The Crystal Maze
The Crystal Maze was a British game show
, produced by Chatsworth Television
and shown on Channel 4
in the United Kingdom between 15 February 1990 and 10 August 1995. There was one series per year, with the first four series presented by Richard O'Brien
and the final two by Ed Tudor-Pole
, who made his debut in the 1993 Christmas special. Each show was one hour long, including commercial breaks.
The show was originally intended to be a British remake of the French programme Fort Boyard
, devised by Jacques Antoine
. However, the unavailability of the French show's set (a real fort in the middle of the sea), led British producer Malcolm Heyworth to reinvent the show using themed zones as a means to keep the show visually fresh. Channel 5 later bought the rights to Fort Boyard and made their own version, using the original set, running from 1998 to 2001.
The series is set in "The Crystal Maze", which is set within four different "zones" set in various periods of time and space. A team of six contestants take part in a selection of challenges in order to win "time crystals". Each crystal gives the team five seconds of time inside "The Crystal Dome", the heart of the maze where the contestants take part in their final challenge.
The Crystal Maze was one of the ambitious and most popular programmes produced by Channel 4. The maze cost £250,000 to build and was the size of two football pitches
. The show was at the time the most watched on Channel 4, attracting up to 6 million viewers at its height and The Crystal Maze is considered by some to be, "a highly-ambitious, high-risk show that paid off handsomely."
intended to make a British version of the French
show Fort Boyard
, but when it became clear that the fort would not be available at the time of the pilot show, Fort Boyard's creator Jacques Antoine
was consulted about developing an alternative format that could be shot elsewhere. As a result, the show ended up using a concept similar to Fort Boyard, but was substantially different in presentation and style. It was filmed on a very large set, originally at H Stage in Shepperton Studios
, but in later series at an adapted aircraft hangar named Aces High Studios, at North Weald Airfield
in Essex
. A UK version of Fort Boyard was eventually made by Channel 5, long after Channel 4 ended The Crystal Maze.
The set was divided into four 'Zones' set in different periods of time and space. For the first three series, the zones were Aztec
(set in a small village in 1518, the year before Hernán Cortés
destroyed the Aztec empire), Futuristic
(on board a space station far away from Earth in 2494, abandoned after the Second Galactic War of 2245), Medieval (set in a castle where the host lived in 1302) and Industrial
(set in an industrial chemical plant and claimed to be where the games were made). From series four onwards Industrial was replaced by Ocean
(set on the S.S. Atlantis
, a sunken ship trapped in an air bubble on the edge of an abyss
in the Pacific Ocean. According to Tudor-Pole, in 1947 the captain got drunk and the ship hit a mine
. There is gold in the cargo, but it cannot be removed as it is responsible for balancing the ship over an abyss The band was the last group of people to leave, since they didn't know the ship was sinking, and one left behind his banjo
). In the show, O'Brien claimed he found Ocean zone when he was unblocking a drain in Medieval. He said that it was located underneath Industrial and that he was trying to restore the ship. At the centre of the maze was the Crystal Dome, a giant geometric acrylic glass
'crystal' where the teams play their final challenge after playing games in each of the four Zones.
In each episode, a team consisting of three men and three women (including a team captain and vice-captain) would enter the 'maze,' starting from a pre-determined Zone, and play three or four games of various types in each zone before entering the Crystal Dome. The teams were put together by Chatsworth from individual applicants, only meeting each other for the first time on the day before filming their episode, unlike the UK version of Fort Boyard which was made some years later, in which teams applied and played as teams.
The objective of the show was to amass as many 'time crystals' (golf ball-sized Swarovski
glass crystals) as possible by playing the games in each zone. When the team reached the Crystal Dome, they had to collect as many gold
'tokens' as possible in order to win a prize. Each crystal that the team won earlier would allow them five seconds of time in the Dome.
Before each game in a zone, the team captain (or vice captain should the team captain be locked in) would choose which contestant would play and which type of challenge the game would involve. Games were classed as "Physical" (tests of speed and strength), "Mental" (tests of brainpower often involving Maths or word association), "Skill" (tests of dexterity and accuracy) or "Mystery" (tests of logic and cunning). The chosen team member would be sent into a chamber to play a game, and their team-mates could advise them from outside (except in specific mental games where the team would be instructed not to confer, although general encouragement could still be shouted in). Successfully solving the puzzle would release a crystal. In the early series, the captain's choice of game and contestant was genuine; in later series, it was not a free choice and was 'imposed' on the team by the production team.
Each game had a time limit of two, two-and-a-half, or three minutes. If the contestant failed to exit the chamber in time, they would be 'locked in.' In some games, known as 'automatic lock-in' games, the contestant could also be locked in by committing a foul, for example by touching the floor if this was forbidden for that game, or by setting off an 'alarm' three times. If the contestant breached the penalty rules in an 'automatic lock-in' game, they would be locked in straight away, irrespective of whether or not they had won the crystal, and regardless of how much time they had left. A small number of games didn't allow contestants to exit without winning the crystal, usually achieved by having the crystal freely accessible but requiring a puzzle to be solved to get out. For example, one game in the Medieval zone had a crystal that was easy to collect, but upon picking it up would lower down a portcullis
and trap the contestant in the room. The contestant would then have to build a mechanism to raise the portcullis and escape. Contestants who were 'locked in' were unable to play further, unless the team captain chose to buy a contestant's freedom at the cost of a previously-earned crystal, which could be done at any time after the lock-in.
Buying out a 'locked-in' contestant required a team member to physically take a crystal to the chamber where the contestant was locked in, leaving the crystal there in exchange for their 'bought-out' team-mate. As this was sometimes a lengthy trip, it effectively took a second contestant out of action for several games, so the timing was important. If the contestants did not rejoin the team in time, they would both be excluded from the Crystal Dome finalé: a danger that was stated in several episodes, though this never actually happened. If both the captain and vice-captain were locked in, a new captain would be elected on the spot, although again, this never actually happened.
After competing in all four Zones, the remaining contestants entered the Crystal Dome, a 16 feet (4.9 m) replica of the 'time crystals' surrounded by a seven-foot circular moat and entered by a 3 foot (0.9144 m) 'drawbridge' which was hydraulically retracted once the team were inside. Similarly, one of the Dome's triangular panels was hydraulically opened and closed to let the team enter, then lock them inside. Inside the Dome, gold and silver
banknote-sized 'tokens' made of foil were blown around from beneath the wire mesh floor by six huge fans mounted on a slowly rotating giant turntable, leading to O'Brien's catchphrase, occasionally delivered in a cod American accent: "Will you start the fans, please!" or Tudor-Pole's various elaborate intros, for example "Let the mighty winds blow!"
After much experimentation with samples of dozens of different foils, the production team found only one which worked properly in the Dome without either falling to the floor and staying there, blowing straight to the top of the Dome and staying there, or 'sticking' to the wall panels. Unfortunately, this foil-like material was only manufactured in silver, so the gold tokens were actually silver ones which were sprayed with gold paint by the production crew.
In the Dome, and after the fans and turntable were up to speed with all the tokens swirling around, the team's aim was to grab the tokens from the air and post them into a roughly house brick sized clear plastic container mounted at waist height on the outside of one of the dome's panels. Tudor-Pole called it The Cosmic Pyramid, while O'Brien termed it The Letterbox. The container had a pneumatically-operated door on the inside, marked with a red saltire-shaped cross, which opened when the collection time started and closed when time was up. The team had to collect at least 100 gold tokens to win, but each silver token gathered would cancel out a gold token. Hence, the team actually had to collect 100 more gold tokens than silver ones. In series two, a gold and silver gauge would appear on-screen whilst the team played in the Dome so viewers could watch how many gold and silver tokens the contestants had collected. This was scrapped from series three onward.
The ratio of silver to gold tokens within the Dome was five to four (625 silver and 500 gold), and the gold tokens were very difficult to tell from silver ones when blowing around inside the Dome, especially since the paint on the 'gold' tokens tended to flake off, although neither of these details were obvious to the viewer. The shape and size of the Dome meant that every sound within it (including a contestant's own voice) appeared to come from a single point roughly ten feet above the Dome's mesh floor, and directly above its centre. This could be disorientating to the contestants.
In the first series, a final balance of 50–99 gold tokens entitled team members to a 'runner-up' prize, but this was dropped in later series. Originally, it was also planned to offer a 'double-or-nothing' Gamble Game to teams winning 50–99 gold tokens. This consisted of a small 'wire-frame' model of the Crystal Dome with some pieces removed, which the team (if they accepted the Gamble) would have to re-assemble within a time limit. However, the Gamble Game idea was dropped shortly before the first series was filmed. In the case of the Christmas specials, done with a team of children, they were awarded the prize regardless of their performance in the dome.
