not build most of their buildings, but simply excavate them from the country side, as seen in Somerset where Hale and Cartwright find a Chimeran tower being excavated.
New elements of the Chimera introduced in Resistance 2 feature 'spinners' which supposedly infect humans as the Chimeran crawlers do, but also proceed to wrap the infected in a tight cocoon, which carries out the gestation period on the host internally. Chimera that come from this form of conversion are known as 'Grims' - Grims are human-like in build, but have the distinguishing features of the human/chimera hybrid (fangs, yellow eyes, elongated limbs)- Grims attack the player in a zombie
like fashion, swamping them in great number or bursting from cocoons when the player gets near enough. Because they are not equipped with cooling devices, Grims have a short lifespan of only a few hours: their primary purpose is to serve simply as shock troops.
There are many more strains of chimera present in Resistance 2- Furies, Kraken, Ravagers, The Leviathan, Spinners, Leapers and Grims. But many were dropped too - Angels, Widowmakers, Crawlers, Grey Jacks, Slipskulls and Howlers (due to Daedalus's efforts to streamline and improve the effectiveness of the Chimeran army).
Vehicles used by the chimera still include the Stalker, Goliath, and Dropships.
Another important change is the leadership pattern of the Chimera - in Resistance:Fall of Man the chimera were led by "Angels"; the Chimera now fall under command of Daedalus (A soldier named Jordan Shephard who also took part in Project Abraham but succumbed fully to its effects). In the multi-player cooperative mode, another system is shown, consisting of Chimeran troop leaders known as 'Primarchs' and 'Overseers'.
One other thing is the Chimeran drones - a new set of units which are not Chimeran, but are automated search-and-destroy robots designed and built by the Chimera. Interestingly, they seem to recognize targets and neutrals by their genetic makeup- in one of the final parts of the game (when Hale has almost succumbed fully to the Chimeran virus) Hale and a squadmate approach a group of drones, who read them as neutral and do not attack. This is probably because of their genes being so similar to the Chimera's genes.
named Project Abraham, a top-secret military project under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of War.
Initially, specific details on the nature and purpose of the project were bare and mysterious, though additional content was added to the website (in concurrence with the project's latest developments) that reveals the purpose of the project. It was revealed to be a research initiative designed to eradicate the Chimera virus that is currently infecting Europeans by the millions. It lasts over the next two months, with a SRPA team of biochemical experts formulating several permutations of serums to be used on human volunteers in an attempt to discover the vaccine against the plague. The findings were ultimately inconclusive. Other purposes are to learn more about and better understand the virus. The next phase of the project is to collect all the immune soldiers together as an elite super-soldier task force code-named "Sentinels", dedicated to fighting off the impending Chimera invasion while the bulk of the U.S. population is safely secured in the Liberty Defense Perimeter.
The primary characters are Colonel Grant Thompson and Doctor Cassandra "Cassie" Aklin (Katee Sackhoff
, and is also the protagonist; with all written and recorded content either directed towards or generated by Aklin so far), but other characters, civilian, military, or otherwise were mentioned. The other main characters are seven soldiers who volunteered for the project from different army units, all brought together at the Project Abraham Compound in Alaska (the specific location is classified). The test subjects include Captain Frank Anthony Gennaro, 1st Lieutenant Glenn Albert Khaner, Lieutenant Kenneth Danby, Sergeant Channing Brown, Sergeant Keith Todd Oster, Sergeant Nathan Hale, Private Joseph Capelli, Benjamin Warner, Chrisopher Hawthorne.
Apart from the project itself, the files and videos reveal the personal situation with the project's personnel; the soldiers, willing to endure the possibility of death, have detailed history, military careers, and personality profiles (collected by Aklin), which is often reflected in their actions towards others. More information about Hale's history, family, and military career are revealed as well, along with allusions to a romantic relationship between Hale and Cassie.
A third website named Get A War Job has been discovered and can be accessed directly from Project Abraham. On the site a typewriter is shown along with pro and anti-war posters, cards, pamphlets, and a document which the player can fill out and possibly cause events to happen in the future such as a phone call or further information about the site/sites. The business card to the left may be called, toll free, to hear an inspirational recruiting message for the military. The latest update for the site seems to have burned nearly everything in view and the registration form is no longer available.
A fourth website named SrpaNet has also been discovered. It is an old computer interface used by the Project Abraham staff and the U.S. Government. So far hidden and overt serial codes, found in various places on Project Abraham, have led to hidden documents and images relating to the Chimera and what is known about them.
, and a preview from the upcoming Resistance novel "The Gathering Storm". The collector's edition was only sold in North America, and not in Europe due to the hassle of translating each aspect of the Collector's Edition to the various main languages in the continent, such as English, French, Spanish etc. as said by SCEE in a Press Conference prior to the game's release. The Collector's Edition Blu-ray also contains a hidden Easter Egg which can be accessed by watching the "scale" featurette, pressing Left on the arrow keys upon returning to the menu, and then pressing right.
