List of state leaders in 550s BC
560s BC state leaders - Events of 550s BC
550s BC
-Events and trends:*Carthage conquers Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.*559 BC—King Cambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.*558 BC—Hegesias is removed as Archon of Athens....

 - 540s BC state leaders - State leaders by year


  • Cyrene
    Cyrene, Libya
    Cyrene was an ancient Greek colony and then a Roman city in present-day Shahhat, Libya, the oldest and most important of the five Greek cities in the region. It gave eastern Libya the classical name Cyrenaica that it has retained to modern times.Cyrene lies in a lush valley in the Jebel Akhdar...

    • Battus II
      Battus II of Cyrene
      Battus II of Cyrene, sometimes called Eudaimon or the Latin equivalent Felix, was the third Greek king Cyrenaica and Cyrene and a member of the Battiad dynasty.-Ancestry:...

      , King of Cyrene (583 BC
      580s BC
      -Events and trends:* 589 BC—Apries succeeds Psamtik II as king of Egypt.* 588 BC—Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins siege of Jerusalem; the opera Nabucco sets the date at 587 BC.* 587 BC—Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians, ending the Kingdom of Judah...

       – 560 BC
      550s BC
      -Events and trends:*Carthage conquers Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.*559 BC—King Cambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.*558 BC—Hegesias is removed as Archon of Athens....

    • Arcesilaus II
      Arcesilaus II of Cyrene
      Arcesilaus II of Cyrene or Arcesilaus II also known as Arcesilaus II The Oppressor, The Tough, The Severe or The Harsh. Arcesilaus was the fourth Greek Cyrenaean King and was a member of the Battiad dynasty...

      , King of Cyrene (560 BC – 550 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....


  • Egypt
    Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...

    (Twenty-sixth Dynasty
    Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt
    The Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian conquest in 525 BC . The Dynasty's reign The Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt (also written Dynasty XXVI or Dynasty 26) was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian conquest in 525 BC...

    • Amasis II
      Amasis II
      Amasis II or Ahmose II was a pharaoh of the Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt, the successor of Apries at Sais. He was the last great ruler of Egypt before the Persian conquest.-Life:...

      , Pharaoh of Egypt (570 BC
      560s BC
      -Events and trends:* 568 BC—Amtalqa succeeds his brother Aspelta as king of Kush.* 567 BC—Former pharaoh Apries invades Egypt with Babylonian help but is defeated by Saite pharaoh Amasis II ....

       – 526 BC
      520s BC
      -Events:* 529 BC—Cambyses II started to rule. He is son of Cyrus II. He conquered Egypt and Cyprus.* 528 BC—Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment, and began his ministry.* 527 BC—Pisistratus a tyrant of Athens dies: his son Hippias inherits his power....


  • Kush
    • Aramatle-qo
      Aramatle-qo or Amtalqa was a Nubian king. Dunham and Macadam claim that he used the throne name 'Neferibre'.Török mentions that Aspelta used the following prenomen and nomen:Prenomen: Wadjkare...

      , King of Kush (568 BC
      560s BC
      -Events and trends:* 568 BC—Amtalqa succeeds his brother Aspelta as king of Kush.* 567 BC—Former pharaoh Apries invades Egypt with Babylonian help but is defeated by Saite pharaoh Amasis II ....

       – 555 BC
      550s BC
      -Events and trends:*Carthage conquers Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.*559 BC—King Cambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.*558 BC—Hegesias is removed as Archon of Athens....

    • Malonaqen
      Malonaqen was a Nubian king who probably governed in the first half of the 6th century BC. His prenomen was "Sekhemkare."He is thought to be the son of king Aramatle-qo and queen Amanitakaye although this is based merely on assumptions. His queen consort is thought to be Tagtal, who was buried at...

      , King of Kush (555 BC – 542 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....



  • China (Zhou Dynasty
    Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang Dynasty and preceded the Qin Dynasty. Although the Zhou Dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history, the actual political and military control of China by the Ji family lasted only until 771 BC, a period known as...

    • Ling of Zhou
      King Ling of Zhou
      King Ling of Zhou or King Ling of Chou was the twenty-third sovereign of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty and the eleventh of Eastern Zhou Dynasty.-Personal information: Family name Ji in Chinese...

      , King of China (571 BC
      570s BC
      -Events and trends:*579 BC—Servius Tullius succeeds the assassinated Lucius Tarquinius Priscus as the sixth King of Rome. *575 BC—Ishtar Gate and throne room wall, from Babylon is made...

       – 545 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....


  • Japan (legendary)
    • Suizei
      Emperor Suizei
      , sometimes romanized as Suisei and known as Kamu-nuna-kaha-mimi no mikoto; was the second emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession....