Originally, prizes consisted individual adventure days out, such as a flight in a Tiger Moth
or a day spent mud-plugging
, and contestants chose their own gold and silver grade prizes off set, just in advance of filming the Crystal Dome part of the show. From series four onwards, the contestants would choose a single prize (usually once-in-a-lifetime adventure holidays) shared by the whole team. Winning teams were few and far between; a testament to how much of a challenge the show actually was. All players that participated won a commemorative crystal saying "I Cracked the Crystal Maze, 1990–5," despite the fact that the vast majority failed.
Teams began their game in one of the Zones and progressed either clockwise or anti-clockwise around the maze; this meant that a team would alternate between the past and modern zones.
Series 1–3: The diagram consisted of a black background with Zones formed from coloured lines:
The current location of the team in the maze was shown by a single red dot, which could be positioned in numerous places on the map, including different areas in the Zones, the obstacles between the Zones or even outside the map once or twice in the case of the Aztec Zone. Occasionally, no dot at all was shown for the Aztec Zone. The Crystal Dome had no dot and just zoomed in after a few seconds. Also, the map could sometimes be shown twice for the same Zone, the first showing the obstacle and the second the Zone. The map could zoom in at any time however.
Series 4–6: The Diagram consisted of a multi-coloured background with Zones formed from filled coloured areas:
The location of the team around the maze was shown by a radar-like positioning system. Unlike the series 1–3 map, the locator had fixed positions in the Zones and did not venture into the obstacles. The Crystal Dome also had this type of locator.
In both cases, the map zoomed in on each individual Zone and the Dome. The angle used to zoom in on each Zone was different: some just panned down, others did a full 180 degree angled sweep to show the Zone from the back. Whenever the map zoomed in, all other Zones and the Dome drifted away so that the individual cells and obstacles could be seen more clearly. The Dome was different. Its zoom showed it from the very front, a very steep pan down being required for this.
In series 6 and the 1992 Kids Christmas Special, the zoom in on Zones included a sound effect. In addition, the 1992 Special used the second map for the first time, so different zooming angles were used, and the Ocean Zone was also seen for the first time.
Each episode of series 1–4 started with Richard O'Brien blowing his whistle. In series 5–6, Ed Tudor Pole used a different whistle, but the episode would sometimes start with a distinct sound; he would ring a bell
in Medieval, blow a conch
in Aztec, set off an alarm
in Futuristic (after the question was answered), and sound a foghorn
in Ocean.
The transitions were:
Note: Contestants often took a long time getting from one end to the other. Also, the tunnel forked into two at one point, with the other fork leading to a dead end, which occasionally caught the contestants out. The Tunnel was also blocked off at ground level in some parts so short arched segments were made so contestants would have to climb up then slide back down.
Contestants could only move clockwise or anti-clockwise to one of the two Zones either side of their current location. They could not venture diagonally across the map because the Crystal Dome was in the centre (see map).
's highest watched programme, mainly seen by children and young adults, reaching a peak of 7 million viewers for the 1993 Christmas special. The Christmas specials were to cater for a younger audience, and often featured teams of children, playing new games which served as a preview of new games for the next series (the Christmas specials were recorded shortly before the main series started recording), or easy puzzles devised and made specifically for those shows (which were not used in the main series).
At the beginning of the 1993 Christmas special (Series 5), a short 1min 30sec minute film was shown which featured O'Brien and his 'mother,' addressed as "Mumsey" (played by Sandra Caron, the younger sister of Fifties singing star Alma Cogan
), leaving the maze for a new life with her boyfriend Dwayne (a new-age biker apparently, though he was never seen). Mumsey was the Fortune Teller in the Medieval Zone during series 1–4, fulfilling a similar purpose to Tom Baker's 'Captain' in the UK version of Fort Boyard by asking contestants riddles or puzzles in exchange for a crystal if answered correctly ("Mumsey" was temporarily replaced in Series 3 by "Auntie Sabrina" (also played by Sandra Caron), but "Mumsey" returned the following series). Ed Tudor-Pole from the rock band Tenpole Tudor
was then introduced and became the host for the final two series. Coincidentally, Ed once played Riff-Raff in The Rocky Horror Show
, which O'Brien wrote. O'Brien himself had also played this role on stage and in the movie adaptation The Rocky Horror Picture Show
. Ed often referred to some companions in the maze, such as Bert the horse and Starbuck the cat, and he flirted with the computer in the Futuristic Zone, which he called Barbara. He and Barbara had been together for 45 years in 2250. Barbara had been a scientist, and as part of her work, her soul was inputted into the computer, hence her presence in it.
When Channel 4
's contract with producers Chatsworth TV expired, they didn't renew it and the show ended in 1995. The large set remained up in Aces High hangar until 1999, when it was dismantled. The games got trashed, but many had bits recycled into new games.
Eventually, Challenge (a digital satellite channel, then known as Challenge TV) bought the rights for all six series in 1998 and frequently shown all the episodes
throughout the year. The Crystal Maze continues to air on Challenge to this day.
The Crystal Maze was named "Greatest UK Game Show of All Time!" in a 2006 poll by the UKGameshows.com
website and again in 2010. Due to its popularity, it was featured in the Channel 4
at 25 celebration season which showed popular shows from Channel 4's 25 year history. It has developed a cult following over the years and many dedicated fans still campaign for its return.
The Crystal Maze (Zone Change) Underscore music was also composed by Zack Lawrence.
released "Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
", one of the last instalments in their successful "Dizzy" series
. In the final level of the game, Dizzy had to return the lost treasure to its rightful place, but before he could do that he had to take on an obstacle course of moving platforms beneath water, and collect a crystal and make his way out, in a parody
of the programme itself. During this course a Richard O'Brien look-alike says in a caption "Quick!, quick!, get the crystal!", which was one of O'Brien's most well-known phrases on the TV show.
The Crystal Maze was parodied in 1994 in an episode of the children's sitcom Maid Marian and her Merry Men
(series 4, episode 1 - Tunnel Vision), with the Robin Hood character acting as the part of O'Brien. It was also referenced in the 2000 movie Dungeons & Dragons
, which featured a maze with similar puzzles, with its owner played by O'Brien. The show was lampooned on The Mary Whitehouse Experience
when a group of "contestants" completely failed to complete the Making a Cup of Tea game.
On 18 February 2006, a parody of The Crystal Maze (called The Crystal Muck) appeared on Dick and Dom in da Bungalow
, featuring a character called Richard O'Muckon. The character played the harmonica at moments where the contestants needed to concentrate the most, a parody of O'Brien's antics.
The online multiplayer game
features a maze of puzzles, traps and other obstacles known as the Rogues' Den, operated by a character called "Brian O'Richard". When spoken to, Brian O'Richard claims the maze belongs to "mummsie".
Comedy duo Adam and Joe
also parodied The Crystal Maze on Channel 4
's The Adam and Joe Show
using their well known style of using toys. This time, the Crystal Maze was hosted by Yoda
. The team was led by Emperor Palpatine
and consisted of Jabba the Hutt
, Princess Leia
, C-3P0 and a drunken Obi-Wan Kenobi
. The game culminated in the team only collecting 1 crystal, and the Emperor being so frustrated with his team's terrible performance, destroyed the Crystal Dome with his Force power
s and declared "The pony trekking holiday in Ullswater
will be mine!".
In "Sex", an episode of the third series of Absolutely Fabulous
first broadcast in April 1995, the character Christopher, Edina Monsoon
's hairdresser, calls out enthusiastically, "This is just like The Crystal Maze!" as he and others run through university hallways looking for a videotape.
In 2007, the Sony Award nominated
for the BBC Radio 7 sketch show A Series of Psychotic Episodes
, one sketch featured a traumatised daughter whose father had been locked in the Aztec Zone of The Crystal Maze in 1994 and never being released from the maze.
The 1992 Larry Niven
and Steven Barnes
book The California Voodoo Game features a Crystal Maze competition which is used to introduce two of the teams competing in the larger game around which the plot is based.
The show was notable for dedicating to the memory of one of its contestants, David MacPherson, who died in a motorcycle accident after the recording of Episode 12 of Series 2. Likewise, the last episode of Series 6 featured a dedication to team captain Jim Alexander, who passed away in between the recording and transmission of the episode. The dedication only appeared on the original broadcast.
, has an attraction called "The Crystal Maze", which was inspired by the original television series. Opened with the rest of the theme park, the attraction was built due to the popularity of the television series in the U.A.E.
after having been run and re-run several times on the now-defunct, local television Channel 33
. Encounter Zone's version of The Crystal Maze has a similar format to the Cyberdrome Crystal Mazes. Encounter Zone's Crystal Maze is a permanent attraction though.
