Mini-Cons are a human-sized race and faction of power-enhancing transforming robots in the Transformers: Armada
universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes
in Transformers fiction. Pioneered for the Armada toyline, Mini-Cons have since been sold under the Transformers: Energon
, Transformers: Universe
and Transformers: Cybertron
lines, with more sets coming out for the Transformers: Classics line. In some cases, the word may also be spelled 'minicon'.
, Soundwave
had Mini-Cons of his own called Recordicons who would often eject from Soundwave and transform into human-sized robots. Officially, they were called Mini-Cassettes. There were four of them, all Decepticon
s. Rumble
, Lazerbeak, Ravage
, and Frenzy
. During season 2, Soundwave had countless other unnamed mini-cons, they briefly appeared on-screen, some of them only once, while the 4 listed above were primarily used.
In The Transformers: The Movie
, Blaster
also had his own Recordicons, meanwhile Soundwave had a fifth Mini-Con named Ratbat
. In seasons 3 and 4, Soundwave would be reborn as Soundblast, and Soundblast and Blaster's mini-cons would continue to appear from time to time. While not officially Mini-Cons at this point, the Recordicons would inspire the creation of Mini-Cons.
In Transformers: Prime
, Soundwave's recordians are called Mini-Cons. (See: below.)
. It should be noted that the that colors of Rumble and Frenzy have been reversed. Where usually Rumble is Blue and Frenzy is red as seen in the cartoon series, Rumble is red (and black) and Frenzy is blue in the "Marvel" universe
. Despite this, they still retain their powers.
For example, attaching a Mini-Con to Starscream deployed his Null Laser Cannons. Attaching one to Red Alert
, activated a gun and sounds.
Most non-Mini-Con figures came partnered with at least one Mini-Con Although the Mini-Con could attach to any figure it was also often uniquely designed to unlock a feature on the toy it was partnered with (for example, the Mini-Con Rollbar could act as the driver for Scavenger's alternate mode, and in doing so triggered a unique sound effect). Mini-Cons were also available in packs of three, themed by their colour-schemes, alternate modes and gimmicks.
Mini-Cons sold in the Transformers Armada toyline include:
Redecos of the Adventure Team (renamed Ironhide
, Armorhide
and Cliffjumper
) and Street Speed Team (renamed Nightscream
, Skid-Z and Side Burn
) and were split up and sold with the figures of Rhinox
, Terrorsaur
, Cheetor
, Airazor and Predacon
. A redeco of the Street Action Team was sold with Sunstorm
in the Transformers: Universe
line. A redeco of the Space Team was sold with Ultra Magnus
in the Transformers Energon line. The Linkage comic featured several redeco teams, which were included with the Japanese Micron Legend DVDs:
Jolt, Longarm
and Comettor were redecoed when they and their partners were released as "Powerlinx" versions of themselves. Sparkplug was remolded and vacuum-metalized for the same reason, becoming "Corona Sparkplug." Rollbar and Roll-Out were redecoed when Scavenger
and Overload
were redecoed as "Treadbolt" and "Ultra Magnus
" for the Transformers Energon line (with Roll-Out becoming "Knock Out"). When Side Swipe was redecoed as "Oil Slick" for Transformers: Universe
, Nightbeat
was redubbed "Search and Destroy Robot," but was then reverted to Nightbeat again when Side Swipe was again repainted into "Treadshot" for the same line. Over-Run and Incinerator were redecoed when Optimus Prime and Blurr
became "Ultra Magnus
" and "Swerve
" for Universe (with Incinerator renamed "Roadhandler").
While Leader-1 and Swindle, and their partners, were renamed when they were recoloured, Blackout, Crumplezone and Inferno retained their names when they and their partners became Powerlinx versions. Ramjet was redecoed along with Tidal Wave when they were released in the Transformers Energon line, and Blackout and Crumplezone were repainted a second time for their releases in Energon, as was Inferno when he was released with Sunstorm in Transformers Universe.
Dead End was redecoed with Unicron when they were released for the Energon line. Rook and Crosswise became Nightcruz and Nightscream when Sideways was redecoed as "Rapid Run" for Energon.
Additionally, an exceptionally large number of repaints of these toys have been released in Japan, pushing the total Mini-Con count to the vicinity of 300. Most notably, exclusive repaints of the Street Speed Team, the Race Team, the Air Military Team, the Sea Team and the Emergency Team were included with the DVD release of Armada (Micron Legend in Japan), who played major roles in Linkage, the 13-part mini-manga which also came packaged with the DVDs, and filled in many of the blanks in the animated series storyline.
Mini-Cons released in the Transformers Energon line, in addition to the aforementioned repaints, include:
, the evil demi-god Unicron
was reduced to a state of near-dormancy, and, disguised as Cybertron
's moon, began a new plan that would ultimately lead to his rebirth. Cybertronian history is unclear on exactly what happened next - apparently, the planet suffered a mysterious cataclysm that predated the appearance of the Mini-Cons. Presumably, this was Unicron's doing, as it would eventually be revealed that he had implanted some of his cells within Cybertron, where they were cultivated and hatched into the Mini-Cons. Bearing witness to this birthing, however, were Rad
, Carlos and Alexis, three human children who would befriend the Mini-Cons a million years hence, who had been temporarily displaced in time. By coming into contact with the Mini-Cons at this early, raw stage in their evolution, they planted the seeds of souls, sentience and feelings into the robots, telling them that they would be waiting for them on Earth.
And so, the Mini-Cons emerged on Cybertron, and their ability to enhance the strength and power of the larger Transformers soon became apparent. This had, of course, been Unicron's desire - as the Autobot
s and Decepticon
s clashed over the Mini-Cons, the negative energies of hatred and war fed Unicron, slowly regenerating his body. It is unclear, however, whether or not the war had actually existed prior to the coming of the Mini-Cons, or if their presence actually began it - it is worth noting that rather than simply being caught in the middle of events, the Mini-Cons genuinely seem to corrupt and induce a desire for combat in some beings (as would later be evident with Atlantis).
Eventually, the Mini-Cons developed full sentience and desired to leave Cybertron, to find Earth in accordance with the memory that had been planted in them at the moment of their birth. The Autobots aided them in this endeavour, while the Decepticons attacked, but failed to stop the Mini-Con craft Exodus from escaping through a trans-warp portal. The Mini-Con ship was crippled, however, and upon emerging through the portal in the vicinity of Earth, began plummeting towards the planet. The ship first impacted with the moon
, and was torn in two - the rear portion of the ship remained lodged on the moon, while the forward portion crashed on Earth. The ship's entire Mini-Con crew were rendered trapped in the suspended animation they had placed themselves in, sealed in small panels, many of which had scattered all across the face of the Earth as their craft entered the atmosphere. The fragment of the ship on Earth was buried in a mountain, and lay there untouched for a million years.
In the interim, some ancient civilisations came into contact with some Mini-Cons. One Mini-Con panel was found in the desert, and apparently used in some way to fashion a temple, filled with advanced-technology booby-traps. More notably, the three Mini-Cons that comprised the Star Saber sword were found and freed by the civilization of Atlantis
, who used the Saber as a power source (which would historically be recorded as orichalcum
). But the power of the Mini-Cons corrupted Atlantis, and they went to war with another race, who had apparently gained control of the Skyboom Shield Mini-Cons. The resultant energies released in the battle sank Atlantis, and resealed the Mini-Cons, scattering them once more, save for one that remained in the sunken city.
The hunt for the Mini-Cons began, with each member of the teams first acquiring their partner Mini-Cons. Each Mini-Con has an in-built servility program that bonds them to the Transformer which awakens them from their panel, or with whom they combine, which makes them subservient to them. However, if the partner respects the Mini-Cons free will
, there is little to no negative effect - such is the case with the Autobots. The little robots are incapable of true speech, communicating only through bleeps and whistles, although certain human beings are attuned to the same mental wavelength as the Mini-Cons, allowing them to telepathically perceive their speech - such was the case with Rad, Carlos and Alexis.
The next target for recovery was the Star Saber
sword, but, unbeknownst to anyone, however, the Star Saber was one of three Mini-Con weapons which Unicron had crafted as keys that would reawaken him when the time was right. From his own body, he created an agent named Sideways, whom he sent to Earth to manipulate events, escalating the conflict to feed him further, and also arranging the Mini-Con weapons into position so they could be easily claimed. Following the successful formation of the Star Saber, the next target became the Skyboom Shield
, which was successfully acquired by the Decepticons, who had also managed to steal back the Star Saber, thanks to Sideways's treachery and side-switching. In the ensuing battle, however, the Skyboom Shield fell into Autobot hands, and when it and the Star Saber met, an incredible energy flare was released as the two objects' powers fused momentarily.
