Ignacio Martín-Baró
Ignacio Martín-Baró, S.J. (Valladolid
, Castilla y Leon, Spain
, November 7, 1942 – San Salvador
, El Salvador
, November 16, 1989) was a scholar, social psychologist
, philosopher and Jesuit
. Martín-Baró was a close friend and colleague of the scholars Ignacio Ellacuría
and Segundo Montes
, all of whom were murdered by the Salvadoran Army
, along with three other colleagues and two employees (see The murdered scholars of UCA).
of the Society of Jesus in Orduña
, Spain
, on September 28, 1959. Shortly after, he was transferred to the novitiate of Villagarcía and then sent to Central America
, where he completed his second year in the novitiate of the Society of Jesus.
At the end of September 1961, he began his studies in classical humanities
at the Catholic University in Quito
. On graduating, he travelled to Bogotá
, where he studied philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, run by the Jesuits. In 1964 he received his bachelor's degree
in philosophy
and in 1965 his licentiate
(licenciatura) in philosophy and literature
. In 1966 he returned to El Salvador, where he got a job as a teacher and academic coordinator at the Externado San José
. In 1967, he started teaching at the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA).
He travelled to Frankfurt
in 1967 to study theology
. Returning to San Salvador to continue his studies, he obtained his bachelor's degree from Eegenhoven, Belgium
in 1970. He then began studying psychology
at UCA, where he was also lecturer. In 1975 he completed his licentiate in psychology.
In 1971 and 1972 he taught psychology in the National Nursing Academy in Santa Ana
. Later he was Dean
of Student
s between 1972 and 1975, and a member of the University Board, at UCA. From 1971 until 1974 he was head of the editorial board
of the academic journal
Estudios Centroamericanos (ECA).
In 1977 he earned a master's degree
in social sciences
from the University of Chicago
and two years later, in 1979, a Ph.D.
in social and organisational psychology
from the same institution. In his master's thesis
, he discussed social attitudes
and group conflict
in El Salvador, a theme which he continued in his doctoral dissertation which focussed on population density
of the lowest social class
es in El Salvador.
On completing his studies he returned to San Salvador, where he lectured in psychology at UCA. By 1981 he was Academic Vice-Rector
and member of the Board of Directors. In 1982 he became head of the psychology department. In 1986 he founded and directed the University Institute of Public Opinion, IUDOP. In 1989, the academic vice-rector's office was split in two and Martín-Baró became director of post-graduate
studies and research
He was a member of the Editorial Board of UCA Editores and Estudios Centroamericanos (ECA), the Salvadoran Journal of Psychology and the Costa Rica
n magazine Polémica. He was a visiting professor
at the Central University of Venezuela
, the Universidad del Zulia in Maracaibo
, the University of Puerto Rico
, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá
, Universidad Complutense in Madrid
and Universidad de Costa Rica in San José
. He was a member of the American Psychological Association
as well as the Salvadoran Psychological Association. He was the vice-president of the Mesoamerican division of the Interamerican Psychological Society.
Martín-Baró published eleven books and a long list of cultural
and scientific
articles, in various Latin America
n and North America
n academic journals and magazines
In his writings and lecture
s he rejected the idea of universal, impartial psychology, and developed a psychology that was critically committed with the projects for alternative societies that existed in Latin America. For him, the psychical situation of individuals could either be an abnormal reaction to normal circumstances, or a normal reaction to abnormal conditions.
For Martín-Baró, the solution to mental health
problems in societies characterised by oppression
, where "normal abnormality" prevails, is the transformation of society to transcend the historical reality of oppression. Psychologists cannot ignore the influence that difficult contexts have on mental health. Furthermore, if they do, then they become accomplices to the social injustices (or abnormalities) that may have caused these mental health problems.
He integrated diverse theories
, and was so convinced of the benefits to be gained by the "de-ideologising" potential of social psychology, that he openly questioned the theoretical models of mainstream
psychology. He considered these models inadequate to address the effects of the structural violence
that prevailed in El Salvador.
His work inspired the development of liberation psychology
in Latin America and community psychology
throughout the world.
"It is clear that no one is going to return to the imprisoned dissident his youth; to the young woman who has been raped her innocence; to the person who has been tortured his or her integrity. Nobody is going to return the dead and the disappeared to their families. What can and must be publicly restored [are] the victims’ names and their dignity, through a formal recognition of the injustice of what has occurred, and, wherever possible, material reparation. . . . Those who clamour for social reparation are not asking for vengeance. Nor are they blindly adding difficulties to a historical process that is already by no means easy. On the contrary, they are promoting the personal and social viability of a new society, truly democratic."
"...the major dimensions along which Martín-Baró's work developed: political psychology, war and trauma, and "de-ideologizing" reality... his contributions to social psychology as well as his intense involvement in the social reality of his adoptive country, El Salvador... is required reading for psychologists seeking a more critical psychology—one that takes responsibility for its social position and privilege, and challenges the status quo. It is an equally important resource for those who seek ideas and examples for developing "indigenous psychology" from the base of marginalized people's lives, in coalition with them". M. Brinton Lykes, World Psychology
- La muerte como problema filosófico (a). ECA 21, 212, 7-12.
- Miguel A. Sholojov, Premio Nobel de Literatura (b). ECA 21, 212, 15-16.
- Un extraño remedio para la homosexualidad: su legalización (c). ECA 21, 213, 54.
- Pablo Antonio Cuadra, tierra y luz nicaragüense (d). ECA 21, 215, 93-95.
- La forja de rebeldes (e). ECA 21, 221, 287-88.
- La figura del año (a). ECA 22,224, 369-70.
- Rubén Darío, entrevisto (b). ECA 22, 226, 444-45.
- ¿Quién le teme a James Bond? (c). ECA 22, 227, 511-12.
- El pulso del tiempo; guerrilleros y hippies, blow up (a). ECA 23, 234. 25-26.
- El complejo de macho o el "machismo" (b). ECA 23, 235, 38-42. Rpt. 1970, ECA 25, 267, 677-683.
- Propaganda: deseducación social (c). ECA 23, 243, 367-373.
- Psicología de la caricia. ECA, 25, 264, 496-498.
- Problemas actuales en psicopedagogía escolar. ECA 26, 273, 401-413.
- Una nueva pedagogía para una universidad nueva (a). ECA 27, 281-282, 129-145.
- Del alcohol a la marihuana (b). ECA 27, 283, 225-242.
- Peluqueros institucionales (c). ECA 27, 283, 297-301.
- Munich 72: el ocaso de una mitología (d). ECA 27, 288-289, 697-701.
- Presupuestos psicosociales de una caracteriología para nuestros países (e). ECA 27, 290, 763-786. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Presupuestos psico-sociales del carácter", Capítulo I, pp. 39–71.
- Del futuro, la técnica y el planeta de los simios (f). ECA 27, 290, 795-799.
- Hacia una docencia liberadora (g). Universidades (México), 50, 9-26.
