List of cultural and regional genres of music
By ethnicity or origin
- AinuAinu musicAinu music refers to the musical traditions of the Ainu people of northern Japan.Genres include the oldest, yukar , which is a form of epic poetry, and upopo, in which "the second contrapuntal voice had to imitate the musical formula in the first contrapuntal voice , at an interval much shorter...
- Indigenous AustralianIndigenous Australian musicAustralian indigenous music includes the music of Australian Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, who are collectively called Indigenous Australians; it incorporates a variety of distinctive traditional music styles practiced by Indigenous Australian peoples, as well as a range of contemporary...
- Chamorro
- MaoriMaori musicTe Pūoro Māori or Māori Music is music composed or performed by Māori, the native people of New Zealand, and includes a wide variety of folk music styles, often integrated with poetry and dance, as well as modern rock and roll, soul, reggae and hip hop....
- PalestinianPalestinian musicThe music of Palestine is one of many regional sub-genres of Arabic music. While it shares much in common with Arabic music, both structurally and instrumentally, there are musical forms and subject matter that are distinctively Palestinian.-Pre-1948:...
- RussianEthnic Russian musicEthnic Russian music specifically deals with the folk music traditions of the ethnic Russian people. It does not include the various forms of art music, which in Russia often contains folk melodies and folk elements or music of aother ethnic groups living in Russia.-History:The roots of Russian...
- Samaritan
- Ukrainian
- Music of Western Eurasia
Immigrant communities
- Afrikaner
- African AmericanAfrican American musicAfrican-American music is an umbrella term given to a range of musics and musical genres emerging from or influenced by the culture of African Americans, who have long constituted a large and significant ethnic minority of the population of the United States...
- Anglo-AmericanAnglo-American musicThe Thirteen Colonies of the original United States were all former English possessions, and Anglo culture became a major foundation for American folk and popular music.- Overview :...
- White AustralianAustralian folk musicAustralian folk music is a term which may be applied, relatively narrowly, to traditional folk music of Australia, also called "bush music" or more broadly to traditional music from the large variety of immigrant cultures and those of the original Australian inhabitants.Celtic, English, German and...
- Cajun and Louisiana CreoleMusic of LouisianaThe music of Louisiana can be divided into four general regions. Southwest Louisiana, , Southern Louisiana, west of New Orleans the southeast, the region in and around Greater New Orleans has a unique musical heritage tied to Dixieland jazz, blues and Afro-Caribbean rhythms...
- Caribbean-BritishCaribbean music in the United Kingdom- Music from Trinidad :Large-scale Caribbean migration to England began in 1948. The Empire Windrush carried almost 500 passengers from Jamaica, including Lord Kitchener, a calypso singer from Trinidad. By chance, a local newsreel company filmed him singing "London Is The Place For Me" as he got...
- Immigrants to AustraliaMusic of immigrant communities in AustraliaAustralia is home to several large immigrant communities from every continent in the world.-Indonesian:See music of IndonesiaGamelan has been part of the music of Sydney since at least 1985, when gamelan instruments were purchased by the Centre for Performance Studies at the University of Sydney...
- Immigrants to the United StatesMusic of immigrant communities in the United StatesThe vast majority of the inhabitants of the United States are immigrants or descendents of immigrants. This article will focus on the music of these communities and discuss its roots in countries across Africa, Europe and Asia, excluding only Native American music, indigenous and immigrant Latinos,...
- Indian-British
- Indo-Caribbean
- Irish- and Scottish-CanadianCeltic music in CanadaCeltic music is primarily associated with the folk traditions of Ireland, Scotland, Brittany and Wales, as well as the popular styles derived from folk culture...
- Irish- and Scottish-AmericanCeltic music in the United StatesIrish, Scottish music and Welsh Music have long been a major part of American music, at least as far back as the 18th century. Beginning in the 1960s, performers like the Clancy Brothers became stars in the Irish music scene, which dates back to at least the colonial era, when many Irish...
- Latino-AmericanLatin music in the United StatesLatin music has long influenced American popular music, jazz, rhythm and blues, and even country music. For an early example , the bridge to "St. Louis Blues"--"Saint Louie woman, with her diamond rings"--has a habanera beat, prompting Jelly Roll Morton to comment, "You've got to have that Spanish...
- North African-French
- Tex-Mex and TejanoTejano musicTejano music or Tex-Mex music is the name given to various forms of folk and popular music originating among the Mexican-American populations of Central and Southern Texas...
International ethnic groups
- Afro-American (also Afro-Latin and Afro-Caribbean)
- AndeanAndean musicAndean music comes from the general area inhabited by Quechuas, Aymaras and other peoples that lived roughly in the area of the Inca Empire prior to European contact. It includes folklore music of parts of Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela...
- Arabic
- AssyrianAssyrian musicAssyrian music may refer to:*Music in ancient Assyria*Assyrian/Syriac folk music*Syriac sacral music, sacral music in Syriac Christianity...
- BasqueBasque musicThe strict classification of Basque music remains a controversial issue, complicated in part by the growing diversification of such music, but by and large it is made in the Basque Country, it reflects traits related to that society/tradition and it is devised by people from the Basque...
- BedouinBedouin musicBedouin music is the music of nomadic Bedouin tribes of the Arabian Peninsula,the Sudan and the Levant. It is closely linked to its text. Songs are based on poetry and are sung either unaccompanied, or to the stringed instrument, the rebab....
- BerberBerber musicThe Berber people is the indigenous and major ethnic group inhabiting North Africa and part of West Africa . Berbers call themselves "imazighen"...
- CelticCeltic musicCeltic music is a term utilised by artists, record companies, music stores and music magazines to describe a broad grouping of musical genres that evolved out of the folk musical traditions of the Celtic people of Western Europe...
- Chaldean
- GarifunaGarifuna musicGarifuna music is quite different from the music of the rest of Central America. The most famous form is punta. Its associated musical style, which has the dancers move their hips from right to left in a circular motion...
- KoreanKorean musicTraditional Korean music includes both the folk, vocal, religious and ritual music styles of the Korean people. Korean music, along with arts, painting, and sculpture has been practiced since prehistoric times....
- KurdKurdish musicKurdish music refers to music performed in Kurdish language.Traditionally, there are three types of Kurdish Classical performers - storytellers , minstrels and bards . There was no specific music related to the Kurdish princely courts, and instead, music performed in night gatherings is...
- JewishJewish musicJewish music is the music and melodies of the Jewish People which have evolved over time throughout the long course of Jewish History. In some instances Jewish Music is of a religious nature, spiritual songs and refrains are common in Jewish Services throughout the world, while other times, it is...
- Ashkenazi
- Bene Israel
- Beta Israel
- SecularSecular Jewish music-Israeli music:Modern Israeli music is heavily influenced by its constituents, which include Jewish immigrants from more than 120 countries around the world, which have brought their own musical traditions, making Israel a global melting pot. The Israeli music is very versatile and combines...
- SephardicSephardic musicThere are three types of Sephardic songs—topical and entertainment songs, romance songs and spiritual or ceremonial songs. Lyrics can be in several languages, including Hebrew for religious songs, and Ladino....
- LaoLao music-Khene:Khene is what makes Lao people which the Lao people makes the khene. The national proverb is, "A person living under a stilted house, eat sticky rice, listen to any music related to Lam or Morlam, and play the Khene is likely to be Lao or associated with Lao people."The Khene is made from a...
- MaroonMaroon musicThe Maroons are a number of diverse peoples in the Caribbean, South America, North America and Central America, the descendants of escaped slaves. The Seminole music tradition of the United States is an example, as are numerous communities in Jamaica, Suriname and French Guiana.The Surinamese,...
- Miskito
- Native American and First NationsNative American musicAmerican Indian music is the music that is used, created or performed by Native North Americans, specifically traditional tribal music. In addition to the traditional music of the Native American groups, there now exist pan-tribal and inter-tribal genres as well as distinct Indian subgenres of...
- NordicNordic musicNordic folk music includes a number of traditions in Northern European, especially Scandinavian, countries. The Nordic countries are generally taken to include Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The Nordic Council, an international organization, also includes the autonomous territories...
- Romani
- Sinhalese
- SamiSami musicIn traditional Sami music songs and joiks are important musical expressions. The Sami also use a variety of musical instruments, some unique to the Lapp, some traditional Scandinavian, and some modern introductions....
Native Sub-Saharan African ethnic groups
- Ashante
- BagandaBaganda MusicBaganda music is a music culture developed by the people of Uganda with many features that distinguish African music from other world music traditions. Parts of this musical tradition have been extensively researched and well-documented, with textbooks documenting this research...
- Bakongo
- Bushman
- Dogon
- EweEwe musicEwe music is the music of the Ewe people of West Africa. Instrumentation is primarily percussive and rhythmically the music features great metrical complexity. Its highest form is in dance music including a drum orchestra, but there are also work, play, and other songs. Despite his title Ewe music...
- Fulani
- HausaHausa musicThe Hausa are one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, Niger, Sudan, and in many West and Central African countries. Their folk music has played an important part in the development of Nigerian music, contributing such elements as the goje, a one-stringed fiddle...
- IgboIgbo musicIgbo music is the music of the Igbo people, who are indigenous to the southeastern part of Nigeria. The Igbo traditionally rely heavily on percussion instruments such as the drum and the gong, which are popular because of their innate ability to provide a diverse array of tempo, sound, and...
- Kasena
- Khoikhoi
- Khoisan
- Kikuyu
- Kongo
- Malinke
- Masai
- NdebeleNdebele musicThe traditional music of the Ndebele is characterised mainly by the widespread use of choral song accompanied by leg rattles , clappers and clapping of hands. Compared with choral song, solo singing and purely instrumental music are of minor importance...
- Pedo
- PygmyPygmy musicThe Pygmies are a broad group of people who live in Central Africa, especially in the Congo, the Central African Republic and Cameroon. Music is an important part of Pygmy life, and casual performances take place during many of the day's events...
- San
- ShonaShona musicShona music is the music of the Shona people of Zimbabwe. There are several different types of traditional Shona music including mbira, singing, hosho and drumming. Very often, this music will be accompanied by dancing, and participation by the audience...
- Sotho
- SwaziEthnic Swazi musicThe Swazi are an ethnic group split between South Africa and Swaziland. The Swazis in South Africa became a major part of South African music, though they were not identified as Swazi musicians, but rather as South African musicians; these included Zakes Nkosi, who began in the 1940s as a jazz...
- Tiw
- TswanaTswana musicThe Tswana are an African ethnic group, mostly resident in South Africa. A minority of this group is found in Botswana and forms the major ethnic group there...
- Venda
- WolofWolof musicThe Wolof, the largest ethnic group in Senegal, have a distinctive musical tradition that, along with the influence of neighboring Fulani, Tukulor, Serer, Jola, and Malinke cultures, has contributed greatly to popular Senegalese music, and to West African music in general. Wolof music takes its...
- XhosaXhosa musicXhosa music has long been a major part of the music of South Africa, especially in the field of jazz. There are many Xhosa clans, each with their own styles of drumming and dialects....
- YorubaYoruba musicThe music of the Yoruba people of Nigeria is best known for an extremely advanced drumming tradition, especially using the dundun hourglass tension drums. Yoruba folk music became perhaps the most prominent kind of West African music in Afro-Latin and Caribbean musical styles...
- ZuluZulu musicThe Zulu are a South African ethnic group. Many Zulu musicians have become a major part of South African music. A number of Zulu-folk derived styles have also become well-known across South Africa and abroad.-Mbube and Isicathamiya:...
Native American ethnic groups
- Aleut
- Apache
- ArapahoArapaho musicThe Arapaho are a tribe of Native Americans from the western Great Plains, in the area of eastern Colorado and Wyoming. Traditional Arapaho music, described by Bruno Nettl , includes sacred and secular songs...
- BlackfootBlackfoot musicBlackfoot music is the music of the Blackfoot tribes . Singing predominates and was accompanied only by percussion. Bruno Nettl Blackfoot music is the music of the Blackfoot tribes (best translated in the Blackfoot language as nitsínixki - "I sing", from nínixksini - "song"). Singing predominates...
- Chippewa
- Choctaw
- Cree
- DeneDene musicThe Dene and their direct language relations live in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, as well as some parts of California, and through to the Apache and Navajo lands in the South Central United States...
- Haida
- IroquoisIroquois musicThe Iroquois is a confederacy of six Native American tribes.Traditional social gatherings among the Iroquois feature music and dance as central components. These gatherings are led by an individual who finds lead dancers and singers and introduces them to the audience, also providing dancing...
- InnuInnu musicThe Innu are among the First Nations of Canada. They have maintained a vibrant folk music culture, especially involving dance and percussion-based music. Philip Mackenzie is an especially important modern musician, known for being the creator a kind of singer-songwriter tradition using the Innu...
- InuitInuit musicTraditional Inuit music, the music of the Inuit, has been based around drums used in dance music as far back as can be known, and a vocal style called katajjaq has become of interest in Canada and abroad....
- KiowaKiowa musicKiowa music is the traditional and contemporary music of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma. The Kiowa are a federally recognized tribe, meaning they have a functioning government-to-government relationship with the United States Government.-Development and genres:...
- Kwakiutl
- NavajoNavajo musicNavajo music is music made by Navajos, mostly hailing from the Four Corners region of the Southwestern United States and the territory of the Navajo Nation...
- Ojibwe
- Omaha
- Pueblo (Hopi, Zuni)Pueblo musicPueblo music includes the music of the Hopi, Zuni, Taos Pueblo, San Ildefonso, Santo Domingo, and many other Puebloan peoples, and according to Bruno Nettl features one of the most complex Native American musical styles on the continent...
- SeminoleSeminole musicThe Seminole are an indigenous people of the Americas, living in the U.S. state of Florida. Their traditional music includes extensive use of rattles, bongos, and flutes....
- Sioux (Lakota, Dakota)Sioux musicThe Sioux are a diverse group of Native Americans generally divided into three subgroups: Lakota, Dakota and Nakota.Among the Dakota, traditional dance songs generally begin in a high pitch, led by a single vocalist who sings a phrase that is then repeated by a group. This phrase then cascades to...
- Tlingit
- Tsimshian
- YaquiYaqui musicYaqui music is the music of the Yaqui tribe and people of Arizona and Sonora. Their most famous music are the deer songs which accompany the deer dance. They are often noted for their mixture of American Indian and Catholic religious thought....
- YumanYuman musicYuman music is the music of Yumans, a group of Native American tribes from what is now Southern California and Baja California. They include Paipai, Havasupai, Yavapai, Walapai, Mohave, Quechan. Maricopa, Tipai-Ipai, Cocopa, and Kiliwa people. Folk songs in Yuma culture are said to be given to a...
Indigenous Caribbean, Mexican, South and Central American people
- Huastec
- Indigenous Brazilians
- Kallawaya
- Maya
- Otavalo
- Purépecha
- Quechua
- Zapotec
By religion
- Assyrian Church
- BuddhismBuddhist musicBuddhist music is music created for or inspired by Buddhism and part of Buddhist art.-Honkyoku:Honkyoku are the pieces of shakuhachi or hocchiku music played by wandering Japanese Zen monks called Komuso. Komuso played honkyoku for enlightenment and alms as early as the 13th century...
- ChristianityChristian musicChristian music is music that has been written to express either personal or a communal belief regarding Christian life and faith. Common themes of Christian music include praise, worship, penitence, and lament, and its forms vary widely across the world....
- Anglicanism and Episcopalianism
- AmishAmish musicAmish music is primarily German in origin, and includes ancient singing styles not found anywhere in Europe, as well as modern hymns derived from the Pennsylvania German culture....
- Baptist
- Christian Scientist
- Latter-Day SaintsMormon musicMusic has had a long history in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from the days in Kirtland, Nauvoo, and the settlement of the West, to the present day. In the early days of the Church, stripped-down Mormon folk music, which could be sung without accompaniment due to the lack of...
- Mar Thoma
- Melkite
- Methodist
- Nestorian
- Orthodox
- Greek OrthodoxByzantine musicByzantine music is the music of the Byzantine Empire composed to Greek texts as ceremonial, festival, or church music. Greek and foreign historians agree that the ecclesiastical tones and in general the whole system of Byzantine music is closely related to the ancient Greek system...
- Russian Orthodox
- Serbian Orthodox
- Ukrainian Orthodox
- Greek Orthodox
- Pentecostal and Renewal
- Roman Catholic
- Salvation Army
- Shakers
- Unitarian Church
- United Church of Christ
- United Reformed Church
- Hare Krishna
- HinduismHindu musicHindu music is music created for or influenced by Hinduism. It includes Indian classical music Kirtan Bhajan and other musical genres.Raagas are a common way of Hindu music in classical India....
- JudaismJewish musicJewish music is the music and melodies of the Jewish People which have evolved over time throughout the long course of Jewish History. In some instances Jewish Music is of a religious nature, spiritual songs and refrains are common in Jewish Services throughout the world, while other times, it is...
