Yosuke Akimoto
is a Japanese actor
and voice actor
from Tokyo
. He is currently attached to Mausu Promotion
. He is a graduate of the Hosei University
business school
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...
and voice actor
Voice acting in Japan has far greater prominence than in most other countries. Japan's large animation industry produces 60% of the animated series in the world; as a result, Japanese voice actors, or , are able to achieve fame on a national and international level.Besides acting as narrators and...
from Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
. He is currently attached to Mausu Promotion
Mausu Promotion
, formerly known as Ezaki Productions, is a Japanese talent management agency representing a fair number of prolific voice actors.-Mausu Promotion-influenced works:*Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand*Eureka Seven*Heartwork ~Symphony Of Destruction~...
. He is a graduate of the Hosei University
Hosei University
is a private university based in Tokyo, Japan.The university originated in a school of law, Tōkyō Hōgakusha , established in 1880, and the following year renamed Tōkyō Hōgakkō . This was from 1883 headed by Dr. Gustave Emile Boissonade, and was heavily influenced by the French legal tradition...
business school
Business school
A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in Business Administration. It teaches topics such as accounting, administration, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, public relations, strategy, human resource...
Television animation
- Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and MarpleAgatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marpleis an anime television series that adapted several Agatha Christie stories about Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. A new character named Mabel West, Miss Marple's great-niece, who becomes Poirot's junior assistant, is used to connect the two detectives....
(Rūsā) - Angel Heart (Director)
- Bye-Bye Liberty Crisis (Taxi driver)
- Case ClosedCase ClosedCase Closed, known as in Japan, is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. The series is serialized in Shogakukan's Weekly Shōnen Sunday since February 2, 1994, and has been collected in 73 tankōbon volumes as of September 2011...
(Tōru Imai's husband, Benzō Kadowaki, Kazuyuki Kawai, Shin'ichi Takeda, Ryūtarō) - City HunterCity Hunteris a hardboiled manga series written and illustrated by Tsukasa Hojo, published by Shueisha in the Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985 to 1991. The manga was adapted into an animated television series by Sunrise Studios in 1987...
(Tomomura) - Crayon Shin-chanCrayon Shin-chanis a Japanese manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui.Crayon Shin-chan follows the adventures of five-year-old Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara and his parents, baby sister, neighbors, and friends and is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan....
(Kenta Musashino's father) - Fist of the Blue SkyFist of the Blue Skyis a martial arts/noir manga series by Tetsuo Hara with plot supervision by Buronson that was serialized in the Weekly Comic Bunch from 2001 throughout 2010. It is a prequel to Fist of the North Star, which Hara originally illustrated and co-wrote with Buronson...
(Huáng Xī-Fēi) - Gallery FakeGallery Fakeis a Japanese manga by Fujihiko Hosono. In 1996, it received the Shogakukan Manga Award.-Story:On a wharf on Tokyo Bay is a small gallery named Gallery Fake. The owner of the gallery, , was once a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York...
(Bill Toravāsu) - Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte CristoGankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristois an anime series loosely based on Alexandre Dumas, père's classic French novel, Le Comte de Monte-Cristo. Spanning 24 episodes, it was produced by Gonzo, directed by Mahiro Maeda and broadcast by Animax across its respective networks in Japan, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America,...
(Gerard de Villefort Procureur-général) - GasarakiGasarakiis a mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. It was directed by Ryousuke Takahashi, who also co-created the series along with Sunrise and was assisted by Goro Taniguchi. The screenplay was written by Toru Nozaki....
(Sorachi Genjyo) - Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIGGhost in the Shell: S.A.C. 2nd GIGis the second season of the anime series Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, based on Masamune Shirow's manga Ghost in the Shell. It was written and directed by Kenji Kamiyama, with original character design by Hajime Shimomura and a soundtrack by Yoko Kanno...
(The Minister of Home Affairs) - He Is My MasterHe Is My Masteris a gag comedy manga which ran in Monthly Shōnen Gangan, later spun off into a television anime series in the harem genre with a lolicon aspect. The manga is authored by two individuals: Mattsu who does the story and his ex-wife Asu Tsubaki who does the artwork...
