List of Test cricketers
This is a list by country of every cricket
er who has played at least one
Test match
Ted a'Beckett
Terry Alderman
George Alexander
Harry Alexander
Frank Allan
Peter Allan
Reginald Allen
Tommy Andrews ·
Jo Angel
Ken Archer
Ron Archer
Warwick Armstrong
Jack Badcock
Alick Bannerman
Charles Bannerman
Warren Bardsley
Sid Barnes
Ben Barnett
Jack Barrett
Graeme Beard
Michael Beer
John Benaud
Richie Benaud
Murray Bennett
Michael Bevan
Andy Bichel
Jack Blackham
Don Blackie
Greg Blewett
Doug Bollinger
George Bonnor
David Boon
Brian Booth
Allan Border
Harry Boyle
Nathan Bracken
Donald Bradman
Ray Bright
Ernest Bromley
Bill Brown
William Bruce
Peter Burge ·
Jim Burke
Kenneth Burn
Frederick Burton ·
Sydney Callaway
Ian Callen
Greg Campbell
Barlow Carkeek
Phil Carlson
Sammy Carter
Beau Casson
Greg Chappell
Ian Chappell
Trevor Chappell
Percie Charlton
Arthur Chipperfield
Stuart Clark
Wayne Clark
Michael Clarke
David Colley
Herbie Collins
Arthur Coningham ·
Alan Connolly
Simon Cook ·
Bransby Cooper
William Cooper
Trent Copeland
Grahame Corling
Gary Cosier
John Cottam
Albert Cotter
George Coulthard
Bob Cowper
Ian Craig
Pat Crawford
Dan Cullen
Pat Cummins ·
Adam Dale
Joe Darling
Len Darling
Rick Darling
Alan Davidson
Ian Davis
Simon Davis ·
Jim de Courcy
Tony Dell
Tony Dodemaide
Harry Donnan
Bruce Dooland
Reggie Duff
Ross Duncan
Greg Dyer
Geoff Dymock
John Dyson
Charles Eady
Ken Eastwood
Hans Ebeling
Jack Edwards ·
Ross Edwards
Wally Edwards
Matthew Elliott ·
Phil Emery
Sid Emery
Edwin Evans
Alan Fairfax
Les Favell
John Ferris ·
Jack Fingleton
Chuck Fleetwood-Smith
Damien Fleming
Bruce Francis
Eric Freeman ·
Fred Freer
Sam Gannon
Tom Garrett
Ron Gaunt
Algy Gehrs
Peter George
George Giffen
Walter Giffen
Dave Gilbert ·
Adam Gilchrist
Jason Gillespie
Gary Gilmour
John Gleeson
Harry Graham
Dave Gregory
Ned Gregory
Jack Gregory ·
Ross Gregory
Syd Gregory
Clarrie Grimmett
Thomas Groube
Wally Grout
Colin Guest
Brad Haddin ·
Ron Hamence
Jeff Hammond
Ryan Harris
John Harry
Roger Hartigan
Albert Hartkopf
Merv Harvey
Neil Harvey
Lindsay Hassett
Nathan Hauritz
Neil Hawke
Matthew Hayden
Gerry Hazlitt
Ian Healy
Hunter "Stork" Hendry
Paul Hibbert
Jim Higgs
Andrew Hilditch
Ben Hilfenhaus
Clem Hill
John Hill ·
Des Hoare
Brad Hodge
John Hodges
Tom Hogan
Brad Hogg
Rodney Hogg
Trevor Hohns
Graeme Hole
Bob Holland
David Hookes
Albert Hopkins ·
Tom Horan
Ranji Hordern
Percy Hornibrook
Bill Howell ·
Kim Hughes
Merv Hughes
Phillip Hughes ·
Bill Hunt
Alan Hurst
Alec Hurwood
Michael Hussey
John Inverarity
Frank Iredale
Bert Ironmonger
Jack Iverson
Archie Jackson
Phil Jaques
Barry Jarman
Affie Jarvis
Terry Jenner
Claude Jennings
Ian Johnson
Len Johnson
Mitchell Johnson
Bill Johnston
Dean Jones
Ernie Jones
Sammy Jones
Les Joslin
Brendon Julian
Michael Kasprowicz
Simon Katich
Charles Kelleway
Jim Kelly ·
Thomas Kelly ·
Tom Kendall
Martin Kent
Robbie Kerr
Usman Khawaja
Alan Kippax
Lindsay Kline
Jason Krejza
Bruce Laird
Justin Langer
Gil Langley
Trevor Laughlin
Frank Laver
Stuart Law
Bill Lawry
Geoff Lawson
Brett Lee
Philip Lee
Darren Lehmann
Dennis Lillee
Ray Lindwall
Hammy Love
Martin Love
Sam Loxton
Nathan Lyon
Jack Lyons
Peter McAlister
Charlie Macartney ·
Stan McCabe
Colin McCool
Ernie McCormick
Rick McCosker
Craig McDermott
Colin McDonald ·
Ted McDonald
Percy McDonnell
Bryce McGain
Stuart MacGill
Glenn McGrath
John McIlwraith ·
Peter McIntyre
Ken Mackay
Clinton McKay
Garth McKenzie ·
Tom McKibbin
John McLaren
John Maclean
Charlie McLeod
Bob McLeod ·
Patrick McShane
Len Maddocks
John Maguire
Arthur Mailey
Ashley Mallett
Mick Malone
Tony Mann
Graham Manou
Alfred Marr
Geoff Marsh
Rod Marsh
Shaun Marsh
Johnny Martin
Damien Martyn
Hugh Massie
Bob Massie
Christopher Matthews
Greg Matthews
Jimmy Matthews
Tim May
Edgar Mayne
Laurie Mayne
Ian Meckiff
Ken Meuleman
Billy Midwinter
Colin Miller
Keith Miller
Roy Minnett
Frank Misson
Tom Moody
Jack Moroney
Arthur Morris
Samuel Morris
Harry Moses ·
Jeff Moss
William Moule
Scott Muller ·
Billy Murdoch
Henry Musgrove
Lisle Nagel
Laurie Nash
Matthew Nicholson
Jack Nitschke
Monty Noble
Geff Noblet
Otto Nothling
Marcus North
Leo O'Brien
Jack O'Connor
Simon O'Donnell
David Ogilvie
Kerry O'Keeffe
Bert Oldfield
Norm O'Neill
Bill O'Reilly
Ron Oxenham
Tim Paine
George Palmer
Roy Park
Len Pascoe
Nip Pellew
Wayne B. Phillips ·
Wayne N. Phillips
Peter Philpott
Bill Ponsford
Ricky Ponting
Roland Pope
Carl Rackemann
Vernon Ransford
Ian Redpath
John Reedman
Bruce Reid
Paul Reiffel
David Renneberg
Arthur Richardson ·
Vic Richardson
Keith Rigg
Doug Ring
Greg Ritchie
Steve Rixon
Gavin Robertson
William Robertson
Richie Robinson
Ray Robinson ·
Chris Rogers
Gordon Rorke
Jack Rutherford ·
Jack Ryder ·
Ron Saggers
Jack Saunders
Henry Scott
Rex Sellers
Craig Serjeant
Paul Sheahan
Barry Shepherd
Peter Siddle
Morris Sievers
Bob Simpson
David Sincock
Keith Slater
Michael Slater
Peter Sleep
Jim Slight ·
David Smith ·
Steve Smith ·
Steven Smith
Fred Spofforth
Keith Stackpole
Gavin Stevens
Andrew Symonds
Brian Taber
Shaun Tait
Don Tallon
Johnny Taylor
Mark Taylor
Peter Taylor
Grahame Thomas ·
George Thoms
Alan Thomson
Jeff Thomson
Nat Thomson
Pud Thurlow
Peter Toohey
Ernie Toshack
Joe Travers
George Tribe
Albert Trott
Harry Trott
Hugh Trumble
John Trumble
Victor Trumper
Alan Turner ·
Charles Turner
Tom Veivers
Mike Veletta
Mervyn Waite
Max Walker
Tim Wall
Francis Walters
Doug Walters
Frank Ward ·
Shane Warne
John Watkins ·
Graeme Watson
Shane Watson
Bill Watson ·
Mark Waugh
Steve Waugh
Dirk Wellham
Kepler Wessels
Dav Whatmore
Cameron White
Mike Whitney
Bill Whitty
Julien Wiener
Brad Williams ·
Jack Wilson
Paul Wilson
Graeme Wood
Ashley Woodcock
Bill Woodfull
Sammy Woods
Roger Woolley
Jack Worrall
Kevin Wright
Graham Yallop
Bruce Yardley
Shaun Young
Tim Zoehrer
Abdur Razzak ·
Aftab Ahmed
Akram Khan
Alamgir Kabir ·
Alok Kapali
Al Sahariar
Aminul Islam
Anwar Hossain Monir
Anwar Hossain
Ehsanul Haque
Elias Sunny
Enamul Haque
Enamul Haque Jr
Fahim Muntasir
Faisal Hossain
Habibul Bashar
Hannan Sarkar
Hasibul Hossain
Imrul Kayes
Jahurul Islam
Javed Omar
Junaid Siddique
Khaled Mahmud
Khaled Mashud
Mahbubul Alam
Manjural Islam ·
Manjural Islam Rana
Mashrafe Mortaza
Mehrab Hossain
Mehrab Hossain, Jr. ·
Mohammad Ashraful
Mohammad Rafique
Mohammad Salim
Mohammad Sharif
Mushfiqur Rahim
Mushfiqur Rahman
Naeem Islam
Nafees Iqbal
Naimur Rahman
Nasir Hossain
Nazmul Hossain
Rafiqul Islam ·
Rajin Saleh
Ranjan Das
Raqibul Hasan
Robiul Islam
Rubel Hossain
Sajidul Islam
Sanwar Hossain
Shafiul Islam
Shahadat Hossain
Shahriar Hossain
Shahriar Nafees
Shakib Al Hasan
Syed Rasel
Talha Jubair
Tamim Iqbal
Tapash Baisya
Tareq Aziz
Tushar Imran
Bobby Abel
James Harris
Charlie Absolom
Chris Adams ·
Usman Afzaal
Jonathan Agnew
Kabir Ali
David Allen
Gubby Allen
Maurice Allom
Paul Allott
Tim Ambrose
Les Ames
Dennis Amiss
James Anderson
Keith Andrew
Bob Appleyard
Alfred Archer
Tom Armitage
Ted Arnold
Geoff Arnold
John Arnold
Ewart Astill
Mike Atherton
Bill Athey
William Attewell
Rob Bailey ·
Trevor Bailey
David Bairstow
Fred Bakewell
Chris Balderstone
Bob Barber
Wilf Barber
Graham Barlow
Dick Barlow
Sydney Barnes
Billy Barnes
Charlie Barnett
Kim Barnett
Fred Barratt
Ken Barrington
Victor Barton
Billy Bates
Gareth Batty
George Bean
Alec Bedser
Ian Bell ·
Joey Benjamin
Mark Benson
Bob Berry
Martin Bicknell
Jimmy Binks
Morice Bird
Jack Birkenshaw
Ian Blackwell
Richard Blakey
Ivo Bligh
Colin Blythe
Jack Board
Brian Bolus ·
Major Booth
Ravi Bopara ·
Bernard Bosanquet
Ian Botham
Monty Bowden
Bill Bowes
Ted Bowley
Geoffrey Boycott
Bill Bradley
Len Braund
Mike Brearley
Walter Brearley
Don Brennan
Tim Bresnan
Johnny Briggs
Chris Broad
Stuart Broad
Bill Brockwell
Hugh Bromley-Davenport
Dennis Brookes
Alan Brown
David Brown ·
Freddie Brown ·
George Brown
Jack Brown ·
Simon Brown
Claude Buckenham
Alan Butcher
Mark Butcher
Roland Butcher
Harold Butler
Harry Butt
Andrew Caddick
Hon. Frederick Calthorpe
David Capel
Michael Carberry
Arthur Carr ·
Donald Carr
Douglas Carr
Tom Cartwright
Percy Chapman
Henry Charlwood
William Chatterton
John Childs
Stanley Christopherson
Nobby Clark
Rikki Clarke
Johnnie Clay
Brian Close
Len Coldwell
Paul Collingwood
Denis Compton
Alastair Cook
Sam Cook
Geoff Cook
Nick Cook
Geoff Cope
Bill Copson
Dominic Cork
Tich Cornford
Bob Cottam
Hon. Charles Coventry ·
Norman Cowans
Chris Cowdrey
Colin Cowdrey
Alec Coxon
James Cranston
Ken Cranston
Jack Crapp
Jack Crawford
John Crawley
Robert Croft
Tim Curtis
Willis Cuttell
Eddie Dawson
Richard Dawson
Harry Dean ·
Phillip DeFreitas
Mike Denness
David Denton
John Dewes
Ted Dexter
Graham Dilley
Alfred Dipper
Hubert Doggart
Basil D'Oliveira
Tom Dollery
Arthur Dolphin
Johnny Douglas
Paul Downton
Frank Druce
Andy Ducat
George Duckworth
Jack Durston
Mark Ealham
Phil Edmonds
John Edrich
Bill Edrich
Harry Elliott
Richard Ellison ·
John Emburey
George Emmett ·
Tom Emmett ·
John Evans
Godfrey Evans
Arthur Fagg
Neil Fairbrother
Frederick Fane
Ken Farnes
Bill Farrimond
Percy Fender
John Ferris ·
Arthur Fielder
Steven Finn
Laurie Fishlock
Jack Flavell
Keith Fletcher
Andrew Flintoff
Wilfred Flowers
Francis Ford
Frank Foster ·
James Foster
Neil Foster
Tip Foster
Arnold Fothergill
Graeme Fowler
Angus Fraser
Tich Freeman
Bruce French ·
CB Fry ·
Jason Gallian
Mike Gatting
Leslie Gay
George Geary ·
Paul Gibb
Ed Giddins
Norman Gifford
Ashley Giles
Arthur Gilligan
Harold Gilligan
Harold Gimblett
Cliff Gladwin
Tom Goddard
Graham Gooch
Darren Gough
Alf Gover
David Gower
E M Grace
Fred Grace
W. G. Grace
Tom Graveney
Tommy Greenhough
Andrew Greenwood
Tony Greig
Ian Greig
Basil Grieve
Billy Griffith ·
George Gunn
John Gunn
William Gunn ·
Aftab Habib
Nigel Haig
Schofield Haigh
Charlie Hallows
Gavin Hamilton
Wally Hammond
John Hampshire
Wally Hardinge
Joe Hardstaff senior
Joe Hardstaff junior
Steve Harmison
Lord Harris
John Hartley
Lord Hawke
Ernie Hayes
Frank Hayes
Tom Hayward
Dean Headley
Alec Hearne
Frank Hearne
George Hearne
J. T. Hearne ·
J. W. Hearne ·
Warren Hegg
Eddie Hemmings
Patsy Hendren
Mike Hendrick
Christopher Heseltine
Graeme Hick
Ken Higgs
Allen Hill
Arthur Hill ·
Malcolm Hilton
George Herbert Hirst
Bill Hitch
Jack Hobbs
Robin Hobbs
Matthew Hoggard
Eric Hollies
Adam Hollioake
Ben Hollioake
Errol Holmes
Percy Holmes
Leland Hone
Len Hopwood
A. N. Hornby
Martin Horton
Nigel Howard
Harry Howell
Dick Howorth
Joe Humphries
Joe Hunter ·
Nasser Hussain
Kenneth Hutchings
Len Hutton
Richard Hutton ·
Jack Iddon
Alan Igglesden
Jack Ikin
Ray Illingworth
Richard Illingworth
Mark Ilott
Doug Insole
Ronnie Irani
Robin Jackman
Hon. Stanley Jackson
Les Jackson
Steve James
John Jameson
Douglas Jardine
Paul Jarvis
Roly Jenkins
Gilbert Jessop
Richard Johnson ·
Arthur Jones
Geraint Jones
Jeff Jones
Simon Jones
Harry Jupp
Vallance Jupp
Walter Keeton
Alec Kennedy ·
Don Kenyon
Robert Key
Amjad Khan
Tom Killick
Roy Kilner
John King
Sep Kinneir
James Kirtley
Albert Knight
Barry Knight ·
Donald Knight ·
Nick Knight
Alan Knott
Neville Knox
Jim Laker
Allan Lamb
James Langridge ·
Wayne Larkins
David Larter
Harold Larwood
Mark Lathwell
David Lawrence
Eddie Leadbeater
Harry Lee
Walter Lees
Geoffrey Legge
Charles Leslie
John Lever
Peter Lever
H. D. G. Leveson-Gower ·
Hopper Levett
Tony Lewis
Chris Lewis
Jon Lewis
Maurice Leyland
Dick Lilley
James Lillywhite
David Lloyd
Andy Lloyd
Peter Loader
Tony Lock
William Lockwood
George Lohmann
Frank Lowson
A. P. Lucas ·
Brian Luckhurst
Alfred Lyttelton
George Macaulay
Jack MacBryan
Martin McCague
Jim McConnon
Charlie McGahey
Anthony McGrath
Gregor MacGregor ·
Arthur McIntyre ·
Francis MacKinnon
Archie MacLaren ·
Joseph McMaster
Darren Maddy
Sajid Mahmood
Harry Makepeace
Devon Malcolm
Neil Mallender
George Mann ·
Frank Mann ·
Vic Marks
Charles Marriott
Frederick Martin ·
Jack Martin
Peter Martin ·
Jack Mason
Austin Matthews
Peter May
Matthew Maynard
Phil Mead
Walter Mead
Billy Midwinter
Colin Milburn
Audley Miller
Geoff Miller
Frank Milligan
Geoff Millman
Arthur Milton
Arthur Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Mandy Mitchell-Innes
Arthur Mold
Leonard Moon
Eoin Morgan
Fred Morley
Hugh Morris
John Morris
John Mortimore
Alan Moss
Martyn Moxon
Alan Mullally
Tim Munton
Billy Murdoch
John Murray
Billy Newham
Phil Newport
Stan Nichols
Alan Oakman
Sir Tim O'Brien
Jack O'Connor
Chris Old
Buddy Oldfield
Graham Onions
James Ormond
Doug Padgett
George Paine
Lionel Palairet
Charles Palmer ·
Ken Palmer
Monty Panesar
Peter Parfitt
Charlie Parker
Paul Parker
Gilbert Parkhouse
Cec Parkin ·
Jim Parks, Sr. ·
Jim Parks, Jr. ·
Nawab of Pataudi Sr.
Min Patel
Darren Pattinson
Eddie Paynter
Ted Peate
Ian Peebles
Bobby Peel
Frank Penn
Reg Perks
Hylton Philipson ·
Kevin Pietersen
Tony Pigott
Dick Pilling
Winston Place
Liam Plunkett
Pat Pocock
Dick Pollard
Cyril Poole
George Pope ·
Dick Pougher
John Price ·
Fred Price
Roger Prideaux
Derek Pringle
Matt Prior ·
Geoff Pullar
Willie Quaife
Neal Radford
Clive Radley
Mark Ramprakash
Derek Randall
K. S. Ranjitsinhji ·
Chris Read
Hopper Read
Maurice Read
Walter Read
Dermot Reeve
Albert Relf
Harold Rhodes
Steve Rhodes
Wilfred Rhodes
Jack Richards
Dick Richardson
Peter Richardson
Tom Richardson
Tom Richmond
Fred Ridgway
Jack Robertson
Walter Robins
Tim Robinson
Graham Roope
Fred Root
Brian Rose
Vernon Royle
Fred Rumsey
C. A. G. Russell ·
Jack Russell
Eric Russell ·
Martin Saggers
Ian Salisbury
Andy Sandham
Chris Schofield
Sandford Schultz
William Scotton
John Selby
Mike Selvey
Derek Shackleton
Owais Shah
Ajmal Shahzad
Jack Sharp
John Sharpe
Phil Sharpe ·
Alfred Shaw
Rev. David Sheppard
Mordecai Sherwin
Arthur Shrewsbury
John Shuter
Ken Shuttleworth
Arnie Sidebottom
Ryan Sidebottom
Chris Silverwood
Reg Simpson
George Simpson-Hayward
Jim Sims
Reg Sinfield
Wilf Slack
Frank Smailes
Gladstone Small
Alan Smith
Andrew Michael Smith ·
C. Aubrey Smith ·
Jim Smith
Chris Smith
Denis Smith
David Smith ·
David Smith
Donald Smith
Tiger Smith
Ed Smith
Harry Smith ·
MJK Smith ·
Robin Smith
Peter Smith
Gerald Smithson
John Snow
James Southerton
Reggie Spooner
Dick Spooner
Rony Stanyforth
Sam Staples ·
Brian Statham
A G Steel ·
David Steele ·
John Stephenson ·
Greville Stevens
Graham Stevenson
Alec Stewart
Micky Stewart
Andrew Stoddart
William Storer
Andrew Strauss
George Street ·
Bert Strudwick
Charles Studd
George Studd
Raman Subba Row
Peter Such
Frank Sugg
Herbert Sutcliffe
Graeme Swann
Roy Swetman
Fred Tate
Maurice Tate
Roy Tattersall
Chris Tavaré
Paul Taylor
Ken Taylor
Les Taylor ·
Bob Taylor
Lionel Tennyson
Paul Terry
Greg Thomas
George Thompson
Ian Thomson ·
Graham Thorpe
Fred Titmus
Roger Tolchard
Charlie Townsend
David Townsend ·
Leslie Townsend
James Tredwell
Chris Tremlett
Maurice Tremlett
Marcus Trescothick
Albert Trott
Jonathan Trott
Fred Trueman
Alex Tudor
Neville Tufnell
Phil Tufnell
Maurice Turnbull
Ernest Tyldesley
Johnny Tyldesley
Dick Tyldesley
Edward Tylecote
Ted Tyler
Frank Tyson
Shaun Udal
George Ulyett
Derek Underwood
Bryan Valentine
Michael Vaughan
Hedley Verity
George Vernon
Joe Vine
Bill Voce
Abe Waddington
Ted Wainwright
Peter Walker
Cyril Walters
Alan Ward
Albert Ward ·
IanWard ·
Johnny Wardle
Plum Warner
John Warr
Arnold Warren
Cyril Washbrook
Steve Watkin
Allan Watkins
Mike Watkinson
Willie Watson
A J Webbe ·
Arthur Wellard
Alan Wells
Alan Wharton
James Whitaker
Craig White
Butch White
Jack White
Dodger Whysall
Len Wilkinson
Peter Willey
Neil Williams ·
Bob Willis
Clem Wilson
Don Wilson
Rockley Wilson
Arthur Wood ·
Barry Wood ·
George Wood
Henry Wood
Reginald Wood
Sammy Woods
Frank Woolley
Bob Woolmer
Stan Worthington
Charles Wright
Doug Wright
Bob Wyatt
Teddy Wynyard
Norman Yardley
Sailor Young
Jack Young
Dick Young
Abdul Hafeez
Syed Abid Ali ·
Hemu Adhikari
Ajit Agarkar
Lala Amarnath
Mohinder Amarnath
Surinder Amarnath
Amar Singh
Amir Elahi
Pravin Amre
Salil Ankola
Arvind Apte
Madhav Apte
Arshad Ayub
Bharat Arun
Arun Lal
Kirti Azad
Mohammad Azharuddin
Hemang Badani
Subramaniam Badrinath
Sairaj Bahutule
Abbas Ali Baig
Lakshmipathy Balaji
Montu Banerjee
Shute Banerjee
Subroto Banerjee
Sanjay Bangar
Baqa Jilani
Bishan Singh Bedi
Prakash Bhandari
Raghuram Bhat
Roger Binny
Chandu Borde
Bhagwat Chandrasekhar
Chetan Chauhan
Rajesh Chauhan
Piyush Chawla
Aakash Chopra ·
Nikhil Chopra
Nirode Chowdhury
Sorabji Colah
Nari Contractor
Vijay Dahiya
Bal Dani
Shiv Sundar Das
Deep Dasgupta
Ramakant Desai
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Sameer Dighe
Dilawar Hussain
Buck Divecha
Dilip Doshi
Rahul Dravid
Salim Durani
Farokh Engineer
Chandrasekhar Gadkari
Anshuman Gaekwad
Datta Gaekwad
Hiralal Gaekwad
Gautam Gambhir
Devang Gandhi
Ashok Gandotra
Dodda Ganesh
Sourav Ganguly
Sunil Gavaskar
Karsan Ghavri
Jayasinghrao Ghorpade
Ghulam Ahmed
M. J. Gopalan
C. D. Gopinath
Ghulam Guard
Subrata Guha ·
Gul Mohammad
Baloo Gupte
Subhash Gupte
Gursharan Singh
Hanumant Singh
Harvinder Singh
Manohar Hardikar
Harbhajan Singh
Vijay Hazare
Dattaram Hindlekar
Narendra Hirwani
Khanmohammad Ibrahim ·
Kumar Indrajitsinhji
Jenni Irani
Ajay Jadeja
Wasim Jaffer
Jahangir Khan
L. P. Jai
M. L. Jaisimha
Rustomji Jamshedji
Kenia Jayantilal
David Johnson
Nana Joshi
Sunil Joshi
Mohammad Kaif ·
Vinod Kambli
Hrishikesh Kanitkar
Hemant Kanitkar
Kapil Dev
Aashish Kapoor
Saba Karim
Dinesh Karthik
Murali Kartik
Ramnath Kenny
Zaheer Khan
Syed Kirmani
Gogumal Kishenchand
A. G. Kripal Singh
Pochiah Krishnamurthy
Nilesh Kulkarni
Raju Kulkarni
Umesh Kulkarni
Vaman Kumar
Anil Kumble
Budhi Kunderan
Abey Kuruvilla
Lall Singh
Raman Lamba
V. V. S. Laxman
Madan Lal
Ebrahim Maka
Ashok Malhotra
Maninder Singh
Sanjay Manjrekar
Vijay Manjrekar
Ashok Mankad
Vinoo Mankad ·
Madhav Mantri
Khershed Meherhomji
Vijay Mehra
Vijay Merchant
Paras Mhambrey
A. G. Milkha Singh
Amit Mishra
Abhimanyu Mithun
Rusi Modi
Debashish Mohanty
Nayan Mongia
Kiran More
V. M. Muddiah ·
Mushtaq Ali
Bapu Nadkarni
Sudhir Naik
Naoomal Jeoomal
M. V. Narasimha Rao ·
Janardan Navle
Suru Nayak
C. K. Nayudu
C. S. Nayudu
Nazir Ali
Ashish Nehra
Mohammad Nissar
Shah Nyalchand
Pragyan Ojha
Ajit Pai
Phiroze Palia
Chandrakant Pandit
Ghulam Parkar
Ramnath Parkar
Dhiraj Parsana
Chandrakant Patankar
Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi
Nawab of Pataudi Sr
Brijesh Patel
Jasu Patel
Munaf Patel
Parthiv Patel
Rashid Patel
Irfan Pathan
Sandeep Patil
Sadashiv Patil
Dattu Phadkar
Ramesh Powar
Manoj Prabhakar
Venkatesh Prasad
M. S. K. Prasad
E. A. S. Prasanna
Cheteshwar Pujara
Pananmal Punjabi
Kanwar Rai Singh
Suresh Raina ·
Vijay Rajindernath
Rajinder Pal
Lalchand Rajput
Venkatapathy Raju
Woorkeri Raman
Cotah Ramaswami
Gulabrai Ramchand
Sadagoppan Ramesh
Ladha Ramji
C. R. Rangachari
Khandu Rangnekar
Vasant Ranjane
Vikram Rathour
Ajay Ratra
Vivek Razdan ·
Bharath Reddy
Madhusudan Rege
Ambar Roy
Pranab Roy
Pankaj Roy
Wriddhiman Saha
Balwinder Sandhu
Rahul Sanghvi
Sarandeep Singh
Dilip Sardesai
Chandu Sarwate
Ramesh Saxena
Virender Sehwag
T. A. Sekhar
Probir Sen
Apoorva Sengupta
Ajay Sharma
Chetan Sharma
Gopal Sharma
Ishant Sharma
Parthasarathy Sharma
Sanjeev Sharma
Ravi Shastri
Sadashiv Shinde
Deepak Shodhan
Rakesh Shukla
Iqbal Siddiqui
Navjot Singh Sidhu
Robin Singh
R. P. Singh ·
Robin Singh, Jr. ·
V. R. V. Singh ·
Laxman Sivaramakrishnan
Ranga Sohoni
Eknath Solkar
Man Sood
Sreesanth ·
Krishnamachari Srikkanth
Javagal Srinath
T. E. Srinivasan ·
Venkataraman Subramanya ·
Gundibail Sunderam
Rusi Surti
Narain Swamy
Naren Tamhane
Keki Tarapore
Sachin Tendulkar
Polly Umrigar
Dilip Vengsarkar
Srinivas Venkataraghavan
M. Venkataramana
Murali Vijay
Vijay Bharadwaj
Gundappa Viswanath
Sadanand Viswanath
Maharajkumar of Vizianagram
Ajit Wadekar
Atul Wassan
Wazir Ali
Shivlal Yadav
Vijay Yadav
Maharaja Yadavindra Singh
Yajurvindra Singh
Yashpal Sharma
Yograj Singh
Tinu Yohannan
Yuvraj Singh
Andre Adams
Jack Alabaster
Cyril Allcott
Geoff Allott
Robert Anderson
Mac Anderson
Bryan Andrews
Brent Arnel
Nathan Astle
Ted Badcock
Trevor Barber
Gary Bartlett
Paul Barton
Don Beard
John Beck
Matthew Bell ·
Bill Bell ·
Grahame Bilby
Tony Blain
Bob Blair
Roger Blunt
Bruce Bolton
Shane Bond
Stephen Boock
Brendon Bracewell
John Bracewell
Grant Bradburn
Wynne Bradburn
Vaughan Brown
Mark Burgess ·
Ces Burke ·
Tom Burtt
Ian Butler ·
Len Butterfield
Lance Cairns
Chris Cairns ·
Frank Cameron
Harry Cave
Murray Chapple
Ewen Chatfield
Don Cleverley
Richard Collinge
Ian Colquhoun
Jeremy Coney
Bevan Congdon
Jack Cowie
Fen Cresswell
Ian Cromb
Jeff Crowe
Martin Crowe
Craig Cumming
Bob Cunis
John D'Arcy
Heath Davis
Richard de Groen
Stewie Dempster ·
Eric Dempster
Artie Dick
George Dickinson
Martin Donnelly
Simon Doull
Graham Dowling
Chris Drum
Jack Dunning
Bruce Edgar
Jock Edwards ·
Grant Elliott
Ray Emery ·
Eric Fisher
Stephen Fleming
Daniel Flynn ·
Henry Foley ·
James Franklin ·
Trevor Franklin
Doug Freeman
Peter Fulton
Norman Gallichan
Graham Gedye
Lee Germon
Mark Gillespie
Stu Gillespie ·
Evan Gray
Mark Greatbatch
Sammy Guillen
Martin Guptill
John Guy
Dayle Hadlee
Richard Hadlee
Walter Hadlee
Noel Harford
Roy Harford
Chris Harris
Zin Harris
Roger Harris
Matthew Hart
Robert Hart
Blair Hartland
Mark Haslam
Brian Hastings ·
John Hayes
Matt Henderson
Gareth Hopkins ·
Matt Horne ·
Phil Horne
Ken Hough ·
Jamie How
Geoff Howarth
Hedley Howarth
Peter Ingram
Ken James
Terry Jarvis ·
Andrew Jones
Richard Jones
Robert Kennedy
Jack Kerr
Chris Kuggeleijn
Gavin Larsen
Rodney Latham
Warren Lees
Ian Leggat
Gordon Leggat
Allen Lissette
Greg Loveridge
Tom Lowry
Brendon McCullum
Paul McEwan
Tony MacGibbon
Herb McGirr
Noel McGregor
Tim McIntosh
Eddie McLeod
Trevor McMahon
Craig McMillan
Don McRae ·
Hamish Marshall
James Marshall
Chris Martin
Michael Mason ·
Mal Matheson
Trevor Meale
Bill Merritt ·
Ted Meuli
Barry Milburn
Lawrie Miller
John Mills
Kyle Mills
Alex Moir
Sonny Moloney
Frank Mooney
Ross Morgan
Bruce Morrison
Danny Morrison
John Morrison
Dick Motz
Bruce Murray
Darrin Murray
Dion Nash
Jack Newman ·
Iain O'Brien
Shayne O'Connor
Jacob Oram
David O'Sullivan
Guy Overton
Michael Owens ·
Curly Page
Michael Papps
John Parker
Murray Parker
Adam Parore
Dipak Patel
Jeetan Patel
Peter Petherick
Eric Petrie
Bill Playle
Blair Pocock
Vic Pollard
Matt Poore
Mark Priest
Chris Pringle
Tom Puna
Geoff Rabone
Aaron Redmond
Rodney Redmond
John Fulton Reid
John Reid
Mark Richardson
Andrew Roberts
Alby Roberts
Gary Robertson ·
Gordon Rowe
Ken Rutherford
Jesse Ryder
Roy Scott
Verdun Scott
David Sewell
Mike Shrimpton
Barry Sinclair
Ian Sinclair
Mathew Sinclair
Brun Smith
Dennis Smith
Ian Smith ·
Colin Snedden
Martin Snedden
Tim Southee ·
John Sparling
Craig Spearman
Gary Stead
Derek Stirling
Scott Styris
Murphy Su'a ·
Bert Sutcliffe
Bruce Taylor
Don Taylor
Ross Taylor
Keith Thomson
Shane Thomson
Eric Tindill
Gary Troup
Peter Truscott
Daryl Tuffey
Glenn Turner
Roger Twose
Robert Vance
Justin Vaughan
Daniel Vettori
Lou Vincent
Graham Vivian
Giff Vivian
Ken Wadsworth
Brooke Walker
Merv Wallace
Kerry Walmsley
John Ward
BJ Watling ·
Willie Watson
Les Watt ·
Murray Webb
Peter Webb
Lindsay Weir
David White
Paul Whitelaw
Kane Williamson
Paul Wiseman
John Wright
Bryan Young
Bryan Yuile
Aamer Malik
Aamer Nazir
Aamer Sohail
Aaqib Javed
Abdul Kadir ·
Abdul Qadir
Abdul Razzaq ·
Abdur Rauf ·
Abdur Rehman ·
Afaq Hussain
Aftab Baloch
Aftab Gul
Agha Saadat Ali
Agha Zahid
Aizaz Cheema
Akram Raza
Alimuddin ·
Ali Hussain Rizvi
Ali Naqvi ·
Amir Elahi
Anil Dalpat
Anwar Hussain ·
Anwar Khan ·
Arif Butt
Arshad Khan
Ashfaq Ahmed
Ashraf Ali
Asif Iqbal
Asif Masood
Asif Mujtaba
Asim Kamal
Atif Rauf
Azam Khan
Azeem Hafeez
Azhar Ali
Azhar Khan
Azhar Mahmood
Azmat Rana
Basit Ali
Bazid Khan
Danish Kaneria
Antao D'Souza
Faisal Iqbal
Farhan Adil
Farooq Hamid
Farrukh Zaman
Fawad Alam
Fazal Mahmood
Mohammed Ghazali
Ghulam Abbas
Gul Mohammad
Hanif Mohammad
Haroon Rashid
Hasan Raza
Haseeb Ahsan
Humayun Farhat
Iftikhar Anjum
Ijaz Ahmed ·
Ijaz Ahmed jnr
Ijaz Butt
Ijaz Faqih
Imran Farhat
Imran Khan
Imran Nazir
Imtiaz Ahmed ·
Intikhab Alam
Iqbal Qasim
Irfan Fazil
Israr Ali
Jalal-ud-Din ·
Javed Akhtar
Javed Burki
Javed Miandad
Junaid Khan
Kabir Khan ·
Kamran Akmal
Abdul Kardar
Khalid Hasan
Khalid Ibadulla
Khalid Wazir
Khan Mohammad
Khurram Manzoor
Liaqat Ali
Mahmood Hussain ·
Majid Khan ·
Mansoor Akhtar
Manzoor Elahi
Maqsood Ahmed
Masood Anwar
Wallis Mathias
Miran Bux
Mohammad Aamer
Mohammad Akram
Mohammad Asif ·
Mohammad Aslam
Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Hafeez
Mohammad Hussain
Mohammad Ilyas
Mohammad Khalil
Mohammad Munaf ·
Mohammad Nazir
Mohammad Ramzan
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Talha
Mohammad Wasim
Mohammad Yousuf ·
Mohammad Zahid
Mohsin Kamal
Mohsin Khan
Moin Khan
Mudassar Nazar
Munir Malik
Mushtaq Ahmed
Mushtaq Mohammad
Nadeem Abbasi
Nadeem Ghauri
Nadeem Khan
Naushad Ali
Rana Naved-ul-Hasan
Naved Anjum
Naved Ashraf
Naved Latif
Nazar Mohammad
Niaz Ahmed
Pervez Sajjad
Qaiser Abbas
Qasim Umar
Rameez Raja
Rashid Khan
Rashid Latif
Riaz Afridi
Sadiq Mohammad
Saeed Ahmed
Saeed Ajmal
Saeed Anwar
Salahuddin ·
Saleem Altaf
Saleem Elahi
Saleem Jaffar
Saleem Malik
Saleem Yousuf
Salman Butt
Saqlain Mushtaq
Sarfraz Ahmed
Sarfraz Nawaz
Shabbir Ahmed
Shadab Kabir
Shafiq Ahmed
Shafqat Rana
Shahid Afridi
Shahid Israr
Shahid Mahboob
Shahid Mahmood
Shahid Nazir
Shahid Saeed
Shakeel Ahmed snr
Shakeel Ahmed, Jr. ·
Duncan Sharpe
Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Malik
Shoaib Mohammad
Sikander Bakht
Sohail Khan
Sohail Tanvir
Tahir Naqqash
Talat Ali
Tanvir Ahmed
Taslim Arif
Taufeeq Umar
Tauseef Ahmed
Umar Akmal ·
Umar Amin
Umar Gul
Wahab Riaz
Wajahatullah Wasti
Waqar Hasan
Waqar Younis
Wasim Akram
Wasim Bari
Wasim Raja
Wazir Mohammad
Yasir Ali
Yasir Arafat
Yasir Hameed
Younis Ahmed
Younis Khan
Zaheer Abbas
Zahid Fazal
Zahoor Elahi
Zakir Khan
Zulfiqar Ahmed
Zulqarnain Haider
H. D. Ackerman ·
Paul Adams
Neil Adcock
Hashim Amla
Biddy Anderson ·
Gobo Ashley
Ali Bacher
Adam Bacher
Xen Balaskas ·
Eddie Barlow
Harold Baumgartner
Rolland Beaumont
Denis Begbie
Sandy Bell
Murray Bisset
George Bissett
Jimmy Blanckenberg ·
Colin Bland
Ernest Bock
Nicky Boje
Gerald Bond
Tertius Bosch
Johan Botha ·
Jackie Botten ·
Mark Boucher
William Brann
Dooley Briscoe ·
Harry Bromfield
Lennox Brown
Christopher Burger
Sydney Burke
Izak Buys
Jock Cameron
Tom Campbell ·
Peter Carlstein
Claude Carter
Bob Catterall ·
Horace Chapman
Jack Cheetham
Grahame Chevalier
Jim Christy ·
Geoff Chubb ·
John Cochran ·
Shunter Coen
Mick Commaille
John Commins
Dalton Conyngham
Frederick Cook
Jimmy Cook
Alfred Cooper
Joe Cox ·
Godfrey Cripps
Bob Crisp
Hansie Cronje
Daryll Cullinan ·
Syd Curnow
Eric Dalton
Eric Davies
Alan Dawson ·
Ossie Dawson
Nummy Deane
Zander de Bruyn
AB de Villiers ·
Fanie de Villiers
Friedel de Wet
Boeta Dippenaar
Cec Dixon ·
Allan Donald
Robert Dower
Ronald Draper
Chris Duckworth ·
Richard Dumbrill
Jacobus Duminy
JP Duminy ·
Owen Dunell
Jackie du Preez
Flooi du Toit ·
Dennis Dyer
Clive Eksteen
Kim Elgie ·
Steve Elworthy
Russell Endean
Buster Farrer ·
Aubrey Faulkner
Jonathan Fellows-Smith
Charles Fichardt
Charlie Finlason ·
Claude Floquet
Howard Francis
Cyril Francois
Charlie Frank ·
William Frank ·
Eddie Fuller ·
George Fullerton
Ken Funston ·
Dennis Gamsy
Herschelle Gibbs
Robert Gleeson
George Glover ·
Trevor Goddard
Norman Gordon
Robert Graham
Ronnie Grieveson ·
Geoff Griffin ·
Alfred Hall ·
Andrew Hall
Glen Hall
Ernest Halliwell
Clive Halse
Philip Hands
Reginald Hands
Martin Hanley
Paul Harris ·
Tony Harris
Gerald Hartigan
Robert Harvey ·
Maitland Hathorn
Nantie Hayward
Frank Hearne
George Hearne
Peter Heine
Claude Henderson
Omar Henry
Charles Hime
Andrew Hudson
Philip Hutchinson
David Ironside
Lee Irvine
Steven Jack
Clement Johnson
Jacques Kallis
Headley Keith
Justin Kemp
Gus Kempis ·
Imraan Khan
Gary Kirsten
Peter Kirsten
Lance Klusener
Johannes Kotze
Adrian Kuiper
Frederick Kuys
Tiger Lance ·
Charl Langeveldt
Arthur Langton
Godfrey Lawrence
Fred le Roux ·
Plum Lewis ·
Gerhardus Liebenberg
Denis Lindsay
Johnny Lindsay ·
Neville Lindsay
William Ling
Charlie Llewellyn ·
Bill Lundie ·
Mike Macaulay ·
Cuan McCarthy
Jackie McGlew
Neil McKenzie
Atholl McKinnon
Ryan McLaren
Roy McLean
Brian McMillan
Quintin McMillan
Tufty Mann
Percy Mansell
Fish Markham ·
Eric Marx
Craig Matthews
Doug Meintjes ·
Michael Melle
Alan Melville
Bonnor Middleton ·
Charles Mills
William Milton
Bruce Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Albie Morkel
Denys Morkel
Morné Morkel
Anton Murray
André Nel
Jack Nel ·
Claude Newberry
Bob Newson
Mfuneko Ngam
Frank Nicholson ·
John Nicolson ·
Norman Norton
Dudley Nourse
Dave Nourse
Makhaya Ntini
Buster Nupen
Arthur Edward Ochse
Arthur Lennox Ochse
Sid O'Linn
Justin Ontong
Tuppy Owen-Smith
Archibald Palm
George Parker ·
Dante Parkin ·
Joe Partridge
Wayne Parnell
Charles Pearse
Sid Pegler
Alviro Petersen
Robin Peterson
Vernon Philander ·
Tony Pithey
David Pithey
Jack Plimsoll ·
Peter Pollock
Graeme Pollock
Shaun Pollock
Robert Poore
Jim Pothecary ·
Albert Powell
Dewald Pretorius
Ashwell Prince
Charles Prince
Meyrick Pringle
Mike Procter
Henry Promnitz
Neville Quinn
Norman Reid ·
Jonty Rhodes
Alfred Richards ·
Barry Richards
Dicky Richards ·
Dave Richardson ·
Jack Robertson
Albert Rose-Innes
Thomas Routledge
Athol Rowan
Eric Rowan
George Rowe ·
Jacques Rudolph
Mark Rushmere
Sivert Samuelson
Brett Schultz
Reggie Schwarz
Arthur Seccull
Kelly Seymour ·
William Shalders
George Shepstone
Percy Sherwell
Jack Siedle
Jimmy Sinclair
Charlie Smith ·
Fred Smith ·
Graeme Smith
Ian Smith
Richard Snell ·
Stanley Snooke
Tip Snooke
William Solomon
Robert Stewart
Dale Steyn
Rudi Steyn
Louis Stricker
Pieter Strydom
Fred Susskind
Pat Symcox
Henry Taberer
Imran Tahir
Bernard Tancred
Louis Tancred
Vincent Tancred
George Tapscott
Lionel Tapscott
Hugh Tayfield
Scotch Taylor ·
Dan Taylor ·
Herbie Taylor
David Terbrugge
Nicolaas Theunissen
George Thornton ·
Denis Tomlinson
John Traicos
Pat Trimborn ·
Thami Tsolekile
Lonwabo Tsotsobe
Lindsay Tuckett
Len Tuckett
Percy Twentyman-Jones
Pieter van der Bijl
Edward van der Merwe
Peter van der Merwe
Martin van Jaarsveld
Clive van Ryneveld
Derek Varnals
Ken Viljoen
Cyril Vincent
Charles Vintcent
Bert Vogler
Herby Wade ·
Billy Wade
John Waite ·
Kenneth Walter
Tommy Ward
John Watkins
Colin Wesley
Kepler Wessels
Dick Westcott ·
Gordon White
Charl Willoughby
Joseph Willoughby
Clarence Wimble
Paul Winslow ·
Owen Wynne
Monde Zondeki
Billy Zulch
Saliya Ahangama
Kaushik Amalean
Jayantha Amerasinghe
Ishara Amerasinghe
Don Anurasiri
Russel Arnold
Marvan Atapattu
Malinga Bandara
Niroshan Bandaratilleke
Upul Chandana
Pubudu Dassanayake
Guy de Alwis
Ashantha De Mel
Indika de Saram
Ashley de Silva
Somachandra de Silva
Asoka de Silva ·
Ajit de Silva
Sajeewa de Silva
Aravinda de Silva
Lanka de Silva
Sujeewa de Silva
Kumar Dharmasena
Roy Dias
Tillakaratne Dilshan
Chamara Dunusinghe
Dilhara Fernando
Susil Fernando
Dinusha Fernando
Hasantha Fernando ·
Charitha Buddhika
Indika Gallage
Yohan Goonasekera
Mahes Goonatilleke
Avishka Gunawardene
Roshan Guneratne
Asanka Gurusinha
Chandika Hathurusingha
Rangana Herath
Dinuka Hettiarachchi
Rohan Jayasekera
Sanath Jayasuriya
Mahela Jayawardene
Prasanna Jayawardene
Sridharan Jeganathan
Vinothen John
Shantha Kalavitigoda
Ruwan Kalpage
Lalith Kaluperuma
Sanath Kaluperuma
Romesh Kaluwitharana
Chamara Kapugedera
Nuwan Kulasekara
Brendon Kuruppu
Kosala Kuruppuarachchi
Graeme Labrooy
Chamila Gamage
Dulip Liyanage
Kaushal Lokuarachchi ·
Ranjan Madugalle
Ranjith Madurasinghe
Roshan Mahanama
Farveez Maharoof
Lasith Malinga
Angelo Mathews
Ajantha Mendis
Duleep Mendis
Jehan Mubarak
Muttiah Muralitharan
Naveed Nawaz
Prabath Nissanka
Tharanga Paranavitana
Suresh Perera
Ruchira Perera
Dammika Prasad ·
Seekkuge Prasanna
Ravindra Pushpakumara
Champaka Ramanayake
Anura Ranasinghe
Arjuna Ranatunga
Dammika Ranatunga
Sanjeeva Ranatunga
Suraj Randiv ·
Rumesh Ratnayake
Ravi Ratnayeke
Athula Samarasekera
Dulip Samaraweera
Thilan Samaraweera
Kumar Sangakkara
Charith Senanayake
Jayantha Silva
Chamara Silva
Amal Silva
Upul Tharanga
Thilan Thushara
Hashan Tillakaratne
Eric Upashantha
Chaminda Vaas
Michael Vandort
Bandula Warnapura
Malinda Warnapura
Jayananda Warnaweera
Sanjeewa Weerasinghe
Chanaka Welegedara
Mithra Wettimuny
Sidath Wettimuny
Pramodya Wickramasinghe
Gamini Wickremasinghe
Kapila Wijegunawardene
Gayan Wijekoon
Roger Wijesuriya
Piyal Wijetunge
Nuwan Zoysa
Ellis Achong
Jimmy Adams
Gerry Alexander
Imtiaz Ali ·
Inshan Ali
David Allan
Ian Allen ·
Curtly Ambrose
Keith Arthurton
Nyron Asgarali
Denis Atkinson
Eric Atkinson
Richard Austin ·
Ryan Austin
Faoud Bacchus
Leonard Baichan
Lionel Baker
Omari Banks
Eldine Baptiste
Adrian Barath
Arthur Barrett ·
Ivan Barrow
Edward Bartlett
Carlton Baugh ·
Kenneth Benjamin
Winston Benjamin
Sulieman Benn
David Bernard ·
Brandon Bess
Carlisle Best
Tino Best
Nelson Betancourt
Alfred Binns
Lionel Birkett
Devendra Bishoo
Ian Bishop ·
Marlon Black
Keith Boyce
Ian Bradshaw
Kraigg Brathwaite
Darren Bravo
Dwayne Bravo
Gareth Breese
Courtney Browne
Snuffy Browne ·
Basil Butcher
Lennox Butler
Clyde Butts
Robin Bynoe
Steve Camacho
Jimmy Cameron
John Cameron
Sherwin Campbell
George Carew
Joey Carew
George Challenor
Shivnarine Chanderpaul
Herbert Chang
Sewnarine Chattergoon
Cyril Christiani
Robert Christiani
Bertie Clarke
Sylvester Clarke
Pedro Collins
Corey Collymore
Learie Constantine
Colin Croft
Cameron Cuffy
Anderson Cummins
Oscar Da Costa
Wayne Daniel
Bryan Davis
Charlie Davis ·
Winston Davis
Frank De Caires
Narsingh Deonarine
Clairmonte Depeiaza
Tom Dewdney
Rajindra Dhanraj
Mervyn Dillon
Uton Dowe
Travis Dowlin
Vasbert Drakes
Jeff Dujon
Fidel Edwards
Kirk Edwards ·
Prof Edwards ·
Wilfred Ferguson
Maurice Fernandes
Mike Findlay
Maurice Foster
George Francis
Michael Frederick
Roy Fredericks
Dickie Fuller
Hammond Furlonge
Daren Ganga
Andy Ganteaume
Joel Garner
Leon Garrick
Berkeley Gaskin
Chris Gayle
Glendon Gibbs
Lance Gibbs
Ottis Gibson
Roy Gilchrist
George Gladstone
John Goddard ·
Larry Gomes
Gerry Gomez
Jackie Grant
Rolph Grant
Tony Gray
Alvin Greenidge
Gordon Greenidge
Geoff Greenidge
Mervyn Grell
Adrian Griffith ·
Charlie Griffith
Herman Griffith
Sammy Guillen
Wes Hall
Roger Harper
Desmond Haynes
George Headley
Ron Headley
Jackie Hendriks
Ryan Hinds
Wavell Hinds
Teddy Hoad
Roland Holder
Vanburn Holder
Michael Holding
David Holford
John Holt (cricketer) ·
Carl Hooper
Tony Howard
Conrad Hunte
Errol Hunte
Leslie Hylton
Ridley Jacobs
Amit Jaggernauth
Hines Johnson
Tyrell Johnson ·
Charles Jones
Prior Jones
Dave Joseph
Sylvester Joseph
Bernard Julien
Raphick Jumadeen
Alvin Kallicharran
Rohan Kanhai
Esmond Kentish
Collis King
Frank King
Lester King
Reon King
Clayton Lambert
Brian Lara
Peter Lashley
Jermaine Lawson
Ralph Legall
Desmond Lewis
Rawl Lewis
Clive Lloyd
Gus Logie
Neil McGarrell
Nixon McLean
Easton McMorris
Cliff McWatt
Ivan Madray
Malcolm Marshall
Norman Marshall
Roy Marshall
Xavier Marshall
Frank Martin
Manny Martindale
Everton Mattis
Ivor Mendonca
Cyril Merry
Nikita Miller
Roy Miller
Dave Mohammed
Runako Morton
Ezra Moseley
George Mudie
David Murray
Deryck Murray
Junior Murray
Mahendra Nagamootoo
Rangy Nanan
Brendan Nash
James Neblett
Jack Noreiga
Karl Nunes
Seymour Nurse
Albert Padmore
Donovan Pagon
Bruce Pairaudeau
Brenton Parchment
Derick Parry
Nelon Pascal
Clarence Passailaigue
Patrick Patterson
Thelston Payne
Nehemiah Perry
Norbert Phillip
Omar Phillips
Lance Pierre
Daren Powell
Kieran Powell
Ricardo Powell
Allan Rae ·
Suruj Ragoonath
Sonny Ramadhin
Ryan Ramdass
Denesh Ramdin
Dinanath Ramnarine
Ravi Rampaul
Floyd Reifer
Dale Richards
Viv Richards
Richie Richardson
Ken Rickards
Clifford Roach
Kemar Roach
Andy Roberts ·
Alphonso Roberts
Lincoln Roberts
Willie Rodriguez
Franklyn Rose
Lawrence Rowe
Andre Russell
Darren Sammy
Marlon Samuels
Robert Samuels
Adam Sanford
Ramnaresh Sarwan
Reginald Scarlett
Alfred Scott ·
Tommy Scott
Ben Sealey
Derek Sealy
John Shepherd
Grayson Shillingford
Irvine Shillingford
Shane Shillingford
Sew Shivnarine
Lendl Simmons
Phil Simmons
Charran Singh
Joseph Small
Milton Small
Cammie Smith
Dwayne Smith
Devon Smith
Collie Smith
Garfield Sobers
Joe Solomon
Charlie Stayers
Edwin St Hill
Wilton St Hill
Jeff Stollmeyer
Vic Stollmeyer
Colin Stuart ·
Jerome Taylor
Jaswick Taylor
Gavin Tonge
Patterson Thompson
John Trim
Alf Valentine
Vincent Valentine
Clyde Walcott
Leslie Walcott
Philo Wallace
Courtney Walsh
Chadwick Walton
Dwight Washington
Chester Watson
Everton Weekes
Ken Weekes
Tony White ·
Vibart Wight ·
Leslie Wight
Archie Wiles
Elquemedo Willett
Basil Williams
David Williams
Foffie Williams
Stuart Williams ·
Kenneth Wishart
Frank Worrell
Mark Boucher
Rahul Dravid
Andrew Flintoff
Steve Harmison
Jacques Kallis
Brian Lara
Muttiah Muralitharan
Virender Sehwag
Graeme Smith
Daniel Vettori
Kevin Arnott ·
Andy Blignaut
David Brain
Eddo Brandes
Gary Brent
Gavin Briant
Glen Bruk-Jackson
Mark Burmester
Iain Butchart
Alistair Campbell
Stuart Carlisle
Elton Chigumbura
Charles Coventry
Graeme Cremer
Gary Crocker
Keith Dabengwa
Mark Dekker
Terry Duffin
Dion Ebrahim
Craig Ervine
Sean Ervine
Craig Evans ·
Gavin Ewing
Neil Ferreira
Andy Flower
Grant Flower
Travis Friend
Murray Goodwin
Trevor Gripper
Douglas Hondo
David Houghton ·
Adam Huckle
Wayne James
Kyle Jarvis
Malcolm Jarvis
Neil Johnson ·
Greg Lamb
Charlie Lock
Trevor Madondo
Blessing Mahwire
Alester Maregwede
Douglas Marillier
Hamilton Masakadza
Everton Matambanadzo
Stuart Matsikenyeri
Tinotenda Mawoyo ·
Pommie Mbangwa ·
Christopher Mpofu
Tawanda Mupariwa
Brian Murphy
David Mutendera
Waddington Mwayenga
Mluleki Nkala
Henry Olonga
Ali Shah ·
Tinashe Panyangara
Stephen Peall
Ray Price
Andy Pycroft ·
Ujesh Ranchod
Gavin Rennie
John Rennie
Barney Rogers
Vusi Sibanda
Bryan Strang
Paul Strang
Heath Streak
Tatenda Taibu
Brendan Taylor
John Traicos
Prosper Utseya
Mark Vermeulen
Dirk Viljoen
Brian Vitori
Andy Waller ·
Brighton Watambwa
Andy Whittall ·
Guy Whittall
Craig Wishart
Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on an oval-shaped field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. One team bats, trying to score as many runs as possible while the other team bowls and fields, trying to dismiss the batsmen and thus limit the...
er who has played at least one
Test match
Test cricket
Test cricket is the longest form of the sport of cricket. Test matches are played between national representative teams with "Test status", as determined by the International Cricket Council , with four innings played between two teams of 11 players over a period of up to a maximum five days...
- See also List of Australia Test cricketers
Ted a'Beckett
Ted a'Beckett
Edward Lambert a'Beckett was an Australian cricketer who played in four Tests between 1928 and 1931. He also played in 47 first-class matches for Victoria....
Terry Alderman
Terry Alderman
Terence Michael Alderman is a former Australian cricketer.He began his first-class career in 1974 with Western Australia in the Sheffield Shield and came to international prominence when he was chosen for the Australian national team to tour England in 1981...
George Alexander
George Alexander (cricketer)
George Alexander was a cricketer who played for Victoria and for Australia....
Harry Alexander
Harry Alexander
Harry Houston "Bull" Alexander was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test match, the fifth of the 1933 "bodyline series" against England at the Sydney Cricket Ground, as a fast, right-arm opening bowler.He played for Victoria in 41 Sheffield Shield matches between 1928 and 1936, plus 89...
Frank Allan
Frank Allan
Francis Erskine "Frank" Allan was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1879....
Peter Allan
Peter Allan
Peter Allan was an English recluse and eccentric who carved rocks in the Marsden Bay at Marsden, South Shields into a house.- Early life :...
Reginald Allen
Reginald Allen
Reginald Charles Allen was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test match against England in 1886-87....
Tommy Andrews ·
Jo Angel
Jo Angel
Jo Angel is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1993 to 1995....
Ken Archer
Ken Archer
Kenneth Alan Archer is an Australian cricketer. An opening batsman, he played domestic first-class cricket for Queensland for 10 years, from 1946-7 to 1956-7. He played in 5 Tests for the Australian cricket team in 1950 and 1951...
Ron Archer
Ron Archer
This article is about the cricket player. For Ron Archer see Ted WhiteRonald Graham Archer was an Australian Test cricketer who was born in Highgate Hill, Queensland...
Warwick Armstrong
Warwick Armstrong
Warwick Windridge Armstrong was an Australian cricketer who played 50 Test matches between 1902 and 1921. An all-rounder, he captained Australia in ten Test matches between 1920 and 1921 and was undefeated, winning eight Tests and drawing two...
Jack Badcock
Jack Badcock
Clayvel Lindsay 'Jack' Badcock was an Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1936 to 1938....
Alick Bannerman
Alick Bannerman
Alexander Chalmers Bannerman was an Australian cricketer who played in 28 Tests between 1879 and 1893....
Charles Bannerman
Charles Bannerman
Charles Bannerman was an Australian Test cricketer, a right-hand batsman, who played domestic cricket for New South Wales....
Warren Bardsley
Warren Bardsley
Warren "Curly" Bardsley was an Australian Test cricketer. An opening batsman, Bardsley played 41 Tests between 1909 and 1926 and over 200 first-class games for New South Wales...
Sid Barnes
Sid Barnes
Sidney George Barnes was an Australian cricketer and cricket writer, who played 13 Test matches between 1938 and 1948. Able to open the innings or bat down the order, Barnes was regarded as one of Australia's finest batsmen in the period immediately following the Second World War...
Ben Barnett
Ben Barnett
Benjamin Arthur Barnett was an Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests in 1938....
Jack Barrett
Jack Barrett (cricketer)
John Edward Barrett was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1890. He became a doctor.-References:*...
Graeme Beard
Graeme Beard
Graeme Robert Beard is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1980 to 1981....
Michael Beer
Michael Beer
Michael Anthony Beer is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Western Warriors. He is a slow left-arm orthodox spin bowler. He made his Test debut in the final match of the 2010–11 Ashes series.-Early life:...
John Benaud
John Benaud
John Benaud is a former Australian cricketer.John Benaud is the son of Louis and Irene Benaud . His only sibling is fellow cricketer Richie Benaud, who is older by 13 years. John is married to Lindsay Benaud with two children...
Richie Benaud
Richie Benaud
Richard "Richie" Benaud OBE is a former Australian cricketer who, since his retirement from international cricket in 1964, has become a highly regarded commentator on the game....
Murray Bennett
Murray Bennett
Murray John Bennett is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 8 ODIs from 1984 to 1985.- Early career :...
Michael Bevan
Michael Bevan
Michael Gwyl Bevan is a former Australian left-handed cricket batsman and a slow left arm chinaman bowler. He played 232 ODI matches for Australia, and was a part of the 1999 and 2003 teams that won the World Cup...
Andy Bichel
Andy Bichel
Andrew John Bichel is a retired Australian cricket player and was the bowling coach of the Kolkata Knight Riders for the 2009 Indian Premier League....
Jack Blackham
Jack Blackham
John McCarthy Blackham was a Test cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia.A specialist wicket-keeper, Blackham played in the first Test match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in March 1877 and the famous Ashes Test match of 1882...
Don Blackie
Don Blackie
Donald Dearness Blackie was an Australian Test cricketer who played only three Tests in the summer of 1928-29. At 46 years 253 days of age at the time of his Test debut, Blackie remains the oldest debutant in Australian Test cricket.-External links:*...
Greg Blewett
Greg Blewett
Gregory Scott Blewett is a former Australian right handed batsman and a right arm medium fast bowler in cricket who represented the Australian national cricket team in Test cricket and One Day International matches from 1995 to 2000....
Doug Bollinger
Doug Bollinger
Douglas Erwin Bollinger is a professional Australian cricketer who currently plays first-class cricket for the New South Wales Blues and international cricket for Australia. He is a left-handed batsman and a left-arm fast bowler...
George Bonnor
George Bonnor
George John Bonnor was an Australian cricketer, known for his big hitting, who played between 1880 and 1888.-Career:...
David Boon
David Boon
David Clarence Boon MBE , nicknamed Boony, is a former Australian cricketer whose international playing career spanned the years 1984–1995...
Brian Booth
Brian Booth
Brian Charles Booth is a former Australian cricketer who played in 29 Tests from 1961 to 1966. He captained Australia for two Tests during the 1965–66 Ashes series while regular captain Bob Simpson was absent due to illness and injury. Booth was a graceful right-handed middle order batsman...
Allan Border
Allan Border
Allan Robert Border AO is a former Australian cricketer. A batsman, Border was for many years the captain of the Australian team. His playing nickname was "A.B.". He played 156 Test matches in his career, a record until it was passed by fellow Australian Steve Waugh...
Harry Boyle
Harry Boyle
Henry Frederick Boyle was a leading Australian Test cricketer of the late 1870s and early 1880s....
Nathan Bracken
Nathan Bracken
Nathan Wade Bracken is a former Australian cricketer. A tall left-arm fast-medium bowler, Bracken is capable of swinging the ball both ways. He has represented Australia in all forms of the game...
Donald Bradman
Donald Bradman
Sir Donald George Bradman, AC , often referred to as "The Don", was an Australian cricketer, widely acknowledged as the greatest batsman of all time...
Ray Bright
Ray Bright
Raymond James Bright is a former Australian Test and One Day International cricketer.A left-arm orthodox spin bowler and useful lower order right-handed batsman, Bright made his first-class debut for Victoria at eighteen years of age, against New South Wales in Sydney in the 1972–1973 domestic...
Ernest Bromley
Ernest Bromley (cricketer)
Ernest Harvey Bromley was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1933 to 1934....
Bill Brown
Bill Brown (cricketer)
William Alfred "Bill" Brown, OAM was an Australian cricketer who played 22 Tests between 1934 and 1948, captaining his country in one Test. A right-handed opening batsman, his partnership with Jack Fingleton in the 1930s is regarded as one of the finest in Australian Test history...
William Bruce
William Bruce (cricketer)
William Bruce was an Australian cricketer who played in 14 Tests between 1885 and 1895....
Peter Burge ·
Jim Burke
Jim Burke (cricketer)
James Wallace Burke was an Australian cricketer who played in 24 Tests from 1951 to 1959.- Early years :...
Kenneth Burn
Kenneth Burn
Edwin James Kenneth 'Kenny' Burn was an Australian cricketer who played in two Tests on the tour to England in 1890...
Frederick Burton ·
Sydney Callaway
Sydney Callaway
Sydney Thomas Callaway was an Australian cricketer who played in three Tests. In 1891/92 he played in Sydney and Melbourne, and in 1894/95 he played in Adelaide where he took 5/37 in the first innings...
Ian Callen
Ian Callen
Ian Wayne Callen is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test and 5 ODIs from 1978 to 1982.His only test came against India in Adelaide in 1978 in which he took 6 wickets.-External links:*...
Greg Campbell
Greg Campbell
Gregory Dale Campbell is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 12 ODIs from 1989 to 1990. Campbell was a right arm fast bowler, and batted as a right-handed tail ender. He is the uncle of former Australian captain Ricky Ponting...
Barlow Carkeek
Barlow Carkeek
William "Barlow" Carkeek was an Australian sportsman who notably played Test cricket for Australia and first-class cricket for Victoria, as well as playing Australian rules football in the VFL for Essendon.-"Barlow":Carkeek, generally known otherwise as "Bill", earned the nickname "Barlow"...
Phil Carlson
Phil Carlson
Phillip Henry Carlson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 4 ODIs in 1979.Carlson was an all-rounder who played for Queensland between 1969–70 and 1980–81. He played two Test matches for Australia v England in 1978–79 Ashes series and five One Day Internationals against the...
Sammy Carter
Sammy Carter
Hanson Carter was a cricketer who played for Australia and New South Wales.-Career:...
Beau Casson
Beau Casson
Beau Casson is a former Australian cricketer who played for Western Australia and New South Wales, in a career spanning from 2002 to 2011, and has represented Australia at Test cricket. Primarily a left arm wrist spinner, Casson is also capable with the bat and has a highest First-class score of 99...
Greg Chappell
Greg Chappell
Gregory Stephen Chappell MBE is a former cricketer who captained Australia between 1975 and 1977 and then joined the breakaway World Series Cricket organisation, before returning to the Australian captaincy in 1979, a position he held until his retirement 1983...
Ian Chappell
Ian Chappell
Ian Michael Chappell is a former cricketer who played for South Australia and Australia. He captained Australia between 1971 and 1975 before taking a central role in the breakaway World Series Cricket organisation...
Trevor Chappell
Trevor Chappell
Trevor Martin Chappell is a former Australian cricketer, a member of the South Australian Chappell family which excelled at cricket...
Percie Charlton
Percie Charlton
Percie Chater Charlton was an Australian cricketer who played in two Tests in England in 1890....
Arthur Chipperfield
Arthur Chipperfield
Arthur Gordon Chipperfield was an Australian cricketer who played in 14 Tests from 1934 to 1938. He is one of only three players to make 99 on his Test match debut....
Stuart Clark
Stuart Clark
Stuart Rupert Clark is an Australian International cricketer who plays domestic cricket for the New South Wales Blues. He plays as a right-arm fast-medium bowler...
Wayne Clark
Wayne Clark
Wayne Maxwell Clark is a former Australian cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1977 to 1979....
Michael Clarke
Michael Clarke (cricketer)
Michael John Clarke is an Australian cricketer. He was appointed captain of the Test and ODI teams on 30 March 2011. Nicknamed 'Pup', he is a right-handed batsman, and occasional left-arm orthodox spin bowler...
David Colley
David Colley
David John Colley is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and one ODI in 1972.Colley was a medium-fast bowler who played for New South Wales in the Sheffield Shield between 1969/70 and 1977/78. He played 3 Test matches and 1 One Day International for the Australian national team...
Herbie Collins
Herbie Collins
Herbert Leslie Collins was an Australian cricketer who played 19 Tests between 1921 and 1926. An all-rounder, he captained the Australian team in eleven Tests, winning five, losing two with another four finishing in draws...
Arthur Coningham ·
Alan Connolly
Alan Connolly
Alan Norman Connolly is a former Australian cricketer who played in 29 Tests and one ODI from 1963 to 1971. Connolly had been a fast bowler in his youth, but slowed his pace to increase his accuracy and became a reliable support bowler in partnership with Garth McKenzie...
Simon Cook ·
Bransby Cooper
Bransby Cooper
Bransby Beauchamp Cooper was a member of the Australian cricket team that played in the inaugural Test match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1876–77...
William Cooper
William Cooper (cricketer)
William Henry Cooper was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests between 1881 and 1884....
Trent Copeland
Trent Copeland
Trent Aaron Copeland is an Australian cricket player. He is a right-arm fast bowler who currently plays first-class cricket for the New South Wales Blues...
Grahame Corling
Grahame Corling
Grahame Edward Corling is a former Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests in 1964. He took 12 wickets, including that of Geoffrey Boycott on his debut innings.-Notes:...
Gary Cosier
Gary Cosier
Gary John Cosier is a former Australian test cricketer who played in 18 Tests and 9 ODIs from 1975 to 1979. Cosier's star shone very briefly following a sensational test debut, when he became only the ninth Australian to post a century in his first Test.-Cricket career:The stocky, redheaded Cosier...
