List of Puerto Rican slang words and phrases
This article is a summary of common slang words and phrases used in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican Spanish
differs significantly from other dialects of Spanish for various reasons. One reason is the island's status as a commonwealth of the United States, which adds sizable English influences to the language of Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans often use anglicisms and words made directly from English; for example, "janguiar" means "to hang out". Puerto Rican Spanish is also influenced by the language of the Taíno people
, the original inhabitants of the islands. It is further influenced by the languages of the African slaves brought to Puerto Rico by colonial Spain, and by the Spanish dialects of immigrants from the Canary islands
and Andalusia
. An example of the latter is Puerto Ricans often leaving "d" sounds out of words, for instance the word "arrancado" (ripped out) is commonly pronounced and spelled "arrancao". Idiom
atic expressions may be difficult to translate fully and may have multiple meanings, so the English translations below may not reflect the full meaning of the expression they intend to translate.
Pronounced: Weh - pah; you must say it nasally or there is no true jubilant effect.
Student 1: I just a 98 on my Chemistry final!
Student 2: All right, man! WEPA!
Puerto Rican singer: ¿Estamos listos? (Are we ready?)
Audience: WEPA!!!!
Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Attendee: WEEEEEEEPAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (applauding the couple as he says it)
(credit - Urban Dictionary)
Puerto Rican Spanish
Puerto Rican Spanish is the Spanish language as characteristically spoken in Puerto Rico and by millions of people of Puerto Rican descent living in the United States and elsewhere...
differs significantly from other dialects of Spanish for various reasons. One reason is the island's status as a commonwealth of the United States, which adds sizable English influences to the language of Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans often use anglicisms and words made directly from English; for example, "janguiar" means "to hang out". Puerto Rican Spanish is also influenced by the language of the Taíno people
Taíno people
The Taínos were pre-Columbian inhabitants of the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, and the northern Lesser Antilles. It is thought that the seafaring Taínos are relatives of the Arawak people of South America...
, the original inhabitants of the islands. It is further influenced by the languages of the African slaves brought to Puerto Rico by colonial Spain, and by the Spanish dialects of immigrants from the Canary islands
Canary Islands
The Canary Islands , also known as the Canaries , is a Spanish archipelago located just off the northwest coast of mainland Africa, 100 km west of the border between Morocco and the Western Sahara. The Canaries are a Spanish autonomous community and an outermost region of the European Union...
and Andalusia
Andalusia is the most populous and the second largest in area of the autonomous communities of Spain. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognised as a nationality of Spain. The territory is divided into eight provinces: Huelva, Seville, Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, Jaén, Granada and...
. An example of the latter is Puerto Ricans often leaving "d" sounds out of words, for instance the word "arrancado" (ripped out) is commonly pronounced and spelled "arrancao". Idiom
Idiom is an expression, word, or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is comprehended in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning or definition of the words of which it is made...
atic expressions may be difficult to translate fully and may have multiple meanings, so the English translations below may not reflect the full meaning of the expression they intend to translate.
- A calzón quita'o - Calzón is the old Spanish for breeches. A calzón quita'o literally means with pants off, it is used to express that something or someone have nothing to hide and can be trusted; bluntly honest. e.g. Hablemos a calzón quita'o translate as let's have an honest conversation.
- A fuego - Literally means "On fire", but it refers to something being "cool" or "good". "Don't bother him, he's a good person". "That activity was cool".
- Abombao - Smelly...damp cloth or fabric that smell for sitting out rotten. A very bad or putrid odor or something, namely food, that is spoiled.
- Abochornarse - to blush. Comes from Bochorno, the Spanish Muslim woman's veil.
- Atángana - An interjection similar to "In your face!".
- Achaques - The aches and pains of growing old.
- Acho or Chacho - the shortened form of the expression ¡Muchacho! (meaning "Man!", "guy" or "dude"). Usually, it's used as a Grammatical conjunction|conjunction to bridge between thoughts. Also, it can be
- Acho men or Chacho men - "Damn, dude!", or simply just "Damn". Actually "acho men" as in "Oh man!" an expression of disappointment or surprise.
- Acho que fiebre - "What a fever, dude!", "Hot or feverish for something", as in "liking something so much that you have to do it or wear it every day."
- Adobao - contraction of the participle tense 'adobado:' "to be seasoned with spices." Example: when you have been in the Puerto Rican heat and have been seasoned in your own sweat.
- Afrentao - Contraction of the participle tense 'afrentado'. An outrageously selfish person. A glutton. A person who wants it all; greedy.
- ¡A las millas de chaflán! - "Driving fast", "speeding past someone", "walking fast", or "at the speed of the chamfer." Used as a criticism, such as "There he goes, driving that car with hellish speed!. Chaflán means "chamfer", as in chamfer street corners like streets in Barcelona, Spain and Ponce, Puerto Rico. Because you don't have to slow down as much going through a chamfered street corner as you would if it is a square corner.
- Aguacatao - contraction of the participle tense 'aguacatado'. From Aguacate or Avocado, which falls when a storm comes. A person waiting to see when things will get better. An intimidated person whose actions are very guarded and calculated, an insecure person; a "lump on a log"
- Agujita y Su Combo - "Little needle and her combo"- A record player made to sound like a Latin group. Playing records in lieu of a live band.
- Ahora - "Right now". Equivalent to "Ahorita" in most of the rest of Latin America.
- Ajumao - Contraction of the participle tense 'ajumado'; drunk. a cacophony of ahumado, as in fumed. Someone is drunk, besotted and smelly with the fumes of alcohol.
- Alcahuete - Spainsh has 25000 direct and 80 indirect Arabic words. Alcahuete is the old Spanish Arabic word "alqawwád". It's the gossip runner at the office or town. Also he matchmaker in illegal relations; also means to be extremely servile; also used to describe someone who spoils someone else too much.
- Al cantio de un gallo The distance a rooster can be heard when he crows. Used to insinuate it is close by. You have no idea how far they can be heard until you go to the place that is "al cantio de un gallo"
- Al garete - Garete is the old rudder with shaft. Without direction or purpose. when the masts and oars broke in heavy seas and winds, the helmsman would use the 'garete' the rudder as cumbersome propulsion. The expression is originally nautical, meaning "adrift", as in "el barco iba al garete" but it is usually used to mean "a lo loco". Many people in Puerto Rico think this is a local slang word and that it is just one word "algarete" but "garete" is a word appearing in Spanish dictionaries with the same meaning as above.
- A lo loco - Literally 'like crazy'. Done without much thought.
- Amargao - Contraction of the participle tense 'amargado'; embittered. Someone that is constantly depressed; bitter
- A mí, plín - equates to "I don't give a hoot";
- Anda pal - Is an abbreviation of "Anda pa'l sirete" or the bad word "Anda pa'l carajo". Also it refer to one that may be stunned o amazed, also scared at the moment.
- Anda pa'l sirete - "Oh crap." Similar phrases include ¡Ea, rayo! and ¡Diablo!
- Anda pa'l carajo - Translates as the astonishment expression 'get the hell out of here!' 'carajo' is the tip of the ship's main mast, the post of the watcher. It's pendular motion makes it a very dangerous and uncomfortable post. it implies "Oh shit."
- Aplatanao - Contraction of the participle tense 'aplatanado'. During the Renaissance (1492–1650) in PR there were some people who were loafing to the extent of not working nor farming. They'd live in caves off nature's plenty, off wild plantains and fruit. So it's a loafer; a person without a passion for anything.
- Arrancao - Contraction of the participle tense 'arrancado'. Literally ripped out. he pulled on his money su much his pockets are ripped out. Without money, completely broke.
- Arrollao - Contraction of the participle tense 'arrollado'. 'Arollo is a creek. So, literally it means stranded at the creek's bank. "Stranded" or "hanging", as in Te dejaron arollao. ("They left you hanging.")
- Arranca en fa - Comes from a music expression which means "Start on Fa (the musical note or key)". It eqiuates to "Beat it!", "Get lost!", "Go to bed!" (as from a parent to a child), or "Take off!". "Arranca en fa" means to get going.
- Arrebatao - Contraction of the participle tense 'arrebatado'. 'Arrebato' means spiritual rapture. It implies the rapture of the 'High (drug reference). "Estoy bien arrebatao"(I'm very high)
- Arrempujate pa ca - Come this way. Get closer.
- ¡Arroz, que carne hay! - Having something and soliciting something else to compliment it, as in a flirty or sexual phrase: "Where's the rice to go with all that meat!"; "(We need) Rice, you have plenty of meat."
- Arroz con culo - lots of trouble. Literally means "rice with asshole". as in today in the office there was an "arroz con culo"; Debacle, Mix-up !!
- A ti te daban con la correa de Batman - "They hit you with Batman's belt (buckle)"; Implies your parents physically abused you.
- Atorrante - Classical Spanish for a bum. A good for nothing loafer.
- Ah, pues bien ! - literally "Oh, well then…" -"Oh, Ok!"-
- Arao o arado - Arado is the plough, the person is so dim-witted he's not even good to work the plough. An idiot or a dummy.
- Abochornao- Contraction of the participle abochornado: to have bochorno, from Latin Spanish vulturnus, the hot and humid east-wind. It means red-faced with shame or offence. to be ashamed or embarrassed.