(Nakabayashi Yoshitaka's father) - Inukami!Inukami!is a Japanese light novel series written by Mamizu Arisawa, with illustrations by Kanna Wakatsuki. The series originally started serialization in volume seventeen of ASCII Media Works' now-defunct light novel magazine Dengeki hp on April 18, 2002...
(Doctor Ru) - Justice LeagueJustice League (TV series)Justice League is an American animated television series about a team of superheroes which ran from 2001 to 2004 on Cartoon Network. The show was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is based on the Justice League of America and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics...
(Vandal SavageVandal SavageVandal Savage is a fictional character, a supervillain published by DC Comics. He first appeared in Green Lantern vol. 1 #10 , and was created by Alfred Bester and Martin Nodell....
(first season)) - Kiddy GradeKiddy Gradeis a 24 episode science fiction anime series produced in 2002 and created by gímik and Gonzo Digimation and directed by Keiji Gotoh. The series is licensed and distributed in North America by FUNimation Entertainment. The series currently airs on the FUNimation Channel in both its "syndicated...
(Deuxiem) - Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore deKimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de, often abbreviated , and also known as They Are My Noble Masters, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed by Minato Soft and released on May 25, 2007 for the PC as a DVD. A PlayStation 2 version with adult-content removed was released under the title Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de: Otsukae...
(Taijiri Yasushi) - Last ExileLast Exileis a Japanese animated television series created by Gonzo. It featured a production team led by director Koichi Chigira, character designer Range Murata, and production designer Mahiro Maeda. The three had previously worked together in Blue Submarine No. 6, one of the first CG anime series...
(De Vido Madosein) - Machine Robo: Revenge of CronosMachine Robo: Revenge of Cronosis a Japanese anime television series produced by Ashi Productions. It ran on TV Tokyo from July 3, 1986 through May 28, 1987.A large portion of the Machine Robo toy-line was exported and sold by Tonka in America as GoBots and Rock Lords...
(Garudi) - Magical Angel Sweet MintMagical Angel Sweet Mintis a magical girl anime TV series produced by Ashi Production and aired from 1990-05-02 to 1991-03-27 on TV Tokyo. The program aired from 6:00-6:30pm on Wednesdays.-Staff:*Series Organization: Brother Noppo*Series Director: Jūtarō Ōba...
(Subittsu, Announcer, Kantoku, Borisuman) - Metal Armor DragonarMetal Armor Dragonaris a 48-episode mecha anime series, created by Sunrise and aired from 1987 to 1988. Devised shortly after the release of Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Dragonar was intended to be both a "starter" series to get new fans into mecha anime, and a potential successor to the Gundam franchise. In fact, it's...
(Roy) - Mobile Fighter G GundamMobile Fighter G GundamMobile Fighter G Gundam, known in Japan as , is a Japanese animated television series directed by Yasuhiro Imagawa . Created to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the franchise in 1994, it is the first of the Gundam series to be set in an alternate continuity from the original "Universal Century"...
(Master Asia, Stalker) - Mobile Suit Gundam SEEDMobile Suit Gundam SEEDis an anime series developed by Sunrise and directed by Mitsuo Fukuda. As with other series from the Gundam franchise, Gundam SEED takes place in a parallel timeline, in this case the Cosmic Era, the first to do so...
(Siegel Clyne) - MonsterMonster (manga)is a seinen manga written and illustrated by Naoki Urasawa, published by Shogakukan in Big Comic Original between 1994 and 2001, and reprinted in 18 tankōbon volumes. It was adapted by Madhouse as a 74-episode anime TV series, which aired on NTV from April 7, 2004 to September 28, 2005...
(Maurā) - Mystery of the Hemingway Papers (Carlos)
- NarutoNarutois an ongoing Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become the Hokage, the ninja in his village who is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of...
(Wasabi Jirochō) - Naruto Shippuden (Lightning Daimyo)
- NoirNoir (anime)is a 26-episode Japanese anime television series produced in 2001 by the Bee Train animation studio. Kōichi Mashimo directed Noir, it was written by Ryoe Tsukimura, and the soundtrack was composed by Yuki Kajiura...
