Lincoln Burrows
Lincoln Burrows, played by Dominic Purcell, is one of the main protagonists of the American
television series, Prison Break
. The plot of Prison Break revolves around Lincoln Burrows' setup for the murder of the vice president's brother and his brother's plan to help him escape his death sentence. Lincoln's brother, Michael Scofield
is played by Wentworth Miller
. In episode flashbacks, the teenage Lincoln is played by Max Kirsch, while a younger Michael is portrayed by Dylan Minnette. Lincoln Burrows was born in 1972.
As one of the principal characters, Lincoln plays a prominent role in the series and appeared in every episode. The brother's relationship is frequently explored in the series as their sacrifices for each other form a large part of the plot. In an interview, series creator Paul Scheuring
commented that it was "extremely difficult" to cast the roles of Lincoln and Michael. Dominic Purcell was cast for the role just three days before the start of production of the series pilot.
during his sophomore year and moved to Chicago to begin his life of crime. Prior to being convicted for the murder of the Vice President's brother, he had been convicted of theft, criminal damage to property, possession of drug paraphernalia, and battery. He and Lisa Rix had a son together, Lincoln Burrows, Jr. (L.J.) (played by Marshall Allman
When Michael was 18, Lincoln borrowed $90,000 to pay for Michael's university education, telling him that it was his half of his mother's life insurance. There really was no life insurance and this money was the start of the events which ultimately led to Lincoln being sentenced to death. This was revealed in the flashback episode, "Brother's Keeper". Lincoln's actions instigates Michael's feeling of guilt and responsibility, which explains his reason for creating an elaborate plan to rescue his brother.
Lincoln is accused of murdering the vice president's brother, Terrence Steadman. Although he pleaded not guilty at the trial, he was convicted on all counts and sentenced to death due to an overwhelming amount of evidence. After exhausting all of his appeals, his execution date was set for May 11. At the start of the show, he has only one month left.
As the season progresses, Lincoln's relationships with his son, L. J., and Veronica Donovan (played by Robin Tunney
) grow stronger. L.J. slowly reconnects with his estranged father over several visits, while Veronica becomes convinced of his innocence and attempts to find evidence to exonerate him. Aside from scenes in visitation, Lincoln mostly appears in scenes with Michael in the chapel, with the rest of the escape team on PI or in his cell on death row, which coincidentally in real life, is the same cell that John Wayne Gacy
was incarcerated in during his time at Joliet Prison
. From the eighth episode onwards, Lincoln and the rest of the escapees begin to dig a hole in the guard's break room. When L.J. is framed for murder by the conspiracy, Lincoln becomes worried and starts behaving irrationally, making him a liability to the escape plan. A secret message from L.J. in the episode "Tweener" manages to reassure him somewhat, however. In "Odd Man Out", Lincoln is forced to distract a guard to keep him from discovering the escape tunnel. Out of options, Lincoln punches the guard in the face and is sent to solitary. Despite this, Michael gets him transferred to the infirmary on the night on the escape for food poisoning. Lincoln is one of six inmates that are part of the failed escape attempt in "End of the Tunnel". When it fails, he resigns to his fate.
The character plays a central role in "The Rat", in which Lincoln prepares himself for the upcoming execution. The viewers are shown that he goes through different emotions, ranging from anger to sadness to plain numbness, as he is finally strapped to the electric chair at the end of the episode. However, his execution is delayed at the last minute with the help of a mysterious man that Lincoln identifies as his father Aldo Burrows (played by Anthony Denison
), despite not having seen him for thirty years. But when Lincoln tries to explain in "By the Skin and the Teeth" that he saw his father in the viewing room on the night of the execution, he is met with skepticism. In the following episodes, Lincoln spends most of his scenes locked up in solitary and plays only a minor role in the plot. In "The Key" Lincoln's prison transport is ambushed on route to seeing his son L.J. and he is almost murdered by Secret Service agent Paul Kellerman
(played by Paul Adelstein
), a member of the conspiracy. Lincoln is rescued by his father, who explains to him that the murder setup of Terrence Steadman may have been caused by his desolation of "The Company
" after taking information with him about Steadman's company, Ecofield. Lincoln is re-captured soon afterwards. He is considered an attempted fugitive and returned to solitary, as nobody believes that there was an assassination attempt against him. He escapes successfully in "Go", and the first season finale finally sees Lincoln outside the prison walls with his brother.
, Lincoln successfully evades Brad Bellick
(played by Wade Williams
) and his guards. However, at the end of the episode he is heavily traumatized after talking with Veronica Donovan over the phone and hearing her getting executed by conspiracy agents. Outside the prison, Lincoln's first priority is to find his son, and the second episode “Otis” is dedicated to Michael and Lincoln’s failed attempt to rescue L.J. from the court house. After the failed impromptu prison-break, Lincoln has no choice but to accompany his brother on a journey to Utah
to retrieve Charles Westmoreland's five million dollars. Lincoln's anxiety for L.J. causes conflicts with Michael, who wants to follow his plan. The next three episodes sees Michael and Lincoln reuniting with several members of the escape team. Together they find the site of the former silo and begins to dig for the money. In "Buried", Lincoln’s motivation to save his son is triggered again as he overhears on the news that L.J. is being released. Against Michael objections, Lincoln leaves the house at the end of the episode to find L.J., and the two characters have separate plotlines for the next few episodes.
