Rally Bulgaria
Rally Bulgaria is the most prestigious and the oldest rally event in Bulgaria
. It is a confirmed event for the 2010 World Rally Championship season
, as the seventh of the thirteen planned events. 2010 will be the first time that Rally Bulgaria have been in a World Rally Championship
season, having previously hosted races for the European Rally Championship
. The application was accepted by the FIA despite the fact that Rally Bulgaria's candidate rally in July 2009 ended in an accident which killed Italian co-driver Flavio Guglielmini and seriously injured Swiss driver Brian Lavio. Bulgaria was the only new candidate for the 2010 World Rally Championship season
, although Rally Argentina
had made a reserve application just in case Bulgaria's application failed.
The route is near the resort and also HQ of the rally Borovetz ski resort.
in one way or another. For the first Bulgarian Motorsport event is considered the 1914 race held around the capital Sofia
, which has been won by the Bulgarian Dimitar Pehlivanov. Many years of various motorsport events follow after this first try, and every time the races grew bigger and more complicated than the previous ones.
From Bulgarian only, the events acquired International status, because of the gathering of pilots firstly from the Balkan Peninsula countries (Romania
, former Yugoslavia
, Greece
, Turkey
) and then from the former Soviet Union
countries (Poland
, Hungary
, Czechoslovakia
, East Germany, etc.) and most of the West European countries ([West] Germany
, Belgium
, Netherlands
, France
, Italy
, Spain
, etc.).
The first years of the Bulgarian Motorsport were the years when the car, as a necessity, wasn’t a normal thing as it is today. In this first period (from the end of the 19th Century till the mid 20th Century) the motorsport in Bulgaria
was a privilege only for some people – dealers, owners of factories or service-stations, and some enthusiasts (mechanics, ordinary chauffeurs).
In the mid 1950s, when the automobiles in Bulgaria
were already comparatively widespread, began the second period of nation’s motorsport development. The newest history of the Bulgarian Motorsport dates back to 1958 when the Bulgarian Automobile Tourist Club (BATC), which after that helped the sport, was established. A year later, in 1959, was organized the first true rally event. Its start was in Sofia
and the itinerary covered 275 km in West and North-West of Bulgaria
In the next year 1960 it was decided that the Bulgarian Rally Championship for that year would be proceeded as a “Circuit of Bulgaria”. In 1961 was held the inaugural ladies rally “8th March” – the first motorsport activity, which shows the interest of the Bulgarian women in the sport. In 1963 was held the first Kart Race, while in the following year 1964 was opened the Renault Factory in Plovdiv
(the second biggest town in Bulgaria), which had great positive influence in the Bulgarian Motorsport.
1967 marks the next step of rally sport’s development in Bulgaria
. Few years later some of the events became traditional rounds of the Bulgarian Rally Championship:
But before all of these rallies, in the summer of 1970, was established the first International Rally Zlatni Piassatzi (translated: Rally Golden Sands
), which the same year gathered 36 crews from Bulgaria
, Poland
, Yugoslavia
and Germany
. Later, the rally changed several times its name (Rally Zlatni, Rally Albena
, etc.), while in 2002 it changed also its location. Since then the rally is known as Rally Bulgaria.
. Its first name was Rally Zlatni Piassatzi (translated: Rally Golden Sands
) and it started for the first time on 12 June 1970 in front of Hotel International, located in the sea resort, carrying the same name, Zlatni Piassatzi. Just year and a half later the rally commission of the then Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile
(FISA) confirmed it as a part of the European Rally Championship
. The rally was the first event, which brought in a closed special stage (a characteristic feature of the rally included in its first running back in 1970).
In 1975 the rally was awarded with Coefficient 3 (the highest then was Coefficient 4). Another three years later and on 10 October 1978 the rally commission of FISA, after gathering a total of 123.5 points for the Bulgarian rally, awarded it with the 4 “stars” of difficulty. On the same date the event was included in the 10 super European rallies, which determined the European Rally Championship
. After all the positives, in 1979 FISA took back one of the fours stars, because of “weaknesses in the organization”, as the observers have written on the past rally report.
In 1984 the headquarters of the rally moved from the sea resort Zlatni Piassatzi to its neighbor resort Albena
(both held near third biggest town in Bulgaria
– Varna
). Four years later the International Automobile Federation awarded the Bulgarian rally again with the highest coefficient of difficulty, which by this time was already 20 “stars”. Since then, until 2003, the rally was fixed in the highest group of rallies with Coefficient 20, which made up the calendar of the European Rally Championship
. From 2004 to 2009 including the rally was also part of this highest group of rallies, but the “stars” have disappeared, while the championship was named just European Rally Championship
. Both 2008 and 2009 Rally Bulgaria was a World Rally Championship
Candidate Event.
Actually, in the last twenty runnings of the event (till 2002), less than one fifth of the itinerary was based around the HQ resorts. The most of it was located in the Balkan Mountains
around towns of Sliven
, Shoumen, Tvarditza, Elena
with their emblematic stages like “Stara Reka” (translated: “Old River”); “Tvarditza-Elena”, “Varbitza”, and many other…
From 2002 the rally changed its last name Rally Albena
to Rally Bulgaria. This also came with the change of the location of the rally – after 32 years on the seaside, the new HQ was based more than 500 km in the West of Bulgaria
, in the mountain resort Borovetz, which is located in the Rila Mountain.
This big change came after the recommendations of Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile
’s observers to avoid the long liaison sections, which the rally had, to connect the seaside with the mountain stages – between 150 and 250km in one direction. So, with less than year to think, the new rally, with its complete new route, was created and run for the past eight years.
sea resorts in the heart of Rila Mountain, where the new HQ Borovetz ski resort is situated. The change was a necessity for the event in order to save its Coefficient 20 for the European Rally Championship
The rally was much more compact than the previous one, despite some of the new stages were not so technical like the classics of the previous event. Nevertheless, the new stages were also very good like the old ones and the bigger part of them offered almost a completely new challenge to the competitors.
Rally Bulgaria 2002 was the only event in the whole history of the rally, which was consisted of three full competitive Legs, despite the first of them was comparatively short (just less than 60 km of special stages).
Rally route led the competitors to stages, which have never been used before in another rally (Leg 1 & Leg 2), but also to stages, which are very famous from another event of the Bulgarian Rally Championship – Rally Hebros (Leg 3).
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
Leg 3
For the first time in 2003 it was introduced a short special stage on the streets of the HQ resort Borovetz, which carried the same name. The other new stages were “Sestrimo” and “Yundola”, and also their reverse variants, which were with different length, called “Belmeken” and “Belovo” respectively. Interesting fact is that “Sestrimo” stage climbs up to 2000m above the sea level and the turbo cars are struggling on the highest points of the stage, because of the rarefied air.
Some of the stages from 2002 like “Borovetz” stage of that time (it wasn’t so much on the streets of the resort and was more like ordinary longer stage), “Raduil”, which was the reversed variant of “Borovetz”, and also “Tzarska Bistritza” were completely removed from the itinerary for 2003 and have never been used since then. In fact, a part of “Tzarska Bistritza” stage has been used as a shakedown for the next four years.
All of the stages from Leg 3 of Rally Bulgaria 2002 were completely removed from the itinerary too and have also never been used in the event since then (but in 2010 the bigger part of the will be back in the rally).
The short stages from 2002, like the pair “Tunela” and “Dolno Varshilo”, and the next pair “Topolnitza” and “Eledzhik” were saved in the rally (and have been used ever since), but the change there was the following: both stages from the pairs were connected to each other and lengthened as well. The stage, which emerged from the first pair, was “Magistrala”, while the other stage was “Tzerovo”. The same happened with their reverse variants – the pair “Gorno Varshilo” and “Trayanovi Vrata” became “Slavovitza”, while the last pair “Mativir” and “Yazovira” was named “Muhovo”.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
The only different stuff in 2004 was the little change of the length of the special stages (just with some meters ar as much as a kilometer), but all this was insignificant.
For a Shakedown of the rally was chosen a 4-kilometer part of the former “Tzarska Bistritza” stage, which in 2002 was included in Leg 2 of the rally as SS12/SS18.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
But this stage came more as rescuing attempt for rally’s itinerary than anything else. The organizers were forced to put this stage on the place of another one – “Yundola” and its reversed variant “Belovo”, which was closed by the authorities for repairs.
