Biate (tribe)
The Biate people are an indigenous tribal people, or "hill tribe", of Assam
. Their language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman family. Though they are less in term of population, they have their own identity with a rich and distinctive history, culture, dialect and religious heritages. They are also one of the oldest living tribes in North East India especially among the Chin-Kuki-Mizo family. The term Biate comes from the word Biete. The word ‘Bia’ or ‘Bie’ means ‘speak’ or ‘worship’. ‘Te’ is a suffix denoting plurality. Hence, the two words combine to form the word Biate which means ‘worshipper’. According to legends, while they were in Saitual
, a group of people known as the Koilam or Kawilam from Rulchawm village of Mizoram
(India) used to sacrifice human
to appease a large python called Rulpui, believing that the snake had supernatural power. Thus, some writers are of the opinion that the word Biate originates from the term ‘Rul-Bia-Te or Rul-Biak-Te’ which means snake-worshippers in other dialect. However, this hypothesis is highly objectionable because the Biates as a tribe never fed or worshipped a snake except one. The offering sacrifices done by one village was also not to worship as God, but due to their fear and timidity and that too only for sometime. Some other tribes call them in different names. The Thados call them ‘Beite’ the Bengali
s & other plain tribes call them ‘Baite,’ the Dimasa Kacharis call them ‘Bedesa’ and the Khasis call them ‘Hadem’ which includes all the old-Kuki tribes of Meghalaya. Soppitt C. A. a renowned English writer account as ‘Bêtê’. The Biate tribe is recognised as Schedule Tribe under the 6th Schedule of the Constitution of India as ‘Any Kuki Tribes’ in Serial No. (i) of the list.
, Tripura
, Assam
, Meghalaya
and Manipur
. However, the main concentrated area of the population is in Dima Hasao district of Assam and Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya.
tribes the Biates were the descendents of Manmasi whose progeny were Riama and Vaia. Riama (ancestor of the Biate tribe) descended by Kuangpuia and Vaia who was descended by Khuangzang, Khuangsai, Chilzang, and Lamzang (Lamkang). Kuangpuia had a son named Ralkhana whose wife Kolsingi gave birth to five children namely Beia, Thianga, Laia, Ngola and Thiaia. They are believed to have originated from a place called Khurpui or great cave. The ancient home of the Biates is also known as Sinlung
(Sinlung means the core of Sin or cave close with stone) supposedly believed to be the Qin dynasty
ruled by Qin Shi Huang
. The conjecture of Sinlung as the origin of the Biate tribe is strongly supported by a folk song which tells us the glory of Sinlung.
"Ken siangna Sinlung ram mingthang,
Kinu ram kipa ram ngai;
Chongzil ang koi kir thei chang se,
Kinu ram kipa ram ngai.”
"My genesis famous land of Sinlung,
Land of my mother and father;
Could it be called back like Chongzil,
Land of my mother and father.”
The word Chongzil in fact, seems to be a mispronunciation
of Changzhi
, which is situated in the province of Shanxi
, in Central China. Chongzil is the place where the Biate ancestors began their historical migration. Tracing back through the stories that have been passed down orally through the generations the Biate tribe with its cognate clans is believed to have started their migration from China in the year between 206 B. C. to 202 B. C. a gap between the fall of Shi Huang kingdom and before the emergence of the Hun dynasty in China. Their migration according to L. H. Songate, was due to acute oppression and maltreatment in the construction of that great wall or fortress by a cruel king Shi-Huang. At the same time many of them lost their lives. The tribes then proceeded towards south met stiff resistance when they began to settle in the bordering area of Burma and China. They finally waged a war against ‘Zainghong’ and won a triumphant victory. This victory has been immortalised in a song which runs as,
“Ki pa lam tlâk atha’n dang,
Sinlung lam tlak atha’n dang;
Shan khua thaphoi in vang,
Tuaichongi ranlu a thluna;
Thloimu siaka ken ane ril,
Zainghonga ranlu bah kan sal.”
“My father’s position was extremely good,
Sinlung’s position was extremely good;
We showed our prime life in Shan,
Tuaichongi brought the head of enemies;
As foretold by the eagle’s claws,
At Zainghong we showed our ability to our foes."
The word Zainghong seems to be a corrupted word of Jinghong which is situated in the province of Yunnan
. They are also believed to have settled in the area of Mengban, Lancang
, Menglian and Menghai
for some time in the bygone days. The tribe flourished and was mark by a period of prosperous condition and life of ease. They learned and improved their art of war and began to observe and celebrate religious festivals. The tribe were now much more advanced than they were in Sinlung. C. A. Soppitt has accounted that the tribe had already reached Burma previous to the introduction of Buddhist doctrines, that is to say, in the 8th or 10th century. However, opinion varies among writers. According to P.M.Gangte the Mizo tribes (Old Kuki) has already occupied the present Chin Hills before the end of the 8th century A.D. While the tribes settled in Shan (Burma), Zamadian (Zamadiai according to Songate, L. H.) was the Biate (Reng) monarch of all the Khawthlang tribes. The Khawthlang or Thlangfa tribes (Westerner) as considered by J. Shakespeare, were the Old Kukis, the Biate (Beteh), Hrangkhol (Hrangchul) and other cognate clans. Zamadian introduced almost all the customary laws of the Biate tribe and except for a few, most of them are still in use. Traditions tell us that Zamadiana had a written script 'Savunziak' of Kung-fu-tzu or Confucius
. This script however was lost after his demise when a dog carried it away. He is believed to be the first to introduce ‘Zolbûk’ among his people. Zolbûk is a kind of dormitory or club, where young people use to learn different kind of art in it. Folk song tells of the migration of the Biate tribe from Shan to Kachin state
, Sagaing
, and Chin state
and to Mizoram, India.