In the next episode "Dead Fall", Lincoln discovers that reuniting with L.J. might prove difficult, as he learns that he is monitored by agents of "The Company". Lincoln manages to provide a distraction and escape with his son. In “Unearthed”, Lincoln appears in scenes with L.J., providing character development and building up the relationship between them. At the end of the episode, they are identified and arrested by the police. It is Lincoln's father Aldo that comes to his son's rescue, sending men to secure Lincoln and L.J. This begins Lincoln’s more direct involvement of the conspiracy plotline of the show, as his father outlines his plan to bring down The Company once and for all. In "Disconnect", the two characters meet with Michael. Aldo is later killed by F.B.I. agent Alexander Mahone
(played by William Fichtner
), which prompts Michael and Lincoln to stop running and to find evidence to expose "The Company" by searching for Sara Tancredi
(played Sarah Wayne Callies
). In "The Killing Box
", Michael and Lincoln are taken into custody by the Border Patrol. On route back to Fox River, operatives of The Company helps them escape from the prison transport van in hopes of eliminating the brothers once and for all. The protagonists escape this death trap at the last minute, when they are aided by Paul Kellerman, who in an act of self preservation, turns against "The Company". At the end of the fall final, the brothers have no choice but to go along with their new uneasy ally.
In "John Doe
" Lincoln comes face to face with Terrence Steadman, the man he was convicted of murdering. Steadman commits suicide and forces Lincoln and Michael to look for an alternative way to prove Lincoln's innocence. Lincoln, Michael and Kellerman find Sara and together, they head back to Chicago, where Sara's father, Frank Tancredi (played by John Heard), had hidden the USB drive which holds a recorded conversation between Caroline Reynolds and Terrence Steadman after his supposed death date. When the tape proves to be useless as evidence, Lincoln and Michael attempt to blackmail President Caroline Reynolds (played by Patricia Wettig
). When this also fails, Lincoln and Michael are forced to leave the country. In Sona Lincoln's exoneration finally comes through when Paul Kellerman decides to testify against "The Company". This makes Lincoln one of the two Fox River Eight members who have successfully evaded capture by the authorities. The brothers' joy is short-lived when Company executive Bill Kim (played by Reggie Lee
) tracks them down in Panama and has orders to kill "one of them". Sara shoots Kim, allowing them to escape. As the police draw near, Lincoln, Michael and Sara flee from the scene but are separated in the process. Michael takes the blame for Kim's death and is sent to the Panamanian prison Sona. Ignorant of his brother's recapture, Lincoln searches for Michael and Sara in the season finale before spotting Sara traveling alone. In his last scene of the season, Lincoln tries to get her attention but loses her in the crowd.
get out of Sona Prison
. He manages to get the consul
to transfer Michael to a cleaner and safer prison
. While explaining the situation, Michael instructed him to find Sara
. The local authorities
believe they've found Sara's body, which turned out not to be her. Lincoln is then called by his son LJ and is instructed to meet him and Sara at a bar
, but instead he encounters stranger calling herself Susan B. Anthony (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
), who lets Lincoln know that Sara and LJ have been kidnapped and will be killed if Michael doesn't break out a man imprisoned in Sona named James Whistler.
As Michael plots his escape, Lincoln does some sleuthing of his own on the outside: he follows Whistler's girlfriend
Sofia Lugo and manages to acquire an ornithology
guide with Whistler's notes in it. As Michael begins to have doubts, Lincoln takes matters into his own hands, tracking down Sara and LJ and knocking out two Company
agents before the other agents escape with their hostage
s. Following his failed attempt, Lincoln receives what he believed to be Sara's head in a box. He decides not to tell Michael, who instructs Lincoln to recruit the grave digger. Lincoln is also forced to hand the real bird book to Susan. At the same time, Fernando Sucre
and Sofia Lugo offer their assistance.
Lincoln goes about procuring a getaway vehicle
. After finding the road
s are heavily guard
ed, Linc buys some supplies at a dive shop, and then goes with Sofia to the beach
, not far from the prison, where he buries them. Susan's threat of killing LJ forced Lincoln to back down and follow her orders, instead of trying to outsmart her. The next two episodes follow the escape plan and after the escape ultimately fails, Lincoln engages in a tense standoff with Susan to rescue L.J. but Lincoln is forced to back down again. Susan, while planning for the Bang and Burn operation, then sent Company agents to eliminate Sofia, Sucre and him but this ultimately fails. When the operation fails, Susan decided to try to get Lincoln back into the plan by letting him see LJ.
While figuring out the escape plan, Lincoln goes about buying a bomb
to plan an explosive finish for Susan and tried to use Sucre to trick her, but both attempts ultimately fail. Sucre and Maricruz were also implicated as a result, though without Lincoln's knowing. Later on, Susan used Sofia as a hostage. That night, Lincoln steals a bus
to knock out the power lines to Sona Prison, which then starts off the escape of Michael and the other inmates inside Sona Prison. The escape is eventually successful, with Lincoln joining the inmates and McGrady parting off with his dad in separate ways. Whistler later tried to escape, but Lincoln managed to get hold of him, forcing Gretchen to carry out the hostage exchange successfully at a museum
. Later on, Gretchen's men started creating chaos, so that Gretchen and Whistler could escape unharmed but the firing caused Sofia to be shot.
In the season finale, Lincoln, LJ and Sofia were last seen at the hospital
, where LJ is tending to Sofia's wounds.
