Hot Shot (Transformers)
Hot Shot is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes
. All are young Autobot cars.
, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team.
Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changers and has worked beside Optimus Prime for a long time. He comes across as rough and tough, but his hard exterior hides a caring, concerned nature underneath. He can manipulate fire at will.
The Takara tech spec for Artfire says his function is "Ninja Chieftan." Chief of the Spy Changers. A relative of Fire Convoy, Artfire has worked together with him for a long time. He comes across as exceptionally hard-boiled regarding duty, but in fact is very concerned for his subordinates. Artfire is able to control flames at will.
The Spy Changers
are a team of six Autobot espionage specialists, consisting of the powerful but caring Ironhide
(Ox), the speedy sniper Mirage
(Counter Arrow), the eager-for-combat trooper W.A.R.S. (Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar) (Wars), science officer Crosswise
(X-Car), tactician R.E.V. (Race Exercion Vehicle) (Eagle Killer) and their flame-manipulating leader, Hot Shot (Artfire). The team can drive over any surface, even water, in defiance of gravity, and have optical camouflage powers that render them invisible.
Hot Shot was among the Transformers appearing in the TransformersCon 2006 program comic.
. He bears several personality similarities to the Maximal
and the Generation 1 Autobot Hot Rod.
, Hot Shot is a member of Optimus Prime's Autobot Squad, partnered with the helicopter Mini-Con
Jolt. He is young and reckless dare-devil with his head as hot as his 'lifespark' is. Не is a crazy racer as well as a brave soldier; also he is very emotional and spontaneous.
Hot Shot is one who rushes into danger without regard to his own safety; it was that brash attitude that enabled Sideways to take advantage when Hot Shot got too over-confident with the Star Saber
, despite Scavenger
's warnings. He took over as Autobot Commander when Optimus was briefly destroyed, and evolved to Powerlinx Hot Shot on the way to Cybertron. Hot Shot was voiced by Brent Miller
. In Micron Legend (the Japanese version of Armada), Hot Shot was known as Hot Rod and his upgrade was called Super Mode Hot Rod; in Armada, however, his name hadn't been changed.
Originally Hot Shot was the trainer and the best friend of Wheeljack
in the early days of the war on Cybertron. In one battle Wheeljack was crippled while an inferno raged all around him. Hot Shot left to get help, but the Autobots' commander forbade him from going back. Subsequently Megatron rescued Wheeljack, and the latter, being offended with the Autobots, swore his loyalty to the Lord of the Decepticons and conceived a hatred for Hot Shot. Later, when Wheeljack arrived on Earth and joined up with Megatron's raiding party, the former friends met again, but now they became the bitterest of enemies. The two clashed, and Hot Shot only survived after Sideswipe came to the rescue.
Hot Shot and Red Alert
were with Prime when he journeyed to Earth to locate the Mini-Cons, battling Megatron and his Decepticons many times. After his acquisition of the Star Saber he battled Starscream on several occasions, defeating him in spite of the Decepticon's skill. His ego growing, Hot Shot was promptly given a humiliating lesson when Scavenger
easily defeated him, proving that without the skill to use such a weapon, Hot Shot had a long way to go. Unfortunately Hot Shot didn't learn the lesson, and the Decepticons took possession of the Star Saber.
When Starscream joined the Autobots Hot Shot was at first displeased very much with Prime's decision to admit the turncoat Decepticon to his group. He challenged Starscream to a hand-to-hand fighting, and only the appearance of Smokescreen
(now Hoist
) had stopped their brawl. From then on their relations began to improve step by step. There were some occasions when it happened that the two helped each other: for example, Starscream had saved Hot Shot when Megatron wanted to shoot him after the 'Bots warped in to the Moon Base and emancipated the Mini-Cons. But they didn't become real friends, because Hot Shot mistrusted Starscream at heart. When the Mini-Con
Race Team have disappeared from the A-Base one day, Hot Shot was the first to accuse Starscream of stealing them. However, he soon learned that he was wrong and felt the stings of remorse, but it was too late. Though Hot Shot met Starscream some more times but again as the enemy only.
Hot Shot gets to know the human allies of the Autobots (Rad, Carlos and Alexis) almost at once after his arrival on Earth, and he becomes their best friend very soon. He likes to play with them much more than to do his daily duties. He has plenty of childish traits in his own character, indeed. Though Optimus Prime is convinced of Hot Shot's ability to become a worth Autobot leader one day, it looks as if Hot Shot attaches no importance to his potential.
Events forced Hot Shot to grow up fast, however, after Optimus Prime was destroyed saving the Earth. Thrust into a leadership role Hot Shot tried his best, but all too gladly gave up the role when Prime returned. He was one of those injured by Nemesis Prime
and upgraded into a more powerful Powerlink
ing body. He then joined up with Wheeljack and Starscream again, trying to stop Thrust
and Sideways from reactivating Unicron
, failing due to Unicron's internal defenses. Trying in vain and failing to make Galvatron (a reformatted Megatron) see the truth of Unicron's threat (although this, ironically enough, made Wheeljack respect him, and went some way to repairing their friendship), Galvatron was finally convinced by Starscream's sacrifice, earning Hot Shot's respect in death. Hot Shot fought against Unicron, and was appointed leader of the Autobots along with Jetfire
when Optimus Prime went into seclusion.
In Transformers: Energon
, ten years after the end of Armada, Hot Shot "matured" (both physically and mentally), becoming an officer in Prime's inner circle. Still a yellow sports car (which resembles an Aston martin), he was given the Spark of Combination from Primus
, which allowed him to combine with other Autobots into one unit. Later in the series, he was upgraded into a silver form of the same body as Energon Hot Shot (Hot Shot Fire in Superlink, the Japanese version of Energon).
