Hatching system
The system of heraldry
has two main methods to designate the tincture
s of arms
in uncolored illustrations: hatching and tricking
. Hatching, i.e. patterns of lines and dots, is the most common method to designate colours on uncoloured surfaces, like engravings, seals and coins.
The present day hatching system was developed during the 1630s by Silvester Petra Sancta
and Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
. Some earlier hatching methods were also developed, but did not catch on.
was a method of screening in the Renaissance
painting. For the great copperplate engravers and artists such as Zangrius
and Franquart
it served as a natural method to designate tinctures of the arms. Thus, it can be concluded that this way to designate the tinctures originated by all probability from the artists (copper plate engravers) and not the heralds. As part of the techniques of hatching, artists used various lengths, angles, mutual space and other properties of lines.
The copper plate engravers were always seized of the problem of properly picturing the black (dark) and white (light) surfaces. They also dealt with the problem on producing the coloured illustrations. It is around the middle of the 17th century that the first tests of the colour in copperplate engraving were done by François Perrier
(1590-Paris, 1650). According to some views, the multi-coloured copperplate engravings were invented by Abraham Bosse
as described in his 1645 treatise.
s did not like hatching, and the College of Arms
gave preference to tricking
even beyond the 17th century, sometimes even on the coloured and hatched images. It was so because tricking was a simpler way than hatching to designate the tinctures. Otto Titan von Hefner maintained that the first traces of hatching on the woodcuts began during the 15th and 16th centuries. Both tricking as well as hatching was applied by the Benedictine monk, philologist and outstanding historian Vincenzio or Vincenzo Maria Borghini (Florence, Oct. 29, 1515 – Aug. 18, 1580, Florence). He drew a difference between the metals and the colours on the woodcuts of his work by leaving the places blank on the arms for all metals; similarly all colours were hatched by the same way, as the colour vert is being used today. Besides this, tinctures were designated in the fields and on the ordinaries and charges by tricking: R–rosso–gules, A–azure–azure, N–nigro–sable, G–gialbo–yellow (or), and B–biancho–white (argent). Notably, the vert was not present on the arms presented by him.
During the 15-18th centuries, painting
and graphics
were on a very high level in the Low Countries
. For this reason, it isn’t accidental that different hatching methods emerged in the system of heraldry
in these territories. The earliest one and then the majority of these systems were developed in the Low Countries (mainly in the Duchy of Brabant
) such as the method of Zangrius
(1600), Franquart
(1623), Butkens
(1626), and de Rouck
(1645). So, four out of the eight authors of the seven known hatching systems came from the Low Countries and the remaining four authors – de la Colombière
, Petra Sancta
, Gelenius
, and Lobkowitz
– also had close connection with the heraldists and artists of these territories.
The earliest hatching system was developed by the outstanding copper plate engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller Jan Baptist Zangrius
(†1606) of Leuven in 1600 and was seen at the armorial chart of Brabant. Inasmuch as the hatching systems of Petra Sancta and de la Colombière differ from the method developed by Zangrius only in the way of hatching of the colour Sable, as it almost seems evident that Petra Sancta or de la Colombière modeled their systems after Zangrius‘ hatching table.
. In comparison to his system, Petra Sancta
and de la Colombière
made only minor changes to Zangrius‘ system such as different hatching for the colour Sable
. It seems that de la Colombière preceded Petra Sancta and the armorial chart of Zangrius published in French could possibly be known to him pretty well. The artists from the Spanish Low Countries
(where by all probability the heraldic hatching systems were invented), that is to say from the neighbouring territories to France, visited Paris
very often.
We have only some fragmental data about the life of Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
. He visited Paris in 1618, but by all probability, until 1635 he was staying in Grenoble as he was a royal counselor in the Dauphiné parliament. He also published a book in the spirit of the Gallicanism
in Geneva
that year. Colombière’s ideas suited the king’s taste too, as a result he left Grenoble
and settled down in Paris
, where he devoted his entire energy to study heraldry. His next book was published in Paris in 1638. He had wide-ranging correspondence with the most renowned heraldists of his time. For this reason, it could perhaps be concluded that de la Colombière was right in claiming the title of the inventor of the hatching system, and accusing Petra Sancta of copying his method and incorrectly publishing it in his 1638 work (Tesserae gentilitiae, Rome
1638), one year before the same hatching system was published by de la Colombière (Recueil de plusieurs pièces et figures d'armoiries..., Paris 1639). However, the earlier book of Petra Sancta fom 1634 had a hatching table as well. On page 37 of his title La Science Heroїque (1644), Colombière maintains that Petra Sancta simply copied his system without any changes. De la Colombière also mentions the book publishers and copperplate engravers
as the users of the hatching system.
Ottfried Neubecker maintains that the hatching system in heraldry was invented by de la Colombière and not Petra Sancta who only popularized the system through his second treatise titled Tesserae gentilitia, published in 1638. On the other hand, it’s also true that Silvester Petra Sancta provided though preliminary, comprehensive studies on his heraldic work in Germany
and the Netherlands
and that it’s very likely that he was acquainted with the idea of hatching and the earlier existing hatching methods from the Dutch engravers before he developed his own hatching system. He was the confessor of the Cardinal
Pier Luigi Carafa
(1581–1655). Between 1624 and 1634, Petra Sancta stayed with his lord in Cologne
where he fought against the rising Protestantism
through his sermons and religious discussions, including through two of his emblematic books published in 1634 and 1638, respectively. Later he settled down in Rome and published his famous treatise on heraldry there, but during late 1620s and the early 1630s he stayed in the Spanish Low Countries
and the neighbouring territories. In 1634 he published his first book touching the topic of heraldry, containing a hatching table, and his main heraldic work with a coherent hatching system was published in 1638 in Rome.