- Psicodiagnóstico de América Latina (h). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La desatención social del poder opresor (i). En 1972 (h) pp. 121–140. Rpt. 1976, pp. 98–109.
- Algunas repercusiones psico-sociales de la densidad demográfica en El Salvador (a). ECA 28, 293-294, 123-132. Rpt. 1977(a), pp. 429–442.
- Antipsiquiatría y psicoanálisis (b). ECA 28, 293-94, 203-206.
- Cartas al presidente: reflexiones psicosociales sobre un caso del personalismo político en El Salvador (c). ECA, 28, 296, 345-57.
- Psicología del campesino salvadoreño (c). ECA 28, 297-298, 476-495.
- ¿Quién es pueblo?: reflexiones para una definición del concepto de pueblo (a). ECA 29, 303-4, 11-20. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 10, pp. 173–185.
- Elementos de conscientización socio-política en los curricula de las universidades (c). ECA 29, 313-314, 765-783. EN A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Concientización y currículos universitarios", Capítulo II, pp. 131–159. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 138–140.
- De la evasión a la invasión (b). ABRA (El Salvador), 0, 19-24.
- Culpabilidad religiosa en un barrio popular (a). Tesina de licenciatura en Psicología. UCA de El Salvador (inédito).
- Cinco tesis sobre la paternidad aplicadas a El Salvador (b). ECA 30, 319-320, 265-282.
- El estudiantado y la estructura universitaria (c). ECA 30, 324-25, 638-51.
- El valor psicológico de la represión política mediante la violencia (d). ECA 30, 326, 742-752. Rpt. 1976(a), pp. 310–327. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 9, pp. 149–172.
- Elementos de conscientización en los curricula universitarios (e). Guatemala: FUPAC.
- Problemas de psicología social en América Latina (compilación de textos). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Psicología, ciencia y conciencia (compilación de textos) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Del cociente intellectual al cociente racial (b). ECA 32, 345, 485-494.
- Social Attitudes and Group Conflict in El Salvador (a). Tesina de Master en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Chicago (inédito).
- Vivienda mínima: obra máxima (a). ECA 33, 359, 732-33.
- Ley y orden en la vida del mesón (Con M. Herrera) (b). ECA 33, 360, 803-828.
- Cien años de psicología (a). ECA 34, 368, 432-433.
- Household Density and Crowding in Lower-Class Salvadorans (b). Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Chicago (inédito).
- Haciendo la universidad (compilación de textos) (c). Guatemala: FUPAC.
- Monseñor: una voz para un pueblo pisoteado (a). En J. Sobrino, I. Martín-Baró y R. Cardenal (eds.), La voz de los sin voz: la palabra viva de Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero. San Salvador: UCA editores, pp. 13–34. Rpt. 1990, Christus, 55, 632, 28-38.
- Fantasmas sobre un gobierno popular en El Salvador (b). ECA 35, 377-378, 277-290.
- Ocupación juvenil: reflexiones psicosociales de un rehén por 24 horas (c). ECA 35, 379, 463-474.
- Desde Cuba y sin amor (d). ECA 35, 379, 485-486.
- La imagen de la mujer en El Salvador (e). ECA 35, 380, 557-568.
- A la muerte de Piaget (f). ECA 35, 383, 869-871.
- El psicólogo en el proceso revolucionario (g). San Salvador (inédito).
- Genocidio en El Salvador (h). San Salvador (inédito).
- Household density and crowding in lower-class Salvadorans (i). Dissertation Abstracts International 40, 10-B, 5077-5078.
- La guerra civil en El Salvador (a). ECA 36, 387-388, 17-32.
- El liderazgo del Monseñor Romero: un análisis psicosocial (b). ECA 36, 389, 152-172.
- Actitudes en El Salvador ante una solución política a la guerra civil (c). ECA 36, 390-91, 325-348.
- Aspiraciones del pequeño burgués salvadoreño (e). ECA 36, 394, 773-788.
- Las raíces psicosociales de la guerra en El Salvador (a). San Salvador (inédito).
- Una juventud sin liderazgo político (a). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 1, 5, 8-10
- El llamado de la extrema derecha (b). ECA 37, 403-404, 453-466. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 293–305.
- Un psicólogo social ante la guerra civil en El Salvador (a). Revista de la asociación latinoamericana de Psicología social, 2, 91-111.
-¿Escuela o prisión? La organización social de un centro de orientación en El Salvador (Con V. Iraheta y A. Lemus de Vides) (c). ECA 37, 401, 179-92.
- Acción e ideología: psicología social desde Centroamérica (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Los rasgos femeninos según la cultura dominante en El Salvador (b). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 2, 8, 3-7.
- Polarización social en El Salvador (c). ECA 38, 412, 129-142.
- Los sectores medios ante el plan Reagan: una perspectiva sombría (d). ECA 38, 415-416 517-522.
- Estacazo imperial: abuso y mentira en Granada (e). ECA 39, 421-22, 1018-21.
- La necesidad de votar: actitudes del pueblo salvadoreño ante el proceso electoral de 1984 (Con V. A. Orellana) (a). ECA 39, 426-427, 253-264.
- El último discurso de Alvaro Magaña (b). ECA 39, 428, 425-427.
- Guerra y salud mental (c). ECA 39, 429-30, 503-514. Rpt. 1990a, pp. 71–88; 1990(c), pp. 23–40; Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 6, pp. 108–121.
- El terrorismo del estado norteamericano (d). ECA 39, 433, 813-816.
- La sumisión à la autoridad como valor social en El Salvador (e). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 3, 11, 19-26.
- Psicología social V: Sistema y poder (f). San Salvador: UCA Editores.
- Informes sobre la población de solicitantes al proyecto "Popotlán" de la FUNDASAL (Con C. King) (g). San Salvador: UCA (inédito).
- La desideologización como aporte de la psicología social al desarrollo de la democracia en Latinoamérica (a). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO) 8, 3, 3-9. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 177–186.
- Valores del universitario salvadoreño de primer ingreso (b). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 4, 15, 5-12.
- De la conciencia religiosa a la conciencia política (c). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 4, 16, 72-82.
- El papel del psicólogo en el contexto centroamericano (d). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 4, 17, 99-112. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 53–70. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 161–177. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 2, pp. 33–46.
- La encuesta de opinión pública como instrumento desideologizador (e). Cuadernos de Psicología (Universidad del Valle, Cali) 7, 1-2, 93-108. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 9–22; En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 186–199. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 11, pp. 186–197.
- El trabajador social salvadoreño: situación y actitudes (f). ECA 40, 438, 229-240.
- La oferta política de Duarte (g). ECA 40, 439-440. 345-356.
- El hacinamiento residencial: ideologización y verdad de un problema real (h). Revista de Psicología social (México) 1, 31-50. Rpt. 1990 (b).
- "Los niños desplazados en El Salvador: Problemas y tratamiento (i). Trabajo presentado en el Taller de intercambio de experiencias sobre el rtabajo psicosocial y psicoterapéutico con los niños y la población desplazada, patrocinado por Rädda Barnen, México, Feb. 18-22.
