Jetfire is the name of several fictional characters
from the Transformers universes
. He is nearly always depicted as an Autobot
with jet or space shuttle alternate mode.
series, known in Italy as Aquila) told through the numerous Generation 1 continuities, there is one constant aspect — an early alliance with the Decepticons, which has served only to convince him to side with the Autobots. Jetfire's dedication to the Autobot cause is matched only by his devotion to scientific and technological advancement — this, he believes, is the only way in which victory over the Decepticons can be achieved. It is this overriding belief that tempers his bravado in battle, but nevertheless, he is often one of the most eager Autobots to plunge into combat, and his position as one of the fastest usually means he is the first to do so. Jetfire is created from the same mold as the VF-1S Super Valkyrie
from the Macross
series (see Toys), including the VF-1S's gunpod, which is described as a laser on Jetfire's technical specifications.
Jetfire was constructed by Shockwave
on Earth to be one of his new Decepticon troops, given life through the powers of the Creation Matrix, tapped from the captive Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. However, before Shockwave could accomplish this, Prime transferred the Matrix into the mind of the Autobots' human ally, Buster Witwicky. Shockwave programmed Jetfire's lifeless shell to recover Buster, but Buster was able to use the Matrix to disassemble Jetfire before he could accomplish his goal. Buster then reconstructed Jetfire and used him to rescue Optimus Prime, who infused Jetfire with true life.
Immediately after this — in the UK's sister Transformers comic series, which interspliced its own original material between reprints of the US Marvel title — Jetfire participated in the "Dinobot Hunt," helping to track down the rogue Dinobots
, who were running wild across America. Still bearing the Decepticon insignia Shockwave had stamped him with, Jetfire was not trusted by Ironhide
until he saved him from the deranged Slag, proving his Autobot loyalty.
Subsequently, in the US title, he underwent the Rite of Autobrand and was branded with the Autobot insignia at last.
Jetfire went on to perform few significant actions in the future (although he did serve as the Autobots' acting leader against Galvatron
in the Target:2006 storyline), but was clearly thoroughly accepted into the Autobots, as his was one of the small number of voices heard when a new Autobot leader had to be chosen, and Dinobot leader Grimlock
was elected.
A story called The Gift in issue 93 of the Marvel UK comics explored Jetfire's problems fitting in with the other Autobots. Wheeljack
informed Optimus Prime
of a news cast where they learned the Decepticons had taken over a NASA
space monitoring facility near the Ark
. Prowl
and Trailbreaker
, with Jetfire as backup engaged the Decepticons Soundwave
, Kickback and Dirge
as the Decepticons attempted to contact Cybertron with the facility's deep space radio equipment. Although Prowl ordered Jetfire to stop Soundwave from sending his message, Jetfire ignored the order to help save Prowl from Kickback's attack. With the transmission sent the Decepticons retreated victorious. Jetfire then accompanied Jazz
to a Blackrock
fuel plant to oversee the creation of more fuel for the Autobots. The plant was attacked by Decepticons Thrust
and Bombshell. Although Jetfire was able to put out a fire at the plant before it exploded, he blamed himself for being slow to react. Jetfire then visited Buster Witwicky on Christmas Eve
and tell him of his troubles of not fitting in with the Cybertronian-made Autobots. Buster encouraged the young Autobot by telling him he's the first of a new generation of Earth-made Autobots and he should be proud of what he is.
In issue #27 (US), "King of the Hill!", Perceptor
summoned his fellow Autobots Blaster
, Hot Spot, Jetfire, Omega Supreme
, Ratchet
and Silverbolt in order to decide who should take leadership of the Autobots. After an attack by the giant Decepticon Trypticon
the leader was chosen - Grimlock
Sometime later, Jetfire was among the Transformers who attempted to defend New York
from the cosmically-powered Starscream, only to be deactivated alongside everyone else. Unlike most of Starscream's victims, there was no indication that he was revived through the power of nucleon
On Cybertron
before the war, Jet Fire was a scientist and explorer working with Starscream
. Together, they investigated an uncharted planet (Jacinto), where they failed to find any signs of intelligent life. Jet Fire wished to scrutinize the planet further, and moving in close enough to the planet, a polar wind storm swept him up and buried him beneath the Arctic ice. Starscream searched for his friend, but was unable to locate him and returned to Cybertron alone.
Millions of years later, in 1984, the Decepticon
s excavated the frozen Skyfire while draining heat energy from the Earth's core and reactivated him. Reunited with his old friend, Starscream, Skyfire joined the Decepticon ranks. When the Autobots arrived, Skyfire engaged in battle with them, but then saved the Autobots' human allies Sparkplug and Spike Witwicky when they became stranded on an ice floe. Naively, he took the two to Megatron under the impression that he and the other Decepticons were good, but when Megatron took them as prisoners, Skyfire started to question his allegiance. When Starscream ordered him to destroy the captured Autobot search party, he refused, and Starscream turned his weapons on him, leaving him heavily damaged. Repaired by Ratchet, he joined the Autobot side and engaged in a dogfight with Starscream which ended when he sacrificed himself to stop the core drain, burying himself in ice once again in the process.
A short time later, however, Skyfire was recovered by Wheeljack
and Sideswipe, and immediately participated in an attack on the Decepticons in Peru
, where the antagonists were once again attempting to use the Earth's core energy for their own means. Skyfire was almost permitted to destroy the villains' new weapon by Thundercracker
, but was then blasted by Starscream and repaired with some difficulty by Spike.
Skyfire would go on to make semi-regular appearances in the immediate future, helping the Autobots evacuate their base when the volcano it was embedded in became active, and flying a squad of troops to battle the Insecticons
Jetfire (as Skyfire) was featured in the 1985 audio and book adventure Satellite of Doom. He appearance matched his animated form, not the toy. During the story Skyfire is killed.
Jetfire appeared in the audio and book adventure When Continents Collide, where he was named Jetfire, but was drawn in the form of Skyfire.
on Earth, reformatted himself into a new form and now leads Ramjet
, Skywarp
, Soundwave
, Starscream and the Constructicons
. Optimus Prime has also returned to Earth commanding Bumblebee
, Cliffjumper
, Grimlock
, Jetfire, Mirage
and Rodimus
(formerly Hot Rod).
In the story Crossing Over by Fun Publications
, Jetfire was among Autobot troops of Optimus Prime who responded to the sighting of Megatron and arrived in time to save the dimensional traveling Autobot Skyfall from Megatron's wraith.
Jetfire also appears in the story At Fight's End.
-based video game on the Hasbro web site called Transformers Battle Circuit. In this one-on-one fighting game you press the right and left arrow keys to try to overpower your opponent. In the game you can play Rodimus, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Jetfire, Starscream, Astrotrain, Trypticon or Menasor. Optimus Prime and Megatron each appear as the boss
you must defeat to win the game.
Jetfire is also in the game Transformers War for Cybertron as a cybertron jet
's 21st century re-imagining of the Generation 1 universe, Jetfire was once again presented as friends with Starscream before the Great War started. As the war broke out, Jetfire was slow to choose an allegiance, eventually siding with the Autobots. Despite the fact that he even remained with the Autobots when Optimus Prime and Megatron vanished in an early space bridge experiment and the factions splintered into smaller sub-groups, his original hesitance caused his Autobot allies to regard him with a certain degree of mistrust. Grimlock in particular bore a fierce grudge against him for an unspecified incident involving a mind-controlling cerebro-shell, and was perfectly ready to believe that he had betrayed the Autobots when he arranged a meeting with current Decepticon leader Shockwave. Jetfire was among the Transformers kidnapped by the ancient Cybertronian called the Fallen, who planned to use the genetic potential in his spark
to awaken Primus, but he was freed by Grimlock, putting the grudge to rest.
Prime and Megatron subsequently returned to Cybertron, but when they and their elite crews were lost aboard the Ark, Jetfire was part of a mission to find them, along with Omega Supreme
and the Micromasters
Countdown and Groundshaker. When a lead emerged in the form of a beacon from the Sol system was detected, Jetfire and Omega split off from the team (who went on to investigate Decepticon attacks on other planets) and headed off after the signal. The duo entered stasis for the lengthly trip, with Jetfire eventually awakening millions of years later as their craft approached Earth. Before Jetfire could bring Omega back on-line, however, their ship was attacked by Scourge
and crashed in the Arctic, where shrapnel from it killed a pod of whales. Jetfire ejected from the ship before impact and managed to seal Scourge in a booby-trapped stasis pod, but an avalanche buried both of them in ice.
At an ill-defined point in time, the Decepticons discovered Jetfire and brought the slab of ice containing him back to their underwater base. Upon returning from a trip to Cybertron with fresh plans of conquest, Starscream thawed Jetfire out to aid in repelling the maniacal Sunstorm
, a clone of himself that Shockwave had created, but which had gone insane. Deducing Sunstorm's clone nature, Jetfire jury-rigged a power siphon to de-energise him, and then reactivated Omega Supreme to battle him. To save his own skin from Autobot retribution, however, Starscream had a change of heart and saved Sunstorm, who led him to a mysterious underground energy reservoir that Sunstorm intended to use to give Starscream powers like his own. Yet another double-cross by Starscream saw Sunstorm immersed in the liquid as well, and it began to destroy him from within as Jetfire engaged him in battle, leading him out into space where he exploded, apparently taking Jetfire with him.