John Cottam
John Cottam
John Thomas Cottam was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1887....
Albert Cotter
Tibby Cotter
Albert "Tibby" Cotter was an Australian cricketer who played in 21 Tests between 1904 and 1912....
George Coulthard
George Coulthard
George Coulthard was a star Australian rules footballer who played for Carlton. He was also a notable cricketer who played for the Melbourne Cricket Club and briefly for Australia. As a cricketer he played only six first-class matches, five for Victoria and a Test match for Australia...
Bob Cowper
Bob Cowper
Robert Maskew Cowper was an Australian Test match cricketer in the 1960s, who also played for Victorian and Western Australia....
Ian Craig
Ian Craig
Ian David Craig is a former Australian Test cricketer who represented Australia in 11 Tests between 1953 and 1958. A slightly built right-handed batsman, Craig holds the record for being the youngest Australian to make a first-class double century, gain Test selection and captain his country...
Pat Crawford
Pat Crawford
William Patrick Anthony Crawford was an Australian cricketer who played in four Tests, including one in England at Lord's in 1956 and three in India in 1956–57...
Dan Cullen
Dan Cullen
Daniel James Cullen is an Australian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and right-hand off break bowler. He plays his domestic cricket for South Australia and played for Somerset in the 2006 English cricket season....
Pat Cummins ·
Adam Dale
Adam Dale
Adam Craig Dale is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 30 ODIs from 1997 to 2000.He represented the Wynnum-Manly Cricket Club in Brisbane....
Joe Darling
Joe Darling
Joseph "Joe" Darling CBE was an Australian cricketer who played 34 Test matches as a specialist batsman between 1894 and 1905. As captain, he led Australia in a total of 21 Tests, winning seven and losing four. In Test cricket, he scored 1657 runs at an average of 28.56 per innings, including...
Len Darling
Len Darling
Leonard Stuart Darling was an Australian cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1933 to 1937....
Rick Darling
Rick Darling
Warwick Maxwell "Rick" Darling is a former Australian Test cricketer.Darling is the great-nephew of Joe Darling, and learnt to play cricket at his family's home at Ramco on the Murray River. He played for the Salisbury district club in 1970–71, and started his first-class career in 1975–76 with...
Alan Davidson
Alan Davidson (cricketer)
Alan Keith Davidson, AM, MBE is a former Australian cricketer of the 1950s and 1960s. He was an all rounder: a hard-hitting lower-order left-handed batsman, and an outstanding left-arm fast-medium opening bowler...
Ian Davis
Ian Davis (cricketer)
Ian Charles Davis is a former Australian cricketer who played in 15 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1973 to 1977...
Simon Davis ·
Jim de Courcy
Jim de Courcy
James Harry de Courcy was an Australian cricketer who played in three Tests on the 1953 Australian tour of England....
Tony Dell
Tony Dell
Anthony Ross Dell is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1970-71 and 1973-74. He was a fast-medium seam bowler who made his debut against England for the vital Seventh Test at Sydney in the 1970-71 Ashes series...
Tony Dodemaide
Tony Dodemaide
Anthony Ian Christopher Dodemaide is a former Australian Test Cricketer. After a three year stint as Chief Executive of the Western Australian Cricket Association in Perth, he is the current Chief Executive of Cricket Victoria...
Harry Donnan
Harry Donnan
Henry "Harry" Donnan was an Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests between 1892 and 1896....
Bruce Dooland
Bruce Dooland
Bruce Dooland was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1947 to 1948....
Reggie Duff
Reggie Duff
Reginald Alexander Duff was an Australian cricketer who played in 22 Tests between 1902 and 1905....
Ross Duncan
Ross Duncan
John Ross Frederick Duncan is a former Australian cricketer who played for Queensland. He was brought into the Test team for the Fifth Test at Melbourne which replaced the Victoria second tour match against the M.C.C. in the 1970-71 Ashes series...
Greg Dyer
Greg Dyer
Gregory Charles Dyer is a former New South Wales and Australian wicketkeeper. Dyer played in 6 Tests and 23 ODIs from 1986 to 1988, including playing in the victorious 1987 World Cup Final....
Geoff Dymock
Geoff Dymock
Geoffrey Dymock is a former Australian and Queensland cricketer. He played in 21 Tests and 15 One Day Internationals between 1974 and 1980. He was the third bowler to dismiss all eleven opposition players in a test match, and remains one of only six players to have achieved this unusual...
John Dyson
John Dyson
John Dyson is a former international cricketer who is now a cricket coach, most recently in charge of the West Indies....
Charles Eady
Charles Eady
Charles John Eady was a cricketer who played for Tasmanian clubs and representative sides in the era before Tasmania was accepted into the Sheffield Shield and other competitions...
Ken Eastwood
Ken Eastwood
Kenneth Humphrey Eastwood is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1971. He replaced Bill Lawry, who was dropped altogether despite being the captain due to a dispute with the board...
Hans Ebeling
Hans Ebeling
Hans Irvine Ebeling MBE was an Australian cricketer and cricket administrator....
Jack Edwards ·
Ross Edwards
Ross Edwards
Ross Edwards is a former Western Australian and Australian cricketer.Edwards played in 20 Tests for Australia, playing against England, West Indies and Pakistan. He also played in nine One Day Internationals including the 1975 Cricket World Cup series...
Wally Edwards
Wally Edwards
Walter John Edwards is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and one ODI from 1974 to 1975....
Matthew Elliott ·
Phil Emery
Phil Emery
Philip Allen Emery is a former Australian and New South Wales cricketer. He was a wicket-keeper and valuable left-handed batsman....
Sid Emery
Sid Emery
Sidney Hand Emery was an Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests in 1912.-References:*...
Edwin Evans
Edwin Evans
Edwin Evans was an Australian cricketer who played in six Tests between 1881 and 1886.Born in Emu Plains, New South Wales and educated at Newington College , Evans was an off spinner with an ability to consistently land the ball wherever he wanted to and had some success in Australian first-class...
Alan Fairfax
Alan Fairfax
Alan Geoffrey Fairfax was an Australian cricketer who played in 10 Tests from 1929 to 1931....
Les Favell
Les Favell
Leslie Ernest Favell was an Australian cricketer who played in 19 Tests from 1954 to 1961. He was a strong batsman who liked to hit the ball around the ground and was a much loved character...
John Ferris ·
Jack Fingleton
Jack Fingleton
John "Jack" Henry Webb Fingleton OBE was an Australian cricketer who was trained as a journalist and became a political and cricket commentator after the end of his playing career...
Chuck Fleetwood-Smith
Chuck Fleetwood-Smith
Leslie O'Brien "Chuck" Fleetwood-Smith was a cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia. Known universally as "Chuck", he was the "wayward genius" of Australian cricket during the 1930s...
Damien Fleming
Damien Fleming
Damien William Fleming is a former Australian cricketer who played in 20 Tests and 88 ODIs from 1994 to 2001....
Bruce Francis
Bruce Francis
Bruce Colin Francis is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1972.He played for Essex and was a hard hitting opening bat....
Eric Freeman ·
Fred Freer
Fred Freer
Frederick Alfred William Freer was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1946. He was a fast-medium bowler more accuarte than Keith Miller. He was called into the team for the Second Test in Sydney after Ray Lindwall was struck down by chickenpox...
Sam Gannon
Sam Gannon
John Bryant 'Sam' Gannon is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1977 to 1978.-External links:*...
Tom Garrett
Tom Garrett
Thomas William Garrett was an early Australian Test cricketer and, later, a distinguished public servant.-Early life:...
Ron Gaunt
Ron Gaunt
Ronald Arthur Gaunt is an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1958 to 1964....
Algy Gehrs
Algy Gehrs
Donald Raeburn Algernon Gehrs was an Australian cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 1904 to 1911....
Peter George
Peter George (cricketer)
Peter Robert George is an Australian Test cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler, George plays his first class cricket for the Southern Redbacks.- Profile :...
George Giffen
George Giffen
George Giffen was a cricketer who played for South Australia and Australia. An all-rounder who batted in the middle order and often opened the bowling with medium-paced off-spin, Giffen captained Australia during the 1894–95 Ashes series and was the first Australian to score 10,000 runs and...
Walter Giffen
Walter Giffen
Walter Frank Giffen was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests between 1887 and 1892...
Dave Gilbert ·
Adam Gilchrist
Adam Gilchrist
Adam Craig Gilchrist AM , nicknamed "Gilly" or "Churchy", is an Australian international cricketer who currently captains Kings XI Punjab and recently captained Middlesex. He is an attacking left-handed batsman and record-breaking wicket-keeper, who redefined the role for the Australian national...
Jason Gillespie
Jason Gillespie
Jason Neil Gillespie is an Australian cricketer who formerly represented Australia at international level, in both Tests and One Day Internationals, and South Australia, Yorkshire and Glamorgan at first-class level. His primary role is as a right-arm fast-medium bowler, but he is also a competent...
Gary Gilmour
Gary Gilmour
Gary John Gilmour is a former Australian cricketer who played in 15 Tests and 5 One Day Internationals from 1973 to 1977....
John Gleeson
John Gleeson
John William Gleeson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 29 Tests from 1967 to 1972.-Early years:Gleeson grew up in the country town of Tamworth...
Harry Graham
Harry Graham (cricketer)
Harry Graham was an Australian cricket player. A right-handed batsman, he played six Tests for Australia and also played cricket in New Zealand....
Dave Gregory
Dave Gregory (cricketer)
David William Gregory was an Australian cricketer of the 19th century. A right-handed batsman, Gregory was the first Australian national cricket captain, leading the side for the first three recognised Test matches between England and Australia in March and April 1877 and January 1879...
Ned Gregory
Ned Gregory
Edward James Gregory was an Australian cricketer who played in the first recognised Test in 1877 between Australia and England in Melbourne....
Jack Gregory ·
Ross Gregory
Ross Gregory
Ross Gerald Gregory was an Australian Test cricketer.Gregory, a diminutive gifted right-hand batsman, was a precocious batting talent, making his debut for Victoria while still at school and his Test cricket debut before the age of 21 in the 1936-37 season, after scoring 128 for his state against...
Syd Gregory
Syd Gregory
Sydney Edward Gregory , sometimes known as Edward Sydney Gregory, was a cricketer who played for New South Wales and Australia. At the time of his retirement, he had played a world-record 58 Test matches during a career spanning 1890 to 1912...
Clarrie Grimmett
Clarrie Grimmett
Clarence Victor "Clarrie" Grimmett was a cricketer; although born in New Zealand, he played most of his cricket in Australia. He is thought by many to be one of the finest early spin bowlers, and usually credited as the developer of the flipper.Grimmett was born in Caversham a suburb of Dunedin,...
Thomas Groube
Thomas Groube
Thomas Underwood Groube was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1880.-External links:*...
Wally Grout
Wally Grout
Arthur Theodore Wallace Grout was a Test cricketer who kept wicket for Australia and Queensland.Grout played in 51 Test matches between 1957 and 1966...
Colin Guest
Colin Guest
Colin Ernest John Guest is a former Australian cricketer who played in the Third Test at Sydney in the 1962-63 Ashes series. He was brought in to replace Ken Mackay whose slow batting was disliked by the crowds and who was unfairly blamed for the defeat in the Second Test at Melbourne...
Brad Haddin ·
Ron Hamence
Ron Hamence
Ronald Arthur Hamence was a cricketer who played for South Australia and Australia. A short and compact right-handed batsman, Hamence excelled in getting forward to drive and had an array of attractive back foot strokes...
Jeff Hammond
Jeff Hammond (cricketer)
Jeffrey Robert Hammond is a former Australian cricketer who played in five Tests and one ODI from 1972 to 1973.Hammond made his debut for South Australia in 1969 and played until 1980, making tours of England and the West Indies...
Ryan Harris
Ryan Harris (cricketer)
Ryan James Harris is an Australian cricketer, currently signed up to play domestic cricket for Yorkshire in 2010. A right-arm fast bowler, he played with the Southern Redbacks from 2001–02 to 2007–08...
John Harry
John Harry
John Harry was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test at Adelaide in 1895....
Roger Hartigan
Roger Hartigan
Michael Joseph 'Roger' Hartigan was an Australian Test cricketer and Administrator....
Albert Hartkopf
Albert Hartkopf
Albert Ernst Victor Hartkopf was an Australian sportsman who played Test cricket for Australia and Australian rules football for Melbourne University Football Club....
Merv Harvey
Merv Harvey
Mervyn Roye Harvey was a cricketer who played in one Test match for Australia in 1947. His younger brother, Neil, was one of Australia's finest batsmen since the Second World War, and the pair played together for Victoria during the latter part of Merv’s career.Merv Harvey broke into the Victorian...
Neil Harvey
Neil Harvey
Robert Neil Harvey MBE is a former Australian cricketer who represented the Australian cricket team between 1948 and 1963, playing in 79 Test matches. He was the vice-captain of the team from 1957 until his retirement...
Lindsay Hassett
Lindsay Hassett
Arthur Lindsay Hassett MBE was a cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia. The diminutive Hassett was an elegant middle-order batsman, described by Wisden as, "... a master of nearly every stroke ... his superb timing, nimble footwork and strong wrists enabled him to make batting look a...
Nathan Hauritz
Nathan Hauritz
Nathan Michael Hauritz is an Australian cricketer who has represented Australia in Tests, One-dayers and Twenty20 Internationals. He is mainly noted for his off spin bowling....
Neil Hawke
Neil Hawke
Neil James Napier Hawke was an Australian Test cricketer and leading Australian rules footballer.Born in Cheltenham, South Australia, Hawke quickly developed as a natural all-round sportsman who excelled in cricket, football and golf and made his senior Australian rules football debut for South...
Matthew Hayden
Matthew Hayden
Matthew Lawrence Hayden AM is a former Australian cricketer, and was signed to the Chennai Super Kings in the IPL until the 2010 season. Hayden is a powerful and aggressive left-handed opening batsman, known for his ability to score quickly at both Test and one day levels.Hayden holds the record...
Gerry Hazlitt
Gerry Hazlitt
Gervys Rignold Hazlitt, commonly known as Gerry, was an Australian cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1907 to 1912....
Ian Healy
Ian Healy
Ian Andrew Healy is a former cricketer who played for Queensland and Australia. A specialist wicketkeeper and useful right-hand middle-order batsman, he made an unheralded entry to international cricket in 1988, after only six first-class games. His work ethic and combativeness was much needed...
Hunter "Stork" Hendry
Hunter Hendry
Hunter Scott Thomas Laurie Hendry was a cricketer who played for New South Wales, Victoria and Australia national cricket team.Nicknamed Stork, he was a formidable batsman who bowlers found difficulty in delivering to...
Paul Hibbert
Paul Hibbert
Paul Anthony Hibbert was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1977. He was born in Brunswick, Victoria....
Jim Higgs
Jim Higgs
James Donald Higgs is a former Australian leg spinner who played in 22 Tests from 1978 to 1981.Higgs began his district cricket career at Melbourne University, where he studied civil engineering, before transferring to Richmond. He made his début for Victoria against Western Australia...
Andrew Hilditch
Andrew Hilditch
Andrew Mark Jefferson Hilditch is a former Australian cricketer who played in 18 Tests and 8 ODIs from 1979 to 1985. He played for New South Wales from 1977 to 1981 and for South Australia from 1982 to 1992...
Ben Hilfenhaus
Ben Hilfenhaus
Benjamin William Hilfenhaus is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Tasmanian Tigers in Australian domestic cricket. Hilfenhaus plays club cricket for Tasmania University Cricket Club. Prior to turning fully professional, he worked as a bricklayer as well as playing cricket...
Clem Hill
Clem Hill
Clement "Clem" Hill was an Australian cricketer who played 49 Test matches as a specialist batsman between 1896 and 1912. He captained the Australian team in ten Tests, winning five and losing five...
John Hill ·
Des Hoare
Des Hoare
Desmond Edward Hoare is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1961. He also played Australian rules football for East Fremantle in the West Australian National Football League ....
Brad Hodge
Brad Hodge
Bradley John Hodge is an Australian and Victorian cricketer. He attended St Bede's College in Mentone, Victoria. He is a right hand batsman who bats in the middle order, as well as a part time right arm off spin bowler....
John Hodges
John Hodges
John Robart Hodges, an Australian cricketer, was born in Knightsbridge, London on 11 August 1855 and is believed to have died on 17 January 1933 in Melbourne, Victoria in his adopted country. The exact details of his death remain unconfirmed but this date is generally accepted by the sport's...
Tom Hogan
Tom Hogan
Tom George Hogan is a former Australian cricketer.Hogan was a left arm spinner who played in 7 Tests and 16 One Day Internationals for Australia from 1983 to 1984....
Brad Hogg
Brad Hogg
George Bradley "Brad" Hogg , is an Australian cricketer currently listed with the Perth Scorchers in the Big Bash League. He is a left-arm chinaman bowler, and a capable lower-order left-handed batsman, as well as an excellent fielder....
Rodney Hogg
Rodney Hogg
Rodney Malcolm Hogg is a former Victorian, South Australian and Australian cricketer. He was a fast bowler. Hogg played in 38 Tests and 71 ODIs between 1978 and 1985. In Tests he took 123 wickets at an average of 28.47.-Career:...
Trevor Hohns
Trevor Hohns
Trevor Victor Hohns is a former Queensland and.Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests in 1989.Hohns resigned as chairman of selectors for Cricket Australia in early 2006, being replaced with fellow selector and former Test cricketer Andrew Hilditch.-External links:...
Graeme Hole
Graeme Hole
Graeme Blake Hole was an Australian cricketer....
Bob Holland
Bob Holland
Robert George Holland is a former New South Wales and Australian cricketer. He was, for obvious reasons, nicknamed "Dutchy".-Domestic career:...
David Hookes
David Hookes
David William Hookes was an Australian cricketer, broadcaster and coach of the Victorian cricket team. An aggressive left-handed batsman, Hookes usually batted in the middle order...
Albert Hopkins ·
Tom Horan
Tom Horan
Thomas Patrick Horan was an Australian cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia, and later became an esteemed cricket journalist under the pen name "Felix". The first of only two Irish-born players to play Test cricket for Australia, Horan was the leading batsman in the colony of Victoria...
Ranji Hordern
Ranji Hordern
Dr. Herbert Vivian "Ranji" Hordern was an Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1911 to 1912. He was the first major leg-spin and googly bowler to play for Australia...
Percy Hornibrook
Percy Hornibrook
Percival Mitchell Hornibrook was an Australian cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 1929 to 1930....
Bill Howell ·
Kim Hughes
Kim Hughes
Kimberley John Hughes is a former cricketer who played for Western Australia, Natal and Australia. He captained Australia in 28 Tests between 1979 and 1984 before captaining a "rebel" Australian team in a tour of South Africa, who at the time were subject to a sporting boycott.A right-handed...
Merv Hughes
Merv Hughes
Mervyn Gregory Hughes is a former Australian cricketer. A right-arm fast bowler, he represented Australia between 1985 and 1994 in 53 Test matches, taking 212 wickets. He played 33 One Day Internationals, taking 38 wickets. He took a hat trick in a Test against the West Indies at the WACA in...
Phillip Hughes ·
Bill Hunt
Bill Hunt
William Alfred Hunt was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1932....
Alan Hurst
Alan Hurst (cricketer)
Alan George Hurst is a former Australian cricketer who played in twelve Tests and eight ODIs between 1975 and 1979...
Alec Hurwood
Alec Hurwood
Alexander Hurwood , known as Alec, was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1930 to 1931....
Michael Hussey
Michael Hussey
Michael Edward Killeen Hussey is an Australian cricketer, a left-handed specialist batsman. Hussey is also widely known by his nickname Mr Cricket. Hussey was a relative latecomer to both the one-day international and Test Australian teams, debuting at 28 and 30 years of age in the respective...
John Inverarity
John Inverarity
Robert John Inverarity is a former Test and first-class cricketer. A right-handed batsman and left-arm orthodox spin bowler in his playing career, Inverarity was also one of the enduring captains in the Australian Sheffield Shield during the late 1970s and early 1980s.-Cricket career:He played in...
Frank Iredale
Frank Iredale
Francis Adams Iredale was an Australian Test cricketer who played 14 Tests between 1888 and 1902...
Bert Ironmonger
Bert Ironmonger
Herbert Ironmonger was a Victorian and Australian cricketer....
Jack Iverson
Jack Iverson
John Brian Iverson was an Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1950 to 1951. He was known for his unique "bent finger" grip, with which he briefly perplexed batsmen across Australia as well as the touring English cricket team...
Archie Jackson
Archie Jackson
Archibald "Archie" Jackson , occasionally known as Archibald Alexander Jackson, was an Australian cricketer who played eight Test matches as a specialist batsman between 1929 and 1931. A teenage prodigy, he played first grade cricket at only 15 years of age and was selected for New South Wales at 17...
Phil Jaques
Phil Jaques
Philip Anthony Jaques is an Australian cricketer. He is a left-handed opening batsman who has played first-class cricket for New South Wales, Northamptonshire, Yorkshire and Worcestershire, as well as international cricket for Australia...
Barry Jarman
Barry Jarman
Barrington Noel Jarman OAM is a former Australian Test cricketer and International Cricket Council Match Referee....
Affie Jarvis
Affie Jarvis
Arthur Harwood Jarvis was an Australian wicket-keeper who played for Australia and South Australia....
Terry Jenner
Terry Jenner
Terrence James Jenner was an Australian cricketer who played nine Tests and one ODI from 1970 to 1975. He was primarily a leg-spin bowler and was known for his attacking, loopy style of bowling, but he was also a handy lower-order batsman...
Claude Jennings
Claude Jennings
Claude Barrows Jennings, born 5 June 1884, in St Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and died 20 June 1950 in Adelaide, South Australia, was a cricketer who played for South Australia, Queensland and Australia....
Ian Johnson
Ian Johnson (cricketer)
Ian William Geddes Johnson CBE was an Australian cricketer who played 45 Test matches as a slow off-break bowler between 1946 and 1956. Johnson captured 109 Test wickets at an average of 29.19 runs per wicket and as a lower order batsman made 1,000 runs at an average of...
Len Johnson
Len Johnson
Leonard Joseph Johnson was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1948.-Cricket career:...
Mitchell Johnson
Mitchell Johnson (cricketer)
Mitchell Guy Johnson is an Australian cricketer. He is a left-arm fast bowler and left-handed batsman. He was awarded the International Cricket Council's 2009 "Cricketer of the Year" award, the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy.-Career:...
Bill Johnston
Bill Johnston (cricketer)
William Arras Johnston was an Australian cricketer who played in forty Test matches from 1947 to 1955. A left arm pace bowler, as well as a left arm orthodox spinner, Johnston was best known as a spearhead of Don Bradman's undefeated 1948 touring team, well known as "The Invincibles"...
Dean Jones
Dean Jones (cricketer)
Dean Mervyn Jones AM is a retired Australian cricketer, and is presently a coach. He also worked as a media commentator.-Career:...
Ernie Jones
Ernie Jones
Ernest Jones was an Australian sportsman, playing Test cricket and Australian rules football....
Sammy Jones
Sammy Jones
Samuel Percy "Sammy" Jones was an Australian cricketer who played twelve Tests between 1882 and 1888....
Les Joslin
Les Joslin
Leslie Ronald Joslin is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1968....
Brendon Julian
Brendon Julian
Brendon Paul Julian is a former Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests and 25 ODIs from 1993 to 1999....
Michael Kasprowicz
Michael Kasprowicz
Michael Scott Kasprowicz is a former Australian Test cricketer. He is a right arm fast bowler, effective outfielder and useful lower order batsman, and has enjoyed a successful career both in Australia and in the English county scene since making his debut for Queensland as a seventeen year old in...
Simon Katich
Simon Katich
Simon Matthew Katich is an Australian cricketer. He is the captain of the New South Wales Blues, and also captained, up until the end of the 2007 season, Derbyshire County Cricket Club...
Charles Kelleway
Charles Kelleway
Charles Kelleway was an Australian cricketer who played in 26 Tests between 1910 and 1928....
Jim Kelly ·
Thomas Kelly ·
Tom Kendall
Tom Kendall
Thomas Kingston Kendall was an Australian cricketer, who played in two Tests in 1877, including the inaugural Test which was played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in March 1877....
Martin Kent
Martin Kent
Martin Francis Kent is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 5 ODIs in 1981.This elegant right-handed batsman was unfortunate to play only three times for his country...
Robbie Kerr
Robbie Kerr (cricketer)
Robert Byers Kerr is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 4 ODIs in 1985....
Usman Khawaja
Usman Khawaja
Usman Khawaja is an Australian cricketer. He was awarded player of the Australian Under 19 Championship in 2005 and also played for Australia in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka as an opening batsman. His club side is Randwick-Petersham....
Alan Kippax
Alan Kippax
Alan Falconer Kippax was a cricketer for New South Wales and Australia. Regarded as one of the great stylists of Australian cricket during the era between the two World Wars, Kippax overcame a late start to Test cricket to become a regular in the Australian team between the 1928–29 and...
Lindsay Kline
Lindsay Kline
Lindsay Francis Kline is former Australian and Victorian cricketer. He played in 13 Tests for Australia and 88 first-class matches between 1955/56 and 1961/1962...
Jason Krejza
Jason Krejza
Jason John Krejza is an Australian cricketer. He also plays for the Tasmanian Tigers and Leicestershire. Krejza's father was a association football player from Czechoslovakia and his mother was born in Poland...
Bruce Laird
Bruce Laird
Bruce Malcolm Laird is a former Western Australian and Australian cricketer. He was an opening batsmen who played in 21 Tests and 23 ODIs. He also starred in World Series Cricket.-Early career:...
Justin Langer
Justin Langer
Justin Lee Langer AM is a former international cricketer who represented Australia in 105 Test matches and the current Assistant Coach and Batting Coach of the Australian cricket team. A left-handed batsman, his opening partnership with Matthew Hayden was one of the most successful of all time...
Gil Langley
Gil Langley
Gilbert Roche Andrews "Gil" Langley was an Australian Test cricketer, champion Australian rules footballer and member of parliament, serving as Speaker of the South Australian House of Assembly....
Trevor Laughlin
Trevor Laughlin
Trevor John Laughlin is a former Australian cricketer who played in three Tests and six ODIs from 1978 to 1979....
Frank Laver
Frank Laver
Frank Jonas Laver Frank Jonas Laver Frank Jonas Laver (7 December 1869, Castlemaine, Victoria 24 September 1919, East Melbourne, Victoria was an Australian cricketer who played in 15 Tests from 1899 to 1909....
Stuart Law
Stuart Law
Stuart Grant Law OAM is an Australian-born cricketer. He is also the head coach of Bangladesh national cricket team, as from July, he succeeded fellow Aussie Jamie Siddons, who left shortly after the 2011 Cricket World Cup...
Bill Lawry
Bill Lawry
William Morris "Bill" Lawry, AM is a former cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia. He captained Australia in 25 Tests, winning nine, losing eight and drawing eight, and led Australia in the inaugural One Day International match, played in 1971...
Geoff Lawson
Geoff Lawson (cricketer)
Geoffrey Francis Lawson, OAM is a former Australian cricketer and the former coach of the Pakistan cricket team....
Brett Lee
Brett Lee
Brett Lee is an Australian cricketer.After breaking into the Australian Test team, Lee was recognised as one of the fastest bowlers in world cricket...
Philip Lee
Philip Lee (cricketer)
Philip Keith Lee was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1931 to 1933....
Darren Lehmann
Darren Lehmann
Darren Scott Lehmann is a former Australian cricketer, who made his ODI debut in 1996 and Test debut in 1998. He was on the fringes of national selection for the entirety of the 1990s, and only became a regular in the ODI team in 2001 and Test team in late 2002, before being dropped in early 2005...
Dennis Lillee
Dennis Lillee
Dennis Keith Lillee, AM, MBE is a former Australian cricketer rated as the "outstanding fast bowler of his generation"...
Ray Lindwall
Ray Lindwall
Raymond Russell Lindwall MBE was a cricketer who represented Australia in 61 Tests from 1946 to 1960. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest fast bowlers of all time. He also played top-flight rugby league football with St...
Hammy Love
Hammy Love
Hampden Stanley Bray Love was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test for Australia in 1933. He replaced Bert Oldfield as wicket-keeper for the Ashes match played at Brisbane after Oldfield retired hurt in the Adelaide test of the Bodyline series...
Martin Love
Martin Love
Martin Lloyd Love is a former Australian cricketer who played in five Tests from 2002 to 2003. He was a right-handed batsman....
Sam Loxton
Sam Loxton
Samuel John Everett "Sam" Loxton OBE is a former Australian cricketer, footballer and politician. Among these three pursuits, his greatest achievements were attained on the cricket field; he played in 12 Tests for Australia from 1948 to 1951...
Nathan Lyon
Nathan Lyon (cricketer)
Nathan Lyon is an Australian cricketer. He has also worked as a member of the ground staff team at the Adelaide Oval after completing a four year apprenticeship at Manuka Oval.-Early career:...
Jack Lyons
Jack Lyons (cricketer)
John James "Jack or J.J." Lyons was an Australian cricketer who played in 14 Tests between 1887 and 1897.-External links:*...
Peter McAlister
Peter McAlister
Peter Alexander McAlister was an Australian cricketer who played in 8 Tests from 1904 to 1909....
Charlie Macartney ·
Stan McCabe
Stan McCabe
Stanley Joseph McCabe was an Australian cricketer who played 39 Test matches for Australia from 1930 to 1938. A short, stocky right-hander,...
Colin McCool
Colin McCool
Colin Leslie McCool was an Australian cricketer who played in 14 Tests from 1946 to 1950. McCool, born in Paddington, New South Wales, was an all-rounder who bowled leg spin and googlies with a round arm action and as a lower order batsman was regarded as effective square of the wicket and against...
Ernie McCormick
Ernie McCormick
Ernest Leslie McCormick was an Australian cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1935 to 1938....
Rick McCosker
Rick McCosker
Richard Bede McCosker is a former New South Wales and Australian cricketer.McCosker played in 25 Tests and 14 One Day Internationals in a career spanning 1975 to 1982 playing as a right hand batsman....
Craig McDermott
Craig McDermott
Craig John McDermott is a former Australian cricketer. He is currently the bowling coach for the Australian cricket team....
Colin McDonald ·
Ted McDonald
Ted McDonald
Edgar Arthur "Ted" McDonald was a cricketer who played for Tasmania, Victoria, Lancashire and Australia, as well as being an Australian rules footballer who played with Launceston Football Club, Essendon Football Club, and Fitzroy Football Club.A very fast bowler with the...
Percy McDonnell
Percy McDonnell
Percy Stanislaus McDonnell was an Australian cricketer who captained the Australian Test team in six matches, including the tour of England in 1888....
Bryce McGain
Bryce McGain
Bryce Edward McGain is a professional Australian cricketer who currently plays for Victoria. McGain made his first-class debut in 2002 against New South Wales at the Sydney Cricket Ground. However, due to other Victorian spinners—Shane Warne and Cameron White—he was unable to hold down a place in...
Stuart MacGill
Stuart MacGill
Stuart Charles Glyndwr MacGill is a former right-arm leg spin bowler of the Australian cricket team, with a domestic career at Western Australia, New South Wales, Nottinghamshire, Devon and Somerset...
Glenn McGrath
Glenn McGrath
Glenn Donald McGrath AM , nicknamed "Pigeon", is a former Australian cricket player. He is one of the most highly regarded fast-medium pace bowlers in cricketing history, and a leading contributor to Australia's domination of world cricket from the mid-1990s to the early 21st century...
John McIlwraith ·
Peter McIntyre
Peter McIntyre (cricketer)
Peter Edward McIntyre is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1995 to 1996.He was a leg-spin bowler, unlucky to have arrived at the same time as fellow spin bowlers Shane Warne, and to a lesser extent, Stuart MacGill; consequently he never managed to establish himself fully in...
Ken Mackay
Ken Mackay
Kenneth Donald Mackay was an Australian cricketer who played in 37 Tests from 1956 to 1963....
Clinton McKay
Clinton McKay
Clinton James "Clint" McKay is an Australian cricketer. He is currently a member of the Victorian Bushrangers side and has represented Australia at one day international level. A right-arm fast-medium bowler who stands at 194 cm, he made his first class debut for Victoria in November 2006...
Garth McKenzie ·
Tom McKibbin
Tom McKibbin
Thomas Robert McKibbin was an Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1895 to 1898....
John McLaren
John McLaren (cricketer)
John William McLaren was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1912....
John Maclean
John Maclean (cricketer)
John Alexander Maclean is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1978 to 1979. John was educated at Brisbane State High School....
Charlie McLeod
Charlie McLeod
Charles Edward McLeod was an Australian cricketer who played in 17 Tests from 1894 to 1902. His brother, Bob, also played cricket for Australia....
Bob McLeod ·
Patrick McShane
Patrick McShane
Patrick George McShane was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Test matches between 1885 and 1888....
Len Maddocks
Len Maddocks
Leonard Victor Maddocks is a former Australian cricketer and cricket administrator who played in 7 Tests from 1954 to 1956...
John Maguire
John Norman Maguire
John Norman Maguire is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 23 ODIs from 1983 to 1984....
Arthur Mailey
Arthur Mailey
Arthur Alfred Mailey was an Australian cricketer who played in 21 Test matches between 1920 and 1926....
Ashley Mallett
Ashley Mallett
Ashley Alexander Mallett is a former Australian cricketer who played in 38 Tests and 9 One Day Internationals between 1968 and 1980...
Mick Malone
Mick Malone
Michael Francis Malone is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test and 10 ODIs from 1977 to 1982. Malone played in only one Test prior to joining World Series Cricket. In English county cricket he had a period with Lancashire...
Tony Mann
Tony Mann (cricketer)
Anthony Longford Mann is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1977 to 1978....
Graham Manou
Graham Manou
Graham Allan Manou is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Southern Redbacks in Australian domestic cricket. He is a wicket-keeper and aggressive right-handed batsman who has taken more dismissals than any other South Australian player in One Day domestic cricket.Manou was a successful junior...
Alfred Marr
Alfred Marr
Alfred Percy Marr was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1885.-External links:*...
Geoff Marsh
Geoff Marsh
Geoffrey Robert Marsh is a former Australian cricketer, coach and selector. He played 50 Test matches and over 100 One Day Internationals for Australia as an opening batsman...
Rod Marsh
Rod Marsh
Rodney William Marsh MBE is a former Australian wicketkeeper.A colourful character, Marsh had a Test career spanning from the 1970–71 to the 1983–84 Australian season. In 96 Tests, he set a world record of 355 wicketkeeping dismissals, the same number his pace bowling Western...
Shaun Marsh
Shaun Marsh
Shaun Edward Marsh is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Western Warriors in Australian domestic cricket and has represented Australia at One Day International and Twenty20 International levels...
Johnny Martin
Johnny Martin
John Wesley Martin was an Australian cricketer who played in 8 Tests from 1960 to 1967. Martin grew up on the central coast, near Taree, one of 10 children of the manager of Burrell Creek's post office and general store, which Johnny himself ended up managing...
Damien Martyn
Damien Martyn
Damien Richard Martyn is a former Australian cricketer. He played for the national team sporadically in 1992–1994 before becoming a regular ODI player in 1999–2000 and a regular Test player in 2001 until his retirement in late 2006...
Hugh Massie
Hugh Massie
Hugh Hamon Massie was a cricketer who played for New South Wales and Australia.Massie's role in the 1882 Ashes Test at The Oval was almost as pivotal in deciding the result as Fred Spofforth's celebrated performance with the ball...
Bob Massie
Bob Massie
Robert Arnold Lockyer Massie is a former Australian cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1972 to 1973.A swing bowler, he had a relatively short international career but is remembered for a Test debut in 1972 at Lord's where he took eight wickets in each innings, with figures of 16/137...
Christopher Matthews
Christopher Matthews (cricketer)
Christopher Darrell "Chris" Matthews is a former Australian cricketer, who played for the Australian cricket team, the Western Warriors, Lancashire County Cricket Club, and the Tasmanian Tigers....
Greg Matthews
Greg Matthews
Gregory Richard John "Mo" Matthews is a former New South Wales and Australian cricketer who is now a television cricket commentator....
Jimmy Matthews
Jimmy Matthews
Thomas James Matthews was an Australian Test cricketer. He bowled leg breaks...
Tim May
Tim May
Timothy Brian Alexander May is a former cricketer for South Australia and Australia, who is currently a leading players' representative in his role as Chief Executive of the Federation of International Cricketers' Associations...
Edgar Mayne
Edgar Mayne
Edgar Richard Mayne was an Australian cricketer who played as a right-handed batsman and bowler....
Laurie Mayne
Laurie Mayne
Lawrence Charles Mayne is a former Australian cricketer who played in six Tests from 1965 to 1970....
Ian Meckiff
Ian Meckiff
Ian Meckiff is a former cricketer who represented Australia in 18 Tests between 1957 and 1963...
Ken Meuleman
Ken Meuleman
Kenneth Douglas Meuleman was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1946....
Billy Midwinter
Billy Midwinter
William Evans Midwinter was a cricketer who played four Test matches for England, sandwiched in between eight Tests that he played for Australia...
Colin Miller
Colin Miller (cricketer)
Colin Reid Miller is a former Australian cricketer. Known for his ever-changing hair colour; he played with blue hair in a test match against the West Indies in 2001. His hair apparently made West Indies captain Courtney Walsh laugh.Miller began as a right-arm fast-medium bowler, but changed to...
Keith Miller
Keith Miller
Keith Ross Miller MBE was an Australian Test cricketer and a Royal Australian Air Force pilot during World War II. Miller is widely regarded as Australia's greatest ever all-rounder. Because of his ability, irreverent manner and good looks he was a crowd favourite...
Roy Minnett
Roy Minnett
Roy Baldwin Minnett was an Australian cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1911 to 1912.His two older brothers, Leslie and Rupert, both played for New South Wales....
Frank Misson
Frank Misson
Francis Michael Misson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1960 to 1961....
Tom Moody
Tom Moody
Thomas Masson Moody is a former Australian cricketer and coach of the Sri Lankan cricket team. Today he is the coach for the IPL team Kings XI Punjab...
Jack Moroney
Jack Moroney
Jack Moroney was a slow-scoring Australian batsman who toured South Africa with success in 1949-50, making his maiden Test century. He failed in the First Test of the 1950-51 Ashes series, making a pair when Australia were reduced to 228 on a good batting wicket in the first innings and 32/7 on a...
Arthur Morris
Arthur Morris
Arthur Robert Morris MBE is a former Australian cricketer who played 46 Test matches between 1946 and 1955. An opener, Morris is regarded as one of Australia's greatest left-handed batsmen. He is best known for his key role in Don Bradman's Invincibles side, which made an undefeated tour of...
Samuel Morris
Samuel Morris
Samuel Morris was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1885. He was the first black man to represent Australia and, apart from Andrew Symonds, is the only player of West Indian heritage to do so.Morris was one of nine Australian Test players to make his debut in the Second Test of the...
Harry Moses ·
Jeff Moss
Jeff Moss (cricketer)
Jeffrey Kenneth Moss is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test and one ODI in 1979.-External links:*...
William Moule
William Moule
William Henry Moule was a lawyer, a politician and a cricketer....
Scott Muller ·
Billy Murdoch
Billy Murdoch
William Lloyd Murdoch was an Australian cricketer, who captained the Australian team on tours to England in 1880, 1882 , 1884 and 1890...
Henry Musgrove
Henry Musgrove
Henry "Harry" Alfred Musgrove was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1885.-External links:*...
Lisle Nagel
Lisle Nagel
Lisle Ernest Nagel was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1932. His twin brother, Vernon, also played first-class cricket for Victoria.-See also:...
Laurie Nash
Laurie Nash
Laurence John "Laurie" Nash was a Test cricketer and Australian rules footballer. An inductee into the Australian Football Hall of Fame, Nash was a member of South Melbourne's 1933 premiership team, captained South Melbourne in 1937 and was the team's leading goal kicker in 1937 and 1945...
Matthew Nicholson
Matthew Nicholson
Matthew Nicholson is an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1998 and over 100 first-class games for New South Wales, Western Australia, Northamptonshire and Surrey....
Jack Nitschke
Jack Nitschke
Homesdale Carl Nitschke was an Australian and South Australia cricketer....
Monty Noble
Monty Noble
Montague Alfred Noble was an Australian cricketer who played for New South Wales and Australia. A right-hand batsman, right-handed bowler who could deliver both medium pace and off-break bowling, capable fieldsman and tactically sound captain, Noble is considered as one of the great Australian...
Geff Noblet
Geff Noblet
Geffery Noblet was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1950 to 1953....
Otto Nothling
Otto Nothling
Otto Ernest Nothling was a rugby union player who represented Australia, as well as an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1928...
Marcus North
Marcus North
Marcus James North is an Australian cricketer, who scored centuries on both his Test and Ashes debuts. He has also played for the Australian Cricket Academy, Western Australia, Australia A, Durham, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Lancashire and Hampshire.He is a left-handed batsman and right arm...
Leo O'Brien
Leo O'Brien
For the former US congressman from New York, see Leo W. O'BrienFor the former Wisconsin politician, see Leo P. O'BrienLeo Patrick Joseph O'Brien was an Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1932 to 1936.He attended both Xavier College and St Patrick's College, Ballarat....
Jack O'Connor
Jack O'Connor (Australian cricketer)
John Denis Alphonsus O'Connor was an Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1908 to 1909....
Simon O'Donnell
Simon O'Donnell
Simon Patrick O'Donnell is a former Australian cricketer and VFL footballer, currently a horse racing and cricket commentator.-Cricket:...
David Ogilvie
David Ogilvie (cricketer)
Alan David Ogilvie is a former Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1977 to 1978....
Kerry O'Keeffe
Kerry O'Keeffe
Kerry James "Skull" O'Keeffe is a former Australian cricketer and now a commentator for ABC Radio. O'Keeffe played 24 Tests and 2 ODIs between 1971 and 1977.He was a spin bowler, bowling leg breaks...
Bert Oldfield
Bert Oldfield
William Albert Stanley "Bert" Oldfield was an Australian cricket player. He played for New South Wales and the Australian cricket team as wicket-keeper....
Norm O'Neill
Norm O'Neill
Norman Clifford O'Neill OAM was an cricketer who played for New South Wales and Australia. A right-handed batsman known for his back foot strokeplay, O'Neill made his state debut aged 18, before progressing to Test selection aged 21 in late 1958...
Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly (cricketer)
William Joseph "Bill" O'Reilly , often known as Tiger O'Reilly, was an Australian cricketer, rated as one of the greatest bowlers in the history of the game. Following his retirement from playing, he became a well-respected cricket writer and broadcaster.O'Reilly was one of the best spin bowlers to...
Ron Oxenham
Ron Oxenham
Ronald Keven Oxenham was an Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1928 to 1931....
Tim Paine
Tim Paine
Timothy David Paine is an Australian cricketer who plays for the Tasmanian Tigers in Australian domestic cricket and for the University of Tasmania Cricket Club in club cricket. He is a right-handed batsman and wicket-keeper, as well as a right arm bowler at junior level...
George Palmer
George Palmer (cricketer)
George "Joey" Eugene Palmer was an Australian cricketer who played in 17 Tests between 1880 and 1886....
Roy Park
Roy Park (sportsman)
Dr Roy Lindsay Park was an all-round athlete and doctor. He played cricket for Australia and also Australian rules football in the Victorian Football League . He was educated at Wesley College, Melbourne...
Len Pascoe
Len Pascoe
Leonard Stephen Pascoe is a former Australian Test and ODI cricketer. He attended Punchbowl Boys' High School in New South Wales....
Nip Pellew
Nip Pellew
Clarence Everard 'Nip' Pellew was an Australian cricketer who played in 10 Tests from 1920 to 1921.-References:*...
Wayne B. Phillips ·
Wayne N. Phillips
Wayne N. Phillips
Wayne Norman Phillips is a former Australian and Victorian cricketer. A right-handed batsman he played first-class cricket for Victoria from 1988 to 1994. He has a single Test cap for the match against India at Perth in February 1992.-External links:*...
Peter Philpott
Peter Philpott
Peter Ian Philpott was a leg-spin bowler and middle order batsman for New South Wales and Australia in the 1960s. He made his debut in the West Indies in 1964-65 and took 18 wickets...
Bill Ponsford
Bill Ponsford
William Harold "Bill" Ponsford MBE was an Australian cricketer. Usually playing as an opening batsman, he formed a successful and long-lived partnership opening the batting for Victoria and Australia with Bill Woodfull, his friend and state and national captain...
Ricky Ponting
Ricky Ponting
Ricky Thomas Ponting , nicknamed Punter, is an Australian cricketer, a former captain of the Australian cricket team between 2004 and 2011 in Test cricket and 2002 and 2011 in One Day International cricket. He is a specialist right-handed batsman, slips and close catching fielder, as well as a very...
Roland Pope
Roland Pope
Dr Roland James Pope was an Australian cricketer who played in 1 Test in 1885. An ophthalmologist by training, he was selected for his only Test when many team regulars staged a strike...
Carl Rackemann
Carl Rackemann
Carl Gray Rackemann OAM , born in Wondai, Queensland, is a former Queensland and Australian cricketer. He was a fast bowler in 12 Tests, 52 ODIs and 167 first-class cricket matches in a career spanning 1979–80 to 1995–96....
Vernon Ransford
Vernon Ransford
Vernon Seymour Ransford was an Australian cricketer who played in 20 Tests between 1907 and 1912. His best series was the 1909 tour of England when he topped the Australian batting averages, helped by a career best score of 143 not out. The following year he was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year...
Ian Redpath
Ian Redpath
Ian Ritchie Redpath is a former Australian cricketer who played in 66 Tests and 5 ODIs from 1964 to 1976...
John Reedman
John Reedman
John Cole "Jack" Reedman was an Australian sportsman. As a cricketer he played in one Test, at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 1894. He captained the South Australian cricket team in the Sheffield Shield...
Bruce Reid
Bruce Reid
Bruce Anthony Reid is an Australian cricketer and bowling coach of the Indian national cricket team on their 2003-04 tour to Australia....
Paul Reiffel
Paul Reiffel
Paul Ronald Reiffel is a former Australian cricketer who played in 35 Tests and 92 ODIs from 1992 to 1999. He was part of Australia's victorious 1999 World Cup team. After retirement he became a First Class cricket umpire.-Playing career:Reiffel's career best bowling figures of 6-71 came at...
David Renneberg
David Renneberg
David Alexander Renneberg is a former Australian cricketer who played in 8 Tests from 1966 to 1968....
Arthur Richardson ·
Vic Richardson
Vic Richardson
Victor York Richardson OBE was a leading Australian sportsman of the 1920s and 1930s, captaining the Australian cricket team and the South Australian Australian rules football team, representing Australia in baseball and South Australia in golf, winning the South Australian state tennis title and...
Keith Rigg
Keith Rigg
Keith Edward Rigg was an Australian cricketer who played in 8 Tests from 1931 to 1937. His cousin, Colin McDonald, also played for Victoria and Australia. He was educated at Wesley College, Melbourne.-External links:...
Doug Ring
Doug Ring
Douglas Thomas Ring was an Australian cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia in 13 Tests from 1948 to 1953...
Greg Ritchie
Greg Ritchie
Gregory Michael Ritchie is a former Australian cricketer who played in 30 Tests and 44 ODIs from 1982 to 1987....
Steve Rixon
Steve Rixon
Stephen John Rixon is the newly appointed Australian cricket fielding coach.He played in 13 Tests and 6 One Day Internationals between 1977 and 1985. He came into the Australian side as wicket-keeper in 1977–78 after Rodney Marsh joined World Series Cricket, losing his place on Marsh's return...
Gavin Robertson
Gavin Robertson
Gavin Ron Robertson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 13 ODIs from 1994 to 1998 after a first-class cricket career that saw him depart New South Wales for Tasmania and then return to New South Wales.Robertson is also a member of the band Six & Out with Australian fast...
William Robertson
William Robertson (cricketer)
William "Digger" Roderick Robertson was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test held from 1 January to 5 January 1885....
Richie Robinson
Richie Robinson
Richard Daryl Robinson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 2 ODIs in 1977. Robinson was widely recognised as the second best wicketkeeper in Australia during his career, behind the formidable Rod Marsh and would no doubt have played more tests had Marsh not been around...
Ray Robinson ·
Chris Rogers
Chris Rogers (cricketer)
Christopher John Llewellyn Rogers is an Australian cricketer.Rogers is a left-handed opening batsman and a left-handed leg-break bowler...
Gordon Rorke
Gordon Rorke
Gordon Frederick Rorke is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests in 1959.Rorke made his Test debut in January 1959 in the Fourth Test of The Ashes series against England in Adelaide...
Jack Rutherford ·
Jack Ryder ·
Ron Saggers
Ron Saggers
Ronald Arthur Saggers was an Australian cricketer who played for New South Wales. He played briefly for the Australian team, playing six Tests between 1948 and 1950...
Jack Saunders
Jack Saunders
John Victor Saunders was an Australian cricketer who played in 14 Tests from 1902 to 1908....
Henry Scott
Tup Scott
Henry James Herbert Scott was a cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia. Scott, a doctor by training, later served as mayor and chief magistrate in the rural New South Wales town of Scone; he died here of typhoid in 1910.His first-class debut was at the age of nineteen in February 1878 for...
Rex Sellers
Rex Sellers (cricketer)
Reginald Hugh Durning Sellers Reginald Hugh Durning Sellers Reginald Hugh Durning Sellers (born 20 August 1940 in Bombay (now Mumbai) is a former Test cricketer (Australian Test Cap 230). He played one Test match for Australia in India in 1964; his playing career was severely restricted due to...
Craig Serjeant
Craig Serjeant
Craig Stanton Serjeant is a former Australian cricketer who played in 12 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1977 to 1978....
Paul Sheahan
Paul Sheahan
Andrew Paul Sheahan was an Australian Test cricketer who played 31 Tests and 3 One Day Internationals as an opening and middle order batsman between 1967 and 1974.He made his first class debut in 1965 for the Victorian Sheffield Shield against New South Wales scoring 62 and 5.An elegant stroke...
Barry Shepherd
Barry Shepherd
Barry Kenneth Shepherd was an Australian cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1963 to 1965....
Peter Siddle
Peter Siddle
Peter Matthew Siddle is an Australian Test cricketer. He is a specialist right-arm fast-medium bowler who plays for Victoria and the Australia national cricket team.-Early life and career:...
Morris Sievers
Morris Sievers
Morris William Sievers was an Australian cricketer who played in three Tests in 1936–37.-First-class career:Sievers began his career in 1930 for the Colts, at 17 years of age...
Bob Simpson
Bob Simpson (cricketer)
Robert Baddeley Simpson AO is a former cricketer who played for New South Wales, Western Australia and Australia, captaining the national team from 1963–64 until 1967–68, and again in 1977–78. He later had a highly successful term as the coach of the Australian team...
David Sincock
David Sincock
David John Sincock is a former Australian cricketer who played in three Tests from 1964 to 1966....
Keith Slater
Keith Slater
Keith Nichol Slater is a former Western Australian and Australian cricketer and WAFL player....
Michael Slater
Michael Slater
Michael Jonathon Slater is a former Australian cricketer who played in 74 Tests and 42 ODIs for the Australian cricket team from 1993 to 2001...
Peter Sleep
Peter Sleep
Peter Raymond Sleep is a former Australian cricketer who played 14 Tests for Australia between 1979 and 1990...
Jim Slight ·
David Smith ·
Steve Smith ·
Steven Smith
Steve Smith (cricketer born 1989)
Steven Peter Devereux "Steve" Smith is an Australian international cricketer who currently plays for the New South Wales Blues. An all-rounder, Smith bats right-handed and bowls right arm leg spin. Smith has played for the Kent Second XI, New South Wales, the Sutherland Cricket Club and Illawong...
Fred Spofforth
Fred Spofforth
Frederick Robert "Fred" Spofforth , also known as "The Demon Bowler", was arguably the Australian cricket team's finest pace bowler of the nineteenth century and was the first bowler to take 50 Test wickets, and the first to take a test hat-trick in 1879...
Keith Stackpole
Keith Stackpole
Keith Raymond Stackpole Junior is a former Victorian and Australian cricketer who played in 43 Tests and 6 ODIs from 1966 to 1974, who is now a radio cricket commentator...
Gavin Stevens
Gavin Stevens
Gavin Byron Stevens is a former Australian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1959 to 1960....
Andrew Symonds
Andrew Symonds
Andrew Symonds is a former Australian cricket team all-rounder. A two-time World Cup winner, Symonds is a right-handed middle order batsman and alternates between medium pace and off-spin bowling....
Brian Taber
Brian Taber
Hedley Brian Taber is a former Australian cricketer who played in 16 Tests from 1966 to 1970....
Shaun Tait
Shaun Tait
Shaun William Tait is a professional Australian cricketer, who currently plays only in the Twenty20 format. Tait plays domestic cricket for South Australia and is also a representative for Australia at Twenty20 International level; he has also represented his country in One Day Internationals and...
Don Tallon
Don Tallon
Donald "Don" Tallon was an Australian cricketer who played 21 Test matches as a wicket-keeper between 1946 and 1953...
Johnny Taylor
Johnny Taylor (cricketer)
John Morris "Johnny" Taylor was an Australian dual international in cricket and rugby union.He attended Newington College and St Andrew's College within the University of Sydney....
Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor (cricketer)
Mark Anthony Taylor, AO is a former Australian cricket player and Test opening batsman from 1988–1999, as well as captain from 1994–1999, succeeding Allan Border...
Peter Taylor
Peter Taylor (cricketer)
For other people named Peter Taylor, see Peter Taylor.Peter Laurence Taylor is a former Australian cricketer who played in 13 Tests and 83 ODIs from 1987 to 1992....
Grahame Thomas ·
George Thoms
George Thoms
George Ronald Thoms OAM was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1952. He played 18 first-class matches for Victoria, one in 1946, and then more regularly from 1951-2 to 1953-54....
Alan Thomson
Alan Thomson
Alan Lloyd "Froggy" Thomson , a school teacher, is a former Australian cricketer and Australian rules football umpire.He played District cricket with the Fitzroy Cricket Club, and took 5/39 against Richmond in their first innings, in his first ever first XI match for the club, on Saturday, 27 March...
Jeff Thomson
Jeff Thomson
Jeffrey Robert Thomson is a former Australian cricketer. Known as "Thommo", he was one of the fastest bowlers ever to play Test cricket and was the opening partner of fellow fast bowler Dennis Lillee; their combination was one of the most fearsome in Test cricket history...
Nat Thomson
Nat Thomson
Nathaniel Frampton Davis Thomson was an Australian cricketer who played in the first two Tests ever played, in 1877...
Pud Thurlow
Pud Thurlow
Hugh Motley 'Pud' Thurlow was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1932.-References:...
Peter Toohey
Peter Toohey
Peter Michael Toohey is a former Australian cricketer who played in 15 Tests and 5 ODIs from 1977 to 1979....
Ernie Toshack
Ernie Toshack
Ernest Raymond Herbert Toshack was an Australian cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1946 to 1948. A left arm medium paced bowler who was known for his accuracy and stamina in his application of leg theory, Toshack was best known for being as member of Don Bradman's Invincibles that toured...
Joe Travers
Joe Travers
Joseph Patrick Francis Travers was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1902. He played Australian rules football for Norwood in the South Australian Football Association during the 1890s.-References:...
George Tribe
George Tribe
George Edward Tribe was an Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1946 to 1947, as well as an Australian rules footballer with the Footscray Football Club in the VFL....
Albert Trott
Albert Trott
Albert Trott was a Test cricketer for both Australia and England. He was named as one of Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1899. He remains the only batsman who has struck a ball over the top of the Lord's pavilion...
Harry Trott
Harry Trott
George Henry Stevens "Harry" Trott was an Australian Test cricketer who played 24 Test matches as an all-rounder between 1888 and 1898. Although Trott was a versatile batsman, spin bowler and outstanding fielder, "... it is as a captain that he is best remembered, an understanding judge of...
Hugh Trumble
Hugh Trumble
Hugh Trumble was an Australian cricketer who played 32 Test matches as a bowling all-rounder between 1890 and 1904. He captained the Australian team in two Tests, winning both. Trumble took 141 wickets in Test cricket—a world record at the time of his retirement—at an average of...
John Trumble
John Trumble
John William Trumble was an Australian cricketer who played in 7 Tests between 1885 and 1886.He was the brother of Hugh Trumble....
Victor Trumper
Victor Trumper
Victor Thomas Trumper was an Australian cricketer known as the most stylish and versatile batsman of the Golden Age of cricket, capable of playing match-winning innings on wet wickets his contemporaries found unplayable. Archie MacLaren said of him, "Compared to Victor I was a cab-horse to a Derby...
Alan Turner ·
Charles Turner
Charles Turner (cricketer)
Charles Thomas Biass Turner was a bowler who is regarded as one of the finest ever produced by Australia....
Tom Veivers
Tom Veivers
Thomas Robert Veivers is a former Australian cricketer who played in 21 Tests from 1963 to 1967. He was an all-rounder who bowled right arm off-spin bowler and batted left-handed. He later had a brief political career, holding the seat of Ashgrove in the Queensland Legislative Assembly from 1983...
Mike Veletta
Mike Veletta
Michael Robert John Veletta is a former Australian and Western Australian cricketer.He played in 8 Tests and 20 One Day International matches between 1987 and 1990...
Mervyn Waite
Mervyn Waite
Mervyn George Waite was an Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1938....
Max Walker
Max Walker
Maxwell Henry Norman Walker AM is a former Australian cricketer and VFL/AFL footballer. Formerly an architect, he currently works as a media commentator and motivational speaker and has diverse business interests.- Football career :...
Tim Wall
Tim Wall
Thomas Welbourn 'Tim' Wall was an Australian Test cricketer who played eighteen Tests between 1929 and 1934. Wall died in 1981 after a long battle with Parkinson's disease. Wall's 10-36 in February 1933 remains the best first-class figures recorded in Australia...
Francis Walters
Francis Walters
Francis Henry Walters was an Australian cricketer.Walters was born in East Melbourne. He played in 1 Test in 1885 and later died in Mumbai.-External links:*...
Doug Walters
Doug Walters
Kevin Douglas Walters MBE in Dungog New South Wales, known as Doug Walters, is a former Australian cricketer. He was known as an attacking batsman, and also as a typical ocker.-First-class career:...
Frank Ward ·
Shane Warne
Shane Warne
Shane Keith Warne is a former Australian international cricketer widely regarded as one of the greatest bowlers in the history of the game. In 2000, he was selected by a panel of cricket experts as one of the five Wisden Cricketers of the Century, the only specialist bowler selected in the quintet...
John Watkins ·
Graeme Watson
Graeme Watson (cricketer)
Graeme Donald Watson is a former Australian cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1966 to 1972. He also played Australian rules football for Melbourne in the VFL.-External links:***...
Shane Watson
Shane Watson
Shane Robert Watson is an Australian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-handed fast medium bowler. He mainly bats as an opener in international cricket, although he does not do so domestically....
Bill Watson ·
Mark Waugh
Mark Waugh
Mark Edward Waugh AM is a former Australian cricketer, who represented Australia in Test matches from early 1991 to late 2002, and made his One-Day International debut in 1988. Waugh is regarded as one of the most elegant and gifted stroke makers to ever play the game. His nickname is "Junior" as...
Steve Waugh
Steve Waugh
Stephen Rodger "Steve" Waugh, AO is a former Australian cricketer and fraternal twin of cricketer Mark Waugh. A right-handed batsman, he was also a successful medium-pace bowler...
Dirk Wellham
Dirk Wellham
Dr Dirk MacDonald Wellham is a former Australian cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 17 ODIs from 1981 to 1987. Dirk Wellham is one of two players to score a century in both his first class and Test debuts. He was the first player to captain three Australian states having captained New South...
Kepler Wessels
Kepler Wessels
Kepler Christoffel Wessels is a former South African cricketer who captained South Africa after playing 24 Tests for Australia. He was the first man to have played One Day International cricket for two countries....
Dav Whatmore
Dav Whatmore
Davenell Frederick Whatmore is a former international cricketer who represented Australia. He had a very short international career from March 1979 to January 1980 in which he played just 7 Test matches and 1 One Day International...
Cameron White
Cameron White
Cameron Leon White is an Australian cricketer and current Australian Twenty20 captain. A powerful middle order batsman and right-arm leg-spin bowler, White made his first-class cricket debut as a teenager in the 2000–01 season for the Victorian Bushrangers as a bowling all-rounder...
Mike Whitney
Mike Whitney
Michael Roy Whitney is an Australian television personality and former cricketer, who played in 12 Tests and 38 ODIs from 1981 to 1993....
Bill Whitty
Bill Whitty
William James "Bill" Whitty was an Australian Test cricketer who played 14 Tests from 1909 to 1912.-Early career:...
Julien Wiener
Julien Wiener
Julien Mark Wiener is a former Australian cricketer who played in six Tests and seven one-day internationals from 1979 to 1980. A right-handed opening batsman and a very occasional off spin bowler, he is the only known Jewish Australian to represent his country at cricket...
Brad Williams ·
Jack Wilson
Jack Wilson (cricketer)
John William Wilson was an Australian cricketer who played in one Test in 1956....
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson (cricketer)
Paul Wilson is a former Australian cricketer, who also represented Western Australia and South Australia. He was a strongly built right-arm fast bowler, who was also a right-hand batsman...
Graeme Wood
Graeme Wood
Graeme Malcolm Wood is a former Australian cricketer who played in 59 Tests and 83 ODIs from 1978 to 1989. He scored nine Test centuries in his career and it was a West Australian record until 2001-02 when it was passed by Justin Langer....
Ashley Woodcock
Ashley Woodcock
Ashley James Woodcock is a former Australian cricketer who played in one Test and one ODI in 1974.-See also:*One Test Wonder...
Bill Woodfull
Bill Woodfull
William Maldon "Bill" Woodfull OBE was an Australian cricketer of the 1920s and 1930s. He captained both Victoria and Australia, and was best known for his dignified and moral conduct during the tumultuous bodyline series in 1932–33 that almost saw the end of Anglo-Australian cricketing ties...
Sammy Woods
Sammy Woods
Samuel Moses James "Sammy" Woods was an Australian sportsman who represented both Australia and England at Test cricket, and appeared thirteen times for England at rugby union, including five times as captain. He also played at county level in England at both soccer and hockey...
Roger Woolley
Roger Woolley
Roger Douglas Woolley is a former Australian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 4 ODIs from 1983 to 1984. He was a wicket-keeper, and was the third Tasmanian born Test cricketer...
Jack Worrall
Jack Worrall
John "Jack" Worrall was an Australian rules footballer for Fitzroy in the VFA and a test cricketer, a coach of both sports and a sporting journalist....
Kevin Wright
Kevin Wright
Kevin John Wright is a former Australian cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 5 ODIs in 1979. He was a wicket-keeper....
Graham Yallop
Graham Yallop
Graham Neil Yallop is a former cricketer who played for Victoria and Australia. He captained Australia briefly during the tumultuous era of World Series Cricket in the late 1970s...
Bruce Yardley
Bruce Yardley
Bruce Yardley is a former Australian cricketer who played in 33 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1978 to 1983...
Shaun Young
Shaun Young
Shaun Young is an Australian cricketer.He played in one Test at The Oval in London in 1997. He was called into the test team as a replacement as he happened to be in England at the time. He played in 138 first-class cricket matches for Tasmania and Gloucestershire taking 274 wickets with his best...
Tim Zoehrer
Tim Zoehrer
Timothy Joseph Zoehrer is a former Australian cricket player. He played as a wicket-keeper....
- See also List of Bangladesh Test cricketers
Abdur Razzak ·
Aftab Ahmed
Aftab Ahmed
Aftab Ahmed Chowdhury is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is a right hand batsman and right arm medium bowler.- Early life :...
Akram Khan
Akram Khan (cricketer)
Mohammad Akram Hussain Khan , known as Akram Khan, is a former Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 8 Tests and 44 ODIs from 1988 to 2003. He captained Bangladesh in 15 of his ODIs. A hard hitting middle order batsman, Akram played first class cricket for Chittagong Division.Akram Khan was part of...
Alamgir Kabir ·
Alok Kapali
Alok Kapali
Alok Kapali is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is an allrounder who bats in the middle to lower order and bowls leg spin with a run-up similar to that of Shane Warne. He is the only Bangladeshi cricket player to take a Test hat-trick.-Test career:Kapali made his Test debut in 2002, against Sri...
Al Sahariar
Al Sahariar
Mohammad Al-Sahariar , also known as Al-Sahariar Rokon, is a Bangladeshi Test and one-day cricketer. Al-Sahariar was one of the original eleven Bangladeshi Test cricketers, having made his debut in the first Test played by that country...
Aminul Islam
Aminul Islam
Aminul Islam Bulbul is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 13 Tests and 39 ODIs from 1988 to 2002.Aminul scored the first hundred for the Bangladesh cricket team when Bangladesh played their first Test against India...
Anwar Hossain Monir
Anwar Hossain Monir
Mohammad Anwar Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer who has played in 3 Tests and one ODI since 2003....
Anwar Hossain
Anwar Hossain
Mohammad Anwar Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in one Test and one ODI in 2002.-References:...
Ehsanul Haque
Ehsanul Haque
Ehsanul Haque is a Bangladeshi cricketer.Haque was part of the Bangladesh team that took part in Under-19 World Cup in 1998. When the Green Delta National Cricket League was given First Class status in 2000 he appeared for Chittagong in the first round of matches, this was therefore his first...
Elias Sunny
Elias Sunny
-Career:He made his first class debut for Dhaka Division in Bangladesh in 2003-04 and has played for Chittagong Division in subsequent years. He is an all rounder and played for Bangladesh Under-17s in 2002/03....
Enamul Haque
Enamul Haque
Enamul Haque is a former Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 29 ODIs from 1990 to 2003....
Enamul Haque Jr
Enamul Haque Jr
Enamul Haque , known as Enamul Haque jr to distinguish him from Enamul Haque, who also played for Bangladesh, but was not related to him, is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He currently plays for his home team, Sylhet Division....
Fahim Muntasir
Fahim Muntasir
Fahim Muntasir Rahman is a former Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 3 ODIs from 2001 to 2002....
Faisal Hossain
Faisal Hossain
Faisal Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He played international cricket for Bangladesh in 2004, one Test match and four One Day Internationals without establishing himself in the side. After poor performances at international level, Hossain drifted out of the international squad. He represents...
Habibul Bashar
Habibul Bashar
Qazi Habibul Bashar is a Bangladeshi cricketer, and the former captain of the Bangladeshi cricket team. Under the managership of Davenell Frederick 'Dav' Whatmore, he has been found to be the most successful captain to lead the Bangladesh team to overcome several milestones. The first test...
Hannan Sarkar
Hannan Sarkar
Hannan Sarkar is a Test cricketer for the Bangladesh cricket team. He made his Test debut aged only 19 as an opening batsman against Sri Lanka in July 2002, but he has not been selected for Bangladesh since playing against New Zealand in October 2004.Along with Sunil Gavaskar, he holds the...
Hasibul Hossain
Hasibul Hossain
Mohammad Hasibul Hossain , known as Hasibul Hossain, played five Tests and 32 one-day internationals for Bangladesh....
Imrul Kayes
Imrul Kayes
Imrul Kayes is a Bangladeshi international cricketer who plays for Khulna Division as a left-hand batsman and occasional wicket-keeper....
Jahurul Islam
Jahurul Islam
Mohammad Jahurul Islam is an international cricketer from Bangladesh. He was born on 12 December 1986 in Rajshahi and made his debut for Rajshahi Division in 2002/03 playing through the 2006/07 season. He also played for Bangladesh A in 2006/07, scoring 87 against England A. A right-handed...
Javed Omar
Javed Omar
Mohammad Javed Omar Belim is a Bangladeshi cricketer who has played Tests and ODI cricket since 1995.On his Test debut in April 2001, he carried his bat for 85 not out becoming only the third player in history to achieve this on debut. The 29 year old opener has gained a reputation for being able...
Junaid Siddique
Junaid Siddique
Mohammad Junaid Siddique is a Bangladeshi cricketer of Pakistani descent. Junaid's grandfather and father originally originate from Sialkot Punjab Pakistan, but migrated to East Pakistan in 1968 which is now Bangladesh during the Bangladesh Liberation War. He is sometimes referred to by his...
Khaled Mahmud
Khaled Mahmud
Khaled Mahmud is a former Bangladeshi cricketer. A medium-pace bowler and middle-order batsman, he played international cricket for Bangladesh from 1998 to 2006, captaining the team from 2003 to 2004....