- Conflicto social e ideología científica: De Chile a El Salvador (j). Trabajo presentado en el Vigésimo Congreso Interamericano de Psicología, Caracas. Rpt. 1992(b), pp. 317–338.
- Psicología latinoamericana (k). Editorial. Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 4,21,39-41.
- Iglesia y revolución en El Salvador (l). Conferencia pronunciada en la Midwest Association for Latin American Studies en la Universidad de Columbia, septiembre, 20. Publicado en 1989(n) y en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo III, pp. 203–225.
- La ideología familiar en El Salvador (a). ECA 41, 450, 291-304.
- El pueblo salvadoreño ante el diálogo (b). ECA 41, 454-455, 755-768.
- Socialización política: dos temas críticos (c). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 19, 5-20. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 4, pp. 68–83.
- Hacia una psicología de la liberación (d). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 5, 22, 219-231. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo IV, pp. 283–302.
- La ideología de los sectores medios salvadoreños (e). Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 3, 1, 59-65.
- Así piensan los salvadoreños urbanos (1986–1987) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Del opio religioso a la fe libertadora (b). En M. Montero (ed.), Psicología política latinoamericana. Caracas: Panapo, 1987; En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo III, pp. 245–280. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 347–370.
- El Latino indolente: carácter ideológico del fatalismo latinoamericano (c). En M. Montero (Ed.), Psicología política latinoamericana. Caracas: Panapo, 1987; A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El Latino indolente", Capítulo I, pp. 73–101. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 12, pp. 198–220.
- Votar en El Salvador: psicología social del desorden político (d). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 10, 2, 28-36.
- ¿Es machista el salvadoreño? (e). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 6, 24, 101-122.
- El reto popular à la psicología social en América Latina (f). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 6, 26, 251-270. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "La liberación como horizonte de la psicología", Capítulo IV, pp. 303–321. Conferencia pronunciada en el XXI Congreso Interamericano de Psicología celebrado en La Habana.
- Psicología social desde Centroamérica: Retos y perspectivas (g). Entrevista. Revista Costarricense de Psicología, 5, 71-76.
- Procesos psíquicos y poder (h). Manuscrito. En M. Montero (Ed.), Psicología de la acción política.Barcelona: Paidós, 1995. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 3, pp. 47–67.
- From Dirty War to Psychological War: The case of El Salvador (a). En A. Aron (ed.), Flight, Exile an Return: Mental Health and the Refugee. San Francisco: CHRICA. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 109–122; 1990(c), pp. 159–173. Rpt. en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 306–316.
- La violencia política y la guerra como causas del trauma psicosocial en El Salvador (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 7, 28, 123-141. Rpt. Revista Costarricense de Psicología 12, 13, 21-34; 1990(a), pp. 89–107; 1990(c), pp. 65–84; Traducciones al inglés en: International Journal of Mental Health, 18, 1, (1989), pp. 3–20; Journal of La Raza Studies [San Francisco State University] 2, 1, (1990), pp. 5–13; Manchester Guardian Weekly (Enero 14, 1990), 23-35; En J. Sobrino y otros (Eds.), Companions of Jesus (Mariknoll: Orbis, 1990) pp. 79–97.
- La mujer salvadoreña y los medios de comunicación masiva (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 7, 29, 253-266.
- La violencia en Centroamérica: una visión psicosocial (d). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 7, 28, 123-41. Rpt. 1990(c), pp. 123–146; Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 333–346.
- El Salvador 1987 (e). ECA 43, 471-472, 21-45.
- Opinión preelectoral y sentido del voto en El Salvador (f). ECA 43, 473-474, 213-223.
- Consecuencias psicológicas del terrorismo político (e). San Salvador (inédito).
- Los grupos con historia: un modelo psicosocial (h). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 11, 1, 3-18. Rpt. 1992.
- Guerra y trauma psicosocial del niño salvadoreño (i). Trabajo presentado en conferencia de ACISAM, septiembre 12. Rpt. 1990(c), pp. 233–249; Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 7, pp. 122–135.
- La opinión pública salvadoreña (1987–1988) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La opinión pública salvadoreña ante los primeros cien días del gobierno de Cristiani (b). ECA 44, 490-491, 715-726.
- Psicología política del trabajo en América Latina (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 8, 31, 5-25. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 5, pp. 84–102.
- Los medios de comunicación masiva y la opinión pública en El Salvador de 1979 a 1989 (d). ECA 44, 493-494, 1081-1093.
- Review of F.J. Hinkelammert ("La fe de Abraham y el edipo occidental") (e). Revista Latinoamericana de Teología 6, 17, 241-43.
- Sistema, grupo y poder: psicología social desde Centroamérica II (f) San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Asking Questions in El Salvador: As Gangerous as Expressing Them (g). Entrevista. M. Brinton Lykes, Links 6, 2, 10.
- Encuestas pre-electorales en El Salvador (h). ECA 44, 485, 229-232.
- Introducción (i). En E. Lira (ed.), Todo es del dolor con que se mira. Santiago de Chile: ILAS. Traducción al inglés en: Commowealth (Marzo 23, 1990) y J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 138–140.
- La institucionalización de la guerra (j). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 8, 33, 223-45.
- The Psychologic Consequences of Political Terrorism (k). Video y transcripción del trabajo presentado en el simposium realizado por el Committee for Health Rights in Central America (CHICRA), Berkley, CA, enero 17.
- Retos y perspectivas de la psicología latinoamericana (l). En G. Pacheco y B. Jiménez (Eds.), Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942–1989). Psicología de la liberación para América Latina. Guadalajara: ITESO, pp. 51–79 y en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "La liberación como horizonte de la psicología", Capítulo IV, pp. 321–341. Conferencia pronunciada en la Universidad de Guadalajara, Mayo 24.
- Sólo Dios salva. Sentido político de la conversión religiosa (m). Revista chilena de Psicología 10, 1, 13-20.
- Iglesia y revolución en El Salvador (n). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 12, 27-39.
- La encuesta de opinión pública como instrumento desideologizador (a). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, pp. 9–22.
- El hacinamiento residencial: ideologización y verdad de un problema real (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, pp. 23–51.
- La violencia en Centroamérica: una visión psicosocial (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 35, pp. 123–146
- ¿Trabajador alegre o trabajador explotado? La identidad nacional del salvadoreño (d). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, 147-172. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El Latino explotado", Capítulo I, pp. 103–128.
- Religion as an Instrument of Psychological Warfare (e). Journal of Social Issues 46, 93-107. Traducción al español en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Religión y guerra psicológica ", Capítulo III, pp. 227–244.
- Psicología social de la guerra: trauma y terapia (compilación de textos)(f). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Guerra y trauma psicosocial del niño salvadoreño (g). En I. Martín-Baró (ed.), Psicología social de la guerra: trauma y terapia. San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La familia, puerta y cárcel para la mujer salvadoreña (h). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 37, pp. 265–277.