The 30.11-kilometer variant of “Sestrimo” stage went down well in the last edition of the rally and organizers decided to save it as it was used in 2005. The Shakedown was also the same as the last few editions of the rally.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
At least, there was a difference if we compare the 2007 itinerary with that one from 2005 – the renovated “Yundola” stage was shortened by 170m, while its reversed variant “Belovo” was lengthened by 160m. Apart from that, the shakedown test remained on its usual place – on the 4-kilometer part of the former “Tzarska Bistritza” stage.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Leg 2
Of course, itinerary in the shape from 2003 to 2007 wouldn’t be enough to form the required at that time 340–380 km of special stages for WRC event, so the searching for new stages (with alternative and escape roads) was the main objective to the organizers, which FIA’s experts appointed.
The other change was the location of the shakedown test, because the one, used till 2007, was too far from the main Service Park of the rally (for that reason it had its “own” Service Park, which was a minus to the rally). Unfortunately, the new shakedown, which an expert from FIA chose, later was considered as the weakest point of Rally Bulgaria 2008. Despite it was very well situated to the main Service Park (just about 4.5 km away), the test was too fast and with too long straits, which had nothing in common with the characteristics of the stages. That was the reason why it was the first and probably the last time this shakedown was used.
Another change in the rally, which was more formal and on paper than anything else, was introduction of three competitive Days again (the term Leg was removed). But the first Day was consisted of only SS1 Borovetz (2.95 km), which was run alone on Friday late afternoon.
As for the stages, the itinerary of the 39th Rally Bulgaria 2008 was absolutely the same as this one from the year before.
List of stages:
Days 1 & 2
Day 3
For that reason there were more significant changes made in the itinerary since 2002. As a beginning, the most noticeable change was the absence of the shortest stage of the event – “Borovetz”. Instead, the rally started right off with the proper long stages, first of which was the reverse running of “Sestrimo” stage, which in the past (from 2003 to 2008) was called “Belmeken”, and was driven as a last stage of the whole rally. For 2009 it was renamed “Lakavitza” and was shortened with about 2 kilometers. Next stages were the already traditional “Muhovo” and “Slavovitza”, which we were used to see as the openers of this first competitive Day. The changes didn’t skip them and both were shortened as well – “Muhovo” was cut with 380m, while “Slavovitza” was reduced with just 120m. But despite the unusual itinerary and the little changes made on the stages, all of the first Day’s tests were well known to the competitors. What was going to be the new stuff of the rally would be seen on the next Day 2.
The second Day of Rally Bulgaria 2009 offered some brand-new roads, which weren’t stages alone, but when connected with some previously used ones, made up almost new stages together. This was the case with “Sestrimo” stage, which saved its name, and which was Day 2’s opener, but was really shortened from its start. In comparison with 2008, when it was 30.11 kilometers, in 2009 stage’s length was “only” 23.68 km, as the first 17.87 km of them were completely new. After this new experience, the road joined with the well known last part of “Sestrimo” stage, which runs all along the Belmeken Dam till the finish. The next stage “Yundola” was longer with just 90m than in 2008, so the change there was insignificant.
Next of the itinerary was the stage, which we knew as “Tzerovo” (the reversed variant of “Muhovo” stage). Like the new “Sestrimo”, “Tzerovo” also had big changes – it was shortened a bit by its start, but was seriously reduced by its finish (with almost 9 km). The main difference with the old “Tzerovo” stage was its brand-new middle part, which passed through the village of Lyubnitza, and which was exactly 8.95 kilometers long. This part was also the reason that the stage would be renamed after the village – “Lyubnitza”.
The Shakedown test was also brand new, but like 2008 it was close to the main Service Park of the rally (just 6 km away). Shakedown’s only “disadvantage” was its length of only 2.58 km, but despite this the Shakedown had everything – slow turns, fast straights, and road, which was open on some places and narrow on other.
But the rally sport sometimes could be really dangerous – on the opening stage of rally’s second competitive Day the Swiss driver Brian Lavio and his Italian co-driver Flavio Guglielmini crashed heavily approximately 10 km into the new part of “Sestrimo” stage. Unfortunately, this crash costed the life of Flavio Guglielmini, who died immediately. As a result, firstly the other crews refused to continue the race, as these ones, who started the stage in front of Lavio and Guglielmini’s car passed non-competitively through the next two stages before the Service Park – “Yundola” and “Lyubnitza” – in order to cover 50% of rally’s competitive kilometers. The others went back to the Service Park through the alternative road of “Sestrimo” stage, and when all of the crews gathered there, the rally was announced cancelled with a pro-term winner Giandomenico Basso (previously co-driven by late Flavio Guglielmini). The ceremonial finish was also cancelled.
List of stages:
Day 1
Day 2
for the first time since rally’s initial running in 1970!
For that reason Rally Bulgaria has to reply all the requirements of the FIA in order to be part of the WRC
. One of most important of them is the competitive kilometeres, which, in its previous editions, were appropriate only for the European Rally Championship
(250–270 km), for which the rally counted. Now FIA requires additional about 50 to 100 km by the Bulgarian rally. The organizers have solved this problem by adding some of the special stages around towns of Peshtera and Batak, last run 8 years ago, in 2002, which was the first time, when Borovetz ski resort was the host of the rally. Interesting fact is that these stages are also part of another rally of the Bulgarian Rally Championship – International Rally Hebros.
One of the biggest differences in comparison with 2009 is the absence of “Yundola” stage (and also its reversed variant “Belovo”). It was the only SS from last year without any alternative or escape road, because it was located in a mountain gorge with rocks on the one side of the road and river and rocks on the other.
As it is written above, some of the stages around towns of Peshtera and Batak will be used for the first time since 2002. Their names will be changed since the 33rd edition of the rally 8 years ago, while one of them (SS6/SS9 Peshtera) will be run also differently and will be shortened as well.
The Shakedown remains the same as in 2009 (despite it will be a bit lengthened), when it was used for the first time. The test stage will be situated between town of Momin Prohod and Gorna Vassilitza village and will be 2.65 km long.
DAY 1:
SS1 of the rally will be “Batak Lake 1” (actually it is not a lake, but a dam). It will be the same as SS21 Dobra Voda 1 from Rally Bulgaria 2002, which also was the last SS of Rally Hebros 2009. An interesting fact is that this stage, with its almost 32 km, is the longest of the rally.
Then follows SS2 Belmeken Lake 1 (it is also a dam, rather than a lake). This stage covers much of the road of 2009’s SS1/SS4 Lakavitza. The finish point is the same as the year before, but stage's initial 7 kilometers are brand new. They have never been used as a part of a special stage before (since 2003 they have been a liaison section only). This year the stage is 27.57 km long rather than the 20.41 km of SS1/SS4 Lakavitza in 2009. Another thing, raising interest here, is that in the half of the stage the rally reaches its highest point of 2059 meters above the sea level, which makes the rally maybe the highest event of the 2010 WRC after Rally Mexico
Then a Service Park follows, after which the crews repeat both specials stages.
DAY 2:
The second competitive Day of Rally Bulgaria 2010 is the longest of the three in both terms of special stages and liaison sections.
It will start with SS5 Sestrimo 1, which, in 2010, will be 27.46 km long. The initial about 7 km of the stage were last used as a competitive mileage back in 2008 as part of the already classical 30.11-kilometer “Sestrimo” stage, while in 2009 they were only liaison section. Now, after those first kilometers, the competitors will turn right to the new part of the stage, firstly introduced in 2009. “Sestrimo” stage will finish just at the foot of Belmeken Dam’s wall and will be run for the first time in such a variant.
The initial 9 km of the next SS6 Peshtera 1 will be the same as these of SS19/SS23 Sveti Konstantin from Rally Bulgaria 2002. After those first 9 km, the competitors will reach a junction and will turn right to begin the second part of the stage, which will use the first section of SS1/SS3 Batak Lake (another 9 km), but in a reverse direction - donwhilling. Actually, the finish point of "Peshtera" stage is on the same place as the start point of SS1/SS3 Batak Lake. SS6/SS9 Pesthera is 18.13 km in length.
SS7 Lyubnitza 1 is 99% the same as in 2009, when its brand-new middle part was introduced for the first time. Unfortunately, after the accident of the mixed Swiss/Italian crew of Bryan Lavio and Flavio Guglielmini, which has happened on one of the preceding Special Stages and where the co-driver Guglielmini died, SS Lyubnitza was only passed non-competitively by some of the crews. The only difference this year is that the stage will be extended by 860m and will be 24.86 km in length.
Then a Service Park follows, after which the crews repeat the specials stages.