Hot Shot would be the commander of Ocean City, the Autobots' first outpost on Earth. His Powerlinking partner was Inferno
. He was idolized by Ironhide
for his heroic status after the battle with Unicron, but saw the young Autobot as too reckless and hotheaded - unable to appreciate that this was how he had been years before. Hot Shot was present for many of the battle against the Terrorcon
s (including a severe beating at the hands of the newly reborn Megatron, who tore his arm off), but it was when his former commander Rodimus arrived, having gone into seclusion years before, that Hot Shot experienced a real crisis, Rodimus had been convinced by Alpha Q that Unicron could be used as a force for good, recreating all the worlds that Unicron had destroyed, and he wanted Hot Shot to help him. Hot Shot refused as his loyalty to Optimus was too great and the two came to blows. Later the two would be reconciled after Megatron had reactivated Unicron to use as a weapon, even becoming Powerlinking partners.
Hot Shot took part in many of the battles surrounding Unicron, battling both Decepticons and Terrorcons multiple times, once again being reformatted after being nearly destroyed in an attack by Unicron. He also spent much time mentoring Ironhide into a more responsible and mature Autobot. He eventually combined his Spark
with those of all other Autobots to empower Optimus Supreme to battle a Unicron possessed Galvatron.
In the series Transformers: Cybertron
, Hot Shot is supposed to be the same character as from Armada and Energon; in Galaxy Force, the Japanese version of Cybertron, he is a completely new character called Exillion. His weapons in the series included a Grenade Rifle, Missile Launchers, Battle Dagger, and Shoulder Rifles.
When Cybertron was threatened by the Black Hole left by Unicron's destruction at the end of Energon Optimus Prime ordered the planet evacuated. Many of the inhabitants, including Hot Shot, fled to Earth, where he took the form of an Earth sports car that resembles a Chrysler ME 412. However the search for the Cyber Planet Keys soon took priority and Hot Shot, once again partnered with Red Alert, journeyed to Velocitron to search for that planet's Key. His confidence took a severe dent when he was soundly beaten in a race for the Key by the planet's leader Override. Hot Shot quickly became obsessed with beating her, to the exclusion of all else - something that did not endear him to Prime when the Autobot leader arrived. However, encouraged by the Autobots' human allies Hot Shot eventually beat Override (as well as the Decepticon contenders), winning the Key for the Autobots.
Hot Shot was involved in many of the Key battles, fighting not just the Decepticons under Megatron, but the army of ancient Decepticons gathered by Starscream. He was nearly killed by Megatron, but was reformatted by the Omega Lock into a more powerful form. Alongside Red Alert and Scattorshot he became part of the Cybertron Defense team, battling at the forefront of many of the most dangerous battles. Later they fought Soundwave
, the powered-up Starscream and Galvatron himself (a once-again recreated Megatron).
After Red Alert
, Hot Shot and Scattorshot
were nearly killed in combat with Megatron, the power of the Cyber Planet Keys was able to not only heal their wounds, but reformat the trio of Autobots into new forms based on vehicles found at the military base they were being repaired at. The three Autobots became the Cybertron Defense Team (Vanguard Team). They even try to take down Galvatron, he lost but survived.
In the episode "Unfinished", when the Autobots attempted to use a gigantic rocket to move the Animatros back into its orbit, Galvatron attacked and damaged the rocket. The jungle planet threatened to crash into Cybertron. Scourge
, the Autobots, the former Decepticons, and their allies from the various planets were able to combine their strength and move the rocket back into place.
In episode "Beginning",After the eventual defeat of Galvatron Hot Shot, along with Dirt Boss, Ransack
, Dark Crumplezone, Brakedown
and Clocker, raced in the Speedia 500 to see who would become the new leader of Velocitron after Override left to join the Space Bridge project. Hot Shot won, becoming leader of Velocitron and signifying his growth from a cocky impetuous rookie to a confident mature leader.
's Transformers: Armada
comic, Hot Shot would play a smaller role than his animated counterpart. One of the first Autobots to appear, he was unable to prevent the fall of Cyber City to the Mini-Con enhanced Decepticons. One million years later, when the signal from the escaped Mini-Cons was received, he was one of the Autobots who journeyed to Earth under Optimus Prime. Subsequently, he was involved in many of the adventures on Earth, battling Starscream and Cyclonus
, gaining Jolt as a partner, attacking Demolishor
to gain access to the Decepticon Spacebridge and searching for the Mini-Con Matrix.
It was during this last mission that he was attacked by Galvatron
, one of the Heralds of Unicron, himself searching for the Matrix. Barely escaping he and his companions made their way back to the Autobot base and tried to deal with the disappearance of Optimus Prime, only to be met with a full-scale attack by the Decepticons, with Hot Shot being easily beaten by Megatron. Presumably repaired, he, along with Red Alert
and Scavenger
took revenge on Megatron by blasting the traitorous Decepticon leader into Unicron's mouth.
In Dreamwave's Transformers: Energon comic, set ten years after Unicron's defeat, Hot Shot appeared again. One of Prime's right-hand men (and idolized by Ironhide
in this continuity as well), he was one of those who tried to hold off Unicron's four horsemen - Rhinox
, Cheetor
, Airazor and Terrorsaur
- but was nearly destroyed. Reformatted by the power of Primus
and given the Spark of Combination, he and the others were able to drive them off.