Jetfire would also appear in the third G.I. Joe/Transformers crossover from Devil's Due Publishing
. He was present when the Decepticons attacked the Autobot peace celebrations at Capital City, attacking Reflector
, but was ordered off by Optimus Prime. He was later seen as part of the combined Autobot/G.I. Joe force attempting to rescue Optimus Prime. It is interesting to note that here he is in the battle armor seen in Dreamwave's third volume of G1.
that could allow the Autobot-Decepticon army to defeat him. Many years later, he and the Technobots
served as a scientific surveillance team orbiting a devastated Cybertron, monitoring it for any signs of life. The discovery of an energy spike caused Jetfire to lead the team down to the planet, where they were assaulted and captured by a team of Decepticon cultists who worshipped Thunderwing. Once freed by Optimus Prime and the Wreckers, his skills at decrypting Bludgeon's computer files uncovered an exploitable weakness in Thunderwing's new power-source, allowing Prime to eventually defeat him, and uncovered Shockwave
's Energon-seeding plan Regenesis. His appearance is based on the recent redesign of the character seen in Transformers Classics
toy line. He was also mentioned in Transformers: Escalation during a communication between Optimus Prime and him.
Jetfire appears among the characters in Re-Unification, the 2010 TFCon voice actor play prelude comic.
, Jetfire serves as Optimus Prime's second-in-command
, with a witty, cheerful personality that helps to bridge the distance between Prime as leader and his troops. The friendly nature that keeps him popular amongst the Autobots hides a strong sense of intelligent judgment that has saved his team from numerous predicaments, and means that he will even speak up and tell Prime that he is wrong to his face.
signal emanating from that world, Jetfire was left in charge on Cybertron, but eventually later departed the planet to join his commander on Earth. Arriving shortly after the Decepticon tactician Thrust
, Jetfire scanned an Earthen space shuttle upon approach to the planet and burst onto the scene in the middle of a battle, his energetic and unexpected arrival completely throwing off Thrust's meticulous plan and allowing the Autobots to claim victory. When Thrust arranged the next Decepticon attack on the Autobots, Jetfire once again proved to be the monkey wrench in his plan when he and Optimus Prime revealed their ability to combine together, once again foiling the villain's schemes. Although, Optimus prime said "JetConvoy" the first time they combined, later in the series he referred to it as JetOptimus.
Jetfire's unique space-flight abilities make him a distinct asset to the Autobot forces, allowing them to recover a Mini-Con from Mars
. He journeyes there together with Starscream who had joined the Autobots at that time. Jetfire is displeased that the turncoat Decepticon will keep his company, but he cannot do anything about it, for Starscream simply takes off the first and leaves him behind. So Jetfire has the only alternative to follow "this brainless robot" reluctantly. On the way to Mars, however, he loses sight of Starscream and finds him only with the aid of the Air Defense Mini-Con Team
. He invites Starscream to look for the Mini-Con together, but the latter refuses. Then Jetfire arrests and shackles Starscream for insubordination. While Jetfire towes his prisoner back to Earth, Megatron and Tidal Wave attack them. But, in spite of their disagreement, Jetfire and Starscream prove to be capable of acting as a team. So they succeed in resisting the enemy and in rescuing the Mini-Con.
It is noteworthy that after Starscream refuses his help, though being seriously damaged, Jetfire remarks that he is "stubborn as usual"; supposedly, he had already got to know Starscream's nature well enough.
When Optimus Prime dies at the hands of the Decepticon super-weapon, the Hydra Cannon, Jetfire steps down to allow Hot Shot
to assume command, retaining his secondary position even when Prime was returns to life by the power of the Mini-Cons. Jetfire goes on to participate in the "Unicron Battles," when the planet-eating giant robot Unicron
attacks Cybertron, and returns the Autobots' human allies Rad, Carlos and Alexis to Earth after the battle is won.
, allowing him to combine with other Autobots, most frequently the rookie trooper Ironhide
, who he had to carefully train and walk through the combination process. Despite his external changes, however, Jetfire remained consistent in personality and outlook, always ready with a witty remark to keep the mood light even in the middle of a pitched battle.
When the resurrected Unicron came under the control of Megatron, Primus used his powers to permanently super-charge some of the Autobots, Jetfire included, recoloring their armor. The resultant battle saw Unicron's body destroyed, but his spark endured and possessed Megatron — now Galvatron
- who grew to colossal size. In order to combat the giant villain, Jetfire and the Autobots took their Spark of Combination to the ultimate extreme, transforming their bodies into pure energy and merging with Optimus Prime, enlarging him to similar proportions and allowing him to battle Galvatron directly. Ironically it was Galvatron who was ultimately the instrument of Unicron's defeat when he plunged himself into an energon sun created by Primus in order to stop Unicron from taking over his body permanently.
n). His relaxation was brought to an end, however, when Primus's energon sun collapsed in on itself, forming a gigantic black hole that threatened the safety of Cybertron.
Returning to the planet, Jetfire helped the Autobots there evacuate, relocating once more to Earth, where he suggested the Autobots revisit the idea of taking on Earthly vehicle alternate modes to hide themselves from the populace, adopting for himself a new cargo plane alternate mode. He went on to develop a rivalry with Decepticon Thundercracker
over who was the superior flyer. Jetfire was Optimus Prime's second-in-command in this series, and was rather cocky. Jetfire participated in many of the battles on Earth, Cybertron and Giant Planet.
In the episode "Unfinished", when the Autobots attempted to use a gigantic rocket to move the Animatros back into its orbit, Galvatron attacked and damaged the rocket. The jungle planet threatened to crash into Cybertron. Scourge
, the Autobots, the former Decepticons, and their allies from the various planets were able to combine their strength and move the rocket back into place.
After the threat of the black hole was thwarted, he was appointed leader of Cybertron in Optimus Prime's absence.
Jetfire wields two guns, and is able to generate twin whirlwinds from his shoulders. His Earth-type Cyber Key activates twin missiles in his back. Later, the Jetfire toy was repainted as a Decepticon named Sky Shadow. His bio says that Sky Shadow is actually an undercover Jetfire.
s; dissident Decepticons given new powers through Unicron's intermediary agent, Alpha Quintesson; attacked the AlterEnergy research facility on Earth and Jetfire, now equipped with the Spark of Combination, joined the other Autobots in defending it and its human occupants.
The Terrorcon threat underwent sudden, horrific multiplication when they were cloned through Unicron's power, and massive swarms of them assaulted key cities across Earth. Jetfire petitioned the High Council to allow more troops and energon to be dedicated to Earth, and it was only through the efforts of council member Avalon that his appeal was accepted. A large strike force under Jetfire's command was assembled and sent to Earth, with Jetfire taking a portion of the team (Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, Landquake, Perceptor and Tow-Line) to Los Angeles
. Despite fighting a tough battle, it was soon apparent that the Autobots were not going to win, until Megatron; reborn in a vastly powerful new body; came blasting onto the scene and shattered the Terrorcon forces, allowing Autobot victory.
but before Optimus Prime's mission to start a new Space Bridge
project. In this story the Autobots from the IDW series (Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus
, Sentinel Maximus, Downshift
, Perceptor
, Alpha Trion
, Over-Run, Anti-Blaze, Checkpoint
and Scythe) meet the Autobots from the animated series (Cybertron Optimus Prime, Jetfire, Override, Scattorshot
, Red Alert
, Hot Shot
, Lori, Bud and Coby Hansen) and thank each other and remembering those who were lost in the battles.
. A red and white redeco of movie Starscream, this incarnation of Jetfire is not related to the character in the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
online fan poll following the release of the 2007 live-action film, Jetfire was one of the 10 Transformers that the fans wanted in the sequel, coming in 4th with 11% of the votes.
Jetfire appears in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
and transforms into a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. He is portrayed as a Decepticon
who becomes an Autobot because he did not believe in all the destruction and violence the Decepticons brought. Originally serving the Fallen, Jetfire is one of the few Transformers to remain on Earth since the dawn of humanity.
According to the biography and statistics published on the Hasbro web site, Jetfire is 50 feet tall and his main weapon is his particle beam cannon. In the film, he also wields an arm mounted rocket launcher and a battleaxe. As a comical emphasis on his old age, he carries a walking stick that transforms into the front landing gear of his jet mode.
In Defiance issue #4, which is a prequel to the movie series, a younger Jetfire is seen in his Cybertronian mode, traveling the galaxy for star-orbited planets, in a flashback told by the Fallen to Megatron.
Jetfire is found by Sam Witwicky, Mikaela Banes
and Seymour Simmons at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
, an annex of the National Air and Space Museum
, after Wheelie pinpoints the general location of the ancient Seeker
. Sam reactivates him with an Allspark fragment, waking him up from stasis lock. After a misunderstanding when the humans saw his Decepticon insignia, Jetfire activates a Space Bridge
to teleport Sam and his friends to Egypt
, explaining to them the origin of the Primes (who he seems to have a certain type of respect for) and the Matrix of Leadership. Learning of Optimus Prime's existence and death, Jetfire sends them to find the Matrix, which he speculates can be used to revive Optimus (Although it could also be used to power the Fallen's technology). He demonstrates his immense power as an ancient Seeker when he arrives late in the final battle at the Giza Necropolis, and cleaves his battleaxe clear through Mixmaster and stomps off his head, killing him and saving the human forces nearby, although soon after he is attacked and mortally wounded by Scorponok but manages to easily crush his attacker after recovering from the surprise attack (saying he is "too old for this crap"). Eventually, as ordered, Sam revives Optimus with the Matrix (much to Jetfire's relief) right before the Fallen steals the Matrix to activate the Sun Harvester. Seeing that there might be hope with a living Prime, Jetfire then acknowledges that he had never done anything "worth doing" until he had fought on behalf of the Autobots and sacrifices himself by tearing out his spark in order to allow for Optimus to use his parts to engage the Fallen. Thanks to Jetfire's sacrifice, Optimus proves to be more than a match for Megatron and the Fallen combined and defeats Megatron before killing the Fallen. Optimus then discards Jetfire's parts and its unknown what happened to them after that.
versions of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game and is in the new downloadable content pack for the PS3 and Xbox 360
. He is only playable in multiplayer mode.