- A ver si el gas pela- Lit. "let's see if the gas peels" equates to "When push comes to shove". This can also used as a taunt to other person "vamos a ver si el gas pela", "let's see who's right". "Let's see what happens when push comes to shove."
- Al revés de los cristianos- literally. "The reverse way to Christians." Old Spanish expression from the times of the Moorish kings. Equates to the English 'reverse bizantine' expression, and used to refer to something that doesn't make sense.
- ¡A juyir, Crispín!- Lit. "Let's flee, Crispin!" 'Juyir' is a slang for 'huir' to flee, to run away. It equates to "let's get the heck out of here!"-
- Así es el mambo or Así se baila el mambo- Literally means, That's how you dance the mambo or that's how the mambo goes. It equates to "That's the nature of the beast". That´s how it is ; Así es la cosa = 'That's that.' It is how it is, whether we like it or not.
- Bacalao sin cabeza - a bastard child. It literally translates to a headless cod fish. The complete phrase could be "watch those two going out alone, they are going to bring a "bacalao sin cabeza"
- Bambalan - Lazy Bum
- Batata - literally, sweet potato. Used to describe lazy, non productive employees. Usually in reference to government employees who got their unmerited post out of nepotism and/or political favors. Batata can also be used to describe other people that are not very good at what they do, such as boxers "es un batata", "he is not good at all" "worthless".
- Bendito -Contraction of "Bendito sea Dios"; "Blessed be God". It equates to the English "Good Lord" to show sympathy or sorrow towards someone. "Ay Bendito" used to show frustration or exasperation, when complaining about something.
- Blanquito or Blanquita (Female); slang 'honky', 'cracker'. Literally little white person or whitey. Sometimes used to refer to someone that comes from a higher social class or believes he does. It certainly has nothing to do with the color of the skin. Interestingly it opposes to "negrito" or "negrita" that literally means little black person and is indeed a term of endearment; the equivalent of sugar, honey, sweetie, or babe.
- Bombito al pitcher Fly ball to the pitcher. Implies something easy, as in a fly ball to the pitcher the hitter automatically is out.
- Bicho- it literally means "bug" in Spanish, but in Puerto Rico it is used as a slang word for "penis".
- ¡Bicho es!- a very vulgar expression meaning "My D--k!". it is used as an interjection meaning "no way!" or "hell no!".
- Bichote- an anglicism from "big shot", used to name a neighborhood drug kinpin.
- Bicha- A woman or young girl who behaves like a drama queen or who is rude and obnoxious.
- Bicijangueo- a "corillo" or group of 'Urban' bike riders usually looking for or rather making their own environment. Also, "jodiendo la pita" while riding "bicis" and hanging out.
- Bildin - Building
- Bizcocho e' Titi- "Auntie's cake"; means that something is very easy; "easy as pie", "Eso esta como bizcocho e' titi" = "That's super easy".
- Boa!- It is literally a reptile, but Puerto Ricans use it as a joke; to mock someone; when someone falls or trips.
- Bola hinchá!- To be upset/bothered. "Bola" means: ball. But in the context of this expression it stands for "testicles". "Hinchá" is short for "hinchada" which means: swollen. Some expressions: "Tengo una bola hinchá" = I'm upset. "Me tienes una bola hinchá" = You are bothering me. Women sometimes use this expression as well, but with "bola" standing in for an ovary.
- Bochinche, Bochinchoso, Bochinchosa - Gossip, gossiper. "Mijo, que bochinche so formo", "Ese es un bochinchoso/bochinchosa".
- Bregar / Bregando - dealing with something without affirmative commitment. It is the governments response for any problem in the island. Estamos bregando con eso.
- Bregaste Chicky StarrChicky StarrJose Laureano is a semi retired Puerto Rican professional wrestler better known by his ring name, Chicky Starr.-Career:...
- it translates as "You dealt me a bad hand". 'Bregaste' is 2nd person singular for 'bregar' to toil in life's travails, also the 'brega' is the bullfighter's dealing with the cape and bull. A humorous and negative phrase meaning "to play dirty." Chicky Starr is a famous Puerto Rican professional wrestler. The phrase is said to someone who is not of good faith or who has betrayed or turned on you by playing a double-face. - Bregaste cajita de pollo - A humorous and negative phrase used in a similar manner as Bregaste Chicky StarrChicky StarrJose Laureano is a semi retired Puerto Rican professional wrestler better known by his ring name, Chicky Starr.-Career:...
and meaning "you acted in a cheap or wrong way." Cajita de pollo is a reference to a KFC-like chain of fast food restaurants in the 1980s called Fried Chicken Express, which sold 99 cent meals in small cardboard boxes that contained two or three very low quality chicken wings and soggy French fries. - Brillando la hebilla - "Dirty Dancing". Literally means "Polishing the belt buckle".
- Broki - "Buddy". It comes from "Bro" with a Spanish diminutive suffix added it.
- Bellaca/bellaco- Lit. Bellaco is a knave, a sly person. But the slang term is used in Puerto Rico to determine someone being in "heat" or having sexual desires. English slang term, Horny
- Brutal - From the word Brute...The best or the worst of something...Cool, amazing.
- Bruto- brute, dumb, idiot i.e., "¡Que bruto!"-,'what a brute/ an idiot!'
- Cabrón/Cabrona - literally the ram, or male goat. It implies a cuckold, a person whose loved one is being unfaithful. A bad situation or object. Depending on the context, it is also used when something or someone is very good as the word "Bad" when you mean something is really cool. It's also a derogatory word you can use to insult someone, like for example: "You bitch" (so puta)...so cabrona. Additionally the masculine term cabrón is commonly used by male teenagers and young men to refer to each other as "dude".
- Caco - Typically used derogatorily in reference to small-time thugs and people who listen to ReggaetonReggaetonReggaeton is a form of Puerto Rican and Latin American urban and Caribbean music. After its mainstream exposure in 2004, it spread to North American, European and Asian audiences. Reggaeton originated in Puerto Rico but is also has roots from Reggae en Español from Panama and Puerto Rico and...
music. Originates from the GreekAncient GreeceAncient Greece is a civilization belonging to a period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity. Immediately following this period was the beginning of the Early Middle Ages and the Byzantine era. Included in Ancient Greece is the...
god of treachery and thieves, CacusCacusIn Roman mythology, Cacus was a fire-breathing giant monster and the son of Vulcan.-Mythology:Cacus lived in a cave in the Palatine Hill in Italy, the future site of Rome. To the horror of nearby inhabitants, Cacus lived on human flesh and would nail the heads of victims to the doors of his cave...
and much later in Spain was used to refer to a common thief and was thus spread to other Spanish settled countries in the New World. Might also imply the person in question is somewhat mentally challenged or who tries to look and act like a "gangsta". - Caco-móbil - A car stereotypically driven by cacos (see above). Normally it is a heavily customized and decorated Japanese car with a bass sound-system, loud muffler and chrome-rims much like an American ricerRicerRicer may refer to:* Potato ricer, an implement used for food preparation* Rice burner, a pejorative describing Asian motorcycles and automobiles...
or rice-rocket. - Cafre - Spanish Arabic for kāfir, or non-Muslim. it denotes the person who is barbarous, uneducated, coarse, vulgar, bad manered and who knows it while reveling in his coarseness. A low class, tacky or ghetto. See "Caco".
- C-á-g-a-t-e en tu m-a-d-r-e - literally means 'Take a s-h-i-t on your m-o-t-h-e-r'. A popular way of saying 'F-u-c-k you'. See 'Me c-a-g-o en tu m-a-d-r-e'.
- Cagar mas arriba del culo - literally means "Shitting above your asshole". A term used to describe and equates to a person who is doing something 'out of their league'.
- Cállate la boca -Means "shut your mouth"
- Caquear See "Caco" above, it means to steal.
- Camina con los codos It means that the person is cheap. Trans - "Walks on the elbows". It is said because no mater how hard they hit them on the "funny bone" on the elbow, they won't let go the money in their hands.
- Cangriman - the islander's anglicism for Congressman. A person who is corrupt, opportunistic, liar or bully. From the word "congressman" because that was the way this word sounded to the non-English speaking jibaros (islanders) back then, when the Americans had a military government on the island run by an American governor appointed by the president and congress. It equates to the 'Carpetbagger' corrupt federal official of the post Civil War American South.
- Canto - A 'piece' of something. "Mira canto de cabrón!" ("Hey, piece of shit!) Sexually speaking, "canto" refers to the reproductive organs. "No te voy a dar el canto" ("Im not going to give my 'piece" or "I'm not going to let you have sex with me") To get or give a "piece".
- Carajo -Again carajo literally means the tip of the main mast. But it also means tons of things; i.e.: "estás del carajo = you're too much, you're way out of line. vete pa'l carajo...go to hell!! Again carajo, the true meaning in Spanish, was the worst place to be sent on an ancient ship(caravel). There are too many meanings to list here.
- Cáscara - husk of a fruit " Used to describe dumb person.
- Casqueta - Refers to the action of masturbating.
- Catimba - Refers to giving or taking a beating "Te voy a dar una catimba" "Le dieron una catimba"
- Culeca o Culeco - Slang misspelling of 'clueca' or 'clueco', 'broody'as in broody hen'. A happy person who is excited with a gain or a good news long awaited.