The makers of the children's TV show Jungle Run
openly acknowledge The Crystal Maze as an influence, particularly the current host, Michael Underwood
, who was a captain in the first Christmas special.
style gamebook
based around The Crystal Maze was also produced by Mammoth
in 1991, in association with Channel 4
and Chatsworth Television
licensed a number of popular SWP
gambling machine
s based on the TV series, originally produced by Barcrest, but now made by JPM. A computer game based on The Crystal Maze was released in 1993 by Sherston Software
on the Acorn Archimedes
, and subsequently for the PC. A quiz machine based on the show was also produced. A board game
was also produced based upon the show, but based on the concept of players competing against each other as opposed to the co-operative style of the TV show .
There was also a hand-held version that contained 12 simple levels, each the same but a bit faster and with added killer statues. It was a platform based game that mainly involved jumping on to different levels (out of 4) as they passed by. On the end of each level the player has to jump across three moving platforms and over a wall to obtain the crystal.
In 2009 Cool Games created a 3D video version for the UK SWP market. Remaining true to the original show, using touch screen technology, the game achieved widespread coverage in the UK and remains one of the most popular SWP games launched.
The Cyberdrome Crystal Maze was an attraction usually found in larger bowling alleys and video arcades in the UK. It allowed fans an opportunity to "play" the Crystal Maze for themselves in a computerised format. There were a few differences from the show itself, e.g. there is no player choice of game category, and there is no locking in (instead, failing to quit a game would immediately cost the team a crystal). Five of the first six locations were in Britain, while the sixth was in Japan. All of the Cyberdrome Crystal Mazes have since closed. The last one, at Canaston Bowl, Pembrokeshire
, ceased operations in June 2010.
will be re-made by ITV
and the person who will be hosting it will be Amanda Holden
. ITV said they want to keep the shows format based collecting gold tokens whilst being blown around by giant fans the same.
Game show
A game show is a type of radio or television program in which members of the public, television personalities or celebrities, sometimes as part of a team, play a game which involves answering questions or solving puzzles usually for money and/or prizes...
, produced by Chatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television was a British television production company. The most renowned examples of their programmes are Treasure Hunt , Interceptor and The Crystal Maze...
and shown on Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
in the United Kingdom between 15 February 1990 and 10 August 1995. There was one series per year, with the first four series presented by Richard O'Brien
Richard O'Brien
Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze...
and the final two by Ed Tudor-Pole
Edward Tudor-Pole
Edward Tudor-Pole is an English musician, singer , TV presenter and actor.- Musical career :Tudor-Pole formed the band Tenpole Tudor in 1974, and eventually came to prominence after appearing in the film The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle as a possible replacement for Johnny Rotten in the Sex Pistols...
, who made his debut in the 1993 Christmas special. Each show was one hour long, including commercial breaks.
The show was originally intended to be a British remake of the French programme Fort Boyard
Fort Boyard
Fort Boyard is a fort located between the Île-d'Aix and the Île d'Oléron in the Pertuis d'Antioche straits, on the west coast of France. Though a fort on Boyard bank was suggested as early as the 17th century, it was not until the 1800s under Napoleon Bonaparte that work began.-Layout:Fort...
, devised by Jacques Antoine
Jacques Antoine
Jacques Antoine is a French writer of game shows. He had successes in the 1980s with Treasure Hunt and Interceptor, and in the 1990s with Fort Boyard and The Crystal Maze.-Credits:...
. However, the unavailability of the French show's set (a real fort in the middle of the sea), led British producer Malcolm Heyworth to reinvent the show using themed zones as a means to keep the show visually fresh. Channel 5 later bought the rights to Fort Boyard and made their own version, using the original set, running from 1998 to 2001.
The series is set in "The Crystal Maze", which is set within four different "zones" set in various periods of time and space. A team of six contestants take part in a selection of challenges in order to win "time crystals". Each crystal gives the team five seconds of time inside "The Crystal Dome", the heart of the maze where the contestants take part in their final challenge.
The Crystal Maze was one of the ambitious and most popular programmes produced by Channel 4. The maze cost £250,000 to build and was the size of two football pitches
Association football pitch
An association football pitch is the playing surface for the game of association football made of turf. Its dimensions and markings are defined by Law 1 of the Laws of the Game, "The Field of Play".All line markings on the pitch form part of the area which they define...
. The show was at the time the most watched on Channel 4, attracting up to 6 million viewers at its height and The Crystal Maze is considered by some to be, "a highly-ambitious, high-risk show that paid off handsomely."
Originally, Chatsworth TelevisionChatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television was a British television production company. The most renowned examples of their programmes are Treasure Hunt , Interceptor and The Crystal Maze...
intended to make a British version of the French
French language
French is a Romance language spoken as a first language in France, the Romandy region in Switzerland, Wallonia and Brussels in Belgium, Monaco, the regions of Quebec and Acadia in Canada, and by various communities elsewhere. Second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts...
show Fort Boyard
Fort Boyard (TV series)
For the fortress see Fort Boyard Fort Boyard is a French game show created by Jacques Antoine that was first broadcast in 1990 and is popular to this day...
, but when it became clear that the fort would not be available at the time of the pilot show, Fort Boyard's creator Jacques Antoine
Jacques Antoine
Jacques Antoine is a French writer of game shows. He had successes in the 1980s with Treasure Hunt and Interceptor, and in the 1990s with Fort Boyard and The Crystal Maze.-Credits:...
was consulted about developing an alternative format that could be shot elsewhere. As a result, the show ended up using a concept similar to Fort Boyard, but was substantially different in presentation and style. It was filmed on a very large set, originally at H Stage in Shepperton Studios
Shepperton Studios
Shepperton Studios is a film studio in Shepperton, Surrey, England with a history dating back to 1931 since when many notable films have been made there...
, but in later series at an adapted aircraft hangar named Aces High Studios, at North Weald Airfield
North Weald Airfield
North Weald Airfield is an operational airfield, near the village of North Weald Bassett in Epping Forest, Essex, England. It was an important fighter station during the Battle of Britain, when it was known as the RAF Station RAF North Weald. It is the home of North Weald Airfield Museum...
in Essex
Essex is a ceremonial and non-metropolitan county in the East region of England, and one of the home counties. It is located to the northeast of Greater London. It borders with Cambridgeshire and Suffolk to the north, Hertfordshire to the west, Kent to the South and London to the south west...
. A UK version of Fort Boyard was eventually made by Channel 5, long after Channel 4 ended The Crystal Maze.
The set was divided into four 'Zones' set in different periods of time and space. For the first three series, the zones were Aztec
The Aztec people were certain ethnic groups of central Mexico, particularly those groups who spoke the Nahuatl language and who dominated large parts of Mesoamerica in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, a period referred to as the late post-classic period in Mesoamerican chronology.Aztec is the...
(set in a small village in 1518, the year before Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés
Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro, 1st Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca was a Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire and brought large portions of mainland Mexico under the rule of the King of Castile in the early 16th century...
destroyed the Aztec empire), Futuristic
The future is the indefinite time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the nature of the reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist is temporary and will come...
(on board a space station far away from Earth in 2494, abandoned after the Second Galactic War of 2245), Medieval (set in a castle where the host lived in 1302) and Industrial
Industry refers to the production of an economic good or service within an economy.-Industrial sectors:There are four key industrial economic sectors: the primary sector, largely raw material extraction industries such as mining and farming; the secondary sector, involving refining, construction,...
(set in an industrial chemical plant and claimed to be where the games were made). From series four onwards Industrial was replaced by Ocean
An ocean is a major body of saline water, and a principal component of the hydrosphere. Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean, a continuous body of water that is customarily divided into several principal oceans and smaller seas.More than half of this area is over 3,000...
(set on the S.S. Atlantis
Atlantis is a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, written about 360 BC....
, a sunken ship trapped in an air bubble on the edge of an abyss
Abyssal plain
An abyssal plain is an underwater plain on the deep ocean floor, usually found at depths between 3000 and 6000 metres. Lying generally between the foot of a continental rise and a mid-ocean ridge, abyssal plains cover more than 50% of the Earth’s surface. They are among the flattest, smoothest...
in the Pacific Ocean. According to Tudor-Pole, in 1947 the captain got drunk and the ship hit a mine
Naval mine
A naval mine is a self-contained explosive device placed in water to destroy surface ships or submarines. Unlike depth charges, mines are deposited and left to wait until they are triggered by the approach of, or contact with, an enemy vessel...
. There is gold in the cargo, but it cannot be removed as it is responsible for balancing the ship over an abyss The band was the last group of people to leave, since they didn't know the ship was sinking, and one left behind his banjo
In the 1830s Sweeney became the first white man to play the banjo on stage. His version of the instrument replaced the gourd with a drum-like sound box and included four full-length strings alongside a short fifth-string. There is no proof, however, that Sweeney invented either innovation. This new...