On May 21, 2009, Insomniac Games released a dedicated space for Resistance 2 in the PlayStation 3's online community-based service, PlayStation Home
in the Asian, European, and North American versions. The space is called the "Resistance Station" and is modeled after the Chicago level in Resistance 2 and features a video screen showing the trailers for Resistance 2 (Asian Home) and Resistance: Retribution
(North American Home) as well as a mini game titled 'Four Barrels of Fury' in which users takes control of a turret that appears as a turret version of the game's HVAP Wraith. The player must shoot down incoming Chimeran ships varying in size. The game is divided into waves. The player must shoot down ships for points. Occasionally the player must defend 2 incoming VTOL transports one carrying health the other carrying modified ammo. If the VTOLs are defended the player's turret is repaired and the damage dealt by the turret's shots will be strengthened as long as the ammo lasts. There are three different rewards for reaching a certain wave or score in the mini-game. The first reward is a male and female Resistance 2 t-shirt for beating Wave 4. If users beat Waves 1 to 4 with a score of 100% on each wave, they get a hat that is modeled after the Chimeran flagship in Wave 4 and if users obtain a score of 1,000,000, they get a male and female Resistance 2 hoodie. For a limited time in the European Home, in the place of where the video screen is in the Asian and North American versions, there was a poster with a promotional code on it. The first 3,000 users that redeemed the code received a male and female Resistance: Retribution t-shirt. The trailer for Resistance: Retribution has replaced the poster. This space was released to the Japanese version on September 10, 2009. Outso developed the Resistance 2 Game Space for Insomniac Games.
In addition to the space, users can fully game launch into Resistance 2. Game launching lets users set up a competitive or co-op game in Home, have people join the game, then launch directly from Home into the game. Users can set up a competitive game of up to 32 players and up to 8 players for co-op.
and Metacritic
gave the game an aggregate score of 86.71% and 87/100.
It garnered a score of 9/10 from the Official UK PlayStation Magazine, who said it was, as they would have liked, "prettier and shootier", and 9.5/10 from IGN, elected there for an Editor's Choice Award. It also earned a 9/10 score from Official PlayStation Magazine Australia. IGN in particular praised the game for its single player campaign and online multiplayer, as well as the scale and detail of the level design, stating that the bosses would "make your jaw drop." GameRac gave Resistance 2 an 8/10, saying that the game had "amazing graphics and the single player was improved", also electing it for both the Editor's Choice Award and Most Anticipated Game Award. Resistance 2 sold about 409,270 copies worldwide in its debut week.
Other reviews include Gameplayer, which rated the game 9/10, NZGamer, which rated the game with a 9.2/10, Gamepro, who rated the game 4/5, proclaiming it was "bigger, bolder and better than the first" and an "improvement upon the formula set by its predecessor in almost every way", and X-Play, which rated Resistance 2 a 5/5 in high praise. Game Informer
gave the game an 8.5/10, saying that it wasn't as good as the original, "the slower movement is noticeable" and "the lack of a weapon wheel limits strategy," but praising the "absolutely gorgeous" graphics and the variety of multiplayer modes.
Despite the widespread praise from critics, some fans were not as enthusiastic about the game, primarily complaining about the unnecessary changes and exclusions, as well as a not-so-appealing campaign mode, which also lacked the acclaimed local co-op. Senior community manager James Stevenson of Insomniac said that the game "was a failure" for the hardcore followers of the series and admitted that gamers's negative feedback had weighed on him. Insomniac stated that they would take this as a lesson for the development of its sequel.
Resistance 2 sold 598,000 units in North America through 2008, 200,000 units in the United Kingdom, also sold over 3 million copies worldwide. and 65,191 in Japan.
was officially announced at Sony's Gamescom
2010 press conference on August 17, 2010 after a billboard ad was spotted in Shreveport, Louisiana almost a year earlier. A trailer for the game was also shown during the conference. A trailer with gameplay was shown at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards event on December 11, 2010. Resistance 3 was released on September 6, 2011.
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...
first person shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games
Insomniac Games
Insomniac Games, Inc. is an American video game developer headquartered in Burbank, California. Founded in 1994, Insomniac has released titles for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 video game consoles. It created Disruptor, the first three Spyro the Dragon games, and the Ratchet &...
and published by Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. is a major video game company specializing in a variety of areas in the video game industry, and is a wholly owned subsidiary and part of the Consumer Products & Services Group of Sony...
for the PlayStation 3
PlayStation 3
The is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and the successor to the PlayStation 2 as part of the PlayStation series. The PlayStation 3 competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles...
. The game was released in North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
on November 4, 2008, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
on November 13, 2008, and in Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
on November 28, 2008. Resistance 2 is the sequel to the best-selling PlayStation 3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance: Fall of Man is a first-person shooter video game for the PlayStation 3. It was developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game is set in an alternate history 1951, and follows Sgt...
Resistance 2 sees protagonist Nathan Hale travel to the United States in order to once again battle the Chimera, who have launched a full scale invasion of both the east and west coasts. In this game, Hale is part of an elite force of soldiers called "The Sentinels", who, like him, are infected with the Chimeran virus, and must keep it under control through regular application of inhibitors.