. In the Decepticon campaign, he starts out as one of Starscream's partners in guarding the dark energon. He warns Megatron about the deadly effects of dark energon, but his cries fall on deaf ears, as the Decepticon leader immerses himself in it, becoming more powerful. After Starscream turns his allegiance to Megatron, Jetfire flees the scene.
In the Autobot campaign, Jetfire joins Air Raid and Silverbolt in flying over Cybertron's orbit to take down the Decepticon orbital station and cannon Trypticon, which is preventing Autobot transport ships from leaving the dying planet. The aerial trio enter Trypticon and destroy his cooling systems and plasma reactor, disabling his main weapon. Unfortunately, the attacks are not enough to disable Trypticon, so they enter his core and destroy his transformation cog, forcing him to revert into his true form. Forced to transform into dinosaur mode, Trypticon sets a course toward the Autobot city of Iacon with the intent of decimating it, but the Autobot trio destroy his flight pack, sending him crashing into the planet. This leaves Optimus Prime and his ground-based team with the task of finishing off Trypticon before he lays further waste on Iacon.
Character (arts)
A character is the representation of a person in a narrative work of art . Derived from the ancient Greek word kharaktêr , the earliest use in English, in this sense, dates from the Restoration, although it became widely used after its appearance in Tom Jones in 1749. From this, the sense of...
from the Transformers universes
A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another by magnetic coupling.Transformer may also refer to:* ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, an Android 3.2 Honeycomb tablet computer manufacturer by Asus...
. He is nearly always depicted as an Autobot
Autobot, a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron, are usually the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, graphic novels, paperback books, cartoons and movies first introduced in 1984. In all but one Transformer story, the...
with jet or space shuttle alternate mode.
Transformers: Generation 1
In the many stories of Jetfire (who was referred to as Skyfire in the TVTelevision
Television is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome or colored, with accompanying sound...
series, known in Italy as Aquila) told through the numerous Generation 1 continuities, there is one constant aspect — an early alliance with the Decepticons, which has served only to convince him to side with the Autobots. Jetfire's dedication to the Autobot cause is matched only by his devotion to scientific and technological advancement — this, he believes, is the only way in which victory over the Decepticons can be achieved. It is this overriding belief that tempers his bravado in battle, but nevertheless, he is often one of the most eager Autobots to plunge into combat, and his position as one of the fastest usually means he is the first to do so. Jetfire is created from the same mold as the VF-1S Super Valkyrie
VF-1 Valkyrie
This article is about a fictional vehicle; for the fighter squadron see VF-1.In the fictional Macross Japanese anime series and its English adaptation Robotech, the first mass-produced variable fighter or veritech fighter is called the VF-1 Valkyrie.-Background:The VF-1 was created by the...
from the Macross
is a series of science fiction mecha anime, directed by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West...
series (see Toys), including the VF-1S's gunpod, which is described as a laser on Jetfire's technical specifications.
Marvel Comics

Shockwave (Transformers)
Shockwave is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Throughout his incarnations, he is usually distinguished by a laser cannon in lieu of one of his hands and his distinctive face, which is featureless save a single robotic eye...
on Earth to be one of his new Decepticon troops, given life through the powers of the Creation Matrix, tapped from the captive Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. However, before Shockwave could accomplish this, Prime transferred the Matrix into the mind of the Autobots' human ally, Buster Witwicky. Shockwave programmed Jetfire's lifeless shell to recover Buster, but Buster was able to use the Matrix to disassemble Jetfire before he could accomplish his goal. Buster then reconstructed Jetfire and used him to rescue Optimus Prime, who infused Jetfire with true life.
Immediately after this — in the UK's sister Transformers comic series, which interspliced its own original material between reprints of the US Marvel title — Jetfire participated in the "Dinobot Hunt," helping to track down the rogue Dinobots
Dinobots is the name of several teams of characters in the fictional Transformers Universe. The groups are made up of several robots, each of whose transformed mode is that of a dinosaur or similar prehistoric animal. They are called Dinotrons in the Japanese version; and ' in the Japanese dub of...
, who were running wild across America. Still bearing the Decepticon insignia Shockwave had stamped him with, Jetfire was not trusted by Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
until he saved him from the deranged Slag, proving his Autobot loyalty.
Subsequently, in the US title, he underwent the Rite of Autobrand and was branded with the Autobot insignia at last.
Jetfire went on to perform few significant actions in the future (although he did serve as the Autobots' acting leader against Galvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
in the Target:2006 storyline), but was clearly thoroughly accepted into the Autobots, as his was one of the small number of voices heard when a new Autobot leader had to be chosen, and Dinobot leader Grimlock
Grimlock is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He is usually portrayed as a tough leader who turns into a mechanical dinosaur...
was elected.
A story called The Gift in issue 93 of the Marvel UK comics explored Jetfire's problems fitting in with the other Autobots. Wheeljack
Wheeljack is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Wheeljack is the mechanical engineer and scientist of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His...
informed Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Prime is the leader of the autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons...
of a news cast where they learned the Decepticons had taken over a NASA
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research...
space monitoring facility near the Ark
Ark (Transformers)
The Ark is an Autobot spacecraft in the Transformers Universe. It has appeared as a central fixture of the Transformers storyline ever since its creation, as the Autobots main method of transport to Earth and as a base once they arrive....
. Prowl
Prowl (Transformers)
Prowl is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers series. "Prowl" is one of the most re-used American names in the assorted Transformers series, and its use has become almost synonymous with Autobots who possess a police car alternate mode...
and Trailbreaker
Trailbreaker is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers toy line and animated television series. Due to trademark issues, newer toys of the character are named Trailcutter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, with Jetfire as backup engaged the Decepticons Soundwave
Soundwave (Transformers)
Soundwave is the name of several characters in the various series Transformers series. His most famous disguise is that of a microcassette recorder and has an iconic voice done by a vocoder.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Kickback and Dirge
Dirge (Transformers)
Dirge is the name of several different fictional characters from the Transformers series. He was first introduced in 1985 as a villain in the Transformers series, appearing in the comic book by Marvel Comics and voiced by Bud Davis in the animated television series. Since then the name Dirge was...
as the Decepticons attempted to contact Cybertron with the facility's deep space radio equipment. Although Prowl ordered Jetfire to stop Soundwave from sending his message, Jetfire ignored the order to help save Prowl from Kickback's attack. With the transmission sent the Decepticons retreated victorious. Jetfire then accompanied Jazz
Jazz (Transformers)
Jazz is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes. He is usually portrayed as a music loving robot and talks with a slang accent. He is also a good friend of Optimus Prime's...
to a Blackrock
G. B. Blackrock
G. B. Blackrock is a fictional character in the Marvel Transformers comic.-Fictional character biograph:He is a millionaire who owns several companies, facilities and arenas, the most notable being a petroleum company that manufactures and distributes fuel to cars...
fuel plant to oversee the creation of more fuel for the Autobots. The plant was attacked by Decepticons Thrust
Thrust (Transformers)
Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
and Bombshell. Although Jetfire was able to put out a fire at the plant before it exploded, he blamed himself for being slow to react. Jetfire then visited Buster Witwicky on Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve refers to the evening or entire day preceding Christmas Day, a widely celebrated festival commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth that takes place on December 25...
and tell him of his troubles of not fitting in with the Cybertronian-made Autobots. Buster encouraged the young Autobot by telling him he's the first of a new generation of Earth-made Autobots and he should be proud of what he is.
In issue #27 (US), "King of the Hill!", Perceptor
Perceptor is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Perceptor transforms into a microscope ....
summoned his fellow Autobots Blaster
Blaster (Transformers)
Blaster is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara Tomy and Hasbro. Due to trademark reasons, he is sometimes called Autobot Blaster...
, Hot Spot, Jetfire, Omega Supreme
Omega Supreme
Omega Supreme is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. He is always an Autobot and is often depicted as a gigantic transformer with vast strength and/or overwhelming firepower.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Ratchet
Ratchet (Transformers)
Ratchet is the name of several characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ratchet was named after the character of Nurse Ratched from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The name Ratchet is almost always portrayed as...
and Silverbolt in order to decide who should take leadership of the Autobots. After an attack by the giant Decepticon Trypticon
Trypticon is a fictional character in the Transformers toyline.-Transformers: Generation 1:Trypticon is the Decepticons' principal command base. He has three modes: a city, a mobile battle station, and a Tyrannosaurus rex. In each mode, he has a variety of weapons...
the leader was chosen - Grimlock
Grimlock is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He is usually portrayed as a tough leader who turns into a mechanical dinosaur...
Sometime later, Jetfire was among the Transformers who attempted to defend New York
New York
New York is a state in the Northeastern region of the United States. It is the nation's third most populous state. New York is bordered by New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, and by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont to the east...
from the cosmically-powered Starscream, only to be deactivated alongside everyone else. Unlike most of Starscream's victims, there was no indication that he was revived through the power of nucleon
Nucleon (Transformers)
Nucleon is a power source in the fictional Transformers universe. It was introduced during the beginning of the Action Masters toyline in 1990. The Action Masters were composed of small-scale 3¾" Transformers, a mixture of pre-exisitng characters, who were designed to closely resemble their...
