Tress MacNeille
Tress MacNeille is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 voice actress
Voice acting
Voice acting is the art of providing voices for animated characters and radio and audio dramas and comedy, as well as doing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, audio dramas, dubbed foreign language films, video games, puppet shows, and amusement rides.Performers are called...

 best known for providing various voices on the animated series The Simpsons
The Simpsons
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie...

, Futurama
Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows the adventures of a late 20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J...

, Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures
Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures, usually referred to as Tiny Toon Adventures or simply Tiny Toons, is an American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. It began production as a result of Warner Bros....

, Animaniacs
Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs, usually referred to as simply Animaniacs, is an American animated series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. The cartoon was the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven...

, Disney's House of Mouse
Disney's House of Mouse
Disney's House of Mouse is an American animated television series, produced by Walt Disney Television, that originally aired from 2001 to 2003-Premise:...

, Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage the Cowardly Dog is an American animated television series created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. Its central plot revolves around a somewhat anthropomorphic dog named Courage who lives with his owners, Muriel and Eustace Bagge, an elderly, married farming couple in the "Middle of...

, Rugrats
Rugrats is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain for Nickelodeon. The series premiered on August 11, 1991, and aired its last episode on June 8, 2004....

, All Grown Up!
All Grown Up!
All Grown Up! is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó. After the success of All Growed Up, the Rugrats 10th anniversary special, Nickelodeon commissioned All Grown Up! as a spin-off series based on the episode.The series ran from April 12, 2003 to August...

, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove, it featured the established Disney characters Chip 'n' Dale in a new setting. The series premiered on the Disney Channel on March 4, 1989,...

, and Dave the Barbarian
Dave the Barbarian
Dave the Barbarian is an American animated television series created by Doug Langdale, creator of The Weekenders, that premiered on January 23, 2004 on Disney Channel and ended on January 22, 2005. Continuing to air in other countries after the show ended, the show follows a barbarian named Dave,...


Early life

MacNeille was born in California
California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. It is by far the most populous U.S. state, and the third-largest by land area...

. She loved cartoons as a child and wanted to be a voice actress from the age of eight, but instead chose a "practical" career, feeling she would never be able to realize her ambition. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley , is a teaching and research university established in 1868 and located in Berkeley, California, USA...

 and attended broadcasting school, becoming a disc jockey
Disc jockey
A disc jockey, also known as DJ, is a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. Originally, "disc" referred to phonograph records, not the later Compact Discs. Today, the term includes all forms of music playback, no matter the medium.There are several types of disc jockeys...



MacNeille worked in a variety of jobs and had numerous minor voiceover roles before becoming a regular on an animated TV show. She had "been doing radio spots, some TV, demos, sound-alikes, industrial narrations -- anything that came my way for about two years." She was also a member of the improvisational comedy group The Groundlings
The Groundlings
The Groundlings are an improvisational comedy troupe based in Los Angeles, California. The troupe was formed by Gary Austin in 1974 and uses an improv format influenced by Viola Spolin to produce sketches and improvised scenes...

 for 10 years. MacNeille took acting workshops and worked as a casting assistant for voice acting talent agent Bob Lloyd in what she calls "The University of Voice-over". Lloyd and fellow agent Rita Vennari got MacNeille her first role on an animated show with a part in a 1979 episode of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo.

She sang and appeared in the music video (as Lucille Ball
Lucille Ball
Lucille Désirée Ball was an American comedian, film, television, stage and radio actress, model, film and television executive, and star of the sitcoms I Love Lucy, The Lucy–Desi Comedy Hour, The Lucy Show, Here's Lucy and Life With Lucy...

) for "Weird Al" Yankovic
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Alfred Matthew "Weird Al" Yankovic is an American singer-songwriter, music producer, accordionist, actor, comedian, writer, satirist, and parodist. Yankovic is known for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and that often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts...

's song "Ricky
Ricky (song)
"Ricky" is a song by "Weird Al" Yankovic. It is a parody of "Mickey" by Toni Basil. The song focuses on the show I Love Lucy, and ends with a segment of the theme from the show...

" (1983), which was based on the I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy
I Love Lucy is an American television sitcom starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance, and William Frawley. The black-and-white series originally ran from October 15, 1951, to May 6, 1957, on the Columbia Broadcasting System...

television show and parodied the song "Mickey
Mickey (song)
"Mickey" is a 1982 U.S. new wave song recorded by singer and choreographer Toni Basil. Written by Mike Chapman and Nicky Chinn as "Kitty", it was first recorded by UK popular music group Racey during 1979...

" by Toni Basil
Toni Basil
Antonia Christina Basilotta , better known by her stage name Toni Basil, is an American singer-songwriter, actress, filmmaker, film director, choreographer, and dancer, best known for her multi-million-selling worldwide #1 hit "Mickey" from 1982.-Early life:Basil was born Antonia Christina...

. MacNeille also appeared on Yankovic's 1999 album Running with Scissors
Running with Scissors (album)
Running with Scissors is the 10th studio album by "Weird Al" Yankovic, released on June 29, 1999. The album contains the hit single "The Saga Begins", a parody of Don McLean's song "American Pie".-Details:...

, on the track "Jerry Springer".

MacNeille was cast as Babs Bunny in Tiny Toon Adventures
Tiny Toon Adventures
Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures, usually referred to as Tiny Toon Adventures or simply Tiny Toons, is an American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. It began production as a result of Warner Bros....

(1990–1995). Writer Paul Dini
Paul Dini
Paul Dini is an American writer and producer who works in the television and comic book industries. He is best known as a producer and writer for several Warner Bros./DC Comics animated series, including Star Wars: Ewoks, Tiny Toon Adventures, Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated...

 said that MacNeille was good for the role because she could do both Babs' voice and the voices of her impressions. MacNeille commented: "The best part of doing Babs is that she's a mimic, like me...In the show I do Babs doing Billie Burke
Billie Burke
Mary William Ethelbert Appleton "Billie" Burke was an American actress. She is primarily known to modern audiences as Glinda the Good Witch of the North in the musical film The Wizard of Oz. She was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance as Emily Kilbourne in Merrily We Live...

, Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn was a British actress and humanitarian. Although modest about her acting ability, Hepburn remains one of the world's most famous actresses of all time, remembered as a film and fashion icon of the twentieth century...