Resistance 2 is a single-player campaign, with the player controlling protagonist Nathan Hale. The game includes many of the weapons from Resistance: Fall of Man, as well as new weapons such as the "Marksman" and a mini gun called the "HVAP (High Velocity Armor Piercing) Wraith". The weapons are a mix of 1950s human technology and more advanced alien technology. Unlike the first game, where there was no limit on the number of weapons carried, Resistance 2 limited the player to two weapons, as well as a more limited number of grenades. Resistance 2 also does not use a health bar in the single player campaign as it did in the first, but instead it uses an automatic regenerative health system, whereby players must keep out of the line of fire in order to recover health.Multiplayer
Resistance 2 features multiplayer in two variations. Both multiplayer modes track the player's performance, gaining experience and leading to benefits and rewards, as well as assigning the player a skill ranking.Unlike its predecessor, Resistance 2 does not offer co-op for the single player campaign. Cooperative mode features a separate campaign mode set in 1952-53 in the gap in the time line of the single-player campaign. The cooperative campaign supports anything from two to eight players, taking the role of a special forces group called "Spectre Team". Players are tasked with many randomized objectives around the map, while defeating hordes of Chimera in the process. The strength of the enemy forces is altered based on the number of players and their skill levels. There are three classes to choose from: Special Ops — long-distance damage dealers, who also provide ammunition; Soldiers — the "tanks" who endure the most damage; and Medics — who drain life from enemies and impart to teammates.
Competitive mode features support for up to 60 players during the Skirmish mode; which allowed for the greatest amount of players in an online PlayStation 3 game at the time of release, but was last surpassed by MAG. Five games modes are available: Deathmatch
Deathmatch (gaming)
Deathmatch or Player vs All is a widely-used gameplay mode integrated into many shooter and real-time strategy computer games...
, Team Deathmatch, Core Control (Capture the Flag), Skirmish, and released via update, Meltdown. Skirmish has players getting split up into squads of five and take part in objective-based proxy-battles. Players can play as either the Humans or the Chimerans (but due to updates, the player can now be a Cloven, a Female Ranger, or a Ravager), and get to choose their weapon loadout before and during a game while respawning.
Many weapons make a return from the original, most notably the Carbine, Bullseye, Fareye, Auger, Rossmore and LAARK (although this can be only accessed through a berserk). However, the Arc Charger and Dragon did not return, and were instead replaced with the Bellock, Wraith, Splicer and Pulse Cannon. The addition of berserks is a new feature, and can only be accessed if the player reaches a required XP during a game through kills. The berserks give players an additional advantage such as a new weapon or added health but only for a short period of time.
There are a variety of campaign based maps featuring maps of different sizes (10p, 20p, 40p, 60p) with the player choosing their preference. Custom games also made a return, although unlike Resistance: Fall of Man, players cannot receive XP in custom games. The ranking system is also identical to that of Resistance: Fall of Man, with players progressing through 20 ranks with three tiers each from private up to supreme commander (making a total of 60 ranks). As some ranks are gained, players receive unlockables such as different berserks and skins.
After destroying the Chimera Tower in London in 1951, Nathan Hale is extracted by Special Research Projects Administration (SRPA) soldiers in a VTOLVTOL
A vertical take-off and landing aircraft is one that can hover, take off and land vertically. This classification includes fixed-wing aircraft as well as helicopters and other aircraft with powered rotors, such as cyclogyros/cyclocopters and tiltrotors...
aircraft, and sedated. Upon arrival at the SRPA "Igloo" Base in Iceland, they find it under attack by Chimera forces. Their VTOL is shot down by a Chimera Goliath and only Hale and Major Richard Blake of the SRPA survive. As the two make their way to safety, they encounter and unknowingly unleash Daedalus, an incredibly powerful Chimeran creature that is apparently controlling the Chimera. Hale and Blake find Russian scientist Fyodor Malikov who has been working with the SRPA investigating the Chimeran virus, and are able to safely extract him to America before the Chimera overrun the base. Hale is introduced to the Sentinels, others like Hale who have been exposed to the Chimeran virus, giving them superhuman strength and regenerative abilities, but take regular injections of an inhibitor to prevent them from fully succumbing to its effects. Over the next two years, Hale is promoted to Lieutenant and becomes a part of the Sentinel force in charge of Echo Squad in the place of the KIA Lt. Hank Leavitt (revealed in Intel during the Cooperative campaign) - comprising Sergeant Ben Warner, Specialist Aaron Hawthorne and Corporal Joseph Capelli - and put on the same regimen of inhibitors to prevent the virus from changing him further.
On May 15, 1953 the Chimera launch a full-scale invasion of the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
, attacking the country from both the east and west, and overwhelming their defenses. Hale, Malikov, and most of the surviving SRPA soldiers escape from the destruction of their base at SRPA 3 in San Francisco after Hale kills a Chimeran sea monster, referred to as a Kraken
Kraken are legendary sea monsters of giant proportions said to have dwelt off the coasts of Norway and Iceland.In modern German, Krake means octopus but can also refer to the legendary Kraken...
as the Chimera lay waste to the city. The SRPA units pursue a damaged Chimera battleship to Orick, California
Orick, California
Orick is a census-designated place situated on the banks of the Redwood Creek in Humboldt County, California. It is located north of Eureka, at an elevation of 26 feet . The ZIP Code is 95555...