. Petra Sancta's 1638 book was published by Francesco Corbelletti in Rome.
The woodcuts from one of the publications of Corbelletti dated 1627 (Giovanni Antonio Brandi, Cronologia de' sommi pontefici ...., Rome: Francesco Corbelletti, 1627) are good examples of stripping applied for screening. One of the woodcuts (no. 152) in the book shows even a kind of a screening with hatching. Moreover, the arms on the title page of one of the Corbelletti’s 1639 publications (Francesco Liberati, La perfettione del cavallo... Rome: Per gli Heredi di Francesco Corbelletti, 1639) already represents a complete example of heraldic hatching. That means Corbelletti took over the heraldic hatching system already in the next year after the 1638 system of Petra Sancta appeared. If we consider the time needed to prepare the engravings and the approval by the censure
, Corbelletti must know the hatching system of Petra Sancta even before 1638.
Thus it’s obvious that Petra Sancta got the model for his heraldic hatching system from the illustrator
s and publishers of his book
s in the Low Countries. It is possible that these engravers also knew at least two earlier hatching systems by Zangrius in 1600, and Francquart in 1623. The techniques of heraldic hatching might have even been carried forward by the guild
s of engravers one after another. Certainly, Petra Sancta must have at least held consultations with the engravers who were preparing illustrations for his books to explain to them his concept or to develop a coherent method to designate tinctures by mutual agreement.
Designation of tinctures by hatching needs copperplate engravings as the tiny places of the escutcheons need lines close to each other, which is impossible to be realized by using woodcuts. And copperplate engraving was the most developed form of hatching in the Low Countries, especially in Antwerp, while until the 1630s it was almost unknown in some other countries, including Paris
. So, the heraldic hatching was developed as a result of the cooperation between heraldists and copperplate engravers and artists.
was the first one that adopted the hatching system applied in the blazon. His two-volume book was published in Douai
in 1631 and in 1632 respectively. (A facsimile of l’Espinoy’s book titled Recherche des antiquités et noblesse de Flandre was published in 1972.) This city, now in France, was then part of Flanders
. The illustrations in this book include 1,121 escutcheons, standard
s and seals of armorial bearings, on wood, besides 58 copperplate illustrations that at first sight appear to have hatchings. If one however compares these "hatchings" with the descriptions, then one finds out that there isn't any system in it at all. For instance Gules is alternately indicated by horizontal or vertical or diagonal lines or is left blank. It seems l'Espinoy considered lines and dots merely as a sort of artistic additions which he put in at random. There is no hatching table at all.
Most other known hatching systems also originated in the Low Countries. The tiny hatching table of the above-mentioned Jacob Franquart
, to be found in his Pompa funebris Alberti Pii Austriaci (1623), was the earliest hatching method after Zangrius. The Cistercian abbot from Antwerp and historian and genealogist Christophe Butkens
also developed his own system, but it was used by him in an inconsequent way which led to the misunderstandings and the resultant sudden disappearance of this system. The hatching table of Thomas de Rouck
was radically different from that of Zangrius
. Aegidius Gelenius
was one of the most respected Cologne
historians of his time. He developed a late hatching system but it did not gain popularity. Gelenius was deeply influenced by Petra Sancta and both the men met personally several times in Cologne. Gelenius also studied the coats of arms and antiquities of the Rhenish nobility in the territory neighboring the Low Countries. However, Gelenius’ hatching system is identical only at two points with Petra Sancta, indicating that he consciously tried to develop an independent system but failed to make a serious cut, or it can also indicate that Petra Sancta's system was not yet fully developed when they met in Cologne. If this is true, it makes certain the primacy of de la Colombière as the inventor of the hatching system.
The last hatching method was developed by Charles Segoing, a French heraldist and royal historian in 1654 (Armorial universel, contenant les armes des principales maisons de l'Europe. Paris, 1654). His system is similar to the method of Petra Sancta. On the table X of his work, Otto Titan von Hefner published still another system of hatching from 1639, attributed to Lobkowitz
. (On page 49, footnote 4 Hefner names his source as Rietstap's Handboek der Wapenkunde, p. 96.) His book titled Philippus Prudens contains as many as 27 engraved portrait
s of the Portuguese king
s, among them several with hatched coat of arms
, but tere is no hatching table at all. However, in his earlier book from 1636 we can really find a hatching table. (One of the book censors was Christophe Butkens
In 1632 Lobkowitz was sent to the Low Countries where he became a renowned preacher and missionary. His first book Steganographia ars orthographia was published in 1636 in Brussels
when he was a professor
at the Leuven
University – the same city where Jan Baptist Zangrius
was also active. Here Lobkowitz published a major work titled Theologia Moralis ad prima, eaque clarissima principia reducta printed by Perus Zangrius (Lovanii, typis ac sumptibus Petrus Zangrius, 1645). His book titled Philippus Prudens containing some hatched arms was published in 1639 by Balthasar Moretus in Antwerp. The coats of arms were engraved by Cornelis Galle Sr., after the drawings of Erasmus Quellinus Sr (Liège, 1584 - Antwerp, at the end of 1639 or in the beginning of 1640), a Flemish Baroque Era painter, and the engraving of the frontispiece was made by Jacob Neeffs (Antwerp, June 3, 1610–1660).
Christoffel Plantin (1520–1589), grandfather of Balthasar Moretus, set up his printing shop called 'De Gulden Passer' (Golden Compasses) in Antwerp in 1555, publishing both Catholic and Protestant literature. This Frenchman, who fled his native country to Antwerp to escape the persecution during the 1540s, was the best-known printer of his time. Moretus was also a close friend to Rubens
who made several illustrations for the company‘s publications. This company also published a work by Justus Lipsius
in 1604 using the same portrait of Lipsius that was engraved by Zangrius in 1601. Zangrius had also some Parisian connections. The Parisian Book Society knew several representatives of a number of leading engravers originating from the Netherlands, for instance, the famous Jodocus Badius
(1462–1535) from Asse, and the not-so-famous Johannes Lodoicus Tiletanus (1566–1581) from Tielt. He started off as a corrector at Badius, married the sister-in-law of Badius' daughter Madeleine and became an uncle to Petrus Zangrius.