DAY 3:
Day 3 is the most compact day of the whole rally, and we even could say that maybe it will be the most compact of the whole 2010 World Rally Championship
. If we exclude the final liaison section from the closing Service Park to the HQ, Day 3 would have between 50% and 60% of Special Stages. So, with this closing road section, the competitive kilometers will be 48.41% of Day 3’s itinerary.
The final competitive Day of the event is built by two stages, repeated twice – the classics SS11/SS13 Muhovo (29.53 km) and SS12/SS14 Slavovitza (17.73 km). In comparison with 2009, Muhovo was 28.51 km, while Slavovitza – 18.12 km, which means that this year Muhovo is extended by 1.02 km, but Slavovitza – shortened by 390m.
These two stages, as well as “Lyubnitza” stage from Day 2 (which is largery made by SS Muhovo’s route), are the only stages, which don’t have such a mountainous character like the rest of the tests. The highest point of the Day, which is part of SS Muhovo, and also is the finish point of SS Lyubnitza, is just 861m. The majority of the competitive kilometers though are situated between 300 and 700 meters above sea level.
Interesting fact is that the route of “Slavovitza” stage is located next to one of the busiest highways in Bulgaria
- Trakya Highway, which connects the two biggest cities in the country – the capital Sofia
and the second after it Plovdiv
. Through short tunnels, the stage twists several times from right to the left under the highway.
Both runnings of the stages, of course, are separated by a Service Park. The last break in the Service is scheduled to be after the second loop through the stages, while later the crews will head for the Ceremonial Finish of the rally in front of the HQ Hotel Rila in the heart of Borovetz.
List of stages:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
. It is a confirmed event for the 2010 World Rally Championship season
2010 World Rally Championship season
The 2010 World Rally Championship season was the 38th season of the FIA World Rally Championship. The season consisted of 13 rallies, beginning with Rally Sweden on 11 February and ended Wales Rally GB on 14 November....
, as the seventh of the thirteen planned events. 2010 will be the first time that Rally Bulgaria have been in a World Rally Championship
World Rally Championship
The World Rally Championship is a rallying series organised by the FIA, culminating with a champion driver and manufacturer. The driver's world championship and manufacturer's world championship are separate championships, but based on the same point system. The series currently consists of 13...
season, having previously hosted races for the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
. The application was accepted by the FIA despite the fact that Rally Bulgaria's candidate rally in July 2009 ended in an accident which killed Italian co-driver Flavio Guglielmini and seriously injured Swiss driver Brian Lavio. Bulgaria was the only new candidate for the 2010 World Rally Championship season
2010 World Rally Championship season
The 2010 World Rally Championship season was the 38th season of the FIA World Rally Championship. The season consisted of 13 rallies, beginning with Rally Sweden on 11 February and ended Wales Rally GB on 14 November....
, although Rally Argentina
Rally Argentina
The Rally Argentina is an Argentine rally competition that has been both a round of the World Rally Championship and also the Intercontinental Rally Challenge. The rally is also a round of the South American Rally Championship and the Argentine Rally Championship...
had made a reserve application just in case Bulgaria's application failed.
The route is near the resort and also HQ of the rally Borovetz ski resort.
A brief history of the Bulgarian Motorsport
Through the years, Bulgarians have always been interested in the motorsportMotorsport
Motorsport or motorsports is the group of sports which primarily involve the use of motorized vehicles, whether for racing or non-racing competition...
in one way or another. For the first Bulgarian Motorsport event is considered the 1914 race held around the capital Sofia
Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city in the European Union with a population of 1.27 million people. It is located in western Bulgaria, at the foot of Mount Vitosha and approximately at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula.Prehistoric settlements were excavated...
, which has been won by the Bulgarian Dimitar Pehlivanov. Many years of various motorsport events follow after this first try, and every time the races grew bigger and more complicated than the previous ones.
From Bulgarian only, the events acquired International status, because of the gathering of pilots firstly from the Balkan Peninsula countries (Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...
, former Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia refers to three political entities that existed successively on the western part of the Balkans during most of the 20th century....
, Greece
Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....
, Turkey
Turkey , known officially as the Republic of Turkey , is a Eurasian country located in Western Asia and in East Thrace in Southeastern Europe...
) and then from the former Soviet Union
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union , officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia between 1922 and 1991....
countries (Poland
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...
, Hungary
Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...
, Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovakia or Czecho-Slovakia was a sovereign state in Central Europe which existed from October 1918, when it declared its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, until 1992...
, East Germany, etc.) and most of the West European countries ([West] Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
, Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
, Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
, France
The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...
, Italy
Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...
, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
, etc.).
The first years of the Bulgarian Motorsport were the years when the car, as a necessity, wasn’t a normal thing as it is today. In this first period (from the end of the 19th Century till the mid 20th Century) the motorsport in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
was a privilege only for some people – dealers, owners of factories or service-stations, and some enthusiasts (mechanics, ordinary chauffeurs).
In the mid 1950s, when the automobiles in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
were already comparatively widespread, began the second period of nation’s motorsport development. The newest history of the Bulgarian Motorsport dates back to 1958 when the Bulgarian Automobile Tourist Club (BATC), which after that helped the sport, was established. A year later, in 1959, was organized the first true rally event. Its start was in Sofia
Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city in the European Union with a population of 1.27 million people. It is located in western Bulgaria, at the foot of Mount Vitosha and approximately at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula.Prehistoric settlements were excavated...
and the itinerary covered 275 km in West and North-West of Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
In the next year 1960 it was decided that the Bulgarian Rally Championship for that year would be proceeded as a “Circuit of Bulgaria”. In 1961 was held the inaugural ladies rally “8th March” – the first motorsport activity, which shows the interest of the Bulgarian women in the sport. In 1963 was held the first Kart Race, while in the following year 1964 was opened the Renault Factory in Plovdiv
Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after Sofia with a population of 338,153 inhabitants according to Census 2011. Plovdiv's history spans some 6,000 years, with traces of a Neolithic settlement dating to roughly 4000 BC; it is one of the oldest cities in Europe...
(the second biggest town in Bulgaria), which had great positive influence in the Bulgarian Motorsport.
1967 marks the next step of rally sport’s development in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
. Few years later some of the events became traditional rounds of the Bulgarian Rally Championship:
- Rally Stari Stolici – established in 1970; existing nowadays; translated: Rally Old Capitals; counts for the Bulgarian Rally Championship only; HQ is in town of Shoumen;
- Rally Hebros – established in 1972; existing nowadays; counts for the FIA European Rally Cup, Coefficient 5 and for the Bulgarian Rally Championship; HQ is in town of PlovdivPlovdivPlovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after Sofia with a population of 338,153 inhabitants according to Census 2011. Plovdiv's history spans some 6,000 years, with traces of a Neolithic settlement dating to roughly 4000 BC; it is one of the oldest cities in Europe...
; - Rally Sliven – established in 1976; existing nowadays; counts for the FIA European Rally Cup, Coefficient 10 and for the Bulgarian Rally Championship; HQ is in town of SlivenSlivenSliven is the eighth-largest city in Bulgaria and the administrative and industrial centre of Sliven Province and municipality. It is a relatively large town with 89,848 inhabitants, as of February 2011....
; - Rally Vida – established in 1971 and held until 1989, reborn in 2007; counts for the Bulgarian Rally Championship only; HQ is in town of VidinVidinVidin is a port town on the southern bank of the Danube in northwestern Bulgaria. It is close to the borders with Serbia and Romania, and is also the administrative centre of Vidin Province, as well as of the Metropolitan of Vidin...
; - Rally Osogovo – not existing nowadays; HQ was in town of KyustendilKyustendilKyustendil is a town in the far west of Bulgaria, the capital of Kyustendil Province, with a population of 44 416 . Kyustendil is situated in the southern part of the Kyustendil Valley, 90 km southwest of Sofia...
But before all of these rallies, in the summer of 1970, was established the first International Rally Zlatni Piassatzi (translated: Rally Golden Sands
Golden Sands
Golden Sands is a major seaside resort town on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, adjacent to a national park of the same name in the municipality of Varna....
), which the same year gathered 36 crews from Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
, Poland
Poland , officially the Republic of Poland , is a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany to the west; the Czech Republic and Slovakia to the south; Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania to the east; and the Baltic Sea and Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave, to the north...
, Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia refers to three political entities that existed successively on the western part of the Balkans during most of the 20th century....
and Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
. Later, the rally changed several times its name (Rally Zlatni, Rally Albena
Albena is a major Black Sea resort in northeastern Bulgaria, situated 12 km from Balchik and 30 km from Varna. Albena is served by the international airport of Varna....
, etc.), while in 2002 it changed also its location. Since then the rally is known as Rally Bulgaria.