While all these events were occurring, other Mini-Cons had awoken on their own in other parts of the world. One such group, the Super Stunt Team - working with Stella, a human female with the mental attunement - soon fell afoul of more of Unicron's agents - the Speed Chaser Team, Mini-Cons who had surrendered to Unicron and were more powerful as a result. The battles that followed also saw the Sonic Assault Team pulled into the conflict, and the power exhibited by their foes prompted Redline of the Super Stunt Team to begin experiments into achieving this upgrade for all Mini-Cons, while allowing them to retain their free will. They established contact with the Autobot Mini-Cons on Earth, telling them to prepare.
With Sideways's status as a double agent and a manipulator revealed to the Decepticons, he was dispatched from their ranks, displaying his incredible Unicron-born powers by reshaping his body after being destroyed by the Star Saber. He proceeded to inform the Autobots of the existence of the third Mini-Con weapon, the Requiem Blaster - a newsflash that came just as the giant Decepticon warship, Tidal Wave
, arrived on Earth to make life difficult for the Autobots. Rad, Carlos and Alexis succeeded in locating Skyblast, one of the Blaster's components, who overcame his fear of conflict to perform a stunning fear - in the midst of battle, Skyblast unleashed a beautiful, electronic harmony, a song which awoke the other two Mini-Cons and called them to him. They combined into the blaster, which was briefly held by the Autobots until the Decepticons invaded their base, stole it, and killed Smokescreen
Subsequently, the Decepticon Starscream was abandoned by his teammates, and joined the Autobots in a misguided attempt to claim revenge on Megatron. Providing them with access codes to the Decepticon base, Starscream participated in an invasion which revealed that Megatron was using all the captive Mini-Cons to construct a starship that would return them to Cybertron. Perceptor attempted to make the Mini-Cons stop, but they would not listen until Megatron assaulted Perceptor, at which point all the Mini-Cons ceased working, turned on Megatron, and once again sang their beautiful harmony. In the course of ensuing events, Starscream and Megatron battled with the Star Saber and Requiem Blaster, another flare of energy being released as two of the three Mini-Con weapons met. The Autobots successfully saved all the Mini-Cons from the Decepticons, but the seed of doubt had been planted in Starscream's mind when Optimus prevented him from killing Megatron.
Starscream was then manipulated by Thrust
- who was in turn being instructed by Sideways - into returning to the Decepticons, stealing the Skyboom Shield from the Autobots, thereby giving the Decepticons ownership of all three Mini-Con weapons. Locked in their weapon forms, the weapons were used as a mighty new weapon, releasing the energy as they had done before when brought together, this time controlled by their integration into the new weapon mounted on the front of the new Decepticon starship, the Hydra Cannon. The Decepticons launched and targeted Earth with the cannon, but Optimus Prime absorbed the blast with his Matrix, sacrificing himself to save the planet.
Meanwhile, Redline had successfully unlocked the Master Key, bestowing upon himself, and gradually all other Mini-Cons, the enhanced, unrestrained powers that Mini-Cons normally do not have access to. With these new powers, he and his allies were successfully able to defeat Ravenus, another of Unicron's agents, who had been instructed to destroy the Linkage, the communal mind of all Mini-Cons. With the Mini-Cons' full powers now unlocked, all the remaining robots joined the Autobots in their pursuit of the Decepticons, back to Cybertron.
Being parts of Unicron, the Mini-Cons possess a wide array of powers. With their abilities unlocked, they perpetually glow with a green aura, and are able to communicate verbally. They possess enhanced strength, energy projection powers, are capable of interstellar flight, and can upgrade and repair other Transformers by bathing them in their light - Hot Shot
, Red Alert
, Demolishor
, Starscream and Megatron (now renaming himself Galvatron
) received such upgrades after their defeat at the hands of Nemesis Prime
. The Mini-Cons were even able to resurrect Optimus Prime by entering the Matrix and forming a new body for him. They also created Overload in this manner.
When both forces subsequently returned to Cybertron, Sideways and Thrust succeeding in stealing the Mini-Con weapons - when Starscream and the kids pursued Thrust, High Wire used his powers to initiate the time displacement that sent Rad, Carlos and Alexis back in time, triggering events. After they returned, Thrust and Sideways brought the weapons to Unicron, reactivating him, and as the planet-eater turned on Cybertron, the Mini-Cons merged their bodies together, forming a duplicate of the dark god, and grappled with him hand to hand, until Unicron exerted his influence over his creations, turning them back into his servants. He absorbed Galvatron and the children into himself, but with their consciousnesses integrated into his, Rad was able to awaken High Wire once more, that effect spreading to all the Mini-Cons, who penetrated Unicron's body and bathed his interior in their light, awakening the weapons and cutting off Unicron's power, leaving him deactivated in space. However, he soon began to move again as Galvatron began a fierce battle with Optimus Prime, which only ended when Galvatron sacrificed himself to stop Unicron.
Over the ensuing ten years, Mini-Cons became much less of a desired commodity as the Autobots and Decepticons worked together with humankind to establish cities on Earth and in the solar system to mine of the energy-rich mineral, Energon. The Street Action team received upgrades to their bodies, but rarely saw any kind of combat, content to partner around with Kicker. The Energon Saber Mini-Cons - apparently not upgraded Star Saber Mini-Cons - were stationed at Mars City, and survived the devastation there, joining the fight against Alpha Q and his Terrorcon
s, wielded as a weapon by Ironhide
and Kicker.
when he traveled to Cybertron to warn the Autobots about the Grand Black Hole and the need to find the Cyber Planet Keys in conjunction with the Omega Lock to seal it. These Mini-cons (Jolt, Reverb, Six-Speed and Safeguard
) were apparently among a group of Mini-cons that were companions of the Transformers that migrated with a Cyber Planet Key to the Giant Planet, Gigantion, which was blown into another universe due to a rift in space. They were saved by Vector Prime when, during a hide-and-seek game, the shuttle they were hiding in accidentally launched. All Transformers on Gigantion have a Mini-con partner, though only Jolt was shown to have any ability to speak human speech (explained in Japan as due to his neural patterns being more like that of a human than like a Transformer, in the US as due to his love of Earth television, radio and internet entertainment). In the US Cybertron comic book series Safeguard is depicted as speaking normal language as well. As partners, the Mini-cons work in tight spaces that the Giant transformers can't reach.
Though not depicted in the cartoon or comic, there are a large number of Mini-Cons active within the Cybertron universe, according to the toy lines. In Japan, several Mini-Con Teams were made available as special promotional giveaways, to be "partnered" with major characters. Also, twelve blind-packed, individually-sold "Booster" Mini-Cons were available at retail stores. In the US, "vs" packs of two Mini-Cons (one aligned with the Decepticons, one with the Autobots) further expand the Autobot/Decepticon conflict, with Teams stationed on Earth, the Moon, and Cybertron:
Making a bid for power on a peaceful Cybertron, Megatron began raiding Mini-Con villages, capturing the inhabitants and performing cruel experiments on them to further strengthen their power-enhancing abilities, taking village head Leader-1 as his personal slave. Only four Mini-Cons were able to escape Megatron's sweep; Sparkplug and the Air Defense Team. While Megatron used only a couple of Mini-Cons to enhance his troops and take over the capital Cyber City, the four free Minis breached the Decepticon headquarters' defenses and freed the remaining captives, retreating to the Air Defense Team's junkyard base where a starship waited to take them all off-world and out of Megatron's reach. But due to a failure in the ship's engines, the ship crashed into the Earth's Moon, splitting in two, and the passengers remained inactive for centuries.
In 2010, Rad accidentally uncovered a portion of the Mini-Con ship, activating a distress beacon that sent the Decepticons and Autobots heading towards Earth. Rad, Carlos and Alexis befriended Sparkplug and the Street Action Team who were inside that portion of the ship, but soon found themselves pursued by Megatron. They managed to evade him long enough to run into the Autobots, who managed to defeat the Decepticons thanks to the intervention of the Mini-Cons Jolt, Longarm, Liftor and Rollbar. Megatron later captured the Air Defense Team, and turned them into the powerful Star Saber sword. However, the Mini-Cons were ultimately able to resist Megatron, and Megatron was forced to retreat.