- Cerrao - Contraction of the participle tense 'cerrado'; dim-witted Used to describe dumb person, person lacking common sense some who is "mentally closed"
- Chacón - reference to Iris Chacón, a voluptuous TV dancer of the 1960s and 1970s who iked to show her butt, when it was still not in fashion to do so.
- Cheche de la pelicula The guy who saves the day. Cheche is the mispronunciation of the Sheriff in the western movies who always saved the day.
- Champion - Tennis shoes / sneakers.
- Chancletas or chanclas - Any type of sandals, flipflops, etc.
- Chancletero - This is a term used to refer to a man\woman who's offspring are only daughters. It derives from chanclas, that are the universally kind of house slipper shoes used by women inside houses, meaning as this "people not working out"
- Changuería - This term is used to describe a kid that has a fit (rage): like after his parents do not buy him something he wanted, or he doesn't get to do something he wanted to do [like go out and play]. The term is also used to describe the behaviour of a kid that is exaggeratingly acting up (either for been very sad, not wanting to do something, or just too happy). A kid in this type of situations, is said to have "changuería".
- Chapuseria - Literally, something "Hap-hazardly" done, Completed, just to get it over with.
- Chapusero Said of someone who usually does this kind of hap-hazard or sub-standard work.
- Charlatán - the same as the universal 'charlatan'. "Clown". Used when referring to someone that acts foolish or disorderly.
- Charro - Charro is the name for the Old Castilian cowboys in Salamanca, Zamora and León, as well as the Mexican cowboy, The only difference being the hat. Their 'baroque' attire derived into "Unoriginal" or "whack" appearance, as in Ese tipo es un charro; Hillbilly; out of style ("That dude is whack.")
- Chavos - A contraction of Old Spanish, 'ochavo'; one eighth. It's the famous 'pieces of eight'. used for "Money". Chavito - PennyPennyA penny is a coin or a type of currency used in several English-speaking countries. It is often the smallest denomination within a currency system.-Etymology:...
(One-cent coin). IN the Renaissance, the coin was the doblón in English 'doubloon'. A thin and wide silver coin with notches which you could bend into 8 pizza like slices: 'piezas de a ocho', 'ochavos'= pieces of eight'. The Royal Treasury would account and re-smelt all the pieces at the end of the fiscal period, those that were not stolen by English pirates. - Chévere - "Cool"
- Chillo / Chilla - In PR, can refer to red snapper fish, but also a lover or mistress.
- China - An orangeOrange (fruit)An orange—specifically, the sweet orange—is the citrus Citrus × sinensis and its fruit. It is the most commonly grown tree fruit in the world....
fruit. The term originated from a brand of oranges that came to Puerto Rico in the 19th century, advertised as names "Naranjas de la China/Oranges from China" China in PR is the color orange and the fruit. naranja, which is used for oranges in most Spanish speaking countries, only refers to the bitter orange in Puerto Rico. Chinita is used to describe the color orangeOrange (colour)The colour orange occurs between red and yellow in the visible spectrum at a wavelength of about 585–620 nm, and has a hue of 30° in HSV colour space. It is numerically halfway between red and yellow in a gamma-compressed RGB colour space, the expression of which is the RGB colour wheel. The...
. Chinese woman. - Chinchorro - In PR a small unassuming bar everyone hangs out at.
- Chinchorrear - To go bar hopping. To hang out at bars.
- Chiringa-Kite, in other Spanish speaking countries is called cometa/ comet after the tail.
- Chiripa - odd job, he/she had good luck during something. Que lo hizo suerte, por poco no lo logra.
- Chilin'- from the English word 'chilling' meaning "to be or to feel cool or relaxed".
- Chingando - to fuck or haveirty, nasty sex
- Chivo - literally, "billy goat", a mistake done while house painting the walls/ceiling/etc. When one finds a spot on the wall that was left unpainted (or missed a second coat), the spot itself is called a "chivo".
- Chocha- it's the lupine seed, but it is a very vulgarly word used to refer to the female genitalia. See also: Crica.
- Chota - "Snitch."
- ¡Chúpate esa en lo que te raspan (o mondan) la otra!- Suck on that one while they make the other one."How do you like them (those) apples".Comes from "Piragua" snow cones. Is used when someone is being disciplined (usually your sibling)..."o te mondan la otra" referring to peeling an orange...
- Chustro Old Car. Se refiere a un carro viejo deteriorado pero que funciona perfectamente. Es una forma de llamarle a un auto que no quieran deshacerse de el porque le guardan cariño.
- Cocolo! - from 1500 to the 1950s a cocolo was the blacks from the Lesser Antilles, or British West Indies. During the British Slave trade, the slaves of the British and Dutch would flee to PR where by law, they were freed, given refuge and a 3939 sq.m. lot of land. They'd come with their own music so today it implies Someone who listens to Salsa music, typically older Big-Band Salsa music. These listeners tend to be identify themselves a lot with this type of music.
- Cocotazo - A hit to the center of the head that leaves a bump.
- Como amarrar los perros con longaniza- to do something stupid, it makes no sense, like tying dogs with sausage links
- Cerrero- Cerro means Hill. So cerrero pertaining to the hills. For people it equates to a well-meaning but rustic hillbilly. For an animal that has strayed away from humans, taken to the hills. Used to denominate a wild horse.
- Colgar - Literally, it translates as "to be hanged." equates to "To fail/flunk in school."
- Colgar las tenis - Refers to someone that has to die.
- Collera o Coyera - Unknown origin. Generally used to describe an individual with bad intentions or of limited intelligence. Dumbass, good for nothing, Shady character.
- Capear - literally 'to weather a storm', but slang for "to buy drugs".
- Coger sereno - Sereno or Serena is 'serene', but also the cold, damp, unhealthy night air, to catch the cold of the night
- Cogiste a pecho - Literally means "To take in the chest". equates 'take it to heart'. It refers to someone who took something too seriously or who got easily offended by something,
- Come mierda - Literally, it translates as "eat shit." It's used when referring to a petulant know-it-all. A person who thinks or acts like he/she is all-knowing and/or all-deserving, also someone of a higher social status who prefers to not mingle with persons of perceived lower status. Essentially, it means "snobSnobA snob is someone who believes that some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons, including real or supposed intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, taste, beauty, nationality, et cetera. Often, the form of snobbery reflects the snob's personal attributes...
" or "arrogant person." - ¡Como alma que lleva el diablo! - "As if their soul was possessed by the devilDevilThe Devil is believed in many religions and cultures to be a powerful, supernatural entity that is the personification of evil and the enemy of God and humankind. The nature of the role varies greatly...
." Used comically to describe someone who left either very fast or very angry. Also referred to someone who ran away very scared of something. - Como el Rosario de la Aurora - Lit. Dawn's Rosary, it was an old Religious Confraternity in Cádiz, Old Spain, centuries ago. After so many prayers, when the time came for the Holy Week Procession, they argued the marching order down to fists and blows. They ended up wrecking everyone's robes, tunics, statues, garments and ornaments hence wrecking the procession.
- Como la gatita de Dorita, si se lo sacan llora y si se lo meten grita - A humorous phrase used to describe someone who's never satisfied. It literally translates as "Like Dora's kitty, if you take it out she cries and if you put in she screams." Equates to "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't"
- Como la puerca de Juan Bobo - Juan Bobo, or John Ninny. It Originates from a popular Puerto Rican folktale a classical PR literary character. He was a dim-witted hillbilly. He wasn't allowed to take his sow (pig) to a party so he dressed it in full woman's clothing and took it the party. The sow, being a pig, wreaked havoc at the feast. Used to refer to a woman that overdoes makeup and accessories to the point of looking ridiculous.
- Como pirata de parking- Used to describe a person with affection for the same sex.
- Complejar de alguien - "To have a delusion of being like someone else by adopting certain characteristics of that person." "Cheo tiene complejo de Tarzán = "Joey thinks he's Tarzan'
- Coño - Universal Spanish expression, said usually as an exclamation, sometimes when a person accidentally hurts themselves. "Dammit" "Shit". It literally means a woman's crotch. So use it carefully.
- Con las manos en la masa: equates to "Hands in the cookie jar ' Means "to be caught in the act"
- Copao - Used to call dibs on something you like even though you have no chance of owning it, as in "I call it."
- Corazón de melón - Literally "Mellon Heart", the sweetest part of the fruit. It equates to "Sweetie pie" A term of endearmentTerm of endearmentA term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection...
to or about someone with a big heart. - Corillo- Corro with double 'r' means "A crew" or "a group of people with the same ideas and habits that hang together." It's a posse". With single 'r' it's means "A small choir."
- Correrle la máquina or Seguirle la corriente - "To keep a joke going at someone's expense", "to follow someone's lead incredulously", or "to tell others to with the intention of laughing at them behind their back."
- Corneta - Translates to horn, used as an adjective to imply some one is not the sharpest tool in th shed.
- Crica - Vulgar noun for female genitalia. Me cago en la crica de tu madre is like saying to someone: "Fuck you!", even though is far from being the same literally (it really means: I shit on your mother's crotch; it's a common bad insult.)
