Bible Quiz
Bible Quiz, also known as Bible Bowl, is a competition between teams (often representing individual churches) over knowledge of a pre-determined section of the Bible. Various Protestant denominations, plus a handful of independent groups, sponsor these competitions. All of them take the form of a quick-recall game, similar to those used in many American schools but instead using the Bible
as the subject of study and questions. Organizations which use the name "Bible Bowl" lean toward the format established by television's College Bowl
in the 1950s. All groups feature teams competing to be the first to "buzz in" using an electronic lockout device, much like those still used in TV game shows such as Jeopardy!
Most organizations have seasons which roughly correspond with the U.S. school year (September-June), holding local competitions on a monthly basis, with playoffs beginning in March or April that lead to a national championship tournament. Contestants are usually students in grades six through twelve, with some organizations also offering a separate division for younger children.
Most Bible Bowl/Quiz organizations use the New International Version
as the translation for their programs; others use the King James Version. Some groups also feature a "quoting bee" as an additional part of their competition. Similar to a spelling bee
, a contestant is given a verse reference, and must quote the verse perfectly within a time limit (8–20 seconds, depending on the level of competition) or be eliminated.
Bible trivia questions are typically made up from the team coordinators' own Bible knowledge, or derived from other sources, such as Bible trivia board games (i.e. Trivial Pursuit for the Bible) or free online Bible trivia sources. Bible trivia websites online are increasingly common, which may be useful for sharpening skills and Bible knowledge.
Other organizations, such as Assemblies of God Teen Bible Quiz, World Bible Quiz Association and Nazarene Bible Quiz, derive their questions solely from the Bible. Contestants come in teams of up to five persons, and have two or three teams quizzing in a round. Quizzers buzz in as the question is being read, using either a hand-activated device or by standing (activating an electric switch in their seat. The first quizzer to buzz in must answer the question; in many competitions, if that person interrupts the moderator before the end of the question, the quizzer must complete the question first and then give the answer. In these organizations, quizzers will often memorize entire books or sets of books, depending on the material given for the year. Those who compete at higher levels often will have the entire material memorized, recallable by any given reference or key word. They can quote from start to finish in one setting. Some organizations have competitions where they compete as to accuracy in quoting the material.
as an umbrella organization to coordinate their Christian evangelical action. One of Youth for Christ's popular activities in many areas was Bible quizzing in which teams organized according to local high schools competed against one another in local areas, known as rallies. Competition would be between three teams of four players each who would attempt to answer twenty questions, read aloud one at a time. After a player answered five questions correctly or three incorrectly he or she would have to be replaced by another player, and other substitutions were also permitted. In some regions of the United States, the local quiz team champions would travel to compete against champion teams from other areas, and national competitions also were held at the annual Winona Like Bible Conference Youth for Christ
conventions in Winona Lake, Indiana
, where national Bible quiz team champions were determined. Popularity achieved its zenith in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
One of the unusual features of early Youth for Christ Bible quizzing was the challenge to participants to jump to their feet from a sitting position to win the right to answer each question. At first, judges would determine the first to jump by viewing above index card
s to see whose head first "broke the plane." But, as time passed, local Youth for Christ rallies built or purchased special seat cushions with electrical relay switches that lit signal lights on consoles after pressure was removed due to the quizzer jumping up from the seat. In this way, the right to answer went to the first to leave his/her seat rather than the first to appear to have jumped, thus removing any advantage for taller participants. This was one of the earliest mixed gender competitions for teens which depended, in part, upon some athletic ability.
As the format of Youth for Christ
activities changed in the late 1960s, Bible quiz teams began to represent individual churches, and groups of churches from the same denomination began to hold competitions limited to those denominations apart from the Youth for Christ supervision.
. Quizzing is in game format, similar to Nazarene and Free Methodist. One round (with 3 teams) is 20 questions, and 20 points is added for each correct question. Ten points are deducted for a wrong answer (after Question 16), the second personal error, or the third team error and each subsequent error. Quizzers sit on benches with pads attached and jump when they think they know the answer to the question. This sends a signal to the box used to indicate which quizzer jumped first. They then have 30 seconds to give the correct answer. Similar to Assemblies of God quizzing, a quizzers "errs out" when they answer three questions incorrectly, or "quizzes out" when they answer four questions correctly, winning an extra 10 bonus points if they quiz out with no errors. Should a quizzer quiz out, they are no longer permitted to jump but may remain on the bench for bonus questions. However, if a quizzer errs out, they must leave the bench. If a member of one team errs, the next question is a "toss-up" question, answerable only by the other two non-erring teams. If there is an error on a toss-up question, the non-erring team gets a bonus question. A bonus is the next numbered question, but is only answerable by that team. After Question 15, toss-up questions are numbered 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, and 20a, and bonus questions are numbered 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, and 20b.
Types of questions include interrogative (regular) questions, multiple answers, situations, chapter and verse references, quoting a Bible verse or finishing a verse. An international tournament is held for the top team from each district of the C&MA in the U.S and Canada. The 2007 final was held in Wheaton, Illinois
at Wheaton College
. The 2010 finals were held in Calgary, Alberta, the 2011 finals were held in New Freedom, Pennsylvania, and the 2012 Finals will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota.
, is the largest Bible Bowl/Quiz ministry in terms of participants. Teen Bible Quiz games feature two teams of three quizzers each, plus up to three substitutes. Games have 20 questions, with point values of 10, 20, or 30 points depending on the difficulty. Quizzers who buzz in first (using hand-operated buzzers) and answer correctly within 30 seconds are awarded the point value; an incorrect response results in a deduction of half the point value. A quizzer who interrupts the quizmaster (the question reader) must first complete the essence of the question and then give the answer; a quizzer who fails to do both correctly is not only penalized with a deduction of half the point value, but allows the opposing team a shot at the same question. Individual quizzers with five correct answers in a game "quiz out" and receive a 20-point bonus, but must sit out the remainder of the game; this rule was created with the intent to prevent one individual from dominating the match. This also encourages team play by giving more questions to quizzers who aren't as knowledgeable of Scripture or as experienced at quizzing. Similarly, a quizzer with three incorrect answers is also disqualified (known variously as an err out, quiz-out backwards or strikeout), but without further point penalty; the purpose of this rule is to discourage quizzers from "buzzing in" and simply guessing, and also to speed up play.
Monthly matches begin in October. District-level are playoffs in March or April, with top teams moving on to one of eight regional playoffs, and the top five teams from those advance to the National Finals, held in July. Teams study a specific portion of the New Testament each season (Hebrews, I Peter and II Peter in 2011-2012, with the addition of Jude for teams advancing to the national championship tournament). Questions at the National Finals level can be extremely difficult, such as requiring a seven-verse passage to be quoted perfectly within 30 seconds, or the recollection of a list of twenty or more names or places.
