FC Kuban Krasnodar
FC Kuban is a Russian football club based in Krasnodar
. In 2011 will play in the Russian Premier League
after having won the Russian First Division in 2010.
FC Kuban is one of the oldest football clubs in Russia
, leading its history since the founding team Dynamo in Krasnodar
, then repeatedly changing institutional affiliation because of political expediency in the USSR.
All members of the club and the fans are called kubantsy (on the name of the club and historical and geographic area Kuban
), or yellow-green (according to the official club colours).
Also among a large part of the fans club popular name Cossacks. In addition, there are several informal names associated with the club colours: The Canaries (by analogy with the similar colors of French FC Nantes and English Norwich City F.C.
) and The Toads (used mainly foes Club as well as part of kuban ultras
football appeared in the early 20th century, when they were seized members of various sports clubs in Ekaterinodar. At first matches were held exclusively within the clubs, competition on an equal footing with other sports, but gradually new game motivate more people, therefore, have been held and occasional friendly meeting between the clubs in different cities. The first intercity match was played in Ekaterinodar on 6 August (on other data on 9 August) 1912 when the local club Achilles (on other data Ekaterinodar city-team based on players of club Achilles) won over novorossiysk
Olympia with a score 5:0. Since 1913 was already conducted a full city championship, matches between city teams ( Achilles, Sport, Victoria, etc.) have become regular.
team Dynamo. According to some reports, the team has been organized a year earlier, in 1927, but documentary evidence of this version does not, therefore, accepted the countdown to the year with the official team organization, as there are relevant documents in the archives.
, Ukraine
, the Caucasus
and neighbours from the cities of the North Caucasus
. In addition to these matches, held in the city matches and friendlies various tournaments, such as lottery Friendship Cup, which was attended by various sports clubs and team of Krasnodar military garrison. According to store data, meeting this tournament started quite original: on the game board the plane falling, and dumped him with football.
In 1931, Dynamo got its own stadium, which was built in the center of Krasnodar
, the stadium there to this day, as the oldest preserved city sports facilities. In the same year, Dynamo was awarded the sports people of Northern Caucasus.
In 1935, Dynamo, as the Krasnodar
team, participated in the USSR Championship, then held among prefabricated cities. At the group stage in Pyatigorsk
team held a 3 games in 5 days: June 26, has played a 2:2 draw with the team Yerevan
, June 28 Makhachkala
team won with a score 1:0, but lost the June 30 masters field - football players Pyatigorsk
with a score 1:2, and eventually won the only 3rd seat in Group.
In 1948 Dynamo took part in the championship RSFSR, beginning with preliminary games in the North Caucasus
area, where his opponents were teams Stavropol
, Rostov-on-Don
, Grozny
, Stalingrad, Nalchik
, Makhachkala
, as well as another Krasnodar
team named Lightning. Without losing a single match, Dynamo was awarded the zonal tournament. Games final tournament championship RSFSR began on October 3 in Dynamo stadium, which hosts confidently reached the finals without a single defeat. And on October 17, 1948 in the final match Dynamo beat a team of Molotov
with a score of 4:0 and became the first time in the history the RSFSR champions. The team was awarded the prize rolling the first degree and a diploma of All-Russian Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, in addition, all team members received a tape of Champions republic, diplomas, breast tokens and valuable gifts.
place in 1954. In the first round of the year championship team played well but failed in the second, eventually taking only 10 place.
In the 1955 season, Neftyanik won 5 place. According to many, the team then simply not lucky, and have very successful with, Neftyanik is already able to reach out to class A, because many of his players this season in the future were different teams in the Soviet Top League
In 1956, Neftyanik won 4 place, having a very good selection of players, many of which three years were able to raise in the league, however, already composed of Rostov-on-Don
FC SKVO, which, through departmental affiliation, had the opportunity to select their composition best players from all over the North Caucasus
as well and enjoyed.
In the 1957 season, the team again won 4 place, but, as fans thought, it changed because it has experience and increased quality of the game, in those days, Neftyanik was strong and intransigent opponent for almost any team.
In the 1959 season, Kuban basically retain membership, but in the ability to win the championship, few believed in the team was going full speed the process of change of generations, eventually managed to take only 5 place.
In 1961, Spartak made very badly, taking only 8 place. According to fans, the main reasons for this lay in the work of weak coaching staff, primarily in terms of psychological team.
After first round championship in 1962 Spartak was in 6 place, badly playing with virtually all leaders. In the interim between circles in the team changes, the new manager was a master of sports of the USSR Gorokhov Vladimir. The second circle championship Spartak played without lesions, which in the end and won the zonal tournament. Final tournament five best clubs in Krasnodar
RSFSR passed, it Spartak held a 4 matches, won 3 of victory: over Voronezh
Trud (with a score 1:0), army Novosibirsk
(2:0) and Yaroslavl
Shinnik (2:0), and only once playing a draw, in the third match of the tournament with the Sverdlovsk
Uralmash (2:2). As a result, Spartak won the first place in the final tournament winners zones RSFSR, receive the title of champion of the RSFSR and won the right to play in the elite Soviet Top League
. However, neither with, nor the last, a "reorganization" of the USSR, with the result that, against all principles of sport, Spartak was not allowed in the Soviet Top League
, there has not been admitted, in the end this year, Kuban won only 10 place in the 2 group of Class A.
In the following seasons 1964 and 1965, Kuban ranked 15 and 25 places respectively, but then issued three good seasons: 1966, 1967 and 1969, followed by a team ranked 3-rd place, what does not, however, enough to improve in the league.
In the season of 1970, Kuban made very badly and slope in 2 league. In 1971, the team changed ownership.
In the 1973 season, Kuban won 3-rd place in the final tournament, which returned to the 1 league. In addition, the team succeeded in 3 time in club history to win the Championship of RSFSR.
The next 2 years Kuban struggled for survival in the 1 league until, finally, in 1976, still not left her.
In 1977, Kuban returned to 1 league.
The season started well in 1978, but finished only at 6 place that, nevertheless, was not a bad result for the team, having withdrawn from 2-th league.
1979 season had been successful, Kuban from the very beginning of the season game reaffirmed its serious intentions, and finally, for the Tour Championship until the end, provided a 2 place, let's right to play for next year in the Soviet Top League
, This can only hinder any neigrovye circumstances (as has already been in 1962), but this time no "reorganizations" did not happen, and earned his increase in the class received.
, before the start of the season was reconstructed Kuban Stadium
, its capacity has been significantly increased. The first home game was held on April 7 with the Lokomotiv Moscow (0:0), and the first ball in the Soviet Top League
Kuban was able to score in the next game on April 12 against Dynamo Tbilisi (2:2). Following the season, Kuban won the prize "Together with the team", because the Kuban Stadium
in all the games was filled to capacity, while the matches with the leaders of visitors was more than 50 thousand, while that with the design for the stadium a number of people is targeted not been.
In the season of 1981, Kuban won 13 place, which was the highest achievement club in Soviet history.
Season 1982, Kuban good beginning, after the first round took 6 place, however, by the end of the season took off from the Soviet Top League
. According to many fans, contemporaries of the events, the main cause of failure in the season was that the final departure from cases still alive Leonid Brezhnev
, as a result of confrontation and the struggle for power at the top of the CPSU, in the summer of 1982 was removed from office "Chief fan" of Kuban - the first secretary of Krasnodar krai
kom CPSU, "Brezhnev's favorite" Sergey Medunov that immediately affected the respect of football officials to his beloved brainchild - football team Kuban, which successfully conducted the first circle, "unexpectedly" and "unclear reasons" simply collapsed in the second round. The only positive point in this season proved just what in this year was organized the oldest fan-firm of Kuban "Green Mile".
In 1983, Kuban very unevenly acted, not bad playing with the leaders, losing a lot of points with the rest of the teams, even at its field that has affected both spectator interest, and at the final position in the table, where Kuban on the basis of season took only 8 place.
In the 1984 season, Kuban took 4 place, even though in September to maintain the chances of 2, right, let's go back to the Soviet Top League
, but in the last game lose. Nevertheless, compared to last season, has been clear progress is noticeable that adjusts the fans and professionals at the giant optimistic. But the optimism was not warranted, in 1985, the championship team won only 18 final place that none however, helped to keep the first league. In 1986 became collapse, Kuban played very poorly, even in home matches, the result was 20 place.
In the next 1987, Kuban was able to return to the outcome of the season in 1 league, and later, in November, participated in the final tournament championship RSFSR and became the 4-th time champion, which is a record for Russian non-capital clubs.
Over the next 4 seasons: 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 Kuban took 19 place three times, and in the last USSR championship Kuban won the penultimate altogether 21 place in the first league.
. Season for Kuban was a very badly, somewhere to assign the team objectively, as a weaker rivals frankly, somewhere, rivals helped judge (that in those times of economic crisis and general lawlessness were almost in order of things), somewhere just not lucky, the same team, most players were young football players aged 20 to 22 years. As a result, Kuban was absolutely not ready for the championship and naturally left the High League.
In the season of 1993 to the timetable of only 8 teams from 22 stayed in 1 league the following year, Kuban in their numbers to the outcome of the season did not hit. In the early season team led by new head coach - the master of sports of international class Leonid Nazarenko. Until mid-May, Kuban belonged to the group leaders, but then followed the series of defeats and the team was in the 2-nd dozen tables tournament, and finally completed the season at 15 place.
Before the championship in 1994 before the team was to return to 1 league. The season started well, after the first round Kuban ranked 2. However, in the second round the team is not thinking of them to work out, and Kuban has taken on the basis of only 6 place, the primary cause of its failure this season were intrigues against teams of a number of functionaries boundary Football Federation.