Mizo Historian K. Zawla, mentioned that the Biate were the first to set their foot on the soil of Mizoram. They also claim the hills round Champhai
as their places of origin, and the sites are still known by their names. In the early days of their settlement in Mizoram, the Khawthlang tribes were ruled by the Biate king Vannuailala, son of Tengtonga Khoreng, who gave himself the title of ‘Chonpuimang’ (Chonmang in the account of Songate, L.H.). The Biates by spreading to all sides of the corner of Mizoram settled for nearly a thousand years, numerous hills and mountain, rivers, lakes, and places of Mizoram were named by the Biates, being a forerunner of the land. While they were settling in and around Invol (believed to be present day Lunglei district
) they were invaded by the king of Ava (1364–1555), a new kingdom founded by king Thadominbya
after the Mongols
left the Irrawaddy valley, Burma. During the invasion, one of the Biate clan the Ralvong Thiaite was hiding in a Ralvawng cave. These particular clans including the Ngamlai clans of Troi (present day Tawipui, Mizoram) who faced the brunt of the Ava invasion still tells of the account today.
"Ava ten khua hong fanga,
Kua Invol laia;
Aimo zola an ril,
Khua Invol laia."
"Ava had invaded us,
The time we were in Invol;
They tell in the valley of Aimo,
While we were in Invol."
In olden days Aizawl
was called Aimo zôl (Aimo valley) by the Biate tribe. Aimoroi is a kind of wild ginger
found in that place, the term Aimo is believed to derived from the name aimoroi. According to traditions soon after the invasion of Ava, the Pawi tribe took advantage of their weakness, waged a tribal war
with the intention of driving them out of their land and finally succeeded in chasing majority of them out of their land. From Mizoram they scattered in different places like Chittagong
), Rengpuiram (Tripura
), Cachar, N. C. Hills Assam, then Jaintia Hills Meghalaya & some part of Manipur. Lamlira and a few of his followers were the first to migrate to the present land N. C. Hills, Assam and Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya. According to B. Pakem, Lamlira (A Biate legendary hero) led a section of the Biate tribe to their present hills. This was sometime in the thirteen century of the Christian era. That was before the invasion of Ava. Their migration was believed to be in search of better land. Lamlira marked the land with his handiwork by moulding stones in different shape and sizes like man, animal, stone altar and different kind of vessels. The artefact could still be seen today in the Biate area and some other tribes occupying area of Assam and Meghalaya. Pakem, also wrote that these round stones and hollow ground resemble those which are also found in the nearby Sumer Elaka in between Umkyurpong and Kseh villages in Meghalaya. He also believed that it might have been the sacrificial or dancing places of the Biates forefathers of the forerunner. In Biate it is called ‘Lamlira Lung Sin’ meaning ‘handiwork of Lamlira’ Many of the relics have gradually got destroyed with time, naturally or by man, as it has been left abandoned and unguarded till today. The vast mountainous region of Jaintia and Naga Hills
in the north according to G. A. Grierson, is the home of the Kuki-Chin tribes. The second migration of the Biate tribe from Mizoram and nearby hills of Tripura took place between 1500-1600 A.D. Whereas J. Shakespear wrote that the old Kukis made their appearance in Cachar about the end of the 18th century. Those of the old Kuki that migrates in the eighteenth centuries were the left over tribes in the second migration, who moved out of Mizoram to the plain of Cachar was due to the Sailo rebellion in the hills. B. Pakem, stated that the period under reference might have referred to the popular Biate in Mizoram and not to the Biates of Assam and Meghalaya. The Biate dialect is akin to Lusei (Lushai), Hrangkhol, Hmar
, Khelma
(Sakachep), Darlong, Chorai, Ranglong, Kaipeng and Bawm(Bawng), etc. Biate tribe have 5 (five) major clans, and each clans have sub-clans which is about 49 (forty nine) in numbers. The five major clans are, Darnei, Nampui, Ngamlai, Lalsim and Thiaite. Sub clans of the Biate are, Betlu, Bapui, Chungngol, Durpui, Darzau, Dau, Darngôn, Fathlei, Faiheng, Fairiam (Thianglai), Dôn Chungngol, Jamate, Munring, Ngirsim, Ngaite, Ngenrang, Khurbi, Khampuia, Khoreng, Khongul, Kungte, Lianate, Lungngoi, Lungtrai, Pazamate, Phungte, Puilo, Rangchal, Roichek (Roichên), Raiheng, Ranglem, Ralvong, Riamate, Saivate, Sonlen, Subuma, Salon, Theisir, Thangbei, Thloichir, Thlung-ur, Taizang, Tamatê, Tamlo, Thiaite, Thliran, Vangkal, Zali and Zate. According to Biate legends ‘Zampui tlang dunga ei om laiin Saivate namtual asuak’ meaning the term Saivate clan came into existence while they were in ‘Zampui tlang dung’ Zampui hill range, presently Jampui Hills
in Tripura.