The 2011 National Finals was held in Dallas, Texas
, July 3-8. The championship was won by Owasso First Assembly of God in Owasso, Oklahoma
, the team's third national championship in four seasons. The 2012 National Finals will be held July 1-5 in Columbus, Ohio
Middle School Quiz (known until the 2009-2010 season as "novice quizzing") is for sixth- through eighth-grade students. It is played exactly the same as Teen Bible Quiz, but covers a smaller amount of Scripture. Playoffs are at the district and regional levels only, with no national finals. Not all districts offer Middle School Quiz. Sixth through eighth graders may compete in Teen or Middle School quizzing, but not both in the same season. (A handful of districts offer an unofficial competition that covers the same material as Middle School Quiz, but is open to higher grades.)
Junior Bible Quiz uses a similar format for children in grades one through six, with some differences: 1) a group of 576 questions and answers covering the entire Bible is used as the subject material, and does not change from year to year; 2) four quizzers and up to four substitutes comprise a team; 3) six correct answers are needed for a "quiz out" and a 10-point bonus (this was also the rule in Teen Bible Quiz until the start of the 2005-2006 season).
There is also a Bible Seal program that covers Junior Bible Quiz questions. The highest level is the Bible Master, which is achieved by answering 59 out of 60 questions correctly in one sitting.
Though this competition is sponsored by the Assemblies of God, teams from churches outside that fellowship may compete, with certain restrictions. At the Teen Quiz level, such teams may advance through the regional level of playoff competition, but not to the National Finals. In Junior Quiz, advancement through to National Finals is not restricted; JBQ teams from any church may compete. In 2006, a church from outside the Assemblies won the Junior National Championship for the first time in the competition's history; previously, a Southern Baptist and a Methodist church had each finished in second place. The 2011 championship tournament was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota
and was won by Soaring Eagles, a team from Poland, Ohio
. The 2012 tournament is scheduled for Orlando, Florida
BQF-style Bible Quizzing is a fast-paced team sport, in which 3 teams of 5-7 people compete to answer questions based directly on scripture verses. Bible Quiz Fellowship uses a modified version of the WBQA's 8-year cycle through the New Testament. In 2010, the 8-year cycle was changed to incorporate Mark and Revelation, so that the cycle now includes the entire New Testament.
Each quiz has two six-minute halves, during which the quizmaster asks as many questions as time allows (usually around 40-50). Approximately 15% of questions are quote questions, for which the reference is given, and the verse must be quoted correctly to get points. The rest of the questions are reference-type questions. Each correct answer is worth 20 points, and points are deducted from the team score, but not individual score, for errors. Five correct answers is a "quiz-out," and three errors are an "error-out"; a ten point bonus is awarded for a "perfect quiz-out", when a quizzer gets five right and none wrong in a quiz.
Quizzing usually starts on the local level in August or September, and culminates in a national tournament each April. The next national championship will be held in April 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri
. Nationals usually draws 50 to 60 teams each year, representing between 300 and 450 teens.
(one of a number denominations all using the name "Church of God") sponsors a Bible quiz competition that is similar to the Nazarene/WBQA format.
. It is similar in format to the Nazarene Bible Quizzing ministry. It is mainly in the midwest region.
The winner of the National Bible Quiz Finals in Free Methodist Quizzing (hosted by a Free Methodist college/university) receives the Alpha-Omega trophy, which consists of a base on which the names of all previous winners are engraved. The back has 3 small stained glass windows, and there is a platform to sit a detachable trophy that looks like a Bible. The winning team keeps the Bible, and the rest travels to the team that won that year.
. It is similar in format to the Nazarene Bible Quizzing ministry. Teams are largely from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Eastern Canada.
, sponsored by the North American Christian Convention
from 1964 to 2001, is now managed by National Bible Bowl
, an independent non-profit organization since 2001. Most teams still come from churches affiliated with the Christian churches and churches of Christ, a branch of the Restoration Movement
, but other churches are now allowed as well. The game format is nearly a direct copy of College Bowl
Games tend to move very quickly and are played with two teams of 3 to 6 players each with no more than 4 from each team participating at a time. The quizmaster reads "toss-up" questions worth 10 points each no matter the difficulty. Toss-ups start with a statement called a "lead-in" which directs players toward the answer, and then the question is read. Toss-ups can be of various types including "keyword," in which a word used once or twice in the official study text is used in the lead-in and points to a specific answer verse, "general," which asks a question pertaining to a specific concept or idea in the text, "category" which requires one to three answers from a specific category (people, places, numbers, etc.) and "word game," in which players have the opportunity to give one to three word answers based upon some "clue" (rhyming words, words which start with the same letter, etc.) Each player has a hand held signal block on the table in front of him/her with a button and a light on it to recognize which player "buzzed in." Players must begin answering within 3 seconds of buzzing in, but are not timed on the length of their answer, as in other Bible Quiz programs. This is one of the main factors in the speed of the game. Players do not need to finish the question being read; they need only give the correct answer. For "keyword" and "general" toss-ups, they are also allowed to quote the verses where the answer is found. If a question is answered incorrectly, the other team has the opportunity to listen to the rest of the question and then answer. Points are never taken away in National Bible Bowl for any reason, nor is a player ever removed from the game for answering too many questions correctly or incorrectly, but substitutions may be made at half-time. Once a toss-up is answered correctly, a bonus question is read to that player's team on which they may confer. Bonus questions consist of 4 to 8 segments and are worth 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 points.
Unlike many other quiz programs, National Bible Bowl games have a time limit. A regulation game consists of two 10 minute halves with 20 toss-up and 20 bonus questions; a shortened version of 14 minutes with 15 toss-ups and 15 bonuses is used for round robin competition. The time limit tends to create a faster environment and more closely reflects College Bowl in that it is more entertaining for non-participants to watch. Due to the fact that a regulation game contains 20 toss-ups and 20 bonuses (each of which has from 4 to 8 specific questions), a Bible Bowl game can have a total of 170 different questions asked in the 20 minutes allotted to the game, more than any other Bible Quiz game. Again, this difference requires the game to move rapidly, and also contributes to the audience-friendly nature of the contest, since there is almost constant interaction between the quizmaster and the players. Some of the question types also add to the audience friendliness of the game ("Put these words together to get a brand of soap", "Clue-by-Clue until you know who", etc.).
The official study text material covers both the Old
and New Testament
, but there is no set cycle used to determine the books of the Bible studied and new questions are created every year, even if the same material is covered again. Because the National Bible Bowl Office provides competition questions for 8 local tournaments (one per month beginning in October), several summer tournaments held at Bible colleges, and the National Tournament), they are responsible for coordinating the writing and editing of over 10,000 different competition questions annually.