Having battled Unicron in an alternate dimension, Optimus Prime returned home and immediately ordered a general Mini-Con call to arms. The Mini-Cons gathered at Arizon, Black Mesa where Over-Run revealed the existence of the Mini-Con Matrix and his plans to use it to defeat Unicron. Megatron returned the Mini-Cons his Decepticons had enslaved to further boost the numbers. Assembled at Cyber-City, Over-Run released the power of the Mini-Con Matrix and combined it with the energies of the Mini-Cons to defeat Unicron. Thus ended Armada #18.
When the comic transformed from Transformers Armada to Transformers Energon with #19 the Mini-Cons largely disappeared from the narrative. The only Mini-Con character to feature was Over-Run who has spent the intervening decade nurturing the Transformers' natural evolutionary steps - developing the Omnicons. Dreamwave's bankruptcy left the comic's overarcing plots unresolved, and whether Mini-Cons would go on to play any further roles is unknown.
The role that mini-cons play in the toy, Anime and comic portrayals of mini-cons is often likened to that of slavery
by both Autobots and Decepticons alike. Slavery is a practice that is universal across many cultures and history, and its inclusion as a theme added some depth to the overall storyline.
The initial technology that enabled Decepticons to augment their power systems required experimentation on live mini-con subjects. Such experimentation was done without informed consent
, minimal risk, and then enforced servitude on the part of the mini-con as he/she contributed to the power source of the Decepticon host. A mini-con can contribute his or herself to the energy systems of a Transformer willingly, but this was not the case for most, if not all, Decepticon
and mini-con relationships. In cartoon and comics, mini-cons are treated as slaves by Decepticons, though Autobot
and mini-con relationships are referred to as partners.
In many cases, mini-cons exhibited the phenomenon of learned helplessness
and did not resist their captors, though in other cases mini-cons actively plotted against their hosts, most notably Leader-1
. This is not true of all mini-con Decepticon relationships however, as some reached a genuine state of mutual respect and viewed it as an actual partnership. Whether this is the psychological equivalent of the human condition "Stockholm syndrome
" is unknown, as the psychological state of mini-cons is rarely addressed outside naration during the Transformers Armada comics, or assessment of mini-cons through the More than Meets the Eye biographies.
died defeating Unicron
, a bio presented in "Games of Deception" told that as events unfolded to their conclusion in the comics, culminating in the Decepticon ambush on Klo, the humans trapped along with the Last Autobot realised that while the Autobots needed help, the planet also needed help to recover. To this end, he used data from the newly resurrected Optimus Prime to create the Mini-Cons, with each containing part of the Last Autobot's Spark.
The Mini-Cons began their task of rebuilding the planet, but after a while dissension arose. The Mini-Cons began to wonder why they should rebuild a planet for the other Trannsformers, the same Transformers that had destroyed it in the first place, with the race eventually splitting into Autobot and Decepticon aligned factions and beginning a new war on the abandoned planet.
to open the gate to Starscream
's army so they can attack the Autobots by their base.
Lazerbeak also appears in the series as well. The others are yet to be introduced.
Transformers: Armada
Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as , is a Transformers animated series, comic series and toy line which ran from 2002–2003. It was originally scheduled for 2001, however was delayed until early-2002...
universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes
Transformers universes
is an entertainment franchise. It began with the Hasbro Transformers toy line, centered on two factions of warring alien robots which are called the Autobots and the Decepticons...
in Transformers fiction. Pioneered for the Armada toyline, Mini-Cons have since been sold under the Transformers: Energon
Transformers: Energon
Transformers: Energon, known in Japan as , is the 2004–2005 Transformers toyline, animated series and comic book series, another co-production between Hasbro and Takara and a direct sequel to Transformers: Armada...
, Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe is a line of toys that consists of re-painted and re-released toys from various Transformers lines of toys. For the comic book series see Transformers Universe .- Toy line :...
and Transformers: Cybertron
Transformers: Cybertron
Transformers: Cybertron, known in Japan originally as , is the 2005-2007 Transformers toy line and animated series, another co-production between Hasbro and Takara...
lines, with more sets coming out for the Transformers: Classics line. In some cases, the word may also be spelled 'minicon'.
Animated series
In the original Transformers" seriesThe Transformers (TV series)
The Transformers is an animated television series depicting a war among giant robots who could transform into vehicles, other objects and animal-like forms. Written and recorded in America, the series was animated in Japan and South Korea...
, Soundwave
Soundwave (Transformers)
Soundwave is the name of several characters in the various series Transformers series. His most famous disguise is that of a microcassette recorder and has an iconic voice done by a vocoder.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
had Mini-Cons of his own called Recordicons who would often eject from Soundwave and transform into human-sized robots. Officially, they were called Mini-Cassettes. There were four of them, all Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
s. Rumble
Rumble (Transformers)
Rumble is a fictional character in the Transformers universes. In order to trademark the name, Hasbro referred to the Alternators character as Decepticon Rumble.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Lazerbeak, Ravage
Ravage (Transformers)
Ravage is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Due to the inability to trademark the common word "ravage", he is sometimes called Battle Ravage, Command Ravage or Tripredacus Agent...
, and Frenzy
Frenzy (Transformers)
Frenzy is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. Wired Magazine once nominated him as one 12 most ridiculous Transformers of all time.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
. During season 2, Soundwave had countless other unnamed mini-cons, they briefly appeared on-screen, some of them only once, while the 4 listed above were primarily used.
In The Transformers: The Movie
The Transformers: The Movie
The Transformers: The Movie is a 1986 animated feature film based on the animated series of the same name. It was released in North America on August 8, 1986 and in the UK on December 5, 1986....
, Blaster
Blaster (Transformers)
Blaster is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara Tomy and Hasbro. Due to trademark reasons, he is sometimes called Autobot Blaster...
also had his own Recordicons, meanwhile Soundwave had a fifth Mini-Con named Ratbat
Ratbat is the name of several fictional characters who appeared in various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:As is the case with many Transformers characters, the various continuities in which Ratbat has appeared have portrayed him widely differently in terms of size, personality,...
. In seasons 3 and 4, Soundwave would be reborn as Soundblast, and Soundblast and Blaster's mini-cons would continue to appear from time to time. While not officially Mini-Cons at this point, the Recordicons would inspire the creation of Mini-Cons.
In Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Prime, also known as Transformers: Prime –The Animated Series, is an American computer-animated television series based on the Transformers toy franchise by Hasbro. It airs on the The Hub in the United States...
, Soundwave's recordians are called Mini-Cons. (See: below.)
Marvel Comics
They would appear in the Marvel Comics Transformers comic book seriesThe Transformers (Marvel Comics)
The Transformers was an 80-issue American comic book series published by Marvel Comics telling the story of the Transformers. Originally scheduled as a four issue mini-series, it spawned a mythology that would inform other versions of the saga...
. It should be noted that the that colors of Rumble and Frenzy have been reversed. Where usually Rumble is Blue and Frenzy is red as seen in the cartoon series, Rumble is red (and black) and Frenzy is blue in the "Marvel" universe
The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space. Definitions and usage vary and similar terms include the cosmos, the world and nature...
. Despite this, they still retain their powers.
The Armada toyline was based around the concept of Mini-Cons interacting with each other, and the other toys in the range. All Mini-Cons could attach to any larger Transformer figure via the "Powerlinx" pegs molded into them, unlocking hidden features and weapons that were otherwise unavailable.For example, attaching a Mini-Con to Starscream deployed his Null Laser Cannons. Attaching one to Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
, activated a gun and sounds.
Most non-Mini-Con figures came partnered with at least one Mini-Con Although the Mini-Con could attach to any figure it was also often uniquely designed to unlock a feature on the toy it was partnered with (for example, the Mini-Con Rollbar could act as the driver for Scavenger's alternate mode, and in doing so triggered a unique sound effect). Mini-Cons were also available in packs of three, themed by their colour-schemes, alternate modes and gimmicks.
Mini-Cons sold in the Transformers Armada toyline include:
- Air Defense Team (RunwayRunway (Transformers)-Transformers: Armada:Runway is the name of a Mini-Con who turns into a jet. He is the leader of the Air Defense and Air Assault teams, and combines with his companions Jetstorm and Sonar to form the Star Saber. Runway is always coming up with ideas....