In 1995, Kuban managed to return to 1 league, despite the unfortunate start and problems during the season, however, for 2 matches before the end of the championship, defeating in the last home match Anzhi (3:0), Kuban prematurely took 2 place in the zone West in 1-th league.
In the season of 1996 Kuban played an unstable, playing not bad at the exit, however, a lot of points lost at home, while in mid-season team was even close to the leading group. As a result, Kuban still won only 10 place, that it was generally a good result for a "returnee" from 2 league.
1997 for Kuban proved unsuccessful, the team won only 16 place, which nevertheless allowed it to remain in the 1league.
The season in 1998 proved disastrous for just Kuban, following the denial of the territorial administration finance team, club was on the verge of collapse, in recent matches players Kuban just frankly "serving room" on the field. In the end, after the departure of 1 league in end of 1998 in the club from the whole of the administrative and playing left only one person - the 3-rd team goalkeeper. Survivors Kuban solely because of one single man - Ivan Panenko, general director of OAO Rosneft-Krasnodarneftegaz, which became the new president of the club and over the next 2 years, and spare no funds of its own, managed to lay a solid foundation for a brighter future team.
Since 1999, began the revival of Kuban, was appointed head coach Soferbi Yeshugov
, consisting were recruited mainly just their local players. From the outset of the season Kuban was unqualified leader, significantly ahead of chief rival - SKA Rostov. However, whereas in the 2 Division acted system matches between the winners of the transitional zones in them "uban has not been able to beat the then strong and forward-looking FC Lada Togliatti
, giving it in Togliatti
(1:2), in response match at home Kuban was able to achieve only a draw (1:1). Thus, losing on the amount of 2 matches, Kuban has not been able to return to 1 division this year.
Kuban won (1:0), and in response, the match was fixed a draw (0:0) . At the end of the year to prepare the team for the season in 1 Division metres was entrusted Irhin Alexandr, who was appointed head coach of Kuban.
In early 2001, has been a change in leadership of Kuban, club management has moved to the administration of Krasnodar krai
, and its new president became a province Governor Alexander Tkachev, who put out the task in the Russian Premier League
, which for the post of head coach was invited by the famous coach Oleg Dolmatov
. Under his leadership team held a very confident before the end of the season and struggled for access to the Premier League, but this year, Kuban still has not been able to go there, taking in 1 Division metres only 3-rd place, but that was excellent result for "returnee" from 2 division.
Season 2002, Kuban failed because the team inside overdue conflict between the coach and several players who from the outset of the season became a "discharge" matches, which resulted in a change of coach, after which the team tune up, was able to rise to the group leaders, but access to the Russian Premier League
has no claim on the basis of the season and won only 4 place.
Despite the initial absence in 2003, the task exit in the Russian Premier League
team, nevertheless, effort and therefore the start of the season very confident. After the first round Kuban was at 1 site, therefore, the leadership of the club has the task of accessing the Russian Premier League
on the basis of already this season. However, the beginning of the second circle proved unsuccessful, the team suffered a series of defeats that have led to changes in the leadership of the club, after which Kuban issued a series of winning 11 consecutive matches (which at that time was a record for 1 Division) and was able to eventually take 2 place, let us return to the right Russian Premier League
Championship in 2004 proved unsuccessful. Because of the low-skilled head coach, had failed start the season, and subsequent changes in the coaching of the team fundamentally affect the situation were not able to. As a result, Kuban, taking 15 place, left the Russian Premier League
. The only bright point of the season was a home victory over the Lokomotiv Moscow (2:1), which this year became the champion in the Russian Premier League
In 2005, a team headed for the first time in club history, a foreign coach Jozef Chovanec
. The season started well, and the first circle Kuban completed by 1 place. However, after several glasses of losses in the early second round situation has worsened, and by the end of the season, because of the refusal of travel to Nalchik
(which at that time still fighting federal forces continued attacking the city from terrorists), the team was credited forfeiture (0:3). As a result, Kuban took only 5 place. The only positive development can be described only that this season the team finished with the best indicator in the league missed on the ball (only 25 goals in 42 matches), which is the same and the club record.
Season 2006, Kuban conducted under the leadership of Pavel Yakovenko
. During the season the team showed literacy meaningful and effective game, thus leading throughout the championship, taking up 1 place in the table until the last round. However, tolerate defeat were the primary cause of it was an "errors" of referee in the latest round against Khimki
(0:2), Kuban took only 2 place, which nevertheless allowed it to go in the Russian Premier League
Championship in 2007 began badly for the first 5 rounds of the team was unable to win any victories, with the result that was dismissed Pavel Yakovenko
, whose head coach instead of Kuban was appointed Leonid Nazarenko. In 2 circle, after a series of setbacks, Leonid Nazarenko resigned from the post of head coach "for family reasons" (official version), nevertheless, remains on the structure of the club and coaching the team headquarters. New head coach became Soferbi Yeshugov
, but he was soon dismissed, but the team was headed by Leonid Nazarenko again. But all these changes have not yielded a positive result, Kuban won the penultimate season on the basis of 15 place, thus radius of 1 Division.
The only positive point in the season was that duplicates the composition of Kuban managed to take 3 place in the duplicates tournament.
On December 8, 2007, near the Kuban Stadium
, the first time in club history was a rally in support of the team, which has given rise to leaked from various sources rumors about the possibility of loss professional status for financial reasons.
In 2008, Kuban executed 80 years. In the winter occurred in the regular reshuffling of the senior club, consisting almost entirely renewed, but the team was preparing for the season-known specialist Aleksandr Tarkhanov
, however, after the first 2 rounds, in which Kuban absolutely unnecessary suffered a defeat, he decided to resign "for health reasons" (official version), and his place as head coach the club won no less well-known coach Sergey Pavlov. Despite some pity lost in the beginning of the season, however, the first circle Kuban won 3 place behind from second only 1 point. Kuban promoted to Russian Premier League as 2nd behind of FC Rostov
in 2008 but relegated again to First Division as 15th after 3-0 losing home match against Rubin Kazan
, who won championship twice. Kuban returned the top league again their first spell in First Division after defeating 1-0 Zhemchuzhina at Sochi
on October 17, 2010. They celebrated championship of the second level after goalless draw with Nizhny Novgorod
on October 24, 2010.
, a forward
from Montenegro
, was part of FC Kuban in 2010 and had a valid contract with the club until November 2011. However, in early 2011, FC Kuban decided they want to buy different players in his position and tried to force him to dissolve the contract by mutual consent. When he refused, he was beaten up by unknown persons, allegedly with ties to the Russian mafia
, at the club office to force him to sign the contract dissolution papers. After being beaten for 20 minutes, by two armed men, he did sign the paperwork. He filed a complaint with FIFA
president Sepp Blatter
couple of days after the incident, with attached photos of bruises sustained during the beating. Eventually FIFPro
(International Federation of Professional Footballers), with the assistance of Russian Football Union, forced the club to pay Nikezić a compensation of 180,000 euros.
The following players are listed by club's website as reserve players and are registered with the RFPL. They are eligible to play for the first team.
USSR/Russia Aleksandr Makhovikov
Vladimir Beschastnykh
Maksim Buznikin
Maksim Demenko
Aleksandr Filimonov
Vladimir Gabulov
Aleksei Gerasimenko
Lyubomir Kantonistov
Oleg Kornaukhov
Valeri Minko
Denis Popov
Andrei Solomatin
Oleg Teryokhin
Yevgeni Varlamov
Renat Yanbayev
Denis Zubko
Vladislav Lemish
Armenia Hayk Hakobyan
Aramais Yepiskoposyan
Robert Zebelyan
Former USSR countries Kazemır Qudiyev
Mikhail Afanasyev
Andrei Kovalenko
Konstantin Kovalenko
Aleksey Skvernyuk
Dmitri Kruglov
Iuri Gabiskiria
Juris Laizāns
Mindaugas Kalonas
Valdas Trakys
Igor Armaş
Victor Golovatenco
Stanislav Namaşco
Andriy Dikan
Yevhen Drahunov
Pavlo Shkapenko
Serhiy Snytko
Andriy Yudin
Europe Ricardo Baiano
Džemal Berberović
Ivaylo Petkov
Svetoslav Petrov
Nikola Nikezić
Gheorghe Bucur
Dacian Varga
František Kubík
North America Ante Jazić
Marco Ureña
Africa Marco Né
Haminu Dramani Dramane Traoré
Sani Kaita
Haruna Babangida
Francisco Zuela
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
. In 2011 will play in the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
after having won the Russian First Division in 2010.
FC Kuban is one of the oldest football clubs in Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, leading its history since the founding team Dynamo in Krasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs was the public and secret police organization of the Soviet Union that directly executed the rule of power of the Soviets, including political repression, during the era of Joseph Stalin....
, then repeatedly changing institutional affiliation because of political expediency in the USSR.
All members of the club and the fans are called kubantsy (on the name of the club and historical and geographic area Kuban
Kuban is a geographic region of Southern Russia surrounding the Kuban River, on the Black Sea between the Don Steppe, Volga Delta and the Caucasus...
), or yellow-green (according to the official club colours).
Also among a large part of the fans club popular name Cossacks. In addition, there are several informal names associated with the club colours: The Canaries (by analogy with the similar colors of French FC Nantes and English Norwich City F.C.
Norwich City F.C.
Norwich City Football Club is an English professional football club based in Norwich, Norfolk. As of the 2011–12 season, Norwich City are again playing in the Premier League after a six-year absence, having finished as runner up in the Championship in 2010–11 and winning automatic promotion.The...