- Cuando Colón baje el dedo translates into "When Columbus puts his finger down". Equates to "When H-e-ll freezes over", in reference to a sculpture of Christopher ColumbusChristopher ColumbusChristopher Columbus was an explorer, colonizer, and navigator, born in the Republic of Genoa, in northwestern Italy. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that led to general European awareness of the American continents in the...
in Plaza ColonPlaza ColónPlaza Colón is the main plaza in the city of Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. This plaza and its fountain commemorate the explorer Christopher Columbus, whose name in Spanish was Cristóbal Colón...
in Old San Juan. When the Christopher Columbus sculpture is viewed from distance it gives to the observer an optical illusion like a hand pointing towards the sky when actually the focus is a raised flagpole. In fact the statue of Columbus is not pointing at anything because one arm is holding a Spanish Flag meanwhile the other arm is just extended like giving thanks, The expression is used to signify that something will never happen. Ex.: ¿Cuando te vas a casar con esa mujer?...(answer:)¡Cuando Colón baje el dedo! ("When are you marrying that woman?... When Columbus puts his finger down (when h-e-ll freezes over)." Maybe turn actually to say Cuando Ponce de León baje el dedo... a reference to the statue of Ponce de LeónJuan Ponce de LeónJuan Ponce de León was a Spanish explorer. He became the first Governor of Puerto Rico by appointment of the Spanish crown. He led the first European expedition to Florida, which he named...
in front of the old Church of San JoséSan José ChurchSan José Church , located in Old San Juan within the historic colonial section of the capital of Puerto Rico, is one of the first significant works of architecture on the island...
. - Cuando San Juan baje el dedo Same as above but refers to the statue of San Juan in front of the capitol building in which the right hand index finger points to the sky.
- Cuatro de Julio - Literal for Fourth of July used to refer to a man/woman who thinks they are better than anyone else.
- Culan - Literally meaning "engine coolant", it refers to the female derrière due to its similarity with the synonymous culo. Popularized by entertainer Iris ChacónIris ChacónIris Chacón is a dancer, singer, and entertainer. She enjoys great popularity in Puerto Rico and in other Latin American countries, as well as such US locales as New York, Miami, and Los Angeles.-Career:Chacon has been known by various nicknames, such as "La Bomba de Puerto Rico" Iris Chacón...
in a car commercial for Amalie Coolant. - Culo - Butt
- Culeo/Culear - Mean dancing dirty ReggaetonReggaetonReggaeton is a form of Puerto Rican and Latin American urban and Caribbean music. After its mainstream exposure in 2004, it spread to North American, European and Asian audiences. Reggaeton originated in Puerto Rico but is also has roots from Reggae en Español from Panama and Puerto Rico and...
or shaking that booty. - Como Cabro de costa Like a goat from the coastal region which are very horny.
- Come gofio - Gofio is the roasted cormeal. In the Spanish Canary islands they eat it dry and sweet, it sticks to the palate and one is unable to speak. It refers to someone who's not doing a whole lot, taking it easy, killing time, and talking nonsense while he's at it.
- Como el culo de la olla - Literally like the "Pot's bottom", black
- Como becerro mongo - Becerro is calf, mongo is flabby; lit. Like a newborn calf, flabby.
- Como el rabo de la cabra - Crazy, like a goats tail
- Como el cabro de Minga - horny like a billy goat
- Como las tetas del toro - useless, like tits on a bull
- Comerte la mierda- "eating your shit", wasting time
- Dale percha - Literally "put it on a hanger", it means "take it off" or "don't wear it anymore." (See: Lo tienes quemao below.) You're wearing the same item of clothing too often.
- Dar chinas por botellas - Literally "to exchange oranges for bottles", In the past, when returnable bottles were still in use, some merchants would give out oranges in exchange for empty bottles. Today it denotes an unfair trade or exchange. Like "Comparing apples to oranges"
- Dar culo - Literally, "to give one's ass [to someone else]". It means to not give one's best performance or to give up altogether, as in "Nuestro equipo dió culo." ("Our team sat on its ass." i.e. played poorly). It's also used when someone blows off plans at the last minute.
- Dar pa'bajo - To have sex or to kill someone/something
- Dar un tumbe - "To steal something."
- De cualquier malla sale un ratón - From any net a mouse might come running out. Implies don't be surprised if this happens.
- ¡Deja el tripeo! - Literally translating as "stop trippingPsychedelic experienceThe term "psychedelic experience" is vague – characterized by polyvalence or ambiguity due to its nature – however in modern psychopharmacological science as well as philosophical, psychological, neurological, spiritual-religious and most other ideological discourses it is understood as an altered...
!", it used to mean "stop being a party-pooper" or "stop seeing only the worst-case scenario." tripeo = relajo, in this phrase is closer to "stop messing around", or "stop fooling around". tripeo signifies more the act of having fun or fooling around. - ¡Dejó los tennis en el piso! - "He ran so fast that his feet came out of his sport shoes!", as in a cartoonish way, without having to take them off.
- De rola or Irse de rolimpin Standard Spanish expression to keep rolling along. (from the English "rolling pin" or rodillo (baker's wooden roll) in Spanish) - "Keep it moving" or "go somewhere else." Example: Después del cine lo seguimos de rolimpin al Condado. ("After the movies we keep it moving to Condado...")
- Diablo - Means devil but can be used like cool, or damn ex- ea diablo -would be like omg or holy shit.
- ¡Diantre! - Expresses excitement, like "wow". Probably from old French.
- Dron - Garbage can.
- ¡Ea' Diantre! - Puerto Rican slang for "Oh my God!", "Wow!".
- Echa caldo - Echar means to throw, to hurl. Used to say that something is cool. "Ese carro esta que echa caldo." ("This car is cool."). Literally means "that gives broth".
- Echa pa' ca - Put it over here. Come over here. Used to call someone over to you.
- Echar leña al fuego - "To add to a controversy." Literally, it means "to throw wood to the fire."
- Echar un polvo - Lit. "to throw dust"But used in Universal Spanish "To have sex and ejaculate over somebody." Literally, it means "to throw dust out." after the biblical passage, 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust'
- El Oso Blanco - Literally "The White Bear", it refers to the old "Río Piedras State PenitentiaryRío Piedras State PenitentiaryThe Río Piedras State Penitentiary, also known as Puerto Rico Island Penitentiary or Oso Blanco , was a correctional facility located in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. The institution opened in 1933 under the government of James R...
." The prison is nicknamed this because of its white color. The cement used to build it was from Venezuela and it was branded "Oso Blanco" (The White Bear). - Embuste - Embustero, Embustera - Lie, Liar. "Eso es embuste", "Eres un embustero".
- Empache - Standard Spanish for that overstuffed feeling from eating too much like on Thanksgiving. Related to: Empalagoso, (cloying) - food that is too sweet, heavy or cloying that would give you 'un empache' or someone who is extremely sweet.
- En la falda del piloto - in the airplane pilots lap, meaning being screwed.
- En el carro de Don Fernando, un ratito a pie y otro andando - Old Spanish Expression. Literally, it translates to "Mr Fernando's car, some of the time on foot and the rest walking" When you are going by foot. Used for comical effect when there is no car available to use.
- En el jurutungo viejo - A placeholder namePlaceholder namePlaceholder names are words that can refer to objects or people whose names are either temporarily forgotten, irrelevant, or unknown in the context in which they are being discussed...
meaning "somewhere far away which is hard or tiresome to get to", "Timbuktu", or "BFE." Example: Ella vive en el jurutungo viejo. ("She lives in BFE.") - En el mundo de la Farandula - "In celebrity land." Of the profession or having to do with Actors/Actresses, Teatre etc.
- En lo que el hacha va y viene... - "Meanwhile..."
- En lo que el hacha va y viene, el palo descansa - a rest period between bad situations.
- Enchismao - Contraction of ensimismado 'Someone who is peeved or angry. Similar to being "pissed off".
- Enñagotar - "To kneel down."
- ¡Es mas puta que las gallinas! -Very active sexually; slutty. Literally means "More slutty than chickens", based on the amount of sexual activity evinced by chicken procreation.
- Esmandao - going too fast
- Esmonguillao - Contraction of esmonguillado... 'from mongo, flabby. "Somebody who is in a very weak condition or something that is way softer that usual. i.e. Ese chamaco está esmonguillao, Estas galletas estan esmonguill'ás.
- ¡Esa es una píldora!
- Ése salió por lana y llegó trasquilao A comical phrase meaning that a person went for something and came back worse than when the person left. Literally, it translates to "This one left for wool and arrived sheared."
- ¡Está que estilla! - This phrase is used to describe a fine looking person "He/She is fine or He/She is really hot" this is also used to describe someone who is furious.
- ¡Está(s) brutal! - "You're brutal!" or It's brutal!, either as compliment or insult, depending on the situation. Usually, it is used as a compliment, like the English phrase "You're a beast!".
- Está de pelicula - used when something was done or when someone acts "like something from a movie". Usually when something dramatic occurs.
- Estar por la luna - literally, "to be as though on the moon"; to be clueless
- ¡Esnu! - (short for desnudo = Naked) "You're naked!"
- Esos son otros veinte pesos - Meaning that is an entirely different subject" That's a whole different ballpark.
- ¡Estás bueno/buena! - (Flirty) "You're fine!"
