Armenian nobility
Armenian nobility has a long history with many interruptions, most notable of which were the Ottoman and Russian occupations of Armenia.
s, (also aznvakans).
Translated from contemporary Armenian
the word azat literally means "the one who is free", a "freeman." The word ``Azat" is derived from the Middle Persian
word "azat" and equivalent to modern Persian
"âzâd". The lower-aristocratic portion Sassanid Persian
society was dominated by the Azatan, who guarded their status as descendants of ancient Aryan
conquerors. The Azatan were low-level administrators, mostly living on small estates. This knightly caste - which would later serve as the predecessor to the Medieval European
Order of Knights
- provided the cavalry backbone of the Sassanid army
Many - if not the majority - of the ancient Armenian noble clans traced their origins back to the gods of the old Armenian religion - most of which were based on the Persian Zoroastrian
faith - or to the heroes and patriarchs of the Armenian people. For example, the noble houses of Vahevuni
and Mehnuni were believed to be offspring of Vahagn
and Mihr
, ancient Armenian deities of fire and war, and heavenly light and justice respectively. The House of Artzruni traced its origins to Sanasar, son of Mher from the Armenian epos Sasna Tzrer, i.e. to the same Persian deity Mihr
. According to the Armenian aristocratic tradition, the princely houses of Khorkhoruni
, Bznuni
, Mandakuni
, Rshtuni
, Manavazian
, Angelea (Angegh tun), Varajnuni
, Ohanian, Cartozian, Apahuni, Arran tun and some others, are all believed to be direct descendants of Nahapet (Patriarch) Hayk
, whose epithet was Dyutsazn (from Ancient Greek
θεός, meaning "divine"), or of Hayk's descendants. It is quite common in all parts of the world for members of the nobility to purport to trace their ancestry back to gods, or legendary heroes.
The first attested Armenian royal dynasty was the Orontids ruling Armenia as a satrapy of the Persian Empire in the 4th century BC. They are preceded by legendary or semi-legendary patriarchs of Armenian tradition, first recorded in the History attributed to Moses of Chorene (Movses Khorenatsi), written circa the 7th century.
The noble houses of Rshtuni
, Mokats, Artzruni and others originated from tribal rulers or clans already in antiquity. Some others, such as the Mamikonian
s or Aravelians, were granted noble titles and/or offices, such as aspet
, 'coronator' and sparapet
, 'generalissimo
' by special decrees of medieval Armenian kings for their services to the royal court or the nation.
Although the vast majority of the Armenian nobility was of Armenian origin the historical sources still mention quite significant foreign influxes into the aristocratic class. These assimilated foreign families were predominantly of Indo-European
origin, such as Persians
, Alans
, Medes
, Greeks
and Romans
. The Iranian
aristocratic component was particularly numerous. Many Armenian noble houses were either linked to the Iranian nobility through dynastic marriages or were Iranians (Persians
, Parthians, Medes
) by origin. The latter included renowned houses such as those of the Arshakuni, Artashesian, and Pahlavuni
(from Sassanid Persian noble family Pahlavani and originally Parthavoni, indicating Parthia
n origin from Persia). Examples of non-Armenian but Indo-European noble houses would include the families of Aravelian
s and Ropseans; the first were Alans
and the latter Romans by origin.
Non-Indo-European components were never significant among the Armenian nobility and they normally appear at later stages of Armenian history. Some suggest that the Mamikonian
clan originates from a Chinese
refugee named Mamgun who for his services was elevated to the ranks of nobleman by one of the Armenian kings. Some Armenian Christian
historians tend to derive certain Armenian noble houses from Mesopotamia
n or other roots. For example, in his History of Armenia, Movses Khorenatsi
traces the family origins of his sponsor prince Sahak Bagratuni
to non-Armenian roots. However, the historical sources prove the existence of the Bagratuni family in the most oldest period of Armenian history and speak of them as aboriginal
Armenians. The linguistic analysis also maintains that the name Bagarat probably is of Indo-European
origin and stems from the Middle Persian
words Bhaga
(god) and Arat (plentiful, rich), i.e. literally "divine plenitude" or "god's richness". It is remarkable that Prince Bagratuni himself rejected Khorenatsi's version of the origins of his family. Exotic descents were in vogue among the early medieval Armenian aristocratic families. However, there is no evidence supporting any of these claims of descent.
always played an important role in Armenian society. This inter alia
is evidenced through the evolution of the term naharar. Initially this term referred to the hereditary governors of the Armenian provinces and was used with the meaning of "ruler" and "governor". The same title could mean a particularly honorable service (nahararutyun, naharardom) at the Armenian royal court. Examples of such heritable services or naharardoms are aspetutyun (coronation, which traditionally belonged to the house of Bagratuni), sparapetutyun (commander-in-chief of the Armenian army, which traditionally belonged to the house of Mamikonean), hazarapetutyun (chancellery and taxation, which were inheritably managed by the houses of Gnuni and Amatuni
), and malhazutyun (royal guard that was traditionally organized and headed to the house of Khorkhoruni
). However, in the course of hereditary consolidation of gavar
s (provinces) or royal court services by noble houses, the term naharar has changed its original meaning and gradually transformed into a generic equivalent of "aristocrat", "nobleman". Accordingly, the aristocratic families started to be called naharar houses or naharardoms. Along with this analysis, there is another interpretation of term naharar, which is based on Armenian nah and arar, i.e. "the first created" or "the first borne".
The meaning of term naharar was evolving in parallel with consolidation of the noble houses' hereditary rights over counties of Great Armenia. For example the county of Great Albak was traditionally inherited by the noble house of Artzruni, county of Taron
by the house of Slkuni, and the county of Rshtuniq
by the house of Rshtuni
. Even prior to this consolidation the traditional aristocratic emblems and coat-of-arms emerge. The latter often is deeply rooted in the ancient kinship and tribal beliefs and totems of the Armenian clans. Although the information on Armenian heraldry is quite limited, nevertheless it is well known that the most common symbols were those of the eagle, lion, and mountain ram. For example, the coat-of-arms of the Artashesian dynasty consisted of two eagles with the symbol of sun in the middle. An eagle holding a sheep was also the house symbol of Bagratuni naharardom. The dynastic emblem of the Cilician Armenian royal house of Lusignan
(Lusinian) reflected west European heraldic influence and consisted of red lions and crosses on the yellow and blue background of the shield. The naharar families of ancient Armenia were listed in the so-called Gahnamaks and Zoranamaks, which were the official inventories or registrars that were positioning the families based on the criteria of honor, virtue and esteem. The difference between Gahnamak and Zoranamak were in the listing criteria that were determining the esteem почетности of the noble family. Zoranamak was based on the military strength of the houses, i.e. the number of possessed cavalry and infantry, responsibility in defending the northern, eastern, southern and western borders of Armenia, as well as the size of the troops that the noble houses were placing under the command of the king of Armenia in times of military campaigns. Unlike Zoranamak, Gahnamak was listing the noble houses based on the criteria of political and economic importance of the houses, size of their estates, their wealth, as well as their connections and influence over the royal courts.
Two other notions of the Armenian nobility relating to Gahnamak and Zoranamak are those of bardz and pativ. Bardz literally means "cushion". It was the seat that was occupied by the head of the noble house at the royal table, be it during the council or during the festivities. The word bardz derives from these cushions on which the lords of houses were seated on special occasions. Bardzes - literally cushioned seats at the royal table but more broadly the actual status at the royal court - were distributed on the basis of pativ, i.e. literally the honor and esteem of the noble houses. The latter, most probably wуку fixed in Gahnamaks and Zoranamaks.
Gâh namag) - was an official state document, list of places and thrones (bardzes) that the Armenian princes and naharars were occupying at the royal court of Armenia. The throne of the prince or naharar was defined by his economic or military strength (according to the Zoranamak, from Middle Persian
Zor namag, literally: "strength registrar"), as well as according to the ancient tradition. Gahnamak was composed and sealed by the King of Armenia, because the naharars (lords) were considered to be his vassal
s. Naharar thrones (gahs, i.e. the positions at the royal court) were changing rarely and were inherited from father to son. Only in special circumstances - such as high treason
, cessation of the family etc. - the king had the right to make some changes in the Gahnamak. The sequence and classification of Armenian lords' thrones had been defined and observed from the ancient times.
