Philomathean Literary Society (Erskine College)
The Philomathean Literary Society of Erskine College is one of Erskine College
's four literary societies
. The Philomelean Society is the sister organization and provides membership to women. Philomathean Hall is the oldest building in the Erskine College-Due West Historic District
, located in Due West, SC. Alumni members have risen to some of the highest legal positions in the United States
. The Philomathean Literary Society at Erksine is the oldest Philomathean Society still operational in the state of South Carolina
were a feature of most American
Colleges and Universities in the 19th century. They often existed in pairs so that they could compete for membership and hold debates. Additionally, they served to enhance the liberal arts programs of their schools through discussions on contemporary topics, hosting speakers, and maintaining libraries.
Literary societies in the United States existed as early as the 18th century. The American Whig–Cliosophic Society was in operation at Princeton
in 1769 and the Union-Philanthropic Literary Society was in operation at Hampden-Sydney College
in 1789. The North and South Carolinia schools followed shortly. The Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies at the University of North Carolina
were created in 1795 by a former member of Princeton's Whig Society. In 1806 the Euphradian Society
and the Clariosophic Society
opened at South Carolina College
. In 1837 the Eumenean Society and the Philanthropic Society opened at Davidson College
Philomathean is among the most common names chosen for a Society. Philomathean is derived from the Greek philomath, which means "a lover of learning." The oldest existent Philomathean Literary Society in the U.S. is the Philomathean Society at the University of Pennsylvania
Although Philomathean Literary Societies existed at South Carolina
's other schools as early as the 19th century, they have since become defunct or rechartered. Robert Barnwell
delivered an oration before the Beaufort Philomathean Society in 1803 to commemorate Independence Day
. There was also a Society in Charleston from 1828, it was chartered as Phi Mu in 1904.
was established in 1803 amidst scattered congregations. Additionally, the Synod's heritage in Scottish churches and their well-educated clergy, led to the need for a seminary school. In 1822 , two pastors were appointed to train ministerial candidates. The nascent seminary had no buildings, books, or money. So, when one pastor died in 1829 and the other left in 1831, the Synod moved to create a permanent institution. In 1836, the Clark and Erskine Seminary opened. John S. Pressly was the head of the seminary by 1839. When the seminary was established as the first four-year denominational college in South Carolina, Pressly resigned his position. Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
had been a Professor of Divinity at the Erskine Theological Seminary
since 1837 and pastor of the Due West
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
. He was thus selected to succeed as head of the school. Four years later, in 1843, the institution's name was shortened to Erskine College
Literary societies followed the foundation of Erskine College almost upon its inception. As at other colleges, the literary societies served to provide training beyond the scope of the classroom in speech making, debating and literature. Their function was to enhance the reputation of the school's liberal arts focus and its prestige by sponsoring famous orators.
The Philomathean Literary Society of Erskine College was formed in 1842 when 12 senior students withdrew from the Euphemian Literary Society
. The Philomathean society was conceived as a brother society to the Euphemians in order to facilitate debates traditional at other literary society and in the spirit of “iron sharpens iron” taken from Proverbs 27:17
. Members of the faculty had participated in literary societies, especially at Miami University
, and the tradition was consequently impressed upon students at Erskine.
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
had participated in Literary Societies throughout his education. He attended Miami University
in Oxford, Ohio
in 1824, where he graduated after 2 years at the age of 18. E.E. Pressly was a member of the Erodelphian Literary Society. In 1827, the Erodelphians, with the Miami Union Literary Society, issued the first collegiate publication west of the Appalachians.
The two Erskine Societies initially met in the college's main building with the Euphemians on the second floor and the Philomatheans on the third floor. Each society was responsible for its own hall and library. These libraries were initially the only ones available at the College.
The societies became the center of the social and cultural life of the campus in the 1850s. Weekly meetings and annual exhibitions were held in the shared hall. Every Friday afternoon, the societies held declamations followed with debates in the evening. The highlights of campus life were the Junior Exhibitions, which were social events with young women and members of the community in attendance, and the annual summer commencements, which featured acclaimed orators. The two Societies competed for prestige in honoring commencement orators and politicians with membership.
During the 19th century, many notable American politicians, theologians and philosophers delivered addresses to the Philomathean Society. In 1844, Benjamin Franklin Perry
delivered a speech, published 43 years later by his wife. In 1846, James Lawrence Orr
delivered an address at Philomathean Hall which was subsequently published by the Society. The first moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Benjamin M. Palmer
, spoke in 1854.
In 1844, the argument over the selection of a commencement orator resulted in the most tragic event of the College's history. In Philomathean Hall, Philomathean Peter K. Thompson was murdered by Euphemian Samuel Miller. The faculty issued an explanation to the local paper:
Miller was subsequently sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined 1000 dollars.
This incident lead to the chartering of the two societies. The Philomathean Literary Society received its charter under the State of South Carolina in 1852.
From 1854-1861, the Euphemian and Philomathean Literary Societies cooperated in the editing and printing of the Erskine Collegiate Recorder. The magazine was the only publication from the college other than the annual catalogs. The content was more or less devoid of politics or social commentary. Instead the Recorder was almost entirely composed of literary essays.
The year the American Civil War
ended, too few students enrolled at Erskine to maintain both societies. From 1865-67 they operated jointly as the Adelphian Society, alternating meetings between the Euphemian and Philomathean Halls. The two societies resumed separate operations before the first degree after the Civil War was conferred.
In 1912, the college adopted the Darlington Cup as the award for the school's society debates. The trophy is made of sterling silver from Tiffany & Co. The donation was granted by Philomathean alumnus J. J. Darlington.
