Phi Mu Delta
Phi Mu Delta is a small, national fraternity
founded on March 1, 1918 at the Universities of Connecticut
, New Hampshire
, and Vermont
. The fraternity is focused on the three ideals of democracy, service, and brotherhood.
principle to be considered in making my decisions as a voting member of Phi Mu Delta, the student body, and as a citizen of the United States. I believe in that broad conception of democracy which seeks freedom of opportunity, and recognizes no color, race, creed, or position.
I Believe in Service... service to the college; service to every group organized for the common good; service to the individual. I believe in
service defined in the terms of voluntary sacrifice for the welfare of those with whom I come in contact.
I Believe in Brotherhood... Brotherhood that reaches beyond the limits of Phi Mu Delta and welcomes every man as my Brother. I believe in the intrinsic worth of the man at my side, and in his ability to make good and justify my faith in him.
I hold these beliefs as my profound conviction, and I pledge my fellow men to live up to them to the best of my ability.
Brother Pierce is considered the father of Phi Mu Delta. He was a delegate at the 1917 convention of the National Federation of the Commons Clubs at which the proposal to convert to a Greek-letter
fraternity was discussed. While the name Phi Mu Delta came out of this discussion, it is not known whether or not Pierce actually suggested the name. What is known is that Pierce was the leading voice in having the Commons Club become a Greek-letter fraternity and he led the way for the
founding of Phi Mu Delta at the 1918 convention. Brother Pierce wrote the ritual we still use today. “Dex” as he was known, enlisted in the military as a medic at the outbreak of WWI. He then transferred to the infantry, was recognized for his natural leadership, and received a commission as a second lieutenant before the war ended. He returned to UVM and graduated with his class, receiving and Ph.B. in 1818, and a M.D. in 1923. He practiced medicine in Connecticut and New York, eventually settling in Batavia, New York. He was an avid supporter of the Boy Scouts and one of the first Eagle Scouts. Dex never married, but devoted his life to helping others. He died in Batavia, New York, in 1957. So beloved was this man by the people of Batavia that the Medical Library in the Genessee Memorial Hospital bears his name. Clarence Dexter Pierce truly lived the
ideals of Phi Mu Delta.
Arthur Conrad Bird (Nu Alpha 1919)
Brother Bird was a delegate at the 1918 convention and an avid supporter of the formation of a Greek-letter fraternity. He was elected Extension Secretary of the new Fraternity. Brother Bird was
active in athletics and ROTC while in college and,after graduation,worked for several florists and received his graduate education in agriculture from what is now the University of Massachusetts. In
1925, he became a landscaping foreman for Bristol Nurseries in Bristol, Connecticut. He received several promotions over the years and, in 1949, he bought the company. Under Bird’s leadership,
Bristol Nurseries became world famous for its chrysanthemums.
Otis Raymond Garland (Nu Beta 1918)
Brother Garland was one of the delegates from New Hampshire Agricultural (now UNH) to the 1918 convention. After graduation, he served in the Army and, in 1919, he became a high school principal in Massachusetts. In 1933, Brother Garland, was appointed Clerk of Hampton (NH) Municipal Court, and in 1964, he was named Special justice of the same court. Brother Garland remained a loyal supporter of Phi Mu Delta all of his life.
Charles S. Rising (Nu Gamma 1919)
Brother Rising was a natural born leader. This was recognized and the 1918 founding of the Fraternity when he was elected the first National President of the Fraternity. Brother Rising was an educator and served in numerous teaching and administrative posts, including superintendent of schools. In 1943, he was named Chief of Vocation and Education for Vermont Veterans. He later was named director of the same group for all of New England. In 1962, he became director of the experimental Vermont Family (Farm) Project. Brother Rising lived in Vermont all of his life.
Robert C. Stimson (Nu Beta 1918)
Not much is known of Brother Stimson. He was born in Concord, NH in 1896. Very active in the founding of Phi Mu Delta, he graduated from what is now the University of New Hampshire in 1918 with a degree in chemical engineering. He enlisted in the Navy as a radio technician and died of unknown causes in Rotterdam, Holland, on September 19, 1920.