According to Khorenatsi, the first actual listing of lords in the shape of Gahnamak was Armenian king Vagharshak. According to the recorded sources, the classification of Armenian lords' thrones in the form of Gahnamak existed throughout the reign of Arshakuni (Arsacide) dynasty (the 1st - 5th centuries). The same system was continued during the Marzpanian period in the history of Armenia (the 5th - 7th centuries), i.e. during the supremacy of the Sasanian kings of Persia. There are significant discrepancies and inaccuracies in the data of Gahnamaks of different centuries regarding the number of princely houses and degrees of their thrones. According to the Gahnamak of the 4th century preserved in "The Deeds of Nerses", during the reign of king Arshak II
(350-368) the number of the Armenian aristocratic houses reached 400. However the author of "The Deeds" mentions the family names of only 167 lords, 13 of whom did not have a throne. The author himself explains that he is incapable of listing all of them. Armenian historian of the 13th century Stepanos Orbelian
also mentions 400 naharar thrones, who had "throne and respect" at the royal court of king Trdat III (287-332). Pavstos Buzand
mentions 900 princely lords, who carried honorary services at the royal court and who sat on a special throne (gah) or cushion (bardz).
The Gahnamak is believed to be written by Armenian Catholic Sahak Parthev (387-439), whose surname indicates distant Persian origin from the Parthav or Parthia
n clan. Sahak Parthev made the registrar available to the Sasanian Persian court, mentioning a total of 70 Armenian naharars. In another source of the 4th century 86 naharars were listed. According to the Arab chronologist Yacoubi (the 9th century) there were 113 lords in the administrative province of Arminiya, whereas another Arab historian, Yacout al-Hamavi (the 12-13th centuries) the number of Armenian principalities was 118. Armenian historians Agathangelos, Pavstos Buzand, Yeghishe, Lazar Parbetsi, Movses Khorenatsi, Sebeos and others also provided numerous data and information about Armenian princely houses and lords. However, the Gahnamaks and lists of naharars (princely houses), based on these data and information, remain incomplete.
: arxatos in Greek
, raja in Indo-Aryan
, regia or regnum in Latin
, roi in French
, and reis in Persian
The sons of the king, i.e. princes, were called sepuh. The elder son, who was also the crown prince and was called avag sepuh, had a particular role. In the case of king's death the avag sepuh automatically would inherit the crown, unless there were other prior arrangements.
The second layer in the social division of the Armenian nobility was occupied by bdeshkhs. Bdeshkh was a ruler of a big borderland province of historical Great Armenia. They were de facto viceroys and by their privileges were very close to the king. Bdeshkhs had their own armies, taxation and duties system, and could even produce their own coins.
The third layer of the Armenian aristocracy after the king and the bdeshkhs was composed by ishkhans, i.e. princes. Ishkhan normally would have a hereditary estate known as hayreniq and residence caste - dastakert. Armenian princely houses (or clans) were headed by tanuter. By its meaning the word tun (house) is very close to tohm (clan). Accordingly, tanuter meant "houselord" or "lord of the clan".
Organizationally, the Armenian nobility was headed by Grand Duke - metz ishxan or ishxanac ishxan in Armenian, who in some historical chronicles is also called metzametz. He was the marshal of Armenian nobility and had special privileges and duties. For example, in case of king's death and if there was no inheriting sepuh (crown prince), it was the grand duke who would temporarily take the responsibilities and perform the duties of the king until the issues of succession to the throne are resolved. In reality, however, the successions to the throne would be arranged in advance or would be resolved in the course of feuds and intestine strives.
Thus, the social pyramid of the nobility of Great Armenia includes the following layers:
This division, however, reflects the specific tradition of Great Armenia in its early period in history. Naturally, in time the social structure of nobility was undergoing changes that would the specifics of Armenian territories, historical era, and the specifics social relations. For example, in medieval times the names and composition of the nobility of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Kilikia) underwent certain changes:
Great Armenia
Cilician Armenia
Cilician Armenia adopted many peculiarities of west European classification of the nobility, such as paron (deriving from "baron"), ter or sinyor (senior), berdater (castle lord) etc. Besides, in Cilicia emerged Armenian knighthood which was also considered to be part of the nobility despite the fact that knights themselves - called dziawor и hetzelwor - did not always originate from parons.
Some other features also suffered changes. For example, whereas the salutation for the noblemen in Great Armenia was tiar or ter, in Cilician Armenia a new form of salutation was added to these, namely paron. The latter became the most popular form of greeting and gradually changed its meaning to the equivalent of "mister" in modern Armenian.
In late mediaeval
Armenia and in the new age a variety of nobility titles existed in different nahangs (provinces) of the country. For example, in Artsakh of the Khamsa period (i.e. period of "five principalities") the title of ishkhan (prince) was used in its local equivalent - that of melik (a 'devaluated' Arabic word for king). Below melik - or sometimes in parallel with it - was the title of yuzbashi (from? the Turkish officer rank, literally "lord of the hundred" warriors).
With the annexation of eastern Armenia - i.e. Karabakh, Yerevan, Nakhichevan and Kars provinces - into the Russian Empire the titles, traditions and social institutions of the Russian nobility become dominant among the Armenian aristocrats as they were integrated into the imperial nobility Russian (rather western) style.
s and Turks
. The latter quickly realized that the Armenian state was based on the national aristocracy and thus adopted policies of annihilation of the Armenian nobility. For example, in 705 the ostikan
(governor under the Arab caliphate) of Armenia deceitfully invited around 800 Armenian noblemen together with their guards to Nakhichevan as if for negotiations and massacred them all. Nevertheless, some Armenian noble houses lived through this tragedy and continued their efforts to liberate the country. Some descendants of the Armenian nobility achieved high-ranking positions at foreign royal courts. For example, the offspring of the Armenian noble house of Artzruni became influential grandees at the Georgian
court. The Georgian branch of the Armenian noble family of Bagratuni was enthroned as Bagrationi and became the reigning house in Georgia. An entire line of noblemen of Armenian descent reigned in Byzantium
. As a result of dynastic marriages, the descendants of the Armenian royal house of Lusignan (Lusinian), once ruling over Cilicia and Cyprus, merged with the representatives of the west European royal dynasty of Savoy reigning in parts of Italy. Some other offspring of naharar houses founded medieval Armenian aristocratic houses, such as the Cartozians, Proshians, Kyurikians, Orbelians, Artzrunis of Mahkanaberd, and the Tornikians, among others. These played a significant role in the struggle for the liberation of Armenia and the revival of Armenian statehood. In the 13th century particularly prominent were the Zakarian princes - brothers Zakare and Ivane - whose military strength and political influence in the united Armenian-Georgian state was so significant that they were de facto the fully-fledged rulers of the Armenian territories. The last strongholds of Armenian statehood were preserved by the semi-dependent princes (meliks) of Karabakh-Artsakh, also known as melikdoms of Khamsa (from Arabic word meaning "five principalities). These principalities preserved their status until the annexation of eastern Armenia into the Russian Empire. The Russian emperors either accepted the noble titles of the Armenian aristocracy or themselves elevated prominent representatives of Armenian origin in an effort to use the potential of the Armenian nobility. During this period the noble houses of Madatian (Madatov), Lazarian (Lazarev), Beybutian (Beybutov), Pirumyan (Pirumov), Loris-Melikian (Loris-Melikov) emerged.
The aristocratic tradition in Armenia suffered another blow during the Bolshevik
regime, when the nobility was dissolved as a social class and the noblemen underwent systematic oppression. Many representatives of the Armenian aristocracy were repressed, sentenced to prisons and work camps, or simply executed. Those who survived against all odds were forced to hide their aristocratic origins by changing family names and obliterating their family histories. Only a very few managed to preserve their family traditions by leaving the Communist regime and moving to other countries.
The Union of the Armenian Noblemen has around 400 members representing aristocratic houses of Armenia. Membership in the Union is open to descendants of old and new Armenian noble families, as well as to the foreign titled nobility that reside in Armenia and abroad, regardless their political or religious views, and age and sex. The UAN conducts its activities in accordance with its Charter, the Constitution and legislation of Armenia, and international law. The main goals of the Union of the Armenian Noblemen are:
The Union of the Armenian Noblemen looks forward to the active participation of the representatives and descendants of the Armenian nobility in the revival of the best traditions of the Armenian aristocracy. A special attention will be paid to familiarization of the Armenian youth with the aristocratic traditions of the ancestors.