1957 saw the establishment of the Philomelean Society at Erskine. Philomelean is Greek for 'lover of poetry'.
The Philomathean Literary Society is associated with several of Erskine College's awards. On an annual basis, the Society recognizes a member of the faculty or staff with the “Man of the Year Award”. The “James Steven Henderson Memorial Scholarship” is awarded in memory of a 1979 graduate with preference given to members of the society.
. Each society has adopted individual constitutions under which it appoints officers and grants those officers authority.
In the preamble to the Philomathean constitution, the purpose of the Society is stated as: “The order of mutual benefits derived from the aesthetic expressions of logic, eloquence, and the promotion of the social and cultural aspirations”. The Philomelean constitution carries a similar preamble.
The officers consist of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The Philomelean Society carries a similar composition of officers except for the addition of a Chaplain and only one Secretary. The President is required to appoint a Parliamentarian, Historian and Docket Secretary. Furthermore, the President is required to appoint a Tribunal to make determinations concerning infractions. The President is vested with executive powers. Philomathean officers are elected for a term of one year; they must be of at least sophomore standing and have two semesters remaining before graduation.
Additionally, the society has a number of standing committees. These are as follows:
The committees differ in the Philomelean Society. These are as follows:
Decisions are made by a quorum that must consist of one-half plus one of the current active membership of the society, while orders of the day may be determined by those present. Legislation in the Philomathean Society can only be changed with two-thirds in support.
Infractions are divided into major and minor offenses and differ between the Philomathean and Philomelean Societies.
Minor Offenses in the Philomathean Society include:
While Major Offenses are defined as "any offense which jeopardizes the reputation or standards of the Philomathean Literary Society." Such offenses are determined through consultation of the Executive officers and assessed by the Tribunal.
In the Philomelean Society Minor Offenses are as follow:
While Major Offenses include:
Major offenses result in a fine, failure to appear before court merits a fine per docket offense.
Members may request that they be considered inactive for up to one semester. They must provide a legitimate reason to the President, and receive a majority vote in their favor. Upon their return they must present a letter to the society indicating their intention to return to activity.
The society meets weekly. In years past, the meeting was held on Fridays; the afternoon was reserved for essays and declamations, while the evening was used for debates. Additionally, each member prepared two speeches during the school year. Senior members were presented with sheep-skin diplomas, and members were awarded medals for
In addition, the society organizes several social functions throughout the year. Some events are organized with the assistance of the Philomelean Society. Specific events have changed since the founding of the society, with new traditions established in place of the old. Alumni accompany Philo women dressed as alumni to join candidate members at an open meeting held early in the school year. This tradition is called the Smoker and intends to expose candidates to the operation of meetings and the advantages of graduating as a member. The Philomeleans host a Halloween costume party, called the Scary Party. A Formal has been held since 1979, when it was first hosted at the Greenwood Country Club. First-year members prepare and serve a breakfast at midnight for Senior members at the Midnight Breakfast. The society hosts two events that celebrate American history, the pre-Gay '90s semi-Formal and the Gay '90s outdoor party. The latter is often held at a nearby lake in spring and celebrates the prosperity of the 1890s, a period that saw the North and South reconcile after undergoing Reconstruction. The Society holds a celebration in the second semester. Finally, at commencement the Philomathean and Euphemian Societies hold a joint celebration.
The Philomathean and Philomelean members celebrate their members marital engagements. Members of the Philomathean Society "serenade" engaged Philo women by standing outside her window and singing. During the '70s a book of songs existed that has since fallen into disuse. Philomeleans slide notes under the doors of their membership inviting them to a "Candle-Lighting". At the time designated by the note, Philo women gather and sing Tell Me Why
while passing a burning candle in a circle. When the candle reaches the engaged women on the second round of the circle, she blows it out and announces her engagement.
The societies have different traditions for inducting new members. Each society is individually responsible for establishing its own membership committee and for the events held during the admission period.
Students who apply for membership to the Philomathean or Philomelean Societies must complete the tasks assigned by the membership committee in a two-week period at the beginning of the school year called Rush. Before a student is allowed to apply to the Philomelean Society, she must attend at least two open events. Philomathean potentials also need to qualify for rushee status. Candidates must attend a social event called a Smoker, after which the standing membership votes on each potential rushee. Once the candidate has been voted into Rush, he/she is assigned a sponsor. Freshmen and transfer students are ineligible during their first semester.
At the beginning of Rush, candidates are placed under a sponsor and given a file of instructions. The Philomelean candidates are required to wear a name tag throughout Rush. In the Philomathean Society, rushees are given a pin and a Rush name that is not to be used outside of the society. During Rush, potential candidates are required to follow a number of traditions and meet several objectives. The candidate must learn the names of all Philomathean Brothers or Philomelean Sisters and acquire their signatures. Tradition holds that the signatures of senior students should be sought first, out of respect. Signatures are often granted only once a requested deed or favor is performed by the candidate.
Candidates may only miss two events during Rush. Additionally, candidates are required to organize at least one event, a fundraiser, on their own. There are several permanent events during the Rush period. The Philomelean Society holds a poetry night where the candidates must recite a poem in a dramatic fashion. Both Societies require a Constitution Test that measures knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order and the laws of the society. The Philomathean Society conducts a History Test; candidates must exceed 60% to be considered, though anything less than 90% is usually insufficient. Philomelean rushees must do something for their sponsors on Sponsor Day. The Rush Party allows members from both societies to mingle. Philomathean candidates must attend three regular meetings in coat and tie. Both societies have a Cook-Out. Accompanying activities vary between the two, although the event is attended by both societies. Philomeleans must wear a tuxedo-jacket with tie and serve their sponsor at the Cook-Out. The Philomatheans organize the Cook-Out, which consists of an outdoor bonfire with a pig roasted and served by the rushees.