alliances a Biate is not restricted to any particular clan or sub-clan. Intermarriage may take place within the clan or the sub-clans; preference is given to get married to other sub-clan of the tribe. A Biate can marry any woman but must avoid blood relations. The marriageable age for the male and female are 21 and 18 years respectively. If the boy is willing to marry a girl, a negotiator (Palai), usually the boy’s relative is sent to negotiate with the girl’s parents. This is called ‘Ibiak’ which is basically an engagement
. If negotiation is done then both the parents fixed the time for marriage and after getting married, at the same night the bride price
is handed over to the girl parents which amounts to INR 185.00, along with a bronze or copper plate called Mairang. According to the tradition the groom is to stay for 7 years for 'Mak-sin' or 'in-law's duty' in his father-in-laws house to assist them in every work of life and to make a better and cordial relation with his new family. At present it is reduced to 3 years; however, very few practice this customary law presently. It better goes with mutual understanding of both sides of the parents. Divorce
is rare, as they reason divorce as adultery
, cruelty, barrenness, maladjustment, impotence and insanity
. All sons and daughters can share the family properties according to the will of their father. The whole family uses the clan name as surname by the whole family; the sons take his father surname throughout their life.
in Biate dialect is ‘iser’, ‘ikhap’ or ‘rithiangino.’ They have many believes and faith on various taboos. For instance, the Biate man had to avoid sexual intercourse
with his wife before going to war or hunting. It is believed that failure to observe this will lead them to dangerous situation or death or defeat by the enemies. Another belief which prevails is, while a wife is pregnant, the husband is prohibited to kill an animal. It is strongly believed, even today, violation of this will affect the child in the mother’s womb. There is also taboo related to women. The Biate women are not allowed to carry a pair of machete, axe etc., during pregnancy
. They are prohibited to eat any conjoint fruits or vegetable, it is believed that if a woman took such thing during pregnancy she will bear a twin baby with severe problem.
but they also strongly believed in the existence of Supreme Being known as Chung Pathian which means the ‘God above.’ They believe and feel the omnipresence and thus acknowledge that Chung Pathian is above all Gods. Meanwhile the primordial God of the earth is called ‘Nuaia Malal’. Other primal Gods & Goddesses were Bolong Raja or Tarpa, Theisini Kara, Khua Vuai, Dangdo, Fapite, Sangkuru, Truanpuia etc. With the coming of Welsh Missionary Rev. Robert Evan and the Khasi missionary Mr. Khulu Malang the Biate embraced Christianity
in the year 1890. In fact the whole Biate population had embraced Christianity by the time it celebrated its hundred years of Christianity in 1990.
type of administration which they introduced after reaching the hills of Assam & Meghalaya, known as Kalim Kabur Dan (Law of the Chiefs). They are headed by the two head chiefs of the entire community, a Kalim and Kabur who is aided by the Lalchor or secretary to look after the internal relation of the community. Each village has their own Siarkalim (Village Chief) and under him, several people are appointed for the Village Council. The Khochor (Secretary) and Thlangva is the village announcer. Any matter relating to marriage, disputes, quarrels and fight etc. are brought before the court of Namringa Devan (Court of the five clans) which is headed by Kalim and Kabur through the Siarkalim. At present the whole Biate tribe is administered by the court called 'Biate Devanpui' meaning 'The Biates Supreme Court'. This apex body looks after the internal and external matter of the community except the law dealt by the chiefs Kalim and kabur.
s of North East India, the Biates have their own cloth making system since time immemorial. A blanket (Puanpui) made out of cotton is highly regarded for the customary marriage gift. Besides cotton work, the Biates have a tradition of rearing silkworm. A shawl (Rilungpuan) and headgear (Lukom) is manufactured out of the silk thread. Among the Chin-Kuki-Mizo group, the Biates, Hrangkhols and Sakacheps (Khelma) are the only tribes who practice weaving silk clothings since time immemorial. The common dresses of Biate men and women are Puanbom (Mekhla), Zakua (shirt), Lukôm or Satoldiayr (headgear), Rilungpuan, Choipuan (especially for women to put over their shoulders). Ritai Sam ep (a hairband made out of sliced cane & bamboo), Rithei (beads) Sumngoi Banbun (silver bangles), Kuarbet (earring), Toya (round earring like horn), Zakser (arm ring) and Kaipereng is a flap of cloth hanging in front and back to cover the private parts.
and they practice shifting cultivation (Loi). Each year before they start sowing their millet, rice, maize etc. the villagers observe ‘Chichoi’ or ‘Burit-in-om’ for one day. The day is spent by praying to God to ensure good crops and good luck. The Biate have many kinds of festivals; Nulding Kut, Pamchar Kut, Lebang Kut, Favang Kut etc. for different occasion. They no longer practise or observe those festivals except ‘Nulding Kut.’ The Nulding Kut festival means ‘renewal of life’ which is observed in January every year by singing, dancing and playing traditional games, after the Priest (Thiampu) pray to Chung Pathian for blessing them in every spheres of life. They have also different kinds of dances such as, Darlam, Sikpui-Zollam, Buantrum lam, Lampalak, Kolrikhek lam, Rikifachoi, Ar-ek inuai lam, Meburlam, Sul-ribum lam, Tuipui lenthluk, Chichoi-lam, Parton lam, Tuihol Sirphaia Chitu-a lam, and Salu aih-lam; etc. The year is also divided into four main seasons, Khothral-Spring, Fur-Summer, Favang-Autumn, Phalbi-Winter.
) hut.
Assam , also, rarely, Assam Valley and formerly the Assam Province , is a northeastern state of India and is one of the most culturally and geographically distinct regions of the country...
. Their language belongs to the Tibeto-Burman family. Though they are less in term of population, they have their own identity with a rich and distinctive history, culture, dialect and religious heritages. They are also one of the oldest living tribes in North East India especially among the Chin-Kuki-Mizo family. The term Biate comes from the word Biete. The word ‘Bia’ or ‘Bie’ means ‘speak’ or ‘worship’. ‘Te’ is a suffix denoting plurality. Hence, the two words combine to form the word Biate which means ‘worshipper’. According to legends, while they were in Saitual
Saitual is a census town in Aizawl district in the Indian state of Mizoram.-Demographics: India census, Saitual had a population of 10,243. Males constitute 50% of the population and females 50%. Saitual has an average literacy rate of 83%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy...