(Kanora) - Nurarihyon no MagoNurarihyon no MagoNura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, known in Japan as is a manga series written and illustrated by Hiroshi Shiibashi. The series was first published in Shueisha as a oneshot in 2007. The manga has been continuously serialized in the Japanese manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2008 and has...
(Hidemoto Keikain 27th) - Otogi-Jushi AkazukinOtogi-Jushi Akazukinis an anime OVA as well as an anime television series.-Story:Long, long ago, there existed a world of magic and science. But having both powers was making people conceited and lazy. So God split the world in to the world of science, Elde, and the world of magic, Phandavale. One day in Fandavale, a...
(Rabbi) - PlanetesPlanetesis a Japanese hard science fiction manga by Makoto Yukimura. It was adapted as a 26-episode television anime by Sunrise, which was broadcast on NHK from October 2003 through April 2004...
(Roland) - Pokémon Advanced GenerationPokémon (anime), abbreviated from , is a children's TV anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets...
(Hagi) - Ragnarok the AnimationRagnarok The AnimationRagnarok the Animation is an anime and aenimeisyeon series based on the MMORPG Ragnarok Online, produced in the first quarter of 2004 and was broadcast on TV Tokyo of Japan. In 2005, it was broadcast on SBS in Korea. It has 26 episodes...
(Dark Lord) - Saint TailSaint Tail, is a magical girl manga and anime series. Originally a twenty-four part manga by Megumi Tachikawa, the story was brought to television anime by producer Tokyo Movie Shinsha, with forty-three episodes and one short, broadcast by ABC...
(Ōkura) - SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle WarriorsSD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle Warriorsis a Japanese anime television adaptation of the SD Gundam model kit series BB Senshi Sangokuden that began airing on April 3, 2010 and is produced by Sunrise. It is directed by Kenichi Suzuki and Kunihiro Mori. There is no opening theme song, however, there two ending theme songs. The first ending...
(Enshou Bawoo) - Sgt. FrogSgt. FrogSgt. Frog, known in Japan as , is a manga series by Mine Yoshizaki. It was later serialized into a TV anime series directed by Junichi Sato. Both the anime and manga are comedies that follow the attempts of a platoon of frog-like alien invaders to conquer Earth...
(Elite Commanding Officer) - Slayers NEXTSlayersis a series of over 52 light novels written by Hajime Kanzaka and illustrated by Rui Araizumi. It was later developed into several manga titles, five televised anime series, two three-episode original video animations , and five movies. It also spawned several console role-playing games for the...
(Seigram) - Stratos 4Stratos 4is an anime series by Studio Fantasia and Bandai Visual, and directed by Takeshi Mori. Originally spanning a 13-episode anime TV series, which premiered across Japan between January 5, 2003 to March 30, 2003, the series was continued onto three OVA-series sequels, the first of which was released on...
(Robert Reynolds) - Strike WitchesStrike Witchesis a mixed-media project originally created by Humikane Shimada via a series of magazine illustration columns. It was later adapted into two light novel series, three manga series, an anime OVA, a televised anime series and various video games. The story revolves around teenage girls who are...
(General Trevor Maloney)Notable voice roles
- TacticsTactics (manga)is a Japanese manga series collaborated between Sakura Kinoshita and Kazuko Higashiyama. It was serialized in Comic Blade Masamune. Kinoshita supplied the character "Kantarou," and Higashiyama supplied the character "Haruka." The manga was first released in North America by ADV Manga in 2004...
(Kitahara) - Tatakae!! RamenmanTatakae!! Ramenman, also known as Lomien Man, is a manga authored by the duo of Yudetamago that was serialized in Shueisha's Fresh Jump magazine from June 1982 to December 1988...
(Shōkokurō Kensō) - The Sacred Blacksmith (Hannibal Quasar)
- TouchTouch (manga)is a Japanese high school baseball manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It was originally serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1981–1986...
(Kamimura) - Uninhabited Planet Survive!Uninhabited Planet Survive!, also known as Planet Survive is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Action/Adventure anime series that aired in Japan on NHK from October 2003 to October 28, 2004...