Khaled Mashud
Khaled Mashud
Khaled Mashud is a Bangladeshi cricketer. A wicketkeeper and more than a useful middle order batsman, he was a regular member of the national team between 1995-2007. Bangladeshi coach Dav Whatmore has gone so far as to claim Mashud as the best wicketkeeper in Asia.-Early Days:Mashud played for...
Mahbubul Alam
Mahbubul Alam (cricketer)
Mahbubul Alam is a Bangladesh cricketer who as of 14 August 2009 has played four Tests and four One Day Internationals...
Mohammad Mahmudullah , also known as Mahmadallah or Riyad, is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He has played First-class and List A cricket for Dhaka Division and has represented Bangladesh 'A' in all forms of the game...
Manjural Islam ·
Manjural Islam Rana
Manjural Islam Rana
Manjural Islam Rana , also known as Qazi Manjural Islam, was a Bangladeshi cricketer who played six Tests and 25 One Day Internationals for Bangladesh. Born in Khulna, Rana was a slow left arm orthodox bowler...
Mashrafe Mortaza
Mashrafe Mortaza
Mashrafe Bin Mortaza is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He broke into the national side in late 2001 against Zimbabwe and represented Bangladesh before having played a single first-class match...
Mehrab Hossain
Mehrab Hossain
Mehrab Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 18 ODIs from 1998 to 2003.Mehrab is associated with an extremely unfortunate incident. On 20 February 1998, Raman Lamba, formerly a Delhi swashbuckling opening batsman, fielding close to the bat, copped one on the skull off the...
Mehrab Hossain, Jr. ·
Mohammad Ashraful
Mohammad Ashraful
Mohammad Ashraful is a Bangladeshi international cricket player and has represented the Bangladesh national cricket team. A top-order batsman with a penchant for flashy strokeplay, he has also been selected to represent ACC Asia XI ODI side...
Mohammad Rafique
Mohammad Rafique
Mohammed Rafique is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is the leading wicket-taker for Bangladesh in Test matches.-International career:...
Mohammad Salim
Mohammad Salim
Mohammad Salim is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 2 Tests and one ODI in 2003....
Mohammad Sharif
Mohammad Sharif (cricketer)
Mohammad Sharif is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 8 Tests and 8 ODIs from 2001 to 2002. He was called in the national side after five years for the Bangladesh tour of Zimbabwe for ODIs, and was recalled for tests after five and a half years for the Indian tour of Bangladesh...
Mushfiqur Rahim
Mushfiqur Rahim
Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahim is a Bangladeshi cricketer and captain of the national team. Between August 2009 and December 2010 Rahim served as Bangladesh's vice-captain. He specialises as a wicket-keeper and is a lower-order batsman...
Mushfiqur Rahman
Mushfiqur Rahman
Mushfiqur Rahman is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played ten Tests and 28 One Day Internationals for Bangladesh between 2000 and 2004. Rahman has not been in the frame for international selection since he toured England with the Bangladesh A team in 2005, but continues to play first class cricket...
Naeem Islam
Naeem Islam
Mohammad Naeem Islam is an international cricketer from Bangladesh. He was born on 31 December 1986 in Gaibandha and is a right-handed batsman and occasional off break bowler...
Nafees Iqbal
Nafees Iqbal
Mohammad Nafees Iqbal Khan , better known as Nafees Iqbal, is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman, and a right-arm medium pace bowler...
Naimur Rahman
Naimur Rahman
Naimur Rahman Durjoy is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He played 8 Tests and 29 ODI matches for Bangladesh.A right arm offspinner, Rahman was a member of Bangladesh's 1997 ICC Trophy winning side....
Nasir Hossain
Nasir Hossain (cricketer born 1991)
Nasir Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer. Hossain was part of the 13-man Bangladesh squad that played in the 2010 Asian Games in late November. The team played Afghanistan in the final and won by five wickets, securing the country's first gold medal at the Asian Games...
Nazmul Hossain
Nazmul Hossain
Mohammad Nazmul Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He was born in Habiganj, Bangladesh.Hossain was part of the 13-man Bangladesh squad that played in the 2010 Asian Games in late November. They played Afghanistan in the final and won by five wickets, securing the country's first gold medal at the...
Rafiqul Islam ·
Rajin Saleh
Rajin Saleh
Khondokar Mohammad Rajin Saleh Alam is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He was the twelfth man of the inaugural Test that Bangladesh played against India on November 10, 2000. He then spent three years out of the national squad. He made his Test debut against Pakistan in 2003 when they made a trip to...
Ranjan Das
Ranjan Das
Bikash Ranjan Das is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in one Test in 2000....
Raqibul Hasan
Raqibul Hasan Jr.
Raqibul Hasan is a Bangladesh international cricketer who also plays for Dhaka Division. He played in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka and in 2007 became the first Bangladeshi cricketer to score a triple hundred in first class cricket when Barisal played Sylhet Division in March 2007...
Robiul Islam
Robiul Islam
Robiul Islam is an international cricketer from Bangladesh. A right-handed batsman and bowler, he is sometimes referred to on scoresheets by his nickname Shiplu. He appeared for Khulna Division in 2005/06 and 2006/07 and took a fine 5 for 69 against Dhaka Division. He made his first Test appearance...
Rubel Hossain
Rubel Hossain
Mohammad Rubel Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He made his ODI debut on 14 January 2009 in Bangladesh's victory over Sri Lanka, where he took 4/33 in 5.3 overs in a shortened ODI game. He made his Test debut on 9 July 2009 against the West Indies, and took 3 wickets...
Sajidul Islam
Sajidul Islam
Sajidul Islam is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He was born on 18 January 1988 and is a right-handed batsman and left arm medium fast bowler. He played for Bangladesh Under-17s in 2003/04 and represented the Bangladesh Cricket Board Academy in 2006/07...
Sanwar Hossain
Sanwar Hossain
Sanwar Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer.-External links:*...
Shafiul Islam
Shafiul Islam
Shafiul Islam is a cricketer from Bangladesh. He made his one day debut for Rajshahi Division in 2006/07, taking a wicket in both the matches he played during his first season.-Career:...
Shahadat Hossain
Shahadat Hossain
Kazi Shahadat Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He made his Test debut in 2005 during Bangladesh's first tour of England. When he came onto the international scnene he was cited by then coach Dav Whatmore as the fastest bowler in the team. The following year, Hossain made his One Day...
Shahriar Hossain
Shahriar Hossain
Shahriar Hossain is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 2000 to 2004.He was also one of the members of the inaugural Test for Bangladesh the member of the 1999 World Cup Team.-In Test Matches:...
Shahriar Nafees
Shahriar Nafees
-Career Story:Nafees, a left-handed opening batsman, first played in the national team in Bangladesh's maiden English Tour . Nafees scored his maiden first-class century, as well as his first in Tests, at Fatullah in April 2006 against Australia. He scored his maiden one-day hundred against...
Shakib Al Hasan
Shakib Al Hasan
Shakib Al Hasan is a Bangladeshi international cricketer of the national team. He is an all-rounder, batting left-handed in the middle order and bowling slow left-arm orthodox. He represented Bangladesh at under-19 level, 18 Youth One Day Internationals between 2005 and 2006...
Syed Rasel
Syed Rasel
Syed Rasel is a Bangladeshi cricketer. He is a left-handed medium-fast swing bowler who came up through the ranks of the under-19s, to the Bangladesh A team, to the full Bangladesh team, while playing for Khulna Division....
Talha Jubair
Talha Jubair
Talha Jubair is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in 7 Tests and 6 ODIs from 2002 to 2004.Once dubbed as a budding Glenn McGrath, he has failed to live up to the expectations....
Tamim Iqbal
Tamim Iqbal
Tamim Iqbal Khan is a Bangladeshi cricketer who played in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka. Tamim made his One Day International debut in 2007 and played his first Test the following year. Between December 2010 and September 2011 he was vice-captain of the national side. He plays his...
Tapash Baisya
Tapash Baisya
Tapash Baisya is a Bangladeshi cricketer. Tapash Baisya is one of Bangladesh's best pace bowlers to date, having taken 36 Test wickets, although they have come at a bowling average of nearly 60. Nevertheless, he has taken the third-most wickets of any Bangladeshi fast bowler, behind Mashrafe...
Tareq Aziz
Tareq Aziz
Tareq Aziz is a Bangladeshi cricketer.He got off to a great start in his international career taking 3/19 in his debut at his hometown Chittagong in January 2002. Unfortunately there was not much to follow this success. His three Test matches brought him just one wicket for 261 runs...
Tushar Imran
Tushar Imran
Sheikh Tushar Imran is a cricketer from Bangladesh who has represented his country in 4 Test matches and 37 One Day International...
- See also List of England Test cricketers
Bobby Abel
Bobby Abel
Robert Abel , nicknamed "The Guv'nor", was a Surrey and England opening batsman who was one of the most prolific run-getters in the early years of the County Championship...
James Harris
James Harris
James Harris is the name of:*James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury , English diplomatist*James Harris, 2nd Earl of Malmesbury , British peer*James Harris, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury , British statesman...
Charlie Absolom
Charlie Absolom
Charles Alfred Absolom played cricket for Cambridge University, Kent and England in the period from 1866 to 1879.Absolom was born at Blackheath, Kent, the son of Edward Absolom. He was educated at a school in Calne, Wiltshire and at Trinity College, Cambridge and was awarded cricket and athletics...
Chris Adams ·
Usman Afzaal
Usman Afzaal
Usman Afzaal is a Pakistani-born cricketer who has played three Test matches for England, all against Australia in 2001. He is a left-handed middle order batsman and occasional left arm slow bowler....
Jonathan Agnew
Jonathan Agnew
Jonathan Philip Agnew is an English cricket broadcaster and former professional cricketer. He was born in Macclesfield, Cheshire and educated at Uppingham School. He is nicknamed "Aggers", and, less commonly, "Spiro"....
Kabir Ali
Kabir Ali
Kabir Ali is an English cricketer who currently plays for Hampshire in the English County Championship. A right-arm seam bowler and useful lower-order right-handed batsman, outside cricket he works as a model...
David Allen
David Allen (cricketer)
David Arthur Allen is a former English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Gloucestershire between 1953 and 1972. He also played 39 Test matches for England.-Life and career:...
Gubby Allen
Gubby Allen
Sir George Oswald Browning "Gubby" Allen, CBE was a cricketer who played for Middlesex, Cambridge University, MCC and England. Australian-born, Allen was a fast bowler and hard-hitting lower-order batsman, who captained England in eleven Test matches...
Maurice Allom
Maurice Allom
Maurice James Carrick Allom was an English cricketer who played in five Tests from 1930 to 1931. Along with Peter Petherick and Damien Fleming, he is one of only three players to have taken a hat-trick on Test debut...
Paul Allott
Paul Allott
Paul John Walter Allott is a former English cricketer who played county cricket for Lancashire, Minor Counties cricket for Staffordshire and first-class cricket in New Zealand for Wellington, as well as thirteen Test match appearances and thirteen One Day International appearances for England.He...
Tim Ambrose
Tim Ambrose
Timothy Raymond Ambrose is an Australian born English cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and wicket-keeper. He commenced his domestic career with Sussex in 2000, although he now plays for Warwickshire...
Les Ames
Les Ames
Leslie Ethelbert George Ames, CBE was an outstanding wicket-keeper and batsman for the England cricket team and Kent County Cricket Club. In his obituary, the Wisden of 1991 described him as the greatest wicket-keeper-batsman of all time...
Dennis Amiss
Dennis Amiss
Dennis Leslie Amiss MBE was an English cricketer and cricket administrator.Amiss suffered a serious back injury whilst playing soccer in his teenage years, which entailed him starting each day of his sporting life undergoing stretching routines to loosen up.He played cricket for both Warwickshire...
James Anderson
James Anderson (cricketer)
James Michael "Jimmy" Anderson is an English cricketer. He plays first-class cricket for Lancashire County Cricket Club and since bursting onto the scene in 2002/03, before his first full season of county cricket, Anderson has represented England in over 50 Test matches and over 100 One Day...
Keith Andrew
Keith Andrew
Keith Vincent Andrew was an English cricketer who played in two Tests, in 1954-55 and in 1963.-Life and career:...
Bob Appleyard
Bob Appleyard
Bob Appleyard is a former Yorkshire and England cricketer.He was one of the best English bowlers of the 1950s, a decade which saw England develop its strongest bowling attack of the twentieth century...
Alfred Archer
Alfred Archer
Alfred German Archer was a cricketer who played for Worcestershire in 1900 and 1901...
Tom Armitage
Tom Armitage
Thomas Armitage was an English cricketer, who played in two Tests for England. He holds the distinction, alphabetically sorted, of being the first capped England player.-Life and career:...
Ted Arnold
Ted Arnold
Edward George Arnold was an English cricketer who played in ten Test Matches from 1903 to 1907, and most of his 343 first-class matches for Worcestershire between 1899 and 1913...
Geoff Arnold
Geoff Arnold
Geoff Arnold is an English cricketer who played 34 Tests and 14 One Day Internationals for England. His nickname of "Horse" was based on his initials of GG. He was a seam and swing bowler, who finished his first-class cricket career, which lasted from 1963 to 1982, with 1130 wickets at an average...
John Arnold
John Arnold (cricketer)
John Arnold was an English cricketer who played in one Test in 1931.-Cricket career:...
Ewart Astill
Ewart Astill
Ewart Astill was, along with George Geary, the mainstay of the Leicestershire team from 1922 to about 1935. He played in nine Test matches but was never picked for a home Test or for the Ashes tour...
Mike Atherton
Mike Atherton
Michael Andrew Atherton OBE is a broadcaster, journalist and retired England international cricketer. A right-handed opening batsman for Lancashire and England,and occasional leg-break bowler, he achieved the captaincy of England at the age of 25 and led the side in a record 54 Test matches...
Bill Athey
Bill Athey
Charles William Jeffrey Athey was an English first-class cricketer, who played for England, and first class cricket for Gloucestershire, Yorkshire and Sussex; he also played a solitary one-day game for Worcestershire. His bulldog spirit was exemplified by the Union Jack tattooed on his arm...
William Attewell
William Attewell
William Attewell was a cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club and England. Attewell was a medium pace bowler who was renowned for his extraordinary accuracy and economy...
Rob Bailey ·
Trevor Bailey
Trevor Bailey
Trevor Edward Bailey CBE was an England Test cricketer, cricket writer and broadcaster.An all-rounder, Bailey was known for his skilful but unspectacular batting...
David Bairstow
David Bairstow
David Leslie Bairstow was an English cricketer, who played for Yorkshire and England as a wicket-keeper. He also played football for his hometown club Bradford City.-Early life and education:...
Fred Bakewell
Fred Bakewell
Fred Bakewell was a Northamptonshire and England opening batsman who was renowned as one of the most exciting players of his time, largely owing to his unorthodox methods, which allowed him to play some of the most brilliant innings in county cricket, despite the...
Chris Balderstone
Chris Balderstone
John Christopher Balderstone was an English professional in cricket and football, and one of the last sportsmen to combine both sports over a prolonged period. He played football as a midfielder for Huddersfield Town, Carlisle United, Doncaster Rovers and Queen of the South...
Bob Barber
Bob Barber
Robert William Barber is a former English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University, Lancashire and Warwickshire from 1954 to 1969. He also played 28 Test matches for England...
Wilf Barber
Wilf Barber
Wilfred Barber, known as Wilf Barber , was a professional first-class cricketer who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1926 to 1947. He played two Test matches for England in 1935 against South Africa. An opening batsman with an excellent batting technique, Barber often batted in the...
Graham Barlow
Graham Barlow
Graham Derek Barlow is a former cricketer and was a middle-order batsman for Middlesex and, briefly, for England. He was also an England under-23 Rugby Union cap,...
Dick Barlow
Dick Barlow
Richard Gorton Barlow was a cricketer who played for Lancashire and England...
Sydney Barnes
Sydney Barnes
Sydney Francis Barnes was an English professional cricketer who is generally regarded as one of the greatest bowlers in the sport's history...
Billy Barnes
Billy Barnes
William Barnes was a professional cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire between 1875 and 1894 and England between 1880 and 1890. In 1890 he was named as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year. Barnes also toured Australia three times and North America once...
Charlie Barnett
Charlie Barnett (cricketer)
Charles John Barnett was an English cricketer, who played in 20 Tests from 1933 to 1948...
Kim Barnett
Kim Barnett
Kim John Barnett was an English cricketer who briefly played for England in 1988 and 1989, and for Derbyshire from 1979 to 1998. He also played for Gloucestershire from 1999 to 2002, and for South African club sides...
Fred Barratt
Fred Barratt
Fred Barratt played first-class cricket for Nottinghamshire from 1914 to 1931 and represented England in five Test matches, one in the home series against South Africa in 1929 and four on the inaugural Test series against New Zealand in the 1929-30 season.From a mining background,...
Ken Barrington
Ken Barrington
Kenneth Frank Barrington , better known as Ken Barrington, played for the English cricket team and Surrey County Cricket Club in the 1950s and 1960s. He was a right-handed batsman and occasional leg-spin bowler, well known for his jovial good humour and long, defensive innings "batting with bulldog...
Victor Barton
Victor Barton
Victor Alexander Barton was a cricketer who played for Kent County Cricket Club in 1889 and 1890 before committing himself to the Army....
Billy Bates
Billy Bates
Willie Bates, known as Billy was an English all-round cricketer. Excellent with both bat and ball, Bates scored over 10,000 first-class runs, took more than 870 wickets and was always reliable in the field...
Gareth Batty
Gareth Batty
Gareth Jon Batty is an English cricketer, more specifically a spin-bowler. He is the younger brother of the former Yorkshire and Somerset off-spinner, Jeremy Batty.-Life and career:...
George Bean
George Bean
.George Bean was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club between 1886 and 1898...
Alec Bedser
Alec Bedser
Sir Alec Victor Bedser, CBE was a professional English cricketer. He was the chairman of selectors for the English national cricket team, and the president of Surrey County Cricket Club...
Ian Bell ·
Joey Benjamin
Joey Benjamin
Joseph Emmanuel Benjamin is a former English cricketer who played in one Test and 2 ODIs from 1994 to 1995....
Mark Benson
Mark Benson
Mark Richard Benson is a former International cricketer and a retired ICC Elite Panel cricket umpire - he played for England in one Test match and one One Day International in 1986....
Bob Berry
Bob Berry (cricketer)
Robert Berry was an English cricketer. He played in two Tests in 1950. He played county cricket for Lancashire from 1948 to 1954, for Worcestershire from 1955 to 1958, and for Derbyshire from 1959 to 1962...
Martin Bicknell
Martin Bicknell
Martin Paul Bicknell is a former English cricketer. He played only four Test matches, but the last two, against South Africa in 2003, came ten years after the first two in the 1993 Ashes series. England had played 114 matches between his appearances, a record...
Jimmy Binks
Jimmy Binks
James Graham "Jimmy" Binks is a former English cricketer who played as a wicket-keeper for Yorkshire. Although he was regarded by many as the best wicket-keeper of his generation, his limited batting ability restricted him to just two Test match appearances for England, both on the 1963-64 tour to...
Morice Bird
Morice Bird
Morice Carlos Bird was an English cricketer who played in 10 Tests from 1910 to 1914, all of them in South Africa....
Jack Birkenshaw
Jack Birkenshaw
Jack Birkenshaw, MBE was an English cricketer, who later stood as an umpire and worked as a coach...
Ian Blackwell
Ian Blackwell
Ian David Blackwell is an English cricketer. A left-arm orthodox spinner and powerful middle-order batsman, he has played for England in one-day and Test sides, and plays county cricket for Durham, having left Somerset at the end of the 2008 season.-Career:Blackwell was called up for the England...
Richard Blakey
Richard Blakey
Richard John Blakey is a former English cricketer who played in two Tests and three ODIs from 1992 to 1993.-Life and career:...
Ivo Bligh
Ivo Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley
Ivo Francis Walter Bligh, 8th Earl of Darnley DL, JP , styled The Honourable Ivo Bligh until 1900, was a British cricketer who captained the English team in the first ever Test series against Australia with the Ashes at stake in 1882/83...
Colin Blythe
Colin Blythe
Colin Blythe , also known as Charlie Blythe, was a Kent and England left arm spinner who is regarded as one of the finest bowlers of the period between 1900 and 1914 - sometimes referred to as the "Golden Age" of cricket.-Career:Blythe first played...
Jack Board
Jack Board
John Henry Board was an English cricketer who played in six Tests from 1899 to 1906....
Brian Bolus ·
Major Booth
Major Booth
This page is about an English Cricketer. For other persons named William Booth, see William Booth .Major William Booth was a cricketer who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1908 and 1914, a season in which he was named one of the Wisden Cricketers of the...
Ravi Bopara ·
Bernard Bosanquet
Bernard Bosanquet (cricketer)
Bernard James Tindal Bosanquet was an English cricketer best known for inventing the googly, a delivery designed to deceive the batsman. When bowled, it appears to be a leg break, but after pitching the ball turns in the opposite direction to that which is expected, behaving as an off break instead...
Ian Botham
Ian Botham
Sir Ian Terence Botham OBE is a former England Test cricketer and Test team captain, and current cricket commentator. He was a genuine all-rounder with 14 centuries and 383 wickets in Test cricket, and remains well-known by his nickname "Beefy"...
Monty Bowden
Monty Bowden
Montague Parker Bowden was an English cricketer and wicket-keeper, who played two Test matches against South Africa in 1888/9....
Bill Bowes
Bill Bowes
Bill Bowes was one of the best bowlers of the interwar period and, for a time, the most important force behind Yorkshire's dominance of the County Championship...
Ted Bowley
Ted Bowley
Edward Henry "Ted" Bowley, born at Leatherhead, Surrey on 6 June 1890 and died at Winchester on 9 July 1974, was a cricketer who played for Sussex and England....
Geoffrey Boycott
Geoffrey Boycott
Geoffrey Boycott OBE is a former Yorkshire and England cricketer. In a prolific and sometimes controversial playing career from 1962 to 1986, Boycott established himself as one of England's most successful opening batsmen...
Bill Bradley
Bill Bradley (cricketer)
Walter Morris 'Bill' Bradley was an English cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1899....
Len Braund
Len Braund
Leonard Charles Braund, born October 18, 1875, at Clewer, Berkshire, and died December 23, 1955, Putney Common, London, was a cricketer who played for Surrey, Somerset and England....
Mike Brearley
Mike Brearley
John Michael Brearley OBE is a former cricketer who captained the England cricket team in 31 of his 39 Test matches, winning 17 and losing only 4. He was the President of the Marylebone Cricket Club in 2007–08.-Early life:...
Walter Brearley
Walter Brearley
Walter Brearley, born March 11, 1876, at Bolton, Lancashire; died January 30, 1937, at the Middlesex Hospital, Marylebone, London was a cricketer who played for Lancashire and England....
Don Brennan
Don Brennan (Cricketer)
Donald Vincent Brennan was an English cricketer, who played in two Tests in 1951. For his county Yorkshire he was their regular wicket-keeper between 1947 and 1953, taking a total of 380 dismissals in those seven seasons. A poor batsman, he averaged 10.52 in first-class cricket with only a single...
Tim Bresnan
Tim Bresnan
Timothy 'Tim' Thomas Bresnan is an English cricketer. He is a fast-medium bowler, as well as being respected for his ability with the bat for Yorkshire. He normally fields in the deep. He won the NBC Denis Compton Award in 2002 and 2003. In June 2006 he was called up to the England One Day...
Johnny Briggs
Johnny Briggs (cricketer)
Johnny Briggs was a left arm spin bowler for Lancashire County Cricket Club between 1879 and 1900 who still stands as the second-highest wicket-taker in the county's history after Brian Statham...
Chris Broad
Chris Broad
Brian Christopher Broad, usually known as Chris Broad is a former England Test cricketer and current Test official. An opening batsman, Broad had a 25-match long international Test career during which he hit six centuries, together with 34 One Day International matches with a respectable over 40...
Stuart Broad
Stuart Broad
Stuart Christopher John Broad is a cricketer who plays Test and One Day International cricket for England and is currently the captain of their Twenty20 team...
Bill Brockwell
Bill Brockwell
William Brockwell was an English cricketer. Although primarily remembered as a batsman, he began his career as a fast-medium bowler. With George Lohmann, Tom Richardson and William Lockwood carrying all before them, Brockwell had few opportunities until they declined...
Hugh Bromley-Davenport
Hugh Bromley-Davenport
Hugh Richard Bromley-Davenport OBE was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University between 1892 and 1893 and Middlesex between 1896 and 1898...
Dennis Brookes
Dennis Brookes
Dennis Brookes was an English cricketer who played for Northamptonshire between 1934 and 1959 . He also played in one Test match for England against West Indies in 1948. Brookes was President of Northamptonshire from 1982 to 1984...
Alan Brown
Alan Brown (cricketer)
Alan Brown is a former English cricketer who played in two Tests in 1961. A genuine fast bowler in his youth, he went on the 1961/1962 tour to India, Pakistan and Ceylon, when the regular England pace attack declined to tour, but found the wickets too flat for his style of bowling...
David Brown ·
Freddie Brown ·
George Brown
George Brown (cricketer)
George Brown was an English cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1921 to 1923. George Brown was born in Cowley, Oxfordshire, the son of Edwin Brown and Sarah Ann...
Jack Brown ·
Simon Brown
Simon Brown (cricketer)
Simon John Emmerson Brown is a former English cricketer who played in one Test in 1996. He was a right-handed batsman and a left-arm fast-medium bowler....
Claude Buckenham
Claude Buckenham
Claude Percival Buckenham, , was a cricketer who played for Essex and England....
Alan Butcher
Alan Butcher
Alan Raymond Butcher is a former English cricketer who is part of a family known for its strong cricketing connections. Although only selected to play for England on one occasion, he was lauded for his skills in first-class cricket and was named a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1991...
Mark Butcher
Mark Butcher
Mark Alan Butcher is a former English Test cricketer, who played county cricket for Surrey from 1992 until his retirement from the sport in 2009. He was a left-handed batsman, and occasional right-arm medium-pace bowler....
Roland Butcher
Roland Butcher
Roland Butcher is a former English cricketer, who played in three Tests and three ODIs from 1980 to 1981...
Harold Butler
Harold Butler (cricketer)
Harold Butler was an English fast-medium bowler, who was the best bowler for Nottinghamshire during the period on either side of World War II...
Harry Butt
Harry Butt
Henry Rigden Butt was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club and the Marylebone Cricket Club between 1890 and 1912. Butt also played three Test matches for England on their tour to South Africa in 1895-96...
Andrew Caddick
Andrew Caddick
Andrew Richard Caddick is a retired cricketer who played for England as a fast-medium bowler. At 6 ft 5in, Caddick was a successful bowler for England for a decade, taking 13 five-wicket hauls in Test matches...
Hon. Frederick Calthorpe
Freddie Calthorpe
Frederick Somerset Gough Calthorpe , styled The Honourable from 1912, was an English cricketer....
David Capel
David Capel
David Capel is a former English cricketer, who played for Northamptonshire and England...
Michael Carberry
Michael Carberry
Michael Alexander Carberry is an English cricketer. Carberry is a left-handed opening batsman who bowls right-arm off break. He was born in Croydon, Surrey....
Arthur Carr ·
Donald Carr
Donald Carr
Donald Bryce Carr is a former English cricketer who played for Derbyshire from 1946 to 1967, for Oxford University from 1948 to 1951, and twice for England in 1951/52. He captained Derbyshire between 1955 and 1962, and scored over 10,000 runs for the county...
Douglas Carr
Douglas Carr
Douglas Ward Carr was an English amateur cricketer.Carr went to Brasenose College at Oxford University and while there played both football and cricket...
Tom Cartwright
Tom Cartwright
Thomas William Cartwright MBE was an English cricketer. He played in five Tests for England in 1964 and 1965. His withdrawal from the 1968-69 tour to South Africa, and replacement in the touring team by Basil D'Oliveira, precipitated the sporting isolation of South Africa until apartheid was...
Percy Chapman
Percy Chapman
Arthur Percy Frank Chapman was an English cricketer who captained England to a then English-record-equalling seven consecutive Test match wins, a record that was not surpassed until Michael Vaughan's team won eight in a row in 2004...
Henry Charlwood
Henry Charlwood
Henry Rupert James Charlwood played cricket professionally for England in the first two Test matches ever played, which were against Australia in 1877. Charlwood was a top order batsman and occasional lob bowler.-References:**-External links:*...
William Chatterton
William Chatterton
William Chatterton was an English cricketer and footballer. He played first-class cricket for Derbyshire between 1882 and 1902 and for England in 1891/2. He captained Derbyshire between 1887 and 1889 and scored over 10,000 runs in his first-class career as well as taking over 200 wickets...
John Childs
John Childs (cricketer)
John Henry Childs is a former English cricketer who played in two Tests for England in 1988. At the age of 36 years 320 days, Childs became the oldest player since Dick Howorth in 1947 to make his England debut...
Stanley Christopherson
Stanley Christopherson
Stanley Christopherson was the best of the ten Christopherson brothers who played the sport of cricket as an amateur in Kent in the late 19th century...
Nobby Clark
Edward Clark (cricketer)
Edward Winchester 'Nobby' Clark was a Northamptonshire cricketer of the inter-war period during which they were one of the weakest counties ever to play in the County Championship...
Rikki Clarke
Rikki Clarke
Rikki Clarke is an English cricketer, currently playing for Warwickshire. He was educated at Broadwater School and then Godalming College.-Surrey:...
Johnnie Clay
Johnnie Clay
John Charles Clay was a cricketer who played for Glamorgan County Cricket Club. Clay also played one Test match for England....
Brian Close
Brian Close
Dennis Brian Close , usually known as Brian Close, is a former cricketer who is the youngest man ever to play Test cricket for England. He was picked for the Test team to play against New Zealand, in July 1949, when he was 18 years old. Close went on to play 22 Test matches for England,...
Len Coldwell
Len Coldwell
Len Coldwell was an English cricketer, who played in seven Tests for England from 1962 to 1964. Coldwell was a right-arm fast-medium bowler who was, for a few years in the early to mid-1960s, half of a respected and feared new-ball partnership in English county cricket...
Paul Collingwood
Paul Collingwood
Paul David Collingwood MBE is an English cricketer. He has been a regular member of the England Test side, was captain of the One Day International team 2007–2008. He is also vice-captain of his county, Durham County Cricket Club. Collingwood is a batting all-rounder, whose batting...
Denis Compton
Denis Compton
Denis Charles Scott Compton CBE was an English cricketer who played in 78 Test matches, and a footballer...
Alastair Cook
Alastair Cook
Alastair Nathan Cook, MBE is an English international cricket player. He is a left-handed opening batsman who plays county cricket for Essex and International cricket for England, where he is their ODI captain. Cook played for Essex's Academy and made his debut for the first XI in 2003...
Sam Cook
Sam Cook
Cecil "Sam" Cook , was an English cricketer, who played for Gloucestershire and in one Test match for England.-Life and career:...
Geoff Cook
Geoff Cook
Geoff Cook is a former English cricketer, who played in seven Tests and six ODIs from 1981 to 1983...
Nick Cook
Nick Cook (cricketer)
Nicholas "Nick" Grant Billson Cook is a former English cricketer who played in fifteen Tests and three ODIs from 1983 to 1989. A slow left-arm orthodox spin bowler and a lower order right-handed batsman, he played first-class and List A cricket from 1978 to 1994. He is currently an ECB appointed...
Geoff Cope
Geoff Cope
Geoff Cope played first-class cricket for Yorkshire from 1966 to 1980, and appeared in three Test matches for England.-Life and career:...
Bill Copson
Bill Copson
Bill Copson was an English cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1932 and 1950, and for England between 1939 and 1947. He took over 1,000 wickets for Derbyshire, and was prominent in their 1936 Championship season...
Dominic Cork
Dominic Cork
Dominic Gerald Cork is a former English cricketer. Cork is a right-handed lower-order batsman who bowls right-arm fast-medium, and is renowned for his swing and seam control. Making his début in first-class cricket for Derbyshire in 1990, he was selected to play for England in 1992, aged 21. He...
Tich Cornford
Tich Cornford
Walter Latter Cornford was an English cricketer: a wicket-keeper who played in 4 Tests in 1930 and played county cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club...
Bob Cottam
Bob Cottam
Bob Cottam is a former English cricketer who played in four Tests from 1969 to 1972. Cottam was a right-handed batsman, who bowled right-arm fast-medium...
Hon. Charles Coventry ·
Norman Cowans
Norman Cowans
Norman Cowans is a former English cricketer who played in nineteen Tests and twenty three ODIs from 1982 to 1985. He also played first-class cricket for Middlesex and Hampshire....
Chris Cowdrey
Chris Cowdrey
Christopher Stuart "Chris" Cowdrey is an English former cricketer. Cowdrey played for Kent, Glamorgan and England as an all-rounder...
Colin Cowdrey
Colin Cowdrey
Michael Colin Cowdrey, Baron Cowdrey of Tonbridge, CBE , better known as Colin Cowdrey, was the Captain of Oxford University, Kent County Cricket Club and the England cricket team in a career that lasted from 1950 to 1976...
Alec Coxon
Alec Coxon
Alexander "Alec" Coxon is a former English cricketer who played for Yorkshire. He also played one Test match for England in 1948. Cricket writer, Colin Bateman stated, "Coxon's Test career was abrupt - much like the man himself...
James Cranston
James Cranston
James Cranston was an amateur cricketer who was educated at Taunton College in Somerset and went on to play 103 first-class cricket matches for Gloucestershire County Cricket Club between 1876 and 1899...
Ken Cranston
Ken Cranston
Kenneth "Ken" Cranston was an English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Lancashire and eight times for England, in 1947 and 1948. He retired from playing cricket to concentrate on his career as a dentist....
Jack Crapp
Jack Crapp
John "Jack" Frederick Crapp was an English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Gloucestershire between 1936 and 1956, and played for England on tour in the winter of 1948-49....
Jack Crawford
Jack Crawford (cricketer)
John Neville Crawford was an English first-class cricketer who played mainly for Surrey. An amateur, he played as an all-rounder and was highly regarded from an unusually early age before a disagreement with his county curtailed his career. A right-handed batsman, Crawford had a reputation for...
John Crawley
John Crawley
John Paul Crawley is a retired English professional cricketer, who represented England in 37 Test matches. He is regarded alongside his near contemporaries Graeme Hick and Mark Ramprakash as a hugely talented player who failed to realise his full potential at international level.Crawley is a...
Robert Croft
Robert Croft
Robert Damien Bale Croft is a Welsh cricketer who has played international cricket for both England and Wales. He is an off-spin bowler who plays for Glamorgan and captained the county from 2003 to 2006...
Tim Curtis
Tim Curtis
Tim Curtis is a former England cricketer. A right-handed batsman, Curtis was a prolific scorer for Worcestershire and county captain between 1992 and 1995...
Willis Cuttell
Willis Cuttell
Willis Robert Cuttell was an English cricketer. Along with Albert Hallam, his support for Briggs and Mold gave Lancashire its first official County championship victory in 1897...
Eddie Dawson
Eddie Dawson
Edward William Dawson was an English cricketer who played in five Tests from 1928 to 1930....
Richard Dawson
Richard Dawson (cricketer)
Richard Kevin James Dawson is an English first-class cricketer, who plays primarily as an off-spinner....
Harry Dean ·
Phillip DeFreitas
Phillip DeFreitas
Phillip Anthony Jason "Daffy" DeFreitas is a retired English cricketer. He played county cricket for Leicestershire, Lancashire and Derbyshire, as well as appearing in forty four Test matches and 103 ODIs...
Mike Denness
Mike Denness
Mike Denness is a former Scottish cricketer who played for England, Scotland, Essex and Kent. Scotland did not have a representative international team at the time of Denness' career, so he could only play for England at Test and ODI level. Denness became the first Scotsman to captain England...
David Denton
David Denton
David Denton was an English first-class cricketer. An attacking batsman, he had a long career with Yorkshire and played eleven Tests for England. His nickname of 'Lucky' came from his habit of surviving the numerous chances, that his attacking batting style naturally created for the opposition...
John Dewes
John Dewes
John Dewes is a former English cricketer, who played for Cambridge University and Middlesex, and was chosen for five Tests between 1948 and 1950.-Life and career:...
Ted Dexter
Ted Dexter
Edward Ralph Dexter CBE is a former English cricketer...
Graham Dilley
Graham Dilley
Graham Roy Dilley was an English cricketer, whose main role was as a fast bowler. He played first-class cricket for Kent and Worcestershire, and appeared in 41 test matches and 36 ODIs for England...
Alfred Dipper
Alfred Dipper
Alfred Ernest Dipper was a cricketer who played for Gloucestershire and once for England....
Hubert Doggart
Hubert Doggart
Hubert Doggart, O.B.E., MA was an English administrator, cricketer and schoolmaster...
Basil D'Oliveira
Basil D'Oliveira
Basil Lewis D'Oliveira CBE , known affectionately around the world as "Dolly", was a South African-born English cricketer. D'Oliveira was classified as 'coloured' under the apartheid regime, and hence barred from first-class cricket, resulting in his emigration to England...
Tom Dollery
Tom Dollery
Tom Dollery was an English cricketer, who played for England and Warwickshire.-Life and career:Born Horace Edgar Dollery in Reading, Berkshire, and playing Minor counties cricket for Berkshire at the age of 15, Dollery joined Warwickshire in 1934, and was a mainstay of the team until retirement in...
Arthur Dolphin
Arthur Dolphin
Arthur Dolphin was an English first-class cricketer, who kept wicket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1905 and 1927...
Johnny Douglas
Johnny Douglas
John "Johnny" William Henry Tyler Douglas was a cricketer who was captain of the England team and an Olympic boxer.-Early life:...
Paul Downton
Paul Downton
Paul Downton is a former English cricketer, who played in thirty Tests and twenty eight ODIs from 1977 to 1989. He was a wicket-keeper and a useful batsman in the lower middle-order...
Frank Druce
Frank Druce
Norman Frank Druce, known as Frank Druce was an England cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1897 to 1898. He is one of the very few Test cricketers to have made his claims for inclusion purely upon his performance for an Oxbridge university...
Andy Ducat
Andy Ducat
Andrew Ducat was an England and Surrey cricketer and an England footballer, being one of an elite group to have represented their country in both sports.-Cricket career:...
George Duckworth
George Duckworth
George Duckworth was a professional cricketer who played first-class cricket for Lancashire and England....
Kumar Shri Duleepsinhji
Kumar Shri Duleepsinhji Jadeja was a cricketer who played for England. He was educated at the Rajkumar College, Rajkot, India.-Career:...
Jack Durston
Jack Durston
Frederick John "Jack" Durston, born Clophill, Bedfordshire, on 11 July 1893 and died at Southall, Middlesex, on 8 April 1965, was a cricketer who played for Middlesex and England....
Mark Ealham
Mark Ealham
Mark Alan Ealham is a retired English cricketer, who played domestic cricket for Kent C.C.C. and Nottinghamshire C.C.C.. He is an all-rounder and is a former England international at both Test and one-day cricket....
Phil Edmonds
Phil Edmonds
Phil Edmonds is a former English cricketer and a successful, albeit controversial, corporate executive....
John Edrich
John Edrich
John Edrich, MBE is a former English cricketer, who played for Surrey and England. He earned a reputation as a dogged and fearless batsman, and his figures show that he was amongst the best players of his generation...
Bill Edrich
Bill Edrich
William John "Bill" Edrich DFC was a distinguished cricketer who played for Middlesex, MCC, Norfolk and England.Edrich's three brothers, Brian, Eric and Geoff, and also his cousin, John, all played first-class cricket...
Harry Elliott
Harry Elliott
Harry Elliott was an English cricketer who kept wicket for Derbyshire from 1920 to 1947 and for England between 1927 and 1934 and was an international Test umpire....
Richard Ellison ·
John Emburey
John Emburey
John Ernest Emburey is a former English cricketer, who played for Middlesex, Northamptonshire, Western Province, Berkshire and England....
George Emmett ·
Tom Emmett ·
John Evans
John Evans (cricketer)
Alfred John Evans was a cricketer who played for Oxford University, Hampshire, Kent and England. He was also an all-round sportsman who enjoyed success in golf and racquets.Evans was born in Newtown, Hampshire...
Godfrey Evans
Godfrey Evans
Thomas Godfrey Evans CBE was an English cricketer who played for Kent and England.Described by Wisden as 'arguably the best wicket-keeper the game has ever seen', Evans collected 219 dismissals in 91 Test match appearances between 1946 and 1959 and a total of 1066 in all first-class matches...
Arthur Fagg
Arthur Fagg
Arthur Edward Fagg was an English cricketer, who played for Kent and England....
Neil Fairbrother
Neil Fairbrother
Neil Fairbrother is a former English cricket player, named by his mother after her favourite player, the Australian cricketer Neil Harvey. He was educated at Lymm High School....
Frederick Fane
Frederick Fane
Frederick Luther Fane was born in Ireland, but played cricket for the England cricket team in 14 Test matches...
Ken Farnes
Ken Farnes
Kenneth Farnes was an English cricketer. He played in 15 Tests from 1934 to 1939.Farnes was born in Leytonstone, Essex, and was educated at the Royal Liberty School in Gidea Park. He made his first-class debut for Essex in 1930, aged only 19. He took 5-36 in his second county match against Kent...
Bill Farrimond
Bill Farrimond
William Farrimond was an English cricketer who played in four Tests from 1931 to 1935....
Percy Fender
Percy Fender
Percy George Herbert Fender was an English all-round cricketer who played 13 Tests for England. He was a middle order batsman and bowled mainly leg spin.-Biography:...
John Ferris ·
Arthur Fielder
Arthur Fielder
Arthur Fielder was the leading fast bowler in English cricket for the decade before World War I and one of the key contributors to Kent's four County Championship successes between 1906 and 1913.In some ways the founder of modern fast bowling, Fielder was the first fast bowler to rely on swing...
Steven Finn
Steven Finn (cricketer)
Steven Thomas Finn is an English cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler.Educated at Parmiter's School in Garston, at the age of 16 Finn became Middlesex County Cricket Club's youngest debutant in first-class cricket, beating the record set by Fred Titmus in 1949...
Laurie Fishlock
Laurie Fishlock
Laurence Barnard "Laurie" Fishlock was an English cricketer, who played in four Tests from 1936 to 1947. A specialist batsman, he achieved little in those four matches, but might have had a much more substantial Test career, had he not lost six of what should have been his best years to World War...
Jack Flavell
Jack Flavell
Jack Flavell was an English cricketer who played in four Tests for England from 1961 to 1964. His county cricket career was spent with Worcestershire, with whom Flavell won two County Championship titles...
Keith Fletcher
Keith Fletcher
Keith Fletcher is a former English cricketer, who played for Essex and England. He later became England's team manager. His nickname was "The Gnome of Essex", so christened by his Essex team-mate, Ray East, because Fletcher's winklepickers had begun to curl up at the toes due to wear...
Andrew Flintoff
Andrew Flintoff
Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff MBE is a former English cricketer who played for Lancashire County Cricket Club, England and the Indian Premier League team Chennai Super Kings. A tall fast bowler, batsman and slip fielder, Flintoff according to the ICC rankings was consistently rated amongst the top...
Wilfred Flowers
Wilfred Flowers
Wilfred Flowers was a professional cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club between 1877 and 1896....
Francis Ford
Francis Ford (cricketer)
Francis Gilbertson Justice Ford was a cricketer.Francis Ford was educated at Repton School and King's College, Cambridge...
Frank Foster ·
James Foster
James Foster (cricketer)
James Savin Foster is an English cricketer: a wicket-keeper who played seven Tests and 11 One Day Internationals in 2001/02 and 2002/03. Foster played his club cricket at Ilford Cricket Club and then Wanstead & Snaresbrook Cricket Club...
Neil Foster
Neil Foster
Neil Foster and educated at Philip Morant Comprehensive, Colchester, is a former English cricketer, who played in twenty nine Tests and forty eight ODIs for England from 1983 to 1993. He played for Essex from 1980 to 1993, earning his county cap in 1983...
Tip Foster
Tip Foster
Reginald Erskine Foster, nicknamed Tip Foster, commonly designated R. E. Foster in sporting literature was an English cricketer and football player...
Arnold Fothergill
Arnold Fothergill
Arnold James Fothergill was an English cricketer.Despite having been born in Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, Fothergill played first-class cricket for Somerset County Cricket Club between 1882 and 1884...
Graeme Fowler
Graeme Fowler
Graeme "Foxy" Fowler is a former English professional cricketer, who played for Lancashire, England, and later for Durham...
Angus Fraser
Angus Fraser
Angus Robert Charles Fraser is the current Managing Director of Cricket of Middlesex County Cricket Club, and a former English cricketer and journalist....
Tich Freeman
Tich Freeman
Alfred Percy "Tich" Freeman was an English cricketer. A leg spin bowler for Kent and England, he is the only man to take 300 wickets in an English season, and is the second most prolific wicket taker in first class cricket history.-Career:Freeman's common name comes from his extremely short...
Bruce French ·
CB Fry ·
Jason Gallian
Jason Gallian
Jason Edward Riche Gallian is a former English Test cricketer. A right-handed opening batsman, he originally hails from Australia and captained their Under-19 side for two Under-19 Tests in 1989 and 1990. He played three Test matches for England, but disappointed, with a highest score of 28 in six...
Mike Gatting
Mike Gatting
Michael "Mike" William Gatting OBE is a former English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Middlesex and for England from 1977 to 1995, captaining the national side in twenty-three Test matches between 1986 and 1988...
Leslie Gay
Leslie Gay
Leslie Hewitt Gay, born at Brighton on 24 March 1871 and died at Sidmouth, Devon, on 1 November 1949, was a cricketer who played for Cambridge University, Hampshire, Somerset and England. As a footballer, he played for Cambridge University, the Corinthians and England.Leslie Gay was educated at...
George Geary ·
Paul Gibb
Paul Gibb
Paul Gibb was an English cricketer, who played in eight Tests for England from 1938 to 1946. He also played first-class cricket for Cambridge University and Yorkshire, mostly as a batsman but occasionally also keeping wicket.Gibb was educated at St Edward's School, Oxford, and played first-class...
Ed Giddins
Ed Giddins
Edward Simon Hunter Giddins is a former English cricketer who played in four Tests from 1999 to 2000. Giddins played for four counties during his career – Sussex, Warwickshire, Surrey and Hampshire.-New Zealand:...
Norman Gifford
Norman Gifford
Norman Gifford was an English cricketer, who played primarily as a left-arm spinner...
Ashley Giles
Ashley Giles
Ashley Fraser Giles MBE is a retired English cricketer. Giles played the entirety of his 14-year first-class career at Warwickshire County Cricket Club where he is now employed as Director of Cricket...
Arthur Gilligan
Arthur Gilligan
Arthur Edward Robert Gilligan was an English cricketer who played for Cambridge University, Sussex, Surrey and England....
Harold Gilligan
Harold Gilligan
Alfred Herbert Harold Gilligan was a cricketer who played for Sussex and England. Gilligan captained England on their four-Test tour of New Zealand in 1929-30, which England won 1-0...
Harold Gimblett
Harold Gimblett
Harold Gimblett was a cricketer who played for Somerset and England. He was known for his fast scoring as an opening batsman and for the much-repeated story of his debut...
Cliff Gladwin
Cliff Gladwin
Clifford Gladwin was an English cricketer, who played for Derbyshire from 1939 to 1958, and in eight Tests for England from 1947 to 1949...
Tom Goddard
Tom Goddard
Tom Goddard was the fifth highest wicket taker in first-class cricket....
Graham Gooch
Graham Gooch
Graham Alan Gooch OBE DL is a former cricketer who captained Essex and England. He was one of the most successful international batsmen of his generation, and through a career spanning from 1973 until 2000, he became the most prolific run scorer of all time with 67,057 runs...
Darren Gough
Darren Gough
Darren Gough is a retired English cricketer and former captain of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. The spearhead of England's bowling attack through much of the 1990s, he is England's highest wicket-taker in one-day internationals with 234, and took 229 wickets in his 58 Test matches, making him...
Alf Gover
Alf Gover
Alfred Richard Gover MBE was an English Test cricketer. He was the mainstay of the Surrey bowling attack during the 1930s and played four Tests before and after the Second World War...
David Gower
David Gower
David Ivon Gower OBE is a former English cricketer who became a commentator for Sky Sports. Although he eventually rose to the captaincy of the England cricket team during the 1980s, he is best known for being one of the most stylish left-handed batsmen of the modern era. Gower played 117 Test...
E M Grace
E M Grace
Edward Mills Grace was a member of the famous cricketing Grace family and the elder brother of W G Grace and Fred Grace...
Fred Grace
Fred Grace
George Frederick Grace was the youngest of the three Grace brothers to play Test cricket for England.Although his elder brothers E. M. and W. G...
W. G. Grace
W. G. Grace
William Gilbert Grace, MRCS, LRCP was an English amateur cricketer who is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest players of all time, having a special significance in terms of his importance to the development of the sport...
Tom Graveney
Tom Graveney
Thomas William Graveney in Riding Mill, Northumberland, is a former English cricketer and was the President of the Marylebone Cricket Club for 2004/5. He went to Bristol Grammar School...
Tommy Greenhough
Tommy Greenhough
Thomas "Tommy" Greenhough was an English cricketer, who represented Lancashire during the 1950s and 1960s, as well as playing four Tests for England....
Andrew Greenwood
Andrew Greenwood
Andrew Greenwood was an English cricketer, who played in the first two cricket Tests. Greenwood was small in height, but a gutsy batsman, who was also noted for his fielding in the deep....
Tony Greig
Tony Greig
Anthony "Tony" William Greig is a former English Test cricketer and currently a commentator.Born in Queenstown, South Africa, Greig qualified to play for England by virtue of his Scottish father. He was a tall batting all-rounder who bowled both medium pace and off spin. He became captain of the...
Ian Greig
Ian Greig
Ian Alexander Greig is a former cricketer, who played in two Tests for England in 1982. Although born in South Africa, Greig qualified to play for England by virtue of his Scottish father....
Basil Grieve
Basil Grieve
Basil Arthur Firebrace Grieve was a cricketer who played two cricket Test matches for England during the England tour of South Africa in 1888–89. The games represent the first two first-class cricket games played in South Africa.Born in Kilburn, Middlesex, Grieve was educated at Harrow and Trinity...
Billy Griffith ·
George Gunn
George Gunn
George Gunn was an English cricketer who played in 15 Tests from 1907 to 1930. Along with other notable batsmen such as Jack Hobbs, Frank Woolley and Phil Mead, he was one of a group who, beginning their first-class careers in the Edwardian Era, seemed to go on for ever...
John Gunn
John Gunn (cricketer)
John Richmond Gunn was an English cricketer who played in six Tests from 1901 to 1905....
William Gunn ·
Aftab Habib
Aftab Habib
Aftab Habib is an English cricketer. He has been appointed the coach of Afghanistan national cricket team on September 2011...
Nigel Haig
Nigel Haig
Nigel Esme Haig was a cricketer who played for Middlesex and England.Tall, stringy and deceptively frail in appearance, Haig played regularly from 1912 to 1934 as an amateur batsman who could open the innings or bat further down the order and as a tireless swing bowler somewhat above medium pace...
Schofield Haigh
Schofield Haigh
Schofield Haigh was a Yorkshire and England cricketer. He played for eighteen seasons for Yorkshire County Cricket Club, for England from the 1898/99 tour to 1912, and was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1901....
Charlie Hallows
Charlie Hallows
Charles Hallows was a cricketer who played for Lancashire and England....
Gavin Hamilton
Gavin Hamilton (cricketer)
Gavin Mark Hamilton is an all-round cricketer who played one Test for England and has appeared in a number of One Day Internationals for Scotland...
Wally Hammond
Wally Hammond
Walter Reginald "Wally" Hammond was an English Test cricketer who played for Gloucestershire in a career that lasted from 1920 to 1951. Beginning his career as a professional, he later became an amateur and was appointed captain of England...
John Hampshire
John Hampshire
John Harry Hampshire John Harry Hampshire John Harry Hampshire (born 10 February 1941, Thurnscoe (near Barnsley, Yorkshire) better known as Jack Hampshire, is a former English cricketer, who played eight Tests and three ODIs for England between 1969 and 1975. He played first-class cricket for...
Wally Hardinge
Wally Hardinge
Harold Thomas William "Wally" Hardinge, born 25 February 1886, and died at Cambridge on 8 May 1965, was a cricketer who played for Kent and England. He was also a football international for England.-Cricket career:...
Joe Hardstaff senior
Joe Hardstaff senior
Joseph Hardstaff senior , was an English cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire and England....
Joe Hardstaff junior
Joe Hardstaff junior
Joseph Hardstaff junior was an English cricketer, who played in twenty three Tests for England from 1935 to 1948...
Steve Harmison
Steve Harmison
Stephen James Harmison MBE is an English cricketer. Primarily a fast bowler, he represented England in 63 Tests, 58 ODI's, and 2 T20's. He also plays county cricket for Durham....
Lord Harris
George Harris, 4th Baron Harris
George Robert Canning Harris, 4th Baron Harris, GCSI, GCIE was a British politician, cricketer and cricket administrator...
John Hartley
John Hartley (cricketer)
Colonel John Cabourn Hartley was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Oxford University Cricket Club between 1895 and 1897 and Sussex County Cricket Club between 1895 and 1898. He then went on to play for the Marylebone Cricket Club in first-class fixtures until 1926...
Lord Hawke
Martin Hawke, 7th Baron Hawke
Martin Bladen Hawke, 7th Baron Hawke of Towton , generally known as Lord Hawke, was an English amateur cricketer who played major roles in the sport's administration....
Ernie Hayes
Ernie Hayes
Ernest George Hayes MBE was a cricketer who played for Surrey, Leicestershire and England....
Frank Hayes
Frank Hayes (cricketer)
Frank Charles Hayes is a former English cricketer, who played in nine Tests and six ODIs from 1973 to 1976...
Tom Hayward
Tom Hayward
Thomas Walter Hayward was a cricketer who played for Surrey and England between the 1890s and the outbreak of World War I. He was primarily an opening batsman, noted especially for the quality of his off-drive...
Dean Headley
Dean Headley
Dean Warren Headley is an English cricketer.He comes from a famous cricketing family, being the son of Ron Headley and grandson of George Headley. He was the first Test cricketer to be both the son and grandson of Test cricketers...
Alec Hearne
Alec Hearne
Alec Hearne was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Kent between 1884 and 1906. Hearne was named as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1894...
Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne was a cricketer.One of the few men to play Test cricket for more than one country, he played for both England and South Africa....
George Hearne
George Gibbons Hearne
George Gibbons Hearne was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Kent between 1875 and 1895. He also played in one Test match for England against South Africa in 1891-92. Hearne was part of the famous cricketing Hearne family...
J. T. Hearne ·
J. W. Hearne ·
Warren Hegg
Warren Hegg
Warren Kevin Hegg is an English cricketer. He played County Cricket for Lancashire. Although primarily a wicket-keeper, Hegg was also a handy lower-order batsman, and made several first-class hundreds...
Eddie Hemmings
Eddie Hemmings (cricketer)
Edward Ernest Hemmings is a former English cricketer, who played in sixteen Tests and thirty three ODIs for England from 1982 to 1991. He made his England debut relatively late in his career, at the age of 33, having predominantly represented Nottinghamshire in the County Championship...
Patsy Hendren
Patsy Hendren
Elias Henry Hendren better known as Patsy Hendren was an English cricketer. Patsy was one of the most prolific English batsmen of the period between the wars, averaging 47.63 in his 51 Test matches...
Mike Hendrick
Mike Hendrick
Michael Hendrick is a former English cricketer, who played in thirty Tests and twenty two ODIs for England from 1973 to 1981...
Christopher Heseltine
Christopher Heseltine
Christopher Heseltine OBE was a cricketer...
Graeme Hick
Graeme Hick
Graeme Ashley Hick MBE is a Zimbabwean-born cricketer who played 65 Test matches and 120 One Day Internationals for England. He played county cricket for Worcestershire for his entire English domestic career, a period of well over twenty years, and in 2008 he surpassed Graham Gooch's record for...
Ken Higgs
Ken Higgs
For the American basketball player, see Kenny Higgs.Ken Higgs was an English fast-medium bowler, who was most successful as the opening partner to Brian Statham with Lancashire in the 1960s...
Allen Hill
Allen Hill
Allen Hill played in the first-ever cricket Test, taking the first wicket. Hill also went on to umpire in the Test match played at Lord's in 1890....
Arthur Hill ·
Malcolm Hilton
Malcolm Hilton
Malcolm Jameson Hilton was an English left-arm spin bowler, who played for Lancashire and in four Test matches for England....
George Herbert Hirst
George Herbert Hirst
George Herbert Hirst was a professional English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1891 and 1921, with a further appearance in 1929. He played in 24 Test matches for England between 1897 and 1909, touring Australia twice...
Bill Hitch
Bill Hitch
John William "Bill" Hitch, born Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, on 7 May 1886, and died at Cardiff on 7 July 1965, was a cricketer who played for Surrey and England....
Jack Hobbs
Jack Hobbs
Sir John Berry "Jack" Hobbs was an English professional cricketer who played for Surrey from 1905 to 1934 and for England in 61 Test matches from 1908 to 1930....
Robin Hobbs
Robin Hobbs
Robin Nicholas Stuart Hobbs is a former English cricketer, who played in seven Tests for England from 1967 to 1971. He played first-class cricket for both Essex and Glamorgan....
Matthew Hoggard
Matthew Hoggard
Matthew James Hoggard MBE is an English cricketer. The 6' 2" Hoggard is a right arm fast-medium bowler and right-handed batsman. He played international cricket for England cricket team from 2000-2008, playing both Test cricket and One Day International cricket. He is currently the captain of...
Eric Hollies
Eric Hollies
William Eric Hollies was an English cricketer, who is mainly remembered for taking the wicket of Donald Bradman for a duck in Bradman's final Test match innings, in which only four was needed for a Test average of 100...
Adam Hollioake
Adam Hollioake
Adam John Hollioake is a cricketing all-rounder who played for Surrey and England. He captained Surrey from 1997 until 2003, winning three County Championships, and led the England cricket team in One Day Internationals...
Ben Hollioake
Ben Hollioake
Benjamin Caine Hollioake was an all rounder for Surrey County Cricket Club and the England cricket team. He was born in Melbourne, Australia, and moved to England as a boy, along with his older brother Adam...
Errol Holmes
Errol Holmes
Errol Reginald Thorold Holmes, born at Calcutta on 21 August 1905 and died in London on 16 August 1960, was a cricketer who played for Oxford University, Surrey and England....
Percy Holmes
Percy Holmes
Percy Holmes was an English first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire and England.Holmes was born in Oakes, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England...
Leland Hone
Leland Hone
Leland Hone was a cricketer who played for both England and Ireland, in addition to playing first-class cricket for the MCC.-Playing career:...
Len Hopwood
Len Hopwood
John Leonard Hopwood was a Lancashire cricketer who was the focal point of the county's last Championship win in 1934...
A. N. Hornby
A. N. Hornby
Albert Neilson Hornby, commonly designated A. N. Hornby, nicknamed Monkey Hornby was one of the best known sportsmen in England during the nineteenth century excelling in both rugby and cricket...
Martin Horton
Martin Horton
Martin John Horton was an English cricketer, who played in two Tests in 1959. He was born in Worcester, England, and played the bulk of his first-class cricket for his native county....
Nigel Howard
Nigel Howard
Nigel David Howard was an English cricketer, who played for Lancashire and England. Born in Gee Cross, Hyde, Cheshire, he captained England for the tour to India in the only four Test matches he played in, winning one and drawing three, although the series was drawn after the fifth Test match was...
Harry Howell
Harry Howell (cricketer)
Henry Howell was an English footballer and cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1920 to 1924.-Cricket career:...
Dick Howorth
Dick Howorth
Dick Howorth was an English all-rounder for Worcestershire between 1933 and 1951. Chiefly remembered as a left-arm spin bowler, Howorth also occasionally bowled medium pace and was a capable hard-hitting left-handed batsman...
Joe Humphries
Joe Humphries
Joseph Humphries was an English cricketer who played three Test matches for England on their tour to Australia in 1907-08 and for Derbyshire County Cricket Club and the Marylebone Cricket Club between 1899 and 1914....
Joe Hunter ·
Nasser Hussain
Nasser Hussain
Nasser Hussain OBE is a former Essex and England cricketer.Beginning his career in a strong Essex side in the late 1980s, he was an outstanding fielder and a stylish but inconsistent batsman. In first-class cricket from 1987 to 2004 Hussain scored 20,698 runs in 334 matches at an average of 42.06,...
Kenneth Hutchings
Kenneth Hutchings
Kenneth Lotherington Hutchings was a cricketer who played for Kent and England....
Len Hutton
Len Hutton
Sir Leonard "Len" Hutton was an English Test cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club and England in the years around the Second World War as an opening batsman. He was described by Wisden Cricketer's Almanack as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket...
Richard Hutton ·
Jack Iddon
Jack Iddon
John Iddon was an English cricketer who played in five Tests in 1935....
Alan Igglesden
Alan Igglesden
Alan Igglesden is a former English cricketer. He played three Tests and four ODIs for England, but his playing career was ruined by injuries...
Jack Ikin
Jack Ikin
John Thomas Ikin, known as Jack Ikin was an English cricketer, who played in eighteen Tests from 1946 to 1955...
Ray Illingworth
Ray Illingworth
Raymond Illingworth, CBE is a former English cricketer, cricket commentator and cricket administrator. He was one of only nine players to have taken 2,000 wickets and made 20,000 runs in First class cricket, and the last one to do so...
Richard Illingworth
Richard Illingworth
Richard Illingworth is an English former cricketer, who is currently a first-class cricket umpire. The bulk of his domestic cricketing career occurred with Worcestershire, although he had a spell with Derbyshire, and overseas with Natal...
Mark Ilott
Mark Ilott
Mark Christopher Ilott is an English cricketer. Ilott played his first Test in the third match of the 1993 Ashes, a match in which England gave debuts to four players , Ilott took four wickets in the match but only four more in his next two matches and was subsequently left out of the side...
Doug Insole
Doug Insole
Doug Insole CBE is a former English cricketer, who played for Cambridge University, Essex and in nine Test matches for England, five of them on the 1956-57 tour of South Africa, where he was vice-captain to Peter May...
Ronnie Irani
Ronnie Irani
Ronald Charles "Ronnie" Irani is a former England cricketer who spent most of his career at Essex County Cricket Club, latterly as captain. He is of Irani descent, the Iranis being a community of Persian Zoroastrians who immigrated to India during the British Raj...
Robin Jackman
Robin Jackman
Robin Jackman is a former English cricketer, who played in four Tests and fifteen ODIs for England from 1974 to 1983. He was a seam bowler and useful tail-end batsman. During a first-class career lasting from 1966 to 1982, he took 1,402 wickets...
Hon. Stanley Jackson
Stanley Jackson
Sir Francis Stanley Jackson, GCSI, GCIE, PC, KStJ , known as the Honourable Stanley Jackson during his playing career, was an English cricketer, soldier and Conservative Party politician.-Early life:...
Les Jackson
Les Jackson
Les Jackson was an English cricketer. A fast or fast-medium bowler renowned for his accurate bowling and particular hostility on uncovered wickets, he played county cricket for Derbyshire from 1947 to 1963, and was regularly at, or near the top of, the English bowling averages...
Steve James
Steve James (cricketer)
Stephen Peter James is a former English cricketer who played two Tests for England in 1998, making 71 runs in four innings. He was captain of Glamorgan for three seasons before retiring in 2003 after 17 seasons with the club, aged 35...
John Jameson
John Jameson (cricketer)
John Alexander Jameson MBE is a former English cricketer who played in four Tests and three ODIs for England from 1971 to 1975. Jameson represented Warwickshire from 1960 until 1976....
Douglas Jardine
Douglas Jardine
Douglas Robert Jardine was an English cricketer and captain of the England cricket team from 1931 to 1933–34.When describing cricket seasons, the convention used is that a single year represents an English cricket season, while two years represent a southern hemisphere cricket season because it...
Paul Jarvis
Paul Jarvis
Paul William Jarvis is a former English cricketer, who played in nine Tests and sixteen ODIs for England from 1988 to 1993....
Roly Jenkins
Roly Jenkins
Roly Jenkins was an English cricketer, almost exclusively for Worcestershire as a leg spinner in the period immediately after World War II...
Gilbert Jessop
Gilbert Jessop
Gilbert Laird Jessop was an English cricket player, often reckoned to have been the fastest run-scorer cricket has ever known, he was Wisden Cricketer of the Year for 1898.Relations...
Richard Johnson ·
Arthur Jones
Arthur Jones (cricketer)
Arthur Owen Jones , was a cricketer, noted as an all-rounder.He was born in Shelton, Nottinghamshire, and educated at Bedford Modern School and Jesus College, Cambridge. He played for Cambridge University, Nottinghamshire, London County and England...
Geraint Jones
Geraint Jones
Geraint Owen Jones MBE is an England cricketer of Welsh extraction but raised in Australia. Until August 2006 he was the first-choice wicketkeeper for England in both Test and One-day cricket, but fell behind Chris Read, Paul Nixon, Matt Prior and Tim Ambrose...
Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones (cricketer)
Jeff Jones is a former Welsh cricketer, who took forty-four wickets in fifteen Tests for England from 1964 to 1968....
Simon Jones
Simon Jones (cricketer)
Simon Philip Jones MBE is a Welsh cricketer, who played internationally for England. Formerly playing his county cricket for Glamorgan County Cricket Club and then Worcestershire before moving in September 2009 to Hampshire. He is currently on a month's loan with his first county, Glamorgan...
Harry Jupp
Harry Jupp
Henry Jupp was an English professional cricketer, who was the opening batsman for Surrey County Cricket Club from 1862 to 1881. Renowned for his defensive technique, Jupp was known as "Young Stonewaller"....
Vallance Jupp
Vallance Jupp
Vallance William Crisp Jupp was an amateur cricketer who played for Sussex and Northamptonshire...
Walter Keeton
Walter Keeton
William Walter Keeton was an English cricketer who played in two Tests in 1934 and 1939...
Alec Kennedy ·
Don Kenyon
Don Kenyon
Donald Kenyon was an English cricketer, who played in eight Tests for England from 1951 to 1955. He captained Worcestershire between 1959 and 1967....
Robert Key
Robert Key (cricketer)
Robert William Trevor Key is an English cricketer. He is the captain of Kent County Cricket Club, and a former member of the England Test match and One Day International sides....
Amjad Khan
Amjad Khan (cricketer)
Amjad Khan is an English Test cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler. He plays for Sussex.-Career:...
Tom Killick
Tom Killick
Edgar Thomas Killick was an English cricketer who played in two Tests in 1929.Tom Killick was a right-handed batsman who generally either opened the innings or went in at the fall of the first wicket. Educated at St Paul's School, he played a few matches for Middlesex as a 19-year-old in 1926...
Roy Kilner
Roy Kilner
Roy Kilner was an English professional cricketer who played nine Test matches for England between 1924 and 1926. An all-rounder, he played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1911 and 1927. In all first-class matches, he scored 14,707 runs at an average of 30.01 and took 1,003 wickets at an...
John King
John King (cricketer)
John Herbert King was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Leicestershire between 1895 and 1925. He also played one Test match for England, which was against Australia at Lord's in 1909...
Sep Kinneir
Sep Kinneir
Septimus Paul Kinneir was an English cricketer who played in one Test in 1911 against Australia in Sydney. The tour had come as a reward for his most prolific season with the bat, when he scored 1629 runs in 20 matches, including a career best 268*, at an average of 49.36...
James Kirtley
James Kirtley
Robert James Kirtley is a former English Test cricketer, who was born on the 10 January 1975 in Eastbourne in the county of Sussex. He is a right arm fast to medium bowler and a right hand batsman. After prep school at St.Andrews School, Eastbourne, he was educated at Clifton College.-First ODI:His...
Albert Knight
Albert Knight
Albert Ernest Knight was an English professional cricket player. He was educated at Wyggeston Grammar School for Boys....
Barry Knight ·
Donald Knight ·
Nick Knight
Nick Knight
Nicholas Verity Knight is a former England cricketer. Knight's middle name was in honour of the 1930s English Test bowler Hedley Verity who was killed in World War II and is a distant family relation...
Alan Knott
Alan Knott
Alan Philip Eric Knott is a former Kent County Cricket Club and English cricketer, as a wicket-keeper-batsman....
Neville Knox
Neville Knox
Neville Alexander Knox was an English fast bowler of the late 1900s and effectively the successor to Tom Richardson and William Lockwood in the Surrey team...
Jim Laker
Jim Laker
James "Jim" Charles Laker was a cricketer who played for England in the 1950s, known for "Laker's match" in 1956 at Old Trafford, when he took nineteen wickets in England's victory against Australia...