- Está como refajo de loca- Refajo is the old ladies' undergarments, An unstable woman would show what's below the skirt. Meaning someone is very drunk.
- ¡Está pasao! - Universal Spanish for It's the most fun or the greatest thing. "It's awesome". It also used colloquially to say that someone has crossed the line by doing something that is not right, for example: ¡Muchacho, estas pasao! (Kid, you have crossed the line!)
- Está quemao - Universal Spanish for he's or she "is burnt up", in hot water, has done something wrong and was found out. Also, the dried out feeling of the mouth after a night of drinking.
- ¡Estás tenso, papá! - A satirical phrase towards homosexualityHomosexualityHomosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the same sex or gender. As a sexual orientation, homosexuality refers to "an enduring pattern of or disposition to experience sexual, affectional, or romantic attractions" primarily or exclusively to people of the same...
popularized by actor and comedian Sunshine LogroñoSunshine LogroñoEmmanuel Logroño , better known as Sunshine Logroño is a Puerto Rican actor, radio announcer, television show host, singer, comedy writer, entrepreneur and comedian...
in his character of "Vitin AliceaVitin AliceaVictor Alicea Arévalo, better known as Vitín Alicea, is a fictional comedic character created and portrayed by Emmanuel Sunshine Logroño. Created in the mid-1980s, Vitín remains a popular radio and television character in Puerto Rico...
" (a Gym personal trainer). Literally, it translates to "You're tense, daddy'o!" - ¡Estás tripeando! - "You're trippingPsychedelic experienceThe term "psychedelic experience" is vague – characterized by polyvalence or ambiguity due to its nature – however in modern psychopharmacological science as well as philosophical, psychological, neurological, spiritual-religious and most other ideological discourses it is understood as an altered...
!", when descriptive, as when someone is literally highPsychedelic experienceThe term "psychedelic experience" is vague – characterized by polyvalence or ambiguity due to its nature – however in modern psychopharmacological science as well as philosophical, psychological, neurological, spiritual-religious and most other ideological discourses it is understood as an altered...
, or "You must be tripping!", when disbelieving, as when someone's worldview at a particular time might be askew or comical as to differ from the norm, or you are totally out of line. - ¡Estás tripeando en ketchupKetchupKetchup is a sweet-and-tangy condiment typically made from tomatoes, vinegar, sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and an assortment of...
! You're in a natural high, without the use of any substance. - Estirar la pata - Literally 'to stretch the leg' Means 'to croack, to die.'
- Esto es oro de la Palestina - Literally "This is gold from PalestinePalestinePalestine is a conventional name, among others, used to describe the geographic region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and various adjoining lands....
", it means that is something very high quality, hard to find, or the best thing in the market. - Esto es oro del que cago el moro - Lit. "This is the gold that the Moor crapped" In Mediaeval Spain only Jews and Muslims would deal in jewellery. So inexperience made Christians easy prey to unscrupulous non-Christian traders. the expression implies fantasy jewellery that looks like gold.
- Estoy pidiendo cacao - "I'm asking for cocoa"; What you say if you are hurt, drunk, or very tired after partying all night long. Almost like asking for forgiveness. Begging.
- Encojonao/a - Contraction of 'encojoinado' from 'cojones'; Your gonads are red in anger; Pissed off
- Estinche - anglicism for stingy
- Está más perdido que el hijo de Lindberg - "You're more lost than Lindberg's kid". Meaning you someone is lost forever. Originally based on the kidnapping of the aviator Charles Lindberg's sonLindbergh kidnappingThe kidnapping of Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., was the abduction of the son of aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The toddler, 18 months old at the time, was abducted from his family home in East Amwell, New Jersey, near the town of Hopewell, New Jersey, on the evening of...
. It actually refers to being clueless rather than actually lost (as do the next two puerto-riquisms. The reference to Lindberg's son is very common in Venezuela as well). - Estas mas perdido que Rolandito - Literally means: "You are more lost than Rolandito". Refers to a case abut a boy who's been lost since the early 1990s1990sFile:1990s decade montage.png|From left, clockwise: The Hubble Space Telescope floats in space after it was taken up in 1990; American F-16s and F-15s fly over burning oil fields and the USA Lexie in Operation Desert Storm, also known as the 1991 Gulf War; The signing of the Oslo Accords on...
and hasn't been found. - Está más perdido que un juey bizco - Literally means: "You're more lost than a cross-eyed crab." It's usually used to refer to someone who's confused and/or lost.
- Farandulero - groupie...a fan, someone who faithfully follows an artist or TV shows. It can also refer to someone who likes to gossip.
- Fajao - Contraction of participle tense 'fajado'. from 'Fajar' making a grand effort as when a person is working hard, to really be sweating .
- Farfullero- from 'farfullar' (to mumble). Mumbler, a show-off. No Good, Without Value, always speaking nonsense between his teeth.
- Fiebrú - feverish, in fashion; a car enthusiast, hot-rodder, grease monkey, car freak. Also used to refer to someone who is very fanatical about something other than cars.
- Fiestal Slang for 'fiestar', irse de fiesta, partying... vez que existe dani, jajaja
- Filotiao Coming from the slanged word filoteado that comes from the word filete witch means filet "like a steak filet". Means to be dressed very sharp and all your clothes ironed.
- ¡Fo! - means "eww", "gross", "nasty" or "disgusting". For example: ¡Fo, que mal huele aqui! (Eww, it smells really bad in here!). This may be an anglicism derived from the English exclamation "FAUGH!" to express disgust (according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "the first known use of faugh" was recorded in the first half of the 16th century).
- Fófalo- small pillow for babies or small pillow for stress relief when squeezed.
- Fofo - flabby, bland, has no substance. Used to talk about bland food or someone weak.
- Fostro - Spanglish for foxtrot usually associated with a bad uncomfortable situation you want to get out of.
- Gafas - universal Spanish for "Sunglasses"
- Galán - Standard Spanish for a 'beau', "Someone who looks elegant or dandy." It also means "the lead actor."
- Guillao or Guille - "Prideful" or "Pride", respectively. The phrases Estar guillao and Tener guille" both mean "to have a lot of ego", "to be prideful", or "to be full of oneself." "Tenerlo guillao" - keeping it to yourself.
- Guagua - A city bus. A station wagon or small truck might be called "guagüita"
- Güebón/Huevón- Big-balled (testicled) meaning a total asshole or as in Argentina, Boludo.
- Gufiao - Contraction from gufeado…Anglicism for goofy; "Cool", or "awesome." Example: ¡El show fue gufiao! (The show was awesome!"). Heard in the northern part of Puerto Rico
- Gufear - "To goof around", or "to joke around." Example: ¡Acho, deja el gufeo! ("Dude, stop goofing around!") Heard in the northern part of Puerto Rico
- Gusarapo - Renacuajo is the proper Spanish word for the slang. It is tadpole in English. It also refers to the larval stage of mosquitoes or "sea-monkeys".
- Gavette or Gabete Slang for Cabete, the shoelace. 'Una mujer suelta como cabete' 'A woman as loose as a shoelace', a slut or promiscuous woman. The word in English would be 'as loose as a loose shoelace'
- Germ-a street term used against Puerto Rican people with light skin. This term is short for "German" and is very derogatory.
- Hablas cuando las gallinas mean - a phrase literally meaning "when hens pee". It is used to tell someone to keep quiet 'or else'. "Tu hablas cuando la gallina mea"
- Hacer de tripas, corazones - Old Spanish expression to make something good out of a bad situation. Literally means "To make from guts, hearts."
- Hacerse el loco - Equates to "play the fool.", it means "to try to ignore or distance oneself from a particular situation as if it never happened" or "to disassociate."
- Hangear - Spanish version of the English "to hang out (with someone)", although the correct Spanish is "pasar tiempo con alguien"
- Hay que ver como se bate el cobre - lit. To see how copper is beat "To see how things turn out." You're going to find out is not that easy...
- Hijo de culebra no nace redondo - Literally means " the son of a snake in not born round", slang that refers to a person that is like their parents or to insinuate that a parent cannot ask their children to be different.
- Hijo de gato caza raton - Son of a cat will hunt rats. Nature of the beast synonym.
- Hijo e puta - Refers to a daring person, or the son of a whore or bitch.
- Hijo/hija del lechero - Literally translating as "son/daughter of the milkman", it describes a child who might not look much like his or her parents or might be lighter or darker skinned than his or her siblings. It is also used in jest in that the child might have been born from infidelity.
- Hijoueputa - son of a bitch, ("ke ijuelagran puta!)
- Horita - (also spelt: "Orita") Means "Later on", "not right now, but soon later". Not to be confused with the "Ahorita" used in most of Latin America which means "right now".
- Hostia- Old Spanish quite vulgar curse: QUE HOSTIA!!! a word commonly used to curse by extreme anger and hate, the host is the body of Christ El cuerpo de Cristo in catholic church. Que Hostia, cabrón me tienes una bola hinchá!!!
- Huelebicho - Literally: "cock sniffer". A pejorative adjective for an insufferable person
- Huirle como el diablo a la cruz - Literally: "to run from it like the devil from the cross". It means to avoid something strongly.
- Incordio Really annoying. Que por el momento esta molestando.
- Insecto - A traitor. Literally, "insect".