Lloyd A. Woodward (Nu Gamma 1918)
Brother Woodward, a classmate of Clarence Dexter Pierce, served as an artillery officer toward the end of WWI. Upon returning to civilian life in 1919, he became a school teacher for the next year and a half in New York state. He then returned to UVM as an instructor in Physics and received his master’s degree from there in 1924. Brother Woodward remained at Vermont until 1961 when he retired with the rank of Associate Professor of Physics. He was active in the Boy Scouts and American legion and served Nu Gamma faithfully all of his life. Brother Woodward was also the town Moderator and Justice of the Peace in his hometown of Underhill, Vermont.
was founded at Wesleyan University
in Middletown, Connecticut
, in 1899. The Commons Club grew to an impressive 19 chapters from Washington state to Maine
prior to the formation of Phi Mu Delta. At the 1918 Conclave, held at the Massachusetts Agricultural College (now UMass
), Clarence Dexter Pierce and many of his supporters petitioned the assembly for the formation of a Greek letter fraternity. The petition was adopted and the original plan was in favor of all chapters of the Federation to join Phi Mu Delta. However, only four chapters did so: the Universities of Vermont
, New Hampshire
and Connecticut
, as well as Union College
The formation of the new fraternity met with some early resistance when the alumni of the Union chapter refused to join Phi Mu Delta. So, the Universities of Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut went on to become the founding chapters. Chapter designations were determined by lottery. The Connecticut chapter drew the number one and therefore became the Nu Alpha chapter, New Hampshire drew the number two ticket and became Nu Beta and Vermont became Nu Gamma (the Nu
prefix was determined by the location of the chapter, New England
Expansion was conservative with the first new chapter at Northwestern University
(Gamma Alpha) in 1921. This was soon followed by chapters at the University of Michigan
(Gamma Beta) and M.I.T.
(Nu Delta) in 1922. The local fraternity Alpha Sigma Omega became the Mu Alpha Chapter at Susquehanna University
, the first expansion into the Mid-Atlantic
Region. Pi Alpha at The University of California, Oakland
(now Berkeley), was the first Pacific Region expansion.
The end of the 1920s came with three new chapters. The Masonic Club at Ohio Northern University
became the Mu Beta Chapter in 1926. At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
, the Nu Theta Chapter was formed and the local fraternity Omega Delta Epsilon at Penn State
became the Mu Epsilon Chapter in 1930. These three chapters are all still active today.
and World War II
hit Phi Mu Delta chapters hard. Phi Mu Delta absorbed another national fraternity, Delta Alpha Pi in 1934, acquiring three chapters. Unfortunately these chapters were short-lived due to the Depression. The University of Vermont chapter closed its doors for 21 years beginning in 1936.
The war was especially tough on Phi Mu Delta. While many PMDs enlisted and fought in the war their chapters crumbled away. As many as 800 Phi Mu Deltas took part in the war effort, and about 90 made the supreme sacrifice. The last chapter casualty of this period was the Connecticut Chapter which remains closed to this day.
helped to establish a new chapter at The University of Southern Maine
from a very old local called Alpha Lambda Beta. Also, a local Latin
letter fraternity, QED, had established itself at Trinity College
in Hartford, Connecticut
, after a schism in the local Delta Phi
chapter. QED approached Phi Mu Delta in 1964 and became the Nu Lambda Chapter. This chapter went on to win several scholarship awards before closing in the mid-'70s due to anti-fraternity legislation. In addition, The Bald Eagle Club at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
, became the Mu Zeta Chapter. The Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, a young local from Keene State College
in New Hampshire became the Nu Omicron Chapter in 1970.
. There was a complete professional staff and traveling consultant. However, with the declining membership, it was getting harder and harder to maintain the office. While several new chapters were started in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Missouri in the 1970s, they all died due to a lack of support and membership.
In 1974, another small, financially strapped national, Delta Phi
, approached Phi Mu Delta about a merger. Plans were made and both organizations planned to merge under the name, Delta Phi. The merged fraternity was to use Delta Phi's constitution and Phi Mu Delta's crest and colors. On campuses where both fraternities existed time would be given for a gradual consolidation of operations. All started well, but due to an impeding lawsuit against Delta Phi, the merger was called off. Instead, a new, innovative plan was established. Phi Mu Delta and Delta Phi would remain separate organizations but share a National Office and pool other resources. In fact, this plan looked so successful, that another small, national organization, Alpha Delta Gamma
, entered into the deal. This plan also had its problems when one of the organizations could no longer afford their percentage of the agreement. Phi Mu Delta was on its own again.
In the late 1970s, it appeared that Phi Mu Delta would dissolve. Many alumni and undergraduate members were actually calling for such an action. The chapter at MIT left in 1977 and has continued to exist as a local, Nu Delta, to this very day. However, a group of very young new alumni, led by the more a experienced alumnus, Eli Henry, began to rebuild the organization. A new National Office was established in State College, Pennsylvania
, when they hired Stewart Howe Alumni Service to run their daily affairs. The Triangle began to be published again and the chapter at the University of Vermont was reestablished.