The competition schedule coincides with the school year and local round robins take place each month in state competitions. Some states hold more than one round robin due to an abundance of teams in the area. In the summer, many teams will meet at some of the several invitational tournaments taking place at Christian Colleges and Universities around the country. In addition to a round robin and main double elimination format tournament, each summer competition also administers a written test, ranging from 150 to 400 questions. Certain competitions, including the National Tournament, also hold "Quoting Bees" wherein a participant is given a verse location and must quote the entire verse from beginning to end verbatim. There are no official district or regional competitions that determine advancement. Assistant Quizmasters are only used in later rounds of double elimination tournaments; otherwise, there is only one Quizmaster per game. The season ends with a national championship tournament open to all teams, which concludes with a double-elimination bracket-style playoff; the final games are staged in front of audiences sometimes numbering in the thousands.
A children's program, called Beginner Bible Bowl, is for children in third through fifth grades. This program has different rules to engage younger players, one of the main differences being official pre-written questions that the children must quote the answers to. There are usually 850-1000 pre-published questions each season, roughly half of which come from a specific portion of the Bible (usually the same as the teen Bible Bowl study text), and the other half from general Bible knowledge. Unlike other Bible Quiz programs for this age group, most or all of the questions change each season.
is sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene
. It is similar to Assemblies of God quizzing, with a few exceptions. Matches are 20 questions in length, and questions are worth 20 points each. Penalty points of ten points each are deducted only when a quizzer "errors out" by answering three questions incorrectly, when a quizzer commits two fouls in a single round, each team error starting with the fifth error, or any error after question number 15; however, only a total of ten points may be deducted on a single question. There are also possible bonuses of ten points which occur when a single quizzer "quizzes out without error"--he gets four questions correct without getting a single one wrong—or when a third, fourth, or fifth quizzer on one team gets a correct answer. The latter is meant to encourage participation from all members of the team rather than just one or two quizzers. Another important difference is that teams comprise of four quizzers with one substitute, rather than three and three. The most obvious difference is the method of buzzing-in — a seated quizzer jumps up, which activates a pad on an electronic lock-out device. When a quizzer jumps and gives an incorrect answer or incorrectly or incompletely finishes the question, he receives an error. The opposite team then receives a chance to get the "bonus"; the quizzer in the seat directly opposite of the quizzer who received an error will be given the complete question and, if he answers correctly, will receive the ten-point bonus for his team. Each team also has a designated captain, as well as a co-captain who assumes the captain's responsibility in the case of an error-out or quiz-out, who has the ability to challenge a ruling (asking for an opposite ruling) or appeal the question's validity (asking for it to be thrown out). A penalty of ten points will be deducted if a captain challenges twice in one quiz and is overruled both times. There is a material cycle consisting of eight books or groups of books: Luke, 1-2 Corinthians, John, Hebrews & 1-2 Peter, Matthew, Romans & James, Acts, Galatians-Ephesians-Philippians-Colossians & Philemon.
Regional competition consists of all-star teams from each district on the region and is held in the spring. Some regions also include all-star local church teams and an open division which might even include a non-Nazarene team (that team must compete during the year on the district with approval). During the regional competitions, the first-place church teams and district "all-star" teams compete to form a Regional "all-star" team which will represent their region at nationals. There are two different national competitions in Nazarene Bible quizzing
, one which includes local church, district and regional competitions, and one which only involves the regional teams. These national competitions alternate from one year to the next and are held at one of the regional colleges during even numbered years and during global and USA/Canada events during the odd numbered years. Nazarene Bible Quizzing has a long history in the Church of the Nazarene (50 years), and has been popular with many churches for generations. Quizzers are in their junior and senior high (teenage) years.
. There are 90 questions in the event. The book or part of the Bible changes every year. There are four different stages in Bible Achievement. First, there is the District level; then the Conference level. Finally there is the Division level, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. If a team received a first place in a level, they are then allowed to go on to the next level, and so on and so forth. Finding a team's placement is determined by taking the team's score and comparing it with the top score. If the team's score is within 10% of the top score, the team received a first place. If it is within 20%, the team received a second place. Anything under 20% of the top score is a third place. Bible Achievement is for Pathfinders in 5th through 10th grades.
spans throughout North America and allows other countries to participate. It is similar in game format to Assemblies of God Bible quizzing. The quiz year runs from around January to June for state competitions and through the end of July and beginning of August for national competitions. Many teams start studying as early as November. Young people are given a list of verses from around 170 verses (for 4-8 year olds), around 280 verses (for 9-12 year olds) and 520 verses (for 13-18 year olds) to memorize verbatim. As the quiz year progresses, each tournament accumulates more material being quizzed over. Monthly state tournaments are held during the quiz year. At these tournaments, teams typically compete against each other in double elimination tournaments. During a quiz, two teams face against each other with 3 quizzers on each team sitting at two long tables facing the quizmaster and holding a hand-held buzzer. A team can consist of as few as 2 and as many as 5 quizzers along with 2 coaches. The quizmaster reads a question and the first quizzer to buzz in receives the ability to answer that question. Quizzers can interrupt the quizmaster, but must finish what the question would have been (if interrupted) then give the answer within 30 seconds. The quiz consists of 20 questions: 8 ten point questions, 9 twenty point questions and 3 thirty point questions. The national tournament each year is called the North American Bible Quizzing Tournament (NABQT) and alternates location from year to year.
, is also similar to College Bowl
, but games begin with a written quiz.
WBQA quizzing style is similar to Nazarene. It consists of three teams in a quiz, four players per team (though a team can have up to five, subbing quizzer in and out). A quiz is 20 questions long, and each question is worth 20 points, with a few exceptions. If a team gets a question wrong, that team will sit out the next question, which will be for the other two teams only. If one of those two teams gets the question wrong, the following question is a "free question" to the remaining team, worth 10 points. A quizzer is removed from the quiz if he or she answers four questions correctly or three questions incorrectly. If a quizzer answers four questions correctly without making an error, an extra 10 points are added on to his or her final correct answer and he or she is awarded with a "quiz-out without error." If three separate members of the same team answer a question correctly, that team is awarded a 10-point bonus. If a fourth member of the team answers correctly, another bonus is awarded.
WBQA is unique from other quizzing groups in that its questions must only contain words from the verse from which the question is taken, plus an interrogative (who/what/where/when/why/how) and, if necessary, a form of the verb "to be" (i.e. was/is/were/am, though in practice very few questions require this addition)--no other helping verbs may be used. All questions must be grammatically correct (with the exception of questions beginning with "what if").