- Karaite
- Islam
- Dervish
- Native American religionNative American musicAmerican Indian music is the music that is used, created or performed by Native North Americans, specifically traditional tribal music. In addition to the traditional music of the Native American groups, there now exist pan-tribal and inter-tribal genres as well as distinct Indian subgenres of...
- Rastafari movementRastafari movementThe Rastafari movement or Rasta is a new religious movement that arose in the 1930s in Jamaica, which at the time was a country with a predominantly Christian culture where 98% of the people were the black descendants of slaves. Its adherents worship Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia , as God...
- Santeria
- ShintoismShinto musicShinto music is the ceremonial and festive music of , the native religion of Japan. Its origin myth is the erotic dance of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto which lured Amaterasu from her cave.-Kagura:...
- SikhismKirtanKirtan or Kirtana is call-and-response chanting or "responsory" performed in India's devotional traditions. A person performing kirtan is known as a kirtankar. Kirtan practice involves chanting hymns or mantras to the accompaniment of instruments such as the harmonium, tablas, the two-headed...
- TaoismTaoist musicThe importance of music in Taoist ceremony is demonstrated by revealing how central beliefs are reflected through elements of music such as harmony, instrumentation and rhythm. The ritual celebrating the birth of Guanyin was observed at the Evergreen Taoist Church of Australia, Deagon to identify...
- Voodoo
- ZoroastrianismZoroastrian musicZoroastrian music is a genre of religious music that accompanies religious and traditional rites among the Zoroastrian people.Although, certain ancient Zoroastrian traditions show a negative approach towards Zoroastrian melodies such as the pre-Islamic pastorals and minstrels, Zoroastrian music has...
See also: Music of the Vatican City
Music of the Vatican City
As the seat of the Papacy, the Vatican City and its predecessor, the Papal States, has played an important role in the development of Christian music. They perform chants of ancient origin, such as Gregorian chants, as well as modern polyphonic music. The papal choir is a well-known institution...
By country
- AfghanistanMusic of AfghanistanThe music of Afghanistan has existed for a long time, but since the late 1970s the country has been involved in constant wars and people were less concerned about music...
- AlbaniaMusic of AlbaniaAlbanian music displays a variety of influences. Albanian folk music traditions differ by region, with major stylistic differences between the traditional music of the Ghegs in the north and Tosks in the south. Modern popular music has developed around the centers of Korça, Shkodër and Tirana....
- AlgeriaMusic of AlgeriaAlgerian music is virtually synonymous with raï among foreigners; the musical genre has achieved great popularity in France, Spain and other parts of Europe. For several centuries, Algerian music was dominated by styles inherited from Al-Andalus, eventually forming a unique North African twist on...
- AndorraMusic of AndorraThe Principality of Andorra is home to folk dances like the contrapàs and marratxa, which survive in Sant Julià de Lòria especially. Andorran folk music has similarities to the music in nearby regions of France and Spain, but is especially Catalan in character, especially in the presence of dances...
- AngolaMusic of AngolaThe music of Angola has been shaped both by wider musical trends and by the political history of the country. It has been described a mix of Congolese, Portuguese, and Brazilian music, while and Angolan music also influenced the music of the other Lusophone countries.The capital and largest city of...
- Antigua and BarbudaMusic of Antigua and BarbudaAntigua and Barbuda is a Caribbean nation in the Lesser Antilles island chain. The country is a second home for many of the pan-Caribbean genres of popular music, and has produced stars in calypso, soca, steeldrum, zouk and reggae...
- ArgentinaMusic of ArgentinaThe music of Argentina is known mostly for the tango, which developed in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, as well as Montevideo, Uruguay. Folk, pop and classical music are also popular, and Argentine artists like Mercedes Sosa and Atahualpa Yupanqui contributed greatly to the development of the...
- ArmeniaMusic of ArmeniaArmenia is situated close to the Caucasus Mountains, and its music is a mix of indigenous folk music, perhaps best-represented by Djivan Gasparyan's well-known duduk music, as well as light pop, and extensive Christian music, due to Armenia's status as the oldest Christian nation in the...
- AustraliaMusic of AustraliaThe music of Australia is the music produced in the area of, on the subject of, or by the people of modern Australia, including its preceding Indigenous and colonial societies. Indigenous Australian music is a part of the unique heritage of a 40–60,000 year history which produced the iconic...
- AustriaMusic of AustriaVienna has been an important center of musical innovation. 18th and 19th century composers were drawn to the city due to the patronage of the Habsburgs, and made Vienna the European capital of classical music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven and Johann Strauss II, among others,...
- AzerbaijanMusic of AzerbaijanMusic of Azerbaijan builds on folk traditions that reach back nearly 1,000 years. For centuries Azerbaijani music has evolved under the badge of monody, producing rhythmically diverse melodies. Azerbaijani music has a branchy mode system, where chromatisation of major and minor scales is of great...
- BahamasMusic of the BahamasThe music of the Bahamas is associated primarily with junkanoo, a celebration which occurs on Boxing Day and again on New Year's Day. Parades and other celebrations mark the ceremony...
- BahrainMusic of BahrainThe music of Bahrain is part of the pan-Gulf khaleeji folk traditions. It is also known for sawt music, a bluesy genre influenced by African, Indian and Persian music...
- BangladeshMusic of BangladeshBangladesh is traditionally very rich in its musical heritage. From the ancient times, music documented the lives of the people and was widely patronized by the rulers....
- BarbadosMusic of BarbadosThe music of Barbados includes distinctive national styles of folk and popular music, including elements of Western classical and religious music...
- BelarusMusic of BelarusBelarus is an Eastern European country with a rich tradition of folk and religious music. The country's folk music traditions can be traced back to the times of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 20th century, the Soviet control of the country somewhat limited musical development because...
- BelgiumMusic of BelgiumThe music of Belgium is a cultural crossroads where Flemish Dutch-speaking and Walloon French-speaking traditions mix with those of German minorities and of immigrant communities from Democratic Republic of the Congo and other distant countries....
- BelizeMusic of BelizeThe music of Belize has a mix of Kriol, Mestizo, Garifuna, and Maya influences. After many centuries of Maya habitation, British colonizers arrived in the area in the 17th century. Belize was Britain's only colony in Spanish-dominated Central America until self-government in 1964 and gaining full...
- BeninMusic of BeninBenin has played an important role in the African music scene, producing one of the biggest stars to come out of the continent in Angélique Kidjo. Post-independence, the country was home to a vibrant and innovative music scene, where native folk music combined with Ghanaian highlife, French...
- BhutanMusic of BhutanThe music of Bhutan is an integral part of its culture and plays a leading role in transmitting social values. Traditional Bhutanese music includes a spectrum of subgenres, ranging from folk to religious song and music. Some genres of traditional Bhutanese music intertwine vocals, instrumentation,...
- BoliviaMusic of BoliviaThe music of Bolivia has a long history. Out of all the Andean countries, Bolivia remains perhaps the most culturally linked to the indigenous peoples. Like most of its neighbors, Bolivia was long dominated by Spain and its attendant culture. Even after independence, Bolivian music was largely...
- Bosnia and HerzegovinaMusic of Bosnia and HerzegovinaLike the surrounding Balkan countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina has had a turbulent past marked by frequent foreign invasions and occupation. As a result, Bosnian music is now a mixture of the national Slavic folklore with some Turkish influences along with influences from the western part of the...
- BotswanaMusic of BotswanaBotswana is an African country made up of numerous ethnic groups, though the Batswana are the most numerous. Music is an omnipresent part of Botswana culture, and include popular and folk forms. Batswana church choirs are common across the country. Music education is an integral part of the...
- BrazilMusic of BrazilThe music of Brazil encompasses various regional music styles influenced by African, European and Amerindian forms. After 500 years of history, Brazilian music developed some unique and original styles such as samba, zouk-lambada, lambada, choro, bossa nova, frevo, maracatu, MPB, sertanejo,...
- BruneiMusic of BruneiBrunei is a southeast Asian country located on Borneo between the states of Sabah and Sarawak which are part of Malaysia. There is a wide array of native folk music, and dance. Brunei shares some Cultural perspectives and links with the countries of South East Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore,...
- BulgariaMusic of BulgariaThe music of Bulgaria refers to all forms of music associated with Bulgaria like classical, folk, popular music, etc. Bulgarian music is part of the Balkan tradition, which stretches across Southeastern Europe, and has its own distinctive sound...
- Burkina FasoMusic of Burkina FasoBurkina Faso is home to some 60 different ethnic groups, each with their own variety of folk music. The country has produced very little popular music compared to its neighbors, which includes African musical giants like Nigeria and the Ivory Coast...
- CambodiaMusic of CambodiaThe music of Cambodia is derived both from traditions dating back to the ancient Khmer Empire and from the rapid Westernization of the popular music scene in modern times.-Folk and classical music:...
- CameroonMusic of CameroonThe best-known Music of the Cameroon is makossa, a popular style that has gained fans across Africa, and its related dance craze bikutsi.The pirogue sailors of Douala are known for a kind of singing called ngoso, which has evolved into a kind of modern music accompanied by zanza, balafon and...
- CanadaMusic of CanadaThe music of Canada has influences that have shaped the country. Aboriginals, the British, and the French have all made unique contributions to the musical heritage of Canada. The music has subsequently been heavily influenced by American culture because of its proximity and migration between...
- Cape VerdeMusic of Cape VerdeCape Verde is known internationally for morna, a form of folk music usually sung in the Cape Verdean Creole, accompanied by clarinet, violin, guitar and cavaquinho. The islands also boast funaná, coladeira, batuque and zouk music.-History:...
- Central African RepublicMusic of the Central African RepublicThe music of the Central African Republic includes many different forms. Western rock and pop music, as well as Afrobeat, soukous and other genres have become popular nation-wide. The sanza is a popular instrument....
- ChadMusic of ChadChad is an ethnically diverse Central African country. Each of its regions has its own unique varieties of music and dance. The Fulani people, for example, use single-reeded flutes, while the ancient griot tradition uses five-string kinde and various kinds of horns, and the Tibesti region uses...
- ChileMusic of ChileThe music of Chile ranges from folkloric music, popular music and also to classical music.-Folk music:Chile has a very rich folklore music that has three different continental geographical zones: northern, central, and southern, each with their own characteristics and sounds. Also it has other...
- ChinaMusic of ChinaChinese Music has been made since the dawn of Chinese civilization with documents and artifacts providing evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as the Zhou Dynasty...
- ColombiaMusic of ColombiaThe music of Colombia is an expression of the Colombian culture, which contains diverse music genres, traditional and moderns according with the features of each geographic region; although it is frequent to find different musical styles in the same region...
- Comoros
- Congo-KinsashaMusic of the Democratic Republic of the CongoDescribing the music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is difficult, due to vagaries surrounding the meanings of various terms. The country itself was formerly called Zaire and is now sometimes referred to as Congo-Kinshasa to distinguish it from the Republic of the Congo...
- Congo-BrazzavilleMusic of the Republic of the CongoThe Republic of the Congo is an African nation with close musical ties to its neighbor, the Democratic Republic of the Congo...
- Costa RicaMusic of Costa RicaThe country of Costa Rica has many kinds of music.Though its music has achieved little international credit, Costa Rican popular music genres include: an indigenous calypso scene which is distinct from the more widely-known Trinidadian calypso sound, as well as a thriving disco audience that...
- Côte d'IvoireMusic of Côte d'Ivoire-Traditional music:Each of the more than sixty ethnic groups of Côte d'Ivoire have their own folk music traditions, most showing strong vocal polyphony , especially the Baoulé. Talking drums are also common, especially among the Appollo, who are also known for their abissa purification dance, part...
- CroatiaMusic of CroatiaThe music of Croatia, like the divisions of the country itself, has two major influences: the Central European one, present in the central and northern parts of the country, as well as in Slavonia, and the Mediterranean one, particularly present in the coastal regions of Dalmatia and Istria.In...
- CubaMusic of CubaThe Caribbean island of Cuba has developed a wide range of creolized musical styles, based on its cultural origins in Europe and Africa. Since the 19th century its music has been hugely popular and influential throughout the world...
- CyprusMusic of CyprusThe music of Cyprus includes a variety of classical, folk and popular genres. Cypriot folk music is similar to the folk music of Greece, and includes dances like sousta, syrtos, Kalamatianos, zeimbekiko, and Rebetika.-Medieval music:...
- Czech RepublicMusic of the Czech Republic- Traditional and Classical :The traditional music of Bohemia and Moravia has been well documented and influenced the work of composers like Leoš Janáček, Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana, and Bohuslav Martinů. Janáček made his recordings at an auspicious time...
- DenmarkMusic of DenmarkDenmark's most famous classical composer is Carl Nielsen, especially remembered for his six symphonies while the Royal Danish Ballet specializes in the work of Danish choreographer August Bournonville. Danes have distinguished themselves as jazz musicians, and the Copenhagen Jazz Festival has...
- DjiboutiMusic of DjiboutiThe music of Djibouti refers to the musical styles, techniques and sounds of Djibouti-Overview:Djibouti is made up of two closely related ethnic groups: the Somali and Afar. There are also a number of Arab and French citizens. Traditional Afar music resembles the folk music of other parts of the...
- DominicaMusic of DominicaThe music of Dominica plays an important role in the social and culture life of the Antillean island of Dominica. The Nature island boasts of Cadence-lypso, a genre developed in Dominica and made popular in the French deparments of Martinique and Guadeloupe. It spread through France and was very...
- Dominican RepublicMusic of the Dominican RepublicThe music of the Dominican Republic is known primarily for merengue, though bachata, salsa and other forms are also popular. Dominican music has always been closely intertwined with that of its neighbor, Haiti .-Merengue:...
- East TimorMusic of East TimorEast Timor's music reflects its history under the control of both Portugal and Indonesia, who have imported music like gamelan and fado. The most widespread form of native folk music was the likurai dance, performed to by women to welcome home men after war...
- EcuadorMusic of EcuadorThe music of Ecuador has a long history. Pasillo is a genre of indigenous Latin music. It is extremely popular in Ecuador, where it is the "national genre of music." Pasillo as a genre is also present in the mountainous regions of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela, to a lesser extent.Today, it has...
- EgyptMusic of EgyptThe music of Egypt has been an integral part of Egyptian culture since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians credited one of their Gods Thoth with the invention of music, which Osiris in turn used as part of his effort to civilize the world...
- El SalvadorMusic of El SalvadorThe music of El Salvador has a mixture of Mayan, African, Pipil and Spanish influences. This music includes religious songs used to celebrate Christmas and other holidays, especially feast days of the saints. Satirical and rural lyrical themes are common...
- Equatorial GuineaMusic of Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea's culture has been more documented than most African countries, and commercial recording remains scarce. This is partially due to the country's small size and a population of only about 676,000...
- EritreaMusic of EritreaEritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa. Perhaps the most famous Eritrean musicians in history are Eng. Asghedom W.Micheal, Bereket Mengisteab, Yemane Baria, Osman Abderrehim, Alamin Abdeletif & Atowe Birhan Segid, some of whose music were banned by the Ethiopian government in the 1970s...
- EstoniaMusic of EstoniaThe earliest mentioning of Estonian singing and dancing dates back to Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum . Saxo speaks of Estonian warriors who sang at night while waiting for an epic battle. The Estonian folk music tradition is broadly divided into 2 periods...
- EthiopiaMusic of EthiopiaThe music of Ethiopia is extremely diverse, with each of Ethiopia's ethnic groups being associated with unique sounds. Some forms of traditional music are strongly influenced by folk music from elsewhere in the Horn of Africa, especially Somalia. However, Ethiopian religious music also has an...
- FijiMusic of FijiFiji is an island nation in the Pacific Ocean. Though geographically Melanesian, the music of Fiji is more Polynesian in character. Nevertheless, Fijian folk styles are distinct in their fusion of Polynesian and Melanesian traditions...
- FinlandMusic of FinlandThe music of Finland can be roughly divided in the following three categories.Folk music is typically influenced by Karelian traditional tunes and lyrics of the Kalevala metre. Karelian heritage has traditionally been perceived as the purest expression of Finnic myths and beliefs, thought to be...
- FranceMusic of FranceFrance has a wide variety of indigenous folk music, as well as styles played by immigrants from Africa, Latin America and Asia. In the field of classical music, France has produced a number of legendary composers, while modern pop music has seen the rise of popular French hip hop, techno/funk,...
- GabonMusic of GabonGabon is an African country whose musical output is little-known in comparison with regional giants like the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon. The country boasts an array of folk styles, as well as pop stars like Patience Dabany...
- GambiaMusic of the GambiaThe Gambia is a West African country closely linked musically with its neighbor, Senegal. Griots, , a kind of hereditary praise-singer, are common throughout the region, a legacy of the ancient Mande Empire...
- GeorgiaMusic of GeorgiaGeorgia has rich and still vibrant traditional music, which is primarily known as arguably the earliest polyphonic tradition of the Christian world. Situated on the border of Europe and Asia, Georgia is also a home of variety of urban singing styles with the mixture of native polyphony, Middle...