- vete pa la carcel - "To go to jail"
- Irse pa la isla - "To go to the countryside [of Puerto RicoPuerto RicoPuerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...
- jaiva meaning a vagina or cunt, also a smart business person.
- Jamona describe a woman that never married. (also, La corrio La Chiva)
- javao term used to describe a white man with black man features. In US they just consider themselves black. Basketball player Delonte West is a typical example of a javao.
- Jincho/Jincha Slang for a person that's very white or has fair skin.
- Jincho papujo a person that's very white or has fair skin.
- Joyo - Slang for 'hoyo', hole. Another term referencing to a body part, meaning "butt" "butthole" "culo" "butt-crack"
- Joyete - Slang for the diminutive 'hoyete', little hole. And yet another term for "butthole"
- Janguiar - Anglicism for Hanging out/To Hang out"
- Jibaro-people from the countryside/ mountains of Puerto Rico. Puertorican equivalent of a highlander. If used in jibarito, it's hillbilly. It also means when someone doesn't know something that's all on the news, that is sort of disconnected from the modern world. Eres un jibaro! (You're uninformed/old tradition)
- Jiribiya (o) - slang for a very active child who will just not stay relaxed
- Jurutungo A borough in the town of Jayuya, before cars and roads a very inaccessible place. (also, Jurutungo viejo) - A place very far away and hard to get to
- Juyir- Slang for 'huir',to flee
- Juyilanga coger la juyilanga - be gone for a while.
- Jalao como timbre de guagua- as pulled as a bus bell. Someone really thin
- Jamaquiar- Comes from the taino word 'hamaca' whence the English hammock derives. Jamaquear means to grab somebody and sway and toss them around, and back and forth
- Jaleo - Standard Spanish for a cheery atmosphere. To be sick to your stomach with the sensation of wanting to vomit, sometimes accompanied with dizziness.
- Jalcoal - Anglicism slang for "Hardcore" used by teens to describe something extreme.
- Jampiarse - Slang for Old Spanish 'Zamparse'; eat something whole. To eat a lot without decorum.
- Jienda - To get drunk.
- Jediondo - Slang for 'hediondo', foul smelling, stinking (apestoso) Bad smelled.
- Jodienda - Comes from 'joder', to be screwing around. Something that bothers or annoys you.
- Jodiendo la pita - messing around, continuous anoying action executed by an individual.
- Jorobar - Euphemism for joder. To bother someone.
- Jorobeta - Something that bothers or annoys you.
- Josear/Joseador - Anglicism for 'hoser'. To take advantage of something/someone/a situation.
- La Chola (chola)- head,
- La piña está agria - Literally translating as "the pineapple is sour", it means "times are tough" or "there's no money/resources."
- Lambe queso - * Hit in the back of the head, from the bottom up.
- Lambón - Brown-noser. Similar to "Lambe-ojo": 'an ass-kisser'
- La última coca cola de el desierto - Literally means "The last Coca-ColaCoca-ColaCoca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in more than 200 countries. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company of Atlanta, Georgia, and is often referred to simply as Coke...
available on the desert". Is used to refers to an arrogant person who thinks himself as indispensable one, more important than actually is. - Las cosas se pusieron a chavito prieto, Las cosas se pusieron color de hormiga brava, Los huevos se pusieron a peseta, Los huevos se pusieron duros - Phrases describing a serious situation. They mean "things have gotten tense, (economically) tight, serious, or strict." They literally translate to "things became a tight penny", "things turned the color of fire ants", "eggs are worth a quarter each", and "the eggs turned hard", respectively. The first, third, and fourth phrases have historical backgrounds and relate to the selling of eggs and other raw materials in a town's central plaza. When the eggs and other goods increased in price, it was difficult for people to get a hold of them.
- La Jara - Police vehicle.
- Las Sínsoras - A far off place. Similar to "El Jurutungo Viejo"
- Las Quimbambas - Middle of nowhere. See Las Sinsoras, Jurutungo viejo.
- Las ventas de carajo - in the vicinity of el carajo / hell. Anyone sending you there is not happy with you. Vayase a la ventas del carajo.
- Latejón Used to describe a big thing... (Commonly used by people at barrio Charcas, Quebradillas)
- Le dieron como a pandereta Aleluya o Pentecostal - "They hit him/her like they do to a tambourine at a Pentecostal church." It's used to describe when someone caught a hard beating.
- Le supo a plato curtído - Literally means 'It tasted like dirty dishes'. He or she did not like the outcome of the situation.
- Limbel o limber - From the English name Lindberg, the famous pilot who crossed the Atlantic ocean and also flew to Puerto Rico. The name of homemade Icees. Usually made from natural fruits, or sweet milk mixtures. Sold out of the homes and not in stores.
- Limpiarle la finquita - Literally "To clean the little farm". Sexual innuendo meaning for a man to have sex with a woman.
- Locón/locona - "Crazy." It can be also used as an equivalent to "dude/chick" or "buddy." In West CoastWest Coast of the United StatesWest Coast or Pacific Coast are terms for the westernmost coastal states of the United States. The term most often refers to the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. Although not part of the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii do border the Pacific Ocean but can't be included in...
communities, the word has been adopted by English speakers as loc. - Lonchera - Anglicism of "Lunchbox"
- Lo tienes quemao - "You've burned it out", as in "You like something so much that you're burning it out", for instance by wearing the same clothing too often or even every day.
- Lambeojo - Literally means eye licker but used like suck up. Brown noser'asskisser.
- Loco/Loca- Means crazy but can be used like dude, i.e.:Mira loco ven pa'ca -stands for: hey dude, come here. Also, to call a male "Loca' implies that he is a homosexual.
- Longaniza-refers to a debt to be paid in installments and refers to the links in a long multiple-linked sausage.
- Maceta - lit. a plant pot. Also the mallet in a mortar, therefore it implies it's slang for penis, or "A person that is cheap, stingy"; frugal.
- Mafutera - Maf'u is slang for Marihuana, so mafutera is slang for "pothead" or "stoner"
- Mahones - Mahón is the Capital of the Spanish Island of Minorca, how thejeans ended up being called Mahón is anybody's guessJeansJeansJeans are trousers made from denim. Some of the earliest American blue jeans were made by Jacob Davis, Calvin Rogers, and Levi Strauss in 1873. Starting in the 1950s, jeans, originally designed for cowboys, became popular among teenagers. Historic brands include Levi's, Lee, and Wrangler...
- Mai - It comes from old Castilian - Mai: Short for mami (which means and is pronounced the same as "mommy"). Also, it is a term of endearmentTerm of endearmentA term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection...
for females. - Majadero. From the verb 'majar', to mash. Standard Spanish for a fool who persists in his foolishmess; '¡No seas tan majadero!'= 'Don't be a pest!
- Mamalón - From 'mamar', to suckle; A large, dumb and clueless individual, a "Mama's boy".
- Mamao - A "cock sucker." Also means wimp.
- Mamey - The mammee fruit; easy stuff (mameyes grow in very tall trees; one has to wait for them to fall to be able to enjoy them).
- Mameyaso - A hard hit.
- Mandulete - Standard Spanish for a lazy and annoying useless man. Is similar to Manganzón but applies to all ages.
- Mangar - From the Old Spanish Caló gypsy dialect, to catch someone doing something that is not right.
- Manganzón - Standard Spanish for a grown-up man, usually of quite large body build, who behaves like a child and has to be looked-after. A "man-child".
- Mango Bajito - As in low hanging mango (fruit), Easy pickings, wuss, punkass person.
- ¡Mano! or ¡Si mano! - Short for hermano ("brother"), it means "Hey bro!" or "Yes bro."
- Mas abajo pisó Colón - It literally translates to "[Christopher] Columbus stepped lower than that". It's used when someone steps on your foot and you want to tell them that the ground is below your foot.
- Más claro no canta un gallo. Lit. A rooster doesn't sing as clear. Implies -"Crystal clear" "It couldn't be any clearer" or "explicitly stated".
- Más fea que una mordida de un puerco - A phrase to describe a really ugly person. Literally means uglier then a pig's bite. (Esa mujer esta mas fea que la mordia de un puerco.)
- Mas feo que Julito Lit. "Uglier than Little Julius"; a very ugly man.
- Ma jincho que un sobaco de monja - More pale than a nuns armpit which obviously never sees the sun.
- Más lento que una caravana de cojos - A phrase to describe something or someone that is very slow. Literally, it translates as "Slower than a lame people caravan."
- Más lento que una caravana de cobos - Slower than a caravan of small crabs.
- Más lento que un suero de brea - See above. Translates to "Slower than a tar drip."
- Más perdido que un juey bizco - More lost than a cross eyed land crab.
- Más papista que el Papa - Literally means "more 'popist' than the Pope" or "more Christian than the Pope". Refers to someone who not being part of a situation, adamantly opines about it.
- Más pelado que la rodilla de un cabro- A phrase describing someone who is poor or who has no money at all. Literally, it translates as "more peeled hair than a goat's knee." Pelado/peeled means devoid of money of course.
- Mas trucos que la correa de Batman - " More tricks up his/her sleeves" or "Tricky Person". It literally translates as "More tricks/gadgets than Batman's belt".
- Me c-a-g-o en tu m-a-d-r-e - See 'C-á-g-a-t-e en tu m-a-d-r-e'.