Animated series
In the animated series, Jetfire was called Skyfire, for reasons discussed below.On Cybertron
Cybertron is a fictional planet, the homeworld of the Transformers in the various fictional incarnations of the metaseries and toyline by Hasbro. In the Japanese series, the planet is referred to as "Cybertron" pronounced as セイバートロン Seibātoron...
before the war, Jet Fire was a scientist and explorer working with Starscream
Starscream (Transformers)
Starscream is a fictional character in the Transformers franchise. He is one of the most prolific characters in the Transformers fictional work, appearing in almost all incarnations of the story. Starscream is usually portrayed with the same characterization...
. Together, they investigated an uncharted planet (Jacinto), where they failed to find any signs of intelligent life. Jet Fire wished to scrutinize the planet further, and moving in close enough to the planet, a polar wind storm swept him up and buried him beneath the Arctic ice. Starscream searched for his friend, but was unable to locate him and returned to Cybertron alone.
Millions of years later, in 1984, the Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
s excavated the frozen Skyfire while draining heat energy from the Earth's core and reactivated him. Reunited with his old friend, Starscream, Skyfire joined the Decepticon ranks. When the Autobots arrived, Skyfire engaged in battle with them, but then saved the Autobots' human allies Sparkplug and Spike Witwicky when they became stranded on an ice floe. Naively, he took the two to Megatron under the impression that he and the other Decepticons were good, but when Megatron took them as prisoners, Skyfire started to question his allegiance. When Starscream ordered him to destroy the captured Autobot search party, he refused, and Starscream turned his weapons on him, leaving him heavily damaged. Repaired by Ratchet, he joined the Autobot side and engaged in a dogfight with Starscream which ended when he sacrificed himself to stop the core drain, burying himself in ice once again in the process.
A short time later, however, Skyfire was recovered by Wheeljack
Wheeljack is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Wheeljack is the mechanical engineer and scientist of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His...
and Sideswipe, and immediately participated in an attack on the Decepticons in Peru
Peru , officially the Republic of Peru , is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean....
, where the antagonists were once again attempting to use the Earth's core energy for their own means. Skyfire was almost permitted to destroy the villains' new weapon by Thundercracker
Thundercracker is the name given to multiple fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Thundercracker is almost always depicted as a blue color Decepticon who turns into a jet fighter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, but was then blasted by Starscream and repaired with some difficulty by Spike.
Skyfire would go on to make semi-regular appearances in the immediate future, helping the Autobots evacuate their base when the volcano it was embedded in became active, and flying a squad of troops to battle the Insecticons
Insecticons is the name given to a sub-group of fictional characters in the Transformers Universes, referred to as Insectrons in the Japanese version. The name was also used for several fictional characters in the Transformers Universes...

Jetfire appeared in the audio and book adventure When Continents Collide, where he was named Jetfire, but was drawn in the form of Skyfire.
Fun Publications
Based on the Transformers Classics toy line, the Timelines 2007 story is set 15 years after the end of the Marvel Comics story (ignoring all events of the Marvel UK and Generation 2 comics). Megatron survived the crash of the ArkArk (Transformers)
The Ark is an Autobot spacecraft in the Transformers Universe. It has appeared as a central fixture of the Transformers storyline ever since its creation, as the Autobots main method of transport to Earth and as a base once they arrive....
on Earth, reformatted himself into a new form and now leads Ramjet
Ramjet (Transformers)
Ramjet is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All have been Decepticon aligned characters who turn into jets, usually white.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Skywarp
Skywarp is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers toy line. He is usually depicted as a black or purple Decepticon jet with teleportation powers.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Soundwave
Soundwave (Transformers)
Soundwave is the name of several characters in the various series Transformers series. His most famous disguise is that of a microcassette recorder and has an iconic voice done by a vocoder.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Starscream and the Constructicons
right|thumb|Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Longhaul, Scrapper & Mixmaster - five of the original six Constructicons The Constructicons are a group of fictional characters from the various Transformers continuities...
. Optimus Prime has also returned to Earth commanding Bumblebee
Bumblebee (Transformers)
Bumblebee is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. In most incarnations, Bumblebee is a small, yellow Autobot with the altmode of a compact car.- Transformers: Generation 1 :...
, Cliffjumper
Cliffjumper is the name of several characters from the Transformers line of toys. His name is usually associated with an Autobot whose toys are often red repaints of Bumblebee toys.- Transformers: Generation 1 :...
, Grimlock
Grimlock is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He is usually portrayed as a tough leader who turns into a mechanical dinosaur...
, Jetfire, Mirage
Mirage (Transformers)
Mirage is any of several distinct fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Mirage is one of the single most re-used names in the Transformers series, and is almost entirely synonymous with characters possessing Formula One racing car alternate modes.-Transformers Generation 1:Some...
and Rodimus
Rodimus is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes. Rodimus is a young Autobot and succesor to Optimus Prime. He was formerly known as Hot Rod, but was reformatted as Rodimus Prime by the Matrix of Leadership and became the leader of the Autobots...
(formerly Hot Rod).
In the story Crossing Over by Fun Publications
Fun Publications
Fun Publications is a publishing company that runs the Transformers Collectors Club and G.I. Joe Collectors Club under licensefrom Hasbro. Besides releasing comics, Fun Publications releases exclusive toys and runs conventions for their clubs....
, Jetfire was among Autobot troops of Optimus Prime who responded to the sighting of Megatron and arrived in time to save the dimensional traveling Autobot Skyfall from Megatron's wraith.
Jetfire also appears in the story At Fight's End.
Video games
The Classic line appeared in a simple FlashAdobe Flash
Adobe Flash is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video, and interactivity to web pages. Flash is frequently used for advertisements, games and flash animations for broadcast...
-based video game on the Hasbro web site called Transformers Battle Circuit. In this one-on-one fighting game you press the right and left arrow keys to try to overpower your opponent. In the game you can play Rodimus, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Jetfire, Starscream, Astrotrain, Trypticon or Menasor. Optimus Prime and Megatron each appear as the boss
Boss (video games)
A boss is an enemy-based challenge which is found in video games. A fight with a boss character is commonly referred to as a boss battle or boss fight...
you must defeat to win the game.
Jetfire is also in the game Transformers War for Cybertron as a cybertron jet
Dreamwave Productions
In DreamwaveDreamwave Productions
Dreamwave Productions was a Canadian art design studio and comic book publisher founded in 1996 and is best known for their multiple Transformers comic book series...
's 21st century re-imagining of the Generation 1 universe, Jetfire was once again presented as friends with Starscream before the Great War started. As the war broke out, Jetfire was slow to choose an allegiance, eventually siding with the Autobots. Despite the fact that he even remained with the Autobots when Optimus Prime and Megatron vanished in an early space bridge experiment and the factions splintered into smaller sub-groups, his original hesitance caused his Autobot allies to regard him with a certain degree of mistrust. Grimlock in particular bore a fierce grudge against him for an unspecified incident involving a mind-controlling cerebro-shell, and was perfectly ready to believe that he had betrayed the Autobots when he arranged a meeting with current Decepticon leader Shockwave. Jetfire was among the Transformers kidnapped by the ancient Cybertronian called the Fallen, who planned to use the genetic potential in his spark
Spark (Transformers)
Spark can refer to several objects in the fictional Transformers universe. A spark is usually the "soul" of a Transformer. It is also the name of several Transformers characters. An AllSpark is a term for two different objects within the Transformers media franchise. In the Beast Machines...
to awaken Primus, but he was freed by Grimlock, putting the grudge to rest.
Prime and Megatron subsequently returned to Cybertron, but when they and their elite crews were lost aboard the Ark, Jetfire was part of a mission to find them, along with Omega Supreme
Omega Supreme
Omega Supreme is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. He is always an Autobot and is often depicted as a gigantic transformer with vast strength and/or overwhelming firepower.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
and the Micromasters
Micromasters is a Transformers subline composed of small figures that came packaged in groups and with bases that interacted with the figures. They were sold at the peak of Galoob's Micro Machines craze and were packaged in groups of four just like Micro Machines...
Countdown and Groundshaker. When a lead emerged in the form of a beacon from the Sol system was detected, Jetfire and Omega split off from the team (who went on to investigate Decepticon attacks on other planets) and headed off after the signal. The duo entered stasis for the lengthly trip, with Jetfire eventually awakening millions of years later as their craft approached Earth. Before Jetfire could bring Omega back on-line, however, their ship was attacked by Scourge
Scourge (Transformers)
Scourge is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. He first appeared as one of the central villains in the 1986 film The Transformers, voiced by Stan Jones. He also regularly appeared in the animated Transformers series and Transformers comic books. Since then other...
and crashed in the Arctic, where shrapnel from it killed a pod of whales. Jetfire ejected from the ship before impact and managed to seal Scourge in a booby-trapped stasis pod, but an avalanche buried both of them in ice.
At an ill-defined point in time, the Decepticons discovered Jetfire and brought the slab of ice containing him back to their underwater base. Upon returning from a trip to Cybertron with fresh plans of conquest, Starscream thawed Jetfire out to aid in repelling the maniacal Sunstorm
Sunstorm (Transformers)
Sunstorm is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. Sunstorm is always a Decepticon allied jet who is yellow or orange in color.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, a clone of himself that Shockwave had created, but which had gone insane. Deducing Sunstorm's clone nature, Jetfire jury-rigged a power siphon to de-energise him, and then reactivated Omega Supreme to battle him. To save his own skin from Autobot retribution, however, Starscream had a change of heart and saved Sunstorm, who led him to a mysterious underground energy reservoir that Sunstorm intended to use to give Starscream powers like his own. Yet another double-cross by Starscream saw Sunstorm immersed in the liquid as well, and it began to destroy him from within as Jetfire engaged him in battle, leading him out into space where he exploded, apparently taking Jetfire with him.