- GermanyMusic of GermanyForms of German-language music include Neue Deutsche Welle , Krautrock, Hamburger Schule, Volksmusik, Classical, German hip hop, trance, Schlager, Neue Deutsche Härte and diverse varieties of folk music, such as Waltz and Medieval metal....
- GhanaMusic of GhanaGhana has many styles of traditional and modern music, due to its multiplicity of ethnic groups and its cosmopolitan geographic position in West Africa. The best known modern genre that originated in Ghana is Highlife.-Traditional music:...
- GreeceMusic of GreeceThe music of Greece is as diverse and celebrated as its history. Greek music separates into two parts: Greek traditional music and Byzantine music, with more eastern sounds...
- GrenadaMusic of GrenadaThe music of Grenada has included the work of several major musicians, including Eddie Bullen, David Emmanuel, one of the best-selling reggae performers ever, and Mighty Sparrow, a calypsonian. The island is also known for jazz, most notably including Eddie Bullen, a pianist, songwriter and record...
- GuatemalaMusic of GuatemalaThe music of Guatemala is diverse. Music is played all over the country, even in the remotest corners. Towns also have wind and percussion bands -week processions, as well as on other occasions. The Garifuna people of Afro-Caribbean descent, who are spread thinly on the northeastern Caribbean...
- GuineaMusic of GuineaGuinea is a West African nation, composed of several ethnic groups. Of these, the music of the Mandé has been particularly popular and internationally well-known, even outside of West Africa....
- Guinea-BissauMusic of Guinea-BissauThe music of Guinea-Bissau is usually associated with the polyrhythmic gumbe genre, the country's primary musical export. However, civil unrest and a small size have combined over the years to keep gumbe, and other genres, out of mainstream audiences, even in generally syncretist African...
- GuyanaMusic of GuyanaThe music of Guyana is a mix of Indian, African, European and Amerindian elements. Important American, Caribbean, Brazilian and other Latin musical styles are popular. Popular Guyanese performers include Terry Gajraj, Mark Holder, Eddy Grant, Dave Martins & the Tradewinds, Aubrey Cummings and...
- HaitiMusic of HaitiThe music of Haiti is influenced mostly by Europe, colonial ties, and African migration through slavery. European musical influence derived primarily from the French and by the Spanish-infused influence of Cuba and the bordering Dominican Republic. Styles unique to Haiti include music derived from...
- HondurasMusic of HondurasThe music of Honduras is very varied, Punta is the main "ritmo" de Honduras, to Caribbean music like salsa, merengue, reggae, and reggaeton all widely heard especially in the North, to Mexican rancheras heard in the interior, rural part of the country...
- Hong KongMusic of Hong KongThe Music of Hong Kong is an eclectic mixture of traditional and popular genres. Cantopop is one of the more prominent genres of music produced in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta regularly perform western classical music in the city...
- HungaryMusic of HungaryHungary has made many contributions to the fields of folk, popular and classical music. Hungarian folk music is a prominent part of the national identity and continues to play a major part in Hungarian music...
- IcelandMusic of IcelandThe music of Iceland includes vibrant folk and pop traditions. Well-known artists from Iceland include medieval music group Voces Thules, alternative rock band The Sugarcubes, singers Björk and Emiliana Torrini, and post-rock band Sigur Rós. Iceland's traditional music is related to Nordic music...
- IndiaMusic of IndiaThe music of India includes multiple varieties of folk, popular, pop, classical music and R&B. India's classical music tradition, including Carnatic and Hindustani music, has a history spanning millennia and developed over several eras. It remains fundamental to the lives of Indians today as...
- IndonesiaMusic of IndonesiaThe music of Indonesia demonstrates its cultural diversity, the local musical creativity, as well as subsequent foreign musical influences that shaped contemporary music scenes of Indonesia. Nearly thousands of Indonesian islands having its own cultural and artistic history and character. This...
- IranMusic of IranThe music of Iran has thousands of years of history, as seen in the archeological documents of Elam, one of the earliest world cultures,which was located in southwestern Iran...
- IraqMusic of IraqThe music of Iraq or Iraqi music, encompasses the music of a number of ethnic groups and musical genres. Ethnically, it includes Arabic music, Assyrian music, Turcoman, Armenian, Roma and Kurdish music among others...
- IrelandMusic of IrelandIrish Music is the generic term for music that has been created in various genres on the island of Ireland.The indigenous music of the island is termed Irish traditional music. It has remained vibrant through the 20th, and into the 21st century, despite globalizing cultural forces...
- IsraelMusic of IsraelThe music of Israel is a combination of Jewish and non-Jewish music traditions that have come together over the course of a century to create a distinctive musical culture. For more than 100 years, musicians have sought original stylistic elements that would define the emerging national spirit...
- ItalyMusic of ItalyThe music of Italy ranges across a broad spectrum of opera and instrumental classical music and a body of popular music drawn from both native and imported sources. Music has traditionally been one of the cultural markers of Italian national and ethnic identity and holds an important position in...
- JamaicaMusic of JamaicaThe music of Jamaica includes Jamaican folk music and many popular genres, such as mento, ska, rocksteady, reggae, dub music, dancehall, reggae fusion and related styles. Jamaica's music culture is a fusion of elements from the United States , Africa, and neighboring Caribbean islands such as...
- JapanMusic of JapanThe music of Japan includes a wide array of performers in distinct styles both traditional and modern. The word for music in Japanese is 音楽 , combining the kanji 音 with the kanji 楽...
- JordanMusic of JordanThe traditional music of Jordan has a long history. Rural zajal songs, with improvised poetry played with a Mijwiz, Tablah, Arghul, Oud, rabab and reed pipe ensemble accompanying is popular...
- KazakhstanMusic of KazakhstanThe modern state of Kazakhstan is home to the Kazakh State Kurmangazy Orchestra of Folk Instruments, the Kazakh State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Kazakh National Opera and the Kazakh State Chamber Orchestra. The folk instrument orchestra was named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly, a famous composer and...
- KenyaMusic of KenyaOut of all the African countries, Kenya has perhaps one of the most diverse assortment of popular music forms, in addition to multiple types of folk music based on the variety over 40 regional languages....
- KiribatiMusic of KiribatiThe music of Kiribati has been less affected by Western culture than most other Pacific island cultures since Europeans did not arrive in Kiribati until 1892...
- KosovoMusic of KosovoMusic has always been part of the Albanian and Serbian cultures in Kosovo.In Kosovo, along with modern music, folk music is the most popular. There are many folk singers and ensembles. The multicultural ensemble is Shota. Classical music is also well known in Kosovo.The modern music in Kosovo has...
- KuwaitMusic of KuwaitThe traditional music of Kuwait were well-recorded until the Persian Gulf War, when Iraq invaded the country and destroyed the archive. Nevertheless, Kuwait has retained a vital music industry, both long before the war and after...
- KyrgyzstanMusic of KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstani music is nomadic and rural, and is closely related to Turkmen and Kazakh folk forms. Kyrgyz folk music is characterized by the use of long, sustained pitches, with Russian elements also prominent....
- LaosMusic of LaosLaos is dominated by the Lao but includes minorities of Hmong, Mien, Kmhmu, among many others. The most distinctive Lao musical instrument is a bamboo mouth organ called a khene. The instrument was supposedly invented by a woman trying to imitate the calls of the garawek bird. The woman took the...
- LatviaMusic of LatviaTraditional Latvian music is often set to traditional poetry called dainas, featuring pre-Christian themes and legends, drone vocal styles and Baltic zithers.-Dainas:...
- LebanonMusic of LebanonThe Music of Lebanon has a long history. Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon, has long been known, especially in a period immediately following World War II, for its art and intellectualism...
- LesothoMusic of LesothoLesotho is a Southern African nation surrounded entirely by South Africa. The largest ethnic group is the Basotho. The Basotho culture is immersed in musical traditions.-National Anthem:The national anthem of Lesotho is "Lesotho Fatse La Bontata Rona"...
- LiberiaMusic of LiberiaThe music of Liberia involves several different genres. Liberia is a West African country. Its musical heritage includes several important genres of pop derived from neighbors like Ghana and Nigeria. Liberia also boasts an array of indigenous folk music, Christian music and influences from its...
- LibyaMusic of LibyaVarious kinds of Arab music are popular in Libya such as Andalusi music, locally known as Ma'luf, Chabi and Arab classical music.The Tuareg live in the southern, Saharan part of the country, and have their own distinctive folk music. There is little or no pop music industry. Among the Tuareg,...
- LiechtensteinMusic of LiechtensteinThe music of Liechtenstein has produced an internationally renowned composer in Josef Rheinberger , who was mentor to Humperdinck and a friend of Franz Liszt....
- LithuaniaMusic of LithuaniaLithuania has a long history of folk, popular and classical musical development.- Folk music :Lithuanian folk music belongs to Baltic music branch which is connected with neolithic corded ware culture. In Lithuanian territory meets two musical cultures: stringed and wind instrument cultures...
- LuxembourgMusic of LuxembourgThe Music of Luxembourg is an important component of the country's cultural life. The prestigious new Philharmonie concert hall provides an excellent venue for orchestral concerts while opera is frequently presented in the theatres. Rock, pop and jazz are also popular with a number of successful...
- MacedoniaMusic of the Republic of MacedoniaMusic of the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonians has many things in common with the music of neighbouring Balkan countries, but maintains its own distinctive sound.-Folk music:...
- MadagascarMusic of MadagascarThe highly diverse and distinctive music of Madagascar has been shaped by the musical traditions of Southeast Asia, Africa, Arabia, England, France and the United States as successive waves of settlers have made the island their home...
- MalawiMusic of MalawiMalawi music has historically been influenced through its triple cultural heritage . Malawians have long been travelers and migrant workers, and as a result, their music has spread across the African continent and blended with other music forms...
- MalaysiaMusic of MalaysiaMusic of Malaysia is the generic term for music that has been created in various genres in Malaysia. A great variety of genres in Malaysian music reflect the specific ethnic groups of multiracial Malaysian society consisting of Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Dayak, Kadazandusun, Eurasians and other...
- MaldivesMusic of the MaldivesThe Maldives are an island nation in the Indian Ocean, and its culture is marked mainly by Indian, East African, and Arab influences.-Traditional Performances:...
- MaliMusic of MaliThe Music of Mali is dominated by forms derived from the ancient Mande Empire. The Mande people make up most of the country's population, and their musicians, professional performers called jeliw , have produced a vibrant popular music scene alongside traditional folk music...
- MaltaMusic of MaltaThe music of Malta ranges across a spectrum of genres such as traditional folk music, metal and various forms of electronica.-History:"Ghana" is the traditional folk music of Malta.1971 Joe Grech...
- Marshall IslandsMusic of the Marshall IslandsThe music of the Marshall Islands has a long history. The Marshall Islands are an independent island chain, geographically and culturally part of the Micronesian area...
- MauritaniaMusic of MauritaniaThe music of Mauritania comes predominantly from the country's largest ethnic group: the Moors. In Moorish society musicians occupy the lowest caste, iggawin. Musicians from this caste used song to praise successful warriors as well as their patrons. Iggawin also had the traditional role of...
- MauritiusMusic of MauritiusThe music of Mauritius is known for sega music, alongside the nearby Réunion island, though reggae, zouk, soukous and other genres are also popular. Sega was originally introduced by the African ancestors and originates from East and Southern Africa...
- MexicoMusic of MexicoThe music of Mexico is very diverse and features a wide range of different musical styles. It has been influenced by a variety of cultures, most notably indigenous Mexican and European, since the Late Middle Ages...
- Federated States of MicronesiaMusic of the Federated States of MicronesiaThe traditional music of the Federated States of Micronesia varies widely across the four states, and has, in recent times, evolved into popular music influenced by Europop, country music and reggae.-Traditional dances:...
- MoldovaMusic of MoldovaMoldovan music is closely related to that of its neighbour and cultural kin, Romania. Moldovan folk is known for swift, complex rhythms , musical improvisation, syncopation and much melodic ornamentation. Pop, hip hop, rock and other modern genres have their own fans in Moldova as well...
- MonacoMusic of MonacoMonaco is a city and independent state located in the south of France, along the Mediterranean coast. The country has long been under the control of the Grimaldi family, who have encouraged musical development...
- MongoliaMusic of MongoliaMusic is an integral part of Mongolian culture. Among the unique contributions of Mongolia to the world's musical culture are the long songs, one of the greatest features of the Mongolian music, overtone singing and morin khuur, the horse-headed fiddle...
- MoroccoMusic of MoroccoThe music of Morocco ranges and differs according to the various areas of the country.-Berber folk music:There are three varieties of Berber folk music: village and ritual music, and the music performed by professional musicians....
- MozambiqueMusic of MozambiqueThe native folk music of Mozambique has been highly influenced by Portuguese forms. The most popular style of modern dance music is marrabenta. Mozambican music also influenced another Lusophone music in Brazil, like maxixe , and Cuban music like Mozambique.Culture was an integral part of the...
- MyanmarMusic of MyanmarThe music of Burma has similarities with and is related to many other musical traditions in the region, including Chinese music and Thai music.- Traditional music :...
- NamibiaMusic of NamibiaThe music of Namibia has a number of folk styles, as well as pop, rock, reggae, jazz, house and hip hop. The Sanlam-NBC Music Awards and the Namibian Music Awards are two separate institutions that give out annual awards at shows on December 2 and May 6 respectively...
- NauruMusic of NauruThe music of Nauru demonstrates its Micronesian heritage.-Historical background:Its music has been scantly recorded and documented, partially as a result of a ban on traditional dance by German colonial authorities after the 1888 annexation by Germany....
- NepalMusic of NepalMusic of Nepal refers to the various musical genres of Nepal. With more than fifty ethnicities, the music of this country is a highly dispersed phenomenon. Although genres like pop, rock, folk, and Classical music exist, a huge number of such genres are yet to be cataloged...
- NetherlandsMusic of the NetherlandsThe Netherlands has multiple musical traditions. Contemporary Dutch popular music is heavily influenced by music styles that emerged in the 1950s, in the United Kingdom and United States. The style is sung in both Dutch and English...
- New ZealandMusic of New ZealandThe music of New Zealand is the expression of the culture of New Zealand. New Zealand's music is influenced by the culture of the indigenous Māori and immigrants from the Pacific region, though its musical origins lie predominantly in British colonial history, with contributions from Europe and...
- NicaraguaMusic of NicaraguaMusic of Nicaragua is a mixture of indigenous and European, especially Spanish, influences. Musical instruments include the marimba and others that are common across Central America...
- NigerMusic of NigerThe music of Niger has developed from the musical traditions of a mix of ethnic groups.-Traditional musical styles:Hausa, Beriberi, Songhai, Djerma, Dendi, Fula, Wodaabe, and Tuareg traditions, most of which existed quite independently in the colonial period, have begun to form a mixture of styles...
- NigeriaMusic of NigeriaThe music of Nigeria includes many kinds of Folk and popular music, some of which are known worldwide. Styles of folk music are related to the multitudes of ethnic groups in the country, each with their own techniques, instruments, and songs...
- North KoreaMusic of North KoreaAfter the division of Korea in 1951, Korea was split, into the Democratic People's Republic of Korea or North and the Republic of Korea or South Korea...
- NorwayMusic of NorwayMusic based on traditional Norwegian form usually includes minor or modal scales , making a sober and haunting sound. Pure major key dance music forms also exist. Prior to the 18th century, there is scant written record of what kind of music was played in Norway, but there is a large aural tradition...
- OmanMusic of OmanThe music of Oman has been strongly affected by the country's coastal location, with Omani sailors interacting with, and bringing back music from, Egypt, Tanzania and elsewhere. More recently, a Portuguese occupation has left its own marks, while geographic neighbors like the United Arab Emirates,...
- PakistanMusic of PakistanThe music of Pakistan includes diverse elements ranging from music from various parts of South Asia as well as Central Asian, Persian, Turkish, Arabic and modern day Western popular music influences...
- PalauMusic of PalauThe music of Palau finds its heritage in Micronesia, but it has been supplemented with influences from the United States and Western Europe, as well as Japan....
- Palestine
- PanamaMusic of PanamaPanama is a Central American country, inhabited mostly by mestizos . The music of Panama was influenced first by the indigenous populations of Kunas, Teribes, Nobe Bugle and others, and then by the black population who were brought over, first as slaves from Africa, and also Colombia between the...
- Papua New GuineaMusic of Papua New GuineaThe music of Papua New Guinea has a long history.-Traditional music:Christian missionaries disapproved of Papuan folk music throughout the colonial period of the country's history. Even after independence, the outside world knew little of the diverse peoples' traditional music genres...
- ParaguayMusic of Paraguay-Folk music:The Paraguayan polka combines ternary and binary rhythms, where as the European only uses binary. The most famous style of music is the Guarania, created by the Paraguayan musician José Asunción Flores in 1925. The Guarania accomplishes this by using a combination of slow rhythms and...