, where they manage to board the battleship and destroy it using explosive charges. Following their escape, they are shot down and crash near Twin Falls, Idaho
Twin Falls, Idaho
Twin Falls is the county seat and largest city of Twin Falls County, Idaho, United States. The population was 44,125 at the 2010 censusTwin Falls is the largest city of Idaho's Magic Valley region...
which lies on the Liberty Defense Perimeter. Hale and other Sentinels successfully reactivate two defensive towers to repel the Chimera fleet, which was about to breach the perimeter, after Hale knocks a giant leaper-like Chimera known as "The Mother Spinner" off one of the towers, sending it falling to its doom. Hale refuses to return to base for his inhibitor treatment, disregarding the fact that he is long overdue, and instead takes a black ops squad to 'Station Genesis' in Bryce Canyon, Utah in order to extract Malikov from the base before a Chimera attack force wipes out SRPA troops there. Hale is able to successfully retrieve Malikov from the base but not before encountering Daedalus again. Malikov explains to Hale that Daedalus used to be a human known as Private Jordan Adam Sheppard who, along with Hale, was part of "Project Abraham", a military program designed to try to create Chimera-human hybrids such as the Cloven to use as super-soldiers. Sheppard was part of Malikov's tests, one of the two (the other being Hale himself) who were injected with pure Chimeran DNA to actually survive. Unlike Hale, who had the DNA become dormant until his re-infection in York re-activated it, Sheppard's injection mutated his body into the barely human form of Daedalus, and gave him knowledge of the Chimera's origins and goals, and the ability to control their armies.
After recovering Malikov and escaping Station Genesis, Hale and Echo Squad head to Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
, against the orders of command, in order to deactivate one of several activated Chimera towers that are slowly powering up, since these towers are key to the Chimera's plans for Earth. After a vicious battle through the city, in which Hale kills a 300 ft tall Chimeran monster, known as the "Leviathan", Malikov is able to deactivate it, only to find the tower reactivated remotely immediately afterwards by Daedalus from Iceland
Iceland , described as the Republic of Iceland, is a Nordic and European island country in the North Atlantic Ocean, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Iceland also refers to the main island of the country, which contains almost all the population and almost all the land area. The country has a population...
, and the only way to shut it down is to travel there. The Sentinels and the other SRPA soldiers launch a heavy assault against the Iceland tower (Holar Tower map in multiplayer), but find it to be a trap, with many of the forces being lost. Hale and Echo Squad are able to enter the tower, only to find Daedalus waiting for them. During their time in the tower Hawthorne is ripped in half by Daedalus, Warner is stabbed and killed, and Hale is stabbed in the stomach by Daedalus and passes out from his injuries. Corporal Capelli finds his body and saves his life. Hale wakes up from a medically-induced coma in a field camp in Cocodrie, Louisiana
Cocodrie, Louisiana
Cocodrie is an unincorporated fishing, shrimping and crabbing village in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, United States, ten miles south of Chauvin, due south of the larger town of Houma. It is part of the Houma–Bayou Cane–Thibodaux Metropolitan Statistical Area...
and finds that it is six weeks later; the Chimera have overwhelmed the American defenses, killing over 80 million people, and forcing the 3 million remaining survivors to America's last stronghold in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Baton Rouge is the capital of the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is located in East Baton Rouge Parish and is the second-largest city in the state.Baton Rouge is a major industrial, petrochemical, medical, and research center of the American South...
. Even worse, Hale also discovers that because he went so long without the inhibitor, his body had succumbed to the virus, and he has only 3 hours, at most, before it fully consumes him. Hale decides to use this time to take part in an attack on the majority of the Chimera fleet currently hovering above the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico
The Gulf of Mexico is a partially landlocked ocean basin largely surrounded by the North American continent and the island of Cuba. It is bounded on the northeast, north and northwest by the Gulf Coast of the United States, on the southwest and south by Mexico, and on the southeast by Cuba. In...
around the Chicxulub Crater
Chicxulub Crater
The Chicxulub crater is an ancient impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Its center is located near the town of Chicxulub, after which the crater is named...
on the Yucatan Peninsula
Yucatán Peninsula
The Yucatán Peninsula, in southeastern Mexico, separates the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico, with the northern coastline on the Yucatán Channel...
, waiting for some unknown purpose. Hale and Capelli are able to recover a nuclear warhead and deliver it onto Daedalus' flagship
A flagship is a vessel used by the commanding officer of a group of naval ships, reflecting the custom of its commander, characteristically a flag officer, flying a distinguishing flag...
, but Major Richard Blake and his squad, who are taking the warhead to the ship's central reactor are killed, and it is taken by Chimeran forces and brought to Daedalus. Hale makes his own way to Daedalus and kills him; though upon touching its corpse, he is suddenly overwhelmed by strong psychokinetic abilities. After re-activating the bomb, Hale escapes with Capelli. The resulting explosion destroys the Chimeran fleet and a pulse similar to an electromagnetic pulse
Electromagnetic pulse
An electromagnetic pulse is a burst of electromagnetic radiation. The abrupt pulse of electromagnetic radiation usually results from certain types of high energy explosions, especially a nuclear explosion, or from a suddenly fluctuating magnetic field...
forces Hale and Capelli's ship to crash land.
When Capelli regains consciousness, he notices that Hale is missing. Heading outside he sees that the sky has turned red with a number of destroyed planet-like spheres clearly visible in space with Hale looking in awe at them. Hale recalls Daedalus' words: "Can you hear them? They are calling to us...It's beautiful!" finishing with, "This is just the beginning." Capelli sees that Hale has nearly become fully engulfed by the virus and solemnly, in contrast to his disrespectful attitude previously towards Hale, replies "Forgive me, sir. It was an honor." then shoots Hale at point blank range in the head, killing him.
Beta phase
Insomniac announced they were running a Public Beta in October 2008. One of the ways to give consumers access to the beta involved a pre-order program through GameStopGameStop
GameStop Corporation is an American video game and entertainment software retailer. The company, whose headquarters is in Grapevine, Texas, United States, operates 6,500 retail stores throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New...
