Teimoc Johnston
Teimoc Johnston is an Olympic Judo competitor and master instructor. With a lifetime of experience as a student, a teacher, and a competitor in Judo, Jiu Jitsu
Jujutsu , also known as jujitsu, ju-jitsu, or Japanese jiu-jitsu, is a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon....

, and Sombo, Teimoc has a diverse and unique perspective on martial arts
Martial arts
Martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development....



Teimoc's martial arts training started during the summer of 1960 in the basement of a Buddhist church. His father believed Judo
is a modern martial art and combat sport created in Japan in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the object is to either throw or takedown one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an...

, Kendo
, meaning "Way of The Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or kenjutsu.Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements.-Practitioners:Practitioners...

, Aikido
is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as "the Way of unifying life energy" or as "the Way of harmonious spirit." Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to...

, and Kyudo
, literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is a modern Japanese martial art and practitioners are known as .It is estimated that there are approximately half a million practitioners of kyudo today....

 were essential parts of an education, so at age of 6 he began his lifelong study of Judo. Four years later, at the 1964 World's Fair
World's Fair
World's fair, World fair, Universal Exposition, and World Expo are various large public exhibitions held in different parts of the world. The first Expo was held in The Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London, United Kingdom, in 1851, under the title "Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All...

, he demonstrated the art of Judo and Kendo at the Japanese pavilion, and over the following years he progressed rapidly in both disciplines. Amongst his instructors were Kiyoshi Shiina , Wally Jay, and Jimmy Bregman. http://books.google.com/books?id=TdgDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA38&lpg=PA38&dq=%22Kiyoshi+Shiina%22+-wikipedia&source=bl&ots=xilc0888bF&sig=Xni8LtmELT6BSKr2rgsDxKQ3zlk&hl=en&ei=NFNxTcuFAsTdgQf4yeRA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=39&ved=0COcCEOgBMCY#v=onepage&q=%22Kiyoshi%20Shiina%22%20-wikipedia&f=false

At the age of 16, Teimoc became one of the youngest Judo practitioners to receive the rank of Black Belt, winning titles in the Junior and Senior divisions, and in the High School Nationals the same year. He remained an accomplished high school wrestler and undefeated practitioner throughout his wrestling junior and senior career. Amongst his coaches was 8th dan, Kiyoshi Shiina.In 1971 he qualified as an alternate for the 1972 Olympic Games
1972 Summer Olympics
The 1972 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XX Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event held in Munich, West Germany, from August 26 to September 11, 1972....

, which earned him the nickname "The Kid". Four years later he captured a coveted spot on the 1976 Olympic Judo team.

Teimoc retired from competition in 1990 to become Head Coach
Head coach
A head coach, senior coach or manager is a professional at training and developing athletes. They typically hold a more public profile and are paid more than other coaches...

 of the US Olympic training center in Colorado Springs, and two years later he returned to his home in New York City
New York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...

 to direct the Chelsea Piers Martial Arts program. He has also maintained a teaching, coaching, and representative position for the New York Athletic Club
The New York Athletic Club
The New York Athletic Club is a private social club and athletic club in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. It was founded in 1868 and currently has approximately 8,600 members.-History:...

 for over 40 years. As of 2009, he is head trainer of the 5 Points Academy in Chinatown, NYC. http://www.thefightnerd.com/teimoc-johnston-ono-talks-with-the-fight-nerd/

Return to competitions

After a 14-year layoff, Teimoc returned to international competitions. In order to adapt himself, he was forced to redefine his training methodology. His new approach worked well as he is not only still active in competition, but has a winning record to prove it. Today he does the majority of his strength training
Strength training
Strength training is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength, anaerobic endurance, and size of skeletal muscles. There are many different methods of strength training, the most common being the use of gravity or elastic/hydraulic forces to oppose muscle contraction...

 and conditioning at the Parisi Speed School alongside athletes from the UFC, the IFL, and the NFL.

In 2003 Teimoc went to Brazil to compete in the World Masters Jiu Jitsu tournament, which he won. To date, he is undefeated and the only non-Brazilian to win both the Black Belt division and the Absolute Black Belt division. Returning in 2006, 2007 and 2008, he consecutively took back home first place awards in both divisions. He also received his Black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system that focuses on grappling and especially ground fighting...

 in 2006 under Fabricio Martins Costa. Teimoc is the only practitioner to win the prestigious World Masters competition in both Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

Notable Connections

Teimoc's brothers, Genji Ito and Teiji Ito
Teiji Ito
was a Japanese composer and performer. He is best known for his scores for the avant-garde films by Maya Deren.Ito was born in Tokyo, Japan into a theatrical family. His father, Yuji Itō, was a composer and costume designer, and his mother, Teiko Ono, was a dancer who worked in both traditional...

 were accomplished Japanese composers and performers. His mother, Teiko Ono, was a traditional and classical genre dancer.