      , Emperor of Japan (581 BC
      580s BC
      -Events and trends:* 589 BC—Apries succeeds Psamtik II as king of Egypt.* 588 BC—Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins siege of Jerusalem; the opera Nabucco sets the date at 587 BC.* 587 BC—Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians, ending the Kingdom of Judah...

       – 549 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....


  • Lydia
    Lydia was an Iron Age kingdom of western Asia Minor located generally east of ancient Ionia in the modern Turkish provinces of Manisa and inland İzmir. Its population spoke an Anatolian language known as Lydian....

    • Alyattes II
      Alyattes II
      Alyattes, king of Lydia , considered to be the founder of the Lydian empire, was the son of Sadyattes, of the house of the Mermnadae....

      , King of Lydia (617 BC
      610s BC
      -Events and trends:*619 BC—Alyattes becomes king of Lydia.*619 BC—Death of Zhou xiang wang, King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.*618 BC—Zhou qing wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.*616 BC—Lucius Tarquinius Priscus becomes the fifth King of Rome....

       – 560 BC)
    • Croesus
      Croesus was the king of Lydia from 560 to 547 BC until his defeat by the Persians. The fall of Croesus made a profound impact on the Hellenes, providing a fixed point in their calendar. "By the fifth century at least," J.A.S...

      , King of Lydia (560 BC – 546 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....



  • Athens
    Athens , is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state...

    • Peisistratos, tyrant of Athens
      Archon of Athens
      This is a list of the eponymous archons of Athens.-Background:The archon was the chief magistrate in many Greek cities, but in Athens there was a council of archons which comprised a form of executive government...

       (561 BC
      560s BC
      -Events and trends:* 568 BC—Amtalqa succeeds his brother Aspelta as king of Kush.* 567 BC—Former pharaoh Apries invades Egypt with Babylonian help but is defeated by Saite pharaoh Amasis II ....

       – 528 BC
      520s BC
      -Events:* 529 BC—Cambyses II started to rule. He is son of Cyrus II. He conquered Egypt and Cyprus.* 528 BC—Gautama Buddha attained Enlightenment, and began his ministry.* 527 BC—Pisistratus a tyrant of Athens dies: his son Hippias inherits his power....


  • Ireland (legendary)
    • Cobthach Cóel Breg
      Cobthach Cóel Breg
      Cobthach Cóel Breg, son of Úgaine Mor, was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, a High King of Ireland. He took power after murdering his brother Lóegaire Lorc. The story is told that he was so consumed with jealousy for his brother that he wasted away to almost nothing,...

      , High King of Ireland (592 BC
      590s BC
      -Events and trends:* 599 BC—Vardhamana Mahavira, last Tirthankara of Jainism, is born.* 598 BC—Jehoiachin succeeds Jehoiakim as King of Judah.* March 16, 597 BC—Babylonians capture Jerusalem following a siege, replace Jehoiachin with Zedekiah as king....

       – 542 BC
      540s BC
      -Events and trends:* 546 BC—Croesus, Lydian king, is defeated by Cyrus of Persia near the River Halys.* 546 BC—Cyrus of Persia completes his conquest of Lydia, and makes Pasargadae his capital....


  • Macedonia
    • Alcetas I
      Alcetas I of Macedon
      Alcetas I of Macedon was a son of Aeropus I of Macedon and the 8th king of Μacedon, counting from Karanus, and the 5th, counting from Perdiccas, reigned, according to Eusebius, 29 years...

      , King of Macedonia (576 BC – 547 BC)

  • Rome
    Ancient Rome
    Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world....

    • Servius Tullius
      Servius Tullius
      Servius Tullius was the legendary sixth king of ancient Rome, and the second of its Etruscan dynasty. He reigned 578-535 BC. Roman and Greek sources describe his servile origins and later marriage to a daughter of Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Rome's first Etruscan king, who was assassinated in 579 BC...

      , King of Rome
      King of Rome
      The King of Rome was the chief magistrate of the Roman Kingdom. According to legend, the first king of Rome was Romulus, who founded the city in 753 BC upon the Palatine Hill. Seven legendary kings are said to have ruled Rome until 509 BC, when the last king was overthrown. These kings ruled for...

       (578 BC
      570s BC
      -Events and trends:*579 BC—Servius Tullius succeeds the assassinated Lucius Tarquinius Priscus as the sixth King of Rome. *575 BC—Ishtar Gate and throne room wall, from Babylon is made...

       – 535 BC
      530s BC
      -Events and trends:* 539 BC—Babylon is conquered by Cyrus, defeating Nabonidus.* 538 BC—Cyrus, king of Persia, allows Jews in Babylon to return to Jerusalem....


  • Sparta
    Sparta or Lacedaemon, was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. It emerged as a political entity around the 10th century BC, when the invading Dorians subjugated the local, non-Dorian population. From c...