. Gamers who reserved their copy from GameStop received a card that contained a beta registration code. Once registered through the official site, the beta voucher was emailed to the address provided. Users could then download and install their beta from the PlayStation Store
PlayStation Store
The PlayStation Store is an online virtual market available to users of Sony's PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable game consoles via the PlayStation Network. The Store offers a range of downloadable content both for purchase and available free of charge. Available content includes full games,...
. The Public Beta was available from October 24 to October 29. It included three multiplayer maps - San Francisco, Orick (California), and Chicago
Chicago is the largest city in the US state of Illinois. With nearly 2.7 million residents, it is the most populous city in the Midwestern United States and the third most populous in the US, after New York City and Los Angeles...
- and could be played in the 8-player co-op campaign and the 60-player online multiplayer.
Nathan Hale
The main character in both Resistance games has been Nathan Hale, a soldier originally from Sioux Falls, South DakotaSioux Falls, South Dakota
Sioux Falls is the largest city in the U.S. state of South Dakota. Sioux Falls is the county seat of Minnehaha County, and also extends into Lincoln County to the south...
. Before the events of the games, Hale had been involved in an accident during a live fire exercise that led to serious injury to himself. The accident was blamed on faulty munitions. After being rehabilitated both physically and mentally, Hale returned to active duty. His commanding officers often granted him high-risk missions because of his excellence as a soldier, but concerns were constantly raised about his psychological well-being. Hale volunteered along with Jordan Shepard (who later became Daedalus) in a military project, known as Project Abraham. Outwardly the project was supposed to be experiments to find a cure for the European Influenza epidemic, but it was really testing a vaccine against the Chimeran virus. Hale was the only test subject to survive and therefore developed a limited immunity to the virus. During the events of the first Resistance game, Hale is infected with the Chimeran virus, but is not completely transformed by it. He gains certain aspects of the Chimera, such as yellow eyes and increased strength, but still remains in control of his mental state. In the beginning of Resistance 2 Hale is teamed with others who are semi-resistant to the virus and is tasked with helping to lead the fight to save the United States from the Chimera. Throughout Resistance 2 Hale becomes increasingly Chimera-like until the very end of the game where it is implied that he has fully converted. He is killed by Corporal Capelli.
Fyodor Malikov
A major character in Resistance 2, Fyodor Malikov (Russian: Фёдор Мaликов) was the Russian scientist who was mainly responsible for the development of the anti-Chimeran serums used on the Sentinals, and is also responsible for the creation of the Cloven. Having grown up in Russia, he secretly worked with the Russian government to find ways to combat the Chimera; it was at this time that he discovered pure Chimeran DNA in the crater from the Tunguska EventTunguska event
The Tunguska event, or Tunguska blast or Tunguska explosion, was an enormously powerful explosion that occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, at about 7:14 a.m...
and took a sample. Using this DNA as well as DNA from lower strains of Chimera, he attempted to develop a vaccine against the Chimeran virus for Russian soldiers. The first serum Malikov developed was named I-8 (the Alpha series), and he began testing with it on January 1, 1927. Initially, the vaccine worked perfectly, inoculating the several thousand Russian soldiers it was administered to. By November of that year, however, the subjects began acting strangely and experiencing horrible nightmares. They called Malikov their "father" and thought of themselves as his children. A few months later, towards the beginning of 1928, the unofficial leader of these people (dubbed "the Cloven"), Andrei Vezenskiy, met with him to try to explain what was happening to them; after Andrei went insane during the meeting and attacked him, Malikov fled the oncoming Chimera and his failed experiments on April 20, 1928. Soon after, he spent 16 years defending a Russian city named Karachev from the Chimeran onslaught before being "liberated" by SRPA agents. After Russia fell to the Chimera, Malikov began to work with SRPA.
After joining SRPA, he continued his work with Chimeran vaccines, developing a Beta series, which was hardly effective, and later a Gamma series, which worked much better. Malikov was the orchestrator of Project Abraham, where volunteered subjects were injected with a vaccine and then injected with the virus. One of the subjects, Jordan Shepherd, who had a weakened immune system, reacted adveresely to the injection of pure Chimeran DNA and mutated into the being known as Daedalus, who would come to command the Chimera. Malikov had Daedalus shipped to Station Igloo in Iceland and studied him there for a time, until he was freed by the Chimera. Using the Gamma series of vaccines, the Sentinals were created.
During the two years following Daedalus's escape, Malikov acted as Nathan Hale's physician and developed inhibitor serums to prevent the Sentinals from succumbing to the virus, and also attempted to reverse engineer some Chimeran technology. It was around this time as well that he discovered that the Chimeran towers were in fact millions of years old and also realized the significance of "Gray tech", advanced technology from a race other than the Chimera that he believed to have been part of what he called the "Promethius Weapon". He believed this weapon was the cause of the pure Chimera's downfall millions of years ago.