Heading to Earth to battle the Terrorcon
s, he was subsequently ordered to train the Omnicon
s, but was frustrated by their inability to listen to orders: however they did prove their worth by capturing Snow Cat
. Subsequently he was one of the defenders of Toronto
alongside Thrust
, Red Alert, Hoist
, Beachcomber and Rodimus, battling against Divebomb and a swarm of Terrorcon
clones before receiving help from a very unlikely source - Megatron, resurrected in a new body by Optimus Prime. Megatron decimated the Terrorcon invasion, leaving Hot Shot to supervise the survivors.
but before Optimus Prime's mission to start a new Space Bridge
project. In this story the Autobots from the IDW series (Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus
, Sentinel Maximus, Downshift
, Perceptor
, Alpha Trion
, Over-Run, Anti-Blaze, Checkpoint
and Scythe) meet the Autobots from the animated series (Cybertron Optimus Prime, Jetfire
, Override, Scattorshot
, Red Alert
, Hot Shot, Lori, Bud and Coby Hansen) and thank each other and remembering those who were lost in the battles.
A Deluxe sized mold. This toy was redecoed into Timelines Dion
in the episode "Transwarped". His leg was badly damaged in battle, prompting Red Alert to have it amputated, much to Hot Shot's chagrin though she assured him he'll get a replacement part. However after Red Alert is disposed of by Spittor, Hot Shot was in a state shock as his team were taken out. He is later present when Sentinel Prime returns to Cybertron.
version of Transformers: War for Cybertron
. He resembles Generation 1 Hot Rod
with the concept art done by Hasbro artist Marcelo Matere identifies him as Rodimus and shares many of of his traits and personality. According to Aaron Archer
at the BotCon 2010 Activision panel Hot Rod is credited as Hot Shot due to Hot Rod
being an unprotectable name.
on missions. Somehow, he became corrupted by Dark Energon. If the player manages to defeat him, he calms down, shrugging off the effects of the Dark Energon and returning to his regular self.
Transformers universes
is an entertainment franchise. It began with the Hasbro Transformers toy line, centered on two factions of warring alien robots which are called the Autobots and the Decepticons...
. All are young Autobot cars.
Transformers: Robots in Disguise
In Transformers: Robots in DisguiseTransformers: Robots in Disguise
Transformers: Robots in Disguise, known in Japan as , is a Japanese anime television series and serves as a self-contained universe separate from any of the other existing Transformers universes...
, Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changer team.
Hot Shot is the leader of the Spy Changers and has worked beside Optimus Prime for a long time. He comes across as rough and tough, but his hard exterior hides a caring, concerned nature underneath. He can manipulate fire at will.
The Takara tech spec for Artfire says his function is "Ninja Chieftan." Chief of the Spy Changers. A relative of Fire Convoy, Artfire has worked together with him for a long time. He comes across as exceptionally hard-boiled regarding duty, but in fact is very concerned for his subordinates. Artfire is able to control flames at will.
The Spy Changers
Spy Changers
Spy Changers are a sub-line of toys/characters which first appeared in the 2000-2001 Transformers Robots in Disguise toy line. All 6 molds were originally produced as the Transformers: Generation 2 line's Go-Bots in 1995...
are a team of six Autobot espionage specialists, consisting of the powerful but caring Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
(Ox), the speedy sniper Mirage
Mirage (Transformers)
Mirage is any of several distinct fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Mirage is one of the single most re-used names in the Transformers series, and is almost entirely synonymous with characters possessing Formula One racing car alternate modes.-Transformers Generation 1:Some...
(Counter Arrow), the eager-for-combat trooper W.A.R.S. (Wicked Attack Recon Sportscar) (Wars), science officer Crosswise
-Transformers: Robots in Disguise:Crosswise was the name of one of the Autobot Spy Changers. He is the science officer of the Spy Changers....
(X-Car), tactician R.E.V. (Race Exercion Vehicle) (Eagle Killer) and their flame-manipulating leader, Hot Shot (Artfire). The team can drive over any surface, even water, in defiance of gravity, and have optical camouflage powers that render them invisible.
Animated series
In the television series, the Spy Changers received little characterization - usually acting in a group to attack or perform whatever mission they had been assigned.Convention comics

- Car Robots Artfire
- Most of the molds of the Spy Changers are based on those created for the Go-Bots line of Transformers seen in Generation Two. The mold used for Hot Shot was previously used for Go-Bots Blowout, Megatron and FrenzyFrenzy (Transformers)Frenzy is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. Wired Magazine once nominated him as one 12 most ridiculous Transformers of all time.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
.- Car Robots Artfire redeco
- Robots in Disguise Hot Shot
- Robots in Disguise Hot Shot redeco
Transformers: Armada
The second character called Hot Shot by Hasbro appeared in the Armada, Energon and Cybertron lines. Although seemingly two different, but similar, characters by Takara, he was portrayed as a single evolving character when Hasbro made Cybertron part of their Unicron TrilogyUnicron Trilogy
The Unicron Trilogy is a series of television programs, comic books, and toy franchises in the Transformers maxi-series. It deals with the approach of the Transformer chaos-bringer Unicron and the aftermath of his destruction...
. He bears several personality similarities to the Maximal
Maximal may refer to:*Maximal element, a mathematical definition*Maximal , a faction of Transformers*Maximalism, an artistic style*Maximal set*Maxim , a men's magazine marketed as Maximal in several countriesSee also...