From Rally Zlatni Piassatzi 1970 to Rally Bulgaria 2010
Rally Bulgaria is the oldest and most prestigious motorsport event in BulgariaBulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
. Its first name was Rally Zlatni Piassatzi (translated: Rally Golden Sands
Golden Sands
Golden Sands is a major seaside resort town on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, adjacent to a national park of the same name in the municipality of Varna....
) and it started for the first time on 12 June 1970 in front of Hotel International, located in the sea resort, carrying the same name, Zlatni Piassatzi. Just year and a half later the rally commission of the then Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile
Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile
The Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile was the governing body for motor racing events. The organisation's origins date from 1922, when the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile delegated the organisation of automobile racing to the CSI , an autonomous committee that would later...
(FISA) confirmed it as a part of the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
. The rally was the first event, which brought in a closed special stage (a characteristic feature of the rally included in its first running back in 1970).
In 1975 the rally was awarded with Coefficient 3 (the highest then was Coefficient 4). Another three years later and on 10 October 1978 the rally commission of FISA, after gathering a total of 123.5 points for the Bulgarian rally, awarded it with the 4 “stars” of difficulty. On the same date the event was included in the 10 super European rallies, which determined the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
. After all the positives, in 1979 FISA took back one of the fours stars, because of “weaknesses in the organization”, as the observers have written on the past rally report.
In 1984 the headquarters of the rally moved from the sea resort Zlatni Piassatzi to its neighbor resort Albena
Albena is a major Black Sea resort in northeastern Bulgaria, situated 12 km from Balchik and 30 km from Varna. Albena is served by the international airport of Varna....
(both held near third biggest town in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
– Varna
Varna is the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and third-largest in Bulgaria after Sofia and Plovdiv, with a population of 334,870 inhabitants according to Census 2011...
). Four years later the International Automobile Federation awarded the Bulgarian rally again with the highest coefficient of difficulty, which by this time was already 20 “stars”. Since then, until 2003, the rally was fixed in the highest group of rallies with Coefficient 20, which made up the calendar of the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
. From 2004 to 2009 including the rally was also part of this highest group of rallies, but the “stars” have disappeared, while the championship was named just European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
. Both 2008 and 2009 Rally Bulgaria was a World Rally Championship
World Rally Championship
The World Rally Championship is a rallying series organised by the FIA, culminating with a champion driver and manufacturer. The driver's world championship and manufacturer's world championship are separate championships, but based on the same point system. The series currently consists of 13...
Candidate Event.
Actually, in the last twenty runnings of the event (till 2002), less than one fifth of the itinerary was based around the HQ resorts. The most of it was located in the Balkan Mountains
Balkan Mountains
The Balkan mountain range is a mountain range in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan range runs 560 km from the Vrashka Chuka Peak on the border between Bulgaria and eastern Serbia eastward through central Bulgaria to Cape Emine on the Black Sea...
around towns of Sliven
Sliven is the eighth-largest city in Bulgaria and the administrative and industrial centre of Sliven Province and municipality. It is a relatively large town with 89,848 inhabitants, as of February 2011....
, Shoumen, Tvarditza, Elena
-Fictional characters:* Elena Fisher, a character in the Uncharted series* Elena Gilbert, from The Vampire Diaries* Elena of Turks, from Final Fantasy VII* Elena , from Street Fighter III...
with their emblematic stages like “Stara Reka” (translated: “Old River”); “Tvarditza-Elena”, “Varbitza”, and many other…
From 2002 the rally changed its last name Rally Albena
Albena is a major Black Sea resort in northeastern Bulgaria, situated 12 km from Balchik and 30 km from Varna. Albena is served by the international airport of Varna....
to Rally Bulgaria. This also came with the change of the location of the rally – after 32 years on the seaside, the new HQ was based more than 500 km in the West of Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
, in the mountain resort Borovetz, which is located in the Rila Mountain.
This big change came after the recommendations of Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile
The Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile is a non-profit association established as the Association Internationale des Automobile Clubs Reconnus on 20 June 1904 to represent the interests of motoring organisations and motor car users...
’s observers to avoid the long liaison sections, which the rally had, to connect the seaside with the mountain stages – between 150 and 250km in one direction. So, with less than year to think, the new rally, with its complete new route, was created and run for the past eight years.
Validity of the rally
Year(s) | Valid for |
1970–1971 | Bulgarian Rally Championship |
1972 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers Soviet Union Rally Championship |
1975–1976 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 3) Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" |
1977–1981 & 1982 |
Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 3, while from 1982 with Coefficient 4) Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" Romanian Rally Championship Turkish Rally Championship Greek Rally Championship |
1985 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 4) European Rally Championship for Group A drivers Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" Romanian Rally Championship Turkish Rally Championship Greek Rally Championship |
1987 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 4) Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" |
1989 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Group N drivers Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" |
1990 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Group N drivers Soviet Union Rally Championship – the Cup "Peace & Friendship" Belgium Rally Championship |
1991 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Group N drivers |
1993–1995 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Group N drivers FIA European Rally Cup for drivers |
1996-97 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers & makes (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Group N drivers FIA European Rally Cup for drivers Balkan Rally Championship for drivers |
1998–1999 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers & makes (Coefficient 20) FIA European Rally Cup for drivers Balkan Rally Championship for drivers |
2000 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers & makes (Coefficient 20) FIA European Rally Cup for drivers FIA Regional Rally Cup Balkan Rally Championship for drivers |
2001 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers & makes (Coefficient 20) |
2002 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers (Coefficient 20) European Rally Championship for Super 1600 drivers |
2003–2007 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers |
2008–2009 | Bulgarian Rally Championship European Rally Championship for drivers World Rally Championship Candidate Event |
2010 | World Rally Championship Junior World Rally Championship |
Rally Bulgaria 2002, 24–26 May
The 33rd edition of the rally was an all new event, because of the change of HQ’s location – more than 500 km West from Zlatni Piassatzi and AlbenaAlbena
Albena is a major Black Sea resort in northeastern Bulgaria, situated 12 km from Balchik and 30 km from Varna. Albena is served by the international airport of Varna....
sea resorts in the heart of Rila Mountain, where the new HQ Borovetz ski resort is situated. The change was a necessity for the event in order to save its Coefficient 20 for the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
The rally was much more compact than the previous one, despite some of the new stages were not so technical like the classics of the previous event. Nevertheless, the new stages were also very good like the old ones and the bigger part of them offered almost a completely new challenge to the competitors.
Rally Bulgaria 2002 was the only event in the whole history of the rally, which was consisted of three full competitive Legs, despite the first of them was comparatively short (just less than 60 km of special stages).
Rally route led the competitors to stages, which have never been used before in another rally (Leg 1 & Leg 2), but also to stages, which are very famous from another event of the Bulgarian Rally Championship – Rally Hebros (Leg 3).
List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz 1 | 8.66 |
SS2 | Tunela | 9.41 |
SS3 | Dolno Varshilo | 7.80 |
SS4 | Topolnitza | 7.78 |
SS5 | Eledzhik | 17.91 |
SS6 | Raduil 1 | 8.16 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS7 | Borovetz 2 | 8.66 |
SS8 | Mаtivir 1 | 17.82 |
SS9 | Yazovira 1 | 7.28 |
SS10 | Gorno Varshilo 1 | 7.88 |
SS11 | Trayanovi Vrata 1 | 8.97 |
SS12 | Tzarska Bistritza 1 | 6.82 |
SS13 | Mаtivir 2 | 17.82 |
SS14 | Yazovira 2 | 7.28 |
SS15 | Gorno Varshilo 2 | 7.88 |
SS16 | Trayanovi Vrata 2 | 8.97 |
SS17 | Raduil 2 | 8.88 |
SS18 | Tzarska Bistritza 2 | 6.82 |
Leg 3
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS19 | Sveti Konstantin 1 | 31.96 |
SS20 | Rekata 1 | 12.11 |
SS21 | Dobra Voda 1 | 31.66 |
SS22 | Rekata 2 | 12.11 |
SS23 | Sveti Konstantin 2 | 31.96 |
SS24 | Dobra Voda 2 | 8.83 |
Rally Bulgaria 2003, 13–15 June
The second running over the new route was in 2003. Despite this, the 34th edition of Rally Bulgaria was very different to the 33rd. In fact, every rally since 2003, except 2006 and 2009, is more or less the same with this 34th edition of the event. As a beginning, the rally was in two competitive Legs again.For the first time in 2003 it was introduced a short special stage on the streets of the HQ resort Borovetz, which carried the same name. The other new stages were “Sestrimo” and “Yundola”, and also their reverse variants, which were with different length, called “Belmeken” and “Belovo” respectively. Interesting fact is that “Sestrimo” stage climbs up to 2000m above the sea level and the turbo cars are struggling on the highest points of the stage, because of the rarefied air.