- PeruMusic of PeruThe music of Peru is an amalgamation of sounds and styles drawing on Peru's Andean musical roots and Spanish musical influences.Native Peruvian music is dominated by the national instrument, the charango. The charango is a type of mandolin, and was invented in the Viceroyalty of Peru by musicians...
- PhilippinesMusic of the PhilippinesMusic of the Philippines are performance arts composed in various genre and styles. The music of the Philippines is a mixture of indigenous, other Asian, European, Latin American, and American influences.- Traditional music :...
- PolandMusic of PolandArtists from Poland, including famous composers like Chopin or Lutosławski and traditional, regionalized folk musicians, create a lively and diverse music scene, which even recognizes its own music genres, such as poezja śpiewana.- Beginning :...
- PortugalMusic of PortugalPortugal is internationally known in the music scene for its traditions of fado, but the country has seen a recent expansion in musical styles, with modern acts from rock to hip hop becoming popular...
- QatarMusic of QatarThe music of Qatar is based on Bedouin poetry, song and dance. Traditional dances in Doha are performed on Friday afternoons; one such dance is the Ardah, a stylized martial dance performed by two rows of dancers who are accompanied by an array of percussion instruments, including al-ras ,...
- RomaniaMusic of RomaniaRomania is a European country with a multicultural music environment which includes active ethnic music scenes. Romania also has thriving scenes in the fields of pop music, hip hop, heavy metal and rock and roll...
- RussiaMusic of RussiaMusic of Russia denotes music produced in Russia and/or by the Russians. Russia is a large and culturally diverse country, with many ethnic groups, each with their own locally developed music...
- RwandaMusic of RwandaThe music of Rwanda largely consists of African folk music sung by its people.Traditional music and dance are taught in "amatorero" dance groups, which are to be found across the entire country. The most famous of those is Ballet National Urukerereza, which was created in the early 1970s to...
- Saint Kitts and NevisMusic of Saint Kitts and NevisThe music of Saint Kitts and Nevis is known for a number of musical celebrations including Carnival . The last week in June features the St Kitts Music Festival, while the week-long Culturama on Nevis lasts from the end of July into early August.In addition, there are other festivals on the island...
- Saint LuciaMusic of Saint LuciaSaint Lucia, an island in the Caribbean, is home to many vibrant oral and folk traditions. The music of Saint Lucia is based on elements derived from the music of Africa, especially rhythmically, and Western Europe, dances like the quadrille, polka and waltz. The banjo and cuatro are iconic Lucian...
- Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesMusic of Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesThe music of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines includes thriving music scenes based on Big Drum, calypso, soca, steelpan and also reggae. String band music, quadrille and bele music and traditional storytelling are also popular.- Soca :...
- SamoaMusic of SamoaThe music of Samoa is integral to life in the country. The most important and essential avenue has always been the voice. Singers mourn, rejoice, and reflect every emotion. The past, present, and sometimes the near future are put to song...
- San MarinoMusic of San MarinoSan Marino is a small and ancient country located within the territory of Italy, though it is a sovereign state. The country and its culture are now tourist attractions, though its musical heritage is long and varied. In the 17th century, composers like Francesco Maria Marini di Pesaro wrote some...
- São Tomé and PríncipeMusic of São Tomé and PríncipeSão Tomé and Príncipe is an island country off the coast of Africa. Culturally, the people are African but have been highly influenced by the Portuguese rulers of the islands....
- Saudi ArabiaMusic of Saudi ArabiaThe music of Saudi Arabia includes both Western and traditional music. Like many of its Persian Gulf neighbors, khaleeji folk traditions are popular styles. The most distinguished musician in recent Saudi history is Tariq Abdulhakeem, who composed hundreds of famous Saudi songs for himself as well...
- SenegalMusic of SenegalSenegal's musical heritage is better known than that of most African countries, due to the popularity of mbalax, which is a form of Wolof percussive music; it has been popularized by Youssou N'Dour. Sabar drumming is especially popular.-Folk music:...
- Serbia and Montenegro
- Seychelles
- Sierra LeoneMusic of Sierra LeoneSierra Leone's music is a mixture of native and French, British, and [Pidgin Krio] influences. Palm wine is representative, and is played by an acoustic guitar with percussion in countries throughout coastal West Africa...
- SingaporeMusic of SingaporeSingapore has an urban musical scene, and is a center for rock, punk and other genres in the region. The 1960s produced bands like The Crecendos with hit songs like Mr Twister. The Quests, who had hits like "Shanty", "Don't Play That Song", "Jesamine" and "Mr Rainbow"...
- SlovakiaMusic of SlovakiaThe music of Slovakia has been influenced both by the county's native Slovak peoples and the music of neighbouring regions. Whilst there are traces of pre-historic musical instruments, the country has a rich heritage of folk music and mediaeval liturgical music, and from the 18th century onwards,...
- SloveniaMusic of SloveniaThe music of Slovenia is closely related to Austrian and Northern Italian music because of its common history and Alpine and littoral culture, and in some southern regions to Croatian . In the minds of many foreigners, Slovenian folk music means a form of polka that is still popular today,...
- Solomon IslandsMusic of the Solomon IslandsThe music of the Solomon Islands has received international attention since before the country became independent from the United Kingdom in 1978.-Folk music:...
- SomaliaMusic of SomaliaThe music of Somalia refers to the musical styles, techniques and sounds of Somalia.-Overview:Somalia has a rich musical heritage centered on traditional Somali folklore. Most Somali songs are pentatonic; that is, they only use five pitches per octave in contrast to a heptatonic scale such as the...
- South AfricaMusic of South AfricaThe South African music scene includes both popular and folk forms. Pop styles are based on four major sources, Zulu isicathamiya singing and harmonic mbaqanga...
- South KoreaMusic of South KoreaMusic of South Korea has evolved throughout decades with lots of different influences. Nowadays, South Korean music can be divided into three different groups: Korean traditional folk music, western influenced non-popular music and finally the mainstream pop music, which includes the genre...
- SpainMusic of SpainThe Music of Spain has a long history and has played an important part in the development of western music. It has had a particularly strong influence upon Latin American music. The music of Spain is often associated abroad with traditions like flamenco and the classical guitar but Spanish music...
- Sri LankaMusic of Sri LankaThe music of Sri Lanka originates in cultural traditions deriving from three influences: the religious practices of Buddhism, the aftereffects of Portuguese colonization, and the commercial and historical influence of Indian culture - specifically, Bollywood cinema...
- Sudan
- SurinameMusic of SurinameThe music of Suriname is well known for kaseko music, and for having an Indo-Caribbean tradition.-Kaseko:Kaseko is probably derived from the French expression casser le corps , which was used during slavery to indicate a very swift dance. Kaseko is a fusion of numerous popular and folk styles...
- SwazilandMusic of SwazilandThe African nation of Swaziland, located in between South Africa and Mozambique, is an ancient land dominated by the Swazi people and ethnic Swazi music. They are known for a variety of folk music, as well as modern rock, pop and hip hop....
- SwedenMusic of SwedenSweden shares the tradition of Nordic folk dance music with its neighboring countries including polka, schottische, waltz, polska and mazurka. The accordion, clarinet, fiddle and nyckelharpa are among the most common Swedish folk instruments. This instrumental genre is the biggest one in Swedish...
- SwitzerlandMusic of SwitzerlandSwitzerland has long had a distinct cultural identity, despite its diversity of German, French, Italian, Romansh and other ethnicities. Religious and folk music dominated the country until the 17th century, with growth in production of other kinds of music occurring slowly.-Classical music:One of...
- SyriaMusic of SyriaThe music of Syria largely emanates from the country's capital and largest city, Damascus. The city has long been one of the Arab world's centers for cultural and artistic innovation, especially in the field of classical Arab music. Syria has also produced several pan-Arab stars, including George...
- TaiwanMusic of TaiwanTaiwan is densely-populated and culturally diverse, including a majority of Bensheng ren , a powerful faction waishengren who arrived with Chiang Kai-shek in the middle of the 20th century and the minority of aboriginal peoples.With the arrival of the KMT led Republic of China government in 1949,...
- TajikistanMusic of TajikistanTajik music is closely related to Central Asian forms. The classical music is shashmaqam, which Uzbeks also developed classical music of Tajiks and made their distinctive own....
- TanzaniaMusic of TanzaniaThe music of Tanzania stretches from traditional African music to the string-based taarab to a distinctive hip hop known as bongo flava.-National anthem:...
- ThailandMusic of ThailandThe music of Thailand reflects its geographic position at the intersection of China and India, and reflects trade routes that have historically included Persia, Africa, Greece and Rome...
- TogoMusic of TogoTogo has produced a number of internationally known popular entertainers including King Mensah, Bella Bellow, and Jimi Hope. The country has a diverse folk tradition with more than forty ethnic groups, each with their own musical styles.- Folk music :...
- TongaMusic of Tonga- History :Tonga was discovered by European explorers in 1616. Early visitors, such as Captain Cook in the 1770s, and William Mariner in the 19th century, describe traditional dance performances featuring singing and drumming....
- Trinidad and TobagoMusic of Trinidad and TobagoCalypso music and steelpan is what Trinidad and Tobago is best known for, including internationally in the 1950s through artists like Lord Kitchener and Mighty Sparrow; the art form was most popularised at that time by Harry Belafonte...
- TunisiaMusic of TunisiaTunisia is a North African country with a predominantly Arabic-speaking population. The country is best known for malouf, a kind of music imported from Andalusia after the Spanish conquest in the 15th century...
- TurkeyMusic of TurkeyThe music of Turkey includes diverse elements ranging from Central Asian folk music and has many copies and references of Byzantine music, Greek music, Ottoman music, Persian music, Balkan music, as well as more modern European and American popular music influences...
- TurkmenistanMusic of TurkmenistanThe music of the nomadic and rural Turkmen people is closely related to Kyrgyz and Kazakh folk forms. Important musical traditions in Turkmen music include traveling singers and shamans called bakshy, who act as healers and magicians and sing either a cappella or with instruments such as the...
- TuvaluMusic of TuvaluThe traditional music of Tuvalu consists of a number of dances, most popularly including fatele, fakanau and fakaseasea, and were used to celebrate leaders and other prominent individuals...
- UgandaMusic of UgandaUgandan music is as diverse as the ethnicity of its people. The country is home to over 30 different ethnic groups and tribes and they form the basis of all indigenous music. The Baganda, being the most prominent tribe in the country, have dominated the culture and music of Uganda over the last two...
- UkraineMusic of UkraineUkraine is a multi-ethnic Eastern European state situated north of the Black Sea, previously part of the Soviet Union. Many of its ethnic groups living within Ukraine have their own unique musical traditions and some have developed specific musical traditions in association with the land in which...
- United Arab EmiratesMusic of the United Arab EmiratesThe music of the United Arab Emirates stems from the Persian Gulf khaleeji tradition, and from Bedouin folk music. Distinctive dance songs from the area's fishermen are also well-known...
- United Kingdom
- United StatesMusic of the United StatesThe music of the United States reflects the country's multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. Among the country's most internationally-renowned genres are hip hop, blues, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, barbershop, pop, techno, and rock and roll. The United States has the...
- UruguayMusic of UruguayThe music of Uruguay includes a number of local musical forms. The most distinctive ones are tango, murga, a form of musical theatre, and candombe, an afro-Uruguayan type of music which occur yearly during the Carnival period. There is also milonga, a folk guitar and song form deriving from Spanish...
- UzbekistanMusic of UzbekistanCentral Asian classical music is called shashmaqam, which arose in Bukhara in the late 16th century when that city was a regional capital. Shashmaqam is closely related to Azeri mugam and Uyghur muqam. The name, which translates as six maqams refers to the structure of the music, which contains...
- VanuatuMusic of VanuatuThe music of Vanuatu may refer to any kind of music played in the country of Vanuatu.Traditional music is still thriving in the rural areas of Vanuatu. Musical instruments consist mostly of idiophones: drums of various shape and size, slit gongs, as well as rattles, among others...
- Vatican CityMusic of the Vatican CityAs the seat of the Papacy, the Vatican City and its predecessor, the Papal States, has played an important role in the development of Christian music. They perform chants of ancient origin, such as Gregorian chants, as well as modern polyphonic music. The papal choir is a well-known institution...
- VenezuelaMusic of VenezuelaThe music of Venezuela is an expression of the Venezuelan culture, which contains diverse Music genres, traditional and moderns according with the features of each geographic region; although it is frequent to find different musical styles in the same region...
- VietnamMusic of VietnamTraditional Vietnamese music is highly diverse and syncretistic, combining native and foreign influences. Throughout its history, Vietnam has been heavily impacted by the Chinese musical tradition, as an integral part, along with Korea, Mongolia and Japan....
- Western SaharaMusic of Western SaharaSahrawi music shares much in common with neighbouring musical traditions such as those of Mauritanian and southern Moroccan. The Tbal is the basic instrument of percussion, though the traditional string instrument called Tidinit, has largely been replaced by electric guitar.The first Sahrawi music...
- YemenMusic of YemenYemen is a country on the Arabian Peninsula, and the music of Yemen is primarily known abroad for a series of pan-Arab popular stars and the Yemenite Jews who became musical stars in Israel during the 20th century. In the Arab world, Yemen has long been a cultural capital.Yemen's national anthem is...
- ZambiaMusic of ZambiaThe music of Zambia has a rich heritage which falls roughly into three categories: traditional, popular and Christian.- Traditional music :Traditional Zambian music is rooted in the beliefs and practices of Zambia's various ethnic groups and has suffered some decline in the last three decades...
- ZimbabweMusic of ZimbabweZimbabwean music includes folk and pop styles, much of it based on the well-known instrument the mbira which is also popular in many other African countries. An annual Zimbabwe Music Festival is held each year in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. People from all over the world attend...
By continent or other international region
- AfricaMusic of AfricaAfrica is a vast continent and its regions and nations have distinct musical traditions. The music of North Africa for the most part has a different history from sub-Saharan African music traditions....
- Asia
- Caribbean
- Caucasus
- Central AmericaCentral American musicCentral America is dominated by the popular Latin music, or Black Caribbean trends, including salsa, cumbia, mariachi, reggae, calypso and nueva canción. The countries of Central America have produced their own distinct forms of these genres such as Panamanian salsa, among others...
- Central AsiaMusic of Central AsiaCentral Asian music encompasses numerous different musical styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures. Central Asian music most often uses the pentatonic scale....
- East Africa
- East Asia
- Eastern Europe
- Lesser AntillesMusic of the Lesser AntillesThe music of the Lesser Antilles encompasses the music of this chain of small islands making up the eastern and southern portion of the West Indies. Lesser Antillean music is part of the broader category of Caribbean music; much of the folk and popular music is also a part of the Afro-American...
- Low Countries
- Melanesia
- Micronesia
- Middle East
- New Guinea
- North AfricaMusic of North AfricaNorth Africa has contributed much to popular music, especially Egyptian classical and el Gil, Algerian raï and Moroccan chaabi. The broad region is sometimes called the Maghreb , and the term Maghrebian music is in use. For a variety of reasons, Tunisia and Libya do not have as extensive a...
- North America
- Northern Europe
- Oceania
- Persian Gulf states
- PolynesiaMusic of PolynesiaPolynesia is a group of island chains spread across much of the Pacific Ocean, and includes many countries and territories. Internationally, Polynesian music is mostly associated with twinkling guitars and grass skirts, Hawaiian hula and other tourist-friendly forms of music...
- South America
- South Asia
- Southeast Asia
- Southern Europe
- Southeastern EuropeMusic of Southeastern EuropeThe music of Southeastern Europe or Balkan music is a type of music distinct from others in Europe. This is mainly because it was influenced by traditional music of Southeastern European ethnic groups and mutual music influences of these ethnic groups in the period of the Ottoman Empire...
- West AfricaMusic of West AfricaWest Africa stretches from the Sahara Desert to the Atlantic Ocean. The region's musical heritage includes a variety of popular music styles, especially from the countries of Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Sierra Leone and Nigeria...
- Western Europe
- AdelaideMusic of AdelaideAdelaide is the capital city of South Australia. Its musical heritage includes the well-known Adelaide Festival of Arts, Barossa Music Festival and the world music festival WOMADelaide, which is held annually in Botanic Park. Major music venues include the Royal Adelaide Showgrounds, Adelaide...
- BrisbaneMusic of BrisbaneBrisbane is a city in Queensland, Australia, home to many regionally important music institutions and venues. For information about both classical and popular music in Brisbane, please see the following articles:...
- CanberraMusic of CanberraCanberra is the federal capital of Australia and is in the Australian Capital Territory. The city is home to a number of important musical venues and institutions, including the Llewellyn Hall performance venue, part of the Australian National University School of Music...
- PerthMusic of PerthPerth is a city in Western Australia that has produced a number of notable performers in popular music. Some of the more famous performers include Rolf Harris, David Helfgott, Luke Steele and Tim Minchin...
- Sydney
- Tasmania
- Baden bei Wien
- Bregenz
- Carinthia
- Graz
- InnsbruckMusic of InnsbruckInnsbruck is a city in the Austrian Alps whose musical heritage long played an important role in the music of Austria. Modern Innsbruck is home to the International Festival of Early Music , an Eastern music festival, the Summer Dance Festival, the Innsbruck International Choral Festival and the...