Rattrap is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers toyline that appeared in the Beast Wars and Beast Machines series. He is a Maximal and takes the beast form of a rat.-Beast Wars:...
and the Generation 1 Autobot Hot Rod.
Animated series
In Transformers: ArmadaTransformers: Armada
Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as , is a Transformers animated series, comic series and toy line which ran from 2002–2003. It was originally scheduled for 2001, however was delayed until early-2002...
, Hot Shot is a member of Optimus Prime's Autobot Squad, partnered with the helicopter Mini-Con
Mini-Cons are a human-sized race and faction of power-enhancing transforming robots in the Transformers: Armada universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes in Transformers fiction...
Jolt. He is young and reckless dare-devil with his head as hot as his 'lifespark' is. Не is a crazy racer as well as a brave soldier; also he is very emotional and spontaneous.
Hot Shot is one who rushes into danger without regard to his own safety; it was that brash attitude that enabled Sideways to take advantage when Hot Shot got too over-confident with the Star Saber
Star Saber
Star Saber is the name of several fictional characters and also a legendary weapon in the Transformers toyline. He is the protagonist in the Japanese exclusive series Transformers: Victory.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, despite Scavenger
Scavenger (Transformers)
Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Scavenger is usually depicted as a villain who turns into a construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
's warnings. He took over as Autobot Commander when Optimus was briefly destroyed, and evolved to Powerlinx Hot Shot on the way to Cybertron. Hot Shot was voiced by Brent Miller
Brent Miller
Brent Miller is a Canadian voice actor who works for Ocean Studios in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He has played several roles in anime, most notably Sting Oakley in Gundam Seed Destiny...
. In Micron Legend (the Japanese version of Armada), Hot Shot was known as Hot Rod and his upgrade was called Super Mode Hot Rod; in Armada, however, his name hadn't been changed.
Originally Hot Shot was the trainer and the best friend of Wheeljack
Wheeljack is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Wheeljack is the mechanical engineer and scientist of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His...
in the early days of the war on Cybertron. In one battle Wheeljack was crippled while an inferno raged all around him. Hot Shot left to get help, but the Autobots' commander forbade him from going back. Subsequently Megatron rescued Wheeljack, and the latter, being offended with the Autobots, swore his loyalty to the Lord of the Decepticons and conceived a hatred for Hot Shot. Later, when Wheeljack arrived on Earth and joined up with Megatron's raiding party, the former friends met again, but now they became the bitterest of enemies. The two clashed, and Hot Shot only survived after Sideswipe came to the rescue.
Hot Shot and Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
were with Prime when he journeyed to Earth to locate the Mini-Cons, battling Megatron and his Decepticons many times. After his acquisition of the Star Saber he battled Starscream on several occasions, defeating him in spite of the Decepticon's skill. His ego growing, Hot Shot was promptly given a humiliating lesson when Scavenger
Scavenger (Transformers)
Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Scavenger is usually depicted as a villain who turns into a construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
easily defeated him, proving that without the skill to use such a weapon, Hot Shot had a long way to go. Unfortunately Hot Shot didn't learn the lesson, and the Decepticons took possession of the Star Saber.
When Starscream joined the Autobots Hot Shot was at first displeased very much with Prime's decision to admit the turncoat Decepticon to his group. He challenged Starscream to a hand-to-hand fighting, and only the appearance of Smokescreen
Smokescreen (Transformers)
Smokescreen is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Smokescreen is one of the second year Autobot Cars in the Transformers series. His toy was remolded from Prowl and Bluestreak, itself originating from an earlier Japanese line...
(now Hoist
Hoist may refer to:*Hoist , a machine for lifting loads*hoist controller, a machine for raising and lowering goods or personnel by means of a cable*Hydraulic hooklift hoist, another machine* Hoist , another machine...
) had stopped their brawl. From then on their relations began to improve step by step. There were some occasions when it happened that the two helped each other: for example, Starscream had saved Hot Shot when Megatron wanted to shoot him after the 'Bots warped in to the Moon Base and emancipated the Mini-Cons. But they didn't become real friends, because Hot Shot mistrusted Starscream at heart. When the Mini-Con
Mini-Cons are a human-sized race and faction of power-enhancing transforming robots in the Transformers: Armada universe and its sequels, one of the assorted universes in Transformers fiction...
Race Team have disappeared from the A-Base one day, Hot Shot was the first to accuse Starscream of stealing them. However, he soon learned that he was wrong and felt the stings of remorse, but it was too late. Though Hot Shot met Starscream some more times but again as the enemy only.
Hot Shot gets to know the human allies of the Autobots (Rad, Carlos and Alexis) almost at once after his arrival on Earth, and he becomes their best friend very soon. He likes to play with them much more than to do his daily duties. He has plenty of childish traits in his own character, indeed. Though Optimus Prime is convinced of Hot Shot's ability to become a worth Autobot leader one day, it looks as if Hot Shot attaches no importance to his potential.
Events forced Hot Shot to grow up fast, however, after Optimus Prime was destroyed saving the Earth. Thrust into a leadership role Hot Shot tried his best, but all too gladly gave up the role when Prime returned. He was one of those injured by Nemesis Prime
Nemesis Prime
Nemesis Prime is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers storyline. He is often depicted as an evil incarnation of Optimus Prime.-Transformers: Armada:...
and upgraded into a more powerful Powerlink
Powerlink is a term from Transformers Armada and Transformers Energon that refers to a combination between two or more Transformers, or a Transformer and a robotic object.-Transformers: Armada:...
ing body. He then joined up with Wheeljack and Starscream again, trying to stop Thrust
Thrust (Transformers)
Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
and Sideways from reactivating Unicron
Unicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie as the film's main antagonist. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also...