). In the show, O'Brien claimed he found Ocean zone when he was unblocking a drain in Medieval. He said that it was located underneath Industrial and that he was trying to restore the ship. At the centre of the maze was the Crystal Dome, a giant geometric acrylic glass
Acrylic glass
Poly is a transparent thermoplastic, often used as a light or shatter-resistant alternative to glass. It is sometimes called acrylic glass. Chemically, it is the synthetic polymer of methyl methacrylate...
'crystal' where the teams play their final challenge after playing games in each of the four Zones.
In each episode, a team consisting of three men and three women (including a team captain and vice-captain) would enter the 'maze,' starting from a pre-determined Zone, and play three or four games of various types in each zone before entering the Crystal Dome. The teams were put together by Chatsworth from individual applicants, only meeting each other for the first time on the day before filming their episode, unlike the UK version of Fort Boyard which was made some years later, in which teams applied and played as teams.
The objective of the show was to amass as many 'time crystals' (golf ball-sized Swarovski
Swarovski is the brand name for a range of precisely-cut crystal and related luxury products produced by Swarovski AG of Wattens, Austria...
glass crystals) as possible by playing the games in each zone. When the team reached the Crystal Dome, they had to collect as many gold
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and an atomic number of 79. Gold is a dense, soft, shiny, malleable and ductile metal. Pure gold has a bright yellow color and luster traditionally considered attractive, which it maintains without oxidizing in air or water. Chemically, gold is a...
'tokens' as possible in order to win a prize. Each crystal that the team won earlier would allow them five seconds of time in the Dome.
Before each game in a zone, the team captain (or vice captain should the team captain be locked in) would choose which contestant would play and which type of challenge the game would involve. Games were classed as "Physical" (tests of speed and strength), "Mental" (tests of brainpower often involving Maths or word association), "Skill" (tests of dexterity and accuracy) or "Mystery" (tests of logic and cunning). The chosen team member would be sent into a chamber to play a game, and their team-mates could advise them from outside (except in specific mental games where the team would be instructed not to confer, although general encouragement could still be shouted in). Successfully solving the puzzle would release a crystal. In the early series, the captain's choice of game and contestant was genuine; in later series, it was not a free choice and was 'imposed' on the team by the production team.
Each game had a time limit of two, two-and-a-half, or three minutes. If the contestant failed to exit the chamber in time, they would be 'locked in.' In some games, known as 'automatic lock-in' games, the contestant could also be locked in by committing a foul, for example by touching the floor if this was forbidden for that game, or by setting off an 'alarm' three times. If the contestant breached the penalty rules in an 'automatic lock-in' game, they would be locked in straight away, irrespective of whether or not they had won the crystal, and regardless of how much time they had left. A small number of games didn't allow contestants to exit without winning the crystal, usually achieved by having the crystal freely accessible but requiring a puzzle to be solved to get out. For example, one game in the Medieval zone had a crystal that was easy to collect, but upon picking it up would lower down a portcullis
A portcullis is a latticed grille made of wood, metal, fibreglass or a combination of the three. Portcullises fortified the entrances to many medieval castles, acting as a last line of defence during time of attack or siege...
and trap the contestant in the room. The contestant would then have to build a mechanism to raise the portcullis and escape. Contestants who were 'locked in' were unable to play further, unless the team captain chose to buy a contestant's freedom at the cost of a previously-earned crystal, which could be done at any time after the lock-in.
Buying out a 'locked-in' contestant required a team member to physically take a crystal to the chamber where the contestant was locked in, leaving the crystal there in exchange for their 'bought-out' team-mate. As this was sometimes a lengthy trip, it effectively took a second contestant out of action for several games, so the timing was important. If the contestants did not rejoin the team in time, they would both be excluded from the Crystal Dome finalé: a danger that was stated in several episodes, though this never actually happened. If both the captain and vice-captain were locked in, a new captain would be elected on the spot, although again, this never actually happened.
After competing in all four Zones, the remaining contestants entered the Crystal Dome, a 16 feet (4.9 m) replica of the 'time crystals' surrounded by a seven-foot circular moat and entered by a 3 foot (0.9144 m) 'drawbridge' which was hydraulically retracted once the team were inside. Similarly, one of the Dome's triangular panels was hydraulically opened and closed to let the team enter, then lock them inside. Inside the Dome, gold and silver
Silver is a metallic chemical element with the chemical symbol Ag and atomic number 47. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal...
banknote-sized 'tokens' made of foil were blown around from beneath the wire mesh floor by six huge fans mounted on a slowly rotating giant turntable, leading to O'Brien's catchphrase, occasionally delivered in a cod American accent: "Will you start the fans, please!" or Tudor-Pole's various elaborate intros, for example "Let the mighty winds blow!"
After much experimentation with samples of dozens of different foils, the production team found only one which worked properly in the Dome without either falling to the floor and staying there, blowing straight to the top of the Dome and staying there, or 'sticking' to the wall panels. Unfortunately, this foil-like material was only manufactured in silver, so the gold tokens were actually silver ones which were sprayed with gold paint by the production crew.
In the Dome, and after the fans and turntable were up to speed with all the tokens swirling around, the team's aim was to grab the tokens from the air and post them into a roughly house brick sized clear plastic container mounted at waist height on the outside of one of the dome's panels. Tudor-Pole called it The Cosmic Pyramid, while O'Brien termed it The Letterbox. The container had a pneumatically-operated door on the inside, marked with a red saltire-shaped cross, which opened when the collection time started and closed when time was up. The team had to collect at least 100 gold tokens to win, but each silver token gathered would cancel out a gold token. Hence, the team actually had to collect 100 more gold tokens than silver ones. In series two, a gold and silver gauge would appear on-screen whilst the team played in the Dome so viewers could watch how many gold and silver tokens the contestants had collected. This was scrapped from series three onward.
The ratio of silver to gold tokens within the Dome was five to four (625 silver and 500 gold), and the gold tokens were very difficult to tell from silver ones when blowing around inside the Dome, especially since the paint on the 'gold' tokens tended to flake off, although neither of these details were obvious to the viewer. The shape and size of the Dome meant that every sound within it (including a contestant's own voice) appeared to come from a single point roughly ten feet above the Dome's mesh floor, and directly above its centre. This could be disorientating to the contestants.
In the first series, a final balance of 50–99 gold tokens entitled team members to a 'runner-up' prize, but this was dropped in later series. Originally, it was also planned to offer a 'double-or-nothing' Gamble Game to teams winning 50–99 gold tokens. This consisted of a small 'wire-frame' model of the Crystal Dome with some pieces removed, which the team (if they accepted the Gamble) would have to re-assemble within a time limit. However, the Gamble Game idea was dropped shortly before the first series was filmed. In the case of the Christmas specials, done with a team of children, they were awarded the prize regardless of their performance in the dome.
Originally, prizes consisted individual adventure days out, such as a flight in a Tiger Moth
De Havilland Tiger Moth
The de Havilland DH 82 Tiger Moth is a 1930s biplane designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and was operated by the Royal Air Force and others as a primary trainer. The Tiger Moth remained in service with the RAF until replaced by the de Havilland Chipmunk in 1952, when many of the surplus aircraft...
or a day spent mud-plugging
Off-roading is a term for driving a vehicle on unsurfaced roads or tracks, made of materials such as sand, gravel, riverbeds, mud, snow, rocks, and other natural terrain.-Off-road vehicle:...
, and contestants chose their own gold and silver grade prizes off set, just in advance of filming the Crystal Dome part of the show. From series four onwards, the contestants would choose a single prize (usually once-in-a-lifetime adventure holidays) shared by the whole team. Winning teams were few and far between; a testament to how much of a challenge the show actually was. All players that participated won a commemorative crystal saying "I Cracked the Crystal Maze, 1990–5," despite the fact that the vast majority failed.
The Zones
The four Zones featured in the maze varied in terms of both games and setting —- Aztec (Series 1–6) Set in the past. The Zone housed 22 tons of sand, and over half the plants were real. After Series 1, the move of studios meant that Aztec had more 'breathing space' and the zone could expand giving it more open space and the painted 'rainforest' diorama more distance from the main set. It was also accompanied by the Forest River (not shown on the map — see 'Entering the Maze').
- Industrial (Series 1–3) Set in the 20th/21st century. The majority of the set was constructed from corrugated iron/aluminium and gave cameramen much more freedom compared to other zones, as a slip with a camera could result in seeing the roof of the hangar in other zones, yet in Industrial it didn't matter, and fitted in with the theme of the zone. The sweeping camera jib was also greatly used in this zone, predominantly for the scenes of running upstairs (to or from Medieval Zone). The zone changed slightly from Series 1 to Series 2 with the greater 'spread', due to more available space, and the painted skyline Diorama, and also Industrial was, at the time, the only zone to have two proper floors.