Devil's Due Publishing

Devil's Due Publishing
Devil's Due Publishing is an independent comic book publishers in the United States. Based in Chicago, Illinois, DDP is best known for its wide selection of genres, including licensed and original creator-owned properties that populate its monthly comic book series and graphic novels.Though...
. He was present when the Decepticons attacked the Autobot peace celebrations at Capital City, attacking Reflector
Reflector (Transformers)
Reflector is the name of three Decepticon characters from the fictional Transformers toy range and associated universe. Their names are Viewfinder, Spectro, and Spyglass. The can combine into one robot on several occasions...
, but was ordered off by Optimus Prime. He was later seen as part of the combined Autobot/G.I. Joe force attempting to rescue Optimus Prime. It is interesting to note that here he is in the battle armor seen in Dreamwave's third volume of G1.
IDW Publishing
Jetfire was presented as a technician and computer expert, who ran field ops during the battle of Thunderhead Pass trying to find a weakness in ThunderwingThunderwing
Thunderwing is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. Introduced in 1989, he was a major villain in the Marvel Comics Transformers series. Although Thunderwing was created after the US Transformers television series ended, the character of Black Shadow did appear in...
that could allow the Autobot-Decepticon army to defeat him. Many years later, he and the Technobots
The Technobots are a subgroup of five Autobots that transform into futuristic vehicles in the Transformers universe. Their counterparts are the Terrorcons.-Transformers: Generation 1:The five Technobots combine into Computron....
served as a scientific surveillance team orbiting a devastated Cybertron, monitoring it for any signs of life. The discovery of an energy spike caused Jetfire to lead the team down to the planet, where they were assaulted and captured by a team of Decepticon cultists who worshipped Thunderwing. Once freed by Optimus Prime and the Wreckers, his skills at decrypting Bludgeon's computer files uncovered an exploitable weakness in Thunderwing's new power-source, allowing Prime to eventually defeat him, and uncovered Shockwave
Shockwave (Transformers)
Shockwave is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Throughout his incarnations, he is usually distinguished by a laser cannon in lieu of one of his hands and his distinctive face, which is featureless save a single robotic eye...
's Energon-seeding plan Regenesis. His appearance is based on the recent redesign of the character seen in Transformers Classics
Transformers Classics
Transformers Classics is a line of Transformers toys based on and resembling the first generation characters introduced in the 1980s. The toy line was created to fill the gap in Transformers product releases between the end of the Transformers: Cybertron series and the start of 2007 live-action...
toy line. He was also mentioned in Transformers: Escalation during a communication between Optimus Prime and him.
Other media
Marge Simpson appeared as Skyfire in one opening sequence to the Simpsons alongside the rest of the Simpson family rendered as Autobots.Jetfire appears among the characters in Re-Unification, the 2010 TFCon voice actor play prelude comic.
- Generation 1 Jetfire (1985)
- The first two years of Transformers toys were figures taken from older Japanese toylines, primarily TakaraTakaraTakara Co., Ltd. was a Japanese toy company founded in 1955, that merged with another prominent Japanese toy company, Tomy Co., Ltd., on March 1, 2006 to form Takara Tomy, also known in English as TOMY Company Ltd....
's DiacloneDiacloneDiaclone was a toyline by Takara Toys launched in 1980. It consisted of transforming vehicles and robots piloted by miniature, magnet-shoed figures spun off from the prior Microman toy line that were in turn called an Inch-Man....
and MicromanMicromanis a line of toys manufactured by Takara from 1974 to the present. Microman toys were originally imported to the United States by Mego Corporation as Micronauts until the company went bankrupt in 1982...
lines. 1985, however, saw several figures reused from lines created by Takatoku ToysTakatoku ToysTakatoku toys was a Japanese toy company active during the 1970s and 1980s. While responsible for many robots, action-figures and vehicles, they are today mainly known for making the original Macross toys....
, of which Jetfire was one — that of the VF-1S Super Valkyrie FighterVF-1 ValkyrieThis article is about a fictional vehicle; for the fighter squadron see VF-1.In the fictional Macross Japanese anime series and its English adaptation Robotech, the first mass-produced variable fighter or veritech fighter is called the VF-1 Valkyrie.-Background:The VF-1 was created by the...
from the MacrossMacrossis a series of science fiction mecha anime, directed by Shōji Kawamori of Studio Nue in 1982. The franchise features a fictional history of Earth/Humanity after the year 1999. It consists of three TV series, four movies, six OVAs, one light novel and five manga series, all sponsored by Big West...
series. This figure was one the most articulatedJointA joint is the location at which two or more bones make contact. They are constructed to allow movement and provide mechanical support, and are classified structurally and functionally.-Classification:...
of the early Transformer toys, featuring fully poseable shoulder, hip, elbow and knee joints, and even poseable sacroiliac jointSacroiliac jointThe sacroiliac joint or SI joint is the joint in the bony pelvis between the sacrum and the ilium of the pelvis, which are joined together by strong ligaments. In humans, the sacrum supports the spine and is supported in turn by an ilium on each side...
s. The instruction manual for the toy even included the Gerwalk mode designed for the Macross version of the toy, which was used in that animated series, and seen briefly in the Transformers season 2 episode "The Day of the Machines". - Problems over the Jetfire toy began when BandaiBandaiis a Japanese toy making and video game company, as well as the producer of a large number of plastic model kits. It is the world's third-largest producer of toys . Some ex-Bandai group companies produce anime and tokusatsu programs...
absorbed Takatoku Toys, and Macross regained popularity, leading to Bandai's desire to reproduce the Valkyrie toy themselves. This led to problems for Takara when they imported the Transformers toyline — although Hasbro was able to market the Jetfire toy in their markets, TakaraTakaraTakara Co., Ltd. was a Japanese toy company founded in 1955, that merged with another prominent Japanese toy company, Tomy Co., Ltd., on March 1, 2006 to form Takara Tomy, also known in English as TOMY Company Ltd....
was not, nor could they promote it via the animated series, since the mold was owned by their main competitor. Although an animation model had been created for Jetfire based on the appearance of the toy (which could be seen in the original toy commercial advertising the figure), this was quickly scrapped and completely redesigned so as to no longer resemble the Valkyrie. This was the design that went on to feature in the comics and cartoons — additionally, the cartoon character was redubbed "Skyfire," presumably because the character no longer served to advertise the Jetfire toy. Some fans of the series consider Skyfire a separate character from Jetfire, though according to writers of the comics and television series it is exactly the same character. In the comic book Jetfire is called Jetfire, not Skyfire, and yet looks identical to Skyfire from the cartoon. - Jetfire only saw a few American production runs, as the show the original toy was based upon, The Super Dimension Fortress MacrossThe Super Dimension Fortress Macrossis an anime television series. According to story creator Shoji Kawamori, it depicts "a love triangle against the backdrop of great battles" during the first Human-alien war....
, was exported to America to become the first third of RobotechRobotechRobotech is an 85-episode science fiction anime adaptation produced by Harmony Gold USA in association with Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. and first released in the United States in 1985...
. Ironically, since Hasbro released Jetfire first, there was never a U.S. release of an authentic transforming version of the toy for Robotech, even though the design was the series' most recognizable and popular mecha. As with other pre-Robotech borrowings from Macross (for instance, BattletechBattleTechBattleTech is a wargaming and science fiction franchise launched by FASA Corporation in 1984, acquired by WizKids in 2000, and owned since 2003 by Topps. The series began with FASA's debut of the board game BattleTech by Jordan Weisman and L...
), the licensing situation for the toy became murky with two different companies (Big WestBig West AdvertisingBig West Advertising Co., Ltd. is a Japanese advertising agency. They are known as one of the sponsors of the Macross franchise in Japan....
and Tatsunoko ProductionTatsunoko Production, often shortened to , is a Japanese animation company. Founded in October 1962 by acclaimed anime pioneer Tatsuo Yoshida along with his brothers Kenji and Toyoharu...
) asserting exclusive rights to license Macross merchandise outside Japan. Due to these legal issues, Jetfire has not been among the Transformers toys reissued in the 21st century . - This toy is patented in the U.S. as patent number D287037.
- Generation 2 Cyberjet Jetfire (1995)
- The first new Jetfire in a decade was a member of the CyberjetsCyberjetsThe Cyberjets were a group of Transformers toys released in 1994-95. There were both Autobot and Decepticon groups....