Members of the upper class of medieval Armenian society were known as nakharars and azatAzat
Azat was a class of Armenian nobility; the term came to designate the middle and lower nobility originally, in contrast to the naxararkʿ who were the great lords...
s, (also aznvakans).
Translated from contemporary Armenian
Armenian language
The Armenian language is an Indo-European language spoken by the Armenian people. It is the official language of the Republic of Armenia as well as in the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The language is also widely spoken by Armenian communities in the Armenian diaspora...
the word azat literally means "the one who is free", a "freeman." The word ``Azat" is derived from the Middle Persian
Middle Persian
Middle Persian , indigenously known as "Pârsig" sometimes referred to as Pahlavi or Pehlevi, is the Middle Iranian language/ethnolect of Southwestern Iran that during Sassanid times became a prestige dialect and so came to be spoken in other regions as well. Middle Persian is classified as a...
word "azat" and equivalent to modern Persian
Persian language
Persian is an Iranian language within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It is primarily spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and countries which historically came under Persian influence...
"âzâd". The lower-aristocratic portion Sassanid Persian
Iran , officially the Islamic Republic of Iran , is a country in Southern and Western Asia. The name "Iran" has been in use natively since the Sassanian era and came into use internationally in 1935, before which the country was known to the Western world as Persia...
society was dominated by the Azatan, who guarded their status as descendants of ancient Aryan
Aryan is an English language loanword derived from Sanskrit ārya and denoting variously*In scholarly usage:**Indo-Iranian languages *in dated usage:**the Indo-European languages more generally and their speakers...
conquerors. The Azatan were low-level administrators, mostly living on small estates. This knightly caste - which would later serve as the predecessor to the Medieval European
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...
Order of Knights
A knight was a member of a class of lower nobility in the High Middle Ages.By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior....
- provided the cavalry backbone of the Sassanid army
Sassanid army
The birth of the Sassanid army dates back to the rise of Ardashir I , the founder of the Sassanid dynasty, to the throne. Ardashir aimed at the revival of the Persian Empire, and to further this aim, he reformed the military by forming a standing army which was under his personal command and whose...
Many - if not the majority - of the ancient Armenian noble clans traced their origins back to the gods of the old Armenian religion - most of which were based on the Persian Zoroastrian
Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster and was formerly among the world's largest religions. It was probably founded some time before the 6th century BCE in Greater Iran.In Zoroastrianism, the Creator Ahura Mazda is all good, and no evil...
faith - or to the heroes and patriarchs of the Armenian people. For example, the noble houses of Vahevuni
Vahevuni was a region and family of the old Armenia c. 400–800.The main known rulers are:*Many Vahevuni c. 445*Gut or Giut Vahevuni c. 445*Bachel or Barchel Vahevuni c. 480*Samuel Vahevuni c. 590*Khosrov c. 595*Theodoros c. 640...
and Mehnuni were believed to be offspring of Vahagn
Vahagn was a god worshiped anciently and historically in Armenia. Some time in his existence, he formed a "triad" with Aramazd and Anahit. Vahagn was identified with the Greek Heracles. The priests of Vahévahian temple, who claimed Vahagn as their own ancestor, placed a statue of the Greek hero...
and Mihr
Mithra is the Zoroastrian divinity of covenant and oath. In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest and of The Waters....
, ancient Armenian deities of fire and war, and heavenly light and justice respectively. The House of Artzruni traced its origins to Sanasar, son of Mher from the Armenian epos Sasna Tzrer, i.e. to the same Persian deity Mihr
Mithra is the Zoroastrian divinity of covenant and oath. In addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest and of The Waters....
. According to the Armenian aristocratic tradition, the princely houses of Khorkhoruni
Khorkhoruni was a region and a noble family of ancient and medieval Armenia c. 400–800.The known rulers are:*Gadecho Khorkhoruni c. 445*Khoren I Khorkhoruni c. 450*Gadich Khorkhoruni c. 451*Khoren II Khorkoruni c. 451*Gardchuyl Khorkhoruni c. 480...
, Bznuni
Bznuni was a minor noble family of old Armenia that ruled Bznuniq until c. 335....
, Mandakuni
Mandakuni was a region and a family of the old Armenia c. 300–800.About 451 were rulers Pharsman Mandakuni and Sahak Mandakuni....
, Rshtuni
Rshtuni was an old Armenian noble house which ruled the region of Rshtuniq who were purportedly descendants of Rusas I of Urartu.The first attested member of the house is Manadjihr Rshtuni from about 330, brother of Zora, attested in 335 and 350 both of whom revolted against the King of Armenia...
, Manavazian
Manavazian was a region and a family of the old Armenia c. 300–800, in the region of Manazkert....
, Angelea (Angegh tun), Varajnuni
Varazhnuni was a noble house of old Armenia that ruled the district of Varazhnunik....
, Ohanian, Cartozian, Apahuni, Arran tun and some others, are all believed to be direct descendants of Nahapet (Patriarch) Hayk
Hayk Nahapet is the legendary patriarch and founder of the Armenian nation. His story is told in the History of Armenia attributed to the Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi .- Etymology :...
, whose epithet was Dyutsazn (from Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek is the stage of the Greek language in the periods spanning the times c. 9th–6th centuries BC, , c. 5th–4th centuries BC , and the c. 3rd century BC – 6th century AD of ancient Greece and the ancient world; being predated in the 2nd millennium BC by Mycenaean Greek...
θεός, meaning "divine"), or of Hayk's descendants. It is quite common in all parts of the world for members of the nobility to purport to trace their ancestry back to gods, or legendary heroes.
Historical origins
The historians mention various numbers of the Armenian noble houses during different periods of Armenian history. Sometimes their number is mentioned to be ninety, yet at other times it reaches up to three hundred. Certainly, the number of the Armenian noble houses did change in the course of time as the aristocratic class was itself subject to flux.The first attested Armenian royal dynasty was the Orontids ruling Armenia as a satrapy of the Persian Empire in the 4th century BC. They are preceded by legendary or semi-legendary patriarchs of Armenian tradition, first recorded in the History attributed to Moses of Chorene (Movses Khorenatsi), written circa the 7th century.
The noble houses of Rshtuni
Rshtuni was an old Armenian noble house which ruled the region of Rshtuniq who were purportedly descendants of Rusas I of Urartu.The first attested member of the house is Manadjihr Rshtuni from about 330, brother of Zora, attested in 335 and 350 both of whom revolted against the King of Armenia...
, Mokats, Artzruni and others originated from tribal rulers or clans already in antiquity. Some others, such as the Mamikonian
Mamikonian, Mamikoneans, or Mamigonian was a noble family which dominated Armenian politics between the 4th and 8th century. They ruled the Armenian regions of Taron, Sasun, Bagrevand and others...
s or Aravelians, were granted noble titles and/or offices, such as aspet
Aspet was a hereditary military title of the Armenian nobility, usually found within the Bagratuni family.The name has been derived from either the Old Persian *viƒa/visapati “head of the clan”, or in more likelihood aspapati, later aspbad/-bed which designated the Iranian office of Master of the...
, 'coronator' and sparapet
Sparapet was a hereditary military rank that originated in the 2nd century BC, under the reign of King Artashes I, and was used in the Kingdom of Armenia and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia , was supreme commander of the armed forces. It was the equivalent of the Parthian Spahbod Sparapet was a...
, 'generalissimo
Generalissimo and Generalissimus are military ranks of the highest degree, superior to Field Marshal and other five-star ranks.-Usage:...
' by special decrees of medieval Armenian kings for their services to the royal court or the nation.
Although the vast majority of the Armenian nobility was of Armenian origin the historical sources still mention quite significant foreign influxes into the aristocratic class. These assimilated foreign families were predominantly of Indo-European
The Proto-Indo-Europeans were the speakers of the Proto-Indo-European language , a reconstructed prehistoric language of Eurasia.Knowledge of them comes chiefly from the linguistic reconstruction, along with material evidence from archaeology and archaeogenetics...
origin, such as Persians
Persian people
The Persian people are part of the Iranian peoples who speak the modern Persian language and closely akin Iranian dialects and languages. The origin of the ethnic Iranian/Persian peoples are traced to the Ancient Iranian peoples, who were part of the ancient Indo-Iranians and themselves part of...