) and The Toads (used mainly foes Club as well as part of kuban ultras
Ultras are a type of sports fans renowned for their fanatical support and elaborate displays. They are predominantly European followers of football teams...
Chronology of club names
- Dynamo (1928–53)
- Neftyanik (1954–57)
- Kuban (1958–60)
- Spartak (1960–62)
- Kuban (1963-)
At the KubanKuban
Kuban is a geographic region of Southern Russia surrounding the Kuban River, on the Black Sea between the Don Steppe, Volga Delta and the Caucasus...
football appeared in the early 20th century, when they were seized members of various sports clubs in Ekaterinodar. At first matches were held exclusively within the clubs, competition on an equal footing with other sports, but gradually new game motivate more people, therefore, have been held and occasional friendly meeting between the clubs in different cities. The first intercity match was played in Ekaterinodar on 6 August (on other data on 9 August) 1912 when the local club Achilles (on other data Ekaterinodar city-team based on players of club Achilles) won over novorossiysk
Novorossiysk is a city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. It is the country's main port on the Black Sea and the leading Russian port for importing grain. It is one of the few cities honored with the title of the Hero City. Population: -History:...
Olympia with a score 5:0. Since 1913 was already conducted a full city championship, matches between city teams ( Achilles, Sport, Victoria, etc.) have become regular.
FC Kuban maintains its history with 1928, since the organization in Krasnodar NKVDNKVD
The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs was the public and secret police organization of the Soviet Union that directly executed the rule of power of the Soviets, including political repression, during the era of Joseph Stalin....
team Dynamo. According to some reports, the team has been organized a year earlier, in 1927, but documentary evidence of this version does not, therefore, accepted the countdown to the year with the official team organization, as there are relevant documents in the archives.
Dynamo in 1928-1953
Before begun a full-fledged, mass championships, was very popular Dynamo's friendly matches against the best teams from RussiaRussia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, Ukraine
Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe. It has an area of 603,628 km², making it the second largest contiguous country on the European continent, after Russia...
, the Caucasus
The Caucasus, also Caucas or Caucasia , is a geopolitical region at the border of Europe and Asia, and situated between the Black and the Caspian sea...
and neighbours from the cities of the North Caucasus
North Caucasus
The North Caucasus is the northern part of the Caucasus region between the Black and Caspian Seas and within European Russia. The term is also used as a synonym for the North Caucasus economic region of Russia....
. In addition to these matches, held in the city matches and friendlies various tournaments, such as lottery Friendship Cup, which was attended by various sports clubs and team of Krasnodar military garrison. According to store data, meeting this tournament started quite original: on the game board the plane falling, and dumped him with football.
In 1931, Dynamo got its own stadium, which was built in the center of Krasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
, the stadium there to this day, as the oldest preserved city sports facilities. In the same year, Dynamo was awarded the sports people of Northern Caucasus.
In 1935, Dynamo, as the Krasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
team, participated in the USSR Championship, then held among prefabricated cities. At the group stage in Pyatigorsk
Pyatigorsk is a city in Stavropol Krai on the Podkumok River, about from Mineralnye Vody. Since January 19, 2010 it has been the administrative center of the North Caucasian Federal District of Russia...
team held a 3 games in 5 days: June 26, has played a 2:2 draw with the team Yerevan
Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia and one of the world's oldest continuously-inhabited cities. Situated along the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country...
, June 28 Makhachkala
-Twin towns/sister cities:Makhachkala is twinned with: Sfax, Tunisia Siping, China Spokane, United States Vladikavkaz, Russia Yalova, Turkey Ndola, Zambia-See also:*...
team won with a score 1:0, but lost the June 30 masters field - football players Pyatigorsk
Pyatigorsk is a city in Stavropol Krai on the Podkumok River, about from Mineralnye Vody. Since January 19, 2010 it has been the administrative center of the North Caucasian Federal District of Russia...
with a score 1:2, and eventually won the only 3rd seat in Group.
In 1948 Dynamo took part in the championship RSFSR, beginning with preliminary games in the North Caucasus
North Caucasus
The North Caucasus is the northern part of the Caucasus region between the Black and Caspian Seas and within European Russia. The term is also used as a synonym for the North Caucasus economic region of Russia....
area, where his opponents were teams Stavropol
-International relations:-Twin towns/sister cities:Stavropol is twinned with: Des Moines, United States Béziers, France Pazardzhik, Bulgaria-External links:* **...
, Rostov-on-Don
-History:The mouth of the Don River has been of great commercial and cultural importance since the ancient times. It was the site of the Greek colony Tanais, of the Genoese fort Tana, and of the Turkish fortress Azak...
, Grozny
Grozny is the capital city of the Chechen Republic, Russia. The city lies on the Sunzha River. According to the preliminary results of the 2010 Census, the city had a population of 271,596; up from 210,720 recorded in the 2002 Census. but still only about two-thirds of 399,688 recorded in the 1989...
, Stalingrad, Nalchik
Nalchik is the capital city of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, situated at an altitude of in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains; about northwest of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania. It covers an area of...
, Makhachkala
-Twin towns/sister cities:Makhachkala is twinned with: Sfax, Tunisia Siping, China Spokane, United States Vladikavkaz, Russia Yalova, Turkey Ndola, Zambia-See also:*...
, as well as another Krasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
team named Lightning. Without losing a single match, Dynamo was awarded the zonal tournament. Games final tournament championship RSFSR began on October 3 in Dynamo stadium, which hosts confidently reached the finals without a single defeat. And on October 17, 1948 in the final match Dynamo beat a team of Molotov
Perm is a city and the administrative center of Perm Krai, Russia, located on the banks of the Kama River, in the European part of Russia near the Ural Mountains. From 1940 to 1957 it was named Molotov ....
with a score of 4:0 and became the first time in the history the RSFSR champions. The team was awarded the prize rolling the first degree and a diploma of All-Russian Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, in addition, all team members received a tape of Champions republic, diplomas, breast tokens and valuable gifts.
Neftyanik in 1954-1957
In 1953, club Dynamo has changed institutional affiliation, it has been in charge Society Neftyanik, and that it was entrusted to represent the city in the football league Class B, when it received the KrasnodarKrasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
place in 1954. In the first round of the year championship team played well but failed in the second, eventually taking only 10 place.
In the 1955 season, Neftyanik won 5 place. According to many, the team then simply not lucky, and have very successful with, Neftyanik is already able to reach out to class A, because many of his players this season in the future were different teams in the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
In 1956, Neftyanik won 4 place, having a very good selection of players, many of which three years were able to raise in the league, however, already composed of Rostov-on-Don
-History:The mouth of the Don River has been of great commercial and cultural importance since the ancient times. It was the site of the Greek colony Tanais, of the Genoese fort Tana, and of the Turkish fortress Azak...
FC SKVO, which, through departmental affiliation, had the opportunity to select their composition best players from all over the North Caucasus
North Caucasus
The North Caucasus is the northern part of the Caucasus region between the Black and Caspian Seas and within European Russia. The term is also used as a synonym for the North Caucasus economic region of Russia....
as well and enjoyed.
In the 1957 season, the team again won 4 place, but, as fans thought, it changed because it has experience and increased quality of the game, in those days, Neftyanik was strong and intransigent opponent for almost any team.
Kuban in 1958-1960
In 1958, the team changed institutional affiliation, she moved to the established in the same year society Trud, resulting in a changed name and became known as Kuban. During almost the entire season, Kuban was the leading group in the championship, with 8 players lost the core of which have been called in the army and therefore acted in the composition of Rostov-on-DonRostov-on-Don
-History:The mouth of the Don River has been of great commercial and cultural importance since the ancient times. It was the site of the Greek colony Tanais, of the Genoese fort Tana, and of the Turkish fortress Azak...
In the 1959 season, Kuban basically retain membership, but in the ability to win the championship, few believed in the team was going full speed the process of change of generations, eventually managed to take only 5 place.
Spartak in 1960-1962
In the second part of 1960 championship team moved in society Spartak and therefore was renamed respectively. Following the season the team won 3-rd place that has given the fans some hope.In 1961, Spartak made very badly, taking only 8 place. According to fans, the main reasons for this lay in the work of weak coaching staff, primarily in terms of psychological team.
After first round championship in 1962 Spartak was in 6 place, badly playing with virtually all leaders. In the interim between circles in the team changes, the new manager was a master of sports of the USSR Gorokhov Vladimir. The second circle championship Spartak played without lesions, which in the end and won the zonal tournament. Final tournament five best clubs in Krasnodar
Krasnodar is a city in Southern Russia, located on the Kuban River about northeast of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai . Population: -Name:...
RSFSR passed, it Spartak held a 4 matches, won 3 of victory: over Voronezh
Voronezh is a city in southwestern Russia, the administrative center of Voronezh Oblast. It is located on both sides of the Voronezh River, away from where it flows into the Don. It is an operating center of the Southeastern Railway , as well as the center of the Don Highway...
Trud (with a score 1:0), army Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk is the third-largest city in Russia, after Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and the largest city of Siberia, with a population of 1,473,737 . It is the administrative center of Novosibirsk Oblast as well as of the Siberian Federal District...
(2:0) and Yaroslavl
Yaroslavl is a city and the administrative center of Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, located northeast of Moscow. The historical part of the city, a World Heritage Site, is located at the confluence of the Volga and the Kotorosl Rivers. It is one of the Golden Ring cities, a group of historic cities...