, highly poseable, ball-jointed jets with pressure-activated launching missiles. A repaint of the Decepticon figure released at the same time named Hooligan -- and consequently erroneously decorated with Decepticon symbols -- this figure bore some physical resemblance to his original (unarmored) self, although his color scheme and missile launcher arm drew attention away from his familiar shape. His tech spec bio made it clear that this was still the same Jetfire as before. Cyberjet Jetfire could be partially transformed into a forward-kneed "gerwalk" mode, but his rear wings and tail made the figure too top-heavy to stand upright for very long.- Robot Masters R-Blade (2004)
- Cyberjet Jetfire figure was redecoed in 2004 for the Japanese-exclusive Transformers: Robot MastersTransformers: Robot MastersTransformers: Robot Masters is a Transformers toy-line created by the Japanese toy company Takara to run as an accompaniment to "Transformers Superlink" and "Transformers Galaxy Force" , but is largely set, or derived from, the original Transformers continuity...
toyline as R-Blade, in a red, white and black color scheme that was a direct homage to the original Jetfire. The bio of this figure specifically noted that Jetfire was the leader of the Cyberjets, although the original figure's bio made no mention of it. R-Blade comes with the missile weapon as a sonic lance and a flare gun.- Titanium
- Released in the second wave of the die-cast metal Transformers: TitaniumTransformers: TitaniumTransformers: Titanium is a sub-line of toys debuted in 2006 from Hasbro as an expansion of their existing Star Wars: Titanium line of die cast action figures....
line, this 6" version of Jetfire is based on his Cybertronian mode from Dreamwave's War WithinTransformers: The War WithinThis article is about the comic book series. For other uses, see The War Within .Transformers: The War Within is a series of comic book mini-series written by Simon Furman and published by Dreamwave Productions featuring Generation One characters with brand new pre-Earth designs.The series focuses...
comic book series.- Classics Voyager Jetfire (2007)
- Part of the second wave of releases for the Transformers ClassicsTransformers ClassicsTransformers Classics is a line of Transformers toys based on and resembling the first generation characters introduced in the 1980s. The toy line was created to fill the gap in Transformers product releases between the end of the Transformers: Cybertron series and the start of 2007 live-action...
toy line, this incarnation of Jetfire has a removable booster pack and helmet; with them attached (and excluding the translucent blue missiles), the toy looks much like the Macross (Super) Valkyrie-based original. Without them, he is closer to Skyfire's appearance on the Generation 1 cartoon. His double-barreled rifle was also made to resemble Skyfire's weapon from the cartoon. Some fans have also found a sort of "hidden" mode with the Classics figure. Due to the toy's unusual hip design, it can be configured into a Gerwalk-like mode, although no official public documentation by Hasbro, on the website or instruction sheet, specifies this. Without armor, Jetfire's vehicle mode resembles an F-14 TomcatF-14 TomcatThe Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a supersonic, twin-engine, two-seat, variable-sweep wing fighter aircraft. The Tomcat was developed for the United States Navy's Naval Fighter Experimental program following the collapse of the F-111B project...
, with exhaust design elements inspired by the F-22 RaptorF-22 RaptorThe Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals...
. - A printing error on the back of the Classic Grimlock box used Jetfire's picture as one of his co-sells, but listed him as the Decepticon Astrotrain.
- This toy was remolded into the BotConBotConBotCon, briefly known as "The Official Transformers Collectors' Convention" , is an annual convention for Transformers fans and collectors. BotCon has been held annually since 1994...
2007 exclusive Timelines DreadwindDreadwindDreadwind is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers Transformers series.-Transformers: Generation 1:Dreadwind was a pessimist, constantly taking the "glass is half empty" view . The other Decepticons, bar Darkwing, avoid him, as they know he'll only depress them more...
and the 2008 Universe Series Tread Bolt.

- Classics Legends Jetfire (2007)
- First seen at Botcon 2006, the Legends Jetfire is a repaint of Cybertron Legends ThundercrackerThundercrackerThundercracker is the name given to multiple fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Thundercracker is almost always depicted as a blue color Decepticon who turns into a jet fighter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
in the traditional colors of Jetfire. - This version of Jetfire turns into an SU-27 Flanker jet.
- Henkei! Henkei! C-06 Voyager Cybertron Skyfire (2008)
- The Japanese version of the Classics Voyager figure by Takara TomyTakara Tomyis a Japanese toy, children's merchandise and entertainment company created from the March 2006 merger of two companies: Tomy and long-time rival, Takara...
is virtually identical to the Hasbro version. - Exclusive to Toy Hobby Market in Japan, this is a dark gray/purple redeco of Classics Voyager Jetfire as a Decepticon.
- Transformers Kabaya Gum Skyfire (2010)
- Part of Wave 2 of KabayaKabayais a Japanese confectionery company. Its products include Roxy Hazelnuts....
's Transformers candy toy line. The package comes with an easy-to-assemble robot kit and a stick of gum. The Jetfire toy in this line is a simplified version of the Universe/Henkei figure.
Transformers: Armada
In Transformers: ArmadaTransformers: Armada
Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as , is a Transformers animated series, comic series and toy line which ran from 2002–2003. It was originally scheduled for 2001, however was delayed until early-2002...
, Jetfire serves as Optimus Prime's second-in-command
The Second-in-Command is the deputy commander of any British Army or Royal Marines unit, from battalion or regiment downwards. He or she is thus the equivalent of an Executive Officer in the United States Army...
, with a witty, cheerful personality that helps to bridge the distance between Prime as leader and his troops. The friendly nature that keeps him popular amongst the Autobots hides a strong sense of intelligent judgment that has saved his team from numerous predicaments, and means that he will even speak up and tell Prime that he is wrong to his face.
Transformers: Armada
In this series, he is very boastful. When Optimus Prime led a small force to Earth to investigate the Mini-ConMini-Con
Mini-Cons are a human-sized race and faction of power-enhancing transforming robots in the Transformers: Armada universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes in Transformers fiction...
signal emanating from that world, Jetfire was left in charge on Cybertron, but eventually later departed the planet to join his commander on Earth. Arriving shortly after the Decepticon tactician Thrust
Thrust (Transformers)
Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
, Jetfire scanned an Earthen space shuttle upon approach to the planet and burst onto the scene in the middle of a battle, his energetic and unexpected arrival completely throwing off Thrust's meticulous plan and allowing the Autobots to claim victory. When Thrust arranged the next Decepticon attack on the Autobots, Jetfire once again proved to be the monkey wrench in his plan when he and Optimus Prime revealed their ability to combine together, once again foiling the villain's schemes. Although, Optimus prime said "JetConvoy" the first time they combined, later in the series he referred to it as JetOptimus.
Jetfire's unique space-flight abilities make him a distinct asset to the Autobot forces, allowing them to recover a Mini-Con from Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after the Roman god of war, Mars. It is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance...
. He journeyes there together with Starscream who had joined the Autobots at that time. Jetfire is displeased that the turncoat Decepticon will keep his company, but he cannot do anything about it, for Starscream simply takes off the first and leaves him behind. So Jetfire has the only alternative to follow "this brainless robot" reluctantly. On the way to Mars, however, he loses sight of Starscream and finds him only with the aid of the Air Defense Mini-Con Team
Star Saber
Star Saber is the name of several fictional characters and also a legendary weapon in the Transformers toyline. He is the protagonist in the Japanese exclusive series Transformers: Victory.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
. He invites Starscream to look for the Mini-Con together, but the latter refuses. Then Jetfire arrests and shackles Starscream for insubordination. While Jetfire towes his prisoner back to Earth, Megatron and Tidal Wave attack them. But, in spite of their disagreement, Jetfire and Starscream prove to be capable of acting as a team. So they succeed in resisting the enemy and in rescuing the Mini-Con.
It is noteworthy that after Starscream refuses his help, though being seriously damaged, Jetfire remarks that he is "stubborn as usual"; supposedly, he had already got to know Starscream's nature well enough.
When Optimus Prime dies at the hands of the Decepticon super-weapon, the Hydra Cannon, Jetfire steps down to allow Hot Shot
Hot Shot (Transformers)
Hot Shot is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All are young Autobot cars.-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team....
to assume command, retaining his secondary position even when Prime was returns to life by the power of the Mini-Cons. Jetfire goes on to participate in the "Unicron Battles," when the planet-eating giant robot Unicron
Unicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
attacks Cybertron, and returns the Autobots' human allies Rad, Carlos and Alexis to Earth after the battle is won.
Transformers: Energon
Over the ensuing decade, Jetfire (now called Skyfire in Japan) received an upgrade into a new body-form, and received the Spark of Combination from PrimusPrimus (Transformers)
Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron.-Primus and Unicron:...
, allowing him to combine with other Autobots, most frequently the rookie trooper Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, who he had to carefully train and walk through the combination process. Despite his external changes, however, Jetfire remained consistent in personality and outlook, always ready with a witty remark to keep the mood light even in the middle of a pitched battle.
When the resurrected Unicron came under the control of Megatron, Primus used his powers to permanently super-charge some of the Autobots, Jetfire included, recoloring their armor. The resultant battle saw Unicron's body destroyed, but his spark endured and possessed Megatron — now Galvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
- who grew to colossal size. In order to combat the giant villain, Jetfire and the Autobots took their Spark of Combination to the ultimate extreme, transforming their bodies into pure energy and merging with Optimus Prime, enlarging him to similar proportions and allowing him to battle Galvatron directly. Ironically it was Galvatron who was ultimately the instrument of Unicron's defeat when he plunged himself into an energon sun created by Primus in order to stop Unicron from taking over his body permanently.
Transformers: Cybertron
In order to recuperate after the stresses of the final battle against Unicron, Jetfire (Dreadrock in Japan, a new character there, not the same as the Jetfire from Superlink) took some time out to vacation of the planet of Nebulos, where he inadvertently picked up the local accent (resembling Earthen AustraliaAustralia
Australia , officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is the world's sixth-largest country by total area...
n). His relaxation was brought to an end, however, when Primus's energon sun collapsed in on itself, forming a gigantic black hole that threatened the safety of Cybertron.
Returning to the planet, Jetfire helped the Autobots there evacuate, relocating once more to Earth, where he suggested the Autobots revisit the idea of taking on Earthly vehicle alternate modes to hide themselves from the populace, adopting for himself a new cargo plane alternate mode. He went on to develop a rivalry with Decepticon Thundercracker
Thundercracker is the name given to multiple fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Thundercracker is almost always depicted as a blue color Decepticon who turns into a jet fighter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
over who was the superior flyer. Jetfire was Optimus Prime's second-in-command in this series, and was rather cocky. Jetfire participated in many of the battles on Earth, Cybertron and Giant Planet.
In the episode "Unfinished", when the Autobots attempted to use a gigantic rocket to move the Animatros back into its orbit, Galvatron attacked and damaged the rocket. The jungle planet threatened to crash into Cybertron. Scourge
Scourge (Transformers)
Scourge is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. He first appeared as one of the central villains in the 1986 film The Transformers, voiced by Stan Jones. He also regularly appeared in the animated Transformers series and Transformers comic books. Since then other...