, JetstormJetstormJetstorm is the name of several characters in the fictional Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 2 :The name Jetstorm was first used in the Transformers toyline on two different toys released on two different continents; however both characters were Aquaspeeders - toys that could shoot...
, Sonar - combine into the Star SaberStar SaberStar Saber is the name of several fictional characters and also a legendary weapon in the Transformers toyline. He is the protagonist in the Japanese exclusive series Transformers: Victory.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
) - Street Action Team (High Wire, Grindor, SureshockSureshockSureshock is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Sureshock is one of the members of the Mini-Con Street Action Team. Sureshock lives for excitement. She combines with his Street Action Team partners to form Perceptor.More than...
- combine into PerceptorPerceptorPerceptor is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Perceptor transforms into a microscope ....
) - Land Military Team (WreckageWreckage (Transformers)Wreckage is the name of three fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Wreckage was the name of a Mini-Con that transformed into a green missile tank...
, BonecrusherBonecrusher (Transformers)Bonecrusher is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Bonecrusher is a member of the Constructicons. He is a brawler by nature and specialises in demolitions work...
, Knock Out - firing missiles) - Race Team (Dirt Boss, MirageMirage (Transformers)Mirage is any of several distinct fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Mirage is one of the single most re-used names in the Transformers series, and is almost entirely synonymous with characters possessing Formula One racing car alternate modes.-Transformers Generation 1:Some...
, DownshiftDownshiftNot to be confused with Downshifting, the social trend.Downshift is the name of three fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:This Autobot's function is Security Agent, and he transformed into a white Toyota Supra...
- combine into the Skyboom ShieldSkyboom Shield-Transformers: Armada:right|thumb|The Road Assault color Skyboom Shield toyFormed from the combination of the Mini-Con Race Team , it is one of three most powerful weapons in the Universe...
) - Destruction Team (DualorDualorDualor is the name of two fictional characters from the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Dualor is a tank with two blasters. The ultimate in destruction Mini-Cons, this team makes chaos wherever it goes. Cutting, drilling, and rolling into action, they're able to take on any Transformer...
, Drillbit, Buzzsaw - geared parts, interact with CyclonusCyclonusCyclonus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:The tech spec from the box art of the Cyclonus toy describes him as a compassionless Decepticon air warrior and saboteur...
) - Space Team (AstroscopeAstroscopeAn old astronomical instrument, formed of two cones, on whose surface the constellations were delineated. Recent incarnations are a slightly more "advanced"Astroscope is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes...
, PayloadPayload (Transformers)Payload is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Payload is the muscle of the Space Mini-Con Team, but people often forget that he's considerably smarter than most other robots out there. He doesn't really let this get to him, however...
, Skyblast - combine into Requiem BlasterRequiem BlasterThe Requiem Blaster is a fictional device in the Transformers series. Its physical form in some of the Transformers continuities resembles the laser rifle wielded by Optimus Prime in the Generation One era cartoons and comics.-Transformers: Armada:right|thumb|The Requiem Blaster toyFormed from the...
, fires missile) - Street Speed Team (Oval, Spiral, Backtrack - highly articulated)
- Adventure Team (Iceberg, Dune Runner, Ransack - geared parts)
- Sea Team (Oceanglide, Stormcloud, Waterlog, - firing missiles)
- Night Attack Team (Fetch, Scattor, BroadsideBroadside (Transformers)Broadside is the name of three fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Broadside's bio presented him as literally getting the worst possible out of his alternate modes. He transforms into an Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, but gets seasick. He...
- Land Military Team redeco) - Air Assault Team (Air Defense Team redeco)
- Emergency Team (Firebot, ProwlProwl (Transformers)Prowl is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers series. "Prowl" is one of the most re-used American names in the assorted Transformers series, and its use has become almost synonymous with Autobots who possess a police car alternate mode...
, MakeshiftMakeshift (Transformers)Makeshift is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers series, the latest one being a villainous Decepticon in the Transformers: Prime television series.-Transformers: Armada:...
- weapon modes) - Air Military Team (TerradiveTerradive-Transformers: Generation 2:The first Transformer with the name Terradive was a Decepticon who was able to transform into a black A-7 Corsair II aircraft. Terradive was part of the Skyscorchers sub-group and his function is that of an Advance Fighter. He was a simple basic toy and had no gimmicks...
, ThunderwingThunderwingThunderwing is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. Introduced in 1989, he was a major villain in the Marvel Comics Transformers series. Although Thunderwing was created after the US Transformers television series ended, the character of Black Shadow did appear in...
, Gunbarrel - weapon modes) - Road Assault Team (Race Team redeco)
- Road Wrecker Team (Destruction Team redeco)
- Sea Team redeco
- Emergency Team redeco
- DinobotsDinobotsDinobots is the name of several teams of characters in the fictional Transformers Universe. The groups are made up of several robots, each of whose transformed mode is that of a dinosaur or similar prehistoric animal. They are called Dinotrons in the Japanese version; and ' in the Japanese dub of...
(TerrorsaurTerrorsaurTerrorsaur is the name of several fictional characters from the world of Transformers universes.Terror-Saur is an amalgamate of terror and saur .-Beast Wars:...
, Knockdown, Swoop) - beast forms released as Classics - Night Rescue Team (StrongarmStrongarm (Transformers)Strongarm is the name of four fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All four are Autobots.-Transformers: Energon:Strongarm is the name of one of the Autobot Omnicons...
, Divebomb, Firebot) - Police Car, Apache AH-64D, & a Firetruck - Demolition TeamDemolition TeamThe Demolition Team are fictional characters, a team of comic book mercenaries in the DC Comics universe. They first appeared in Green Lantern #176 and were created by Len Wein and Dave Gibbons.-Fictional character history:...
(WideloadWideload (Transformers)Wideload is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Toy Wideload is a member of the Throttlebot team; Wideload transforms into a dump truck...
, SledgeSledge (Transformers)Sledge is the name of several characters in the various Transformers universes. Sledge has always been portrayed as a Decepticon-aligned construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, BroadsideBroadside (Transformers)Broadside is the name of three fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Broadside's bio presented him as literally getting the worst possible out of his alternate modes. He transforms into an Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, but gets seasick. He...
) - construction vehicles and tank - Dirt Digger Team (Dirt Rocket, Oil Slick, Grindor) - Race Themed Team
- Clear Skies Team (ThunderwingThunderwingThunderwing is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. Introduced in 1989, he was a major villain in the Marvel Comics Transformers series. Although Thunderwing was created after the US Transformers television series ended, the character of Black Shadow did appear in...
, Steel Wind, NightscreamNightscreamNightscream is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Beast Machines:Nightscream is a young Maximal and a member of the cast of Beast Machines. He turns into a bat....
) - an F-14, an A-10, & a Dragon - Predator Attack Team (SnarlSnarl (Transformers)Snarl is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Snarl is one of the members of the Autobot sub-group called the Dinobots led by Grimlock...
, DarkwingDarkwingDarkwing is a novel by Canadian author Kenneth Oppel. It is the prequel and fourth addition to the Silverwing series, and takes place 65 million years before the events of the first book, Silverwing...
, OverbiteOverbite (Transformers)Overbite is the name of four fictional characters from the Transformers series.-Transformers: Generation 1:Overbite is the name of one of the Seacon Targetmasters. He transforms into a shark-monster or alternately into a Double Barrelled Tidal Wave Maker which could be wielded by a larger...
) - Wolf, Eagle, & Tiger
Redecos of the Adventure Team (renamed Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Armorhide
Armorhide is the name of several fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:Dangar is sometimes also spelled 'Danger'. Armorhide's animated appearance in the TV series is based on the Takara version...
and Cliffjumper
Cliffjumper is the name of several characters from the Transformers line of toys. His name is usually associated with an Autobot whose toys are often red repaints of Bumblebee toys.- Transformers: Generation 1 :...
) and Street Speed Team (renamed Nightscream
Nightscream is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Beast Machines:Nightscream is a young Maximal and a member of the cast of Beast Machines. He turns into a bat....
, Skid-Z and Side Burn
Side Burn
Side Burn is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers series. The first Side Burn was one of the main character in the animated series Transformers: Robots in Disguise, voiced by Wally Wingert. He turns into a Dodge Viper. He was based on the Japanese anime character...
) and were split up and sold with the figures of Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
, Terrorsaur
Terrorsaur is the name of several fictional characters from the world of Transformers universes.Terror-Saur is an amalgamate of terror and saur .-Beast Wars:...