In the episode "Quiet Riot", along with Michael, Sucre, and Mahone, Lincoln enters through the company HQ and reaches to the actual Scylla machine. In episode "Selfless" they are caught by the General and his goons, although that was the plan. The goons are about to shoot Michael, although they are held at gunpoint by Mahone and Sucre. Lincoln holds the General at gunpoint. The General is forced to give up his card, which he thinks is useless, although he is shocked when Michael shows him the other 5 Scylla cards. They take him hostage and later escape with Scylla, though they are betrayed by Self at the end of the episode. In episode "Deal Or No Deal" Lincoln is captured by homeland security agents and agrees to testify against Self for immunity. Michael comes in and they are about to be killed by the Homeland Security agents, until a Company agent saves them by murdering the Homeland Security agents and is about to bring Michael and Lincoln to the General. Sucre sneaks up behind the agent and points the gun at the him and Lincoln takes the agent's weapon and kills him. In "Just Business", he is worried about Michael's health as they keep trying to get Scylla back. Lincoln uses a rocket launcher to blast Self's hotel window. He runs to the alleyway, seeing Michael with a bloody nose and unconscious, picked up and thrown in a Company van. He goes to confront the General face to face and says he'll do anything to save Michael, even getting Scylla back to The Company. Lincoln tells Michael that he discovered that their mother had also worked for The Company and that he is going to get Scylla back for them to save Michael's life.
In the following episodes, Lincoln works on getting Scylla back, and is assigned a team by the general, consisting of Self, Gretchen and T-Bag. They are later joined by Mahone. When the general is displeased at their lack of progress, he sends photos of their loved ones, threatening to hurt them if the team does not find Scylla. Lincoln is also opposed by Michael, who seeks to find Scylla first and bring down The Company. The protagonists also learn that their mother, Christina Rose Scofield, is alive and that she is the one in possession of Scylla. In the episode “SOB”, Lincoln is framed by Christina for the murder of a high-ranking Indian official. Michael puts their differences aside, however, and rescues Lincoln. They escape from the police in “Cowboys and Indians”, and manages to steal Scylla from Christina. She responds by capturing Lincoln and shooting him in the lung, telling Michael that Lincoln will die if he doesn’t return Scylla to her. The episode ends with Michael having to decide between saving Sara or Linc. In the next episode he decides to save them both, and sends Mahone with an explosive device to kill Christina and rescue Lincoln while Michael saves Sara. The plan is successful. After they are unexpectedly contacted by Kellerman, he offers them complete exoneration if they hand over Scylla to a contact who is a member of the United Nations, which they do and are all exonerated. However, Michael’s nose begins to bleed, indicating that the tumor is back. In the series epilogue set 4 years later, Lincoln owns a scuba shop with Sofia. In his very last scene, Lincoln puts an origami crane on Michael's gravestone and walks off into the sunset with Mahone, Sucre, Michael's kid, and Sara.
In season three, Lincoln kills for the first time, shooting two of the Company operatives and appearing to have no remorse.
In season four, it is revealed that despite not having killed Terrence Steadman, he is far from being innocent as a flashback is shown where he and his friend that got them onto the cargo ship that got them to Panama are seen crashing into a car and shooting the people inside it for an unknown motive. Later in the season, Lincoln Burrows appears to have grown ruthless and cruel, acting just like a company agent (including the suit and gun), not hesitating to fire his gun and willing to torture people (seen when he rips out T-Bag's teeth). All this appears to be because he wants everything to be over.
. Since working on John Doe
, Purcell has had an amiable relationship with Fox. Hence, he was sent the pilot script of Prison Break. Scheuring's first impression of Purcell did not convince him as a fit for the role since the actor went to the audition with his hair styled and a tan. However, Purcell's acting won the role. He arrived on the set on the first day of filming with a shaved head, which amazed Scheuring with the physical likeness of the series' two leading actors.
, who plays Lincoln's nemesis for the first 35 episodes, Paul Kellerman
, originally auditioned for the role of Lincoln.
Johnny Messner
and Eric Dane
were joint choices for the role but executives couldn't decide who to go with so they searched for someone else resulting in Dominic Purcell's casting.
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
television series, Prison Break
Prison Break
Prison Break is an American television serial drama created by Paul Scheuring, that was broadcast on the Fox Broadcasting Company for four seasons, from 2005 until 2009. The series revolves around two brothers; one has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and the other devises an...
. The plot of Prison Break revolves around Lincoln Burrows' setup for the murder of the vice president's brother and his brother's plan to help him escape his death sentence. Lincoln's brother, Michael Scofield
Michael Scofield
Michael J. Scofield is the main protagonist in the American television series Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wentworth Miller. The character first appeared in the series pilot as a man who stages a bank robbery in order to get sent into the prison where his older brother, Lincoln Burrows , is...
is played by Wentworth Miller
Wentworth Miller
Wentworth Earl Miller III is an English-born American actor; model and screenwriter who rose to stardom following his role as Michael Scofield in the Fox Network television series Prison Break.-Early life:...
. In episode flashbacks, the teenage Lincoln is played by Max Kirsch, while a younger Michael is portrayed by Dylan Minnette. Lincoln Burrows was born in 1972.