Allan Lamb
Allan Lamb
Allan Joseph Lamb is a former England cricketer and captain who played for the first class teams of Western Province and Northamptonshire, the latter as an Overseas player...
James Langridge ·
Wayne Larkins
Wayne Larkins
Wayne Larkins is a former English cricketer, who represented Northamptonshire, Durham and Bedfordshire as an opening batsman throughout his career...
David Larter
David Larter
John Larter is a former Scottish cricketer, who played in ten Tests for England from 1962 to 1965....
Harold Larwood
Harold Larwood
Harold Larwood was an English cricket player, an extremely accurate fast bowler best known for his key role as the implementer of fast leg theory in the infamous "bodyline" Ashes Test series of 1932–33....
Mark Lathwell
Mark Lathwell
Mark Nicholas Lathwell is a former English cricketer who played in two Test matches in 1993. Lathwell played the entirety of his First-class cricket career for Somerset County Cricket Club and is regarded as one of the best young batsmen England has ever produced...
David Lawrence
David Lawrence (cricketer)
David Valentine Lawrence is a former English cricketer, who played in five Tests and one ODI for England from 1988 to 1992....
Eddie Leadbeater
Eddie Leadbeater
Edric "Eddie" Leadbeater was an English cricketer who played in two Tests in 1951. He was born in Lockwood, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, and died in Huddersfield....
Harry Lee
Harry Lee (cricketer)
Henry William "Harry" Lee was a professional English cricketer who played first-class cricket for the Marylebone Cricket Club and Middlesex County Cricket Club between 1911 and 1934. He made one Test appearance for England, in 1931...
Walter Lees
Walter Lees
Walter Scott Lees was a Surrey and English cricketer who played in 5 Tests against South Africa in 1906....
Geoffrey Legge
Geoffrey Legge
Geoffrey Bevington Legge was an English cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1927 to 1930...
Charles Leslie
Charles Leslie (cricketer)
Charles Frederick Henry Leslie was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for eight years between 1881 and 1888...
John Lever
John Lever
John Lever MBE is an English former cricketer, who played in twenty one Tests and twenty two ODIs for England from 1976 to 1986...
Peter Lever
Peter Lever
Peter Lever is a former English cricketer, who played in seventeen Tests and ten ODIs for England from 1970 to 1975. He was a successful wicket taker, taking 41 victims from those seventeen Tests, and a handy batsman with a top score of 88 not out...
H. D. G. Leveson-Gower ·
Hopper Levett
Hopper Levett
William Howard Vincent "Hopper" Levett . Educated at Brighton College, Hopper was an English cricketer who played in one Test in 1934. Levett was a gentleman farmer from an old Kentish family who owned hops farms for many years...
Tony Lewis
Tony Lewis
Anthony Robert Lewis CBE is a former Welsh cricketer, who went on to become the face of BBC Television cricket coverage in the 1990s, and become president of the MCC. Lewis attended Christ's College, Cambridge and played for Cambridge University. He also played county cricket for Glamorgan, and...
Chris Lewis
Chris Lewis (cricketer)
Chris Lewis is an English cricketer, who played for Nottinghamshire, Surrey and Leicestershire in the 1990s. He played in thirty two Tests and fifty three ODIs for England from 1990 to 1998.Lewis was regarded as an aggressive lower-order batsman, fine fast-medium bowler and an able all-round fielder...
Jon Lewis
Jon Lewis
Jonathan "Jon" Lewis is an English cricketer. He was brought up in Swindon where he went to Churchfields School and Swindon College. He played for Swindon CC and, in Minor Counties cricket, for Wiltshire County Cricket Club in 1993. He joined Northamptonshire in 1994 and played for its Second XI...
Maurice Leyland
Maurice Leyland
Maurice Leyland , christened 'Morris Leyland', was an English cricketer who played 41 Test matches between 1928 and 1938 and proved himself one of the best left-handers of his generation....
Dick Lilley
Dick Lilley
Arthur Frederick Augustus Lilley was an English cricketer who played in 35 Tests from 1896 to 1909, more than any other England wicket-keeper in the first sixty years of Test cricket.The conservative cricket establishment of the time was not effusive in its appreciation of this great keeper...
James Lillywhite
James Lillywhite
James Lillywhite was a first-class and Test cricketer and umpire. He was the first ever captain of the English cricket team in a Test match, captaining 2 Tests against Australia in 1876-77, losing the first, but winning the second.Lillywhite was born in Westhampnett in Sussex, the son of a...
David Lloyd
David Lloyd (cricketer)
David Lloyd is a former English cricketer who played county cricket for Lancashire and Test and One Day International cricket for England. He also played semi-professional football for Accrington Stanley...
Andy Lloyd
Andy Lloyd (cricketer)
Andy Lloyd is a former English cricketer, who played in one Test and three ODIs for England in 1984. His only Test was against the West Indies in June 1984. After making ten runs, and batting for thirty three minutes, he was hit on the head by the West Indies fast bowler, Malcolm Marshall...
Peter Loader
Peter Loader
Peter James Loader was an English cricketer and umpire, who played thirteen Test matches for England. He played for Surrey and Beddington Cricket Club. A whippet-thin fast bowler with a wide range of pace and a nasty bouncer, he took the first post-war Test hat-trick as part of his 6 for 36...
Tony Lock
Tony Lock
Graham Anthony Richard Lock was an English cricketer, who played primarily as a left-arm spinner. He played in forty nine Tests for England taking 174 wickets at 25.58 each.-Life and career:...
William Lockwood
William Lockwood
William 'Bill' Lockwood William 'Bill' Lockwood William 'Bill' Lockwood (William Henry Lockwood; born 25 March 1868, Radford, Nottingham; died 26 April 1932, Radford, Nottingham was a fast bowler and the unpredictable, occasionally devastating counterpart to the amazingly hard-working Tom...
George Lohmann
George Lohmann
George Alfred Lohmann is regarded as one of the greatest bowlers of all time...
Frank Lowson
Frank Lowson
Frank Anderson Lowson was an English cricketer, who played in seven Tests for England from 1951 to 1955. In first-class cricket, Lowson amassed 15,321 runs at an average of over 37, but had drifted away from the county game by his early thrties.-Life and career:Lowson was born in Bradford,...
A. P. Lucas ·
Brian Luckhurst
Brian Luckhurst
Brian William Luckhurst was an English cricketer, who played his entire county career for Kent County Cricket Club. He played for Kent from 1958 to 1976, usually opening the batting, then in 1985, in an emergency, played in one more match against the Australians. He was cricket manager from 1981...
Alfred Lyttelton
Alfred Lyttelton
Alfred Lyttelton QC was a British politician and sportsman who excelled at both football and cricket. During his time at university he participated in Varsity Matches in five sports: cricket , football , athletics , rackets and real tennis , displaying an ability that made him...
George Macaulay
George Macaulay
George Gibson Macaulay , was a professional English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1920 and 1935. He played in eight Test matches for England from 1923 to 1933, achieving the rare feat of taking a wicket with his first ball in Test cricket...
Jack MacBryan
Jack MacBryan
John "Jack" Crawford William MacBryan was an English cricketer who played for Cambridge University and Somerset and made one almost imperceptible appearance in a Test match for England...
Martin McCague
Martin McCague
Martin John McCague is a cricketer who played for England in 3 Tests from 1993 to 1994.His development as a cricketer started in Australia, where he grew up. He played first-class cricket for Kent, who due to his Northern Ireland origins were allowed to field both him and an overseas player...
Jim McConnon
Jim McConnon
Jim McConnon was an English cricketer, who played in two Tests in 1954 as an off-spin bowler. He played for Glamorgan from 1950 to 1961, albeit missing the 1956 season when he decided to play in the Lancashire League...
Charlie McGahey
Charlie McGahey
Charles Percy McGahey was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Essex between 1894 and 1921. McGahey also played for London County between 1901 and 1904 and was named as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1902...
Anthony McGrath
Anthony McGrath
Anthony McGrath is an English first-class cricketer, who plays county cricket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club. He is a right-handed batsman and bowls part-time right-arm medium pace and has twice captained Yorkshire, in the 2003 and 2009 seasons.-England:McGrath made his Test match debut for...
Gregor MacGregor ·
Arthur McIntyre ·
Francis MacKinnon
Francis MacKinnon
Francis Alexander MacKinnon, The 35th MacKinnon of MacKinnon was the longest-lived Test cricketer until being surpassed by Eric Tindill of New Zealand on 8 November 2009...
Archie MacLaren ·
Joseph McMaster
Joseph McMaster
Joseph Emile Patrick McMaster is notable as having probably the oddest and shortest first-class cricket career of all-time. He was selected for an under-strength England team that toured South Africa in 1888/9 and was selected as a bowler in the second and final Test match, in Cape Town, starting...
Darren Maddy
Darren Maddy
Darren Lee Maddy is an English cricketer who plays first class cricket for Warwickshire. He played three Tests and eight One Day Internationals for England, making one international fifty in his ten innings between 1998 and 2000 before he was finally dropped following the tour of Zimbabwe in 2000,...
Sajid Mahmood
Sajid Mahmood
Sajid "Saj" Iqbal Mahmood is an English cricketer of Pakistani descent...
Harry Makepeace
Harry Makepeace
Joseph William Henry Makepeace was an English sportsman who appeared for his country four times at each of cricket and football. He is one of just 12 double internationals....
Devon Malcolm
Devon Malcolm
Devon Malcolm is a former English cricketer.Malcolm was one of England's few genuinely fast bowlers of the 1990s. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, he settled in England, making his first-class debut for Derbyshire in 1984, and qualifying to play for England in 1987...
Neil Mallender
Neil Mallender
Neil Mallender is a former English cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler and a right-hand lower order batsman who improved as his career progressed, Mallender played first-class cricket in England for Northamptonshire , and for Somerset...
George Mann ·
Frank Mann ·
Vic Marks
Vic Marks
Vic Marks is a former Somerset and England cricketer, who played in six Tests and thirty four ODIs....
Charles Marriott
Charles Marriott
-Life and career:Marriott was one of the best leg break and googly bowlers of the 1920s and 1930s. Born in Lancashire, he went to school at St Columba's in Ireland, coming back to Lancashire to play in his first first-class match in 1919. He then went on to Cambridge, winning blues in 1920 and 1921...
Frederick Martin ·
Jack Martin
Jack Martin (cricketer)
Jack Martin was an English cricketer, who played in one Test in 1947, taking the single wicket of South African captain Alan Melville. In a fifteen year career, Martin turned in a meagre forty four first-class appearances, largely when his holidays allowed...
Peter Martin ·
Jack Mason
Jack Mason
John Richard Mason was an English cricketer who played in 5 Tests on A.E. Stoddart's 1897/98 tour of Australia. A right-hand bat and right-arm fast-medium pace bowler, Mason played county cricket for Kent between 1893 and 1919...
Austin Matthews
Austin Matthews
Austin David George Matthews was a cricketer who played for Northamptonshire, Glamorgan and England.-Cricketing career:...
Peter May
Peter May
-External links:* * at Cricket Archive*...
Matthew Maynard
Matthew Maynard
Matthew Maynard is an English former cricketer. He played in four Tests and fourteen ODIs for England....
Phil Mead
Phil Mead
Charles Phillip Mead was a left-handed batsman for Hampshire and England between 1905 and 1936. He was born at 10 Ashton Buildings , second eldest of seven children...
Walter Mead
Walter Mead (cricketer)
Walter Mead was the principal bowler for Essex during their first two decades as a first-class county. As a member of the Lord’s ground staff, he was also after J.T...
Billy Midwinter
Billy Midwinter
William Evans Midwinter was a cricketer who played four Test matches for England, sandwiched in between eight Tests that he played for Australia...
Colin Milburn
Colin Milburn
Colin Milburn was an English cricketer, who played in nine Test matches for England, before an accident led to the loss of much of his sight and prompted his retirement....
Audley Miller
Audley Miller
Audley Montague Miller was an amateur cricketer who played one Test match for England, and stood as a Test umpire in two matches....
Geoff Miller
Geoff Miller
Geoffrey Miller is an English former cricketer, who played in thirty four Tests and twenty five ODIs for England from 1976 to 1984...
Frank Milligan
Frank Milligan
Frank William Milligan was an English amateur first-class cricketer, who played in two Tests in 1899. He died in the campaign to relieve Mafeking during the Second Boer War....
Geoff Millman
Geoff Millman
Geoffrey Millman was an English cricketer, who played in six Tests for England from 1961 to 1962.The cricket correspondent, Colin Bateman, remarked, "a neat, unobtrusive wicketkeeper and gritty batsman, Geoff Millman was a reliable county performer called up by his country as No.2 to John Murray...
Arthur Milton
Arthur Milton
Clement Arthur Milton was an English cricketer and footballer. He played County cricket for Gloucestershire from 1948 to 1974, playing six Test matches for England in 1958 and 1959. He also played domestic football for Arsenal between 1951 and 1955, and then for a brief period for Bristol City...
Arthur Mitchell
Arthur Mitchell (cricketer)
Arthur "Ticker" Mitchell was an English first-class cricketer, who played both for Yorkshire County Cricket Club and England....
Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell was a cricketer and rugby union player.-School, University and Yorkshire:...
Thomas Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell (cricketer)
Thomas Bignall Mitchell was an English cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1928 and 1939....
Mandy Mitchell-Innes
Mandy Mitchell-Innes
Norman Stewart Mitchell-Innes, known as Mandy Mitchell-Innes was an English cricketer who played in one Test in May 1935. He became England's oldest surviving Test cricketer on 7 October 2001, on the death of Alf Gover. Following his own death, that distinction passed to Ken Cranston, who...
Arthur Mold
Arthur Mold
Arthur Webb Mold was an English professional cricketer who played first-class cricket for Lancashire County Cricket Club between 1889 and 1901. He played three Test matches for England in 1893 and was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1892. A fast bowler, he was one of the most effective bowlers...
Leonard Moon
Leonard Moon
2nd Lieutenant Leonard James Moon was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University from 1897 to 1900 and Middlesex County Cricket Club from 1899 to 1909...
Eoin Morgan
Eoin Morgan
Eoin Joseph Gerard Morgan is an Irish cricketer who plays for the England national cricket team. A left-handed batsman, he plays county cricket for Middlesex and has been selected for England's Test, ODI and Twenty20 squads. He originally represented his native Ireland at international level...
Fred Morley
Fred Morley
Frederick Morley was a professional cricketer who was reckoned to be the fastest bowler in England during his prime...
Hugh Morris
Hugh Morris
Hugh Morris is the current managing director of England cricket, and a former Welsh cricketer, who played in three Tests for England in 1991...
John Morris
John Morris (cricketer)
John Morris is a former English cricketer, who played for England in three Tests and eight ODIs from 1990 to 1991...
John Mortimore
John Mortimore (cricketer)
John Brian Mortimore is a former English cricketer, who played in nine Tests for England from 1959 to 1964, and captained Gloucestershire between 1965 and 1967....
Alan Moss
Alan Moss
Alan Edward Moss is a former English cricketer, who played in nine Tests for England from 1954 to 1960....
Martyn Moxon
Martyn Moxon
Martyn Douglas Moxon is a former English cricketer, who played ten Tests and eight One Day Internationals for England and appeared for Yorkshire for 17 seasons from 1981 to 1997...
Alan Mullally
Alan Mullally
Alan Mullally is a former English cricketer.Mullally grew up in Western Australia, and played for the Australian Under-19 side against their West Indian counterparts in 1987/88. That same season he made his first-class debut for Western Australia in their Sheffield Shield final victory over...
Tim Munton
Tim Munton
Timothy Alan Munton was an English cricketer. He played two Test matches for England in 1992, but struggled to make an impression and was never selected again...
Billy Murdoch
Billy Murdoch
William Lloyd Murdoch was an Australian cricketer, who captained the Australian team on tours to England in 1880, 1882 , 1884 and 1890...
John Murray
John Murray (cricketer)
John Thomas Murray MBE is a former English cricketer. He played in twenty one Tests for England between 1961 and 1967.-Life and career:...
Billy Newham
Billy Newham
William Newham was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club. He also played one Test match for England.He was educated at Ardingly College, where he was a member of the cricket eleven...
Phil Newport
Phil Newport
Philip John Newport is a former English cricketer, who played primarily as a seam and swing bowler. Newport was a stalwart of Worcestershire County Cricket Club for most of the 1980s and 1990s, and played a key part in the county's triumphs in the late 1980s...
Stan Nichols
Stan Nichols
Stan Nichols was the leading all-rounder in English cricket for much of the 1930s.-Career:In his youth primarily a football goalkeeper who played for some time with Queen's Park Rangers,...
Alan Oakman
Alan Oakman
Alan Oakman was an English first-class cricketer. He had a long career for Sussex, playing 538 first-class matches over a 21-year period, and played two Test matches for England...
Sir Tim O'Brien
Sir Tim O'Brien, 3rd Baronet
Sir Timothy "Tim" Carew O'Brien, 3rd Baronet was born at Dublin on 5 November 1861 and died at Ramsey, Isle of Man on 9 December 1948. He was an Irish baronet who played cricket for England in five Test matches....
Jack O'Connor
Jack O'Connor (English cricketer)
Jack O'Connor was an English cricketer who played in four Tests from 1929 to 1930....
Chris Old
Chris Old
Chris Old is an English former cricketer, who played in forty six Tests and thirty two ODIs from 1972 to 1981....
Buddy Oldfield
Buddy Oldfield
Norman 'Buddy' Oldfield was an English cricketer and umpire who played in one Test in 1939 and later umpired in two others. Between 1935 and 1939 he played first-class cricket for Lancashire, before the Second World War interrupted and ended a promising start to his Test career...
Graham Onions
Graham Onions
Graham Onions is an English cricketer. He plays for Durham and England as a right arm fast-medium bowler and a right-hand tail-end batsman. After a successful start to the 2009 cricket season, Onions was selected to face the West Indies in Test cricket, and following success in the series, was...
James Ormond
James Ormond
James Ormond is a former English cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler although he has also bowled off-spin in Test matches....
Doug Padgett
Doug Padgett
Doug Padgett was an English cricketer, who played more than 500 first-class matches and represented England in Tests twice, both in 1960....
George Paine
George Paine
George Alfred Edward Paine was an English cricketer who played in four Test matches in 1934-35....
Lionel Palairet
Lionel Palairet
Lionel Charles Hamilton Palairet was a famous cricketer of the so-called "Golden Age" of English cricket before the First World War...
Charles Palmer ·
Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer is an English former cricketer and umpire, who played in one Test in 1965, and umpired twenty two Tests and twenty three ODIs from 1977 to 2001.-Life and career:...
Monty Panesar
Monty Panesar
Mudhsuden Singh Panesar, known as Monty Panesar , is an English cricketer who currently plays for Sussex. A left-arm spinner, Panesar played Test and one-day cricket for England until 2009. In English county cricket he played for Northamptonshire until 2009...
Peter Parfitt
Peter Parfitt
Peter Parfitt is an English former cricketer. He attended Fakenham Grammar School, and King Edward VII Grammar School, in Kings Lynn, Norfolk....
Charlie Parker
Charlie Parker (cricketer)
Charles Warrington Leonard "Charlie" Parker was an English cricketer, who stands as the third highest wicket taker in the history of first-class cricket, behind Wilfred Rhodes and Tich Freeman.-Life and career:Parker took no serious attention to cricket in his childhood, preferring to concentrate...
Paul Parker
Paul Parker (cricketer)
Paul Parker MA is an English schoolmaster and former cricketer, who played in one Test in 1981.-Life and career:...
Gilbert Parkhouse
Gilbert Parkhouse
William Gilbert Anthony Parkhouse was a Welsh cricketer who played in seven Tests for England in 1950, 1950-51 and 1959....
Cec Parkin ·
Jim Parks, Sr. ·
Jim Parks, Jr. ·
Nawab of Pataudi Sr.
Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi
Iftikhar Ali Khan , sometimes I.A.K. Pataudi was the 8th Nawab of Pataudi and captain of the Indian cricket team. He was one of few cricketers to have played for two countries, having also played for the English Test side...
Min Patel
Min Patel
Minal Mahesh Patel is a retired Indian-born cricketer; who made 2 appearances in Test cricket for England. He was a right-handed batsman and a slow left arm bowler, who primarily played for Kent....
Darren Pattinson
Darren Pattinson
Darren John Pattinson is an English cricketer who currently plays for Victoria and Nottinghamshire.Pattinson received considerable press coverage when he was surprisingly selected for the England cricket team in July 2008 for the 2nd Test against South Africa at Headingley...
Eddie Paynter
Eddie Paynter
Edward "Eddie" Paynter was an English cricketer: an attacking batsman and excellent fielder. His Test batting average of 59.23 is the fifth highest of all time, and second only to Herbert Sutcliffe amongst Englishmen; against Australia alone Paynter averaged an extraordinary 84.42.Born in...
Ted Peate
Ted Peate
Edmund Peate was an English professional cricketer who played for Yorkshire and England.-Overview:...
Ian Peebles
Ian Peebles
Ian Alexander Ross Peebles was a cricketer who played for Oxford University, Middlesex, Scotland and England. After retiring from cricket he became a cricket writer, working as a journalist on The Sunday Times and as the author of many books on cricket.Peebles had one of the strangest...
Bobby Peel
Bobby Peel
Robert "Bobby" Peel was a Yorkshire and England cricketer: a left-arm spinner who ranks as one of the finest bowlers of the 1890s. He was also a capable batsman, who once hit 210 not out...
Frank Penn
Frank Penn (cricketer)
Frank Penn played cricket for Kent County Cricket Club from 1875 to 1881, and was considered one of the finest batsmen of his day. He played England's first Test match in 1880...
Reg Perks
Reg Perks
Reginald Thomas David "Reg" Perks was an English cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1939, and was the mainstay of Worcestershire's bowling for a long period from the middle 1930s until the middle 1950s...
Hylton Philipson ·
Kevin Pietersen
Kevin Pietersen
Kevin Peter Pietersen, MBE is a South African-born English cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and occasional off spin bowler who plays for England and Surrey...
Tony Pigott
Tony Pigott
Tony Pigott is a former English cricketer, who played in one Test for England in 1984, when he was called up as an emergency replacement in New Zealand...
Dick Pilling
Dick Pilling
Richard Pilling was an English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Lancashire County Cricket Club and England....
Winston Place
Winston Place
Winston Place was an English cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1948. An opening batsman for Lancashire, he shared a prolific partnership with Cyril Washbrook and was part of the county championship winning side of 1950...
Liam Plunkett
Liam Plunkett
Liam Edward Plunkett is an English cricketer, who plays for Durham and England. In the 2005 season he was Durham's leading first-class wicket-taker, with 51 wickets at a bowling average of 30.84, including eight for 88 in his first game of the season against Leicestershire.-Test cricket:Plunkett...
Pat Pocock
Pat Pocock
Pat Pocock is an English former cricketer, who played in twenty Tests and one ODI for England from 1968 to 1985....
Dick Pollard
Dick Pollard
Richard "Dick" Pollard was an English cricketer born in Westhoughton, Lancashire, who played in four Tests between 1946 and 1948...
Cyril Poole
Cyril Poole
Cyril John Poole was an English cricketer, who played for Nottinghamshire and in three Tests for England...
George Pope ·
Dick Pougher
Dick Pougher
Arthur Dick Pougher was a cricketer who played for Leicestershire County Cricket Club between 1894 and 1901. Pougher was awarded a benefit by Leicestershire in 1900...
John Price ·
Fred Price
Fred Price
Wilfred Frederick Frank Price was a cricketer who played for Middlesex County Cricket Club from 1926 to 1947. Price also stood as an umpire from 1950 to 1967...
Roger Prideaux
Roger Prideaux
Roger Malcolm Prideaux is an English former cricketer, who played in three Tests for England from 1968 to 1969.-Life and career:...
Derek Pringle
Derek Pringle
Derek Raymond Pringle is an English former Test and ODI cricketer for England, and is now a cricket journalist.He was educated at Felsted School and Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge University.-Life and career:...
Matt Prior ·
Geoff Pullar
Geoff Pullar
Geoffrey Pullar was an English cricketer, who played for Lancashire, Gloucestershire and in twenty eight Tests for England....
Willie Quaife
Willie Quaife
William Quaife, known as "Willie", born at Newhaven, Sussex on 17 March 1872 and died at Edgbaston, Birmingham, on 13 October 1951, was a cricketer who played for Sussex, Warwickshire and England....
Neal Radford
Neal Radford
Neal Victor Radford Neal Victor Radford Neal Victor Radford (born 7 June 1957, Luanshya, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) is an English former cricketer, who appeared in three Tests and six ODIs for England.He also played for Transvaal B, Lancashire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire....
Clive Radley
Clive Radley
Clive Thornton Radley MBE is an English former cricketer, who played eight Tests and four One Day Internationals for England...
Mark Ramprakash
Mark Ramprakash
Mark Ravin Ramprakash is an English cricketer, playing for Surrey and England. A right-handed batsman, he initially made his name playing for Middlesex, and was selected for England aged 21...
Derek Randall
Derek Randall
Derek William Randall is an English former cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Nottinghamshire, and Tests and ODIs for England in the late 1970s and early 1980s....
K. S. Ranjitsinhji ·
Chris Read
Chris Read
Christopher Mark Wells Read is an English cricketer, a wicket-keeper who is the captain of Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club...
Hopper Read
Hopper Read
Holcombe Douglas 'Hopper' Read was an English cricketer who played in one Test in 1935....
Maurice Read
Maurice Read
John Maurice Read was an English professional cricketer. Wrote Harry Altham of him in that truly magisterial work, A History of Cricket, "Maurice Read had been recognised as a dashing player up to Test Match form, to say nothing of being a wonderful fielder in the country." A hard-hitting and,...
Walter Read
Walter Read
Walter William Read was an English cricketer, who was a fluent right hand bat. An occasional bowler of lobs, he sometimes switched to quick overarm deliveries. He captained England in two Test matches, winning them both...
Dermot Reeve
Dermot Reeve
Dermot Alexander Reeve OBE is an English former cricketer, best known as an unorthodox all-rounder and, until recently, coach of the New Zealand side, Central Districts....
Albert Relf
Albert Relf
Albert Edward Relf, born at Burwash, East Sussex on 26 June 1874, and died at Wellington College, Berkshire on 26 March 1937, was a cricketer who played for Sussex and England....
Harold Rhodes
Harold Rhodes (cricketer)
Harold James Rhodes, sometimes called Dusty Rhodes is an English former cricketer, who played for England in 1959, for Derbyshire between 1953 and 1975, and for the MCC between 1959 and 1963...
Steve Rhodes
Steve Rhodes
Steve Rhodes is a former English cricketer. He was best known as a wicket-keeper, but was also a useful number six or seven batsman, making twelve first-class centuries....
Wilfred Rhodes
Wilfred Rhodes
Wilfred Rhodes was an English professional cricketer who played 58 Test matches for England between 1899 and 1930. In Tests, Rhodes took 127 wickets in and scored 2,325 runs, becoming the first Englishman to complete the double of 1,000 runs and 100 wickets in Test matches...
Jack Richards
Jack Richards
Jack Richards is an English former cricketer, who played in eight Tests and twenty two ODIs for England from 1981 to 1988...
Dick Richardson
Dick Richardson
For the Welsh boxer see Dick Richardson Dick Richardson is an English former cricketer, who played in one Test for England in 1957. His county cricket career was spent entirely with Worcestershire.The cricket writer, Colin Bateman, noted "Richardson's Test career was brief but historic...
Peter Richardson
Peter Richardson (cricketer)
Peter Edward Richardson is an English former cricketer, who played for Worcestershire, Kent and, in thirty four Tests, for England....
Tom Richardson
Tom Richardson
Tom Richardson was an English cricketer. A fast bowler, Richardson relied to a great extent on the break-back , a relatively long run-up and high arm which allowed him to gain sharp lift on fast pitches even from the full, straight length he always bowled...
Tom Richmond
Tom Richmond (cricketer)
Thomas Leonard "Tich" Richmond was a cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire and England....
Fred Ridgway
Fred Ridgway
Frederick Ridgway is an English former cricketer, who played in five Tests for England on the 1951/1952 tour of India, where he and Brian Statham shared the opening pace bowling duties.-Life and career:...
Jack Robertson
Jack Robertson
Jack Robertson was an English cricketer, who played county cricket for Middlesex, and in eleven Tests for England....
Walter Robins
Walter Robins
Robert Walter Vivian Robins was a dynamic English cricketer and footballer.Walter Robins was born in Stafford and was educated at Highgate School and Cambridge University. He played football for Nottingham Forest and first-class cricket for Middlesex, Cambridge University and England...
Tim Robinson
Tim Robinson
Tim Robinson is an English former cricketer, and current cricket umpire, who played in 29 Tests and 26 ODIs for England from 1984 to 1989....
Graham Roope
Graham Roope
Graham Richard James Roope was an English cricketer, who appeared in twenty one Tests and eight ODIs for England between 1973 and 1978....
Fred Root
Fred Root
Charles Frederick Root was an English cricketer who played for England in 1926 and for Derbyshire between 1910 to 1920 and for Worcestershire between 1921 and 1932.- Early career :...
Brian Rose
Brian Rose (cricketer)
Brian Charles Rose is an English former cricketer, who played in nine Tests and two ODIs for England from 1977 to 1981.-Life and career:...
Vernon Royle
Vernon Royle
The Reverend Vernon Peter Fanshawe Archer Royle . He was the son of Dr. Peter Royle and Marina Fanshawe. He played cricket for Oxford University and Lancashire. He was a member of Lord Harris's cricket team to tour Australia in 1878/9...
Fred Rumsey
Fred Rumsey
Frederick Edward Rumsey is an English former cricketer, who played five Test matches for England in the mid 1960s. He is also notable for having played almost exclusively in one-day cricket for the last five years of his career...
C. A. G. Russell ·
Jack Russell
Jack Russell (cricketer and artist)
Robert Charles "Jack" Russell MBE is a retired English international cricketer, now known for his abilities as an artist, as a cricket wicketkeeping coach and football goalkeeping coach.-Biography:...
Eric Russell ·
Martin Saggers
Martin Saggers
Martin John Saggers is a retired English cricketer, who spent the majority of his career at Kent. He had little success in his three seasons with Durham between 1996 and 1998, but then joined Kent and from 2000 to 2003 passed 50 first-class wickets each year, his best being 83 in 2002...
Ian Salisbury
Ian Salisbury
Ian David Kenneth Salisbury is an English former cricketer, one of the few leg-spinners to play Test cricket for England in recent years. Salisbury played in fifteen Tests and four One Day Internationals betwwen 1992 and 2000...
Andy Sandham
Andy Sandham
Andrew Sandham was an English cricketer, a right-handed batsman who played 14 Test matches between 1921 and 1930. He scored over 40,000 first-class runs, but bowled only very rarely; he took just 18 wickets in his career.Sandham made his Surrey debut in 1911, and was capped in 1913...
Chris Schofield
Chris Schofield
Christopher Paul Schofield is an English cricketer, one of the few leg-spinners to play Test cricket for England in recent times....
Sandford Schultz
Sandford Schultz
Sandford Spence Schultz was an English cricketer, who played for Cambridge University, Lancashire and England....
William Scotton
William Scotton
William Henry Scotton was a cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire and England. Scotton played his first match at Lord's for Sixteen Colts of England against the Marylebone Cricket Club on the 11th and 12th of May 1874, scoring on that occasion 19 and 0...
John Selby
John Selby
John Selby played cricket professionally for Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club between 1870 and 1887...
Mike Selvey
Mike Selvey
Mike Selvey is an English former Test and county cricketer, and now a cricket writer and commentator. Selvey played in three Tests for England between 1976 and 1977...
Derek Shackleton
Derek Shackleton
Derek Shackleton was a Hampshire and England bowler. He took over 100 wickets in 20 consecutive seasons of first-class cricket, but only played in seven Tests for England. As of 2007, he has the seventh-highest tally of first-class wickets, and the most first-class wickets of any player who...
Owais Shah
Owais Shah
Owais Alam Shah is an English cricketer. A middle-order batsman, he played for Middlesex between 1996-2010, before joining Essex CCC in the winter of 2010. He has represented England in all forms of the games.Between 2001 and 2009, he played 71 ODIs and 17 Twenty20 Internationals...
Ajmal Shahzad
Ajmal Shahzad
Ajmal Shahzad is an English cricketer who plays for Yorkshire County Cricket Club. A right-handed batsman and right-arm fast-medium bowler, he made his international debut in a Twenty20 International for England in February 2010...
Jack Sharp
Jack Sharp
John "Jack" Sharp was an English sportsman of outstanding talent who is most famous for his 9 year playing career at Everton F.C...
John Sharpe
John Sharpe (cricketer)
John Sharpe was a bowler who was George Lohmann's partner in the formidable Surrey sides that dominated the first years of the official cricket County Championship...
Phil Sharpe ·
Alfred Shaw
Alfred Shaw
Alfred Shaw was an eminent Victorian cricketer and rugby footballer, who bowled the first ball in Test cricket and was the first to take five wickets in a Test innings . He who organised the first British Isles rugby tour to Australasia in 1888...
Rev. David Sheppard
David Sheppard
David Stuart Sheppard, Baron Sheppard of Liverpool was the high-profile Bishop of Liverpool in the Church of England who played cricket for Sussex and England in his youth...
Mordecai Sherwin
Mordecai Sherwin
Mordecai Sherwin was a professional footballer and cricketer who played in goal for Notts County and as a wicket-keeper for Nottinghamshire between 1878 and 1896....
Arthur Shrewsbury
Arthur Shrewsbury
Arthur Shrewsbury was an English cricketer, and rugby football administrator, who organised the first British Isles rugby tour to Australasia in 1888, and who was widely rated as competing with W. G...
John Shuter
John Shuter
John Shuter was a cricketer who played for England and Surrey in the late 19th century...
Ken Shuttleworth
Ken Shuttleworth (cricketer)
Kenneth Shuttleworth is an English former cricketer. He played five Test matches and one One Day International for England in the early 1970s.-Life and career:...
Arnie Sidebottom
Arnie Sidebottom
Arnold "Arnie" Sidebottom is an English former footballer and cricketer, who played cricket for Yorkshire and played one Test match for England.-Football:...
Ryan Sidebottom
Ryan Sidebottom
Ryan Jay Sidebottom is an English cricketer who plays domestic cricket for Yorkshire. He is a primarily a left-arm fast-medium bowler. Sidebottom played his first Test match in 2001 against Pakistan, but failed to take a wicket and was dropped for six years...
Chris Silverwood
Chris Silverwood
Christopher Eric Wilfred Silverwood is an English first-class cricketer.Educated at Garforth Comprehensive School in Leeds, as a right-arm fast-medium pace bowler Silverwood made his debut for Yorkshire County Cricket Club in 1993...
Reg Simpson
Reg Simpson
Reginald Thomas Simpson is an English former cricketer, who played in twentry seven Tests from 1948 to 1955.-Life and career:...
George Simpson-Hayward
George Simpson-Hayward
George Hayward Thomas Simpson-Hayward was an English cricketer who played in 5 Tests in 1910...
Jim Sims
Jim Sims
James Morton Sims was an English cricketer.Jim Sims represented Middlesex in 381 first-class matches matches between 1929 and 1952 as a right-handed batsman and off-break bowler who scored 7173 runs and took 1,257 wickets...
Reg Sinfield
Reg Sinfield
Reginald Albert Sinfield was an Gloucestershire cricketer of the 1920s and 1930s....
Wilf Slack
Wilf Slack
Wilfred Norris "Wilf" Slack was an English cricketer, who played in three Test matches and two One Day Internationals for England in 1986....
Frank Smailes
Frank Smailes
Frank Smailes was an English cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Yorkshire, and one Test for England...
Gladstone Small
Gladstone Small
Gladstone Cleophas Small is an English former cricketer, who played in seventeen Tests and fifty three ODIs for England....
Alan Smith
Alan Smith (cricketer)
Alan Christopher Smith, known as A. C. Smith is an English former Test cricketer, who appeared in six Tests for England. Primarily a wicket-keeper, Smith was also a capable right-handed middle-order batsman and right-arm seam bowler...
Andrew Michael Smith ·
C. Aubrey Smith ·
Jim Smith
Jim Smith (cricketer)
Cedric Ivan James Smith was an English cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1935 to 1937....
Chris Smith
Chris Smith (cricketer)
Christopher Lyall Smith was a cricketer for Hampshire and England. He also played one match for Glamorgan in 1979, while playing in the South Wales League, and in South Africa he played for Natal B .-Life and career:Smith was unable to play for the South Africa due to their exclusion from...
Denis Smith
Denis Smith (cricketer)
Denis Smith was a cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1927 and 1952 and in two Test matchs for England in 1935. He scored over 21,000 runs in first class cricket.Smith was born in Somercotes, Derbyshire...
David Smith ·
David Smith
David Smith (Gloucestershire cricketer)
David Smith was an English cricketer, who played in five Tests for England in India in 1961-1962.He was one of a trio of pace bowlers, along with Alan Brown and Butch White, who were given their opportunity on the eight Test, five month long tour of India and Pakistan...
Donald Smith
Donald Smith (cricketer)
Donald Victor Smith is an English former cricketer, who played in three Tests for England in 1957....
Tiger Smith
Tiger Smith
Ernest James "Tiger" Smith was an English wicket-keeper who played in 11 Tests from 1911/1912 to 1914. In county cricket, he had a much longer career as the successor to Dick Lilley: he played for Warwickshire on a regular basis until 1930...
Ed Smith
Ed Smith (cricketer)
Edward Thomas Smith is an English author and journalist, and former professional cricketer.-Background:He is the son of the novelist Jonathan Smith...
Harry Smith ·
MJK Smith ·
Robin Smith
Robin Smith (cricketer)
Robin Arnold Smith is a former cricketer for Hampshire and England.Smith was nicknamed Judge or Judgie for his resemblance to a judge when he grew his hair long...
Peter Smith
Peter Smith (cricketer)
Peter Smith, was an English cricketer, who played for Essex and England. Smith was one of the five Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1947. An all-rounder, Smith played for Essex from 1929 to 1951.-Life and career:...
Gerald Smithson
Gerald Smithson
Gerald Arthur Smithson was an English cricketer, who played for Yorkshire between 1946 and 1949, his highest innings for the county being 169 against Leicestershire at Grace Road, Leicester in 1947. He represented England on the Marylebone Cricket Club tour of the West Indies in 1947-48...
John Snow
John Snow (cricketer)
John Augustine Snow played cricket for Sussex and England in the 1960s and 1970s. Despite being the son of a country vicar and publishing two volumes of poetry Snow was England's most formidable fast bowler between Fred Trueman and Bob Willis and played Test Matches with both of them at either end...
James Southerton
James Southerton
James Southerton was a professional cricketer who played first-class cricket between 1854 and 1879....
Reggie Spooner
Reggie Spooner
Reginald Herbert Spooner was a cricketer who played for Lancashire and England. He also played Rugby Union for England.- Biography :...
Dick Spooner
Dick Spooner
Richard Thompson Spooner was an English cricketer, who played for Warwickshire and England.A latecomer who did not play first-class cricket until he was 28, Spooner was a quick-witted left-handed batsman who could open the innings or bat further down the order, and a reliable wicket-keeper whose...
Rony Stanyforth
Rony Stanyforth
Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald Thomas Stanyforth was an Army officer and English amateur first-class cricketer, who played for Yorkshire County Cricket Club and England, captaining England in the four Test matches he played in.Stanyforth was born at Chelsea, London, England, the son of Edwin Wilfred...
Sam Staples ·
Brian Statham
Brian Statham
John Brian "George" Statham, CBE was one of the leading English fast bowlers in 20th-century English cricket. Initially a bowler of a brisk fast-medium pace, Statham was able to remodel his action to generate enough speed to become genuinely fast...
A G Steel ·
David Steele ·
John Stephenson ·
Greville Stevens
Greville Stevens
Greville Thomas Scott Stevens was an English cricketer who played for Middlesex, Oxford University and England. He captained England in one Test match, which was lost to South Africa in 1927/8, when he stood in for Rony Stanyforth. Stevens was Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1918.-External...
Graham Stevenson
Graham Stevenson
Graham Barry Stevenson is an English former cricketer, who played in two Tests and four One Day Internationals from 1980 to 1981....
Alec Stewart
Alec Stewart
Alec James Stewart OBE is a retired English cricketer, a right-handed batsman-wicketkeeper and former captain of the England cricket team...
Micky Stewart
Micky Stewart
Michael James Stewart OBE is an English former cricketer, coach and administrator. He was awarded the OBE in 1998 for services to cricket....
Andrew Stoddart
Andrew Stoddart
Andrew Ernest Stoddart was an English cricketer and rugby union player. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1893.-Cricket career:...
William Storer
William Storer
William Storer was an English footballer and a cricketer who played six Tests from 1897 to 1899, played first class cricket for Derbyshire from 1887 to 1905 and played football for Derby County...
Andrew Strauss
Andrew Strauss
Andrew John Strauss, OBE is an English cricketer who plays county cricket for Middlesex County Cricket Club and is the captain of England's Test cricket team. A fluent left-handed opening batsman, Strauss favours scoring off the back foot, mostly playing cut and pull shots...
George Street ·
Bert Strudwick
Herbert Strudwick
Herbert Strudwick was an English wicket-keeper...
Charles Studd
Charles Studd
Charles Thomas Studd, often known as C. T. Studd, was born 2 December 1860, Spratton, Northamptonshire, England, and died 16 July 1931, Ibambi, Belgian Congo....
George Studd
George Studd
George Brown Studd - cricketer and missionary.Studd was the second eldest of the famous Studd brothers, who dominated English cricket in the late 19th century...
Raman Subba Row
Raman Subba Row
Raman Subba Row is an English former cricketer who played for England, Cambridge University, Surrey and Northamptonshire.-Life and career:...
Peter Such
Peter Such
Peter Mark Such is an English cricketer. A hard-working county off-spinner, Such was brought into the Test arena in 1993 as a replacement for John Emburey but, despite taking 6 for 67 on debut, only played an initial 4 Tests before having to wait 5 years before his next appearance.Such enjoyed a...
Frank Sugg
Frank Sugg
Frank Howe Sugg was an English footballer and first-class cricketer. He played for England in two Test matches in 1888 and for three county cricket clubs - Yorkshire in 1883, Derbyshire from 1884 to 1886 and Lancashire from 1887 to 1899...
Herbert Sutcliffe
Herbert Sutcliffe
Herbert Sutcliffe was an English professional cricketer who represented Yorkshire and England as an opening batsman. Apart from one match in 1945, his first-class career spanned the period between the two World Wars...
Graeme Swann
Graeme Swann
Graeme Peter Swann is an English international cricketer. He is primarily a right-arm offspinner, and also bats right-handed. After initially playing for his home county Northamptonshire, for whom he made his debut in 1997, he moved to Nottinghamshire in 2005. He often fields at slip...
Roy Swetman
Roy Swetman
Roy Swetman is an English former cricketer, who played in eleven Tests as a wicket-keeper from 1959 to 1960.-Life and career:...
Fred Tate
Fred Tate
Frederick William Tate was an English cricketer who played in one Test in 1902. This was the famous match at Old Trafford which England lost by 3 runs, and with it the series...
Maurice Tate
Maurice Tate
Maurice William Tate was a Sussex and England cricketer of the 1920s and 1930s and the leader of England's Test bowling attack for a long time during this period...
Roy Tattersall
Roy Tattersall
Roy Tattersall is an English former Lancashire cricketer, who played sixteen Tests for England as a specialist off spin bowler....
Chris Tavaré
Chris Tavaré
Christopher James Tavaré is an English retired cricketer, who played in thirty one Tests and twenty nine One Day Internationals from 1980 to 1989.-Life and career:...
Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor (cricketer)
Paul Taylor is an English former cricketer, who played in two Tests and one ODI for England from 1993 to 1994.-Life and career:...
Ken Taylor
Ken Taylor (cricketer)
Ken Taylor is an English former cricketer, who played in three Tests for England from 1959 to 1964. He also played first-class cricket for Yorkshire...
Les Taylor ·
Bob Taylor
Bob Taylor (cricketer)
Robert William Taylor , known as Bob Taylor, is a former English cricketer who played as wicket-keeper for Derbyshire between 1961 and 1984 and for England between 1971 and 1984. He made 57 Test, and 639 first class cricket appearances in total, taking 1,473 catches. The 2,069 victims across his...
Lionel Tennyson
Lionel Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson
Lionel Hallam Tennyson, 3rd Baron Tennyson was known principally as a cricketer who captained Hampshire and England...
Paul Terry
Paul Terry (cricketer)
Vivian Paul Terry is an English former cricketer, who played in two Tests for England in 1984.-Life and career:In the latter of his two Test matches his arm was broken by a rising delivery from Winston Davis...
Greg Thomas
Greg Thomas
Greg Thomas is a Welsh former cricketer, who played in five Tests and three ODIs for England from 1986 to 1987.-Life and career:...
George Thompson
George Thompson (cricketer)
George Joseph Thompson was the mainstay of the Northamptonshire county cricket eleven for a long period encompassing both its days as a minor county and its earliest years in the County Championship....
Ian Thomson ·
Graham Thorpe
Graham Thorpe
Graham Paul Thorpe MBE is a former English cricketer who played for Surrey and England. A left-handed middle-order batsman and slip fielder, he appeared in exactly 100 Test matches.-Early life:...
Fred Titmus
Fred Titmus
Frederick John Titmus MBE was an English cricketer, whose first-class career spanned five decades. Although he was best known for his off spin , he was an accomplished lower-order batsman who deserved to be called an all-rounder, even opening the batting for England on six occasions...
Roger Tolchard
Roger Tolchard
Roger William Tolchard is an English former cricketer, who played in four Tests and one One Day International for England in the late 1970s.-Life and career:Tolchard was a wicket-keeper...
Charlie Townsend
Charlie Townsend
Charles Lucas Townsend was a Gloucestershire cricketer. An all-round cricketer, Townsend was classically stylish, left-handed batsman, who was able to hit well despite his slender build...
David Townsend ·
Leslie Townsend
Leslie Townsend
Leslie Fletcher Townsend was an English cricketer who played for England between 1929 and 1934, for Derbyshire between 1922 and 1939 and also for Auckland New Zealand between 1934 and 1936....
James Tredwell
James Tredwell
James Cullum Tredwell is an English cricketer. A left-handed batsman and a right-arm off break bowler, he plays his domestic cricket for Kent County Cricket Club...
Chris Tremlett
Chris Tremlett
Christopher Timothy "Chris" Tremlett is an English cricketer who plays for Surrey County Cricket Club. He is 6 ft 8 in tall and is a fast bowler able to extract bounce on most surfaces. He is a competent number 8 or 9 batsman, with seven first-class fifties to his name...
Maurice Tremlett
Maurice Tremlett
Maurice Fletcher Tremlett was an English cricketer, who played for Somerset, Central Districts and England....
Marcus Trescothick
Marcus Trescothick
Marcus Edward Trescothick MBE is an English cricketer. He plays first-class cricket for Somerset County Cricket Club, and represented England in 76 Test matches and 123 One Day Internationals. A left-handed opening batsman, he made his first-class debut for Somerset in 1993 and quickly established...
Albert Trott
Albert Trott
Albert Trott was a Test cricketer for both Australia and England. He was named as one of Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1899. He remains the only batsman who has struck a ball over the top of the Lord's pavilion...
Jonathan Trott
Jonathan Trott
Ian Jonathan Leonard Trott is a South African-born England Test cricketer. Domestically, he plays for Warwickshire and he has also played in South Africa and New Zealand...
Fred Trueman
Fred Trueman
Frederick Sewards Trueman OBE was an English cricketer, generally acknowledged as one of the greatest fast bowlers in history. A bowler of genuinely fast pace who was widely known as Fiery Fred, Trueman played first-class cricket for Yorkshire County Cricket Club from 1949 until he retired in 1968...
Alex Tudor
Alex Tudor
Alex Jeremy Tudor is an English cricketer who has spent two spells with Surrey as well as playing for Essex. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast bowler. He was awarded the NBC Denis Compton Award during the 1997 and 1998 season...
Neville Tufnell
Neville Tufnell
Neville Charsley Tufnell was a cricketer. Born in 1887 in Simla, Punjab, India, Tufnell played first-class cricket for Cambridge University and the Marylebone Cricket Club in a not particularly notable first-class career that lasted from 1907 to 1924. He also played one Test match for England at...
Phil Tufnell
Phil Tufnell
Philip Clive Roderick Tufnell is a former English cricketer turned television personality. A slow left-arm orthodox spin bowler, "Tuffers" as he was known played 42 Tests and 20 One Day International matches for England, as well as playing for Middlesex from 1986 to 2002...
Maurice Turnbull
Maurice Turnbull
Turnbull was an eager sportsman as a youth, and played rugby for Downside School. He matriculated to Cambridge, and at university joined not only the cricket team, but also Cambridge University Rugby Club. One of the earliest rugby clubs he represented was St. Peters in Cardiff. His elder brother,...
Ernest Tyldesley
Ernest Tyldesley
Ernest Tyldesley was an England cricketer. The younger brother of Johnny Tyldesley and the leading batsman for Lancashire. He remains Lancashire's most prolific run-getter of all time...
Johnny Tyldesley
Johnny Tyldesley
Johnny Tyldesley was a Lancashire and England cricketer and for many years the finest professional batsman in county cricket.-Life and career:...
Dick Tyldesley
Dick Tyldesley
Dick Tyldesley was a Lancashire cricketer who was one of the most important figures in Lancashire breaking Yorkshire's stronghold on the County Championship between 1926 and 1930.He was the youngest of four brothers who all played for Lancashire, but were unrelated...
Edward Tylecote
Edward Tylecote
Edward Ferdinando Sutton Tylecote - cricketer....
Ted Tyler
Ted Tyler
Edwin James Tyler was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Somerset County Cricket Club between 1891 and 1907...
Frank Tyson
Frank Tyson
Frank Holmes Tyson is an England cricketer of the 1950s who became a journalist and cricket commentator after he emigrated to Australia in 1960. Nicknamed "Typhoon Tyson" by the press he was regarded by many commentators as one of the fastest bowlers ever seen in cricket and took 76 wickets in...
Shaun Udal
Shaun Udal
Shaun David Udal is an English cricketer. An off spin bowler and lower-middle order batsman, he was a member of England's Test team for their tours to Pakistan and India in 2005/06.-International career:...
George Ulyett
George Ulyett
George Ulyett was an English all-round cricketer, noted particularly for his very-aggressive batsmanship. A well-liked man , Ulyett was popularly known as "Happy Jack", once musing memorably that Yorkshire played him only for his good behaviour and his whistling...
Derek Underwood
Derek Underwood
Derek Underwood MBE is an English former international cricketer, and a former President of the MCC....
Bryan Valentine
Bryan Valentine
Bryan Herbert Valentine was an English cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1933 to 1939....
Michael Vaughan
Michael Vaughan
Michael Paul Vaughan OBE is a retired cricketer who represented Yorkshire and England. A classically elegant right-handed batsman and occasional off-spinner, Vaughan was ranked one of the best batsmen in the world following the 2002/3 Ashes, in which he scored 633 runs, including three centuries...
Hedley Verity
Hedley Verity
Hedley Verity was a professional cricketer who played first-class cricket for Yorkshire and England between 1930 and 1939. A slow left arm orthodox bowler, he took 1,956 wickets in first-class cricket at an average of 14.90 and in 40 Tests he took 144 wickets at an average of 24.37...
George Vernon
George Vernon
George Frederick Vernon was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Middlesex County Cricket Club. He also played one Test match for England during the first-ever Ashes tour in 1882-83.Vernon was the son of George Vernon of 32 Montague Square...
Joe Vine
Joe Vine
Joseph Vine was a professional cricketer, who played his first-class cricket for Sussex County Cricket Club and London County...
Bill Voce
Bill Voce
Bill Voce was an English cricketer. He played for the Nottinghamshire and England, and was an instrumental part of England's infamous Bodyline tour of Australia in 1932–1933.-Life and career:...
Abe Waddington
Abe Waddington
Abraham "Abe" Waddington, sometimes known as Abram Waddington , was a professional cricketer for Yorkshire, who played in two Test matches for England against Australia in 1920–21. Between 1919 and 1927 Waddington made 255 appearances for Yorkshire, and in all first-class cricket played in 266...
Ted Wainwright
Ted Wainwright
Ted Wainwright was an English first-class cricketer, who played in 352 first-class matches for Yorkshire County Cricket Club between 1888 and 1902. An all-rounder, Wainwright helped to establish the county at the top under Lord Hawke's captaincy, during the early years of County Championship cricket...
Peter Walker
Peter Walker (cricketer)
Peter Michael Walker MBE is an English former cricketer, who played in three Tests for England in 1960.-Life and career:Walker was born in Bristol, but educated partly in South Africa...
Cyril Walters
Cyril Walters
Cyril Frederick Walters was a Welsh cricketer who had most of his success after leaving Glamorgan to do duty as captain-secretary of Worcestershire. In this role he developed his batting to such an extent that for a brief period he became an England regular and even captained them in one match as...
Alan Ward
Alan Ward
Alan Ward is an English former cricketer, who played in five Tests for England from 1969 to 1976. He played for Derbyshire from 1966 to 1976, and for Leicestershire from 1977 to 1978. A fast right-arm bowler, he could, with more fortune, have been the perfect foil of his era for John Snow...
Albert Ward ·
IanWard ·
Johnny Wardle
Johnny Wardle
Johnny Wardle was an English spin bowler of post-war cricket. His Test bowling average of 20.39, is the lowest in Test cricket by any recognised spin bowler, since World War I....
Plum Warner
Plum Warner
Sir Pelham Francis Warner MBE , affectionately and better known as Plum Warner, or even "the Grand Old Man" of English cricket was a Test cricketer....
John Warr
John Warr
John James Warr is an English former cricketer. He played in two Test matches for England.His Test bowling average remains the worst of any English player, but Warr turned it into comic relief in his highly humorous after dinner speeches.-Life and career:He played for Middlesex as a right-arm...
Arnold Warren
Arnold Warren
Arnold Warren was an English cricketer who played first-class cricket for Derbyshire between 1897 and 1920 and played for England in 1905. He was the first bowler from Derbyshire to take 100 wickets in a season, a feat he performed three times.Warren was born in Codnor Park, Derbyshire, the son of...
Cyril Washbrook
Cyril Washbrook
Cyril Washbrook was an English cricketer, who played for Lancashire and England. He had a long career, split by World War II, and ending when he was aged 44. Washbrook, who is most famous for opening the batting for England with Len Hutton, which he did fifty one times, played a total of 592...
Steve Watkin
Steve Watkin
Steve Watkin is a former Welsh cricketer, with Glamorgan County Cricket Club and England. A reliable seamer who never suffered serious injury despite several lesser niggles, he played three Test matches in 1991 and 1993, and four One Day Internationals in 1993 and 1994...
Allan Watkins
Allan Watkins
Allan Watkins Allan Watkins Allan Watkins (born Albert John Watkins (21 April 1922 – 3 August 2011) was a Welsh cricketer, who played for England in fifteen Tests from 1948 to 1952. He toured India and Pakistan in 1951-2 with the MCC, and also participated in the 1955-6 'A' Tour to Pakistan...
Mike Watkinson
Mike Watkinson
Mike Watkinson is a former English cricketer who played four Test matches and one One Day International in the mid-1990s...
Willie Watson
Willie Watson (England cricketer)
William "Willie" Watson, was an English cricketer, who played for Yorkshire, Leicestershire and England. He was a double international, as Watson was also a footballer who played for England's national team.-Cricket career:...
A J Webbe ·
Arthur Wellard
Arthur Wellard
Arthur William Wellard was a cricketer who played for Somerset and England. A late starter in county cricket, having been told by his native county, Kent, that he would be better off taking up a career as a policeman, Wellard played on into his late 40s...
Alan Wells
Alan Wells
Alan Peter Wells is an English cricketer. He played for Sussex from 1981 to 1996, where he was captain from 1992 to 1996. He then played for Kent from 1997 to 2000...
Alan Wharton
Alan Wharton
Alan Wharton was an English cricketer, who played for Lancashire, Leicestershire and England.-Life and career:Wharton was born in Heywood, Lancashire, England....
James Whitaker
James Whitaker (cricketer)
John James Whitaker is an English former cricketer, who played in one Test and two ODIs for England in 1986.-Life and career:...
Craig White
Craig White
Craig White is an English former first-class cricketer, and latterly cricket coach.-Life and career:...
Butch White
Butch White
David William 'Butch' White was a former English cricketer, who played in two Tests from 1961 to 1962. He played county cricket for Hampshire from 1957 to 1971, with a final season at Glamorgan in 1972.-Early life:...
Jack White
Jack White (cricketer)
John Cornish White, known as "Farmer" or "Jack", was an English cricketer who played for Somerset and England. White was named Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1929...
Dodger Whysall
Dodger Whysall
William Wilfrid "Dodger" Whysall was a cricketer who played for Nottinghamshire and England....
Len Wilkinson
Len Wilkinson
Leonard Litton Wilkinson was an English cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1938 to 1939...
Peter Willey
Peter Willey
Peter Willey is a former English cricketer, who played as a right-handed batsman and right-arm offbreak bowler. In and out of the England team, he interrupted his international career for three years by taking part in the first of the England players' South African rebel tours in 1982...
Neil Williams ·
Bob Willis
Bob Willis
Robert George Dylan Willis MBE , known as Bob Willis, is a former English cricketer who played for Surrey, Warwickshire, Northern Transvaal and England...
Clem Wilson
Clem Wilson
The Reverend Clement Eustace Macro Wilson was an English amateur first-class cricketer, who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University between 1895 and 1898, and for Yorkshire between 1896 and 1899...
Don Wilson
Don Wilson (cricketer)
Donald Wilson is an English former cricketer, who played in six Tests for England from 1964 to 1971...
Rockley Wilson
Rockley Wilson
Evelyn Rockley Wilson was an English amateur first-class cricketer, who played for Cambridge University Cricket Club, Yorkshire, and England.-Life:...
Arthur Wood ·
Barry Wood ·
George Wood
George Wood (cricketer)
George Edward Charles Wood was an English cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1924....
Henry Wood
Henry Wood (cricketer)
Henry Wood was an English cricketer, who played county cricket for Kent County Cricket Club and Surrey County Cricket Club. He was a right-handed batsman, who bowled part-time right-arm fast, but was mainly a wicketkeeper.He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1891.-External links:**...
Reginald Wood
Reginald Wood
Reginald Wood had one of the most unusual Test cricket careers in cricket history, with only Joseph McMaster laying claim to a more unusual one...
Sammy Woods
Sammy Woods
Samuel Moses James "Sammy" Woods was an Australian sportsman who represented both Australia and England at Test cricket, and appeared thirteen times for England at rugby union, including five times as captain. He also played at county level in England at both soccer and hockey...
Frank Woolley
Frank Woolley
Frank Edward Woolley was an English cricketer, one of the finest all-rounders the game has seen. In a career lasting more than thirty years, he scored more first-class runs than anyone but Sir Jack Hobbs, and took over 2,000 wickets at an average of under 20...
Bob Woolmer
Bob Woolmer
Robert Andrew Woolmer was an international cricketer, professional cricket coach and also a professional commentator...
Stan Worthington
Stan Worthington
Thomas Stanley "Stan" Worthington, , was a cricketer who played for Derbyshire between 1923 and 1947 and for England between 1930 and 1937. He was an all-rounder scoring over 19000 runs and taking over 600 first class wickets....
Charles Wright
Charles Wright (cricketer)
Charles William Wright was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Cambridge University between 1882 and 1885 and for Nottinghamshire between 1882 and 1899. Wright also played many first-class cricket games for the Marylebone Cricket Club...
Doug Wright
Doug Wright (cricketer)
Douglas Vivian Parson Wright, better known as Doug Wright was an English cricketer. A leg-spinner for Kent and England from 1932 to 1957 he took a record seven hat-tricks in first class cricket. He played for Kent for 25 years and was their first professional captain from late 1953 to 1956...
Bob Wyatt
Bob Wyatt
Robert "Bob" Elliott Storey Wyatt was an English cricket player. He played for Warwickshire, Worcestershire, and the English cricket team....
Teddy Wynyard
Teddy Wynyard
Edward George Wynyard was an English cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1896 to 1906.He captained Hampshire County Cricket Club between 1896 and 1899....
Norman Yardley
Norman Yardley
Norman Walter Dransfield Yardley was an English cricketer who played for Cambridge University, Yorkshire County Cricket Club and England, as a right-handed batsman and occasional bowler. An amateur, he captained Yorkshire from 1948 to 1955 and England on fourteen occasions between 1947 and 1950,...
Sailor Young
Sailor Young
Harding Isaac "Sailor" Young was a cricketer who played for Essex and England....
Jack Young
Jack Young (cricketer)
John Albert "Jack" Young was an English cricketer, who played for Middlesex and England. His first-class cricket career lasted from 1933 to 1956....
Dick Young
Dick Young (cricketer)
Richard Alfred Young was an English cricketer who played in two Tests between 1907 and 1908. He was selected ahead of Joe Humphries on the strength of his batting....
- See also List of India Test cricketers
Abdul Hafeez
Abdul Kardar
Abdul Hafeez Kardar or Abdul Kardar was an international cricketer, who is one of the only three players to have played Test cricket for both India and Pakistan; the other two being Amir Elahi and Gul Mohammad...
Syed Abid Ali ·
Hemu Adhikari
Hemu Adhikari
Colonel Hemchandra Ramachandra Adhikari was an Indian cricketer, representing his country as both a player and coach in a career that spanned three decades....
Ajit Agarkar
Ajit Agarkar
Ajit Bhalchandra Agarkar is an Indian international cricketer, who has been on the fringes of the Indian side in both tests and one day matches since his debut in 1998...
Lala Amarnath
Lala Amarnath
Nanik Amarnath Bhardwaj was an Indian Test cricketer. He was the first cricketer to score a Test century for the Indian cricket team, which he achieved on debut...
Mohinder Amarnath
Mohinder Amarnath
Mohinder Amarnath Bhardwaj is a former Indian cricketer and current cricket analyst. He is commonly known as "Jimmy". He is the son of Lala Amarnath, the first post-independence captain of India. His brother Surinder Amarnath was a Test player...
Surinder Amarnath
Surinder Amarnath
Surinder Amarnath Bhardwaj is a former Indian Test and One Day International cricketer.Amarnath was an aggressive left-handed batsman who performed extremely well at Indian domestic level but was largely unable to cement a regular place in the Indian national team...
Amar Singh
Amar Singh (cricketer)
Ladhabhai Nakum Amar Singh Lodha was an Indian Test cricketer.A right-arm fast-medium bowler and effective lower-order batsman, Amar Singh Lodha played in seven Tests for India before World War II. He took 28 wickets in these matches. He was the first Indian Fast bowler and All-rounder, and the...
Amir Elahi
Amir Elahi
Amir Elahi was one of the fourteen cricketers who have played Test cricket for more than one country. Born in Lahore, Pakistan, he played one Test for India. After Pakistan acquired Test match status in 1952-3, he played 5 Tests for Pakistan as a leg break googly bowler with modest success...
Pravin Amre
Pravin Amre
Pravin Kalyan Amre is an Indian cricketer.Amre represented India in 11 Test matches scoring one 100 and three 50s with a batting average of 42.50. However, these figures did not help him to become a regular fixture in the national team. He found himself in Indian colours just for two seasons...
Salil Ankola
Salil Ankola
Salil Ashok Ankola is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test and 20 ODIs from 1989 to 1997. He was a member of the Indian cricket team for the 1996 Cricket World Cup....
Arvind Apte
Arvind Apte
Arvindrao Laxmanrao Apte is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1959.-See also:*One Test Wonder...
Madhav Apte
Madhav Apte
Madhavrao Laxmanrao Apte is a former Indian cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1952 to 1953....
Arshad Ayub
Arshad Ayub
Arshad Ayub is a former Indian cricketer who played in 13 Tests and 32 ODIs from 1987 to 1990. As of January 2010, he became the manager for the Indian Cricket team for the ODI's and Test-series held in Bangladesh. He is also the president of HCA....
Bharat Arun
Bharat Arun
Bharath Arun was an Indian Test cricketer.The bearded Arun was a medium pacer and an attacking lower order batsman. In the semifinal of the 1986/87 Duleep Trophy he hit 149 and added 221 for the seventh wicket with W. V. Raman as South Zone chased a West total of 516 for the first innings lead...
Arun Lal
Arun Lal
Jagdishlal Arun Lal is a retired Indian cricketer, and a cricket commentator....
Kirti Azad
Kirti Azad
Kirtivardhan Bhagwat Jha Azad is a former Indian cricketer who played in seven Tests and 25 ODIs from 1980 to 1986. He attended Modern School in Delhi where he was part of the school cricket team. The highlight of his career was being part of the Indian team that won the 1983 Cricket World Cup...
Mohammad Azharuddin
Mohammad Azharuddin
Mohammad Azharuddin also known as Azhar, is an Indian politician and former cricketer. He was an accomplished batsman and captained the Indian cricket team for much of the 1990s, until his involvement in a match-fixing scandal forced him into retirement...
Hemang Badani
Hemang Badani
Hemang Kamal Badani is a former Indian cricketer. He is a left-handed middle order batsman and left arm slow bowler. He has a batting average of the near 30s and strike rate in the 70s in One Day Internationals...
Subramaniam Badrinath
Subramaniam Badrinath
Subramaniam Badrinath is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed middle order batsman. Badrinath has represented India in One Day International matches. In first class cricket, he captains Tamil Nadu and in the Indian Premier League, he plays for Chennai Super Kings. He has also represented...
Sairaj Bahutule
Sairaj Bahutule
Sairaj Bahutule is an Indian cricketer. He is an allrounder who specializes in leg spin bowling....
Abbas Ali Baig
Abbas Ali Baig
Abbas Ali Baig is a former Indian cricketer who played in 10 Tests from 1959 to 1966.He was named one of Indian Cricket 's five Cricketers of the Year for 1959/60....
Lakshmipathy Balaji
Lakshmipathy Balaji
Lakshmipathy Balaji is an Indian cricketer. He is a right arm fast medium bowler.-International Cricket:...
Montu Banerjee
Montu Banerjee
Sudangsu Abinash 'Montu' Banerjee was an Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1948.-See also:*One Test Wonder...
Shute Banerjee
Shute Banerjee
Sarobindu Nath "Shute" Banerjee was a cricketer who represented India in one official and five unofficial Test matches...
Subroto Banerjee
Subroto Banerjee
Subroto Tara Banerjee is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test and 6 ODIs from 1991 to 1992. He was a member of the Indian cricket team that played in the 1992 World Cup. The one Test that he played for India was also the Test debut of Australian cricket player Shane Warne.-See...
Sanjay Bangar
Sanjay Bangar
Sanjay Bapusaheb Bangar is a retired Indian cricketer. He was an all-rounder and had represented India in Tests and One Day Internationals....
Baqa Jilani
Baqa Jilani
Mohammad Baqa Khan Jilani was a bowler who represented India in Test cricket....
Bishan Singh Bedi
Bishan Singh Bedi
Bishan Singh Bedi is a former Indian cricketer who was primarily a slow left-arm orthodox bowler. He played Test cricket for India from 1966 to 1979 and formed part of the famous Indian spin quartet. He also captained the national side in 22 Test matches...
Prakash Bhandari
Prakash Bhandari
Prakash Bhandari represented India in Test cricket.Bhandari was an attacking right-handed batsman and an off-break bowler. He appeared for Delhi Schools and Delhi University in All India competitions between 1951–52 and 1956-57. He led Delhi University in the Rohinton Baria interuniversity...
Raghuram Bhat
Raghuram Bhat
Adwai Raghuram Bhat is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1983.-Domestic Career:Raghuram Bhat dominated school and junior level games. After some fine performances, he made his Ranji trophy debut in the 1979-80 season against Tamil Nadu at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium....
Roger Binny
Roger Binny
Roger Michael Humphrey Binny is an Indian former cricket all-rounder who is best known for his impressive bowling performance in the 1983 Cricket World Cup where he was the highest wicket-taker , and in the 1985 World Series Cricket Championship in Australia where he repeated this feat .Binny...
Chandu Borde
Chandu Borde
Chandrakant Gulabrao "Chandu" Borde born 21 July 1934 in Poona In Marathi Christian Family, is a ex-cricketer who was a member of the Indian team between 1958 and 1970. Following his retirement, Borde became a cricket administrator, serving as the Chairman of national selectors...
Bhagwat Chandrasekhar
Bhagwat Chandrasekhar
Bhagwat Subramanya Chandrasekhar is a former Indian cricketer who specialised in leg spin. Considered amongst the top echelon of leg-spinners, Chandrasekhar along with E.A.S. Prasanna, Bishen Singh Bedi and Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan constituted the Indian spin quartet that dominated...