, failing due to Unicron's internal defenses. Trying in vain and failing to make Galvatron (a reformatted Megatron) see the truth of Unicron's threat (although this, ironically enough, made Wheeljack respect him, and went some way to repairing their friendship), Galvatron was finally convinced by Starscream's sacrifice, earning Hot Shot's respect in death. Hot Shot fought against Unicron, and was appointed leader of the Autobots along with Jetfire
Jetfire is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. He is nearly always depicted as an Autobot with jet or space shuttle alternate mode.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
when Optimus Prime went into seclusion.
In Transformers: Energon
Transformers: Energon
Transformers: Energon, known in Japan as , is the 2004–2005 Transformers toyline, animated series and comic book series, another co-production between Hasbro and Takara and a direct sequel to Transformers: Armada...
, ten years after the end of Armada, Hot Shot "matured" (both physically and mentally), becoming an officer in Prime's inner circle. Still a yellow sports car (which resembles an Aston martin), he was given the Spark of Combination from Primus
Primus (Transformers)
Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron.-Primus and Unicron:...
, which allowed him to combine with other Autobots into one unit. Later in the series, he was upgraded into a silver form of the same body as Energon Hot Shot (Hot Shot Fire in Superlink, the Japanese version of Energon).
Hot Shot would be the commander of Ocean City, the Autobots' first outpost on Earth. His Powerlinking partner was Inferno
Inferno (Transformers)
Inferno is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes. Despite having different alternate modes, the character name has been most associated with the form of a fire engine.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
. He was idolized by Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
for his heroic status after the battle with Unicron, but saw the young Autobot as too reckless and hotheaded - unable to appreciate that this was how he had been years before. Hot Shot was present for many of the battle against the Terrorcon
The name Terrorcons refers to several different groups in the Transformers toyline. They are referred to as Terrortrons in Japan.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
s (including a severe beating at the hands of the newly reborn Megatron, who tore his arm off), but it was when his former commander Rodimus arrived, having gone into seclusion years before, that Hot Shot experienced a real crisis, Rodimus had been convinced by Alpha Q that Unicron could be used as a force for good, recreating all the worlds that Unicron had destroyed, and he wanted Hot Shot to help him. Hot Shot refused as his loyalty to Optimus was too great and the two came to blows. Later the two would be reconciled after Megatron had reactivated Unicron to use as a weapon, even becoming Powerlinking partners.
Hot Shot took part in many of the battles surrounding Unicron, battling both Decepticons and Terrorcons multiple times, once again being reformatted after being nearly destroyed in an attack by Unicron. He also spent much time mentoring Ironhide into a more responsible and mature Autobot. He eventually combined his Spark
Spark (Transformers)
Spark can refer to several objects in the fictional Transformers universe. A spark is usually the "soul" of a Transformer. It is also the name of several Transformers characters. An AllSpark is a term for two different objects within the Transformers media franchise. In the Beast Machines...
with those of all other Autobots to empower Optimus Supreme to battle a Unicron possessed Galvatron.
In the series Transformers: Cybertron
Transformers: Cybertron
Transformers: Cybertron, known in Japan originally as , is the 2005-2007 Transformers toy line and animated series, another co-production between Hasbro and Takara...
, Hot Shot is supposed to be the same character as from Armada and Energon; in Galaxy Force, the Japanese version of Cybertron, he is a completely new character called Exillion. His weapons in the series included a Grenade Rifle, Missile Launchers, Battle Dagger, and Shoulder Rifles.
When Cybertron was threatened by the Black Hole left by Unicron's destruction at the end of Energon Optimus Prime ordered the planet evacuated. Many of the inhabitants, including Hot Shot, fled to Earth, where he took the form of an Earth sports car that resembles a Chrysler ME 412. However the search for the Cyber Planet Keys soon took priority and Hot Shot, once again partnered with Red Alert, journeyed to Velocitron to search for that planet's Key. His confidence took a severe dent when he was soundly beaten in a race for the Key by the planet's leader Override. Hot Shot quickly became obsessed with beating her, to the exclusion of all else - something that did not endear him to Prime when the Autobot leader arrived. However, encouraged by the Autobots' human allies Hot Shot eventually beat Override (as well as the Decepticon contenders), winning the Key for the Autobots.
Hot Shot was involved in many of the Key battles, fighting not just the Decepticons under Megatron, but the army of ancient Decepticons gathered by Starscream. He was nearly killed by Megatron, but was reformatted by the Omega Lock into a more powerful form. Alongside Red Alert and Scattorshot he became part of the Cybertron Defense team, battling at the forefront of many of the most dangerous battles. Later they fought Soundwave
Soundwave (Transformers)
Soundwave is the name of several characters in the various series Transformers series. His most famous disguise is that of a microcassette recorder and has an iconic voice done by a vocoder.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, the powered-up Starscream and Galvatron himself (a once-again recreated Megatron).
After Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
, Hot Shot and Scattorshot
Scattorshot is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Initially spelled "Scattershot" it is believed that Hasbro changed the spelling for the character to more easily trademark the name.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
were nearly killed in combat with Megatron, the power of the Cyber Planet Keys was able to not only heal their wounds, but reformat the trio of Autobots into new forms based on vehicles found at the military base they were being repaired at. The three Autobots became the Cybertron Defense Team (Vanguard Team). They even try to take down Galvatron, he lost but survived.