, Alans
The Alans, or the Alani, occasionally termed Alauni or Halani, were a group of Sarmatian tribes, nomadic pastoralists of the 1st millennium AD who spoke an Eastern Iranian language which derived from Scytho-Sarmatian and which in turn evolved into modern Ossetian.-Name:The various forms of Alan —...
, Medes
The MedesThe Medes...
, Greeks
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Included in Ancient Greece is the...
and Romans
Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world....
. The Iranian
Iranian peoples
The Iranian peoples are an Indo-European ethnic-linguistic group, consisting of the speakers of Iranian languages, a major branch of the Indo-European language family, as such forming a branch of Indo-European-speaking peoples...
aristocratic component was particularly numerous. Many Armenian noble houses were either linked to the Iranian nobility through dynastic marriages or were Iranians (Persians
Persian people
The Persian people are part of the Iranian peoples who speak the modern Persian language and closely akin Iranian dialects and languages. The origin of the ethnic Iranian/Persian peoples are traced to the Ancient Iranian peoples, who were part of the ancient Indo-Iranians and themselves part of...
, Parthians, Medes
The MedesThe Medes...
) by origin. The latter included renowned houses such as those of the Arshakuni, Artashesian, and Pahlavuni
Pahlavuni was an Armenian noble family that rose to prominence in the late 10th century during the last years of the Bagratuni monarchy.-Origins:...
(from Sassanid Persian noble family Pahlavani and originally Parthavoni, indicating Parthia
Parthia is a region of north-eastern Iran, best known for having been the political and cultural base of the Arsacid dynasty, rulers of the Parthian Empire....
n origin from Persia). Examples of non-Armenian but Indo-European noble houses would include the families of Aravelian
Aravelian was a region and family of the old Armenia c. 400–800.In 451, it is reported that there were four rulers that acted jointly: Phapag, Phabak, Varonden and Tal or Dal Aravelian. In 640 the ruler was Khatchean Aravelian....
s and Ropseans; the first were Alans
The Alans, or the Alani, occasionally termed Alauni or Halani, were a group of Sarmatian tribes, nomadic pastoralists of the 1st millennium AD who spoke an Eastern Iranian language which derived from Scytho-Sarmatian and which in turn evolved into modern Ossetian.-Name:The various forms of Alan —...
and the latter Romans by origin.
Non-Indo-European components were never significant among the Armenian nobility and they normally appear at later stages of Armenian history. Some suggest that the Mamikonian
Mamikonian, Mamikoneans, or Mamigonian was a noble family which dominated Armenian politics between the 4th and 8th century. They ruled the Armenian regions of Taron, Sasun, Bagrevand and others...
clan originates from a Chinese
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...
refugee named Mamgun who for his services was elevated to the ranks of nobleman by one of the Armenian kings. Some Armenian Christian
Christianity is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus as presented in canonical gospels and other New Testament writings...
historians tend to derive certain Armenian noble houses from Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia is a toponym for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, largely corresponding to modern-day Iraq, northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran.Widely considered to be the cradle of civilization, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the...
n or other roots. For example, in his History of Armenia, Movses Khorenatsi
Movses Khorenatsi
Moses of Chorene, also Moses of Khoren, Moses Chorenensis, or Movses Khorenatsi , or a 7th to 9th century date) was an Armenian historian, and author of the History of Armenia....
traces the family origins of his sponsor prince Sahak Bagratuni
Sahak Bagratuni
Sahak VII Bagratuni was Prince of Armenia . He was preceded by Adhur Guschnasp and succeeded by Vahan Mamikonian....
to non-Armenian roots. However, the historical sources prove the existence of the Bagratuni family in the most oldest period of Armenian history and speak of them as aboriginal
Indigenous peoples
Indigenous peoples are ethnic groups that are defined as indigenous according to one of the various definitions of the term, there is no universally accepted definition but most of which carry connotations of being the "original inhabitants" of a territory....
Armenians. The linguistic analysis also maintains that the name Bagarat probably is of Indo-European
Indo-European may refer to:* Indo-European languages** Aryan race, a 19th century and early 20th century term for those peoples who are the native speakers of Indo-European languages...
origin and stems from the Middle Persian
Middle Persian
Middle Persian , indigenously known as "Pârsig" sometimes referred to as Pahlavi or Pehlevi, is the Middle Iranian language/ethnolect of Southwestern Iran that during Sassanid times became a prestige dialect and so came to be spoken in other regions as well. Middle Persian is classified as a...
words Bhaga
Sanskrit is a term for "lord, patron", but also for "wealth, prosperity". The cognate term in Avestan and Old Persian is , of uncertain meaning but used in a sense in which "lord, patron" might also apply. A Slavic cognate is "god"...
(god) and Arat (plentiful, rich), i.e. literally "divine plenitude" or "god's richness". It is remarkable that Prince Bagratuni himself rejected Khorenatsi's version of the origins of his family. Exotic descents were in vogue among the early medieval Armenian aristocratic families. However, there is no evidence supporting any of these claims of descent.
The institutions and structure of the Armenian nobility
The nobilityNobility
Nobility is a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminence than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be...
always played an important role in Armenian society. This inter alia
Inter Alia
-Track listing:# Inter Alia# Outfox'd # Righteous Badass # The Altogether feat. Bix, Apt, UNIVERSE ARM and Cal# The Day-to-Daily# Trouble Brewing # The Prestidigitator# The Force...
is evidenced through the evolution of the term naharar. Initially this term referred to the hereditary governors of the Armenian provinces and was used with the meaning of "ruler" and "governor". The same title could mean a particularly honorable service (nahararutyun, naharardom) at the Armenian royal court. Examples of such heritable services or naharardoms are aspetutyun (coronation, which traditionally belonged to the house of Bagratuni), sparapetutyun (commander-in-chief of the Armenian army, which traditionally belonged to the house of Mamikonean), hazarapetutyun (chancellery and taxation, which were inheritably managed by the houses of Gnuni and Amatuni
Amatuni was an ancient Armenian noble family, known from the 4th century in the canton of Artaz, between lakes Van and Urmia, with its center at Shavarshan , and subsequently also at Aragatsotn, west of Lake Sevan, with the residence at Oshakan.- History :Probably of Caspio-Median origin, this...
), and malhazutyun (royal guard that was traditionally organized and headed to the house of Khorkhoruni
Khorkhoruni was a region and a noble family of ancient and medieval Armenia c. 400–800.The known rulers are:*Gadecho Khorkhoruni c. 445*Khoren I Khorkhoruni c. 450*Gadich Khorkhoruni c. 451*Khoren II Khorkoruni c. 451*Gardchuyl Khorkhoruni c. 480...
). However, in the course of hereditary consolidation of gavar
Gavar , is a city and the provincial capital of the Armenian province of Gegharkunik. It was known as Nor Bayezet or Novyi Bayazet until 1959, then Kamo until 1996...
s (provinces) or royal court services by noble houses, the term naharar has changed its original meaning and gradually transformed into a generic equivalent of "aristocrat", "nobleman". Accordingly, the aristocratic families started to be called naharar houses or naharardoms. Along with this analysis, there is another interpretation of term naharar, which is based on Armenian nah and arar, i.e. "the first created" or "the first borne".
The meaning of term naharar was evolving in parallel with consolidation of the noble houses' hereditary rights over counties of Great Armenia. For example the county of Great Albak was traditionally inherited by the noble house of Artzruni, county of Taron
Taron may refer to: * Taron , a region of historic Armenia* Taron , an ethnic group in Myanmar* Taron, a genus of gastropods in the family Fasciolariidae...
by the house of Slkuni, and the county of Rshtuniq
Rshtunik was a region of the old Armenia, in Vaspurakan, East of Antzevasiq. It was ruled by the family Rshtuni....
by the house of Rshtuni
Rshtuni was an old Armenian noble house which ruled the region of Rshtuniq who were purportedly descendants of Rusas I of Urartu.The first attested member of the house is Manadjihr Rshtuni from about 330, brother of Zora, attested in 335 and 350 both of whom revolted against the King of Armenia...
. Even prior to this consolidation the traditional aristocratic emblems and coat-of-arms emerge. The latter often is deeply rooted in the ancient kinship and tribal beliefs and totems of the Armenian clans. Although the information on Armenian heraldry is quite limited, nevertheless it is well known that the most common symbols were those of the eagle, lion, and mountain ram. For example, the coat-of-arms of the Artashesian dynasty consisted of two eagles with the symbol of sun in the middle. An eagle holding a sheep was also the house symbol of Bagratuni naharardom. The dynastic emblem of the Cilician Armenian royal house of Lusignan
The Lusignan family originated in Poitou near Lusignan in western France in the early 10th century. By the end of the 11th century, they had risen to become the most prominent petty lords in the region from their castle at Lusignan...