, Cheetor
Cheetor is several fictional characters from various Transformers universes.- Beast Wars :Cheetor's original tech spec indicated he was a seasoned and confident warrior always in search of battle with the Predacons, seemingly in contrast to his youthful and impulsive portrayal in the original show...
, Airazor and Predacon
The Predacons usually refer to the name of several fictional Decepticon-like teams led by Megatron, however Transformers: Armada, Predacon is the name of a single character.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
. A redeco of the Street Action Team was sold with Sunstorm
Sunstorm (Transformers)
Sunstorm is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. Sunstorm is always a Decepticon allied jet who is yellow or orange in color.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
in the Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe is a line of toys that consists of re-painted and re-released toys from various Transformers lines of toys. For the comic book series see Transformers Universe .- Toy line :...
line. A redeco of the Space Team was sold with Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers storylines.-Transformers: Generation 1:The greatest Transformer of them all. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus...
in the Transformers Energon line. The Linkage comic featured several redeco teams, which were included with the Japanese Micron Legend DVDs:
- The Super Stunt Team (Redline, Flat-Out, and Servo) - Street Speed Team redeco.
- The Speed Chaser Team (Top Gear, Midship, and Tailslide) - Race Team redeco.
- The Sonic Assault Team (Falcia, Cumbusta, and Twirl): Air Military Team redeco.
- The Aqua Raider Team (Bilge, Freeboot, and Sunburn) - Sea Team redeco.
- The Hazard Team (Kingbolt, Impulsor, and Quench) - Emergency Team redeco.
- Sparkplug (with Super Optimus Prime)
- Jolt (with Hot ShotHot Shot (Transformers)Hot Shot is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All are young Autobot cars.-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team....
) - LongarmLongarm (Transformers)Longarm is the name to four different fictional characters from the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Cybertron:The name Longarm was reused for a member of the Giant Planet Mini-Con Team allies with the Decepticons. This Longarm also turned into a crane...
(with Red AlertRed Alert (Transformers)Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
and inferno in the toys R Us exclusives movie voyager 2007) - Liftor (with SmokescreenSmokescreen (Transformers)Smokescreen is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Smokescreen is one of the second year Autobot Cars in the Transformers series. His toy was remolded from Prowl and Bluestreak, itself originating from an earlier Japanese line...
) - Rollbar (with ScavengerScavenger (Transformers)Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Scavenger is usually depicted as a villain who turns into a construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
) - Comettor (with JetfireJetfireJetfire is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. He is nearly always depicted as an Autobot with jet or space shuttle alternate mode.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
) - IncineratorIncinerator (Transformers)Incinerator is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Incinerator is the name of the Mini-Con Partner to Armada Blurr.-Animated series:...
(with BlurrBlurrBlurr is the name given to five different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He frequently appears as a blue Autobot who transforms into a swift car...
) - NightbeatNightbeat (Transformers)-Transformers: Generation 1:Nightbeat is described as a tough, street-hardened detective who is not above resorting to dirty tricks in order to further his investigations...
(with Side Swipe) - Refute (with HoistHoist (Transformers)-Transformers: Generation 1:In the original Transformers toy line, Hoist is an Autobot who functions as a repairman for the team, keeping them to a tight maintenance schedule. Hoist is confident and sometimes rash, brave, tough and loyal. He transforms into a green tow truck...
) - Roll-Out (with OverloadOverload (Transformers)Overload is the name of four different fictional character in the various Transformers universes. They are seemingly unrelated besides sharing a name.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
Jolt, Longarm
Longarm (Transformers)
Longarm is the name to four different fictional characters from the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Cybertron:The name Longarm was reused for a member of the Giant Planet Mini-Con Team allies with the Decepticons. This Longarm also turned into a crane...
and Comettor were redecoed when they and their partners were released as "Powerlinx" versions of themselves. Sparkplug was remolded and vacuum-metalized for the same reason, becoming "Corona Sparkplug." Rollbar and Roll-Out were redecoed when Scavenger
Scavenger (Transformers)
Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Scavenger is usually depicted as a villain who turns into a construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
and Overload
Overload (Transformers)
Overload is the name of four different fictional character in the various Transformers universes. They are seemingly unrelated besides sharing a name.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
were redecoed as "Treadbolt" and "Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers storylines.-Transformers: Generation 1:The greatest Transformer of them all. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus...
" for the Transformers Energon line (with Roll-Out becoming "Knock Out"). When Side Swipe was redecoed as "Oil Slick" for Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe
Transformers: Universe is a line of toys that consists of re-painted and re-released toys from various Transformers lines of toys. For the comic book series see Transformers Universe .- Toy line :...
, Nightbeat
Nightbeat (Transformers)
-Transformers: Generation 1:Nightbeat is described as a tough, street-hardened detective who is not above resorting to dirty tricks in order to further his investigations...
was redubbed "Search and Destroy Robot," but was then reverted to Nightbeat again when Side Swipe was again repainted into "Treadshot" for the same line. Over-Run and Incinerator were redecoed when Optimus Prime and Blurr
Blurr is the name given to five different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. He frequently appears as a blue Autobot who transforms into a swift car...
became "Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers storylines.-Transformers: Generation 1:The greatest Transformer of them all. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus...
" and "Swerve
Swerve, by the Coca-Cola Company, was a flavored and vitamin-fortified dairy drink introduced in 2003. It contained 51% skim milk, was sweetened by a blend of sugar and sucralose, and provided 30% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamins A, C & D and Calcium...
" for Universe (with Incinerator renamed "Roadhandler").
- Leader-1 (with Megatron)
- BlackoutBlackout (Transformers)Blackout is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Blackout was one of a team of two Micromaster Combiners. They came with a Gepard air defense vehicle that could transform to a base...
(with DemolishorDemolishorDemolishor is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Demolishor is one of the earliest created Decepticons of the toyline; and in the storyline, also one of the first to come to Earth from his homeworld - the fictional planet...
) - Crumplezone (with Cyclonus)
- SwindleSwindle (Transformers)Swindle is the name given to several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Swindle originally appeared as a member of a group of five Decepticons known as the Combaticons who were able to combine together to form a larger robot known as Bruticus...
(with Starscream) - InfernoInferno (Transformers)Inferno is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. Despite having different alternate modes, the character name has been most associated with the form of a fire engine.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
(with ThrustThrust (Transformers)Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
) - RamjetRamjet (Transformers)Ramjet is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All have been Decepticon aligned characters who turn into jets, usually white.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
(with Tidal WaveTidal Wave (Transformers)Tidal Wave is the name of a fictional character from Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon. He is a Decepticon, and at one point of the Energon series, he was rebuilt as Mirage....
) - Windsheer (with Wheeljack)
- Clench (with GalvatronGalvatronGalvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
, Leader-1 redeco) - Zapmaster (with ThundercrackerThundercrackerThundercracker is the name given to multiple fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Thundercracker is almost always depicted as a blue color Decepticon who turns into a jet fighter.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Swindle redeco) - ThunderclashThunderclashThunder Clash or Thunderclash, are the names of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. Thunder Clash was part of the original Transformers continuity, with the name as Thunderclash been used for different characters in several newer Transformers...
(with SkywarpSkywarpSkywarp is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers toy line. He is usually depicted as a black or purple Decepticon jet with teleportation powers.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
While Leader-1 and Swindle, and their partners, were renamed when they were recoloured, Blackout, Crumplezone and Inferno retained their names when they and their partners became Powerlinx versions. Ramjet was redecoed along with Tidal Wave when they were released in the Transformers Energon line, and Blackout and Crumplezone were repainted a second time for their releases in Energon, as was Inferno when he was released with Sunstorm in Transformers Universe.
- Rook and CrosswiseCrosswise-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:Crosswise was the name of one of the Autobot Spy Changers. He is the science officer of the Spy Changers....
(with Sideways) - Run-Over (with Nemesis PrimeNemesis PrimeNemesis Prime is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers storyline. He is often depicted as an evil incarnation of Optimus Prime.-Transformers: Armada:...
, Over-Run redeco) - Dead End (with UnicronUnicronUnicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
Dead End was redecoed with Unicron when they were released for the Energon line. Rook and Crosswise became Nightcruz and Nightscream when Sideways was redecoed as "Rapid Run" for Energon.
