List of state leaders in 660s BC
670s BC state leaders - Events of 660s BC
660s BC
-Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

 - 650s BC state leaders - State leaders by year


  • Egypt
    Egypt , officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, Arabic: , is a country mainly in North Africa, with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. Egypt is thus a transcontinental country, and a major power in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin, the Middle East and the Muslim world...

  • (Twenty-fifth Dynasty
    Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt
    The twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt, known as the Nubian Dynasty or the Kushite Empire, was the last dynasty of the Third Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt....

     in Kush
    Kingdom of Kush
    The native name of the Kingdom was likely kaš, recorded in Egyptian as .The name Kash is probably connected to Cush in the Hebrew Bible , son of Ham ....

    • Taharqa
      Taharqa was a pharaoh of the Ancient Egyptian 25th dynasty and king of the Kingdom of Kush, which was located in Northern Sudan.Taharqa was the son of Piye, the Nubian king of Napata who had first conquered Egypt. Taharqa was also the cousin and successor of Shebitku. The successful campaigns of...

      , Pharaoh of Egypt (690 BC
      680s BC
      -Events and trends:* 689 BC—King Sennacherib of Assyria sacks Babylon.* 687 BC—Gyges becomes king of Lydia.* 687 BC—Hezekiah succeeded by Manasseh as king of Judah.* 685 BC- Chalcedon became a Greek colony....

       – 664 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Tantamani
      Tantamani or Tanwetamani or Tementhes was a Pharaoh of Egypt and the Kingdom of Kush located in Northern Sudan and a member of the Nubian or Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt...

      , Pharaoh of Egypt (664 – 653 BC
      650s BC
      -Events and trends:*Occupation begins at Maya site of Piedras Negras, Guatemala.*657 BC—Cypselus becomes the first tyrant of Corinth.*656 BC—Psamtik I extends his control over all of Egypt...

  • (Twenty-sixth Dynasty
    Twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt
    The Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian conquest in 525 BC . The Dynasty's reign The Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt (also written Dynasty XXVI or Dynasty 26) was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian conquest in 525 BC...

    • Necho I
      Necho I
      Necho I was the prince or governor of the Egyptian city of Sais. He was the first attested local Saite king of the twenty-sixth dynasty of Egypt who reigned for 8 years, according to Manetho's Epitome. Egypt was reunified by his son, Psamtik I...

      , Pharaoh of Egypt (672 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 664 BC)
    • Psamtik I, Pharaoh of Egypt (664 BC – 610 BC
      600s BC
      -Events and trends:* 609 BC—The Babylonians defeat the Assyrian army of Ashur-uballit II and capture Harran. Ashur-uballit, the last Assyrian king, disappears from history....



  • China (Zhou Dynasty
    Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty was a Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang Dynasty and preceded the Qin Dynasty. Although the Zhou Dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history, the actual political and military control of China by the Ji family lasted only until 771 BC, a period known as...

    • Hui of Zhou
      King Hui of Zhou
      For the King Hui proclaimed as King Nan of Zhou's successor, see King Hui of Eastern ZhouKing Hui of Zhou, ch. 周惠王, py. zhōu hùi wáng, wg...

      , King of China (676 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 652 BC
      650s BC
      -Events and trends:*Occupation begins at Maya site of Piedras Negras, Guatemala.*657 BC—Cypselus becomes the first tyrant of Corinth.*656 BC—Psamtik I extends his control over all of Egypt...

  • India (legendary)
    • Nandivardhdhana, King of Magadha
      Legendary Kings of Magadha
      The Magadha empire was established very likely by semi-mythical king Jarasandha who was, as it stated in the Puranas, a son of Brihadratha, one of the descendants of eponymical Puru. Jarasandha appears in the Mahabharatha as the "Magadhan Emperor who rules all India" and meets with an unceremonious...

       (681 BC – 661 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

  • Lydia
    Lydia was an Iron Age kingdom of western Asia Minor located generally east of ancient Ionia in the modern Turkish provinces of Manisa and inland İzmir. Its population spoke an Anatolian language known as Lydian....

    • Ardys II
      Ardys II
      Ardys II was the twenty-seventh king of Lydia, and second king of the Mermnad dynasty, the son of King Gyges of Lydia; see List of Kings of Lydia...

      , King of Lydia (678 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 629 BC
      620s BC
      -Events and trends:* c. 627 BC—Death of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria; he is succeeded by Assur-etel-ilani.* 626 BC—Nabopolassar revolts against Assyria, founds the Neo-Babylonian Empire....



  • Athens
    Athens , is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities, as its recorded history spans around 3,400 years. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state...

    • Leostratus, Archon of Athens
      Archon of Athens
      This is a list of the eponymous archons of Athens.-Background:The archon was the chief magistrate in many Greek cities, but in Athens there was a council of archons which comprised a form of executive government...

       (671 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 670 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Unknown (670 BC – 669 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Pisistratus, Archon of Athens (669 BC – 668 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Autosthenes, Archon of Athens (668 BC – 667 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Unknown (667 BC – 664 BC)
    • Miltiades
      Miltiades or Miltiadis is a Greek name. Several historic persons have been called Miltiades .* Miltiades the Elder wealthy Athenian, and step-uncle of Miltiades the Younger...