, the Autobots, the former Decepticons, and their allies from the various planets were able to combine their strength and move the rocket back into place.
After the threat of the black hole was thwarted, he was appointed leader of Cybertron in Optimus Prime's absence.
Jetfire wields two guns, and is able to generate twin whirlwinds from his shoulders. His Earth-type Cyber Key activates twin missiles in his back. Later, the Jetfire toy was repainted as a Decepticon named Sky Shadow. His bio says that Sky Shadow is actually an undercover Jetfire.
Transformers: Energon
Over the following decade, Jetfire retained his position as Autobot second in command through the Autobot/Decepticon alliance. Unicron's threat, however, had not been ended, as was proven when the TerrorconTerrorcon
The name Terrorcons refers to several different groups in the Transformers toyline. They are referred to as Terrortrons in Japan.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
s; dissident Decepticons given new powers through Unicron's intermediary agent, Alpha Quintesson; attacked the AlterEnergy research facility on Earth and Jetfire, now equipped with the Spark of Combination, joined the other Autobots in defending it and its human occupants.
The Terrorcon threat underwent sudden, horrific multiplication when they were cloned through Unicron's power, and massive swarms of them assaulted key cities across Earth. Jetfire petitioned the High Council to allow more troops and energon to be dedicated to Earth, and it was only through the efforts of council member Avalon that his appeal was accepted. A large strike force under Jetfire's command was assembled and sent to Earth, with Jetfire taking a portion of the team (Bulkhead, Cliffjumper, Landquake, Perceptor and Tow-Line) to Los Angeles
Los Ángeles
Los Ángeles is the capital of the province of Biobío, in the commune of the same name, in Region VIII , in the center-south of Chile. It is located between the Laja and Biobío rivers. The population is 123,445 inhabitants...
. Despite fighting a tough battle, it was soon apparent that the Autobots were not going to win, until Megatron; reborn in a vastly powerful new body; came blasting onto the scene and shattered the Terrorcon forces, allowing Autobot victory.
IDW Publishing
IDW's Transformers Collectors Club exclusive comic story, Revelations part 6, is set after the defeat of GalvatronGalvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
but before Optimus Prime's mission to start a new Space Bridge
Space Bridge
In Marvel Comics' Transformers comic and cartoon, the Space Bridge is a device used by the Decepticons to travel between different planets, usually between Cybertron and Earth.-Generation One:...
project. In this story the Autobots from the IDW series (Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers storylines.-Transformers: Generation 1:The greatest Transformer of them all. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus...
, Sentinel Maximus, Downshift
Not to be confused with Downshifting, the social trend.Downshift is the name of three fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:This Autobot's function is Security Agent, and he transformed into a white Toyota Supra...
, Perceptor
Perceptor is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Perceptor transforms into a microscope ....
, Alpha Trion
Alpha Trion
Alpha Trion is a fictional character in the various Transformers universes. Alpha Trion is one of the Thirteen Primes, thus all his portrayals are considered to be the same individual. He is generally depicted as an ancient mechanoid with a link to Optimus Prime...
, Over-Run, Anti-Blaze, Checkpoint
Checkpoint (Transformers)
-Transformers Energon:Checkpoint was a part of an Autobot S.W.A.T. team along with Prowl who he was sold with. Checkpoint is a mainly black and white six-wheeled futuristic truck of a fictional make. He is able to 'powerlinx' with any other Powerlinx toy from Energon. His hand-held weapon is a...
and Scythe) meet the Autobots from the animated series (Cybertron Optimus Prime, Jetfire, Override, Scattorshot
Scattorshot is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Initially spelled "Scattershot" it is believed that Hasbro changed the spelling for the character to more easily trademark the name.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
, Hot Shot
Hot Shot (Transformers)
Hot Shot is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All are young Autobot cars.-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team....
, Lori, Bud and Coby Hansen) and thank each other and remembering those who were lost in the battles.
- Armada
- Jetfire transforms into a space shuttle; the landing gear becomes a shield for his robot mode, while one of the three thrusters becomes a large gun with electronic engine and laser noises. Jetfire is packaged with the Mini-Con Comettor, who transforms into a lunar rover and mounts as landing gear for Jetfire in shuttle mode. When plugged into the gun/thruster, Comettor triggers two spring-loaded tail fins to pop out, and switches the laser noise to a "5-4-3-2-1" countdown. When plugged into the shuttle's wings, Comettor causes two bombs to drop, which can also be stored in other inactive slots. Jetfire can also transform into a set of legs, atop which Optimus Prime's super mode torso can attach, forming Jet Optimus (Jet Convoy in Japan).
- A special Target store exclusive bonus pack of Armada Jetfire with Commetor came with the Space Team Mini-Cons Payload, Skyblast and Astroscope.
- According to the Transformers Collectors Club magazine, the vehicle mode of this Jetfire is inspired by the X-71 Shuttle from the 1998 film Armageddon.
- Armada Powerlinx Jetfire with Commetor (2003)
- A blue and white redeco of the Armada Jetfire figure, representing Jetfire in his enhanced body, as seen in the Transformers: Armada comic books.
- A redeco of this mold was intended for release in Transformers: UniverseTransformers: UniverseTransformers: Universe is a line of toys that consists of re-painted and re-released toys from various Transformers lines of toys. For the comic book series see Transformers Universe .- Toy line :...
as the Decepticon Spacewarp, but this was canceled. A slightly altered version of this toy was later revived as an exclusive for the Official Transformers Collectors Club, as the classic Decepticon AstrotrainAstrotrainAstrotrain is the name of three fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All are Decepticons who can assume the form of a space shuttle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, with a new head sculpt to resemble the character's classic head design.- Energon Jetfire (2004)
- The new Energon incarnation of Jetfire features a spring-loaded missile launcher and undercarriage grabber claws. The figure bears a golden Powerlinx symbol, meaning that it can combine with other figures of the same size, forming either a torso or legs to do so. Connecting the figure with another produces an electronic linking noise, while pushing down on Jetfire's head yields a sped-up version of the classic "transformation" sound. The toy can also link with smaller silver Powerlinx figures, but the results are disproportionate, and not used in the animated series, comics, or the figure's English instructions.
- Micron Legends Skyfire S (2005)
- Another blue and white Jetfire redeco, this time of the Energon toy. Released in Japan as "Skyfire S" (the "S" stands for "Sonic"), it represents the character in his upgraded form from the animated series. The toy was also released in Hasbro markets, but as a different character named Overcast, Jetfire's brother.
- The new Cybertron incarnation of Jetfire is armed with twin firing missile launchers, which mount under his wings in plane mode. Pressing on the rear of his tail engines activates an electronic engine noise, while flipping the tail section up changes the noise to a shrill laser blast. Inserting the figure's Earth Cyber Planet Key into the tail section causes a pair of twin guns to pop up, changing the noise once more, into an explosive blast. The toy features some auto-transforming features — by snapping the nosecone into the hips during the transformation into robot mode, two small missile cluster launchers are popped out, while straightening the arms at the elbows automatically extends the fists.
- Like most toys sold in the Galaxy Force toy line by Takara, then later in the Cybertron toy line by Hasbro, there are small paint differences between the two versions of the toy. The Hasbro version has a code number on the back of his Cyber Key, while the Takara version has no number on his Force Chip.
- This toy was recolored into 2007 live-action movie JetstormJetstormJetstorm is the name of several characters in the fictional Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 2 :The name Jetstorm was first used in the Transformers toyline on two different toys released on two different continents; however both characters were Aquaspeeders - toys that could shoot...
. - This toy stands 19 centimeters tall in robot mode. In the animated series Jetfire is depicted as standing 24 feet (or 732 centimeters) tall. This would make this toy 1/39 scale if you base the toy on the size depicted in the show.
- A real An-225 has a wing span of 8840 centimeters, while this toy has a wingspan of 27 centimeters, making this toy have a scale of about 1/327 of the real world vehicle. With the toy robot mode standing 19 centimeters tall, the actual robot mode of this character would stand about 6220 centmeters (204 feet) tall.

- Cybertron Burger King Jetfire (2005)
- A small simple version of Cybertron Jetfire was sold with Burger King kids meals.
- Cybertron Legends Jetfire (2006)
- A small version of the larger Cybertron Jetfire toy, this figure features a simplified transformation scheme that imitates the bigger figure. In 2007 a Target store exclusive value pack of four Voyager class Cybertron toy was released. It included Jetfire, Megatron, Optimus Prime and Soundwave. All identical to their original releases.
- This toy stands 8.5 centimeters tall in robot mode. In the animated series, Jetfire is depicted as standing 24 feet (or 732 centimeters) tall. This would make this toy 1/86 scale.
- Repainted in 2007 as Classic Legends Fireflight (Transformers)Fireflight (Transformers)Fireflight is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise. They are all Autobots who turn into jets.-Transformers: Generation 1:Fireflight first appeared as a member of the Aerialbots...
.- Cybertron Ultra Sky Shadow (2006)
- A recolor of the Cybertron Jetfire figure in tan, black and maroon, this figure represents Jetfire in a Decepticon guise used for under cover missions. The name is a reference to the Beast WarsBeast WarsTransformers: Beast Wars is a Transformers toyline released by Hasbro between 1995 and 2000, and a Daytime Emmy Award winning full-CG animated television series spawned by it that debuted in 1996...