Additionally, an exceptionally large number of repaints of these toys have been released in Japan, pushing the total Mini-Con count to the vicinity of 300. Most notably, exclusive repaints of the Street Speed Team, the Race Team, the Air Military Team, the Sea Team and the Emergency Team were included with the DVD release of Armada (Micron Legend in Japan), who played major roles in Linkage, the 13-part mini-manga which also came packaged with the DVDs, and filled in many of the blanks in the animated series storyline.
Mini-Cons released in the Transformers Energon line, in addition to the aforementioned repaints, include:
- Energon Saber Team (Skyboom, Scattor, Wreckage - combine into Energon Saber, Air Defense Team remold and redeco)
- Perceptor Team (High Wire, Grindor, Sureshock - combine into Perceptor, new molds)
Transformers: Armada
Having been defeated in battle by Omega SupremeOmega Supreme
Omega Supreme is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. He is always an Autobot and is often depicted as a gigantic transformer with vast strength and/or overwhelming firepower.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, the evil demi-god Unicron
Unicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
was reduced to a state of near-dormancy, and, disguised as Cybertron
Cybertron is a fictional planet, the homeworld of the Transformers in the various fictional incarnations of the metaseries and toyline by Hasbro. In the Japanese series, the planet is referred to as "Cybertron" pronounced as セイバートロン Seibātoron...
's moon, began a new plan that would ultimately lead to his rebirth. Cybertronian history is unclear on exactly what happened next - apparently, the planet suffered a mysterious cataclysm that predated the appearance of the Mini-Cons. Presumably, this was Unicron's doing, as it would eventually be revealed that he had implanted some of his cells within Cybertron, where they were cultivated and hatched into the Mini-Cons. Bearing witness to this birthing, however, were Rad
Rad (Transformers)
-Transformers: Generation 1:Rad is an Autobot Action Master. He has a Targetmaster partner named Lionizer.With more moves than an all-pro halfback, this clever, cool-headed daredevil is equally adept at combating Decepticons or calculating the coefficient of friction for a rocket booster...
, Carlos and Alexis, three human children who would befriend the Mini-Cons a million years hence, who had been temporarily displaced in time. By coming into contact with the Mini-Cons at this early, raw stage in their evolution, they planted the seeds of souls, sentience and feelings into the robots, telling them that they would be waiting for them on Earth.
And so, the Mini-Cons emerged on Cybertron, and their ability to enhance the strength and power of the larger Transformers soon became apparent. This had, of course, been Unicron's desire - as the Autobot
Autobot, a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron, are usually the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, graphic novels, paperback books, cartoons and movies first introduced in 1984. In all but one Transformer story, the...
s and Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
s clashed over the Mini-Cons, the negative energies of hatred and war fed Unicron, slowly regenerating his body. It is unclear, however, whether or not the war had actually existed prior to the coming of the Mini-Cons, or if their presence actually began it - it is worth noting that rather than simply being caught in the middle of events, the Mini-Cons genuinely seem to corrupt and induce a desire for combat in some beings (as would later be evident with Atlantis).
Eventually, the Mini-Cons developed full sentience and desired to leave Cybertron, to find Earth in accordance with the memory that had been planted in them at the moment of their birth. The Autobots aided them in this endeavour, while the Decepticons attacked, but failed to stop the Mini-Con craft Exodus from escaping through a trans-warp portal. The Mini-Con ship was crippled, however, and upon emerging through the portal in the vicinity of Earth, began plummeting towards the planet. The ship first impacted with the moon
The Moon is Earth's only known natural satellite,There are a number of near-Earth asteroids including 3753 Cruithne that are co-orbital with Earth: their orbits bring them close to Earth for periods of time but then alter in the long term . These are quasi-satellites and not true moons. For more...
, and was torn in two - the rear portion of the ship remained lodged on the moon, while the forward portion crashed on Earth. The ship's entire Mini-Con crew were rendered trapped in the suspended animation they had placed themselves in, sealed in small panels, many of which had scattered all across the face of the Earth as their craft entered the atmosphere. The fragment of the ship on Earth was buried in a mountain, and lay there untouched for a million years.
In the interim, some ancient civilisations came into contact with some Mini-Cons. One Mini-Con panel was found in the desert, and apparently used in some way to fashion a temple, filled with advanced-technology booby-traps. More notably, the three Mini-Cons that comprised the Star Saber sword were found and freed by the civilization of Atlantis
Atlantis is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written about 360 BC....
, who used the Saber as a power source (which would historically be recorded as orichalcum
Orichalcum is a metal mentioned in several ancient writings, most notably the story of Atlantis as recounted in the Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato. According to Critias, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value, and was found and mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times....
). But the power of the Mini-Cons corrupted Atlantis, and they went to war with another race, who had apparently gained control of the Skyboom Shield Mini-Cons. The resultant energies released in the battle sank Atlantis, and resealed the Mini-Cons, scattering them once more, save for one that remained in the sunken city.
Transformers: Energon
In the Earth year 2010, the crashed Mini-Con spaceship was discovered by Bradly "Rad" White and his friend, Carlos Lopez, while they were exploring the caves outside their city. The inadvertently reactivated the ship, which sent out a signal that reactivated the Mini-Con panels across the world (allowing them to be tracked, not freeing the Mini-Cons within), and reached Cybertron, alerting the Autobots and Decepticons to this development. Megatron, Optimus Prime and their forces soon arrived on Earth, as Rad, Carlos and their friend, Alexis freed and befriended the Street Action Team (but it was, of course, no coincidence, as they had already imprinted on the humans, having met them in the past). The Autobots and Decepticons soon took on Earth forms to disguise themselves, and set up bases in the fragments of the Mini-Con ship on Earth and on the Moon, respectively.The hunt for the Mini-Cons began, with each member of the teams first acquiring their partner Mini-Cons. Each Mini-Con has an in-built servility program that bonds them to the Transformer which awakens them from their panel, or with whom they combine, which makes them subservient to them. However, if the partner respects the Mini-Cons free will
Free will
"To make my own decisions whether I am successful or not due to uncontrollable forces" -Troy MorrisonA pragmatic definition of free willFree will is the ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints. The existence of free will and its exact nature and definition have long...
, there is little to no negative effect - such is the case with the Autobots. The little robots are incapable of true speech, communicating only through bleeps and whistles, although certain human beings are attuned to the same mental wavelength as the Mini-Cons, allowing them to telepathically perceive their speech - such was the case with Rad, Carlos and Alexis.
The next target for recovery was the Star Saber
Star Saber
Star Saber is the name of several fictional characters and also a legendary weapon in the Transformers toyline. He is the protagonist in the Japanese exclusive series Transformers: Victory.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
sword, but, unbeknownst to anyone, however, the Star Saber was one of three Mini-Con weapons which Unicron had crafted as keys that would reawaken him when the time was right. From his own body, he created an agent named Sideways, whom he sent to Earth to manipulate events, escalating the conflict to feed him further, and also arranging the Mini-Con weapons into position so they could be easily claimed. Following the successful formation of the Star Saber, the next target became the Skyboom Shield
Skyboom Shield
-Transformers: Armada:right|thumb|The Road Assault color Skyboom Shield toyFormed from the combination of the Mini-Con Race Team , it is one of three most powerful weapons in the Universe...
, which was successfully acquired by the Decepticons, who had also managed to steal back the Star Saber, thanks to Sideways's treachery and side-switching. In the ensuing battle, however, the Skyboom Shield fell into Autobot hands, and when it and the Star Saber met, an incredible energy flare was released as the two objects' powers fused momentarily.
While all these events were occurring, other Mini-Cons had awoken on their own in other parts of the world. One such group, the Super Stunt Team - working with Stella, a human female with the mental attunement - soon fell afoul of more of Unicron's agents - the Speed Chaser Team, Mini-Cons who had surrendered to Unicron and were more powerful as a result. The battles that followed also saw the Sonic Assault Team pulled into the conflict, and the power exhibited by their foes prompted Redline of the Super Stunt Team to begin experiments into achieving this upgrade for all Mini-Cons, while allowing them to retain their free will. They established contact with the Autobot Mini-Cons on Earth, telling them to prepare.
With Sideways's status as a double agent and a manipulator revealed to the Decepticons, he was dispatched from their ranks, displaying his incredible Unicron-born powers by reshaping his body after being destroyed by the Star Saber. He proceeded to inform the Autobots of the existence of the third Mini-Con weapon, the Requiem Blaster - a newsflash that came just as the giant Decepticon warship, Tidal Wave
Tidal Wave (Transformers)
Tidal Wave is the name of a fictional character from Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon. He is a Decepticon, and at one point of the Energon series, he was rebuilt as Mirage....