Shinnik (2:0), and only once playing a draw, in the third match of the tournament with the Sverdlovsk
Yekaterinburg is a major city in the central part of Russia, the administrative center of Sverdlovsk Oblast. Situated on the eastern side of the Ural mountain range, it is the main industrial and cultural center of the Urals Federal District with a population of 1,350,136 , making it Russia's...
Uralmash (2:2). As a result, Spartak won the first place in the final tournament winners zones RSFSR, receive the title of champion of the RSFSR and won the right to play in the elite Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
. However, neither with, nor the last, a "reorganization" of the USSR, with the result that, against all principles of sport, Spartak was not allowed in the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
Kuban in 1963-1979
In 1963, the club changed its name again, and now finally became known as Kuban, although departmental affiliation remains the same. This season Kuban unevenly acted, in the view of fans, the problems were primarily psychological in nature, said that the team, in an honest fight won the right to play in the Soviet Top LeagueSoviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
, there has not been admitted, in the end this year, Kuban won only 10 place in the 2 group of Class A.
In the following seasons 1964 and 1965, Kuban ranked 15 and 25 places respectively, but then issued three good seasons: 1966, 1967 and 1969, followed by a team ranked 3-rd place, what does not, however, enough to improve in the league.
In the season of 1970, Kuban made very badly and slope in 2 league. In 1971, the team changed ownership.
In the 1973 season, Kuban won 3-rd place in the final tournament, which returned to the 1 league. In addition, the team succeeded in 3 time in club history to win the Championship of RSFSR.
The next 2 years Kuban struggled for survival in the 1 league until, finally, in 1976, still not left her.
In 1977, Kuban returned to 1 league.
The season started well in 1978, but finished only at 6 place that, nevertheless, was not a bad result for the team, having withdrawn from 2-th league.
1979 season had been successful, Kuban from the very beginning of the season game reaffirmed its serious intentions, and finally, for the Tour Championship until the end, provided a 2 place, let's right to play for next year in the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
, This can only hinder any neigrovye circumstances (as has already been in 1962), but this time no "reorganizations" did not happen, and earned his increase in the class received.
Kuban in 1980-1991
In 1980, Kuban first played in the Soviet Top LeagueSoviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
, before the start of the season was reconstructed Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Krasnodar, Russia. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home stadium of FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Krasnodar. The stadium holds 31,654 people. The stadium was opened on 30 October 1960....
, its capacity has been significantly increased. The first home game was held on April 7 with the Lokomotiv Moscow (0:0), and the first ball in the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
Kuban was able to score in the next game on April 12 against Dynamo Tbilisi (2:2). Following the season, Kuban won the prize "Together with the team", because the Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Krasnodar, Russia. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home stadium of FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Krasnodar. The stadium holds 31,654 people. The stadium was opened on 30 October 1960....
in all the games was filled to capacity, while the matches with the leaders of visitors was more than 50 thousand, while that with the design for the stadium a number of people is targeted not been.
In the season of 1981, Kuban won 13 place, which was the highest achievement club in Soviet history.
Season 1982, Kuban good beginning, after the first round took 6 place, however, by the end of the season took off from the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
. According to many fans, contemporaries of the events, the main cause of failure in the season was that the final departure from cases still alive Leonid Brezhnev
Leonid Brezhnev
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev – 10 November 1982) was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , presiding over the country from 1964 until his death in 1982. His eighteen-year term as General Secretary was second only to that of Joseph Stalin in...
, as a result of confrontation and the struggle for power at the top of the CPSU, in the summer of 1982 was removed from office "Chief fan" of Kuban - the first secretary of Krasnodar krai
Krasnodar Krai
-External links:* **...
kom CPSU, "Brezhnev's favorite" Sergey Medunov that immediately affected the respect of football officials to his beloved brainchild - football team Kuban, which successfully conducted the first circle, "unexpectedly" and "unclear reasons" simply collapsed in the second round. The only positive point in this season proved just what in this year was organized the oldest fan-firm of Kuban "Green Mile".
In 1983, Kuban very unevenly acted, not bad playing with the leaders, losing a lot of points with the rest of the teams, even at its field that has affected both spectator interest, and at the final position in the table, where Kuban on the basis of season took only 8 place.
In the 1984 season, Kuban took 4 place, even though in September to maintain the chances of 2, right, let's go back to the Soviet Top League
Soviet Top League
The Soviet Top League since 1970 was officially known as the Supreme League serving as the top division of Soviet Union football since 1936.It was one of the best football leagues in Europe ranking second among the UEFA members in 1988-1989 seasons...
, but in the last game lose. Nevertheless, compared to last season, has been clear progress is noticeable that adjusts the fans and professionals at the giant optimistic. But the optimism was not warranted, in 1985, the championship team won only 18 final place that none however, helped to keep the first league. In 1986 became collapse, Kuban played very poorly, even in home matches, the result was 20 place.
In the next 1987, Kuban was able to return to the outcome of the season in 1 league, and later, in November, participated in the final tournament championship RSFSR and became the 4-th time champion, which is a record for Russian non-capital clubs.
Over the next 4 seasons: 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 Kuban took 19 place three times, and in the last USSR championship Kuban won the penultimate altogether 21 place in the first league.
Kuban in 1992-1999
In 1992, owing to the disintegration of the USSR and the consequent collapse of the Soviet championship, Kuban appeared in the Russian Premier LeagueRussian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
. Season for Kuban was a very badly, somewhere to assign the team objectively, as a weaker rivals frankly, somewhere, rivals helped judge (that in those times of economic crisis and general lawlessness were almost in order of things), somewhere just not lucky, the same team, most players were young football players aged 20 to 22 years. As a result, Kuban was absolutely not ready for the championship and naturally left the High League.
In the season of 1993 to the timetable of only 8 teams from 22 stayed in 1 league the following year, Kuban in their numbers to the outcome of the season did not hit. In the early season team led by new head coach - the master of sports of international class Leonid Nazarenko. Until mid-May, Kuban belonged to the group leaders, but then followed the series of defeats and the team was in the 2-nd dozen tables tournament, and finally completed the season at 15 place.
Before the championship in 1994 before the team was to return to 1 league. The season started well, after the first round Kuban ranked 2. However, in the second round the team is not thinking of them to work out, and Kuban has taken on the basis of only 6 place, the primary cause of its failure this season were intrigues against teams of a number of functionaries boundary Football Federation.
In 1995, Kuban managed to return to 1 league, despite the unfortunate start and problems during the season, however, for 2 matches before the end of the championship, defeating in the last home match Anzhi (3:0), Kuban prematurely took 2 place in the zone West in 1-th league.
In the season of 1996 Kuban played an unstable, playing not bad at the exit, however, a lot of points lost at home, while in mid-season team was even close to the leading group. As a result, Kuban still won only 10 place, that it was generally a good result for a "returnee" from 2 league.
1997 for Kuban proved unsuccessful, the team won only 16 place, which nevertheless allowed it to remain in the 1league.
The season in 1998 proved disastrous for just Kuban, following the denial of the territorial administration finance team, club was on the verge of collapse, in recent matches players Kuban just frankly "serving room" on the field. In the end, after the departure of 1 league in end of 1998 in the club from the whole of the administrative and playing left only one person - the 3-rd team goalkeeper. Survivors Kuban solely because of one single man - Ivan Panenko, general director of OAO Rosneft-Krasnodarneftegaz, which became the new president of the club and over the next 2 years, and spare no funds of its own, managed to lay a solid foundation for a brighter future team.
Since 1999, began the revival of Kuban, was appointed head coach Soferbi Yeshugov
Soferbi Yeshugov
Soferbi Bachmizovich Yeshugov is a Russian professional football coach. Last time he managed of FC Dynamo Bryansk.-External links:...
, consisting were recruited mainly just their local players. From the outset of the season Kuban was unqualified leader, significantly ahead of chief rival - SKA Rostov. However, whereas in the 2 Division acted system matches between the winners of the transitional zones in them "uban has not been able to beat the then strong and forward-looking FC Lada Togliatti
FC Lada Togliatti
FC Lada Tolyatti was a Russian football club based in Tolyatti. In March 2010, the club was excluded from the Second Division, along with another Toylatti team, FC Togliatti, with Tolyatti now represented by FC Akademiya Togliatti.-History:...
, giving it in Togliatti
Tolyatti , also known as Togliatti, is a city in Samara Oblast, Russia. It serves as the administrative center of Stavropolsky District, although it is administratively separate from it...
(1:2), in response match at home Kuban was able to achieve only a draw (1:1). Thus, losing on the amount of 2 matches, Kuban has not been able to return to 1 division this year.
Kuban in the 21st Century
Season 2000, Kuban held successfully in the first round the team has issued a series of 14 matches without defeat and steadily took 1 place, but because of the conflict in the leadership of the club in the summer there was a change coach, which, however, has not prevented Kuban take 1 place in the zone South and win on the 2 meetings in the transitional matches FC Lighting in SaranskSaransk
Saransk is a city in central European Russia and the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, as well as its financial and economic center. It is located in the Volga basin at the confluence of the Saranka and Insar Rivers, about east of Moscow...
Kuban won (1:0), and in response, the match was fixed a draw (0:0) . At the end of the year to prepare the team for the season in 1 Division metres was entrusted Irhin Alexandr, who was appointed head coach of Kuban.
In early 2001, has been a change in leadership of Kuban, club management has moved to the administration of Krasnodar krai
Krasnodar Krai
-External links:* **...
, and its new president became a province Governor Alexander Tkachev, who put out the task in the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
, which for the post of head coach was invited by the famous coach Oleg Dolmatov
Oleg Dolmatov
Oleg Vasilyevich Dolmatov is a former Russian footballer and a current manager.- Honors :* Soviet Top League winner: 1976 .* Soviet Cup winner: 1977....