As one of the principal characters, Lincoln plays a prominent role in the series and appeared in every episode. The brother's relationship is frequently explored in the series as their sacrifices for each other form a large part of the plot. In an interview, series creator Paul Scheuring
Paul Scheuring
Paul T. Scheuring is an American screenwriter and director for films and television shows. His work includes the 2003 film A Man Apart and, more notably, the creation of the television drama Prison Break, for which he is also credited as an executive producer and Head Writer.-Biography:Scheuring...
commented that it was "extremely difficult" to cast the roles of Lincoln and Michael. Dominic Purcell was cast for the role just three days before the start of production of the series pilot.
After their mother's falsified death, Lincoln became Michael's guardian. Lincoln dropped out of Morgan Park High School in Toledo, OhioToledo, Ohio
Toledo is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. state of Ohio and is the county seat of Lucas County. Toledo is in northwest Ohio, on the western end of Lake Erie, and borders the State of Michigan...
during his sophomore year and moved to Chicago to begin his life of crime. Prior to being convicted for the murder of the Vice President's brother, he had been convicted of theft, criminal damage to property, possession of drug paraphernalia, and battery. He and Lisa Rix had a son together, Lincoln Burrows, Jr. (L.J.) (played by Marshall Allman
Marshall Allman
Marshall Scot Allman is an American actor. He is known to television audiences for his role as L. J. Burrows on Fox's successful television series, Prison Break...
When Michael was 18, Lincoln borrowed $90,000 to pay for Michael's university education, telling him that it was his half of his mother's life insurance. There really was no life insurance and this money was the start of the events which ultimately led to Lincoln being sentenced to death. This was revealed in the flashback episode, "Brother's Keeper". Lincoln's actions instigates Michael's feeling of guilt and responsibility, which explains his reason for creating an elaborate plan to rescue his brother.
Lincoln is accused of murdering the vice president's brother, Terrence Steadman. Although he pleaded not guilty at the trial, he was convicted on all counts and sentenced to death due to an overwhelming amount of evidence. After exhausting all of his appeals, his execution date was set for May 11. At the start of the show, he has only one month left.
Season 1
The character of Lincoln Burrows is first seen in a newspaper clip in Michael Scofield's apartment. He makes his first real appearance later in the pilot episode when he is seen in the prison yard. It is established that Michael is his brother and a flashback sequence demonstrates the close bond of trust between them, as well as Michael's intention of breaking Lincoln out. After a surprise meeting with his brother inside the prison's chapel in the series pilot, Lincoln realizes that Michael is now an inmate. In the first two episodes, Lincoln's character and background is established, like his complicated and strained relationships with his teenage son L.J. and his ex-girlfriend Veronica Donovan. Particularly in the first few episodes, Lincoln warns Michael of the dangers in the prison and that he should be aware of his fellow inmates. As Michael begins to reveal his escape plan, Lincoln often takes a skeptical stance in the early episodes, trying to convince his brother of the futility in attempting escape and attempts to persuade Michael to abandon his plan, something he refuses to do. As the season progresses, Lincoln grows carefully hopeful of Michael's plan to help him escape. In episode "English, Fitz or Percy", Lincoln admits that he had resigned himself to his fate, but that Michael has given him his hope back. The next episode "Riots, Drills and the Devil" further explores the tight bond between the protagonists.As the season progresses, Lincoln's relationships with his son, L. J., and Veronica Donovan (played by Robin Tunney
Robin Tunney
Robin Jessica Tunney is an American actress. She is best known for her lead roles in the movie The Craft and the television series Prison Break and The Mentalist.-Early life:...
) grow stronger. L.J. slowly reconnects with his estranged father over several visits, while Veronica becomes convinced of his innocence and attempts to find evidence to exonerate him. Aside from scenes in visitation, Lincoln mostly appears in scenes with Michael in the chapel, with the rest of the escape team on PI or in his cell on death row, which coincidentally in real life, is the same cell that John Wayne Gacy
John Wayne Gacy
John Wayne Gacy, Jr. was an American serial killer, rapist and clown who sexually assaulted and murdered at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978. Gacy buried 26 of his victims in the crawlspace of his home, buried three others elsewhere on his property, and discarded the...
was incarcerated in during his time at Joliet Prison
Joliet Prison
Joliet Correctional Center was a prison in Joliet, Illinois, United States from 1858 to 2002. It is featured in the motion picture The Blues Brothers as the prison from which Jake Blues is released at the beginning of the movie...
. From the eighth episode onwards, Lincoln and the rest of the escapees begin to dig a hole in the guard's break room. When L.J. is framed for murder by the conspiracy, Lincoln becomes worried and starts behaving irrationally, making him a liability to the escape plan. A secret message from L.J. in the episode "Tweener" manages to reassure him somewhat, however. In "Odd Man Out", Lincoln is forced to distract a guard to keep him from discovering the escape tunnel. Out of options, Lincoln punches the guard in the face and is sent to solitary. Despite this, Michael gets him transferred to the infirmary on the night on the escape for food poisoning. Lincoln is one of six inmates that are part of the failed escape attempt in "End of the Tunnel". When it fails, he resigns to his fate.
The character plays a central role in "The Rat", in which Lincoln prepares himself for the upcoming execution. The viewers are shown that he goes through different emotions, ranging from anger to sadness to plain numbness, as he is finally strapped to the electric chair at the end of the episode. However, his execution is delayed at the last minute with the help of a mysterious man that Lincoln identifies as his father Aldo Burrows (played by Anthony Denison
Anthony Denison
Anthony John Sarrero , also known by his stage name Anthony Denison, is an American actor. The eldest of three, he was born and raised in New York City's Harlem. Before acting he worked for John Hancock Insurance as a life insurance agent in Poughkeepsie, New York...