The 1980s began as a time of rebuilding. Phi Mu Delta rewrote its constitution, re-established the Phi Mu Delta Foundation and began to invest much time in its remaining chapters. The only new chapter of this period was established at California University of Pennsylvania
. The Mu Pi Chapter was once a part of the Theta Delta Chi
fraternity. However, in 1979 the Pi Triton local fraternity separated from Theta Delta Chi and petitioned Phi Mu Delta in 1985.
The 1990s were a great time of growth for Phi Mu Delta. Their chapters were extremely strong and active in their communities. The Nu Beta Chapter at the University of New Hampshire had closed its doors in 1981. In the spring of 1995, the chapter was re-activated and has helped renew PMD's interest in expansion efforts. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
and Lycoming College
were added to the fraternity in the late 1990s. Unfortunately, in April 1999, Mu Pi chapter was closed for an inability to maintain viable chapter operations.
, a Penn State affiliate campus, in 2001. The fraternity was invited to colonize at SUNY Plattsburgh
where, in 2004, the Nu Pi chapter was chartered. Phi Mu Delta was sought after by a group of men at Frostburg State University
and in 2006, the Mu Omicron colony was formed. On April 15, 2009 the Mu Omicron chapter at Frostburg State University became a full chartered member of Phi Mu Delta, and on April 17, 2009 the Mu Alpha chapter was also rechartered at Susquehanna University
in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. The Nu Theta Eta Colony at New England College
was added in April 2009 and one of Phi Mu Delta's founding chapters, Nu Gamma at the University of Vermont
was re-colonized in October 2009. Phi Mu Delta colonized the Sigma Alpha Colony at Longwood University
in Fall 2011, Phi Mu Delta's first foray in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
In addition, The National Fraternity implemented the "Vision for Excellence" standards program to ensure that members are living the values of the organization. Phi Mu Delta created an Executive Director position and moved their headquarters to Cherry Hill, NJ
Phi Mu Delta has maintained that its strength lies in its manageable size and the overwhelming commitment of its alumni. The National Council is headed by Lycoming College alumnus Kevin Socha and is made up of 8 other volunteers. Tom Murphy is the current National Executive Director and the only salaried member of the National Council. The Phi Mu Delta Educational Foundation is Chaired by Penn State Alumnus Michael Mallon. The last thirty years have been slow and steady, but Phi Mu Delta has come back from near financial disaster to become one of the strongest small national fraternities in the United States.
Fraternities and sororities
Fraternities and sororities are fraternal social organizations for undergraduate students. In Latin, the term refers mainly to such organizations at colleges and universities in the United States, although it is also applied to analogous European groups also known as corporations...
founded on March 1, 1918 at the Universities of Connecticut
University of Connecticut
The admission rate to the University of Connecticut is about 50% and has been steadily decreasing, with about 28,000 prospective students applying for admission to the freshman class in recent years. Approximately 40,000 prospective students tour the main campus in Storrs annually...
, New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire
The University of New Hampshire is a public university in the University System of New Hampshire , United States. The main campus is in Durham, New Hampshire. An additional campus is located in Manchester. With over 15,000 students, UNH is the largest university in New Hampshire. The university is...
, and Vermont
University of Vermont
The University of Vermont comprises seven undergraduate schools, an honors college, a graduate college, and a college of medicine. The Honors College does not offer its own degrees; students in the Honors College concurrently enroll in one of the university's seven undergraduate colleges or...
. The fraternity is focused on the three ideals of democracy, service, and brotherhood.
Founders' Creed
I Believe in Democracy... a democracy characterized by the practice of justice in every relation of life. I hold that justice is the foremostprinciple to be considered in making my decisions as a voting member of Phi Mu Delta, the student body, and as a citizen of the United States. I believe in that broad conception of democracy which seeks freedom of opportunity, and recognizes no color, race, creed, or position.
I Believe in Service... service to the college; service to every group organized for the common good; service to the individual. I believe in
service defined in the terms of voluntary sacrifice for the welfare of those with whom I come in contact.
I Believe in Brotherhood... Brotherhood that reaches beyond the limits of Phi Mu Delta and welcomes every man as my Brother. I believe in the intrinsic worth of the man at my side, and in his ability to make good and justify my faith in him.