, Bette Davis
Bette Davis
Ruth Elizabeth "Bette" Davis was an American actress of film, television and theater. Noted for her willingness to play unsympathetic characters, she was highly regarded for her performances in a range of film genres, from contemporary crime melodramas to historical and period films and occasional...

, Madonna
Madonna (entertainer)
Madonna is an American singer-songwriter, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977 to pursue a career in modern dance. After performing in the music groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her debut album in 1983...

 and Cher
Cher is an American recording artist, television personality, actress, director, record producer and philanthropist. Referred to as the Goddess of Pop, she has won an Academy Award, a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, three Golden Globes and a Cannes Film Festival Award among others for her work in...

. I even have her doing Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit is a fictional character from the Roger Rabbit film-and-novel franchise.Jessica Rabbit may also refer to:* Jessica Rabbit vibrator, a sex toy* Melyssa Ford , Canadian model-See also:...

." The success of Tiny Toon Adventures led to the series Animaniacs
Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs, usually referred to as simply Animaniacs, is an American animated series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. The cartoon was the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven...

. MacNeille was brought over to voice Dot Warner, one of the show's three main characters, as Dot's character was very similar to Babs Bunny. Andrea Romano
Andrea Romano
Andrea Romano is an American casting director, voice director, and voice actor, whose work includes casting, and voice directing Batman: The Animated Series, Tiny Toon Adventures, "Animaniacs", "Pinky and the Brain", Teen Titans, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and multiple Warner Bros...

, the voice director and caster for Animaniacs, said that the casters had "no trouble" choosing the role of Dot: "Tress MacNeille was just hilarious (...) And yet [she had] that edge." MacNeille was nominated for an Annie Award
Annie Award
The Annie Awards have been presented by the Los Angeles, California branch of the International Animated Film Association, ASIFA-Hollywood since 1972...

 for her performance on the show in 1995.

She has provided for voices for numerous films, television shows, video games and commercials, receiving over 200 credits. MacNeille says "the characters that I do all come from people in my own life -- as well as the material I've stolen from my friends!" Her TV roles include on The Simpsons
The Simpsons
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie...

, where she voices Agnes Skinner, Brandine Spuckler and Lindsey Naegle, and Futurama
Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and developed by Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows the adventures of a late 20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J...

, while her performance as Mom
Mom (Futurama)
Mom, real first name Carol, is a character from the animated television series Futurama. Voiced by Tress MacNeille. Mom is one of the show's two main antagonists, the other being Zapp Brannigan...

 is her main role. MacNeille has also provided voices on numerous other television shows and cartoons such as Rugrats
Rugrats is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain for Nickelodeon. The series premiered on August 11, 1991, and aired its last episode on June 8, 2004....

(as Charlotte Pickles), Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove, it featured the established Disney characters Chip 'n' Dale in a new setting. The series premiered on the Disney Channel on March 4, 1989,...

(as Chip and Gadget), Histeria!
Histeria! is a 1998 American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicit edutainment program in order to meet FCC requirements for...

, Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series created by Craig Bartlett for Nickelodeon. The show's premise focuses on a fourth grader named Arnold who lives with his grandparents. Episodes center on his experiences navigating big city life while dealing with the problems he and his friends...

, as well as dubbing
Dubbing (filmmaking)
Dubbing is the post-production process of recording and replacing voices on a motion picture or television soundtrack subsequent to the original shooting. The term most commonly refers to the substitution of the voices of the actors shown on the screen by those of different performers, who may be...

 work on English language anime translations.

She is the current voice of Daisy Duck
Daisy Duck
Daisy Duck is a cartoon character created in 1940 by Walt Disney Productions as the girlfriend of Donald Duck. Like Donald, Daisy is an anthropomorphic white duck, but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a skirt. She is often seen wearing a hair bow, blouse, and shoes...

 and Wilma Flintstone
Wilma Flintstone
Wilma Anna Flintstone is a fictional character in the television animated series The Flintstones. She was the red-headed wife of caveman Fred Flintstone, daughter of Pearl Slaghoople, mother of Pebbles Flintstone and a grandmother...

. MacNeille also appeared as an angry anchorwoman in Elvira, Mistress of the Dark and served as the voice of Elvira's Great-Aunt Morganna Talbot.

Voices on The Simpsons

  • Agnes Skinner, Seymour Skinner
    Seymour Skinner
    Principal W. Seymour Skinner is a fictional character in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. He is voiced by Harry Shearer. Born in Capitol City, he is the principal of Springfield Elementary School...

    's elderly, neurotic mother
  • Lindsey Naegle, generic businesswoman or television network executive in such episodes as "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
    The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
    "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show" is the fourteenth episode of the eighth season of The Simpsons, which originally aired February 9, 1997. In the episode, The Itchy & Scratchy Show attempts to regain viewers by introducing a hip new character named Poochie, who will be voiced by Homer...

    ", "Girly Edition
    Girly Edition
    "Girly Edition" is the twenty-first episode of the ninth season of the animated television series The Simpsons. It originally aired in the United States on April 19, 1998, and received a Nielsen rating of 8.7. In the episode, Lisa and Bart Simpson must co-anchor a new news program, though when Bart...

    ", and "You Kent Always Say What You Want
    You Kent Always Say What You Want
    "You Kent Always Say What You Want", formerly known as "Kent State Massacre", is the twenty-second episode of The Simpsons eighteenth season, airing on May 20, 2007 as part of the one-hour season finale, alongside the episode "24 Minutes"; a repeat took place on August 19, 2007. It was the...

  • Dolph, one of the three bullies (along with Jimbo Jones and Kearney Zzyzwicz); has red hair cut asymmetrically and wears a green shirt.
  • Brandine Spuckler, Cletus Spuckler
    Cletus Spuckler
    Cletus Delroy Spuckler is a recurring character in the Fox animated series, The Simpsons, and is voiced by Hank Azaria. Cletus is Springfield's resident hillbilly stereotype. He is very messy and is usually portrayed wearing a white sleeveless shirt and pair of blue jeans.- Biography :Cletus was...

    's wife/cousin/sister
  • Cookie Kwan, a heavily-accented, despite growing up in Springfield, territorial Asian-American realtor who threatens anyone who tries to sell houses on "the west side" (since "the west side" is her territory).
  • Ms. Albright, the Sunday School Teacher seen in "Homer's Triple Bypass
    Homer's Triple Bypass
    "Homer's Triple Bypass" is the eleventh episode of the fourth season of The Simpsons. It originally aired in the United States on December 17, 1992. In the episode, Homer Simpson suffers a heart attack when Mr. Burns shouts at him at work. Dr...