- Josefstadt
- Klosterneuberg
- Linz
- Salzburg
- ViennaMusic of ViennaVienna is the capital and largest city of Austria, and has long been one of the major centers for cultural development in central Europe.Music organizations in Vienna include the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, which has been promoting musical development in the city since 1812...
- Antwerp
- Brussels
- Ghent
- Leuven
- Liège
- Mechelen
- Mons
- Bahia
- Manaus
- Northeast
- Rio de Janeiro
- Salvador
- São Paulo
- Blagoevgrad
- MacedoniaMusic of MacedoniaMusic of Macedonia may refer to:*Music of the Republic of Macedonia*Music of Macedonia...
- Pleven
- Plovdiv
- ThraceMusic of ThraceMusic of Thrace is the music of Thrace, a region in Southeastern Europe spread over southern Bulgaria , northeastern Greece , and European Turkey ....
Cities:- Calgary
- Edmonton
- Montreal
- Ottawa
- Toronto
- VancouverMusic of VancouverVancouver, a city in British Columbia, is one of the major cultural centres of Canada. The music of Vancouver is diverse, representing the many peoples that live in the city, ranging from classical and modern avant-garde orchestras and composers through a wide range of pop, rock, rap, jazz, world...
- Winnipeg
- Maritime ProvincesMusic of Canada's MaritimesThe music of Canada's Maritime provinces has included many artists from both the traditional and pop genres. The traditional genre is heavily influenced by the music brought to the region by the European settlers, the most well known of which are the Scots & Irish celtic and Acadian traditions...
- Prairie ProvincesMusic of Canada's Prairie ProvincesThe city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is the musical centre of the Canadian Prairie Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, having produced artists like Neil Young, The Guess Who, Bachman–Turner Overdrive, Crash Test Dummies, Fresh City, and many others...
- West
Provinces and Territories:
- AlbertaMusic of AlbertaAlberta has a diverse music scene of pop, rock, country, jazz, folk, caribbean, classical and blues music. Music festivals in the Summers are representing these genres. Choral music, ethnic music of many nationalities, all are found in Alberta...
- British ColumbiaMusic of British ColumbiaPopular music in British Columbia is strongly associated with the city of Vancouver. As Canada's third largest city Vancouver's rock and pop scene is one of the most influential in the country. It is also, like Toronto, a common destination for musicians from other parts of the country and from the...
- ManitobaMusic of ManitobaManitoba has been well known for producing some of Canada's most famous music ever since the early 1960s.-Traditional music:Manitoba is a center for the old-time fiddling of the Métis people, and the popular tune "Whiskey Before Breakfast" was popularized by the Métis fiddler Andy DeJarlis , who...
- New BrunswickMusic of New BrunswickNew Brunswick offers a wide range of musical entertainment at many different venues and diverse locations. In this place, you can enjoy everything from a Pow Wow at Bouctouche and Elsipogtog First Nations to Acadian Traditional or Contemporary Style Music around Moncton and the northern regions of...
- Newfoundland and LabradorMusic of Newfoundland and LabradorNewfoundland and Labrador is an Atlantic Canadian province with a folk musical heritage based on the Irish, English and Scottish traditions that were brought to its shores centuries ago...
- Northwest TerritoriesMusic of the Northwest TerritoriesThe Northwest Territories are a territory of Canada.Music festivals held in the Northwest Territories include Folk on the Rocks, typically held in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories in the middle of July and the Great Northern Arts Festival, which is held annually in Inuvik, Northwest Territories...
- Nova ScotiaMusic of Nova ScotiaMusic is a part of the warp and weft of the fabric of Nova Scotia's cultural life. This deep and lasting love of music is expressed through the performance and enjoyment of all types and genres of music...
- NunavutMusic of NunavutEarly European immigration brought new styles and instruments to Nunavut, including country music, bluegrass, square dancing, the button accordion and the fiddle....
- OntarioMusic of OntarioAs the Canadian province with the largest population, Ontario has a particularly prominent role in Canadian music. The provincial capital city of Toronto, Canada's largest municipality, is home to much of the English Canadian music industry and many individual musicians, and the most popular...
- Prince Edward IslandMusic of Prince Edward IslandOne of the Maritime provinces of Canada, Prince Edward Island is known as a home for traditional Celtic music. The island has produced ECMA-award winning fiddlers Richard Wood and J. J. Chaisson as well as the award winning singer-songwritwer, Lennie Gallant...
- QuebecMusic of QuebecBeing a modern cosmopolitan society, today, all types of music can be found in the Canadian province of Quebec. What is specific to Quebec though are traditional songs, a unique variety of Celtic music, legions of excellent jazz musicians, a culture of classical music, and a love of foreign rhythms...
- SaskatchewanMusic of SaskatchewanSaskatchewan is one of the Prairie Provinces of Canada.-Regina:Regina was incorporated in 1883, and became the provincial capital in 1905. Early in its history, the city boasted numerous bands, including a brass band, Musical and Dramatic Society and a number of church choirs.Frank L...
- YukonMusic of the YukonWith the Klondike Gold Rush, a number of folk songs from the Yukon became popular, including "Rush to the Klondike" , "The Klondike Gold Rush", "I've Got the Klondike Fever" and "La Chanson du Klondyke"....
- Easter IslandMusic of Easter IslandEaster Island is located in the Pacific Ocean. Though its earliest inhabitants are ethnically Polynesian, the island is part of the South American state of Chile.-History:...
- Music of Central Chile
- Music of Northern Chile
- Music of Southern Chile
- AnhuiMusic of AnhuiAnhui is a province of China, known musically for a wide array of folk and classical styles. The Huangmei opera, though originally from Hubei, has a long history in Anhui, especially Anqing City, from which it spread to Beijing, Shanghai and elsewhere. A notable Huangmei opera figure was Yan...
- Beijing
- FujianMusic of FujianThe Southern provinces of China share many musical features, for instance, the music of the Hakka peoples is found in Jiangxi, Fujian and Guangdong. Hakka music is literary and laid-back in tone and is entirely pentatonic. In Shantou, Hakka and Chaozhou, erxian and zheng ensembles are popular. Many...
- GansuMusic of GansuGansu is a region in northwest China. The capital is Lanzhou, a city with a vibrant musical life, including many nightclubs. The daoqing folk tradition is an important part of the music of Gansu, especially in Huanxian; daoqing is also found in Yichi in Ningxia Hui and Dingbian in Shaanxi...
- GuangdongMusic of GuangdongIn modern times, the Chinese province of Guangdong has become known for Guangdong music , a synthesis of a number of local folk music styles , intended as an accompaniment for the region's folk operas when it arose along the Pearl River Delta in the 1920s...
- GuangxiMusic of GuangxiThe most famous modern performer of the music of Guangxi is Sister Liu, who was the subject of a 1960s film that introduced Guangxi's cultures to the rest of the world....
- GuizhouMusic of GuizhouGuizhou is a province of China. Their folk tradition includes the song "Red Flower", which spread across China in the 1950s. The song came from the Buyi people. The Shui people use instruments like the lusheng, bronze drums and horns....
- Hainan
- HebeiMusic of HebeiHebei is a province of China, known for its orchestral wind ensembles and the Huangmei opera.Hebei is home to the Hebei International Music Festival....
- HeilongjiangMusic of HeilongjiangHeilongjiang is a province in northeastern China. Its capital city, Harbin, is regarded as a center for musical innovation in China and is a "major concert center." The city is home to one of the most renowned symphony orchestras in the country, and also celebrates Harbin Summer Music Festival...
- HenanMusic of HenanHenan is a central province of China, known for an unusual way of playing the guzheng; the technique, known as you yao, consistings of using the right hand to pluck the strings, starting from the movable bridge to the fixed bridge, while using the left hand to press the strings at the other end,...
- Hong KongMusic of Hong KongThe Music of Hong Kong is an eclectic mixture of traditional and popular genres. Cantopop is one of the more prominent genres of music produced in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta regularly perform western classical music in the city...
- Hunan
- HubeiMusic of HubeiHubei is a province of China, known for the Huangmei and Chu opera styles and a wide array of folk songs; Huangmei opera is especially renowned, and has spread to Shanghai, Beijing and Anhui, among other places...
- Inner MongoliaMusic of Inner MongoliaInner Mongolia is an autonomous region of China, with traditions related to Tuvan music and Mongolian music. Musically, it is known for the Han shanxi opera tradition. Popular musicians including the yangqin player Urna Chahar-Tugchi, formerly of Robert Zollitsch’s Gaoshan Liushui, a world music...
- Jiangsu
- JiangxiMusic of JiangxiJiangxi is a southeastern province of China. The area's musical heritage includes the Hakka music of Jiangzi, Fujian and Guangdong. Hakka music is literary and laid-back in tone, and consists entirely of five notes; many folk songs only use three notes....
- JilinMusic of JilinJilin is a northeastern province of China. The region is home to many kinds of musical theater, especially opera. These include styles like Huanglong opera, Xincheng opera, Jilin opera and errenzhuan ....
- Liaoning
- MacauMusic of MacauMacau is a Special Administrative Region of the China. It was formerly a colony of Portugal, which left a legacy of linguistic and other cultural elements.The music is called Macanese music, a mixture of Chinese and Portuguese music....
- ManchuriaMusic of ManchuriaThe music of Northeast China is influenced by the folk traditions of the Manchu and other ethnic groups in the region. There is a great variety of music in the region, with the most well-known throughout China possibly being the Youyouzha, a kind of lullaby that has spread throughout the country...
- QinghaiMusic of QinghaiThe music of Qinghai, a province of China inhabited by Tibetans, Mongolians and others, includes hua'er, a type of song prevalent throughout northwest China. This informal music is often competitive in nature, with singers interacting and improvising topical and love lyrics, usually unaccompanied...
- Shangdong
- ShaanxiMusic of ShaanxiShaanxi is a province of China that has a long history of folk music. The Shaanxi Music and Dance Troupe has toured across the world; there is also a Shaanxi Provincial Song and Dance Ensemble that performs historical music from the Tang Dynasty....
- SichuanMusic of SichuanSichuan is a province of China which has a long history of both folk and classical music. Sichuan opera is an ancient tradition that is well-known across China, while the folk-based Sichuan lantern drama is popular in the region. The Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Chengdu is one of the older...
- TibetMusic of TibetThe music of Tibet reflects the cultural heritage of the trans-Himalayan region, centered in Tibet but also known wherever ethnic Tibetan groups are found in India, Bhutan, Nepal and further abroad...
- XinjiangMusic of XinjiangThere is much variation in the music of Xinjiang, including unique regional differences in Ili, Kashgar, Khotan and Aksu Prefecture. The southern area includes the simple songs of Hotan, the dance-oriented music of the Kuga and the complexly rhythmic songs of the Kashgar...
- YunnanMusic of YunnanThe music of Yunnan, a province in southwestern China, includes the tradition music of many ethnic groups, including the Miao, Hani and Nakhi , the last being the most numerous in the area....
- Zhejiang
- Dubrovnik
- Hvar
- Osijek
- Rijeka
- Zadar
- Zagreb
Czech Republic
- Brno
- Ústí nad Labem
- Bohemia
- Kroměříž
- Liberec
- Moravia
- Olomouc
- Opava
- Ostrava
- Plzeň
- Prague
- Aarhus
- Copenhagen
- Odense
- Faroe IslandsMusic of the Faroe Islands- Faroese music today :Faroese Music today is buzzing with artists and creators across all genres delivering world class performances and recordings. With long music tradition many Faroese musicians are going professional and touring the world...
- GreenlandMusic of GreenlandThe music of Greenland is a mixture of two primary strands, Inuit and Danish, mixed with influences from the United States and United Kingdom. The biggest record label is ULO from the town of Sisimiut; it was created by Malik Hoegh and Karsten Sommer...
- Esmeraldas
- Imbabura
- Sierra
- Åland
- Helsinki
- KareliaMusic of KareliaThe swift and energetic traditional music of Karelia is regarded as the purest expression of Finnish music, less influenced by Germanic and other outside elements. Like Finland, Karelia is a home for rune singing; unlike Finland and like the neighboring Ingrian music of Russia, however, Karelia is...
- Savonlinna
- Turku
- Saami
Cities- Allaire
- Amiens
- Angers
- AquitaineMusic of AquitaineAquitaine is a French region, consisting of the départements of Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne and Pyrénées-Atlantiques. The region is known for an annual musical event which takes place in June; during this period, nearly every village and town has a celebration of music and dance...
- Arles
- Besançon
- Béziers
- Colmar
- Lille
- Lyon
- Manche
- Marseilles
- Metz
- Montpellier
- Nantes
- Nice
- Nîmes
- Orléans
- Paris
- Poitiers
- Reims
- Rennes
- Rouen
- Alsace
- AuvergneMusic of AuvergneAuvergne is a region in France. Its best-known form of folk music is that played on the cabrette , a bagpipe made of goatskin. This is used to play swift, 3/8 dance music, slow airs and other styles. The traditional master Joseph Rouls taught many modern players, including Dominique Paris, Jean...
- Avignon
- Béarn
- Bordeaux
- BrittanyMusic of BrittanySince the early 1970s, Brittany has experienced a tremendous revival of its folk music. Along with flourishing traditional forms such as the bombard-binou pair and fest-noz ensembles incorporating other additional instruments, it has also branched out into numerous sub-genres...
- BurgundyMusic of BurgundyBurgundy became a major center for musical development during the Renaissance era. Among the dances Burgundy has produced is the elegant, energetic basse danse and the bransle which was associated with the lower-classes in the Middle Ages while the upper-class likely danced pavanes and galliards...
- CorsicaMusic of CorsicaOutside of France, the island of Corsica is perhaps best known musically for its polyphonic choral tradition. The rebirth of this genre was linked with the rise of Corsican nationalism in the 1970s...
- Dijon
- GasconyMusic of GasconyGascony is a region of France that has produced several well-known performers and composers of classical, folk and popular music. Gascony is home to several major music festivals. In modern days, the town of Merciac is home to an annual jazz festival, one of the biggest in France...
- Languedoc
- LimousinMusic of LimousinThe best known musician from the Occitan region of Limousin is probably the piper Eric Montbel, a former member of such legendary bands as Lo Jai, Le Grand Rouge, and Ulysse; he plays the chabreta, or Limousin bagpipe. Along with him and other pipers, the region is known for Corrèze's distinct...
- Lorraine
- Normandy
- Picardy
- Provence
- Roussillon
- Savoy
- Austral IslandsMusic of the Austral IslandsThe Austral Islands are part of the territory of French Polynesia. The music of the islands is similar to the music of other Polynesian islands. The largest of the Austral Islands is Tubuai, which is known for its ancient, atonal singing style, said to be the purest representation of pre-contact...
- French GuianaMusic of French GuianaThe music of French Guiana includes aléké, bigi pokoe, and bushee negro music. Surinamese music, especially kaseko, is also very popular in French Guiana.-Aléké:...
- French PolynesiaMusic of French PolynesiaThe music of French Polynesia came to the forefront of the world music scene in 1992, with the release of The Tahitian Choir's recordings of unaccompanied vocal Christian music called himene tārava, recorded by French musicologist Pascal Nabet-Meyer...
- Gambier Islands
- Marquesas Islands
- Martinique and Guadeloupe
- Mayotte
- New CaledoniaMusic of New CaledoniaThe music of New Caledonia includes a folk music heritage in the Melanesian tradition. The Pacific Tempo is an important music festival, held every three years in Noumea; the biennial equinox is also an important celebration....
- RéunionMusic of RéunionRéunion is located east of Madagascar and is a province of France. Réunion is home to maloya and sega music, the latter along with neighbor Mauritius.-Maloya:...
- St. Pierre and Miquelon
- TahitiMusic of TahitiPrior to the arrival of Europeans, the music of Tahiti was dominated by festivals called heiva. Dancing was a vital part of Tahitian life then, and dances were used to celebrate, pray and mark almost every occasion of life...
- Wallis and Futuna
Cities- Aachen
- Alsbach
- Ansbach
- Augsburg
- Bad Ems
- Baden-Baden
- Barmen
- Berlin
- Bielefeld
- Braunschweig
- Bremen
- Bremerhaven
- Coburg
- Cologne
- Darmstadt
- Dortmund
- Dresden
- Duisburg
- Düsseldorf
- Elberfeld
- Erfurt
- Flensburg
- Frankfurt
- Frankfurt an der Oder
- Freiburg
- Fulda
- Füssen
- Gelsenkirchen
- Giessen
- Göttingen
- Hamburg
- Hanover
- Heidelberg
- Hildesheim
- Jena
- Kaiserslautern
- Kassel
- Kiel
- Koblenz
- Konstanz
- Köthen
- Krefeld
- Leipzig
- Lübeck
- Lüneburg
- Magdeburg
- Mainz
- Munich
- Münster
- Nuremberg
- Oberhausen
- Oldenburg
- Osnabrück
- Passau
- Pforzheim
- Regensburg
- Rostock
- Saarbrücken
- Schwerin
- Schwetzingen
- Trier
- Ulm
- Wiesbaden
- Wupertal
- Würzburg
- Zwickau
- Bavaria
- Saxony
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Sorbia
- Swabia
- Aegean Islands
- Arcadia
- Argos
- Athens
- CreteMusic of CreteThe music of Crete is a traditional form of Greek folk music called κρητικά . The lyra is the dominant folk instrument on the island; there are three-stringed and four-stringed versions of this bowed string instrument, closely related to the medieval Byzantine lyra. It is often accompanied by the...
