Philippe-Joseph Salazar
Philippe-Joseph Salazar is a French rhetorician and philosopher born 1955, Casablanca, Morocco. Educated at Lycée Louis-le-Grand
(founded 1563) in Paris. Alumnus of École Normale Supérieure
, Paris and past director at Collège international de philosophie
, Paris, founded by Jacques Derrida
. Currently Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric
and Humane Letters at the University of Cape Town
. Has a regular column on French public intellectual online magazine "Les Influences".http://www.lesinfluences.fr/_Philippe-Joseph-Salazar%2C644_.html. He edits a series on Powers of Persuasion at prestigious Klincksieck, the oldest publishing house in the social sciences in France. Director of AfricaRhetoric Publishing http://www.rhetoricafrica.org/index.asp. Recipient of Africa's premier research award 2008 Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
and while a first year student he was a member of exclusive club Conférence Olivaint
(where future leaders, in the Catholic and liberal tradition, are trained for public oratory) and did a voluntary internship at the cultural affairs section of Paris City Hall.
He undertook graduate work with Emmanuel Levinas
(on metaphor
and ontology
), Roland Barthes
of voice) and Maurice Duverger
(political theory). Lacanian psycho-analyst and film theorist Anna Guédy of Ecole Freudienne de Paris
gave him the opportunity to begin his academic career with lectures on film and voice at Censier faculty (1978), in Paris, followed by a collaboration to critical theory journal of Jacques Lacan
and Jacques-Alain Miller
's La Cause Freudienne). In 1976 he met Russian-French drama teacher, historian of elocution (Sarah Bernhardt), also well-known for his rare collection of Vaslav Nijinsky
memorabilia http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetailPage.aspx?lot_id=483E954190A4AD592882D3E3D2B3F707, Pierre Spivakoff http://www.cofrase.com/spivakoff/theatre/index.htm.
At the prompting of French sociologist Georges Balandier
, he travelled to South Africa to undertake his field-work on racial rhetoric
, which led to a doctoral dissertation in social and cultural anthropology
at the Sorbonne
(adviser, Michel Maffesoli
). This thesis, embargoed by the South African security police, was sneaked out of the Apartheid state via diplomatic pouch (see preface to his book An African Athens http://books.google.com/books?id=Iba9kagnhowC&dq=an+african+athens&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=ccTOS8TXOcOD-Qb18403&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CBcQ6AEwBA/) and was later published as L'Intrigue Raciale. Essai de Critique Anthropologique http://www.amazon.com/Lintrigue-raciale-anthropologique-Collection-Sociologies/dp/2865632113/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271840742&sr=1-1/. He has since retained a strong interest in anthropology, and was, for instance, instrumental in bringing to South Africa Jean Rouch
the celebrated film ethnographer.http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=24/
Back in Paris, he worked for a while as Arts and Letters editor of controversial psycho-analytical magazine Spirales, edited by Armando Verdiglione, and also as an opera critic (Opera International http://www.jstor.org/pss/823620/, Avant-Scène Opera http://www.asopera.com/, Lyrica). He contributed to leading French conservative-liberal journal, Commentaire . His first book Idéologies de l'opéra (1980) is considered a breakthrough in the sociology
or anthropology
of this art form. It is dedicated to his mentor, the celebrated Wagnerian lyric soprano Germaine Lubin
. He wrote for Maoist daily Libération
the funeral eulogy of Maria Callas
, with whom he spoke shortly before her death (September 26, 1977), thanks to novelist Marguerite Duras
and actor Serge Merlin (The Song of Roland
) during a rehearsal at Orsay Theatre (now the Orsay Museum), then run by Madeleine Renaud
and Jean-Louis Barrault
. In 1981 he published his opera Icare in poet and psychoanalyst :fr:Michel Orcel's literary journal L'Alphée and contributed to Philippe Sollers
's avant-garde journal L'Infini, successor to Tel Quel
, at the prompting of novelist and Prix Femina
laureate Dominique Rolin .
Then, combining anthropology
, philosophy
and political theory with his interest in voice, he moved on to rhetoric
both as a critique of structuralism and American-style cultural studies, and as a new turn given to the mainstay of French literary culture – « Les Classiques » (roughly speaking, from Montaigne to Proust). Fumaroli fostered a new conception of French literary and political culture, showing how High Church rhetoric and its institutions had been appropriated by a centralized monarchy and then a secularized Republic. For thirty years Fumaroli’s work was to influence deeply cultural studies and give it an international reputation that is still today a matter for heated controversies.
Fumaroli became Salazar's adviser for a senior doctoral dissertation (or Doctorat d’Etat, a prestigious degree since disestablished, due to European Union rules). This investigation in oral culture of the French classical age was later published as Le Culte de la Voix au 17e Siècle).