    " and "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
    Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment
    "Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment" is the thirteenth episode of The Simpsons second season and the 26th episode overall. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on February 7, 1991. In the episode, Homer gets an illegal cable hook-up. Despite the family's enjoyment of the...

  • Mrs. Glick, the elderly shut-in lady (replacing original voice actress Cloris Leachman
    Cloris Leachman
    Cloris Leachman is an American actress of stage, film and television. She has won eight Primetime Emmy Awards—more than any other performer—and one Daytime Emmy Award...

  • Bernice Hibbert, the recovering alcoholic wife of Julius Hibbert
    Julius Hibbert
    Dr. Julius M. Hibbert, usually referred to as Dr. Hibbert, is a recurring character on the animated series The Simpsons. His speaking voice is provided by Harry Shearer and his singing voice was by Thurl Ravenscroft, and he first appeared in the episode "Bart the Daredevil". Dr...

  • Brunella Pommelhorst, the stern school gym teacher (first mentioned by name only in season six's "The PTA Disbands")
  • Poor Violet, the Dickensian little orphan girl
  • Crazy Cat Lady, a psychotic old lady surrounded by pet cats she uses as weapons (was once an aspiring doctor/lawyer named Eleanor Abernathy whose future went downhill when she succumbed to alcoholism and became obsessed with cats)
  • Gino Terwilliger
    The Italian Bob
    "The Italian Bob" is the eighth episode of The Simpsons seventeenth season. It features Kelsey Grammer in his ninth appearance as Sideshow Bob and is the first time the Simpsons visit Italy.-Plot:...

    , Sideshow Bob's son seen in the season 17 episode, "The Italian Bob
    The Italian Bob
    "The Italian Bob" is the eighth episode of The Simpsons seventeenth season. It features Kelsey Grammer in his ninth appearance as Sideshow Bob and is the first time the Simpsons visit Italy.-Plot:...

  • Lunchlady Doris in the season 18 episode, "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer
    The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer
    "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer" is the season premiere of The Simpsons’ eighteenth season and first aired September 10, 2006. Lisa meets Fat Tony's son, Michael, who does not want to enter the family business of the mafia, but wants to pursue his dream of being a chef...

    " and the season 19 episode, "The Debarted
    The Debarted
    "The Debarted" is the thirteenth episode of The Simpsons nineteenth season. It was first broadcast on March 2, 2008, and guest stars Topher Grace and radio host Terry Gross have a cameo. A new troublesome student named Donny arrives at Springfield Elementary School, prompting a gleeful Bart to...

    ", replacing Doris Grau
    Doris Grau
    Doris Grau was an American script supervisor, actress, and voice artist from Brooklyn. Shortly after moving to Hollywood in 1940, she began her career with supervising film and television scripts...

  • Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon, Apu's
    Apu Nahasapeemapetilon
    Apu Nahasapeemapetilon is a character in the animated television series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Hank Azaria and first appeared in the episode "The Telltale Head". Apu is the proprietor of the Kwik-E-Mart, a popular convenience store in Springfield, and a friend of Homer Simpson. He is also...

     wife (only for the season 13 episode "The Sweetest Apu
    The Sweetest Apu
    "The Sweetest Apu" is the nineteenth episode of The Simpsons thirteenth season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 5, 2002. In the episode, Homer and his wife Marge discover that convenience store owner Apu is having an affair with the Squishee delivery lady working...

    "; Manjula is usually voiced by Jan Hooks
    Jan Hooks
    Janet V. "Jan" Hooks is an American actress and comedienne best known for her work on NBC's Saturday Night Live , on which she appeared from 1986 to 1991...

  • Belle
    Bart After Dark
    "Bart After Dark" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons eighth season, first aired by the Fox network on November 24, 1996. After accidentally breaking a stone gargoyle at a local house, Bart is forced to work there as punishment. He assumes it will be boring work, but is pleasantly surprised when...

    , the burlesque house Madam from "Bart After Dark
    Bart After Dark
    "Bart After Dark" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons eighth season, first aired by the Fox network on November 24, 1996. After accidentally breaking a stone gargoyle at a local house, Bart is forced to work there as punishment. He assumes it will be boring work, but is pleasantly surprised when...

  • Mrs. Muntz, Nelson Muntz
    Nelson Muntz
    Nelson Mandela Muntz is a fictional character and bully from the animated TV series The Simpsons. He is voiced by Nancy Cartwright. Nelson was introduced in Season 1's "Bart the General" as a bully but later turned into a friend of Bart Simpson, who is best identified by his signature laugh .-Role...

    's mother (first heard in "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
    Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
    "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" is the eleventh episode of The Simpsons tenth season, which was originally broadcast on January 17, 1999. When Homer, Barney, Lenny, and Carl drunkenly vandalize Springfield Elementary School, it is blamed on the children of Springfield, prompting Chief Wiggum to impose...

    ", first seen in "'Tis the Fifteenth Season
    'Tis the Fifteenth Season
    Tis the Fifteenth Season is the seventh episode of The Simpsons fifteenth season. This episode is notable as being the first to make reference to Lisa's Buddhism, to which she converted in an earlier Christmas episode, "She of Little Faith".-Plot:...

    " and again in The Simpsons Movie
    The Simpsons Movie
    The Simpsons Movie is a 2007 American animated comedy film based on the animated television series The Simpsons. The film was directed by David Silverman, and stars the regular television cast of Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, Tress...

  • Colin, an environmentalist kid in The Simpsons Movie
    The Simpsons Movie
    The Simpsons Movie is a 2007 American animated comedy film based on the animated television series The Simpsons. The film was directed by David Silverman, and stars the regular television cast of Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith, Hank Azaria, Harry Shearer, Tress...

  • Various other characters

Voices on Futurama

  • Mom
    Mom (Futurama)
    Mom, real first name Carol, is a character from the animated television series Futurama. Voiced by Tress MacNeille. Mom is one of the show's two main antagonists, the other being Zapp Brannigan...