I hold these beliefs as my profound conviction, and I pledge my fellow men to live up to them to the best of my ability.
Mission statement
Founded nationally in 1918 as the first national fraternity to accept men regardless of their race or religious affiliation, Phi Mu Delta has as its mission to provide a positive fraternity experience for today's college man, encouraging high personal standards morally, mentally and spiritually, and to help its members live the ideals of our founders: democracy, brotherhood and service.Founders
Clarence Dexter Pierce (Nu Gamma 1918)Brother Pierce is considered the father of Phi Mu Delta. He was a delegate at the 1917 convention of the National Federation of the Commons Clubs at which the proposal to convert to a Greek-letter
fraternity was discussed. While the name Phi Mu Delta came out of this discussion, it is not known whether or not Pierce actually suggested the name. What is known is that Pierce was the leading voice in having the Commons Club become a Greek-letter fraternity and he led the way for the
founding of Phi Mu Delta at the 1918 convention. Brother Pierce wrote the ritual we still use today. “Dex” as he was known, enlisted in the military as a medic at the outbreak of WWI. He then transferred to the infantry, was recognized for his natural leadership, and received a commission as a second lieutenant before the war ended. He returned to UVM and graduated with his class, receiving and Ph.B. in 1818, and a M.D. in 1923. He practiced medicine in Connecticut and New York, eventually settling in Batavia, New York. He was an avid supporter of the Boy Scouts and one of the first Eagle Scouts. Dex never married, but devoted his life to helping others. He died in Batavia, New York, in 1957. So beloved was this man by the people of Batavia that the Medical Library in the Genessee Memorial Hospital bears his name. Clarence Dexter Pierce truly lived the
ideals of Phi Mu Delta.
Arthur Conrad Bird (Nu Alpha 1919)
Brother Bird was a delegate at the 1918 convention and an avid supporter of the formation of a Greek-letter fraternity. He was elected Extension Secretary of the new Fraternity. Brother Bird was
active in athletics and ROTC while in college and,after graduation,worked for several florists and received his graduate education in agriculture from what is now the University of Massachusetts. In
1925, he became a landscaping foreman for Bristol Nurseries in Bristol, Connecticut. He received several promotions over the years and, in 1949, he bought the company. Under Bird’s leadership,
Bristol Nurseries became world famous for its chrysanthemums.
Otis Raymond Garland (Nu Beta 1918)
Brother Garland was one of the delegates from New Hampshire Agricultural (now UNH) to the 1918 convention. After graduation, he served in the Army and, in 1919, he became a high school principal in Massachusetts. In 1933, Brother Garland, was appointed Clerk of Hampton (NH) Municipal Court, and in 1964, he was named Special justice of the same court. Brother Garland remained a loyal supporter of Phi Mu Delta all of his life.
Charles S. Rising (Nu Gamma 1919)
Brother Rising was a natural born leader. This was recognized and the 1918 founding of the Fraternity when he was elected the first National President of the Fraternity. Brother Rising was an educator and served in numerous teaching and administrative posts, including superintendent of schools. In 1943, he was named Chief of Vocation and Education for Vermont Veterans. He later was named director of the same group for all of New England. In 1962, he became director of the experimental Vermont Family (Farm) Project. Brother Rising lived in Vermont all of his life.
Robert C. Stimson (Nu Beta 1918)
Not much is known of Brother Stimson. He was born in Concord, NH in 1896. Very active in the founding of Phi Mu Delta, he graduated from what is now the University of New Hampshire in 1918 with a degree in chemical engineering. He enlisted in the Navy as a radio technician and died of unknown causes in Rotterdam, Holland, on September 19, 1920.
Lloyd A. Woodward (Nu Gamma 1918)
Brother Woodward, a classmate of Clarence Dexter Pierce, served as an artillery officer toward the end of WWI. Upon returning to civilian life in 1919, he became a school teacher for the next year and a half in New York state. He then returned to UVM as an instructor in Physics and received his master’s degree from there in 1924. Brother Woodward remained at Vermont until 1961 when he retired with the rank of Associate Professor of Physics. He was active in the Boy Scouts and American legion and served Nu Gamma faithfully all of his life. Brother Woodward was also the town Moderator and Justice of the Peace in his hometown of Underhill, Vermont.