Finally on Vote Night, the potential Philomelean candidates must provide their signature list, a letter to the society thanking it for the opportunity to participate in Rush and wear a themed costume. Philomathean rushees are required to give a speech, and sponsors must report on a number of the rushees' qualities, personality traits, and past achievements.
Alumni retain their membership in the societies and the privileges accorded to members. They are not expected to pay dues.
's Odes. The motto and letters read together illustrate the classical liberal arts and Christian educational aspirations of the college. The motto is similar to a number of passages in the Bible, such as Luke 13:24, which state that worth is the result of careful conduct and agonizing effort. Moreover, the letters reinforce the New Testament notion of worth through a classical theme. Teucer
undergoes a voyage of discovery and personal suffering, finally establishing the city of Salamis
. The theme of his speech is further reinforced by valere, which is also used as a parting phrase. A broad translation of valere also signifies strength, power, and wellness.
The letters of the Society are Alpha (Adelphos-Brotherhood); Alpha (Areta- Virtue); Sigma (Sophia- Wisdom); Epsilon (Elpis- Hope); and Sigma (Sophrosuna- Self-Control). The letters offer a code of conduct that reinforces the themes established by the motto. First, brotherhood recalls the core purpose of the society, but revisits the story of Teucer
who was sent into exile because he failed to honor his brother's death. Virtue recalls biblical passages similar to the motto, advising conduct that follows the example of Christ. Wisdom returns to the motto, playing on one of the meanings of tentare, to prove or to test. Hope reiterates Nil Desperandum. And, self-control recalls the biblical influences of the motto.
The Philomathean Hall is the oldest building in the Erskine College-Due West Historic District
. As such, it is a contributing property
in the National Register of Historic Places
. It was constructed in 1859, under the direction of architect Thomas Veal. The building was constructed in the Italian Renaissance Revival style. The two-story stuccoed building features Corinthian pilasters, a pedimented pavilion, recessed balustrades and a Palladian window. The Hall demonstrates the influence of Andrea Palladio
as it bears close resemblance to the Villa Capra "La Rotonda" and the Villa Porto (Vivaro di Dueville)
. Palladio's geometrically formulaic design is echoed in the Philomathean Hall's 50x40 footprint, symmetrically placed windows and interior floor plan that conforms to the windows exterior placement. The open second floor meeting hall celebrates this geometry with its painted high ceiling, flanking fireplaces, and 14 symmetrically placed windows, while the downstairs rooms are dimensioned to match the window placement, a schematic that still challenges contemporary architects. The architectural similarities between the Hall and colonial American buildings, such as those at Mount Vernon
, Monticello
, and the White House
, are thematic of the early 19th century. Additionally, the Hall is aesthetically tied to other South Carolina buildings. It possesses characteristics similar to those found in Hibernian Hall and Drayton Hall
. Leaks in the internal gutter have caused significant damage to the jewel-box painting on the ceiling of the great hall on the second floor, which was added in the 1912 J.J. Darlington renovation. The ceiling and wall frescoes were painted by Italian painter Alfredo Lanzer.
J.J. Darlington (1849–1920)- was a Washington based lawyer. A Diana statue in Judiciary Square
stands in memorial to him. Darlington was a lawyer for the respondent in Gompers v. Buck's Stove and Range Co., a prominent case regarding the First Amendment rights of workers and laborers organized in unions. Additionally, Darlington served on the Erskine board of trustees.
Leo Hill (1927–2010) - served as president of the Philomathean Literary Society. In 1968, Hill was elected as the President of the South Carolina Bar
at the age of 41, making him the youngest to obtain the post. He is credited with modernizing South Carolina
's bond laws and creating the state's Public Defender and Legal Services Agencies. Additionally, Hill served as South Carolina Supreme Court
appointee to the state Judicial Council, as secretary to the Greenville County Democratic Party and as City Attorney and Special Counsel.
Kent D. Talbert- served as president of the Erskine Student Government Association. He was nominated in 2005 by President Bush
to serve as General Counsel
to the U.S. Department of Education.
John C. Calhoun
and James Lawrence Orr
were both made honorary members of the Society.
Erskine College
Erskine College is a four year, Christian liberal arts college located in Due West, South Carolina.-Early history:Established in 1839 by the Associate Reformed Synod of the South as an academy for men, Erskine College became the first four year, church-related college in South Carolina...
's four literary societies
Literary society
A literary society is a group of people interested in literature. In the modern sense, this refers to a society that wants to promote one genre of literature or a specific writer. Modern literary societies typically promote research about their chosen author or genre, publish newsletters, and hold...
. The Philomelean Society is the sister organization and provides membership to women. Philomathean Hall is the oldest building in the Erskine College-Due West Historic District
Erskine College-Due West Historic District
The Erskine College-Due West Historic District, is a historic district in Due West, South Carolina, in the United States. It consists of 88 contributing properties and includes part of the campus of Erskine College as well as private homes, businesses, and other buildings in the town of Due West...
, located in Due West, SC. Alumni members have risen to some of the highest legal positions in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
. The Philomathean Literary Society at Erksine is the oldest Philomathean Society still operational in the state of South Carolina
South Carolina
South Carolina is a state in the Deep South of the United States that borders Georgia to the south, North Carolina to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Originally part of the Province of Carolina, the Province of South Carolina was one of the 13 colonies that declared independence...