After the Chimeran invasion of America began on May 15, 1953, Malikov worked with Nathan Hale to counteract Daedalus's plans, going with him to Chicago to deactivate the tower there; unfortunately, the tower was immediately reactivated by Daedalus from a tower in Iceland. After this, he watched over Hale during his 6-week comatose that resulted from his encounter with Daedalus, and began work on a Zeta series of inhibitors that he hoped would save Hale (whom the Gamma series was having less and less effect on); however, Hale was needed for an operation to destroy the Chimeran fleet stationed over the Chicxulub Crater
Chicxulub Crater
The Chicxulub crater is an ancient impact crater buried underneath the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. Its center is located near the town of Chicxulub, after which the crater is named...
and had to be awakened before the new series could be completed. Malikov informed Hale that he had 3 hours left to live and that he eventually went on to commit suicide by injecting himself with 4 vials of morphine, probably because of the immense guilt from indirectly dooming mankind. This however is contradicted by the fact that Dr. Malikov is set to appear as a character in Resistance 3
Resistance 3
Resistance 3 is a 2011 science fiction post-apocalyptic first person shooter developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. The game is the third title in the Resistance series and is the sequel to the best-selling PlayStation 3 launch title...
Because of the multiple strains of Chimera, their physical appearance can vary widely based on the original host of the virus. Generally they have six bright yellow eyes and beige to brown skin. They also possess extreme speed and strength, as well as regeneration abilities due to their super fast metabolism, roughly 12 times that of a human. This element does have a downside, as the Chimera are known to easily overheat, sometimes fatally: therefore their ideal habitat is in extremely cold environments. To combat this the Chimera are fitted out with cooling systems that are fused to their backs just after they are converted in Chimeran Conversion centres.Most Chimera start out life as human beings, but are converted in a four-stage conversion process. First, humans become infected by the Chimeran Virus by Chimeran bug-like creatures known as Crawlers. These bugs come out of Chimeran spires (specially adapted missiles that unleash thousands of Crawlers upon impact)- Chimera can infect entire cities in minutes with multiple spire attacks. After infection with the virus, the humans fall into a coma, and they are then carried to conversion centres by Chimera known as Carriers (creatures that resemble huge airborne jellyfish
Jellyfish are free-swimming members of the phylum Cnidaria. Medusa is another word for jellyfish, and refers to any free-swimming jellyfish stages in the phylum Cnidaria...
), where humans are then wrapped in cocoons where the Chimeran virus changes them from the inside out. The resultant Chimera that emerges from the cocoon is dependent on the strain and strength of the virus: the lowest form of Chimera are the Hybrids, the ones that closely resemble humans and fulfill the basic role of foot-soldiers in the Chimeran army, which have the shortest gestation period, being converted and birthed in a matter of hours, while other, larger Chimera take months to create, and are made of multiple human bodies. The final stage is the birthing chamber, where Chimera are taken out of their cocoons, and then have their cooling apparatus fused to their bodies. In Resistance 2 the conversion center process is not used and the cocoons are made on the spot by bug-like Chimeran creatures called Spinners (since the events of Resistance: Retribution
Resistance: Retribution
Resistance: Retribution is a third-person shooter handheld game developed for Sony's PlayStation Portable. It was announced on July 15, 2008 at Sony's E3 press conference and released on March 12, 2009 in Japan, March 17, 2009 in North America, March 20, 2009 in Europe and March 26, 2009 in Australia...
have made Crawlers and Carriers redundant). The Chimeran technology is vastly superior to human technology, with weapons that are able to sophisticatedly home in on enemies, even going so far as pass through walls. The Chimera are also capable of building and equipping artificially intelligent robots to assist them in their attack on humans such as Stalkers or Goliaths. The true origins of Chimera remain a mystery: for example, Chimera do not build most of their buildings, but simply excavate them from the country side, as seen in Somerset where Hale and Cartwright find a Chimeran tower being excavated.
New elements of the Chimera introduced in Resistance 2 feature 'spinners' which supposedly infect humans as the Chimeran crawlers do, but also proceed to wrap the infected in a tight cocoon, which carries out the gestation period on the host internally. Chimera that come from this form of conversion are known as 'Grims' - Grims are human-like in build, but have the distinguishing features of the human/chimera hybrid (fangs, yellow eyes, elongated limbs)- Grims attack the player in a zombie
Zombie is a term used to denote an animated corpse brought back to life by mystical means such as witchcraft. The term is often figuratively applied to describe a hypnotized person bereft of consciousness and self-awareness, yet ambulant and able to respond to surrounding stimuli...
like fashion, swamping them in great number or bursting from cocoons when the player gets near enough. Because they are not equipped with cooling devices, Grims have a short lifespan of only a few hours: their primary purpose is to serve simply as shock troops.
There are many more strains of chimera present in Resistance 2- Furies, Kraken, Ravagers, The Leviathan, Spinners, Leapers and Grims. But many were dropped too - Angels, Widowmakers, Crawlers, Grey Jacks, Slipskulls and Howlers (due to Daedalus's efforts to streamline and improve the effectiveness of the Chimeran army).
Vehicles used by the chimera still include the Stalker, Goliath, and Dropships.
Another important change is the leadership pattern of the Chimera - in Resistance:Fall of Man the chimera were led by "Angels"; the Chimera now fall under command of Daedalus (A soldier named Jordan Shephard who also took part in Project Abraham but succumbed fully to its effects). In the multi-player cooperative mode, another system is shown, consisting of Chimeran troop leaders known as 'Primarchs' and 'Overseers'.
One other thing is the Chimeran drones - a new set of units which are not Chimeran, but are automated search-and-destroy robots designed and built by the Chimera. Interestingly, they seem to recognize targets and neutrals by their genetic makeup- in one of the final parts of the game (when Hale has almost succumbed fully to the Chimeran virus) Hale and a squadmate approach a group of drones, who read them as neutral and do not attack. This is probably because of their genes being so similar to the Chimera's genes.