    , the owner of Mom's Friendly Robot Company and series antagonist.
  • Linda, the cohost of Good Morning, Earth
  • Hattie McDoogal, the crazy, old cat lady
  • Tinny Tim, a Tiny Tim
    Tiny Tim (A Christmas Carol)
    Timothy Cratchit, called "Tiny Tim", is a fictional character from the 1843 novella A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. He is a minor character, the young son of Bob Cratchit, and is seen only briefly, but serves as an important symbol of the consequences of the protagonist's choices...

    -esque child robot first seen in "Xmas Story
    Xmas Story
    "Xmas Story" is the fourth episode in the second production season of Futurama. It originally aired as the eighth episode in the second broadcast season in North America on December 19, 1999. The episode was written by David X. Cohen and directed by Peter Avanzino. John Goodman guest stars in this...

  • Munda, Turanga Leela's long-lost mother
  • Fanny, wife of Donbot
  • Deep Blue
  • Monique, a fembot who appears in All My Circuits
  • Ndnd, Lrrr's wife, from Omicron Persei VIII
  • Vyolet
  • Petunia
  • The Slurm Queen
    Fry and the Slurm Factory
    "Fry and the Slurm Factory" is the thirteenth episode of the first production season of Futurama. It originally aired in North America on November 14, 1999 as the fourth episode of the second broadcast season. The episode was directed by Ron Hughart and written by Lewis Morton...

  • Guenter, the hyper-intelligent monkey from the episode "Mars University
    Mars University
    "Mars University" is episode eleven of the first production season of Futurama. It originally aired in North America on October 3, 1999 as the second episode in the second broadcast season of Futurama. This episode was written by J...

  • Various one-shot characters

Disney character roles

  • Addtional voices (Dinosaur
    Dinosaur (film)
    Dinosaur is a 2000 American computer-animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on May 19, 2000, and is the 39th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series...

    Activity Center CD Rom)
  • Anastasia Tremaine (Cinderella II: Dreams Come True
    Cinderella II: Dreams Come True
    Cinderella II: Dreams Come True is the first direct-to-video sequel to the 1950 Disney film Cinderella. It was made in 2001 and released on February 26, 2002. It was followed by Cinderella III: A Twist in Time in 2007...

    , Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
    Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
    Cinderella III: A Twist in Time is the second direct-to-video sequel to the 1950 Walt Disney Pictures animated classic Cinderella. Canonically it is a continuation of the original Cinderella, rather than Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, though due to its unusual chronological sequencing it...

    and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
  • Aunt Sarah
    Lady and the Tramp
    Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and released to theaters on June 22, 1955, by Buena Vista Distribution. The fifteenth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, it was the first animated feature filmed in the CinemaScope widescreen...

     (Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
    Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
    Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure is a 2001 direct-to-video animated film which was released on February 27, 2001 by The Walt Disney Company as a sequel to the 1955 feature film Lady and the Tramp. The story centers around Lady and Tramp's anthropomorphic puppy, Scamp, and his desire to...

  • Bee
    Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, presently classified by the unranked taxon name Anthophila...

    WordWorld is a three-time Emmy Award-winning children's television series partially funded by the United States Department of Education as part of the Ready To Learn literacy initiative targeted to 3- to 7-year olds. The show airs in 10 languages and 90 countries, including in the United States....

  • Daisy Duck
    Daisy Duck
    Daisy Duck is a cartoon character created in 1940 by Walt Disney Productions as the girlfriend of Donald Duck. Like Donald, Daisy is an anthropomorphic white duck, but has large eyelashes and ruffled tail feathers to suggest a skirt. She is often seen wearing a hair bow, blouse, and shoes...

     current voice
  • Mother Penguin and Baby Penguin (The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
    The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
    The film's official soundtrack was released on September 19, 2000. The soundtrack was released internationally on October 31, 2000 in a special edition double pack with the original film's soundtrack...

  • Shenzi (Timon & Pumbaa
    Timon & Pumbaa (TV series)
    The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa is an American animated television series made by the Walt Disney Company. It centers on Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog from the Disney film franchise The Lion King, without most of the other characters in the franchise...

    , The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure
    The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure
    The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure is a video game based on Disney's animated film The Lion King. The title was published by Activision in 2000, and was released on Game Boy Color and PlayStation...

    , Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts II
    is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console...

  • Hoonah (Brother Bear 2
    Brother Bear 2
    The soundtrack to Brother Bear 2 was released August 15, 2006. It is available only on digital outlets such as iTunes and It includes the following tracks:#Dave Metzger - Opening: Brother Bear 2 – 0:34...

  • Female Ancestors and Villager Woman (Mulan II
    Mulan II
    Mulan II is a 2004 American direct-to-video Disney animated feature directed by Darrell Rooney and Lynne Southerl and is a sequel to the 1998 animated film Mulan. The entire cast from the first film returned, except for Eddie Murphy , Miriam Margolyes , Chris Sanders and Matthew Wilder...

  • Bonnie (Experiment 149), Gigi (a.k.a. Yapper, Experiment 007) and Topper (Experiment 025) (Lilo & Stitch: The Series
    Lilo & Stitch: The Series
    Lilo & Stitch: The Series is the animated television spinoff of the feature film, Lilo & Stitch and the follow-up to Stitch! The Movie.-Plot:...

  • Chip, Gadget Hackwrench (Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
    Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
    Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Created by Tad Stones and Alan Zaslove, it featured the established Disney characters Chip 'n' Dale in a new setting. The series premiered on the Disney Channel on March 4, 1989,...

  • Chip 'n Dale
    Chip 'n Dale
    Chip and Dale are two chipmunk cartoon characters created in 1943 at Walt Disney Productions. Their names are a pun based on the name "Chippendale"...

     (Mickey Mouse Works
    Mickey Mouse Works
    Mickey Mouse Works is a television show that features the cartoon character Mickey Mouse and his friends in a series of animated segments. It is somewhat of an update of Mickey's Mouse Tracks....

    , House of Mouse)
  • The Fates on Hercules
    Hercules: The Animated Series
    Hercules is an animated series based on the 1997 film of the same name and the Greek myth. The series follows teenage Hercules training as a hero as well as trying to adjust to life. With his free-spirited friend Icarus, his future-seeing friend Cassandra and his teacher Philoctetes , he battles...

     and House of Mouse
  • Hyacinth Hippo (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
    Who Framed Roger Rabbit
    Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 American fantasy-comedy-noir film directed by Robert Zemeckis and released by Touchstone Pictures. The film combines live action and animation, and is based on Gary K. Wolf's novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit?, which depicts a world in which cartoon characters...