(Principal) - UtawarerumonoUtawarerumonois a Japanese adult AVG+SLG visual novel by Leaf which was released on April 26, 2002 for the PC. A manga version was created in 2005 and was first serialized in Dengeki G's Magazine. An anime adaptation aired between April and September 2006, containing twenty-six episodes...
- Giant Robo (Alberto)
- Legend of the Galactic HeroesLegend of the Galactic Heroesis a series of science fiction novels by Yoshiki Tanaka. An anime adaptation of the novels by Artland ran from 1988 to 2000 as well as a manga based on the novels, with art by Katsumi Michihara...
(Hirudesuhaimu, Leader of the PKC) - Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the PocketMobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocketis a 1989 Japanese science fiction original video animation series, the first such series in the Gundam franchise. Directed by Fumihiko Takayama, it was also the first time anyone other than creator Yoshiyuki Tomino was given a chance to direct a Gundam story. Released in 1989, it serves to...
(Steiner Hardie) - Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust MemoryMobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memoryis a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two months; the final volume went on sale on September 24, 1992...
(Dick Allen) - Stratos 4Stratos 4is an anime series by Studio Fantasia and Bandai Visual, and directed by Takeshi Mori. Originally spanning a 13-episode anime TV series, which premiered across Japan between January 5, 2003 to March 30, 2003, the series was continued onto three OVA-series sequels, the first of which was released on...
(Robert Reynolds) - The Silent ServiceThe Silent Serviceis a manga series by Kaiji Kawaguchi. It was published in Kodansha's Weekly Morning manga magazine from 1988 to 1996 and collected in 32 tankōbon volumes. The series was adapted into an anime TV special and OVA series by Sunrise. The first two episodes of the anime were later spliced together and...
(Saburō Akagaki, Mihairu Marenkofu)
Theater animation
- AkiraAkira (film)is a 1988 Japanese animated cyberpunk science fiction film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, written by Otomo and Izo Hashimoto, and starring the voices of Mitsuo Iwata, Nozomu Sasaki, Mami Koyama and Taro Ishida. The screenplay is based on Otomo's manga Akira....
(Harukiya Bartender) - Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's CounterattackMobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattackis a 1988 anime film set in Gundam's Universal Century timeline of Gundam, specifically U.C. 0093.Making its theatrical debut on March 12, 1988, Char's Counterattack is the culmination of the original saga begun in Mobile Suit Gundam and continued through Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and Mobile Suit...
(Captain Musaka) - Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: The Last Blitz of ZeonMobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memoryis a 13-episode anime OVA series set in the Gundam universe. The first volume containing two 30-minute episodes was released in Japan on May 23, 1991. Subsequent volumes, containing one 30-minute episode each, followed every one or two months; the final volume went on sale on September 24, 1992...
(Dick Allen) - Pocket Monsters: Mewtwo Strikes BackPokémon: The First MoviePokémon: The First Movie, originally released as , is a 1998 Japanese animated film directed by Kunihiko Yuyama, the chief director of the Pokémon television series. It is the first theatrical release in the Pokémon franchise...
(Professor) - Touch 2: Sayonara no OkurimonoTouch (manga)is a Japanese high school baseball manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It was originally serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1981–1986...
(Uemura) - Touch 3: Kimi ga Tōri Sugita Ato niTouch (manga)is a Japanese high school baseball manga by Mitsuru Adachi. It was originally serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shōnen Sunday from 1981–1986...
Video games
- Crash Boom Bang!Crash Boom Bang!Crash Boom Bang! is a party game developed by Dimps and published by Sierra Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. It was released in Japan on July 20, 2006, in North America on October 10, 2006, in Europe on October 27, 2006, and in Australia on November 2, 2006...
(Doctor Neo CortexDoctor Neo CortexDoctor Neo Periwinkle Cortex, often referred to as "Doctor Cortex" or simply "Cortex", is a video game character and the main antagonist of the Crash Bandicoot series of video games. His name is a play on the term neocortex, an area of the brain...
) - Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen AngelsDaraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angelsis a 2D versus fighting arcade game developed by the Steel Hearts development team and published by Psikyo. It is Psikyo's second attempt in the 2D versus fighting genre after Battle K-Road. Information about the game's development and fate are scarce, though it is widely reported that it was...