      , Archon of Athens (664 BC – 663 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Unknown (663 BC – 659 BC
      650s BC
      -Events and trends:*Occupation begins at Maya site of Piedras Negras, Guatemala.*657 BC—Cypselus becomes the first tyrant of Corinth.*656 BC—Psamtik I extends his control over all of Egypt...

  • Ireland (legendary)
    • Áed Rúad
      Áed Ruad
      Áed Rúad, son of Badarn, Díthorba, son of Deman, and Cimbáeth, son of Fintan, three grandsons of Airgetmar, were, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, High Kings of Ireland who ruled in rotation, seven years at a time. They each ruled for three seven-year stints...

      , High King of Ireland (731 BC
      730s BC
      -Events and trends:* 739 BC—Hiram II becomes king of Tyre.* 738 BC—King Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria invades Israel, forcing it to pay tribute.* 738 BC—The Biskupin settlement northeast of Poznan is built....

       – 661 BC)
    • Macha Mong Ruad, High King of Ireland (661 BC – 654 BC)
  • Macedonia
    • Argaeus I
      Argaeus I of Macedon
      Argaeus I of Macedon was a king of Macedon of the Argead dynasty from about 678 BC to about 640 BC. He succeeded in the throne his father Perdiccas I. Argaeus left as successor his son Philip I...

      , King of Macedonia (678 BC – 640 BC
      630s BC
      -Events and trends:* 639 BC - Interregnum ends and Ancus Marcius becomes the king of Rome.* 636 BC — Duke Wen of Jin ascends to power in the State of Jin during the Zhou Dynasty of China....

  • Rome
    Ancient Rome
    Ancient Rome was a thriving civilization that grew on the Italian Peninsula as early as the 8th century BC. Located along the Mediterranean Sea and centered on the city of Rome, it expanded to one of the largest empires in the ancient world....

    • Tullus Hostilius
      Tullus Hostilius
      Tullus Hostilius was the legendary third of the Kings of Rome. He succeeded Numa Pompilius, and was succeeded by Ancus Marcius...

      , King of Rome (673 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 642 BC
      640s BC
      -Events and trends:*Assyrian king Ashurbanipal founds library, which includes our earliest complete copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh.*649 BC — Indabigash succeeds Tammaritu as a king of the Elamite Empire....

  • Sparta
    Sparta or Lacedaemon, was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the River Eurotas in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese. It emerged as a political entity around the 10th century BC, when the invading Dorians subjugated the local, non-Dorian population. From c...

     (Agiad Dyanasty)
    • Polydorus
      In Greek mythology, Polydorus referred to several different people.*An Argive, son of Hippomedon...

      , King of Sparta
      Kings of Sparta
      Sparta was an important Greek city-state in the Peloponnesus. It was unusual among Greek city-states in that it maintained its kingship past the Archaic age. It was even more unusual in that it had two kings simultaneously, coming from two separate lines...

       (c. 700 BC
      690s BC
      -Events and trends:* 699 BC—Khallushu succeeds Shuttir-Nakhkhunte as king of the Elamite Empire.* 697 BC—Birth of Duke Wen of Jin in China.* 697 BC—Death of Zhou huan wang, the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty of China....

       – c. 665 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Eurycrates
      Eurycrates or Eurykrates was a king of the Greek city state of Sparta, one of the Agiad kings, who was preceded by his father Polydorus and followed by his son Anaxander. He ruled from 665 to 640 BC....

      , King of Sparta (c.665 BC – c.640 BC)
  • Alba Longa
    Alba Longa
    Alba Longa – in Italian sources occasionally written Albalonga – was an ancient city of Latium in central Italy southeast of Rome in the Alban Hills. Founder and head of the Latin League, it was destroyed by Rome around the middle of the 7th century BC. In legend, Romulus and Remus, founders of...

    • Gaius Cluilius
      Gaius Cluilius
      Gaius Cluilius was the king of Alba Longa during the reign of the Roman king Tullus Hostilius in the middle of the seventh century B.C. Alba Longa was an ancient city of Latium in central Italy southeast of Rome....

      , King of Alba Longa
      Latin kings of Alba Longa
      The Latin kings of Alba Longa, also referred to as the Latin kings of Rome or Alban kings of Rome, are a series of legendary kings of Latium ruling mainly from Alba Longa. In the mythic tradition of the founding of Rome, they fill the 400-year gap between the settlement of Aeneas in Italy and the...

       (717 BC
      710s BC
      -Events and trends:*Judah, Tyre and Sidon revolt against Assyria.*719 BC — Zhou Huan Wang of the Zhou Dynasty becomes ruler of China.*718 BC — Gyges becomes the ruler of Lydia.*717 BC — Assyrian king Sargon conquers the Hittites stronghold of Carchemish....

      ? - ca. 660 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....