PredaconPredaconThe Predacons usually refer to the name of several fictional Decepticon-like teams led by Megatron, however Transformers: Armada, Predacon is the name of a single character.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
Sky Shadow, whose name Jetfire apparently found in the Cybertron Archives — although quite how he would have found information about an individual from a different continuity is puzzling at best (leading one to believe that the name may actually be a reference to Sky Shadow from Transformers Energon). Because this recolor was a Hasbro exclusive made after the animated series was already produced in Japan, he did not appear in the television series.- Transformable Robot Armor Battleplane (2007)
- A Chinese-made unofficial toy based on the Legends of Cybertron Jetfire in a larger size and with slightly different colors. Came with an additional rifle accessory. Available at discount stores like Big LotsBig LotsBig Lots, Inc. is a Fortune 500 retail corporation with annual revenues well over $4 billion.Its department stores focus mainly on selling closeout and overstock merchandise. The company is based in Columbus, Ohio, USA and currently operates over 1,400 stores in 47 states...
Jetfire is among the characters which first appeared in the 2007 Transformers 3D Battle Card game by Wizards of the CoastWizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast is an American publisher of games, primarily based on fantasy and science fiction themes, and formerly an operator of retail stores for games...
. A red and white redeco of movie Starscream, this incarnation of Jetfire is not related to the character in the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
- Transformers
- An Autobot redeco of the Starscream card. His alternate mode is a jet fighter based on an F-22 Raptor.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
In a USA TodayUSA Today
USA Today is a national American daily newspaper published by the Gannett Company. It was founded by Al Neuharth. The newspaper vies with The Wall Street Journal for the position of having the widest circulation of any newspaper in the United States, something it previously held since 2003...
online fan poll following the release of the 2007 live-action film, Jetfire was one of the 10 Transformers that the fans wanted in the sequel, coming in 4th with 11% of the votes.
Jetfire appears in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction-action film directed by Michael Bay and produced by Steven Spielberg. It is the sequel to the 2007 film Transformers and the second installment in the live-action Transformers series...
and transforms into a Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. He is portrayed as a Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
who becomes an Autobot because he did not believe in all the destruction and violence the Decepticons brought. Originally serving the Fallen, Jetfire is one of the few Transformers to remain on Earth since the dawn of humanity.
According to the biography and statistics published on the Hasbro web site, Jetfire is 50 feet tall and his main weapon is his particle beam cannon. In the film, he also wields an arm mounted rocket launcher and a battleaxe. As a comical emphasis on his old age, he carries a walking stick that transforms into the front landing gear of his jet mode.
IDW Publishing
Jetfire was spotlighted in Tales of the Fallen issue #3. He was depicted as a member of the Decepticons under the leadership of the Fallen, serving the villain due to being tricked as to believe he was working for Cybertron's benefit. However, when the other Primes confronted the Fallen on Earth, Jetfire realized his mistake, and was teleported to an unknown location. Jetfire fought many other ancient Decepticons there and eventually went into stasis after his victory. He awakened in the mid 20th century, and scanned an SR-71 Blackbird before returning to stasis. His Decepticon insignia was unchanged even when he switched sides to the Autobots.In Defiance issue #4, which is a prequel to the movie series, a younger Jetfire is seen in his Cybertronian mode, traveling the galaxy for star-orbited planets, in a flashback told by the Fallen to Megatron.
In the novel adaptation of Revenge of the Fallen, Jetfire is confronted just after arriving in Egypt by his fellow Decepticon Seeker Ransack. After firing off an ineffective round at Jetfire, Ransack is crushed under Jetfire's foot.Movie plot

Mikaela Banes
Mikaela Banes is a fictional character from the Transformers universe. She is differentiated from "typical" women in her age group, having inherited mechanical skills from her father, Cal, a grease monkey and paroled car thief...
and Seymour Simmons at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center
The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum 's annex at Washington Dulles International Airport in the Chantilly area of Fairfax County, Virginia, United States....
, an annex of the National Air and Space Museum
National Air and Space Museum
The National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution holds the largest collection of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world. It was established in 1976. Located in Washington, D.C., United States, it is a center for research into the history and science of aviation and...
, after Wheelie pinpoints the general location of the ancient Seeker
Seekers (Transformers)
Seekers is a term in the Transformers universe usually used to describe certain Decepticon warriors with jet transformations. For the character named Seeker see Seeker .-Origin of the term:...
. Sam reactivates him with an Allspark fragment, waking him up from stasis lock. After a misunderstanding when the humans saw his Decepticon insignia, Jetfire activates a Space Bridge
Space Bridge
In Marvel Comics' Transformers comic and cartoon, the Space Bridge is a device used by the Decepticons to travel between different planets, usually between Cybertron and Earth.-Generation One:...
to teleport Sam and his friends to Egypt
Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...
, explaining to them the origin of the Primes (who he seems to have a certain type of respect for) and the Matrix of Leadership. Learning of Optimus Prime's existence and death, Jetfire sends them to find the Matrix, which he speculates can be used to revive Optimus (Although it could also be used to power the Fallen's technology). He demonstrates his immense power as an ancient Seeker when he arrives late in the final battle at the Giza Necropolis, and cleaves his battleaxe clear through Mixmaster and stomps off his head, killing him and saving the human forces nearby, although soon after he is attacked and mortally wounded by Scorponok but manages to easily crush his attacker after recovering from the surprise attack (saying he is "too old for this crap"). Eventually, as ordered, Sam revives Optimus with the Matrix (much to Jetfire's relief) right before the Fallen steals the Matrix to activate the Sun Harvester. Seeing that there might be hope with a living Prime, Jetfire then acknowledges that he had never done anything "worth doing" until he had fought on behalf of the Autobots and sacrifices himself by tearing out his spark in order to allow for Optimus to use his parts to engage the Fallen. Thanks to Jetfire's sacrifice, Optimus proves to be more than a match for Megatron and the Fallen combined and defeats Megatron before killing the Fallen. Optimus then discards Jetfire's parts and its unknown what happened to them after that.
Video games
Jetfire is a playable character in the PS2 and WiiWii
The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, 2006. As a seventh-generation console, the Wii primarily competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3. Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of the two others...
versions of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen video game and is in the new downloadable content pack for the PS3 and Xbox 360
Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 is the second video game console produced by Microsoft and the successor to the Xbox. The Xbox 360 competes with Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles...
. He is only playable in multiplayer mode.
All toys of this character are officially licensed from Lockheed MartinLockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin is an American global aerospace, defense, security, and advanced technology company with worldwide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta in March 1995. It is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, in the Washington Metropolitan Area....
- Revenge of the Fallen Legends Class Jetfire (2009)
- In September 2008, pictures of a mold for a Legends Class Jetfire appeared online. Jetfire transforms into a SR-71 Blackbird and can also combine with Legends Class Optimus Prime on his back. This toy was seen on the internet in package as a Decepticon in December of 2008.
- Revenge of the Fallen War for the Skies Legends Class Jetfire (2009)
- A silver redeco of the Legends Class figure. Bundled in a KmartKmartKmart, sometimes styled as "K-Mart," is a chain of discount department stores. The chain acquired Sears in 2005, forming a new corporation under the name Sears Holdings Corporation. The company was founded in 1962 and is the third largest discount store chain in the world, behind Wal-Mart and...
exclusive Legends gift set with Autobot Blades, Thundercracker and Spinister.- Revenge of the Fallen Fast Action Battlers Photon Missile Jetfire (2009)
- A Deluxe Class-sized figure of Jetfire with simplified transformation for younger children.
- Revenge of the Fallen Robot Replicas Jetfire (2009)
- A smaller, non-transforming action figure.
- Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Jetfire (2009)
- A larger version of Jetfire (and the largest of the Leader Class), with MechAlive technology and a more complex transformation procedure. Features electronic lights and sounds, and says "Jetfire's my name." in a Scottish accent. Also combines with the newer Leader Class Optimus Prime.
- An Asia-exclusive gift set featuring a black/gold redeco of Jetfire with Buster Optimus Prime.
- Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Power Up Optimus Prime Value Pack (2010)
- A Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive gift set featuring Leader Class Optimus Prime and Jetfire. Unlike the Asia-only gift set, this package features the regular figures and not the Buster Prime or repainted Jetfire variants.
- Transformers The Victory of The Fallen Legends Class Jetfire (2010)
- A black/silver redeco of the Legends Class figure. Bundled with Legends Class figures of Optimus Prime, The Fallen, Megatron and Starscream.
Transformers: Prime
Video games
Jetfire is one of the playable Autobots in the 2010 video game Transformers: War for CybertronTransformers: War for Cybertron
Transformers: War for Cybertron is a third-person shooter video game developed by High Moon Studios and published by Activision. It was released in North America on June 22, 2010 and in PAL regions on June 25, 2010 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Two portable versions were released for the...
. In the Decepticon campaign, he starts out as one of Starscream's partners in guarding the dark energon. He warns Megatron about the deadly effects of dark energon, but his cries fall on deaf ears, as the Decepticon leader immerses himself in it, becoming more powerful. After Starscream turns his allegiance to Megatron, Jetfire flees the scene.
In the Autobot campaign, Jetfire joins Air Raid and Silverbolt in flying over Cybertron's orbit to take down the Decepticon orbital station and cannon Trypticon, which is preventing Autobot transport ships from leaving the dying planet. The aerial trio enter Trypticon and destroy his cooling systems and plasma reactor, disabling his main weapon. Unfortunately, the attacks are not enough to disable Trypticon, so they enter his core and destroy his transformation cog, forcing him to revert into his true form. Forced to transform into dinosaur mode, Trypticon sets a course toward the Autobot city of Iacon with the intent of decimating it, but the Autobot trio destroy his flight pack, sending him crashing into the planet. This leaves Optimus Prime and his ground-based team with the task of finishing off Trypticon before he lays further waste on Iacon.