Literary societiesLiterary society
A literary society is a group of people interested in literature. In the modern sense, this refers to a society that wants to promote one genre of literature or a specific writer. Modern literary societies typically promote research about their chosen author or genre, publish newsletters, and hold...
were a feature of most American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
Colleges and Universities in the 19th century. They often existed in pairs so that they could compete for membership and hold debates. Additionally, they served to enhance the liberal arts programs of their schools through discussions on contemporary topics, hosting speakers, and maintaining libraries.
Literary societies in the United States existed as early as the 18th century. The American Whig–Cliosophic Society was in operation at Princeton
Princeton University
Princeton University is a private research university located in Princeton, New Jersey, United States. The school is one of the eight universities of the Ivy League, and is one of the nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution....
in 1769 and the Union-Philanthropic Literary Society was in operation at Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden–Sydney College is a liberal arts college for men located in Hampden Sydney, Virginia, United States. Founded in 1775, Hampden–Sydney is the oldest private charter college in the Southern U.S., the last college founded before the American Revolution, and one of only three four-year,...
in 1789. The North and South Carolinia schools followed shortly. The Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies at the University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina
Chartered in 1789, the University of North Carolina was one of the first public universities in the United States and the only one to graduate students in the eighteenth century...
were created in 1795 by a former member of Princeton's Whig Society. In 1806 the Euphradian Society
Euphradian Society
The Euphradian Society, also known as ΦAΕ , is a literary society founded in 1806 at the University of South Carolina, then known as South Carolina College, as a result of the splitting in two of the Philomathic Society, which had been formed within weeks of the opening of the college in 1805 and...
and the Clariosophic Society
Clariosophic Society
The Clariosophic Society, also known as MΣΦ , is a literary society founded in 1806 at the University of South Carolina, then known as South Carolina College, as a result of the splitting in two of the Philomathic Society, which had been formed within weeks of the opening of the college in 1805 and...
opened at South Carolina College
University of South Carolina
The University of South Carolina is a public, co-educational research university located in Columbia, South Carolina, United States, with 7 surrounding satellite campuses. Its historic campus covers over in downtown Columbia not far from the South Carolina State House...
. In 1837 the Eumenean Society and the Philanthropic Society opened at Davidson College
Davidson College
Davidson College is a private liberal arts college in Davidson, North Carolina. The college has graduated 23 Rhodes Scholars and is consistently ranked in the top ten liberal arts colleges in the country by U.S. News and World Report magazine, although it has recently dropped to 11th in U.S. News...
Philomathean is among the most common names chosen for a Society. Philomathean is derived from the Greek philomath, which means "a lover of learning." The oldest existent Philomathean Literary Society in the U.S. is the Philomathean Society at the University of Pennsylvania
Philomathean Society
The Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania is a collegiate literary society, the oldest student group at the university, and a claimant to the title of the oldest continuously-existing literary society in the United States.This claim is disputed between the Philomathean Society and...
Although Philomathean Literary Societies existed at South Carolina
South Carolina
South Carolina is a state in the Deep South of the United States that borders Georgia to the south, North Carolina to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Originally part of the Province of Carolina, the Province of South Carolina was one of the 13 colonies that declared independence...
's other schools as early as the 19th century, they have since become defunct or rechartered. Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell
Robert Gibbes Barnwell was a South Carolina revolutionary and statesman who was a delegate to the Confederation Congress and a United States Congressman....
delivered an oration before the Beaufort Philomathean Society in 1803 to commemorate Independence Day
Independence Day
An Independence Day is an annual event commemorating the anniversary of a nation's assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another nation or state, and more rarely after the end of a military occupation...
. There was also a Society in Charleston from 1828, it was chartered as Phi Mu in 1904.
The Associate Reformed Synod of the SouthGeneral Synod
-Church of England:In the Church of England, the General Synod, which was established in 1970 , is the legislative body of the Church.-Episcopal Church of the United States:...
was established in 1803 amidst scattered congregations. Additionally, the Synod's heritage in Scottish churches and their well-educated clergy, led to the need for a seminary school. In 1822 , two pastors were appointed to train ministerial candidates. The nascent seminary had no buildings, books, or money. So, when one pastor died in 1829 and the other left in 1831, the Synod moved to create a permanent institution. In 1836, the Clark and Erskine Seminary opened. John S. Pressly was the head of the seminary by 1839. When the seminary was established as the first four-year denominational college in South Carolina, Pressly resigned his position. Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly was the first president of Erskine Theological Seminary, beginning his service in 1838.E. E. Pressly was a native of Cedar Springs, South Carolina...
had been a Professor of Divinity at the Erskine Theological Seminary
Erskine Theological Seminary
Erskine Theological Seminary is an institution of graduate theological and pastoral education. The Seminary is based in Due West, South Carolina, United States, and also offers classes at four extension sites in the region: Augusta, Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina and...
since 1837 and pastor of the Due West
Due West
Due West is an American country music group composed of Matt Lopez, Tim Gates and Brad Hull. Due West was founded in Nashville, Tennessee in 2004, and was almost signed to a contract with RCA Records Nashville in 2006, but lost the deal due to the merger of Sony Music and BMG...
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church as it exists today is the remnant of a small denomination, which was formed from the Synod of the South, a division of the Associate Reformed Church...
. He was thus selected to succeed as head of the school. Four years later, in 1843, the institution's name was shortened to Erskine College
Erskine College
Erskine College is a four year, Christian liberal arts college located in Due West, South Carolina.-Early history:Established in 1839 by the Associate Reformed Synod of the South as an academy for men, Erskine College became the first four year, church-related college in South Carolina...