- Entrevista con Ignacio Martín-Baró (i). En E. Cabrera, Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 37, pp. 299–308.
- Reparations: Attention Must be Paid (j). Commonweal, 23 de Marzo.
- Psicología social de la liberación para América Latina. Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942–1989) (k). Gerardo Pacheco y Bernardo Jiménez (comps.). Guadalajara: ITESO/Universidad de Guadalajara.
- Los grupos con historia: un modelo psicosocial (a). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 43, 1992, pp. 7–29.
- Conflicto social e ideología científica: De Chile a El Salvador (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 46, 1992, pp. 317–338.
- Prólogo en EmperatrizArreaza Camero, La iglesia—institución de dominación o liberación? Caso
Venezuela: ensayo exploratorio hacia una teoría crítica del control social. Maracaibo: La Universidad del Zulia, Instituto de Criminología, Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico.
- El método de la Psicología política (a). San Salvador (inédito).
- Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró (b). Edited by Adrianne Aron and Shawn Corne. Cambribge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Procesos psíquicos y poder. En M. Montero (ed.), Psicología de la acción política.Barcelona: Paidós.
- Imágenes sociales en El Salvador (a). Revista de Psicología General y Aplicada, Vol. 51, No.3-4.
- Psicología de la liberación (b). Edición e introducción de Amalio Blanco. Epílogo de Noam Chomsky. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
G. Pacheco and B. Jiménez (1990). Source Psychology Department, UCA. http://di.uca.edu.sv/deptos/psicolog/
Valladolid is a historic city and municipality in north-central Spain, situated at the confluence of the Pisuerga and Esgueva rivers, and located within three wine-making regions: Ribera del Duero, Rueda and Cigales...
, Castilla y Leon, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
, November 7, 1942 – San Salvador
San Salvador
The city of San Salvador the capital and largest city of El Salvador, which has been designated a Gamma World City. Its complete name is La Ciudad de Gran San Salvador...
, El Salvador
El Salvador
El Salvador or simply Salvador is the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. The country's capital city and largest city is San Salvador; Santa Ana and San Miguel are also important cultural and commercial centers in the country and in all of Central America...
, November 16, 1989) was a scholar, social psychologist
Social psychology
Social psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. By this definition, scientific refers to the empirical method of investigation. The terms thoughts, feelings, and behaviors include all...
, philosopher and Jesuit
Society of Jesus
The Society of Jesus is a Catholic male religious order that follows the teachings of the Catholic Church. The members are called Jesuits, and are also known colloquially as "God's Army" and as "The Company," these being references to founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background and a...
A priest is a person authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity or deities...
. Martín-Baró was a close friend and colleague of the scholars Ignacio Ellacuría
Ignacio Ellacuría
Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. was a Jesuit priest, philosopher, and theologian who did important work as a professor and rector at the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" , a Jesuit university in El Salvador founded in 1965...
and Segundo Montes
Segundo Montes
Segundo Montes, S.J. was a scholar, philosopher, educator, sociologist and Jesuit priest...
, all of whom were murdered by the Salvadoran Army
Military of El Salvador
The Armed Forces of El Salvador, in Spanish Fuerza Armada de El Salvador is the official name of the combined armed forces of El Salvador...
, along with three other colleagues and two employees (see The murdered scholars of UCA).
Academic career
Martín-Baró entered the novitiateNovitiate
Novitiate, alt. noviciate, is the period of training and preparation that a novice monastic or member of a religious order undergoes prior to taking vows in order to discern whether they are called to the religious life....
of the Society of Jesus in Orduña
Orduña is a town and municipality of 4,057 inhabitants located in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of Basque Country, in the North of Spain....
, Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...
, on September 28, 1959. Shortly after, he was transferred to the novitiate of Villagarcía and then sent to Central America
Central America
Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is the southernmost, isthmian portion of the North American continent, which connects with South America on the southeast. When considered part of the unified continental model, it is considered a subcontinent...
, where he completed his second year in the novitiate of the Society of Jesus.
At the end of September 1961, he began his studies in classical humanities
The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences....
at the Catholic University in Quito
San Francisco de Quito, most often called Quito , is the capital city of Ecuador in northwestern South America. It is located in north-central Ecuador in the Guayllabamba river basin, on the eastern slopes of Pichincha, an active stratovolcano in the Andes mountains...
. On graduating, he travelled to Bogotá
Bogotá, Distrito Capital , from 1991 to 2000 called Santa Fé de Bogotá, is the capital, and largest city, of Colombia. It is also designated by the national constitution as the capital of the department of Cundinamarca, even though the city of Bogotá now comprises an independent Capital district...
, where he studied philosophy at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, run by the Jesuits. In 1964 he received his bachelor's degree
Bachelor's degree
A bachelor's degree is usually an academic degree awarded for an undergraduate course or major that generally lasts for three or four years, but can range anywhere from two to six years depending on the region of the world...
in philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...
and in 1965 his licentiate
Licentiate is the title of a person who holds an academic degree called a licence. The term may derive from the Latin licentia docendi, meaning permission to teach. The term may also derive from the Latin licentia ad practicandum, which signified someone who held a certificate of competence to...
(licenciatura) in philosophy and literature
Literature is the art of written works, and is not bound to published sources...
. In 1966 he returned to El Salvador, where he got a job as a teacher and academic coordinator at the Externado San José
Externado San José
Externado San José is a private and Catholic school run by the Society of Jesus in San Salvador, El Salvador.-Brief history:A recognized Catholic and private institution of basic and secondary education run by the Jesuits. It was founded in 1921 and operated as a school for boys until the 1970s,...
. In 1967, he started teaching at the Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA).
He travelled to Frankfurt
Frankfurt am Main , commonly known simply as Frankfurt, is the largest city in the German state of Hesse and the fifth-largest city in Germany, with a 2010 population of 688,249. The urban area had an estimated population of 2,300,000 in 2010...
in 1967 to study theology
Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.-Definition:Augustine of Hippo...
. Returning to San Salvador to continue his studies, he obtained his bachelor's degree from Eegenhoven, Belgium
Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...
in 1970. He then began studying psychology
Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. Its immediate goal is to understand individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases. For many, the ultimate goal of psychology is to benefit society...
at UCA, where he was also lecturer. In 1975 he completed his licentiate in psychology.
In 1971 and 1972 he taught psychology in the National Nursing Academy in Santa Ana
Santa Ana, El Salvador
Santa Ana is the second largest city in El Salvador, located 64 kilometers west of San Salvador, the capital city. Santa Ana has approximately 274,830 inhabitants and serves both as the capital of the department of Santa Ana and...
. Later he was Dean
Dean (education)
In academic administration, a dean is a person with significant authority over a specific academic unit, or over a specific area of concern, or both...
of Student
A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil in English...
s between 1972 and 1975, and a member of the University Board, at UCA. From 1971 until 1974 he was head of the editorial board
Editorial board
The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take.- Board makeup :...
of the academic journal
Academic journal
An academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published. Academic journals serve as forums for the introduction and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research...