, a group of people known as the Koilam or Kawilam from Rulchawm village of Mizoram
Mizoram is one of the Seven Sister States in North Eastern India, sharing borders with the states of Tripura, Assam, Manipur and with the neighbouring countries of Bangladesh and Burma. Mizoram became the 23rd state of India on 20 February 1987. Its capital is Aizawl. Mizoram is located in the...
(India) used to sacrifice human
Human sacrifice
Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more human beings as part of a religious ritual . Its typology closely parallels the various practices of ritual slaughter of animals and of religious sacrifice in general. Human sacrifice has been practised in various cultures throughout history...
to appease a large python called Rulpui, believing that the snake had supernatural power. Thus, some writers are of the opinion that the word Biate originates from the term ‘Rul-Bia-Te or Rul-Biak-Te’ which means snake-worshippers in other dialect. However, this hypothesis is highly objectionable because the Biates as a tribe never fed or worshipped a snake except one. The offering sacrifices done by one village was also not to worship as God, but due to their fear and timidity and that too only for sometime. Some other tribes call them in different names. The Thados call them ‘Beite’ the Bengali
Bengali people
The Bengali people are an ethnic community native to the historic region of Bengal in South Asia. They speak Bengali , which is an Indo-Aryan language of the eastern Indian subcontinent, evolved from the Magadhi Prakrit and Sanskrit languages. In their native language, they are referred to as বাঙালী...
s & other plain tribes call them ‘Baite,’ the Dimasa Kacharis call them ‘Bedesa’ and the Khasis call them ‘Hadem’ which includes all the old-Kuki tribes of Meghalaya. Soppitt C. A. a renowned English writer account as ‘Bêtê’. The Biate tribe is recognised as Schedule Tribe under the 6th Schedule of the Constitution of India as ‘Any Kuki Tribes’ in Serial No. (i) of the list.
Present Settlement
The present population of the Biate tribe are distributed in many parts of the North-East states India viz., MizoramMizoram
Mizoram is one of the Seven Sister States in North Eastern India, sharing borders with the states of Tripura, Assam, Manipur and with the neighbouring countries of Bangladesh and Burma. Mizoram became the 23rd state of India on 20 February 1987. Its capital is Aizawl. Mizoram is located in the...
, Tripura
Tripura is a state in North-East India, with an area of . It is the third smallest state of India, according to area. Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh on the north, south, and west. The Indian states of Assam and Mizoram lie to the east. The capital is Agartala and the main languages spoken are...
, Assam
Assam , also, rarely, Assam Valley and formerly the Assam Province , is a northeastern state of India and is one of the most culturally and geographically distinct regions of the country...
, Meghalaya
Meghalaya is a state in north-eastern India. The word "Meghalaya" literally means the Abode of Clouds in Sanskrit and other Indic languages. Meghalaya is a hilly strip in the eastern part of the country about 300 km long and 100 km wide, with a total area of about 8,700 sq mi . The...
and Manipur
Manipur is a state in northeastern India, with the city of Imphal as its capital. Manipur is bounded by the Indian states of Nagaland to the north, Mizoram to the south and Assam to the west; it also borders Burma to the east. It covers an area of...
. However, the main concentrated area of the population is in Dima Hasao district of Assam and Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya.
According to legends, like other Chin-Kuki-MizoChin people
The Chin , known as the Kuki in Assam, are one of the ethnic groups in Burma. The Chins are found mainly in western part of Burma and numbered circa 1.5 million. They also live in nearby Indian states of Nagaland, Mizoram and Manipur and Assam. Owing to Mizo influence and Baptist missionaries'...
tribes the Biates were the descendents of Manmasi whose progeny were Riama and Vaia. Riama (ancestor of the Biate tribe) descended by Kuangpuia and Vaia who was descended by Khuangzang, Khuangsai, Chilzang, and Lamzang (Lamkang). Kuangpuia had a son named Ralkhana whose wife Kolsingi gave birth to five children namely Beia, Thianga, Laia, Ngola and Thiaia. They are believed to have originated from a place called Khurpui or great cave. The ancient home of the Biates is also known as Sinlung
Sinlung, sometimes called Chhinlung or Khul, is the ancestral home of the Zonhnathlak. The Hmars trace their origin to Sinlung. Numerous poems, songs and tales about this place have been made and handed down from generation to generation. However, the exact location of Sinlung is still open to debate...
(Sinlung means the core of Sin or cave close with stone) supposedly believed to be the Qin dynasty
Qin Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty was the first imperial dynasty of China, lasting from 221 to 207 BC. The Qin state derived its name from its heartland of Qin, in modern-day Shaanxi. The strength of the Qin state was greatly increased by the legalist reforms of Shang Yang in the 4th century BC, during the Warring...
ruled by Qin Shi Huang
Qin Shi Huang
Qin Shi Huang , personal name Ying Zheng , was king of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC during the Warring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified China in 221 BC...
. The conjecture of Sinlung as the origin of the Biate tribe is strongly supported by a folk song which tells us the glory of Sinlung.
"Ken siangna Sinlung ram mingthang,
Kinu ram kipa ram ngai;
Chongzil ang koi kir thei chang se,
Kinu ram kipa ram ngai.”
"My genesis famous land of Sinlung,
Land of my mother and father;
Could it be called back like Chongzil,
Land of my mother and father.”