In the mid-90s, Salazar organized a colloquium at Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle
to mark Fumaroli’s international ascendancy in rhetoric, later followed by an edited a volume of essays whereby leading "second generation" rhetoric scholars took stock of what the French school had achieved since Fumaroli’s seminal Age de l’Eloquence. During this phase, Salazar published or edited key documents of the French cultural tradition, including Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy
’s seminal De Arte Graphica (a key document of French Classicism in the fine arts), Bishop Jacques Amyot
’s royal lectures on oratory for King Henri III, royal preceptor and theologian Pierre Daniel Huet
’s Memoirs, and skeptical philosopher François de La Mothe Le Vayer
, also the Sun-King’s teacher. Recognized as a prominent 17th-century studies scholar, he received a cabinet-level appointment to a Chair at renowned Centre d’Etudes de la Renaissance, at François Rabelais University
, Tours, France (1999).
However, his sustained interest in politics and public rhetoric had already resulted in early essay on the rhetorical framing of French sociology, part of a British collective project on "the recovery of rhetoric," and is now regarded as having broken new ground in the historiography of the social sciences. Salazar relinquished the Tours Chair and took up a Distinguished Professorship in Rhetoric and Humane Letters at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (2000) where he began to develop a new field of enquiry: rhetoric studies applied to the practice and theory of public affairs. At that time (1999) he was elected to a sought after directorship in Rhetoric and Democracy at Jacques Derrida’s Foundation, Collège international de philosophie
, in Paris. In 2000, looking back onto rhetoric, sex, voice and hispanidad, he keynoted the cross-cultural event Carmen 2000, SoBe, Miami, and co-founded Espacio Cultural Trangular with New York photographer Ruben Roncallo http://www.rubenroncallo.com.
, to study the importance of rhetoric for peaceful democracy and in 1999 he inaugurated at International College of Philosophy a "directorate of research" into the “intersection” of rhetoric studies and the practical philosophy of citizenship. Monthly Sciences Humaines saluted the re-rentry of "eloquence
" into the human sciences following the release of Salazar's Hyperpolitique.
His research in rhetoric and politics of peace parallels that of philosopher François Jullien
on Chinese philosophy of “manipulation” and of philologist and Heideggerian philosopher Barbara Cassin
on “sophistical effets” in Ancient Greece. Seminal works resulted from this “intersective” thinking about rhetoric and democracy, notably Truth in Politics, Amnistier l’Apartheid (in Alain Badiou
's series), Vérité, Réconciliation, Réparation (a collaborative book with Paul Ricoeur
and Jacques Derrida
), introducing the concept of ubuntu in French humanist philosophy (Edwy Plenel, Le Monde, 12/30/2004). Followed by edited volumes on Democratic Rhetoric and the Duty of Deliberation and The Rhetorical Shape of International Conflicts (also, his rhetorical analysis of declarations of war taken up by Atlantico)http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/afghanistan-guerre-militaires-morts-168963.html and a study of Nobel Prize
rhetoric in his edited volume on French rhetoric and philosophy today (Philosophy and Rhetoric). His work on the rhetorical foundation of politics extends beyond Europe and Africa, with a publication on Les Slaves (2005) and a book Mahomet (2006), a study of rhetorical common places regarding the Prophet of Islam, was lauded by the daily press and led to a sustained conversation on forgiveness and secularism with Arab poet and philosopher Abdelwahab Meddeb
(Contre-Prêches, 2006 and broadcast Cultures D'Islam, 05/27/2006,http://www.franceculture.com/emission-mahomet-récit-français-2006-05-07.html) . A volume on intelligence, surveillance and control, with contribution by Antonio Negri
, has been announced by the African Yearbook of Rhetoric, a cutting-edge journal in rhetoric edited by Salazarhttp://www.rhetoricafrica.org/index.asp. Historian of the public sphere Emmanuel Lemieux ( author of Le Pouvoir Intellectual)http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pouvoir-intellectuel-nouveaux-réseaux-Emmanuel/dp/2207250504 calls him an "atypical philosopher": when Salazar's Hyperpolitique was released (2009) Le Nouvel Economiste carried an influential review of his work and of its relevance for leadership
studies (http://www.lenouveleconomiste.fr/le-gout-de-leloquence-1020/). His latest book, Paroles De Leaders, Decrypter le Discours des Puissants was released in August 2011 (François Bourin Editeur) ("bloc-note" editorial by Marcela Yacub, August 18, 2011)http://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2011/08/18/petit-eloge-de-la-manipulation_1560762_3260.html. Premiere management quarterly L'Expansion
Management Review placed Paroles De Leaders on its "Books To Read" list (September 2011).