Estudios Centroamericanos (ECA).
In 1977 he earned a master's degree
Master's degree
A master's is an academic degree granted to individuals who have undergone study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice...
in social sciences
Social sciences
Social science is the field of study concerned with society. "Social science" is commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the natural sciences usually exclusive of the administrative or managerial sciences...
from the University of Chicago
University of Chicago
The University of Chicago is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was founded by the American Baptist Education Society with a donation from oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller and incorporated in 1890...
and two years later, in 1979, a Ph.D.
A Ph.D. is a Doctor of Philosophy, an academic degree.Ph.D. may also refer to:* Ph.D. , a 1980s British group*Piled Higher and Deeper, a web comic strip*PhD: Phantasy Degree, a Korean comic series* PhD Docbook renderer, an XML renderer...
in social and organisational psychology
Industrial and organizational psychology
Industrial and organizational psychology is the scientific study of employees, workplaces, and organizations. Industrial and organizational psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance and well-being of its people...
from the same institution. In his master's thesis
A dissertation or thesis is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings...
, he discussed social attitudes
Attitude (psychology)
An attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents an individual's degree of like or dislike for something. Attitudes are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing, or event— this is often referred to as the attitude object...
and group conflict
Group conflict
Group conflict, or hostilities between different groups, is a pervasive feature common to all levels of social organization .. Although group conflict is one of the most complex phenomena studied by social scientists, the history of the human race evidences a series of group-level conflicts that...
in El Salvador, a theme which he continued in his doctoral dissertation which focussed on population density
Population density
Population density is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume. It is frequently applied to living organisms, and particularly to humans...
of the lowest social class
Social class
Social classes are economic or cultural arrangements of groups in society. Class is an essential object of analysis for sociologists, political scientists, economists, anthropologists and social historians. In the social sciences, social class is often discussed in terms of 'social stratification'...
es in El Salvador.
On completing his studies he returned to San Salvador, where he lectured in psychology at UCA. By 1981 he was Academic Vice-Rector
The word rector has a number of different meanings; it is widely used to refer to an academic, religious or political administrator...
and member of the Board of Directors. In 1982 he became head of the psychology department. In 1986 he founded and directed the University Institute of Public Opinion, IUDOP. In 1989, the academic vice-rector's office was split in two and Martín-Baró became director of post-graduate
Postgraduate education
Postgraduate education involves learning and studying for degrees or other qualifications for which a first or Bachelor's degree generally is required, and is normally considered to be part of higher education...
studies and research
Research can be defined as the scientific search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, to establish novel facts, solve new or existing problems, prove new ideas, or develop new theories, usually using a scientific method...
He was a member of the Editorial Board of UCA Editores and Estudios Centroamericanos (ECA), the Salvadoran Journal of Psychology and the Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Costa Rica , officially the Republic of Costa Rica is a multilingual, multiethnic and multicultural country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east....
n magazine Polémica. He was a visiting professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...
at the Central University of Venezuela
Central University of Venezuela
The Central University of Venezuela is a premier public University of Venezuela located in Caracas...
, the Universidad del Zulia in Maracaibo
Maracaibo is a city and municipality located in northwestern Venezuela off the western coast of the Lake Maracaibo. It is the second-largest city in the country after the national capital Caracas and the capital of Zulia state...
, the University of Puerto Rico
University of Puerto Rico
The University of Puerto Rico is the state university system of Puerto Rico. The system consists of 11 campuses and has approximately 64,511 students and 5,300 faculty members...
, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá
Bogotá, Distrito Capital , from 1991 to 2000 called Santa Fé de Bogotá, is the capital, and largest city, of Colombia. It is also designated by the national constitution as the capital of the department of Cundinamarca, even though the city of Bogotá now comprises an independent Capital district...
, Universidad Complutense in Madrid
Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. The population of the city is roughly 3.3 million and the entire population of the Madrid metropolitan area is calculated to be 6.271 million. It is the third largest city in the European Union, after London and Berlin, and its metropolitan...
and Universidad de Costa Rica in San José
San José, Costa Rica
San José is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica. Located in the Central Valley, San José is the seat of national government, the focal point of political and economic activity, and the major transportation hub of this Central American nation.Founded in 1738 by order of Cabildo de León, San...
. He was a member of the American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association
The American Psychological Association is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States. It is the world's largest association of psychologists with around 154,000 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. The APA...
as well as the Salvadoran Psychological Association. He was the vice-president of the Mesoamerican division of the Interamerican Psychological Society.
Martín-Baró published eleven books and a long list of cultural
Culture is a term that has many different inter-related meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions...
and scientific
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe...
articles, in various Latin America
Latin America
Latin America is a region of the Americas where Romance languages – particularly Spanish and Portuguese, and variably French – are primarily spoken. Latin America has an area of approximately 21,069,500 km² , almost 3.9% of the Earth's surface or 14.1% of its land surface area...
n and North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...
n academic journals and magazines
Ignacio Martín-Baró's Social Psychology
Martín Baró argued that psychology should be developed to address the historical context, the social conditions and aspirations of the people. He believed that students of psychology should learn to analyse human behaviour in the location of their practice, bearing in mind the criteria outlined for that location.In his writings and lecture
thumb|A lecture on [[linear algebra]] at the [[Helsinki University of Technology]]A lecture is an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher. Lectures are used to convey critical information, history,...
s he rejected the idea of universal, impartial psychology, and developed a psychology that was critically committed with the projects for alternative societies that existed in Latin America. For him, the psychical situation of individuals could either be an abnormal reaction to normal circumstances, or a normal reaction to abnormal conditions.
For Martín-Baró, the solution to mental health
Mental health
Mental health describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder. From perspectives of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health may include an individual's ability to enjoy life and procure a balance between life activities and...
problems in societies characterised by oppression
Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. It can also be defined as an act or instance of oppressing, the state of being oppressed, and the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, and...
, where "normal abnormality" prevails, is the transformation of society to transcend the historical reality of oppression. Psychologists cannot ignore the influence that difficult contexts have on mental health. Furthermore, if they do, then they become accomplices to the social injustices (or abnormalities) that may have caused these mental health problems.
He integrated diverse theories
The English word theory was derived from a technical term in Ancient Greek philosophy. The word theoria, , meant "a looking at, viewing, beholding", and referring to contemplation or speculation, as opposed to action...
, and was so convinced of the benefits to be gained by the "de-ideologising" potential of social psychology, that he openly questioned the theoretical models of mainstream
Mainstream is, generally, the common current thought of the majority. However, the mainstream is far from cohesive; rather the concept is often considered a cultural construct....
psychology. He considered these models inadequate to address the effects of the structural violence
Violence is the use of physical force to apply a state to others contrary to their wishes. violence, while often a stand-alone issue, is often the culmination of other kinds of conflict, e.g...
that prevailed in El Salvador.