(1670–1746) introduced hatching for the gray (Eisen) and proper
(Naturfarbe). These hatchings (natürlichen Farbe, Eisenfarbe) were presented by Gatterer
as well. He maintained that the first one is needless, but the second one has its own importance, because he had noticed himself that old armorials produced by herolds, at least in Germany, also made difference between iron-colour (Eisenfarbe) and the white colour (weisse Farbe), when they omit the term Argent. He also recommended to study the work by Johann David Köhler
titled Programma de auctoribus incisurarum, to learn about the origin of hatchings. The German heraldist Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd
(1775–1854) introduced hatching for some other tinctures such as Umbra (sienne, earth-color), Rotgelb (yellow-red, orange), Stahlblau (steel blue) and Blutfarbe (sanguine).
Besides the traditional metals, or
(gold) and argent
(silver), some other metals like copper
, lead
, bronze
, etc. also emerged over the years. Hatching for iron
(ferro) and steel (acciaio) were introduced by two Italian heraldists Guelfi Camaini and Goffredo di Crollanza, but these were rarely used.
The heraldic furs (ermine
, vair
) do not need a special hatching method, as they have a special pattern that is easily recognizable even on the uncoloured illustrations. Nevertheless, there existed two heraldic furs that had their own hatchings. Also, there are in use (mainly in the Czech heraldic literature) furs like zibeline and marten. The colour and hatching for zibeline is the same as the sable (black) tincture, and the colour and hatching of marten is identical with the gules (red) tincture. So, in some countries these tinctures are also held as furs (mainly in the Czech heraldic traditions, but not in real use, and sometimes also in the German heraldry, which is also not in real use today).
Zibeline (in German Zobelfell, in Czech sobol, and in Hungarian coboly) was already used in the ancient times of heraldry. Some minnesängers applied the word Zobelfell for the black tincture, and the arms of the count von Zollern also contained zibeline (Zobelfell). The colour and hatching of marten (in German Marderfell, in Czech kunina, and in Hungarian nyest) is identical with the red (gules) tincture. The origin of the word gules
is from the Medieval Latin
word gula, which means the mouth of a carnivorous animal
, and in some cases the goules are made of the marten fur (one text says goules de martre). Maybe its reddish tint came to the heraldry from the fur of pine marten. In the poem of Konrad von Würzburg
we can read kelen rôt (line 985) transformed into modern German as pelzrot. (Furthermore, we can read there phrases like vîz hermelin (405), which is hermelinweiß, and zobel (400) as well.) Though the Webster's Dictionary defines the meaning of pine as a white, yellowish timber and the Cambridge International Dictionary defines it as a timber usually pale in colour, no source, including heraldry textbooks, mentions it in connection with heraldry.
as a standard system of colors and hatch patterns for use in planning factories
and material handling systems.
Heraldry is the profession, study, or art of creating, granting, and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms. Heraldry comes from Anglo-Norman herald, from the Germanic compound harja-waldaz, "army commander"...
has two main methods to designate the tincture
Tincture (heraldry)
In heraldry, tinctures are the colours used to emblazon a coat of arms. These can be divided into several categories including light tinctures called metals, dark tinctures called colours, nonstandard colours called stains, furs, and "proper". A charge tinctured proper is coloured as it would be...
s of arms
Coat of arms
A coat of arms is a unique heraldic design on a shield or escutcheon or on a surcoat or tabard used to cover and protect armour and to identify the wearer. Thus the term is often stated as "coat-armour", because it was anciently displayed on the front of a coat of cloth...
in uncolored illustrations: hatching and tricking
Tricking (heraldry)
The system of heraldry has two main methods to designate the tinctures of arms: hatching and tricking, i. e. designation of tinctures by means of abbreviations or signs.- Origin :...
. Hatching, i.e. patterns of lines and dots, is the most common method to designate colours on uncoloured surfaces, like engravings, seals and coins.
The present day hatching system was developed during the 1630s by Silvester Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta was an Italian Jesuit priest, and heraldist. His name is also spelt as Sylvester Petra Sancta, Petrasancta, in Italian Padre Silvestro da Pietrasanta. Pseudonym: Coelius Servilius...
and Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière or Sieur [Sir] de la Colombière was a French heraldist, historian, poet, minion of the royal court. His name is often spelt as Wulson and also as Volson....
. Some earlier hatching methods were also developed, but did not catch on.
Hatching is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines...
was a method of screening in the Renaissance
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned roughly the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historical era, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not...
painting. For the great copperplate engravers and artists such as Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
and Franquart
Jacob Franquart
Jacob Franquart was a Flemish painter, court architect, and an outstanding copper plate engraver...
it served as a natural method to designate tinctures of the arms. Thus, it can be concluded that this way to designate the tinctures originated by all probability from the artists (copper plate engravers) and not the heralds. As part of the techniques of hatching, artists used various lengths, angles, mutual space and other properties of lines.
The copper plate engravers were always seized of the problem of properly picturing the black (dark) and white (light) surfaces. They also dealt with the problem on producing the coloured illustrations. It is around the middle of the 17th century that the first tests of the colour in copperplate engraving were done by François Perrier
François Perrier
Francois Perrier was a French soldier and geodesist.Perrier was born at Valleraugue , , descended from a family of Protestants, of Cevennes. After finishing his studies at the Lyceum of Nimes and at St...