Salazar's analysis of the rhetoricity of ethics in relation to peaceful politics served as framework for the 2004 Report to the French Prime Minister on Corruption
http://www.justice.gouv.fr/art_pix/scpc2004.pdf. That same year he addressed the Observatoire de la Transition démocratique et Forum de la Citoyenneté, in Rabat, Morocco, ahead of the Moroccan Equite et Réconciliation National Commission and gave the Annual Seminar in Peace and Conflict Resolution at Concordia University
, Montreal. In 2007 he delivered the Annual lecture in Law and Literature at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
, CUNY, New York. In 2010, he gave the prestigious Kenneth Burke Annual Lecture at the Center for Democratic Deliberation (Penn State)18th Burke Lecture, in which he outlined his thinking on the rhetorical foundation of political philosophy and addressed a colloquium on the US presidency and its rhetoric of virtue (lecture broadcast on France Culture). His most recent interventions took place in Buenos Aires, at the Forum of Rhetoric (Conferencia de Apertura) and at the Balkan Summer university for young philosophers (Quelques Réflexions ) on the importance of rhetorical technologies of domination in democratic societies (Revistaretor).
Salazar received in 2008 the Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
, Africa’s premier award for research, in recognition of his work. He is a regular commentator on France-Culture and "French C-Span:" Public-Senat
Lycée Louis-le-Grand
The Lycée Louis-le-Grand is a public secondary school located in Paris, widely regarded as one of the most rigorous in France. Formerly known as the Collège de Clermont, it was named in king Louis XIV of France's honor after he visited the school and offered his patronage.It offers both a...
(founded 1563) in Paris. Alumnus of École Normale Supérieure
École Normale Supérieure
The École normale supérieure is one of the most prestigious French grandes écoles...
, Paris and past director at Collège international de philosophie
Collège international de philosophie
The Collège international de philosophie , located in Paris' 5th arrondissement, is a tertiary education institute placed under the trusteeship of the French government department of research and chartered under the French 1901 Law on associations...
, Paris, founded by Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida was a French philosopher, born in French Algeria. He developed the critical theory known as deconstruction and his work has been labeled as post-structuralism and associated with postmodern philosophy...
. Currently Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric
Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice, rhetoric has played a central role in the Western...
and Humane Letters at the University of Cape Town
University of Cape Town
The University of Cape Town is a public research university located in Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. UCT was founded in 1829 as the South African College, and is the oldest university in South Africa and the second oldest extant university in Africa.-History:The roots of...
. Has a regular column on French public intellectual online magazine "Les Influences".http://www.lesinfluences.fr/_Philippe-Joseph-Salazar%2C644_.html. He edits a series on Powers of Persuasion at prestigious Klincksieck, the oldest publishing house in the social sciences in France. Director of AfricaRhetoric Publishing http://www.rhetoricafrica.org/index.asp. Recipient of Africa's premier research award 2008 Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
The Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award is awarded annually by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. It is considered the top award for research on the African continent.-In Memory of Harry Oppenheimer:...
From Orality to Voice
As an undergraduate Salazar was tutored by Louis AlthusserLouis Althusser
Louis Pierre Althusser was a French Marxist philosopher. He was born in Algeria and studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he eventually became Professor of Philosophy....
and while a first year student he was a member of exclusive club Conférence Olivaint
Conférence Olivaint
The Conférence Olivaint is the oldest, and one of the most private French student societies, established in 1875. Its aim is to educate its members for public life. As its name would indicate, its main activity is organizing weekly conferences with notable characters of French public life...
(where future leaders, in the Catholic and liberal tradition, are trained for public oratory) and did a voluntary internship at the cultural affairs section of Paris City Hall.
He undertook graduate work with Emmanuel Levinas
Emmanuel Lévinas
Emmanuel Levinas was a Lithuanian-born French Jewish philosopher and Talmudic commentator.-Life:Emanuelis Levinas received a traditional Jewish education in Lithuania...
(on metaphor
A metaphor is a literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea; e.g., "Her eyes were glistening jewels." Metaphor may also be used for any rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via...
and ontology
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality as such, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations...
), Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes
Roland Gérard Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician. Barthes' ideas explored a diverse range of fields and he influenced the development of schools of theory including structuralism, semiotics, existentialism, social theory, Marxism, anthropology and...
Semiotics, also called semiotic studies or semiology, is the study of signs and sign processes , indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication...
of voice) and Maurice Duverger
Maurice Duverger
Maurice Duverger is a French jurist, sociologist and politician. He was born in Angoulême, Charente.Starting his career as a jurist at the University of Bordeaux, Duverger became more and more involved in political science and in 1948 founded one of the first faculties for political science in...
(political theory). Lacanian psycho-analyst and film theorist Anna Guédy of Ecole Freudienne de Paris
École Freudienne de Paris
The École Freudienne de Paris was a French psychoanalytic professional body formed in 1964, of which Jacques Lacan was a founding member....
gave him the opportunity to begin his academic career with lectures on film and voice at Censier faculty (1978), in Paris, followed by a collaboration to critical theory journal of Jacques Lacan
Jacques Lacan
Jacques Marie Émile Lacan was a French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who made prominent contributions to psychoanalysis and philosophy, and has been called "the most controversial psycho-analyst since Freud". Giving yearly seminars in Paris from 1953 to 1981, Lacan influenced France's...
and Jacques-Alain Miller
Jacques-Alain Miller
Jacques-Alain Miller is a French academic. He is a Lacanian psychoanalyst.-Life and career:As a student at the École Normale Supérieure, he met his future father-in-law Jacques Lacan in 1964 while attending his seminars at the rue d'Ulm...