His work inspired the development of liberation psychology
Liberation psychology
Liberation psychology, also known as liberation social psychology or psicología social de la liberación, is an approach to psychological science that aims to understand the psychology of oppressed and impoverished communities by addressing the oppressive sociopolitical structure in which they exist...
in Latin America and community psychology
Community psychology
Community psychology deals with the relationships of the individual to communities and the wider society. Community psychologists seek to understand the quality of life of individuals, communities, and society...
throughout the world.
Quotes by Martín-Baró
Explaining why reparations are a crucial part of the national reconciliation processes:"It is clear that no one is going to return to the imprisoned dissident his youth; to the young woman who has been raped her innocence; to the person who has been tortured his or her integrity. Nobody is going to return the dead and the disappeared to their families. What can and must be publicly restored [are] the victims’ names and their dignity, through a formal recognition of the injustice of what has occurred, and, wherever possible, material reparation. . . . Those who clamour for social reparation are not asking for vengeance. Nor are they blindly adding difficulties to a historical process that is already by no means easy. On the contrary, they are promoting the personal and social viability of a new society, truly democratic."
Quotes on Martín-Baró
"...a mind that was probing and humane, wide-ranging in interests and passionate in concerns, and dedicated with a rare combination of intelligence and heroism to the challenge his work sets forth to construct a new person in a new society". Noam ChomskyNoam Chomsky
Avram Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics" and...
"...the major dimensions along which Martín-Baró's work developed: political psychology, war and trauma, and "de-ideologizing" reality... his contributions to social psychology as well as his intense involvement in the social reality of his adoptive country, El Salvador... is required reading for psychologists seeking a more critical psychology—one that takes responsibility for its social position and privilege, and challenges the status quo. It is an equally important resource for those who seek ideas and examples for developing "indigenous psychology" from the base of marginalized people's lives, in coalition with them". M. Brinton Lykes, World Psychology
Complete Bibliography (Mostly in Spanish)
1966- La muerte como problema filosófico (a). ECA 21, 212, 7-12.
- Miguel A. Sholojov, Premio Nobel de Literatura (b). ECA 21, 212, 15-16.
- Un extraño remedio para la homosexualidad: su legalización (c). ECA 21, 213, 54.
- Pablo Antonio Cuadra, tierra y luz nicaragüense (d). ECA 21, 215, 93-95.
- La forja de rebeldes (e). ECA 21, 221, 287-88.
- La figura del año (a). ECA 22,224, 369-70.
- Rubén Darío, entrevisto (b). ECA 22, 226, 444-45.
- ¿Quién le teme a James Bond? (c). ECA 22, 227, 511-12.
- El pulso del tiempo; guerrilleros y hippies, blow up (a). ECA 23, 234. 25-26.
- El complejo de macho o el "machismo" (b). ECA 23, 235, 38-42. Rpt. 1970, ECA 25, 267, 677-683.
- Propaganda: deseducación social (c). ECA 23, 243, 367-373.
- Psicología de la caricia. ECA, 25, 264, 496-498.
- Problemas actuales en psicopedagogía escolar. ECA 26, 273, 401-413.
- Una nueva pedagogía para una universidad nueva (a). ECA 27, 281-282, 129-145.
- Del alcohol a la marihuana (b). ECA 27, 283, 225-242.
- Peluqueros institucionales (c). ECA 27, 283, 297-301.
- Munich 72: el ocaso de una mitología (d). ECA 27, 288-289, 697-701.
- Presupuestos psicosociales de una caracteriología para nuestros países (e). ECA 27, 290, 763-786. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Presupuestos psico-sociales del carácter", Capítulo I, pp. 39–71.
- Del futuro, la técnica y el planeta de los simios (f). ECA 27, 290, 795-799.
- Hacia una docencia liberadora (g). Universidades (México), 50, 9-26.
- Psicodiagnóstico de América Latina (h). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La desatención social del poder opresor (i). En 1972 (h) pp. 121–140. Rpt. 1976, pp. 98–109.
- Algunas repercusiones psico-sociales de la densidad demográfica en El Salvador (a). ECA 28, 293-294, 123-132. Rpt. 1977(a), pp. 429–442.
- Antipsiquiatría y psicoanálisis (b). ECA 28, 293-94, 203-206.
- Cartas al presidente: reflexiones psicosociales sobre un caso del personalismo político en El Salvador (c). ECA, 28, 296, 345-57.
- Psicología del campesino salvadoreño (c). ECA 28, 297-298, 476-495.
- ¿Quién es pueblo?: reflexiones para una definición del concepto de pueblo (a). ECA 29, 303-4, 11-20. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 10, pp. 173–185.
- Elementos de conscientización socio-política en los curricula de las universidades (c). ECA 29, 313-314, 765-783. EN A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Concientización y currículos universitarios", Capítulo II, pp. 131–159. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 138–140.
- De la evasión a la invasión (b). ABRA (El Salvador), 0, 19-24.
- Culpabilidad religiosa en un barrio popular (a). Tesina de licenciatura en Psicología. UCA de El Salvador (inédito).
- Cinco tesis sobre la paternidad aplicadas a El Salvador (b). ECA 30, 319-320, 265-282.
- El estudiantado y la estructura universitaria (c). ECA 30, 324-25, 638-51.
- El valor psicológico de la represión política mediante la violencia (d). ECA 30, 326, 742-752. Rpt. 1976(a), pp. 310–327. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 9, pp. 149–172.
- Elementos de conscientización en los curricula universitarios (e). Guatemala: FUPAC.
- Problemas de psicología social en América Latina (compilación de textos). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Psicología, ciencia y conciencia (compilación de textos) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Del cociente intellectual al cociente racial (b). ECA 32, 345, 485-494.
- Social Attitudes and Group Conflict in El Salvador (a). Tesina de Master en Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Chicago (inédito).
- Vivienda mínima: obra máxima (a). ECA 33, 359, 732-33.
- Ley y orden en la vida del mesón (Con M. Herrera) (b). ECA 33, 360, 803-828.
- Cien años de psicología (a). ECA 34, 368, 432-433.
- Household Density and Crowding in Lower-Class Salvadorans (b). Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Chicago (inédito).
- Haciendo la universidad (compilación de textos) (c). Guatemala: FUPAC.
- Monseñor: una voz para un pueblo pisoteado (a). En J. Sobrino, I. Martín-Baró y R. Cardenal (eds.), La voz de los sin voz: la palabra viva de Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero. San Salvador: UCA editores, pp. 13–34. Rpt. 1990, Christus, 55, 632, 28-38.
- Fantasmas sobre un gobierno popular en El Salvador (b). ECA 35, 377-378, 277-290.
- Ocupación juvenil: reflexiones psicosociales de un rehén por 24 horas (c). ECA 35, 379, 463-474.
- Desde Cuba y sin amor (d). ECA 35, 379, 485-486.
- La imagen de la mujer en El Salvador (e). ECA 35, 380, 557-568.