- Melaza - lit. Molasses, "pure sugar cane juice", it is used to say something, someone, or a situation is great or sweet.
- Me cago en la crica de martha-
- Melón - means melon. There are more specific terms, such as "sandia" for watermelon, etc. Also said to denominate an Independentist (Green Party) who votes for the Popular Party (Red Party), meaning that the person gives the appearance of being green on the outside but is actually red on the inside.
- Me importa un bicho - Lit. "To care for a dick." equates to 'I don't give a rat's ass."
- Me tienes una teta hinchada y la otra en proceso or "me tienes un huevo hinchado". It literally means: "You've made my one tit inflamed and the other is in the process of becoming so too". It's used when someone is fed-up with a situation
- Me tienes un lado seco- It's used when someone is fed-up with a situation You are driving up the walls/crazy
- Me tienes un ojo hinchado- lit. You've got me an eye swollen. It's used when someone is fed-up with a situation. You are driving me crazy.
- Me voy a caballo y vengo a pie. - Literally "I left on a horse and came back on foot", it is used to express dissatisfaction about a situation in which you might put maximum amount of effort for very little in return or about a situation where you were better off when you started than how you ended. Also, it can be used in place of old Spanish expressions ¡Me cago en tu padre/madre! or ¡Me cago en diez! ("Goddammit!"), which is, in turn, used as a minced oathMinced oathA minced oath is an expression based on a profanity or a taboo term that has been altered to reduce the objectionable characteristics.Many languages have such expressions...
of the sacrilegious ¡Me cago en Dios!, when someone does not want to curse, as when in front of children. - ¡Mi amigo el pintor! - Literally translating as "my buddy the painter!", it's used frequently to make fun of men that are unaware that they are cuckolds. It was popularized on a TV show called Desafiando a los Genios in which a naïve participant would always describe his "best friend the painter" as someone who always takes care of his wife. It was obvious to the viewer that the wife was being unfaithful with the painter, and eventually the phrase came to refer to infidelity outside of the show.
- Mijo / Mija - Puerto Rican Slang Contraction for "mi hijo", "mi hija". Doesn't necessary have to relate to your "son" or "daughter", just a simple conversation with a friend. "Ay mijo, como estas las cosas!".
- Me saca - Equates to 'Getting on my nerves'; annoying. Short for the Standard Spanish "Me saca de quicio" = he drives me crazy.
- Mira pescao - Literally, "look here, you fish!", usually to express disapproval to someone or from his or her actions, a way to respond to someone who is trying to play a trick or prank on you.
- ¡Miércoles! - Literally "Wednesday", it's a Standard Spanish cacophonous euphemism for the word ¡Mierda! ("Shit"). It's English equivalent is "Shoot!" It starts sounding like the word you intend to say but at the end you say something that's not offensive. Popularized by Juanes with "Tengo la camisa negra".
- Mimil - Baby talk for 'dormir', to sleep. "me voy a mimil", I'm going to sleep.
- Mira - "Look, look here"
- Mira loco or Mira locón/locona - "Look here, buddy" or "What's up, crazy!"
- Mistin - "Miss Thing", from American black slang, popularized in the '80s1980sFile:1980s decade montage.png|thumb|400px|From left, clockwise: The first Space Shuttle, Columbia, lifted off in 1981; American President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev eased tensions between the two superpowers, leading to the end of the Cold War; The Fall of the Berlin Wall in...
by "Guille", a character from the show "Entrando Por La Cocina" featured by actor Victor Alicea - Mona Marti - Name used to sarcastically call someone an actor or actress. Someone who makes a big silly act (like someone making all kind of faces after tasting a food that he/she didn't like) is said to be such a "Mona Marti". Mona Marti was a famous Puerto Rican (radio/TV/theater/movie) actress (1901–1985), who became a quintessential actress for her role playing characters of mothers, grandmothers and, suffering or selfless nannies on Spanish TV soaps.
- Mono sabe palo que trepa y no trepa palo de limones" - Literally means, "Monkey knows what tree to climb and does not climb lemon trees" because lemon trees have thorns. Refers to someone who avoids picking on stronger adversaries to abuse or take advantage of.
- Motín - Standard Spanish for Mutiny, Riot..."Random motion of a crowd or Rebel Fight, usually against constituted authority."
- Morena/Moreno - From Old Spanish, "Moro" someone form north Africa, tawny skinned, dark skinned, or black
- Molesta - Standard Spanish, Annoyed, mad
- Moyeto - Lit. Old Spanish for a whole wheat/brown bread rolll. Therefore used as Slang for black person
- Mangao - Contraction for 'mangado'. Again, from 'mangar', old Spanish gypsy Caló dialect. Also from a "mangue", or being caught cheating and under a sure accusation.
- Mamabicho- cocksucker
- Negrito/negrija - It is used as a term of endearmentTerm of endearmentA term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection...
for any shade of Puerto RicanPuerto RicoPuerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...
. It's related to the Puerto RicanPuerto RicoPuerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...
versions of "Baby" or "Honey" as in your mate which are Ay mi negra, Hola negro, Mira Negrita. - No es fácil catchar sin careta- "it ain't easy to play catcher wothout a mask"Lerroy Lopez Morales expression of life is not easy.
- No es fácil quitarle el cuchillo a Rambo, pero se puede- It is not easy taking Rambo's knife away from him, but it can be done. Inspired by the film First BloodFirst BloodFirst Blood is a 1982 action thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff. The film stars Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo, a troubled and misunderstood Vietnam War veteran, with Sheriff Will Teasle as his nemesis and Colonel Samuel Trautman as his former commander and only ally...
. - No inventes - Literally, stop inventing or "don't make plans". Generally meant in the sense of, "Quit making things up."
- No lo encuentran ni en los centros espiritistas - Standard Spanish idiom. A phrase used to describe someone so lost that they, as it literally translates to, "can't even be found in a EspiritismoEspiritismoEspiritismo is the Latin American and Caribbean belief that good and evil spirits can affect health, luck and other elements of human life....
center." In Puerto RicoPuerto RicoPuerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...
, EspiritismoEspiritismoEspiritismo is the Latin American and Caribbean belief that good and evil spirits can affect health, luck and other elements of human life....
, which is similar to SpiritualismSpiritualismSpiritualism is a belief system or religion, postulating the belief that spirits of the dead residing in the spirit world have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living...
in the United States, was so important that its central belief—that mediumsMediumshipMediumship is described as a form of communication with spirits. It is a practice in religious beliefs such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo and Umbanda.- Concept :...
are able to communicate with the dead—became widespread. Using this phrase means that the person being described cannot even be found by a mediumMediumshipMediumship is described as a form of communication with spirits. It is a practice in religious beliefs such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Voodoo and Umbanda.- Concept :...
or by the spirits of the dead. - ¡No seas insecto! - Literally, it translates as "Don't be an insect!". An "insecto" is a slang term for a Narcotics Agent or a police informant. It is most frequently pronounced with the last "s" in seas and the "c" in insecto muted for an accentuated slang effect.
- No te panikees - Anglicism from "Don't panic"
- No te rochees - Anglicism from "Don't rush" or "don't worry."
- No Jé - No Sé - Means "I Don't Know"
- ¡No Jodas!- literally means "don't fuck with me!", it is also used to say "no way!" In Old Spanish 'Joder', came from Jodio, a Jew. As Christians were not allowed by Rome to manage money and interest bearing finances, Jews managed Banking and Savings and Loans. Many unscrupulous bankers would loan on usury monthly interests of 35%+. So 'una jodida' equated to being screwed by the Jewish bankers.
- Ñaqui - a cacophony idiom "a small bite". A kiss or nip. from ñaca, a bite.
- ¡Ñoña es! - Literally means "is shit" implies "No way, eh?!"
- ¿Oíte? - "Did you hear?" (Equivalent to ¿Oíste?; See: Puerto Rican accentsPuerto Rican accentsPuerto Rican accents, both in Spanish and English language, could be described as a reflection of Puerto Rico's culture.To understand the concept of the Puerto Rican accent in Spanish, one must remember that every country in Latin America has different accents in this language, many of which are...
) - Orita - (also spelt: "Horita") Means "Later on", "not right now, but soon later". Not to be confused with the "Ahorita" used in most of Latin America which means "right now".
- Otros 20 pesos... - Literal: "another $20" Meaning: "That's another story..."
- Pato (male)/pata (female) - Translated as Duck also used to call a person fag or "lesbian" as in homosexual, or gay.
- Pai - Old Spanish for Papa, Short for papi ("daddy"). Also, it's a term of endearmentTerm of endearmentA term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person, animal or inanimate object for which the speaker feels love or affection...
for males. - pajaro, pajarito - literally: bird, meaning: penis or little penis.
- Papisongo(male)o Mamisonga(female) - Sexual symbol
- Paquete - Lie - "Que paquete mas grande!".
- Paquetero(male)o Paquetera(female) - Liar (mentiroso)" Esteban "
- Pasar el Niagara en bicicleta- Literally means "to cross Niagara fallsNiagara FallsThe Niagara Falls, located on the Niagara River draining Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, is the collective name for the Horseshoe Falls and the adjacent American Falls along with the comparatively small Bridal Veil Falls, which combined form the highest flow rate of any waterfalls in the world and has...
riding a bicycle". To overcome great obstacles. Popularized by Juan Luis Guerra with "El Niagara en bicicleta" - Patatús - Standard Spanish for "a fit"...a non-specific ailment that involves passing out, hot flashes, etc. that usually causes a commotion. Typically affects older Puerto Rican women in crowded places.