(Lusinian) reflected west European heraldic influence and consisted of red lions and crosses on the yellow and blue background of the shield. The naharar families of ancient Armenia were listed in the so-called Gahnamaks and Zoranamaks, which were the official inventories or registrars that were positioning the families based on the criteria of honor, virtue and esteem. The difference between Gahnamak and Zoranamak were in the listing criteria that were determining the esteem почетности of the noble family. Zoranamak was based on the military strength of the houses, i.e. the number of possessed cavalry and infantry, responsibility in defending the northern, eastern, southern and western borders of Armenia, as well as the size of the troops that the noble houses were placing under the command of the king of Armenia in times of military campaigns. Unlike Zoranamak, Gahnamak was listing the noble houses based on the criteria of political and economic importance of the houses, size of their estates, their wealth, as well as their connections and influence over the royal courts.
Two other notions of the Armenian nobility relating to Gahnamak and Zoranamak are those of bardz and pativ. Bardz literally means "cushion". It was the seat that was occupied by the head of the noble house at the royal table, be it during the council or during the festivities. The word bardz derives from these cushions on which the lords of houses were seated on special occasions. Bardzes - literally cushioned seats at the royal table but more broadly the actual status at the royal court - were distributed on the basis of pativ, i.e. literally the honor and esteem of the noble houses. The latter, most probably wуку fixed in Gahnamaks and Zoranamaks.
Gahnamak (literally: "throne registrar", borrowed from Middle PersianMiddle Persian
Middle Persian , indigenously known as "Pârsig" sometimes referred to as Pahlavi or Pehlevi, is the Middle Iranian language/ethnolect of Southwestern Iran that during Sassanid times became a prestige dialect and so came to be spoken in other regions as well. Middle Persian is classified as a...
Gâh namag) - was an official state document, list of places and thrones (bardzes) that the Armenian princes and naharars were occupying at the royal court of Armenia. The throne of the prince or naharar was defined by his economic or military strength (according to the Zoranamak, from Middle Persian
Middle Persian
Middle Persian , indigenously known as "Pârsig" sometimes referred to as Pahlavi or Pehlevi, is the Middle Iranian language/ethnolect of Southwestern Iran that during Sassanid times became a prestige dialect and so came to be spoken in other regions as well. Middle Persian is classified as a...
Zor namag, literally: "strength registrar"), as well as according to the ancient tradition. Gahnamak was composed and sealed by the King of Armenia, because the naharars (lords) were considered to be his vassal
A vassal or feudatory is a person who has entered into a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch in the context of the feudal system in medieval Europe. The obligations often included military support and mutual protection, in exchange for certain privileges, usually including the grant of land held...
s. Naharar thrones (gahs, i.e. the positions at the royal court) were changing rarely and were inherited from father to son. Only in special circumstances - such as high treason
High treason
High treason is criminal disloyalty to one's government. Participating in a war against one's native country, attempting to overthrow its government, spying on its military, its diplomats, or its secret services for a hostile and foreign power, or attempting to kill its head of state are perhaps...
, cessation of the family etc. - the king had the right to make some changes in the Gahnamak. The sequence and classification of Armenian lords' thrones had been defined and observed from the ancient times.
According to Khorenatsi, the first actual listing of lords in the shape of Gahnamak was Armenian king Vagharshak. According to the recorded sources, the classification of Armenian lords' thrones in the form of Gahnamak existed throughout the reign of Arshakuni (Arsacide) dynasty (the 1st - 5th centuries). The same system was continued during the Marzpanian period in the history of Armenia (the 5th - 7th centuries), i.e. during the supremacy of the Sasanian kings of Persia. There are significant discrepancies and inaccuracies in the data of Gahnamaks of different centuries regarding the number of princely houses and degrees of their thrones. According to the Gahnamak of the 4th century preserved in "The Deeds of Nerses", during the reign of king Arshak II
Arshak II
Arshak II or Arsaces II, was the son of King Tiran and was himself king of Armenia from 350 to 367.- Reign :In the early years of Arshak's reign, he found himself courted by the empires of Rome and Persia, both of which hope to win Armenia to their side in the ongoing conflicts between them...
(350-368) the number of the Armenian aristocratic houses reached 400. However the author of "The Deeds" mentions the family names of only 167 lords, 13 of whom did not have a throne. The author himself explains that he is incapable of listing all of them. Armenian historian of the 13th century Stepanos Orbelian
Stepanos Orbelian
Stepanos Orbelian was a thirteenth century Armenian historian and the Metropolitan of the province of Syunik. He is known for writing his well-researched Patmut'yun Nahangin Sisakan, or History of the Province of Syunik.-Biography:...
also mentions 400 naharar thrones, who had "throne and respect" at the royal court of king Trdat III (287-332). Pavstos Buzand
Faustus of Byzantium
Faustus of Byzantium was an Armenian historian of the 5th century. He wrote a six volume history, of which the first two volumes are lost. He described in details the reign of Arshak II and his son Pap of Armenia...
mentions 900 princely lords, who carried honorary services at the royal court and who sat on a special throne (gah) or cushion (bardz).
The Gahnamak is believed to be written by Armenian Catholic Sahak Parthev (387-439), whose surname indicates distant Persian origin from the Parthav or Parthia
Parthia is a region of north-eastern Iran, best known for having been the political and cultural base of the Arsacid dynasty, rulers of the Parthian Empire....
n clan. Sahak Parthev made the registrar available to the Sasanian Persian court, mentioning a total of 70 Armenian naharars. In another source of the 4th century 86 naharars were listed. According to the Arab chronologist Yacoubi (the 9th century) there were 113 lords in the administrative province of Arminiya, whereas another Arab historian, Yacout al-Hamavi (the 12-13th centuries) the number of Armenian principalities was 118. Armenian historians Agathangelos, Pavstos Buzand, Yeghishe, Lazar Parbetsi, Movses Khorenatsi, Sebeos and others also provided numerous data and information about Armenian princely houses and lords. However, the Gahnamaks and lists of naharars (princely houses), based on these data and information, remain incomplete.
Internal divisions
The Armenian nobility had an internal division. The social pyramid of the Armenian nobility was headed by the king, in Armenian arqa. The term arqa originates from the common Aryan root that has equivalents in the name for monarchs in other Indo-European languagesIndo-European languages
The Indo-European languages are a family of several hundred related languages and dialects, including most major current languages of Europe, the Iranian plateau, and South Asia and also historically predominant in Anatolia...
: arxatos in Greek
Greek language
Greek is an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Native to the southern Balkans, it has the longest documented history of any Indo-European language, spanning 34 centuries of written records. Its writing system has been the Greek alphabet for the majority of its history;...
, raja in Indo-Aryan
Indo-Aryan languages
The Indo-Aryan languages constitutes a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages, itself a branch of the Indo-European language family...
, regia or regnum in Latin
Latin is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages, is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is considered a dead language, a number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and...
, roi in French
French language
French is a Romance language spoken as a first language in France, the Romandy region in Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, the regions of Quebec and Acadia in Canada, and by various communities elsewhere. Second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts...
, and reis in Persian
Persian language
Persian is an Iranian language within the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European languages. It is primarily spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and countries which historically came under Persian influence...
The sons of the king, i.e. princes, were called sepuh. The elder son, who was also the crown prince and was called avag sepuh, had a particular role. In the case of king's death the avag sepuh automatically would inherit the crown, unless there were other prior arrangements.
The second layer in the social division of the Armenian nobility was occupied by bdeshkhs. Bdeshkh was a ruler of a big borderland province of historical Great Armenia. They were de facto viceroys and by their privileges were very close to the king. Bdeshkhs had their own armies, taxation and duties system, and could even produce their own coins.
The third layer of the Armenian aristocracy after the king and the bdeshkhs was composed by ishkhans, i.e. princes. Ishkhan normally would have a hereditary estate known as hayreniq and residence caste - dastakert. Armenian princely houses (or clans) were headed by tanuter. By its meaning the word tun (house) is very close to tohm (clan). Accordingly, tanuter meant "houselord" or "lord of the clan".