The word Chongzil in fact, seems to be a mispronunciation
Mispronunciation is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "incorrect or inaccurate pronunciation". The matter of what is or is not mispronunciation is a contentious one, and indeed there is some disagreement about the extent to which the term is even meaningful...
of Changzhi
Changzhi is a prefecture-level city in Shanxi Province, People's Republic of China. It lies between the city of Huozhou in Shanxi and the city of Hebi in Henan....
, which is situated in the province of Shanxi
' is a province in Northern China. Its one-character abbreviation is "晋" , after the state of Jin that existed here during the Spring and Autumn Period....
, in Central China. Chongzil is the place where the Biate ancestors began their historical migration. Tracing back through the stories that have been passed down orally through the generations the Biate tribe with its cognate clans is believed to have started their migration from China in the year between 206 B. C. to 202 B. C. a gap between the fall of Shi Huang kingdom and before the emergence of the Hun dynasty in China. Their migration according to L. H. Songate, was due to acute oppression and maltreatment in the construction of that great wall or fortress by a cruel king Shi-Huang. At the same time many of them lost their lives. The tribes then proceeded towards south met stiff resistance when they began to settle in the bordering area of Burma and China. They finally waged a war against ‘Zainghong’ and won a triumphant victory. This victory has been immortalised in a song which runs as,
“Ki pa lam tlâk atha’n dang,
Sinlung lam tlak atha’n dang;
Shan khua thaphoi in vang,
Tuaichongi ranlu a thluna;
Thloimu siaka ken ane ril,
Zainghonga ranlu bah kan sal.”
“My father’s position was extremely good,
Sinlung’s position was extremely good;
We showed our prime life in Shan,
Tuaichongi brought the head of enemies;
As foretold by the eagle’s claws,
At Zainghong we showed our ability to our foes."
The word Zainghong seems to be a corrupted word of Jinghong which is situated in the province of Yunnan
Yunnan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located in the far southwest of the country spanning approximately and with a population of 45.7 million . The capital of the province is Kunming. The province borders Burma, Laos, and Vietnam.Yunnan is situated in a mountainous area, with...
. They are also believed to have settled in the area of Mengban, Lancang
Lancang may refer to:*Lancang River, in China, upper half of Mekong River*Lancang County, in Yunnan, China...
, Menglian and Menghai
Menghai County
Menghai County is a county under the jurisdiction of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, China.-Transport:*Nearest airport is Xishuangbanna Gasa*China National Highway 214-Further reading:...
for some time in the bygone days. The tribe flourished and was mark by a period of prosperous condition and life of ease. They learned and improved their art of war and began to observe and celebrate religious festivals. The tribe were now much more advanced than they were in Sinlung. C. A. Soppitt has accounted that the tribe had already reached Burma previous to the introduction of Buddhist doctrines, that is to say, in the 8th or 10th century. However, opinion varies among writers. According to P.M.Gangte the Mizo tribes (Old Kuki) has already occupied the present Chin Hills before the end of the 8th century A.D. While the tribes settled in Shan (Burma), Zamadian (Zamadiai according to Songate, L. H.) was the Biate (Reng) monarch of all the Khawthlang tribes. The Khawthlang or Thlangfa tribes (Westerner) as considered by J. Shakespeare, were the Old Kukis, the Biate (Beteh), Hrangkhol (Hrangchul) and other cognate clans. Zamadian introduced almost all the customary laws of the Biate tribe and except for a few, most of them are still in use. Traditions tell us that Zamadiana had a written script 'Savunziak' of Kung-fu-tzu or Confucius
Confucius , literally "Master Kong", was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period....
. This script however was lost after his demise when a dog carried it away. He is believed to be the first to introduce ‘Zolbûk’ among his people. Zolbûk is a kind of dormitory or club, where young people use to learn different kind of art in it. Folk song tells of the migration of the Biate tribe from Shan to Kachin state
Kachin State
Kachin State , is the northernmost state of Burma. It is bordered by China to the north and east; Shan State to the south; and Sagaing Division and India to the west. It lies between north latitude 23° 27' and 28° 25' longitude 96° 0' and 98° 44'. The area of Kachin State is . The capital of the...
, Sagaing
Sagaing is the capital of Sagaing Region in Myanmar. Located on the Ayeyarwady River, 20 km to the southwest of Mandalay on the opposite bank of the river, Sagaing with numerous Buddhist monasteries is an important religious and monastic center. The pagodas and monasteries crowd the numerous...
, and Chin state
Chin State
Chin State is a state located in western Burma . The Chin State is bordered by Rakhine State in the south, Bangladesh in south-west, Sagaing Division and Magway Division in the east, Indian state of Manipur in the north and Indian state of Mizoram in the west. The Chin ethnic group make up the...
and to Mizoram, India.
Mizo Historian K. Zawla, mentioned that the Biate were the first to set their foot on the soil of Mizoram. They also claim the hills round Champhai
Champhai is a border town in Mizoram state, in far eastern India. It is the headquarters of Champhai District, one of the eight districts in the state. It is located on the Indo-Myanmar border and is situated in a strategically important location. Because of this, it is the main business corridor...
as their places of origin, and the sites are still known by their names. In the early days of their settlement in Mizoram, the Khawthlang tribes were ruled by the Biate king Vannuailala, son of Tengtonga Khoreng, who gave himself the title of ‘Chonpuimang’ (Chonmang in the account of Songate, L.H.). The Biates by spreading to all sides of the corner of Mizoram settled for nearly a thousand years, numerous hills and mountain, rivers, lakes, and places of Mizoram were named by the Biates, being a forerunner of the land. While they were settling in and around Invol (believed to be present day Lunglei district
Lunglei district
Lunglei district is one of the 8 districts of Mizoram state in India. As of 2011 it is the second most populous district in the state , after Aizawl.-Origin of name:...