(Torao Onigawara) - Fallout 3Fallout 3Fallout 3 is an action role-playing game released by Bethesda Game Studios, and the third major installment in the Fallout series. The game was released in North America, Europe and Australia in October 2008, and in Japan in December 2008 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360...
(John Henry Eden) - Final Fantasy XIIFinal Fantasy XIIis a console role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 2. Released in 2006, it is the twelfth title in the Final Fantasy series and the last in the series to be released exclusively on the PlayStation platform...
(Judge Bergan) - Final Fantasy Type 0 (Narrator)
- Kingdom Hearts IIKingdom Hearts IIis an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console...
(Xaldin) - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 DaysKingdom Hearts 358/2 Daysis an action roleplaying game developed and published by Square Enix for the Nintendo DS with assistance from h.a.n.d. It is the fifth installment in the best-selling Kingdom Hearts series, and serves as an interquel beginning near the end of the first game, Kingdom Hearts, and covering the period...
(Xaldin) - Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepKingdom Hearts Birth by Sleepis an action role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix and Disney for the PlayStation Portable, serving as the sixth installment in the Kingdom Hearts series. The game was released on UMD in Japan on January 9, 2010, in North America on September 7, 2010 and in Europe on September...
(Dilan) - Magic PengelMagic PengelMagic Pengel: The Quest for Color, known as in Japan, is a 2002 role-playing video game developed by Garakuda-Studio and Taito for the PlayStation 2, published by Agetec in North America...
(Devil) - Max PayneMax PayneMax Payne is a BAFTA Award–winning third-person shooter video game developed by Finnish developers Remedy Entertainment and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001 for Microsoft Windows. Ports created later in the year for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and the GameBoy Advance were published by...
(Alfred Woden) - Muv-LuvMuv-Luvis a Japanese visual novel developed by âge, which was originally released as an adult game for the PC in February 28, 2003. Subsequent versions with the adult content removed were sold for the PC and Xbox 360...
Alternative (Tadokoro) - Ougon Musou Kyoku (Goat)
- Power StonePower StonePower Stone is a fully 3D arena fighting game series made by Capcom. Power Stone was initially released on the Sega NAOMI hardware and later ported to the Dreamcast...
(Gunrock) - Power Stone 2Power Stone 2Power Stone 2 is a multiplayer fighting game that built on the innovative gameplay introduced by its predecessor, Power Stone. Power Stone 2 allows up to four players to choose from multiple characters and utilize items such as tables, chairs, and rocks in battle.Power Stone 2 originated as an...
(Gunrock, Pride) - Super Robot WarsSuper Robot Warsis a series of tactical role-playing video games produced by Banpresto, which is now a Japanese division of Namco Bandai. The main feature of the franchise is having a story that crosses over several popular mecha anime, manga and video games, allowing characters and mecha from different titles to...
series (Master Asia, Stalker, Steiner Hardie, Alberto the Impact, Garudi, Zanscare Soldier) - Tail ConcertoTail ConcertoTail Concerto is a 3D anime-style action-adventure and platform game developed by CyberConnect2. It was published by Bandai in Japan on April 16, 1998 and by Atlus in North America on August 31, 1999. Bandai would later release it in France in the same year...
(Waffle Ryebread) - Tears to TiaraTears to TiaraTears to Tiara is a Japanese eroge tactical role-playing game developed by Leaf. It was first released for PC on April 28, 2005 in Japan. Then it was followed by 12 years old and up version released for the PlayStation 3 platform on July 17, 2008 in Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan in which the...
(Ogam) - White Knight Chronicles (Belcitane)
- Denji Sentai MegarangerDenji Sentai Megarangeris Toei's twenty-first production of the Super Sentai television series. The footage was also used in the American series, Power Rangers in Space. Megaranger premiered on February 14, 1997 and concluded on February 15, 1998.-Plot:...
(Tokage Nejilar) - Juken Sentai GekirangerJuken Sentai Gekirangeris Toei Company's thirty-first entry in the Super Sentai franchise. Production began on September 29, 2006 with principal photography beginning on October 6, 2006. It premiered on TV Asahi on February 18, 2007, and concluded its airing on February 10, 2008...