Founding and expansion
Phi Mu Delta traces its roots to the National Federation of Commons Clubs. The Commons ClubCommons club
A commons club is a type of social organization whose membership is "open" rather than selective based on personal introduction and invitation. It may also refer to the lodge or other meeting facility associated with such a club and used for its activities...
was founded at Wesleyan University
Wesleyan University
Wesleyan University is a private liberal arts college founded in 1831 and located in Middletown, Connecticut. According to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Wesleyan is the only Baccalaureate College in the nation that emphasizes undergraduate instruction in the arts and...
in Middletown, Connecticut
Middletown, Connecticut
Middletown is a city located in Middlesex County, Connecticut, along the Connecticut River, in the central part of the state, 16 miles south of Hartford. In 1650, it was incorporated as a town under its original Indian name, Mattabeseck. It received its present name in 1653. In 1784, the central...
, in 1899. The Commons Club grew to an impressive 19 chapters from Washington state to Maine
Maine is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and south, New Hampshire to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Quebec to the northwest and New Brunswick to the northeast. Maine is both the northernmost and easternmost...
prior to the formation of Phi Mu Delta. At the 1918 Conclave, held at the Massachusetts Agricultural College (now UMass
University of Massachusetts Amherst
The University of Massachusetts Amherst is a public research and land-grant university in Amherst, Massachusetts, United States and the flagship of the University of Massachusetts system...
), Clarence Dexter Pierce and many of his supporters petitioned the assembly for the formation of a Greek letter fraternity. The petition was adopted and the original plan was in favor of all chapters of the Federation to join Phi Mu Delta. However, only four chapters did so: the Universities of Vermont
University of Vermont
The University of Vermont comprises seven undergraduate schools, an honors college, a graduate college, and a college of medicine. The Honors College does not offer its own degrees; students in the Honors College concurrently enroll in one of the university's seven undergraduate colleges or...
, New Hampshire
University of New Hampshire
The University of New Hampshire is a public university in the University System of New Hampshire , United States. The main campus is in Durham, New Hampshire. An additional campus is located in Manchester. With over 15,000 students, UNH is the largest university in New Hampshire. The university is...
and Connecticut
University of Connecticut
The admission rate to the University of Connecticut is about 50% and has been steadily decreasing, with about 28,000 prospective students applying for admission to the freshman class in recent years. Approximately 40,000 prospective students tour the main campus in Storrs annually...
, as well as Union College
Union College
Union College is a private, non-denominational liberal arts college located in Schenectady, New York, United States. Founded in 1795, it was the first institution of higher learning chartered by the New York State Board of Regents. In the 19th century, it became the "Mother of Fraternities", as...
The formation of the new fraternity met with some early resistance when the alumni of the Union chapter refused to join Phi Mu Delta. So, the Universities of Vermont, New Hampshire and Connecticut went on to become the founding chapters. Chapter designations were determined by lottery. The Connecticut chapter drew the number one and therefore became the Nu Alpha chapter, New Hampshire drew the number two ticket and became Nu Beta and Vermont became Nu Gamma (the Nu
Nu (letter)
Nu , is the 13th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 50...
prefix was determined by the location of the chapter, New England
New England
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut...
Expansion was conservative with the first new chapter at Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Northwestern University is a private research university in Evanston and Chicago, Illinois, USA. Northwestern has eleven undergraduate, graduate, and professional schools offering 124 undergraduate degrees and 145 graduate and professional degrees....
(Gamma Alpha) in 1921. This was soon followed by chapters at the University of Michigan
University of Michigan
The University of Michigan is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan in the United States. It is the state's oldest university and the flagship campus of the University of Michigan...
(Gamma Beta) and M.I.T.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments, with a strong emphasis on scientific and technological education and research.Founded in 1861 in...
(Nu Delta) in 1922. The local fraternity Alpha Sigma Omega became the Mu Alpha Chapter at Susquehanna University
Susquehanna University
Susquehanna University is a liberal arts college in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States, north of the state capital, Harrisburg.-Academics:...
, the first expansion into the Mid-Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic States
The Mid-Atlantic states, also called middle Atlantic states or simply the mid Atlantic, form a region of the United States generally located between New England and the South...
Region. Pi Alpha at The University of California, Oakland
University of California, Berkeley
The University of California, Berkeley , is a teaching and research university established in 1868 and located in Berkeley, California, USA...
(now Berkeley), was the first Pacific Region expansion.
The end of the 1920s came with three new chapters. The Masonic Club at Ohio Northern University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio Northern University is a private, United Methodist Church-affiliated university located in the United States in Ada, Ohio, founded by Henry Solomon Lehr in 1871. ONU is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. ONU is a sister...
became the Mu Beta Chapter in 1926. At Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Stephen Van Rensselaer established the Rensselaer School on November 5, 1824 with a letter to the Rev. Dr. Samuel Blatchford, in which van Rensselaer asked Blatchford to serve as the first president. Within the letter he set down several orders of business. He appointed Amos Eaton as the school's...