. Under his leadership team held a very confident before the end of the season and struggled for access to the Premier League, but this year, Kuban still has not been able to go there, taking in 1 Division metres only 3-rd place, but that was excellent result for "returnee" from 2 division.
Season 2002, Kuban failed because the team inside overdue conflict between the coach and several players who from the outset of the season became a "discharge" matches, which resulted in a change of coach, after which the team tune up, was able to rise to the group leaders, but access to the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
has no claim on the basis of the season and won only 4 place.
Despite the initial absence in 2003, the task exit in the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
team, nevertheless, effort and therefore the start of the season very confident. After the first round Kuban was at 1 site, therefore, the leadership of the club has the task of accessing the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
on the basis of already this season. However, the beginning of the second circle proved unsuccessful, the team suffered a series of defeats that have led to changes in the leadership of the club, after which Kuban issued a series of winning 11 consecutive matches (which at that time was a record for 1 Division) and was able to eventually take 2 place, let us return to the right Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
Championship in 2004 proved unsuccessful. Because of the low-skilled head coach, had failed start the season, and subsequent changes in the coaching of the team fundamentally affect the situation were not able to. As a result, Kuban, taking 15 place, left the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
. The only bright point of the season was a home victory over the Lokomotiv Moscow (2:1), which this year became the champion in the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
In 2005, a team headed for the first time in club history, a foreign coach Jozef Chovanec
Jozef Chovanec
Jozef Chovanec is a former Czechoslovak football player and later a football manager.- Playing career :...
. The season started well, and the first circle Kuban completed by 1 place. However, after several glasses of losses in the early second round situation has worsened, and by the end of the season, because of the refusal of travel to Nalchik
Nalchik is the capital city of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Russia, situated at an altitude of in the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains; about northwest of Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania. It covers an area of...
(which at that time still fighting federal forces continued attacking the city from terrorists), the team was credited forfeiture (0:3). As a result, Kuban took only 5 place. The only positive development can be described only that this season the team finished with the best indicator in the league missed on the ball (only 25 goals in 42 matches), which is the same and the club record.
Season 2006, Kuban conducted under the leadership of Pavel Yakovenko
Pavel Yakovenko
Pavlo Oleksandrovych Yakovenko – or Pavel Aleksandrovich Yakovenko , is a former Ukrainian footballer and USSR international.-Playing career:...
. During the season the team showed literacy meaningful and effective game, thus leading throughout the championship, taking up 1 place in the table until the last round. However, tolerate defeat were the primary cause of it was an "errors" of referee in the latest round against Khimki
Khimki is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, situated just northwest of Moscow, at the west bank of the Moscow Canal. Population: 207,125 ; 141,000 ; 106,000 ; 23,000 .-History:...
(0:2), Kuban took only 2 place, which nevertheless allowed it to go in the Russian Premier League
Russian Premier League
The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition...
Championship in 2007 began badly for the first 5 rounds of the team was unable to win any victories, with the result that was dismissed Pavel Yakovenko
Pavel Yakovenko
Pavlo Oleksandrovych Yakovenko – or Pavel Aleksandrovich Yakovenko , is a former Ukrainian footballer and USSR international.-Playing career:...
, whose head coach instead of Kuban was appointed Leonid Nazarenko. In 2 circle, after a series of setbacks, Leonid Nazarenko resigned from the post of head coach "for family reasons" (official version), nevertheless, remains on the structure of the club and coaching the team headquarters. New head coach became Soferbi Yeshugov
Soferbi Yeshugov
Soferbi Bachmizovich Yeshugov is a Russian professional football coach. Last time he managed of FC Dynamo Bryansk.-External links:...
, but he was soon dismissed, but the team was headed by Leonid Nazarenko again. But all these changes have not yielded a positive result, Kuban won the penultimate season on the basis of 15 place, thus radius of 1 Division.
The only positive point in the season was that duplicates the composition of Kuban managed to take 3 place in the duplicates tournament.
On December 8, 2007, near the Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium
Kuban Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Krasnodar, Russia. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is the home stadium of FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Krasnodar. The stadium holds 31,654 people. The stadium was opened on 30 October 1960....
, the first time in club history was a rally in support of the team, which has given rise to leaked from various sources rumors about the possibility of loss professional status for financial reasons.
In 2008, Kuban executed 80 years. In the winter occurred in the regular reshuffling of the senior club, consisting almost entirely renewed, but the team was preparing for the season-known specialist Aleksandr Tarkhanov
Aleksandr Tarkhanov
Aleksandr Fyodorovich Tarkhanov is a retired Soviet football player and a current Russian coach. He last managed FC Krylia Sovetov Samara.His son Yuri Tarkhanov is a professional footballer.-International career:...
, however, after the first 2 rounds, in which Kuban absolutely unnecessary suffered a defeat, he decided to resign "for health reasons" (official version), and his place as head coach the club won no less well-known coach Sergey Pavlov. Despite some pity lost in the beginning of the season, however, the first circle Kuban won 3 place behind from second only 1 point. Kuban promoted to Russian Premier League as 2nd behind of FC Rostov
FC Rostov
FC Rostov is a Russian football club based in Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast. The club are currently members of the Russian Premier League and play at the Olimp – 2 stadium.-History:...
in 2008 but relegated again to First Division as 15th after 3-0 losing home match against Rubin Kazan
FC Rubin Kazan
FC Rubin Kazan is a Russian association football club based in the city of Kazan . Rubin won the Russian Premier League championship in 2008 and 2009.-History:...
, who won championship twice. Kuban returned the top league again their first spell in First Division after defeating 1-0 Zhemchuzhina at Sochi
Sochi is a city in Krasnodar Krai, Russia, situated just north of Russia's border with the de facto independent republic of Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast. Greater Sochi sprawls for along the shores of the Black Sea near the Caucasus Mountains...
on October 17, 2010. They celebrated championship of the second level after goalless draw with Nizhny Novgorod
FC Nizhny Novgorod
FC Nizhny Novgorod is an association football club based in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Currently the club plays in the Russian First Division.In December 2007 a new team formed from an amateur team playing in the regional championship....
on October 24, 2010.
Nikola Nikezić incident
Nikola NikezićNikola Nikezic
Nikola Nikezić is a Montenegrin football player who last played for FC Kuban Krasnodar, a Russian side.-Career:...
, a forward
Forwards, also known as strikers, are the players on a team in association football who play nearest to the opposing team's goal, and are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals...
from Montenegro
Montenegro Montenegrin: Crna Gora Црна Гора , meaning "Black Mountain") is a country located in Southeastern Europe. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea to the south-west and is bordered by Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the northwest, Serbia to the northeast and Albania to the...
, was part of FC Kuban in 2010 and had a valid contract with the club until November 2011. However, in early 2011, FC Kuban decided they want to buy different players in his position and tried to force him to dissolve the contract by mutual consent. When he refused, he was beaten up by unknown persons, allegedly with ties to the Russian mafia
Russian Mafia
The Russian Mafia is a name applied to organized crime syndicates in Russia and Ukraine. The mafia in various countries take the name of the country, as for example the Ukrainian mafia....
, at the club office to force him to sign the contract dissolution papers. After being beaten for 20 minutes, by two armed men, he did sign the paperwork. He filed a complaint with FIFA
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association , commonly known by the acronym FIFA , is the international governing body of :association football, futsal and beach football. Its headquarters are located in Zurich, Switzerland, and its president is Sepp Blatter, who is in his fourth...
president Sepp Blatter
Sepp Blatter
Joseph S. Blatter , commonly known as Sepp Blatter, is a Swiss football administrator, who serves as the 8th and current President of FIFA . He was elected on 8 June 1998, succeeding João Havelange. He was re-elected as President in 2002, 2007, and 2011...
couple of days after the incident, with attached photos of bruises sustained during the beating. Eventually FIFPro
The Fédération Internationale des Associations de Footballeurs Professionnels , usually known by the abbreviation FIFPro, is a worldwide representative organization for professional football players. At the moment there are 43 national players associations who are members of FIFPro...
(International Federation of Professional Footballers), with the assistance of Russian Football Union, forced the club to pay Nikezić a compensation of 180,000 euros.