In the episode "Unfinished", when the Autobots attempted to use a gigantic rocket to move the Animatros back into its orbit, Galvatron attacked and damaged the rocket. The jungle planet threatened to crash into Cybertron. Scourge
Scourge (Transformers)
Scourge is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers series. He first appeared as one of the central villains in the 1986 film The Transformers, voiced by Stan Jones. He also regularly appeared in the animated Transformers series and Transformers comic books. Since then other...
, the Autobots, the former Decepticons, and their allies from the various planets were able to combine their strength and move the rocket back into place.
In episode "Beginning",After the eventual defeat of Galvatron Hot Shot, along with Dirt Boss, Ransack
Ransack is the name of several fictional characters in the universe of the Transformers series. Ransack was first created in 1985 as one of the Insecticons...
, Dark Crumplezone, Brakedown
Brakedown is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers: Cybertron series. They should not be confused with Breakdown, a Decepticon from the Generation 1 toy line and fiction, who was a member of the Stunticons....
and Clocker, raced in the Speedia 500 to see who would become the new leader of Velocitron after Override left to join the Space Bridge project. Hot Shot won, becoming leader of Velocitron and signifying his growth from a cocky impetuous rookie to a confident mature leader.
Dreamwave Productions
In DreamwaveDreamwave Productions
Dreamwave Productions was a Canadian art design studio and comic book publisher founded in 1996 and is best known for their multiple Transformers comic book series...
's Transformers: Armada
Transformers: Armada (comics)
Transformers: Armada spawned at least three different comic book titles, the first being a mini-comic supplied with the toys, coming in various languages, that told small side stories relating to the premise, and eventually began leading into the Unicron Battles....
comic, Hot Shot would play a smaller role than his animated counterpart. One of the first Autobots to appear, he was unable to prevent the fall of Cyber City to the Mini-Con enhanced Decepticons. One million years later, when the signal from the escaped Mini-Cons was received, he was one of the Autobots who journeyed to Earth under Optimus Prime. Subsequently, he was involved in many of the adventures on Earth, battling Starscream and Cyclonus
Cyclonus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:The tech spec from the box art of the Cyclonus toy describes him as a compassionless Decepticon air warrior and saboteur...
, gaining Jolt as a partner, attacking Demolishor
Demolishor is the name of several different fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Armada:Demolishor is one of the earliest created Decepticons of the toyline; and in the storyline, also one of the first to come to Earth from his homeworld - the fictional planet...
to gain access to the Decepticon Spacebridge and searching for the Mini-Con Matrix.
It was during this last mission that he was attacked by Galvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
, one of the Heralds of Unicron, himself searching for the Matrix. Barely escaping he and his companions made their way back to the Autobot base and tried to deal with the disappearance of Optimus Prime, only to be met with a full-scale attack by the Decepticons, with Hot Shot being easily beaten by Megatron. Presumably repaired, he, along with Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
and Scavenger
Scavenger (Transformers)
Scavenger is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Scavenger is usually depicted as a villain who turns into a construction vehicle.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
took revenge on Megatron by blasting the traitorous Decepticon leader into Unicron's mouth.
In Dreamwave's Transformers: Energon comic, set ten years after Unicron's defeat, Hot Shot appeared again. One of Prime's right-hand men (and idolized by Ironhide
Ironhide is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
in this continuity as well), he was one of those who tried to hold off Unicron's four horsemen - Rhinox
Rhinox is the name of three fictional characters from various Transformers universes.-Beast Wars:Rhinox's character in the Beast Wars television series is very different from how the toy was depicted. As one of the first year toys, the toy of Rhinox was created before the television series came...
, Cheetor
Cheetor is several fictional characters from various Transformers universes.- Beast Wars :Cheetor's original tech spec indicated he was a seasoned and confident warrior always in search of battle with the Predacons, seemingly in contrast to his youthful and impulsive portrayal in the original show...
, Airazor and Terrorsaur
Terrorsaur is the name of several fictional characters from the world of Transformers universes.Terror-Saur is an amalgamate of terror and saur .-Beast Wars:...
- but was nearly destroyed. Reformatted by the power of Primus
Primus (Transformers)
Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. The Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron.-Primus and Unicron:...
and given the Spark of Combination, he and the others were able to drive them off.
Heading to Earth to battle the Terrorcon
The name Terrorcons refers to several different groups in the Transformers toyline. They are referred to as Terrortrons in Japan.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
s, he was subsequently ordered to train the Omnicon
-Transformers: Energon:Omnicons were a main group of characters Transformers: Energon series allied with the Autobots. They were opposition of to the Decepticon allied Terrorcons.The Omnicons include:...
s, but was frustrated by their inability to listen to orders: however they did prove their worth by capturing Snow Cat
Cyclonus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:The tech spec from the box art of the Cyclonus toy describes him as a compassionless Decepticon air warrior and saboteur...
. Subsequently he was one of the defenders of Toronto
Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. A relatively modern city, Toronto's history dates back to the late-18th century, when its land was first purchased by the British monarchy from...
alongside Thrust
Thrust (Transformers)
Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. The original character was an evil red Decepticon jet, with most of the following character using the name Thrust being a variation on that concept...
, Red Alert, Hoist
Hoist (Transformers)
-Transformers: Generation 1:In the original Transformers toy line, Hoist is an Autobot who functions as a repairman for the team, keeping them to a tight maintenance schedule. Hoist is confident and sometimes rash, brave, tough and loyal. He transforms into a green tow truck...