's La Cause Freudienne). In 1976 he met Russian-French drama teacher, historian of elocution (Sarah Bernhardt), also well-known for his rare collection of Vaslav Nijinsky
Vaslav Nijinsky
Vaslav Nijinsky was a Russian ballet dancer and choreographer of Polish descent, cited as the greatest male dancer of the 20th century. He grew to be celebrated for his virtuosity and for the depth and intensity of his characterizations...
memorabilia http://www.artnet.com/Artists/LotDetailPage.aspx?lot_id=483E954190A4AD592882D3E3D2B3F707, Pierre Spivakoff http://www.cofrase.com/spivakoff/theatre/index.htm.
At the prompting of French sociologist Georges Balandier
Georges Balandier
Georges Balandier is a French sociologist, anthropologist and ethnologist noted for his research in Sub-Saharan Africa...
, he travelled to South Africa to undertake his field-work on racial rhetoric
Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice, rhetoric has played a central role in the Western...
, which led to a doctoral dissertation in social and cultural anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term "anthropology" is from the Greek anthrōpos , "man", understood to mean mankind or humanity, and -logia , "discourse" or "study", and was first used in 1501 by German...
at the Sorbonne
The Sorbonne is an edifice of the Latin Quarter, in Paris, France, which has been the historical house of the former University of Paris...
(adviser, Michel Maffesoli
Michel Maffesoli
Michel Maffesoli is a French sociologist of italian origin.He is a former pupil of Gilbert Durand and is at present a professor at the Paris Descartes University. Michel Maffesoli made a work around the issue of social link community, the prevalence of imagination and everyday life in contemporary...
). This thesis, embargoed by the South African security police, was sneaked out of the Apartheid state via diplomatic pouch (see preface to his book An African Athens http://books.google.com/books?id=Iba9kagnhowC&dq=an+african+athens&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=en&ei=ccTOS8TXOcOD-Qb18403&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CBcQ6AEwBA/) and was later published as L'Intrigue Raciale. Essai de Critique Anthropologique http://www.amazon.com/Lintrigue-raciale-anthropologique-Collection-Sociologies/dp/2865632113/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271840742&sr=1-1/. He has since retained a strong interest in anthropology, and was, for instance, instrumental in bringing to South Africa Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch was a French filmmaker and anthropologist.He is considered to be one of the founders of the cinéma vérité in France, which shared the aesthetics of the direct cinema spearheaded by Richard Leacock, D.A. Pennebaker and Albert and David Maysles...
the celebrated film ethnographer.http://ccms.ukzn.ac.za/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=24/
Back in Paris, he worked for a while as Arts and Letters editor of controversial psycho-analytical magazine Spirales, edited by Armando Verdiglione, and also as an opera critic (Opera International http://www.jstor.org/pss/823620/, Avant-Scène Opera http://www.asopera.com/, Lyrica). He contributed to leading French conservative-liberal journal, Commentaire . His first book Idéologies de l'opéra (1980) is considered a breakthrough in the sociology
Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science—a term with which it is sometimes synonymous—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity...
or anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term "anthropology" is from the Greek anthrōpos , "man", understood to mean mankind or humanity, and -logia , "discourse" or "study", and was first used in 1501 by German...
of this art form. It is dedicated to his mentor, the celebrated Wagnerian lyric soprano Germaine Lubin
Germaine Lubin
Germaine Lubin was a French dramatic soprano best known for her association with the music of Richard Wagner...
. He wrote for Maoist daily Libération
Libération is a French daily newspaper founded in Paris by Jean-Paul Sartre and Serge July in 1973 in the wake of the protest movements of May 1968. Originally a leftist newspaper, it has undergone a number of shifts during the 1980s and 1990s...
the funeral eulogy of Maria Callas
Maria Callas
Maria Callas was an American-born Greek soprano and one of the most renowned opera singers of the 20th century. She combined an impressive bel canto technique, a wide-ranging voice and great dramatic gifts...
, with whom he spoke shortly before her death (September 26, 1977), thanks to novelist Marguerite Duras
Marguerite Duras
Marguerite Donnadieu, better known as Marguerite Duras was a French writer and film director.-Background:...
and actor Serge Merlin (The Song of Roland
The Song of Roland
The Song of Roland is the oldest surviving major work of French literature. It exists in various manuscript versions which testify to its enormous and enduring popularity in the 12th to 14th centuries...
) during a rehearsal at Orsay Theatre (now the Orsay Museum), then run by Madeleine Renaud
Madeleine Renaud
Madeleine Renaud was a distinguished actress and a major figure in French theater in the 20th century. She was born Lucie Madeleine Renaud in Paris and died there, aged 94, in 1994....
and Jean-Louis Barrault
Jean-Louis Barrault
Jean-Louis Barrault was a French actor, director and mime artist, training that served him well when he portrayed the 19th-century mime Jean-Gaspard Deburau in Marcel Carné's 1945 film Les Enfants du Paradis .Jean-Louis Barrault studied with Charles Dullin in whose troupe he acted...