), despite not having seen him for thirty years. But when Lincoln tries to explain in "By the Skin and the Teeth" that he saw his father in the viewing room on the night of the execution, he is met with skepticism. In the following episodes, Lincoln spends most of his scenes locked up in solitary and plays only a minor role in the plot. In "The Key" Lincoln's prison transport is ambushed on route to seeing his son L.J. and he is almost murdered by Secret Service agent Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman, played by Paul Adelstein, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. The character was introduced to the series as a Secret Service special agent in the series pilot but the actor was not listed as a regular cast member until the third episode...
(played by Paul Adelstein
Paul Adelstein
Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor, best known for the role of Agent Paul Kellerman in the television series, Prison Break, and his current role as pediatrician Cooper Freedman in the series Private Practice....
), a member of the conspiracy. Lincoln is rescued by his father, who explains to him that the murder setup of Terrence Steadman may have been caused by his desolation of "The Company
The Company (Prison Break)
The Company is a fictional covert organization featured in the American television drama/thriller series Prison Break. It is a secret group of multinationals known almost exclusively by those who work for them . Its influence and power over individuals stretches to the White House, influencing...
" after taking information with him about Steadman's company, Ecofield. Lincoln is re-captured soon afterwards. He is considered an attempted fugitive and returned to solitary, as nobody believes that there was an assassination attempt against him. He escapes successfully in "Go", and the first season finale finally sees Lincoln outside the prison walls with his brother.
Season 2
The character is featured more prominently in the second season than the first. He is featured mainly in scenes with his brother or the other escapees, and gets to take on a more active role than in the first season. Along with his brother and the other escapees in the season premiereManhunt (Prison Break episode)
"Manhunt" is the twenty-third episode of the American television series Prison Break and the season premiere of season two. The episode was first aired on August 21, 2006 in the United States. It is written by series creator Paul Scheuring and directed by Kevin Hooks, who directed the season finale...
, Lincoln successfully evades Brad Bellick
Brad Bellick
Bradley "Brad" Bellick is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wade Williams. As one of the principal characters of Prison Break, he has been featured in all four seasons of the series...
(played by Wade Williams
Wade Williams
Wade Andrew Williams is an American actor who is best known for his starring role as Brad Bellick on Fox's television series Prison Break.-Personal life:...
) and his guards. However, at the end of the episode he is heavily traumatized after talking with Veronica Donovan over the phone and hearing her getting executed by conspiracy agents. Outside the prison, Lincoln's first priority is to find his son, and the second episode “Otis” is dedicated to Michael and Lincoln’s failed attempt to rescue L.J. from the court house. After the failed impromptu prison-break, Lincoln has no choice but to accompany his brother on a journey to Utah
Utah is a state in the Western United States. It was the 45th state to join the Union, on January 4, 1896. Approximately 80% of Utah's 2,763,885 people live along the Wasatch Front, centering on Salt Lake City. This leaves vast expanses of the state nearly uninhabited, making the population the...
to retrieve Charles Westmoreland's five million dollars. Lincoln's anxiety for L.J. causes conflicts with Michael, who wants to follow his plan. The next three episodes sees Michael and Lincoln reuniting with several members of the escape team. Together they find the site of the former silo and begins to dig for the money. In "Buried", Lincoln’s motivation to save his son is triggered again as he overhears on the news that L.J. is being released. Against Michael objections, Lincoln leaves the house at the end of the episode to find L.J., and the two characters have separate plotlines for the next few episodes.
In the next episode "Dead Fall", Lincoln discovers that reuniting with L.J. might prove difficult, as he learns that he is monitored by agents of "The Company". Lincoln manages to provide a distraction and escape with his son. In “Unearthed”, Lincoln appears in scenes with L.J., providing character development and building up the relationship between them. At the end of the episode, they are identified and arrested by the police. It is Lincoln's father Aldo that comes to his son's rescue, sending men to secure Lincoln and L.J. This begins Lincoln’s more direct involvement of the conspiracy plotline of the show, as his father outlines his plan to bring down The Company once and for all. In "Disconnect", the two characters meet with Michael. Aldo is later killed by F.B.I. agent Alexander Mahone
Alexander Mahone
Alexander "Alex" Mahone is a fictional character portrayed by William Fichtner in the American television series Prison Break. The series revolves around two brothers: one who has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and his younger sibling, a genius who devises an elaborate plan...
(played by William Fichtner
William Fichtner
William Edward Fichtner is an American actor. He is best known for his roles as Sheriff Tom Underlay on Invasion, as Alexander Mahone on Prison Break, as William Sharp in Armageddon, and as Ken Rosenberg in the video games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.- Early life...
), which prompts Michael and Lincoln to stop running and to find evidence to expose "The Company" by searching for Sara Tancredi
Sara Tancredi
Dr. Sara Tancredi is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. She is played by Sarah Wayne Callies. Her role in the first season of the series is a prison doctor.- Background :...
(played Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies
Sarah Wayne Callies is an American actress who is best known for her role as Sara Tancredi in the American television series Prison Break. She now plays Lori Grimes in The Walking Dead.- Early life :...