, Beachcomber and Rodimus, battling against Divebomb and a swarm of Terrorcon
The name Terrorcons refers to several different groups in the Transformers toyline. They are referred to as Terrortrons in Japan.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
clones before receiving help from a very unlikely source - Megatron, resurrected in a new body by Optimus Prime. Megatron decimated the Terrorcon invasion, leaving Hot Shot to supervise the survivors.
IDW Publishing
IDW's Transformers Collectors Club exclusive comic story, Revelations part 6, is set after the defeat of GalvatronGalvatron
Galvatron is the name of several fictional Transformers, most often the recreated version of Megatron, the Decepticon leader. He was voiced by Leonard Nimoy in the 1986 Transformers movie, and then by Frank Welker in season 3 and 4 of the animated television series. Since then, other Transformers...
but before Optimus Prime's mission to start a new Space Bridge
Space Bridge
In Marvel Comics' Transformers comic and cartoon, the Space Bridge is a device used by the Decepticons to travel between different planets, usually between Cybertron and Earth.-Generation One:...
project. In this story the Autobots from the IDW series (Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus
Ultra Magnus is the name of several fictional characters from the various Transformers storylines.-Transformers: Generation 1:The greatest Transformer of them all. A commander could want no finer a soldier than Ultra Magnus...
, Sentinel Maximus, Downshift
Not to be confused with Downshifting, the social trend.Downshift is the name of three fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:This Autobot's function is Security Agent, and he transformed into a white Toyota Supra...
, Perceptor
Perceptor is the name of several different fictional characters in the Transformers universes.-Transformers: Generation 1:Perceptor transforms into a microscope ....
, Alpha Trion
Alpha Trion
Alpha Trion is a fictional character in the various Transformers universes. Alpha Trion is one of the Thirteen Primes, thus all his portrayals are considered to be the same individual. He is generally depicted as an ancient mechanoid with a link to Optimus Prime...
, Over-Run, Anti-Blaze, Checkpoint
Checkpoint (Transformers)
-Transformers Energon:Checkpoint was a part of an Autobot S.W.A.T. team along with Prowl who he was sold with. Checkpoint is a mainly black and white six-wheeled futuristic truck of a fictional make. He is able to 'powerlinx' with any other Powerlinx toy from Energon. His hand-held weapon is a...
and Scythe) meet the Autobots from the animated series (Cybertron Optimus Prime, Jetfire
Jetfire is the name of several fictional characters from the Transformers universes. He is nearly always depicted as an Autobot with jet or space shuttle alternate mode.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Override, Scattorshot
Scattorshot is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Initially spelled "Scattershot" it is believed that Hasbro changed the spelling for the character to more easily trademark the name.-Transformers: Generation 1:...
, Red Alert
Red Alert (Transformers)
Red Alert is the name of several characters in the various fictional Transformers universes.- Transformers Generation 1:Red Alert is the Autobot security director. He has enhanced senses and is usually depicted as a friend of the Autobot Inferno.- Marvel Comics :Red Alert did not appear in the U.S...
, Hot Shot, Lori, Bud and Coby Hansen) and thank each other and remembering those who were lost in the battles.
Video games
Hot Shot is among the characters appearing in the 2004 Transformers video game for the PlaystationPlayStation
The is a 32-bit fifth-generation video game console first released by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, .The PlayStation was the first of the PlayStation series of consoles and handheld game devices. The PlayStation 2 was the console's successor in 2000...
- Armada Deluxe Hot Shot (2002)
- A yellow car partnered with the Mini-Con Jolt. According to the Armada video game Armada Hot Shot is supposed to be 16 feet 5 inches tall and his toy is 13cm tall. That's a scale of 1:36.
- There were plans to release a repaint of Armada Hot Shot called Smokescreen with Mini-Con Jolt, a homage to Generation One Smokescreen in the Universe line. Although prototypes were seen, the toy was never released.
- Armada McDonalds Hot Shot (2002)
- A small version of Hot Shot given away as a prize in Happy MealHappy MealA "Happy Meal" is a meal specifically marketed at children, sold at the fast-food chain McDonald's since June 1979. A toy is typically included with the food, both of which are usually contained in a small box or paper bag with the McDonald's logo....
s. Can combine with Armada McDonalds Optimus Prime, Red Alert and Smokescreen to form a rather awkward looking robot.- Armada Built To Rule Hot Shot (2003)
- Energon Hot Shot (2004)
- Can powerlinx with similar Autobots.
- Energon Energon Hot Shot (2004)
- A silver redeco of Energon Hot Shot.

- Cybertron Hot Shot (2005)
- The toy of Hot Shot was sold by itself and with the Mini-Con MirageMirage (Transformers)Mirage is any of several distinct fictional characters in the various Transformers series. Mirage is one of the single most re-used names in the Transformers series, and is almost entirely synonymous with characters possessing Formula One racing car alternate modes.-Transformers Generation 1:Some...
as a promotion at Wal-MartWal-MartWal-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Walmart since 2008 and Wal-Mart before then, is an American public multinational corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. The company is the world's 18th largest public corporation, according to the Forbes Global 2000...
. This toy is 14 centimeters long, while a real Chrysler ME 412 is 454 centimeters long. This gives the toy a scale of 1/32. The robot mode would stand about 14 feet 11 inches. - In 2006 a Target store exclusive two-pack called the Drag Race Pack included Cybertron Hot Shot and Override. The tech spec provided indicated that after he came to the Speed Planet he took an immediate liking to Override's private race course. He doesn't even mind losing on it, so long as he can just enjoy its intricacies.