Literary societies followed the foundation of Erskine College almost upon its inception. As at other colleges, the literary societies served to provide training beyond the scope of the classroom in speech making, debating and literature. Their function was to enhance the reputation of the school's liberal arts focus and its prestige by sponsoring famous orators.
The Philomathean Literary Society of Erskine College was formed in 1842 when 12 senior students withdrew from the Euphemian Literary Society
Euphemian Literary Society
The Euphemian Literary Society, founded in 1839, is the oldest student organization in South Carolina still operating under its original charter. Euphemian Hall is located in Due West, SC on the Erskine College campus. The Euphies are one of four literary societies at Erskine College. The Euphies...
. The Philomathean society was conceived as a brother society to the Euphemians in order to facilitate debates traditional at other literary society and in the spirit of “iron sharpens iron” taken from Proverbs 27:17
Book of Proverbs
The Book of Proverbs , commonly referred to simply as Proverbs, is a book of the Hebrew Bible.The original Hebrew title of the book of Proverbs is "Míshlê Shlomoh" . When translated into Greek and Latin, the title took on different forms. In the Greek Septuagint the title became "paroimai paroimiae"...
. Members of the faculty had participated in literary societies, especially at Miami University
Miami University
Miami University is a coeducational public research university located in Oxford, Ohio, United States. Founded in 1809, it is the 10th oldest public university in the United States and the second oldest university in Ohio, founded four years after Ohio University. In its 2012 edition, U.S...
, and the tradition was consequently impressed upon students at Erskine.
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly
Ebenezer Erskine Pressly was the first president of Erskine Theological Seminary, beginning his service in 1838.E. E. Pressly was a native of Cedar Springs, South Carolina...
had participated in Literary Societies throughout his education. He attended Miami University
Miami University
Miami University is a coeducational public research university located in Oxford, Ohio, United States. Founded in 1809, it is the 10th oldest public university in the United States and the second oldest university in Ohio, founded four years after Ohio University. In its 2012 edition, U.S...
in Oxford, Ohio
Oxford, Ohio
Oxford is a city in northwestern Butler County, Ohio, United States, in the southwestern portion of the state. It lies in Oxford Township, originally called the College Township. The population was 21,943 at the 2000 census. This college town was founded as a home for Miami University. Oxford...
in 1824, where he graduated after 2 years at the age of 18. E.E. Pressly was a member of the Erodelphian Literary Society. In 1827, the Erodelphians, with the Miami Union Literary Society, issued the first collegiate publication west of the Appalachians.
The two Erskine Societies initially met in the college's main building with the Euphemians on the second floor and the Philomatheans on the third floor. Each society was responsible for its own hall and library. These libraries were initially the only ones available at the College.
The societies became the center of the social and cultural life of the campus in the 1850s. Weekly meetings and annual exhibitions were held in the shared hall. Every Friday afternoon, the societies held declamations followed with debates in the evening. The highlights of campus life were the Junior Exhibitions, which were social events with young women and members of the community in attendance, and the annual summer commencements, which featured acclaimed orators. The two Societies competed for prestige in honoring commencement orators and politicians with membership.
During the 19th century, many notable American politicians, theologians and philosophers delivered addresses to the Philomathean Society. In 1844, Benjamin Franklin Perry
Benjamin Franklin Perry
Benjamin Franklin Perry was the 72nd Governor of South Carolina, appointed by President Andrew Johnson in 1865 after the end of the American Civil War.-Early life and career:...
delivered a speech, published 43 years later by his wife. In 1846, James Lawrence Orr
James Lawrence Orr
James Lawrence Orr was an American politician who served as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives in the United States Congress...
delivered an address at Philomathean Hall which was subsequently published by the Society. The first moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Benjamin M. Palmer
Benjamin M. Palmer
Benjamin Morgan Palmer , an orator and Presbyterian theologian, was the first moderator of the Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America. As pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans, his Thanksgiving sermon in 1860 had a great influence in leading Louisiana to join the...
, spoke in 1854.
In 1844, the argument over the selection of a commencement orator resulted in the most tragic event of the College's history. In Philomathean Hall, Philomathean Peter K. Thompson was murdered by Euphemian Samuel Miller. The faculty issued an explanation to the local paper:
- "Mr. Editor:
- A most melancholy occurrence transpired in this place, on the evening of the 6th inst. We allude to an affray between two of the students, Samuel Miller and Peter K. Thompson, which resulted in the death of the latter. To prevent misconception and correct exaggerated reports, we send you a statement of the principal facts in the case. The fatal affair occurred in the hall of the Philomathean Society. At the meeting on last Friday, Mr. Miller, it seems, took offence [sic] at the conduct of Mr. Thompson, during the deliberations of the evening. Immediately after the adjournment of the society some angry words were passed, which resulted in a contest, and the event was the death of Mr. Thompson. It was found to have been occasioned by two stabs inflicted, one on the left side, near the region of the heart, and the other about the abdomen. Mr. Thompson expired in fifteen or twenty minutes after a separation was effected. The wounds were inflicted by a pocket knife, with a blade about three and a half inches in length. The whole affair occupied a period, not, perhaps exceeding half a minute. Mr. Miller has been taken into custody, and the matter is under the process of judicial investigation, which forbids that anything should be said which might be prejudicial to either of the parties. We hope, therefore, that the public will suspend their opinion respecting the whole transaction till all the evidence is brought forward in open court.
- By authority of the Faculty"
Miller was subsequently sentenced to 12 months in prison and fined 1000 dollars.