The WBQA holds several tournaments throughout the year. The primary tournament held is the WBQA Finals, which are held in various different locations each year (Cedarville University in Ohio for 2008-09), which is open to quiz teams from anywhere. Other major tournaments include one held in Chicago at the end of March, and one held in Brighton, Michigan in the middle of November. WBQA quizzing appears to be concentrated in a few geographic areas, primarily Pittsburgh
, Michigan
and the Quad Cities
A major spin-off of WBQA quizzing is Detroit Bible Quizzing, a quiz league in the Detroit area consisting of approximately 20-40 teams which competes throughout the season (October-March), and regularly sends multiple teams to WBQA tournaments.
in the United States
. It had a host Coach Jack Grey, a robot
, and two teams (the Bible Boys and the Gospel Girls). It aired on Sunday mornings and was taped at KJRH
in Tulsa, Oklahoma
. It occasionally appeared on various religious cable television channels in the 1980s.
The Bible refers to any one of the collections of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books , their contents and their order vary among denominations...
as the subject of study and questions. Organizations which use the name "Bible Bowl" lean toward the format established by television's College Bowl
College Bowl
College Bowl was a format of college-level quizbowl run and operated by College Bowl Company, Incorporated. It had a format similar to the current NAQT format. College Bowl first aired on US radio stations in 1953, and aired on US television from 1959 to 1970...
in the 1950s. All groups feature teams competing to be the first to "buzz in" using an electronic lockout device, much like those still used in TV game shows such as Jeopardy!
Griffin's first conception of the game used a board comprising ten categories with ten clues each, but after finding that this board could not be shown on camera easily, he reduced it to two rounds of thirty clues each, with five clues in each of six categories...
Most organizations have seasons which roughly correspond with the U.S. school year (September-June), holding local competitions on a monthly basis, with playoffs beginning in March or April that lead to a national championship tournament. Contestants are usually students in grades six through twelve, with some organizations also offering a separate division for younger children.
Most Bible Bowl/Quiz organizations use the New International Version
New International Version
The New International Version is an English translation of the Christian Bible. Published by Zondervan in the United States and by Hodder & Stoughton in the UK, it has become one of the most popular modern translations in history.-History:...
as the translation for their programs; others use the King James Version. Some groups also feature a "quoting bee" as an additional part of their competition. Similar to a spelling bee
Spelling bee
A spelling bee is a competition where contestants, usually children, are asked to spell English words. The concept is thought to have originated in the United States....
, a contestant is given a verse reference, and must quote the verse perfectly within a time limit (8–20 seconds, depending on the level of competition) or be eliminated.
Bible trivia questions are typically made up from the team coordinators' own Bible knowledge, or derived from other sources, such as Bible trivia board games (i.e. Trivial Pursuit for the Bible) or free online Bible trivia sources. Bible trivia websites online are increasingly common, which may be useful for sharpening skills and Bible knowledge.
Other organizations, such as Assemblies of God Teen Bible Quiz, World Bible Quiz Association and Nazarene Bible Quiz, derive their questions solely from the Bible. Contestants come in teams of up to five persons, and have two or three teams quizzing in a round. Quizzers buzz in as the question is being read, using either a hand-activated device or by standing (activating an electric switch in their seat. The first quizzer to buzz in must answer the question; in many competitions, if that person interrupts the moderator before the end of the question, the quizzer must complete the question first and then give the answer. In these organizations, quizzers will often memorize entire books or sets of books, depending on the material given for the year. Those who compete at higher levels often will have the entire material memorized, recallable by any given reference or key word. They can quote from start to finish in one setting. Some organizations have competitions where they compete as to accuracy in quoting the material.
After the Second World War, youth organizations across the United States formed Youth for ChristYouth for Christ
Youth for Christ is the name of a number of previously unaffiliated evangelical Protestant religious campaigns which led to the creation of Youth for Christ International in 1946....
as an umbrella organization to coordinate their Christian evangelical action. One of Youth for Christ's popular activities in many areas was Bible quizzing in which teams organized according to local high schools competed against one another in local areas, known as rallies. Competition would be between three teams of four players each who would attempt to answer twenty questions, read aloud one at a time. After a player answered five questions correctly or three incorrectly he or she would have to be replaced by another player, and other substitutions were also permitted. In some regions of the United States, the local quiz team champions would travel to compete against champion teams from other areas, and national competitions also were held at the annual Winona Like Bible Conference Youth for Christ
Youth for Christ
Youth for Christ is the name of a number of previously unaffiliated evangelical Protestant religious campaigns which led to the creation of Youth for Christ International in 1946....
conventions in Winona Lake, Indiana
Winona Lake, Indiana
Winona Lake is a town in Wayne Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana, United States. The population was 4,908 at the 2010 census.-Geography:Winona Lake is located at...
, where national Bible quiz team champions were determined. Popularity achieved its zenith in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
One of the unusual features of early Youth for Christ Bible quizzing was the challenge to participants to jump to their feet from a sitting position to win the right to answer each question. At first, judges would determine the first to jump by viewing above index card
Index card
An index card consists of heavy paper stock cut to a standard size, used for recording and storing small amounts of discrete data. It was invented by Carl Linnaeus, around 1760....
s to see whose head first "broke the plane." But, as time passed, local Youth for Christ rallies built or purchased special seat cushions with electrical relay switches that lit signal lights on consoles after pressure was removed due to the quizzer jumping up from the seat. In this way, the right to answer went to the first to leave his/her seat rather than the first to appear to have jumped, thus removing any advantage for taller participants. This was one of the earliest mixed gender competitions for teens which depended, in part, upon some athletic ability.
As the format of Youth for Christ
Youth for Christ
Youth for Christ is the name of a number of previously unaffiliated evangelical Protestant religious campaigns which led to the creation of Youth for Christ International in 1946....
activities changed in the late 1960s, Bible quiz teams began to represent individual churches, and groups of churches from the same denomination began to hold competitions limited to those denominations apart from the Youth for Christ supervision.
Alliance Bible Quizzing
Alliance Bible Quizzing is sponsored by the Christian and Missionary AllianceChristian and Missionary Alliance
The Christian and Missionary Alliance is an evangelical Protestant denomination within Christianity.Founded by Rev. Albert Benjamin Simpson in 1887, the Christian & Missionary Alliance did not start off as a denomination, but rather began as two distinct parachurch organizations: The Christian...
