ECOSY - Young European Socialists is an association of social-democratic
Social democracy
Social democracy is a political ideology of the center-left on the political spectrum. Social democracy is officially a form of evolutionary reformist socialism. It supports class collaboration as the course to achieve socialism...

 youth organisations in the European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...

. The most widely accepted pronunciation of ECOSY is as a single word with short "e" and short "o".

Ecosy is the youth organisation of the Party of European Socialists
Party of European Socialists
The Party of European Socialists is a European political party led by Sergei Stanishev, former Prime Minister of Bulgaria. The PES comprises social-democratic national-level political parties primarily from Member state of the European Union, as well as other nations of the European continent. The...

 (PES) and is a member of the International Union of Socialist Youth
International Union of Socialist Youth
The International Union of Socialist Youth encompasses socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organizations from more than 100 states of the world...

 (Iusy). The seat
Seat (legal entity)
In strict legal language, the term seat defines the seat of a corporation or organisation as a legal entity, indicating where the headquarters of this entity are located...

 of the organisation is Brussels
Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...


Full members status is held to the European Youth Forum
European Youth Forum
The European Youth Forum is the platform of the national youth councils and international non-governmental youth organisations in Europe...

 (YFJ) which operates within the Council of Europe
Council of Europe
The Council of Europe is an international organisation promoting co-operation between all countries of Europe in the areas of legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural co-operation...

 and European Union
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...

 areas and works closely with both these bodies.

Kaisa Penny (Demarinuoret
Social Democratic Youth (Finland)
The Social Democratic Youth is the youth organisation of Social Democratic Party of Finland. The organisation currently claims 10 000 members. In the 1970s they had 40 000 members....

 and SONK
Social Democratic Students (Finland)
Social Democratic Students is the student organisation of the Social Democratic Party of Finland....

) is Ecosy president, Thomas Maes (Animo
Animo (organization)
Animo is an independent social democratic youth organization in the Flemish in Belgium and is loosely connected to the Flemish social democratic party Socialistische Partij Anders .- History :...

) is Secretary General.


Ecosy was founded as the European Community Organisation of Socialist Youth in November 1992 in Oegstgeest/The Hague
The Hague
The Hague is the capital city of the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. With a population of 500,000 inhabitants , it is the third largest city of the Netherlands, after Amsterdam and Rotterdam...

. The preparatory committee consisted of Philip Cordery (MJS, France), Joris Jurriëns (JS-PvdA, Netherlands), Jens Geier (Jusos, Germany), Giustina Magistretti (Italy) and Pascal Smet (Belgium).

Before 1992 the European activities had been coordinated inside Iusy, especially in the European Leaders Meeting. The foundation of Ecosy had been controversial. In particular, the Austria
Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...

ns and the Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 promoted an all-European organisation, including the non-EU
European Union
The European Union is an economic and political union of 27 independent member states which are located primarily in Europe. The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Economic Community , formed by six countries in 1958...


The European Socialist Youth (Esy), founded in parallel, was only a weak organisation, a short time later renamed as European Committee, one of the Iusy continental committees.

Member organisations

Sozialistische Jugend Österreichs
Socialist Youth Austria
The Socialist Youth Austria is a socialist youth organisation in Austria. While not part of the Social Democratic Party of Austria there is a close relationship between the two organisations.The SJÖ is member of the ECOSY and the IUSY.-External links:...

 (SJ) — Verband Sozialistischer StudentInnen Österreichs
Socialist Students of Austria
The Socialist Students of Austria is a socialist and social democratic student organization at Austrian universities.- History :The preliminary organization of the VSStÖ was formed in 1893 in Vienna. In the beginning, it was more a student debate club that was sympathetic to young workers and the...

 (VSStÖ) — Animo
Animo (organization)
Animo is an independent social democratic youth organization in the Flemish in Belgium and is loosely connected to the Flemish social democratic party Socialistische Partij Anders .- History :...

 — Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes (MJS) — Българска социалистическа младежка (БСМ) / Balgarska Socialisticeska Mladezhka (BSМ) — Европейска лява младежка алтернатива (ЕЛМА) / Evropejska Ljava Mladezhka Alternativa (ELMA) — Forum mladih SDP — Νεολαία ΕΔΕΚ (Neolaia EDEK) — Mladí Sociální Demokraté (MSD) — Danmarks Socialdemokratiske Ungdom
Social Democratic Youth of Denmark
The Danmarks Socialdemokratiske Ungdom is the youth organisation of the Danish Social Democrats.- History :The Social Democratic Youth movement of Denmark was established in 1920 after a break-up of the former youth organisation, the Social Democratic Youth League...

 (DSU) — Noored Sotsiaaldemokraadid
Young Social Democrats (Estonia)
Young Social Democrats is the youth wing organisation of the Estonian Social Democratic Party. It is a member of IUSY since 1996 and a member of ECOSY since 2001.The current president is Lauri Läänemets, since 2011.-History:...

 (Noor-sots) — Sosialidemokraattiset Nuoret
Social Democratic Youth (Finland)
The Social Democratic Youth is the youth organisation of Social Democratic Party of Finland. The organisation currently claims 10 000 members. In the 1970s they had 40 000 members....

 (Demarinuoret) — Sosialidemokraattiset Opiskelijat
Social Democratic Students (Finland)
Social Democratic Students is the student organisation of the Social Democratic Party of Finland....

 (SONK) — Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes (MJS) — Jusos in der SPD
Young Socialists in the SPD
Young Socialists in the SPD is the youth organization of the Social Democratic Party of Germany .The Jusos see themselves as a socialist and feminist association within the SPD. Generally more left-wing in their approach to current events than their mother party, Jusos tend to criticize leading...

 — Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands – Die Falken (SJD) — Νεολαία ΠΑΣΟΚ / Neolaia Pasok — Societas – Új Mozgalom — Ungir Jafnaðarmenn (UJ) — Labour Youth
Labour Youth
Labour Youth is the youth wing of the Labour Party of Ireland. Anyone under the age of 27 is eligible to join Labour Youth....

 — Federazione dei Giovani Socialisti (FGS) — Jaunatnes Sociāldemokrātiskā Savienība (JSS) — Lietuvos socialdemokratinio jaunimo sąjunga (LSDJS) — Jeunesses Socialistes Luxembourgeoises (JSL) — Forum Zghazagh Laburisti (FZL) — Социјалдемократската младина на Македонија / Socijaldemokratskata mladina na Makedonija (СДММ / SDMM) — Социјалдемократска омладина / Socijaldemokratska omladina — Jonge Socialisten in de PvdA
Jonge Socialisten
The Dutch Young Socialists within the PvdA is the youth section of the Dutch social democratic party Partij van de Arbeid .JS used to be a democratic socialist organisation that promotes the full participation of young people in society. Since 2007 however, the JS is no longer a democratic...

 (JS) — Federacja Młodych Socjaldemokratów (FMS) — Juventude Socialista
Socialist Youth (Portugal)
Socialist Youth is the youth organisation of the Portuguese socialist party Partido Socialista.-List of General Secretaries:*1975-1978 - Arons de Carvalho*1978-1981 - José Leitão*1981-1984 - Margarida Marques*1984-1990 - José Apolinário...

 (JS) — Tineretul Social Democrat
Social Democratic Youth (Romania)
The Social Democratic Youth is the youth organisation of the Romanian social democratic party Partidul Social Democrat .-External links:*...

 (TSD) — Демократска омладина / Demokratska omladina
Democratic Youth (Serbia)
Democratic Youth is the youth organization of the Democratic Party .The Democratic Youth is an organization of young members of the Democratic Party up to 30 years old...

 — Социјалдемократска омладина / Socijaldemokratska omladina
Social Democratic Youth
The Social Democratic Youth is a youth organization in the Social Democratic Union . It is member of IUSY and ECOSY....