(1590-Paris, 1650). According to some views, the multi-coloured copperplate engravings were invented by Abraham Bosse
Abraham Bosse
Abraham Bosse was a French artist, mainly as a printmaker in etching, but also in watercolour.-Life:...
as described in his 1645 treatise.
A herald, or, more correctly, a herald of arms, is an officer of arms, ranking between pursuivant and king of arms. The title is often applied erroneously to all officers of arms....
s did not like hatching, and the College of Arms
College of Arms
The College of Arms, or Heralds’ College, is an office regulating heraldry and granting new armorial bearings for England, Wales and Northern Ireland...
gave preference to tricking
Tricking (heraldry)
The system of heraldry has two main methods to designate the tinctures of arms: hatching and tricking, i. e. designation of tinctures by means of abbreviations or signs.- Origin :...
even beyond the 17th century, sometimes even on the coloured and hatched images. It was so because tricking was a simpler way than hatching to designate the tinctures. Otto Titan von Hefner maintained that the first traces of hatching on the woodcuts began during the 15th and 16th centuries. Both tricking as well as hatching was applied by the Benedictine monk, philologist and outstanding historian Vincenzio or Vincenzo Maria Borghini (Florence, Oct. 29, 1515 – Aug. 18, 1580, Florence). He drew a difference between the metals and the colours on the woodcuts of his work by leaving the places blank on the arms for all metals; similarly all colours were hatched by the same way, as the colour vert is being used today. Besides this, tinctures were designated in the fields and on the ordinaries and charges by tricking: R–rosso–gules, A–azure–azure, N–nigro–sable, G–gialbo–yellow (or), and B–biancho–white (argent). Notably, the vert was not present on the arms presented by him.
During the 15-18th centuries, painting
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...
and graphics
Graphics are visual presentations on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, computer screen, paper, or stone to brand, inform, illustrate, or entertain. Examples are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings,or...
were on a very high level in the Low Countries
Low Countries
The Low Countries are the historical lands around the low-lying delta of the Rhine, Scheldt, and Meuse rivers, including the modern countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and parts of northern France and western Germany....
. For this reason, it isn’t accidental that different hatching methods emerged in the system of heraldry
Heraldry is the profession, study, or art of creating, granting, and blazoning arms and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms. Heraldry comes from Anglo-Norman herald, from the Germanic compound harja-waldaz, "army commander"...
in these territories. The earliest one and then the majority of these systems were developed in the Low Countries (mainly in the Duchy of Brabant
Duchy of Brabant
The Duchy of Brabant was a historical region in the Low Countries. Its territory consisted essentially of the three modern-day Belgian provinces of Flemish Brabant, Walloon Brabant and Antwerp, the Brussels-Capital Region and most of the present-day Dutch province of North Brabant.The Flag of...
) such as the method of Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
(1600), Franquart
Jacob Franquart
Jacob Franquart was a Flemish painter, court architect, and an outstanding copper plate engraver...
(1623), Butkens
Christophe Butkens
Christophe Butkens was a Cistercian abbot from Antwerp, historian and genealogist.Butkens developed his own hatching system but it was used by him in an inconsequent way which led to the misunderstandings and the resultant sudden disappearance of this method...
(1626), and de Rouck
Thomas de Rouck
Thomas de Rouck was a steward and later the mayor of his native town Bergen op Zoom.De Rouck developed a late hatching system , but failed to make a serious cut....
(1645). So, four out of the eight authors of the seven known hatching systems came from the Low Countries and the remaining four authors – de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière or Sieur [Sir] de la Colombière was a French heraldist, historian, poet, minion of the royal court. His name is often spelt as Wulson and also as Volson....
, Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta was an Italian Jesuit priest, and heraldist. His name is also spelt as Sylvester Petra Sancta, Petrasancta, in Italian Padre Silvestro da Pietrasanta. Pseudonym: Coelius Servilius...
, Gelenius
Aegidius Gelenius
Aegidius Gelenius was one of the most respected Cologne historians of his time. He had also at his disposal some Roman age sources that are not in existence today.He developed a late hatching system but it did not gain popularity.- Life :...
, and Lobkowitz
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz was a Spanish Catholic scholastic philosopher, ecclesiastic, mathematician and writer.-Life:...
– also had close connection with the heraldists and artists of these territories.
The earliest hatching system was developed by the outstanding copper plate engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
(†1606) of Leuven in 1600 and was seen at the armorial chart of Brabant. Inasmuch as the hatching systems of Petra Sancta and de la Colombière differ from the method developed by Zangrius only in the way of hatching of the colour Sable, as it almost seems evident that Petra Sancta or de la Colombière modeled their systems after Zangrius‘ hatching table.
Dispute of Petra Sancta and de la Colombière
The primacy of developing a hatching method belongs undoubtedly to ZangriusJan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
. In comparison to his system, Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta
Silvester Petra Sancta was an Italian Jesuit priest, and heraldist. His name is also spelt as Sylvester Petra Sancta, Petrasancta, in Italian Padre Silvestro da Pietrasanta. Pseudonym: Coelius Servilius...
and de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière or Sieur [Sir] de la Colombière was a French heraldist, historian, poet, minion of the royal court. His name is often spelt as Wulson and also as Volson....
made only minor changes to Zangrius‘ system such as different hatching for the colour Sable
The sable is a species of marten which inhabits forest environments, primarily in Russia from the Ural Mountains throughout Siberia, in northern Mongolia and China and on Hokkaidō in Japan. Its range in the wild originally extended through European Russia to Poland and Scandinavia...
. It seems that de la Colombière preceded Petra Sancta and the armorial chart of Zangrius published in French could possibly be known to him pretty well. The artists from the Spanish Low Countries
Low Countries
The Low Countries are the historical lands around the low-lying delta of the Rhine, Scheldt, and Meuse rivers, including the modern countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and parts of northern France and western Germany....