Some of the stages from 2002 like “Borovetz” stage of that time (it wasn’t so much on the streets of the resort and was more like ordinary longer stage), “Raduil”, which was the reversed variant of “Borovetz”, and also “Tzarska Bistritza” were completely removed from the itinerary for 2003 and have never been used since then. In fact, a part of “Tzarska Bistritza” stage has been used as a shakedown for the next four years.
All of the stages from Leg 3 of Rally Bulgaria 2002 were completely removed from the itinerary too and have also never been used in the event since then (but in 2010 the bigger part of the will be back in the rally).
The short stages from 2002, like the pair “Tunela” and “Dolno Varshilo”, and the next pair “Topolnitza” and “Eledzhik” were saved in the rally (and have been used ever since), but the change there was the following: both stages from the pairs were connected to each other and lengthened as well. The stage, which emerged from the first pair, was “Magistrala”, while the other stage was “Tzerovo”. The same happened with their reverse variants – the pair “Gorno Varshilo” and “Trayanovi Vrata” became “Slavovitza”, while the last pair “Mativir” and “Yazovira” was named “Muhovo”.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 3.04 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 29.20 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.50 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 31.95 |
SS5 | Yundola 1 | 18.70 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 31.95 |
SS7 | Yundola 2 | 18.70 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.30 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.30 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.30 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.30 |
SS12 | Belovo | 18.60 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 23.67 |
Rally Bulgaria 2004, 18–19 June
With about 38% of special stages, the route from 2003 was perfect. So, the organizers of the rally decided that the 35th Rally Bulgaria 2004 will be running over the same itinerary, which has been chosen in 2003.The only different stuff in 2004 was the little change of the length of the special stages (just with some meters ar as much as a kilometer), but all this was insignificant.
For a Shakedown of the rally was chosen a 4-kilometer part of the former “Tzarska Bistritza” stage, which in 2002 was included in Leg 2 of the rally as SS12/SS18.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 2.95 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 28.89 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.24 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 31.98 |
SS5 | Yundola 1 | 18.57 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 31.98 |
SS7 | Yundola 2 | 18.57 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.24 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.08 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.24 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.08 |
SS12 | Belovo | 18.44 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 22.27 |
Rally Bulgaria 2005, 08-10 July
36th Rally Bulgaria 2005 was the same as the previous two events from 2003 and 2004. This time the difference between the closest rally (this one from 2004) in terms of stages was only one – “Sestrimo” stage was shortened by a bit less than 2 kilometers. The shakedown was also the same.List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 2.95 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 28.89 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.24 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 30.11 |
SS5 | Yundola 1 | 18.57 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 30.11 |
SS7 | Yundola 2 | 18.57 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.24 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.08 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.24 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.08 |
SS12 | Belovo | 18.44 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 22.27 |
Rally Bulgaria 2006, 07-09 July
This edition of Rally Bulgaria was the first after 2003, where there was more significant change. This change was the introducing of a brand-new stage, which has never been used before – it was “Veligrad” (12.70 km) stage and its reverse variant, named “Varvara” (also 12.70 km).But this stage came more as rescuing attempt for rally’s itinerary than anything else. The organizers were forced to put this stage on the place of another one – “Yundola” and its reversed variant “Belovo”, which was closed by the authorities for repairs.
The 30.11-kilometer variant of “Sestrimo” stage went down well in the last edition of the rally and organizers decided to save it as it was used in 2005. The Shakedown was also the same as the last few editions of the rally.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 2.95 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 28.89 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.24 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 30.11 |
SS5 | Velingrad 1 | 12.70 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 30.11 |
SS7 | Velingrad 2 | 12.70 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.24 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.08 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.24 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.08 |
SS12 | Varvara | 12.70 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 22.27 |
Rally Bulgaria 2007, 06-08 July
For the next 2007 organizers decided to put “Yundola” (and reversed “Belovo”) stage back in the itinerary after the road repairs were already finished. So, the “Velingrad” (and reversed “Varvara”) stage were removed and the route of the rally went back to its already classical shape last used in 2005.At least, there was a difference if we compare the 2007 itinerary with that one from 2005 – the renovated “Yundola” stage was shortened by 170m, while its reversed variant “Belovo” was lengthened by 160m. Apart from that, the shakedown test remained on its usual place – on the 4-kilometer part of the former “Tzarska Bistritza” stage.
List of stages:
Leg 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 2.95 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 28.89 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.24 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 30.11 |
SS5 | Yundola 1 | 18.40 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 30.11 |
SS7 | Yundola 2 | 18.40 |
Leg 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.24 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.08 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.24 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.08 |
SS12 | Belovo | 18.60 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 22.27 |
Rally Bulgaria 2008, 11–13 July
In 2008 the rally was a World Rally Championship Candidate Event for the first time in its history. For that reason months before the rally, FIA sent some of their experts to Borovetz in order to explore resort’s possibilities to welcome a rally event from this class.Of course, itinerary in the shape from 2003 to 2007 wouldn’t be enough to form the required at that time 340–380 km of special stages for WRC event, so the searching for new stages (with alternative and escape roads) was the main objective to the organizers, which FIA’s experts appointed.
The other change was the location of the shakedown test, because the one, used till 2007, was too far from the main Service Park of the rally (for that reason it had its “own” Service Park, which was a minus to the rally). Unfortunately, the new shakedown, which an expert from FIA chose, later was considered as the weakest point of Rally Bulgaria 2008. Despite it was very well situated to the main Service Park (just about 4.5 km away), the test was too fast and with too long straits, which had nothing in common with the characteristics of the stages. That was the reason why it was the first and probably the last time this shakedown was used.
Another change in the rally, which was more formal and on paper than anything else, was introduction of three competitive Days again (the term Leg was removed). But the first Day was consisted of only SS1 Borovetz (2.95 km), which was run alone on Friday late afternoon.
As for the stages, the itinerary of the 39th Rally Bulgaria 2008 was absolutely the same as this one from the year before.
List of stages:
Days 1 & 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Borovetz | 2.95 |
SS2 | Muhovo | 28.89 |
SS3 | Slavovitza | 18.24 |
SS4 | Sestrimo 1 | 30.11 |
SS5 | Yundola 1 | 18.40 |
SS6 | Sestrimo 2 | 30.11 |
SS7 | Yundola 2 | 18.40 |
Day 3
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS8 | Magistrala 1 | 18.24 |
SS9 | Tzerovo 1 | 29.08 |
SS10 | Magistrala 2 | 18.24 |
SS11 | Tzerovo 2 | 29.08 |
SS12 | Belovo | 18.60 |
SS13 | Belmeken | 22.27 |
Rally Bulgaria 2009, 17–19 July
The 40th anniversary of Rally Bulgaria was the most important event of its history. The year 2009 marked the running of the event, from which depended if it will be part of the 2010 World Rally Championship or not.For that reason there were more significant changes made in the itinerary since 2002. As a beginning, the most noticeable change was the absence of the shortest stage of the event – “Borovetz”. Instead, the rally started right off with the proper long stages, first of which was the reverse running of “Sestrimo” stage, which in the past (from 2003 to 2008) was called “Belmeken”, and was driven as a last stage of the whole rally. For 2009 it was renamed “Lakavitza” and was shortened with about 2 kilometers. Next stages were the already traditional “Muhovo” and “Slavovitza”, which we were used to see as the openers of this first competitive Day. The changes didn’t skip them and both were shortened as well – “Muhovo” was cut with 380m, while “Slavovitza” was reduced with just 120m. But despite the unusual itinerary and the little changes made on the stages, all of the first Day’s tests were well known to the competitors. What was going to be the new stuff of the rally would be seen on the next Day 2.
The second Day of Rally Bulgaria 2009 offered some brand-new roads, which weren’t stages alone, but when connected with some previously used ones, made up almost new stages together. This was the case with “Sestrimo” stage, which saved its name, and which was Day 2’s opener, but was really shortened from its start. In comparison with 2008, when it was 30.11 kilometers, in 2009 stage’s length was “only” 23.68 km, as the first 17.87 km of them were completely new. After this new experience, the road joined with the well known last part of “Sestrimo” stage, which runs all along the Belmeken Dam till the finish. The next stage “Yundola” was longer with just 90m than in 2008, so the change there was insignificant.