(Muzankose) - Samurai Sentai ShinkengerSamurai Sentai Shinkengeris the title of Toei Company's thirty-third entry in its long-running Super Sentai Series of Japanese tokusatsu television series. It premiered on February 15, 2009, the week following the finale of Engine Sentai Go-onger, and ended on February 7, 2010...
Dubbing roles
- Criminal MindsCriminal MindsCriminal Minds is an American police procedural drama that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit based in Quantico, Virginia. The BAU is part of the FBI National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime...
(third season) (Harris (episode 7)) - OzOz (TV series)Oz is an American television drama series created by Tom Fontana, who also wrote or co-wrote all of the series' 56 episodes . It was the first one-hour dramatic television series to be produced by premium cable network HBO. Oz premiered on July 12, 1997 and ran for six seasons...
(Nino SchibettaNino SchibettaAntonino "Nino" Schibetta, played by Tony Musante, is a fictional character in the HBO series Oz.-Character overview:Prisoner #95S604. Convicted December 12, 1995 - Two counts of conspiracy to commit murder...
) - The Pelican BriefThe Pelican Brief (film)The Pelican Brief is a 1993 legal crime thriller based on the novel of the same name by John Grisham. Directed by Alan J. Pakula, the film stars Julia Roberts in the role of young law student Darby Shaw and Denzel Washington as Washington Herald reporter Gray Grantham...
(TV Asahi edition) (Gavin Verheek) - RoboCopRoboCopRoboCop is a 1987 American science fiction-action film directed by Paul Verhoeven. Set in a crime-ridden Detroit, Michigan in the near future, RoboCop centers on a police officer who is brutally murdered and subsequently re-created as a super-human cyborg known as "RoboCop"...
(TV Asahi edition) (Donald Johnson) - Star Trek: Deep Space NineStar Trek: Deep Space NineStar Trek: Deep Space Nine is a science fiction television series set in the Star Trek universe...
(Leck) - Star Trek: The Next GenerationStar Trek: The Next GenerationStar Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry as part of the Star Trek franchise. Roddenberry, Rick Berman, and Michael Piller served as executive producers at different times throughout the production...
(Doctor Garin) - Terminator 2: Judgment DayTerminator 2: Judgment DayTerminator 2: Judgment Day is a 1991 science fiction action film directed by James Cameron and written by Cameron and William Wisher Jr.. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, and Edward Furlong...
(Tarissa Dyson (TV edition), Todd Voight (video edition)) - Thirteen DaysThirteen Days (film)Thirteen Days is a 2000 docudrama directed by Roger Donaldson about the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, seen from the perspective of the US political leadership. Kevin Costner stars, with Bruce Greenwood featured as John F. Kennedy....
(DVD edition) (Curtis LeMayCurtis LeMayCurtis Emerson LeMay was a general in the United States Air Force and the vice presidential running mate of American Independent Party candidate George Wallace in 1968....
) - Touching EvilTouching EvilTouching Evil is a British television drama serial, which began airing in 1997. It was produced by United Productions for Anglia Television, and screened on the ITV network. The first series consisted of six fifty-minute episodes. It was created by Paul Abbott, and written by Abbott with Russell T...
(Hank) - Twin PeaksTwin PeaksTwin Peaks is an American television serial drama created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. The series follows the investigation headed by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper , of the murder of a popular teenager and homecoming queen, Laura Palmer...
(Ben HorneBen HorneBenjamin Joseph Horne is a character from the television series Twin Peaks, created by David Lynch and Mark Frost, portrayed by Richard Beymer. His last name is based on real life department store owner Joseph Horne founder of Horne's in Pittsburgh where Mark Frost is from, while his and his...
(Richard BeymerRichard BeymerGeorge Richard Beymer, Jr. is an American actor known for playing Tony in the 1961 film version of West Side Story and Ben Horne on the 1990 television series Twin Peaks.-Life and career:...
)) - Xiào Ào Jiāng HúLaughing in the WindLaughing in the Wind is a 2001 Chinese television series produced by Zhang Jizhong, starring Li Yapeng and Xu Qing in the leading roles. The series is an adaptation of Louis Cha's novel The Smiling, Proud Wanderer...
(Wang Yuanba)