Organizationally, the Armenian nobility was headed by Grand Duke - metz ishxan or ishxanac ishxan in Armenian, who in some historical chronicles is also called metzametz. He was the marshal of Armenian nobility and had special privileges and duties. For example, in case of king's death and if there was no inheriting sepuh (crown prince), it was the grand duke who would temporarily take the responsibilities and perform the duties of the king until the issues of succession to the throne are resolved. In reality, however, the successions to the throne would be arranged in advance or would be resolved in the course of feuds and intestine strives.
Thus, the social pyramid of the nobility of Great Armenia includes the following layers:
- Arqa (king)
- Bdeshkh (viceroy)
- Ishkhanats ishkhan (grand duke)
- Ishkhan (prince)
This division, however, reflects the specific tradition of Great Armenia in its early period in history. Naturally, in time the social structure of nobility was undergoing changes that would the specifics of Armenian territories, historical era, and the specifics social relations. For example, in medieval times the names and composition of the nobility of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Kilikia) underwent certain changes:
Great Armenia
- Arqa
- Bdeshkh
- Ishkhanats Ishkhan (or Metz Ishkhan)
- Ishkhan
Cilician Armenia
- Tagavor or Inqnakal
- Bdeshkh
- Paronats Paron (or Metz Paron)
- Paron
Cilician Armenia adopted many peculiarities of west European classification of the nobility, such as paron (deriving from "baron"), ter or sinyor (senior), berdater (castle lord) etc. Besides, in Cilicia emerged Armenian knighthood which was also considered to be part of the nobility despite the fact that knights themselves - called dziawor и hetzelwor - did not always originate from parons.
Some other features also suffered changes. For example, whereas the salutation for the noblemen in Great Armenia was tiar or ter, in Cilician Armenia a new form of salutation was added to these, namely paron. The latter became the most popular form of greeting and gradually changed its meaning to the equivalent of "mister" in modern Armenian.
In late mediaeval
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...
Armenia and in the new age a variety of nobility titles existed in different nahangs (provinces) of the country. For example, in Artsakh of the Khamsa period (i.e. period of "five principalities") the title of ishkhan (prince) was used in its local equivalent - that of melik (a 'devaluated' Arabic word for king). Below melik - or sometimes in parallel with it - was the title of yuzbashi (from? the Turkish officer rank, literally "lord of the hundred" warriors).
With the annexation of eastern Armenia - i.e. Karabakh, Yerevan, Nakhichevan and Kars provinces - into the Russian Empire the titles, traditions and social institutions of the Russian nobility become dominant among the Armenian aristocrats as they were integrated into the imperial nobility Russian (rather western) style.
Princely families of ancient Great Armenia
Family name (gavar-county, ashxarh-province)- Abeluni - Abelean - Abeghean** (Abeleanq / Abegheanq, Ayrarat)
- Abeluni - Abelean other - Abelean the second
- Abitean - Abithean
- Adahuni (Mazaz, Ayrarat)
- Alberkatsi - Aghberkatsi
- Alelnadroshn - Agheghnadroshn
- Aknuni - Akeoy - Akeats - Akeatsi - Akean (Ake, Vaspurakan)
- Aldznuni - Aldznats tun - Aghdzn (Aldzn, Aldzniq)
- Alkuni - Aghkuni
- Alnevuni - Alesuni - Aghesuni - Alevan - Aghevan
- Amaskuni
- Amatuni (Artaz, Vaspurakan)
- Amatuni the second
- Andzevatsi (Andzevatsiq, Vaspurakan)
- Andzevatsi other
- Andzit - Andzit tun - Andzteatsi - Andzitoy (Andzit, Tzopq)
- Angel tun - Angegh tun - Angelay (Angelay, Aldzniq)
- Apahuni (Apahuniq, Tauruberan)
- Apahuni other
- Apekuni
- Aqatzi - Aqatzetsi - Aqatzu
- Aragatzean (Aragatzotn, Ayrarat)
- Aramean
- Aran - Arran tun (Great Arranq, Artsakh)
- Aravelean - Arravelean - Aravelian (Vanand-Zarishat, Ayrarat)
- Aravenean - Arravenean - Aravenian
- Arberani - Arberuni - Arberanean - Arshakuni (Arberani, Vaspurakan)
- Arnoy - Arnoy (Arnoyotn, Vaspurakan)
- Arqatzots - Artzvots
- Arshakuni - Arshakean - Aliovitean (Aliovit, Vaspurakan)
- Arshamuni - Arshmuni (Arshamuniq, Turuberan)
- Arshamuni (Arshamuniq, Tzopq)
- Arsharuni (Arsharuniq, Ayrarat)
- Arshuni
- Artakuni
- Artashatean - Artashamean (Ayrarat)
- Artashisean - Artashesean (Artashiseanq, Vaspurakan)
- Artzruni (Great Albak, Vaspurakan)
- Artzruni the second
- Artzruni the third
- Arutchean
- Ashahmarean
- Ashots - Ashotsean (Ashotsq, Ayrarat)
- Ashtortsean - Hashtotsean
- Ashxadarean***
- Ashxagorean
- Aspakuni - Spakowni (Aspakuneats Dzor, Tauruberan)
- Asparaxazn
- Asparuni - Sparuni
- Atrpatuni - Apatuni (Atrpatuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Awatzatsi - Avatzatsi
- Arartuni - Ayraratean (Maseatsotn, Ayrarat)
- Aytruni
- Aytzenakan
- Balasakan
- Bardzruni
- BagawaneanBagawaneanThe Bagawanean are a noble family of nakharars in Armenia and are of hereditary right to Bagrevand with Armenia in the province of Ararat. Variations include Bagawanian, Bagdasarean, Bagdasarian...
(Bagrevand, Ayrarat) - Bagdasarean - BagdasarianBagdasarianThe Bagdasarian are a noble family of Nakharars in Armenia and are of hereditary right to Bagrevand with Armenia in the province of Ararat. Variations include Bagawanean, Bagawanian, Bagdasarean....
- Bagraspuni?
- Bagratuni - Aspetuni - Aspetn - Bagraspuni (Bagrevand?, Ayrarat)
- Bagratuni - Aspetuni - Aspetn - Bagraspuni (Sper, Bardzr Hayq)
- Bagratuni - Aspetuni - Aspetn - Bagraspuni (Tayq)
- Barmean - Barmian
- Basenoy - Basenean - Basenatsi (Basean, Ayrarat)
- Bjuni - Bjnuni
- Boguni (Boguniq, Vaspurakan)
- Bujuni (Bujuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Buxa Dimaqsean (Tayq)
- Bznuni - Baznuni - Bazauni (Bznuniq, Tauruberan)
- Chighb - Tchighb
- Darbandean
- Dashtkaruni - Dashtkarin (Karin, Bardzr Hayq)
- Datavtchirean
- Derjayin - Derjani - Derdzani (Derjan, Bardzr Hayq)
- Dimaqsean - Dimaksian (Tayq)
- Dimaqsean (Shirak, Ayrarat)
- Dimaqsean other
- Dramadn - Dramatn
- Droshakirn
- Dziunakan - Dzyunakan - Dziwnakan - Paluni (Dziunakanq / Paluniq, Tauruberan)
- Dzolkert - Dzoghkertn
- Dzorabnakean
- Gabeluni - Gabelean - Gabeghean - Gabeuni (Gabeleanq / Gabegheanq, Ayrarat)
- Gabitean - Gabithian (Gabiteanq, Vaspurakan)
- Gamrean (Gamirq)
- Gardmanay - Gardmanats - Gardmanits (Utiq)
- Gargaratsi
- Gashottsean
- Gavarapetn - Gavarapetn
- Gazrikean - Gazrikian (Gazrikeanq, Vaspurakan)
- Gelamean (Gegharquniq, Siuniq)
- Gison - Gisanean - Gisanian
- Gnthuni (Nig, Ayrarat)
- Gnthuni the second
- Gnuni (Aliovit-Zarishat, Tauruberan)
- Gogarats - Gugaratsi (Gugarq)
- Goltan - Goghtan - Goghtnats - Golthnatsi (Goghtn, Vaspurakan)
- Goroghvayn - Gorolvayn
- Gowkean - Gukan (Gukan, Vaspurakan)
- Grchuni - Grtzchuni
- Gushar
- Haduni
- Hamazguni
- Hambujean - Hamutsean - Hambujian
- Harqean - Harqian (Harq, Tauruberan)
- Hashtuni - Ashtishatean (Tauruberan)
- Hashtuni - Hashteits - Hashtean (Hashteanq, Tzophq)
- Havnuni (Havnuniq, Ayrarat)
- Haykazuni - Haykazean (Harq / Arq, Tauruberan)
- Herheruni - Heruni (Her, Parskahayq)
- Hetchmatakn
- Huripean
- Hyuranean - Hisanean
- Hyusnakan - Hiwsnakan
- Kadmean
- Kalarjean - Kagharjean - Klarjean (Tayq?)