Middle East

  • Assyria
    Assyria was a Semitic Akkadian kingdom, extant as a nation state from the mid–23rd century BC to 608 BC centred on the Upper Tigris river, in northern Mesopotamia , that came to rule regional empires a number of times through history. It was named for its original capital, the ancient city of Assur...

    • Esarhaddon
      Esarhaddon , was a king of Assyria who reigned 681 – 669 BC. He was the youngest son of Sennacherib and the Aramean queen Naqi'a , Sennacherib's second wife....

      , King of Assyria
      Kings of Assyria
      The list of Assyrian kings is compiled from the Assyrian King List, an ancient kingdom in northern Mesopotamia with information added from recent archaeological findings. The Assyrian King List includes regnal lengths that appear to have been based on now lost limmu lists...

       (681 BC – 669 BC)
    • Ashurbanipal
      Ashurbanipal |Ashur]] is creator of an heir"; 685 BC – c. 627 BC), also spelled Assurbanipal or Ashshurbanipal, was an Assyrian king, the son of Esarhaddon and the last great king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire...

      , King of Assyria (669 BC – 627 BC
      620s BC
      -Events and trends:* c. 627 BC—Death of Assurbanipal, king of Assyria; he is succeeded by Assur-etel-ilani.* 626 BC—Nabopolassar revolts against Assyria, founds the Neo-Babylonian Empire....

  • Babylon
    Babylon was an Akkadian city-state of ancient Mesopotamia, the remains of which are found in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers south of Baghdad...

     (Tenth Dynasty)
    • Esarhaddon, King of Babylon (681 BC – 669 BC)
    • Shamash-shum-ukin
      Shamash-shum-ukin was the Assyrian king of Babylon from 668-648 BC.He was the second son of the Assyrian King Esarhaddon. His elder brother, crown prince Sin-iddina-apla had died in 672, and in his stead the third son Ashurbanipal was invested as crown prince and later king of Assyria, while...

      , King of Babylon (668 BC – 648 BC
      640s BC
      -Events and trends:*Assyrian king Ashurbanipal founds library, which includes our earliest complete copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh.*649 BC — Indabigash succeeds Tammaritu as a king of the Elamite Empire....

  • Kingdom of Judah
    Kingdom of Judah
    The Kingdom of Judah was a Jewish state established in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age. It is often referred to as the "Southern Kingdom" to distinguish it from the northern Kingdom of Israel....

    • Manasseh
      Manasseh of Judah
      Manasseh was a king of the Kingdom of Judah. He was the only son of Hezekiah with Hephzi-bah. He became king at an age 12 years and reigned for 55 years. Edwin Thiele has concluded that he commenced his reign as co-regent with his father Hezekiah in 697/696 BC, with his sole reign beginning in...

      , King of Judah (687 BC
      680s BC
      -Events and trends:* 689 BC—King Sennacherib of Assyria sacks Babylon.* 687 BC—Gyges becomes king of Lydia.* 687 BC—Hezekiah succeeded by Manasseh as king of Judah.* 685 BC- Chalcedon became a Greek colony....

       – 642 BC)
  • Persia
    • Urtak-Inshushinak, King of Persia (September 675
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 663 BC
      660s BC
      -Events and trends:* 669 BC: Ashurbanipal succeeds his father Esarhaddon as king of Assyria.* 668 BC: Ashurbanipal starts to rule.* 668 BC: Shamash-shum-ukin, son of Esarhaddon, becomes King of Babylon.* 668 BC: Egypt revolts against Assyria....

    • Temti-Humban-Inshushinak I, King of Persia (663 BC – September 653 BC
      650s BC
      -Events and trends:*Occupation begins at Maya site of Piedras Negras, Guatemala.*657 BC—Cypselus becomes the first tyrant of Corinth.*656 BC—Psamtik I extends his control over all of Egypt...

  • Tyre, Phoenecia
    • Baal I
      Baal I
      Baal I was the king of Tyre . His name is the same as that of the Phoenician deity, Baal. He was tributary to the Assyrians, who had conquered the rest of Phoenicia, and sent his son Yehawmelek to Ashurbanipal with heavy tribute. He also may have assisted the Assyrians in their war against Elam.-...

      , King of Tyre (680 BC
      670s BC
      -Events and trends:* 677 BC—Esarhaddon leads the Assyrian army against rebellious Arab tribes, advances as far as the Brook of Egypt.* 676 BC—Zhou Hui Wang becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China.* 675 BC—Esarhaddon begins the rebuilding of Babylon...

       – 660 BC
      650s BC
      -Events and trends:*Occupation begins at Maya site of Piedras Negras, Guatemala.*657 BC—Cypselus becomes the first tyrant of Corinth.*656 BC—Psamtik I extends his control over all of Egypt...

  • Urartu
    Urartu , corresponding to Ararat or Kingdom of Van was an Iron Age kingdom centered around Lake Van in the Armenian Highland....

    • Rusa II, King of Urartu (680 BC – 639 BC
      630s BC
      -Events and trends:* 639 BC - Interregnum ends and Ancus Marcius becomes the king of Rome.* 636 BC — Duke Wen of Jin ascends to power in the State of Jin during the Zhou Dynasty of China....

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