  • Lady Bane, Marzipan (Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
    Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
    Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears is an American animated television series that aired in the United States in the mid-1980s through the early 1990s...

  • Madame Upanova (House of Mouse
    Disney's House of Mouse
    Disney's House of Mouse is an American animated television series, produced by Walt Disney Television, that originally aired from 2001 to 2003-Premise:...

  • Merryweather (Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams
    Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams
    Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams is a 2007 direct-to-video animated feature produced by DisneyToon Studios. It is the first film in a planned new Disney Princess Enchanted Tales series of direct-to-video films, each featuring new stories about the Disney Princesses...

    , Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts II
    is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console...

    and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
  • Millionara Vanderbucks (Duck Tales)
  • Margot Yale, District Attorney and Wife of Bradnon Yale (Gargoyles
    Gargoyles (TV series)
    Gargoyles is an American animated series created by Greg Weisman. It was produced by Greg Weisman and Frank Paur and aired from October 24, 1994 to February 15, 1997. Gargoyles is known for its dark tone, complex story arcs and melodrama...

  • Fang (Dave the Barbarian
    Dave the Barbarian
    Dave the Barbarian is an American animated television series created by Doug Langdale, creator of The Weekenders, that premiered on January 23, 2004 on Disney Channel and ended on January 22, 2005. Continuing to air in other countries after the show ended, the show follows a barbarian named Dave,...

  • Ros (Upin & Ipin
    Upin & Ipin
    Upin & Ipin is a Malaysian television series of animated shorts produced by Les' Copaque Production, which features the life and adventures of the eponymous twin brothers in a fictional Malaysian kampung...

    ) current voice
  • Queen Liliana the Strigoi (American Dragon: Jake Long
    American Dragon: Jake Long
    American Dragon: Jake Long is an American animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The show had premiered on January 21, 2005 and ended on September 1, 2007. The show currently airs on Disney XD in the United States...


Other roles

  • Art Collector (The Heart of No Place
    The Heart of No Place
    The Heart of No Place is a 2009 independent film written and directed by Rika Ohara, based on reinterpretation of Yoko Ono's life and work...

  • Kala the Neutrino and Tempestra ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an American animated television series produced by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson. The pilot was shown during the week of December 28, 1987 in syndication as a five part miniseries and began its official run on October 1, 1988...

  • Lucy (Music video for "Weird Al" Yankovic's "Ricky
    Ricky (song)
    "Ricky" is a song by "Weird Al" Yankovic. It is a parody of "Mickey" by Toni Basil. The song focuses on the show I Love Lucy, and ends with a segment of the theme from the show...

  • Stacy Renee (The Boondocks
    The Boondocks (TV series)
    The Boondocks is an American animated series created by Aaron McGruder on Cartoon Network's late night programing block, Adult Swim, based on McGruder's comic strip of the same name...

  • Multiple female voices on the short-lived animated series Dilbert
    Dilbert (TV series)
    Dilbert is an animated television series spin-off of the comic strip of the same name, produced by Adelaide Productions, Idbox, and United Media and distributed by Columbia TriStar Television...

    , including the secretary Carol
    Carol (Dilbert character)
    Carol Cerberus is the Pointy-Haired Boss's misanthropic and bitter secretary in the Dilbert comic strip, who feels she is underappreciated and demeaned by her job and therefore takes out her frustration on all employees, especially her boss. Occasionally, when other major characters are plotting...

  • Hydia (My Little Pony 'n Friends)
  • Flo's Mother, Lottie Johnstone (Germbusters: The Animated Series)
  • Hoodsey Bishop (As Told by Ginger
    As Told by Ginger
    As Told by Ginger is an American teen drama animated series that was produced by Klasky-Csupo and aired on Nickelodeon from 2000 to 2009. The series focuses on a middle schooler Ginger Foutley who, with her friends, tries to become more than a social geek. There are many subplots that focus on...

  • Dot (Animaniacs
    Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs, usually referred to as simply Animaniacs, is an American animated series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. The cartoon was the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven...

  • Hello Nurse (Animaniacs
    Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs, usually referred to as simply Animaniacs, is an American animated series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. The cartoon was the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven...

    ) (Animaniacs)
  • Skater Kat (Muppet Babies
    Muppet Babies
    Jim Henson's Muppet Babies is an American animated television series that aired from September 15, 1984 to November 2, 1991 on CBS. The show portrayed childhood versions of the Muppets living together in a large nursery in the care of a human woman called Nanny...

  • Wicked Witch of the West
    Wicked Witch of the West
    The Wicked Witch of the West is a fictional character and the most significant antagonist in L. Frank Baum's children's book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz...

     (The Wizard of Oz TV Series)
  • Trish Johnson (Story Time with Gibbon and Luke)
  • Marita the Hippo (Animaniacs
    Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs, usually referred to as simply Animaniacs, is an American animated series, distributed by Warner Bros. Television and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. The cartoon was the second animated series produced by the collaboration of Steven...

  • Ms. Devine (Zazoo U
    Zazoo U
    Zazoo U is an American animated series that aired on Fox Kids on Saturday mornings from September 8, 1990 to January 19, 1991.On July 23rd, 2001, Zazoo U and other properties of Saban Entertainment were sold to The Walt Disney Company.-Plot:...

  • Humphrey the Hippo (The Critic
    The Critic
    The Critic is an American prime time animated series revolving around the life of film critic Jay Sherman, voiced by actor Jon Lovitz. It was created by Al Jean and Mike Reiss, both of whom had worked as writers on The Simpsons. The Critic had 23 episodes produced, first broadcast on ABC in 1994,...

  • Bab Prokofiev (How I Loved A Macho Boy)
  • Babs Bunny, Rubella Rat (Tiny Toon Adventures
    Tiny Toon Adventures
    Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures, usually referred to as Tiny Toon Adventures or simply Tiny Toons, is an American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. It began production as a result of Warner Bros....

  • Penelope the Parrot (Reader Rabbit Math Adventures Ages 6–9
    Reader Rabbit
    Reader Rabbit is an edutainment software franchise created in 1986 by The Learning Company. This series currently makes up the greater part of a franchise of grade-based and subject-based titles, where the games for infancy through second grade feature Reader Rabbit...