- Kamsarakan (Shirak, Ayrarat)
- Karqayin
- Kartozyan-Cartozian
- Karthuni - Karthean - Korthean (Kartuniq, Kortchayq)
- Kaspuni - Kazb - Kaspetsi - Kaspats (Paytaqaran)
- Kazmuni - Kazbuni
- Kananatsi
- Kayushean
- Klznuni - Kghznuni - Kghzuni
- Klundi - Kghundi
- Koghovtuni - Koghovtean - Kolovtean (Koghovit, Ayrarat)
- Konakean
- Korduats - Korduatsots - Kordvatsi (Kortchayq)
- Krtchuni (Krtchuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Kruni - Kruni
- Lekandrean
- Lernakan - Lernakan
- Mahkert tun (Kortchayq)
- Malxazuni - Malxazn - Malxazean - Maxean (Her, Parskahayq)
- Mamikonean - Mamikonian (Tayq)
- Mamikonean - Mamikonian (Taron, Tauruberan)
- Manavazean (Manavazeanq, Tauruberan)
- Mandakuni (Mandakuniq / Arshamuniq, Tauruberan)
- Manuean
- Mardaxean - Mardalean - Mardaghean
- Mardpetuni - Mardpetn - Mardpetakan - Hayruni (Mardastan, Vaspurakan)
- Maxaluni - Mashxaluni
- Maznuni - Mazkeni - Mazazatsi (Mazaz, Ayrarat)
- Mehnuni
- Mehruni - Mihruni
- Melik-Babakhanyan
- Melitean
- Metznuni (Artchishatovit-Metznuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Mlruni - Mghruni - Mxruni
- Mokats - Mokatsi (Mokq)
- Molean - Moloean (Karin, Bardzr Hayq)
- Mruni
- Muatsean - Msatsean
- Muratsan - Maratswots - Maratsean (Vaspurakan?)
- Namakuni
- Naxtcheri
- Netoghn
- Norberuni
- Paluni - Palnay tun (Paluniq, Tzopq)
- Paluni (Paluniq, Vaspurakan)
- Paluni the second
- Parspatuni - Parspuni - Parsparuni (Parspatuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Perejuni
- Pharatchuni - Ratchuni
- Pokayuni
- Qalaqapetn - Qaghaqapetn - Qalaqapetn arquni
- Qajberuni (Artchesh gavar, Turuberan)
- Qarean
- Qavpetuni - Qamuni - Qaypetuni
- Qolean - Qalean - Qaghean - Qaluni, Qalay tun - Goshean (Qal?, Aldzniq)
- Rapsonean - Ropsean - Aropsuni (Naxijevan, Vaspurakan)
- Razmuni - Razmuni
- Rmbosean - Rmbosean
- Rshtuni - Rshtuni - Arshtuni (Rshtuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Rshtuni the second
- Sagrasuni
- Saharuni
- Sahuni - Shahuni (Sahuniq, Tzopq)
- Saluni - Salnoy tun (Saluniq, Aldzniq)
- Sanasuni - Sasnay (Sasun, Aldzniq)
- Santourian-
- Saprasmean
- Sasanean
- Sebastean
- Shahapuni
- Shahorapetn - Shahakhorapet arquni
- Shakhnazaryan
- Sharaean (Shirak, Ayrarat)
- Shavarshean - Sanasarean
- Sisakean - Sisakan - Sisanean (Sisian, Siuniq)
- Siuni - Syuni - Syunetsi (Siuniq / Syuniq)
- Siuni the second - Syuneats the second
- Slkuni - Sikluni - Slakuni - Sulkuni (Taron, Tauruberan)
- Spanduni (Spanduniq, Paytakaran)
- Sruni - Suruni
- Srvandztean - Srwandztean
- Surean - Sirean
- Tamberatsi - Mamberatsi (Tamber, Parskahayq)
- Tashiroy - Tashratsi - Tashrats (Tashirq, Gugarq)
- Tashiroy - Tashratsi - Tashrats (Tashir / Tashirq, Lori, Ayrarat)
- Tathevean (Siuniq)
- Taygrean (Taygreanq, Vaspurakan)
- Tayots - Tayetsi (Tayq)
- Tharmuni
- Tchakatamugh
- Tchitchraketsi - Chichraketsi
- Thruni - Truni
- Tlquni - Tlqean - Mlqean?
- Torosean
- Tphxuni
- Trpatuni - Treypatuni - Tirpatuni - Trdatuni (Trpatuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Tsul
- Turberanean (Tauruberan)
- Tushuni - Tushkuni
- Tzalkuni - Tzghkuni (Tzaghkotn, Ayrarat)
- Tzavdeatsi - Tzawdeatsi - Sawdetsi (Sotq, Siuniq)
- Tzaythiuni
- Tzopats - Tzophuni (Tzopq)
- Urtza - Urtzetsi - Urtzi (Urtz / Urtzadzor, Ayrarat)
- Uteats - Uteatsi (Utiq)
- Vagraspuni
- Vahanuni
- Vahevuni - Vahnuni - Vahuni - Vahuneats (Vahevuniq, Tauruberan)
- Vahevuni the second
- Vanandatsi - Vananday - Vanandoy - Vanandian (Vanand, Ayrarat)
- Vanandatsi the second
- Varajnuni (Varajnuniq, Ayrarat)
- Varajnuni - Varaznuni (Varajnuniq, Tauruberan)
- Varajnuni - Varaznuni (Varajnuniq, Vaspurakan)
- Varaspakean
- Varazatakean - Varazean
- Varduni - Vardanean - Vardeshean
- Vardzavuni (Vardzavuniq, Gugarq)
- Varnuni - Varnuni
- Vaykuni (Vaykuniq, Artsakh)
- Vijanuni - Vijuni - Vijani (Vijanuniq, Bardzr Hayq)
- Virats - Virakan
- Vorduni - Worduni (Vorduniq, Vaspurakan)
- Vorduni (Basean-Vorduniq, Ayrarat)
- Vorsapetn - Vorsapetn arquni
- Voskemani
- Vrean
- Vrnjuni - Vrnjnuni
- Vtchenits tun - Vtchenits
- Xachean
- Xalbean - Xaghbean
- Xalthuni - Xaghtean
- Xnuni
- Xordzean - Xortchean - Xordzenits - Xoreni (Xordzeanq, Tzopq)
- Xorxoruni - Khorkhoruni (Xorxoruniq / Khorkhoruniq, Tauruberan)
- Xorxoruni the second
- Yedesean - Edesian
- Yerevaray - Yerewaray (Yerevarq, Tauruberan)
- Yermanthuni
- Yervanduni (Yervanduniq - Hayots Dzor, Vaspurakan)
- Yntzay - Yntzayetsi - Yntzayeni - Andzakhi (Vaspurakan)
- Zanahtchirapen - Vanahtchirapetn
- Zarehavanean (Zarehavan, Parskahayq)
- Zarehuni (=Zarehavanean?)
Princely families of the Armenian Kingdom of Kilikia (Cilicia)
- Hetumian
- Lusinian (Lusignan)
- Rubinian
Princely families of late medieval Armenia
- Amatuni
- Artzruni
- Artzruni-Mahkanaberdci (princes of Mahkanaberd)
- Artzruni-Kogovit (princes of Kogovit)
- Bagratuni
- Kiurikian
- Ohani (Ohanian)
- Orbeli (Orbelian) (princes of Siunik)
- Pahlavuni (princes of Aragatzotn)
- Tornikian
- Vachutian
- Xaghbakian-Proshian (princes of BjniBjniBjni is a village in the Kotayk Province of Armenia. It is situated in a valley between canyon walls and a small river. Throughout Bjni's history, it has remained one of the main centers of education in Armenia. Some manuscripts from Bjni dated to the 12th to 17th centuries have survived...