. Quizzing is in game format, similar to Nazarene and Free Methodist. One round (with 3 teams) is 20 questions, and 20 points is added for each correct question. Ten points are deducted for a wrong answer (after Question 16), the second personal error, or the third team error and each subsequent error. Quizzers sit on benches with pads attached and jump when they think they know the answer to the question. This sends a signal to the box used to indicate which quizzer jumped first. They then have 30 seconds to give the correct answer. Similar to Assemblies of God quizzing, a quizzers "errs out" when they answer three questions incorrectly, or "quizzes out" when they answer four questions correctly, winning an extra 10 bonus points if they quiz out with no errors. Should a quizzer quiz out, they are no longer permitted to jump but may remain on the bench for bonus questions. However, if a quizzer errs out, they must leave the bench. If a member of one team errs, the next question is a "toss-up" question, answerable only by the other two non-erring teams. If there is an error on a toss-up question, the non-erring team gets a bonus question. A bonus is the next numbered question, but is only answerable by that team. After Question 15, toss-up questions are numbered 16a, 17a, 18a, 19a, and 20a, and bonus questions are numbered 16b, 17b, 18b, 19b, and 20b.
Types of questions include interrogative (regular) questions, multiple answers, situations, chapter and verse references, quoting a Bible verse or finishing a verse. An international tournament is held for the top team from each district of the C&MA in the U.S and Canada. The 2007 final was held in Wheaton, Illinois
Wheaton, Illinois
Wheaton is an affluent community located in DuPage County, Illinois, approximately west of Chicago and Lake Michigan. Wheaton is the county seat of DuPage County...
at Wheaton College
Wheaton College (Illinois)
Wheaton College is a private, evangelical Protestant liberal arts college in Wheaton, Illinois, a suburb west of Chicago in the United States...
. The 2010 finals were held in Calgary, Alberta, the 2011 finals were held in New Freedom, Pennsylvania, and the 2012 Finals will be held in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Assemblies of God Bible Quiz
Assemblies of God Bible Quiz, sponsored by the Assemblies of GodAssemblies of God
The Assemblies of God , officially the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, is a group of over 140 autonomous but loosely-associated national groupings of churches which together form the world's largest Pentecostal denomination...
, is the largest Bible Bowl/Quiz ministry in terms of participants. Teen Bible Quiz games feature two teams of three quizzers each, plus up to three substitutes. Games have 20 questions, with point values of 10, 20, or 30 points depending on the difficulty. Quizzers who buzz in first (using hand-operated buzzers) and answer correctly within 30 seconds are awarded the point value; an incorrect response results in a deduction of half the point value. A quizzer who interrupts the quizmaster (the question reader) must first complete the essence of the question and then give the answer; a quizzer who fails to do both correctly is not only penalized with a deduction of half the point value, but allows the opposing team a shot at the same question. Individual quizzers with five correct answers in a game "quiz out" and receive a 20-point bonus, but must sit out the remainder of the game; this rule was created with the intent to prevent one individual from dominating the match. This also encourages team play by giving more questions to quizzers who aren't as knowledgeable of Scripture or as experienced at quizzing. Similarly, a quizzer with three incorrect answers is also disqualified (known variously as an err out, quiz-out backwards or strikeout), but without further point penalty; the purpose of this rule is to discourage quizzers from "buzzing in" and simply guessing, and also to speed up play.
Monthly matches begin in October. District-level are playoffs in March or April, with top teams moving on to one of eight regional playoffs, and the top five teams from those advance to the National Finals, held in July. Teams study a specific portion of the New Testament each season (Hebrews, I Peter and II Peter in 2011-2012, with the addition of Jude for teams advancing to the national championship tournament). Questions at the National Finals level can be extremely difficult, such as requiring a seven-verse passage to be quoted perfectly within 30 seconds, or the recollection of a list of twenty or more names or places.
The 2011 National Finals was held in Dallas, Texas
Dallas, Texas
Dallas is the third-largest city in Texas and the ninth-largest in the United States. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is the largest metropolitan area in the South and fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States...
, July 3-8. The championship was won by Owasso First Assembly of God in Owasso, Oklahoma
Owasso, Oklahoma
Owasso is a city in Rogers and Tulsa counties in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, and a northern suburb of Tulsa. The population was 28,915 at the 2010 census.-Geography:Owasso is located at...
, the team's third national championship in four seasons. The 2012 National Finals will be held July 1-5 in Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus is the capital of and the largest city in the U.S. state of Ohio. The broader metropolitan area encompasses several counties and is the third largest in Ohio behind those of Cleveland and Cincinnati. Columbus is the third largest city in the American Midwest, and the fifteenth largest city...
Middle School Quiz (known until the 2009-2010 season as "novice quizzing") is for sixth- through eighth-grade students. It is played exactly the same as Teen Bible Quiz, but covers a smaller amount of Scripture. Playoffs are at the district and regional levels only, with no national finals. Not all districts offer Middle School Quiz. Sixth through eighth graders may compete in Teen or Middle School quizzing, but not both in the same season. (A handful of districts offer an unofficial competition that covers the same material as Middle School Quiz, but is open to higher grades.)
Junior Bible Quiz uses a similar format for children in grades one through six, with some differences: 1) a group of 576 questions and answers covering the entire Bible is used as the subject material, and does not change from year to year; 2) four quizzers and up to four substitutes comprise a team; 3) six correct answers are needed for a "quiz out" and a 10-point bonus (this was also the rule in Teen Bible Quiz until the start of the 2005-2006 season).
There is also a Bible Seal program that covers Junior Bible Quiz questions. The highest level is the Bible Master, which is achieved by answering 59 out of 60 questions correctly in one sitting.
Though this competition is sponsored by the Assemblies of God, teams from churches outside that fellowship may compete, with certain restrictions. At the Teen Quiz level, such teams may advance through the regional level of playoff competition, but not to the National Finals. In Junior Quiz, advancement through to National Finals is not restricted; JBQ teams from any church may compete. In 2006, a church from outside the Assemblies won the Junior National Championship for the first time in the competition's history; previously, a Southern Baptist and a Methodist church had each finished in second place. The 2011 championship tournament was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis , nicknamed "City of Lakes" and the "Mill City," is the county seat of Hennepin County, the largest city in the U.S. state of Minnesota, and the 48th largest in the United States...
and was won by Soaring Eagles, a team from Poland, Ohio
Poland, Ohio
Poland is a village in Mahoning County, Ohio, United States. The population was 26,866 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area.-History:...
. The 2012 tournament is scheduled for Orlando, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Orlando is a city in the central region of the U.S. state of Florida. It is the county seat of Orange County, and the center of the Greater Orlando metropolitan area. According to the 2010 US Census, the city had a population of 238,300, making Orlando the 79th largest city in the United States...