). In "The Killing Box
The Killing Box
"The Killing Box" is the thirty-fifth episode of the American television series Prison Break and is the thirteenth episode of its second season. Broadcast on November 27, 2006, it was also the last episode to be aired in 2006 in the United States. The episode is written by Zack Estrin and directed...
", Michael and Lincoln are taken into custody by the Border Patrol. On route back to Fox River, operatives of The Company helps them escape from the prison transport van in hopes of eliminating the brothers once and for all. The protagonists escape this death trap at the last minute, when they are aided by Paul Kellerman, who in an act of self preservation, turns against "The Company". At the end of the fall final, the brothers have no choice but to go along with their new uneasy ally.
In "John Doe
John Doe (Prison Break episode)
"John Doe" is the thirty-sixth episode of the American television series Prison Break and is the fourteenth episode of its second season. The episode was aired on January 22, 2007 after a seven-week break. It was written by Matt Olmstead and Nick Santora, and directed by Kevin Hooks. The title,...
" Lincoln comes face to face with Terrence Steadman, the man he was convicted of murdering. Steadman commits suicide and forces Lincoln and Michael to look for an alternative way to prove Lincoln's innocence. Lincoln, Michael and Kellerman find Sara and together, they head back to Chicago, where Sara's father, Frank Tancredi (played by John Heard), had hidden the USB drive which holds a recorded conversation between Caroline Reynolds and Terrence Steadman after his supposed death date. When the tape proves to be useless as evidence, Lincoln and Michael attempt to blackmail President Caroline Reynolds (played by Patricia Wettig
Patricia Wettig
Patricia Wettig is an American actress and playwright. She is best known for her roles in the television series Thirtysomething, Prison Break and Brothers & Sisters...
). When this also fails, Lincoln and Michael are forced to leave the country. In Sona Lincoln's exoneration finally comes through when Paul Kellerman decides to testify against "The Company". This makes Lincoln one of the two Fox River Eight members who have successfully evaded capture by the authorities. The brothers' joy is short-lived when Company executive Bill Kim (played by Reggie Lee
Reggie Lee (actor)
Reggie Lee is an American actor who played William Kim on the show Prison Break and also appeared as Tai Huang in two Pirates of the Caribbean films, as well as The Fast and the Furious...
) tracks them down in Panama and has orders to kill "one of them". Sara shoots Kim, allowing them to escape. As the police draw near, Lincoln, Michael and Sara flee from the scene but are separated in the process. Michael takes the blame for Kim's death and is sent to the Panamanian prison Sona. Ignorant of his brother's recapture, Lincoln searches for Michael and Sara in the season finale before spotting Sara traveling alone. In his last scene of the season, Lincoln tries to get her attention but loses her in the crowd.
Season 3
Lincoln uses his free status to try to help MichaelMichael Scofield
Michael J. Scofield is the main protagonist in the American television series Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wentworth Miller. The character first appeared in the series pilot as a man who stages a bank robbery in order to get sent into the prison where his older brother, Lincoln Burrows , is...
get out of Sona Prison
Penitenciaría Federal de Sona
Penitenciaría Federal de Sona is a fictional prison in the TV series Prison Break. The prison is set in Panama...
. He manages to get the consul
Consul was the highest elected office of the Roman Republic and an appointive office under the Empire. The title was also used in other city states and also revived in modern states, notably in the First French Republic...
to transfer Michael to a cleaner and safer prison
A prison is a place in which people are physically confined and, usually, deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Imprisonment or incarceration is a legal penalty that may be imposed by the state for the commission of a crime...
. While explaining the situation, Michael instructed him to find Sara
Sara Tancredi
Dr. Sara Tancredi is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. She is played by Sarah Wayne Callies. Her role in the first season of the series is a prison doctor.- Background :...
. The local authorities
The word Authority is derived mainly from the Latin word auctoritas, meaning invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command. In English, the word 'authority' can be used to mean power given by the state or by academic knowledge of an area .-Authority in Philosophy:In...
believe they've found Sara's body, which turned out not to be her. Lincoln is then called by his son LJ and is instructed to meet him and Sara at a bar
Bar (establishment)
A bar is a business establishment that serves alcoholic drinks — beer, wine, liquor, and cocktails — for consumption on the premises.Bars provide stools or chairs that are placed at tables or counters for their patrons. Some bars have entertainment on a stage, such as a live band, comedians, go-go...
, but instead he encounters stranger calling herself Susan B. Anthony (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
Jodi Lyn O'Keefe is an American actress and model, who at age 17 portrayed Cassidy Bridges on Nash Bridges. She is also known for her role on Prison Break as Gretchen Morgan, a.k.a. "Susan B. Anthony".-Early life:...
), who lets Lincoln know that Sara and LJ have been kidnapped and will be killed if Michael doesn't break out a man imprisoned in Sona named James Whistler.
As Michael plots his escape, Lincoln does some sleuthing of his own on the outside: he follows Whistler's girlfriend
Girlfriend is a term that can refer to either a female partner in a non-marital romantic relationship or a female non-romantic friend that is closer than other friends....