- Cyclades
- Dodecanese Islands
- EpirusMusic of EpirusThe music of Epirus in the northwest of Greece contains folk songs that are mostly pentatonic and polyphonic, sung by both male and female singers. Distinctive songs include lament songs , shepherd's songs and drinking songs...
- Ionian Islands
- Lesbos
- MacedoniaMusic of MacedoniaMusic of Macedonia may refer to:*Music of the Republic of Macedonia*Music of Macedonia...
- Peloponnesos
- Thessaloniki
- ThessalyMusic of ThessalyMusic of Thessaly, is the music of the geographic and historical region of Thessaly in Greece. Folk dances from Thessaly are slow and stately, and include: Kalamatianos, Thessalikos, Dionysiakos, koftos, Sirtaki, Kalamatiano, Tsamikos, kleistos, kangeli, gaitanaki, tsamikos, Pilioritikos,...
- ThraceMusic of ThraceMusic of Thrace is the music of Thrace, a region in Southeastern Europe spread over southern Bulgaria , northeastern Greece , and European Turkey ....
- BudapestMusic of BudapestBudapest is the capital and largest city of Hungary; it has long been an important part of the music of Hungary. Budapest's music history has included the composers Franz Liszt, Ernő Dohnányi, Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók and the opera composer Ferenc Erkel...
- Debrecen
- PécsMusic of PécsPécs is a major city in southwest Hungary that has long been a center for music development in that country. The Symphony Orchestra of Pécs, recently renamed as Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra was founded in 1811...
- Andaman and Nicobar IslandsMusic of the Andaman and Nicobar IslandsThe Andaman and Nicobar Islands are part of India. Folk traditions of the area include that of the Moken sea-farers and various kinds of ritual tribal dance....
- Andhra PradeshMusic of Andhra Pradesh-Classical music:The major composers like saint Annamacharya, Tyagaraja, Badhrachala Ramadas were pioneers in the field of Carnatic music. In the area of instrumental music, giants such as Dwaram Venkataswamy Naidu , Emani Sankara Sastry and Chitti Babu are famous...
- Arunachal PradeshMusic of Arunachal PradeshArunachal Pradesh is a state of India. It is known for dance music, which comes in many different styles. Dances from the region are often ritual in nature, but are also celebratory. They are mostly group dances, though others are restricted to men...
- AssamMusic of AssamThe music of Assam, a state in the northeastern part of India, can be divided into various categories of folk music. In recent times starting the late eighties popular artistes have modernized the music that caters to local popular demand....
- BengalMusic of BengalThe music of Bengal, also referred to as Bangla music, comprises a long tradition of religious and secular song-writing over a period of almost a millennium...
- BiharMusic of BiharBihar is a state of India. The classical form of the Indian music is already quite well known and the classical music in Bihar is but a form of the Hindustani classical music...
- ChhattisgarhMusic of ChhattisgarhChhattisgarh is a state of India with strong tribal traditions of music and dance.-Music forms:* Pandavani singing * Bharthari, based on the folk tales of the former king and saint * Chandeni...
- GoaMusic of GoaMusic of Goa refers to the music from the state of Goa, on the west coast of India. It has produced a number of prominent musicians and singers for the world of Indian music ....
- GujaratMusic of GujaratGujarat is a part of India, known for lively traditions of both folk and classical music. Classical musicians and composers include Faiyaz Khan, Maulabux and Pandit Omkamath along with a tradition of Haveli Sangeet.Gujarati folk music consists of a wide variety...
- HaryanaMusic of HaryanaThe Indian state of Haryana has produced a number of kinds of folk music, and has also produced innovations in Indian classical music.The folk music of Haryana has been spread by the Bhats, Saangis and Jogis...
- Himachal PradeshMusic of Himachal PradeshThe music of Himachal Pradesh a state of India located in the northwest corner of the country, includes many kinds of folk songs from the area, many of which are sung without accompaniment....
- Jammu
- JharkhandMusic of JharkhandJharkhand's music tradition consists of various tribal forms and is known for its diversity. Among the more popular is jhumar which is always accompanied by dance....
- KarnatakaMusic of KarnatakaKarnataka is a state of India with a long tradition of innovation in the fields of both Carnatic and Hindustani classical music.Basaveshwara, King of Kalyana, leader of the Bhakti movement and Prime Minister of Bijjala, created his Vachanas, an integral part of the Indian classical music's...
- KashmirMusic of KashmirKashmiri music reflects the rich musical heritage and cultural legacy of the Jammu & Kashmir region in India. Traditionally the music composed by ethnic Kashmiris has a wide range of musical influences in composition. Due to Kashmir's close proximity to Central Asia, Eastern Asia and Southern...
- KeralaMusic of KeralaThe Music of Kerala has a long and rich history.It is not the same as malayalam poetry although most of it is poetry driven. Kerala has a rich tradition in Carnatic music.Songs formed a major part of early Malayalam literature, which traces its origin to the 9th century CE...
- Madhya PradeshMusic of Madhya PradeshMadhya Pradesh is a state of India. Music from the area includes rural folk and tribal music, ceremonial and ritual music and Indian classical music. Unlike in many parts of India, the people of Madhya Pradesh place few restrictions on who can sing which songs...
- MaharashtraMusic of MaharashtraMaharashtra is a state of India. The region's folk heritage includes bharuds, gondhals, Lavnis, Shahiris and povadas. Sharang Dev, a 13th century composer, was from Maharashtra as well....
- ManipurMusic of ManipurManipur is a region of India. Some varieties of folk music from the area include the rural love songs khullong ishei, the rhythmic Lai Haraoba ishei, which contain lyrics with veiled references to erotic mysticism and pena ishei, which is accompanied by a pena, an instrument made from a bamboo rod...
- MeghalayaMusic of MeghalayaMeghalaya is a state of India with a rich folk tradition. drums, bamboo flutes and buffalo horn singas are a popular ensemble. The arrival of Christianity in the mid-19th century signalled the beginning of a decline in tribal musical traditions....
- MizoramMusic of MizoramMizoram is a region in India. Its folk music is based around vocals accompanied by traditional drums, gong and other native percussive instruments. There is also a long history of flute-playing which is now defunct...
- NagalandMusic of NagalandNagaland is a vibrant hill state located in the extreme North Eastern End of India, bound by Myanmar in the East; Assam in the West; Arunachal Pradesh and a part of Assam in the North with Manipur in the south. It is renowned for its rich cultural heritage. The State is inhabited by 16 major tribes...
- OrissaMusic of OrissaOrissa is a state of India, one of the musical centres of the South Asia. Travelling bards are a historic part of the country's heritage. In the 11th century, Odissi folk music was codified into a classical style, related to other styles of Indian classical music...
- PunjabMusic of PunjabPunjab is a region in the South Asia, divided into two parts Western Punjab and Eastern Punjab . Punjabi music has a diverse style of music, ranging from Folk and Sufi to Classical, notably the Patiala gharana-Sufi Music :...
- RajasthanMusic of RajasthanMusic of Rajasthan originates from Rajasthan, one of the states of India and home to several important centers of Indian musical development, including Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaipur...
- SikkimMusic of SikkimSikkim is a state of India. It is a center for western-style music in India, and has been since the rise of bands like Orchids and Naren Rasaily's Flickers, beginning in 1968...
- Tamil NaduMusic of Tamil NaduMusic of Tamil Nadu has a long tradition and history going back thousands of years. Music is a very important aspect of the culture of the Tamil people. The musical tradition evolved over a period of centuries into the classical Carnatic music and the more popular film music.-Ancient music:The...
- TripuraMusic of TripuraTripura is a state of India that has produced a wide variety of folk music. The musician Hemanta Jamatia gained major renown beginning in about 1979, when he became a musical representative for the separatist Tripura National Volunteers. He later on surrendered and returned to normal life,...
- Uttar PradeshMusic of Uttar PradeshUttar Pradesh is a state of India. The region's folk heritage includes songs called rasiya , which celebrate the divine love of Radha and Shri Krishna...
- UttaranchalMusic of UttaranchalUttarakhand, the 27th state of India, is often referred as the Land of Gods. It is a place blessed with the beauty of heaven and the grace of Gods. This is the place where the rivers passing through the huge rocks and wind passing through large pine trees produces a natural melody by...
- BaliMusic of BaliBali is an Indonesian island that shares in the gamelan and various other Indonesian musical styles. Bali, however, has its own techniques and styles, including kecak, a form of singing that imitates the sound of monkeys...
- Borneo
- Flores
- JavaMusic of JavaThe Music of Java embraces a wide variety of styles, both traditional and contemporary, reflecting the diversity of the island and its lengthy history...
- Kalimantan
- Lombok
- Moluccan Islands
- Nias
- Papua
- Sulawesi
- SumatraMusic of SumatraSumatra is a part of Indonesia; its best-known musical output is probably dangdut, a rabab/saluang instrumental style.The Sumatran Toba people are distinctive in their use of tuned drums to carry the melody in their music; this practice is very rare worldwide. The Toba also use an instrument...
- Sunda
- West Irian Jaya
- Drogheda
- Dublin
- Wexford
- Haifa
- Jerusalem
- Tel Aviv
- Mizrahi MusicMizrahi musicMizrahi music refers to the music integration that combines elements from Europe, the West, and Middle Eastern/North African countries transported to Israel by migrating Jews. It is usually sung in Hebrew, literary Hebrew and Arabic slang...
Regions:- Aosta ValleyMusic of the Aosta ValleyThe development of music in the Aosta Valley region of Italy, similar to nearby Piedmont, has much to do with the presence of medieval monasteries that preserved important musical manuscripts from the Middle Ages and also served as conduits of information and influence from areas to the north...
- CalabriaMusic of CalabriaThe music of Calabria is part of the Italian musical tradition. Like other regions in southern Italy, Calabria for many centuries was an integral part of the kingdom of Naples, and, as with other regions, the musical life tended to be overshadowed by the important activities in the capital city to...
- CampaniaMusic of CampaniaMusic of Campania The capital city of the Campania region of Italy is Naples; there is a separate article dealing with the Music of Naples. This article is about musical activities elsewhere in the Campania region....
- Friuli
- Latium
- LiguriaMusic of LiguriaThe Music of Liguria flourished in the 19th century for a number of reasons. The capital city of Genoa, a major port, aspired to recognition as a cultural center more in keeping with its role as a major city in the history of the Risorgimento, the political, social, and military movement that...
- LombardyMusic of LombardyBesides Milan, the region of Lombardy has 10 other provinces, each named for the largest city and capital of the respective province: Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Mantova, Pavia, Sondrio, and Varese...
- Marche
- PiedmontMusic of PiedmontThe Piedmont has played an important role in the development of music, in general, in Italy, due to the presence of medieval monasteries in that area, institutions that were great preservers of manuscripts in the Middle Ages as well as being geographically well located to connect to musical...
- PugliaMusic of PugliaThe Music of Puglia has had some glorious history as well as some very hard times. Located along the southern Adriatic, the area was part of Magna Grecia and certainly one of the centers of Ancient Greek music. And 1,000 years ago, Bari, on the coast, was a privileged sanctuary for pilgrims and...
- SardiniaMusic of SardiniaSardinia is probably the most culturally distinct of all the regions in Italy and, musically, is best known for the tenore polyphonic chant, sacred songs called gozos, and launeddas, an ancient instrument that consist in a set of three single-reed pipes, all three mouth-blown simultaneously using...
- SicilyMusic of SicilyThe Music of Sicily refers to music created by peoples from the isle of Sicily. It was shaped by the island's history, from the island's great presence as part of Magna Grecia 2,500 years ago through various historical incarnations as past of the Roman Empire, then an integral part of the Kingdom...
- Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
- TuscanyMusic of Tuscany-Beyond Florence:...
- VenetoMusic of VenetoVeneto is one of the 20 regions of Italy. The music of Veneto has much to offer.-Venice:The city of Venice in Italy has played an important role in the development of the music of Italy. The Venetian state—i.e...
- Bari
- Bergamo
- Bologna
- Bolzano
- Brescia
- Cagliari
- Catania
- Ferrara
- FlorenceMusic of FlorenceWhile Florence, itself, "needs no introduction" as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, the music of Florence may, in fact, need such an introduction. The city was at the heart of much of our entire Western musical tradition...
- GenoaMusic of GenoaThe music of Genoa includes a number of important musical venues...
- Livorno
- Lucca
- Mantua
- MilanMusic of MilanThe music of Milan has ancient roots. The Ambrosian chants are among the first codified music in Western culture, which fact led to the later development of our concept of scales, for example...
- Modena
- NaplesMusic of NaplesNaples has played an important and vibrant role over the centuries not just in the music of Italy, but in the general history of western European musical traditions. This influence extends from the early music conservatories in the 16th century through the music of Alessandro Scarlatti during the...
- Padua
- Palermo
- Parma
- Perugia
- Piacenza
- Pisa
- Pistoia
- Ravenna
- Trieste
- Turin
- VeniceMusic of VeniceThe city of Venice in Italy has played an important role in the development of the music of Italy. The Venetian state—i.e. the medieval Maritime Republic of Venice—was often popularly called the "Republic of Music", and an anonymous Frenchman of the 17th century is said to have remarked that "In...
- Verona
- Kobe
- Kyoto
- Okinawa
- Osaka
- Tokyo
- Chiapas
- ChihuahuaNorteño (music)Norteño , also norteña or conjunto, is a genre of Mexican music. The accordion and the bajo sexto are norteño's most characteristic instruments. The norteño genre is popular in both Mexico and the United States, especially among the Mexican community...
- Durango
- Guadalajara
- Jalisco
- Mexico City
- Michoacán
- Monterrey
- Morelia
- Oaxaca
- Puebla
- Querétaro
- Sinaloa
- Veracruz
- Yucatán
F. S. of Micronesia
- Chuuk
- Kosrae
- Pohnpei
- Yap
- Amsterdam
- Friesland
- Maastricht
- Rotterdam
- Scheveningen
- Utrecht
- Aruba and the Netherlands AntillesMusic of Aruba and the Netherlands AntillesThe music of the former Netherlands Antilles is a mixture of native, African and European elements, and is closely connected with trends from neighboring countries like Venezuela and Colombia and islands like Puerto Rico, Cuba, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Martinique, Trinidad, Dominica, and Guadeloupe...
New Zealand
- Auckland
- Christchurch
- Wellington
- Cook IslandsMusic of the Cook IslandsThe music of the Cook Islands is diverse. Christian music is extremely popular. Imene tuki is a form of unaccompanied vocal music known for a uniquely Polynesian drop in pitch at the end of the phrases, as well as staccato rhythmic outbursts of nonsensical syllables...
- NiueMusic of NiueThe music of Niue has a long history. Niue is a Polynesian island in the South Pacific. Though independent, it is in free association with New Zealand.-History of Music:...
- TokelauMusic of Tokelauthumb|A Pate drumThe music of Tokelau is dominated by communal choral activity in harmony, with percussive accompaniment including log drums , pokihi and apa , used as percussion....
- Luzon
- Mindanao
- Visayas
- Metro Manila
- Bielsko-Biała
- Bydgoszcz
- Gdańsk
- Gniezno
- Katowice
- Kołobrzeg
- Kraków
- Legnica
- Podhale
- Sopot
- Warsaw
- Wrocław
- Lisbon
- MadeiraMusic of MadeiraThe most important artist in Madeira is Vânia Fernandes, the representant of Portugal in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with the song "Senhora do Mar "Senhora do mar.jpg...
- Porto
- Banat
- Braşov
- Cluj-Napoca
- Dobrogea
- Iaşi
- Moldavia
- TransylvaniaMusic of TransylvaniaTransylvania, a historical province in present-day Romania, has been historically and culturally linked to both Central Europe and Southeastern Europe, and its music reflects those influences. Inhabited by Romanians, Székely and other Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Slovaks, Gypsies and others,...
- Wallachia
Cities:- Bishkek
- Gatchina
- Kaliningrad
- Kirov
- Kislovodsk
- Kronstadt
- Moscow
- Novosibirsk
- Pavlovsk
- Rostov-on-Don
- Saint Petersburg
- Samara
- Saratov
- Ufa
- Vologda
- Voronezh
- Yekaterinburg
- AdygeaMusic of AdygeaThe music of Adygea has a long history. Adygea is a republic in Russia. The Republic's national anthem was written by Iskhak Shumafovich Mashbash; music—by Umar Khatsitsovich Tkhabisimov....