, the Nu Theta Chapter was formed and the local fraternity Omega Delta Epsilon at Penn State
Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University, commonly referred to as Penn State or PSU, is a public research university with campuses and facilities throughout the state of Pennsylvania, United States. Founded in 1855, the university has a threefold mission of teaching, research, and public service...
became the Mu Epsilon Chapter in 1930. These three chapters are all still active today.
Depression and war years
Both the DepressionGreat Depression
The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s...
and World War II
World War II
World War II, or the Second World War , was a global conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945, involving most of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis...
hit Phi Mu Delta chapters hard. Phi Mu Delta absorbed another national fraternity, Delta Alpha Pi in 1934, acquiring three chapters. Unfortunately these chapters were short-lived due to the Depression. The University of Vermont chapter closed its doors for 21 years beginning in 1936.
The war was especially tough on Phi Mu Delta. While many PMDs enlisted and fought in the war their chapters crumbled away. As many as 800 Phi Mu Deltas took part in the war effort, and about 90 made the supreme sacrifice. The last chapter casualty of this period was the Connecticut Chapter which remains closed to this day.
The Golden Age
Expansion began to take off during the "Golden Age" of fraternities of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Several new chapters were started in New England. Nu Zeta at UMass-Amherst was founded from a local organization known as Zeta Zeta Zeta. The Nu Epsilon Chapter at the University of MaineUniversity of Maine
The University of Maine is a public research university located in Orono, Maine, United States. The university was established in 1865 as a land grant college and is referred to as the flagship university of the University of Maine System...
helped to establish a new chapter at The University of Southern Maine
University of Southern Maine
The University of Southern Maine is a multi-campus public urban comprehensive university and part of the University of Maine System. USM's three primary campuses are located in Portland, Gorham, and Lewiston...
from a very old local called Alpha Lambda Beta. Also, a local Latin
Latin is an Italic language originally spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. It, along with most European languages, is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. Although it is considered a dead language, a number of scholars and members of the Christian clergy speak it fluently, and...
letter fraternity, QED, had established itself at Trinity College
Trinity College (Connecticut)
Trinity College is a private, liberal arts college in Hartford, Connecticut. Founded in 1823, it is the second-oldest college in the state of Connecticut after Yale University. The college enrolls 2,300 students and has been coeducational since 1969. Trinity offers 38 majors and 26 minors, and has...
in Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford is the capital of the U.S. state of Connecticut. The seat of Hartford County until Connecticut disbanded county government in 1960, it is the second most populous city on New England's largest river, the Connecticut River. As of the 2010 Census, Hartford's population was 124,775, making...
, after a schism in the local Delta Phi
Delta Phi
Delta Phi is a fraternity founded in 1827 at Union College in Schenectady, New York. Founded as part of the Union Triad, along with the Kappa Alpha Society and Sigma Phi Society, Delta Phi was the third and last member of the Triad...
chapter. QED approached Phi Mu Delta in 1964 and became the Nu Lambda Chapter. This chapter went on to win several scholarship awards before closing in the mid-'70s due to anti-fraternity legislation. In addition, The Bald Eagle Club at Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, commonly abbreviated LHU, is a state university in Lock Haven, in central Pennsylvania located along the Susquehanna River, and is roughly from the major towns of Williamsport and State College. Lock Haven University is one of the fourteen members of the...
, became the Mu Zeta Chapter. The Sigma Delta Chi fraternity, a young local from Keene State College
Keene State College
Keene State College is a liberal arts college in Keene, New Hampshire. It is a member of the University System of New Hampshire and of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges....
in New Hampshire became the Nu Omicron Chapter in 1970.
Decline and rebirth
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, fraternity membership began to decline all around the United States, a trend which did not spare Phi Mu Delta. Phi Mu Delta had begun to prosper in the 1960s and even opened its first National Headquarters in Lancaster, PennsylvaniaLancaster, Pennsylvania
Lancaster is a city in the south-central part of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It is the county seat of Lancaster County and one of the older inland cities in the United States, . With a population of 59,322, it ranks eighth in population among Pennsylvania's cities...
. There was a complete professional staff and traveling consultant. However, with the declining membership, it was getting harder and harder to maintain the office. While several new chapters were started in Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Missouri in the 1970s, they all died due to a lack of support and membership.