- A la muerte de Piaget (f). ECA 35, 383, 869-871.
- El psicólogo en el proceso revolucionario (g). San Salvador (inédito).
- Genocidio en El Salvador (h). San Salvador (inédito).
- Household density and crowding in lower-class Salvadorans (i). Dissertation Abstracts International 40, 10-B, 5077-5078.
- La guerra civil en El Salvador (a). ECA 36, 387-388, 17-32.
- El liderazgo del Monseñor Romero: un análisis psicosocial (b). ECA 36, 389, 152-172.
- Actitudes en El Salvador ante una solución política a la guerra civil (c). ECA 36, 390-91, 325-348.
- Aspiraciones del pequeño burgués salvadoreño (e). ECA 36, 394, 773-788.
- Las raíces psicosociales de la guerra en El Salvador (a). San Salvador (inédito).
- Una juventud sin liderazgo político (a). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 1, 5, 8-10
- El llamado de la extrema derecha (b). ECA 37, 403-404, 453-466. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 293–305.
- Un psicólogo social ante la guerra civil en El Salvador (a). Revista de la asociación latinoamericana de Psicología social, 2, 91-111.
-¿Escuela o prisión? La organización social de un centro de orientación en El Salvador (Con V. Iraheta y A. Lemus de Vides) (c). ECA 37, 401, 179-92.
- Acción e ideología: psicología social desde Centroamérica (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Los rasgos femeninos según la cultura dominante en El Salvador (b). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 2, 8, 3-7.
- Polarización social en El Salvador (c). ECA 38, 412, 129-142.
- Los sectores medios ante el plan Reagan: una perspectiva sombría (d). ECA 38, 415-416 517-522.
- Estacazo imperial: abuso y mentira en Granada (e). ECA 39, 421-22, 1018-21.
- La necesidad de votar: actitudes del pueblo salvadoreño ante el proceso electoral de 1984 (Con V. A. Orellana) (a). ECA 39, 426-427, 253-264.
- El último discurso de Alvaro Magaña (b). ECA 39, 428, 425-427.
- Guerra y salud mental (c). ECA 39, 429-30, 503-514. Rpt. 1990a, pp. 71–88; 1990(c), pp. 23–40; Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 6, pp. 108–121.
- El terrorismo del estado norteamericano (d). ECA 39, 433, 813-816.
- La sumisión à la autoridad como valor social en El Salvador (e). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 3, 11, 19-26.
- Psicología social V: Sistema y poder (f). San Salvador: UCA Editores.
- Informes sobre la población de solicitantes al proyecto "Popotlán" de la FUNDASAL (Con C. King) (g). San Salvador: UCA (inédito).
- La desideologización como aporte de la psicología social al desarrollo de la democracia en Latinoamérica (a). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO) 8, 3, 3-9. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 177–186.
- Valores del universitario salvadoreño de primer ingreso (b). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 4, 15, 5-12.
- De la conciencia religiosa a la conciencia política (c). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 4, 16, 72-82.
- El papel del psicólogo en el contexto centroamericano (d). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 4, 17, 99-112. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 53–70. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 161–177. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 2, pp. 33–46.
- La encuesta de opinión pública como instrumento desideologizador (e). Cuadernos de Psicología (Universidad del Valle, Cali) 7, 1-2, 93-108. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 9–22; En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El papel desenmascarador del psicólogo", Capítulo II, pp. 186–199. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 11, pp. 186–197.
- El trabajador social salvadoreño: situación y actitudes (f). ECA 40, 438, 229-240.
- La oferta política de Duarte (g). ECA 40, 439-440. 345-356.
- El hacinamiento residencial: ideologización y verdad de un problema real (h). Revista de Psicología social (México) 1, 31-50. Rpt. 1990 (b).
- "Los niños desplazados en El Salvador: Problemas y tratamiento (i). Trabajo presentado en el Taller de intercambio de experiencias sobre el rtabajo psicosocial y psicoterapéutico con los niños y la población desplazada, patrocinado por Rädda Barnen, México, Feb. 18-22.
- Conflicto social e ideología científica: De Chile a El Salvador (j). Trabajo presentado en el Vigésimo Congreso Interamericano de Psicología, Caracas. Rpt. 1992(b), pp. 317–338.
- Psicología latinoamericana (k). Editorial. Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 4,21,39-41.
- Iglesia y revolución en El Salvador (l). Conferencia pronunciada en la Midwest Association for Latin American Studies en la Universidad de Columbia, septiembre, 20. Publicado en 1989(n) y en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo III, pp. 203–225.
- La ideología familiar en El Salvador (a). ECA 41, 450, 291-304.
- El pueblo salvadoreño ante el diálogo (b). ECA 41, 454-455, 755-768.
- Socialización política: dos temas críticos (c). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 19, 5-20. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 4, pp. 68–83.
- Hacia una psicología de la liberación (d). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 5, 22, 219-231. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo IV, pp. 283–302.
- La ideología de los sectores medios salvadoreños (e). Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 3, 1, 59-65.
- Así piensan los salvadoreños urbanos (1986–1987) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Del opio religioso a la fe libertadora (b). En M. Montero (ed.), Psicología política latinoamericana. Caracas: Panapo, 1987; En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, Capítulo III, pp. 245–280. Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 347–370.
- El Latino indolente: carácter ideológico del fatalismo latinoamericano (c). En M. Montero (Ed.), Psicología política latinoamericana. Caracas: Panapo, 1987; A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El Latino indolente", Capítulo I, pp. 73–101. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 12, pp. 198–220.
- Votar en El Salvador: psicología social del desorden político (d). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 10, 2, 28-36.
- ¿Es machista el salvadoreño? (e). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador, 6, 24, 101-122.
- El reto popular à la psicología social en América Latina (f). Boletín de Psicología de El Salvador 6, 26, 251-270. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "La liberación como horizonte de la psicología", Capítulo IV, pp. 303–321. Conferencia pronunciada en el XXI Congreso Interamericano de Psicología celebrado en La Habana.
- Psicología social desde Centroamérica: Retos y perspectivas (g). Entrevista. Revista Costarricense de Psicología, 5, 71-76.
- Procesos psíquicos y poder (h). Manuscrito. En M. Montero (Ed.), Psicología de la acción política.Barcelona: Paidós, 1995. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 3, pp. 47–67.
- From Dirty War to Psychological War: The case of El Salvador (a). En A. Aron (ed.), Flight, Exile an Return: Mental Health and the Refugee. San Francisco: CHRICA. Rpt. 1990(a), pp. 109–122; 1990(c), pp. 159–173. Rpt. en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 306–316.
- La violencia política y la guerra como causas del trauma psicosocial en El Salvador (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 7, 28, 123-141. Rpt. Revista Costarricense de Psicología 12, 13, 21-34; 1990(a), pp. 89–107; 1990(c), pp. 65–84; Traducciones al inglés en: International Journal of Mental Health, 18, 1, (1989), pp. 3–20; Journal of La Raza Studies [San Francisco State University] 2, 1, (1990), pp. 5–13; Manchester Guardian Weekly (Enero 14, 1990), 23-35; En J. Sobrino y otros (Eds.), Companions of Jesus (Mariknoll: Orbis, 1990) pp. 79–97.