  • Soccer Mom (Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry
    Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry
    Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry is a 2005 animated direct-to-video film starring the oscar-winning cat and mouse pair, Tom and Jerry. The subtitle is a parody of the hit Universal Studios film, The Fast and The Furious. It was released theatrically in select cites of the U.S...

  • World's Oldest Woman, Pepper Mills, Toast, Cho-Cho, and Susanna Susquahanna (Histeria!
    Histeria! is a 1998 American animated series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Unlike other animated series produced by Warner Bros. in the 1990s, Histeria! stood out as the most explicit edutainment program in order to meet FCC requirements for...

  • Ms. Banshee (The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper
    The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper
    The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper was an animated television spin-off of the feature film Casper, which, in turn, was based on the Harvey Comics character of Casper the Friendly Ghost....

  • Charlotte Pickles (Rugrats
    Rugrats is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky, Gábor Csupó, and Paul Germain for Nickelodeon. The series premiered on August 11, 1991, and aired its last episode on June 8, 2004....

    and All Grown Up!
    All Grown Up!
    All Grown Up! is an American animated television series created by Arlene Klasky and Gábor Csupó. After the success of All Growed Up, the Rugrats 10th anniversary special, Nickelodeon commissioned All Grown Up! as a spin-off series based on the episode.The series ran from April 12, 2003 to August...

  • Pookie/Grandma Gertie (Hey Arnold!
    Hey Arnold!
    Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series created by Craig Bartlett for Nickelodeon. The show's premise focuses on a fourth grader named Arnold who lives with his grandparents. Episodes center on his experiences navigating big city life while dealing with the problems he and his friends...

  • Mayor Dixie (Hey Arnold)
  • Jain (Fallout)
  • Mrs. Hippopotamus
    The New Woody Woodpecker Show
    The New Woody Woodpecker Show is an animated television series based on the original cartoon by Walter Lantz, produced by Universal Animation Studios and aired from 1999 until 2002 on FOX and YTV...

     (The New Woody Woodpecker Show
    The New Woody Woodpecker Show
    The New Woody Woodpecker Show is an animated television series based on the original cartoon by Walter Lantz, produced by Universal Animation Studios and aired from 1999 until 2002 on FOX and YTV...

  • Tandi (Fallout 2
    Fallout 2
    Fallout 2 is a computer role-playing game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay in 1998. The game's story takes place in 2241, 80 years after the events of Fallout...

  • Girl (Kids' CBC
    Kids' CBC
    Kids' CBC is a preschool commercial-free programming block aired weekday mornings on CBC Television.Currently, the hosts of the block are Patty Sullivan and Sid Bobb.-History:...

  • Suzi (Full Throttle)
  • Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun (Toonstruck
    Toonstruck is a 1996 point-and-click adventure game in which, although all the imagery is drawn and scanned into the game, the protagonist Drew Blanc is an actual video-captured representation of the actor...

  • Merla (Voltron
    Voltron is the titular super robot of an anime series that features a team of young pilots, known as the Voltron Force. The team’s individual vehicles join together to form the giant super robot, with which they defend the galaxy from evil...

  • Deputy Mayor Callie Briggs (SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
    SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
    SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron is an animated series for television created by Christian and Yvon Tremblay and produced by Hanna-Barbera and Turner Program Services. Every episode of the series was directed by Robert Alvarez. The bulk of the series was written by either Glenn Leopold or Lance Falk...

  • Colleen (Road Rovers
    Road Rovers
    Road Rovers is an American 2D animated television series written and produced by Warner Bros. Animation that premiered on Kids' WB on September 7, 1996. It lasted one season and ended on February 22, 1997. Reruns continued to air until September 6, 1997. It was then on Cartoon Network from February...

  • Mama Swimmer, Mama Flyer (The Land Before Time series
    The Land Before Time (series)
    The Land Before Time is a series of animated films centered on dinosaurs. The series began in 1988 with The Land Before Time, directed and produced by Don Bluth and executive produced by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. It was followed by a total of 12 direct-to-video sequels, though none...

  • Dil and Ali's mom (The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
    The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists
    The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists is a 1996 direct-to-video film directed by Roy Allen Smith. This was supposed to be the last Land Before Time sequel directed by Smith, and the last sequel to feature any of the original voice cast...

  • Wizzy & Wigg (The Zula Patrol
    The Zula Patrol
    The Zula Patrol is an animated television series distributed by American Public Television to PBS stations in the United States. It is now also airing on Qubo. Some adaptations of the Zula Patrol also include planetarium shows....

  • Osono (Kiki's Delivery Service
    Kiki's Delivery Service
    is a 1989 Japanese animated fantasy film produced, written, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It was the fourth theatrically released Studio Ghibli film.The film won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1989...

  • Boss's Wife (Castle in the Sky
    Castle in the Sky
    All compositions by Joe Hisaishi.#"The Girl Who Fell from the Sky" – 2:27#"Morning in Slag Ravine" – 3:04#"A Fun Brawl " – 4:27#"Memories of Gondoa" – 2:46#"Discouraged Pazu" – 1:46#"Robot Soldier " – 2:34...

  • Red Gorilla
    Gorillas are the largest extant species of primates. They are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of central Africa. Gorillas are divided into two species and either four or five subspecies...

     (The Electric Company
    The Electric Company (2009 TV series)
    The Electric Company is an American children's educational series for young children aged 4–8 on PBS, derived from the 1971 series. The series premiered as a four-episode mini-marathon on PBS on January 19, 2009, then became a weekly series with an episode shown each Friday. On September 7, 2009,...

  • Bertha/Lunchlady Irma/Miss Lemon (Recess
    Recess (TV series)
    Recess is an American animated television series created by Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere and produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. The series focuses on six elementary school students and their interaction with other classmates and teachers...

  • Housewife (The Animatrix
    The Animatrix
    is a 2003 direct-to-video anthology film based on The Matrix trilogy. The film is a compilation of nine animated short films.-Production:Development of the Animatrix project began when the film series' writers and directors, the Wachowski brothers, were in Japan promoting the first Matrix film...

  • Mrs. Peenman, Stanley Ipkiss's grouchy landlady (The Mask: The Animated Series
    The Mask: The Animated Series
    The Mask: The Animated Series is a television animated series based on the comic book superhero, The Mask, but is a sequel to the 1994 film adaptation. The show ran for three seasons, from August 12, 1995 to March 8, 1997, and spawned its own short-run comic book series, Adventures of The Mask....