- RSFSR Championship: 4
- Winners: 1948, 1962, 1973, 1987
- Russian First Division:
- Winners: 2010
- Runner-Ups: 2003, 2006, 2008
Season | Div. | Pos. | Pl. | W | D | L | GS | GA | P | Cup | Europe | Top Scorer (League) |
Head Coach | |
1992 1992 in Russian football 1992 was the first season Russia held its own national football competition since the breakup of the Soviet Union.-Club competitions:The teams participating came mostly from the Soviet Union leagues. New Top League had 20 teams, second-level First League had 3 zones and 52 teams in total and... |
1st Russian Premier League The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition... |
18 | 30 | 4 | 9 | 17 | 24 | 53 | 17 | - | — | ![]() ![]() Vladislav Lemish Vladislav Yuryevich Lemish is a retired Russian and Azerbaijani football player.-International career:Lemish played one game for Russia on 16 August 1992, when he came on as a substitute for the last 10 minutes of a friendly against Mexico. That was the first game Russia played under its name... - 5 |
![]() ![]() Igor Viktorovich Kaleshin Igor Viktorovich Kaleshin is a Russian professional football coach and a former player.His sons Vitali Kaleshin and Yevgeni Kaleshin are professional footballers.-External links:*... |
1993 1993 in Russian football 1993 was the second season Russia held its own national football competition since the breakup of the Soviet Union.-Club competitions:FC Spartak Moscow won the league for the second time in a row.For more details, see:*Russian Top League 1993... |
2nd, "West" | 15 | 42 | 15 | 8 | 19 | 62 | 84 | 38 | R64 | — | ![]() Murat Gomleshko Murat Ruslanovich Gomleshko is a Russian professional football coach and a former player. He is the president of FC Torpedo Armavir.-External links:*... - 19 |
![]() Leonid Nazarenko Leonid Vasilyevich Nazarenko is a retired Soviet football player and a current Russian coach.-International career:... |
1994 1994 in Russian football 1994 was the third season Russia held its own national football competition since the breakup of the Soviet Union.-Club competitions:FC Spartak Moscow won the league for the third time in a row.... |
3rd, "West" Russian Second Division The Russian Second Division is the third level of Russian professional football.In 1998–2010, it was run by the Professional Football League.... |
6 | 40 | 23 | 6 | 11 | 83 | 44 | 52 | R256 | — | ![]() Aleksei Gerasimenko Aleksei Petrovich Gerasimenko is a retired Russian football player.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 1993.* Ukrainian Premier League winner: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.* Ukrainian Cup winner: 1998, 1999, 2000.... - 16 |
![]() Leonid Nazarenko Leonid Vasilyevich Nazarenko is a retired Soviet football player and a current Russian coach.-International career:... |
1995 1995 in Russian football 1995 was the fourth season Russia held its own national football competition since the breakup of the Soviet Union.-Club competitions:FC Spartak-Alania Vladikavkaz won the league for the first time ever.... |
2 | 42 | 27 | 6 | 9 | 107 | 61 | 87 | R128 | — | ![]() Aleksei Gerasimenko Aleksei Petrovich Gerasimenko is a retired Russian football player.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 1993.* Ukrainian Premier League winner: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.* Ukrainian Cup winner: 1998, 1999, 2000.... - 30 |
![]() Fyodor Novikov Fyodor Sergeyevich Novikov was a Russian professional football coach and player.-External links:*... ![]() Vladimir Brazhnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Brazhnikov is a Russian professional football coach.-External links:*... |
1996 1996 in Russian football 1996 in Russian football returned the fifth national title to Spartak Moscow, while the Russian Cup was taken by Lokomotiv Moscow.-Club competitions:FC Spartak Moscow won the title for the fourth time.For more details, see:*Russian Top League 1996... |
2nd | 10 | 42 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 65 | 60 | 59 | R32 | — | ![]() |
![]() Vladimir Brazhnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Brazhnikov is a Russian professional football coach.-External links:*... |
1997 1997 in Russian football 1997 was the sixth season Russia held its own national football competition since the breakup of the Soviet Union.-Club competitions:FC Spartak Moscow won the title for the fifth time... |
16 | 42 | 16 | 9 | 17 | 63 | 66 | 57 | R512 | — | ![]() |
![]() Vladimir Brazhnikov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Brazhnikov is a Russian professional football coach.-External links:*... |
1998 1998 in Russian football -National team:Russia national football team began their qualification for the Euro 2000.-Leagues:The Russian league system underwent reorganization for the 1998 season. The "leagues" were renamed "divisions". The Second Division was extended to six zones with 16-22 teams , while the Third League... |
20 | 42 | 10 | 13 | 19 | 42 | 68 | 43 | R16 | — | ![]() Ruslan Suanov Ruslan Ruslanovich Suanov is a retired Ossetian professional footballer. He works as an administrator for FC Alania-d Vladikavkaz. He made his debut in the Russian Premier League in 1992 for FC Spartak Vladikavkaz.-Honours:... - 6 |
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1999 1999 in Russian football 1999 in Russian football was marked by the national team's failure to qualify for the Euro 2000. Spartak Moscow won the league title, while Zenit were the victors of the Russian Cup.-National team:... |
3rd, "South" Russian Second Division The Russian Second Division is the third level of Russian professional football.In 1998–2010, it was run by the Professional Football League.... |
1 | 36 | 29 | 4 | 3 | 80 | 13 | 91 | R128 | — | ![]() Iuri Gabiskiria Iuri Gabiskiria is a retired Georgian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League in 1988 for FC Torpedo Kutaisi. He played 2 games in the UEFA Cup 2006–07 for FC Ameri Tbilisi.-References:... - 18 |
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2000 2000 in Russian football 2000 in Russian football saw the eighth title for FC Spartak Moscow and the third Cup for FC Lokomotiv Moscow. The national team began qualification for the 2002 FIFA World Cup.- National team :... |
1 | 38 | 32 | 3 | 3 | 95 | 13 | 99 | R128 | — | ![]() Emil Tsatskin Emil Vasilyevich Tsatskin is a retired Russian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Russian Second Division in 1992 for FC Rostselmash-d Rostov-on-Don.-References:... - 14 |
![]() ![]() Fyodor Shcherbachenko Fyodor Anatolyevich Shcherbachenko is a Russian professional football coach and a former player. Currently, he manages FC Mordovia Saransk. As a player, he made his debut in the Soviet Second League in 1981 for FC Tsement Novorossiysk.-References:... |
2001 2001 in Russian football 2001 in Russian football saw the ninth title for FC Spartak Moscow and the fourth Cup for FC Lokomotiv Moscow. The national team qualified for the 2002 FIFA World Cup.-National team:... |
2nd | 3 | 34 | 16 | 12 | 6 | 56 | 29 | 60 | R16 | — | ![]() Oleg Teryokhin Oleg Ivanovich Teryokhin is a retired Russian football player. He last worked as a scout for FC Kuban Krasnodar.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 2000.* Russian Premier League bronze: 1997.... - 15 |
![]() Oleg Dolmatov Oleg Vasilyevich Dolmatov is a former Russian footballer and a current manager.- Honors :* Soviet Top League winner: 1976 .* Soviet Cup winner: 1977.... |
2002 2002 in Russian football 2002 in Russian football was the first season of the Premier League, which was won by FC Lokomotiv Moscow... |
4 | 34 | 15 | 9 | 10 | 44 | 30 | 54 | R16 | — | ![]() Maksim Yermak Maksim Yuryevich Yermak is a former Ukrainian and Russian professional footballer.-Honours:* Russian Cup finalist: 2005 .-External links:... - 5 ![]() Igor Kiselyov Igor Vladimirovich Kiselyov is a Russian professional footballer. Currently, he plays for FC Biolog-Novokubansk Progress. He made his professional debut in the Russian Premier League in 1997 for FC Torpedo-Luzhniki Moscow.-Honours:... - 5 |
![]() Oleg Dolmatov Oleg Vasilyevich Dolmatov is a former Russian footballer and a current manager.- Honors :* Soviet Top League winner: 1976 .* Soviet Cup winner: 1977.... ![]() Vyacheslav Komarov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich Komarov is a Russian professional football coach and a former player.In 2006 he was involved in a serious car crash, which he barely survived.-External links:* -References:... |
2003 2003 in Russian football 2003 in Russian football saw the first title for PFC CSKA Moscow. Spartak Moscow, the Cup winners, had the worst league finish since 1976. The national team qualified for Euro 2004.-National team:Russia national football team qualified for the Euro 2004... |
2 | 42 | 27 | 5 | 10 | 75 | 38 | 86 | R32 | — | ![]() |
![]() ![]() Nikolai Yuzhanin Nikolai Nikolayevich Yuzhanin is a Russian professional football coach and a former player. As of May 2009, he is unemployed after being fired by FC Chernomorets Novorossiysk. As a player, he made his debut in 1991 the Soviet Second League in for FC Khimik Belorechensk.-External links: -References:... |
2004 2004 in Russian football 2004 in Russian football was marked with Lokomotiv's second championship, Terek's cup victory, and national team playing at Euro 2004.-National team:... |
1st Russian Premier League The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition... |
15 | 30 | 6 | 10 | 14 | 26 | 42 | 28 | R16 | — | ![]() Lyubomir Kantonistov Lyubomir Danilovich Kantonistov is an association football player. He plays midfield for FC Fakel Voronezh.He played with FC Lokomotiv Moscow, FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Torpedo Moscow in the Russian Premier League, and with Olimpija Ljubljana in the Slovenian First League.-International... - 8 |
![]() Nikolai Yuzhanin Nikolai Nikolayevich Yuzhanin is a Russian professional football coach and a former player. As of May 2009, he is unemployed after being fired by FC Chernomorets Novorossiysk. As a player, he made his debut in 1991 the Soviet Second League in for FC Khimik Belorechensk.-External links: -References:... ![]() ![]() Leonid Nazarenko Leonid Vasilyevich Nazarenko is a retired Soviet football player and a current Russian coach.-International career:... |