    (Agiad Dynasty)
    • Lindius
      Leon (king of Sparta)
      Leon , was King of Sparta from 590 to 560 BC."Leon" means lion. He was the son of Eurycratides and like him was mentioned in the seventh book of The Histories by Herodotus. He is said to have, like his father, fought to a draw with the Tegeans.He was succeeded on the throne by Anaxandridas II,...

      , King of Sparta
      Kings of Sparta
      Sparta was an important Greek city-state in the Peloponnesus. It was unusual among Greek city-states in that it maintained its kingship past the Archaic age. It was even more unusual in that it had two kings simultaneously, coming from two separate lines...

       (c.590 BC
      580s BC
      -Events and trends:* 589 BC—Apries succeeds Psamtik II as king of Egypt.* 588 BC—Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon begins siege of Jerusalem; the opera Nabucco sets the date at 587 BC.* 587 BC—Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians, ending the Kingdom of Judah...

       – 560 BC)
    • Anaxandridas II
      Anaxandridas II
      Anaxandridas II was a king of Sparta, son of Leon, between 560 to 525 BC. At the time when Croesus sent his embassy to form alliance with " the mightiest of the Greeks," i. e. about 554, the war with Tegea, which in the late reigns went against them, had now been decided in the Spartans' favour,...

      , King of Sparta (c. 560 BC – c. 520 BC
      510s BC
      -Events and trends:*519 BC—Zhou Jing Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.*c. 518 BC—Darius I began construction of Parsa .*518 BC—Construction of Apadana of Darius and Xerxes, ceremonial complex, at Persepolis, Iran started....


Middle East

  • Armenia
    Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia , is a landlocked mountainous country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia...

    • Orontes I Sakavakyats
      Orontes I Sakavakyats
      Orontes I Sakavakyats or Yervand I Sakavakyats Armenian King of Orontid Dynasty reigning in the period between 570 BC – 560 BC.Orontes was called Sakavakyats or "short living" , but not because of short life, but because of the short period of his reign, and because he passed the throne to his...

      , King of Armenia (570 BC – 560 BC)
    • Tigranes Orontid
      Tigranes Orontid
      Tigranes I Orontid the Great Armenian King of Orontid Dynasty reigning in the period between 560 BC – 535 BC.According to Moses of Khorene during the reign of Tigran I Yervanduni the territory of Armenia spread for about 400 sq. km....

      , King of Armenia (560 BC – 535 BC
      530s BC
      -Events and trends:* 539 BC—Babylon is conquered by Cyrus, defeating Nabonidus.* 538 BC—Cyrus, king of Persia, allows Jews in Babylon to return to Jerusalem....


  • Babylon
    Babylon was an Akkadian city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, the remains of which are found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad...

    (Eleventh Dyntasy)
    • Amel-Marduk
      Amel-Marduk Amel-Marduk Amel-Marduk (Akk.: Amēl-Marduk, 'man of Marduk' (died 560 BC) was the son and successor of Nebuchadrezzar, king of Babylon. He reigned only two years, 562 - 560 BC.- Biography :...

      , King of Babylon (562 BC – 560 BC)
    • Neriglissar
      Nergal-sharezer or Neriglissar was King of Babylon from 560 to 556 BC. He was the son-in-law of Nebuchadrezzar II, whose son and heir, Amel-Marduk, Nergal-sharezer murdered and succeeded. A Babylonian chronicle describes his western war in 557/556...

      , King of Babylon (560 BC – 556 BC
      550s BC
      -Events and trends:*Carthage conquers Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.*559 BC—King Cambyses I of Anshan dies and is succeeded by his son Cyrus II the Great.*558 BC—Hegesias is removed as Archon of Athens....

    • Labashi-Marduk
      Labashi-Marduk, was king of Babylon , and son of Neriglissar. Labashi-Marduk succeeded his father when still only a boy, after the latter's four-year reign. Most likely due to his very young age, he was unfit to rule, and was murdered in a conspiracy only nine months after his inauguration...

      , King of Babylon (556 BC)
    • Nabonidus
      Nabonidus was the last king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, reigning from 556-539 BCE.-Historiography on Nabonidus:...

      , King of Babylon (556 BC – 539 BC
      530s BC
      -Events and trends:* 539 BC—Babylon is conquered by Cyrus, defeating Nabonidus.* 538 BC—Cyrus, king of Persia, allows Jews in Babylon to return to Jerusalem....


  • Median Empire
    The MedesThe Medes...

    • Astyages
      Astyages Astyages Astyages (spelled by Herodotus as Ἀστυάγης - Astyages; by Ctesias as Astyigas; by Diodorus as Aspadas; Akkadian: Ištumegu, was the last king of the Median Empire, r...

      , King of Medes (589 BC – 549 BC)

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