- La mujer salvadoreña y los medios de comunicación masiva (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 7, 29, 253-266.
- La violencia en Centroamérica: una visión psicosocial (d). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 7, 28, 123-41. Rpt. 1990(c), pp. 123–146; Traducción al inglés en J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 333–346.
- El Salvador 1987 (e). ECA 43, 471-472, 21-45.
- Opinión preelectoral y sentido del voto en El Salvador (f). ECA 43, 473-474, 213-223.
- Consecuencias psicológicas del terrorismo político (e). San Salvador (inédito).
- Los grupos con historia: un modelo psicosocial (h). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 11, 1, 3-18. Rpt. 1992.
- Guerra y trauma psicosocial del niño salvadoreño (i). Trabajo presentado en conferencia de ACISAM, septiembre 12. Rpt. 1990(c), pp. 233–249; Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 7, pp. 122–135.
- La opinión pública salvadoreña (1987–1988) (a). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La opinión pública salvadoreña ante los primeros cien días del gobierno de Cristiani (b). ECA 44, 490-491, 715-726.
- Psicología política del trabajo en América Latina (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 8, 31, 5-25. Traducción al inglés en A. Aron y S. Corne (Eds.), Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996, Capítulo 5, pp. 84–102.
- Los medios de comunicación masiva y la opinión pública en El Salvador de 1979 a 1989 (d). ECA 44, 493-494, 1081-1093.
- Review of F.J. Hinkelammert ("La fe de Abraham y el edipo occidental") (e). Revista Latinoamericana de Teología 6, 17, 241-43.
- Sistema, grupo y poder: psicología social desde Centroamérica II (f) San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Asking Questions in El Salvador: As Gangerous as Expressing Them (g). Entrevista. M. Brinton Lykes, Links 6, 2, 10.
- Encuestas pre-electorales en El Salvador (h). ECA 44, 485, 229-232.
- Introducción (i). En E. Lira (ed.), Todo es del dolor con que se mira. Santiago de Chile: ILAS. Traducción al inglés en: Commowealth (Marzo 23, 1990) y J. Hasset y H. Lacey (Eds.), Toward a Society that Serves its People: The Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, pp. 138–140.
- La institucionalización de la guerra (j). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 8, 33, 223-45.
- The Psychologic Consequences of Political Terrorism (k). Video y transcripción del trabajo presentado en el simposium realizado por el Committee for Health Rights in Central America (CHICRA), Berkley, CA, enero 17.
- Retos y perspectivas de la psicología latinoamericana (l). En G. Pacheco y B. Jiménez (Eds.), Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942–1989). Psicología de la liberación para América Latina. Guadalajara: ITESO, pp. 51–79 y en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "La liberación como horizonte de la psicología", Capítulo IV, pp. 321–341. Conferencia pronunciada en la Universidad de Guadalajara, Mayo 24.
- Sólo Dios salva. Sentido político de la conversión religiosa (m). Revista chilena de Psicología 10, 1, 13-20.
- Iglesia y revolución en El Salvador (n). Boletín de la Asociación Venezolana de Psicología Social (AVEPSO), 12, 27-39.
- La encuesta de opinión pública como instrumento desideologizador (a). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, pp. 9–22.
- El hacinamiento residencial: ideologización y verdad de un problema real (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, pp. 23–51.
- La violencia en Centroamérica: una visión psicosocial (c). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 35, pp. 123–146
- ¿Trabajador alegre o trabajador explotado? La identidad nacional del salvadoreño (d). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 35, 147-172. En A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "El Latino explotado", Capítulo I, pp. 103–128.
- Religion as an Instrument of Psychological Warfare (e). Journal of Social Issues 46, 93-107. Traducción al español en A. Blanco (Ed.), Psicología de la Liberación. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1998, bajo el título "Religión y guerra psicológica ", Capítulo III, pp. 227–244.
- Psicología social de la guerra: trauma y terapia (compilación de textos)(f). San Salvador: UCA editores.
- Guerra y trauma psicosocial del niño salvadoreño (g). En I. Martín-Baró (ed.), Psicología social de la guerra: trauma y terapia. San Salvador: UCA editores.
- La familia, puerta y cárcel para la mujer salvadoreña (h). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 37, pp. 265–277.
- Entrevista con Ignacio Martín-Baró (i). En E. Cabrera, Revista de Psicología de El Salvador 9, 37, pp. 299–308.
- Reparations: Attention Must be Paid (j). Commonweal, 23 de Marzo.
- Psicología social de la liberación para América Latina. Ignacio Martín-Baró (1942–1989) (k). Gerardo Pacheco y Bernardo Jiménez (comps.). Guadalajara: ITESO/Universidad de Guadalajara.
- Los grupos con historia: un modelo psicosocial (a). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 43, 1992, pp. 7–29.
- Conflicto social e ideología científica: De Chile a El Salvador (b). Revista de Psicología de El Salvador, 46, 1992, pp. 317–338.
- Prólogo en EmperatrizArreaza Camero, La iglesia—institución de dominación o liberación? Caso
Venezuela: ensayo exploratorio hacia una teoría crítica del control social. Maracaibo: La Universidad del Zulia, Instituto de Criminología, Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y Humanístico.
- El método de la Psicología política (a). San Salvador (inédito).
- Writings for a Liberation Psychology. Ignacio Martín-Baró (b). Edited by Adrianne Aron and Shawn Corne. Cambribge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Procesos psíquicos y poder. En M. Montero (ed.), Psicología de la acción política.Barcelona: Paidós.
- Imágenes sociales en El Salvador (a). Revista de Psicología General y Aplicada, Vol. 51, No.3-4.
- Psicología de la liberación (b). Edición e introducción de Amalio Blanco. Epílogo de Noam Chomsky. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
- Compilation based in Luis de la Corte (1999), Adrianne Aron y Shawn Corne (1996), Amalio Blanco (1998),
G. Pacheco and B. Jiménez (1990). Source Psychology Department, UCA. http://di.uca.edu.sv/deptos/psicolog/
External Sources on Martín-Baró
- Martin-Baro in http://www.portalpsicologia.org/busqueda.jsp?idAutorClasico=26
- http://tech.mit.edu/V105/N20/baro.20n.html
- http://library.spc.edu/mark/elsalv.html
- http://di.uca.edu.sv/dept/psychologist/nacho.htm
- http://www.uca.edu.sv/martyrs/new/baro/fbaro.htm
- http://www.martinbarofund.org
- http://www.rtfcam.org/martyrs/UCA/martin-DIAZ
- http://www.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry / bibliography.html
- http://homepages.poptel.org.uk/mark.burton/PSLarticle.pdf
- http://psicologiasocial.xoc.uam.mx/text/arctex/PsicSocBaro-Delahanty.html