- AltaiMusic of AltaiThe Altai Republic is a region in Russia, composed primarily of ethnic Russians and Altaians. Prominent modern performers include Alexei G. Kalkin, who performs epics like Maadai Kara....
- AstrakhanMusic of AstrakhanAstrakhan is a southern region of Russia with a rich musical history. Modern institutions include the New Musical Theatre, Astrakhan Conservatory and the Astrakhan Regional Philharmonic....
- BashkortostanMusic of BashkortostanThe first major study of the music of Bashkortostan appeared in 1897, when ethnographer Rybakov S.G. wrote Music and Songs of the Ural's Muslims and Studies of Their Way of Life. Later, Lebedinskiy L.N. collected numerous folk songs in Bashkortostan beginning in 1930...
- BuryatiaMusic of BuryatiaBuryatia is a part of the Russian Federation. One of the country's main instruments is a two-stringed horse-head fiddle called a morin khuur. This is a similar instrument to that found across the region. Other elements of Buryat music, such as the use of fourths both in tuning instruments and in...
- ChechnyaMusic of ChechnyaThe music of Chechnya has a long history.-Native musical instruments:*The pondur is the oldest of musical instruments of the Chechens, consisting of three strings and a wooden casing...
- Chelyabinsk
- Chukotka
- Chuvashia
- DagestanMusic of DagestanThe music of Dagestan includes both the Dagestani Philharmonic Orchestra and the State Academic Dance Ensemble. Gotfrid Hasanov, said to be the first professional composer from Dagestan, wrote Khochbar, the first Dagestani opera, in 1945....
- EvenkiaMusic of EvenkiaEvenk Autonomous Okrug was a federal subject of Russia. On January 1, 2007, it was merged into Krasnoyarsk krai.Oleg Chapogir from Kislokan is regarded as the most renowned composer from Evenkia...
- IngushetiaMusic of IngushetiaThe traditional music of Ingushetia employs such musical instruments as the zurna , dekhch-pandr , kekhat pondur , violin , drums and tambourine....
- IrkutskMusic of IrkutskThe city of Irkutsk is the administrative center of Irkutsk Oblast, both of which produced several famous popular musicians and have a number of styles of folk music. Musicians from Irkutsk include the rock bands Bely Ostrog, Printsip Neopredelyonnosti, and Chyorno-Belye Snimki...
- Kaliningrad
- KalmykiaMusic of KalmykiaKalmykia is a national republic within the Russian Federation. The music of Kalmykia has its roots in the musical culture of Oirats, slightly influenced by Turkic, Caucasian and Russian music and instrumentation. Traditional instruments include the dombra, which is used to accompany dance music...
- Kamchatka
- KareliaMusic of KareliaThe swift and energetic traditional music of Karelia is regarded as the purest expression of Finnish music, less influenced by Germanic and other outside elements. Like Finland, Karelia is a home for rune singing; unlike Finland and like the neighboring Ingrian music of Russia, however, Karelia is...
- KhakassiaMusic of KhakassiaKhakassia is a region in Russia. The Khakas people are Turkic, and their culture, including music, has some similarities to the culture of Tuva, a neighboring region in Central Asia. Like Tuva, throat-singing is practiced in Khakassia, often accompanied by a two-stringed instrument called the...
- Khantia-Mansia
- Komi RepublicMusic of the Komi RepublicThe music of Komi Republic is performed by such musicians as Tatyana Unmyakova of Myllarit. Traditional Komi songs include "The Dawn"....
- Mari El
- MordoviaMusic of MordoviaThe music of the Republic of Mordovia has a long history. The Republic of Mordovia is a federal subject of Russia . Its national anthem is "Shumbrat, Mordovia!" by Sergey Kinyakin and Nina Kosheleva, adopted in 1995....
- NenetsiaMusic of NenetsiaNenets Autonomous Okrug is a Russian federal subject, where titular ethnic group are the Nenets. Their traditional music includes epic poems comparable to the Finnish Kalevala and the Yakut Olonkho. Traditional Nenets music includes the use of neither musical instruments nor dance.The annual...
- OssetiaMusic of OssetiaOssetia is a region located on both sides of the Greater Caucasus Mountains. The folk music of Ossetia began to be collected and recorded in the late 19th and early 20th century. After the Revolution of 1917, professional music appeared in Ossetia and in the following decades, a number of...
- SakhaMusic of SakhaThe Sakha Republic lies in Russian Federation. Its most distinctive national instrument is the khomus, a lamellophone.The Yakut people are a large ethnic group in Sakha. They are known for an epic poem called Olonkho. This epic is performed a cappella, generally at festivals, always by one man alone...
- Sakhalin
- TatarstanMusic of TatarstanTatarstan is an autonomous republic within Russia, where the largest ethnic group is the Tatars. Their traditional music is a mixture of Turkic and Finno-Ugric elements, reportedly bridging Mongolian and Hungarian music. Nonetheless, the most distinguishing feature of Tatar music is the pentatonic...
- TuvaMusic of TuvaTuva is a part of Russia, inhabited by a Turkic people related to the nearby Mongolians. Tuvans are known abroad for khoomei , a kind of overtone singing....
- UdmurtiaMusic of UdmurtiaUdmurtia is a federal subject of Russia . The largest ethnic group in the area are the Udmurts, who have vibrant folk song traditions. Musical contests as well as ceremonial and ritual music are an important part of the music of Udmurtia...
South Africa
- Bloemfontein
- Cape Town
- Durban
- Johannesburg
- Pretoria
- AndalusiaMusic of AndalusiaThe Music of Andalusia is very diverse and includes many external influences such as Arabic, Romani, Sephardic, Roman, and Christian.-Influence of Andalusian music:...
- AragonMusic of AragonThe music of Aragon, like its culture, has through history absorbed Roman, Celtic, Moorish and French influences. Traditional instruments include bagpipes, drums, flutes, tambourines, rattles and, perhaps most distinctively, the guitarro....
- Balearic IslandsMusic of the Balearic IslandsXeremiers or colla de xeremiers is a traditional ensemble that consists of flabiol and xeremies . Majorca has produced popular singer-songwriters like Maria del Mar Bonet.British DJs like Paul Oakenfold made the vacationing island of Ibiza a capital of house music, leading to the creation of...
- Barcelona
- Basque Country
- Bilbao
- Cadiz
- Canary IslandsMusic of the Canary IslandsThe music of the Canary Islands reflects its cultural heritage. The islands used to be inhabited by the Guanches which are related to Berbers; they mixed with Spaniards, who live on the islands now...
- Castile, Madrid and LeonMusic of Castile, Madrid and LeonCentral Spain includes the cultural melting pot of Madrid and Castile. A down-tempo version of jota is common, as well as other dances as fandango, habas verdes, 5/8 charrada. Bagpipes are still used in northern Leon and Zamora. Tabor pipe and dulzaina enjoy rich repertoires.The city of Madrid...
- CataloniaMusic of CataloniaThe music of Catalonia comprises one of the oldest documented musical traditions in Europe, and has displayed a rich musical culture continuously for at least two thousand years.-History:...
- ExtremaduraMusic of ExtremaduraExtremadura is a region in Spain near Portugal. Its folk music can be characterized by a melancholy sound, and Portuguese influences, as well as the predominance of the zambomba drum , which is played by pulling on a rope which is inside the drum. There is also a rich repertoire of gaita music...
- Galicia, Cantabria and AsturiasMusic of Galicia, Cantabria and AsturiasThe traditional music of Galicia and Asturias, located along Spain's north-west Atlantic coast, are highly distinctive folk styles that have some similarities with the neighbouring area of Cantabria...
- Madrid
- Mahon
- Majorca
- Minorca
- MurciaMusic of MurciaMurcia is a region in the South East of Spain with many external influences varying from the ancient Moors that occupied the area for centuries to the adjacent Communities...
- Navarre and La RiojaMusic of Navarre and La RiojaNavarre and La Rioja are relatively small regions bordered by Aragon and the Basque Autonomous Community. For this reason, they share much of the music found in those two regions. The jota of Aragon is common in these two regions....
- Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Santiago de Compostela
- ValenciaMusic of ValenciaThe Music of Valencia is rich and diverse, due to different external influences. It can be broadly divided into two categories: traditional and contemporary music.-Traditional Music:...
- Gothenburg
- Lund
- Malmö
- Stockholm
- Umeå
- Vadstena
- Basel
- Bern
- Geneva
- Lausanne
- Lucerne
- Winterthur
- Zug
- Zurich
- Ankara
- Antioch
- Istanbul
- ThraceMusic of ThraceMusic of Thrace is the music of Thrace, a region in Southeastern Europe spread over southern Bulgaria , northeastern Greece , and European Turkey ....
- Crimea
- Kharkiv
- Kiev
- Lviv
- Odessa
United Kingdom
Individual countries- EnglandMusic of EnglandFolk music of England refers to various types of traditionally based music, often contrasted with courtly, classical and later commercial music, for which evidence exists from the later medieval period. It has been preserved and transmitted orally, through print and later through recordings...
- CornwallMusic of CornwallCornwall has been historically Celtic, though Celtic-derived musical traditions had been moribund for some time before being revived during a late 20th century roots revival.-History:...
- Essex
- Kent
- NorthumbriaMusic of NorthumbriaHere Northumbria is taken to mean Northumberland, the northernmost county of England, and County Durham. The region possesses a distinctive style of folk music with a strong and continuing tradition...
- SomersetMusic of Somerset-Folk music:The county has a well-documented and still vibrant folk music heritage, as it was studied by one of the earliest British musicologists, Cecil Sharp, who cut his teeth on the rich vein of folk music tradition in Somerset. Sharp began his career of collecting folk songs in Somerset in 1903...
- Suffolk
- Cornwall
- Northern IrelandMusic of IrelandIrish Music is the generic term for music that has been created in various genres on the island of Ireland.The indigenous music of the island is termed Irish traditional music. It has remained vibrant through the 20th, and into the 21st century, despite globalizing cultural forces...
- ScotlandMusic of ScotlandScotland is internationally known for its traditional music, which has remained vibrant throughout the 20th century, when many traditional forms worldwide lost popularity to pop music...
- WalesMusic of WalesWales has a strong and distinctive link with music. The country is traditionally referred to as "the land of song". This is a modern stereotype based on 19th century conceptions of Nonconformist choral music and 20th century male voice choirs, Eisteddfodau and arena singing, such as sporting...
- Aberdeen
- Abingdon
- Aldeburgh
- Andover
- Bath
- Belfast
- Birmingham
- Bournemouth
- Bradford
- Bristol
- Buxton
- Cambridge
- Cardiff
- Cheltenham
- Chester
- Coventry
- Edinburgh
- Ely
- Glasgow
- Gloucester
- Glyndebourne
- Hereford
- Leeds
- Liverpool
- London
- ManchesterMusic of Manchester-The pop groups of the 1960s and early 1970s:Manchester had an impressive music scene before 1976, with groups like The Hollies, The Bee Gees, Herman's Hermits, Wayne Fontana and The Mindbenders, Freddie and the Dreamers in the 1960s and Barclay James Harvest and 10cc in the early 1970s. Top of the...
- Middlesex
- Newcastle upon Tyne
- Norfolk
- Norwich
- Nottingham
- Salisbury
- Warwick
- Winchester
- Worcester
Dependencies and Territories:
- AnguillaMusic of AnguillaThe music of Anguilla is part of the Lesser Antillean music area. The earliest people of the island were the Caribs and Arawaks, who arrived from South America. English settlers from St Kitts and Irish people later colonised the island...
- BermudaMusic of BermudaThe music of Bermuda is often treated as part of the Caribbean music area. Its musical output includes pop singer Heather Nova while Collie Buddz have also gained international success with reggae hits in the US and the UK....
- Cayman IslandsMusic of the Cayman IslandsThe music of the Cayman Islands, a Caribbean island chain, includes a wide selection of international pop music as well as unique folk styles. The Cayman National Cultural Foundation, established in 1984, helps to preserve and promote Cayman folk music, including the organization of festivals such...
- Channel IslandsMusic of the Channel IslandsThe Channel Islands are located in the English Channel, by Normandy, France. The two bailiwicks, Guernsey and Jersey, are not a part of the United Kingdom, but since the 20th century are majority English-speaking and part of the British cultural sphere...
- Falkland Islands
- GibraltarMusic of GibraltarGibraltar is a British overseas territory with many musical influences. Rock based music is undergoing a renaissance with a multitude of local bands playing original material and covers...
- Isle of ManMusic of the Isle of ManThe music of the Isle of Man reflects Celtic, Norse and other influences, including from its neighbours, Scotland, Ireland England and Wales. The Isle of Man is a small island nation in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain and Ireland .A wide range of music is performed on the island, such as rock,...
- MontserratMusic of MontserratThe music of Montserrat is influenced by Irish traditions, noticeable in the set dance-like Bam-chick-lay, and the presence of fife and drum ensembles similar to the bodhrán. Natives are also witness to the jumbie dance, the style of which is still strongly African...
- Saint Helena
- South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- Turks and Caicos IslandsMusic of Turks and Caicos IslandsThe best known musical genre of the Turks and Caicos Islands is ripsaw music. It is accompanied by an array of instruments, including maracas, triangles, box guitar, conga drums, goat and cowskin drums, accordion, concertina and, most prominently and uniquely, the carpenter saw.The saw is scraped...
- Virgin IslandsMusic of the Virgin IslandsThe music of the Virgin Islands reflects long-standing West Indian cultural ties to the island nations to the south, the islands' African heritage and European colonial history, as well as recent North American influences. Though the United States Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands are...
United States
Regions:- AppalachiaAppalachian musicAppalachian music is the traditional music of the region of Appalachia in the Eastern United States. It is derived from various European and African influences, including English ballads, Irish and Scottish traditional music , religious hymns, and African-American blues...
- Mid-Atlantic
- New England
- South
- West
- Akron
- Amarillo
- Anchorage
- Ann Arbor
- AnnapolisMusic of AnnapolisThe music of Annapolis, Maryland played a major role in the music history of the United States during the colonial era and has since produced a number of notable musical institutions and groups.-Early music:...
- AthensMusic of Athens, GeorgiaThe music of Athens, Georgia, includes a wide variety of popular music and was an important part of the early evolution of alternative rock and New Wave. The city is well known as the home of chart-topping bands like R.E.M. and The B-52s, and several long-time indie rock groups...
- Atlanta
- AustinMusic of AustinThe music of Austin, Texas, USA has gone beyond 6th Street and now includes other areas such as Red River, the University of Texas, the Warehouse District and Downtown, South Lamar, South Austin, East Austin and the Market District where bars and clubs of every kind can be found. Every night over...
- BaltimoreMusic of BaltimoreThe music of Baltimore, the largest city in Maryland, can be documented as far back as 1784, and the city has become a regional center for Western classical music and jazz...
- Baton Rouge
- Berkeley
- Boston
- Buffalo
- Chapel Hill
- Charlotte
- ChicagoMusic of ChicagoAs the largest non-coastal United States city, Chicago, Illinois is a major center for music in the midwestern United States, especially in the early 1900s, when the "Great Migration" of poor black workers from the South into the industrial cities brought traditional jazz and blues music to...
- Cleveland
- Colorado Springs
- Columbia
- Dallas
- Dayton
- Denver
- Des Moines
- DetroitMusic of DetroitThis article discusses the Music of Detroit, Michigan. World renowned for its Detroit Symphony Orchestra and music celebrities, the area has a long and rich heritage, including several Platinum artists in different genres whose recordings had surpassed forty million copies by the year...
- El Paso
- Fargo
- Fort Lauderdale
- Fort Worth
- Fresno
- Honolulu
- Houston
- Indianapolis
- Juneau
- Kansas City
- Knoxville
- Las Vegas
- Little Rock
- Long Beach
- Los AngelesMusic of Los AngelesAs well as being one of the most important cities in the world in the film industry, Los Angeles, California is also one of the most important places in the world for the recorded music industry. Many landmarks in Los Angeles - such as Capitol Records, which resembles a stack of albums - are...
- Louisville
- Lubbock
- Madison
- Memphis
- Miami
- MilwaukeeMusic of MilwaukeeMilwaukee has a long history of musical activity. The first organized musical society, called "Milwaukee Beethoven Society" formed in 1843, three years before the city was incorporated. This was later replaced with the Milwaukee Musical Society....
- Minneapolis
- Nashville
- New OrleansMusic of New OrleansThe music of New Orleans assumes various styles of music which have often borrowed from earlier traditions. New Orleans, Louisiana is especially known for its strong association with jazz music, universally considered to be the birthplace of the genre. The earliest form was dixieland, which has...
- New York CityMusic of New York CityThe music of New York City is a diverse and important field in the world of music. It has long been a thriving home for jazz, rock and the blues...
- Newark
- Oakland
- Oklahoma City
- Olympia
- OmahaMusic of OmahaMusic in Omaha, Nebraska has been a diverse and important influence in the culture of the city. Long a home to jazz, blues, funk and rock, today Omaha has dozens of sub-genres represented, including Latin, alternative rock and hip hop. Omaha's historical music contributions include being the home...