(where by all probability the heraldic hatching systems were invented), that is to say from the neighbouring territories to France, visited Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
very often.
We have only some fragmental data about the life of Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière
Marcus Vulson de la Colombière or Sieur [Sir] de la Colombière was a French heraldist, historian, poet, minion of the royal court. His name is often spelt as Wulson and also as Volson....
. He visited Paris in 1618, but by all probability, until 1635 he was staying in Grenoble as he was a royal counselor in the Dauphiné parliament. He also published a book in the spirit of the Gallicanism
Gallicanism is the belief that popular civil authority—often represented by the monarchs' authority or the State's authority—over the Catholic Church is comparable to that of the Pope's...
in Geneva
Geneva In the national languages of Switzerland the city is known as Genf , Ginevra and Genevra is the second-most-populous city in Switzerland and is the most populous city of Romandie, the French-speaking part of Switzerland...
that year. Colombière’s ideas suited the king’s taste too, as a result he left Grenoble
Grenoble is a city in southeastern France, at the foot of the French Alps where the river Drac joins the Isère. Located in the Rhône-Alpes region, Grenoble is the capital of the department of Isère...
and settled down in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
, where he devoted his entire energy to study heraldry. His next book was published in Paris in 1638. He had wide-ranging correspondence with the most renowned heraldists of his time. For this reason, it could perhaps be concluded that de la Colombière was right in claiming the title of the inventor of the hatching system, and accusing Petra Sancta of copying his method and incorrectly publishing it in his 1638 work (Tesserae gentilitiae, Rome
Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...
1638), one year before the same hatching system was published by de la Colombière (Recueil de plusieurs pièces et figures d'armoiries..., Paris 1639). However, the earlier book of Petra Sancta fom 1634 had a hatching table as well. On page 37 of his title La Science Heroїque (1644), Colombière maintains that Petra Sancta simply copied his system without any changes. De la Colombière also mentions the book publishers and copperplate engravers
Engraving is the practice of incising a design on to a hard, usually flat surface, by cutting grooves into it. The result may be a decorated object in itself, as when silver, gold, steel, or glass are engraved, or may provide an intaglio printing plate, of copper or another metal, for printing...
as the users of the hatching system.
Ottfried Neubecker maintains that the hatching system in heraldry was invented by de la Colombière and not Petra Sancta who only popularized the system through his second treatise titled Tesserae gentilitia, published in 1638. On the other hand, it’s also true that Silvester Petra Sancta provided though preliminary, comprehensive studies on his heraldic work in Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...
and the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located mainly in North-West Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean. Mainland Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east, and shares maritime borders...
and that it’s very likely that he was acquainted with the idea of hatching and the earlier existing hatching methods from the Dutch engravers before he developed his own hatching system. He was the confessor of the Cardinal
Cardinal (Catholicism)
A cardinal is a senior ecclesiastical official, usually an ordained bishop, and ecclesiastical prince of the Catholic Church. They are collectively known as the College of Cardinals, which as a body elects a new pope. The duties of the cardinals include attending the meetings of the College and...
Pier Luigi Carafa
Pier Luigi Carafa
Pier Luigi Carafa was a cardinal of the Catholic Church, and a member of the Roman Curia.He was bishop of Tricarico and nuntius of Cologne....
(1581–1655). Between 1624 and 1634, Petra Sancta stayed with his lord in Cologne
Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city , and is the largest city both in the Germany Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants.Cologne is located on both sides of the...
where he fought against the rising Protestantism
Protestantism is one of the three major groupings within Christianity. It is a movement that began in Germany in the early 16th century as a reaction against medieval Roman Catholic doctrines and practices, especially in regards to salvation, justification, and ecclesiology.The doctrines of the...
through his sermons and religious discussions, including through two of his emblematic books published in 1634 and 1638, respectively. Later he settled down in Rome and published his famous treatise on heraldry there, but during late 1620s and the early 1630s he stayed in the Spanish Low Countries
Low Countries
The Low Countries are the historical lands around the low-lying delta of the Rhine, Scheldt, and Meuse rivers, including the modern countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and parts of northern France and western Germany....
and the neighbouring territories. In 1634 he published his first book touching the topic of heraldry, containing a hatching table, and his main heraldic work with a coherent hatching system was published in 1638 in Rome.
Contribution of engravers to development
According to the data from the Plantin-Moretus archive, the emblems of Petra Sancta's 1634 book were prepared by artist-engravers in the service of the Jesuit monks first and then between December 1631 and June 1634 it was redone by André Pauwels (Andries Pauli, 1600–1639) for Batlhasar Moretus (1574–1641). The allegorical title page of this book was prepared by RubensRubens
Rubens is often used to refer to Peter Paul Rubens , the Flemish artist.Rubens may also refer to:- People :Family name* Paul Rubens Rubens is often used to refer to Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), the Flemish artist.Rubens may also refer to:- People :Family name* Paul Rubens (composer) Rubens is...
. Petra Sancta's 1638 book was published by Francesco Corbelletti in Rome.
The woodcuts from one of the publications of Corbelletti dated 1627 (Giovanni Antonio Brandi, Cronologia de' sommi pontefici ...., Rome: Francesco Corbelletti, 1627) are good examples of stripping applied for screening. One of the woodcuts (no. 152) in the book shows even a kind of a screening with hatching. Moreover, the arms on the title page of one of the Corbelletti’s 1639 publications (Francesco Liberati, La perfettione del cavallo... Rome: Per gli Heredi di Francesco Corbelletti, 1639) already represents a complete example of heraldic hatching. That means Corbelletti took over the heraldic hatching system already in the next year after the 1638 system of Petra Sancta appeared. If we consider the time needed to prepare the engravings and the approval by the censure
A censure is an expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism. Among the forms that it can take are a stern rebuke by a legislature, a spiritual penalty imposed by a church, and a negative judgment pronounced on a theological proposition.-Politics:...