) they were invaded by the king of Ava (1364–1555), a new kingdom founded by king Thadominbya
Thadominbya was the founder of the Kingdom of Ava who reunified central Burma in 1364 under a single kingdom. In his short reign of three plus years, the ethnically Shan king achieved accomplishments that would have a long lasting impact in Burmese history...
after the Mongols
Mongols ) are a Central-East Asian ethnic group that lives mainly in the countries of Mongolia, China, and Russia. In China, ethnic Mongols can be found mainly in the central north region of China such as Inner Mongolia...
left the Irrawaddy valley, Burma. During the invasion, one of the Biate clan the Ralvong Thiaite was hiding in a Ralvawng cave. These particular clans including the Ngamlai clans of Troi (present day Tawipui, Mizoram) who faced the brunt of the Ava invasion still tells of the account today.
"Ava ten khua hong fanga,
Kua Invol laia;
Aimo zola an ril,
Khua Invol laia."
"Ava had invaded us,
The time we were in Invol;
They tell in the valley of Aimo,
While we were in Invol."
In olden days Aizawl
Aizawl is the capital of the state of Mizoram in India. With a resident population 228,280 , it is the largest city within the state. It is also the center of all important government offices, state assembly house and civil secretariat...
was called Aimo zôl (Aimo valley) by the Biate tribe. Aimoroi is a kind of wild ginger
Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, consumed as a delicacy, medicine, or spice. It lends its name to its genus and family . Other notable members of this plant family are turmeric, cardamom, and galangal....
found in that place, the term Aimo is believed to derived from the name aimoroi. According to traditions soon after the invasion of Ava, the Pawi tribe took advantage of their weakness, waged a tribal war
Tribal war
Tribal war and similar phrases can mean:*endemic warfare, the mode of warfare common in tribal societies*TribalWar, a video game news website that originally focused on the game Starsiege: Tribes*TribalWars, an online browser game...
with the intention of driving them out of their land and finally succeeded in chasing majority of them out of their land. From Mizoram they scattered in different places like Chittagong
Chittagong ) is a city in southeastern Bangladesh and the capital of an eponymous district and division. Built on the banks of the Karnaphuli River, the city is home to Bangladesh's busiest seaport and has a population of over 4.5 million, making it the second largest city in the country.A trading...
Bangladesh , officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a sovereign state located in South Asia. It is bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma to the far southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south...
), Rengpuiram (Tripura
Tripura is a state in North-East India, with an area of . It is the third smallest state of India, according to area. Tripura is surrounded by Bangladesh on the north, south, and west. The Indian states of Assam and Mizoram lie to the east. The capital is Agartala and the main languages spoken are...
), Cachar, N. C. Hills Assam, then Jaintia Hills Meghalaya & some part of Manipur. Lamlira and a few of his followers were the first to migrate to the present land N. C. Hills, Assam and Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya. According to B. Pakem, Lamlira (A Biate legendary hero) led a section of the Biate tribe to their present hills. This was sometime in the thirteen century of the Christian era. That was before the invasion of Ava. Their migration was believed to be in search of better land. Lamlira marked the land with his handiwork by moulding stones in different shape and sizes like man, animal, stone altar and different kind of vessels. The artefact could still be seen today in the Biate area and some other tribes occupying area of Assam and Meghalaya. Pakem, also wrote that these round stones and hollow ground resemble those which are also found in the nearby Sumer Elaka in between Umkyurpong and Kseh villages in Meghalaya. He also believed that it might have been the sacrificial or dancing places of the Biates forefathers of the forerunner. In Biate it is called ‘Lamlira Lung Sin’ meaning ‘handiwork of Lamlira’ Many of the relics have gradually got destroyed with time, naturally or by man, as it has been left abandoned and unguarded till today. The vast mountainous region of Jaintia and Naga Hills
Naga hills
Naga hills, reaching a height of around 3825 metres, lie on the border of India and Burma . These hills are part of a complex mountain system, and the parts of the mountain ranges inside the Indian state of Nagaland and the Burmese region of Sagaing are called the Naga Hills.In British India, the...
in the north according to G. A. Grierson, is the home of the Kuki-Chin tribes. The second migration of the Biate tribe from Mizoram and nearby hills of Tripura took place between 1500-1600 A.D. Whereas J. Shakespear wrote that the old Kukis made their appearance in Cachar about the end of the 18th century. Those of the old Kuki that migrates in the eighteenth centuries were the left over tribes in the second migration, who moved out of Mizoram to the plain of Cachar was due to the Sailo rebellion in the hills. B. Pakem, stated that the period under reference might have referred to the popular Biate in Mizoram and not to the Biates of Assam and Meghalaya. The Biate dialect is akin to Lusei (Lushai), Hrangkhol, Hmar
Hmar is the name of one of the numerous mizo/kuki/chin tribes of India, spread over a large area in the northeast. The Hmars belong to the Chin-Kuki-Mizo group of tribes, and are recognised as Scheduled Tribe under the 6th Schedule of the Constitution of India. Literally, Hmar means North or...
, Khelma
The Khelma or Khelma/Sakachep are one of the Kuki of the Mizo tribe in Assam, India.-History:The Khelma tribe is one of the smallest tribes in the Kuki community. They mainly inhabit areas of Assam's Dima Hasao, Cachar and Karbi Anglong districts. The Khelma/Sakachep tribe are found in the Jaintia...