Next of the itinerary was the stage, which we knew as “Tzerovo” (the reversed variant of “Muhovo” stage). Like the new “Sestrimo”, “Tzerovo” also had big changes – it was shortened a bit by its start, but was seriously reduced by its finish (with almost 9 km). The main difference with the old “Tzerovo” stage was its brand-new middle part, which passed through the village of Lyubnitza, and which was exactly 8.95 kilometers long. This part was also the reason that the stage would be renamed after the village – “Lyubnitza”.
The Shakedown test was also brand new, but like 2008 it was close to the main Service Park of the rally (just 6 km away). Shakedown’s only “disadvantage” was its length of only 2.58 km, but despite this the Shakedown had everything – slow turns, fast straights, and road, which was open on some places and narrow on other.
But the rally sport sometimes could be really dangerous – on the opening stage of rally’s second competitive Day the Swiss driver Brian Lavio and his Italian co-driver Flavio Guglielmini crashed heavily approximately 10 km into the new part of “Sestrimo” stage. Unfortunately, this crash costed the life of Flavio Guglielmini, who died immediately. As a result, firstly the other crews refused to continue the race, as these ones, who started the stage in front of Lavio and Guglielmini’s car passed non-competitively through the next two stages before the Service Park – “Yundola” and “Lyubnitza” – in order to cover 50% of rally’s competitive kilometers. The others went back to the Service Park through the alternative road of “Sestrimo” stage, and when all of the crews gathered there, the rally was announced cancelled with a pro-term winner Giandomenico Basso (previously co-driven by late Flavio Guglielmini). The ceremonial finish was also cancelled.
List of stages:
Day 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Lakavitza 1 | 20.41 |
SS2 | Muhovo 1 | 28.51 |
SS3 | Slavovitza 1 | 18.12 |
SS4 | Lakavitza 2 | 20.41 |
SS5 | Muhovo 2 | 28.51 |
SS6 | Slavovitza 2 | 18.12 |
Day 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS7 | Sestrimo 1 | 23.68 |
SS8 | Yundola 1 | 18.49 |
SS9 | Lyubnitza 1 | 24.00 |
SS10 | Sestrimo 2 | 23.68 |
SS11 | Yundola 2 | 18.49 |
SS12 | Lyubnitza 2 | 24.00 |
Rally Bulgaria 2010, 09-11 July
In 2010, the 41st Rally Bulgaria will celebrate a remarkable edition of its history – the event will be part of the World Rally ChampionshipWorld Rally Championship
The World Rally Championship is a rallying series organised by the FIA, culminating with a champion driver and manufacturer. The driver's world championship and manufacturer's world championship are separate championships, but based on the same point system. The series currently consists of 13...
for the first time since rally’s initial running in 1970!
For that reason Rally Bulgaria has to reply all the requirements of the FIA in order to be part of the WRC
WRC may refer to:Auto racing:* World Rally Championship* World Rally CarVideo games:* World Rally Championship * WRC: Rally Evolved* WRC: FIA World Rally Championship Broadcasting stations:...
. One of most important of them is the competitive kilometeres, which, in its previous editions, were appropriate only for the European Rally Championship
European Rally Championship
The European Rally Championship is the European continental championship series in rallying. It is organised by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile .-History:...
(250–270 km), for which the rally counted. Now FIA requires additional about 50 to 100 km by the Bulgarian rally. The organizers have solved this problem by adding some of the special stages around towns of Peshtera and Batak, last run 8 years ago, in 2002, which was the first time, when Borovetz ski resort was the host of the rally. Interesting fact is that these stages are also part of another rally of the Bulgarian Rally Championship – International Rally Hebros.
One of the biggest differences in comparison with 2009 is the absence of “Yundola” stage (and also its reversed variant “Belovo”). It was the only SS from last year without any alternative or escape road, because it was located in a mountain gorge with rocks on the one side of the road and river and rocks on the other.
As it is written above, some of the stages around towns of Peshtera and Batak will be used for the first time since 2002. Their names will be changed since the 33rd edition of the rally 8 years ago, while one of them (SS6/SS9 Peshtera) will be run also differently and will be shortened as well.
The Shakedown remains the same as in 2009 (despite it will be a bit lengthened), when it was used for the first time. The test stage will be situated between town of Momin Prohod and Gorna Vassilitza village and will be 2.65 km long.
DAY 1:
SS1 of the rally will be “Batak Lake 1” (actually it is not a lake, but a dam). It will be the same as SS21 Dobra Voda 1 from Rally Bulgaria 2002, which also was the last SS of Rally Hebros 2009. An interesting fact is that this stage, with its almost 32 km, is the longest of the rally.
Then follows SS2 Belmeken Lake 1 (it is also a dam, rather than a lake). This stage covers much of the road of 2009’s SS1/SS4 Lakavitza. The finish point is the same as the year before, but stage's initial 7 kilometers are brand new. They have never been used as a part of a special stage before (since 2003 they have been a liaison section only). This year the stage is 27.57 km long rather than the 20.41 km of SS1/SS4 Lakavitza in 2009. Another thing, raising interest here, is that in the half of the stage the rally reaches its highest point of 2059 meters above the sea level, which makes the rally maybe the highest event of the 2010 WRC after Rally Mexico
Rally Mexico
The Corona Rally Mexico, formerly known as Rally America is a round of the FIA World Rally Championship. The rally entered the championship schedule in the 2004 season. The event's itinerary is based in the state of Guanajuato...
Then a Service Park follows, after which the crews repeat both specials stages.
DAY 2:
The second competitive Day of Rally Bulgaria 2010 is the longest of the three in both terms of special stages and liaison sections.
It will start with SS5 Sestrimo 1, which, in 2010, will be 27.46 km long. The initial about 7 km of the stage were last used as a competitive mileage back in 2008 as part of the already classical 30.11-kilometer “Sestrimo” stage, while in 2009 they were only liaison section. Now, after those first kilometers, the competitors will turn right to the new part of the stage, firstly introduced in 2009. “Sestrimo” stage will finish just at the foot of Belmeken Dam’s wall and will be run for the first time in such a variant.
The initial 9 km of the next SS6 Peshtera 1 will be the same as these of SS19/SS23 Sveti Konstantin from Rally Bulgaria 2002. After those first 9 km, the competitors will reach a junction and will turn right to begin the second part of the stage, which will use the first section of SS1/SS3 Batak Lake (another 9 km), but in a reverse direction - donwhilling. Actually, the finish point of "Peshtera" stage is on the same place as the start point of SS1/SS3 Batak Lake. SS6/SS9 Pesthera is 18.13 km in length.
SS7 Lyubnitza 1 is 99% the same as in 2009, when its brand-new middle part was introduced for the first time. Unfortunately, after the accident of the mixed Swiss/Italian crew of Bryan Lavio and Flavio Guglielmini, which has happened on one of the preceding Special Stages and where the co-driver Guglielmini died, SS Lyubnitza was only passed non-competitively by some of the crews. The only difference this year is that the stage will be extended by 860m and will be 24.86 km in length.
Then a Service Park follows, after which the crews repeat the specials stages.
DAY 3:
Day 3 is the most compact day of the whole rally, and we even could say that maybe it will be the most compact of the whole 2010 World Rally Championship
World Rally Championship
The World Rally Championship is a rallying series organised by the FIA, culminating with a champion driver and manufacturer. The driver's world championship and manufacturer's world championship are separate championships, but based on the same point system. The series currently consists of 13...
. If we exclude the final liaison section from the closing Service Park to the HQ, Day 3 would have between 50% and 60% of Special Stages. So, with this closing road section, the competitive kilometers will be 48.41% of Day 3’s itinerary.
The final competitive Day of the event is built by two stages, repeated twice – the classics SS11/SS13 Muhovo (29.53 km) and SS12/SS14 Slavovitza (17.73 km). In comparison with 2009, Muhovo was 28.51 km, while Slavovitza – 18.12 km, which means that this year Muhovo is extended by 1.02 km, but Slavovitza – shortened by 390m.
These two stages, as well as “Lyubnitza” stage from Day 2 (which is largery made by SS Muhovo’s route), are the only stages, which don’t have such a mountainous character like the rest of the tests. The highest point of the Day, which is part of SS Muhovo, and also is the finish point of SS Lyubnitza, is just 861m. The majority of the competitive kilometers though are situated between 300 and 700 meters above sea level.