This incident lead to the chartering of the two societies. The Philomathean Literary Society received its charter under the State of South Carolina in 1852.
From 1854-1861, the Euphemian and Philomathean Literary Societies cooperated in the editing and printing of the Erskine Collegiate Recorder. The magazine was the only publication from the college other than the annual catalogs. The content was more or less devoid of politics or social commentary. Instead the Recorder was almost entirely composed of literary essays.
The year the American Civil War
American Civil War
The American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States of America. In response to the election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States, 11 southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America ; the other 25...
ended, too few students enrolled at Erskine to maintain both societies. From 1865-67 they operated jointly as the Adelphian Society, alternating meetings between the Euphemian and Philomathean Halls. The two societies resumed separate operations before the first degree after the Civil War was conferred.
In 1912, the college adopted the Darlington Cup as the award for the school's society debates. The trophy is made of sterling silver from Tiffany & Co. The donation was granted by Philomathean alumnus J. J. Darlington.
1957 saw the establishment of the Philomelean Society at Erskine. Philomelean is Greek for 'lover of poetry'.
The Philomathean Literary Society is associated with several of Erskine College's awards. On an annual basis, the Society recognizes a member of the faculty or staff with the “Man of the Year Award”. The “James Steven Henderson Memorial Scholarship” is awarded in memory of a 1979 graduate with preference given to members of the society.
Articles and Organization
The Philomathean and Philomelean Societies operate as Parliaments under Robert's Rules of OrderRobert's Rules of Order
Robert's Rules of Order is the short title of a book containing rules of order intended to be adopted as a parliamentary authority for use by a deliberative assembly written by Brig. Gen...
. Each society has adopted individual constitutions under which it appoints officers and grants those officers authority.
In the preamble to the Philomathean constitution, the purpose of the Society is stated as: “The order of mutual benefits derived from the aesthetic expressions of logic, eloquence, and the promotion of the social and cultural aspirations”. The Philomelean constitution carries a similar preamble.
The officers consist of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. The Philomelean Society carries a similar composition of officers except for the addition of a Chaplain and only one Secretary. The President is required to appoint a Parliamentarian, Historian and Docket Secretary. Furthermore, the President is required to appoint a Tribunal to make determinations concerning infractions. The President is vested with executive powers. Philomathean officers are elected for a term of one year; they must be of at least sophomore standing and have two semesters remaining before graduation.
Additionally, the society has a number of standing committees. These are as follows:
- Constitution Committee
- Rush Committee
- Finance Committee
- Service Committee
- Social Committee
- Debate Committee
The committees differ in the Philomelean Society. These are as follows:
- Program Committee
- Social Committee
- House Committee
- Publicity Committee
- Projects Committee
- Alumni Committee
- Inter-Society Committee
Decisions are made by a quorum that must consist of one-half plus one of the current active membership of the society, while orders of the day may be determined by those present. Legislation in the Philomathean Society can only be changed with two-thirds in support.
Infractions are divided into major and minor offenses and differ between the Philomathean and Philomelean Societies.
Minor Offenses in the Philomathean Society include:
- Feet propped on chairs
- Leaning back in chairs
- Destruction of property
- Cluttering up the Hall
- Speaking without being recognized by the chair
- Coming late to meetings
- Failing to carry out duties
- Failing to attend call meetings
- Not sitting in a chair
- Pulling a chair out from under a member
- Other offenses deemed worthy by the Tribunal
While Major Offenses are defined as "any offense which jeopardizes the reputation or standards of the Philomathean Literary Society." Such offenses are determined through consultation of the Executive officers and assessed by the Tribunal.
In the Philomelean Society Minor Offenses are as follow:
- Failure to stand and address the chair
- Unnecessary noise
- Being late to meetings
While Major Offenses include:
- Improper dress (not wearing jerseys, not dressing for dress meetings)
- Unexcused absences from regular events- other than regularly scheduled meetings
Major offenses result in a fine, failure to appear before court merits a fine per docket offense.
Members may request that they be considered inactive for up to one semester. They must provide a legitimate reason to the President, and receive a majority vote in their favor. Upon their return they must present a letter to the society indicating their intention to return to activity.
In the past, the Philomathean Society provided training in declamation, essay writing, oratory and debating. These skills were tested in competitions. Lower class members could win medals in declamation and essay writing, while upper class members could win for oratory and debate. The society still participates in the inter-society debate with the Euphemians for the J. J. Darlington Cup.The society meets weekly. In years past, the meeting was held on Fridays; the afternoon was reserved for essays and declamations, while the evening was used for debates. Additionally, each member prepared two speeches during the school year. Senior members were presented with sheep-skin diplomas, and members were awarded medals for
In addition, the society organizes several social functions throughout the year. Some events are organized with the assistance of the Philomelean Society. Specific events have changed since the founding of the society, with new traditions established in place of the old. Alumni accompany Philo women dressed as alumni to join candidate members at an open meeting held early in the school year. This tradition is called the Smoker and intends to expose candidates to the operation of meetings and the advantages of graduating as a member. The Philomeleans host a Halloween costume party, called the Scary Party. A Formal has been held since 1979, when it was first hosted at the Greenwood Country Club. First-year members prepare and serve a breakfast at midnight for Senior members at the Midnight Breakfast. The society hosts two events that celebrate American history, the pre-Gay '90s semi-Formal and the Gay '90s outdoor party. The latter is often held at a nearby lake in spring and celebrates the prosperity of the 1890s, a period that saw the North and South reconcile after undergoing Reconstruction. The Society holds a celebration in the second semester. Finally, at commencement the Philomathean and Euphemian Societies hold a joint celebration.