, Corbelletti must know the hatching system of Petra Sancta even before 1638.
Thus it’s obvious that Petra Sancta got the model for his heraldic hatching system from the illustrator
An Illustrator is a narrative artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text...
s and publishers of his book
A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of hot lava, paper, parchment, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf or leaflet, and each side of a leaf is called a page...
s in the Low Countries. It is possible that these engravers also knew at least two earlier hatching systems by Zangrius in 1600, and Francquart in 1623. The techniques of heraldic hatching might have even been carried forward by the guild
A guild is an association of craftsmen in a particular trade. The earliest types of guild were formed as confraternities of workers. They were organized in a manner something between a trade union, a cartel, and a secret society...
s of engravers one after another. Certainly, Petra Sancta must have at least held consultations with the engravers who were preparing illustrations for his books to explain to them his concept or to develop a coherent method to designate tinctures by mutual agreement.
Designation of tinctures by hatching needs copperplate engravings as the tiny places of the escutcheons need lines close to each other, which is impossible to be realized by using woodcuts. And copperplate engraving was the most developed form of hatching in the Low Countries, especially in Antwerp, while until the 1630s it was almost unknown in some other countries, including Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
. So, the heraldic hatching was developed as a result of the cooperation between heraldists and copperplate engravers and artists.
Other hatching systems
The French heraldist Imbert de la Phalecque and his Italian counterpart Goffredo di Crollanza claimed that the work of Philippe de l'EspinoyPhilippe de l'Espinoy
Philippe de L'Espinoy of Ghent was a Walloon historian and genealogist.He served as the commander of a company of Walloon infantry during the reign of Philippe II...
was the first one that adopted the hatching system applied in the blazon. His two-volume book was published in Douai
-Main sights:Douai's ornate Gothic style belfry was begun in 1380, on the site of an earlier tower. The 80 m high structure includes an impressive carillon, consisting of 62 bells spanning 5 octaves. The originals, some dating from 1391 were removed in 1917 during World War I by the occupying...
in 1631 and in 1632 respectively. (A facsimile of l’Espinoy’s book titled Recherche des antiquités et noblesse de Flandre was published in 1972.) This city, now in France, was then part of Flanders
Flanders is the community of the Flemings but also one of the institutions in Belgium, and a geographical region located in parts of present-day Belgium, France and the Netherlands. "Flanders" can also refer to the northern part of Belgium that contains Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp...
. The illustrations in this book include 1,121 escutcheons, standard
A flag is a piece of fabric with a distinctive design that is usually rectangular and used as a symbol, as a signaling device, or decoration. The term flag is also used to refer to the graphic design employed by a flag, or to its depiction in another medium.The first flags were used to assist...
s and seals of armorial bearings, on wood, besides 58 copperplate illustrations that at first sight appear to have hatchings. If one however compares these "hatchings" with the descriptions, then one finds out that there isn't any system in it at all. For instance Gules is alternately indicated by horizontal or vertical or diagonal lines or is left blank. It seems l'Espinoy considered lines and dots merely as a sort of artistic additions which he put in at random. There is no hatching table at all.
Most other known hatching systems also originated in the Low Countries. The tiny hatching table of the above-mentioned Jacob Franquart
Jacob Franquart
Jacob Franquart was a Flemish painter, court architect, and an outstanding copper plate engraver...
, to be found in his Pompa funebris Alberti Pii Austriaci (1623), was the earliest hatching method after Zangrius. The Cistercian abbot from Antwerp and historian and genealogist Christophe Butkens
Christophe Butkens
Christophe Butkens was a Cistercian abbot from Antwerp, historian and genealogist.Butkens developed his own hatching system but it was used by him in an inconsequent way which led to the misunderstandings and the resultant sudden disappearance of this method...
also developed his own system, but it was used by him in an inconsequent way which led to the misunderstandings and the resultant sudden disappearance of this system. The hatching table of Thomas de Rouck
Thomas de Rouck
Thomas de Rouck was a steward and later the mayor of his native town Bergen op Zoom.De Rouck developed a late hatching system , but failed to make a serious cut....
was radically different from that of Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
. Aegidius Gelenius
Aegidius Gelenius
Aegidius Gelenius was one of the most respected Cologne historians of his time. He had also at his disposal some Roman age sources that are not in existence today.He developed a late hatching system but it did not gain popularity.- Life :...
was one of the most respected Cologne
Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city , and is the largest city both in the Germany Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants.Cologne is located on both sides of the...
historians of his time. He developed a late hatching system but it did not gain popularity. Gelenius was deeply influenced by Petra Sancta and both the men met personally several times in Cologne. Gelenius also studied the coats of arms and antiquities of the Rhenish nobility in the territory neighboring the Low Countries. However, Gelenius’ hatching system is identical only at two points with Petra Sancta, indicating that he consciously tried to develop an independent system but failed to make a serious cut, or it can also indicate that Petra Sancta's system was not yet fully developed when they met in Cologne. If this is true, it makes certain the primacy of de la Colombière as the inventor of the hatching system.
The last hatching method was developed by Charles Segoing, a French heraldist and royal historian in 1654 (Armorial universel, contenant les armes des principales maisons de l'Europe. Paris, 1654). His system is similar to the method of Petra Sancta. On the table X of his work, Otto Titan von Hefner published still another system of hatching from 1639, attributed to Lobkowitz
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz
Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz was a Spanish Catholic scholastic philosopher, ecclesiastic, mathematician and writer.-Life:...