- Ocean (Series 4–6) Set also in the 20th century and apparently sunken. Replaced Industrial from Series 4 onwards, the Zone had three mini-zones within itself, the Boiler Room section (usually the reused materials from Industrial zone), the Main Saloon (brand new Bird's Eye Maple interior with fishtanks behind porthole windows) and the Front of the Ship section (with the Cave game, and an extra set of stairs on the outside of the maze). In Series 5, the illuminated chandeliers were scrapped to make the ship look more abandoned, however it seemed to make the Saloon appear much more dull.
- Medieval (Series 1–6) Also set in the past. The Zone is notable in that it was the place of residence for both O'Brien and Tudor-Pole. It went through many slight changes through the six series, including the addition of O'Brien's dining table. One episode included fictitious portraits of the O'Brien family, 'Daddy's' armour also featured, as a way of releasing the crystal from the Excalibur game. A live bird of prey was introduced for Tudor-Pole's time in the maze and the entrance to the maze was also changed greatly, with the addition of gravestones, statues and a rarely seen painted diorama, glimpsed in a few episodes of Series 3.
- Futuristic (Series 1–6) Set in the future, after the events of 2245. Despite having a seemingly poor entrance (see 'Entering the Maze') the zone was quite exciting and very well laid out, with two sections, the main Computer Room, and then the longer Observatory corridor at the back end of the zone; both were originally connected by one corridor and then during Series 2 and 3 a secondary corridor was introduced from the Aztec Lift back to the Computer Room (however this was not shown until the map was renewed in Series 4). The zone had few changes, other than the bright blue floor in the Console Room in Series 3, and the loss of 'half of planet Earth' as a section of the painted diorama was removed from the outer wall (often showing up badly in many episodes after Series 2).
Teams began their game in one of the Zones and progressed either clockwise or anti-clockwise around the maze; this meant that a team would alternate between the past and modern zones.
The Crystal Maze Map
A computerised diagram of the Crystal Maze was produced and displayed as the team travelled around the maze. The diagram was a copy of the actual production design and floor plan of the set. Two versions were created, one for series 1–3 and one for series 4–6: the change being required for the new Ocean Zone. In both cases, the map zoomed in for each Zone.
- Industrial was purplePurplePurple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue, and is classified as a secondary color as the colors are required to create the shade....
- Aztec was yellowYellowYellow is the color evoked by light that stimulates both the L and M cone cells of the retina about equally, with no significant stimulation of the S cone cells. Light with a wavelength of 570–590 nm is yellow, as is light with a suitable mixture of red and green...
- Futuristic was blueBlueBlue is a colour, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 440–490 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colours. On the HSV Colour Wheel, the complement of blue is yellow; that is, a colour corresponding to an equal...
- Medieval was greenGreenGreen is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nanometres. In the subtractive color system, it is not a primary color, but is created out of a mixture of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; it is considered...
- The Crystal Dome was whiteWhiteWhite is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in nearly equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.White light can be...
The current location of the team in the maze was shown by a single red dot, which could be positioned in numerous places on the map, including different areas in the Zones, the obstacles between the Zones or even outside the map once or twice in the case of the Aztec Zone. Occasionally, no dot at all was shown for the Aztec Zone. The Crystal Dome had no dot and just zoomed in after a few seconds. Also, the map could sometimes be shown twice for the same Zone, the first showing the obstacle and the second the Zone. The map could zoom in at any time however.

- Ocean was blueBlueBlue is a colour, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 440–490 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colours. On the HSV Colour Wheel, the complement of blue is yellow; that is, a colour corresponding to an equal...
- Aztec was yellowYellowYellow is the color evoked by light that stimulates both the L and M cone cells of the retina about equally, with no significant stimulation of the S cone cells. Light with a wavelength of 570–590 nm is yellow, as is light with a suitable mixture of red and green...
- Futuristic was greyGreyGrey or gray is an achromatic or neutral color.Complementary colors are defined to mix to grey, either additively or subtractively, and many color models place complements opposite each other in a color wheel. To produce grey in RGB displays, the R, G, and B primary light sources are combined in...
- Medieval was greenGreenGreen is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570 nanometres. In the subtractive color system, it is not a primary color, but is created out of a mixture of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; it is considered...
- The Crystal Dome was whiteWhiteWhite is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in nearly equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.White light can be...
with blue waterBlue WaterBlue Water was the Rainbow Code name for a British battlefield nuclear missile of the early 1960s. Despite its good performance and receiving wide praise, it is best known for having been cancelled for financial reasons.- Origins :...
The location of the team around the maze was shown by a radar-like positioning system. Unlike the series 1–3 map, the locator had fixed positions in the Zones and did not venture into the obstacles. The Crystal Dome also had this type of locator.
In both cases, the map zoomed in on each individual Zone and the Dome. The angle used to zoom in on each Zone was different: some just panned down, others did a full 180 degree angled sweep to show the Zone from the back. Whenever the map zoomed in, all other Zones and the Dome drifted away so that the individual cells and obstacles could be seen more clearly. The Dome was different. Its zoom showed it from the very front, a very steep pan down being required for this.
In series 6 and the 1992 Kids Christmas Special, the zoom in on Zones included a sound effect. In addition, the 1992 Special used the second map for the first time, so different zooming angles were used, and the Ocean Zone was also seen for the first time.
Entering the maze
When a team started the "Crystal Maze", they had to overcome an obstacle to enter their first Zone. These were:- Aztec: Row across a riverRiverA river is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. In a few cases, a river simply flows into the ground or dries up completely before reaching another body of water. Small rivers may also be called by several other names, including...
in two canoes, The captain and vice captain went in separate boats, in case one of the boats 'sank', and Richard/Ed followed usually in the boat with the Vice Captain. - Medieval: Open or climb over a portcullis. Regularly after Series 1 and 2 they climbed. It was unknown whether the portcullis had broken or if the Producer had made a decision to leave the chains as a red herring.
- Futuristic: Answer a question set by the computerComputerA computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem...
- Industrial (series 1–3): Climb over oil barrels and wire mesh into a gap above a door, and/or open the gates or door with a key
- Ocean (replacing Industrial from series 4–6): Tie up (or in later series, remove) a metal grille and climb down a net ladder
Each episode of series 1–4 started with Richard O'Brien blowing his whistle. In series 5–6, Ed Tudor Pole used a different whistle, but the episode would sometimes start with a distinct sound; he would ring a bell
Bell (instrument)
A bell is a simple sound-making device. The bell is a percussion instrument and an idiophone. Its form is usually a hollow, cup-shaped object, which resonates upon being struck...
in Medieval, blow a conch
A conch is a common name which is applied to a number of different species of medium-sized to large sea snails or their shells, generally those which are large and have a high spire and a siphonal canal....
in Aztec, set off an alarm
An alarm device or system of alarm devices gives an audible or visual alarm signal about a problem or condition.Alarm devices include:* burglar alarms, designed to warn of burglaries; this is often a silent alarm: the police or guards are warned without indication to the burglar, which increases...
in Futuristic (after the question was answered), and sound a foghorn
A foghorn or fog signal or fog bell is a device that uses sound to warn vehicles of hazards or boats of the presence of other vehicles in foggy conditions. The term is most often used in relation to marine transport...
in Ocean.
Moving from One Zone to Another
When a team finished their games in a Zone, they had to overcome an obstacle to travel to their next Zone. The transition was only shown in full during the second Zone change in each episode, with a few adverts being taken during other Zone changes. During Zone transitions, the underscore mix of the main theme music was heard to make the transitions more lively. However this wasn't always so, at the start of Series One, not all Zone changes were accompanied by music. Most notably, on the first episode, the underscore was not played for the first 2 zone changes. Later in Series 1, the music was sometimes not the normal zone change music, this happened because the zone change music was accidentally replaced by the Theme Music, most notably in Episode 3 where the Theme music was used for 2 zone changes!The transitions were:
- Aztec to/from Industrial:
- Crawl through a long and winding Z shaped tunnel.
Note: Contestants often took a long time getting from one end to the other. Also, the tunnel forked into two at one point, with the other fork leading to a dead end, which occasionally caught the contestants out. The Tunnel was also blocked off at ground level in some parts so short arched segments were made so contestants would have to climb up then slide back down.
- Aztec to Ocean:
- Walk across Stepping Stones, up a cave tunnel, down a short ladder into what seemed to be a room full of SS Atlantis equipment, crawl through a tunnel then push out grille.