Interesting fact is that the route of “Slavovitza” stage is located next to one of the busiest highways in Bulgaria
Bulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
- Trakya Highway, which connects the two biggest cities in the country – the capital Sofia
Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city in the European Union with a population of 1.27 million people. It is located in western Bulgaria, at the foot of Mount Vitosha and approximately at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula.Prehistoric settlements were excavated...
and the second after it Plovdiv
Plovdiv is the second-largest city in Bulgaria after Sofia with a population of 338,153 inhabitants according to Census 2011. Plovdiv's history spans some 6,000 years, with traces of a Neolithic settlement dating to roughly 4000 BC; it is one of the oldest cities in Europe...
. Through short tunnels, the stage twists several times from right to the left under the highway.
Both runnings of the stages, of course, are separated by a Service Park. The last break in the Service is scheduled to be after the second loop through the stages, while later the crews will head for the Ceremonial Finish of the rally in front of the HQ Hotel Rila in the heart of Borovetz.
List of stages:
Day 1
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS1 | Batak Lake 1 | 31.77 |
SS2 | Belmeken Lake 1 | 27.57 |
SS3 | Batak Lake 2 | 31.77 |
SS4 | Belmeken Lake 2 | 27.57 |
Day 2
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS5 | Sestrimo 1 | 27.46 |
SS6 | Peshtera 1 | 18.13 |
SS7 | Lyubnitza 1 | 24.86 |
SS8 | Sestrimo 2 | 27.46 |
SS9 | Peshtera 2 | 18.13 |
SS10 | Lyubnitza 2 | 24.86 |
Day 3
Number | Name | Length (km) |
SS11 | Muhovo 1 | 29.53 |
SS12 | Slavovitza 1 | 17.73 |
SS13 | Muhovo 2 | 29.53 |
SS14 | Slavovitza 2 | 17.73 |
Edition | Year | Driver | Co-Driver | Nation | Car |
1st | 1970 | Reiner Altenheimer | Hellenz Koller | ![]() |
Porsche 911 Porsche 911 The Porsche 911 is a luxury 2-door sports coupe made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design, rear-engined and with independent rear suspension, an evolution of the swing axle on the Porsche 356. The engine was also air-cooled until the introduction of the Type 996 in 1998... |
2nd | 1971 | Ilia Tchoubrikov | Kolio Tchoubrikov | ![]() |
Renault-Alpine 1600 Alpine A110 The Alpine A110, also known as the "Berlinette", was a sports car produced by the French manufacturer Alpine from 1961 to 1977. The A110 was powered by various Renault engines.... |
3rd | 1972 | Sobieslaw Zasada Sobieslaw Zasada Sobiesław Zasada is a Polish former rally driver. He won the European Rally Championship in 1966, 1967, 1971 and was vice-champion in 1968, 1969, and 1972.... |
Richard Ziskowski | ![]() |
Porsche 911 Porsche 911 The Porsche 911 is a luxury 2-door sports coupe made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design, rear-engined and with independent rear suspension, an evolution of the swing axle on the Porsche 356. The engine was also air-cooled until the introduction of the Type 996 in 1998... |
4th | 1973 | Sergio Barbasio | Luigi Macaluso | ![]() |
Fiat 124 Abarth Fiat 124 Sport Spider The 124 Sport Spider is a 2+2 convertible marketed by Fiat from 1966 to 1979 – having debuted at the November 1966 Turin Auto Show. Designed and manufactured by Italian carrozzeria Pininfarina, Fiat continued to market the monocoque-bodied car as the 2000 Spider from 1979 to 1982... |
5th | 1974 | Attila Ferjancz | Jeno Zsemberi | ![]() |
Renault 12 Gordini |
6th | 1975 | Fulvio Bacchelli | Bruno Scabini | ![]() |
Fiat 124 Abarth Fiat 124 Sport Spider The 124 Sport Spider is a 2+2 convertible marketed by Fiat from 1966 to 1979 – having debuted at the November 1966 Turin Auto Show. Designed and manufactured by Italian carrozzeria Pininfarina, Fiat continued to market the monocoque-bodied car as the 2000 Spider from 1979 to 1982... |
7th | 1976 | Andrzej Jaroszewicz | Bruno Scabini | ![]() |
Lancia Stratos Lancia Stratos The Lancia Stratos HF, widely and more simply known as Lancia Stratos, is a car made by Italian car manufacturer Lancia. The HF stands for High Fidelity... |
8th | 1977 | Reiner Alterheimer | Horwik Dieter | ![]() |
Porsche Carrera Porsche Carrera Carrera is a trademarked name exclusively used by Porsche for its models to honor the company's success in the Carrera Panamericana race.The following vehicles have been called Carrera:* Porsche 356* Porsche 904* Porsche 911... |
9th | 1978 | Franz Wittmann | Helmut Deimel | ![]() |
Opel Kadett Opel Kadett The Opel Kadett is a small family car produced by the German automobile manufacturer Opel between 1937 and 1940, and then again from 1962 until 1991 , when it was replaced by the Opel Astra.-Original model :... |
10th | 1979 | Antonio Zanini | Juan José Petisco | ![]() |
Fiat Abarth 131 Fiat 131 The Fiat 131, additionally called "Mirafiori", is a small/medium family car produced by the Italian car manufacturer Fiat from 1974 to 1984. It was exhibited at 1974 Turin Motor Show.... |
11th | 1980 | Antonio Zanini | Jordi Sabater | ![]() |
Porsche 911 C Porsche 911 The Porsche 911 is a luxury 2-door sports coupe made by Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. It has a distinctive design, rear-engined and with independent rear suspension, an evolution of the swing axle on the Porsche 356. The engine was also air-cooled until the introduction of the Type 996 in 1998... |
12th | 1981 | Adartico Vudafieri | Arnaldo Bernacchini | ![]() |
Fiat Abarth 131 Fiat 131 The Fiat 131, additionally called "Mirafiori", is a small/medium family car produced by the Italian car manufacturer Fiat from 1974 to 1984. It was exhibited at 1974 Turin Motor Show.... |
13th | 1982 | Andrea Zanussi | Arnaldo Bernacchini | ![]() |
Fiat Abarth 131 Fiat 131 The Fiat 131, additionally called "Mirafiori", is a small/medium family car produced by the Italian car manufacturer Fiat from 1974 to 1984. It was exhibited at 1974 Turin Motor Show.... |
14th | 1983 | Antonio Zanini | Pedro Carcia | ![]() |
Talbot Lotus |
15th | 1984 | Carlo Capone Carlo Capone Carlo Capone was an Italian rally racing driver. He claimed the European Rally Championship in 1984 with a Lancia 037 in front of the late Henri Toivonen in a Porsche 911.-References:... |
Sergio Cresto Sergio Cresto Sergio Cresto was the co-driver of Henri Toivonen at the Lancia Martini team for the 1986 World Rally Championship season. He was also a former co-driver for fellow Lancia employee, the Italian driver Attilio Bettega.... |
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Lancia Rally 037 |
16th | 1985 | Dario Cerrato | Giuseppe Cerri | ![]() |
Lancia Rally 037 |
17th | 1986 | Benigno Fernandez | José López Orozco | ![]() |
Opel Manta 400 |
Rally name | Stages | Podium finishers | |||
Rank | Driver Co-driver |
Team Car |
Time | ||
18th Rally Albena - Zlatni Piassatzi - Sliven 9 to 10 May 1987 Round 14 of the 1987 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 4) |
28 stages |
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19th Rally Albena - Zlatni Piassatzi - Sliven 14 to 15 May 1988 Round 13 of the 1988 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
28 stages 338.50 km |
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![]() Audi Coupé (B2) The Audi Coupé is a two-door coupé produced and sold by Audi from 1980 to 1988. The car was an attempt by Audi to offer a cheaper version of its turbocharged, permanent four-wheel drive Audi Quattro - without turbochargers or four wheel drive. Later, quattro was added as an option... |
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![]() Audi Coupé (B2) The Audi Coupé is a two-door coupé produced and sold by Audi from 1980 to 1988. The car was an attempt by Audi to offer a cheaper version of its turbocharged, permanent four-wheel drive Audi Quattro - without turbochargers or four wheel drive. Later, quattro was added as an option... |
3:50:04 +6:35 |
20th Rally Albena - Zlatni Piassatzi 13 to 15 May 1989 Round 16 of the 1989 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
28 stages |
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![]() ![]() Ford Sierra RS Cosworth The Ford Sierra RS Cosworth was a high-performance version of the Ford Sierra. It was the result of a Ford Motorsport project with the purpose of producing an outright winner for Group A racing in Europe.- Development :... |
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21st Rally Albena - Zlatni Piassatzi 12 to 13 May 1990 Round 17 of the 1990 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
27 stages |
1 | ![]() Fabrizio Tabaton Fabrizio Tabaton is an Italian former rally driver.-European Rally Championship:Competing for the H.F. Grifone team, he had his biggest successes in the European Rally Championship, which he won with a Lancia Delta S4 in 1986, and with a Lancia Delta Integrale and a Delta HF 4WD in 1988... ![]() |
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![]() Toyota Celica GT-Four The Toyota Celica GT-Four is a high performance model of the Celica liftback, with a turbocharged 3S-GTE engine, and full-time AWD. It was created to compete in the World Rally Championship, whose regulations dictate that a manufacturer must build road-going versions of the vehicle in sufficient... |
3:05:44 +0:03 |
22nd International Rally Zlatni 11 to 12 May 1991 Round 16 of the 1991 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
30 stages |