- Like most toys sold in the Galaxy Force toy line by Takara, then later in the Cybertron toy line by Hasbro, there are small paint differences between the two versions of the toy. The Hasbro version has a code number on the back of his Cyber Key, while the Takara version has no number on his Force Chip.
- Galaxy Force Exillion Red (2005)
- In the Galaxy Force toyline, a red version of Exillion was released in limited numbers in 2005. A second red version, this time with darker red tires, was also sold with a Japanese Galaxy Force DVD. In the Cybertron toyline, a third red version was released under the name Excellion in 2006. With red, and orange as the principle colors, all three were created as an homage to Hot Rod.

- Cybertron Legends Hot Shot (2005)
- There was also a micro-sized version of the Cybertron Hot Shot toy sold. This toy was done at a scale of about 1:61 from the actual car. This toy was later redecoed into Classic Legends Bumblebee.
- Cybertron Legends Hot Shot (redeco)
- A redeco of the Legends Hot Shot was released in the colors of Cybertron Excellion, but the packaging still clearly identified him Hot Shot.
- Cybertron Cybertron Defense Hot Shot (2006)
- An upgraded version of Hot Shot which turns into an armored vehicle. His Hasbro tech spec indicates that while unhappy at losing his car mode during his reformatting he considers it a necessary sacrifice, having learned that speed isn't everything. Now he relies on his immense heavy weaponry in battle - and if that fails then he's only too happy to go blade-to-blade with his foes, using the new skills BrakedownBrakedownBrakedown is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers: Cybertron series. They should not be confused with Breakdown, a Decepticon from the Generation 1 toy line and fiction, who was a member of the Stunticons....
taught him. The Cyber Key info on the Hasbro website indicates he has even found ways to incorporate his weaponry into his death-defying maneuvers, using his missile launchers as makeshift boosters and his grenade launchers to cushion his descent.- Universe Deluxe Hot Shot with Jolt (2009)
A Deluxe sized mold. This toy was redecoed into Timelines Dion
Dion (Transformers)
Dion is a fictional character from the Transformers series. He is a dock worker from the planet Cybertron and good friend to Orion Pax, who would later become the legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime.- Animated series :...
Transformers Animated
In the Transformers Animated continuity, Hot Shot was the original name for the character that would become Bumblebee. The name change was apparently due to Bumblebee's appearance in the 2007 film. He is part of Rodimus's team. In battle, he can activate flamethrowers on his arms, whose flames can burn hot enough to ignite Decepticon energy bolts.Animated series
A newer imaging of the character, an update to his Armada form, appeared in season 3. He appeared fighting Decepticons who were attempting to take an Autobot Space BridgeSpace Bridge
In Marvel Comics' Transformers comic and cartoon, the Space Bridge is a device used by the Decepticons to travel between different planets, usually between Cybertron and Earth.-Generation One:...
in the episode "Transwarped". His leg was badly damaged in battle, prompting Red Alert to have it amputated, much to Hot Shot's chagrin though she assured him he'll get a replacement part. However after Red Alert is disposed of by Spittor, Hot Shot was in a state shock as his team were taken out. He is later present when Sentinel Prime returns to Cybertron.
Fun Publications
Hot Shot's biography was printed in issue #24 of the Transformers Collectors Club magazine.Transformers: Prime
Hot Shot appears as an unlockable character in the Nintendo DSNintendo DS
The is a portable game console produced by Nintendo, first released on November 21, 2004. A distinctive feature of the system is the presence of two separate LCD screens, the lower of which is a touchscreen, encompassed within a clamshell design, similar to the Game Boy Advance SP...
version of Transformers: War for Cybertron
Transformers: War for Cybertron (Nintendo DS)
Transformers: War for Cybertron - Autobots and Transformers: War for Cybertron - Decepticons are the Nintendo DS iterations of Transformers: War for Cybertron These versions have different gameplay from the console versions but retain most of the features from previous Transformers DS games, such...
. He resembles Generation 1 Hot Rod
Rodimus is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes. Rodimus is a young Autobot and succesor to Optimus Prime. He was formerly known as Hot Rod, but was reformatted as Rodimus Prime by the Matrix of Leadership and became the leader of the Autobots...
with the concept art done by Hasbro artist Marcelo Matere identifies him as Rodimus and shares many of of his traits and personality. According to Aaron Archer
Aaron Archer
Aaron C. Archer is a toy designer for the Hasbro toy company from 1995 onwards. Archer has worked on toy lines including Batman, Star Wars, and Alien Resurrection, amongst others. Archer's earliest Transformers work were designs for the later Beast Wars toys, including Transmetal 2 Megatron,...
at the BotCon 2010 Activision panel Hot Rod is credited as Hot Shot due to Hot Rod
Hot rod
Hot rods are typically American cars with large engines modified for linear speed. The origin of the term "hot rod" is unclear. One explanation is that the term is a contraction of "hot roadster," meaning a roadster that was modified for speed. Another possible origin includes modifications to or...
being an unprotectable name.
Video games
Hot Shot/Rodimus can be unlocked by beating "Dam 6" in Arena Mode. Hot Shot is described as being young, impetuous, showing enthusiasm and confidence which borders on arrogance. He boldly claims that he has both skill and looks, though he is not too keen being paired with KupKup
Kup is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers universe. All are older Autobots who are members of the Elite Guard. Wired Magazine once nominated him as one 12 most ridiculous Transformers of all time...
on missions. Somehow, he became corrupted by Dark Energon. If the player manages to defeat him, he calms down, shrugging off the effects of the Dark Energon and returning to his regular self.