- Industrial to Medieval:
- Climb up a ladder or ascend stairs then
- Series 1:- Walk across a chasm (either over a thin 'plank' or the rolling log famously seen in Aztec Zone games)
- Series 2–3:- Swing across a chasm over which was a netted floor, which sometime contestants would walk across.
- then descend stairs.
- Ocean to Medieval:
- Climb a ladder, crawl through a small hatch then through a tunnel, then descend stairs
- Medieval to/from Futuristic:
- Series 1:- Cross a bubbling swamp
- Series 2:- Walk across a spider web type bridge
- Series 3–4:- Walk along a balance beam
- Series 5–6:- Walk along a rope(cable) while balancing by holding on to a second parallel cable above head height
- Futuristic to Aztec:
- Go up in a scissor lift, (once a ladder in one episode, as the lift was not functioning) then
- Series 1:- Climb down a stepped wall
- Series 2–6:- Climb down a stepped wall using vines (obviously thanks to the greater amount of space after the change from Shepperton to Aces High studios)
Contestants could only move clockwise or anti-clockwise to one of the two Zones either side of their current location. They could not venture diagonally across the map because the Crystal Dome was in the centre (see map).
Moving from the final Zone to the Dome
Although the team's transition from the final Zone to the Crystal Dome was never shown in full on screen, the team would always leave a given Zone by a specific route, despite these routes having little or no geographical proximity to the Dome (in most cases, they actually led off the edge of the map.) In earlier series of the show, the exit to the dome wasn't specific and varied depending on what zone the team were in. However in later series, the exit usually remained the same.- Aztec: The team would exit by running past the column and towards the river which was used to enter the Crystal Maze from the Aztec Zone.
- Industrial: In Series 1, the team would exit by going up the stairs towards the Medieval Zone. In Series 2 & 3, the team would exit past the tunnel portal leading to the Aztec Zone and out. This is the only time the night sky (in reality, a painted cyclorama backdrop on the wall of the stage) could be seen from the Industrial Zone.
- Ocean: In Series 4 & 5, the route the team exited to the dome varied. Sometimes it was by using the stairs in the boiler room and at other times it was by going up the stairs in the main saloon. In Series 6, the team would exit via a panel in the boiler room, near the cylindrical cell. Again, this door had bright light and fog coming from behind it. This route was one of the two which could in theory have geographically led to anywhere near the Dome.
- Medieval: During Series 1–4, the team would exit in most cases by the Medieval Zone entrance and only on some occasions would they leave by the door near to the Futuristic Zone, behind which was fog and bright lights. In Series 5 & 6, the team would always exit through the door.
- Futuristic: In series 1–4, the team would leave through the door which teams enter the zone. In Series 5–6, the team left through a door placed in the new corridor built on the other side of the lift. The new corridor first appeared in series 3. The team exited into bright light and fog.
The show's heyday was around 1991–93, when word of mouth had spread. It was regularly Channel 4Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
's highest watched programme, mainly seen by children and young adults, reaching a peak of 7 million viewers for the 1993 Christmas special. The Christmas specials were to cater for a younger audience, and often featured teams of children, playing new games which served as a preview of new games for the next series (the Christmas specials were recorded shortly before the main series started recording), or easy puzzles devised and made specifically for those shows (which were not used in the main series).
At the beginning of the 1993 Christmas special (Series 5), a short 1min 30sec minute film was shown which featured O'Brien and his 'mother,' addressed as "Mumsey" (played by Sandra Caron, the younger sister of Fifties singing star Alma Cogan
Alma Cogan
Alma Cogan was an English singer of traditional pop music in the 1950s and early 1960s. Dubbed "The Girl With the Laugh/Giggle/Chuckle In Her Voice", she was the highest paid British female entertainer of her era...
), leaving the maze for a new life with her boyfriend Dwayne (a new-age biker apparently, though he was never seen). Mumsey was the Fortune Teller in the Medieval Zone during series 1–4, fulfilling a similar purpose to Tom Baker's 'Captain' in the UK version of Fort Boyard by asking contestants riddles or puzzles in exchange for a crystal if answered correctly ("Mumsey" was temporarily replaced in Series 3 by "Auntie Sabrina" (also played by Sandra Caron), but "Mumsey" returned the following series). Ed Tudor-Pole from the rock band Tenpole Tudor
Tenpole Tudor
Tenpole Tudor are an English punk band fronted by Edward Tudor-Pole. The band has been active intermittently since 1977.-Origins:Tenpole Tudor formed in 1977 when Tudor-Pole met guitarist Bob Kingston , bassist Dick Crippen, and drummer Gary Long...
was then introduced and became the host for the final two series. Coincidentally, Ed once played Riff-Raff in The Rocky Horror Show
The Rocky Horror Show
The Rocky Horror Show is a long-running British horror comedy stage musical, which opened in London on 19 June 1973. It was written by Richard O'Brien, produced and directed by Jim Sharman. It came eighth in a BBC Radio 2 listener poll of the "Nation's Number One Essential Musicals"...
, which O'Brien wrote. O'Brien himself had also played this role on stage and in the movie adaptation The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the 1975 film adaptation of the British rock musical stageplay, The Rocky Horror Show, written by Richard O'Brien. The film is a parody of B-movie, science fiction and horror films of the late 1940s through early 1970s. Director Jim Sharman collaborated on the...
. Ed often referred to some companions in the maze, such as Bert the horse and Starbuck the cat, and he flirted with the computer in the Futuristic Zone, which he called Barbara. He and Barbara had been together for 45 years in 2250. Barbara had been a scientist, and as part of her work, her soul was inputted into the computer, hence her presence in it.
When Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
's contract with producers Chatsworth TV expired, they didn't renew it and the show ended in 1995. The large set remained up in Aces High hangar until 1999, when it was dismantled. The games got trashed, but many had bits recycled into new games.
Eventually, Challenge (a digital satellite channel, then known as Challenge TV) bought the rights for all six series in 1998 and frequently shown all the episodes
throughout the year. The Crystal Maze continues to air on Challenge to this day.
The Crystal Maze was named "Greatest UK Game Show of All Time!" in a 2006 poll by the UKGameshows.com
UKGameshows.com is a website dedicated to British game shows. The site currently provides information on more than 1,500 British game show formats from 1938 to the present day, over 500 mini-biographies of hosts, along with numerous other background articles....
website and again in 2010. Due to its popularity, it was featured in the Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
at 25 celebration season which showed popular shows from Channel 4's 25 year history. It has developed a cult following over the years and many dedicated fans still campaign for its return.
Theme tune
The theme tune for The Crystal Maze was composed by Zack Lawrence and is entitled Force Field. It was used through all 6 series. The original track is 1:05 long, however was shortened to roughly 50 seconds for Opening Titles and varied between 40 and 1:40 seconds for closing credits.The Crystal Maze (Zone Change) Underscore music was also composed by Zack Lawrence.
Cultural references
In December 1992, video game publishers CodemastersCodemasters
The Codemasters Software Company Limited, or Codemasters is a British video game developer founded by Richard and David Darling in 1986...
released "Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy is an adventure video game featuring the character Dizzy released in December 1992 by Codemasters. The Oliver Twins—who were heavily involved in the design and programming of previous Dizzy games—had less involvement with the title..The game is the last title to...
", one of the last instalments in their successful "Dizzy" series
Dizzy series
The Dizzy series of computer games, published by Codemasters, was one of the most successful European computer game brands of the late 1980s. The games were based around a central figure: an intelligent egg-like creature called Dizzy...
. In the final level of the game, Dizzy had to return the lost treasure to its rightful place, but before he could do that he had to take on an obstacle course of moving platforms beneath water, and collect a crystal and make his way out, in a parody
A parody , in current usage, is an imitative work created to mock, comment on, or trivialise an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation...
of the programme itself. During this course a Richard O'Brien look-alike says in a caption "Quick!, quick!, get the crystal!", which was one of O'Brien's most well-known phrases on the TV show.
The Crystal Maze was parodied in 1994 in an episode of the children's sitcom Maid Marian and her Merry Men
Maid Marian and her Merry Men
Maid Marian and her Merry Men is a British children's sitcom created and written by Tony Robinson and directed by David Bell. It began in 1989 on BBC One and ran for four series, with the last episode shown in 1994...
(series 4, episode 1 - Tunnel Vision), with the Robin Hood character acting as the part of O'Brien. It was also referenced in the 2000 movie Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons (film)
Dungeons & Dragons is a 2000 American fantasy film directed by Courtney Solomon and ostensibly based on the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game...
