The International Student Film and Video Festival is the first international festival in Slovenia, the focal point of which is student film and video production. It takes place annually at the Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts was one of the four traditional divisions of the teaching bodies of medieval universities, the others being Theology, Law and Medicine...

, University of Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana
The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia. With 64,000 enrolled graduate and postgraduate students, it is among the largest universities in Europe.-Beginnings:...

, since 2006. The festival is organized by the students of the faculty in cooperation with the Educational Centre of Radio-Television Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...


Along with its primary role as a film festival
Film festival
A film festival is an organised, extended presentation of films in one or more movie theaters or screening venues, usually in a single locality. More and more often film festivals show part of their films to the public by adding outdoor movie screenings...

, the International Student Film and Video Festival Filofest is accompanied by additional programme in the form of lectures, panel discussions, exhibitions, social gatherings and other events.

The competition part of the programme is open exclusively to independent student films, whose authors are amateurs without formal film education. Films directed by students of film academies or film schools are screened within the non-competition part of the programme. The festival accepts fiction, documentary, animated and experimental films.


The best film, which receives the main award of the festival, is chosen by the audience and receives a cash prize. The festival jury also presents awards to films entered in the competition part of the programme: the award for best film, best directing, best screenplay, best performance, best fiction film, best documentary film, best animated film, and best experimental film.

Filofest 2006

Film Directed by Country
Best Film
PERFECT Alen Pavšar, Robert Mastnak Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Best Directing
TATITA Tatita Team Kosovo
Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. Part of the Ottoman Empire for more than five centuries, later the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia...

Best Screenplay
AMOR SANJUÁN Luis Misis Herrero Spain
Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

, Argentina
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

Best Performance
PERFECT Alen Pavšar, Robert Mastnak Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Members of the jury gave special recognition to: ?orque, Hallucii, What Do We Need This For and Behind Closed Minds. The winning
video of the video workshop was shot and edited by Agata Rosochacka, the director of the film Reflections.

Filofest 2007

Filofest 2007 was again hosted at the Faculty of Arts
aRts, which stands for analog Real time synthesizer, is an audio framework that is no longer under development. It is best known for previously being used in KDE to simulate an analog synthesizer....

 at the University of Ljubljana
University of Ljubljana
The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and largest university in Slovenia. With 64,000 enrolled graduate and postgraduate students, it is among the largest universities in Europe.-Beginnings:...

 and took place between December 10 and December 14.
Film Directed by Country
Best Film
FREQUENT MEETINGS Darja Kornijenko Estonia
Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia , is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia , and to the east by Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation . Across the Baltic Sea lies...

Best Experimental Film
Simon Chang
Simon Chang is a women's fashion designer, currently residing in Montreal, Canada. In 2008, the designer was honored by Governor General Michaëlle Jean with the Order of Canada medal "for his contributions to the fashion industry as well as for his philanthropic and social engagement".-Early...

Taiwan , also known, especially in the past, as Formosa , is the largest island of the same-named island group of East Asia in the western Pacific Ocean and located off the southeastern coast of mainland China. The island forms over 99% of the current territory of the Republic of China following...

/Czech Republic
Czech Republic
The Czech Republic is a landlocked country in Central Europe. The country is bordered by Poland to the northeast, Slovakia to the east, Austria to the south, and Germany to the west and northwest....

Best Animated Film
DEATH Mitja Manček Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Best Documentary Film
BALKAN JUNCTIONS Luksuz Production Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Best Fiction Film
A SWAMP Luka Puš Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Best Screenplay
ROCHELLE'S CAFÉ Tiago Américo Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

Best Performance
EYES FULL OF WATER (Vitomir Vratarič) Jože Baša Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

Best Direction
TERMINAL Mario Gomes Portugal
Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

Special Recognition of the Jury
DEAD SERIOUS Andrej Arsenijevič, Marija Grintal Slovenia
Slovenia , officially the Republic of Slovenia , is a country in Central and Southeastern Europe touching the Alps and bordering the Mediterranean. Slovenia borders Italy to the west, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north, and also has a small portion of...

The winning video of the 'Video Workshop', THE LIPSTICK AND THE RAZOR, was directed by Simon Chang
Simon Chang
Simon Chang is a women's fashion designer, currently residing in Montreal, Canada. In 2008, the designer was honored by Governor General Michaëlle Jean with the Order of Canada medal "for his contributions to the fashion industry as well as for his philanthropic and social engagement".-Early...

(shot by Valentin Perko and edited by Arnold Marko).

External links

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