. (On page 49, footnote 4 Hefner names his source as Rietstap's Handboek der Wapenkunde, p. 96.) His book titled Philippus Prudens contains as many as 27 engraved portrait
thumb|250px|right|Portrait of [[Thomas Jefferson]] by [[Rembrandt Peale]], 1805. [[New-York Historical Society]].A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness,...
s of the Portuguese king
- Centers of population :* King, Ontario, CanadaIn USA:* King, Indiana* King, North Carolina* King, Lincoln County, Wisconsin* King, Waupaca County, Wisconsin* King County, Washington- Moving-image works :Television:...
s, among them several with hatched coat of arms
Coat of arms
A coat of arms is a unique heraldic design on a shield or escutcheon or on a surcoat or tabard used to cover and protect armour and to identify the wearer. Thus the term is often stated as "coat-armour", because it was anciently displayed on the front of a coat of cloth...
, but tere is no hatching table at all. However, in his earlier book from 1636 we can really find a hatching table. (One of the book censors was Christophe Butkens
Christophe Butkens
Christophe Butkens was a Cistercian abbot from Antwerp, historian and genealogist.Butkens developed his own hatching system but it was used by him in an inconsequent way which led to the misunderstandings and the resultant sudden disappearance of this method...
In 1632 Lobkowitz was sent to the Low Countries where he became a renowned preacher and missionary. His first book Steganographia ars orthographia was published in 1636 in Brussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...
when he was a professor
A professor is a scholarly teacher; the precise meaning of the term varies by country. Literally, professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes" being usually an expert in arts or sciences; a teacher of high rank...
at the Leuven
Leuven is the capital of the province of Flemish Brabant in the Flemish Region, Belgium...
University – the same city where Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius
Jan Baptist Zangrius was an Flemish engraver, publisher, typographer and bookseller.His name is mostly spelled as Johannes Baptista Zangrius, but is also known as de Sanger, de Zangre, Zangre, and Zangré.- Biographical Data :...
was also active. Here Lobkowitz published a major work titled Theologia Moralis ad prima, eaque clarissima principia reducta printed by Perus Zangrius (Lovanii, typis ac sumptibus Petrus Zangrius, 1645). His book titled Philippus Prudens containing some hatched arms was published in 1639 by Balthasar Moretus in Antwerp. The coats of arms were engraved by Cornelis Galle Sr., after the drawings of Erasmus Quellinus Sr (Liège, 1584 - Antwerp, at the end of 1639 or in the beginning of 1640), a Flemish Baroque Era painter, and the engraving of the frontispiece was made by Jacob Neeffs (Antwerp, June 3, 1610–1660).
Christoffel Plantin (1520–1589), grandfather of Balthasar Moretus, set up his printing shop called 'De Gulden Passer' (Golden Compasses) in Antwerp in 1555, publishing both Catholic and Protestant literature. This Frenchman, who fled his native country to Antwerp to escape the persecution during the 1540s, was the best-known printer of his time. Moretus was also a close friend to Rubens
Rubens is often used to refer to Peter Paul Rubens , the Flemish artist.Rubens may also refer to:- People :Family name* Paul Rubens Rubens is often used to refer to Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), the Flemish artist.Rubens may also refer to:- People :Family name* Paul Rubens (composer) Rubens is...
who made several illustrations for the company‘s publications. This company also published a work by Justus Lipsius
Justus Lipsius
Justus Lipsius was a Southern-Netherlandish philologist and humanist. Lipsius wrote a series of works designed to revive ancient Stoicism in a form that would be compatible with Christianity. The most famous of these is De Constantia...
in 1604 using the same portrait of Lipsius that was engraved by Zangrius in 1601. Zangrius had also some Parisian connections. The Parisian Book Society knew several representatives of a number of leading engravers originating from the Netherlands, for instance, the famous Jodocus Badius
Jodocus Badius
Jodocus Badius was a pioneer of the printing industry.Sometimes called Badius Ascensius from the village of Asse, near Brussels, where he was born, he became an eminent printer at Paris. His establishment came to be known as the Prelum Ascensianum...
(1462–1535) from Asse, and the not-so-famous Johannes Lodoicus Tiletanus (1566–1581) from Tielt. He started off as a corrector at Badius, married the sister-in-law of Badius' daughter Madeleine and became an uncle to Petrus Zangrius.
Additional tinctures
Out of these systems, Otto Titan von Hefner published some further hatching methods at table X of his above cited book, presenting hatching methods for some additional tinctures as well. Some additional tinctures already appeared in the theory of heraldry in the early 15th century, which were then soon applied in practice. The German jurist and heraldist Eucharius Gottlieb RinkEucharius Gottlieb Rink
Eucharius Gottlieb Rink was a German jurist,heraldist, numismatician, imperial counsellor. His name is also spelt as Rinck, Rinckius, Rinkius...
(1670–1746) introduced hatching for the gray (Eisen) and proper
Proper may refer to:* Proper , the part of a Christian liturgy that is specific to the date within the Liturgical Year* Proper frame, such system of reference in which object is stationary , sometimes also called a co-moving frame...
(Naturfarbe). These hatchings (natürlichen Farbe, Eisenfarbe) were presented by Gatterer
Johann Christoph Gatterer
Johann Christoph Gatterer was a German historian who was a native of Lichtenau, Bavaria. He was the father of cameralist Christoph Wilhelm Jacob Gatterer and poet Magdalena Philippine Engelhard ....
as well. He maintained that the first one is needless, but the second one has its own importance, because he had noticed himself that old armorials produced by herolds, at least in Germany, also made difference between iron-colour (Eisenfarbe) and the white colour (weisse Farbe), when they omit the term Argent. He also recommended to study the work by Johann David Köhler
Johann David Köhler
Johann David Köhler was a German historian . His academic focuses were on Roman coins as historical artifacts, ancient weapons, and genealogy...
titled Programma de auctoribus incisurarum, to learn about the origin of hatchings. The German heraldist Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd
Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd
Christian Samuel Theodor Bernd was a German linguist and heraldist, one of the founders of scientific heraldry....