, GarniGarniGarni is a village in the Kotayk Province of Armenia, situated approximately 28 km southeast from Yerevan.- History :...
, GeghardGeghardFor the town, see Geghard, Armenia.The monastery of Geghard is a unique architectural construction in the Kotayk province of Armenia, being partially carved out of the adjacent mountain, surrounded by cliffs...
, NoravankNoravankNoravank is a 13th century Armenian Apostolic Church monastery, located 122 km from Yerevan in a narrow gorge made by the Amaghu river, nearby the city of Yeghegnadzor, Armenia. The gorge is known for its tall, sheer, brick-red cliffs, directly across from the monastery. The monastery is best...
) - Zakarian (princes of Armenia)
Princely families of Gandzak
- Meliks of Barsum
- Meliks of Getashen
- Meliks of Khachakap
- Meliks of Voskanapat
Princely families of Syuniq
- 11 melik houses
- Vardavantsi, Melik Vartavantsi, Tutundji Vartavantsi, Tutundjian de Vartavan (Vardavan[k], Siunik); [Offshoots of the Orbeli? (Prof. Hewsen)]. Later "bey(s)" in Egypt (under Fuad Ist & Farouk). Persian titles possible. Family historical website at: http://tutundjiandevartavan.atspace.com
Armenian Princely families of Artsakh (Karabakh)
- Aran tun
- Aranshahik (9th century - )
- Dopian (11th - 16th centuries) (meliks of Tzar or Upper Khachen)
- Vakhtangian (meliks of Haterk or Central Khachen)
Meliks of Khamsa
(15th - 19th century)- Melik Hasan-Jalalian (meliks of Khachen before 1755)
- Melik-Mirzakhanian (meliks of Khachen-Khndzristan after 1755)
- Melik-Shakhnazarian (meliks of Varanda)
- Melik-Avanian (meliks of Dizak)
- Melik-Beglarian (meliks of Gulistan)
- Melik-Mejlumian (meliks of Jraberd)
- Melik-Israeli (meliks of Jraberd before 1783)
- Melik-Alahverdian (meliks of Jraberd in 1783 - 1814)
- Melik Atabekian (meliks of Jraberd since 1814 - beginning of the 1850s)
Armenian princely families of 18 century Armenia and the Russian Empire
- Argutian - Argutinskiy-Dolgorukiy
- Bagratuni - Bagration
- Cartozian
- Hayrapetian
- Lazarian - Lazarev
- Loris-Melikian - Loris-Melikov (meliks of Lori)
- Madatian - Madatov
- Melikian - Melikov
- Melik-Shahnazarian (meliks of Gegharquniq)
- Melik-Vrtanesian
- Pirumian - Pirumov
- Smbatian - Sumbatian
- Vartanian
The fate and the present state of the Armenian nobility
The history of the Armenian nobility is as dramatic as that of the Armenian people. Sometimes, during internal feuds, entire noble houses would be exterminated. Many Armenian aristocratic families perished during wars with foreign invaders, notably ArabArab
Arab people, also known as Arabs , are a panethnicity primarily living in the Arab world, which is located in Western Asia and North Africa. They are identified as such on one or more of genealogical, linguistic, or cultural grounds, with tribal affiliations, and intra-tribal relationships playing...
s and Turks
Turkic peoples
The Turkic peoples are peoples residing in northern, central and western Asia, southern Siberia and northwestern China and parts of eastern Europe. They speak languages belonging to the Turkic language family. They share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical backgrounds...
. The latter quickly realized that the Armenian state was based on the national aristocracy and thus adopted policies of annihilation of the Armenian nobility. For example, in 705 the ostikan
Ostikan was the title of various oriental provincial governors.-Arab caliphate:After the prophet Mohammed and his testator heir and successor Abu Bakr has established the theocratic rule of Islam on most of the sparsely populated Arabian peninsula, the armies of the next caliphs victoriously...
(governor under the Arab caliphate) of Armenia deceitfully invited around 800 Armenian noblemen together with their guards to Nakhichevan as if for negotiations and massacred them all. Nevertheless, some Armenian noble houses lived through this tragedy and continued their efforts to liberate the country. Some descendants of the Armenian nobility achieved high-ranking positions at foreign royal courts. For example, the offspring of the Armenian noble house of Artzruni became influential grandees at the Georgian
Georgia (country)
Georgia is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the southwest by Turkey, to the south by Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan. The capital of...
court. The Georgian branch of the Armenian noble family of Bagratuni was enthroned as Bagrationi and became the reigning house in Georgia. An entire line of noblemen of Armenian descent reigned in Byzantium
Byzantium was an ancient Greek city, founded by Greek colonists from Megara in 667 BC and named after their king Byzas . The name Byzantium is a Latinization of the original name Byzantion...
. As a result of dynastic marriages, the descendants of the Armenian royal house of Lusignan (Lusinian), once ruling over Cilicia and Cyprus, merged with the representatives of the west European royal dynasty of Savoy reigning in parts of Italy. Some other offspring of naharar houses founded medieval Armenian aristocratic houses, such as the Cartozians, Proshians, Kyurikians, Orbelians, Artzrunis of Mahkanaberd, and the Tornikians, among others. These played a significant role in the struggle for the liberation of Armenia and the revival of Armenian statehood. In the 13th century particularly prominent were the Zakarian princes - brothers Zakare and Ivane - whose military strength and political influence in the united Armenian-Georgian state was so significant that they were de facto the fully-fledged rulers of the Armenian territories. The last strongholds of Armenian statehood were preserved by the semi-dependent princes (meliks) of Karabakh-Artsakh, also known as melikdoms of Khamsa (from Arabic word meaning "five principalities). These principalities preserved their status until the annexation of eastern Armenia into the Russian Empire. The Russian emperors either accepted the noble titles of the Armenian aristocracy or themselves elevated prominent representatives of Armenian origin in an effort to use the potential of the Armenian nobility. During this period the noble houses of Madatian (Madatov), Lazarian (Lazarev), Beybutian (Beybutov), Pirumyan (Pirumov), Loris-Melikian (Loris-Melikov) emerged.
The aristocratic tradition in Armenia suffered another blow during the Bolshevik
The Bolsheviks, originally also Bolshevists , derived from bol'shinstvo, "majority") were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party which split apart from the Menshevik faction at the Second Party Congress in 1903....
regime, when the nobility was dissolved as a social class and the noblemen underwent systematic oppression. Many representatives of the Armenian aristocracy were repressed, sentenced to prisons and work camps, or simply executed. Those who survived against all odds were forced to hide their aristocratic origins by changing family names and obliterating their family histories. Only a very few managed to preserve their family traditions by leaving the Communist regime and moving to other countries.
Steps toward revival
With the end of the Communist regime and independence of Armenia in 1991, important steps were made to revive the traditions of the Armenian nobility. In October 1992 the Union of the Armenian Noblemen (UAN) was created. The Union is registered at the Ministry of Justice of Armenia as a public non-governmental organization. The UAN is headed by doctor and academician Gevorg Pirumyan, Marshal of Nobility.The Union of the Armenian Noblemen has around 400 members representing aristocratic houses of Armenia. Membership in the Union is open to descendants of old and new Armenian noble families, as well as to the foreign titled nobility that reside in Armenia and abroad, regardless their political or religious views, and age and sex. The UAN conducts its activities in accordance with its Charter, the Constitution and legislation of Armenia, and international law. The main goals of the Union of the Armenian Noblemen are:
- Restoration of the Armenian nobility and its past role and significance in the society and the state;
- Reinstatement of the best traditions of the Armenian nobility and reestablishment of criteria for the noblemen's honor, morals and ethics;
- Restoration of the heraldry of the noble dynasties and their genealogy;
- Gathering, storing and scientific systemization of archival materials, research in the history of the Armenian nobility and specific dynasties;
- Presentation of the history of Armenian nobility and dynasties, families and their ancestors to the general public through the mass media and public lectures.
The Union of the Armenian Noblemen looks forward to the active participation of the representatives and descendants of the Armenian nobility in the revival of the best traditions of the Armenian aristocracy. A special attention will be paid to familiarization of the Armenian youth with the aristocratic traditions of the ancestors.
External links
- The Armenian nobility
- The Armenian Melik Nobility (Archived 2009-10-25)