Project Abraham
The marketing campaign for Resistance 2 centered around an alternate reality gameAlternate reality game
An alternate reality game is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions....
named Project Abraham, a top-secret military project under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of War.
Initially, specific details on the nature and purpose of the project were bare and mysterious, though additional content was added to the website (in concurrence with the project's latest developments) that reveals the purpose of the project. It was revealed to be a research initiative designed to eradicate the Chimera virus that is currently infecting Europeans by the millions. It lasts over the next two months, with a SRPA team of biochemical experts formulating several permutations of serums to be used on human volunteers in an attempt to discover the vaccine against the plague. The findings were ultimately inconclusive. Other purposes are to learn more about and better understand the virus. The next phase of the project is to collect all the immune soldiers together as an elite super-soldier task force code-named "Sentinels", dedicated to fighting off the impending Chimera invasion while the bulk of the U.S. population is safely secured in the Liberty Defense Perimeter.
The primary characters are Colonel Grant Thompson and Doctor Cassandra "Cassie" Aklin (Katee Sackhoff
Katee Sackhoff
Kathryn Ann "Katee" Sackhoff is an American actress known mainly for playing Captain Kara "Starbuck" Thrace on the Sci Fi Channel's television program Battlestar Galactica. In 2004 she was nominated for a Saturn Award in the "Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series" category for her work in...
, and is also the protagonist; with all written and recorded content either directed towards or generated by Aklin so far), but other characters, civilian, military, or otherwise were mentioned. The other main characters are seven soldiers who volunteered for the project from different army units, all brought together at the Project Abraham Compound in Alaska (the specific location is classified). The test subjects include Captain Frank Anthony Gennaro, 1st Lieutenant Glenn Albert Khaner, Lieutenant Kenneth Danby, Sergeant Channing Brown, Sergeant Keith Todd Oster, Sergeant Nathan Hale, Private Joseph Capelli, Benjamin Warner, Chrisopher Hawthorne.
Apart from the project itself, the files and videos reveal the personal situation with the project's personnel; the soldiers, willing to endure the possibility of death, have detailed history, military careers, and personality profiles (collected by Aklin), which is often reflected in their actions towards others. More information about Hale's history, family, and military career are revealed as well, along with allusions to a romantic relationship between Hale and Cassie.
Other websites
A second website named America first America only is the website of an organization called the "Alliance For American Autonomy". The Alliance is a group of radicals bent on exposing the U.S. Government and its secrets to the public. The site shows a small dark area with a printing press, and an office containing a news board, news clippings, the alliances newsletter/paper, file cabinets, and a "tip box". The Alliances newsletter/paper is published every Friday. When a new article is posted the old ones are stored in the file cabinets for reference and can be viewed at any time. The newsletter/paper gets most of its information from "agents," people who have submitted SrpaNet codes through the Tip Box. A recent update for the site has seemed to have ransacked the area and shows a letter that seems to have been written in a hurry. The latest updates show a typewriter with various American cities listed on it. When a "dead-drop" has been reported in a city, fans may go to the given location to retrieve a canvas bag containing a personal item of one of the Project Abraham participants, a compass, a SRPA t-shirt, and a card listing a serial number. This serial number is used to unlock two comic panels at the second new addition to the AFAO website, Metastasis.A third website named Get A War Job has been discovered and can be accessed directly from Project Abraham. On the site a typewriter is shown along with pro and anti-war posters, cards, pamphlets, and a document which the player can fill out and possibly cause events to happen in the future such as a phone call or further information about the site/sites. The business card to the left may be called, toll free, to hear an inspirational recruiting message for the military. The latest update for the site seems to have burned nearly everything in view and the registration form is no longer available.
A fourth website named SrpaNet has also been discovered. It is an old computer interface used by the Project Abraham staff and the U.S. Government. So far hidden and overt serial codes, found in various places on Project Abraham, have led to hidden documents and images relating to the Chimera and what is known about them.
Collector's Edition
The collector's edition includes a hardcover art book, special cover art, an in-game weapon skin (a Chimeran HVAP Wraith called the Brute Minigun, the same kind Ravagers use), and an action figure of the game's "Hybrids", the Chimera. It also includes a bonus Blu-ray Disc with a behind-the-scenes featurette, a video detailing the game's alternate historical timeline, a digital copy of issue #0 of the Resistance comic bookResistance (comics)
Resistance is a comic book limited series published by Wildstorm, based on the Resistance video game series. It is written by Mike Costa, with art by Ramón Pérez, with the prequel being written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, with pencils by C.P. Smith...
, and a preview from the upcoming Resistance novel "The Gathering Storm". The collector's edition was only sold in North America, and not in Europe due to the hassle of translating each aspect of the Collector's Edition to the various main languages in the continent, such as English, French, Spanish etc. as said by SCEE in a Press Conference prior to the game's release. The Collector's Edition Blu-ray also contains a hidden Easter Egg which can be accessed by watching the "scale" featurette, pressing Left on the arrow keys upon returning to the menu, and then pressing right.