In 1974, another small, financially strapped national, Delta Phi
Delta Phi
Delta Phi is a fraternity founded in 1827 at Union College in Schenectady, New York. Founded as part of the Union Triad, along with the Kappa Alpha Society and Sigma Phi Society, Delta Phi was the third and last member of the Triad...
, approached Phi Mu Delta about a merger. Plans were made and both organizations planned to merge under the name, Delta Phi. The merged fraternity was to use Delta Phi's constitution and Phi Mu Delta's crest and colors. On campuses where both fraternities existed time would be given for a gradual consolidation of operations. All started well, but due to an impeding lawsuit against Delta Phi, the merger was called off. Instead, a new, innovative plan was established. Phi Mu Delta and Delta Phi would remain separate organizations but share a National Office and pool other resources. In fact, this plan looked so successful, that another small, national organization, Alpha Delta Gamma
Alpha Delta Gamma
Alpha Delta Gamma National Fraternity is an American Greek-letter social fraternity and one of 74 members of the North-American Interfraternity Conference...
, entered into the deal. This plan also had its problems when one of the organizations could no longer afford their percentage of the agreement. Phi Mu Delta was on its own again.
In the late 1970s, it appeared that Phi Mu Delta would dissolve. Many alumni and undergraduate members were actually calling for such an action. The chapter at MIT left in 1977 and has continued to exist as a local, Nu Delta, to this very day. However, a group of very young new alumni, led by the more a experienced alumnus, Eli Henry, began to rebuild the organization. A new National Office was established in State College, Pennsylvania
State College, Pennsylvania
State College is the largest borough in Centre County in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. It is the principal city of the State College, Pennsylvania Metropolitan Statistical Area which encompasses all of Centre County. As of the 2010 census, the borough population was 42,034, and roughly double...
, when they hired Stewart Howe Alumni Service to run their daily affairs. The Triangle began to be published again and the chapter at the University of Vermont was reestablished.
The 1980s began as a time of rebuilding. Phi Mu Delta rewrote its constitution, re-established the Phi Mu Delta Foundation and began to invest much time in its remaining chapters. The only new chapter of this period was established at California University of Pennsylvania
California University of Pennsylvania
California University of Pennsylvania is a public university located in California, Pennsylvania, USA. Founded in 1852, it is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Cal U's enrollment is approximately 9,400.The main campus consists of about 38 buildings situated on 92 acres...
. The Mu Pi Chapter was once a part of the Theta Delta Chi
Theta Delta Chi
Theta Delta Chi is a social fraternity that was founded in 1847 at Union College. While nicknames differ from institution to institution, the most common nicknames for the fraternity are Theta Delt, Thete, TDX, and TDC. Theta Delta Chi brothers refer to their local organization as Charges rather...
fraternity. However, in 1979 the Pi Triton local fraternity separated from Theta Delta Chi and petitioned Phi Mu Delta in 1985.
The 1990s were a great time of growth for Phi Mu Delta. Their chapters were extremely strong and active in their communities. The Nu Beta Chapter at the University of New Hampshire had closed its doors in 1981. In the spring of 1995, the chapter was re-activated and has helped renew PMD's interest in expansion efforts. Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana University of Pennsylvania is a public university in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, USA. The university is northeast of Pittsburgh. It is the largest university in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and is the commonwealth's fifth largest university...
, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania is one of the fourteen state universities that are part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. The University is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher...
and Lycoming College
Lycoming College
Founded in 1812, Lycoming College is located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. One of the 50 oldest colleges in America, Lycoming enrolls 1400 undergraduate students from over 28 states and 12 foreign countries. Eighty percent of the college's students live on campus...
were added to the fraternity in the late 1990s. Unfortunately, in April 1999, Mu Pi chapter was closed for an inability to maintain viable chapter operations.
A new millennium
Phi Mu Delta was the first fraternity to form at the Pennsylvania College of TechnologyPennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania College of Technology, or Penn College, is a public college located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, affiliated with The Pennsylvania State University. As an applied technology college, the school offers certificate, associate and baccalaureate degree programs in more than 100 fields of...