. In 1981 he published his opera Icare in poet and psychoanalyst :fr:Michel Orcel's literary journal L'Alphée and contributed to Philippe Sollers
Philippe Sollers
Philippe Sollers is a French writer and critic. In 1960 he founded the avant garde journal Tel Quel , published by Seuil, which ran until 1982...
's avant-garde journal L'Infini, successor to Tel Quel
Tel Quel
Tel Quel was an avant-garde magazine for literature, founded in 1960 in Paris by Philippe Sollers and Jean-Edern Hallier.-Overview:...
, at the prompting of novelist and Prix Femina
Prix Femina
The Prix Femina is a French literary prize created in 1904 by 22 writers for the magazine La Vie heureuse . The prize is decided each year by an exclusively female jury, although the authors of the winning works do not have to be women...
laureate Dominique Rolin .
Then, combining anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity. It has origins in the humanities, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. The term "anthropology" is from the Greek anthrōpos , "man", understood to mean mankind or humanity, and -logia , "discourse" or "study", and was first used in 1501 by German...
, philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...
and political theory with his interest in voice, he moved on to rhetoric
Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations. As a subject of formal study and a productive civic practice, rhetoric has played a central role in the Western...
From Voice to Rhetoric
In the 1980s, in France, the field of rhetoric was being reshaped by Marc FumaroliMarc Fumaroli
Marc Fumaroli was born June 10, 1932 in Marseille. A historian and essayist, he was elected to the Académie française March 2, 1995 and became its Director. He is also a member of the Académie des Inscriptions, the sister academy devoted to high erudition...
both as a critique of structuralism and American-style cultural studies, and as a new turn given to the mainstay of French literary culture – « Les Classiques » (roughly speaking, from Montaigne to Proust). Fumaroli fostered a new conception of French literary and political culture, showing how High Church rhetoric and its institutions had been appropriated by a centralized monarchy and then a secularized Republic. For thirty years Fumaroli’s work was to influence deeply cultural studies and give it an international reputation that is still today a matter for heated controversies.
Fumaroli became Salazar's adviser for a senior doctoral dissertation (or Doctorat d’Etat, a prestigious degree since disestablished, due to European Union rules). This investigation in oral culture of the French classical age was later published as Le Culte de la Voix au 17e Siècle).
In the mid-90s, Salazar organized a colloquium at Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle
Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle
The Château de Cerisy-la-Salle, located in the French commune of Cerisy-la-Salle , hosts the Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle , a prestigious venue for intellectual and scholarly encounters founded in 1952 by Anne Heurgon-Desjardins...
to mark Fumaroli’s international ascendancy in rhetoric, later followed by an edited a volume of essays whereby leading "second generation" rhetoric scholars took stock of what the French school had achieved since Fumaroli’s seminal Age de l’Eloquence. During this phase, Salazar published or edited key documents of the French cultural tradition, including Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy
Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy
Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy , French painter and writer on his art, was born in Paris, son of an apothecary.He was destined for the medical profession, and well educated in Latin and Greek; but, having a natural propensity for the fine arts, he would not apply to his intended vocation, and was...
’s seminal De Arte Graphica (a key document of French Classicism in the fine arts), Bishop Jacques Amyot
Jacques Amyot
Jacques Amyot , French Renaissance writer and translator, was born of poor parents, at Melun.He found his way to the University of Paris, where he supported himself by serving some of the richer students. He was nineteen when he became M.A. at Paris, and later he graduated doctor of civil law at...
’s royal lectures on oratory for King Henri III, royal preceptor and theologian Pierre Daniel Huet
Pierre Daniel Huet
Pierre Daniel Huet was a French churchman and scholar, editor of the Delphin Classics, founder of the Academie du Physique in Caen and Bishop of Soissons from 1685 to 1689 and afterwards of Avranches.-Life:...
’s Memoirs, and skeptical philosopher François de La Mothe Le Vayer
François de La Mothe Le Vayer
François de La Mothe Le Vayer , was a French writer who was known to use the pseudonym Orosius Tubero...
, also the Sun-King’s teacher. Recognized as a prominent 17th-century studies scholar, he received a cabinet-level appointment to a Chair at renowned Centre d’Etudes de la Renaissance, at François Rabelais University
François Rabelais University
François Rabelais University or University of Tours, is a public university in Tours, France. The university is named after the French writer François Rabelais, and was founded in 1969.-Organisation:...
, Tours, France (1999).