The Philomathean and Philomelean members celebrate their members marital engagements. Members of the Philomathean Society "serenade" engaged Philo women by standing outside her window and singing. During the '70s a book of songs existed that has since fallen into disuse. Philomeleans slide notes under the doors of their membership inviting them to a "Candle-Lighting". At the time designated by the note, Philo women gather and sing Tell Me Why
Synchronistic Wanderings
Synchronistic Wanderings is a compilation album by American rock singer Pat Benatar. Spanning three discs, it is a box set chronicling her career from 1979 to 1999 - twenty years. Included are soundtrack contributions, b-sides, studio outtakes, previously unreleased songs, and rarities, as well as...
while passing a burning candle in a circle. When the candle reaches the engaged women on the second round of the circle, she blows it out and announces her engagement.
Membership to the Philomathean Society is open to all male students of Erskine College. Women may apply after their first semester to the Philomelean Society. Members are collectively known as “philo”.The societies have different traditions for inducting new members. Each society is individually responsible for establishing its own membership committee and for the events held during the admission period.
Students who apply for membership to the Philomathean or Philomelean Societies must complete the tasks assigned by the membership committee in a two-week period at the beginning of the school year called Rush. Before a student is allowed to apply to the Philomelean Society, she must attend at least two open events. Philomathean potentials also need to qualify for rushee status. Candidates must attend a social event called a Smoker, after which the standing membership votes on each potential rushee. Once the candidate has been voted into Rush, he/she is assigned a sponsor. Freshmen and transfer students are ineligible during their first semester.
At the beginning of Rush, candidates are placed under a sponsor and given a file of instructions. The Philomelean candidates are required to wear a name tag throughout Rush. In the Philomathean Society, rushees are given a pin and a Rush name that is not to be used outside of the society. During Rush, potential candidates are required to follow a number of traditions and meet several objectives. The candidate must learn the names of all Philomathean Brothers or Philomelean Sisters and acquire their signatures. Tradition holds that the signatures of senior students should be sought first, out of respect. Signatures are often granted only once a requested deed or favor is performed by the candidate.
Candidates may only miss two events during Rush. Additionally, candidates are required to organize at least one event, a fundraiser, on their own. There are several permanent events during the Rush period. The Philomelean Society holds a poetry night where the candidates must recite a poem in a dramatic fashion. Both Societies require a Constitution Test that measures knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order and the laws of the society. The Philomathean Society conducts a History Test; candidates must exceed 60% to be considered, though anything less than 90% is usually insufficient. Philomelean rushees must do something for their sponsors on Sponsor Day. The Rush Party allows members from both societies to mingle. Philomathean candidates must attend three regular meetings in coat and tie. Both societies have a Cook-Out. Accompanying activities vary between the two, although the event is attended by both societies. Philomeleans must wear a tuxedo-jacket with tie and serve their sponsor at the Cook-Out. The Philomatheans organize the Cook-Out, which consists of an outdoor bonfire with a pig roasted and served by the rushees.
Finally on Vote Night, the potential Philomelean candidates must provide their signature list, a letter to the society thanking it for the opportunity to participate in Rush and wear a themed costume. Philomathean rushees are required to give a speech, and sponsors must report on a number of the rushees' qualities, personality traits, and past achievements.
Alumni retain their membership in the societies and the privileges accorded to members. They are not expected to pay dues.
Motto and Letters
The motto is the Latin "Tentare Est Valere", or "To try is to be worthy", along with the letters 'N' 'D', which stand for "Nil Desperandum", or "Despair in no way". The letters are derived from HoraceHorace
Quintus Horatius Flaccus , known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was the leading Roman lyric poet during the time of Augustus.-Life:...
's Odes. The motto and letters read together illustrate the classical liberal arts and Christian educational aspirations of the college. The motto is similar to a number of passages in the Bible, such as Luke 13:24, which state that worth is the result of careful conduct and agonizing effort. Moreover, the letters reinforce the New Testament notion of worth through a classical theme. Teucer
In Greek mythology Teucer, also Teucrus or Teucris , was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city Salamis on Cyprus...
undergoes a voyage of discovery and personal suffering, finally establishing the city of Salamis
Salamis, Cyprus
Salamis was an ancient Greek city-state on the east coast of Cyprus, at the mouth of the river Pedieos, 6 km north of modern Famagusta. According to tradition the founder of Salamis was Teucer, son of Telamon, who could not return home after the Trojan war because he had failed to avenge his...
. The theme of his speech is further reinforced by valere, which is also used as a parting phrase. A broad translation of valere also signifies strength, power, and wellness.
The letters of the Society are Alpha (Adelphos-Brotherhood); Alpha (Areta- Virtue); Sigma (Sophia- Wisdom); Epsilon (Elpis- Hope); and Sigma (Sophrosuna- Self-Control). The letters offer a code of conduct that reinforces the themes established by the motto. First, brotherhood recalls the core purpose of the society, but revisits the story of Teucer
In Greek mythology Teucer, also Teucrus or Teucris , was the son of King Telamon of Salamis Island and his second wife Hesione, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city Salamis on Cyprus...
who was sent into exile because he failed to honor his brother's death. Virtue recalls biblical passages similar to the motto, advising conduct that follows the example of Christ. Wisdom returns to the motto, playing on one of the meanings of tentare, to prove or to test. Hope reiterates Nil Desperandum. And, self-control recalls the biblical influences of the motto.