Chetan Chauhan
Chetan Chauhan
Chetan Pratap Singh Chauhan is a former cricketer who played 40 Test matches for India...
Rajesh Chauhan
Rajesh Chauhan
Rajesh Kumar Chauhan is a former Indian cricketer who played in 21 Tests and 35 ODIs from 1993 to 1998. He was part of the Indian spin trio of Kumble-Raju-Chauhan, in the 1990s....
Piyush Chawla
Piyush Chawla
Piyush Pramod Chawla is an Indian cricketer who has played for the India U-19 team and the Central Zone. His Hometown is Moradabad,. He is seen as a leg-spinning allrounder in domestic cricket, but has not fired as a batsman in the One Day International format...
Aakash Chopra ·
Nikhil Chopra
Nikhil Chopra
Nikhil Chopra is a retired Indian cricketer and a cricket analyst. He was a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler. A One Day International specialist, he was part of the Indian team at the 1999 Cricket World Cup...
Nirode Chowdhury
Nirode Chowdhury
Nirode Ranjan "Putu" Chowdhury was an Indian cricketer.A medium pace bowler, Putu Chowdhury had an outstanding start to his career when he took 11, 9 and 10 wickets in his first three matches...
Sorabji Colah
Sorabji Colah
Sorabji Hormasji Munchersha Colah Sorabji Hormasji Munchersha Colah Sorabji Hormasji Munchersha Colah (born September 22, 1902 in Bombay - died September 11, 1950 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India was an early Indian cricketer....
Nari Contractor
Nari Contractor
Nariman Jamshedji "Nari" Contractor is a former cricket player. He was left-handed opening batsman whose international career was ended abruptly by a serious injury....
Vijay Dahiya
Vijay Dahiya
Vijay Dahiya is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batmsan and wicketkeeper.He took part in List A cricket from 1993 to 2004. He became India's fifth wicketkeeper in sixteen months during the 2000–01 season...
Bal Dani
Bal Dani
Hemachandra Tukaram 'Bal' Dani was an Indian Test cricketer....
Shiv Sundar Das
Shiv Sundar Das
Shiv Sunder Das is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed opening batsman. In first class cricket, he plays for Orissa. Das was selected in 2000 for the first intake of the National Cricket Academy in Bangalore. He proceeded to make his Test debut later that year.Considered the answer to...
Deep Dasgupta
Deep Dasgupta
Deep Dasgupta is an Indian cricketer who played in 8 Tests and 5 ODIs from 2001 to 2002 as the national wicketkeeper...
Ramakant Desai
Ramakant Desai
Ramakant Bhikaji Desai represented India in Test cricket as fast bowler.Ramakant Desai was unusually fast for a bowler who stood less than 5 feet 6 inches. His size earned him the nickname 'Tiny'. As the only bowler of pace in the Indian team, he was perennially overworked...
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Mahendra Singh Dhoni
Mahendra Singh Dhoni is an Indian cricketer and the current captain of the Indian national cricket team. He made his One Day International debut in December 2004 against Bangladesh, and a year later played his first Test, this time against Sri Lanka.Under his captaincy, India won the 2007 ICC...
Sameer Dighe
Sameer Dighe
Sameer Dighe is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a wicketkeeper. His main chance at international cricket did not come until the 1999–2000 season, at which time he was 31 years of age....
Dilawar Hussain
Dilawar Hussain
Dilawar Hussain was an early Indian Test cricketer.Dilawar kept wickets for India in three Test matches. On his debut, Dilawar was made to open the innings against England on a green wicket in Calcutta in 1933/34. He was hit on the head by Morris Nichols and retired...
Buck Divecha
Buck Divecha
Ramesh Vithaldas 'Buck' Divecha is a former Indian Test cricketer.Divecha was right arm bowler who did fast medium or off breaks, and a useful batsman....
Dilip Doshi
Dilip Doshi
Dilip Rasiklal Doshi is a former Indian cricketer who played in 33 Tests and 15 ODIs from 1979 to 1983....
Rahul Dravid
Rahul Dravid
Rahul Sharad Dravid , is a cricketer in the Indian national team, of which he has been a regular member since 1996. He was appointed as the captain of the Indian cricket team in October 2005 and resigned from the post in September 2007. Dravid was honoured as one of the top-five Wisden Cricketers...
Salim Durani
Salim Durani
Salim Aziz Durani is a former Indian cricketer who played in 29 Tests from 1960 to 1973. An allrounder, Durani was a slow left-arm orthodox bowler and a big hitting left-handed batsman and famous for his six hitting prowess...
Farokh Engineer
Farokh Engineer
Farokh Maneksha Engineer is a former Indian cricketer of Parsi background who played 46 Tests for India and played first-class cricket for Mumbai in India and Lancashire in England. Engineer's active international career started in 1961 and continued to 1975, and he was India's first-choice...
Chandrasekhar Gadkari
Chandrasekhar Gadkari
Lt. Col. Chandrasekhar Vaman Gadkari was an Indian Test cricketer.Gadkari was an attacking batsman, medium pace bowler and a great fielder. He made a fine impression as a fielder in the 1952/53 tour to West Indies in an Indian side that was noted for its fielding...
Anshuman Gaekwad
Anshuman Gaekwad
Anshuman Dattajirao Gaekwad is a former Indian cricketer and two-time Indian national cricket coach. He played in 40 Test matches and 15 One Day Internationals....
Datta Gaekwad
Datta Gaekwad
Dattajirao Krishnarao Gaekwad is a former Indian cricketer. He appeared in 11 Test matches, toured England in 1952 and 1959 and West Indies in 1952-53. He captained the Indian team in the 1959 tour. As a batsman Gaekwad "possessed a sure defence and delightfully crisp shots especially through the...
Hiralal Gaekwad
Hiralal Gaekwad
Hiralal Ghasulal Gaekwad is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1952.- References :*...
Gautam Gambhir
Gautam Gambhir
Gautam Gambhir is an Indian cricketer, a batsman. He has been a member of the Indian national cricket team since 2003 and 2004...
Devang Gandhi
Devang Gandhi
Devang Jayant Gandhi is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed opening batsman and a very occasional right-arm medium-pace bowler....
Ashok Gandotra
Ashok Gandotra
Ashok Gandotra is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1969.-References:...
Dodda Ganesh
Dodda Ganesh
Doddanarasiah Ganesh is a former Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and one ODI in 1997. He was a right arm seam bowler....
Sourav Ganguly
Sourav Ganguly
Sourav Chandidas Ganguly is a former Indian cricketer, and captain of the Indian national team. Born into an affluent family, Ganguly was introduced into the world of cricket by his elder brother Snehasish. He is regarded as one of India's most successful captains in modern times. He started his...
Sunil Gavaskar
Sunil Gavaskar
Sunil Manohar "Sunny" Gavaskar is a former cricketer who played during the 1970s and 1980s for Bombay and India. Widely regarded as one of the greatest opening batsmen in cricket history, Gavaskar set world records during his career for the most Test runs and most Test centuries scored by any...
Karsan Ghavri
Karsan Ghavri
Karsan Devjibhai Ghavri is a former Indian cricketer who played in 39 Tests and 19 ODIs from 1974 to 1981. He played in the 1975 and 1979 World Cups....
Jayasinghrao Ghorpade
Jayasinghrao Ghorpade
Jaysinghrao Mansinghrao Ghorpade was an Indian cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1953 to 1959....
Ghulam Ahmed
Ghulam Ahmed
Ghulam Ahmed was an off spin bowler, who captained India in Test cricket. After his retirement, he served for many years as the secretary of BCCI....
M. J. Gopalan
M. J. Gopalan
Morappakam Josyam Gopalan was a sportsman who represented India in cricket and hockey....
C. D. Gopinath
C. D. Gopinath
Coimbatarao Doraikannu "C.D." Gopinath is a former Indian Test cricketer.He graduated from the prestigious Madras Christian College.'Gopi' was a stylish right-handed batsman strong on the off side and a good outfielder....
Ghulam Guard
Ghulam Guard
Ghulam Mustafa Guard was an Indian cricketer who played in two Tests from 1958 to 1960....
Subrata Guha ·
Gul Mohammad
Gul Mohammad
Gul Mohammad , sometimes referred to as Gul Mahomed, played Test cricket for India and Pakistan....
Baloo Gupte
Baloo Gupte
Balkrishna Pandharinath 'Baloo' Gupte was a former Indian cricketer. He was a leg-spinner. He made his debut under Nari Contractor in 1960-61 against Pakistan led by Fazal Mahmood at the Corporation Stadium in Madras . He played three Tests for India between 1960-61 and 1964-65...
Subhash Gupte
Subhash Gupte
Subhashchandra Pandharinath "Fergie" Gupte was one of Test cricket's finest spin bowlers. Sir Garry Sobers pronounced him the best leg spinner that it had been his pleasure to see. Gupte flighted and spun the ball sharply, and possessed two different googlies...
Gursharan Singh
Gursharan Singh
Gursharan Singh is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test and one ODI in 1990....
Hanumant Singh
Hanumant Singh
Hanumant Singh was an Indian cricketer. He played in 14 Tests for the Indian cricket team from 1964 to 1969. He was later an International Cricket Council match referee in 9 Tests and 54 One Day Internationals from 1995 and 2002.Singh was born in Banswara, Rajasthan...
Harvinder Singh
Harvinder Singh
Harvinder Singh is a former Indian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 16 ODIs from 1997 to 2001....
Manohar Hardikar
Manohar Hardikar
Manohar Shankar Hardikar was an Indian Test cricketer.Hardikar represented India in two Tests against West Indies in 1958/9. He was dismissed by Roy Gilchrist off the very first ball that he faced in Test cricket. He then took a wicket with his third ball in Test cricket by dismissing Rohan Kanhai...
Harbhajan Singh
Harbhajan Singh
Harbhajan Singh Plaha , commonly known as Harbhajan Singh, is an Indian cricketer. A specialist bowler, he has the second-highest number of Test wickets by an off spinner, behind Sri Lanka's Muttiah Muralitharan....
Vijay Hazare
Vijay Hazare
Vijay Samuel Hazare was an Indian cricket player from the state of Maharashtra. He captained the Indian cricket team in 14 matches between 1951 and 1953...
Dattaram Hindlekar
Dattaram Hindlekar
Dattaram Dharmaji Hindlekar was a cricketer who kept wicket for India in Test cricket.Hindlekar toured England in 1936 and 1946 as India's first choice wicket keeper. He opened in the first Test at Lord's in 1936, but chipped a bone in his finger and suffered from blurred vision....
Narendra Hirwani
Narendra Hirwani
Narendra Deepchand Hirwani is a leg spin bowler who played for India. He is mainly remembered for his outstanding success on his Test debut.-Early days:...
Khanmohammad Ibrahim ·
Kumar Indrajitsinhji
Kumar Indrajitsinhji
Kumar Shri Indrajitsinhji Madhavsinhji was an Indian cricketer who played in four Tests from 1964 to 1969 as a wicketkeeper-batsman....
Jenni Irani
Jenni Irani
Jamshed Khudadad Irani was a cricketer who represented India as a wicket-keeper in Test cricket....
Ajay Jadeja
Ajay Jadeja
Ajaysinhji Daulatsinhji Jadeja was born on 1 February 1971 in royal rajput family of Jamnagar, Gujarat. He was a regular in the Indian cricket team between 1992 and 2000, playing in 15 Test matches and 196 One Day Internationals. His cricketing achievements were overshadowed by a 5 year ban for...
Wasim Jaffer
Wasim Jaffer
Wasim Jaffer is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed opening batsman and an occasional right arm off-break bowler.-Early years:...
Jahangir Khan
Jahangir Khan (cricketer)
Dr. Mohammad Jahangir Khan played cricket for India during British rule and after the partition of India served as a cricket administrator in Pakistan afterwards. He graduated from Islamia College, Lahore.Jahangir was a big man who stood six feet and bowled medium pace...
L. P. Jai
L. P. Jai
Laxmidas Purshottamdas Jai was a major figure in Indian cricket between the wars....
M. L. Jaisimha
M. L. Jaisimha
Motganhalli Laxminarsu Jaisimha was an Indian Test cricketer.M.L. Jaisimha a right-handed batsman who was noted for his style on and off the field. He bowled medium pace, often opening the bowling for India, and off breaks and was a brilliant fielder. But it was the way he went about things that...
Rustomji Jamshedji
Rustomji Jamshedji
Rustomji Jamshedji Dorabji Jamshedji was an Indian Test cricketer.Jamshedji was a little left arm spinner who played a single Test for India. He made his debut at the age of 41 years and 27 days and is still the oldest Indian on his first appearance...
Kenia Jayantilal
Kenia Jayantilal
Hirji Kenia Jayantilal is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1971....
David Johnson
David Johnson (cricketer)
David Jude Johnson is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1996.On the short side for a fast bowler, David Johnson came into the Indian side on the basis of some fine performances around the domestic circuit for Karnataka. He recorded his best match figures of 10 for 152 against...
Nana Joshi
Nana Joshi
Padmanabh Govind "Nana" Joshi was a cricket player who kept wicket for India in Test cricket.Joshi was born in Baroda, Gujarat, India in 1926. He first gained attention as a cricket player when he scored 100 notout for Central Province Governor's XI against the touring Commonwealth XI in addition...
Sunil Joshi
Sunil Joshi
Sunil Bandacharya Joshi is a former Indian cricketer. He is an all-rounder who bowls slow left arm spin and bats left-handed. He used to travel 40 miles to Hubli each morning for practice, and then return to his native town of Gadag in time for school...
Mohammad Kaif ·
Vinod Kambli
Vinod Kambli
Vinod Ganpat Kambli is a former Indian cricketer, who played for India as a middle order batsman, as well as for Mumbai and Boland, South Africa.He is childhood friend of ace cricketer Sachin Tendulkar...
Hrishikesh Kanitkar
Hrishikesh Kanitkar
Hrishikesh Hemant Kanitkar is an Indian cricketer and the son of former Indian cricketer Hemant Kanitkar. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler....
Hemant Kanitkar
Hemant Kanitkar
Hemant Shamsunder Kanitkar is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1974. His son, Hrishikesh Kanitkar went on to represent India in the late 1990s....
Kapil Dev
Kapil Dev
Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj , better known as Kapil Dev, is a former Indian cricketer. He captained the Indian cricket team which won the 1983 Cricket World Cup...
Aashish Kapoor
Aashish Kapoor
Aashish Rakesh Kapoor is a former Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 17 ODIs from 1994 to 2000. He was member of the 1996 World Cup Squad but was dropped and was never able to make it back to ODI after 2000....
Saba Karim
Saba Karim
Saba Karim is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a wicketkeeper.Karim has a long history with professional cricket, having started his career in 1982–83 immediately after finishing his schooling from St. Xavier's High School, Patna...
Dinesh Karthik
Dinesh Karthik
Krishna Kumar Dinesh Karthik is a wicketkeeper-batsman who has made his debut for the Indian cricket team in 2004 and has been a regular member of the team for varying periods since then, including a stint in 2007 as a specialist opening batsman and non-wicket-keeper...
Murali Kartik
Murali Kartik
Murali Kartik is an Indian cricketer who sporadically represented the India national cricket team since 2000...
Ramnath Kenny
Ramnath Kenny
Ramnath Baburao Kenny was an Indian cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1958 to 1960....
Zaheer Khan
Zaheer Khan
Zaheer Khan is an Indian cricketer who has been a member of the Indian cricket team since 2000. A left arm fast bowler considered as the best of the Indian fast bowling attack, Zaheer is known for his ability to swing the ball both ways, and as a batsman also holds the record for the highest Test...
Syed Kirmani
Syed Kirmani
Padma Sri Syed Mujtaba Hussain Kirmani played cricket for India and Karnataka as a wicket-keeper.-International career:...
Gogumal Kishenchand
Gogumal Kishenchand
Gogumal Kishenchand Harisinghani was Indian Test cricketer.Kishenchand had a crouched stance but was a good driver and hooker, and an occasional leg break bowler....
A. G. Kripal Singh
A. G. Kripal Singh
Amritsar Govindsingh Kripal Singh was an Indian Test cricketer.Kripal Singh came from a famous cricketing family. His father A.G. Ram Singh was unlucky not to play for India, brother Milkha Singh was a Test cricketer, another brother, two sons and nephew all played first class cricket...
Pochiah Krishnamurthy
Pochiah Krishnamurthy
Pochiah Krishnamurthy was an Indian cricketer who played in 5 Tests and one ODI in 1971....
Nilesh Kulkarni
Nilesh Kulkarni
Nilesh Moreshwar Kulkarni is a former Indian cricketer. He is a slow left-arm bowler and left-handed lower order batsman....
Raju Kulkarni
Raju Kulkarni
Rajiv Ramesh Kulkarni is a former Indian cricketer. He played domestic cricket for Mumbai as a pace and swing bowler...
Umesh Kulkarni
Umesh Kulkarni
Umesh Narayan Kulkarni is a former Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1967 to 1968....
Vaman Kumar
Vaman Kumar
Vaman Viswanath Kumar is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1961....
Anil Kumble
Anil Kumble
Anil Kumble is a former Indian cricketer and captain of the Indian Test cricket team. He is a right-arm leg spin bowler and a right-hand batsman. He is currently the leading wicket-taker for India in both Test and One Day International matches...
Budhi Kunderan
Budhi Kunderan
Budhisagar Krishnappa Kunderan was an Indian cricketer...
Abey Kuruvilla
Abey Kuruvilla
Abey Kuruvilla is a former Indian pace bowler of the mid 1990s.Kuruvilla stood a towering tall and coupled with his broad frame cut an imposing figure on the field....
Lall Singh
Lall Singh
Lall Singh was an early Indian Test cricketer.Lall Singh's fame rests on his brilliant fielding which he displayed in India's first Test tour of England in 1932. He played in the only Test of the series and ran out Frank Woolley...
Raman Lamba
Raman Lamba
Raman Lamba was an Indian cricketer who played in four Tests and 32 One Day Internationals, mainly as a batsman died in the Post Graduate Hospital in Dhaka in Bangladesh after three days of vain efforts by a team of doctors, ever since he was seriously hit on the forehead by a full blooded pull...
V. V. S. Laxman
V. V. S. Laxman
Vangipurapu Venkata Sai Laxman , sometimes shortened to Venkatsai Laxman but generally known as V.V.S. Laxman, is an Indian cricketer. Laxman represents Hyderabad in domestic cricket and has played for Lancashire in English county cricket. Laxman is the great grand nephew of Dr. Sarvepalli...
Madan Lal
Madan Lal
Madan Lal Udhouram Sharma is a former Indian cricketer and Indian national cricket coach. He currently coaches Delhi Giants in the Indian Cricket League...
Ebrahim Maka
Ebrahim Maka
' was a wicket-keeper who represented India in Test cricket.Ebrahim Maka appeared at a time when the Indian cricket had many wicket keepers of nearly the same class. His first appearance was in the fourth Test against Pakistan in 1952-53...
Ashok Malhotra
Ashok Malhotra
Ashok Omprakash Malhotra is a former Indian cricketer who played in 7 Tests and 20 ODIs from 1982 to 1986. In the early 1990s, he was an overseas professional at Dunfermline Cricket Club in Fife, Scotland.He has opened a cricket coaching centre namely Ashok malhotra cricket acedemy which has...
Maninder Singh
Maninder Singh
Maninder Singh is a former international cricket player who represented India in 35 Test matches and 59 One Day Internationals. With his slow left-arm orthodox spin, Maninder was considered as an heir to Bishan Singh Bedi, who then held the record as India's leading spinner in terms of wickets....
Sanjay Manjrekar
Sanjay Manjrekar
Sanjay Vijay Manjrekar is a former Indian cricketer. He has a batting average of 37.14 in his 37 Tests between 1987/88 and 1996/97, as opposed to an overall first-class average of 55...
Vijay Manjrekar
Vijay Manjrekar
Vijay Laxman Manjrekar is a former Indian cricketer who played 55 Tests. A small man, he was a fine cutter and hooker of the ball. He was the father of Sanjay Manjrekar....
Ashok Mankad
Ashok Mankad
Ashok Vinoo Mankad was a former Indian cricketer. A right-handed batsman, he played for India in 22 Test matches....
Vinoo Mankad ·
Madhav Mantri
Madhav Mantri
Madhav Krishnaji Mantri is a former Indian cricketer who played in four Tests from 1951 to 1955. Born in Nasik, Maharashtra, he was a right-handed opening batsman and specialist wicket-keeper who represented Bombay. He is the uncle of former Indian cricket captain and Test run-scoring...
Khershed Meherhomji
Khershed Meherhomji
Khershedji Rustomji Meherhomji played for India as a wicket-keeper.Meherhomji toured England in 1936 and played in the Test at Manchester. He represented Parsis in Bombay Pentangular and various sides in the Ranji Trophy...
Vijay Mehra
Vijay Mehra (Indian cricketer)
Vijay Laxman Mehra was an Indian cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1955 to 1964.-References:*...
Vijay Merchant
Vijay Merchant
Vijaysingh Madhavji Merchant , real name Vijay Madhavji Thakersey was an Indian cricketer. A right-hand batter and occasional right-arm medium pace bowler, Merchant played first class cricket for Mumbai cricket team as well as 10 Test matches for India between 1929 and 1951...
Paras Mhambrey
Paras Mhambrey
Paras Laxmikant Mhambrey is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1996 to 1998....
A. G. Milkha Singh
A. G. Milkha Singh
Amritsar Govindsingh Milkha Singh was an Indian Test cricketer.Mikha Singh was a left-handed batsman and an occasional right arm medium pace bowler. He came from a famous cricketing family which also produced A.G. Ram Singh and his more successful brother A.G...
Amit Mishra
Amit Mishra
Amit Mishra is an Indian cricketer. He is a right arm leg break bowler and right-handed lower order batsman. He usually bats number 10 or 11. Mishra is an attacking leg spinner who bowls leg break....
Abhimanyu Mithun
Abhimanyu Mithun
Abhimanyu Mithun is an Indian international cricketer. In first class cricket, he plays for Karnataka. A right-arm fast-medium bowler, Mithun was called up to the India squad for the first Test against South Africa in 2009–10, only ten weeks after making his first-class debut. He has also...
Rusi Modi
Rusi Modi
Rustomji Sheriyar 'Rusi' Modi was an Indian batsman who played for the Indian National Cricket Team from 1946 to 1952....
Debashish Mohanty
Debashish Mohanty
Debasish Sarbeswar Mohanty is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 45 ODIs from 1997 to 2001. He was a right-arm medium-fast bowler who coupled pace to his naturally lanky frame...
Nayan Mongia
Nayan Mongia
Nayan Ramlal Mongia is a former Indian cricketer. He played as a right-handed batsman and a wicketkeeper. Currently, he is a cricket analyst....
Kiran More
Kiran More
Kiran Shankar Murat More was the wicket-keeper for the Indian cricket team from 1984 to 1993. He was the Chairman of the Selection Committee of the BCCI till Dilip Vengsarkar took over the job in 2006. He is presently working with Indian Cricket League.-Early career:More played for the India...
V. M. Muddiah ·
Mushtaq Ali
Mushtaq Ali
Syed Mushtaq Ali was a former Indian cricketer, and an aggressive Test batsman. Ali holds the distinction of scoring the first Test century by any Indian overseas, when he hit a ton for the team in 1936 at Manchester in England.A Wisden Special Award winner, he scored four first class hundreds in...
Bapu Nadkarni
Bapu Nadkarni
Rameshchandra Gangaram 'Bapu' Nadkarni was an Indian cricketer. He is mainly known for being an economical bowler.-Career:...
Sudhir Naik
Sudhir Naik
Sudhir Sakharam Naik is a former Indian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 2 ODIs in 1974 in the Indian cricket team....
Naoomal Jeoomal
Naoomal Jeoomal
Naoomal Jeoomal Makhija was India's first opening batsman in Test cricket.Naoomal Jeoomal scored 33 and 25 opening India's innings in their first ever Test at Lord's in 1932. He also shared stands of 39 and 41 with his opening partner Janardan Navle in the two innings...
M. V. Narasimha Rao ·
Janardan Navle
Janardan Navle
Janardan Gyanoba Navle was an early Indian Test cricketer.-Career:...
Suru Nayak
Suru Nayak
Surendra Vithal Nayak is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 4 ODIs from 1981 to 1982....
C. K. Nayudu
C. K. Nayudu
Cottari Kanakaiya Nayudu , also known as CK, was an Indian cricketer who served as India's first Test captain. He was born in Nagpur, Maharashtra and died in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. He played first-class cricket regularly till 1958, and returned for one last time in 1963 at the age of 68...
C. S. Nayudu
C. S. Nayudu
Cottari Subbanna Nayudu was an Indian cricketer who played in eleven Tests from 1934 to 1952.He was the brother of the legendary cricketer C.K.Nayudu....
Nazir Ali
Nazir Ali
Syed Nazir Ali was a prominent player from the early days of Indian cricket....
Ashish Nehra
Ashish Nehra
Ashish Nehra is an Indian cricketer who has represented India at the international level since 1999.Nehra started playing first-class cricket for his hometown, Delhi, in the 1997/1998 season and made his Test debut against Sri Lanka at Colombo in 1999 and his ODI debut against Zimbabwe at Harare...
Mohammad Nissar
Mohammad Nissar
Shaikh Mohammad Nissar was a cricketer, who played as a fast bowler for the pre-partition Indian cricket team and domestic teams in India and Pakistan. He was born in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, and is considered the fastest pre-partition Indian pace bowler. He was arguably one of the fastest bowlers in...
Shah Nyalchand
Shah Nyalchand
Shah Nyalchand was an Indian Test cricketer.Nyalchand was a left arm medium pace bowler who was particularly effective on matting wickets. His only Test match was against Pakistan at Lucknow] in 1952/53, which was one of only two occasions that a matting wicket was used for a Test in India...
Pragyan Ojha
Pragyan Ojha
Pragyan Prayish Ojha is an Indian cricketer. Debuting in first class cricket in 2004/05, Ojha is a left-arm spinner who has represented India at under-19 level....
Ajit Pai
Ajit Pai
Ajit Manohar Pai is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1969....
Phiroze Palia
Phiroze Palia
Phiroze Edulji Palia was an early Indian cricketer. His first name is sometimes written as Phiroz....
Chandrakant Pandit
Chandrakant Pandit
Chandrakant Sitaram Pandit is a former Indian cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 36 ODIs from 1986 to 1992. After his retirement as a player, Pandit became a cricket coach, enjoying successful stints with the Mumbai cricket team.In the 1980s he was given the status of second wicketkeeper behind...
Ghulam Parkar
Ghulam Parkar
Ghulam Ahmed Hasan Mohammed Parkar is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test and 10 ODIs from 1982 to 1984....
Ramnath Parkar
Ramnath Parkar
Ramnath Dhondu Parkar was an Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1972....
Dhiraj Parsana
Dhiraj Parsana
Dhiraj Devshibhai Parsana is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1979....
Chandrakant Patankar
Chandrakant Patankar
Chandrakant Trimbak Patankar is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1955....
Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi
Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi
Mansoor Ali Khan or Mansur Ali Khan , sometimes M.A.K. Pataudi , nicknamed Tiger Pataudi, was an Indian cricketer and former captain of the Indian cricket team...
Nawab of Pataudi Sr
Iftikhar Ali Khan Pataudi
Iftikhar Ali Khan , sometimes I.A.K. Pataudi was the 8th Nawab of Pataudi and captain of the Indian cricket team. He was one of few cricketers to have played for two countries, having also played for the English Test side...
Brijesh Patel
Brijesh Patel
Brijesh Patel grew up in Bangalore is an Indian cricketer who played for the Indian national cricket team as a right-handed batsman from 1974 until 1979....
Jasu Patel
Jasu Patel
Jasubhai Motibhai Patel was an off-spinner who played Test cricket for Indian cricket team. His fame lies entirely on a single match against Australia where he took 14 wickets.-Early days:...
Munaf Patel
Munaf Patel
Munaf Musa Patel Urdu:مناف موسی پٹیل is an Indian cricketer who has also played for the West Zone in the Duleep Trophy and Gujarat, Mumbai cricket team and Maharashtra cricket team....
Parthiv Patel
Parthiv Patel
Parthiv Ajay Patel is an Indian cricketer, wicketkeeper-batsman, and a member of the Indian national cricket team. He is a left-handed batsman. He got married in 2008 to Avni Zaveri.- ODI career :...
Rashid Patel
Rashid Patel
Rashid Ghulam Mohammed Patel was a left arm fast bowler who represented India in cricket. He played for Baroda between 1986–87 and 1996-97 in domestic cricket....
Irfan Pathan
Irfan Pathan
Irfan Pathan is an Indian cricketer who made his debut for India in late-2003 and was a core member of the national team until a decline in form set in during 2006, forcing him out of the team...
Sandeep Patil
Sandeep Patil
Sandeep Madhusudan Patil is a former Indian cricketer, Indian national age group cricket manager and former Kenya national team coach, who made the minnows reach the semi-final of the 2003 World Cup. He was a hard-hitting middle order batsman and an occasional medium pace bowler...
Sadashiv Patil
Sadashiv Patil
Sadashiv Raoji Patil is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1955. He also played 36 First-class matches for Maharashtra.-References:...
Dattu Phadkar
Dattu Phadkar
Dattatraya Gajanan "Dattu" Phadkar was an all-rounder who represented India in Test cricket....
Ramesh Powar
Ramesh Powar
Ramesh Rajaram Powar is an Indian cricketer. He is an alumnus of Ruparel College of Science, Commerce and Arts in Matunga, Mumbai. He is a useful lower order batsman and off spinner who plays in the Indian ODI team...
Manoj Prabhakar
Manoj Prabhakar
Manoj Prabhakar is a former Indian cricketer. He was a right-arm medium-pace bowler and a lower-order batsman who also opened the innings sometimes for the Indian cricket team until his retirement in 1995–96. He was banned by the BCCI for his involvement in match fixing scandals...
Venkatesh Prasad
Venkatesh Prasad
Bapu Krishnarao Venkatesh Prasad is a former Indian cricketer. He is the bowling coach for Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League, having formerly performed the same role for the Indian cricket team from 2007 to 2009. He made his debut in 1996...
M. S. K. Prasad
M. S. K. Prasad
Mannava Sri Kanth Prasad is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a wicketkeeper....
E. A. S. Prasanna
E. A. S. Prasanna
Erapalli Anantharao Srinivas Prasanna is a famous former cricket player from Bangalore, India. He was a spin bowler, specializing in off spin and a member of the Indian spin quartet. He is an alumunus of National Institute of Engineering , Mysore.-Career:Prasanna played his debut Test cricket...
Cheteshwar Pujara
Cheteshwar Pujara
Cheteshwar Arvind Pujara is an Indian Test cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman. Pujara has the distinction of hitting three triple centuries within a span of one month, although only the last of these was in a first-class match. In December 2008, the BCCI awarded him a D-grade national contract...
Pananmal Punjabi
Pananmal Punjabi
Pananmal Hotchand Punjabi is a former Indian cricketer who played in five Tests in 1955. He was born in Karachi.A right-handed opening batsman, Punjabi had a long but somewhat intermittent first-class cricket career, starting with two matches for Sind before partition and resuming more regularly...
Kanwar Rai Singh
Kanwar Rai Singh
Kanwar Rai Singh is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1948.Rai Singh was a surprising selection for the Indian tour of Australia in 1947-48. The BCCI President Anthony de Mello personally selected the team and D. B. Deodhar, one of the selectors, threatened to resign protesting...
Suresh Raina ·
Vijay Rajindernath
Vijay Rajindernath
Vijay Rajindernath Vijay Rajindernath Vijay Rajindernath (born January 7, 1928 in Amritsar, died November 22, 1989 in Chennai was an Indian cricketer.Rajindernath was one of the four wicket keepers that India tried out against Pakistan in the 1952-53 series. He played in the Test at Bombay which...
Rajinder Pal
Rajinder Pal
Rajinder Pal is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1964....
Lalchand Rajput
Lalchand Rajput
Lalchand Sitaram Rajput is a former Indian cricketer who played in two Tests and four ODIs from 1985 to 1987. Lalchand Rajput was assigned the task as a manager of Indian cricket team for a brief period...
Venkatapathy Raju
Venkatapathy Raju
Venkatapathy Raju came into the Indian side in 1989–90 after capturing 32 wickets in the domestic season. He made his Test and One Day International debut in the tour of New Zealand. When sent in as a night-watchman in his first Test innings, he batted for more than two hours for 31 runs while six...
Woorkeri Raman
Woorkeri Raman
Woorkeri Venkat Raman is a former Indian cricketer and a current coach. He played domestic cricket for Tamil Nadu, mainly as a left-handed batsman and a part time left arm spinner.-International career:...
Cotah Ramaswami
Cotah Ramaswami
Cotah Ramaswami - sometimes written as Cota or Cotar - was a double sports international who represented India in both cricket and tennis.-Family and early life:...
Gulabrai Ramchand
Gulabrai Ramchand
Gulabrai Sipahimalani 'Ram' Ramchand was an Indian cricketer who captained India to a famous win against Australia in his only series as captain....
Sadagoppan Ramesh
Sadagoppan Ramesh
Sadagoppan Ramesh is an Indian cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler. On debut, facing Waqar Younis and Wasim Akram, he made a solid 44 off 41 balls...
Ladha Ramji
Ladha Ramji
Ramji Ladha Nakum was an Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1933....
C. R. Rangachari
C. R. Rangachari
Commandur Rajagopalachari Rangachari was a fast bowler who represented India in Test cricket....
Khandu Rangnekar
Khandu Rangnekar
Khanderao Moreshwar 'Khandu' Rangnekar was an Indian Test cricketer. Rangnekar was an attacking batsman who was considered the best Indian left-hander of his time...
Vasant Ranjane
Vasant Ranjane
Vasant Baburao Ranjane is a former Indian cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1958 to 1964.Vasant Ranjane was a 'slightly built, unlikely looking figure for an opening bowler' who relied more on line and length than speed for his wickets, but could 'swing both ways and cut the ball off the seam'...
Vikram Rathour
Vikram Rathour
Vikram Rathour is a former Indian cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1996 to 1997. He was a right-handed opening batsman.Rathour was a prolific run scorer at the first class level,scoring 11473 runs at an average of 49.66 in 146 matches.His List A career was more modest,with him...
Ajay Ratra
Ajay Ratra
Ajay Ratra is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and wicketkeeper.Ratra was selected in 2000 for the first intake of the National Cricket Academy in Bangalore....
Vivek Razdan ·
Bharath Reddy
Bharath Reddy
Bharath Reddy is a former Indian cricketer.-Career:Reddy played in 4 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1978 to 1981. A wicket-keeper from Nalgonda, Reddy was not a regular player for India due to the presence of Syed Kirmani....
Madhusudan Rege
Madhusudan Rege
Madhusudan Ramachandra Rege is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1949. Later, in 1959, playing a test for Maharashtra Vs MCC, he became the first Indian player ever to be called for throwing....
Ambar Roy
Ambar Roy
Ambar Khirid Roy was an Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests in 1969.-In test Matches:...
Pranab Roy
Pranab Roy
Pranab Roy is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1982.Roy's father, Pankaj also played for India....
Pankaj Roy
Pankaj Roy
Pankaj Roy was an Indian cricketer. A right-handed opening batsman, he is best known for establishing the world record opening partnership of 413 runs, together with Vinoo Mankad, against New Zealand at Chennai. The record stood until 2008. He was honoured with the Padma Shri...
Wriddhiman Saha
Wriddhiman Saha
Wriddhiman Prasanta Saha is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and specialist wicket-keeper. Saha has played Test cricket for India and represents Bengal and the Chennai Super Kings in Indian domestic cricket.-Bengal:...
Balwinder Sandhu
Balwinder Sandhu
Balwinder Singh Sandhu is a former Indian Test cricketer. He represented India in eight Test matches as a medium pace bowler who could swing the ball and was a useful batsman....
Rahul Sanghvi
Rahul Sanghvi
Rahul Sanghvi is an Indian cricketer, specialising in left arm orthodox spin. He played one Test Match, which was the First Test between Australia and India in 2001, but was dropped after Australia claimed a 10 wicket victory. He played in 10 One Day Internationals...
Sarandeep Singh
Sarandeep Singh
Sarandeep Singh is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler. In his debut Test match he took six wickets in Nagpur...
Dilip Sardesai
Dilip Sardesai
Dilip Narayan Sardesai was a former Indian Test cricketer. He was the only Goan-born cricketer to play for India, and was often regarded as India's best batsman against spin bowling.-Early career:...
Chandu Sarwate
Chandu Sarwate
Chandrasekhar Trimbak Sarwate was an Indian cricketer. He was an all-rounder who played nine Test matches for India between 1946 and 1951 without much success — his Test batting average was only 13.00, and his Test bowling average was 124.66...
Ramesh Saxena
Ramesh Saxena
Ramesh Chand Saxena was an Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1967.-First-class Career:...
Virender Sehwag
Virender Sehwag
Virender Sehwag , affectionately known as Viru, the Nawab of Najafgarh, or the Zen master of modern cricket, is one of the leading batsmen in the Indian cricket team. Sehwag is an aggressive right-handed opening batsman and a part-time right-arm off-spin bowler...
T. A. Sekhar
T. A. Sekhar
Thirumalai Ananthanpillai Sekhar was a medium pace bowler who represented India in Test cricket and One Day Internationals....
Probir Sen
Probir Sen
Probir Kumar 'Khokhan' Sen was an Indian cricketer who represented his country in 14 Tests from 1948 to 1952....
Apoorva Sengupta
Apoorva Sengupta
Apoorva Kumar Sengupta is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1959.A. K. Sengupta's only Test appearance came in the middle of a major controversy in Indian cricket. Ghulam Ahmed announced his retirement a few days before the Madras Test against the West Indies in 1958-59, and...
Ajay Sharma
Ajay Sharma
Ajay Kumar Sharma is a retired Indian cricketer.Sharma was a prolific run-maker in first-class cricket, mainly for Delhi, scoring over 10,000 runs at the high average of 67.46...
Chetan Sharma
Chetan Sharma
Chetan Sharma was a medium pace bowler who represented India at cricket.Sharma was coached by Desh Prem Azad, a Dronacharya Award winner, who was also the mentor of Kapil Dev...
Gopal Sharma
Gopal Sharma (cricketer)
Gopal Sharma is a former Indian cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 11 ODIs from 1985 to 1990. He was an off-spinner but was overshadowed by the spinners of the day for a place in the international squad - Laxman Sivaramakrishnan, Maninder Singh, Arshad Ayub, Shivlal Yadav, Ravi Shastri and...
Ishant Sharma
Ishant Sharma
Ishant Sharma is an Indian cricketer. He is a right arm fast medium bowler. He has a high arm delivery action and is not a swinger of the ball but depends a lot on pace and movement off the seam....
Parthasarathy Sharma
Parthasarathy Sharma
Parthasarathy Harishchandra Sharma was an Indian cricketer.Sharma was born in Alwar, Rajasthan. He played in 5 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1974 to 1977....
Sanjeev Sharma
Sanjeev Sharma
Sanjeev Kumar Sharma is a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 23 ODIs from 1988 to 1990....
Ravi Shastri
Ravi Shastri
Ravishankar Jayadritha Shastri is a former Indian cricketer and captain. He was an all–rounder who batted right-handed and bowled left arm spin. His international career started when he was 18 years old and lasted for 12 years...
Sadashiv Shinde
Sadashiv Shinde
Sadashiv Ganpatrao "Sadu" Shinde was an Indian cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1946 to 1952....
Deepak Shodhan
Deepak Shodhan
Roshan Harshadlal "Deepak" Shodhan is a former Indian Test cricketer.Shodhan was an attractive left hand batsman and occasional medium pace bowler. He was the second Indian batsman, after Lala Amarnath, to score a hundred on Test debut...
Rakesh Shukla
Rakesh Shukla
Rakesh Chandra Shukla is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1982.He was leg-break-googly-bowler and a decent hard-hitting batsman also. Those days all-rounders were not given the recognition unlike later years. With spin quartet of Bishan Singh Bedi, B. S. Chandrasekhar, S...
Iqbal Siddiqui
Iqbal Siddiqui
Iqbal Siddiqui is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler. Having made his debut for Maharashtra in the 1992-93 Ranji Trophy, Siddiqui's frame generates a considerable amount of pace...
Navjot Singh Sidhu
Navjot Singh Sidhu
Navjot Singh Sidhu is former Indian cricket star . After retirement from cricket Navjot Singh Sidhu took up television commentary, and politics. He was later forced to resign from his political position because he was convicted of homicide.-Biography:...
Robin Singh
Robin Singh
Robin Singh , full name Rabindra Ramanarayan Singh is a former all-rounder who played for India. He is currently the coach of Mumbai Indians...
R. P. Singh ·
Robin Singh, Jr. ·
V. R. V. Singh ·
Laxman Sivaramakrishnan
Laxman Sivaramakrishnan
Laxman Sivaramakrishnan , popularly known as Siva and LS, is a former Indian cricketer. He was a right arm leg-spinner. He is now a commentator.-Early days:...
Ranga Sohoni
Ranga Sohoni
Sriranga Wasudev 'Ranga' Sohoni was an Indian Test cricketer....
Eknath Solkar
Eknath Solkar
Eknath Dhondu 'Ekki' Solkar was an Indian all-round cricketer who played 27 Tests and seven One Day Internationals for his country...
Man Sood
Man Sood
Man Mohan Sood is a former Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1960....
Sreesanth ·
Krishnamachari Srikkanth
Krishnamachari Srikkanth
Krishnamachari Srikkanth is a former captain of the Indian cricket team and the current chairman of the selection committee...
Javagal Srinath
Javagal Srinath
Javagal Srinath is a former Indian cricketer. He was a frontline fast bowler for the Indian cricket team until his retirement, being the second Indian pace bowler after Kapil Dev to take 200 Test wickets. One ball that he bowled during the 1996 tour of South Africa measured...
T. E. Srinivasan ·
Venkataraman Subramanya ·
Gundibail Sunderam
Gundibail Sunderam
Gundibail Rama Sunderam was a former Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1955.G.R. Sunderam was a right arm fast medium bowler and a right hand batsman. He underwent training in the cricket school run by Alf Gover in 1953...
Raman Surendranath is a former Indian cricketer who played in 11 Tests from 1958 to 1961. He was primarily a medium pace swing bowler, who enjoyed a particularly successful tour of England in 1959....
Rusi Surti
Rusi Surti
Rusi Framroze Surti is a former Indian cricketer who played in 26 Tests from 1960 to 1969. He was a left arm medium pace and left arm spin bowler, and a lower order batsman...
Narain Swamy
Narain Swamy
Venkatraman Narayan Swamy was an Indian Test cricketer.Swamy made his Test debut against New Zealand in 1955/56 and played in the first match of the series. He opened the bowling with Dattu Phadkar, took no wickets and was dropped...
Naren Tamhane
Naren Tamhane
Narendra Shankar Tamhane was an Indian cricketer who played in twenty one Tests from 1955 to 1960.He was a wicketkeeper batsman....
Keki Tarapore
Keki Tarapore
Keki Khurshedji Tarapore was an Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1948....
Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Tendulkar
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is an Indian cricketer widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen in the history of cricket. He is the leading run-scorer and century maker in Test and one-day international cricket. He is the only male player to score a double century in the history of ODI cricket...
Polly Umrigar
Polly Umrigar
Pahlan Ratanji "Polly" Umrigar was an Indian cricketer. He played first-class cricket for Bombay, and Test cricket in the Indian cricket team, mainly as a middle-order batsman but also bowling occasional medium pace and off spin. He captained the Indian team in eight Test matches from 1955 to...
Dilip Vengsarkar
Dilip Vengsarkar
Dilip Balwant Vengsarkar is an Indian cricketer and cricket administrator. He was one of the most stylish batsmen of his time, known as one of the foremost exponents of the drive. He was also known by the nickname 'Colonel'....
Srinivas Venkataraghavan
Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan
Srinivasaraghavan Venkataraghavan ; is a former Indian cricketer. He played for Derbyshire in English county cricket from 1973 to 1975. He played Test cricket for the Indian cricket team, and later became an umpire on the elite International Cricket Council Test panel...
M. Venkataramana
M. Venkataramana
Margasahayam Venkataramana, is a former Indian cricketer.Venkataramana was a right arm off-spinner who played for Tamil Nadu in first class cricket. He made his debut in the 1987-88 season when Tamil Nadu won the Ranji Trophy...
Murali Vijay
Murali Vijay
Murali Vijay Krishna is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed opening batsman for Tamil Nadu, Chennai Super Kings and India.-Test career:...
Vijay Bharadwaj
Vijay Bharadwaj
Raghvendrarao Vijay Bharadwaj is a former Indian cricketer. He was a right-handed batsman and right-arm offbreak bowler. He was a key architect of Karnataka's three Ranji Trophy triumphs in the 1990s. He won the Man of the Series award on his debut one day international series against South...
Gundappa Viswanath
Gundappa Viswanath
Gundappa Rangnath Viswanath is a former Indian cricketer. He was one of India's finest batsmen throughout the 1970s. He played Test cricket for India from 1969 to 1983 making 91 appearances and scoring over 6000 runs. He also played in One Day Internationals from 1974 to 1982 including the World...
Sadanand Viswanath
Sadanand Viswanath
Sadanand Viswanath is a former Indian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 22 ODIs, from 1985 to 1988. Currently, he is a first class umpire and coach....
Maharajkumar of Vizianagram
Maharajkumar of Vizianagram
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Vijayananda Gajapathi Raju , better known as the Maharajkumar of Vizianagram or Vizzy, was an Indian cricketer, cricket administrator and politician.- Childhood :...
Ajit Wadekar
Ajit Wadekar
Ajit Laxman Wadekar is a former international cricketer. He played domestic first-class cricket for the Mumbai cricket team....
Atul Wassan
Atul Wassan
Atul Satish Wassan is a former Indian cricketer. After retirement, he has become a cricket commentator.-External links:**...
Wazir Ali
Wazir Ali
Syed Wazir Ali was a prominent figure in early Indian cricket. He was a right-handed batsman and a medium pace bowler.-Early life:...
Shivlal Yadav
Shivlal Yadav
Nandlal Shivlal Yadav is a former Indian cricketer who played in 35 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1979 to 1987....
Vijay Yadav
Vijay Yadav
Vijay Yadav is a former cricketer. A wicketkeeper and an aggressive lower-order batsman, Yadav played 19 One Day Internationals from 1992 to 1994 and appeared once for India in Test cricket....
Maharaja Yadavindra Singh
Maharaja Yadavindra Singh
Maharajadhiraj Sir Yadavindra Singh Mahendra Bahadur, GCIE, GBE was Maharaja of Patiala from 1938 to 1974. Moreover, he was an Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1934...
Yajurvindra Singh
Yajurvindra Singh
Yajurvindra Singh is a former Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1977 to 1979.He co-holds two Test fielding records: 5 catches in an innings, and 7 in a match....
Yashpal Sharma
Yashpal Sharma
Yashpal Sharma is a former Indian cricketer. He was a middle order batsman who played at the turn of the 1980s.-Early career:...
Yograj Singh
Yograj Singh
Yograjsingh Bhagsingh Bhandal, popularly known as Yograj Singh or simply Yograj was an Indian cricketer who played one Test and six ODIs for India as a right-arm fast-medium bowler. After his career was ended by injury, he entered Punjwood, Punjabi film industry...
Tinu Yohannan
Tinu Yohannan
Tinu Yohannan is an Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed fast medium bowler. He plays first class cricket for Kerala. He is the first Kerala Ranji player to play Test and one day cricket for India....
Yuvraj Singh
Yuvraj Singh
Yuvraj Singh Bhandal is an Indian cricketer, and the son of former Indian fast bowler and Punjabi movie star Yograj Singh. He has been a member of the Indian cricket team since 2000 and played his first Test match in 2003. He was the vice captain of the ODI team from late-2007 to late-2008...
New Zealand
- See also List of New Zealand Test cricketers
Andre Adams
Andre Adams
Andre Ryan Adams is a New Zealand cricketer of Caribbean descent who has played one Test and 42 One Day International, taking 53 wickets at a bowling average of 31. He has also scored over 400 ODI runs with a batting strike rate above 100...
Jack Alabaster
Jack Alabaster
John Chaloner "Jack" Alabaster in Invercargill. He played 21 Tests for New Zealand from 1955-72. A spin bowler, he was often partnered at the crease for his provincial side Otago by his brother Gren....
Cyril Allcott
Cyril Allcott
Cyril Francis Walter Allcott played six Tests for New Zealand from 1930-32....
Geoff Allott
Geoff Allott
Geoffrey Ian Allott is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 31 ODIs from 1996 to 2000. He retired from all cricket in 2001, following series of injuries....
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson (cricketer)
Robert Wickham Anderson has played nine Tests and two One Day Internationals for New Zealand.His father, Mac Anderson, played 1 Test for New Zealand....
Mac Anderson
Mac Anderson
William McDougall Anderson was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1946.His son Robert Anderson played international cricket for New Zealand in the 1970s....
Bryan Andrews
Bryan Andrews
Bryan Andrews is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1973 to 1974.He has also been a member of the Radio Sport cricket commentary team for many years....
Brent Arnel
Brent Arnel
Brent John Arnel is a New Zealand cricketer who plays for the Northern Districts. A promising junior cricketer, Arnel plays club cricket in Hamilton with Fraser Tech. He made his first class debut for Northern Districts in 2006, playing against Canterbury...
Nathan Astle
Nathan Astle
Nathan John Astle is a former New Zealand cricketer. He was an attacking batsman who liked to play batting shots such as the cover drive and the pull shot. He also scored the world's fastest Test double century in terms of balls faced. This remarkable innings of 222 was scored in just 168 balls...
Ted Badcock
Ted Badcock
Frederick Theodore Badcock was a New Zealand first-class and Test cricketer. Perhaps the best all-rounder in New Zealand in the inter-war period, he played seven Tests for New Zealand between 1930 and 1933, including New Zealand's inaugural Test in 1930...
Trevor Barber
Trevor Barber
Richard Trevor Barber is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1956....
Gary Bartlett
Gary Bartlett
Alex Bartlett is a former cricketer. He played 10 Test matches for New Zealand in the 1960s. Bartlett also played for Marlborough and South Canterbury in the Hawke Cup....
Paul Barton
Paul Barton
Paul Thomas Barton is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1961 to 1963.He played his state cricket for Wellington, with moderate success, but marked his test debut on tour against South Africa in Durban with a fine half century...
Don Beard
Don Beard
Donald Derek Beard was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1952 to 1956....
John Beck
John Beck (cricketer)
John Edward Francis Beck was a New Zealand cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1953 to 1956....
Matthew Bell ·
Bill Bell ·
Grahame Bilby
Grahame Bilby
Grahame Paul Bilby is a former cricketer and association football player who represented both the Black Caps and the All Whites.-Cricket career:...
Tony Blain
Tony Blain
Tony Elston Blain was an understudy to Ian Smith and Adam Parore, he played in 11 Tests and 38 One Day Internationals for New Zealand, after retiring from the game he went from coaching to a commentator....
Bob Blair
Bob Blair (cricketer)
Robert William Blair is a former cricketer who played 19 Tests for New Zealand.In December 1953 Blair, playing for New Zealand against South Africa at Johannesburg, received news that his fiancée, Nerissa Love, had been killed in the Tangiwai railway disaster on Christmas Eve...
Roger Blunt
Roger Blunt
Roger Charles Blunt played nine Tests for New Zealand....
Bruce Bolton
Bruce Bolton
Bruce Alfred Bolton is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1958-59.Bolton was a right-handed opening batsman and a useful leg-spin bowler who played for almost 10 years for Canterbury in New Zealand domestic cricket and then, after a year's break, for a further five seasons...
Shane Bond
Shane Bond
Shane Edward Bond was a New Zealand cricketer, described as "New Zealand's best fast bowler since Sir Richard Hadlee". He has represented New Zealand in Test, ODI and Twenty20 International cricket as well as playing for Canterbury in New Zealand domestic cricket and Warwickshire in English...
Stephen Boock
Stephen Boock
Stephen Lewis Boock in Dunedin is a former cricketer who played 30 Tests and 14 One Day Internationals for New Zealand....
Brendon Bracewell
Brendon Bracewell
Brendon Paul Bracewell in Auckland. He is the younger brother of John Bracewell. He frequently suffered injuries throughout his playing career.Brendon also played rugby for King Country....
John Bracewell
John Bracewell
John Garry Bracewell is a New Zealand cricketer and coach. He played 41 Test matches between 1979-80 and 1990, as well as 53 One Day Internationals. He has been the coach of the New Zealand cricket team since the autumn of 2003...
Grant Bradburn
Grant Bradburn
Grant Eric Bradburn played seven Tests and 11 One Day Internationals for New Zealand.His father, Wynne, also played for Northern Districts and represented New Zealand in 2 Test matches....
Wynne Bradburn
Wynne Bradburn
Wynne Pennell Bradburn was a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests against South Africa in 1964.His son, Grant, also played for Northern Districts and represented New Zealand in 7 Test matches....
Vaughan Brown
Vaughan Brown
Vaughan Raymond Brown is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests and three ODIs....
Mark Burgess ·
Ces Burke ·
Tom Burtt
Tom Burtt
Thomas Browning Burtt was a New Zealand cricketer who played in ten Tests from 1947 to 1953. His 128 wickets taken on tour remains a record for New Zealand. In first class cricket, he played 84 games for Canterburybetween 1943 and 1955, taking 40 wickets at 22.19...
Ian Butler ·
Len Butterfield
Len Butterfield
Leonard Arthur Butterfield was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1946 and made a pair in that game....
Lance Cairns
Lance Cairns
Bernard Lance Cairns is a former all-rounder who played for the New Zealand cricket team, and is the father of New Zealand cricketer Chris Cairns....
Chris Cairns ·
Frank Cameron
Frank Cameron
Francis James Cameron MBE is a former New Zealand cricketer who played 19 Tests for New Zealand as a fast bowler....
Harry Cave
Harry Cave
Henry "Harry" Butler Cave was a New Zealand cricketer who captained New Zealand in nine of his nineteen Tests....
Murray Chapple
Murray Chapple
Murray Ernest Chapple was a New Zealand cricketer who played 14 Tests as a specialist batsman, spread over 13 years. However, he was largely unsuccessful, with only three fifties and his highest career score being 76...
Ewen Chatfield
Ewen Chatfield
Ewen John Chatfield is a former cricketer who played 43 Tests and 114 One Day Internationals for New Zealand. A medium-pace bowler, his chief weapon was his accuracy, giving him economical bowling figures, although he occasionally would come in for punishment in the late stages of limited overs...
Don Cleverley
Don Cleverley
Donald Charles Cleverley was a New Zealand cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler born in Otago, he played domestic first-class cricket for Auckland in 21 seasons, from 1930-1 to 1951-2, before playing a final season in 1952-3 for Central Districts...
Richard Collinge
Richard Collinge
Richard Owen Collinge was a New Zealand cricketer.-Career:Collinge bowled left arm fast medium, ending his long run with both arms stretching upwards and swinging the ball. He was New Zealand Cricket Almanack Player of the Year in 1971.He pitched the ball up and relied on late movement...
Ian Colquhoun
Ian Colquhoun
Ian Alexander Colquhoun played two Tests for New Zealand in the 1950s.Colquhoun was a lower-order right-handed batsman and a useful wicketkeeper who came late to first-class cricket, not making his debut for Central Districts until he was 29...
Jeremy Coney
Jeremy Coney
Jeremy Vernon Coney MBE is a former New Zealand cricketer, who played 52 Test matches and 88 ODIs for New Zealand, captaining them in 15 Tests and 25 ODIs. He was one of New Zealand's most successful batsmen, at least by average, and he made 16 fifties, but centuries often eluded him and he had to...
Bevan Congdon
Bevan Congdon
Bevan Ernest Congdon OBE is a former New Zealand all-rounder who played 61 Test matches from 1965 to 1978. He was captain of the New Zealand Test and ODI team from 1972 to 1974. Congdon was the first New Zealand captain to record a victory over Australia...
Jack Cowie
Jack Cowie
John Cowie OBE was a New Zealand cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1937 to 1949. His Test opportunities were restricted by New Zealand's limited programme, and his cricket career was interrupted by World War II from 1939 to 1945...
Fen Cresswell
Fen Cresswell
George Fenwick Cresswell played three Tests for New Zealand. Born in Wanganui he was the older brother of Arthur Cresswell. He was found dead in Blenheim in 1966....
Ian Cromb
Ian Cromb
Ian Burns Cromb was a New Zealand cricketer who played in five Tests from 1931 to 1932....
Jeff Crowe
Jeff Crowe
Jeffrey John Crowe is a former New Zealand cricketer. He is the son of Dave Crowe and elder brother of Martin Crowe. They are cousins of Oscar winning actor, Russell Crowe....
Martin Crowe
Martin Crowe
Martin David Crowe is a former New Zealand cricketer. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1985, and was credited as one of the "best young batsmen in the world". Crowe represented New Zealand from the early 1980s until his retirement in 1996 as a right-handed batsman...
Craig Cumming
Craig Cumming
Craig Derek Cumming is a New Zealand cricketer. He has played for the New Zealand cricket team in One Day Internationals and Tests...
Bob Cunis
Bob Cunis
Robert Smith Cunis played 20 Test matches for New Zealand as a fast bowler between 1964 and 1972, and was later coach of the New Zealand national team from 1987 to 1990. His son Stephen plays cricket for Canterbury.Test Match Special commentator Alan Gibson once commented, "This is Cunis at the...
John D'Arcy
John D'Arcy
John William D'Arcy played five Tests for New Zealand on their tour of England in 1958....
Heath Davis
Heath Davis
Heath Te-Ihi-O-Te-Rangi Davis is a former New Zealand cricketer. He played five Tests and eleven One Day Internationals in the 1990s....
Richard de Groen
Richard de Groen
Richard Paul de Groen played five Tests and 12 One Day Internationals for New Zealand....
Stewie Dempster ·
Eric Dempster
Eric Dempster
Eric William Dempster is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in five Tests from 1953 to 1954....
Artie Dick
Artie Dick
Arthur Edward Dick played 17 Tests for New Zealand....
George Dickinson
George Dickinson
George Ritchie Dickinson played three tests for New Zealand. He also played five matches for the All Blacks in 1922.-Career:...
Martin Donnelly
Martin Donnelly (cricketer)
Martin Paterson Donnelly was a New Zealand Test cricketer and England Rugby Union player.Born in Ngaruawahia, New Zealand, Donnelly's twin brother Maurice died in the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918. His sporting talent emerged quickly and Donnelly became known for his batting and fielding skills, as...
Simon Doull
Simon Doull
Simon Blair Doull is a New Zealand radio personality, commentator and former international cricketer. He was a right arm medium pace swing bowler, and played in 32 Test matches and 42 One Day Internationals for the New Zealand national cricket team...
Graham Dowling
Graham Dowling
Graham Thorne Dowling is a former New Zealand cricketer who played 39 Test matches and captained New Zealand in 19 of them. Playing as a specialist right-handed batsman, usually an opener, he achieved moderate success, averaging 31 with the bat. His finest moment came when he made a nine-hour 239...
Chris Drum
Chris Drum
Christopher James Drum is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 5 ODIs from 1999 to 2002....
Jack Dunning
Jack Dunning
John Angus Dunning was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1933 to 1937....
Bruce Edgar
Bruce Edgar
Bruce Adrian Edgar was a cricketer from Wellington and one of the best batsmen New Zealand has ever produced. An accountant by profession, in the 1980s, he played 39 Tests and 64 One Day Internationals, altogether he played 175 first-class matches...
Jock Edwards ·
Grant Elliott
Grant Elliott
Grant David Elliott is a New Zealand cricketer. He is an all-rounder. He also plays for the Wellington Firebirds....
Ray Emery ·
Eric Fisher
Eric Fisher
Frederick Eric Fisher was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1953....
Stephen Fleming
Stephen Fleming
Stephen Paul Fleming ONZM is a New Zealand cricketer, and the former captain of the New Zealand national cricket team, known as the Black Caps, in Test and one-day cricket...
Daniel Flynn ·
Henry Foley ·
James Franklin ·
Trevor Franklin
Trevor Franklin
Trevor John Franklin has played 21 Tests and three One Day Internationals for New Zealand. He also play for Auckland cricket association...
Doug Freeman
Doug Freeman
Douglas Linford Freeman was a New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1933....
Peter Fulton
Peter Fulton
Peter Gordon Fulton nicknamed Two metre Peter, is a New Zealand cricketer who has recently broken into the New Zealand One Day side....
Norman Gallichan
Norman Gallichan
Norman Gallichan was a cricketer who played for Wellington and New Zealand....
Graham Gedye
Graham Gedye
Sydney Graham Gedye is a cricketer who played for Auckland and for New Zealand.A right-handed opening batsman, Graham Gedye played unobtrusively for Auckland for several seasons before coming into prominence with two centuries in the match against Central Districts in 1963-64.That performance...
Lee Germon
Lee Germon
Lee Kenneth Germon is a former New Zealand cricketer, wicket-keeper and captain. He played for the provinces of Canterbury and Otago and is remembered as the most successful Canterbury cricket captain of the modern era...
Mark Gillespie
Mark Gillespie (cricketer)
Mark Raymond Gillespie is a member of the New Zealand cricket team. He came to the selectors attention in the 2005-06 season with 43 wickets at 23.16 for Wellington...
Stu Gillespie ·
Evan Gray
Evan Gray
Evan Murdoch Stephen Gray is a proffessional hockey player for the Fredericton High School men's hockey team. He previously played for the LC Lions of the Fredericton Youth Hockey Association, where he was second in team scoring during the 2010-2011 season. He currently sports a 90% average in his...
Mark Greatbatch
Mark Greatbatch
Mark John Greatbatch was a New Zealand cricketer. He scored more than 2,000 runs in his 41 Tests for New Zealand...
Sammy Guillen
Sammy Guillen
Simpson Clairmonte Guillen is one of the few men to have played Test cricket for two countries...
Martin Guptill
Martin Guptill
Martin James Guptill is a New Zealand cricketer. He is a top-order batsman and has represented New Zealand in different age groups.-Early life:...
John Guy
John Guy (cricketer)
John William Guy played 12 Tests for New Zealand. He was born in Nelson, New Zealand & currently resides in Melbourne, Australia....
Dayle Hadlee
Dayle Hadlee
Dayle Robert Hadlee is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 26 Tests and 11 ODIs from 1969 to 1978....
Richard Hadlee
Richard Hadlee
Sir Richard John Hadlee, MBE is a former New Zealand cricketer who played provincial cricket for Canterbury, Nottinghamshire and Tasmania. He is the son of Walter Hadlee, and the brother of Dayle and Barry Hadlee. His former wife Karen also played international cricket for New Zealand.Hadlee was...
Walter Hadlee
Walter Hadlee
Walter Arnold Hadlee, CBE was a New Zealand cricketer and Test match captain. He played domestic first-class cricket for Canterbury and Otago. Three of his five sons, Sir Richard, Dayle and Barry played cricket for New Zealand...
Noel Harford
Noel Harford
Noel Sherwin Harford, born 30 August 1930 in Winton and died at Auckland on 30 March 1981, was a cricketer who played for Central Districts, Auckland and New Zealand....
Roy Harford
Roy Harford
Roy Ivan Harford is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 3 Tests against India in 1968.Harford played club cricket for Mitcham in Surrey before emigrating to New Zealand where he found himself playing first class cricket for Auckland...
Chris Harris
Chris Harris (cricketer)
Chris Zinzan Harris is a former New Zealand cricketer who had become, over the course of the 1990s, a folk-hero in New Zealand cricket....
Zin Harris
Zin Harris
Parke Gerald Zinzan "Zin" Harris was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 9 Tests between 1955 and 1965....
Roger Harris
Roger Harris
Roger Meredith Harris is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1959....
Matthew Hart
Matthew Hart
Matthew Norman Hart is a New Zealand cricketer. Hart, a left-arm orthodox spinner, played in 14 Tests between 1994 and 1996, claiming 29 wickets including one five-wicket haul against South Africa...
Robert Hart
Robert Hart (cricketer)
Robbie Hart is a New Zealand cricketer. He was the first choice Test wicket-keeper for the New Zealand cricket team after the retirement of Adam Parore....
Blair Hartland
Blair Hartland
Blair Robert Hartland is a former New Zealand cricketer who played nine Tests and 16 One Day Internationals for New Zealand...
Mark Haslam
Mark Haslam
Mark James Haslam is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 4 Tests and one ODI from 1992 to 1995.Mark Haslam is now the assistant principal of Kristin School, a private school on the North Shore of Auckland....
Brian Hastings ·
John Hayes
John Hayes (cricketer)
John Arthur "Johnny" Hayes was a cricketer who played 15 Tests for New Zealand. Primarily a fast bowler bowling late away-swingers with a high action, he took 30 wickets in Tests. Perhaps his finest moment was taking 11 wickets for the New Zealanders against MCC at Lord's in 1958.Hayes was born...
Matt Henderson
Matt Henderson
Matthew Henderson was a cricketer who played for Wellington and New Zealand.Henderson was a left-arm fast bowler and toured England with the 1927 team under Tom Lowry...
Gareth Hopkins ·
Matt Horne ·
Phil Horne
Phil Horne
Philip Andrew Horne is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 4 ODIs from 1987 to 1990. He also represented New Zealand in badminton at the 1990 Commonwealth Games....
Ken Hough ·
Jamie How
Jamie How
Jamie Michael How is a cricketer who plays Test match, One Day International and Twenty20 International cricket for New Zealand. He attended Palmerston North Boys' High School. In New Zealand domestic cricket, he plays for and captains Central Districts. How is a steady scoring, right-handed...
Geoff Howarth
Geoff Howarth
Geoffrey "Geoff" Philip Howarth OBE is a former New Zealand cricketer, who remains the only New Zealand captain to have positive win-loss records in both Test cricket and ODI cricket. Howarth played some Test cricket with his elder brother, Hedley Howarth, but most of his 47-Test career did not...
Hedley Howarth
Hedley Howarth
Hedley John Howarth was a former international cricketer who played 30 Tests and nine One Day Internationals for New Zealand. The elder brother of Geoff Howarth, former New Zealand captain, he was born and died in Auckland.-Biography:Howarth was an orthodox left-arm bowler who made his first class...
Peter Ingram
Peter Ingram
Peter John Ingram is a cricket player from New Zealand, who plays for Central Districts. He is a right-handed batsman who has enjoyed considerable success on the domestic scene in recent seasons. He is a right arm off spin bowler. He also plays for Taranaki in the Hawke Cup...
Ken James
Ken James (cricketer)
Kenneth Cecil James , was a cricketer who played for Wellington, Northamptonshire and New Zealand.A wicket-keeper and a useful batsman, James first played for Wellington in 1923 and came to England with the first New Zealand touring party in 1927 ostensibly as second string to Tom Lowry...
Terry Jarvis ·
Andrew Jones
Andrew Jones (cricketer)
Andrew Howard Jones is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 39 Tests and 87 ODIs from 1987 to 1995. He played for three provinces during his domestic career: Central Districts Stags, Otago Volts and Wellington Firebirds....
Richard Jones
Richard Jones (cricketer)
Richard Andrew Jones is a cricketer. He started well, captaining the New Zealand Under-19s cricket team in 1993/4. He went on to represent the full senior side in one Test match and five One Day Internationals. Representing Auckland in a match against Wellington, he scored a century - the day...
Robert Kennedy
Robert Kennedy (cricketer)
Robert John Kennedy is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in four Tests and seven One Day Internationals for New Zealand in 1996. His best international figures of 3/28 came on his Test debut against Zimbabwe, his first Test wicket was that of Andy Flower...
Jack Kerr
Jack Kerr
John Lambert Kerr was a New Zealand cricketer who played seven Tests for the New Zealand cricket team before the Second World War...
Chris Kuggeleijn
Chris Kuggeleijn
Christopher Mary Kuggeleijn played two Tests in 1988-89 and 16 One Day Internationals for New Zealand in 1988 and 1989....
Gavin Larsen
Gavin Larsen
Gavin Rolf Larsen is a former New Zealand cricketer who specialised in the art of economical bowling. He was known playfully by his team mates as "The Postman", as mentioned in Danny Morrison's biography, Mad As I Wanna Be...
Rodney Latham
Rodney Latham
Rodney Terry Latham played four Tests and also 33 One Day Internationals and he also played rugby for Canterbury. He was born in Christchurch....
Warren Lees
Warren Lees
Warren Kenneth Lees played 21 Tests and 31 One Day Internationals for New Zealand between 1976 and 1983, all as wicket-keeper....
Ian Leggat
Ian Leggat
Ian Bruce Leggat is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1954. In 1952-53 he and Harry Cave added 239 for the ninth wicket for the Central Districts against the Otago at Dunedin. He also played for Nelson in the Hawke Cup.Leggat was born in Invercargill, New Zealand. His...