However, his sustained interest in politics and public rhetoric had already resulted in early essay on the rhetorical framing of French sociology, part of a British collective project on "the recovery of rhetoric," and is now regarded as having broken new ground in the historiography of the social sciences. Salazar relinquished the Tours Chair and took up a Distinguished Professorship in Rhetoric and Humane Letters at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (2000) where he began to develop a new field of enquiry: rhetoric studies applied to the practice and theory of public affairs. At that time (1999) he was elected to a sought after directorship in Rhetoric and Democracy at Jacques Derrida’s Foundation, Collège international de philosophie
Collège international de philosophie
The Collège international de philosophie , located in Paris' 5th arrondissement, is a tertiary education institute placed under the trusteeship of the French government department of research and chartered under the French 1901 Law on associations...
, in Paris. In 2000, looking back onto rhetoric, sex, voice and hispanidad, he keynoted the cross-cultural event Carmen 2000, SoBe, Miami, and co-founded Espacio Cultural Trangular with New York photographer Ruben Roncallo http://www.rubenroncallo.com.
Rhetoric and Democracy
When South Africa became a democracy (1994) he founded the Centre for Rhetoric Studies at the University of Cape TownUniversity of Cape Town
The University of Cape Town is a public research university located in Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. UCT was founded in 1829 as the South African College, and is the oldest university in South Africa and the second oldest extant university in Africa.-History:The roots of...
, to study the importance of rhetoric for peaceful democracy and in 1999 he inaugurated at International College of Philosophy a "directorate of research" into the “intersection” of rhetoric studies and the practical philosophy of citizenship. Monthly Sciences Humaines saluted the re-rentry of "eloquence
Eloquence is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking. It is primarily the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language, thereby producing conviction or persuasion...
" into the human sciences following the release of Salazar's Hyperpolitique.
His research in rhetoric and politics of peace parallels that of philosopher François Jullien
François Jullien
François Jullien is a French Sinologist. Jullien was President of the French Association for Chinese Studies , director of the East Asian Department of the University of Paris VII and President of the Collège international de philosophie...
on Chinese philosophy of “manipulation” and of philologist and Heideggerian philosopher Barbara Cassin
Barbara Cassin
Barbara Cassin is a French philologist and philosopher, born in 1947 in Boulogne-Billancourt. A past Director at Jacques Derrida's Collège international de philosophie and director of research at the CNRS,. In 2006 she succeeded Jonathan Barnes to the directorship of the leading centre of...
on “sophistical effets” in Ancient Greece. Seminal works resulted from this “intersective” thinking about rhetoric and democracy, notably Truth in Politics, Amnistier l’Apartheid (in Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou is a French philosopher, professor at European Graduate School, formerly chair of Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure . Along with Giorgio Agamben and Slavoj Žižek, Badiou is a prominent figure in an anti-postmodern strand of continental philosophy...
's series), Vérité, Réconciliation, Réparation (a collaborative book with Paul Ricoeur
Paul Ricoeur
Paul Ricœur was a French philosopher best known for combining phenomenological description with hermeneutic interpretation...
and Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida was a French philosopher, born in French Algeria. He developed the critical theory known as deconstruction and his work has been labeled as post-structuralism and associated with postmodern philosophy...
), introducing the concept of ubuntu in French humanist philosophy (Edwy Plenel, Le Monde, 12/30/2004). Followed by edited volumes on Democratic Rhetoric and the Duty of Deliberation and The Rhetorical Shape of International Conflicts (also, his rhetorical analysis of declarations of war taken up by Atlantico)http://www.atlantico.fr/decryptage/afghanistan-guerre-militaires-morts-168963.html and a study of Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and scientific advances. The will of the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the prizes in 1895...
rhetoric in his edited volume on French rhetoric and philosophy today (Philosophy and Rhetoric). His work on the rhetorical foundation of politics extends beyond Europe and Africa, with a publication on Les Slaves (2005) and a book Mahomet (2006), a study of rhetorical common places regarding the Prophet of Islam, was lauded by the daily press and led to a sustained conversation on forgiveness and secularism with Arab poet and philosopher Abdelwahab Meddeb
Abdelwahab Meddeb
Abdelwahab Meddeb is an award-winning French-language poet, novelist, essayist, translator, editor, Islamic scholar, cultural critic, political commentator, radio producer, public intellectual and professor of comparative literature at the University of Paris X-Nanterre.- Biography and career...
(Contre-Prêches, 2006 and broadcast Cultures D'Islam, 05/27/2006,http://www.franceculture.com/emission-mahomet-récit-français-2006-05-07.html) . A volume on intelligence, surveillance and control, with contribution by Antonio Negri
Antonio Negri
Antonio Negri is an Italian Marxist sociologist and political philosopher.Negri is best-known for his co-authorship of Empire, and secondarily for his work on Spinoza. Born in Padua, he became a political philosophy professor in his hometown university...