Bible Quiz Fellowship
Bible Quiz Fellowship is a non-denominational, international organization currently headquartered in St. Joseph, Missouri. Bible Quiz Fellowship has held a national tournament every April since it split from the Youth Evangelism Association in May 2001. BQF uses slightly modified YEA rules.BQF-style Bible Quizzing is a fast-paced team sport, in which 3 teams of 5-7 people compete to answer questions based directly on scripture verses. Bible Quiz Fellowship uses a modified version of the WBQA's 8-year cycle through the New Testament. In 2010, the 8-year cycle was changed to incorporate Mark and Revelation, so that the cycle now includes the entire New Testament.
Each quiz has two six-minute halves, during which the quizmaster asks as many questions as time allows (usually around 40-50). Approximately 15% of questions are quote questions, for which the reference is given, and the verse must be quoted correctly to get points. The rest of the questions are reference-type questions. Each correct answer is worth 20 points, and points are deducted from the team score, but not individual score, for errors. Five correct answers is a "quiz-out," and three errors are an "error-out"; a ten point bonus is awarded for a "perfect quiz-out", when a quizzer gets five right and none wrong in a quiz.
Quizzing usually starts on the local level in August or September, and culminates in a national tournament each April. The next national championship will be held in April 2011 in Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri is the largest city in the U.S. state of Missouri and is the anchor city of the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, the second largest metropolitan area in Missouri. It encompasses in parts of Jackson, Clay, Cass, and Platte counties...
. Nationals usually draws 50 to 60 teams each year, representing between 300 and 450 teens.
Churches of Christ Bible Bowl
The Churches of Christ host various Bible Bowl competitions throughout the U.S., some nationally such as Lads to Leaders or Leadership Training for Christ, and some of them are more regional such as the Great Southeast Bible Bowl in Huntsville, AL and the Great Lakes Bible Bowl in Michigan. The largest of these regional competitions is the annual Bible Bowl held in Cookeville, TN with more than 2,000 participants representing more than 100 congregations in multiple states every year. An online, interactive study tool is available featuring questions used in the national Lads to Leaders conventions.The Church of God General Conference
The Church of God General ConferenceChurches of God General Conference (Winebrenner)
The Churches of God, General Conference is a Baptist Christian denomination in the United States originating in the revivalism and evangelistic efforts of John Winebrenner.-History:...
(one of a number denominations all using the name "Church of God") sponsors a Bible quiz competition that is similar to the Nazarene/WBQA format.
Free Methodist Bible Quiz
Free Methodist Bible Quiz is sponsored by the Free Methodist ChurchFree Methodist Church
The Free Methodist Church is a Methodist Christian denomination within the holiness movement. It is evangelical in nature and has its roots in the Arminian-Wesleyan tradition....
. It is similar in format to the Nazarene Bible Quizzing ministry. It is mainly in the midwest region.
The winner of the National Bible Quiz Finals in Free Methodist Quizzing (hosted by a Free Methodist college/university) receives the Alpha-Omega trophy, which consists of a base on which the names of all previous winners are engraved. The back has 3 small stained glass windows, and there is a platform to sit a detachable trophy that looks like a Bible. The winning team keeps the Bible, and the rest travels to the team that won that year.
Missionary Church Bible Quiz
Missionary Church Bible Quiz is sponsored by the Missionary ChurchMissionary Church
The Missionary Church is an evangelical Christian denomination of Anabaptist origins with Wesleyan, Pietist, and Keswickian influences.-Faith and practice:...
. It is similar in format to the Nazarene Bible Quizzing ministry. Teams are largely from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Eastern Canada.
National Bible Bowl
National Bible BowlNational Bible Bowl
National Bible Bowl is a 501 non-profit organization which is responsible for the administration of two nation-wide Bible quizzing programs for youth in grades 3 to 12. There are hundreds of teams in United States who all study the same portion of Scripture during the competition season...
, sponsored by the North American Christian Convention
North American Christian Convention
The North American Christian Convention is an annual summer convention supported by churches, colleges, institutions, and missions programs associated with the Christian churches and churches of Christ, mainly across the United States, but also in other parts of the world. First started in 1927, it...
from 1964 to 2001, is now managed by National Bible Bowl
National Bible Bowl
National Bible Bowl is a 501 non-profit organization which is responsible for the administration of two nation-wide Bible quizzing programs for youth in grades 3 to 12. There are hundreds of teams in United States who all study the same portion of Scripture during the competition season...
, an independent non-profit organization since 2001. Most teams still come from churches affiliated with the Christian churches and churches of Christ, a branch of the Restoration Movement
Restoration Movement
The Restoration Movement is a Christian movement that began on the American frontier during the Second Great Awakening of the early 19th century...
, but other churches are now allowed as well. The game format is nearly a direct copy of College Bowl
College Bowl
College Bowl was a format of college-level quizbowl run and operated by College Bowl Company, Incorporated. It had a format similar to the current NAQT format. College Bowl first aired on US radio stations in 1953, and aired on US television from 1959 to 1970...
Games tend to move very quickly and are played with two teams of 3 to 6 players each with no more than 4 from each team participating at a time. The quizmaster reads "toss-up" questions worth 10 points each no matter the difficulty. Toss-ups start with a statement called a "lead-in" which directs players toward the answer, and then the question is read. Toss-ups can be of various types including "keyword," in which a word used once or twice in the official study text is used in the lead-in and points to a specific answer verse, "general," which asks a question pertaining to a specific concept or idea in the text, "category" which requires one to three answers from a specific category (people, places, numbers, etc.) and "word game," in which players have the opportunity to give one to three word answers based upon some "clue" (rhyming words, words which start with the same letter, etc.) Each player has a hand held signal block on the table in front of him/her with a button and a light on it to recognize which player "buzzed in." Players must begin answering within 3 seconds of buzzing in, but are not timed on the length of their answer, as in other Bible Quiz programs. This is one of the main factors in the speed of the game. Players do not need to finish the question being read; they need only give the correct answer. For "keyword" and "general" toss-ups, they are also allowed to quote the verses where the answer is found. If a question is answered incorrectly, the other team has the opportunity to listen to the rest of the question and then answer. Points are never taken away in National Bible Bowl for any reason, nor is a player ever removed from the game for answering too many questions correctly or incorrectly, but substitutions may be made at half-time. Once a toss-up is answered correctly, a bonus question is read to that player's team on which they may confer. Bonus questions consist of 4 to 8 segments and are worth 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 points.