Gordon Leggat
Gordon Leggat
John Gordon Leggat has played nine Tests for New Zealand in the 1950s. He died suddenly in 1973.His cousin, Ian Leggat, also played Test cricket for New Zealand....
Allen Lissette
Allen Lissette
Allen Fisher Lissette was a New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1956....
Greg Loveridge
Greg Loveridge
Greg Riaka Loveridge is a former cricketer who played one Test for New Zealand in 1996. Born in Palmerston North, Loveridge also played for Cambridge University and Manawatu in the Hawke Cup....
Tom Lowry
Tom Lowry
Thomas Coleman Lowry was a New Zealand cricketer. He played in the first seven Test matches that New Zealand ever played, captaining the team in all of them....
Brendon McCullum
Brendon McCullum
Brendon Barrie McCullum is a New Zealand international cricketer, who plays for the Otago Volts at provincial level. He is a wicket-keeper, as well as an aggressive batsman who opens in One-day Internationals and is known for his fast scoring rate...
Paul McEwan
Paul McEwan
Paul Ernest McEwan is a former Canterbury and New Zealand cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 17 ODIs from 1980 to 1985....
Tony MacGibbon
Tony MacGibbon
Anthony Roy MacGibbon, was a cricketer who played 26 Tests for New Zealand.MacGibbon was a useful lower-order right-hand batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler who led the attack for his country for most of the 1950s...
Herb McGirr
Herb McGirr
Herbert Mendelson McGirr was a New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1930.An all-rounder who had almost 20 years of first-class cricket with Wellington, McGirr was a middle or lower order batsman who hit the ball hard and a steady medium-paced bowler...
Noel McGregor
Noel McGregor
Spencer Noel McGregor was a Test cricketer who played 25 Test matches for New Zealand between 1954 and 1965. He was the New Zealand Almanack Player of the Year in 1968.McGregor was born in Dunedin, Otago...
Tim McIntosh
Tim McIntosh
Timothy Gavin McIntosh is a New Zealand cricketer who plays for the Auckland Aces. He had one unsuccessful season for the Canterbury Wizards averaging only 4.90. He was born in Auckland. He has also played for Scottish side, Greenock for season 2007–2008 performing admirably with five...
Eddie McLeod
Eddie McLeod
Edwin George McLeod was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1930....
Trevor McMahon
Trevor McMahon
Trevor George McMahon is a former New Zealand cricketer who played five Tests as a wicket-keeper in the 1955–56 - totalling seven runs in seven innings. He played a total 37 first class matches in his entire career, with a highest score of 42 and a batting average just under 10.-References:...
Craig McMillan
Craig McMillan
Craig Douglas McMillan is a former New Zealand international cricketer at Test, One Day International and Twenty20 level. He was a right-handed batsman and useful right-arm medium pace bowler and played for Canterbury in New Zealand first-class cricket...
Don McRae ·
Hamish Marshall
Hamish Marshall
Hamish John Hamilton Marshall is a New Zealand cricketer. He is the identical twin brother of James Marshall. Hamish and James became the second pair of twins to play Test cricket, and are the first identical pair.Marshall, a middle-order batsman, made his Test debut against South Africa in...
James Marshall
James Marshall (cricketer)
James Andrew Hamilton Marshall is a New Zealand cricketer. He is the identical twin brother of Hamish Marshall.The versatile James Marshall can play as both opener and middle-order batsman...
Chris Martin
Chris Martin (cricketer)
Christopher Stewart "Chris" Martin is a New Zealand cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler, Martin now plays provincial cricket for Auckland, having formerly played for the Canterbury Wizards...
Michael Mason ·
Mal Matheson
Mal Matheson
Alexander Malcolm Matheson was a New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests from 1930 to 1931....
Trevor Meale
Trevor Meale
Trevor Meale was a New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1958. Meale was born in Papatoetoe, Auckland and died in Orewa, Auckland....
Bill Merritt ·
Ted Meuli
Ted Meuli
Edgar Milton Meuli was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1953. Meuli also played for Taranaki in the Hawke Cup....
Barry Milburn
Barry Milburn
Barry Douglas Milburn was a cricketer who played three Tests for New Zealand in 1969.Milburn was a lower-order right-handed batsman and a competent wicketkeeper who played for Otago from 1963 to 1983...
Lawrie Miller
Lawrie Miller
Lawrence Somerville Martin Miller was a cricketer who played for Central Districts, Wellington and New Zealand....
John Mills
John Mills (cricketer)
John Ernest 'Jackie' Mills was a New Zealand cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1930 to 1933....
Kyle Mills
Kyle Mills
Kyle David Mills is a New Zealand cricketer. Kyle is right-arm pace bowler who can also score quick runs in the later stages of one day innings; in October 2009 he reached his peak position of 1st on the Reliance Mobile ICC ODI Bowling Rankings.Having been injured in Australia in February 2007,...
Alex Moir
Alex Moir
Alexander McKenzie Moir played 17 Tests for New Zealand in the 1950s.He is one of only two bowlers to have bowled consecutive overs in a Test innings; this occurred on 28 March 1951, the fourth day of the Wellington Test, on either side of the tea interval...
Sonny Moloney
Sonny Moloney
Denis Andrew Robert "Sonny" Moloney . He played three Tests for New Zealand in their 1937 tour of England. He was killed in the Second World War.-External links:*...
Frank Mooney
Frank Mooney
Francis Leonard Hugh Mooney was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 14 Tests from 1949 to 1954....
Ross Morgan
Ross Morgan
Ross Winston Morgan is a former New Zealand cricketer. He played 20 Tests for New Zealand. He was a good batsman and bowler scoring 97 in his second Test against Pakistan in Christchurch in 1965. He was dropped after New Zealand's tour of the West Indies in 1972....
Bruce Morrison
Bruce Morrison (cricketer)
Bruce Donald Morrison is a former New Zealand cricketer.-Career highlights:Morrison, who bowled right arm medium pace but was a left-handed tail-end Batsman first appeared for his local side, Hutt Valley, in an away game at Nelson in the Hawke Cup .Aged 20, he made his first class debut for...
Danny Morrison
Danny Morrison (cricketer)
Daniel Kyle Morrison is a former New Zealand cricketer . He specialised as a pace bowler with a useful outswinger. He made his test debut for New Zealand in 1987 at the age of 21 against Australia....
John Morrison
John Morrison (cricketer)
John Francis Maclean Morrison, MNZM played 17 Tests and 18 One Day Internationals for New Zealand. Since retiring from playing he has worked as a commentator and in local body politics, including serving on the Wellington City Council.He was greatly known for his dribbly spin bowling, including...
Dick Motz
Dick Motz
Richard Charles Motz was a New Zealand cricketer. A right-arm fast bowler and hard-hitting lower order batsman, Motz played 32 Test matches for the New Zealand cricket team between 1961 and 1969....
Bruce Murray
Bruce Murray (cricketer)
Bruce Alexander Grenfell Murray played 13 Tests for New Zealand. He is one of just three players to have taken a Test wicket without conceding a run, giving him a bowling average of 0.00, having bowled 6 balls during a match against India in 1968.- Post-Sports Activities :Following his cricketing...
Darrin Murray
Darrin Murray
Darrin James Murray is a retired cricketer. He played eight Tests and one One Day International for New Zealand, all in the 1994/95 season. After retirement he became an accountant....
Dion Nash
Dion Nash
Dion Joseph Nash played for the New Zealand cricket team, captaining the team in 1999 with the injury of regular captain Stephen Fleming...
Jack Newman ·
Iain O'Brien
Iain O'Brien
Iain Edward O'Brien is a New Zealand cricketer who specialises in pace bowling. He also plays for Wellington, Leicestershire County Cricket Club and recently, the Middlesex County Cricket Club....
Shayne O'Connor
Shayne O'Connor
Shayne Barry O'Connor played 19 Tests and 38 One Day Internationals for New Zealand, he retired from all cricket after the 2003 Cricket World Cup.O'Connor also played for Central Otago in the Hawke Cup....
Jacob Oram
Jacob Oram
Jacob David Philip Oram is a New Zealand cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler. His abilities with both bat and ball has made him a regular fixture in the current New Zealand International sides...
David O'Sullivan
David O'Sullivan
David Robert O'Sullivan played 11 Tests and three One Day Internationals for New Zealand....
Guy Overton
Guy Overton
Guy William Fitzroy Overton played three Tests for New Zealand....
Michael Owens ·
Curly Page
Curly Page
Milford Laurenson "Curly" Page was a cricketer who played for New Zealand and Canterbury. He was New Zealand's second Test captain, and captained 7 of the Tests in which he played...
Michael Papps
Michael Papps
Michael Hugh William Papps is a New Zealand right-handed opening batsman and wicket-keeper. He was born in Christchurch.Papps was selected for the one-day series against South Africa in 2003–04 to solve New Zealand's long-running search for a capable opening batsman to partner Stephen...
John Parker
John Parker (cricketer)
John Morton Parker is a former New Zealand cricketer. He played 36 Test matches and 24 ODIs for New Zealand, also serving as interim captain in the third Test against Pakistan in 1976/77. However, his career was largely unsuccessful, and a string of poor scores in the late 1970s saw him dropped...
Murray Parker
Murray Parker
Norman Murray Parker is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 3 Tests and one ODI during 1976. His brother John also played for New Zealand and was in the team with Murray for his four international matches...
Adam Parore
Adam Parore
Adam Craig Parore is a former wicket-keeper and batsman for the New Zealand cricket team. He played 78 Test cricket matches for New Zealand and 179 One Day International cricket matches...
Dipak Patel
Dipak Patel
Dipak Narshibhai Patel played 37 Tests and 75 One Day Internationals for the New Zealand cricket team....
Jeetan Patel
Jeetan Patel
Jeetan Shashi Patel is a New Zealand cricketer of Indian descent. Patel is a right arm off spin bowler. He plays domestic cricket for the Wellington Firebirds and has represented the New Zealand Black Caps in One Day Internationals, Twenty20 matches, and Test cricket.Patel was earmarked as a...
Peter Petherick
Peter Petherick
Peter James Petherick is a former off-spinner who represented New Zealand in cricket. He is one of two New Zealand bowlers to achieve a hat-trick in Test matches. He is one of only three players, along with Maurice Allom and Damien Fleming, to have taken a hat-trick on Test debut...
Eric Petrie
Eric Petrie
Eric Charlton Petrie was a New Zealand cricketer who played 14 Tests for New Zealand from 1955 to 1966 as a wicket-keeper....
Bill Playle
Bill Playle
William Rodger Playle is a former New Zealand cricketer who played eight Tests for New Zealand, making 151 runs in eight Tests as a specialist batsman. All his Tests were against England, and he only passed 25 once - scoring 65 in a lost cause at Wellington in 1962–63...
Blair Pocock
Blair Pocock
Blair Andrew Pocock is a New Zealand cricket player who played 15 Tests for his national side. He was born in Papakura, New Zealand....
Vic Pollard
Vic Pollard
Victor Pollard is a former dual cricket and football player who represented New Zealand at international level.-Cricket career:...
Matt Poore
Matt Poore
Matt Beresford Poore is a former international cricketer who played Tests for New Zealand in the 1950s. He was born in Christchurch....
Mark Priest
Mark Priest
Mark Wellings Priest is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 18 ODIs from 1990 to 1998....
Chris Pringle
Chris Pringle
Christopher Pringle is a former New Zealand cricketer. A fast bowler who played 14 Tests and 64 One Day Internationals for New Zealand between 1990 and 1995....
Tom Puna
Tom Puna
Narotam "Tom" Puna was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1966....
Geoff Rabone
Geoff Rabone
Geoffrey Osborne Rabone was a cricketer who captained New Zealand in five Test matches in 1953-54 and 1954-55....
Aaron Redmond
Aaron Redmond
Aaron James Redmond is an Australian-born New Zealand international cricketer. He was a member of the Otago cricket team, competing in the State Championship, State Shield and State Twenty20 competitions in 2006. Redmond is a right-handed batsman who debuted for Canterbury in the 1999/2000 season,...
Rodney Redmond
Rodney Redmond
Rodney Ernest Redmond is a New Zealand cricket player. He scored a century and a fifty in his only Test, against Pakistan in 1972-73, giving him a Test batting average of 81.50. He also played two One Day Internationals...
John Fulton Reid
John Fulton Reid
John Fulton Reid is a former New Zealand cricketer. He was born in Auckland.Reid played in 19 Tests and 25 One Day Internationals between 1979 and 1986. His Test average was 46.28 and included six Test centuries...
John Reid
John Richard Reid
John Richard Reid was a New Zealand cricketer who captained New Zealand in 34 Tests. He was the country's first cricketing leader to achieve victory, both at home against the West Indies in 1956 and the first away win, against South Africa in 1962...
Mark Richardson
Mark Richardson (cricketer)
Mark Hunter Richardson is a former New Zealand cricketer. He was a left-handed opening batsman. He represented New Zealand in 38 Tests from 2000 to 2004. During his cricketing career he played for Auckland, Buckinghamshire and Otago. His nickname, "Rigor", is short for Rigor mortis, given to him...
Andrew Roberts
Andrew Roberts (cricketer)
Andrew Duncan Glenn Roberts in Te Aroha was a New Zealand cricketer who died suddenly at the age of 42. Roberts also played for Bay of Plenty in the Hawke Cup....
Alby Roberts
Alby Roberts
Albert William Roberts was a New Zealand cricketer who played in five Tests from 1930 to 1937....
Gary Robertson ·
Gordon Rowe
Gordon Rowe
Charles Gordon Rowe was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1946 against Australia he was dismissed for a pair, being bowled by Bill O'Reilly in both innings....
Ken Rutherford
Ken Rutherford (cricketer)
Kenneth Robert Rutherford is a former New Zealand cricketer who enjoyed a ten-year career with the national team, and was captain for a period. Aged 19, with a solitary first class season behind him, he was asked to open the batting for New Zealand against West Indies when the latter were at the...
Jesse Ryder
Jesse Ryder
Jesse Daniel Ryder is a New Zealand cricketer. He is a middle-order batsman for Tests and is an opening batsman in ODIs. Ryder also bowls useful medium-pace. He has previously represented his country in the Under-19 Cricket World Cup of 2002...
Roy Scott
Roy Scott
Roy Hamilton Scott was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1947....
Verdun Scott
Verdun Scott
Verdun John Scott, born 31 July 1916 and died at Devonport, New Zealand on 2 August 1980, was a sportsman who represented New Zealand in both Test cricket and rugby league. As of 2011 he is the only player to have done so.-Rugby league career:...
David Sewell
David Sewell
David Graham Sewell is a New Zealand cricketer. He played one Test match for New Zealand in 1997. He is a former member of the Otago team and he plays for North Otago in the Hawke Cup....
Mike Shrimpton
Mike Shrimpton
Michael John Froud Shrimpton is a former cricketer who played for New Zealand, Central Districts Stags and Northern Districts Knights....
Barry Sinclair
Barry Sinclair
Barry Whitley Sinclair is a former New Zealand cricketer who played 21 Test matches as a specialist batsman. Sinclair scored three of his six first-class centuries in Tests, yet failed to win a single match with New Zealand...
Ian Sinclair
Ian Sinclair (cricketer)
Ian McKay Sinclair is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in two Tests in 1956. He also played for the Canterbury Country in the Hawke Cup competition. He was born in Rangiora, Canterbury....
Mathew Sinclair
Mathew Sinclair
Mathew Stuart Sinclair is an Australian-born New Zealand cricketer. He is a right-handed middle order batsman who has also opened the innings...
Brun Smith
Brun Smith
Frank Brunton Smith was a New Zealand cricketer who played in four Tests from 1947 to 1952. He was the son of Canterbury Wizards cricketer Frank Smith....
Dennis Smith
Dennis Smith (cricketer)
Horace Dennis Smith was a New Zealand cricketer who played in one Test in 1933....
Ian Smith ·
Colin Snedden
Colin Snedden
Colin Alexander Snedden was a New Zealand cricketer. Born in Auckland, he played first-class cricket for Auckland and played in one Test for the New Zealand cricket team against England, at Christchurch in March 1947. Five other New Zealanders made their debut in the same match...
Martin Snedden
Martin Snedden
Martin Colin Snedden played 25 Tests, between 1981 and 1990, and 93 One Day Internationals, between 1980 and 1990, for New Zealand...
Tim Southee ·
John Sparling
John Sparling
John Trevor Sparling is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 11 Tests from 1958 to 1964.A stocky, fair-haired, off-spinning all-rounder, Sparling was coached in Auckland by Jim Laker and broke into the Auckland team at the age of 18...
Craig Spearman
Craig Spearman
Craig Murray Spearman played 19 Tests and 51 One Day Internationals for New Zealand from 1995 - 2001.A right-handed opening batsman, Spearman made his international debut for New Zealand in a Test Match in December 1995 against Pakistan at Christchurch...
Gary Stead
Gary Stead
Gary Raymond Stead is a New Zealand cricketer who played in 5 Tests in 1999.A top-order batsman, Stead played five Tests in nine months in 1999, averaging 34.75 and never being dismissed in single figures...
Derek Stirling
Derek Stirling
Derek Alexander Stirling is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 6 ODIs from 1984 to 1986....
Scott Styris
Scott Styris
Scott Bernardo Styris is an Australian-born New Zealand cricketer. An allrounder, Styris is an aggressive right-handed middle order batsman and a right-arm medium pace bowler....
Murphy Su'a ·
Bert Sutcliffe
Bert Sutcliffe
Bert Sutcliffe MBE was a New Zealand Test cricketer. Sutcliffe was a successful left-hand batsman. His batting achievements on tour in England in 1949, which included four fifties and a century in the Tests, earned him the accolade of being one of Wisden's Five Cricketers of the Year...
Bruce Taylor
Bruce Taylor (cricketer)
Bruce Richard Taylor scored 105 and took 5-86 for New Zealand on Test debut against India at Calcutta in 1964-65, the only man to have completed this feat. Taylor, who had never scored a first-class century before, came in at No...
Don Taylor
Don Taylor (cricketer)
Donald Dougald Taylor was a New Zealand cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1947 to 1956. He achieved a world record of over 200 runs for the opening with his batting partner Bert Sutcliffe. His nickname was "Bloke", because of his frequent use of the word....
Ross Taylor
Ross Taylor
Luteru Ross Poutoa Lote Taylor , abbreviated in cricket scorecards to LRPL Taylor, but more commonly known as Ross Taylor, is a New Zealand cricketer and the current captain, preferred ahead of wicketkeeper Brendon McCullum. He has also captained the New Zealand Under-19 side in youth internationals...
Keith Thomson
Keith Thomson
Keith Thomson is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1968, both of these were against India, he made his Test debut at Christchurch where he scored 69 and 0*. His second, and final, Test came a week later at Wellington where he scored 25 and 0.-External links:*...
Shane Thomson
Shane Thomson
Shane Alexander Thomson is a former New Zealand cricketer. He played 19 Tests and 56 One Day Internationals for New Zealand. He was dropped by the national selectors after the 1996 Cricket World Cup....
Eric Tindill
Eric Tindill
Eric William Thomas Tindill was a New Zealand sportsman. Tindill held a number of unique records: he was the oldest ever Test cricketer at the time of his death, the only person to play Tests for New Zealand in both cricket and rugby union , and the only person ever to play Tests in both sports,...
Gary Troup
Gary Troup
Gary Bertram Troup is a New Zealand former cricketer and local politician who played 15 Tests and 22 One Day Internationals for New Zealand.-Cricket career:Troup made his Test debut for the New Zealand on 18 November 1976 against India...
Peter Truscott
Peter Truscott
Peter Bennetts Truscott, born at Pahiatua, Manawatu, New Zealand on 14 August 1941, was a cricketer who played one Test for New Zealand in 1965.Truscott was a right-handed batsman who had a brief first-class career, lasting just five years...
Daryl Tuffey
Daryl Tuffey
Daryl Raymond Tuffey is a New Zealand cricketer who has represented New Zealand at Test and ODI level, and plays domestic first class cricket for Northern Districts Knights. He is playfully known as Daryl "Huffy-Puffy" Tuffey by his Northern Districts team mates due to his heavy breathing when...
Glenn Turner
Glenn Turner
Glenn Maitland Turner played cricket for New Zealand and was one of the country's best and most prolific batsmen. He is the current head of the New Zealand Cricket selection panel....
Roger Twose
Roger Twose
Roger Graham Twose played 16 Tests and 87 One Day Internationals for New Zealand in the mid-1990s.Born in England, Twose moved to play in New Zealand in 1991-92, as it became clear he would struggle to ever force his way into the England side...
Robert Vance
Robert Vance
Robert Howard Vance in Wellington was a New Zealand cricketer. He played in four Tests and eight One Day Internationals for New Zealand.Vance was born into a cricketing family; his father, R.A...
Justin Vaughan
Justin Vaughan
Justin Thomas Caldwell Vaughan played 6 Tests and 18 One Day Internationals and is a doctor of medicine. In April 2007 he was appointed to the position of Chief Executive of New Zealand Cricket and commenced in that position on 5 June 2007, taking over from Martin Snedden...
Daniel Vettori
Daniel Vettori
Daniel Luca Vettori ONZM is a cricketer for the New Zealand cricket team. He is the eighth player in Test history to take 300 wickets and score 3,000 runs. He is the youngest player to have represented New Zealand in Test cricket, having made his debut in 1996–97 at the age of 18...
Lou Vincent
Lou Vincent
Lou Vincent is a professional New Zealand cricketer. He has represented New Zealand in Test match, One Day International and Twenty20 International cricket as well as playing for Auckland in New Zealand domestic cricket and Worcestershire and Lancashire in English domestic cricket.-Early and...
Graham Vivian
Graham Vivian
Graham Ellery Vivian is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 5 Tests and one ODI from 1965 to 1972.Vivian was born in Auckland. His father, Giff Vivian, played 7 Tests for New Zealand in the 1930s....
Giff Vivian
Giff Vivian
Henry Gifford Vivian was a New Zealand cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1931 to 1937. His son Graham, also played for the Black Caps....
Ken Wadsworth
Ken Wadsworth
Kenneth John Wadsworth was a New Zealand cricketer who played 33 Tests and 13 One Day Internationals for New Zealand as a wicket-keeper. Wadsworth scored over 1,000 runs and dismissed nearly 100 batsmen as New Zealand's regular wicket-keeper between 1969–70 and 1975–76...
Brooke Walker
Brooke Walker
Brooke Graeme Keith Walker is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in five Tests and 11 One Day International, he retired from all cricket in 2005. He was born in Auckland....
Merv Wallace
Merv Wallace
Walter Mervyn Wallace was a New Zealand cricketer and Test match captain. Former New Zealand captain John Reid called him "The most under-rated cricketer to have worn the silver fern." He was nicknamed "Flip" by his teammates, because that was the strongest expletive they heard him say.Wallace...
Kerry Walmsley
Kerry Walmsley
Kerry Peter Walmsley played three Tests and two One Day Internationals for New Zealand....
John Ward
John Ward (cricketer)
John Thomas Ward is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 8 Tests from 1964 to 1968. He was born in Timaru, Canterbury....
BJ Watling ·
Willie Watson
Willie Watson (New Zealand cricketer)
William Watson played 15 Tests and 61 One Day Internationals for New Zealand....
Les Watt ·
Murray Webb
Murray Webb
Murray George Webb is a respected New Zealand caricature artist. Based in Dunedin, his usual subjects are sports icons....
Peter Webb
Peter Webb (cricketer)
Peter Neil Webb is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 5 ODIs from 1980 to 1984.-References:...
Lindsay Weir
Lindsay Weir (cricketer)
Gordon Lindsay Weir played 11 Tests for New Zealand. He was known as Dad Weir. He was the world's oldest Test cricketer upon his death.-References:...
David White
David White (cricketer)
David John White is a former New Zealand cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 3 ODIs in 1990 and played 99 first-class matches for Northern Districts. White also played for Poverty Bay and the Bay of Plenty in the Hawke Cup. He was born in Gisborne....
Paul Whitelaw
Paul Whitelaw
Paul Erskine Whitelaw, born on 10 February 1910 and died at Auckland on 28 August 1988, was a cricketer who played for Auckland and New Zealand....
Kane Williamson
Kane Williamson
Kane Stuart Williamson is a New Zealand Test cricketer. He plays for Northern Districts, making his first-class debut in December 2007...
Paul Wiseman
Paul Wiseman
Paul John Wiseman is a New Zealand cricketer, more specifically an off spin bowler. "Wiz", as he is nicknamed, was educated at the Long Bay College and can generate a fair amount of turn and he appears to be able to bowl a good line and length...
John Wright
John Wright (cricketer)
John Geoffrey Wright is a former international cricketer representing - and captaining - New Zealand, and, following his retirement in 1993, coaching the Indian national cricket team from 2000 to 2005. He made his international debut in 1978 against England...
Bryan Young
Bryan Young (cricketer)
Bryan Andrew Young is a cricketer who has played 35 Tests and 74 One Day Internationals for New Zealand. He is perhaps most well known for pocketing the ball after taking a catch while fielding in the slips....
Bryan Yuile
Bryan Yuile
Bryan William Yuile is a cricketer. He played 17 Test Matches for the New Zealand national team in the 1960s....
- See also List of Pakistan Test cricketers
Aamer Malik
Aamer Malik
Aamer Malik is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 14 Tests and 24 ODIs from 1987 to 1994. In 1987 he took over from Ray Berry as the professional at Hyde CC, playing in the Central Lancashire League....
Aamer Nazir
Aamer Nazir
Aamer Nazir is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 9 ODIs from 1993 to 1995....
Aamer Sohail
Aamer Sohail
Aamer Sohail is a former professional Pakistani cricketer and PCB Chief Selector. With Saeed Anwar, he formed one of the best opening combinations Pakistan has ever had....
Aaqib Javed
Aaqib Javed
Aaqib Javed is a Pakistani cricketer and coach. He was a right-handed medium-fast pace bowler with the ability to swing the ball both ways. He played 22 Tests and 163 One Day Internationals for Pakistan between 1988 and 1998.He was educated at Islamia College Lahore.Aaqib's best performances in...
Abdul Kadir ·
Abdul Qadir
Abdul Qadir (cricketer)
Abdul Qadir Khan is a former Pakistani international cricketer, later commentator and was recently the Chief Selector of Pakistan Cricket Board. He resigned from the post because of his differences with the top brass of Pakistan cricket board...
Abdul Razzaq ·
Abdur Rauf ·
Abdur Rehman ·
Afaq Hussain
Afaq Hussain
Afaq Hussain was a Pakistani cricketer who played in two Tests from 1961 to 1964....
Aftab Baloch
Aftab Baloch
Aftab Baloch is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in two Tests from 1969 to 1975. A right-handed middle order batsman and capable right arm offbreak bowler, Baloch is best known for being a member of the 400 club....
Aftab Gul
Aftab Gul
Aftab Gul Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 1969 to 1971....
Agha Saadat Ali
Agha Saadat Ali
Agha Saadat Ali was a Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1955....
Agha Zahid
Agha Zahid
Agha Zahid is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1975....
Aizaz Cheema
Aizaz Cheema
Aizaz bin Ilyas Cheema known as Aizaz Cheema is an international cricketer from Pakistan. He was part of the bronze medal winning team at the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, China.-2010:...
Akram Raza
Akram Raza
Mohammad Akram Raza is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 49 ODIs from 1989 to 1995....
Alimuddin ·
Ali Hussain Rizvi
Ali Hussain Rizvi
Ali Hussain Rizvi is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1997. A leg spin bowler, he took two wickets in his only appearance....
Ali Naqvi ·
Amir Elahi
Amir Elahi
Amir Elahi was one of the fourteen cricketers who have played Test cricket for more than one country. Born in Lahore, Pakistan, he played one Test for India. After Pakistan acquired Test match status in 1952-3, he played 5 Tests for Pakistan as a leg break googly bowler with modest success...
Anil Dalpat
Anil Dalpat
Anil Dalpat or Anil Dalpat Sonavaria was the first Hindu ever to play Test cricket for Pakistan. Dalpat was a lower-order batsman and wicket keeper, and represented Pakistan for a brief interval in the early 1980s, when Wasim Bari was injured...
Anwar Hussain ·
Anwar Khan ·
Arif Butt
Arif Butt
Arif Butt Born in Lahore, Punjab, Butt made his first-class debut for Lahore against Punjab University at the age of 16. Four years later he was chosen to tour Australia, making his Test debut in the only test of the tour at Melbourne he took 6-89 in the first innings, becoming the first Pakistani...
Arshad Khan
Arshad Khan
Arshad Khan is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm off break bowler....
Ashfaq Ahmed
Ashfaq Ahmed (cricketer)
Ashfaq Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 3 ODIs in 1993....
Ashraf Ali
Ashraf Ali
Ashraf Ali is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 8 Tests and 16 ODIs from 1980 to 1987.He was a wicketkeeper batsman.His brother Saadat Ali held the national record of maximum first-class runs in a calendar year for Lahore gymkhana....
Asif Iqbal
Asif Iqbal (cricketer)
Asif Iqbal Razvi is a Pakistani cricketer who captained Pakistan and Kent CCC. He is now an ICC Match Referee....
Asif Masood
Asif Masood
Syed Asif Masood Shah is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 16 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1969 to 1977...
Asif Mujtaba
Asif Mujtaba
Mohammad Asif Mujtaba is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 25 Tests and 66 ODIs from 1986 to 1997. He is best known for hitting a Steve Waugh full toss on the last ball in an ODI at Hobart in 1992-93 for six, when Pakistan needed 7 runs to win, thereby tying the match...
Asim Kamal
Asim Kamal
Mohammad Asim Kamal is a test cricketer for the national team of Pakistan who scored 99 against South Africa on his Test debut....
Not to be confused with Prof. Atta ur RahmanAta-ur-Rehman is a Pakistani cricketer who played in 13 Tests and 30 ODIs from 1992 to 1996. He is tall and well built, bowling right-arm fast medium with a good control of line and length and the ability to move the old ball...
Atif Rauf
Atif Rauf
Atif Rauf is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test against New Zealand in 1994. A right-handed batsman and occasional off spin bowler, he scored 16 and 9 in his only appearance.-References:...
Atiq-uz-Zaman is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a wicketkeeper. He played in one Test match in March 2000. He has played for a number of first-class sides in Pakistan as well as playing club cricket for St Annes CC in Lancashire...
Azam Khan
Azam Khan (cricketer)
Mohammad Azam Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 6 ODIs from 1996 to 1998.He is currently coaching cricket at Hill park cricket academy and Customs cricket academy in Karachi where he has found talent in likes of Owais Tariq,Zeeshan Latif,Munis Shazad,Hassan...
Azeem Hafeez
Azeem Hafeez
Raja Azeem Hafeez was a Pakistani cricketer. A fast bowler, Hafeez was perhaps better known for his birth defect: he has two fingers missing on his right hand. Hafeez never established himself in the Pakistani team, predominantly because of the strength of its fast bowling at that time, anchored...
Azhar Ali
Azhar Ali
Syed Azhar Ali Urdu: سید اظہر علی is a right-handed Pakistan-born Omani cricketer who bowls a right-arm offbreak. He played for the 2005 ICC Trophy.-References:...
Azhar Khan
Azhar Khan
Mohammad Azhar Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1980....
Azhar Mahmood
Azhar Mahmood
Azhar Mahmood Sagar is a Pakistani cricketer, . Originally his father objected to his interest in cricket, but later started to appreciate it seeing his accomplishments. As a teenager, Azhar was mentored by Irfan Bhatti who played a One Day International for Pakistan in the early 90’s...
Azmat Rana
Azmat Rana
Azmat Rana is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 2 ODIs in 1980....
Basit Ali
Basit Ali
Basit Ali is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 19 Tests and 50 ODIs from 1993 to 1996. He was recognized by many to have a similar batting style as Javed Miandad. A right-hander, he has the relatively uncommon statistic of having a higher ODI than Test batting average...
Bazid Khan
Bazid Khan
Bazid Khan is a Pakistani cricketer. He comes from a famous cricketing family, with his grandfather Jahangir Khan having represented British India before the partition of India and his father Majid , and uncles Imran Khan and Javed Burki having all captained Pakistan.With a combination of an...
Danish Kaneria
Danish Kaneria
Danish Prabha Shanker Kaneria is a Pakistani cricketer . Danish Kaneria has continued the tradition of great Pakistani leg spin bowlers and possesses a very well disguised googly...
Antao D'Souza
Antao D'Souza
Antao D'Souza is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in six Tests from 1959 to 1962. He was the fourth Christian to play Test cricket for Pakistan. He was a medium pace bowler and tail-end obdurate batsman. D'Souza toured England in 1962, heading the batting averages as he remained not out...
Ehteshamuddin is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in five Tests from 1979 to 1982.A right-arm medium paced bowler who relied on accuracy rather than pace, Ehteshamuddin toured India with the Pakistan side that played six Tests in 1979-80, and was picked for three of them, the first, fourth...
Faisal Iqbal
Faisal Iqbal
Faisal Iqbal is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and occasional right-arm medium-pace bowler.-Early Life and Family:...
Farhan Adil
Farhan Adil
Farhan Adil is a former Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler....
Farooq Hamid
Farooq Hamid
Farooq Hamid is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1964....
Farrukh Zaman
Farrukh Zaman
Farrukh Zaman is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1976....
Fawad Alam
Fawad Alam
Fawad Alam is a Pakistani first-class cricketer. He is primarily a left-handed batsman but bowls handy slow left-arm orthodox. His father Tariq had a long first class career in Pakistan.- Career :...
Fazal Mahmood
Fazal Mahmood
Fazal Mahmood was a Pakistani cricketer, regarded as the finest pace bowler of his country's early years. He played in 34 Test matches and took 139 wickets at a bowling average of 24.70...
Fazl-e-Akbar Durrani is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Mohammed Ghazali
Mohammed Ghazali
Mohammad Ebrahim Zainuddin 'Ebbu' Ghazali was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1954. In his second Test, at Old Trafford he was dismissed for a pair within two hours, the fastest in Test history....
Ghulam Abbas
Ghulam Abbas (cricketer)
Ghulam Abbas is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1967....
Gul Mohammad
Gul Mohammad
Gul Mohammad , sometimes referred to as Gul Mahomed, played Test cricket for India and Pakistan....
Hanif Mohammad
Hanif Mohammad
Hanif Mohammad is a former Pakistan cricketer. He played for the Pakistani cricket team in 55 Test matches between 1952/53 and 1969/70 and averaged 43.98, with twelve hundreds....
Haroon Rashid
Haroon Rashid (cricketer)
Haroon Rasheed Dar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 23 Tests and 12 ODIs from 1977 to 1983. He has also remained the manager of the Pakistan Cricket team and has been credited with the discovery of Waqar Younis and Shahid Khan Afridi....
Hasan Raza
Hasan Raza
Hasan Raza is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler. He initially was subject to something of a claim for an international cricketing record, as his debut performance was believed to have taken place at the age of 14 years and 227 days, then a...
Haseeb Ahsan
Haseeb Ahsan
Haseeb Ahsan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1958 to 1962....
Humayun Farhat
Humayun Farhat
Humayun Farhat is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and wicketkeeper. He is one of two brothers to have played test cricket for Pakistan.-Domestic:...
Iftikhar Anjum
Iftikhar Anjum
Rao Iftikhar Anjum is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler. Rao can be recognised by his unnaturally slim build and his "puffing" bowling action...
Ijaz Ahmed ·
Ijaz Ahmed jnr
Ijaz Ahmed jnr
Ijaz Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1995 and 2 ODIs in 1997....
Ijaz Butt
Ijaz Butt
Mohammed Ijaz Butt is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1959 to 1962...
Ijaz Faqih
Ijaz Faqih
Ijaz Faqih is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 27 ODIs from 1980 to 1988....
Imran Farhat
Imran Farhat
Imran Farhat is a Pakistani cricketer who has played over 30 Tests and One Day Internationals for Pakistan, opening the batting in most of his international innings.-Career:...
Imran Khan
Imran Khan
Imran Khan Niazi is a Pakistani politician and former Pakistani cricketer, playing international cricket for two decades in the late twentieth century. After retiring, he entered politics...
Imran Nazir
Imran Nazir
Imran Nazir is a Pakistani right handed batsman in cricket who represented the Pakistan national cricket team in Test cricket, One Day International and Twenty20 cricket matches.-Career:...
Imtiaz Ahmed ·
Intikhab Alam
Intikhab Alam
Intikhab Alam Khan is a retired Pakistani cricketer who played in 47 Tests and 4 ODIs from 1959 to 1977. He also played in English county cricket for Surrey between 1969 and 1981....
Inzamam-ul-Haq , also known as Inzamam, nicknamed Inzy, is a former Pakistan international cricketer who was national captain between 2003 and 2007. He is a right-handed batsman who has been regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of his era...
Iqbal Qasim
Iqbal Qasim
Mohammad Iqbal Qasim is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 50 Tests and 15 ODIs from 1976 to 1988.Qasim ended his career with 171 wickets in his 50 Test matches, at approximately 3.5 wickets a match. His accurate bowling saw his economy rate at a low 2.21...
Irfan Fazil
Irfan Fazil
Mohammad Irfan Fazil is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler. He has played in one Test match, and in the 2004/05 season he switched to Twenty20 cricket....
Israr Ali
Israr Ali
Israr Ali was a member of Pakistan's first Test team that played against India in 1952. Born in Jalandhar, British India, he played in just 4 Tests as a top order batsman early in his career before playing as a lower order batsman and opening bowler. He also picked up 9 wickets in a First Class...
Jalal-ud-Din ·
Javed Akhtar
Javed Akhtar (cricketer)
Javed Akhtar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1962. An off spinner, he had success at first-class level, taking his wickets at an average of 18.17, but struggled in his only Test, failing to take a wicket.He later became an umpire, standing in 18 Tests and 40 ODIs from...
Javed Burki
Javed Burki
Javed Burki is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 25 Tests from 1960 to 1969 to eventually become an ICC match referee. Burki received his early education from St. Mary's Academy, Rawalpindi and Aitchison College, Lahore...
Javed Miandad
Javed Miandad
Mohammad Javed Miandad Khan , popularly known as Javed Miandad , is a former Pakistani cricketer who played between 1975 and 1996. He is Pakistan's leading run scorer in Test cricket. He has served as a captain of the Pakistan national cricket team...
Junaid Khan
Junaid Khan
Mohammad Junaid Khan commonly known as Junaid Khan is a Pakistani international cricketer who bowls left arm medium-fast. He is the first player from Swabi to make it into the Pakistan national cricket team. After an injury to Sohail Tanvir on the eve of the World Cup, Khan was called up as...
Kabir Khan ·
Kamran Akmal
Kamran Akmal
Kamran Akmal is a Pakistani cricketer who has played Tests, ODIs and T20Is for Pakistan as a wicket-keeper.- International career :He is a quick-scoring batsman and a wicket-keeper, who has achieved 6 centuries in Test innings...
Abdul Kardar
Abdul Kardar
Abdul Hafeez Kardar or Abdul Kardar was an international cricketer, who is one of the only three players to have played Test cricket for both India and Pakistan; the other two being Amir Elahi and Gul Mohammad...
Khalid Hasan
Khalid Hasan (cricketer)
Khalid Hasan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1954....
Khalid Ibadulla
Khalid Ibadulla
Khalid "Billy" Ibadulla is a former Pakistani cricketer and TVNZ cricket commentator. He played in four Tests between 1964 and 1967. Most of his cricket was played for Warwickshire, for whom he appeared between 1954 and 1972...
Khalid Wazir
Khalid Wazir
Syed Khalid Wazir is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1954....
Khan Mohammad
Khan Mohammad
Khan Mohammad was a member of Pakistan's first Test team that played against India in 1952. Born in Lahore, Punjab, he was educated at the city's Islamia College. He played in 13 Tests as an opening bowler who shared the new ball with Fazal Mahmood...
Khurram Manzoor
Khurram Manzoor
Khurram Manzoor is a Pakistani international cricketer who has also played both Test cricket and One Day Internationals for his country. He is a right-hand opening batsman who also bowls off-spin and he made his first class debut in the 2003–04 season before representing Pakistan for the first...
Liaqat Ali
Liaqat Ali (cricketer)
Liaqat Ali Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1975 to 1978....
Mahmood Hussain ·
Majid Khan ·
Mansoor Akhtar
Mansoor Akhtar
Mansoor Akhtar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 19 Tests and 41 ODIs from 1980 to 1990....
Manzoor Elahi
Manzoor Elahi
Manzoor Elahi is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 54 ODIs from 1984 to 1995....
Maqsood Ahmed
Maqsood Ahmed
Maqsood Ahmed was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 16 Tests from 1952 to 1955.-External links:He was educateds at Islamia College, Lahore....
Masood Anwar
Masood Anwar
Masood Anwar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1990....
Wallis Mathias
Wallis Mathias
Wallis Mathias was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 21 Tests from 1955 to 1962. He was the first non-Muslim cricketer to play for Pakistan....
Miran Bux
Miran Bux
Malik Miran Bux was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1955. He was almost 48 years old when he played his first Test, making him the second oldest Test debutant in the game's history....
Misbah-ul-Haq Khan Niazi is a Pakistani cricketer and the captain of the Pakistan national cricket team for s and s...
Mohammad Aamer
Mohammad Aamer
Mohammad Amir , also known as Mohammad Aamer, is a Pakistani international cricketer, whose suspension and subsequent five year ban curtailed his promising career. He is a left-arm fast bowler, who opened the bowling in all formats of the game. He made his first-class debut in 2007, and his...
Mohammad Akram
Mohammad Akram
Mohammad Akram is a Pakistani right arm fast-medium bowler in cricket, he plays for Surrey County Cricket Club. He played in 9 Test matches and 23 One Day International matches for Pakistan between 1995–1996 and 2000-2001.He is 6'2 tall and Akram is nicknamed Haji...
Mohammad Asif ·
Mohammad Aslam
Mohammad Aslam (Pakistani cricketer)
Mohammad Aslam Khokhar was a Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1954. He played in 45 first class matches and in doing so scored the first ever century in first class cricket in Pakistan. He also umpired 3 Tests in the 1970s. He was born in Lahore, Punjab and died in a Lahore hospital...
Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Farooq
Mohammad Farooq is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1960 to 1965....
Mohammad Hafeez
Mohammad Hafeez
Mohammad Hafeez is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm Slow bowler...
Mohammad Hussain
Mohammad Hussain
Mohammad Hussain is a Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 14 ODIs from 1996 to 1998....
Mohammad Ilyas
Mohammad Ilyas
Mohammad Ilyas Mahmood is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in ten Tests from 1964 to 1969. He is the father-in-law of Imran Farhat....
Mohammad Khalil
Mohammad Khalil
Mohammad Khalil is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a left-arm medium-pace bowler. When Khalil was called into the Pakistani cricket team to play against Bangladesh in 2003/04, he had only played six first-class games...
Mohammad Munaf ·
Mohammad Nazir
Mohammad Nazir
Mohammad Nazir is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 14 Tests and 4 One Day International matches from 1969 to 1984 and became a cricket umpire after he retired from professional cricket....
Mohammad Ramzan
Mohammad Ramzan
Mohammad Ramzan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1997. He is currently living in Glasgow, Scotland....
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami is a Pakistani right arm fast bowler in cricket who is currently representing the Pakistan cricket team in Test cricket and Twenty20 cricket matches...
Mohammad Talha
Mohammad Talha
Mohammad Talha is a Pakistani tall and slim right-arm fast-medium bowler. He has gained an increasing reputation on the Pakistani domestic set-up for quick bowling eventually leading to a call up to the international squad for the February 2009 test series against Sri Lanka -Domestic...
Mohammad Wasim
Mohammad Wasim
Mohammad Wasim is a Pakistani cricketer who played in 18 Tests and 25 ODIs from 1996 to 2000.-Career:...
Mohammad Yousuf ·
Mohammad Zahid
Mohammad Zahid
Mohammad Zahid is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast bowler. Zahid is the first Pakistani cricketer to take ten wickets on his debut, scoring an eleven-wicket two-innings haul against New Zealand.-Career:Having suffered a back injury and subsequently having to...
Mohsin Kamal
Mohsin Kamal
Mohsin Kamal is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 19 ODIs from 1984 to 1994....
Mohsin Khan
Mohsin Khan
Mohsin Hasan Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 48 Tests and 75 ODIs from 1977 to 1986 mainly as an opening batsman.-Life and Career:...
Moin Khan
Moin Khan
Mohammad Moin Khan , popularly known as Moin Khan , is a former Pakistani cricketer, primarily a wicketkeeper-batsman, who remained a member of the Pakistani national cricket team from 1990 to 2004. He has also captained the Pakistani side. He made his international debut against the West Indies at...
Mudassar Nazar
Mudassar Nazar
Mudassar Nazar is a former Pakistani cricketer with a career in Test cricket for Pakistan and in league cricket in Pakistan and England...
Mufasir-ul-Haq was a Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1965....
Munir Malik
Munir Malik
Munir Malik is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in three Tests from 1959 to 1962....
Mushtaq Ahmed
Mushtaq Ahmed
Mushtaq Ahmed is a retired Pakistani cricketer who specialised as a leg spin bowler. He was known for his hard-to-pick googly. He memorably trapped Graeme Hick in front with one during the 1992 World Cup final. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1997...
Mushtaq Mohammad
Mushtaq Mohammad
Mushtaq Mohammad is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 57 Tests and 10 ODIs from 1959 to 1979. A right-handed batsman and a leg-spinner, he is one of the most successful Pakistani all-rounders and went on to captain his country in nineteen Test matches...
Nadeem Abbasi
Nadeem Abbasi
Nadeem Ahmed Abbasi is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in three Tests in 1989.He also captained Khan Research Laboratories and Rawalpindi. During this tenure, he led KRL to a runners-up spot in the National One Day Cup in 2000...
Nadeem Ghauri
Nadeem Ghauri
Mohammad Nadeem Ghauri is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 6 ODIs in 1990.He had the unfortunate record of scoring neither a run nor taking a wicket in his Test career....
Nadeem Khan
Nadeem Khan
Mohammad Nadeem Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1993 to 1999. Nadeem was an effective spinner who currently plays for Sheffield Collegiate C.C. I XI. He is the older brother of Pakistan's former wicket keeper, Moin Khan.-References:...
Nasim-ul-Ghani is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 29 Tests and one ODI from 1958 to 1973. At the time of his debut, aged 16 years, he was the world's youngest test player....
Naushad Ali
Naushad Ali (cricketer)
Naushad Ali Rizvi is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in six Tests in 1965. He was Pakistan's wicket-keeper and an opening batsman. He got a total of nine First-class centuries. He is also a match referee...
Rana Naved-ul-Hasan
Rana Naved-ul-Hasan
Rana Naved-ul-Hasan is a cricketer who plays for the Pakistani Test and One Day International teams...
Naved Anjum
Naved Anjum
Naved Anjum is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 13 ODIs from 1984 to 1992....
Naved Ashraf
Naved Ashraf
Mohammad Naved Ashraf Qureshi is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler.Ashraf has played in two Test matches and had a minor foray into Twenty20 cricket....
Naved Latif
Naved Latif
Naved Latif is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler. He has played in one Test match, against the West Indies in January/February 2002. During 2004/05 he started playing Twenty20 cricket...
Nazar Mohammad
Nazar Mohammad
Nazar Mohammad was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 5 Tests in 1952. His son Mudassar Nazar also represented Pakistan....
Niaz Ahmed
Niaz Ahmed
Niaz Ahmed Siddiqi was a Pakistani cricketer who played in two Tests from 1967 to 1969....
Pervez Sajjad
Pervez Sajjad
Pervez Sajjad Hasan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in nineteen Tests from 1964 to 1973....
Qaiser Abbas
Qaiser Abbas
Qaiser Abbas is a Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 2000.He also played for Rajshahi Rangers in the NCL T20 Bangladesh...
Qasim Umar
Qasim Umar
Qasim Ali Umar is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 26 Tests and 31 ODIs from 1983 to 1987.-Playing career:...
Rameez Raja
Rameez Raja
Rameez Hasan Raja is a former Pakistani right handed batsman in cricket, who represented the Pakistan cricket team during the 1980s and 1990s. He also worked as captain of the national team...
Rashid Khan
Rashid Khan (cricketer)
Rashid Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 29 ODIs from 1980 to 1985....
Rashid Latif
Rashid Latif
Rashid Latif is a former Pakistani wicket keeper and a right handed batsman who represented the Pakistani cricket team in Test cricket and One Day International matches, between 1992 and 2003. He also served as the captain of the Pakistan cricket team in 2003...
Sheikh Fazal-ur-Rehman is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1958....
Riaz Afridi
Riaz Afridi
Riaz Afridi is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Rizwan-uz-Zaman Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 11 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1981 to 1989....
Sadiq Mohammad
Sadiq Mohammad
Sadiq Mohammad is a former Pakistani cricketer and younger brother of the great Pakistani batsmen Hanif and Mushtaq. His Test debut was the first Test between Pakistan and New Zealand in 1969, and he played his final Test in the 4th Test against the West Indies in 1981. He played county cricket...
Saeed Ahmed
Saeed Ahmed (cricketer)
Saeed Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 41 Tests from 1958 to 1972. He was a right-handed middle order batsman with a powerful drive and also a handy right arm offbreak bowler. He is the half brother of Younis Ahmed.He made his Test début on the 17th of January 1958 against the...
Saeed Ajmal
Saeed Ajmal
Saeed Ajmal ; born 14 October 1977) is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-arm off-spin bowler who also uses the Doosra to good effect.-Early life and domestic cricket:...
Saeed Anwar
Saeed Anwar
Saeed Anwar is a former Pakistani opening batsman. A left-hander, Anwar is most notable for scoring 194 runs against India in Chennai in 1997, then the highest, and now the joint second highest individual score in a One Day International.-Personal life:...
Salahuddin ·
Saleem Altaf
Saleem Altaf
Saleem Altaf Bokhari is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 21 Tests and 6 ODIs from 1967 to 1978. After retirement, Altaf worked as Director, Cricket Operations for the Pakistan Cricket Board from 2004 to 2006 and later as Director, Special Projects from 2006 to 2008.He was terminated...
Saleem Elahi
Saleem Elahi
Saleem Elahi is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 13 Tests and 48 ODIs from 1995 to 2004...
Saleem Jaffar
Saleem Jaffar
Saleem Jaffar is a retired Pakistani cricketer who played in 14 Tests and 39 One Day Internationals from 1986 to 1992. Jaffar was born in Karachi, Sindh...
Saleem Malik
Saleem Malik
Saleem Malik is a former Pakistani cricketer who played between 1981/82 and 1999, at one stage captaining the Pakistani cricket team. He was a right-handed wristy middle order batsman who was strong square of the wicket. His legbreak bowling was also quite effective...
Saleem Yousuf
Saleem Yousuf
Saleem Yousuf is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 32 Tests and 86 ODIs from 1982 to 1990. He was a wicket keeper. He made his highest Test score of 91 not out against England at Edgbaston in 1987...
Salman Butt
Salman Butt
Salman Butt is a former Pakistani cricketer who was a regular Test and ODI left-handed opening batsman. He made his Test debut on 3 September 2003 in the third Test against Bangladesh, and a year later made his ODI debut against West Indies on 22 September 2004. He was appointed captain of the...
Saqlain Mushtaq
Saqlain Mushtaq
Saqlain Mushtaq is a Pakistani cricketer, regarded as one of the finest off spin bowlers of all time.He is best known for pioneering the "doosra", which he employed to great effect during his career...
Sarfraz Ahmed
Sarfraz Ahmed
Sarfraz Ahmed is a Pakistani cricketer who captained Pakistan to victory at the Under 19 World Cup in 2006. He is a wicket-keeper and a right-handed batsman. He had played just 5 games for the Pakistan Under 19 cricket team before being selected as captain for the Under 19 Cricket World Cup...
Sarfraz Nawaz
Sarfraz Nawaz
Sarfraz Nawaz Malik is a former Pakistani Test cricketer and politician who discovered reverse swing and was instrumental in Pakistan's first Test series victories over India and England. Between 1969 and 1984 he played 55 Tests and 45 One Day Internationals and was Imran Khan's regular new ball...
Shabbir Ahmed
Shabbir Ahmed
Shabbir Ahmed is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a line-and-length pace bowler who took eight wickets for 109 runs on his Test debut against Bangladesh in the first of their 2003-04 three-Test series...
Shadab Kabir
Shadab Kabir
Mohammad Shadab Kabir Siddiqi is a Pakistani cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1996 to 2002....
Shafiq Ahmed
Shafiq Ahmed
Shafiq Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 3 ODIs from 1974 to 1980....
Shafqat Rana
Shafqat Rana
Shafqat Rana is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in five Tests from 1964 to 1969....
Shahid Afridi
Shahid Afridi
Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi , popularly known as Shahid Afridi , is a Pakistani cricketer. Between 1996 and 2011, Afridi played 27 Tests, 325 One Day Internationals, and 43 Twenty20 Internationals for the Pakistani national team...
Shahid Israr
Shahid Israr
Shahid Israr is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1976....
Shahid Mahboob
Shahid Mahboob
Shahid Mahboob is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 10 ODIs from 1982 to 1989....
Shahid Mahmood
Shahid Mahmood
Shahid Mahmood is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1962. He is known for being the first man from Pakistan to take all ten wickets in a first class innings. He again replicated the feat some years later....
Shahid Nazir
Shahid Nazir
Shahid Nazir is a Pakistani cricketer.He made his Test debut for Pakistan against Zimbabwe at Sheikhupura in 1996, and immediately received much criticism from the spectators whose local favourite Aaqib Javed he was thought to have replaced...
Shahid Saeed
Shahid Saeed
Shahid Saeed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test and 10 ODIs from 1989 to 1993....
Shakeel Ahmed snr
Shakeel Ahmed snr
Shakeel Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in one Test in 1998. A Left-arm orthodox bowler, Shakeel took 365 wickets at an average of 22 in his first class career, but only played one Test, in which he claimed four wickets....
Shakeel Ahmed, Jr. ·
Duncan Sharpe
Duncan Sharpe
Duncan Albert Sharpe is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in three Tests in 1959. Sharpe was an Anglo-Pakistani, therefore he was one of the few Christian players to play for Pakistan....
Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar is a former Pakistani right arm fast bowler in cricket, who is regarded as the fastest bowler in the history of cricket. He set an official world record by achieving the fastest delivery, when he clocked in at 161.3 km/h in his bowling speed, twice at a cricket match against...
Shoaib Malik
Shoaib Malik
Shoaib Malik is a Pakistani cricket player and former captain. He made his One-Day International debut in 1999 against the West Indies and his Test debut in 2001 against Bangladesh. He has taken over 100 ODI wickets, and has a batting average in the mid 30s in both Test and ODI cricket...
Shoaib Mohammad
Shoaib Mohammad
Shoaib Mohammad is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 45 Tests and 63 ODIs from 1983 to 1995.Shoaib is the son of former Pakistani cricketer Hanif Mohammad. Shoaib was a right-handed batsmen who represented the country until the mid 1990s...
Shujauddin Butt is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 19 Tests from 1954 to 1962....
Sikander Bakht
Sikander Bakht (cricketer)
Sikander Bakht is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 26 Tests and 27 ODIs from 1976 to 1989. He is remembered for demolishing the Indian team for just 126 runs taking 8 wickets in the innings in the 2nd Test match of the 1979 tour of Pakistan to India.He was included in the team in place...
Sohail Khan
Sohail Khan (cricketer)
Sohail Khan , also known as Sohail Pathan, is a Pakistani cricketer. A right-arm fast-medium bowler, he gained instant recognition during his debut first-class season in 2007 when he broke Fazal Mahmood's record for the best bowling figures by a Pakistani in a first-class match...
Sohail Tanvir
Sohail Tanvir
Sohail Tanvir is a Pakistani cricketer, who has gained repute for his unorthodox left arm bowling action and particularly for the success it has gained him in the Twenty20 format of the game.- International career :An allrounder, he is a hard-hitting left-handed batsman and an unorthodox left-arm...
Tahir Naqqash
Tahir Naqqash
----Tahir Naqqash is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 15 Tests and 40 ODIs from 1980 to 1985....
Talat Ali
Talat Ali
Talat Ali Malik is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in ten Tests from 1972 to 1979. He was the manager of the Pakistan Cricket Team from October 2006 until his resignation October 17, 2008 following the Quadrangular four-nation Twenty20 series in Canada, in which Pakistan lost to Sri Lanka...
Tanvir Ahmed
Tanvir Ahmed
Tanvir Ahmed born is a Pakistani first-class cricketer. Ahmed is mainly a fast-bowler. He played for Pakistan in a first-class match against Worcestershire in the tour of England in 2010 He was later chosen to play in the second test in Pakistan's 2010 home series against South Africa in the UAE...
Taslim Arif
Taslim Arif
Taslim Arif Abbasi was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 2 One-day Internationals in 1980. His score of 210* for Pakistan against Australia stood for more than 20 years as the highest score made by a wicket-keeper in Test cricket. Taslim Arif died in Karachi after a brief illness...
Taufeeq Umar
Taufeeq Umar
Taufeeq Umar is a Pakistani cricketer who was a regular Test opening batsman for three seasons, before being dropped ahead of the 2004–05 season. Unusually for a Pakistani player, Umar has played more Tests than ODIs, as he was not given a prolonged run in the ODI side until 2003, when he played...
Tauseef Ahmed
Tauseef Ahmed
Tauseef Ahmed is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 34 Tests and 70 ODIs from 1980 to 1993.He sported a trademark afro and moustache for most of his career....
Umar Akmal ·
Umar Amin
Umar Amin
Umar Amin is a Pakistani international cricketer. Amin made his One Day International debut in the opening match of the 2010 Asia Cup against Sri Lanka. Amin made his international debut using the bat of Sachin Tendulkar...
Umar Gul
Umar Gul
Umar Gul is a Pakistani right arm fast medium bowler in cricket who has played Test matches, One Day Internationals and Twenty20 Internationals for the Pakistani cricket team...
Wahab Riaz
Wahab Riaz
Wahab Riaz is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a left-arm fast-medium bowler and a right-hand batsman. Riaz is a former student of Islamia College, Civil Lines, Lahore...
Wajahatullah Wasti
Wajahatullah Wasti
Wajahatullah Wasti is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler....
Waqar Hasan
Waqar Hasan
Waqar Hasan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 21 Tests from 1952 to 1959.-External links:*...
Waqar Younis
Waqar Younis
Waqar Younis Maitla is a former Pakistani right arm fast bowler in cricket and widely regarded as one of the greatest fast bowlers of all time...
Wasim Akram
Wasim Akram
Wasim Akram is a former Pakistani left arm fast bowler and left-handed batsman in cricketer and model. who represented the Pakistan national cricket team in Test cricket and One Day International matches....
Wasim Bari
Wasim Bari
Wasim Bari is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 81 Tests and 51 ODIs from 1967 to 1984. Bari was a wicket-keeper and right-handed batsman...
Wasim Raja
Wasim Raja
Wasim Hasan Raja , was a Pakistani cricketer who played in 57 Tests and 54 ODIs for the Pakistani national cricket team from 1973 to 1985. His younger brother, Rameez Raja, also represented Pakistan in Tests and ODIs, becoming captain of the national side...
Wazir Mohammad
Wazir Mohammad
Wazir Mohammad is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 20 Tests from 1952 to 1959....
Yasir Ali
Yasir Ali
Yasir Ali is a Pakistani cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler who has played one Test match for his country against Bangladesh at the age of 19....
Yasir Arafat
Yasir Arafat (cricketer)
Yasir Arafat Satti is a Pakistani cricketer. He bats right-handed and bowls right-arm fast medium.-International career:...
Yasir Hameed
Yasir Hameed
Yasir Hameed Qureshi is a Pakistani cricketer. He scored two centuries on his Test debut against Bangladesh, becoming only the second player to do so...
Younis Ahmed
Younis Ahmed
Mohammad Younis Ahmed is a Pakistani former cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1969 to 1987...
Younis Khan
Younis Khan
Mohammad Younus Khan is a Pakistani cricketer and former captain of the Pakistan national cricket team. Younus' name is often spelled Younis Khan, but he has been quoted as saying, "My name is Younus Khan...
Zaheer Abbas
Zaheer Abbas
Syed Zaheer Abbas Kirmani , popularly known as Zaheer Abbas, is a former Pakistani cricketer, regarded as one of the finest batsman produced by that country. He is widely known as the "Asian Bradman", a reference to former Australian great Sir Donald Bradman...
Zahid Fazal
Zahid Fazal
Zahid Fazal is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 19 ODIs from 1990 to 1995.He was first spotted by selectors while playing for Pakistan International Airlines. His highest one-day score was 98 not out at Sharjah against India, in which he collapsed in the end...
Zahoor Elahi
Zahoor Elahi
Zahoor Elahi is a Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 14 ODIs from 1996 to 1997. His debut was against Zimbabwe...
Zakir Khan
Zakir Khan
Zakirullah Khan is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 17 ODIs from 1984 to 1990....
Zulfiqar Ahmed
Zulfiqar Ahmed
Zulfiqar Ahmed was a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1952 to 1956. He was educated at Islamia College Lahore....
Zulqarnain is a former Pakistani cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 16 ODIs from 1986 to 1989.-References:**...
Zulqarnain Haider
Zulqarnain Haider
Zulqarnain Haider is Pakistani cricketer who has played for his national team. Having played for Pakistan Under-19s, Haider was called up to the senior national side in 2010 as cover for wicket-keeper Kamran Akmal during their tour of England. Haider made his Test debut during the tour, but a...
South Africa
- See also List of South Africa Test cricketers
H. D. Ackerman ·
Paul Adams
Paul Adams (cricketer)
Paul Regan Adams is a former South African cricketer, a chinaman bowler who played for the national team sporadically since the 1990s. Meanwhile, his first class cricket career registered 412 wickets....
Neil Adcock
Neil Adcock
Neil Amwin Treharne Adcock is a former South African cricketer who played 26 Tests. A tall aggressive fast bowler, he could lift the ball sharply off a length. He was the first South African player to take 100 Test wickets.Making his Test debut in 1953 at home against New Zealand, he had only 9...
Hashim Amla
Hashim Amla
Hashim Mahomed Amla is a South African cricketer. A right-handed upper order batsman and occasional medium-pace bowler, Amla bats at number 3 for South Africa in Test matches and has opened in limited overs contests. He is currently ranked as the No...
Biddy Anderson ·
Gobo Ashley
Gobo Ashley
William Hare 'Gobo' Ashley was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1889....
Ali Bacher
Ali Bacher
Aron "Ali" Bacher is a former South African Test cricketer and an administrator of the United Cricket Board of South Africa.-Biography:...
Adam Bacher
Adam Bacher
Adam Marc Bacher is a South African cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler...
Xen Balaskas ·
Eddie Barlow
Eddie Barlow
Edgar John Barlow was a South African cricketer . Barlow played first-class cricket for Transvaal and Eastern Province from 1959-60 to 1967-68 before moving to Western Province for the seasons from 1968-69 to 1980-81...
Harold Baumgartner
Harold Baumgartner
Harold Vane Baumgartner was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1913....
Rolland Beaumont
Rolland Beaumont
Rolland Beaumont was a South African cricketer from the early years of the 20th Century. He was born at Newcastle, Natal, on 4 February 1884, and died in Berea, Durban on 25 May 1958, aged 74...
Denis Begbie
Denis Begbie
Denis Warburton Begbie was a South African cricketer who played in five Tests from 1948 to 1950. He was born in Middelburg, Transvaal...
Sandy Bell
Sandy Bell
Alexander John Bell , also known as Sandy Bell, was a South African cricketer who played in 16 Tests from 1929 to 1935. He was born in East London, Cape Province in 1906 and died there in 1985....
Murray Bisset
Murray Bisset
Sir Murray Bisset was a Test cricketer who captained South Africa before moving to Southern Rhodesia where he briefly served as Governor of Southern Rhodesia....
George Bissett
George Finlay-Bissett
George Finlay Bissett was a South African cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1927 to 1928....
Jimmy Blanckenberg ·
Colin Bland
Colin Bland
Kenneth Colin Bland, was a cricketer who played for South Africa.Bland originally came from Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe but then not a Test cricket- playing nation. He also played for the South African provincial sides Eastern Province and Orange Free State...
Ernest Bock
Ernest Bock
Ernest George Bock was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1935.Bock was born in Kimberley, South Africa. He was a lower-order right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium pace bowler who played only two full seasons of first-class cricket in South Africa, one for Griqualand West...
Nicky Boje
Nicky Boje
Nico "Nicky" Boje is a South African cricketer who played in 43 Tests and 115 One Day Internationals for South Africa, and attended Grey College in Bloemfontein...
Gerald Bond
Gerald Bond
Gerald Edward Bond was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1938....
Tertius Bosch
Tertius Bosch
Tertius Bosch was a South African cricketer who played in one Test and two ODIs in 1992...
Johan Botha ·
Jackie Botten ·
Mark Boucher
Mark Boucher
Mark Verdon Boucher is a South African cricketer, who holds the record for the most Test dismissals by a wicket-keeper. He was educated at Selborne College and has represented Border, Africa XI, ICC World XI, Royal Challengers Bangalore and Kolkata Knight Riders of the Indian Premier League, and...
William Brann
William Brann
William Henry Brann was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1922 to 1923....
Dooley Briscoe ·
Harry Bromfield
Harry Bromfield
Harry Dudley Bromfield is a former South African cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1961 to 1965....
Lennox Brown
Lennox Brown
Lennox Sydney Brown was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1931 to 1932....
Christopher Burger
Christopher Burger
Christopher George de Villiers Burger is a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests in 1958.-External links:*...
Sydney Burke
Sydney Burke
Sydney Frank Burke is a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests, one each in 1962 and 1965....
Izak Buys
Izak Buys
Izak Daniel Buys - A right-handed batsman but a left-arm, fast-medium bowler, Izak Buys was born in Somerset East, Cape Colony, South Africa on February 4, 1895. However, the date of his death is unknown and therefore no obituary appeared within the covers of Wisden for him...
Jock Cameron
Jock Cameron
Jock Cameron was a South African cricketer of the 1920s and 1930s...
Tom Campbell ·
Peter Carlstein
Peter Carlstein
Peter Rudolph Carlstein is a former South African cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1958 to 1964., He was also Rhodesian Player of the Year 1967–68-References:...
Claude Carter
Claude Carter (cricketer)
Claude Pagdett Carter was a South African cricketer who played in 10 Tests from 1912 to 1924....
Bob Catterall ·
Horace Chapman
Horace Chapman
Horace William Chapman was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1914 to 1921....
Jack Cheetham
Jack Cheetham
John Erskine Cheetham was a South African cricketer who played in 24 Tests from 1949 to 1955...
Grahame Chevalier
Grahame Chevalier
Grahame Anton Chevalier is a former South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1970.-References:...
Jim Christy ·
Geoff Chubb ·
John Cochran ·
Shunter Coen
Shunter Coen
Stanley Keppel 'Shunter' Coen was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1927 to 1928....
Mick Commaille
Mick Commaille
John McIllwaine Moore 'Mick' Commaille was a South African cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1910 to 1927....
John Commins
John Commins
John Brian Commins is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests from 1994 to 1995.-References:...
Dalton Conyngham
Dalton Conyngham
Dalton Parry 'Conky' Conyngham was a South African cricketer who played in one Test match in 1923....
Frederick Cook
Frederick Cook (cricketer)
Frederick James Cook was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1896....
Jimmy Cook
Jimmy Cook
Stephen James Cook is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests and four ODIs from 1991 to 1993. His son Stephen Cook currently plays for Gauteng....
Alfred Cooper
Alfred Cooper (cricketer)
Alfred Henry Cecil Cooper was born in Johannesburg on 2 September 1893, and died in the same city on 18 July 1963, aged 72. Despite recording a duck on his first-class debut, he was a forceful batsman that scored, in all matches, 1,788 runs at 31.92, a highly respectable average for the period...
Joe Cox ·
Godfrey Cripps
Godfrey Cripps
Godfrey Cripps was a cricketer who played in one Test for South Africa in 1891-92....
Bob Crisp
Bob Crisp
Robert James Crisp DSO MC was a South African cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1935 to 1936 before living for a while in England. He appeared for Rhodesia, Western Province, Worcestershire and South Africa. Though his Test bowling average lay over 37.00, Crisp had a successful first-class...
Hansie Cronje
Hansie Cronje
Wessel Johannes "Hansie" Cronje was a South African cricketer and captain of the South African national cricket team in the 1990s...
Daryll Cullinan ·
Syd Curnow
Syd Curnow
Sydney Harry Curnow was a South African cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1930 to 1932. The Curnow family was of Cornish origin.-References:...
Eric Dalton
Eric Dalton
Eric Londesbrough Dalton was a South African cricketer who played in 15 Tests from 1929 to 1939....