, has been announced by the African Yearbook of Rhetoric, a cutting-edge journal in rhetoric edited by Salazarhttp://www.rhetoricafrica.org/index.asp. Historian of the public sphere Emmanuel Lemieux ( author of Le Pouvoir Intellectual)http://www.amazon.co.uk/Pouvoir-intellectuel-nouveaux-réseaux-Emmanuel/dp/2207250504 calls him an "atypical philosopher": when Salazar's Hyperpolitique was released (2009) Le Nouvel Economiste carried an influential review of his work and of its relevance for leadership
Leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task". Other in-depth definitions of leadership have also emerged.-Theories:...
studies (http://www.lenouveleconomiste.fr/le-gout-de-leloquence-1020/). His latest book, Paroles De Leaders, Decrypter le Discours des Puissants was released in August 2011 (François Bourin Editeur) ("bloc-note" editorial by Marcela Yacub, August 18, 2011)http://www.lemonde.fr/livres/article/2011/08/18/petit-eloge-de-la-manipulation_1560762_3260.html. Premiere management quarterly L'Expansion
L'Expansion is a French monthly business magazine, founded in 1967. It is published by Groupe Express-Roularta, which also owns the weekly news magazine L'Express, Lire, L'Étudiant.The 2006 paid circulation for the magazine was 160,514....
Management Review placed Paroles De Leaders on its "Books To Read" list (September 2011).
Salazar's analysis of the rhetoricity of ethics in relation to peaceful politics served as framework for the 2004 Report to the French Prime Minister on Corruption
Corruption usually refers to spiritual or moral impurity.Corruption may also refer to:* Corruption , an American crime film* Corruption , a British horror film...
http://www.justice.gouv.fr/art_pix/scpc2004.pdf. That same year he addressed the Observatoire de la Transition démocratique et Forum de la Citoyenneté, in Rabat, Morocco, ahead of the Moroccan Equite et Réconciliation National Commission and gave the Annual Seminar in Peace and Conflict Resolution at Concordia University
Concordia University
Concordia University is a comprehensive Canadian public university located in Montreal, Quebec, one of the two universities in the city where English is the primary language of instruction...
, Montreal. In 2007 he delivered the Annual lecture in Law and Literature at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
The John Jay College of Criminal Justice is a senior college of the City University of New York in Midtown Manhattan, New York City and is the only liberal arts college with a criminal justice and forensic focus in the United States. The college offers programs in Forensic Science and Forensic...
, CUNY, New York. In 2010, he gave the prestigious Kenneth Burke Annual Lecture at the Center for Democratic Deliberation (Penn State)18th Burke Lecture, in which he outlined his thinking on the rhetorical foundation of political philosophy and addressed a colloquium on the US presidency and its rhetoric of virtue (lecture broadcast on France Culture). His most recent interventions took place in Buenos Aires, at the Forum of Rhetoric (Conferencia de Apertura) and at the Balkan Summer university for young philosophers (Quelques Réflexions ) on the importance of rhetorical technologies of domination in democratic societies (Revistaretor).
Salazar received in 2008 the Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award
The Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award is awarded annually by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. It is considered the top award for research on the African continent.-In Memory of Harry Oppenheimer:...
, Africa’s premier award for research, in recognition of his work. He is a regular commentator on France-Culture and "French C-Span:" Public-Senat
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- Paroles de Leaders. Décrypter le Discours des Puissants, Paris, François Bourin, 2011.
- (Ed.) Gender Rhetoric: North-South, with Jairos Kangira, Windhoek, Namibia, PolyPress, 2010. [ISBN 978-99945-71-30-7]
- L'hyperpolitique. Une passion française, Paris, Klincksieck, 2009, 200 p. [ISBN 2-252-03735-0]
- (Ed.) Women's Rhetoric. Argumentative Strategies, with Brigitte MralBrigitte MralBrigitte Mral is a professor of rhetoric at Örebro University. She graduated in 1978 from University of Göttingen with a master's degree, and recevied a Ph.D. from Uppsala University in 1986...
and NIcole Bjorg, Åstorp, Retorikförlaget , 2009. [ISBN 978-91-86093-04-4] - Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa. The Fundamental Documents, with Erik Doxtader, Cape Town, New Africa Books/David Philip, 2008, 478 p. [5] (ISBN 978-0-86486-707-0). Open access
- Mahomet, Paris, Klincksieck, 2005, XXVII-390 p. (ISBN 2-252-03540-4).
- (Ed.) Adam MickiewiczAdam MickiewiczAdam Bernard Mickiewicz ) was a Polish poet, publisher and political writer of the Romantic period. One of the primary representatives of the Polish Romanticism era, a national poet of Poland, he is seen as one of Poland's Three Bards and the greatest poet in all of Polish literature...
, Les Slaves, Cours du Collège de France 1842, Paris, Klincksieck, 2005, 248 p. (ISBN 2-252-03516-1). - (Ed.) Amnistier l’apartheid, Paris, Le Seuil, 2004, 352 p, (ISBN 2-02-068604-X).
- (Ed.) François de La Mothe Le VayerFrançois de La Mothe Le VayerFrançois de La Mothe Le Vayer , was a French writer who was known to use the pseudonym Orosius Tubero...