  • Hama (Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Avatar: The Last Airbender is an American animated television series that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. The series was created and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, who served as executive producers along with Aaron Ehasz...

  • Jean-Pierre Orleans (El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera
    El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera
    El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera is Nickelodeon's first ever flash animation series produced for Nickelodeon and Nicktoons Network. The first screening of the show was on January 19, 2007 in the first ever Nickelodeon Creative Summit held in San Juan, Puerto Rico as a special treat for the...

  • The Mayor (Firehouse Tales
    Firehouse Tales
    Firehouse Tales is an animated television series, produced by Warner Bros. Animation, which premiered on Cartoon Network's Tickle-U preschool television programming block in the United States on March 4, 2005...

  • Obaba (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
  • Shige Yamano (My Neighbors the Yamadas
    My Neighbors the Yamadas
    is an anime film directed by Isao Takahata and released by Studio Ghibli on July 17, 1999. The movie is a family comedy that is presented in a comic strip style which is unusual since all the other Studio Ghibli movies are presented in the traditional anime style of Studio Ghibli...

  • Okiyo (English dub of the anime
    is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....

     Pom Poko
    Pom Poko
    is a 1994 Japanese animated film, the eighth written and directed by Isao Takahata and animated by Studio Ghibli.Consistent with Japanese folklore, the tanuki are portrayed as a highly sociable, mischievous species, able to use "illusion science" to transform into almost anything, but too...

  • Antonia Chillingsworth (The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
    The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
    The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury is a 2004 made-for-DVD animated movie. It was directed by the Korean-American animator Peter Chung, and features Vin Diesel reprising his role of Richard B. Riddick.-Plot:...

  • Cobra Queen, Debbie Douglas, Dot (one episode) (Freakazoid)
  • Sarah Ravencroft (Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost
    Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost
    Scooby-Doo! and the Witch's Ghost is the second in a series of direct-to-video animated films based upon Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo Saturday morning cartoons. It was released on October 5, 1999, and it was produced by Warner Bros. Animation starting in 1998. The Mystery, Inc...

  • Mary Todd Lincoln
    Mary Todd Lincoln
    Mary Ann Lincoln was the wife of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and was First Lady of the United States from 1861 to 1865.-Life before the White House:...

     (Hard Drinkin' Lincoln
    Hard Drinkin' Lincoln
    Hard Drinkin' Lincoln is a Macromedia Flash Internet cartoon series produced in 2000 for the Internet animation company The series was created by Mike Reiss and directed by Xeth Feinberg...

  • Twinkle/Diva Weed (Twinkle, the Dream Being
    Twinkle, the Dream Being
    Twinkle, the Dream Being is an American animated television series that aired in 1993 in syndication. The show was produced by Calico Entertainment.-Synopsis:...

  • Queen Scowleen and Ursa Major (MoonDreamers
    Moondreamers is an animated television series that aired in 1986 as part of the My Little Pony 'n Friends lineup. My Little Pony aired the first 15 minutes, and the second half rotated among MoonDreamers, Potato Head Kids, and Glo Friends...

  • Doris, various characters (The Critic
    The Critic
    The Critic is an American prime time animated series revolving around the life of film critic Jay Sherman, voiced by actor Jon Lovitz. It was created by Al Jean and Mike Reiss, both of whom had worked as writers on The Simpsons. The Critic had 23 episodes produced, first broadcast on ABC in 1994,...

  • Betty Boop
    Betty Boop
    Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in...

  • Wubbzy's Grandma (Wow Wow Wubbzy)
  • Laura Carrot and Madame Blueberry (Veggietales
    VeggieTales is an American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity...

  • Curious Camilla (Curious George
    Curious George (TV series)
    Curious George is an animated television series based on the Curious George children's book series, which features Jeff Bennett as the voice of The Man with the Yellow Hat. Frank Welker, who voiced George in the 2006 feature film, returns here as the voice of Curious George. The stories of Season...

  • Prissy, Airplane Worker, Queen of the United Kingdom (Tweety's High-Flying Adventure)
  • Mrs. Finster, Chicken #2, and Ma (Random! Cartoons)
  • News reporter (Olive, the Other Reindeer
    Olive, the Other Reindeer
    Olive, the Other Reindeer is a CGI animated Christmas television special written by Steve Young, and directed by Oscar Moore. The feature was produced by Matt Groening's The Curiosity Company and animated by DNA Productions...

  • Penelope Pussycat
    Penelope Pussycat
    Penelope Pussycat is a fictional character, an anthropomorphic cat featured in the Warner Bros. classic Looney Tunes animated shorts. Though typically a non-speaker, her "meows" and "purrs" were most often provided by Mel Blanc using a feminine voice. In the 1959 short "Really Scent", she was...

    Carrotblanca is a 1995 8-minute Looney Tunes cartoon. It was originally shown in cinemas alongside The Amazing Panda Adventure and The Pebble and the Penguin...


Video game roles

  • Rise of the Dragon
    Rise of the Dragon
    Rise of the Dragon is a graphic adventure game that was released in 1990 for DOS and Macintosh and later remade for the Sega CD as well as the Amiga. It was one of the few adventure game titles developed by Dynamix, a company that was better known as an action and flight sim game developer...

    (1993) - Karyn Sommers
  • Full Throttle (1995) - Suzi, Leader of the Vultures
  • 9: The Last Resort
    9: The Last Resort
    9: The Last Resort is a 1996 adventure computer game developed by Tribeca Interactive. The game was produced by Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal, and sported an all-star cast of voice-artists including Cher, James Belushi, Christopher Reeve, Tress MacNeille, Ellen Degeneres and two members of...

    (1996) - Guitar Muse, Tapestry Room Voice
  • Toonstruck
    Toonstruck is a 1996 point-and-click adventure game in which, although all the imagery is drawn and scanned into the game, the protagonist Drew Blanc is an actual video-captured representation of the actor...

    - (1996) - Fluffy Fluffy Bun Bun/Ms. Fortune/Marge/'Mistress' Marge/Bouncer/Chipper/Sparky/Sam Shmaltz's secretary
  • Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion
    Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion
    Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion is a 1996 children's first-person puzzle video game developed and published by LucasArts. Released for Windows and Macintosh, the game follows a magical snail named Mortimer, who seeks to save a fantasy world's animal population...