Philomathean Hall

Erskine College-Due West Historic District
The Erskine College-Due West Historic District, is a historic district in Due West, South Carolina, in the United States. It consists of 88 contributing properties and includes part of the campus of Erskine College as well as private homes, businesses, and other buildings in the town of Due West...
. As such, it is a contributing property
Contributing property
In the law regulating historic districts in the United States, a contributing resource or contributing property is any building, structure, or object which adds to the historical integrity or architectural qualities that make the historic district, listed locally or federally, significant...
in the National Register of Historic Places
National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places is the United States government's official list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects deemed worthy of preservation...
. It was constructed in 1859, under the direction of architect Thomas Veal. The building was constructed in the Italian Renaissance Revival style. The two-story stuccoed building features Corinthian pilasters, a pedimented pavilion, recessed balustrades and a Palladian window. The Hall demonstrates the influence of Andrea Palladio
Andrea Palladio
Andrea Palladio was an architect active in the Republic of Venice. Palladio, influenced by Roman and Greek architecture, primarily by Vitruvius, is widely considered the most influential individual in the history of Western architecture...
as it bears close resemblance to the Villa Capra "La Rotonda" and the Villa Porto (Vivaro di Dueville)
Villa Porto (Vivaro di Dueville)
Villa Porto in Vivaro di Dueville is a villa veneta designed in 1554 and traditionally attributed to the italian architect Andrea Palladio, but not included in the strict list of Palladian Villas of the Veneto of UNESCO World Heritage....
. Palladio's geometrically formulaic design is echoed in the Philomathean Hall's 50x40 footprint, symmetrically placed windows and interior floor plan that conforms to the windows exterior placement. The open second floor meeting hall celebrates this geometry with its painted high ceiling, flanking fireplaces, and 14 symmetrically placed windows, while the downstairs rooms are dimensioned to match the window placement, a schematic that still challenges contemporary architects. The architectural similarities between the Hall and colonial American buildings, such as those at Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon
The name Mount Vernon is a dedication to the English Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon. It was first applied to Mount Vernon, the Virginia estate of George Washington, the first President of the United States...
, Monticello
Monticello is a National Historic Landmark just outside Charlottesville, Virginia, United States. It was the estate of Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence, third President of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia; it is...
, and the White House
White House
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the president of the United States. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., the house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban, and built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia sandstone in the Neoclassical...
, are thematic of the early 19th century. Additionally, the Hall is aesthetically tied to other South Carolina buildings. It possesses characteristics similar to those found in Hibernian Hall and Drayton Hall
Drayton Hall
Drayton Hall, in the South Carolina "Lowcountry" and about 15 miles northwest of Charleston, South Carolina and directly across the Ashley River from North Charleston, South Carolina, is one of the most handsome examples of Palladian architecture in North America.The house was built for John...
. Leaks in the internal gutter have caused significant damage to the jewel-box painting on the ceiling of the great hall on the second floor, which was added in the 1912 J.J. Darlington renovation. The ceiling and wall frescoes were painted by Italian painter Alfredo Lanzer.
Notable Philomatheans
Joseph Neely Miller (1848-after 1904) - a prominent lawyer and active member of the Democratic organization. Was chosen for the presidential ticket.J.J. Darlington (1849–1920)- was a Washington based lawyer. A Diana statue in Judiciary Square
Judiciary Square
Judiciary Square is a neighborhood in Northwest Washington, D.C., the vast majority of which is occupied by various federal and municipal courthouses and office buildings...
stands in memorial to him. Darlington was a lawyer for the respondent in Gompers v. Buck's Stove and Range Co., a prominent case regarding the First Amendment rights of workers and laborers organized in unions. Additionally, Darlington served on the Erskine board of trustees.
Leo Hill (1927–2010) - served as president of the Philomathean Literary Society. In 1968, Hill was elected as the President of the South Carolina Bar
South Carolina Bar
The South Carolina Bar is the integrated bar association of the U.S. state of South Carolina.-Organization:The South Carolina Bar began in 1884 as the South Carolina Bar Association, a professional organization of approximately 200 lawyers; the group was voluntary, with no mandates to join being...
at the age of 41, making him the youngest to obtain the post. He is credited with modernizing South Carolina
South Carolina
South Carolina is a state in the Deep South of the United States that borders Georgia to the south, North Carolina to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Originally part of the Province of Carolina, the Province of South Carolina was one of the 13 colonies that declared independence...
's bond laws and creating the state's Public Defender and Legal Services Agencies. Additionally, Hill served as South Carolina Supreme Court
South Carolina Supreme Court
The South Carolina Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S. state of South Carolina. The court is composed of a Chief Justice and four Associate Justices.-Selection of Justices:...
appointee to the state Judicial Council, as secretary to the Greenville County Democratic Party and as City Attorney and Special Counsel.
Kent D. Talbert- served as president of the Erskine Student Government Association. He was nominated in 2005 by President Bush
George W. Bush
George Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 43rd President of the United States, from 2001 to 2009. Before that, he was the 46th Governor of Texas, having served from 1995 to 2000....
to serve as General Counsel
General Counsel
A general counsel is the chief lawyer of a legal department, usually in a corporation or government department. The term is most used in the United States...
to the U.S. Department of Education.
John C. Calhoun
John C. Calhoun
John Caldwell Calhoun was a leading politician and political theorist from South Carolina during the first half of the 19th century. Calhoun eloquently spoke out on every issue of his day, but often changed positions. Calhoun began his political career as a nationalist, modernizer, and proponent...
and James Lawrence Orr
James Lawrence Orr
James Lawrence Orr was an American politician who served as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives in the United States Congress...
were both made honorary members of the Society.