. De la patrie et des étrangers et autres traités sceptiques, Paris, Desjonquères, 2003, 336 p. (ISBN 2-84321-057-7). - L’Art de parler. Anthologie de manuels d’éloquence, Paris, Klincksieck, 2003, 370 p. (ISBN 2-252-03438-6)
- An African Athens. Rhetoric and the Shaping of Democracy in South Africa, Mahwah, NJ/London, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002, 248 p. (ISBN 0-8058-3341-2).
- Parole démocratique. Entames rhétoriques, Paris, Collège international de philosophie, Les Papiers du Collège, 56, 2001, 54p.
- La Divine Sceptique. Éthique et rhétorique au XVIIe siècle, Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag, 2000, 131p. (ISBN 3-8233-5581-3)
- Afrique du Sud. La révolution fraternelle, Paris, Hermann, 1998, 121 p.(ISBN 2-7056-6360-6).
- (Ed.) Le Loisir Lettré à l'âge classique, co-Ed. with Marc FumaroliMarc FumaroliMarc Fumaroli was born June 10, 1932 in Marseille. A historian and essayist, he was elected to the Académie française March 2, 1995 and became its Director. He is also a member of the Académie des Inscriptions, the sister academy devoted to high erudition...
and Emmanuel Bury, Geneva, Droz, 1996, 359 p. (ISBN 2-600-00175-1). - Le Culte de la voix au XVIIe siècle. Formes esthétiques de la parole à l'âge de l'imprimé, Paris-Geneva, Champion-Slatkine, 1995, 408 p. (ISBN 2-85203-422-0).
- (Ed.) Afriques imaginaires, Regards réciproques et discours littéraires, XVIIe-XXe siècles, co-Ed. with Anny Wynchank, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1995, 295p. (ISBN 2-7384-3127-5).
- (Ed.) Mémoires de Pierre Daniel HuetPierre Daniel HuetPierre Daniel Huet was a French churchman and scholar, editor of the Delphin Classics, founder of the Academie du Physique in Caen and Bishop of Soissons from 1685 to 1689 and afterwards of Avranches.-Life:...
, new edition, Paris/Toulouse, Klincksieck/SLC, 1993, 170 p. (ISBN 2-908728-13-3) - (Ed.) Projet d'éloquence royale de Jacques AmyotJacques AmyotJacques Amyot , French Renaissance writer and translator, was born of poor parents, at Melun.He found his way to the University of Paris, where he supported himself by serving some of the richer students. He was nineteen when he became M.A. at Paris, and later he graduated doctor of civil law at...
, new edition, with a prefatory essay "Le Monarque orateur," Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1992, 104 p. (ISBN 2-251-16001-2). - Du Graphe, or De Arte Graphica de Charles Alphonse Du FresnoyCharles Alphonse du FresnoyCharles Alphonse du Fresnoy , French painter and writer on his art, was born in Paris, son of an apothecary.He was destined for the medical profession, and well educated in Latin and Greek; but, having a natural propensity for the fine arts, he would not apply to his intended vocation, and was...
, translated from Latin into French, with a prefatory essay "L'institution de la peinture," Paris, L'Alphée, 1990, 98-121. - L'intrigue raciale. Essai de critique anthropologique, Paris, Méridiens Klincksieck, 1989, 230 p. (ISBN 2-86563-211-3).
- Ideologije U Operi, Belgrade, Nolit, Muzika, 1985, 228 p. (Serbo-Croatian translation of item below).
- Idéologies de l'opéra, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, 1980, 208 p. (ISBN 2-13-036175-7).
Journal Editorship
- "Philosophy and Rhetoric in France Today", special issue of Philosophy & Rhetoric, 42(4), 2009, 114 p. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_rhetoric/toc/par.42.4.html (ISSN: 0031-8213).
- "Trente années de recherches rhétoriques", Dix-Septième Siècle, LIX (3), no. 236, 2007, 421-426. (ISBN 978-2-13-056096-8).
- "The Rhetorical Shape of International Conflicts", Javnost-The Public, 12, 4, 2005. (ISSN 1318-3222) Online (ISSN 1854-8377).
- "Vérité, réconciliation, réparation", with Barbara CassinBarbara CassinBarbara Cassin is a French philologist and philosopher, born in 1947 in Boulogne-Billancourt. A past Director at Jacques Derrida's Collège international de philosophie and director of research at the CNRS,. In 2006 she succeeded Jonathan Barnes to the directorship of the leading centre of...
and Olivier Cayla, Le Genre Humain, 43, 2004, 365 p. (ISBN 2-02-062886-4). - "Truth in Politics", with Sanya Osha and Wim van Binsbergen, Quest. An African Journal of Philosophy/Une Revue Africaine de Philosophie, XVI (1-2), 2004, 274 p. (ISSN 1011-226X).
- "Democratic Rhetoric and The Duty of Deliberation", Javnost-The Public, 8(3), 2001, 78 p. (ISSN 1318-3222). Online (ISSN 1854-8377).
- "Institution de la parole en Afrique du Sud", Rue Descartes, 17, 1997, 178 p. (ISBN 2-13-048336-4).