    (1996) - Baboon/Elephant/Elf Owl/Long-nosed bat
  • Someone's in the Kitchen! (1996) - Mother Chill/Nuke/Ms. Dish
  • The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield (1997) - Additional Voices
  • Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (video game)
    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy is a PC Star Trek simulation game that simulates the life of a typical Starfleet cadet. The object in the game is for the player to learn the basics of flying a starship so that the player can eventually become a captain of one's very own ship...

    (1997) - Additional Voices
  • Fallout (1997) - Jain
  • Clayfighter 63⅓ (1997) - Taffy, Lady Liberty of the Sculptor's Cut, High Five of the Sculptor's Cut
  • 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue
    102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue
    102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue is a videogame based on the live-action Disney movie 102 Dalmatians. It made its debut in 2000 on the Sega Dreamcast and Sony PlayStation...

    - Yvonne the Bat
    Bats are mammals of the order Chiroptera "hand" and pteron "wing") whose forelimbs form webbed wings, making them the only mammals naturally capable of true and sustained flight. By contrast, other mammals said to fly, such as flying squirrels, gliding possums, and colugos, glide rather than fly,...

  • Animaniacs Game Pak (1998) - Dot Warner
  • Fallout 2
    Fallout 2
    Fallout 2 is a computer role-playing game developed by Black Isle Studios and published by Interplay in 1998. The game's story takes place in 2241, 80 years after the events of Fallout...

    (1998) - Tandi
  • Animaniacs Splat Ball (1999) - Dot
  • Donkey Kong 64
    Donkey Kong 64
    Donkey Kong 64 is a platform game, developed by Rare and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. It was released in North America on November 24, 1999 and in Europe on December 6, 1999. The game is a follow up to the Donkey Kong Country trilogy on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System...

    (1999) - Tiny Kong
  • Villains' Revenge
    Disney's Villains' Revenge
    Disney's Villains' Revenge is a video game produced by Disney Interactive for PCs or Macintosh computers, released in 1999. The gameplay is a simple interactive "point-and-click" method in various forms, featuring the player helping Jiminy Cricket save the happy endings of several of the Walt...

    (1999) - Mrs. Jumbo, Queen Of Hearts
  • Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge
    LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge
    LEGO Island 2 The Brickster's Revenge is an action-adventure computer game, it is the sequel to LEGO Island, and was followed by LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts...

    (1999) - Pepper
  • Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
    Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn is a computer role-playing game developed by BioWare and released on September 26, 2000. The game is the sequel to Baldur's Gate, and, opening only a few months after the events of the earlier game, continues the story of the player character, whose unique heritage...

    (2000) - Edwina/Royal High Priestess Senityili/ Lady Tiana
  • Banjo-Kazooie
    Banjo-Kazooie is a platform and action-adventure video game developed by Rare and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64. It was originally released for the Nintendo 64 in 1998...

    - Blue Eggs (voice only)
  • Escape from Monkey Island
    Escape from Monkey Island
    Escape from Monkey Island is a computer adventure game developed and released by LucasArts in 2000. It is the fourth game in the Monkey Island series....

    (2000) - Daisy/Mabel The Tourist
  • Forgotten Realms: Icewind Dale (2000) - Additional Voices
  • Mickey's Speedway USA
    Mickey's Speedway USA
    Mickey's Speedway USA is a Disney racing game for the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color, developed by Rareware and published by Nintendo. The Game Boy Color version of this game is a sequel to Mickey's Racing Adventure...

    (2000) - Daisy Duck
  • Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
    Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
    Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour is an interactive game based on attractions at the Walt Disney World Resort. Players compete in races on tracks inspired by attractions such as the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad to acquire...

    (2000) - Chip, Polly Roger, Otto Plugnut
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire CD-ROM: Sports Edition (2000) - Eleanor/Genny
  • Disney Golf
    Disney Golf
    Disney Golf, Known in Japan as Disney Golf Classics , is a sports game based on Disney films. It is the spiritual successor to another golf game called Swing Away Golf, themed with Disney characters. First shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in 2002, it was the fifth golf game to be made...

    (2002) - Daisy
  • Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts
    is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square in 2002 for the PlayStation 2 video game console. The first game in the Kingdom Hearts series, it is the result of a collaboration between Square Enix and The Walt Disney Company. The game combines characters and settings from Disney...

    (English version) (2002) - Daisy Duck, Queen Of Hearts
  • Run Like Hell (2002) - Scout
  • Stitch Experiment 626 (2002) - voice
  • The Simpsons: Hit & Run (2003) - Agnes Skinner/Others
  • Futurama
    Futurama (video game)
    Futurama is a 3D platform game based on the science fiction cartoon series Futurama. Versions are available for the PS2 and Xbox, both of which use cel-shading technology. Nintendo GameCube and Game Boy Advance games were planned for release, though they were cancelled due to a belief that their...

    (2003) - Mom/Linda
  • Toontown Online
    Toontown Online
    Disney's Toontown Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by The Walt Disney Company and billed as the first such game intended for kids and families. Designed for children as young as seven, but teens and adults also play this, the depth of the game's content has drawn...

    (2005) - Daisy Duck
  • Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts II
    is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and published by Buena Vista Games and Square Enix in 2005 for the Sony PlayStation 2 video game console...

    (English version) (2006) - Daisy Duck, Chip, Merryweather, Kanga, Shenzi
  • The Simpsons Game
    The Simpsons Game
    The Simpsons Game is an action/platformer video game based on the animated television series The Simpsons, made for the Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation Portable. The game was developed, published, and distributed by Electronic Arts. It was released in North...

    (2007) - Various voices
  • Bee Movie Game
    Bee Movie Game
    Bee Movie Game is a video game based on the film Bee Movie produced by DreamWorks. The game was released on October 30, 2007. Beenox developed the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, and Windows versions of the game, Smart Bomb Interactive developed the Wii version, and Vicarious Visions developed the...

    (2007) - Jeanette Chung
  • Germbusters (2010) - Flo's Mother/Lottie Johnstone
  • Germbusters 2: Germbusters Strike Again! (2010) - Flo's Mother/Lottie Johnstone
  • Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (English version) (2010) - Daisy Duck, Chip, Merryweather
  • Epic Mickey
    Epic Mickey
    Epic Mickey is a 2010 Mickey Mouse action-adventure platforming video game designed by Warren Spector and developed by Junction Point Studios for the Wii console...

    (2010) - Ortensia and animatronic Daisy Duck

External links

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