, which featured a maze with similar puzzles, with its owner played by O'Brien. The show was lampooned on The Mary Whitehouse Experience
The Mary Whitehouse Experience
The Mary Whitehouse Experience was a British topical sketch comedy show produced by the BBC in association with Spitting Image Productions. It starred two comedy double acts - David Baddiel and Rob Newman, and also Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis, all of whom had graduated from Cambridge University...
when a group of "contestants" completely failed to complete the Making a Cup of Tea game.
On 18 February 2006, a parody of The Crystal Maze (called The Crystal Muck) appeared on Dick and Dom in da Bungalow
Dick and Dom in da Bungalow
Dick and Dom in da Bungalow was a CBBC children's entertainment television series presented by the duo Dick and Dom...
, featuring a character called Richard O'Muckon. The character played the harmonica at moments where the contestants needed to concentrate the most, a parody of O'Brien's antics.
The online multiplayer game
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world....
RuneScape is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in January 2001 by Andrew and Paul Gower, and developed and published by Jagex Games Studio. It is a graphical browser game implemented on the client-side in Java, and incorporates 3D rendering...
features a maze of puzzles, traps and other obstacles known as the Rogues' Den, operated by a character called "Brian O'Richard". When spoken to, Brian O'Richard claims the maze belongs to "mummsie".
Comedy duo Adam and Joe
Adam and Joe
Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish are British comedy performers known together as Adam and Joe. They are best known for presenting Adam and Joe on BBC 6 Music, and The Adam and Joe Show on Channel 4 from 1996 to 2001.-History:...
also parodied The Crystal Maze on Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
's The Adam and Joe Show
The Adam and Joe Show
The Adam and Joe Show was a British television comedy show, written and presented by Adam and Joe, that is, Adam Buxton and Joe Cornish, which ran for four series on Channel 4 between 1996 and 2001...
using their well known style of using toys. This time, the Crystal Maze was hosted by Yoda
Yoda is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, appearing in the second and third original films, as well as all three prequel trilogy films. A renowned Jedi master, Yoda made his first on-screen appearance in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back where he is responsible for...
. The team was led by Emperor Palpatine
Palpatine is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the Star Wars saga, portrayed by Ian McDiarmid in the feature films.Palpatine first appeared as the unnamed Emperor of the Galactic Empire in the 1980 film Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back...
and consisted of Jabba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt is a fictional character in George Lucas's space opera film saga Star Wars. Designed as a large, slug-like alien, his appearance has been described by film critic Roger Ebert as "Dickensian," a cross between a toad and the Cheshire Cat....
, Princess Leia
Princess Leia Organa
Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe...
, C-3P0 and a drunken Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is one of several primary characters in the Star Wars series. Along with Darth Vader, R2-D2, and C-3PO, he is one of the few major characters to appear in all six Star Wars films...
. The game culminated in the team only collecting 1 crystal, and the Emperor being so frustrated with his team's terrible performance, destroyed the Crystal Dome with his Force power
Force Power
Force Power may refer to:*The Force *Force power, relating to the foregoing...
s and declared "The pony trekking holiday in Ullswater
Ullswater is the second largest lake in the English Lake District, being approximately nine miles long and 0.75 miles wide with a maximum depth of slightly more than ....
will be mine!".
In "Sex", an episode of the third series of Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous, also known as Ab Fab, is a British sitcom created by Jennifer Saunders, based on an original idea by her and Dawn French, and written by Saunders, who plays the leading character. It also stars Joanna Lumley and Julia Sawalha, along with June Whitfield and Jane Horrocks...
first broadcast in April 1995, the character Christopher, Edina Monsoon
Edina Monsoon
Edina Monsoon is the main character in the BBC programme Absolutely Fabulous, played by Jennifer Saunders, who is also the creator of the show. The character is known for her extravagance and various attempts to follow new crazes and trends....
's hairdresser, calls out enthusiastically, "This is just like The Crystal Maze!" as he and others run through university hallways looking for a videotape.
In 2007, the Sony Award nominated
Sony Radio Academy Awards
The Sony Radio Academy Awards , started in 1983, are some of the most prestigious awards in the British radio industry. They are run by ZAFER Associates in association with the Radio Academy...
Television pilot
A "television pilot" is a standalone episode of a television series that is used to sell the show to a television network. At the time of its inception, the pilot is meant to be the "testing ground" to see if a series will be possibly desired and successful and therefore a test episode of an...
for the BBC Radio 7 sketch show A Series of Psychotic Episodes
A Series of Psychotic Episodes
A Series of Psychotic Episodes, also known as Series of Psychotic Episodes, is a Sony Award nominated surreal comedy sketch show written by and starring Miriam Elia. The pilot and first series were broadcast on digital radio station BBC Radio 7. The second series was broadcast on BBC Radio 4...
, one sketch featured a traumatised daughter whose father had been locked in the Aztec Zone of The Crystal Maze in 1994 and never being released from the maze.
The 1992 Larry Niven
Larry Niven
Laurence van Cott Niven / ˈlæri ˈnɪvən/ is an American science fiction author. His best-known work is Ringworld , which received Hugo, Locus, Ditmar, and Nebula awards. His work is primarily hard science fiction, using big science concepts and theoretical physics...
and Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes
Steven Barnes is an African American science fiction writer, lecturer, creative consultant, and human performance technician....
book The California Voodoo Game features a Crystal Maze competition which is used to introduce two of the teams competing in the larger game around which the plot is based.
The show was notable for dedicating to the memory of one of its contestants, David MacPherson, who died in a motorcycle accident after the recording of Episode 12 of Series 2. Likewise, the last episode of Series 6 featured a dedication to team captain Jim Alexander, who passed away in between the recording and transmission of the episode. The dedication only appeared on the original broadcast.
Encounter Zone, a small, indoor theme park found at Wafi Mall in DubaiDubai
Dubai is a city and emirate in the United Arab Emirates . The emirate is located south of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula and has the largest population with the second-largest land territory by area of all the emirates, after Abu Dhabi...
, has an attraction called "The Crystal Maze", which was inspired by the original television series. Opened with the rest of the theme park, the attraction was built due to the popularity of the television series in the U.A.E.
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates, abbreviated as the UAE, or shortened to "the Emirates", is a state situated in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman, and Saudi Arabia, and sharing sea borders with Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and Iran.The UAE is a...
after having been run and re-run several times on the now-defunct, local television Channel 33
Dubai 33
Dubai Channel 33 was a national television channel transmitting terrestrially out of Dubai in English, targeting the expat community in the U.A.E.. It was founded in 1977. Up until the late 80s, it was a 12-hour channel, switching broadcasts adjacently from one of Emirates Dubai Television's...
. Encounter Zone's version of The Crystal Maze has a similar format to the Cyberdrome Crystal Mazes. Encounter Zone's Crystal Maze is a permanent attraction though.
The makers of the children's TV show Jungle Run
Jungle Run
Jungle Run was a British television series which aired on CITV as part of the ITV network from 1999 to 2006. It is a game show similar to Fort Boyard and The Crystal Maze...
openly acknowledge The Crystal Maze as an influence, particularly the current host, Michael Underwood
Michael Underwood
Michael Paul Underwood is a British television presenter. He famously won a six week CBBC presenting contract on Gaby Roslin's BBC television show Whatever You Want.-Career:...
, who was a captain in the first Christmas special.
A Choose Your Own AdventureChoose Your Own Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure is a series of children's gamebooks where each story is written from a second-person point of view, with the reader assuming the role of the protagonist and making choices that determine the main character's actions and the plot's outcome. The series was based on a...
style gamebook
A gamebook is a work of fiction that allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices. The narrative branches along various paths through the use of numbered paragraphs or pages...
based around The Crystal Maze was also produced by Mammoth
A mammoth is any species of the extinct genus Mammuthus. These proboscideans are members of Elephantidae, the family of elephants and mammoths, and close relatives of modern elephants. They were often equipped with long curved tusks and, in northern species, a covering of long hair...
in 1991, in association with Channel 4
Channel 4
Channel 4 is a British public-service television broadcaster which began working on 2 November 1982. Although largely commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority , the station is now owned and operated by the Channel...
and Chatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television was a British television production company. The most renowned examples of their programmes are Treasure Hunt , Interceptor and The Crystal Maze...