, a Penn State affiliate campus, in 2001. The fraternity was invited to colonize at SUNY Plattsburgh
State University of New York at Plattsburgh
The State University of New York at Plattsburgh is a four-year, public liberal arts college in Plattsburgh, New York. The college was founded in 1889 and opened in 1890. The college is currently part of the State University of New York system and is accredited by the Middle States Association of...
where, in 2004, the Nu Pi chapter was chartered. Phi Mu Delta was sought after by a group of men at Frostburg State University
Frostburg State University
Frostburg State University is a four-year university located on a campus in Frostburg, Maryland, in Western Maryland, and is part of the University System of Maryland. FSU is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.-History:...
and in 2006, the Mu Omicron colony was formed. On April 15, 2009 the Mu Omicron chapter at Frostburg State University became a full chartered member of Phi Mu Delta, and on April 17, 2009 the Mu Alpha chapter was also rechartered at Susquehanna University
Susquehanna University
Susquehanna University is a liberal arts college in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, United States, north of the state capital, Harrisburg.-Academics:...
in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. The Nu Theta Eta Colony at New England College
New England College
New England College is a private four-year college in Henniker, New Hampshire, enrolling a total of approximately 1800 undergraduate and graduate students.-History:The school was created in 1946 for students attending college on the G.I...
was added in April 2009 and one of Phi Mu Delta's founding chapters, Nu Gamma at the University of Vermont
University of Vermont
The University of Vermont comprises seven undergraduate schools, an honors college, a graduate college, and a college of medicine. The Honors College does not offer its own degrees; students in the Honors College concurrently enroll in one of the university's seven undergraduate colleges or...
was re-colonized in October 2009. Phi Mu Delta colonized the Sigma Alpha Colony at Longwood University
Longwood University
Longwood University is a four-year public, liberal-arts university located in Farmville, Virginia, United States. It was founded in 1839 and became a university on July 1, 2002...
in Fall 2011, Phi Mu Delta's first foray in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
In addition, The National Fraternity implemented the "Vision for Excellence" standards program to ensure that members are living the values of the organization. Phi Mu Delta created an Executive Director position and moved their headquarters to Cherry Hill, NJ
New Jersey
New Jersey is a state in the Northeastern and Middle Atlantic regions of the United States. , its population was 8,791,894. It is bordered on the north and east by the state of New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania and on the southwest by Delaware...
Phi Mu Delta has maintained that its strength lies in its manageable size and the overwhelming commitment of its alumni. The National Council is headed by Lycoming College alumnus Kevin Socha and is made up of 8 other volunteers. Tom Murphy is the current National Executive Director and the only salaried member of the National Council. The Phi Mu Delta Educational Foundation is Chaired by Penn State Alumnus Michael Mallon. The last thirty years have been slow and steady, but Phi Mu Delta has come back from near financial disaster to become one of the strongest small national fraternities in the United States.
Notable alumni
- Roger M. Blough - Chairman, U.S. Steel Corporation
- Jim Carnes - Former President and CEO of Sarnoff Corporation.
- Sivaporn Dardarananda - Secretary General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand
- Edward C. DuPont, Jr. - Chairman, University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees
- Bill Gardner - Secretary of State, New Hampshire
- Dan A. Gwadosky - Former Secretary of State, Maine and Speaker of the House of Representatives
- Ronald H. Jury - Former North-American Interfraternity Conference Board Member
- Chuck MatherChuck MatherCharles V. "Chuck" Mather was the 27th head football coach for the University of Kansas Jayhawks located in Lawrence, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1954 until 1957....
- Former Football Coach for the University of Kansas - Dick MuriDick MuriRichard "Dick" Muri is an American politician and elected official. Since November 19, 2003, he has served as a member of the Pierce County, Washington County Council, representing the 6th District. He also ran as a Republican candidate for U.S...
- Pierce CountyPierce County, Washingtonright|thumb|[[Tacoma, Washington|Tacoma]] - Seat of Pierce CountyPierce County is the second most populous county in the U.S. state of Washington. Formed out of Thurston County on December 22, 1852, by the legislature of Oregon Territory...
Councilmember and former US Congressional candidate - John Rigas - Former CEO of Adelphia Communications Corporation and former majority franchise owner of the Buffalo Sabres (NHL)
- Robert RounsevilleRobert RounsevilleRobert Rounseville was an American tenor, who appeared in opera, operetta, and Broadway musicals.-Career:Rounseville was born in Attleboro, Massachusetts. He made his Broadway debut in a small role in the Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart musical Babes in Arms, then appeared in other musicals in...
- Famous Tenor on Broadway and opera - W. Douglas Scamman, Jr. - Former Speaker of the House, New Hampshire
- French Schwemmer - Inventor of Pearl Drops Toothpolish
- Jack Tsui - Former CEO, First Hawaiian Bank