2005 2005 in Russian football 2005 was marked by a greatest success in the Russian club football so far, as CSKA Moscow won the UEFA Cup. Later, CSKA completed the treble, winning the Russian Cup and the Russian Premier League title... |
2nd | 5 | 42 | 23 | 12 | 7 | 55 | 25 | 81 | R16 | — | ![]() Lyubomir Kantonistov Lyubomir Danilovich Kantonistov is an association football player. He plays midfield for FC Fakel Voronezh.He played with FC Lokomotiv Moscow, FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Torpedo Moscow in the Russian Premier League, and with Olimpija Ljubljana in the Slovenian First League.-International... - 11 |
![]() Jozef Chovanec Jozef Chovanec is a former Czechoslovak football player and later a football manager.- Playing career :... |
2006 2006 in Russian football -National team:Russia played two friendly matches under the caretaker coach Aleksandr Borodyuk. On 1 March, they lost 0–1 to Brazil in Moscow, and on 27 May drew 0–0 with Spain in Albacete.... |
2 | 42 | 30 | 7 | 5 | 92 | 25 | 97 | R32 | — | ![]() ![]() Robert Zebelyan Robert Zebelyan is a Russia born Armenian football striker, currently plays for Tobol Kostanay. Robert also played for the Armenia national football team, having debuted for the team on 15 November 2006 in an away Euro 2008 qualifying match against Finland.... - 23 |
![]() Pavel Yakovenko Pavlo Oleksandrovych Yakovenko – or Pavel Aleksandrovich Yakovenko , is a former Ukrainian footballer and USSR international.-Playing career:... |
2007 2007 in Russian football -National team:-Russian Cup 2007-08:... |
1st Russian Premier League The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition... |
15 | 30 | 7 | 11 | 12 | 27 | 38 | 32 | R32 | — | ![]() Oleg Ivanov Oleg Aleksandrovich Ivanov is a Russian footballer who currently plays as a midfielder for FC Rostov in Russia.-Krylia Sovetov Samara:He made his debut for Krylia on 22 March 2008 and has so far made 10 appearances for the club, scoring 1 goal.... - 4 ![]() Vladimir Kuzmichyov Vladimir Vladimirovich Kuzmichyov is a Russian footballer who plays as a striker for FC Dynamo Bryansk.-External links:** at fc-terek.ru... - 4 ![]() Juris Laizans Juris Laizāns is a Latvian football midfielder, currently playing for Fakel Voronezh in the Russian First League and Latvia national football team.-Club career:... - 4 |
![]() |
2008 2008 in Russian football -Overview:*Russian Super Cup 2008 was held on 9 March at the Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow. Zenit St. Petersburg won the trophy for the first time, beating Lokomotiv Moscow 2–1.*Russian Premier League 2008 started on 14 March.... |
2nd | 2 | 42 | 27 | 6 | 9 | 84 | 36 | 87 | R16 | — | ![]() Denis Zubko Denis Ivanovich Zubko is an association football player playing striker. Currently, he plays for FC Rotor Volgograd.-International career:... - 18 |
![]() Oleg Protasov Oleh Valeriyovych Protasov is a former football striker. He was a key member of the Soviet Union national team throughout the 1980s; his 29 goals for the Soviet Union are second in the team's history, behind Oleh Blokhin's 42... |
2009 2009 in Russian football -Club competitions:FC Rubin Kazan won the league for the second time in a row.For more details, see:*2009 Russian Premier League*2009 Russian First Division*Russian Second Division 2009-Russian Cup 2008–09:-2009 Russian Super Cup:... |
1st Russian Premier League The Russian Premier League , currently called SOGAZ Russian Football Championship due to sponsorship reasons, is the top division of Russian football. There are 16 teams in the competition... |
15 | 30 | 6 | 10 | 14 | 23 | 51 | 28 | R32 | — | ![]() Dramane Traoré Dramane Traoré is a Malian footballer player who plays as a striker for Ukrainian club FC Metalurh Donetsk.- International :... - 8 |
![]() Sergei Ovchinnikov Sergei Ivanovich Ovchinnikov or Boss is a manager and former association football goalkeeper who played for the Russian national team... ![]() ![]() Poghos Galstyan Poghos Galstyan , is a former Armenian football midfielder and current manager. He has participated in 1 international match for the Armenia national team on 16 July 1994 in a home friendly match against Malta. He is the father of Artush Galstyan.-References:... |
2010 2010 in Russian football -Club competitions:For more details, see:*2010 Russian Premier League*2010 Russian First Division*2010 Russian Second Division-2009–10 UEFA Champions League:CSKA Moscow took second place in the group stage and enters the knockout stage.... |
2nd | 1 | 38 | 24 | 8 | 6 | 51 | 20 | 80 | R32 | — | ![]() Sergei Sergeyevich Davydov Sergei Sergeyevich Davydov is a Russian professional football player. Currently, he plays for FC Kuban Krasnodar in the Russian Premier League as a striker.-Dynamo Bryansk:... - 10 |
![]() Dan Petrescu Daniel Vasile Petrescu is a Romanian football manager and former player, currently the manager of Kuban Krasnodar in the Russian Premier League.... |
Current squad
As of August 31, 2011, according to the Russian Premier League official website.Out on loan
Youth team
Kuban's reserve squad played professionally as FC Kuban-d Krasnodar in the Russian Third League in 1996 and 1997.The following players are listed by club's website as reserve players and are registered with the RFPL. They are eligible to play for the first team.
Notable players
Had international caps for their respective countries. Players whose name is listed in bold represented their countries while playing for Kuban.USSR/Russia Aleksandr Makhovikov
Aleksandr Makhovikov
Aleksandr Fyodorovich Makhovikov is a retired Soviet football player.-International career:Makhovikov made his debut for USSR on April 30, 1972 in the UEFA Euro 1972 quarterfinal against Yugoslavia. He did not play again for the national team until 1976...
Vladimir Beschastnykh
Vladimir Beschastnykh
Vladimir Yevgenyevich Beschastnykh is a retired association footballer who played forward...
Maksim Buznikin
Maksim Buznikin
Maksim Buznikin is former Russia international midfielder, who plays FC Nizhny Novgorod. Buznikin spent his prime years playing for Spartak Moscow and Lokomotiv Moscow...
Maksim Demenko
Maksim Demenko
Maksim Vladimirovich Demenko is an association footballer who plays as a central midfielder. He last played for FC Zhemchuzhina-Sochi....
Aleksandr Filimonov
Aleksandr Filimonov
Aleksandr Vladimirovich Filimonov is a retired association football goalkeeper who currently plays for the beach soccer club Lokomotiv Moscow and the Russia national beach soccer team, with which he won the 2011 FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup....
Vladimir Gabulov
Vladimir Gabulov
Vladimir Borisovich Gabulov is an association footballer who played goalkeeper of Ossetian ethnicity currently playing for Russian Premier League club CSKA Moscow on loan from Anzhi Makhachkala...
Aleksei Gerasimenko
Aleksei Gerasimenko
Aleksei Petrovich Gerasimenko is a retired Russian football player.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 1993.* Ukrainian Premier League winner: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.* Ukrainian Cup winner: 1998, 1999, 2000....
Lyubomir Kantonistov
Lyubomir Kantonistov
Lyubomir Danilovich Kantonistov is an association football player. He plays midfield for FC Fakel Voronezh.He played with FC Lokomotiv Moscow, FC Kuban Krasnodar and FC Torpedo Moscow in the Russian Premier League, and with Olimpija Ljubljana in the Slovenian First League.-International...
Oleg Kornaukhov
Oleg Kornaukhov
Oleg Dmitriyevich Kornaukhov is an association football player who is currently playing for FC Dmitrov.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 1998.* Russian Premier League bronze: 1999....
Valeri Minko
Valeri Minko
Valeri Vikentyevich Minko is a former association footballer who played defender and now head coach.He capped for USSR U-20 team at 1991 FIFA World Youth Championship....
Denis Popov
Denis Popov
Denis Aleksandrovich Popov is a retired association footballer who played striker. He used to play for Russia. In February 2010, he moved into politics and is running for the Novorossiysk city council.-Honours:...
Andrei Solomatin
Andrei Solomatin
Andrei Yuryevich Solomatin is a retired Russian football player.He played mostly for Lokomotiv Moskva and CSKA Moskva.He played for Russia national football team and was a participant at the 2002 FIFA World Cup.-Honours:...
Oleg Teryokhin
Oleg Teryokhin
Oleg Ivanovich Teryokhin is a retired Russian football player. He last worked as a scout for FC Kuban Krasnodar.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 2000.* Russian Premier League bronze: 1997....
Yevgeni Varlamov
Yevgeni Varlamov
Yevgeni Vladimirovich Varlamov is a retired Russian football player, currently coaching at CSKA Moscow.-Honours:* Russian Premier League runner-up: 1998, 2002.* Russian Premier League bronze: 1999.* Russian Cup winner: 2002....
Renat Yanbayev
Renat Yanbayev
Renat Rudolfovich Yanbayev is an association footballer who played midfielder who plays for FC Lokomotiv Moscow. He was born to a Tatar father and a Russian mother.- Career :...
Denis Zubko
Denis Zubko
Denis Ivanovich Zubko is an association football player playing striker. Currently, he plays for FC Rotor Volgograd.-International career:...

Vladislav Lemish
Vladislav Yuryevich Lemish is a retired Russian and Azerbaijani football player.-International career:Lemish played one game for Russia on 16 August 1992, when he came on as a substitute for the last 10 minutes of a friendly against Mexico. That was the first game Russia played under its name...
Armenia Hayk Hakobyan
Aramais Yepiskoposyan
Aramais Yepiskoposyan
Aramais Yepiskoposyan is a retired Armenian professional football player. He also holds Russian citizenship.-External links:*...
Robert Zebelyan
Robert Zebelyan
Robert Zebelyan is a Russia born Armenian football striker, currently plays for Tobol Kostanay. Robert also played for the Armenia national football team, having debuted for the team on 15 November 2006 in an away Euro 2008 qualifying match against Finland....
Former USSR countries Kazemır Qudiyev
Kazemır Qudiyev
Kazemır Qudiyev is a Azerbaijani professional football coach and a former player. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League B in 1990 for FC Avtodor Vladikavkaz. He also holds Russian citizenship.-References:...
Mikhail Afanasyev
Mikhail Afanasyev
Mikhail Afanasyev is a Belarusian footballer. He plays for FC Salyut Belgorod in Russian First Division....