  • High School Nationals–135 lbs., First Place
  • Junior National Champion First Place 4X (USJA, USJF, Junior Olympics)

US National Championships Seniors

  • 1988 Third Place
  • 1987 Third Place
  • 1983 Third Place
  • 1982 Second Place
  • 1981 Second Place
  • 1980 Third Place
  • 1978 First Place
  • 1976 First Place
  • 1972 Second Place

US Open

  • 1989 Second Place
  • 1986 Third Place
  • 1981 Third Place (86 kg) & Open Division Third Place
  • 1980 Third Place

Judo World Masters Championship

  • 2008 Brussels, Belgium
    Brussels , officially the Brussels Region or Brussels-Capital Region , is the capital of Belgium and the de facto capital of the European Union...

     - Gold
  • 2007 São Paulo
    São Paulo
    São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil, the largest city in the southern hemisphere and South America, and the world's seventh largest city by population. The metropolis is anchor to the São Paulo metropolitan area, ranked as the second-most populous metropolitan area in the Americas and among...

    , Brazil
    Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

     - Silver
  • 2006 Tours, France
    Tours is a city in central France, the capital of the Indre-et-Loire department.It is located on the lower reaches of the river Loire, between Orléans and the Atlantic coast. Touraine, the region around Tours, is known for its wines, the alleged perfection of its local spoken French, and for the...

     - Silver
  • 2005 Toronto, Canada
    Toronto is the provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada. It is located in Southern Ontario on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario. A relatively modern city, Toronto's history dates back to the late-18th century, when its land was first purchased by the British monarchy from...

     - Bronze
  • 2003 Tokyo, Japan
    , ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...

     - Silver

Other Competition

  • 2009 IJF Judo Veteran World Championship Bronze Medal, Germany
    Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

  • 2009 NYinternational open First place, World masters (Rio) Jiu Jitsu First place, International masters (San Diego) First place, Judo.
  • 2009 WMJA World Championship, Gold Medal, 90 kg. M5, Atlanta, Ga
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Atlanta is the capital and most populous city in the U.S. state of Georgia. According to the 2010 census, Atlanta's population is 420,003. Atlanta is the cultural and economic center of the Atlanta metropolitan area, which is home to 5,268,860 people and is the ninth largest metropolitan area in...

  • 2009 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Black Belt Division, First Place absolute Division
  • 2008 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Black Belt Division, First Place and First Place absolute Division
  • 2007 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Black Belt Division, First Place and First Place absolute Division
  • 2006 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Black Belt Division, First Place and First Place absolute Division
  • 2005 NAGA World Championships, Brown Belt Division, Gi, First Place
  • 2004 Grapplers Quest, Gi, First Place and no Gi, Second Place
  • 2004 NAGA World Jiu Jitsu Championships, Gi, First Place and First Place Masters (no rank)
  • 2004 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Purple Belt Division, First Place and First Place Absolute Division
  • 2003 World Masters Jiu Jitsu Championships, Blue Belt Division, First Place and First Place Absolute Division
  • 1990 Quebec Open, Third Place JIUJITSU
  • 1990 Cuban Cup, Third Place
  • 1990 West German Open, Competitor
  • 1990 Paris International, Competitor
  • 1990 Tbilisi International Invitation, Competitor
  • 1986 National Sports Festival, Second Place
  • 1984 Dutch Open, Fourth Place
  • 1983 US Wrestling Federation, National Open, Sombo Champion (90 kg)
  • 1983 Pacific Rim, Bronze (as member of US National Team)
  • 1979 Mexican Open, First Place
  • 1978 AAU National Championships, First Place
  • 1977 South Africa
    South Africa
    The Republic of South Africa is a country in southern Africa. Located at the southern tip of Africa, it is divided into nine provinces, with of coastline on the Atlantic and Indian oceans...

    n Championships for US National Team, First Place
  • 1977 World Championship Trials, First Place
  • 1977 Canadian National Exhibition, First Place
  • 1976 AAU National Championships, US All American, First Place
  • 1972 US Judo Tour, Japan

Recent awards

  • Promotion to 7thdan judo (USAJUDO/IJF)
  • First degree Black Belt (USBJJF/IBJJF)

External links

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