Unlike many other quiz programs, National Bible Bowl games have a time limit. A regulation game consists of two 10 minute halves with 20 toss-up and 20 bonus questions; a shortened version of 14 minutes with 15 toss-ups and 15 bonuses is used for round robin competition. The time limit tends to create a faster environment and more closely reflects College Bowl in that it is more entertaining for non-participants to watch. Due to the fact that a regulation game contains 20 toss-ups and 20 bonuses (each of which has from 4 to 8 specific questions), a Bible Bowl game can have a total of 170 different questions asked in the 20 minutes allotted to the game, more than any other Bible Quiz game. Again, this difference requires the game to move rapidly, and also contributes to the audience-friendly nature of the contest, since there is almost constant interaction between the quizmaster and the players. Some of the question types also add to the audience friendliness of the game ("Put these words together to get a brand of soap", "Clue-by-Clue until you know who", etc.).
The official study text material covers both the Old
Old Testament
The Old Testament, of which Christians hold different views, is a Christian term for the religious writings of ancient Israel held sacred and inspired by Christians which overlaps with the 24-book canon of the Masoretic Text of Judaism...
and New Testament
New Testament
The New Testament is the second major division of the Christian biblical canon, the first such division being the much longer Old Testament....
, but there is no set cycle used to determine the books of the Bible studied and new questions are created every year, even if the same material is covered again. Because the National Bible Bowl Office provides competition questions for 8 local tournaments (one per month beginning in October), several summer tournaments held at Bible colleges, and the National Tournament), they are responsible for coordinating the writing and editing of over 10,000 different competition questions annually.
The competition schedule coincides with the school year and local round robins take place each month in state competitions. Some states hold more than one round robin due to an abundance of teams in the area. In the summer, many teams will meet at some of the several invitational tournaments taking place at Christian Colleges and Universities around the country. In addition to a round robin and main double elimination format tournament, each summer competition also administers a written test, ranging from 150 to 400 questions. Certain competitions, including the National Tournament, also hold "Quoting Bees" wherein a participant is given a verse location and must quote the entire verse from beginning to end verbatim. There are no official district or regional competitions that determine advancement. Assistant Quizmasters are only used in later rounds of double elimination tournaments; otherwise, there is only one Quizmaster per game. The season ends with a national championship tournament open to all teams, which concludes with a double-elimination bracket-style playoff; the final games are staged in front of audiences sometimes numbering in the thousands.
A children's program, called Beginner Bible Bowl, is for children in third through fifth grades. This program has different rules to engage younger players, one of the main differences being official pre-written questions that the children must quote the answers to. There are usually 850-1000 pre-published questions each season, roughly half of which come from a specific portion of the Bible (usually the same as the teen Bible Bowl study text), and the other half from general Bible knowledge. Unlike other Bible Quiz programs for this age group, most or all of the questions change each season.
Nazarene Bible Quizzing
Nazarene Bible QuizzingNazarene Bible Quizzing
Nazarene Bible Quizzing is a form of Bible Quiz competition for 6th-12th graders in the United States, sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene....
is sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene
Church of the Nazarene
The Church of the Nazarene is an evangelical Christian denomination that emerged from the 19th century Holiness movement in North America with its members colloquially referred to as Nazarenes. It is the largest Wesleyan-holiness denomination in the world. At the end of 2010, the Church of the...
. It is similar to Assemblies of God quizzing, with a few exceptions. Matches are 20 questions in length, and questions are worth 20 points each. Penalty points of ten points each are deducted only when a quizzer "errors out" by answering three questions incorrectly, when a quizzer commits two fouls in a single round, each team error starting with the fifth error, or any error after question number 15; however, only a total of ten points may be deducted on a single question. There are also possible bonuses of ten points which occur when a single quizzer "quizzes out without error"--he gets four questions correct without getting a single one wrong—or when a third, fourth, or fifth quizzer on one team gets a correct answer. The latter is meant to encourage participation from all members of the team rather than just one or two quizzers. Another important difference is that teams comprise of four quizzers with one substitute, rather than three and three. The most obvious difference is the method of buzzing-in — a seated quizzer jumps up, which activates a pad on an electronic lock-out device. When a quizzer jumps and gives an incorrect answer or incorrectly or incompletely finishes the question, he receives an error. The opposite team then receives a chance to get the "bonus"; the quizzer in the seat directly opposite of the quizzer who received an error will be given the complete question and, if he answers correctly, will receive the ten-point bonus for his team. Each team also has a designated captain, as well as a co-captain who assumes the captain's responsibility in the case of an error-out or quiz-out, who has the ability to challenge a ruling (asking for an opposite ruling) or appeal the question's validity (asking for it to be thrown out). A penalty of ten points will be deducted if a captain challenges twice in one quiz and is overruled both times. There is a material cycle consisting of eight books or groups of books: Luke, 1-2 Corinthians, John, Hebrews & 1-2 Peter, Matthew, Romans & James, Acts, Galatians-Ephesians-Philippians-Colossians & Philemon.
Regional competition consists of all-star teams from each district on the region and is held in the spring. Some regions also include all-star local church teams and an open division which might even include a non-Nazarene team (that team must compete during the year on the district with approval). During the regional competitions, the first-place church teams and district "all-star" teams compete to form a Regional "all-star" team which will represent their region at nationals. There are two different national competitions in Nazarene Bible quizzing
Nazarene Bible Quizzing
Nazarene Bible Quizzing is a form of Bible Quiz competition for 6th-12th graders in the United States, sponsored by the Church of the Nazarene....
, one which includes local church, district and regional competitions, and one which only involves the regional teams. These national competitions alternate from one year to the next and are held at one of the regional colleges during even numbered years and during global and USA/Canada events during the odd numbered years. Nazarene Bible Quizzing has a long history in the Church of the Nazarene (50 years), and has been popular with many churches for generations. Quizzers are in their junior and senior high (teenage) years.
Pathfinder Bible Achievement
Pathfinder Bible Achievement has the members of the Bible Bowl team study one book or part of the Bible out of the New King James version. Pathfinders and the Bible Quiz event are run and organized by the Seventh-Day Adventist ChurchSeventh-day Adventist Church
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the original seventh day of the Judeo-Christian week, as the Sabbath, and by its emphasis on the imminent second coming of Jesus Christ...
. There are 90 questions in the event. The book or part of the Bible changes every year. There are four different stages in Bible Achievement. First, there is the District level; then the Conference level. Finally there is the Division level, in Berrien Springs, Michigan. If a team received a first place in a level, they are then allowed to go on to the next level, and so on and so forth. Finding a team's placement is determined by taking the team's score and comparing it with the top score. If the team's score is within 10% of the top score, the team received a first place. If it is within 20%, the team received a second place. Anything under 20% of the top score is a third place. Bible Achievement is for Pathfinders in 5th through 10th grades.