Andrei Kovalenko
Andrei Valeryevich Kovalenko
Andrei Valeryevich Kovalenko is a retired Belarusian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League in 1987 for FC Gomselmash Gomel.His younger brother Konstantin Kovalenko is also a professional footballer.-Honours:...
Konstantin Kovalenko
Konstantin Kovalenko
Konstantin Valeryevich Kovalenko is a Belarusian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League in 1991 for FC Kuban Barannikovsky...
Aleksey Skvernyuk
Aleksey Skvernyuk
Aleksey Skvernyuk is a Belarusian football player. He is currently attached to Russian PFC Spartak Nalchik. Skvernyuk commonly plays as left back.Skvernyuk has also played 7 times for Belarus.-External links:*...
Dmitri Kruglov
Dmitri Kruglov
Dmitri Kruglov is an Estonian professional footballer who plays in Russian Premier League for FC Rostov. He plays the position of left-back, but has also had spells further up the pitch as a winger. He is also a member of the Estonia national football team...
Iuri Gabiskiria
Iuri Gabiskiria
Iuri Gabiskiria is a retired Georgian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League in 1988 for FC Torpedo Kutaisi. He played 2 games in the UEFA Cup 2006–07 for FC Ameri Tbilisi.-References:...
Juris Laizāns
Juris Laizans
Juris Laizāns is a Latvian football midfielder, currently playing for Fakel Voronezh in the Russian First League and Latvia national football team.-Club career:...
Mindaugas Kalonas
Mindaugas Kalonas
Mindaugas Kalonas is a Lithuanian football midfielder. His current club is FC Metalurh Zaporizhya.- Football career :...
Valdas Trakys
Valdas Trakys
Valdas Trakys is a Lithuanian footballer, who plays for Greek club Anagennisi Epanomi.-Playing career:Trakys started his professional career in 1995 with FK Panerys Vilnius in his native Lithuania. He played for FC Harelbeke and FBK Kaunas before moving to Russia to play for Torpedo Moscow...
Igor Armaş
Igor Armas
Igor Armaş is a Moldovan football defender who plays for Kuban Krasnodar in Russian Premier League.After a successful season in FC Zimbru, Armaş signed a four-year contract with Swedish club Hammarby IF....
Victor Golovatenco
Victor Golovatenco
Victor Golovatenco is a Moldovan footballer who plays for FC Sibir Novosibirsk.-International career:Golovatenco has made 15 appearances for the senior Moldova national football team, including two 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying matches. He played 6 games in UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying.-External...
Stanislav Namaşco
Stanislav Namasco
Stanislav Namaşco is a Moldovan football player who plays for PFC Spartak Nalchik on loan from FC Kuban KrasnodarIn the 2007-2008 season he won the Moldovan Championship and the Moldovan Cup...
Andriy Dikan
Andriy Dikan
Andriy Oleksandrovich Dikan is a Ukrainian international football goalkeeper currently playing for Russian side FC Spartak Moscow.He also held Russian citizenship which he obtained in 2000 in Khabarovsk...
Yevhen Drahunov
Yevhen Drahunov
Yevhen Ivanovych Drahunov was a Ukrainian professional football player. He made his professional debut in the Soviet Second League in 1984 for SKA Kyiv.-External links:*...
Pavlo Shkapenko
Pavlo Shkapenko
Pavlo Leonidovych Shkapenko is a retired Ukrainian professional footballer. He made his professional debut in the Soviet First League in 1990 for FC Metalurh Zaporizhya.-Honours:* Ukrainian Premier League champion: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997....
Serhiy Snytko
Serhiy Snytko
Serhiy Mykolayovych Snytko is a Ukrainian football midfielder who plays for Naftovyk in the Ukrainian Premier League. He also holds Russian citizenship.- External links :...
Andriy Yudin
Andriy Yudin
Andriy Viktorovych Yudin is a Ukrainian professional football coach and a former player. As of June 2009, he works as an assistant manager with FC Kuban Krasnodar...
Europe Ricardo Baiano
Ricardo Santos Lago
Ricardo Santos Lago , best known as Ricardo Baiano, is a Brazilian-born Bosnian football midfielder who last played for FC Zhemchuzhina-Sochi.-Biography:...
Džemal Berberović
Džemal Berberovic
Džemal Berberović is a Bosnian football defender who plays for Germann club MSV Duisburg.-Career:Džemal Berberović started his career at FK Sarajevo. At age 22, he signed with German club Bayer Leverkusen, but did not play in official matches. In January 2005, he returned for six months in Bosnia...
Ivaylo Petkov
Ivaylo Petkov
Ivaylo Rumenov Petkov is a Bulgarian football player who plays for PFC Litex Lovech.-Career:...
Svetoslav Petrov
Svetoslav Petrov
Svetoslav Petrov is a former Bulgarian football midfielder and current assistant coach of Botev Plovdiv under Milen Radukanov.-Career:...
Nikola Nikezić
Nikola Nikezic
Nikola Nikezić is a Montenegrin football player who last played for FC Kuban Krasnodar, a Russian side.-Career:...
Gheorghe Bucur
Gheorghe Bucur
Gheorghe "Gigel" Bucur is a Romanian football player, currently playing at Kuban Krasnodar. He is a speedy and short striker....
Dacian Varga
Dacian Varga
Dacian Şerban Varga is a Romanian footballer who is currently playing for FC Kuban Krasnodar on loan from Sportul Studenţesc. He is the son of Ioan Varga, a former player of Dinamo Bucharest.-Childhood:...
František Kubík
František Kubík
František Kubík is a Slovak footballer who currently plays as a striker for the Russian Premier League club FC Kuban Krasnodar and the Slovakia national football team.-Club career:...
North America Ante Jazić
Ante Jazic
Ante Jazić is a Canadian soccer player who currently plays for Chivas USA in Major League Soccer, and for the Canadian national team.-Youth:...
Marco Ureña
Marco Ureña
Marcos Danilo Ureña Porras, known as Marco Ureña is a professional Costa Rican footballer who plays in Russia for FC Kuban Krasnodar and the Costa Rica national football team as a striker.- International career :...
Africa Marco Né
Marco Né
Marco Taddei Né is an Ivorian football midfielder who currently plays for FC Kuban Krasnodar in Russia.- Career :...
Haminu Dramani Dramane Traoré
Dramane Traoré
Dramane Traoré is a Malian footballer player who plays as a striker for Ukrainian club FC Metalurh Donetsk.- International :...
Sani Kaita
Sani Kaita
Sani Haruna Kaita is a Nigerian footballer playing currently for Ukrainian Premier League team SC Tavriya Simferopol.-Club career:...
Haruna Babangida
Haruna Babangida
Haruna Babangida is a Nigerian footballer who currently is free agent.Babangida is a hard working, quick right wing who can also play on the left side.He is the younger brother of Tijani Babangida and Ibrahim Babangida...
Francisco Zuela
Francisco Zuela
Francisco Zuela is an Angolan/Portuguese footballer. He currently plays for Atromitos F.C. in the Greek Superleague.-Career:...
- In its history, in cup tournaments Kuban has never reached beyond 1/8 finals, in either the USSR Cup, or in the Cup of RussiaRussiaRussia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
. Despite the fact that opponents in these 1/8 finals were quite lowly, sometimes even more than a league below and Kuban were drawn at home, however, they have so far always failed. For Kuban fans, the 1/8 finals of the Cup are known as "Hoodoo".
- The Russian history of Kuban is marked by constant coaching changes. In over 17 seasons from 1992 to the present (as of October 1, 2008) the first team has changed its coach 25 times, and the post in the Russian period in the history of the club, it has had 20 different trainers, while none had served as head coach for even two full seasons, and only 5 of them were able to last one full season.
- Until 2005, when a team had a Czech coach, Jozef ChovanecJozef ChovanecJozef Chovanec is a former Czechoslovak football player and later a football manager.- Playing career :...
, never in the history of the club had the head been foreign. - Alexander Irhin is the only head coach of Kuban, under whom the team did not play any official matches.
- Vladimir GabulovVladimir GabulovVladimir Borisovich Gabulov is an association footballer who played goalkeeper of Ossetian ethnicity currently playing for Russian Premier League club CSKA Moscow on loan from Anzhi Makhachkala...
in 2007 became the national first team goalie, who played in starting the main Russia national football teamRussia national football teamThe Russia national football team represents Russia in association football and is controlled by the Russian Football Union , the governing body for football in Russia. Russia's home grounds are Luzhniki Stadium, Lokomotiv Stadium , and Petrovsky Stadium in St.Petersburg and their head coach is...
, while playing for Kuban. - The young goalkeeper Eugene Pomazan, won a 2006 Youth European Championship medal with Russia, becoming the first in Kuban to be a European champion.
- At that time the captain was BulgariaBulgariaBulgaria , officially the Republic of Bulgaria , is a parliamentary democracy within a unitary constitutional republic in Southeast Europe. The country borders Romania to the north, Serbia and Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, as well as the Black Sea to the east...
n defender Ivaylo PetkovIvaylo PetkovIvaylo Rumenov Petkov is a Bulgarian football player who plays for PFC Litex Lovech.-Career:...
, who in the game №3 in 2008 in the Russian First Division against FC Sportakademklub MoscowFC Sportakademklub MoscowFC Sportakademklub Moscow is a Russian professional association football club, based in Moscow.Despite finishing outside of the Russian First Division relegation zone in 2008 , the club could not afford to participate in the 2009 season in the division and volunteered to get relegated to the...
(3:0) was the scorer of the 1000th goal for Kuban, scoring the goal at their rival club.