- PhiladelphiaMusic of PhiladelphiaThe city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is home to a vibrant and well-documented musical heritage, stretching back to colonial times. Innovations in classical music, opera, R&B, jazz and soul have earned the music of Philadelphia national and international renown...
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Portland, Maine
- Portland, Oregon
- Raleigh
- Reno
- Sacramento
- Salt Lake City
- San Diego
- San Francisco
- San Jose
- Santa Fe
- SeattleMusic of SeattleThe music of Seattle has long played a role in the development of the music of Washington State. The "Seattle Sound" was at one time a field of alternative rock that produced the sub-genre grunge and major bands like Nirvana and Pearl Jam...
- Sarasota
- Tucson
- Tulsa
- Washington D.C.
- Wilmington
- AlabamaMusic of AlabamaAlabama has played a central role in the development of both blues and country music, plus Appalachian folk music, fiddle music, gospel, spirituals, and polka have had local scenes in parts of Alabama. The Tuskegee Institute's School of Music , especially the Tuskegee Choir, is an...
- AlaskaMusic of AlaskaThe Music of Alaska is a broad artistic field incorporating many cultures.-History and overview:Alaska's original music belongs to the Inupiaq, Aleut, Tlingit, and other Alaska Native communities. Russian, English and Irish immigrants brought their own varieties of folk music. Alaska was home to...
- ArizonaMusic of ArizonaThe music of Arizona originally was influenced by Native American music, In the 20th century, Mexican immigrants. Banda, corridos, mariachi and conjunto became very popular in Arizona and innovative scenes popped up in immigrant communities across the state.Other major influences come from...
- ArkansasMusic of ArkansasArkansas is a Southern state of the United States. Arkansas's musical heritage includes country music and various related styles like bluegrass and rockabilly. Traditional folk instruments include the fiddle and banjo as well as guitar, mandolin, dulcimer and autoharp...
- CaliforniaMusic of CaliforniaIn the United States, California is commonly associated with the film, music, and arts industries; there are numerous world-famous Californian musicians. Hardcore punk, hip hop, country and heavy metal have all appeared in California...
- ColoradoMusic of ColoradoThe American state of Colorado has many music scenes and venues, especially in the larger cities like Denver and Colorado Springs.Colorado's orchestras include the Colorado Springs Symphony, Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, Grand Junction Symphony Orchestra, Telluride Chamber Orchestra, Pikes Peak...
- ConnecticutMusic of ConnecticutConnecticut is a state of the United States in the New England region.- Music institutions and venues :Following the Chicago Symphony, Boston Symphony and the New York Philharmonic, the New Haven Symphony Orchestra is the fourth-oldest orchestra in the country...
- DelawareMusic of DelawareDelaware is a state in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The Delaware Symphony Orchestra is the largest organization of professional performers in the state, and is more than seventy years old; the orchestra evolved out of the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra. The Delaware Music Festival...
- FloridaMusic of FloridaFlorida's ethnic diversity has led to myriad musical styles from punk rock to salsa and heavy metal being popular in various parts of the state.- Early recording industry :...
- GeorgiaMusic of Georgia (U.S. state)Georgia's musical output includes Southern rap groups like Outkast and Goodie Mob, as well as a wide variety of rock, pop and country artists such as R.E.M. and Family Force 5. The music of Athens, Georgia, is especially well-known for a kind of quirky college rock that has included such well-known...
- HawaiiMusic of HawaiiThe music of Hawaii includes an array of traditional and popular styles, ranging from native Hawaiian folk music to modern rock and hip hop. Hawaii's musical contributions to the music of the United States are out of proportion to the state's small size. Styles like slack-key guitar are well-known...
- IdahoMusic of IdahoIdaho has produced a number of musicians and bands, including pop star Paul Revere and Doug Martsch of Built to Spill. Nikki Sixx grew up in Jerome, Idaho. Moscow, Idaho is also the home town of modern folk/country/indie songwriter Josh Ritter...
- IllinoisMusic of IllinoisIllinois, which includes Chicago, has a wide musical heritage. Chicago is most famously associated with the development of electric blues music. Chicago was also a center of development for early jazz and later for house music, and includes a vibrant hip hop scene and R&B...
- IndianaMusic of IndianaThe music of Indiana was strongly influenced by a large number of German and Irish immigrants who arrived in the 1830s.Indiana was one of the first places where jazz music became popular outside of New Orleans and Chicago...
- IowaMusic of IowaThe music of Iowa includes such notable musicians as Slipknot, The Envy Corps, Radio Moscow, Modern Life Is War, Unknown Component, Bix Beiderbecke and Greg Brown, as well as Meredith Willson, composer of The Music Man, and Alice Ettinger who was renowned enough to perform in Europe in the 1890s....
- KansasMusic of KansasFor many decades, Kansas has had a vibrant country and bluegrass scene. The Country Stampede Music Festival – one of the largest music festivals in the country – and the bluegrass/acoustic Walnut Valley Festival are testament to the continued popularity of these music genres in the state...
- KentuckyMusic of KentuckyThe Music of Kentucky is heavily centered on Appalachian folk music and its descendants, especially in eastern Kentucky. Bluegrass music is of particular regional importance; Bill Monroe, "the father of bluegrass music", was born in the Ohio County community of Rosine, and he named his band, the...
- LouisianaMusic of LouisianaThe music of Louisiana can be divided into four general regions. Southwest Louisiana, , Southern Louisiana, west of New Orleans the southeast, the region in and around Greater New Orleans has a unique musical heritage tied to Dixieland jazz, blues and Afro-Caribbean rhythms...
- MaineMusic of MaineMaine is a state of the United States, located in a region called New England. Its musical tradition possibly extends back thousands of years to the music of the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and other indigenous peoples...
- MarylandMusic of MarylandMaryland is a U.S. state with a musical heritage that dates back to the Native Americans of the region and includes contributions to colonial era music, modern American popular and folk music...
- MassachusettsMusic of MassachusettsMassachusetts is a U.S. state in New England. The music of Massachusetts has developed actively since it was first colonized by Britain. The city of Boston is an especially large part of the state's present music scene, which includes several genres of rock, as well as classical, folk, and hip hop...
- MichiganMusic of MichiganThe music of Michigan is composed of many different types. The city of Detroit has been one of the most musically influential and innovative cities for the past 50 years, whether in Michigan or anywhere else in the United States. Impressively, for 48 straight years a greater Michigan area artist...
- MinnesotaMusic of MinnesotaThe music of Minnesota began with the native rhythms and songs of native Americans, the first inhabitants of the lands which later became the U.S. state of Minnesota. Their relatives, the half-breed Métis fur-trading voyageurs, introduced the chansons of their French ancestors in the late...
- MississippiMusic of MississippiMississippi is best known as the home of the blues, which developed among the freed African Americans in the latter half of the 19th century. The Delta blues is the style most closely associated with the state, and includes performers like Robert Johnson and Mississippi John Hurt.The fiddle and...
- MissouriMusic of MissouriSt. Louis, Missouri was an important center of jazz and blues, as well as country and bluegrass. Kansas City was also one of jazz's major centers, with performers such as Charlie Parker, Count Basie and Lester Young, and its own jazz style...
- MontanaMusic of MontanaMontana is a state of the United States. While only the 41st state to enter the union and only 44th in population , the state is very diverse in its European-descended population; Cornish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French-Canadian, Norwegian, Faroese, Finnish, Slovak, Serbian, Luxembourgish,...
- NebraskaMusic of NebraskaMusic of Omaha and other smaller parts of Nebraska has included a variety of country, jazz, blues, ragtime, rock and alternative rock musicians...
- NevadaMusic of NevadaFor most outsiders, Nevadan music is probably most closely associated with lounge singers like Wayne Newton playing in Las Vegas, Reno, Carson City and other cities, however, have had innovative musical communities.- Punk rock :...
- New HampshireMusic of New HampshireNew Hampshire is a state of the United States, located in the New England region. It is home to several professional performing institutions, including the more than 80-year-old fully professional , based out of Nashua, New Hampshire and conducted since 2008 by , and the community-based New...
- New JerseyMusic of New JerseyThe American state of New Jersey has a diverse musical culture and history reflecting its diverse population and history.-Official symbols:New Jersey does not have a state song.The square dance is "the American Folk Dance of the State of New Jersey"....
- New MexicoMusic of New MexicoNew Mexico is a state of the Southwest United States.Perhaps the first well known group hailing from New Mexico was THE FIREBALLS scoring a #1 hit in 1963 called Sugar Shack.For the next national exposure in pop/rock arena New Mexico had to wait almost 40 years....
- New YorkMusic of New YorkNew York is part of the United States, and its largest city, New York City, is regarded as one of the major centers for music in the world. The music of New York City includes a wide variety of hip hop, soul, salsa, rock and roll, punk, metal, electronic music and pop music, and crosses all ...
- North CarolinaMusic of North CarolinaNorth Carolina is known particularly for its tradition of old-time music, and many recordings were made in the early 20th century by folk song collector Bascom Lamar Lunsford...
- North DakotaMusic of North DakotaThe Music of North Dakota has followed general American trends over much of its history, beginning with ragtime and folk music, moving into big band and jazz...
- OhioMusic of OhioThe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is located in Cleveland, Ohio. This state is also the home of four major symphony orchestras which are located in Cleveland, Akron, Cincinnati, and Dayton as well as a "pops" orchestra, the Cincinnati Pops....
- OklahomaMusic of OklahomaWhile the music of Oklahoma is relatively young, Oklahoma has been a state for just over 100 years, and it has a rich history and many fine and influential musicians.-Official state songs:*Official state song:...
- OregonMusic of OregonThe music of Oregon reflects the diverse array of styles present in the music of the United States, from Native American music to the contemporary genres of rock and roll, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, pop, electronic music, and hip hop. However, throughout most of its history, the state has...
- PennsylvaniaMusic of PennsylvaniaThe Philly sound in 1970s soul music, notable performers including Gamble & Huff, The O'Jays, Teddy Pendergrass, Harold Melvin and The Delfonics, is well-known, as are jazz legends like Nina Simone and John Coltrane. Philadelphia gave to the musical world diverse singers such as Mario Lanza,...
- Rhode IslandMusic of Rhode IslandRhode Island is a state of the United States, located in the New England region. The first organ said to be designed for church use was installed at Trinity Church in Newport in 1733.-Providence:...
- South CarolinaMusic of South CarolinaSouth Carolina is one of the Southern United States, and has produced a number of renowned performers of rock, R&B, country, bluegrass and other styles. In 1766, Charlestown, South Carolina became the home of the St. Cecilia Society, the first musical society in North America...
- South DakotaMusic of South DakotaThe United States state of South Dakota has an official state song, "Hail, South Dakota!", written by DeeCort Hammitt. The state's largest city, Sioux Falls, is home to the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra...
- TennesseeMusic of TennesseeThe story of Tennessee's contribution to American music is essentially the story of three cities: Nashville, Memphis, and Bristol. While Nashville is most famous for its status as the long-time capital of country music, Bristol is recognized as the "Birthplace of Country Music"...
- TexasMusic of TexasTexas has long been a center for musical innovation. Texans have pioneered musical developments in tejano & conjunto music, Western Swing, Jazz, punk rock, mariachi, country music, electronic music, gothic and industrial music and the blues...
- UtahMusic of UtahUtah music has long been influenced culturally by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . The local music scene thrives in clubs. However, the musical history of Utah, and much of its current distinctiveness, is owed to secular artists....
- VermontMusic of VermontVermont is a state in the United States. One of the state's best known popular artists is Phish. Other bands of note include hardcore band Drowningman, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, Waylon Speed, The Wards, The Cancer Conspiracy and Prydein....
- VirginiaMusic of VirginiaVirginia's musical contribution to American culture has been diverse, and includes Piedmont blues musicians and later rock and roll bands, many centered at such college towns as Charlottesville and Richmond.-Notable music artists from Virginia by genre:...
- WashingtonMusic of WashingtonThe U.S. state of Washington includes several major hotbeds of musical innovation. The largest city in the state, Seattle, is best known for being the birthplace of grunge during the mid-1980s, while nearby Tacoma and Olympia have also proven influential....
- West VirginiaMusic of West VirginiaWest Virginia's folk heritage is a part of the Appalachian folk music tradition, and includes styles of fiddling, ballad singing, and other styles that draw on Ulster-Scots music....
- WisconsinMusic of WisconsinWisconsin was settled largely by European immigrants in the late 19th century. This immigration led to the popularization of galops, schottisches, waltzes, and, especially, polkas...
- WyomingMusic of WyomingThe music of Wyoming includes a number of well-regarded music festivals, as well as a heritage that includes Native American, European and African American music.- Music history :...
- American SamoaMusic of SamoaThe music of Samoa is integral to life in the country. The most important and essential avenue has always been the voice. Singers mourn, rejoice, and reflect every emotion. The past, present, and sometimes the near future are put to song...
- GuamMusic of GuamThe music of Guam encompasses the works of many Chamorro popular musicians, including KACY, Flora Baza Quan, Daniel De Leon Guerrero, singer-songwriter J. D. Crutch, who is on the local Napu Records and who released a best-selling local album with Guinaifen Manglo. The state song of Guam is "Guam...
- Mariana IslandsMusic of the Northern Mariana IslandsThe music of the Northern Mariana Islands is dominated by the folk music of the Chamorros, which remains an important part of the islands' culture, though elements of music left by American, German, Spanish and Japanese colonizers can be seen. There are both Carolinian and Chamorro traditional...
- Puerto RicoMusic of Puerto RicoThe music of Puerto Rico has been influenced by the Spanish, African, Taíno Indians, France, and the United States, and has become very popular across the Caribbean and across the globe...
- Virgin IslandsMusic of the Virgin IslandsThe music of the Virgin Islands reflects long-standing West Indian cultural ties to the island nations to the south, the islands' African heritage and European colonial history, as well as recent North American influences. Though the United States Virgin Islands and British Virgin Islands are...
Historical genres
- Achaemenid
- Akkadian
- Babylonian
- ByzantineByzantine musicByzantine music is the music of the Byzantine Empire composed to Greek texts as ceremonial, festival, or church music. Greek and foreign historians agree that the ecclesiastical tones and in general the whole system of Byzantine music is closely related to the ancient Greek system...
- Canaanite
- Chaldean
- EarlyEarly musicEarly music is generally understood as comprising all music from the earliest times up to the Renaissance. However, today this term has come to include "any music for which a historically appropriate style of performance must be reconstructed on the basis of surviving scores, treatises,...
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greek
- Ancient IndiaMusic in ancient IndiaMusic in ancient India, encompassing the modern-day Indian subcontinent of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, can be reproduced from written works dating to the Indian classical period, such as the Nātya Shastra, and through surviving examples of liturgical music such as the hymns of the Samaveda...
- Maya (Pre-Columbian)Pre-Columbian Maya musicThe Music that was central to pre-Columbian Maya culture still remains a bit of a mystery today. On the other hand, many aspects of Maya music have come to light from archaeological discoveries, ancient Maya murals, and ancient Maya texts. It is evident from these sources that music played a key...
- Medieval (Europe)Medieval musicMedieval music is Western music written during the Middle Ages. This era begins with the fall of the Roman Empire and ends sometime in the early fifteenth century...
- MesopotamiaMusic of MesopotamiaThis article treats the music of Ancient Mesopotamia.Cuneiform sources reveal an orderly organized system of diatonic depending on the tuning of stringed instruments in alternating fifths and fourths. Whether this reflects all types of music we do not know...
- Moorish
- Ottoman
- Parthian
- Ancient Persia
- Philistine
- Phoenician
- Phrygian
- PrehistoricPrehistoric musicPrehistoric music is a term in the history of music for all music produced in preliterate cultures , beginning somewhere in very late geological history...
- Renaissance (Europe)Renaissance musicRenaissance music is European music written during the Renaissance. Defining the beginning of the musical era is difficult, given that its defining characteristics were adopted only gradually; musicologists have placed its beginnings from as early as 1300 to as late as the 1470s.Literally meaning...
- Ancient RomeAncient Roman musicLess is known about Ancient Roman music than is known about the music of ancient Greece. There is a number of at least partially extant sources on the music of the Greeks...
- SassanidSassanid musicSassanid music refers to the golden age of Persian music that occurred under the reign of the Sassanid dynasty.Persian classical music dates to the sixth century BC; during the time of the Achaemenid Empire , music played an important role in prayer and in royal and national events...
- Soviet UnionSoviet musicSoviet music is the music composed and produced in the USSR. It varied in many genres and epochs. Although the majority of it was written by Russians, it was also influenced by various national minorities in the Soviet Republic. The Soviet state supported musical institutions, but also carried out...
- Ancient Sumeria
- Ancient TamilAncient Tamil musicThe ancient Tamil music is the historical predecessor of the music of Tamil Nadu during the Sangam period, which evolved into classical Carnatic music by the 16th century.Many poems of the classical Sangam literature were set to music...