(Sakachep), Darlong, Chorai, Ranglong, Kaipeng and Bawm(Bawng), etc. Biate tribe have 5 (five) major clans, and each clans have sub-clans which is about 49 (forty nine) in numbers. The five major clans are, Darnei, Nampui, Ngamlai, Lalsim and Thiaite. Sub clans of the Biate are, Betlu, Bapui, Chungngol, Durpui, Darzau, Dau, Darngôn, Fathlei, Faiheng, Fairiam (Thianglai), Dôn Chungngol, Jamate, Munring, Ngirsim, Ngaite, Ngenrang, Khurbi, Khampuia, Khoreng, Khongul, Kungte, Lianate, Lungngoi, Lungtrai, Pazamate, Phungte, Puilo, Rangchal, Roichek (Roichên), Raiheng, Ranglem, Ralvong, Riamate, Saivate, Sonlen, Subuma, Salon, Theisir, Thangbei, Thloichir, Thlung-ur, Taizang, Tamatê, Tamlo, Thiaite, Thliran, Vangkal, Zali and Zate. According to Biate legends ‘Zampui tlang dunga ei om laiin Saivate namtual asuak’ meaning the term Saivate clan came into existence while they were in ‘Zampui tlang dung’ Zampui hill range, presently Jampui Hills
Jampui Hills
Jampui Hills is located at an altitude of approximately 1000 metres. The summit of the Jampui Hills commands a breathtaking natural view of the towns nearby. It is in North Tripura district in the Indian state of Tripura....
in Tripura.
Domestic Life
The Biate village is generally built on some high slope or ridge. They build their house with a rise platform, about 3 or 4 feet from the ground, is first put up and on this an ordinary hut is erected and a thatched roof with grass or cane leaves. In front of the main entrance, a space is left for veranda. The interior of the house is partitioned off into two, three and sometime more rooms, according to the number of inmates. Houses in the villages are built facing one another with a broad path running in the centre.Marriage
In marriageMarriage
Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it is found...
alliances a Biate is not restricted to any particular clan or sub-clan. Intermarriage may take place within the clan or the sub-clans; preference is given to get married to other sub-clan of the tribe. A Biate can marry any woman but must avoid blood relations. The marriageable age for the male and female are 21 and 18 years respectively. If the boy is willing to marry a girl, a negotiator (Palai), usually the boy’s relative is sent to negotiate with the girl’s parents. This is called ‘Ibiak’ which is basically an engagement
An engagement or betrothal is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage which may be lengthy or trivial. During this period, a couple is said to be betrothed, affianced, engaged to be married, or simply engaged...
. If negotiation is done then both the parents fixed the time for marriage and after getting married, at the same night the bride price
Bride price
Bride price, also known as bride wealth, is an amount of money or property or wealth paid by the groom or his family to the parents of a woman upon the marriage of their daughter to the groom...
is handed over to the girl parents which amounts to INR 185.00, along with a bronze or copper plate called Mairang. According to the tradition the groom is to stay for 7 years for 'Mak-sin' or 'in-law's duty' in his father-in-laws house to assist them in every work of life and to make a better and cordial relation with his new family. At present it is reduced to 3 years; however, very few practice this customary law presently. It better goes with mutual understanding of both sides of the parents. Divorce
Divorce is the final termination of a marital union, canceling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between the parties...
is rare, as they reason divorce as adultery
Adultery is sexual infidelity to one's spouse, and is a form of extramarital sex. It originally referred only to sex between a woman who was married and a person other than her spouse. Even in cases of separation from one's spouse, an extramarital affair is still considered adultery.Adultery is...
, cruelty, barrenness, maladjustment, impotence and insanity
Insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including becoming a danger to themselves and others, though not all such acts are considered insanity...
In Biate, the youngest son (Itlum) inherits the family properties. Women are not allowed to inherit family properties. The eldest and the middle sons also have no right to claim the family properties. The youngest son is the formal heir who lives with his parents and has the responsibility of looking after his parents in their old age. But there are no hard and fast rules with regards to inheritanceInheritance
Inheritance is the practice of passing on property, titles, debts, rights and obligations upon the death of an individual. It has long played an important role in human societies...
. All sons and daughters can share the family properties according to the will of their father. The whole family uses the clan name as surname by the whole family; the sons take his father surname throughout their life.
The words tabooTaboo
A taboo is a strong social prohibition relating to any area of human activity or social custom that is sacred and or forbidden based on moral judgment, religious beliefs and or scientific consensus. Breaking the taboo is usually considered objectionable or abhorrent by society...
in Biate dialect is ‘iser’, ‘ikhap’ or ‘rithiangino.’ They have many believes and faith on various taboos. For instance, the Biate man had to avoid sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse, also known as copulation or coitus, commonly refers to the act in which a male's penis enters a female's vagina for the purposes of sexual pleasure or reproduction. The entities may be of opposite sexes, or they may be hermaphroditic, as is the case with snails...
with his wife before going to war or hunting. It is believed that failure to observe this will lead them to dangerous situation or death or defeat by the enemies. Another belief which prevails is, while a wife is pregnant, the husband is prohibited to kill an animal. It is strongly believed, even today, violation of this will affect the child in the mother’s womb. There is also taboo related to women. The Biate women are not allowed to carry a pair of machete, axe etc., during pregnancy
Pregnancy refers to the fertilization and development of one or more offspring, known as a fetus or embryo, in a woman's uterus. In a pregnancy, there can be multiple gestations, as in the case of twins or triplets...
. They are prohibited to eat any conjoint fruits or vegetable, it is believed that if a woman took such thing during pregnancy she will bear a twin baby with severe problem.