Sofia Lugo and manages to acquire an ornithology
Ornithology is a branch of zoology that concerns the study of birds. Several aspects of ornithology differ from related disciplines, due partly to the high visibility and the aesthetic appeal of birds...
guide with Whistler's notes in it. As Michael begins to have doubts, Lincoln takes matters into his own hands, tracking down Sara and LJ and knocking out two Company
The Company (Prison Break)
The Company is a fictional covert organization featured in the American television drama/thriller series Prison Break. It is a secret group of multinationals known almost exclusively by those who work for them . Its influence and power over individuals stretches to the White House, influencing...
agents before the other agents escape with their hostage
A hostage is a person or entity which is held by a captor. The original definition meant that this was handed over by one of two belligerent parties to the other or seized as security for the carrying out of an agreement, or as a preventive measure against certain acts of war...
s. Following his failed attempt, Lincoln receives what he believed to be Sara's head in a box. He decides not to tell Michael, who instructs Lincoln to recruit the grave digger. Lincoln is also forced to hand the real bird book to Susan. At the same time, Fernando Sucre
Fernando Sucre
Fernando Sucre, played by Amaury Nolasco, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. He is introduced to the series in the pilot episode as the prison cellmate of the series protagonist, Michael Scofield .-Background:Of Puerto Rican descent, Sucre grew up in Chicago...
and Sofia Lugo offer their assistance.
Lincoln goes about procuring a getaway vehicle
A vehicle is a device that is designed or used to transport people or cargo. Most often vehicles are manufactured, such as bicycles, cars, motorcycles, trains, ships, boats, and aircraft....
. After finding the road
A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two places, which typically has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by some conveyance, including a horse, cart, or motor vehicle. Roads consist of one, or sometimes two, roadways each with one or more lanes and also any...
s are heavily guard
A patrol is commonly a group of personnel, such as police officers or soldiers, that are assigned to monitor a specific geographic area.- Military :...
ed, Linc buys some supplies at a dive shop, and then goes with Sofia to the beach
A beach is a geological landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake or river. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles or cobblestones...
, not far from the prison, where he buries them. Susan's threat of killing LJ forced Lincoln to back down and follow her orders, instead of trying to outsmart her. The next two episodes follow the escape plan and after the escape ultimately fails, Lincoln engages in a tense standoff with Susan to rescue L.J. but Lincoln is forced to back down again. Susan, while planning for the Bang and Burn operation, then sent Company agents to eliminate Sofia, Sucre and him but this ultimately fails. When the operation fails, Susan decided to try to get Lincoln back into the plan by letting him see LJ.
While figuring out the escape plan, Lincoln goes about buying a bomb
A bomb is any of a range of explosive weapons that only rely on the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy...
to plan an explosive finish for Susan and tried to use Sucre to trick her, but both attempts ultimately fail. Sucre and Maricruz were also implicated as a result, though without Lincoln's knowing. Later on, Susan used Sofia as a hostage. That night, Lincoln steals a bus
A bus is a road vehicle designed to carry passengers. Buses can have a capacity as high as 300 passengers. The most common type of bus is the single-decker bus, with larger loads carried by double-decker buses and articulated buses, and smaller loads carried by midibuses and minibuses; coaches are...
to knock out the power lines to Sona Prison, which then starts off the escape of Michael and the other inmates inside Sona Prison. The escape is eventually successful, with Lincoln joining the inmates and McGrady parting off with his dad in separate ways. Whistler later tried to escape, but Lincoln managed to get hold of him, forcing Gretchen to carry out the hostage exchange successfully at a museum
A museum is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities...
. Later on, Gretchen's men started creating chaos, so that Gretchen and Whistler could escape unharmed but the firing caused Sofia to be shot.
In the season finale, Lincoln, LJ and Sofia were last seen at the hospital
A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Hospitals often, but not always, provide for inpatient care or longer-term patient stays....
, where LJ is tending to Sofia's wounds.
Season 4
Lincoln is first seen with LJ and Sofia in a restaurant in Panama. When a confused Michael calls him and asks if he is sure that he saw Sara's head in the box, he says he is. While he was in a fight with a company agent, Lincoln killed him, which led him to being arrested and extradited. When brought to America and reunited with Michael. They meet Donald Self, a homeland security agent, who gives him along with Michael, Sucre, Mahone, and Bellick two choices: either go back to jail or bring down The company. When Lincoln is first put with the other convicts, Michael, Sara, Bellick, Sucre, Roland and Mahone he isn't happy to be stuck with the bunch only caring for his younger brother and Sara and having some good feelings towards Sucre. He and Bellick rarely exchange words but Roland often gets on his nerves and he doesn't like the kid, only putting up with him because he's the computer nerd and without him the cons could only do half a job. Mahone is a different story, he swears revenge of his father's death once they fulfill Self's mission. When Lincoln overhears a phone call in which Mahone tells Lang the company killed his son Lincoln relates to the man (the company tried to kill LJ previously) and promises Mahone that after the mission, together they would track down the person(s) who killed Cameron. Lincoln forms a fondness for Mahone and realizes the two aren't as different as he initially thought and although he can't forgive the other man for killing his father he has grown sympathetic towards him. He also has a good relationship with Bellick eventually because Bellick on several occasions saved his life, like in "Eagles and Angels" when Bellick distracts a Company goon about to kill Lincoln.In the episode "Quiet Riot", along with Michael, Sucre, and Mahone, Lincoln enters through the company HQ and reaches to the actual Scylla machine. In episode "Selfless" they are caught by the General and his goons, although that was the plan. The goons are about to shoot Michael, although they are held at gunpoint by Mahone and Sucre. Lincoln holds the General at gunpoint. The General is forced to give up his card, which he thinks is useless, although he is shocked when Michael shows him the other 5 Scylla cards. They take him hostage and later escape with Scylla, though they are betrayed by Self at the end of the episode. In episode "Deal Or No Deal" Lincoln is captured by homeland security agents and agrees to testify against Self for immunity. Michael comes in and they are about to be killed by the Homeland Security agents, until a Company agent saves them by murdering the Homeland Security agents and is about to bring Michael and Lincoln to the General. Sucre sneaks up behind the agent and points the gun at the him and Lincoln takes the agent's weapon and kills him. In "Just Business", he is worried about Michael's health as they keep trying to get Scylla back. Lincoln uses a rocket launcher to blast Self's hotel window. He runs to the alleyway, seeing Michael with a bloody nose and unconscious, picked up and thrown in a Company van. He goes to confront the General face to face and says he'll do anything to save Michael, even getting Scylla back to The Company. Lincoln tells Michael that he discovered that their mother had also worked for The Company and that he is going to get Scylla back for them to save Michael's life.