PlayStation Home
On March 26, 2009, Insomniac Games released a Resistance 2 SRPA suit for the male avatars. The SRPA suit is purchasable in Home's shopping complex.On May 21, 2009, Insomniac Games released a dedicated space for Resistance 2 in the PlayStation 3's online community-based service, PlayStation Home
PlayStation Home
PlayStation Home is a virtual 3D social gaming network developed by Sony Computer Entertainment's London Studio for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network . It is available directly from the PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar under PlayStation Network. Membership is free, and only requires a PSN...
in the Asian, European, and North American versions. The space is called the "Resistance Station" and is modeled after the Chicago level in Resistance 2 and features a video screen showing the trailers for Resistance 2 (Asian Home) and Resistance: Retribution
Resistance: Retribution
Resistance: Retribution is a third-person shooter handheld game developed for Sony's PlayStation Portable. It was announced on July 15, 2008 at Sony's E3 press conference and released on March 12, 2009 in Japan, March 17, 2009 in North America, March 20, 2009 in Europe and March 26, 2009 in Australia...
(North American Home) as well as a mini game titled 'Four Barrels of Fury' in which users takes control of a turret that appears as a turret version of the game's HVAP Wraith. The player must shoot down incoming Chimeran ships varying in size. The game is divided into waves. The player must shoot down ships for points. Occasionally the player must defend 2 incoming VTOL transports one carrying health the other carrying modified ammo. If the VTOLs are defended the player's turret is repaired and the damage dealt by the turret's shots will be strengthened as long as the ammo lasts. There are three different rewards for reaching a certain wave or score in the mini-game. The first reward is a male and female Resistance 2 t-shirt for beating Wave 4. If users beat Waves 1 to 4 with a score of 100% on each wave, they get a hat that is modeled after the Chimeran flagship in Wave 4 and if users obtain a score of 1,000,000, they get a male and female Resistance 2 hoodie. For a limited time in the European Home, in the place of where the video screen is in the Asian and North American versions, there was a poster with a promotional code on it. The first 3,000 users that redeemed the code received a male and female Resistance: Retribution t-shirt. The trailer for Resistance: Retribution has replaced the poster. This space was released to the Japanese version on September 10, 2009. Outso developed the Resistance 2 Game Space for Insomniac Games.
In addition to the space, users can fully game launch into Resistance 2. Game launching lets users set up a competitive or co-op game in Home, have people join the game, then launch directly from Home into the game. Users can set up a competitive game of up to 32 players and up to 8 players for co-op.
Resistance 2 was well received by critics, Aggregating review websites Game RankingsGame Rankings
GameRankings is a website that collects review scores from both offline and online sources to give an average rating. It indexes over 315,000 articles relating to more than 14,500 games.GameRankings is owned by CBS Interactive...
and Metacritic
Metacritic.com is a website that collates reviews of music albums, games, movies, TV shows and DVDs. For each product, a numerical score from each review is obtained and the total is averaged. An excerpt of each review is provided along with a hyperlink to the source. Three colour codes of Green,...
gave the game an aggregate score of 86.71% and 87/100.
It garnered a score of 9/10 from the Official UK PlayStation Magazine, who said it was, as they would have liked, "prettier and shootier", and 9.5/10 from IGN, elected there for an Editor's Choice Award. It also earned a 9/10 score from Official PlayStation Magazine Australia. IGN in particular praised the game for its single player campaign and online multiplayer, as well as the scale and detail of the level design, stating that the bosses would "make your jaw drop." GameRac gave Resistance 2 an 8/10, saying that the game had "amazing graphics and the single player was improved", also electing it for both the Editor's Choice Award and Most Anticipated Game Award. Resistance 2 sold about 409,270 copies worldwide in its debut week.
Other reviews include Gameplayer, which rated the game 9/10, NZGamer, which rated the game with a 9.2/10, Gamepro, who rated the game 4/5, proclaiming it was "bigger, bolder and better than the first" and an "improvement upon the formula set by its predecessor in almost every way", and X-Play, which rated Resistance 2 a 5/5 in high praise. Game Informer
Game Informer
Game Informer is an American-based monthly magazine featuring articles, news, strategy, and reviews of popular video games and associated consoles. It was formed in August 1991, when FuncoLand started publishing a six-page magazine, free in all its retail locations...
gave the game an 8.5/10, saying that it wasn't as good as the original, "the slower movement is noticeable" and "the lack of a weapon wheel limits strategy," but praising the "absolutely gorgeous" graphics and the variety of multiplayer modes.
Despite the widespread praise from critics, some fans were not as enthusiastic about the game, primarily complaining about the unnecessary changes and exclusions, as well as a not-so-appealing campaign mode, which also lacked the acclaimed local co-op. Senior community manager James Stevenson of Insomniac said that the game "was a failure" for the hardcore followers of the series and admitted that gamers's negative feedback had weighed on him. Insomniac stated that they would take this as a lesson for the development of its sequel.
Resistance 2 sold 598,000 units in North America through 2008, 200,000 units in the United Kingdom, also sold over 3 million copies worldwide. and 65,191 in Japan.
Resistance 3Resistance 3
Resistance 3 is a 2011 science fiction post-apocalyptic first person shooter developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. The game is the third title in the Resistance series and is the sequel to the best-selling PlayStation 3 launch title...
was officially announced at Sony's Gamescom
gamescom is a trade fair for video games held annually at the Koelnmesse in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is organised by the Bundesverband Interaktive Unterhaltungssoftware...
2010 press conference on August 17, 2010 after a billboard ad was spotted in Shreveport, Louisiana almost a year earlier. A trailer for the game was also shown during the conference. A trailer with gameplay was shown at the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards event on December 11, 2010. Resistance 3 was released on September 6, 2011.