 — Mladí sociálni demokrati
Young Social Democrats (Slovakia)
Young Social Democrats is a social democratic youth organization in Slovakia.- History :MSD was founded in 2002 from the merger of Social Democratic Youth of Slovakia and Young Democratic Left...

 (MSD) — Mladi forum Socialnih demokratov (Mladi forum SD) — Joventut Socialista de Catalunya (JSC) — Juventudes Socialistas de España
Socialist Youth of Spain
Socialist Youth of Spain is the youth organisation of the Spanish social democratic party Partido Socialista Obrero Español .-External links:*...

 (JSE) — Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbund
Swedish Social Democratic Youth League
The Swedish Social Democratic Youth League is a branch of the Swedish social democratic party Socialdemokraterna and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation...

 (SSU) — Socialdemokratiska Studentförbundet
Social Democratic Students of Sweden
The Social Democratic Students of Sweden is the student organization of the Swedish social democratic party Socialdemokraterna.Created again in 1990, the organisation today has about 1200 members spread out over the country, most of them being students at either universities or poly-technics...

 (S-studenter/SSF) — Labour Students
Labour Students
Labour Students is a student organisation affiliated to the British Labour Party.Membership comprises affiliated college and university clubs . Membership of Labour Students is through membership of a university or college Labour Club. Affiliation is open to any Labour Club generally supportive of...

 — SDLP Youth
SDLP Youth
SDLP Youth is the youth group of the Northern Ireland political party the Social Democratic and Labour Party . It is organised throughout Northern Ireland and plays an active role within the SDLP at all levels of the organisation....

 (Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west...

) — Young Labour
Young Labour (United Kingdom)
Young Labour is the youth section of the British Labour Party. It is open to all Labour members between the ages of 15 and 26, and membership is automatic for those between 15 and 27 joining the Labour Party ....

Beside these 44 full member organisations there are 17 observer members
— Forumi i Rinisë Eurosocialiste të Shqipërisë (FESYA) — Rinisë Socialdemokrate — Youth Movement for Integration (YMI) — Հայ Երիտասարդաց Դաշնակցութիւն / Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) — Social Democratic Youth Organization (SDYO) — Маладыя сацыял-дэмакраты - Маладая Грамада (МСД-МГ) / Young Social-Democrats - Maladaya Hramada — Forum Mladih SDP BiH (FOM) — Αγώνας / Agonas — Young Socialists Georgia (YSG) — משמר נוער בתוך מפלגת העבודה / Mishmeret Tse’irah shel Mifleget haAwoda — צעירי מרצ / Young Meretz
Young Meretz-Yachad
Young Meretz-Yachad is the youth wing of the Israeli political party Meretz-Yachad. All members of Meretz-Yachad aged 18-35 are automatically members of YMY. Additionally, YMY activates student groups in university and college campuses throughout Israel, where the activists are not necessarily...

 — Progressive Youth Organization (PYO) — Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking
Workers' Youth League (Norway)
The Workers' Youth League is Norways biggest political youth organization, and is affiliated with the Norwegian Labour Party.AUF took its current form in April 1927, following the merger of Left Communist Youth League and Socialist Youth League of Norway corresponding with the merger of its...

 (AUF) — Российский социал-демократический союз молодёжи (РСДСМ) / Russian Social-Democratic Union of Youth
Russian Social-Democratic Union of Youth
Russian Social-Democratic Union of Youth is a Russian non-governmental organization founded in December 2000 with Mikhail Gorbachev’s support as a youth branch of the Russian United Social Democratic Party and a member of International Union of...

 (RSDUY, RSDSM) — Giovani Socialisti e Democratici / Young Socialists and Democrats (GSD) — JungsozialistInnen Schweiz / Jeunesse socialiste suisse / Gioventù Socialista Svizzera
Young Socialists Switzerland
Young Social Democrats is a social democratic youth organization in Switzerland.- External links :Official homepage* *...