In the olden days, the Biate tribe practiced animismAnimism
Animism refers to the belief that non-human entities are spiritual beings, or at least embody some kind of life-principle....
but they also strongly believed in the existence of Supreme Being known as Chung Pathian which means the ‘God above.’ They believe and feel the omnipresence and thus acknowledge that Chung Pathian is above all Gods. Meanwhile the primordial God of the earth is called ‘Nuaia Malal’. Other primal Gods & Goddesses were Bolong Raja or Tarpa, Theisini Kara, Khua Vuai, Dangdo, Fapite, Sangkuru, Truanpuia etc. With the coming of Welsh Missionary Rev. Robert Evan and the Khasi missionary Mr. Khulu Malang the Biate embraced Christianity
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...
in the year 1890. In fact the whole Biate population had embraced Christianity by the time it celebrated its hundred years of Christianity in 1990.
Unlike other tribes, the Biate have a self government democraticDemocracy
Democracy is generally defined as a form of government in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal participation in the proposal, development and passage of legislation into law...
type of administration which they introduced after reaching the hills of Assam & Meghalaya, known as Kalim Kabur Dan (Law of the Chiefs). They are headed by the two head chiefs of the entire community, a Kalim and Kabur who is aided by the Lalchor or secretary to look after the internal relation of the community. Each village has their own Siarkalim (Village Chief) and under him, several people are appointed for the Village Council. The Khochor (Secretary) and Thlangva is the village announcer. Any matter relating to marriage, disputes, quarrels and fight etc. are brought before the court of Namringa Devan (Court of the five clans) which is headed by Kalim and Kabur through the Siarkalim. At present the whole Biate tribe is administered by the court called 'Biate Devanpui' meaning 'The Biates Supreme Court'. This apex body looks after the internal and external matter of the community except the law dealt by the chiefs Kalim and kabur.
Dress and their clothes
Like all other hill tribeHill tribe
Hill tribe is a term used in Thailand for all of the various tribal peoples who migrated from China and Tibet over the past few centuries. They now inhabit the remote border areas between Northern Thailand, Laos and Burma . These areas are known for their thick forests and mountainous terrain...
s of North East India, the Biates have their own cloth making system since time immemorial. A blanket (Puanpui) made out of cotton is highly regarded for the customary marriage gift. Besides cotton work, the Biates have a tradition of rearing silkworm. A shawl (Rilungpuan) and headgear (Lukom) is manufactured out of the silk thread. Among the Chin-Kuki-Mizo group, the Biates, Hrangkhols and Sakacheps (Khelma) are the only tribes who practice weaving silk clothings since time immemorial. The common dresses of Biate men and women are Puanbom (Mekhla), Zakua (shirt), Lukôm or Satoldiayr (headgear), Rilungpuan, Choipuan (especially for women to put over their shoulders). Ritai Sam ep (a hairband made out of sliced cane & bamboo), Rithei (beads) Sumngoi Banbun (silver bangles), Kuarbet (earring), Toya (round earring like horn), Zakser (arm ring) and Kaipereng is a flap of cloth hanging in front and back to cover the private parts.
As regard to their economic life, their main occupation is agricultureAgriculture
Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms for food, fiber, and other products used to sustain life. Agriculture was the key implement in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the...
and they practice shifting cultivation (Loi). Each year before they start sowing their millet, rice, maize etc. the villagers observe ‘Chichoi’ or ‘Burit-in-om’ for one day. The day is spent by praying to God to ensure good crops and good luck. The Biate have many kinds of festivals; Nulding Kut, Pamchar Kut, Lebang Kut, Favang Kut etc. for different occasion. They no longer practise or observe those festivals except ‘Nulding Kut.’ The Nulding Kut festival means ‘renewal of life’ which is observed in January every year by singing, dancing and playing traditional games, after the Priest (Thiampu) pray to Chung Pathian for blessing them in every spheres of life. They have also different kinds of dances such as, Darlam, Sikpui-Zollam, Buantrum lam, Lampalak, Kolrikhek lam, Rikifachoi, Ar-ek inuai lam, Meburlam, Sul-ribum lam, Tuipui lenthluk, Chichoi-lam, Parton lam, Tuihol Sirphaia Chitu-a lam, and Salu aih-lam; etc. The year is also divided into four main seasons, Khothral-Spring, Fur-Summer, Favang-Autumn, Phalbi-Winter.
Musical Instruments
There are different musical instruments such as, Khuang-a drum, Jamluang-a large brass gong, Dar-ribu-a set of small brass cymbal, Rosem-a mouth organ, which is somewhat like a bagpipe or a snake charmer’s flute, Theile- a small bamboo flute. Tringtrang-a guitar with two strings made from bamboo or a dry gourd. The modern day guitar is called Perkhuang, Seranda-similar to a modern day violin made out of dry hollow gourd. It has generally three strings or thin cord with a bow made out of palm hair. Theiphit-a blowpipe made with a tiny bamboo. A simple stalk of bamboo with one end opened for blowing. Chompereng-similar to Mandolin, is generally played while camping in the jhum (Shifting cultivationShifting cultivation
Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned. This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming, until the soil loses fertility...
) hut.
External links
- Hamlet Bareh Encyclopaedia of the North-East India, Mizoram.
- Who are the Biate, Baite,Biete
- The Bible in Biate
- Biate
- Biete-A language of India
- Frontline
- Biate Couple Coulorful People of N.C.Hills
- Tribes of N.C.Hills The Biete
- The North Cachar Hills
- North Cachar Hills (N.C.Hills)
- Biete Joshua Project
- Lungmaicham
- Lungzubel
- Lungmaicham2
- Lungsum
- Lamlira lungphun
- Theibet_Toya
- Lungvandawt1
- Lungvandawt2
- Lungvandawt3
- The Biate By Ezra Lalsim