, arrived on Earth to make life difficult for the Autobots. Rad, Carlos and Alexis succeeded in locating Skyblast, one of the Blaster's components, who overcame his fear of conflict to perform a stunning fear - in the midst of battle, Skyblast unleashed a beautiful, electronic harmony, a song which awoke the other two Mini-Cons and called them to him. They combined into the blaster, which was briefly held by the Autobots until the Decepticons invaded their base, stole it, and killed Smokescreen
Smokescreen (Transformers)
Smokescreen is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Smokescreen is one of the second year Autobot Cars in the Transformers series. His toy was remolded from Prowl and Bluestreak, itself originating from an earlier Japanese line...
Subsequently, the Decepticon Starscream was abandoned by his teammates, and joined the Autobots in a misguided attempt to claim revenge on Megatron. Providing them with access codes to the Decepticon base, Starscream participated in an invasion which revealed that Megatron was using all the captive Mini-Cons to construct a starship that would return them to Cybertron. Perceptor attempted to make the Mini-Cons stop, but they would not listen until Megatron assaulted Perceptor, at which point all the Mini-Cons ceased working, turned on Megatron, and once again sang their beautiful harmony. In the course of ensuing events, Starscream and Megatron battled with the Star Saber and Requiem Blaster, another flare of energy being released as two of the three Mini-Con weapons met. The Autobots successfully saved all the Mini-Cons from the Decepticons, but the seed of doubt had been planted in Starscream's mind when Optimus prevented him from killing Megatron.
Starscream was then manipulated by Thrust
Thrust (Transformers)
Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
- who was in turn being instructed by Sideways - into returning to the Decepticons, stealing the Skyboom Shield from the Autobots, thereby giving the Decepticons ownership of all three Mini-Con weapons. Locked in their weapon forms, the weapons were used as a mighty new weapon, releasing the energy as they had done before when brought together, this time controlled by their integration into the new weapon mounted on the front of the new Decepticon starship, the Hydra Cannon. The Decepticons launched and targeted Earth with the cannon, but Optimus Prime absorbed the blast with his Matrix, sacrificing himself to save the planet.
Meanwhile, Redline had successfully unlocked the Master Key, bestowing upon himself, and gradually all other Mini-Cons, the enhanced, unrestrained powers that Mini-Cons normally do not have access to. With these new powers, he and his allies were successfully able to defeat Ravenus, another of Unicron's agents, who had been instructed to destroy the Linkage, the communal mind of all Mini-Cons. With the Mini-Cons' full powers now unlocked, all the remaining robots joined the Autobots in their pursuit of the Decepticons, back to Cybertron.
Being parts of Unicron, the Mini-Cons possess a wide array of powers. With their abilities unlocked, they perpetually glow with a green aura, and are able to communicate verbally. They possess enhanced strength, energy projection powers, are capable of interstellar flight, and can upgrade and repair other Transformers by bathing them in their light - Hot Shot
Hot Shot (Transformers)
Hot Shot is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All are young Autobot cars.-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:In Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team....
, Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
, Demolishor
Demolishor is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Demolishor is one of the earliest created Decepticons of the toyline; and in the storyline, also one of the first to come to Earth from his homeworld - the fictional planet...
, Starscream and Megatron (now renaming himself Galvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
) received such upgrades after their defeat at the hands of Nemesis Prime
Nemesis Prime
Nemesis Prime is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers storyline. He is often depicted as an evil incarnation of Optimus Prime.-Transformers: Armada:...
. The Mini-Cons were even able to resurrect Optimus Prime by entering the Matrix and forming a new body for him. They also created Overload in this manner.
When both forces subsequently returned to Cybertron, Sideways and Thrust succeeding in stealing the Mini-Con weapons - when Starscream and the kids pursued Thrust, High Wire used his powers to initiate the time displacement that sent Rad, Carlos and Alexis back in time, triggering events. After they returned, Thrust and Sideways brought the weapons to Unicron, reactivating him, and as the planet-eater turned on Cybertron, the Mini-Cons merged their bodies together, forming a duplicate of the dark god, and grappled with him hand to hand, until Unicron exerted his influence over his creations, turning them back into his servants. He absorbed Galvatron and the children into himself, but with their consciousnesses integrated into his, Rad was able to awaken High Wire once more, that effect spreading to all the Mini-Cons, who penetrated Unicron's body and bathed his interior in their light, awakening the weapons and cutting off Unicron's power, leaving him deactivated in space. However, he soon began to move again as Galvatron began a fierce battle with Optimus Prime, which only ended when Galvatron sacrificed himself to stop Unicron.
Over the ensuing ten years, Mini-Cons became much less of a desired commodity as the Autobots and Decepticons worked together with humankind to establish cities on Earth and in the solar system to mine of the energy-rich mineral, Energon. The Street Action team received upgrades to their bodies, but rarely saw any kind of combat, content to partner around with Kicker. The Energon Saber Mini-Cons - apparently not upgraded Star Saber Mini-Cons - were stationed at Mars City, and survived the devastation there, joining the fight against Alpha Q and his Terrorcon
The name Terrorcons refers to several different groups in the Transformers toyline. They are referred to as Terrortrons in Japan.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
s, wielded as a weapon by Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
and Kicker.

Transformers: Cybertron
A quartet of Mini-cons were with Vector PrimeVector Prime (Transformers)
Vector Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers: Cybertron toyline, animated series and comics. In fiction he is an ancient Autobot, one of the first ever created, with powers over time and space, and turns into a spaceship...
when he traveled to Cybertron to warn the Autobots about the Grand Black Hole and the need to find the Cyber Planet Keys in conjunction with the Omega Lock to seal it. These Mini-cons (Jolt, Reverb, Six-Speed and Safeguard
In the technical language of the World Trade Organization system, a safeguard is used to restrain international trade in order to protect a certain home industry from foreign competition. A member may take a “safeguard” action In the technical language of the World Trade Organization (WTO)...
) were apparently among a group of Mini-cons that were companions of the Transformers that migrated with a Cyber Planet Key to the Giant Planet, Gigantion, which was blown into another universe due to a rift in space. They were saved by Vector Prime when, during a hide-and-seek game, the shuttle they were hiding in accidentally launched. All Transformers on Gigantion have a Mini-con partner, though only Jolt was shown to have any ability to speak human speech (explained in Japan as due to his neural patterns being more like that of a human than like a Transformer, in the US as due to his love of Earth television, radio and internet entertainment). In the US Cybertron comic book series Safeguard is depicted as speaking normal language as well. As partners, the Mini-cons work in tight spaces that the Giant transformers can't reach.
Though not depicted in the cartoon or comic, there are a large number of Mini-Cons active within the Cybertron universe, according to the toy lines. In Japan, several Mini-Con Teams were made available as special promotional giveaways, to be "partnered" with major characters. Also, twelve blind-packed, individually-sold "Booster" Mini-Cons were available at retail stores. In the US, "vs" packs of two Mini-Cons (one aligned with the Decepticons, one with the Autobots) further expand the Autobot/Decepticon conflict, with Teams stationed on Earth, the Moon, and Cybertron:
- Air Defense Team (TankorTankorTankor is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:This version of Tankor, initially called Octane, is the Decepticons' fueler, in charge of storing and distributing fuel among Decepticons with vehicle modes. He is characterized as...
, Thunderblast, Steamhammer--Autobot redeco of Land Military/Night Attack Teams) - Deep Space Team (Blastcharge, Scrap Iron, Backblast—Decepticon redeco of Space Team, combine as Umbral Blaster)
- Exploration Team (Monocle, Landslide, Ascentor)--Autobot redeco of Destruction Team)
- Giant Planet Team (DeepdiveDeepdive-Transformers: Cybertron:Deepdive is the name of a Mini-Con. He is an original mold for the Cybertron line and turns into a submarine and is part of the Giant Planet Mini-Con team. The Giant Planet Mini-Con team is an original Hasbro creation, and did not appear in the Japanese version of the...
, LongarmLongarm (Transformers)Longarm is the name to four different fictional characters from the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Cybertron:The name Longarm was reused for a member of the Giant Planet Mini-Con Team allies with the Decepticons. This Longarm also turned into a crane...