Eric Davies
Eric Davies
Eric Quail Davies was a South African cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1936 to 1939....
Alan Dawson ·
Ossie Dawson
Ossie Dawson
Oswald Charles Dawson MC was a South African cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1947 to 1949...
Nummy Deane
Nummy Deane
Hubert Gouvaine 'Nummy' Deane was a South African cricketer who played in 17 Tests from 1924 to 1931....
Zander de Bruyn
Zander de Bruyn
Zander de Bruyn is a South African cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler. He has played three Test matches for South Africa, and currently plays domestic cricket for the Highveld Lions and Surrey County Cricket Club...
AB de Villiers ·
Fanie de Villiers
Fanie de Villiers
Petrus Stephanus de Villiers , South Africa), was a cricketer who played 18 Tests and 83 One Day Internationals for South Africa as a right arm fast-medium bowler and right hand batsman between 1992 and 1998.De Villiers debuted in first-class cricket in 1985-86 for Northern Transvaal B...
Friedel de Wet
Friedel de Wet
Friedel de Wet is a South African first-class and Test cricketer.He was educated at the University of Technology in Pretoria. He has represented the UCBSA National Academy, Titans, Lions, North West and the Northerns as a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast-medium bowler...
Boeta Dippenaar
Boeta Dippenaar
Hendrik Human Dippenaar , known as Boeta Dippenaar, is a cricketer who has played Test and One Day International cricket for South Africa and the ACA African XI. He has played as a specialist batsman in most of his matches, and has played Test cricket in all batting positions from one through seven...
Cec Dixon ·
Allan Donald
Allan Donald
Allan Anthony Donald is a former South African cricketer and one of their most successful pace bowlers.In his prime, he was one of the best fast bowlers ever seen in Test cricket, reaching the top of the ICC Test rankings in 1998 and peaked with a top ICC ranking of 895 points the next year, the...
Robert Dower
Robert Dower
Robert Reid Dower was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1899. He was also a lawyer....
Ronald Draper
Ronald Draper
Ronald George Draper is a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests in 1950....
Chris Duckworth ·
Richard Dumbrill
Richard Dumbrill
Richard Dumbrill is a former South African cricketer who played in five Tests from 1965 to 1966....
Jacobus Duminy
Jacobus Duminy
Jacobus Petrus Duminy was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1927 to 1929....
JP Duminy ·
Owen Dunell
Owen Dunell
Owen Robert Dunell was a South African cricketer who captained his country in its first Test match in 1888/89.Although born in Port Elizabeth, Dunell was educated in England at Eton College and Oxford University...
Jackie du Preez
Jackie du Preez
John Harcourt du Preez... Born on 14 November 1942 in Salisbury, now Harare), Rhodesia), a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests in 1967, was introduced to the game at Highlands Junior School where he was initially coached by school teacher and Springbok Chris Duckworth, and later...
Flooi du Toit ·
Dennis Dyer
Dennis Dyer
Dennis Victor Dyer was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1947.Dyer was an opening right-hand batsman who announced himself with an innings of 185 for Natal against Western Province in 1939-40, but then lost the next six years to the Second World War...
Clive Eksteen
Clive Eksteen
Clive Edward Eksteen in Johannesburg, South Africa. He played seven Tests and six One Day Internationals for South Africa. In sixteen seasons at Transvaal he took 398 wickets at 30.05, also captaining the team for three seasons.-References:*...
Kim Elgie ·
Steve Elworthy
Steve Elworthy
Steven Elworthy is a former South African cricketer who has fostered a career in administration with Cricket South Africa and the ECB.-International career:...
Russell Endean
Russell Endean
William Russell Endean was a South African cricketer who played in twenty eight Tests from 1951 to 1958....
Buster Farrer ·
Aubrey Faulkner
Aubrey Faulkner
George Aubrey Faulkner was a leading cricketer for South Africa for two decades.-Early life:...
Jonathan Fellows-Smith
Jonathan Fellows-Smith
Jonathan Payn Fellows-Smith is a former South African cricketer who played in four Tests in 1960.Fellows-Smith, nicknamed "Pom Pom", was an aggressive right-handed middle order batsman and a useful right-arm medium pace bowler who played the bulk of his cricket in England...
Charles Fichardt
Charles Fichardt
Charles Gustav Fichardt was an South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1892 to 1896....
Charlie Finlason ·
Claude Floquet
Claude Floquet
Claude Eugene Floquet was an occasional player for Transvaal cricket team during the first decade of the 20th century. He was born in Aliwal North, Cape Colony, on November 3, 1884 and died in Port Elizabeth, Cape Province on November 22, 1963, aged 79. His first-class career of just six matches...
Howard Francis
Howard Francis
Howard Henry Francis , was an South African cricketer.Francis was born in Clifton, Bristol, England. He played in 2 Test matches in 1899. He died at Sea Point, Cape Province, South Africa....
Cyril Francois
Cyril Francois
Cyril Matthew Francois was a South African cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1922 to 1923....
Charlie Frank ·
William Frank ·
Eddie Fuller ·
George Fullerton
George Fullerton
George Murray Fullerton was a South African cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1947 to 1951....
Ken Funston ·
Dennis Gamsy
Dennis Gamsy
Dennis Gamsy is a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests in 1970.-References:...
Herschelle Gibbs
Herschelle Gibbs
Herschelle Herman Gibbs is a South African cricketer, more specifically a batsman.Gibbs was schooled at St Joseph's Marist College and then Diocesan College in Rondebosch...
Robert Gleeson
Robert Gleeson
Robert Anthony Gleeson - A useful batsman and a medium pace bowler, Robert Gleeson was born in Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, on December 6, 1873 and died in the same city on September 27, 1919, aged 45. His first-class career spanned the years 1894 to 1904 but in truth it was interrupted by a...
George Glover ·
Trevor Goddard
Trevor Goddard (cricketer)
Trevor Leslie Goddard is a former left-hand cricketer. An all-rounder, he played 41 Test matches for South Africa from 1955 to 1970, captaining them over the 1963-64 season and drawing an encounter with Australia. A left-handed, classically correct opening batsman, he was also a successful swing...
Norman Gordon
Norman Gordon
Norman Gordon is a former South African cricketer who played in five Tests in the 1938–39 South African cricket season. He was born in Boksburg, Transvaal. He is the oldest living Test cricketer, and the first to reach 100 years...
Robert Graham
Robert Graham (cricketer)
Robert Graham - A lower-order batsman, medium pace bowler and a safe pair of hands in the field, Robert Graham enjoyed a brief first-class career either side of the 20th century. He was born, of all places, in Grahamstown, Cape Province, South Africa, on September 16, 1877 and died near...
Ronnie Grieveson ·
Geoff Griffin ·
Alfred Hall ·
Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall
Andrew James Hall is a South African cricketer and a former member of the South African cricket team . He is an all-rounder who bowls fast-medium pace, and has been used as both an opening batsman and in the lower order. Prior to making it on the South African first class cricket scene he played...
Glen Hall
Glen Hall (cricketer)
Glen Gordon Hall was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1965....
Ernest Halliwell
Ernest Halliwell
Ernest Austin Halliwell, sometimes known as Baberton Halliwell was a cricketer, specifically a wicket-keeper, who played eight Test matches for South Africa between 1892 and 1902, including three as captain. He was one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1905...
Clive Halse
Clive Halse
Clive Gray Halse was a South African cricketer who played in three Tests in 1964....
Philip Hands
Philip Hands
Philip Albert Myburgh Hands , was a South African cricketer who played in 7 Tests from 1913 to 1924. His brother, Reginald, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
Reginald Hands
Reginald Hands
Reginald Harry Myburgh Hands was born in Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa and died in France as a result of injuries sustained on the Western Front during the first Great War, aged just 29. He was a South African cricketer who played in one Test match in February 1914...
Martin Hanley
Martin Hanley
Martin Andrew Hanley was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1949. His nephew, Rupert Hanley, also played first-class cricket....
Paul Harris ·
Tony Harris
Tony Harris (cricketer)
Terence Anthony Harris was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1947 to 1949. He also represented South Africa in five Rugby Union Tests during the 1930s.-External links:**...
Gerald Hartigan
Gerald Hartigan
Gerald Patrick Desmond Hartigan was a South African cricketer who played in five Tests from 1912 to 1914. A right-arm fast medium and right-hand bat, Hartigan made his first class career with Border, taking 92 wickets and scoring three centuries...
Robert Harvey ·
Maitland Hathorn
Maitland Hathorn
Christopher Maitland Howard Hathorn was an South African cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1902 to 1911....
Nantie Hayward
Nantie Hayward
Mornantau 'Nantie' Hayward is a South African cricketer. He is a right-arm fast bowler, who, according to Peter Robinson, "has genuine pace, the ability to get bounce and abundant energy"...
Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne
Frank Hearne was a cricketer.One of the few men to play Test cricket for more than one country, he played for both England and South Africa....
George Hearne
George Alfred Lawrence Hearne
George Alfred Lawrence Hearne was a South African cricketer.Hearne was born in Catford, London. He played first-class cricket as a right-handed batsman and right-arm bowler for Western Province and in three Tests for South Africa .He came from a cricketing family...
Peter Heine
Peter Heine
Peter Samuel Heine was a South African cricketer who played in fourteen Tests from 1955 to 1962...
Claude Henderson
Claude Henderson
Claude William Henderson is a South African cricketer who bowls left-arm spin and played in seven Tests and four ODIs from 2001 to 2002...
Omar Henry
Omar Henry
Omar Henry is a former cricketer who played in three Tests and three One Day Internationals for South Africa. He is notable for being the first non-white player of the modern era, to play cricket for South Africa. He played extensively in Scotland.-References:...
Charles Hime
Charles Hime
Charles Frederick William Hime was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1896....
Andrew Hudson
Andrew Hudson
Andrew Charles Hudson was a South African Test and ODI cricketer. The right-handed batsman played 35 Tests and 89 One Day Internationals for South Africa in the 1990s. His career spanned 16 consecutive summers, playing for both his country and his province KwaZulu-Natal...
Philip Hutchinson
Philip Hutchinson
Philip Hutchinson was an South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1889. He never really had any impact in the two matches he played...
David Ironside
David Ironside
David Ernest James Ironside was a South African cricketer who played in three Tests from 1953 to 1954.-External links:*...
Lee Irvine
Lee Irvine
Brian Lee Irvine, born on 9 March 1944 in Durban, South Africa was a cricketer who played four Tests for South Africa in 1969-70 in the last Test series played by South Africa before official sporting links were broken over the apartheid policy....
Steven Jack
Steven Jack
Steven Douglas Jack is a former South African cricketer who played in two Tests and two ODIs from 1994 to 1995. He was a fast, aggressive bowler and formed a formidable opening partnership with Richard Snell for Transvaal in the early 1990s, as they tried to recapture the glory of the 'Mean...
Clement Johnson
Clement Johnson
Clement Lecky Johnson was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1896....
Jacques Kallis
Jacques Kallis
Jacques Henry Kallis is a South African cricketer. As an all-rounder he is a formidable right-handed batsman and fast-medium swingbowler. He is one of the greatest all-rounders of all time, being the only cricketer in the history of the game to hold more than 12,000 runs and 250 wickets in both...
Headley Keith
Headley Keith
Headley James Keith was a left-handed South African batsman. He played eight Tests for South Africa in the 1950s.-References:*...
Justin Kemp
Justin Kemp
Justin Miles Kemp is a South African cricketer who has played Test and ODI cricket for South Africa since the 2000–01 season. Kemp is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm fast medium bowler. His batting is noted for the high frequency of sixes, particularly those which are hit out of the stadium...
Gus Kempis ·
Imraan Khan
Imraan Khan
Imraan Khan is a South African cricketer who plays domestic cricket and captains the Dolphins. He has previously captained his country at under 19 level....
Gary Kirsten
Gary Kirsten
Gary Kirsten is a former South African cricketer, and the World Cup winning coach of the Indian cricket team. He played 101 Test matches and 185 One-day internationals for South Africa between 1993 and 2004, mainly as an opening batsman...
Peter Kirsten
Peter Kirsten
Peter Noel Kirsten is a former cricketer who represented South Africa in 12 Tests and 40 One Day Internationals from 1991 to 1994.-Cricket career:...
Lance Klusener
Lance Klusener
Lance Klusener is a South African cricketer, more specifically an all-rounder. He is known for his aggressive batting and his fast-medium swing bowling. He is nicknamed "Zulu" because of his fluency in that language. Following his exploits at the 1999 World Cup, he topped the ICC ODI Batting...
Johannes Kotze
Johannes Kotze
Johannes Jacobus Kotze was an South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1902 to 1907....
Adrian Kuiper
Adrian Kuiper
Adrian Paul Kuiper is a former South African cricketer who played in one international Test match and twenty five ODIs from 1991 to 1996....
Frederick Kuys
Frederick Kuys
Frederick Kuys was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1899....
Tiger Lance ·
Charl Langeveldt
Charl Langeveldt
Charl Kenneth Langeveldt is a South African ODI and Test cricketer. He is one of four Cape Coloureds in the South African side, with the others being Herschelle Gibbs, JP Duminy and Ashwell Prince....
Arthur Langton
Arthur Langton
Arthur Chudleigh Beaumont Langton was a South African cricketer who played in 15 Tests from 1935 to 1939...
Godfrey Lawrence
Godfrey Lawrence
Godfrey Bernard 'Goofy' Lawrence is a former South African cricketer who played in five Tests in the 1961–62 season....
Fred le Roux ·
Plum Lewis ·
Gerhardus Liebenberg
Gerhardus Liebenberg
Gerhardus Frederick Johannes Liebenberg is a South African cricketer who played in five Tests and four ODIs from 1995 to 1998.-References:...
Denis Lindsay
Denis Lindsay
Denis Thomson Lindsay played 19 Tests for South Africa. He later became a cricket referee. His father, Johnny, also played Test cricket for South Africa.-External links:*...
Johnny Lindsay ·
Neville Lindsay
Neville Lindsay
Neville Vernon Lindsay was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1921...
William Ling
William Ling (cricketer)
William Victor Stone Ling was a South African cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 1921 to 1923....
Charlie Llewellyn ·
Bill Lundie ·
Mike Macaulay ·
Cuan McCarthy
Cuan McCarthy
-External links:****...
Jackie McGlew
Jackie McGlew
Derrick John "Jackie" McGlew, born on 11 March 1929, Pietermaritzburg and died at Pretoria on 8 June 1998 was a cricketer who played for Natal and South Africa...
Neil McKenzie
Neil McKenzie
Neil Douglas McKenzie is a South African cricketer. He is a right-handed opening batsman who plays for South Africa, making his first appearance in 2000. Strong on the leg side, he is also a very good player of spin...
Atholl McKinnon
Atholl McKinnon
Atholl Henry McKinnon was a South African cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1960 to 1966....
Ryan McLaren
Ryan McLaren
Ryan McLaren is a South African cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Roy McLean
Roy McLean
Roy Alastair McLean was a South African cricketer who played in forty Tests from 1951 to 1964. A stroke-playing middle-order batsman, he scored over 2,000 Test runs, but made 11 ducks in 73 Test innings....
Brian McMillan
Brian McMillan
Brian Mervin McMillan played 38 Tests and 78 One Day Internationals for South Africa from 1991 to 1998...
Quintin McMillan
Quintin McMillan
Quintin McMillan was a South African cricketer who played in 13 Tests from 1929 to 1932....
Tufty Mann
Tufty Mann
Norman Bertram Fleetwood 'Tufty' Mann was a South African cricketer who played in nineteen Tests from 1947 to 1951.-External links:*...
Percy Mansell
Percy Mansell
Percy Neville Frank Mansell was a South African cricketer who played in thirteen Tests from 1951 to 1955....
Fish Markham ·
Eric Marx
Eric Marx
Waldemar Frederick Eric Marx was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1921....
Craig Matthews
Craig Matthews
Craig Russell Matthews is a former South African cricketer who played in eighteen Tests and fifty six ODIs from 1991 to 1997.-References:...
Doug Meintjes ·
Michael Melle
Michael Melle
Michael George Melle was a South African cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1950 to 1953....
Alan Melville
Alan Melville
Alan Melville was a South African cricketer who played in 11 Tests from 1938 to 1949. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year ....
Bonnor Middleton ·
Charles Mills
Charles Mills (cricketer)
Charles Henry Mills was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1892....
William Milton
William Henry Milton
Sir William Henry Milton was the 3rd Administrator of Mashonaland, played rugby for England and was South Africa's second cricket captain....
Bruce Mitchell
Bruce Mitchell (cricketer)
Bruce Mitchell was a South African cricketer who played in 42 Tests from 1929 to 1949. He was a right-handed opening batsman and played in every Test South Africa played in that period.By the end of his career he had 3471 Test runs to his name which at the time was a national record...
Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
Frank Mitchell was a cricketer and rugby union player.-School, University and Yorkshire:...
Albie Morkel
Albie Morkel
Johannes Albertus Morkel , better known as Albie Morkel, is a South African cricketer. He is an all-rounder who bowls right-arm- medium fast and bats left-handed. He is famous for his six hitting abilities in Twenty20 cricket...
Denys Morkel
Denys Morkel
Denijs Paul Beck Morkel was a South African cricketer who played for Western Province in 1924 and later in 16 Tests for South Africa from 1927 to 1932....
Morné Morkel
Morne Morkel
Morné Morkel is a cricketer who plays Test and limited overs cricket for South Africa. He is a right-arm fast bowler with "genuine pace" according to former South African fast bowler Allan Donald, and a useful lower order left-handed batsman. Some believe he has the ability to become a genuine...
Anton Murray
Anton Murray
Anton Ronald Andrew Murray was a South African cricketer who played in 10 Tests in a little over a year from December 1952 to February 1954, appearing four times against Australia and then six times against New Zealand...
André Nel
Andre Nel
André Nel is a South African cricketer who played Test cricket and ODIs as a fast bowler but has since retired opting to play county cricket for Surrey.-International career:...
Jack Nel ·
Claude Newberry
Claude Newberry
Claude Newberry was a South African cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1913 to 1914....
Bob Newson
Bob Newson
Edward Serrurier Newson was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1930 to 1939....
Mfuneko Ngam
Mfuneko Ngam
Mfuneko Ngam is a South African cricketer who has played three Tests for South Africa in the 2000–01 season. However, injuries caused him to play a total of five matches from January 2001 to October 2003, and since his return he has not played representative cricket for the national team...
Frank Nicholson ·
John Nicolson ·
Norman Norton
Norman Norton
Norman Ogilvie Norton was a South African all-rounder cricketer. He was also a lawyer by career and became a provincial administrator for the game....
Dudley Nourse
Dudley Nourse
Arthur Dudley Nourse was a South African Test cricketer and batsmanThe son of batsman Arthur Nourse, Nourse played 34 Test matches in a long career of sixteen years...
Dave Nourse
Dave Nourse
Arthur William "Dave" Nourse, born at Croydon, England on 26 January 1878 and died at Port Elizabeth, South Africa on 8 July 1948, was a cricketer who played for Natal, Transvaal, Western Province and South Africa....
Makhaya Ntini
Makhaya Ntini
Makhaya Ntini is a former South African cricketer who was the first ethnically black player to play for the South African team. A fast bowler, he tends to bowl from wide of the crease with brisk, although not express, pace...
Buster Nupen
Buster Nupen
Buster Nupen ; 1 January 1902 in Johannesburg, South Africa – 29 January 1977 in Johannesburg, South Africa) was one of the most enigmatic cricketers on the inter-war period....
Arthur Edward Ochse
Arthur Edward Ochse
Arthur Edward Ochse - One of the many unfortunate victims of the First World War, Arthur Ochse was born at Graaff-Reinet, Cape Colony, South Africa on March 11, 1870, and died at Messines Ridge, France on April 11, 1918, aged 48...
Arthur Lennox Ochse
Arthur Lennox Ochse
Arthur Lennox Ochse was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1928 to 1929.-See also:*Arthur Edward Ochse...
Sid O'Linn
Sid O'Linn
Sidney O'Linn is a former South African cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1960 to 1961....
Justin Ontong
Justin Ontong
Justin Lee Ontong is a South African cricketer, who currently plays domestic cricket for the Cape Cobras. He has played two Tests, 26 One Day Internationals and two Twenty20 Internationals as an all-rounder.-Cricket career:...
Tuppy Owen-Smith
Tuppy Owen-Smith
Harold Geoffrey Owen Owen-Smith was a South African cricketer and English rugby player. He played cricket in 5 Tests in 1929 and was capped 10 times by England from 1934 to 1937. He was captain throughout the 1937 Home Nations championship, thus he captained England three times...
Archibald Palm
Archibald Palm
Archibald William Palm was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1927....
George Parker ·
Dante Parkin ·
Joe Partridge
Joe Partridge
Joseph Titus Partridge was a South African cricketer who played in eleven Tests from 1963 to 1965....
Wayne Parnell
Wayne Parnell
Wayne Dillon Parnell is a cricketer who plays Tests, One Day International and Twenty20 matches for South Africa. At domestic level he plays for the Warriors having previously represented Eastern Province, he has also played county cricket for Kent...
Charles Pearse
Charles Pearse
Charles Ormerod Cato 'Ormy' Pearse was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1910 to 1911....
Sid Pegler
Sid Pegler
Sidney James Pegler was a South African cricketer. He emerged following the decline of their googly bowlers Vogler and Schwarz in the early 1910s....
Alviro Petersen
Alviro Petersen
Alviro Nathan Petersen is a South African cricketer who plays his domestic cricket for the Highveld Lions. He has represented his country at international level in One Day International cricket as a specialist batsman. On the 14th of February 2010, he became the third South African after Andrew...
Robin Peterson
Robin Peterson
Robin John Peterson is a South African cricketer who bowls left arm spin. He is also a more than capable batsman, with a first class batting average of 26.35 as of 6 November 2005. His first class bowling average is a modest 36.36, however, and in Test matches it stands at 50.37...
Vernon Philander ·
Tony Pithey
Tony Pithey
Anthony John Pithey was a South African cricketer who played in seventeen Tests from 1957 to 1965. He was a technically correct top-order batsmen who developed a reputation for being a stayer rather than a strokemaker...
David Pithey
David Pithey
David Bartlett Pithey is a former South African cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1963 to 1967. His brother, Tony, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
Jack Plimsoll ·
Peter Pollock
Peter Pollock
Peter Maclean Pollock, has played a continuing role in the South Africa cricket team as a player, selector, and father of a future captain. He was voted a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1966...
Graeme Pollock
Graeme Pollock
Robert Graeme Pollock, known as Graeme, is a former cricketer. He played in 23 Test matches for South Africa and represented Transvaal and Eastern Province at domestic level....
Shaun Pollock
Shaun Pollock
Shaun Maclean Pollock is a retired South African cricketer who is considered a bowling all-rounder. From 2000 to 2003 he was the captain of the South African cricket team, and also played for Africa XI, World XI, Dolphins and Warwickshire. He was also chosen as the Wisden Cricketer of the Year in...
Robert Poore
Robert Poore
Robert Montagu Poore DSO, CIE was a cricketer and British army officer who, whilst serving in South Africa in 1896, played in three Tests for the South African cricket team. Much of his cricket was played when he held the rank of Major, but he eventually became a Brigadier-General...
Jim Pothecary ·
Albert Powell
Albert Powell
Albert "Bertie" William Powell was a South African sportsman who played both international cricket and rugby union for South Africa....
Dewald Pretorius
Dewald Pretorius
Dewald Pretorius is a South African cricketer. He is a right-arm fast bowler who debuted for the South Africa national cricket team in the second Test against Australia during the 2001/2002 series. He has not featured regularly for his country and has played only four Tests, last appearing in the...
Ashwell Prince
Ashwell Prince
Ashwell Gavin Prince is a cricketer who plays Test and One Day International cricket for South Africa. A left-handed middle order batsman, he has a high-batted stance and is strong through the offside. He is noted for his gritty style of batting and also for being an athletic fielder in the covers...
Charles Prince
Charles Prince (cricketer)
Charles Frederick Henry Prince was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1899....
Meyrick Pringle
Meyrick Pringle
Meyrick Wayne Pringle also known as 'Pring' was is a former South African cricketer who played in four Tests and seventeen ODIs from 1992 to 1995 and was one of SA's finest swing bowlers and one of the few who has ever mastered the art of swinging a tennis ball.-Early career:Pringle attended and...
Mike Procter
Mike Procter
Michael John Procter is a former South African cricketer. A fast bowler and hard hitting batsman, his chances for a long and productive test career were wrecked by South Africa's banishment from world cricket in the 1970s and 1980s...
Henry Promnitz
Henry Promnitz
Henry Louis Ernest Promnitz was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1927....
Neville Quinn
Neville Quinn
Neville Anthony Quinn was a cricketer, and brother of Michael, who played first-class cricket for Rhodesia....
Norman Reid ·
Jonty Rhodes
Jonty Rhodes
Jonathan Neil "Jonty" Rhodes is a former South African Test and One Day International cricketer who played for the South African cricket team between 1992 and 2003.Rhodes was born in Pietermaritzburg, Natal Province, South Africa...
Alfred Richards ·
Barry Richards
Barry Richards
Barry Anderson Richards is a former South African batsman. A right-handed "talent of such enormous stature", Richards is considered one of South Africa's most successful cricketers. He was able to play only four Test matches - all against Australia - before South Africa's exclusion from the...
Dicky Richards ·
Dave Richardson ·
Jack Robertson
Jack Robertson (South African cricketer)
John Benjamin Robertson was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1935 to 1936....
Albert Rose-Innes
Albert Rose-Innes
Albert Rose-Innes - was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on February 16, 1868 and died in East London, South Africa on November 22, 1946, aged 78. His first-class cricket career began at the same time that South Africa’s did, in 1889 with the first representative match between England and...
Thomas Routledge
Thomas Routledge
Thomas William Routledge - A fine attacking batsman and occasional, but useful change-bowler, Thomas Routledge was born in Liverpool, Lancashire, England on 18 April 1867 and died in Billingham, County Durham, England on 9 May 1927, aged 60...
Athol Rowan
Athol Rowan
Athol Matthew Burchell Rowan was a South African cricketer who played in fifteen Tests from 1947 to 1951. His older brother, Eric, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
Eric Rowan
Eric Rowan
Eric Alfred Burchell Rowan, born on 20 July 1909 and died at Johannesburg on 30 April 1993, was a cricketer who played for Transvaal, Eastern Province and South Africa....
George Rowe ·
Jacques Rudolph
Jacques Rudolph
Jacobus Andries Rudolph , popularly known as Jacques Rudolph, is a South African Test and ODI cricketer currently playing in England with Yorkshire CCC and in South Africa with Titans.He had an unbeaten 222 in his debut Test inning...
Mark Rushmere
Mark Rushmere
Mark Weir Rushmere is a former South African cricketer who played 1 Test and 4 One Day Internationals for South Africa in 1992....
Sivert Samuelson
Sivert Samuelson
Sivert Vause Samuelson was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1910....
Brett Schultz
Brett Schultz
Brett Nolan Schultz is a former South African cricketer who played in nine Tests and one ODI from 1992 to 1997....
Reggie Schwarz
Reggie Schwarz
Major Reginald Oscar Schwarz MC, known as Reggie was a South African cricketer and international rugby union footballer.-Early life:...
Arthur Seccull
Arthur Seccull
Arthur William Seccull, born King William's Town on 14 September 1868 and died at Johannesburg on 20 July 1945, was a cricketer who played once for South Africa....
Kelly Seymour ·
William Shalders
William Shalders
William Alfred Shalders was a South African cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1899 to 1907....
George Shepstone
George Shepstone
George Harold Shepstone was an South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1896 to 1899....
Percy Sherwell
Percy Sherwell
Percy William Sherwell was a South African cricketer who played in 13 Tests as a wicketkeeper from 1906 to 1911. He captained the side in every one of his 13 Tests...
Jack Siedle
Jack Siedle
Ivan Julian 'Jack' Siedle was a South African cricketer who played in 18 Tests from 1928 to 1936....
Jimmy Sinclair
Jimmy Sinclair
James Hugh Sinclair was an South African cricketer who played in 25 Tests from 1896 to 1911....
Charlie Smith ·
Fred Smith ·
Graeme Smith
Graeme Smith
Graeme Craig Smith is a South African cricketer and captain of the South African cricket team Test Match side, having succeeded Shaun Pollock after the 2003 Cricket World Cup...
Ian Smith
Ian Smith (South African cricketer)
Vivian Ian Smith is a former South African cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1947 to 1957. All nine of his Test appearances were outside South Africa, five in England on two tours, in 1947 and 1955, and four in Australia, where again he toured twice, in 1949-50 and 1957-58.Smith was a...
Richard Snell ·
Stanley Snooke
Stanley Snooke
Stanley de la Courtte Snooke was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1907.His brother, Tip, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
Tip Snooke
Tip Snooke
Sibley John "Tip" Snooke played Test cricket for South Africa as an all-rounder, captaining the side to victory 3-2 against England in a five-Test series in South Africa in 1909-10...
William Solomon
William Solomon
William Rodger Thomson Solomon was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1899....
Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart (cricketer)
Robert Bernard Stewart - With just one match to his name, Robert Stewart has the “distinction” of making a combined first-class and Test debut. Along with eight other South Africans – G.A. Kempis, O.R. Dunell, A.B. Tancred, W.H. Milton, C.E. Finlason, C.H. Vintcent, A.E. Ochse and A...
Dale Steyn
Dale Steyn
Dale Willem Steyn is a South African cricketer who plays in Test and One Day International cricket for South Africa. He is currently the number one ranked Test bowler in the world and achieved the 900+ points benchmark on 13th Nov 2011. Steyn plays domestic cricket in South Africa for Cape Cobras...
Rudi Steyn
Rudi Steyn
Philippus Jeremia Rudolf Steyn is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests and one ODI in 1995....
Louis Stricker
Louis Stricker
Louis Anthony Stricker was a South African cricketer who played in 13 Tests from 1910 to 1912....
Pieter Strydom
Pieter Strydom
Pieter Coenraad Strydom is a former cricketer. He played two Test matches and ten One Day Internationals for South Africa in 2000 until he was caught up in the Hansie Cronje betting scandal, but he was acquitted of those charges.-References:**The report of the King Commission...
Fred Susskind
Fred Susskind
Manfred John Susskind was a South African cricketer who played in 5 Tests in 1924 and six first-class matches for Middlesex .-External links:* *...
Pat Symcox
Pat Symcox
Patrick Leonard Symcox played 20 Tests and 80 One Day Internationals for South Africa in the 1990s and played provincial cricket for the Natal Dolphins in Durban....
Henry Taberer
Henry Taberer
Henry Melville Taberer was an South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1902....
Imran Tahir
Imran Tahir
Mohammad Imran Tahir is a Pakistan born South African cricketer. Tahir is a right-handed batsman who is a leg break bowler...
Bernard Tancred
Bernard Tancred
Augustus Bernard Tancred was a leading 19th century South African Test cricketer.Born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Tancred attended St...
Louis Tancred
Louis Tancred
Louis Joseph Tancred was a South African cricketer who played in 14 Tests from 1902 to 1913, including three as captain....
Vincent Tancred
Vincent Tancred
Vincent Maximillian Tancred was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1899.Born into a cricketing family in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Tancred, along with his brothers Bernard and Louis, showed cricketing talent from a young age and began playing for the Pretoria based Union Club...
George Tapscott
George Tapscott
George Lancelot 'Dusty' Tapscott was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1913. His brother, Lionel, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
Lionel Tapscott
Lionel Tapscott
Lionel Eric 'Doodles' Tapscott was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1923....
Hugh Tayfield
Hugh Tayfield
Hugh Joseph Tayfield was a cricketer. He played 37 Test matches for South Africa from 1949 to 1960 and was one of the best off spinners the game has seen. He was the fastest South African to take 100 wickets in Tests until Dale Steyn claimed the record in March 2008...
Scotch Taylor ·
Dan Taylor ·
Herbie Taylor
Herbie Taylor
Herbert Wilfred Taylor MC was a South African cricketer who played 42 Tests for his country including 18 as captain of the side. Specifically a batsman, he was an expert on the matting pitches which were prevalent in South Africa at the time and scored six of his seven centuries at home...
David Terbrugge
David Terbrugge
David John Terbrugge is a South African cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Nicolaas Theunissen
Nicolaas Theunissen
Nicolaas Hendrik Christiaan de Jong Theunissen was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1889....
George Thornton ·
Denis Tomlinson
Denis Tomlinson
Denis Stanley Tomlinson was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1935. He was born in Umtali, Rhodesia and died in Durban, Natal....
John Traicos
John Traicos
Athanasios John Traicos is a former cricketer who represented South Africa and Zimbabwe at international level. He was primarily an off spin bowler, and is one of a small number of cricketers to have played at the highest level for more than one country.Traicos was born in Zagazig, Egypt in 1947...
Pat Trimborn ·
Thami Tsolekile
Thami Tsolekile
Thami Lungisa Tsolekile is a South African cricketer who has played three Test matches for South Africa as a wicket-keeper in 2004–05. He was educated in Cape Town at Pinelands High...
Lonwabo Tsotsobe
Lonwabo Tsotsobe
Lonwabo Lopsy Tsotsobe is a South African cricketer who plays for Warriors.In November 2008, he received his first national call-up, with his selection for the test leg of the tour of Australia. He was later selected for the ODI leg as well.In April 2011, Tsotsobe signed to play as an overseas...
Lindsay Tuckett
Lindsay Tuckett
Lindsay Tuckett is a former South African cricketer who played in 9 Tests from 1947 to 1949. He was born in Durban, Natal....
Len Tuckett
Len Tuckett
Lindsay Richard 'Len' Tuckett was a South African cricketer who played in one Test in 1914. He was the father of Lindsay who also played Test cricket. He played for the teams of South Africa, Natal, and Orange Free State....
Percy Twentyman-Jones
Percy Twentyman-Jones
Percy Sydney Twentyman-Jones was a South African sportsman who played international cricket in one Test in 1902, and international rugby union in three Tests in 1896....
Pieter van der Bijl
Pieter van der Bijl
Pieter Gerhard Vintcent van der Bijl was a South African cricketer who played in 5 Tests from 1938 to 1939. His son, Vintcent, had a successful first-class career....
Edward van der Merwe
Edward Van Der Merwe
Edward Alexander van der Merwe was a South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1929 to 1936....
Peter van der Merwe
Peter van der Merwe (cricketer)
Peter Laurence van der Merwe is a former South African cricketer who played in fifteen Tests from 1963 to 1967. He later became a match referee....
Martin van Jaarsveld
Martin van Jaarsveld
Martin van Jaarsveld is a South African cricketer who played nine Tests and eleven One Day Internationals for South Africa between 2002 and 2004...
Clive van Ryneveld
Clive van Ryneveld
Clive Berrange van Ryneveld is a former South African cricketer who played in nineteen Tests from 1951 to 1958. He is the oldest living South African cricket captain....
Derek Varnals
Derek Varnals
George Derek Varnals is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests in the 1964-65 season....
Ken Viljoen
Ken Viljoen
Kenneth George Viljoen was a South African cricketer who played in 27 Tests from 1930 to 1949, but he is more greatly renowned in cricketing circles as a manager of post-World War II Springbok teams....
Cyril Vincent
Cyril Vincent
Cyril Leverton Vincent was a South African cricketer who played in 25 Tests from 1927 to 1935....
Charles Vintcent
Charles Vintcent
Charles Henry Vintcent was a South African cricketer who played in 3 Tests from 1889 to 1892.Educated Charterhouse School 1880 - 1884 School Football XI 1882-84....
Bert Vogler
Bert Vogler
Albert Edward Ernest Vogler was a South African cricketer.Vogler was born in Swartwater, Queenstown, Eastern Cape. He began his cricket career for Natal as an attacking lower order right-handed batsman and fast medium bowler before acquiring the googly from Reggie Schwarz on that player’s return...
Herby Wade ·
Billy Wade
Billy Wade (cricketer)
Walter Wareham 'Billy' Wade was a South African cricketer who played in 11 Tests in 1970. His brother, Herby, also played Test cricket for South Africa....
John Waite ·
Kenneth Walter
Kenneth Walter
Kenneth Alexander Walter was a South African cricketer who played in two Tests in 1961....
Tommy Ward
Tommy Ward
Thomas "Tommy" Alfred Ward was a South African cricketer who played in 23 Tests from 1912 to 1924....
John Watkins
John Watkins (South African cricketer)
John Cecil Watkins is a former South African cricketer who played in fifteen Tests from 1949 to 1957....
Colin Wesley
Colin Wesley
Colin 'Tich' Wesley is a former South African cricketer who played in three Tests in 1960....
Kepler Wessels
Kepler Wessels
Kepler Christoffel Wessels is a former South African cricketer who captained South Africa after playing 24 Tests for Australia. He was the first man to have played One Day International cricket for two countries....
Dick Westcott ·
Gordon White
Gordon White
Gordon Charles White was a South African cricketer who played in 17 Tests from 1906 to 1912.White was born in Port St Johns, Cape Province. He died in 1918 in Gaza, Palestine.-References:*...
Charl Willoughby
Charl Willoughby
Charl Myles Willoughby is a South African cricketer who played two Tests and three ODIs for South Africa between 2000 and 2003. He played for Boland and Western Province before spending two seasons with the Cape Cobras. He has also played English county cricket, and after a season with...
Joseph Willoughby
Joseph Willoughby
Joseph Thomas Willoughby was an South African cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1896....
Clarence Wimble
Clarence Wimble
Clarence Skelton Wimble, a South African cricketer, was born at Graaff-Reinet, Cape Colony, on April 22, 1861 and died in Johannesburg in the Transvaal on January 28, 1930, aged 68....
Paul Winslow ·
Owen Wynne
Owen Wynne
Owen Edgar Wynne was a South African cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 1948 to 1950....
Monde Zondeki
Monde Zondeki
Monde Zondeki is a South African cricketer who has played five Tests and 7 One Day International for South Africa, and three One Day Internationals for the African XI...
Billy Zulch
Billy Zulch
Johan Wilhelm Zulch was a South African cricketer who played 16 Tests for South Africa between 1910 and 1921....
Sri Lanka
- See also List of Sri Lanka Test cricketers
Saliya Ahangama
Saliya Ahangama
Franklyn Saliya Ahangama is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 3 Tests and one ODI in 1985. He would have played more tests, having a bowling average of 19, but retired due to constant injury. He then became a comentator. Saliya is now a cricket coach at the Melbourne Sports Stadium,...
Kaushik Amalean
Kaushik Amalean
Kaushik Naginda Amalean is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 8 ODIs from 1986 to 1988....
Jayantha Amerasinghe
Jayantha Amerasinghe
Amerasinghe Mudalige Jayantha Gamini Amerasinghe is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1984....
Ishara Amerasinghe
Ishara Amerasinghe
Merenna Koralage Don Ishara Amerasinghe is a Sri Lankan cricketer who attended Nalanda College Colombo. A right-arm fast-medium bowler with a side-on action, Amerasinghe was named in the 30 man provincial squad for the 2007 World Cup...
Don Anurasiri
Don Anurasiri
Sangarange Don Anurasiri is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 18 Tests and 45 ODIs from 1986 to 1998. He was a left-arm orthodox spinner who spent his career in and out of the national side....
Russel Arnold
Russel Arnold
Russel Premakumaran "Rusty" Arnold is a former Sri Lankan cricketer of Tamil descent. Arnold made his Test debut against Pakistan in 1997 and his One day international debut against South Africa later in the year. Originally an opening batsmen, Arnold has since moved down the batting order...
Marvan Atapattu
Marvan Atapattu
Marvan Samson Atapattu is a former Sri Lankan cricketer and former Sri Lankan captain. Towards the end of his career he joined the Indian Cricket League and captained the Delhi Giants...
Malinga Bandara
Malinga Bandara
Herath Mudiyanselage Charitha Malinga Bandara , commonly known as Malinga Bandara, is a Sri Lankan Test and one-day international cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and also bowls legbreaks. Malinga Bandara was earmarked from an early age as a legspinner of great potential...
Niroshan Bandaratilleke
Niroshan Bandaratilleke
Mapa Rallalage Chandima Niroshan Bandaratilleke is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a left-arm slow bowler...
Upul Chandana
Upul Chandana
Umagiliya Durage Upul Chandana is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He was more specifically a leg spin bowler and was also an outstanding fielder....
Pubudu Dassanayake
Pubudu Dassanayake
Pubudu Bathiya Dassanayake is a Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 11 Tests and 16 ODIs from 1993 to 1994. Chosen as the wicket keeper for the 1993 home Test series against South Africa he made his debut in the first match without making much of an impression, keeping solidly behind the wickets...
Guy de Alwis
Guy de Alwis
Ronald Guy de Alwis is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 11 Tests and 31 ODIs from 1983 to 1988....
Ashantha De Mel
Ashantha De Mel
Ashantha Lakdasa Francis De Mel is a former Sri Lankan cricketer and selector for the national team. He was one of few Sri Lanka bowlers in the 1980s who could get the ball to anything above medium pace, and he was also said to have the ability to get the ball to swing out.- Cricketing career :He...
Indika de Saram
Indika de Saram
Samantha Indika de Saram is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-break bowler who usually occupies the position of wicketkeeper....
Ashley de Silva
Ashley de Silva
Ashley Matthew de Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 4 ODIs from 1986 to 1993....
Somachandra de Silva
Somachandra de Silva
Dandeniyage Somachandra de Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He bowled leg spin, and captained the Sri Lankan cricket team for two Test matches in 1983, as the regular captain, Duleep Mendis missed the tour of New Zealand due to injury...
Asoka de Silva ·
Ajit de Silva
Ajit de Silva
Ginigalgodage Ramba Ajit de Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He played four Test matches and six ODIs for Sri Lanka, bowling accurate slow left arm spin bowling to little effect...
Sajeewa de Silva
Sajeewa de Silva
Karunakalage Sajeewa Chanaka de Silva is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He played Test cricket for Sri Lanka in the late 1990s as a left arm fast bowler....
Aravinda de Silva
Aravinda de Silva
Pinnaduwage Aravinda de Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who is considered one of the finest batsmen produced by the country.He is also regarded as one of the most elegant batsman in his generation, and to date is the only player to make a hundred and take 3 or more wickets in a world cup...
Lanka de Silva
Lanka de Silva
Sanjeewa Kumara Lanka De Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 11 ODIs in 1997....
Sujeewa de Silva
Sujeewa de Silva
Sujeewa de Silva is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a left-arm medium-fast bowler....
Kumar Dharmasena
Kumar Dharmasena
Kumar Dharmasena is a former Sri Lankan cricketer and current Umpire. He was a member of World Cup Winning Cricket Team 1996 for Sri Lanka. He was a right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-break bowler...
Roy Dias
Roy Dias
Roy Luke Dias is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who played 20 Test matches as a specialist batsman, and became the first Sri Lankan to hit 1,000 Test runs...
Tillakaratne Dilshan
Tillakaratne Dilshan
Tillakaratne Mudiyanselage Dilshan born October 14, 1976 in Kalutara, Sri Lanka is a Sri Lankan cricketer and captain of the Sri Lanka national cricket team since April 2011. He has been a member of the team since November 1999, and was also known as Tuwan Mohammad Dilshan prior to his conversion...
Chamara Dunusinghe
Chamara Dunusinghe
Chamara Iroshan Dunusinghe is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 5 Tests and one ODI from 1995 to 1995. He attended Nalanda College Colombo....
Dilhara Fernando
Dilhara Fernando
Congenige Randhi Dilhara Fernando is a cricketer who plays for Sri Lanka. He is a right-handed pace bowler.Dilhara studied at De Mazenod College Kandana...
Susil Fernando
Susil Fernando
Ellekutige Rufus Nemesion Susil Fernando is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1983 to 1984....
Dinusha Fernando
Dinusha Fernando
Kandana Arachchige Dinusha Manoj Fernando is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Hasantha Fernando ·
Charitha Buddhika
Charitha Buddhika
Thudellage Charitha Buddhika Fernando is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler...
Indika Gallage
Indika Gallage
Indika Sanjeewa Gallage is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in one Test and 3 ODIs from 1999 to 2001.He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Yohan Goonasekera
Yohan Goonasekera
Yohan Goonasekera is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 3 ODIs in 1983. He is an Old boy of Nalanda College Colombo.-External links:...
Mahes Goonatilleke
Mahes Goonatilleke
Hettiarachige Mahes Goonatilleke is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who played five Test matches and six ODIs as wicket-keeper during 1981 and 1982 - being Sri Lanka's first wicketkeeper in Test cricket. He showed good promise as both wicket-keeper and batsman, and even made 56 against Pakistan as...
Avishka Gunawardene
Avishka Gunawardene
Dihan Avishka Gunawardene is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is an explosive left-handed batsman who first came into the public eye during the 1998 Commonwealth Games, when he scored a century and achieved the highest score in the South African defeat.Despite a few centuries, avoidable dismissals...
Roshan Guneratne
Roshan Guneratne
Roshan Punyajith Wijesinghe Guneratne was a Sri Lankan cricketer who played in one Test in 1983. He is an old boy of Nalanda College Colombo & captained the college cricket team in 1982....
Asanka Gurusinha
Asanka Gurusinha
Asanka Pradeep Gurusinha is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who enjoyed an 11-year international career, playing 41 Tests and 147 One Day Internationals for Sri Lanka. He was a specialist batsman who helped win the 1996 World Cup final with 65 in a partnership of 125 with the final's Man of the...
Chandika Hathurusingha
Chandika Hathurusingha
Upul Chandika Hathurusingha is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Rangana Herath
Rangana Herath
Herath Mudiyanselage Rangana Keerthi Bandara Herath, also known as H. M. R. K. B. Herath or Rangana Herath or Jack is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He was educated at Mayurapada Central College, Narammala and Maliyadeva College. He has also played cricket for Kurunegala Youth Cricket Club and Moors...
Dinuka Hettiarachchi
Dinuka Hettiarachchi
Dinuka Hettiarachchi is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a slow left-arm bowler.Hettiarachchi began playing cricket in 1995 for Tamil Union. He represented clubs at every level from under-13s to under-19s and beyond to senior level...
Rohan Jayasekera
Rohan Jayasekera (cricketer)
Rohan Stanley Amarasiriwardene Jayasekera is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who represented Sri Lanka in one Test match and two ODIs, and also represented Canada in four ICC Trophy matches....
Sanath Jayasuriya
Sanath Jayasuriya
Sanath Teran Jayasuriya is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. An all-rounder, he played for the Sri Lankan cricket team from 1989 to 2011...
Mahela Jayawardene
Mahela Jayawardene
Denagamage Proboth Mahela de Silva Jayawardene , known as Mahela Jayawardene, is the former captain of the Sri Lankan cricket team. He is a specialist batsman who has a Test average of over 50, and an ODI average in the 30s...
Prasanna Jayawardene
Prasanna Jayawardene
Hewasandatchige Asiri Prasanna Wishvanath Jayawardene is a Sri Lankan cricketer...
Sridharan Jeganathan
Sridharan Jeganathan
Sridharan Jeganathan was a Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 5 ODIs from 1983 to 1988....
Vinothen John
Vinothen John
Vinothen Bede John is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 6 Tests and 45 ODIs from 1982 to 1987.-Notes:*His name is often spelled as Vinodhan John....
Shantha Kalavitigoda
Shantha Kalavitigoda
Shantha Kalavitigoda is a Sri Lankan cricketer who played in one Test in 2005. He was educated at Nalanda College Colombo.Shantha is the 101st Sri Lanka Test Cap [New Zealand Vs Sri Lanka at Wellington New Zealand 2004/05]...
Ruwan Kalpage
Ruwan Kalpage
Ruwan Kalpage is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He was a left-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler....
Lalith Kaluperuma
Lalith Kaluperuma
Lalith Wasantha Silva Kaluperuma is a former Sri Lankan cricketer. He was educated at Nalanda College Colombo. He was recognised as a good off spinner in Sri Lankan domestic cricket before their elevation to Test status, which gave him a chance in the inaugural Test against England...
Sanath Kaluperuma
Sanath Kaluperuma
Sanath Mohan Silva Kaluperuma is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1984 to 1988. Kaluperuma studied at Nalanda College Colombo and represented Bloomfield Cricket and Athletic Club. A top order batsman who could open and a handy off spin bowler, he was also a...
Romesh Kaluwitharana
Romesh Kaluwitharana
Romesh Shantha Kaluwitharana is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 49 Test and 189 ODIs from 1990 to 2004...
Chamara Kapugedera
Chamara Kapugedera
Chamara Kantha Kapugedera is a Sri Lankan cricketer.Kapugedera made his first-class debut in a match for Sri Lanka A and in domestic cricket, he plays for Colombo Cricket Club....
Nuwan Kulasekara
Nuwan Kulasekara
Kulasekara Mudiyanselage Dinesh Nuwan Kulasekara is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He was educated at the Bandaranayake College-Gampaha. He is principally a fast-medium bowler....
Brendon Kuruppu
Brendon Kuruppu
Don Sardha Brendon Priyantha Kuruppu is a former Sri Lankan wicket-keeper and opening batsman. He was often used in ODIs, as he played 54 from 1983 to 1990, but his Test career was largely unremarkable but for one productive innings in Colombo....
Kosala Kuruppuarachchi
Kosala Kuruppuarachchi
Ajith Kosala Kuruppuarachchi is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests from 1986 to 1987....
Graeme Labrooy
Graeme Labrooy
Graeme Fredrick Labrooy is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 44 ODIs from 1986 to 1992. A right-hand bat and right-arm fast medium bowler, Labrooy took 124 first class wickets at 33.56, however struggled in the international arena with averages in the mid-40s...
Chamila Gamage
Chamila Gamage
Chamila Gamage is a Sri Lankan cricketer...
Dulip Liyanage
Dulip Liyanage
Dulip Kapila Liyanage is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Kaushal Lokuarachchi ·
Ranjan Madugalle
Ranjan Madugalle
Ranjan Senerath Madugalle is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who became a match referee in 1993. He was educated at Trinity College, Kandy, and Royal College, Colombo....
Ranjith Madurasinghe
Ranjith Madurasinghe
Ranjith Madurusinghe is a Sri Lankan cricketer. An old boy of Maliyadeva College and highly rated in domestic circles, he failed to make an impact at international level in his limited opportunities. With his tall build, Madurusinghe could gain bounce when delivering his well-flighted offspin...
Roshan Mahanama
Roshan Mahanama
Roshan Siriwardene Mahanama is a former Sri Lankan cricketer and currently an ICC match referee.Although he averaged less than 30 at Test cricket, he did score four centuries, including a top score of 225 for the Sri Lankan cricket team against India at Colombo, where he shared a then world record...
Farveez Maharoof
Farveez Maharoof
Mohamed Farveez Maharoof is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He first made his impression in the 2004 U19 World Cup in which he captained the Sri Lankan team. He enjoyed a prolific school career for Wesley College, with a highest score of 243 and best bowling figures of 8 for 20. An all-rounder, he made...
Lasith Malinga
Lasith Malinga
Separamadu Lasith Malinga is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a fast bowler with a rare round-arm action, sometimes referred to as a sling action, which leads to his nickname, "Slinga Malinga"...
Angelo Mathews
Angelo Mathews
Angelo Davis Mathews is a Sri Lankan cricketer. Like Chaminda Vaas He had his formal education in St. Joseph's College, Colombo. Born in Colombo, he captained the Sri Lankan cricket team team in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka...
Ajantha Mendis
Ajantha Mendis
Balapuwaduge Ajantha Winslo Mendis is a cricketer who plays for the Sri Lankan national cricket team.Mendis, although classified as slow-medium, bowls a mixture of deliveries, including googlies, off-breaks, top-spinners, flippers and leg-breaks, as well as the carrom ball, released with a flick...
Duleep Mendis
Duleep Mendis
Louis Rohan Duleep Mendis is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who captained Sri Lanka to their first Test series victory in 1985. He was primarily a specialist batsman, whose best period as a player came from 1982 to 1985. His first years of school were spent at St. Sebastian's College, Moratuwa...
Jehan Mubarak
Jehan Mubarak
Jehan Mubarak is an American-born Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler.-Early career:...
Muttiah Muralitharan
Muttiah Muralitharan
Muttiah Muralitharan , often referred to as Murali, is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who was rated the greatest Test match bowler ever by Wisden Cricketers' Almanack in 2002...
Naveed Nawaz
Naveed Nawaz
Mohamed Naveed Nawaz, born September 20, 1973 in Colombo, is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a legbreak bowler and has played both Test cricket and One-Day Internationals for the Sri Lankan national side....
Prabath Nissanka
Prabath Nissanka
Ratnayake Arachchige Prabath Nissanka is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Tharanga Paranavitana
Tharanga Paranavitana
Nishad Tharanga Paranavitana is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is an opening batsman and an off-break bowler. He made his international debut in a Test match against Pakistan in February 2009...
Suresh Perera
Suresh Perera
Suresh Perera is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Ruchira Perera
Ruchira Perera
Panagodage Don Ruchira Laksiri Perera is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a left-arm medium-fast bowler....
Dammika Prasad ·
Seekkuge Prasanna
Seekkuge Prasanna
Seekkuge Prasanna is a Sri Lankan cricketer.Prasanna made his Test cricket debut for Sri Lanka on 8 September 2011 at Pallekele International Cricket Stadium against Australia....
Ravindra Pushpakumara
Ravindra Pushpakumara
Karuppiahyage Ravindra Pushpakumara is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-fast bowler....
Champaka Ramanayake
Champaka Ramanayake
Champaka Priyadarshana Hewage Ramanayake is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 18 Tests and 62 ODIs from 1986 to 1995....
Anura Ranasinghe
Anura Ranasinghe
Anura Nandana Ranasinghe was a Sri Lankan cricketer, who represented Sri Lanka at international level 11 times...
Arjuna Ranatunga
Arjuna Ranatunga
Arjuna Ranatunga is a retired Sri Lankan cricketer and politician. He was the captain of Sri Lankan cricket team, and led them to an unbeaten title-winning campaign at the 1996 Cricket World Cup...
Dammika Ranatunga
Dammika Ranatunga
Dammika Ranatunga is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 4 ODIs in 1989. He is the brother of former Sri Lanka captain Arjuna Ranatunga, Sanjeeva Ranatunga and Nishantha Ranatunga....
Sanjeeva Ranatunga
Sanjeeva Ranatunga
Sanjeeva Ranatunga is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 13 ODIs from 1994 to 1997. He is the brother of former Sri Lanka captain Arjuna Ranatunga, Dammika Ranatunga and Nishantha Ranatunga....
Suraj Randiv ·
Rumesh Ratnayake
Rumesh Ratnayake
Rumesh Joseph Ratnayake is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 23 Tests and 70 ODIs from 1982 to 1993.Ratnayake was a right arm fast-medium bowler who was capable of swinging the new ball and generating considerable pace and bounce...
Ravi Ratnayeke
Ravi Ratnayeke
Joseph Ravindran 'Ravi' Ratnayeke is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who batted right-handed and bowled medium pace. Ratnayeke played 22 Tests and 78 ODIs from 1982 to 1990, his Test best bowling performance of eight wickets for 83 runs at Jinnah Stadium Pakistan was a Sri Lankan Test record at the...
Athula Samarasekera
Athula Samarasekera
Maitipage Athula Rohitha Samarasekera is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played four Tests and 39 ODIs between 1983 to 1994....
Dulip Samaraweera
Dulip Samaraweera
Dulip Prasanna Samaraweera is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 7 Tests and 5 ODIs for his country from 1993 to 1995. He was a right-handed opening batsmen and occasional right arm off-spinner...
Thilan Samaraweera
Thilan Samaraweera
Thilan Thusara Samaraweera is a Sri Lankan cricketer, born September 22, 1976 in Colombo. Samaraweera plays international cricket for Sri Lanka and is in the side primarily for his solid right-handed batting but is also a capable Off spinner.-Personal life:...
Kumar Sangakkara
Kumar Sangakkara
Kumar Sangakkara is a Sri Lankan, Sinhalese cricketer and the former captain of the Sri Lanka national cricket team. He is a left-handed top-order batsman...
Charith Senanayake
Charith Senanayake
Charith Panduka Senanayake is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1990 to 1991....
Jayantha Silva
Jayantha Silva
Kelaniyage Jayantha Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 7 Tests and one ODI from 1995 to 1998....
Chamara Silva
Chamara Silva
Lindamlilage Prageeth Chamara Silva is a Sri Lankan cricketer...
Amal Silva
Amal Silva
Sampathwaduge Amal Rohitha Silva is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 20 ODIs from 1983 to 1988. He was a left-handed wicketkeeper batsman and opened the batting for Sri Lanka....
Upul Tharanga
Upul Tharanga
Warushavithana Upul Tharanga , commonly known as Upul Tharanga, is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed opening batsman and wicketkeeper.-Early life:Upul Tharanga had his education at Dharmasoka College, Ambalangoda...
Thilan Thushara
Thilan Thushara
Thilan Thushara is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a left-arm medium-fast bowler.Thushara made his first-class debut in 1998-99...
Hashan Tillakaratne
Hashan Tillakaratne
Hashan Prasantha Tillakaratne is a Sri Lankan cricketer and a politician.-Cricket career:As a schoolboy in 1986, he was selected to play against England B at Galle, scoring a century to save the match. He played in his first One Day International in November 1986, and emerged into the Sri Lankan...
Eric Upashantha
Eric Upashantha
Kalutarage Eric Amila Upashantha is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He has done his higher education at Maliyadeva College, Kurunegala...
Chaminda Vaas
Chaminda Vaas
Warnakulasuriya Patabendige Ushantha Joseph Chaminda Vaas , usually known as Chaminda Vaas, is a Sri Lankan cricketer is regarded as the best fast bowler to have come out of the country - he has been described as the 'most penetrative and successful new-ball bowler Sri Lanka have had'...
Michael Vandort
Michael Vandort
Michael Graydon Vandort is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and a right-arm medium-pace bowler. He is one of the tallest batsman ever to play test cricket and stands at 6 feet 5 inches....
Bandula Warnapura
Bandula Warnapura
Bandula Warnapura is a former cricketer and captain of the Sri Lankan cricket team. He played 4 Test matches and 12 One Day Internationals during his international cricketing career from 1975 to 1982...
Malinda Warnapura
Malinda Warnapura
Basnayake Shalith Malinda Warnapura is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman and right-arm off-break bowler. Making his first class debut in 1998/99, Warnapura did not play international cricket for Sri Lanka until 2007. He had however previously represented them in the cricket...
Jayananda Warnaweera
Jayananda Warnaweera
Kahakatchchi Patabandige Jayananda Warnaweera is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 6 ODIs from 1986 to 1994....
Sanjeewa Weerasinghe
Sanjeewa Weerasinghe
Colombage Don Udesh Sanjeewa Weerasinghe is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in one Test in 1985. He was the youngest test player to represent Sri Lanka at an age of 17 years and 269 days....
Chanaka Welegedara
Chanaka Welegedara
Uda Walawwe Mahim Bandaralage Chanaka Asanka Welegedara, more commonly referred to as Chanaka Welegedara, , is a Sri Lankan international cricketer. A left-arm fast bowler by trade, he has a healthy bowling average in both first-class and List A cricket, in the mid-to-low 20s...
Mithra Wettimuny
Mithra Wettimuny
Mithra de Silva Wettimuny is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and one ODI in 1983. His brothers Sunil and Sidath have also played cricket at international level....
Sidath Wettimuny
Sidath Wettimuny
Sidath Wettimuny is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who played Test cricket and One Day Internationals as an opening batsman from 1982 to 1987...
Pramodya Wickramasinghe
Pramodya Wickramasinghe
Gallage Pramodya Wickramasinghe, commonly known as Pramodya Wickramasinghe is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-hand medium-fast bowler....
Gamini Wickremasinghe
Gamini Wickremasinghe
Anguppulige Gamini Dayantha Wickremasinghe is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played three Tests and four ODIs between 1989 and 1993. He studied at Nalanda College Colombo....
Kapila Wijegunawardene
Kapila Wijegunawardene
Kapila Indaka Weerakkody Wijegunawardene is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in 2 Tests and 26 ODIs from 1988 to 1992....
Gayan Wijekoon
Gayan Wijekoon
Wijekoon Mudiyanselage Gayan Ramyakumara is a Sri Lankan cricketer...
Roger Wijesuriya
Roger Wijesuriya
Roger Gerald Christopher Ediriweera Wijesuriya is a former Sri Lankan cricketer, who holds the worst bowling average in Test cricket.- Tours of England pre-Test status :...
Piyal Wijetunge
Piyal Wijetunge
Piyal Kashyapa Wijetunge is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who played in one Test in 1993....
Nuwan Zoysa
Nuwan Zoysa
Demuni Nuwan Tharanga Zoysa is a Sri Lankan cricketer. He was a lanky left-arm seam bowler, who played 30 Tests and 95 ODI's for Sri Lanka. In his eighth Test, Zoysa became the first player in the history to take a hat-trick off the first three balls of the match. He achieved this against Zimbabwe...
West Indies
- See also List of West Indies Test cricketers
Ellis Achong
Ellis Achong
Ellis Edgar Achong was a sportsman from Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies. He played cricket for the West Indies and was the first person of Chinese descent to play in a Test match...
Jimmy Adams
Jimmy Adams
James Clive "Jimmy" Adams is a former Jamaican cricketer, who represented the West Indies as player and captain during his career. He was a steady left-handed batsman, useful left-arm orthodox spin bowler and good fielder, especially in the gully position...
Gerry Alexander
Gerry Alexander
Franz Copeland Murray "Gerry" Alexander was a Jamaican cricketer who played 25 Tests for the West Indies...
Imtiaz Ali ·
Inshan Ali
Inshan Ali
Inshan Ali was a West Indian cricketer who played in 12 Tests from 1971 to 1977.Born in Preysal, Trinidad and Tobago, of Indian descent, Ali was a left-arm unorthodox spin bowler who made his first-class cricket debut for South Trinidad against North Trinidad on 15 April 1966, aged just 16 years...
David Allan
David Allan (cricketer)
David Walter Allan is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1962 to 1966. He was wicket-keeper in all five Tests....
Ian Allen ·
Curtly Ambrose
Curtly Ambrose
Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose is a former West Indian cricketer. His skill was as a right-arm fast bowler, especially in partnership with Courtney Walsh...
Keith Arthurton
Keith Arthurton
Keith Lloyd Thomas Arthurton is a former West Indian cricketer. Having become only the third player to hail from Nevis, the left-arm unorthodox bowler played in 33 Tests between July 1988 and August 1995 and continued playing in one day matches until May 1999. However, he never recovered from the...
Nyron Asgarali
Nyron Asgarali
Nyron Sultan Asgarali was a former West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1957....
Denis Atkinson
Denis Atkinson
Denis St Eval Atkinson was a West Indian cricketer who played 22 Test matches as an all-rounder, hitting 922 runs and taking 47 wickets. He also played first-class cricket for Barbados and Trinidad...
Eric Atkinson
Eric Atkinson
Eric St Eval Atkinson played eight Tests for the West Indies. He was the younger brother of Denis Atkinson, and the two were the third pair of brothers to turn out together for the West Indies. Atkinson was primarily a seam bowler, taking 25 wickets in his one-year Test career...
Richard Austin ·
Ryan Austin
Ryan Austin
Ryan Anthony Austin, born 15 November 1981 in Arima, Trinidad and Tobago, is a West Indian cricketer.A lower-order right-handed batsman and a right-arm off-spin bowler, Austin played 22 first-class matches for Barbados between the 2000-01 and 2006-07 seasons, and five for West Indies B in the...
Faoud Bacchus
Faoud Bacchus
Sheik Faoud Ahamul Fasiel Bacchus is a cricket player for the West Indies and the United States.A right-handed batsman, he made his Test match debut for the West Indies aged 24 in the 1977/78 series against Australia, but his best achievements were in the 1978/79 series against India, where he...
Leonard Baichan
Leonard Baichan
Leonard Baichan is a former West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests from 1975 to 1976....
Lionel Baker
Lionel Baker
Lionel Sionne Baker is a West Indian cricketer who has played first-class cricket for the Leeward Islands. He is the first person from Montserrat to have represented the West Indies at Test cricket.-Personal life:...
Omari Banks
Omari Banks
Omari Ahmed Clement Banks is a West Indian cricketer and musical artist. He has appeared in 10 Test matches for the West Indies, and currently plays domestic cricket for Leeward Islands. In 2011 Omari began to pursue his musical career professionally and has been less involved in playing...
Eldine Baptiste
Eldine Baptiste
Eldine Ashworth Elderfield Baptiste appeared in 10 Tests and 43 One Day Internationals for the West Indies....
Adrian Barath
Adrian Barath
Adrian Boris Barath is a West Indian cricketer. A right-hand batsman for Trinidad and Tobago, Barath made his Test debut in November 2009, becoming the youngest West Indian to score a century.-Career:...
Arthur Barrett ·
Ivan Barrow
Ivan Barrow
Ivanhoe Mordecai Barrow was a cricketer who played 11 Tests for the West Indies.A wicket-keeper and opening batsman, he was the first West Indian to score a century in a Test Match in England...
Edward Bartlett
Edward Bartlett (cricketer)
Edward Lawson Bartlett was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' inaugural Test tour of England in 1928.He was born in Flint Hall, St. Michael, Barbados....
Carlton Baugh ·
Kenneth Benjamin
Kenneth Benjamin
Kenneth Charlie Griffith Benjamin in St John's, Antigua, played 26 Tests and 26 One Day Internationals for the West Indies....
Winston Benjamin
Winston Benjamin
Winston Keithroy Matthew Benjamin is an Antiguan cricketer who played 21 Tests and 85 One Day Internationals for the West Indies. He made his Test debut against India at Delhi on the 1987–88 tour...
Sulieman Benn
Sulieman Benn
Sulieman Jamaal Benn is a West Indian cricketer who plays international cricket for the West Indies and first-class cricket for Barbados....
David Bernard ·
Brandon Bess
Brandon Bess
Brandon Jeremy Bess is an international cricketer who made his debut for the West Indies cricket team in June 2010 as a late replacement for Nelon Pascal, who was injured pre-match...
Carlisle Best
Carlisle Best
Carlisle Alonza Best played eight Tests and 24 One Day Internationals for the West Indies.Best hooked his third ball in Test cricket for six off the bowling of Ian Botham at Kingston, Jamaica, in February 1986....
Tino Best
Tino Best
Tino la Bertram Best is a West Indian cricketer.Short in stature, Tino Best is a fast and aggressive bowler with a bowling average of 48.67 in Test cricket....
Nelson Betancourt
Nelson Betancourt
Nelson Betancourt - was a cricketer who was a useful batsman and an occasional wicketkeeper and bowler. He was born in Trinidad on June 4, 1887 and died there on October 12, 1947, aged 60....
Alfred Binns
Alfred Binns
Alfred Philip "Alfie" Binns was a West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests between 1953 and 1956. He played wicketkeeper in all five Tests.- Notes :...
Lionel Birkett
Lionel Birkett
Lionel Sydney Birkett was a West Indian cricketer who played in 4 Tests from 1930 to 1931.-References:...
Devendra Bishoo
Devendra Bishoo
Devendra Bishoo is a Guyanese and West Indian cricketer of East Indian origin. He is a leg-spinner who made his international debut playing for the West Indies cricket team in the Cricket World Cup 2011....
Ian Bishop ·
Marlon Black
Marlon Black
Marlon Ian Black is a former West Indian cricketer who played in six Tests and five ODIs, debuting in the year 2000....
Keith Boyce
Keith Boyce
Keith David Boyce played 21 Tests and 8 One Day Internationals for the West Indies in the 1970s, he died from the effects of chronic cirrhosis of the liver while sitting in a chair at a pharmacist in Speightstown, Barbados in 1996.Boyce was the first man to take eight wickets in a List A match; he...
Ian Bradshaw
Ian Bradshaw
Ian David Russell Bradshaw is a Barbadian cricketer who played for West Indies as a left-arm medium-fast bowler and a left-handed batsman. He captained the West Indies U-19 team, but his senior debut came two months before his 30th birthday, when he was selected to play in the last three One Day...
Kraigg Brathwaite
Kraigg Brathwaite
Kraigg Clairmonte Brathwaite known as Kraigg Brathwaite is an international cricketer from Barbados who is part of the West Indian cricket team. He is a right handed batsman...
Darren Bravo
Darren Bravo
Darren Michael Bravo is a West Indian cricketer who plays domestic cricket for Trinidad and Tobago and has appeared for the West Indies cricket team in One Day International cricket. A left-handed batsman,is slow, focused and determined...
Dwayne Bravo
Dwayne Bravo
Dwayne James John Bravo is a West Indian cricketer. A right-handed pace bowler, Bravo is expected to play a significant role in attempts by the West Indies to return to international prominence in the sport....