Release name | UK release date | Author | Publisher | Notes | Ref |
The Crystal Maze | 15 Feb 1990 | Peter Arnold and Gill Brown |
Time Warner Paperbacks |
Re-released 1 Oct 1990 |
Crystal Maze Adventure Gamebook | 7 Feb 1991 | Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson |
Mammoth | New edition | |
Crystal Maze Challenge! | 21 May 1992 | Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson |
Mammoth | 1st Edition 21 May 1992 |
The Crystal Thief | 15 April 1993 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth | Puzzle Books | |
Tea at Rick's | 15 April 1993 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth | Puzzle Books | |
The Sacred Necklace | 16 Dec 1993 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth, London | Puzzle Book | |
Phantom in the Tower | 16 Dec 1993 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth, London | Puzzle Book | |
The Crystal Maze | 1994 | Unknown | Mammoth | ||
Crystal Maze Mystery Pack | 25 Feb 1994 | Peter Arnold | Heinemann Library | ||
The Crystal Maze Puzzle Book | 13 Jun 1994 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth | ||
The Crystal Maze Puzzle Book: Bk. 2 | 30 Oct 1995 | Peter Arnold | Mammoth | Puzzle Book | |
Crystal Maze A1 Poster | 13 Jun 1996 | None | Mammoth | Hardcover |
Quiz machines
Chatsworth TelevisionChatsworth Television
Chatsworth Television was a British television production company. The most renowned examples of their programmes are Treasure Hunt , Interceptor and The Crystal Maze...
licensed a number of popular SWP
Skill With Prize
A Skill With Prize or Skill With Prizes plural is a gaming machine which provides a payout and whose outcome depends in part on the player's skill...
gambling machine
Quiz machine
Quiz machine is a term used in the UK for commercial coin-operated video quiz games that offer cash prizes for winning performances. These machines are usually found sited in pubs, bars and other places of entertainment...
s based on the TV series, originally produced by Barcrest, but now made by JPM. A computer game based on The Crystal Maze was released in 1993 by Sherston Software
Sherston Software
Sherston Software, also known as Sherston Publishing Group is a British software publisher, producing educational games. Set up by two teachers, Bill and Lou Bonham, in 1983, they started making their first games for the BBC Micro...
RISC OS is a computer operating system originally developed by Acorn Computers Ltd in Cambridge, England for their range of desktop computers, based on their own ARM architecture. First released in 1987, under the name Arthur, the subsequent iteration was renamed as in 1988...
on the Acorn Archimedes
Acorn Archimedes
The Acorn Archimedes was Acorn Computers Ltd's first general purpose home computer to be based on their own ARM architecture.Using a RISC design with a 32-bit CPU, at its launch in June 1987, the Archimedes was stated as running at 4 MIPS, with a claim of 18 MIPS during tests.The name is commonly...
, and subsequently for the PC. A quiz machine based on the show was also produced. A board game
Board game
A board game is a game which involves counters or pieces being moved on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules. Games may be based on pure strategy, chance or a mixture of the two, and usually have a goal which a player aims to achieve...
was also produced based upon the show, but based on the concept of players competing against each other as opposed to the co-operative style of the TV show .
There was also a hand-held version that contained 12 simple levels, each the same but a bit faster and with added killer statues. It was a platform based game that mainly involved jumping on to different levels (out of 4) as they passed by. On the end of each level the player has to jump across three moving platforms and over a wall to obtain the crystal.
In 2009 Cool Games created a 3D video version for the UK SWP market. Remaining true to the original show, using touch screen technology, the game achieved widespread coverage in the UK and remains one of the most popular SWP games launched.
The Cyberdrome Crystal Maze was an attraction usually found in larger bowling alleys and video arcades in the UK. It allowed fans an opportunity to "play" the Crystal Maze for themselves in a computerised format. There were a few differences from the show itself, e.g. there is no player choice of game category, and there is no locking in (instead, failing to quit a game would immediately cost the team a crystal). Five of the first six locations were in Britain, while the sixth was in Japan. All of the Cyberdrome Crystal Mazes have since closed. The last one, at Canaston Bowl, Pembrokeshire
Pembrokeshire is a county in the south west of Wales. It borders Carmarthenshire to the east and Ceredigion to the north east. The county town is Haverfordwest where Pembrokeshire County Council is headquartered....
, ceased operations in June 2010.
Video Games
Release name | UK release date | Publisher | Platform | Notes |
The Crystal Maze | 2008 | Dynamo Games Dynamo Games Dynamo Games Ltd is an independent video game developer and publisher based in Dundee, Scotland. Established in 2004, it is the first developer working exclusively on mobile platforms to win a gaming BAFTA award, and one of the first studios to develop titles for the Google Android mobile operating... |
Mobile | |
The Crystal Maze | 2010 | Dynamo Games Dynamo Games Dynamo Games Ltd is an independent video game developer and publisher based in Dundee, Scotland. Established in 2004, it is the first developer working exclusively on mobile platforms to win a gaming BAFTA award, and one of the first studios to develop titles for the Google Android mobile operating... |
iPhone IPhone The iPhone is a line of Internet and multimedia-enabled smartphones marketed by Apple Inc. The first iPhone was unveiled by Steve Jobs, then CEO of Apple, on January 9, 2007, and released on June 29, 2007... , iPod Touch IPod Touch The iPod Touch is a portable media player, personal digital assistant, handheld game console, and Wi-Fi mobile device designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The iPod Touch adds the multi-touch graphical user interface to the iPod line... and iPad IPad The iPad is a line of tablet computers designed, developed and marketed by Apple Inc., primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, and web content. The iPad was introduced on January 27, 2010 by Apple's then-CEO Steve Jobs. Its size and... |
VHS releases
In 1993, a video cassette, The Best of The Crystal Maze was released by Wienerworld Presentation. The video included three episodes: the 1991 and 1992 Christmas specials, and an episode from Series 4. It also featured the clip of O'Brien and Mumsie leaving the maze.Release name | UK release date | Notes |
The Best Of Crystal Maze | Monday 16 May 1994 | No announcements of any future releases. |
Original series
Series | Start date | End date | Episodes | Recorded | Presenter |
1 | 15 February 1990 | 10 May 1990 | 13 | November – December 1989 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
2 | 21 March 1991 | 13 June 1991 | 13 | November – December 1990 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
3 | 23 April 1992 | 16 July 1992 | 13 | November – December 1991 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
4 | 1 April 1993 | 24 June 1993 | 13 | November – December 1992 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
5 | 12 May 1994 | 4 August 1994 | 13 | November – December 1993 | Ed Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole is an English musician, singer , TV presenter and actor.- Musical career :Tudor-Pole formed the band Tenpole Tudor in 1974, and eventually came to prominence after appearing in the film The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle as a possible replacement for Johnny Rotten in the Sex Pistols... |
6 | 18 May 1995 | 10 August 1995 | 13 | November – December 1994 | Ed Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole is an English musician, singer , TV presenter and actor.- Musical career :Tudor-Pole formed the band Tenpole Tudor in 1974, and eventually came to prominence after appearing in the film The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle as a possible replacement for Johnny Rotten in the Sex Pistols... |
Christmas specials
Date | Recorded | Presenter |
1 January 1991 | September 1990 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
24 December 1991 | September 1991 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
27 December 1992 | September 1992 | Richard O'Brien Richard O'Brien Richard Timothy Smith , better known under his stage name Richard O'Brien, is an English writer, actor, television presenter and theatre performer. He is perhaps best known for writing the cult musical The Rocky Horror Show and for his role in presenting the popular TV show The Crystal Maze... |
24 December 1993 | September 1993 | Ed Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole is an English musician, singer , TV presenter and actor.- Musical career :Tudor-Pole formed the band Tenpole Tudor in 1974, and eventually came to prominence after appearing in the film The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle as a possible replacement for Johnny Rotten in the Sex Pistols... |
24 December 1994 | September 1994 | Ed Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole Edward Tudor-Pole is an English musician, singer , TV presenter and actor.- Musical career :Tudor-Pole formed the band Tenpole Tudor in 1974, and eventually came to prominence after appearing in the film The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle as a possible replacement for Johnny Rotten in the Sex Pistols... |
It has been reported in many news papers that The Crystal MazeThe Crystal Maze
The Crystal Maze was a British game show, produced by Chatsworth Television and shown on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom between 15 February 1990 and 10 August 1995. There was one series per year, with the first four series presented by Richard O'Brien and the final two by Ed Tudor-Pole, who made...
will be re-made by ITV
ITV is the major commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC, it is also the oldest commercial network in the UK...
and the person who will be hosting it will be Amanda Holden
Amanda Holden
Amanda Louise Holden is an English actress and presenter. Among her roles are Mia Bevan in Cutting It, Sarah Trevanion in Wild at Heart, and the title role in Thoroughly Modern Millie, for which she was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Theatre Award...
. ITV said they want to keep the shows format based collecting gold tokens whilst being blown around by giant fans the same.
External links
- Episode Guide
- A contestant's story
- Challenge TV - Show support page
- Gameplay footage from the Mobile Game
- The Mobile Game Site
- Heckler Spray article reporting that the Crystal Maze is set to return with Amanda Holden (ended up being similar celebrity 2-parter "The Door")
- iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad game by Dynamo Games