In the following episodes, Lincoln works on getting Scylla back, and is assigned a team by the general, consisting of Self, Gretchen and T-Bag. They are later joined by Mahone. When the general is displeased at their lack of progress, he sends photos of their loved ones, threatening to hurt them if the team does not find Scylla. Lincoln is also opposed by Michael, who seeks to find Scylla first and bring down The Company. The protagonists also learn that their mother, Christina Rose Scofield, is alive and that she is the one in possession of Scylla. In the episode “SOB”, Lincoln is framed by Christina for the murder of a high-ranking Indian official. Michael puts their differences aside, however, and rescues Lincoln. They escape from the police in “Cowboys and Indians”, and manages to steal Scylla from Christina. She responds by capturing Lincoln and shooting him in the lung, telling Michael that Lincoln will die if he doesn’t return Scylla to her. The episode ends with Michael having to decide between saving Sara or Linc. In the next episode he decides to save them both, and sends Mahone with an explosive device to kill Christina and rescue Lincoln while Michael saves Sara. The plan is successful. After they are unexpectedly contacted by Kellerman, he offers them complete exoneration if they hand over Scylla to a contact who is a member of the United Nations, which they do and are all exonerated. However, Michael’s nose begins to bleed, indicating that the tumor is back. In the series epilogue set 4 years later, Lincoln owns a scuba shop with Sofia. In his very last scene, Lincoln puts an origami crane on Michael's gravestone and walks off into the sunset with Mahone, Sucre, Michael's kid, and Sara.
In the first two seasons Lincoln is revealed as very strong, both physically and mentally, and he shows himself as very threatening (to the point of fighting five of T-Bag's men single handedly to defend a CO during a riot) and intimidating. Despite that, he is revealed as unable to kill. After mastering Mahone in the episode "Fin Del Camino", his hesitation to shoot him allows Mahone to regain the advantage and master him, causing him to tell Michael, "Deep down, he's just like you. He has a heart that can't kill a man".In season three, Lincoln kills for the first time, shooting two of the Company operatives and appearing to have no remorse.
In season four, it is revealed that despite not having killed Terrence Steadman, he is far from being innocent as a flashback is shown where he and his friend that got them onto the cargo ship that got them to Panama are seen crashing into a car and shooting the people inside it for an unknown motive. Later in the season, Lincoln Burrows appears to have grown ruthless and cruel, acting just like a company agent (including the suit and gun), not hesitating to fire his gun and willing to torture people (seen when he rips out T-Bag's teeth). All this appears to be because he wants everything to be over.
Purcell was cast three days before the start of production and consequently, he was the last actor to join the original cast. He auditioned for the role while he had a recurring role as Tommy Ravetto on North ShoreNorth Shore (TV series)
North Shore is an American prime-time soap opera that aired on Fox every Monday at 8 p.m. EST for seven months in 2004 and 2005...
. Since working on John Doe
John Doe (TV series)
John Doe is an American science fiction drama television series that aired on Fox during the 2002–2003 TV season.-Synopsis:"I woke up in an island off the coast of Seattle. I didn't know how I got there ... or who I was. But I did seem to know everything else. There were things about me I didn't...
, Purcell has had an amiable relationship with Fox. Hence, he was sent the pilot script of Prison Break. Scheuring's first impression of Purcell did not convince him as a fit for the role since the actor went to the audition with his hair styled and a tan. However, Purcell's acting won the role. He arrived on the set on the first day of filming with a shaved head, which amazed Scheuring with the physical likeness of the series' two leading actors.
Production details
Paul AdelsteinPaul Adelstein
Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor, best known for the role of Agent Paul Kellerman in the television series, Prison Break, and his current role as pediatrician Cooper Freedman in the series Private Practice....
, who plays Lincoln's nemesis for the first 35 episodes, Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman, played by Paul Adelstein, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. The character was introduced to the series as a Secret Service special agent in the series pilot but the actor was not listed as a regular cast member until the third episode...
, originally auditioned for the role of Lincoln.
Johnny Messner
Johnny Messner
Johnny Messner is an American actor who has had movie and television series roles.Messner was born in Syracuse, New York. He was in the second season of The O.C., and guest-starred in the second episode of the TV series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation...
and Eric Dane
Eric Dane
Eric Dane is an American actor. After appearing in television roles throughout the 1990s and 2000s, he became known for playing Dr...
were joint choices for the role but executives couldn't decide who to go with so they searched for someone else resulting in Dominic Purcell's casting.