(1775–1854) introduced hatching for some other tinctures such as Umbra (sienne, earth-color), Rotgelb (yellow-red, orange), Stahlblau (steel blue) and Blutfarbe (sanguine).
Besides the traditional metals, or
Or (heraldry)
In heraldry, Or is the tincture of gold and, together with argent , belongs to the class of light tinctures called "metals". In engravings and line drawings, it may be represented using a field of evenly spaced dots...
(gold) and argent
In heraldry, argent is the tincture of silver, and belongs to the class of light tinctures, called "metals". It is very frequently depicted as white and usually considered interchangeable with it...
(silver), some other metals like copper
Copper is a chemical element with the symbol Cu and atomic number 29. It is a ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Pure copper is soft and malleable; an exposed surface has a reddish-orange tarnish...
, lead
Lead is a main-group element in the carbon group with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82. Lead is a soft, malleable poor metal. It is also counted as one of the heavy metals. Metallic lead has a bluish-white color after being freshly cut, but it soon tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed...
, bronze
Bronze is a metal alloy consisting primarily of copper, usually with tin as the main additive. It is hard and brittle, and it was particularly significant in antiquity, so much so that the Bronze Age was named after the metal...
, etc. also emerged over the years. Hatching for iron
Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe and atomic number 26. It is a metal in the first transition series. It is the most common element forming the planet Earth as a whole, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. It is the fourth most common element in the Earth's crust...
(ferro) and steel (acciaio) were introduced by two Italian heraldists Guelfi Camaini and Goffredo di Crollanza, but these were rarely used.
The heraldic furs (ermine
Ermine (heraldry)
Ermine is a heraldic fur representing the winter coat of the stoat . Many skins would be sewn together to make a luxurious garment, producing a pattern of small black spots on a white field...
, vair
Vair is the heraldic representation of patches of squirrel fur in an alternating pattern of blue and white. As a tincture, vair is considered a fur and is therefore exempted from the Rule of tincture . Variations of vair are laid out in different patterns, each with their own name...
) do not need a special hatching method, as they have a special pattern that is easily recognizable even on the uncoloured illustrations. Nevertheless, there existed two heraldic furs that had their own hatchings. Also, there are in use (mainly in the Czech heraldic literature) furs like zibeline and marten. The colour and hatching for zibeline is the same as the sable (black) tincture, and the colour and hatching of marten is identical with the gules (red) tincture. So, in some countries these tinctures are also held as furs (mainly in the Czech heraldic traditions, but not in real use, and sometimes also in the German heraldry, which is also not in real use today).
Zibeline (in German Zobelfell, in Czech sobol, and in Hungarian coboly) was already used in the ancient times of heraldry. Some minnesängers applied the word Zobelfell for the black tincture, and the arms of the count von Zollern also contained zibeline (Zobelfell). The colour and hatching of marten (in German Marderfell, in Czech kunina, and in Hungarian nyest) is identical with the red (gules) tincture. The origin of the word gules
In heraldry, gules is the tincture with the colour red, and belongs to the class of dark tinctures called "colours". In engraving, it is sometimes depicted as a region of vertical lines or else marked with gu. as an abbreviation....
is from the Medieval Latin
Latin is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages, is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is considered a dead language, a number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and...
word gula, which means the mouth of a carnivorous animal
Animals are a major group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia or Metazoa. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as they develop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later on in their life. Most animals are motile, meaning they can move spontaneously and...
, and in some cases the goules are made of the marten fur (one text says goules de martre). Maybe its reddish tint came to the heraldry from the fur of pine marten. In the poem of Konrad von Würzburg
Konrad von Würzburg
Konrad von Würzburg was the chief German poet of the second half of the 13th century.As little is known of his life as that of any other epic poet of the age. By birth probably a native of Würzburg, he seems to have spent part of his life in Strassburg and his later years in Basel, where he died...
we can read kelen rôt (line 985) transformed into modern German as pelzrot. (Furthermore, we can read there phrases like vîz hermelin (405), which is hermelinweiß, and zobel (400) as well.) Though the Webster's Dictionary defines the meaning of pine as a white, yellowish timber and the Cambridge International Dictionary defines it as a timber usually pale in colour, no source, including heraldry textbooks, mentions it in connection with heraldry.
(white) | argent (silver) |
(fer) iron |
(acier) steel |
(platine) platinum |
silver- gray |
(cendré) ashen grey |
iron- grey |
(plomb) lead |
sable (black) |
(zibelline) | ||
(pourpre) purpure |
crimson | (mûre) murrey |
navy blue |
(azur) azure |
(dark) horizon blue |
teal | (light) horizon blue |
(aqua) water- colour |
(green-) aquamarine |
bleu céleste |
(sinople) vert |
or (gold) |
bhagwa | (tanné) tenné |
orange | (gueules) gules |
(martre) marten |
Kenya red |
sanguine (blood red) |
crimson red |
amaranth | ||
(cuivre) copper |
(chamois) buff |
(sienne) earth- colour |
(ocre-) ochre- red |
(marron) brown |
(ocre) ochre |
bronze | (light) earth- colour |
rose | flesh- colour (carnation) |
Other modern usages
The basic Petra Sancta system was adopted in the modern world by industrial engineersIndustrial engineering
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis...
as a standard system of colors and hatch patterns for use in planning factories
A factory or manufacturing plant is an industrial building where laborers manufacture goods or supervise machines processing one product into another. Most modern factories have large warehouses or warehouse-like facilities that contain heavy equipment used for assembly line production...
and material handling systems.