 (JUSO/JS/GS) — Union of Young Socialists (SMS)

Current Ecosy praesidium (2011-2013)

  • President : Kaisa Penny (SDY Finland)
  • Secretary general : Thomas Maes (Animo Belgium)
  • Vice-president : Brando Benifei (SG Italy)
  • Vice-president : Sandra Breiteneder (SJÖ Austria)
  • Vice-president : Johan Büser (SSU Sweden)
  • Vice-president : Sylvia Kunze (Jusos Germany)
  • Vice-president : Silvia Mihalcea (TSD Romania)
  • Vice-president : Eliza Politi (PASOK Youth Greece)
  • Vice-president : Mafalda Serrasqueiro (JS Portugal)
  • Vice-president : Pavel Šílený (MSD Czech Republic)
  • Vice-president : Jure Štajnbaher (Mladi Forum Slovenia)
  • President of the Control Commission : Thomas Graham (Labour Students UK)


Since the founding of ECOSY in 1992 until 1997, the presidency rotated simultaneously with the EU Presidency
  • 1992 Tracy Paul (Young Labour)
  • 1993 Henrik Sass Larsen (Danmarks Socialdemokratiske Ungdom)
  • 1993 Ronald Gossiaux (Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes / Belgium
    Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

  • 1994 ./. (Neolaia Pasok)
  • 1994 Reinhold Rünker (Jusos in der SPD)
  • 1995 Renaud Lagrave (Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes / France
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • 1995 Martin Guillermo (Juventudes Socialistas de España)
  • 1995 Paco-Luis Benitez (Juventudes Socialistas de España)
  • 1996 Vinicio Peluffo (Sinistra Giovanile)
  • 1996 Mick McLoughlin (Labour Youth)
  • 1997 Thomas Windmulder (Jonge Socialisten in de PvdA)

Afterwards, ECOSY has an elected president
  • 1997–1999 Andreas Schieder (Sozialistische Jugend Österreich)
  • 1999–2001 Hugues Nancy (Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes / France
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • 2001–2003 Jan Krims (Verband Sozialistischer StudentInnen Österreichs)
  • 2003–2005 Anders Lindberg (Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbund)
  • 2005-2009 Giacomo Filibeck (Sinistra Giovanile)
  • 2009-2011 Petroula Nteledimou (Neolaia PASOK)
  • since 2011 Kaisa Penny (Demarinuoret & SONK)

Secretaries General

  • 1992–1997 Philip Cordery (Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes / France
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • 1997–1999 Pau Solanilla (Juventudes Socialistas de España)
  • 1999–2003 Yonnec Polet (Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes / Belgium
    Belgium , officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a federal state in Western Europe. It is a founding member of the European Union and hosts the EU's headquarters, and those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.Belgium is also a member of, or affiliated to, many...

  • 2003–2005 Ilias Antoniou (Neolaia Pasok)
  • 2005-2009 Ania Skrzypek (Federacja Młodych Socjaldemokratów)
  • 2009-2011 Janna Besamusca (Jonge Socialisten in de PvdA)
  • since 2011 Thomas Maes (Animo)


  • 1992 Oegstgeest/The Hague
    The Hague
    The Hague is the capital city of the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. With a population of 500,000 inhabitants , it is the third largest city of the Netherlands, after Amsterdam and Rotterdam...

  • 1994 Munich
    Munich The city's motto is "" . Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" . Its native name, , is derived from the Old High German Munichen, meaning "by the monks' place". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat...

  • 1997 Strasbourg
    Strasbourg is the capital and principal city of the Alsace region in eastern France and is the official seat of the European Parliament. Located close to the border with Germany, it is the capital of the Bas-Rhin département. The city and the region of Alsace are historically German-speaking,...

  • 1999 Toledo
    Toledo, Spain
    Toledo's Alcázar became renowned in the 19th and 20th centuries as a military academy. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 its garrison was famously besieged by Republican forces.-Economy:...

  • 2001 Vienna
    Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...

  • 2003 Bommersvik
    Bommersvik is a Union college built by the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League and is situated outside the municipality of Södertälje in Sweden. Parts of the college grounds encompass a conference centre and recreational facilities that are extensively used by social democratic organizations...

    Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

  • 2005 Cascais
    Cascais is a coastal town in Cascais Municipality in Portugal, 30 kilometres west of Lisbon, with about 35,000 residents. It is a cosmopolitan suburb of the Portuguese capital and one of the richest municipalities in Portugal. The former fishing village gained fame as a resort for Portugal's royal...

    Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

  • 2007 Warsaw
    Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, roughly from the Baltic Sea and from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population in 2010 was estimated at 1,716,855 residents with a greater metropolitan area of 2,631,902 residents, making Warsaw the 10th most...

  • 2009 Brussels
    Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

  • 2011 Bucharest
    Bucharest is the capital municipality, cultural, industrial, and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, at , and lies on the banks of the Dâmbovița River....

Summer camps

  • 1995 Rimini
    Rimini is a medium-sized city of 142,579 inhabitants in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, and capital city of the Province of Rimini. It is located on the Adriatic Sea, on the coast between the rivers Marecchia and Ausa...

    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

  • 1996 Iusy Festival Bonn
    Bonn is the 19th largest city in Germany. Located in the Cologne/Bonn Region, about 25 kilometres south of Cologne on the river Rhine in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, it was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990 and the official seat of government of united Germany from 1990 to 1999....

  • 1997 Mazagón
    Mazagón is a beach town in Spain near Huelva....

    Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

  • 1998 Vienna
    Vienna is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.723 million , and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre...

    Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...

  • 1999 Livorno
    Livorno , traditionally Leghorn , is a port city on the Tyrrhenian Sea on the western edge of Tuscany, Italy. It is the capital of the Province of Livorno, having a population of approximately 160,000 residents in 2009.- History :...

    Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

  • 2000 Iusy Festival Malmö
    Malmö , in the southernmost province of Scania, is the third most populous city in Sweden, after Stockholm and Gothenburg.Malmö is the seat of Malmö Municipality and the capital of Skåne County...

  • 2001 Debrecen
    Debrecen , is the second largest city in Hungary after Budapest. Debrecen is the regional centre of the Northern Great Plain region and the seat of Hajdú-Bihar county.- Name :...

    Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

  • 2002 Weißenbach
    Weisenbach is a municipality in the district of Rastatt in Baden-Württemberg in Germany....

    Austria , officially the Republic of Austria , is a landlocked country of roughly 8.4 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by the Czech Republic and Germany to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the...

  • 2003 Iusy Festival Kamena Vourla (Greece
    Greece , officially the Hellenic Republic , and historically Hellas or the Republic of Greece in English, is a country in southeastern Europe....

  • 2004 Năvodari
    Năvodari is a town in Constanţa County, region of Dobrogea, Romania, with a population of 32,400.-History:The settlement was mentioned for the first time in 1421 under the name Kara Koyun , to be renamed later on Karaköy or Carachioi...

    Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...

  • 2005 Figueira da Foz
    Figueira da Foz
    Figueira da Foz , also known as Figueira for short, is a municipality in the Coimbra District, in Portugal. It is located at the mouth of the Mondego River, 40 km west of Coimbra, and sheltered by hills ....

    Portugal , officially the Portuguese Republic is a country situated in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is the westernmost country of Europe, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the West and South and by Spain to the North and East. The Atlantic archipelagos of the...

  • 2006 Iusy Festival Alicante
    Alicante or Alacant is a city in Spain, the capital of the province of Alicante and of the comarca of Alacantí, in the south of the Valencian Community. It is also a historic Mediterranean port. The population of the city of Alicante proper was 334,418, estimated , ranking as the second-largest...

  • 2007 Iusy100 Berlin
    Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...

  • 2008 Carpentras
    Carpentras is a commune in the Vaucluse department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in southeastern France.It stands on the banks of the Auzon...

    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

  • 2009 Iusy Festival Zánka
    Zánka is a village in Veszprém county, Hungary.-Etymology:Zan is an ancient Hungarian personal name, and the original name of the settlement. The diminutive suffix -ka was added later.- History :...

    Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...


External links

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