1 | ![]() Piero Liatti Piero Liatti is an Italian rally driver. His speciality was driving on Tarmac rallies like Monte Carlo, Catalunya, Corsica and the San Remo Rally.-Biography:... ![]() |
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23rd International Rally Zlatni 9 to 10 May 1992 Round 14 of the 1992 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
30 stages 331 km |
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![]() ![]() Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 The Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 was the range-topping version of Mitsubishi Motors' Galant model, available in the sixth , seventh and eighth generations of the vehicle... |
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![]() ![]() Ford Sierra RS Cosworth The Ford Sierra RS Cosworth was a high-performance version of the Ford Sierra. It was the result of a Ford Motorsport project with the purpose of producing an outright winner for Group A racing in Europe.- Development :... |
3:16:28 +10:07 |
24th International Rally Zlatni 8 to 9 May 1993 Round 12 of the 1993 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
30 stages 331 km |
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![]() Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 The Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 was the range-topping version of Mitsubishi Motors' Galant model, available in the sixth , seventh and eighth generations of the vehicle... |
3:35:25 +15:08 |
25th International Rally Zlatni 14 to 15 May 1994 Round 18 of the 1994 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
30 stages 331 km |
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![]() ![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
3:02:26 |
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![]() ![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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26th International Rally Zlatni 13 to 14 May 1995 Round 12 of the 1995 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
31 stages 371.20 km |
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![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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![]() ![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
3:42:25 +9:13 |
27th Rally Zlatni Piassatzi 11 to 12 May 1996 Round 12 of the 1996 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
31 stages |
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![]() ![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
3:39:20 +5:44 |
28th Rally Albena - Bulgaria 17 to 18 May 1997 Round 17 of the 1997 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
31 stages |
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29th Rally Albena - Bulgaria 15 to 17 May 1998 Round 16 of the 1998 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
31 stages |
1 | ![]() Alex Fiorio Alessandro "Alex" Fiorio is an Italian rally driver. He debuted in the World Rally Championship in 1986. Driving the dominant Lancia Delta Integrale for the Lancia "B-team" Jolly Club, he finished third in the drivers' world championship in 1988 and second in 1989... ![]() |
![]() ![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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![]() Ford Escort RS Cosworth The Ford Escort RS Cosworth was a sports derivative of the Ford Escort. It was available from 1992-96 in very limited numbers.It was instantly recognisable due to its large "whale tail" rear spoiler... |
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30th Rally Albena - Bulgaria 21 to 23 May 1999 Round 17 of the 1999 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
28 stages |
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31st Rally Albena 19 to 21 May 2000 Round 15 of the 2000 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
28 stages |
1 | ![]() Bruno Thiry Bruno Thiry is a Belgian rally driver. He was born in St. Vith, Province of Liège.He began his career as an amateur in 1981, driving a Simca, and quickly became very successful in the Belgian Rally Championship. In 1994, he joined the Ford team to contest the World Rally Championship, driving a... ![]() |
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![]() ![]() Toyota Celica GT-Four The Toyota Celica GT-Four is a high performance model of the Celica liftback, with a turbocharged 3S-GTE engine, and full-time AWD. It was created to compete in the World Rally Championship, whose regulations dictate that a manufacturer must build road-going versions of the vehicle in sufficient... |
2:34:43.2 +4:44.8 |
32nd Rally Bulgaria - Albena 18 to 20 May 2001 Round 14 of the 2001 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
28 stages |
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33rd Rally Bulgaria - Albena 24 to 26 May 2002 Round 12 of the 2002 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
24 stages 303.49 km |
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![]() ![]() Ford Focus WRC The Ford Focus RS WRC is a car built for the Ford World Rally Team by Ford and M-Sport and based on the Ford Focus Climate 2-litre production hatchback, developed to compete in the World Rally Championship. The RS stands for Rallye Sport and the WRC for World Rally Car, the car's FIA specification... |
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3:02:29.4 +5:32.4 |
34th Rally Bulgaria 13 to 15 June 2003 Round 18 of the 2003 FIA European Rally Championship season (coefficient 20) |
13 stages 289.51 km |
1 | ![]() Bruno Thiry Bruno Thiry is a Belgian rally driver. He was born in St. Vith, Province of Liège.He began his career as an amateur in 1981, driving a Simca, and quickly became very successful in the Belgian Rally Championship. In 1994, he joined the Ford team to contest the World Rally Championship, driving a... ![]() |
![]() ![]() Peugeot 206 WRC Peugeot 206 WRC is a World Rally Car based on the Peugeot 206. It was used by Peugeot Sport, Peugeot's factory team, in the World Rally Championship from 1999 to 2003. The car brought Peugeot the manufacturers' world title three years in a row from 2000 to 2002... |
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35th Rally Bulgaria 18 to 19 June 2004 Round 3 of the 2004 FIA European Rally Championship season |
13 stages 286.53 km |
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36th Rally Bulgaria 8 to 10 July 2005 Round 4 of the 2005 FIA European Rally Championship season |
13 stages 282.79 km |
1 | ![]() Giandomenico Basso Giandomenico Basso is an Italian rally driver.-Rally career:After competing in karting from 1981, Basso has been rallying since 1994 Basso has driven Fiats throughout his rallying career. He made his World Rally Championship debut on Rallye Sanremo in 1998, in a Fiat Seicento... ![]() |
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37th Rally Bulgaria 7 to 9 July 2006 Round 5 of the 2006 FIA European Rally Championship season |
13 stages 265.31 km |
1 | ![]() Giandomenico Basso Giandomenico Basso is an Italian rally driver.-Rally career:After competing in karting from 1981, Basso has been rallying since 1994 Basso has driven Fiats throughout his rallying career. He made his World Rally Championship debut on Rallye Sanremo in 1998, in a Fiat Seicento... ![]() |
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![]() ![]() Subaru Impreza WRX STI The Subaru Impreza WRX STI, has the highest trim in the Subaru Impreza compact car line, produced by Japanese automaker Subaru.In the late 1980s, Subaru created the Subaru Tecnica International division to coordinate development for the FIA World Rally Championship and other motorsports activities... |
2:33:52.5 +1:53.6 |
38th Rally Bulgaria 6 to 8 July 2007 Round 6 of the 2007 FIA European Rally Championship season |
13 stages 282.61 km |
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39th Rally Bulgaria 11 to 13 July 2008 Round - of the 2008 FIA European Rally Championship season |
13 stages 282.61 km |
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40th Rally Bulgaria* 17 to 19 July 2009 Round - of the 2009 FIA European Rally Championship season |
12 stages 266.42 km |
1 | ![]() Giandomenico Basso Giandomenico Basso is an Italian rally driver.-Rally career:After competing in karting from 1981, Basso has been rallying since 1994 Basso has driven Fiats throughout his rallying career. He made his World Rally Championship debut on Rallye Sanremo in 1998, in a Fiat Seicento... ![]() |
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1:34:17.1 +2:00.4 |
41st Rally Bulgaria 09 to 11 July 2010 Round 7 of the 2010 FIA World Rally Championship season |
14 stages 353.58 km |
1 | ![]() Sébastien Loeb Sébastien Loeb is a French rally driver currently driving for the Citroën World Rally Team in the World Rally Championship... ![]() Daniel Elena Daniel Elena is a Monegasque rally co-driver, currently working with Sébastien Loeb. Between them, the pair have won the World Rally Championship eight times, and currently compete with the Citroën DS3 WRC... |
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3 | ![]() Petter Solberg Petter "Hollywood" Solberg , from Spydeberg in Østfold, Norway, is a professional rally driver. He debuted in the World Rally Championship in 1998 and was signed by the Ford factory team in 1999... ![]() |
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- in 2009 the rally was suspended after SS7 of 13 due to the crash of Brian Lavio and Flavio Guglielmini, where co-driver Guglielmini died.