United Pentecostal Church Bible Quizzing
Bible quizzing sponsored by the United Pentecostal Church InternationalUnited Pentecostal Church International
The United Pentecostal Church International is a Pentecostal Christian denomination, headquartered in the St. Louis suburb of Hazelwood, Missouri. It is a part of the Oneness or "Apostolic" portion of the Pentecostal Movement, and was formed in 1945 by a merger of the former Pentecostal Church,...
spans throughout North America and allows other countries to participate. It is similar in game format to Assemblies of God Bible quizzing. The quiz year runs from around January to June for state competitions and through the end of July and beginning of August for national competitions. Many teams start studying as early as November. Young people are given a list of verses from around 170 verses (for 4-8 year olds), around 280 verses (for 9-12 year olds) and 520 verses (for 13-18 year olds) to memorize verbatim. As the quiz year progresses, each tournament accumulates more material being quizzed over. Monthly state tournaments are held during the quiz year. At these tournaments, teams typically compete against each other in double elimination tournaments. During a quiz, two teams face against each other with 3 quizzers on each team sitting at two long tables facing the quizmaster and holding a hand-held buzzer. A team can consist of as few as 2 and as many as 5 quizzers along with 2 coaches. The quizmaster reads a question and the first quizzer to buzz in receives the ability to answer that question. Quizzers can interrupt the quizmaster, but must finish what the question would have been (if interrupted) then give the answer within 30 seconds. The quiz consists of 20 questions: 8 ten point questions, 9 twenty point questions and 3 thirty point questions. The national tournament each year is called the North American Bible Quizzing Tournament (NABQT) and alternates location from year to year.
Wesleyan Bible Bowl
Wesleyan Bible Bowl, sponsored by the Wesleyan ChurchWesleyan Church
"Wesleyan" has been used in the title of a number of historic and current denominations, although the subject of this article is the only denomination to use that specific title...
, is also similar to College Bowl
College Bowl
College Bowl was a format of college-level quizbowl run and operated by College Bowl Company, Incorporated. It had a format similar to the current NAQT format. College Bowl first aired on US radio stations in 1953, and aired on US television from 1959 to 1970...
, but games begin with a written quiz.
World Bible Quiz Association
The World Bible Quiz Association is an independent ministry that sponsors quizzing across denominational lines. Its game format is most similar to Nazarene, Free Methodist and Alliance quizzing, and most competing teams come from those three groups. The WBQA has an eight-year cycle of the material studied for each season, which is followed by the Missionary Church quiz program and Wesleyan Bible Bowl, and previously Assemblies of God Teen Bible Quiz. The cycle rotates as follows: Luke (2008-09), followed by 1 & 2 Corinthians, John, Hebrews & 1-2 Peter, Matthew, Romans & James, Acts, and Galatians/Ephesians/Philippians/Colossians/Philemon.WBQA quizzing style is similar to Nazarene. It consists of three teams in a quiz, four players per team (though a team can have up to five, subbing quizzer in and out). A quiz is 20 questions long, and each question is worth 20 points, with a few exceptions. If a team gets a question wrong, that team will sit out the next question, which will be for the other two teams only. If one of those two teams gets the question wrong, the following question is a "free question" to the remaining team, worth 10 points. A quizzer is removed from the quiz if he or she answers four questions correctly or three questions incorrectly. If a quizzer answers four questions correctly without making an error, an extra 10 points are added on to his or her final correct answer and he or she is awarded with a "quiz-out without error." If three separate members of the same team answer a question correctly, that team is awarded a 10-point bonus. If a fourth member of the team answers correctly, another bonus is awarded.
WBQA is unique from other quizzing groups in that its questions must only contain words from the verse from which the question is taken, plus an interrogative (who/what/where/when/why/how) and, if necessary, a form of the verb "to be" (i.e. was/is/were/am, though in practice very few questions require this addition)--no other helping verbs may be used. All questions must be grammatically correct (with the exception of questions beginning with "what if").
The WBQA holds several tournaments throughout the year. The primary tournament held is the WBQA Finals, which are held in various different locations each year (Cedarville University in Ohio for 2008-09), which is open to quiz teams from anywhere. Other major tournaments include one held in Chicago at the end of March, and one held in Brighton, Michigan in the middle of November. WBQA quizzing appears to be concentrated in a few geographic areas, primarily Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh is the second-largest city in the US Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the county seat of Allegheny County. Regionally, it anchors the largest urban area of Appalachia and the Ohio River Valley, and nationally, it is the 22nd-largest urban area in the United States...
, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit is the major city among the primary cultural, financial, and transportation centers in the Metro Detroit area, a region of 5.2 million people. As the seat of Wayne County, the city of Detroit is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan and serves as a major port on the Detroit River...
and the Quad Cities
Quad Cities
The Quad Cities is a group of five cities straddling the Mississippi River on the Iowa–Illinois boundary. These cities, Davenport and Bettendorf and Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline , are the center of the Quad Cities Metropolitan Area, which, as of 2010, had an estimated population of...
A major spin-off of WBQA quizzing is Detroit Bible Quizzing, a quiz league in the Detroit area consisting of approximately 20-40 teams which competes throughout the season (October-March), and regularly sends multiple teams to WBQA tournaments.
National Bible Bee
The National Bible Bee is an independent organization to promote biblical literacy. Contestants study questions about the Bible as well as memorize specific passages from the Bible from any of five approved English versions.Television Program
Bible Bowl was a Christian game showGame show
A game show is a type of radio or television program in which members of the public, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes...
in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
. It had a host Coach Jack Grey, a robot
A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that is guided by computer and electronic programming. Robots can be autonomous, semi-autonomous or...
, and two teams (the Bible Boys and the Gospel Girls). It aired on Sunday mornings and was taped at KJRH
KJRH-TV, virtual channel 2, is the NBC-affiliated television station in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is owned by The E.W. Scripps Company. KJRH broadcasts from its studios in the Brookside district in midtown Tulsa on South Peoria Avenue and its transmitter is located in Oneta, Oklahoma.The station...
in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tulsa is the second-largest city in the state of Oklahoma and 46th-largest city in the United States. With a population of 391,906 as of the 2010 census, it is the principal municipality of the Tulsa Metropolitan Area, a region with 937,478 residents in the MSA and 988,454 in the CSA. Tulsa's...
. It occasionally appeared on various religious cable television channels in the 1980s.
External links
- Official Website of Bible Quiz Fellowship
- Website for Assemblies of God National JBQ
- Official website for Assemblies of God Teen Bible Quiz
- The Bible Quizzing Source
- Biblequiz.com
- Free Methodist Bible Quizzing
- QuizCoach.com - Free quizzing resources
- BibleQuizPodcast - A podcast about Bible Quiz
- Website for the Great Lakes Bible Bowl in Michigan
- World Bible Quiz Association
- Pathfinder Bible Achievement
- Bible Quizzing
- Rules Comparison on BQExperience.net
- Official ACC Bible Quizzing website