Gareth Breese
Gareth Breese
Gareth Rohan Breese is a West Indian cricketer who played one Test match in 2002, as the main spin bowler at the M. A. Chidambaram Stadium against India. Breese scored five runs in two innings, and took two wickets, but conceded 135 runs in 31 overs and was the most expensive bowler...
Courtney Browne
Courtney Browne
Courtney Oswald Browne is a Barbadian cricketer. He is a right-handed wicketkeeping batsman. He is the only West Indian Test cricketer to have been born in England....
Snuffy Browne ·
Basil Butcher
Basil Butcher
Basil Fitzherbert Butcher is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 44 Tests from 1958 to 1969. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1970....
Lennox Butler
Lennox Butler
Lennox Stephen Butler was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1955....
Clyde Butts
Clyde Butts
Clyde Godfrey Butts is a former West Indies cricketer who batted right-handed and bowled off breaks....
Robin Bynoe
Robin Bynoe
Michael Robin Bynoe is a former West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests from 1959 to 1967....
Steve Camacho
Steve Camacho
George Stephen Camacho George Stephen (Steve) Camacho George Stephen (Steve) Camacho (born October 15, 1945, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Georgetown, Guyana) is a former West Indian cricketer who played in eleven Tests from 1968 to 1971 as an opening batsman and occasional leg-spin bowler....
Jimmy Cameron
Jimmy Cameron
Francis James "Jimmy" Cameron, born at Kingston, Jamaica on June 22, 1923 and died at Kingston, Jamaica on June 10, 1994, was a cricketer who played in five Tests for the West Indian cricket team in India in 1948-49....
John Cameron
John Cameron (cricketer)
John Hemsley Cameron was a cricketer who played in two Tests for the West Indian cricket team in 1939...
Sherwin Campbell
Sherwin Campbell
Sherwin Legay Campbell is a West Indian cricketer who played 52 Tests and 90 One Day Internationals for the West Indies. He has played a total of 177 first class games between 1990–91 and 2004–05, scoring more than 10,000 first class runs with 26 centuries...
George Carew
George Carew (cricketer)
George McDonald Carew played four Tests for the West Indies. He was a right-hand batsman from Barbados, where he ran a taxi business. He is best remembered for his century against England in 1947-48 when his first wicket partnership with Andy Ganteaume put on 173 runs.-References:...
Joey Carew
Joey Carew
Michael Conrad "Joey" Carew was a West Indian cricketer who played in 19 Tests from 1963 to 1972. His sole test century came against New Zealand at Eden Park in 1969...
George Challenor
George Challenor
George Challenor was a West Indian cricketer who was part of the first West Indies Test side. He was recognised as the first great West Indian batsman, his obituary in Wisden Cricketer's Almanack ending with the words "His admirable batting did much toward raising cricket in West Indies to Test...
Shivnarine Chanderpaul
Shivnarine Chanderpaul
Shivnarine "Shiv" Chanderpaul is a cricketer, and former captain of the West Indies cricket team. He is the first Indo-Caribbean in the West Indies team to play 100 Tests for the West Indies and has captained them in 14 Tests and 16 One Day Internationals...
Herbert Chang
Herbert Chang
Herbert Samuel Chang is a former West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1979 before joining the Rebel West Indian touring team to South Africa....
Sewnarine Chattergoon
Sewnarine Chattergoon
Sewnarine Chattergoon is a Guyanese cricketer of Indian descent who made his début for the West Indies against Zimbabwe on their 2006 tour.- Biography :...
Cyril Christiani
Cyril Christiani
Cyril Marcel Christiani was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1934-35. He played wicketkeeper in all four Tests of the 1934-35 series.Christiani died in 1938 of malaria...
Robert Christiani
Robert Christiani
Robert Julian Christiani was a West Indian cricketer who played in 22 Tests from 1947-48 to 1953-54.His brother Cyril also played Test cricket....
Bertie Clarke
Bertie Clarke
Dr Carlos Bertram Clarke, OBE was a West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests in 1939...
Sylvester Clarke
Sylvester Clarke
Sylvester Theophilus Clarke was a West Indian cricketer who played 11 Tests and 10 One Day Internationals.-Early life:Born in Christ Church, Barbados, Clarke attended St Bartholomew's Boys' School...
Pedro Collins
Pedro Collins
Pedro Tyrone Collins is a West Indian cricketer.He is the half brother of Fidel Edwards. He is one of the very few left-handed seam bowlers who have had a chance to represent the West Indies cricket team...
Corey Collymore
Corey Collymore
Corey Dalanelo Collymore is a Barbadian cricketer whose speciality is seam bowling. He has represented the West Indies team in both Tests and ODIs cricket. In a side that so often chopped and changed he became one of their most experienced bowlers...
Learie Constantine
Learie Constantine
Learie Nicholas Constantine, Baron Constantine MBE was a West Indian cricketer who played 18 Test matches before the Second World War. He took West Indies' first wicket in Test cricket and was the team's leading all-rounder and opening bowler for the entirety of his career...
Colin Croft
Colin Croft
Colin Everton Hunte Croft is a former West Indian cricketer. He provides expert analysis on the British Broadcasting Corporation's Test Match Special.-Cricket career:...
Cameron Cuffy
Cameron Cuffy
Cameron Eustace Cuffy was a West Indian cricketer, who was often likened to Joel Garner and Curtly Ambrose. 6-foot 8 inches tall, he seemed to deliver the ball from the clouds. But there the comparisons ended with his famous predecessors.He made his Test debut against India in 1994 but was totally...
Anderson Cummins
Anderson Cummins
Anderson Cleophas Cummins is a former international cricketer who represented both the West Indies and Canada...
Oscar Da Costa
Oscar Da Costa
Oscar Constantine Da Costa - A very capable all-round cricketer from the early to mid 1930’s, Oscar da Costa was born in Kingston, Jamaica on September 11, 1907 and died there prematurely on October 1, 1936, aged just 29...
Wayne Daniel
Wayne Daniel
Wayne Wendell Daniel played 10 Tests and 18 One Day Internationals for the West Indies.A hostile and muscular fast bowler, Daniel seemed assured of a long and potent test career when he, in partnership with the lithe Michael Holding and the brooding Andy Roberts, battered England into submission...
Bryan Davis
Bryan Davis
Bryan Allan Davis is a former West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1965. He later qualified for Glamorgan playing in the championship winning side in 1969....
Charlie Davis ·
Winston Davis
Winston Davis
Winston Walter Davis is a former West Indian cricketer.Davis played his first representative match for West Indies Young Cricketers against their English counterparts at Port-of-Spain in August 1976, making an immediate impact by taking 4-35 in his first innings, including the wickets of future...
Frank De Caires
Frank De Caires
Francis Ignatius de Caires - A sound right-handed batsman, Frank de Caires was born in Guyana on May 12, 1909 and died there on February 2, 1959, aged 49. His career spanned the years from 1929 to 1938 although in truth, after February 1931 his appearances became more and more sporadic...
Narsingh Deonarine
Narsingh Deonarine
Narsingh Deonarine is a West Indian cricketer of Indo-Guyanese ethnicity.Deonarine is a left-handed batsman who bowls a right-arm off break. He made his debut for Guyana at the age of 17, and after captaining the West Indies under 19 team in 2002, he made headlines after hitting a century against...
Clairmonte Depeiaza
Clairmonte Depeiaza
Cyril Clairmonte Depeiaza was a West Indian cricketer.A wicket keeper, Depeiza played in the Barbados Cricket League....
Tom Dewdney
Tom Dewdney
David Thomas Dewdney was a West Indian cricketer who played in nine Tests between 1955 and 1958. He was in the car driven by Garry Sobers when it collided with a truck and caused the death of fellow test player Collie Smith...
Rajindra Dhanraj
Rajindra Dhanraj
Rajindra Dhanraj was a cricket player for the West Indies for a short while. He played only four Tests and six One Day Internationals. Later, he was more successful playing for the Trinidad & Tobago team....
Mervyn Dillon
Mervyn Dillon
Mervyn Dillon in Mission Village, Toco, Trinidad and Tobago, is a West Indian cricketer. He has played 38 in Tests and taken 131 wickets. He has also played 108 One Day Internationals from 1997-2004. At one stage, after the bowling greats Courtney Walsh and Curtly Ambrose retired from...
Uton Dowe
Uton Dowe
Uton George Dowe was a Jamaican cricketer. . He played only four Tests for the West Indies as a fast bowler in the 1970s....
Travis Dowlin
Travis Dowlin
Travis Montague Dowlin is a cricketer who has represented Guyana, West Indies A and the West Indies in Tests, One Day Internationals and Twenty20 Internationals...
Vasbert Drakes
Vasbert Drakes
Vasbert Conniel Drakes is a West Indian cricketer. He was a right-arm fast bowler and handy right-hand lower order batsman....
Jeff Dujon
Jeff Dujon
Peter Jeffrey Leroy Dujon is a retired West Indian cricketer.He was the wicketkeeper for the West Indian cricket team of the 1980s, an athletic presence behind the stumps as well as a competent lower-order batsman....
Fidel Edwards
Fidel Edwards
Fidel Henderson Edwards is a West Indian cricketer and is the half brother of Pedro Collins. A pace bowler, his slingshot action greatly resembles that of former fast bowling great Jeff Thomson. He bowls fast, can swing the ball and get reverse swing, but insists that he does not go for...
Kirk Edwards ·
Prof Edwards ·
Wilfred Ferguson
Wilfred Ferguson
Wilfred Ferguson was a West Indian cricketer who played in eight Tests from 1947-48 to 1953-54....
Maurice Fernandes
Maurice Fernandes
Maurius Pacheco "Maurice" Fernandes, was a West Indian Test cricketer who played first-class cricket for British Guiana between 1922 and 1932. He made two Test appearances for the West Indies, in 1928 and 1930. Fernandes played as a right-handed top-order batsman and occasional wicket-keeper...
Mike Findlay
Mike Findlay
Thaddeus Michael Findlay, born 19 October 1943, at Troumaca, Saint Vincent, is a former West Indian cricketer who played in ten Tests from 1969 to 1973 as a batsman and wicketkeeper....
Maurice Foster
Maurice Foster (cricketer)
Maurice Linton Churchill Foster played 14 Tests and two One Day Internationals for the West Indies and he was a talented table-tennis player....
George Francis
George Francis (cricketer)
George Francis was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test in their inaugural Test tour of England. He was a fast bowler with a renowned pace.Francis was born in Trents, St. James, Barbados...
Michael Frederick
Michael Frederick
Michael Lee Frederick is a former Singer for the Breckenridge Middle/High School.Frederick was born at Carson City HospitalIn the United StatesHe was educated at The Lodge School, well-known as the cradle of cricket in Barbados, where he benefited from the coaching of Leslie Arthur "Bessie" Walcott...
Roy Fredericks
Roy Fredericks
Roy Clifton Fredericks was a West Indian cricketer who played from 1968 to 1977....
Dickie Fuller
Dickie Fuller
Richard Livingston Fuller was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1934-35....
Hammond Furlonge
Hammond Furlonge
Hammond Allen Furlonge was a West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests between 1955 and 1956....
Daren Ganga
Daren Ganga
Daren Ganga is a West Indian cricketer of East Indian descent. He is a right-handed top order batsman and part-time right-arm offbreak bowler. After debuting as a 19 year old he has found himself in and out of the West Indies team, playing regularly for and at times captaining the West Indies A...
Andy Ganteaume
Andy Ganteaume
Andrew Gordon Ganteaume is a West Indian former cricketer who played as an opening batsman and occasional wicketkeeper. He was born in Belmont, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago...
Joel Garner
Joel Garner
Joel Garner , also known as "Big Joel" or "Big Bird", is a former West Indian cricketer, and a member of the highly regarded late 1970s and early '80s West Indies cricket teams....
Leon Garrick
Leon Garrick
Leon Vivian Garrick is a Jamaican cricketer. He played only one Test and three One Day Internationals for West Indies in 2001. Prior to playing Test cricket he played for Jamaica senior and youth teams, most notably in the domestic competition in 1997 he made successive centuries that helped to...
Berkeley Gaskin
Berkeley Gaskin
Berkeley Bertram McGarrell Gaskin was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1947-48....
Chris Gayle
Chris Gayle
Christopher Henry "Chris" Gayle is a Jamaican cricketer who currently plays international cricket for the West Indies. He captained the West Indies' side from 2007 to 2010. He plays domestic cricket for Jamaica, and has also represented Worcestershire, the Western Warriors and the Kolkata Knight...
Glendon Gibbs
Glendon Gibbs
Glendon Lionel Gibbs was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1955....
Lance Gibbs
Lance Gibbs
Lancelot Richard Gibbs is a former West Indies cricketer, one of the most successful spin bowlers in Test cricket history. He took 309 Test wickets, only the second player to pass 300, the first spinner to pass that milestone, and had an exceptional economy rate of under two runs per over...
Ottis Gibson
Ottis Gibson
Ottis Delroy Gibson is a cricket coach and former player from Barbados. A pace bowler and exploiter of the older cricket ball for the West Indies, Gibson is now head coach for the West Indies. He previously worked as bowling coach for England.- International career :Gibson made two Test...
Roy Gilchrist
Roy Gilchrist
Roy Gilchrist was a West Indian cricketer who played 13 Tests for the West Indies in the 1950s. He was born in Saint Thomas, Jamaica and died of Parkinson's disease in St Catherine, Jamaica at the age of 67....
George Gladstone
George Gladstone
George Gladstone, also known as George Gladstone Marais, was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1930....
John Goddard ·
Larry Gomes
Larry Gomes
Hilary Angelo Gomes is a former West Indian cricketer.He toured England with the West Indian Schoolboys team in 1967 and he made his first-class debut as a left-handed batsman for Trinidad and Tobogo versus the New Zealanders in 1971/72. He joined Middlesex in 1972 and played between 1973 and 1976...
Gerry Gomez
Gerry Gomez
Gerry Ethridge Gomez was a West Indian cricketer who played 29 Tests for the West Indies between 1939 and 1954, scoring 1,243 runs and taking 58 wickets. He captained in one match for the West Indies when England toured in 1947/8.Gomez was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad...
Jackie Grant
Jackie Grant
George Copeland Grant was a West Indian cricketer who captained the side through several series.Grant was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. He captained the West Indies' team in the 1930-31, 1933, 1934-35 series...
Rolph Grant
Rolph Grant
Rolph Stewart Grant was a West Indian cricketer who captained them in their 1939 tour of England.Grant was born in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.-References:...
Tony Gray
Tony Gray
Anthony Hollis Gray is a former West Indian cricketer who played five Tests and 25 One Day Internationals.Gray was a tall fast bowler who hails from Trinidad...
Alvin Greenidge
Alvin Greenidge
Alvin Ethelbert Greenidge is a former West Indian cricketer who played in six Tests and one ODI from 1978 to 1979. An opener who shared his name with Gordon Greenidge, the leading West Indian opening batsman of the era, he played when the side was depleted by the defection of players to the...
Gordon Greenidge
Gordon Greenidge
Cuthbert Gordon Greenidge MBE is a former member of the West Indies cricket team.Greenidge was an opening batsman for the West Indies. He began his Test career against India at M. Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore in 1974 and continued playing internationally until 1991. He was half of the West...
Geoff Greenidge
Geoff Greenidge
Geoffrey Alan Greenidge is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1972 to 1973. His international career ended abruptly when he took part in a tour of Rhodesia, which was then under white minority rule.Greenidge was the last white player to play for West Indies...
Mervyn Grell
Mervyn Grell
Mervyn George Grell - A hard-hitting, lower-order batsman and a medium pace bowler, Mervyn Grell was born in Trinidad on December 18, 1899 and died in Cocorite on the same Caribbean island on January 11, 1976, aged 77. In a career spanning the years 1930 to 1937, he played only a handful of...
Adrian Griffith ·
Charlie Griffith
Charlie Griffith
Charles Christopher Griffith is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 28 Tests from 1960 to 1969. He formed a lethal fast bowling partnership with Wes Hall during the 1960s...
Herman Griffith
Herman Griffith
Herman Clarence Griffith was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test match in their inaugural Test tour of England and was one of the leading bowlers on that tour....
Sammy Guillen
Sammy Guillen
Simpson Clairmonte Guillen is one of the few men to have played Test cricket for two countries...
Wes Hall
Wes Hall
Wesley Winfield Hall is a Barbadian former cricketer and politician. A tall, strong and powerfully built man, Hall was a genuine fast bowler and despite his very long run up, he was renowned for his ability to bowl long spells. Hall played 48 Test matches for the West Indies from 1958 to 1969...
Roger Harper
Roger Harper
Roger Andrew Harper is a former West Indies cricketer turned coach, who played both Test and ODI cricket for the West Indies...
Desmond Haynes
Desmond Haynes
Desmond Leo Haynes is a West Indian cricketer and cricket coach. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1991. Haynes formed a formidable partnership with Gordon Greenidge for the West Indies cricket team in Test cricket during 1980s. Between them they managed 16 century stands, four in excess of...
George Headley
George Headley
George Alphonso Headley was a West Indian cricketer who played 22 Test matches, mostly before the Second World War. Considered one of the best batsmen to play for West Indies and one of the greatest cricketers of all time, Headley also represented Jamaica and played professional club cricket in...
Ron Headley
Ron Headley
Ronald George Alphonso Headley is a former West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests and one ODI in 1973. An opening batsman, in first-class cricket he scored 21,695 runs at an average of 31.12, with 32 hundreds and a highest score of 187.Headley spent most of his career in England, playing...
Jackie Hendriks
Jackie Hendriks
Jackie Hendriks was born John Leslie Hendriks on 21 December 1933, in St. Andrew, Kingston, Jamaica. He played as a Test wicket-keeper in the West Indies cricket team from 1962 to 1969. After his career as a well-respected player he moved to cricket managing...
Ryan Hinds
Ryan Hinds
Ryan O'Neal Hinds is a West Indian cricketer. He is a left-hand batsman and a slow left-arm orthodox bowler.Hinds made his debut for Barbados during the 1998 Commonwealth Games, aged just 17...
Wavell Hinds
Wavell Hinds
Wavell Wayne Hinds is a West Indian cricketer at Test and One Day International level.-Career:An aggressive left-handed batsman and useful right-arm medium pace bowler, Hinds made his Test debut against Zimbabwe in 2000...
Teddy Hoad
Teddy Hoad
Edward Lisle Goldsworthy Hoad was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' inaugural Test tour of England. He was the captain in the West Indies' first home Test in 1930....
Roland Holder
Roland Holder
Roland Irwin Christopher Holder is a cricketer, born in Port of Spain, Trinidad who played the majority of his first class cricket for Barbados. He made his debut for Barbados in 1986 while still a schoolboy at Combermere School, and played through to the 2000/01 season...
Vanburn Holder
Vanburn Holder
Vanburn Alonzo Holder is a former West Indian cricketer who played in forty Tests and twelve ODIs from 1969 to 1979.Holder played in the golden era of West Indian fast bowling...
Michael Holding
Michael Holding
Michael Anthony Holding is a former West Indian cricketer. One of the fastest bowlers ever to play Test cricket, he was nicknamed 'Whispering Death' by umpires due to his quiet approach to the bowling crease...
David Holford
David Holford
David Anthony Jerome Holford is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 24 Tests from 1966 to 1977. He is the cousin of Garry Sobers.-References:...
John Holt (cricketer) ·
Carl Hooper
Carl Hooper
Carl Llewellyn Hooper is a former West Indian cricket player and captain.-Career:He was a right-handed batsman and off-spin bowler, who came to prominence in the late 1980s in a side that included such players as Gordon Greenidge, Desmond Haynes, Malcolm Marshall and Courtney Walsh and represented...
Tony Howard
Tony Howard
Anthony Bourne Howard is a former West Indian cricketer who played one Test in 1972, taking two wickets for 140 in a drawn match against New Zealand. He played 31 first class matches, representing the West Indies and Barbados, and took 85 wickets with his off spin...
Conrad Hunte
Conrad Hunte
Sir Conrad Cleophas Hunte, KA was a Barbadian cricketer. Hunte played 44 Test matches as an opening batsman for the West Indies.-Early life and career:...
Errol Hunte
Errol Hunte
Errol Ashton Clairmore Hunte was a West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests in 1930....
Leslie Hylton
Leslie Hylton
Leslie George Hylton was a West Indian cricketer, a fast bowler who played in six Test matches between 1935 and 1939 for the West Indies...
Ridley Jacobs
Ridley Jacobs
Ridley Detamore Jacobs , is a left-handed batsman who was a regular fixture in the West Indian cricket team in the 1990s and 2000s. He made his Test match debut on his 31st birthday, playing in 65 Tests in six years...
Amit Jaggernauth
Amit Jaggernauth
Amit Sheldon Jaggernauth is a West Indian cricketer who plays for Trinidad and Tobago. He is primarily an off spin bowler. He mainly plays first-class cricket, having made only two List A cricket appearances for Trinidad and Tobago to date...
Hines Johnson
Hines Johnson
Hophnie Hobah Hines Johnson was a West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests from 1948 to 1950....
Tyrell Johnson ·
Charles Jones
Charles Jones (cricketer)
Charles Ernest Llewellyn Jones - A competent batsman and a useful slow left-arm bowler, Charles Jones was born in British Guiana on 3 November 1902 and died there on 10 December 1959, aged 57. He made his first-class debut in October 1925 in the Inter-Colonial match against Barbados in which his...
Prior Jones
Prior Jones
Prior Erskine Waverley Jones was a West Indian cricketer who played in nine Tests from 1947-48 to 1951-52....
Dave Joseph
Dave Joseph
David Rolston Emmanuel Joseph is a former West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1999....
Sylvester Joseph
Sylvester Joseph
Sylvester Cleofoster Joseph is a West Indian cricketer who has played in five Tests and 13 ODIs, from 2000 to 2005. He captained the West Indies in one of those ODI games due to the more experienced players being unavailable courtesy of contract disputes...
Bernard Julien
Bernard Julien
Bernard Denis Julien played 24 Tests and 12 One Day Internationals for the West Indies.He played in England for Kent and joined Packers World Series in 1977. He scored a century at Lords vs England in the 1973 test....
Raphick Jumadeen
Raphick Jumadeen
Raphick Rasif Jumadeen is a former West Indian cricketer who played in twelve Tests from 1972 to 1979....
Alvin Kallicharran
Alvin Kallicharran
Alvin Isaac Kallicharran is a former West Indian batsman of Indo-Guyanese ethnicity who played from 1972 to 1981. His elegant, watchful batting style produced some substantial innings for a West Indian team very much in its formative years in the seventies...
Rohan Kanhai
Rohan Kanhai
Rohan Bholalall Kanhai is a former West Indian Cricket player of Indo-Guyanese descent. He is widely considered as one of the best batsmen of the 1960s. Kanhai featured in several great West Indian teams, playing with, among others, Sir Garfield Sobers, Roy Fredericks, Lance Gibbs, and Alvin...
Esmond Kentish
Esmond Kentish
Esmond Seymour Maurice Kentish was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests from 1948 to 1954. He was born in Cornwall Mountain, Westmoreland, Jamaica...
Collis King
Collis King
Collis Llewellyn King is a former West Indies cricketer who played nine Tests and 18 One Day Internationals for the West Indies....
Frank King
Frank King (cricketer)
Frank McDonald King was a West Indian cricketer who played in 14 Tests between 1953 and 1956.Born in Delamere Land, Brighton, St Michael, Barbados, King was a hostile right-arm fast bowler who opened the bowling for the West Indies in three consecutive home series in the early 1950s...
Lester King
Lester King
Lester Anthony King was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests from 1962 to 1968....
Reon King
Reon King
Reon Dane King has played 19 Tests and 50 One Day Internationals for the West Indies.An athletic paceman from Guyana with a slinky run sometimes compared to Michael Holding's, King bowls through that run rather than setting himself at the crease, but was still considered to be West Indies' fastest...
Clayton Lambert
Clayton Lambert
Clayton Benjamin Lambert is a cricketer for the West Indies and the United States.Lambert first appeared in the West Indies team for a One Day International against England in Georgetown, against whom he also made an unsuccessful Test match debut at The Oval in 1991...
Brian Lara
Brian Lara
Brian Charles Lara, TC, OCC, AM is a former West Indian international cricket player. Lara is generally regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time...
Peter Lashley
Peter Lashley
Patrick Douglas Lashley, known as Peter Lashley was a cricketer. He played four Tests for the West Indies in the 1960's. He also played for Barbados and Nottinghamshire....
Jermaine Lawson
Jermaine Lawson
Jermaine Jay Charles Lawson is a West Indian cricketer who has played in 13 Tests and 13 ODIs.Lawson is a fast bowler capable of bowling over 150 km/h...
Ralph Legall
Ralph Legall
Ralph Archibald Legall was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1953....
Desmond Lewis
Desmond Lewis
Desmond Michael Lewis is a former West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests in 1971.-References:*...
Rawl Lewis
Rawl Lewis
Rawl Nicholas Lewis is a West Indian cricketer. Statistically, he is one of the most ineffective Test bowlers of recent times.Lewis is a right-handed batsman and bowls a legbreak googly...
Clive Lloyd
Clive Lloyd
Clive Hubert Lloyd CBE AO is a former West Indies cricketer. He captained the West Indies between 1974 and 1985 and oversaw their rise to become the dominant Test-playing nation, a position that was only relinquished in the latter half of the 1990s...
Gus Logie
Gus Logie
Augustine Lawrence Logie is a former West Indies and Trinidad and Tobago cricketer and is currently an international cricket coach....
Neil McGarrell
Neil McGarrell
Neil Christopher McGarrell is a West Indian cricketer, more specifically a slow left arm bowler, who played four Tests in 2001, taking 17 wickets. He also played 17 One Day Internationals for the West Indies, but played his last international in the 2001–02 against Sri Lanka at Kandy...
Nixon McLean
Nixon McLean
Nixon Alexei McNamara McLean is a West Indian cricketer. He is a right-arm fast medium bowler and a left-handed batsman...
Easton McMorris
Easton McMorris
Easton Dudley Ashton St John McMorris is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 13 Tests from 1958 to 1966....
Cliff McWatt
Cliff McWatt
Clifford Aubrey McWatt was a West Indian cricketer who played in six Tests between 1954 and 1955....
Ivan Madray
Ivan Madray
Ivan Samuel Madray was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1958....
Malcolm Marshall
Malcolm Marshall
By 1984 Marshall was seen as one of the finest bowlers in the world, and he demoralised England that summer, especially at Headingley, where he ran through the order in the second innings to finish with 7-53, despite having broken his thumb whilst fielding in the first innings...
Norman Marshall
Norman Marshall
Norman Edgar Marshall was a West Indian cricketer. He was born in the Welchman Hall Plantation, Saint Thomas, Barbados and played in a Test match against Australia in 1955...
Roy Marshall
Roy Marshall
Roy Edwin Marshall was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests from 1951 to 1952. He was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1959.-Early career:...
Xavier Marshall
Xavier Marshall
Xavier Melbourne Marshall is a West Indies cricketer. He is a batsman and a talented fielder. However in recent years he has failed to live up to his previous reputation as a promising young cricketer, and his progress in international cricket has since stagnated as a result of much inconsistency...
Frank Martin
Frank Martin (cricketer)
Frank Reginald Martin was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test in their inaugural Test tour of England....
Manny Martindale
Manny Martindale
Emmanuel Alfred Martindale was a West Indian cricketer who played in ten Tests from 1933 to 1939. He was a right-arm fast bowler and a lower-order right-handed batsman....
Everton Mattis
Everton Mattis
Everton Hugh Mattis is a former West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests and two ODIs in 1981....
Ivor Mendonca
Ivor Mendonca
Leon Ivor Mendonca is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 2 Tests in 1962.His parents are Ineas Mendonca and Osmond Mendonca. Ivor Mendonca is the oldest of 10 brothers and sisters....
Cyril Merry
Cyril Merry
Cyril Arthur Merry was a cricketer who played for Trinidad and Tobago and West Indies....
Nikita Miller
Nikita Miller
Nikita O'Brien Miller is a West Indian cricketer who plays international cricket for the West Indies and domestic cricket for Jamaica. He is a slow left-arm orthodox bowler and lower-order batsman...
Roy Miller
Roy Miller (cricketer)
Roy C Miller was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1953....
Dave Mohammed
Dave Mohammed
Dave Mohammed is a West Indian cricketer. He is a left-arm chinaman bowler, and bats left-handed.Having played only three first-class matches, he was called up to the squad for the third Test against South Africa in March 2001, but did not make his Test debut until January 2004, again against...
Runako Morton
Runako Morton
Runako Shakur Morton is a West Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and a right-handed offbreak bowler.A lively, often unpredictable character, Morton was expelled from the West Indian cricketing Academy in July 2001 for bad behaviour but continued to play for the Leeward Islands in the...
Ezra Moseley
Ezra Moseley
Ezra Alphonsa Moseley is a former West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests and nine ODIs from 1990 to 1991. Of the cricketers who participated in the Rebel Tours of South Africa in the early 1980s, he is the only one who ever played for the West Indies again....
George Mudie
George Mudie (cricketer)
George Horatio Mudie was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1934-35....
David Murray
David Murray (cricketer)
David Anthony Murray is a former West Indian cricketer who played in nineteen Tests and ten ODIs from 1973 to 1982.Murray, a son of the great West Indian batsman Everton Weekes often courted controversy...
Deryck Murray
Deryck Murray
Deryck Lance Murray is a former West Indies cricketer. A wicketkeeper and right-handed batsman, Murray kept wicket to the potent West Indian fast bowling attacks of the 1970s ; his efficient glovework effected 189 Test dismissals and greatly enhanced the potency of the bowling attack.Murray...
Junior Murray
Junior Murray
Junior Randalph Murray is a West Indian cricketer.One of a handful of Grenadians to play Test cricket for the West Indies, Junior Murray was a wicketkeeper batsman...
Mahendra Nagamootoo
Mahendra Nagamootoo
Mahendra Veeren Nagamootoo is a West Indian cricketer of Indo-Guyanese ethnicity.Nagamootoo is the nephew of both Rohan Kanhai and Alvin Kallicharan; two of the best ever West Indian batsmen of Indian descent. Nagamootoo has a brother Vishal, who plays cricket for Guyana....
Rangy Nanan
Rangy Nanan
Rangy Nanan is a former West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1980....
Brendan Nash
Brendan Nash
Brendan Paul Nash is a Jamaican Australian cricketer who has played Test and One Day International cricket for West Indies. He has also played first-class cricket for Jamaica and Queensland.-Early life:...
James Neblett
James Neblett
James Montague Neblett, a middle-order batsman and a leg-break bowler, was born in Taylor’s Land, St. Michael in Barbados on November 13, 1901 and died in Mackenzie, British Guiana on March 28, 1959, aged 57...
Jack Noreiga
Jack Noreiga
Jack Mollinson Noreiga was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1971....
Karl Nunes
Karl Nunes
Robert Karl Nunes was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test in their inaugural Test tour of England as wicketkeeper and captain....
Seymour Nurse
Seymour Nurse
Seymour MacDonald Nurse is a Barbadian former cricketer. Nurse played 29 Test matches for the West Indies between 1960 and 1969. A powerfully built right-hand batsman and an aggressive, if somewhat impetuous, shotmaker, Nurse preferred to bat in the middle order but was often asked to open the...
Albert Padmore
Albert Padmore
Albert Leroy Padmore is a former West Indies cricketer, playing two Tests in 1976 and representing the West Indies in World Series Cricket....
Donovan Pagon
Donovan Pagon
Donovan Jomo Pagon is a West Indian cricketer. Pagon made his Test debut in March 2005 after several high-profile players including Brian Lara and Chris Gayle were caught in a row over sponsorship....
Bruce Pairaudeau
Bruce Pairaudeau
Bruce Hamilton Pairaudeau Bruce Hamilton Pairaudeau Bruce Hamilton Pairaudeau (born April 14, 1931, Georgetown, British Guiana (now Georgetown, Guyana) was a West Indian cricketer who played in 13 Tests between 1953 and 1957....
Brenton Parchment
Brenton Parchment
Brenton Anthony Parchment is a West Indian cricketer. Born in St Elizabeth, Jamaica, he was the West Indies Under-19 captain to England in 2001...
Derick Parry
Derick Parry
Derick Recaldo Parry played 12 Tests and six One Day Internationals for the West Indies....
Nelon Pascal
Nelon Pascal
Nelon Troy Pascal, born 25 April 1987 in St David's, Grenada, is a cricketer who has represented the West Indies in Tests and One Day Internationals . He is a fast bowler who bats and bowls right handed. His main first-class and List A cricket has been for the Windward Islands. He played for the...
Clarence Passailaigue
Clarence Passailaigue
Charles Clarence Passailaigue - Passailaigue was born in Kingston on August 4, 1901 and died at Montego Bay, St. James, Jamaica on January 7, 1972, aged 70. Although his career spanned the entire decade of the 1930s, in truth Passailaigue played first-class cricket only sporadically...
Patrick Patterson
Patrick Patterson
Balfour Patrick Patterson is a former fast bowler for the West Indian cricket team in the late 1980s and early 1990s.-Early life:...
Thelston Payne
Thelston Payne
Thelston Rodney O'Neale Payne is a former West Indian cricketer.He played only one Test and seven One Day Internationals for the West Indies...
Nehemiah Perry
Nehemiah Perry
Nehemiah Odolphus Perry played 4 Tests and 21 One Day Internationals in 1999.He retired from all cricket due to his age and a consistent pain in his wrists in 2004.His best performance of 5/70 came against Australia in a famous West Indian Victory where Brian Lara scored 153 not out.He now plays...
Norbert Phillip
Norbert Phillip
Norbert Phillip is a former cricketer. He played nine Tests and one One Day International for the West Indies. He also turned out for the Combined Islands, playing 31 first-class matches for them as an all-rounder; he never hit a century for the Combined Islands , but with 106 wickets he was the...
Omar Phillips
Omar Phillips
Omar Jamel Phillips is a West Indian cricketer who plays domestically for the Combined Campuses and Colleges and has played Test cricket for the West Indies. A left-handed opening batsman, he got his Test opportunity following a dispute between the West Indies Cricket Board and the Players'...
Lance Pierre
Lance Pierre
Lancelot Richard Pierre was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1948....
Daren Powell
Daren Powell
Daren Brent Lyle Powell is a West Indian cricketer who plays first-class cricket for Jamaica. A right-arm fast medium bowler, he has played Test matches and One Day Internationals for the West Indian cricket team. Despite starting his cricketing career as a number 3 batsman, Powell is a genuine...
Kieran Powell
Kieran Powell
Kieran Omar Akeem Powell is a left-hand opening batsman. He plays for the Leeward Islands at domestic level and has represented the West Indies in two One Day Internationals.-Stanford 20/20:...
Ricardo Powell
Ricardo Powell
Ricardo Powell was the youngest West Indian to score an ODI century. He made 2,000 ODI runs at a strike rate of 96.66, which is the highest strike rate of a West Indian player with more than 1000 ODI runs, and he also emulated Gordon Greenidge by hitting 8 sixes in an ODI innings against India in...
Allan Rae ·
Suruj Ragoonath
Suruj Ragoonath
Suruj Ragoonath is a West Indian cricketer. He was a right-handed batsman. He played in two Tests in March 1999, with a top score of 9 against Australia. Ragoonath is an extremely aggressive opening batsman. Some say this is because of his background as a police officer, and his reputation for...
Sonny Ramadhin
Sonny Ramadhin
Sonny Ramadhin was a West Indian cricketer, and a dominant bowler of the 1950s. He was the first West Indian cricketers of Indian origin, and was one of the five Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1951.- Biography and career :...
Ryan Ramdass
Ryan Ramdass
Ryan Ramdass is a Guyanese cricketer of Indian descent. Ramdass is a right-handed batsman and a right-arm offbreak bowler who occasionally occupies the position of wicketkeeper....
Denesh Ramdin
Denesh Ramdin
Denesh Ramdin is a West Indian cricketer of Indian descent. He is a right-handed batsman who generally occupies the position of wicketkeeper.He is seen by selectors and fans as a replacement in terms of playing style for Jeff Dujon...
Dinanath Ramnarine
Dinanath Ramnarine
Dinanath Ramnarine is a Trinidadian cricketer who retired in 2002.He was a leg-spin bowler who, though a competent batsman, appeared to have one too many confrontations which eventually forced him to retire at 28. Especially significant was a disagreement with Carl Hooper...
Ravi Rampaul
Ravi Rampaul
Ravindranath Rampaul is a West Indian cricketer. He is the first quick bowler of Indian descent to represent West Indies at international level, playing Tests, One Day Internationals and Twenty20 Internationals...
Floyd Reifer
Floyd Reifer
Floyd Lamonte Reifer is a Barbadian cricketer. He is a left-handed middle-order batsman and a right-arm medium pace bowler....
Dale Richards
Dale Richards
Dale Maurice Richards is a West Indian international cricketer who plays first class cricket for Barbados.A right-handed batsman, Richards debuted in 1999/00...
Viv Richards
Viv Richards
Sir Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards, KNH, OBE is a former West Indian cricketer. Better known by his second name, Vivian or, more popularly, simply as Viv or King Viv Richards was voted one of the five Cricketers of the Century in 2000, by a 100-member panel of experts, along with Sir Donald...
Richie Richardson
Richie Richardson
Richard Benjamin Richardson is a retired West Indies cricketer and a former captain of the West Indian cricket team.Richardson was born in Five Islands Village, Antigua. He began his career with the Leewards Islands in 1982 as an opener and after his second season he was called up by the West...
Ken Rickards
Ken Rickards
Kenneth Roy Rickards was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests from 1948 to 1952....
Clifford Roach
Clifford Roach
Clifford Archibald Roach was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test in their inaugural Test tour of England....
Kemar Roach
Kemar Roach
Kharab Andre Jamal Roach is a Barbadian cricketer. He played in the 2006 U-19 Cricket World Cup in Sri Lanka and has represented the West Indies in Test and One Day International cricket...
Andy Roberts ·
Alphonso Roberts
Alphonso Theodore Roberts
-Early years:Born in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on September 18, 1937, Roberts attended St. George's Anglican School and then St. Vincent Boy's Grammar School. While at the Grammar School, Roberts excelled in both soccer and cricket and, upon the recommendation of cricket great Sir Everton...
Lincoln Roberts
Lincoln Roberts
Lincoln Roberts is a former West Indian cricketer who played 1 Test for West Indies and 51 first class games for Trinidad and Tobago.Roberts made his first class debut in 1996 after impressive one day form...
Willie Rodriguez
Willie Rodriguez
William Vicente Rodriguez is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1962 to 1968....
Franklyn Rose
Franklyn Rose
Franklyn Albert Rose is a West Indian cricketer.He is a right-handed batsman and a fast right-arm bowler who possesses a lot of power with his full-length outswing...
Lawrence Rowe
Lawrence Rowe
Lawrence George Rowe is a former West Indian cricketer.Lawrence, also known as "Yagga", was an elegant right-handed batsman described by Michael Holding, his team mate, as "the best batsman I ever saw". It was felt that his ability was so extraordinary that Sobers believed he could have been the...
Andre Russell
Andre Russell
Andre Dwayne Russell is a Jamaican cricketer. Russell plays for the Jamaica national cricket team as well as the West Indies in Test cricket...
Darren Sammy
Darren Sammy
Darren Julius Garvey Sammy is a Saint Lucian cricketer who plays international cricket for the West Indies. He is a right-handed batsman and a fast-medium bowler. On making his One Day International debut against Bangladesh in 2004, Sammy became the first person from the island of St. Lucia...
Marlon Samuels
Marlon Samuels
Marlon Nathaniel Samuels is a West Indian cricketer. Samuels made his Test debut in Australia in 2000, and his One Day International debut against Sri Lanka in Nairobi during the ICC Knockout Trophy in the same year....
Robert Samuels
Robert Samuels
Robert George Samuels is a former West Indian cricketer who played in six Tests and eight ODIs from 1996 to 1997....
Adam Sanford
Adam Sanford
Adam Sanford is a West Indian cricketer who currently plays first class cricket for the Leeward Islands, despite being born in Dominica, which is a member of the Windward Islands Cricket Board of Control...
Ramnaresh Sarwan
Ramnaresh Sarwan
Ramnaresh Ronnie Sarwan is a West Indian cricketer of Indo-Guyanese origin and a member of the West Indies cricket team....
Reginald Scarlett
Reginald Scarlett
Reginald Osmond Scarlett is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 3 Tests in 1960....
Alfred Scott ·
Tommy Scott
Tommy Scott (cricketer)
Oscar Charles Scott was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' inaugural Test tour of England in 1928....
Ben Sealey
Ben Sealey
Benjamin James Sealey - An attacking, middle-order batsman, a medium-pace, leg-break bowler and an athletic fielder anywhere on the pitch, Ben Sealey’s career spanned the years 1924 to 1941. Despite once turning out for a ‘Barbados Born’ side against the Rest of West Indies, he was a Trinidad...
Derek Sealy
Derek Sealy
James Edward Derrick Sealy was a West Indian cricketer who played in 11 Tests from 1930 to 1939....
John Shepherd
John Shepherd (cricketer)
John Neil Shepherd is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1969 to 1971...
Grayson Shillingford
Grayson Shillingford
Grayson Cleophas Shillingford was a West Indian cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1969 to 1972. He was born in Macoucherie, Dominica and was the cousin of Irvine Shillingford, who also played Test cricket for the West Indies....
Irvine Shillingford
Irvine Shillingford
Irvine Theodore Shillingford is a former West Indian cricketer who played four Tests and two ODIs in 1977 and 1978. He also played a further 88 first class games, 49 of them for the Combined Islands, whom he represented from its inception in 1961 until the dissolution of the team in 1981...
Shane Shillingford
Shane Shillingford
Shane Shillingford, born 22 February 1983 in Dominica, is a West Indian cricketer who plays first-class and List A cricket for the Windward Islands....
Sew Shivnarine
Sew Shivnarine
Sewdatt Shivnarine is a former West Indian cricketer who played in eight Tests and one ODI from 1978 to 1979. He emigrated to the United States, represented their national cricket team....
Lendl Simmons
Lendl Simmons
Lendl Mark Platter Simmons is a West Indian cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman, an occasional right-arm medium pace bowler and a part-time wicket-keeper....
Phil Simmons
Phil Simmons
Philip Veraint Simmons is a former skilled all-round cricketer who played as an opening batsman a useful bowler and a talented slip fielder.-Career:...
Charran Singh
Charran Singh
Charran Kamkaran Singh is a former West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1960.In his debut Test at Queen's Park Oval, Singh's run out dismissal was the trigger for the crowd to start a riot.-References:...
Joseph Small
Joseph Small
Joseph A. Small was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test in their inaugural Test tour of England....
Milton Small
Milton Small
Milton Aster Small is a former West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests and two ODIs in 1984....
Cammie Smith
Cammie Smith
Cameron Wilberforce Smith is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1960 to 1962.Smith also umpired 42 Tests and 118 ODIs....
Dwayne Smith
Dwayne Smith
Dwayne Romel Smith is a cricketer who has represented the West Indies. An all-rounder, he is known as an aggressive and powerful right-handed batsman, bowls medium pace, and is also an athletic fielder. Smith has played for Barbados since the start of his career but has also played three seasons...
Devon Smith
Devon Smith
Devon Sheldon Smith is a cricketer who represents the West Indies. His primary role within the team is as an opening or top order left-handed batsman, he has bowled right arm off breaks in his career but rarely at international level. In the West Indian domestic competitions he plays for the...
Collie Smith
Collie Smith
O'Neil Gordon 'Collie' Smith was a West Indian cricketer....
Garfield Sobers
Garfield Sobers
Sir Garfield St Aubrun Sobers AO, OCC is a former cricketer who captained West Indies. His first name of Garfield is variously abbreviated as Gary or Garry. He is widely regarded as one of cricket's greatest ever all-rounders, having excelled at all the essential skills of batting, bowling and...
Joe Solomon
Joe Solomon
Joseph Stanislaus Solomon is a former West Indian cricketer who played 27 Tests for the West Indies. He played Test cricket from 1958 to 1965, scoring 1326 runs, mainly from number six and seven in the batting line-up...
Charlie Stayers
Charlie Stayers
Sven Conrad Stayers was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1962....
Edwin St Hill
Edwin St Hill
Edwin Lloyd St Hill was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1930. He was the brother of Wilton St Hill, also a West Indian Test cricketer....
Wilton St Hill
Wilton St Hill
Wilton H. St Hill was a West Indian cricketer who played in West Indies' first Test match during their inaugural Test tour of England. A right-handed batman who played in a variety of batting positions, he represented Trinidad in first-class cricket between 1912 and 1930 and played in three Test...
Jeff Stollmeyer
Jeff Stollmeyer
Jeffrey Baxter Stollmeyer was a Trinidad and Tobago cricketer and footballer. He played 32 Tests for the West Indies, captaining 13 of these....
Vic Stollmeyer
Vic Stollmeyer
Victor Humphrey Stollmeyer was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1939.Vic Stollmeyer was the older brother of West Indian captain Jeff Stollmeyer....
Colin Stuart ·
Jerome Taylor
Jerome Taylor
Jerome Everton Taylor is a Jamaican born West Indian cricketer. He led the fast bowling attack comprising Dwayne Bravo, Daren Powell and Ian Bradshaw at the World Cup...
Jaswick Taylor
Jaswick Taylor
Jaswick Ossie Taylor was a West Indian cricketer who played in three Tests from 1958 to 1959....
Gavin Tonge
Gavin Tonge
Gavin Courtney Tonge is a West Indian cricketer. He is a right-arm fast-medium bowler and has represented West Indies in One Day International and Test cricket, as well as playing first class cricket for Antigua and Leeward Islands....
Patterson Thompson
Patterson Thompson
Patterson Ian Chesterfield Thompson is a former West Indies cricketer. He never recovered from a terrible start to his Test career and played only once more at that level, as well as in two One Day Internationals....
John Trim
John Trim
John Trim was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests from 1948 to 1952....
Alf Valentine
Alf Valentine
Alfred Louis Valentine, April 28, 1930–11 May 2004 , was a West Indian cricketer in the 1950s and 1960s. He is most famous for his performance in the West Indies' 1950 tour of England, which was immortalised in the Victory Calypso.-The 1950 tour:...
Vincent Valentine
Vincent Valentine (cricketer)
Vincent Adolphus Valentine - An affable player of the 1930’s, Vincent Valentine was born in Portland, Jamaica on April 4, 1908, and died in Kingston, Jamaica on July 6, 1972, aged 64. He was a fast-medium bowler that never really gave batsmen an easy shot, keeping as he did a perfect length,...
Clyde Walcott
Clyde Walcott
Sir Clyde Leopold Walcott, KA, GCM was a West Indian cricketer. Walcott was a member of the "three W's", the other two being Everton Weekes and Frank Worrell: all were very successful batsmen from Barbados, born within a short distance of each other in Bridgetown, Barbados in a period of 18...
Leslie Walcott
Leslie Walcott
Leslie Arthur Walcott was a West Indian cricketer who played for Barbados between 1929 and 1936 and in one Test for the West Indies in 1930....
Philo Wallace
Philo Wallace
Philo Alphonso Wallace is a Barbadian cricketer who plays for the West Indies.Having first attempted to get into cricket in 1990, he made the big time in 1997–98 after hitting 198 runs in two Test matches...
Courtney Walsh
Courtney Walsh
Courtney Andrew Walsh is a former international cricketer who represented the West Indies from 1984 to 2001, captaining the West Indies in 22 Test matches...
Chadwick Walton
Chadwick Walton
Chadwick Antonio Kirkpatrick Walton is a West Indies cricketer from Jamaica. Nicknamed Rope, Walton is a right-hand batsman and wicket keeper who played a series of first class cricket matches for Combined Campuses and Colleges and University of West Indies Vice Chancellor's XI before being chosen...
Dwight Washington
Dwight Washington
Dwight Marlon Washington is a West Indian cricketer.He first earned his chance to play during the April/May visit by South Africa in 2005, making his debut in the final Test in Antigua....
Chester Watson
Chester Watson
Chester Donald Watson is a Jamaican cricketer. Watson played seven Tests for the West Indies in the early 1960s....
Everton Weekes
Everton Weekes
Sir Everton DeCourcy Weekes, KCMG, GCM, OBE is a leading former West Indian cricketer. Along with Frank Worrell and Clyde Walcott, he formed what was known as "The Three Ws" of West Indian cricket.-Youth and early career:...
Ken Weekes
Ken Weekes
Kenneth Hunnel Weekes was a West Indian cricketer who played in two Tests in 1939....
Tony White ·
Vibart Wight ·
Leslie Wight
Leslie Wight
George Leslie Wight was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1953....
Archie Wiles
Archie Wiles
Charles Archibald Wiles - A useful middle-order batsman whose first-class career spanned the years 1920 to 1936, Archie Wiles remains the second oldest Test debutant for West Indies. He was 40 years and 345 days old when he appeared in the second Test of 1933 against England and is surpassed in...
Elquemedo Willett
Elquemedo Willett
Elquemedo Tonito Willett is a former West Indian cricketer who played in five Tests from 1973 to 1974.During New Zealand's tour of the West Indies in 1972, Willet was considered the best of the many left-arm finger-spinners the New Zealanders faced.Willett's nephew Stuart Williams has played many...
Basil Williams
Basil Williams (cricketer)
Basil Williams is a former West Indian cricketer who played in seven Tests from 1978 to 1979....
David Williams
David Williams (cricketer)
David Williams is a former West Indian cricketer who played in 11 Tests and 36 ODIs from 1988 to 1998.A diminutive man, at 5 foot 4, Williams struggled to grab Jeff Dujon's place in the international side not least because of his inability to contribute the weight of runs Dujon managed...
Foffie Williams
Foffie Williams
Ernest Albert Vivian Williams was a West Indian cricketer who played in four Tests in 1939 and 1947-48....
Stuart Williams ·
Kenneth Wishart
Kenneth Wishart
Kenneth Leslie Wishart was a West Indian cricketer who played in one Test in 1934-35....
Frank Worrell
Frank Worrell
Sir Frank Mortimer Maglinne Worrell is sometimes referred to by his nickname of Tae and was a West Indies cricketer and Jamaican senator...
World XI
- See also List of World XI Test cricketers
Mark Boucher
Mark Boucher
Mark Verdon Boucher is a South African cricketer, who holds the record for the most Test dismissals by a wicket-keeper. He was educated at Selborne College and has represented Border, Africa XI, ICC World XI, Royal Challengers Bangalore and Kolkata Knight Riders of the Indian Premier League, and...
Rahul Dravid
Rahul Dravid
Rahul Sharad Dravid , is a cricketer in the Indian national team, of which he has been a regular member since 1996. He was appointed as the captain of the Indian cricket team in October 2005 and resigned from the post in September 2007. Dravid was honoured as one of the top-five Wisden Cricketers...
Andrew Flintoff
Andrew Flintoff
Andrew "Freddie" Flintoff MBE is a former English cricketer who played for Lancashire County Cricket Club, England and the Indian Premier League team Chennai Super Kings. A tall fast bowler, batsman and slip fielder, Flintoff according to the ICC rankings was consistently rated amongst the top...
Steve Harmison
Steve Harmison
Stephen James Harmison MBE is an English cricketer. Primarily a fast bowler, he represented England in 63 Tests, 58 ODI's, and 2 T20's. He also plays county cricket for Durham....
Inzamam-ul-Haq , also known as Inzamam, nicknamed Inzy, is a former Pakistan international cricketer who was national captain between 2003 and 2007. He is a right-handed batsman who has been regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of his era...
Jacques Kallis
Jacques Kallis
Jacques Henry Kallis is a South African cricketer. As an all-rounder he is a formidable right-handed batsman and fast-medium swingbowler. He is one of the greatest all-rounders of all time, being the only cricketer in the history of the game to hold more than 12,000 runs and 250 wickets in both...
Brian Lara
Brian Lara
Brian Charles Lara, TC, OCC, AM is a former West Indian international cricket player. Lara is generally regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time...
Muttiah Muralitharan
Muttiah Muralitharan
Muttiah Muralitharan , often referred to as Murali, is a former Sri Lankan cricketer who was rated the greatest Test match bowler ever by Wisden Cricketers' Almanack in 2002...
Virender Sehwag
Virender Sehwag
Virender Sehwag , affectionately known as Viru, the Nawab of Najafgarh, or the Zen master of modern cricket, is one of the leading batsmen in the Indian cricket team. Sehwag is an aggressive right-handed opening batsman and a part-time right-arm off-spin bowler...
Graeme Smith
Graeme Smith
Graeme Craig Smith is a South African cricketer and captain of the South African cricket team Test Match side, having succeeded Shaun Pollock after the 2003 Cricket World Cup...
Daniel Vettori
Daniel Vettori
Daniel Luca Vettori ONZM is a cricketer for the New Zealand cricket team. He is the eighth player in Test history to take 300 wickets and score 3,000 runs. He is the youngest player to have represented New Zealand in Test cricket, having made his debut in 1996–97 at the age of 18...
- See also List of Zimbabwe Test cricketers
Kevin Arnott ·
Andy Blignaut
Andy Blignaut
Arnoldus "Andy" Mauritius Blignaut is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a formidable right-arm fast-medium bowler, but he is also known for his vicious form with the bat in ODIs, where his frequent scoring of runs at a fast rate is a valuable asset, though seeing him sustaining this form and keeping...
David Brain
David Brain
David Hayden Brain is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 9 Tests and 23 ODIs from 1992 to 1995....
Eddo Brandes
Eddo Brandes
Eddo André Brandes is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 10 Tests and 59 ODIs from 1987 to 1999, spanning four World Cups...
Gary Brent
Gary Brent
Gary Bazil Brent is a Zimbabwean cricketer.Generally speaking, he is an inswinging bowler, with a good slow-arm bowling technique...
Gavin Briant
Gavin Briant
Gavin Aubrey Briant is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in one Test and 5 ODIs in 1993....
Glen Bruk-Jackson
Glen Bruk-Jackson
Glen Keith Bruk-Jackson is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 2 Tests and one ODI in 1993....
Mark Burmester
Mark Burmester
Mark Greville Burmester is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 8 ODIs between 1992 to 1995. He played in Zimbabwe's inaugural Test, opening the bowling he became the first Zimbabwean to take a Test wicket.-External links:*...
Iain Butchart
Iain Butchart
Iain Peter Butchart was a Zimbabwean cricketer who played one Test at the age of 35, in addition to 20 One Day Internationals spread over twelve years. He was an all-round player, a right-handed batsman and an often used medium pacer...
Alistair Campbell
Alistair Campbell (cricketer)
Alistair Douglas Ross Campbell is a former Zimbabwean Test cricketer. In total he played 60 matches in his Test career, captaining Zimbabwe on 21 occasions. He also played 188 One Day Internationals, being captain in 86 of them...
Stuart Carlisle
Stuart Carlisle
Stuart Vance Carlisle was a Zimbabwean cricketer who played 37 Tests and 111 One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe. He was also temporarily the captain of the Zimbabwe cricket team, leading them in six Tests and 12 ODIs, and achieving a 2–3 result in an ODI series in India.Carlisle became the...
Elton Chigumbura
Elton Chigumbura
Elton Chigumbura is a Zimbabwean cricketer currently playing for English county club Northamptonshire. He is a current Zimbabwean international and former captain of the national side, who played 6 Test matches from the age of 18 before Zimbabwe were barred from Test cricket...
Charles Coventry
Charles Coventry (Zimbabwean cricketer)
Charles Kevin Coventry is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and occasional wicket-keeper. Within Zimbabwe he is known as "Chappie" Coventry. He previously held the record of the highest individual score in a One Day International, 194 runs not out. This was surpassed by Sachin...
Graeme Cremer
Graeme Cremer
Alexander Graeme Cremer is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a leg-spinner who got into the Zimbabwe side at the age of eighteen, following the exits of Paul Strang, Andy Whittall and Ray Price from the Zimbabwean team....
Gary Crocker
Gary Crocker
Gary John Crocker is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 6 ODIs from 1992 to 1993.Born in Bulawayo, Crocker played in Zimbabwe's first ever Test match, at Harare in 1992. Crocker retired from international cricket in 1993, and due to the political instability and economic...
Keith Dabengwa
Keith Dabengwa
Keith Mbusi Dabengwa is a Zimbabwean cricketer.Dabengwa is a useful all-rounder who made his First class debut for Matabeleland in 2000, taking 5 for 76, he then spent a season at the CFX Academy being named student of the year before returning to Matabeleland...
Mark Dekker
Mark Dekker
Mark Hamilton Dekker played 14 Tests and 23 One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe in the 1990s.Given a qualification of 20 innings, Dekker's average of 15.86 is the lowest of any top order batsman in Test history....
Terry Duffin
Terry Duffin
Terrence Duffin is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He has played two Test matches for Zimbabwe against India as an opening batsman, and he scored 56 in the first innings of that tour, making him the fifth Zimbabwean to score a half-century on Test debut. However, in the second innings, he was dismissed...
Dion Ebrahim
Dion Ebrahim
Dion Digby Ebrahim is a Zimbabwean cricketer.Ebrahim is a defensive batsmen who prefers to score cautiously in order to build an innings...
Craig Ervine
Craig Ervine
Craig Richard Ervine is a Zimbabwean cricketer. Ervine is a left-handed batsman who has impressed in the Zimbabwe domestic leagues....
Sean Ervine
Sean Ervine
Sean Michael Ervine is a Zimbabwean cricketer. Ervine is a left-handed batsman who bowls right-arm medium pace.-Domestic career:Ervine originally played for the Midlands cricket team in Zimbabwe....
Craig Evans ·
Gavin Ewing
Gavin Ewing
Gavin Mackie Ewing is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and bowls a right-arm offbreak. As a teenager he spent a short time at Potchefstroom Boys High in South Africa before returning to Zimbabwe....
Neil Ferreira
Neil Ferreira
Neil Robert Ferreira is a Zimbabwean cricketer.Having also tried his hand at sports including tennis, squash, and hockey, he made his name as a left-handed opening batsman for the academy and for Manicaland. He is also a wicket keeper...
Andy Flower
Andy Flower
Andrew "Andy" Flower OBE is a former international cricketer for Zimbabwe and is currently the England coach.-Playing career:...
Grant Flower
Grant Flower
Grant William Flower is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is rated among the best Zimbabwean cricketers in history for his handy left arm spin and fine batting skills. He was a fitness fanatic who spends hours in the gym, and was also regarded as a brilliant fielder who was usually seen in the gully...
Travis Friend
Travis Friend
Travis John "Chunks" Friend is a former Zimbabwean Test and One Day International cricketer. Friend captained Zimbabwe in four under-19 ODIs and went on to play a full senior ODI for Zimbabwe aged 19. A stress fracture to his back set him back, but he later returned to the Test squad...
Murray Goodwin
Murray Goodwin
Murray William Goodwin is a cricketer who played 19 Tests and 71 One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe. He is a right-handed top order batsman strong on the back-foot and a good cutter and puller of the ball....
Trevor Gripper
Trevor Gripper
Trevor Raymond Gripper is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He was born on December 28, 1975 in Salisbury - now Harare.Gripper is a somewhat solid opening batsman, who once spent four hours 23 minutes inching his way to 28 in a match against England A...
Douglas Hondo
Douglas Hondo
Douglas Tafadzwa Hondo is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He played nine Test matches as a right-arm fast-medium swing bowler, distinctive for his dreadlocks.-Early progress:...
David Houghton ·
Adam Huckle
Adam Huckle
Adam George Huckle is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 8 Tests and 19 ODIs from 1997 to 1999.In his second Test in 1997, against New Zealand, he took 11-255 in the match . As of 27 April 2006, this remains the only occasion when a Zimbabwean bowler has taken 11 wickets in a Test...
Wayne James
Wayne James
Wayne Robert James is a cricketer who played four Tests and eleven One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe as a wicketkeeper batsman....
Kyle Jarvis
Kyle Jarvis
Kyle Malcolm Jarvis is a Zimbabwean cricketer who so far has played in 7 ODIs for the Zimbabwe cricket team. Son of former Zimbabwean international cricketer Malcolm Jarvis, he was educated at St Johns College, Harare where he excelled at rugby and cricket...
Malcolm Jarvis
Malcolm Jarvis
Malcolm Peter Jarvis is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 5 Tests and 12 ODIs from 1987 to 1995. He is engaged with one of the franchises of Zimbabwe, Mashonaland Eagles as the coach. His son Kyle Jarvis plays for the Zimbabwean national team and regarded as a great pace prospect of...
Neil Johnson ·
Greg Lamb
Greg Lamb
Gregory Arthur Lamb is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman who can bowl both off spin and right arm medium pace....
Charlie Lock
Charlie Lock
Alan Charles Ingram Lock is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in one Test and 8 ODIs in 1995....
Trevor Madondo
Trevor Madondo
Trevor Nyasha Madondo was a Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 13 ODIs from 1998 to 2001....
Blessing Mahwire
Blessing Mahwire
Ngonidzashe Blessing Mahwire is a Zimbabwean cricketer who plays first-class cricket for Mashonaland and has also made appearances for the Zimbabwean cricket team in both the Test match and One Day International forms of the game...
Alester Maregwede
Alester Maregwede
Alester Maregwede is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a wicket-keeper and middle-order batsman. He has represented the Zimbabwe A team as vice captain....
Douglas Marillier
Douglas Marillier
Douglas Anthony Marillier is a Zimbabwean cricketer.He is a right hand batsman and a right arm offspin bowler. One of earliest vulgarisers of the "scoop" stroke which is designed to sail over fine-leg, he has a one-day top score of 100, achieved in Sharjah against Kenya in April 2003...
Hamilton Masakadza
Hamilton Masakadza
Hamilton Masakadza is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and occasional right-arm leg-break bowler.In February 2000 he became the first black Zimbabwean to score a first-class century. Soon after, in July 2001 he became the youngest player to make a century on his Test debut...
Everton Matambanadzo
Everton Matambanadzo
Everton Zvikomborero Matambanadzo, born in Salisbury , is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 7 ODIs from 1996 to 1999. His twin brother, Darlington, also played first-class cricket for Mashonaland....
Stuart Matsikenyeri
Stuart Matsikenyeri
Stuart Matsikenyeri is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right-handed batsman and usually opens the batting for Zimbabwe. Matsikenyeri also bowls part time right-arm off-break and is a sharp fielder in the gully....
Tinotenda Mawoyo ·
Pommie Mbangwa ·
Christopher Mpofu
Christopher Mpofu
Christopher Bobby "Chris" Mpofu is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He has represented Zimbabwe at , and level.-Career:Mpofu made his first-class debut for Matabeleland against Manicaland in March 2004, taking three wickets on debut....
Tawanda Mupariwa
Tawanda Mupariwa
Tawanda Mupariwa is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a right arm fast-medium seam bowler who was brought into the international side after the record low 35 all out in the third One Day International against Sri Lanka. He also played in one Test match in 2004.-External links:...
Brian Murphy
Brian Murphy (cricketer)
Brian Andrew Murphy is a former Zimbabwean cricketer. He played his cricket for Mashonaland in Zimbabwe and Western Province in South Africa. He played a total of 11 Test matches and 31 One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe, and was the surprise choice as captain when Heath Streak stepped down in 2001...
David Mutendera
David Mutendera
David Travolta Mutendera is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played one Test and nine One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe....
Waddington Mwayenga
Waddington Mwayenga
Waddington Mwayenga is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is primarily a medium pace bowler and plays his county cricket for Worcestershire 2nd XI...
Mluleki Nkala
Mluleki Nkala
Mluleki Luke Nkala commonly known as Syke, is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He took the wicket of Sachin Tendulkar with his second ball in senior international cricket, in a one-dayer against India at Bulawayo in 1999...
Henry Olonga
Henry Olonga
Henry Khaaba Olonga is a former Zambian-born cricketer for Zimbabwe.- Cricket career :He made his international debut in a Test match against Pakistan at Harare in 1995, at age 18 years, 212 days, becoming the youngest player to represent Zimbabwe. He helped Zimbabwe to its first ever Test victory...
Ali Shah ·
Tinashe Panyangara
Tinashe Panyangara
Tinashe Panyangara is a Zimbabwean cricketer.Panyangara first came to prominence during the under-19s World Cup in Bangladesh in 2003-04 in which he bowled 6 for 31 in a surprising victory for the Zimbabweans...
Stephen Peall
Stephen Peall
Stephen Guy Peall is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 21 ODIs from 1992 to 1996....
Ray Price
Ray Price (cricketer)
Raymond William Price is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He bowls left-arm orthodox spin. He is the nephew of the renowned Zimbabwean golfer Nick Price....
Andy Pycroft ·
Ujesh Ranchod
Ujesh Ranchod
Ujesh Ranchod is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in one Test and 3 ODIs from 1992 to 1993. His only International test wicket came when he dismissed Sachin Tendulkar on 13 Mar 1993 at Delhi....
Gavin Rennie
Gavin Rennie
Gavin James Rennie is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 23 Tests and 40 ODIs from 1996 to 2003...
John Rennie
John Rennie (cricketer)
John Alexander Rennie is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 4 Tests and 44 ODIs from 1993 to 2000. He used to wear prescription spectacles....
Barney Rogers
Barney Rogers
Barney Guy Rogers is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a left-handed batsman with a solid technique and a good range of judiciously applied attacking shots. He also bowls occasional offspin....
Vusi Sibanda
Vusi Sibanda
Vusimuzi "Vusi" Sibanda is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He has played international cricket for the Zimbabwe cricket team. He also plays for Midlands in the Logan Cup....
Bryan Strang
Bryan Strang
Bryan Colin Strang is a Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 26 Tests and 49 ODIs from 1995 to 2001. Cricket is his passion...
Paul Strang
Paul Strang
Paul Andrew Strang is a Zimbabwean cricket coach and former international player. A leg-spinning all-rounder, he played in 24 Tests and 95 ODIs for Zimbabwe between 1994 and 2001...
Heath Streak
Heath Streak
Heath Hilton Streak is a former Zimbabwean cricketer. He made his Test debut in Zimbabwe's tour of Pakistan 1993/1994 making his mark by taking 8 wickets in the 2nd Test at Rawalpindi...
Tatenda Taibu
Tatenda Taibu
Tatenda Taibu is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He is a wicketkeeper and batsman, and can also bowl right arm off spin. On 6 May 2004, he became the youngest Test captain in history, when he captained his team against Sri Lanka....
Brendan Taylor
Brendan Taylor
Brendan Taylor is a Zimbabwean cricketer, who is mainly a batsman, but occasionally keeps wicket or bowls off-spin as well. He is currently the captain of the Zimbabwean cricket team, having taken over the reins from Elton Chigumbura after the 2011 Cricket World Cup...
John Traicos
John Traicos
Athanasios John Traicos is a former cricketer who represented South Africa and Zimbabwe at international level. He was primarily an off spin bowler, and is one of a small number of cricketers to have played at the highest level for more than one country.Traicos was born in Zagazig, Egypt in 1947...
Prosper Utseya
Prosper Utseya
Prosper Utseya is a Zimbabwean cricketer. Rising from the ranks of township cricket in Harare's Highfield suburb, he attended Churchill High School , thanks to Zimbabwe Cricket Union scholarships...
Mark Vermeulen
Mark Vermeulen
Mark Andrew Vermeulen is a Zimbabwean cricketer in both Test matches and One Day Internationals.He is a right-handed opening batsman and occasional off spin bowler, playing for Matabeleland Tuskers in the Zimbabwean Logan Cup, with a very good record at domestic level.The former captain of the...
Dirk Viljoen
Dirk Viljoen
Dirk Peter Viljoen is a former cricketer who played 2 Tests and 53 One Day Internationals for Zimbabwe. An allrounder, Viljoen bowled slow left arm orthodox and batted in the middle order, left-handed...
Brian Vitori
Brian Vitori
Brian Vitalis Vitori is a Zimbabwean cricketer. He has played and matches for Zimbabwe.-Domestic career:Vitori made his debut for Masvingo during the 2005–06 Faithwear Clothing Inter-Provincial Competition, playing in all three of Masvingo's games, taking three wickets at an average of 12.00.He...
Andy Waller ·
Brighton Watambwa
Brighton Watambwa
Brighton Tonderai Watambwa is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played in 6 Tests from 2001 to 2002. Now living in Belgium....
Andy Whittall ·
Guy Whittall
Guy Whittall
Guy James Whittall is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who played 46 Tests and 147 ODIs and captained Zimbabwe in four One Day Internationals. An all-rounder, he was a right-handed aggressive middle-order batsman and an effective right arm medium pace bowler.-Early days:Whittall was selected for the...
Craig Wishart
Craig Wishart
Craig Brian Wishart is a former Zimbabwean cricketer who retired in 2005 .During his career he played for several Mashonaland districts as well as the Zimbabwean national team. He made his Test debut in 1995 in Harare...