, Overcast--new molds) - Lunar Assault Team (PayloadPayload (Transformers)Payload is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Payload is the muscle of the Space Mini-Con Team, but people often forget that he's considerably smarter than most other robots out there. He doesn't really let this get to him, however...
, Kobushi Scattorbrain), Decepticon redeco of Adventure Team) - Recon Team (Jolt, Reverb, Six Speed--new team)
- Sky Attack Team (Razorclaw, Axer, Sky LynxSky LynxSky Lynx is the name of several different characters in the fictional Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Sky Lynx consists of two separate components: a space shuttle that can transform into a bird-like creature , and a ground transport vehicle,...
--Decepticon redeco of Air Military Team) - Sky Terror Team (Ramjet, SunstormSunstorm (Transformers)Sunstorm is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. Sunstorm is always a Decepticon allied jet who is yellow or orange in color.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, ThrustThrust (Transformers)Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
) - Street Action Team (High Wire, SureshockSureshockSureshock is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Sureshock is one of the members of the Mini-Con Street Action Team. Sureshock lives for excitement. She combines with his Street Action Team partners to form Perceptor.More than...
, Grindor--same characters as the Armada and Energon teams) - Street Speed Team (Backtrack, Spiral, Oval--same characters as Armada team)
- SWAT Team (Anti-Blaze, CheckpointCheckpoint (Transformers)-Transformers Energon:Checkpoint was a part of an Autobot S.W.A.T. team along with Prowl who he was sold with. Checkpoint is a mainly black and white six-wheeled futuristic truck of a fictional make. He is able to 'powerlinx' with any other Powerlinx toy from Energon. His hand-held weapon is a...
, Scythe--Autobot redeco of Emergency Team)
Dreamwave Productions
Though the Mini-Cons' plight in the Dreamwave comic books was similar to the cartoon, their portrayal and actions were considerably different. Mini-Cons in the comic universe are capable of normal speech, and their origins are unexplained.Making a bid for power on a peaceful Cybertron, Megatron began raiding Mini-Con villages, capturing the inhabitants and performing cruel experiments on them to further strengthen their power-enhancing abilities, taking village head Leader-1 as his personal slave. Only four Mini-Cons were able to escape Megatron's sweep; Sparkplug and the Air Defense Team. While Megatron used only a couple of Mini-Cons to enhance his troops and take over the capital Cyber City, the four free Minis breached the Decepticon headquarters' defenses and freed the remaining captives, retreating to the Air Defense Team's junkyard base where a starship waited to take them all off-world and out of Megatron's reach. But due to a failure in the ship's engines, the ship crashed into the Earth's Moon, splitting in two, and the passengers remained inactive for centuries.
In 2010, Rad accidentally uncovered a portion of the Mini-Con ship, activating a distress beacon that sent the Decepticons and Autobots heading towards Earth. Rad, Carlos and Alexis befriended Sparkplug and the Street Action Team who were inside that portion of the ship, but soon found themselves pursued by Megatron. They managed to evade him long enough to run into the Autobots, who managed to defeat the Decepticons thanks to the intervention of the Mini-Cons Jolt, Longarm, Liftor and Rollbar. Megatron later captured the Air Defense Team, and turned them into the powerful Star Saber sword. However, the Mini-Cons were ultimately able to resist Megatron, and Megatron was forced to retreat.
Having battled Unicron in an alternate dimension, Optimus Prime returned home and immediately ordered a general Mini-Con call to arms. The Mini-Cons gathered at Arizon, Black Mesa where Over-Run revealed the existence of the Mini-Con Matrix and his plans to use it to defeat Unicron. Megatron returned the Mini-Cons his Decepticons had enslaved to further boost the numbers. Assembled at Cyber-City, Over-Run released the power of the Mini-Con Matrix and combined it with the energies of the Mini-Cons to defeat Unicron. Thus ended Armada #18.
When the comic transformed from Transformers Armada to Transformers Energon with #19 the Mini-Cons largely disappeared from the narrative. The only Mini-Con character to feature was Over-Run who has spent the intervening decade nurturing the Transformers' natural evolutionary steps - developing the Omnicons. Dreamwave's bankruptcy left the comic's overarcing plots unresolved, and whether Mini-Cons would go on to play any further roles is unknown.
Slavery and Subjugation in the mini-con mythos

Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation...
by both Autobots and Decepticons alike. Slavery is a practice that is universal across many cultures and history, and its inclusion as a theme added some depth to the overall storyline.
The initial technology that enabled Decepticons to augment their power systems required experimentation on live mini-con subjects. Such experimentation was done without informed consent
Informed consent
Informed consent is a phrase often used in law to indicate that the consent a person gives meets certain minimum standards. As a literal matter, in the absence of fraud, it is redundant. An informed consent can be said to have been given based upon a clear appreciation and understanding of the...
, minimal risk, and then enforced servitude on the part of the mini-con as he/she contributed to the power source of the Decepticon host. A mini-con can contribute his or herself to the energy systems of a Transformer willingly, but this was not the case for most, if not all, Decepticon
The Decepticons are usually depicted as the antagonists in the fictional universes of the Transformers stoyline and related comics and cartoons, and the enemies of the Autobots and the University of California Davis Aggies...
and mini-con relationships. In cartoon and comics, mini-cons are treated as slaves by Decepticons, though Autobot
Autobot, a faction of sentient robots from the planet Cybertron, are usually the main protagonists in the fictional universe of the Transformers, a collection of various toys, graphic novels, paperback books, cartoons and movies first introduced in 1984. In all but one Transformer story, the...
and mini-con relationships are referred to as partners.
In many cases, mini-cons exhibited the phenomenon of learned helplessness
Learned helplessness
Learned helplessness, as a technical term in animal psychology and related human psychology, means a condition of a human person or an animal in which it has learned to behave helplessly, even when the opportunity is restored for it to help itself by avoiding an unpleasant or harmful circumstance...
and did not resist their captors, though in other cases mini-cons actively plotted against their hosts, most notably Leader-1
Leader-1 is the name of several fictional characters from the Go-Bots, Robo Machines and Transformers toy lines in 1983. The original Leader-1 was voiced by Lou Richards in the animated Challenge of the Gobots series...
. This is not true of all mini-con Decepticon relationships however, as some reached a genuine state of mutual respect and viewed it as an actual partnership. Whether this is the psychological equivalent of the human condition "Stockholm syndrome
Stockholm syndrome
In psychology, Stockholm Syndrome is an apparently paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them...
" is unknown, as the psychological state of mini-cons is rarely addressed outside naration during the Transformers Armada comics, or assessment of mini-cons through the More than Meets the Eye biographies.
Transformers: Classics
The Transformers: Classics toyline and accompanying fiction would take the opportunity to introduce a new background for the Mini-Cons in the Generation One universe. Set in the aftermath of issue 75 of the original Marvel Comic, where Optimus PrimeOptimus Prime
Optimus Prime is a fictional character from the Transformers franchise. Prime is the leader of the autobots, a faction of transforming robots from the planet Cybertron. The autobots are constantly waging war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons...
died defeating Unicron
Unicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
, a bio presented in "Games of Deception" told that as events unfolded to their conclusion in the comics, culminating in the Decepticon ambush on Klo, the humans trapped along with the Last Autobot realised that while the Autobots needed help, the planet also needed help to recover. To this end, he used data from the newly resurrected Optimus Prime to create the Mini-Cons, with each containing part of the Last Autobot's Spark.
The Mini-Cons began their task of rebuilding the planet, but after a while dissension arose. The Mini-Cons began to wonder why they should rebuild a planet for the other Trannsformers, the same Transformers that had destroyed it in the first place, with the race eventually splitting into Autobot and Decepticon aligned factions and beginning a new war on the abandoned planet.
Transformers: Prime
Mini-Con is the name of the group of Decepticons under Soundwave's command.- Lazerbeak
- Rumble
- Frenzy
- Ravage
- Ratbat
- Makeshift
Animated series
One of the Mini-Con names, Makeshift is used for a decepticon spy who can take form of transformer in robot mode. He first disguises as WheeljackWheeljack
Wheeljack is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Wheeljack is the mechanical engineer and scientist of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His...
to open the gate to Starscream
Starscream is a fictional character in the Transformers franchise. He is one of the most prolific characters in the Transformers fictional work, appearing in almost all incarnations of the story. Starscream is usually portrayed with the same characterization...
's army so they can attack the Autobots by their base.
Lazerbeak also appears in the series as well. The others are yet to be introduced.