- Pataleta- Standard Spanish when a child repeatedly stomps the floor in anger, when someone is over-reacting or having a fit about something.
- Pariguayo/a - Standard Spanish, a simpleton. A person from the country or someone who has no education.
- Parkear- Anglicism for "to park". The correct term in Spanish is "estacionar".
- Parkeado/a' - means "to be parked", derived from the Anglicism "Parkear" (see above). The word estacionado/a is the correct term that should be used.
- Pelado - lit. peeled, implies being pennyless, or broke
- Pegandole cuernos - Literally translating as "giving him/her horns", it is used to describe someone who is being unfaithful or adulterous.
- Pellisco de ñoco - Literally pinch from an amputee (ñoco), and impossibility, can never happen.
- Pendejeando or Pendejeria -from Pendejo, an insufferable fool, a jerk. "Clowning around" or "wasting time." Examples: Dejate de estar pendejeando. ("Stop wasting time." or "Stop jerking around."); Deja la pendejeria. ("Stop your clowning around.") Akin to matando tiempo ("killing time").
- Peldona 'sae - "Sorry, eh?!" Actually it's said: Perdona, sabes? in correct Spanish.
- Pendejo/pendeja -"jerk", "Dumb", "slow-witted", or "easily taken advantage of." Examples: Te cojieron de pendejo. ("They took you for a ride."); No seas pendejo. ("Don't be a dumbass."); Ella es tan pendeja que no entendio. (She so slow-minded that she didn't understand.)
- Pensando en pajaritos preñados - Literally "thinking of pregnant little birds", it's used to describe someone who has their head in the clouds or who's daydreaming.
- Peo - Contraction for "pedo", fart.
- Perro que huele carne - Literally translating as "dog that smells meat", it is used to describe a situation where a person might suspect something he or she wants is within reach.
- Peste a Moscovito viejo: Stench of old Muscovite; very stinky.
- Peste a chinchorí del monte: very stinky
- Pichear - It actually means: "to pitch". He's looking to get something from someone or it could also mean "To ignore." In addition, it could mean to ask someone "to forget about something". For example: ¡Nena, picheale a ese tema! (Girl, just forget about that topic!)
- Pie en Polvorosa - Standard Spanish Idiom, to flee in full speed raiding a dust cloud (polvorosa) To get out of somewhere very fast. Fleeing while leaving a trail of dust).
- PiraguaPiragua (food)A piragua is a Puerto Rican shaved ice dessert, shaped like a pyramid, consisting of shaved ice and covered with fruit flavored syrup which are sold by vendors, known as piragüeros, in small colorful pushcarts...
- While Piragua is the taino word for a canoe, A treat made from shaved ice and colored/flavored syrup. They are traditionally served in a paper cone. It's literally an ice cone. - Piragüero/piragüera - A piraguaPiragua (food)A piragua is a Puerto Rican shaved ice dessert, shaped like a pyramid, consisting of shaved ice and covered with fruit flavored syrup which are sold by vendors, known as piragüeros, in small colorful pushcarts...
vendor. Also used to describe a "player" or person that uses many pick-up lines. - Por un tubo y siete llaves - Literally means "Through a tube and seven faucets"... Abundance... refers to an oversupply of things, usually food. At Thanksgiving or Christmas the hostess will tell you to take food home because 'there's food here 'por un tubo y siete llaves'
- Pollo - Noun whose literal meaning is chicken. It means to kiss in a pecking manner. Term usually used to describe kissing between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. "Mano, ayer salí con mi hevo y chacho comí pollo." which literally translates to "Man, yesterday I went out with my boyfriend and boy did I eat chicken".
- Pompeaera - Anglicism for "Pumped up"
- Puñeta -Refers to wrist. In the old days made of lace, they'd fly when slapping the tale in anger. Could be used like the curse word "Fuck!" or "Oh fuck!". Hacerme la puñeta - Means "masturbation" and it's derived from the word puño, specifically male masturbation("fist").
- Punto Carajo - Someplace very far or out of the way. Sometimes 'campo carajo'
- Por la maceta - As maceta means a mallet, it implies approval by mallet blow. Something that you approved of, like "great", or "good deal", or "awesome"
- Por el techo - A Standard Spanish idiom that literally means "Through the roof". Refers to someone who is very mad.
- Pato 'e playa- a beach fag
- Pa'tras como el cangrejo- to make no headway, or to refer to someone that will make no progress. Literally going backwards, like a crab
- Pelao como rodilla de cabra - Literally "bare like a goat's knee", it means broke or lacking money.
- Por la puñeta - Literally means "at the fist",see also puñeta. Refers to a place that is located far away, see also jurutungo and sinsoras. For example: ¡Me tuve que estacionar por la puñeta! (I had to park very far away!)
- Perreo - Perrear" - Dance regueton
- ¿Qepota? - Slang for "Hello" or "What's up?"
- ¿Qué es lo qué esta pasando?, ¿Qué es lo qué hay?, ¿Qué es la qué?, - '"What's up?; wassapenin'",¿Qué es la que hay?
- ¡Que fleje! 'Fleje" is a fling, a floozy, it implies 'How ugly!
- ¡Que santo guatapanazo se metió! Getting hit really hard.
- ¿Qué pasa pai (or mai)? - "What's up dude/girl?
- ¡Que peste a sicote! - 'Sicote' is the standard Spanish for the body's filthy grime mixed with sweat, especially the feet. The idiom says "What a bad feet smell!"
- Que tronco 'de cancha or "que tronco 'e batea" - : cancha is the basketball court and tronco means "tree trunk" meaning "a huge piece of". Literally the idiom says "what piece of a (playing) court!" A way of saying "that a girl has a big ass" and associating it with a large gathering place that boys are fond of and like to frequent for play
- Que fue?" - what happened?
- '¡Que guasón eres!', Guasón is Standard Spanish for 'joker', 'prankster'. The idiom equates to "You are such a prankster! .
- Que mal le va- When someone is doing something wrong it means it is going bad for them, or when things are not going so well.
- Que pao' (que pasó) used to say what happened as in (Que pao' quien carajo tu eres?) what happened, who the fuck are you?
- Quedar retratao - Retrato means a picture, be it photograph or painting. The Standard Spanish idiom means to clearly be guilty after being caught in the act. Means to be exposed.
- Quedar en la página de Cheo - like the phrase "Quedar retratao". Is based on a editorial feature of El VoceroEl VoceroEl Vocero is a Puerto Rican newspaper that is published in San Juan.Published since 1974, El Vocero was at first the third of the four largest Puerto Rico newspapers, trailing El Mundo and El Nuevo Día and leading The San Juan Star in sales...
, a Puerto Rican daily newspaper where in the same page placed a cartoon named Cheo alongside with the editorial and reader's section denouncing misbehavior or corruption of local politicians. - Quien a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra lo cobija - An Old Spanish proverb. Literally translated means "he who takes shelter under a good tree gets the best shade". Means that you will benefit by being close to someone who could give you what you want or need. If you want to succeed, you have to be close to successful people. If you hang around losers, you'll end up being a loser.
- Rampletera(ro) - Reference to a promiscuous person.
- Rampleteando - See rampletera "Esta rampleteando" - means going out to party to seek for a sex partner (one night thing).
- Rebellusca - Someone who is angry or in a foul mood
- Rebuleo or rebuliar - Acting like an experienced champion. A reference from the days when Michael JordanMichael JordanMichael Jeffrey Jordan is a former American professional basketball player, active entrepreneur, and majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats...
was the MVP star of the NBA team Bulls of Chicago. Tanbien se refiere a una persona que esta buscando problemas o bulla. - Revulú or revolu - From the word revuelto "messed-up" or "disaster." Used for a scandal, loud commotion or confusion too.
- Relajo - Standard Spanish for "Din" or "racket." The phrase ¡Deja el relajo! can be translated as "Stop playing around!" and is thus similar to ¡Deja el gufeo!
- Raitrú - direct translation "Right True" used to show agreement
- Repeplé- when a real mess is created, also as when saying revolú.
- Sal Pa'fuera - Literally "to go outside" A ruckus that continues outside causing the entire room to be vacated. Typically a fight that either continues outside or causes folks to run out of a place in fear.
- Salió el tiro por la culata. - Standard Spanish idiom. Literally translating as "the shot backfired", it is used when a plan backfires.
- Salpafuera - a revolú or a real mess.
- Sanamagan - "Bastard." The word is supposedly derived from the English phrase "son of a gun"
- Saramanbiche cacophony for the English "Son of a bitch"
- ¡Se formó un corre y corre! - Standard Spanish idiom meaning a "a melee" or "running around confused."
- ¡Se formó un sal pa fuera! - A comical phrase describing a get-out-of-here-situation or a violent situation in which many ran from the scene. Similar to ¡Se formó un corre y corre!
- ¡Se jodió la bicicleta! - A comical idiom literally translating as "the bicycle got screwed!". It describes a situation that spiralled out of control and there's no place to run to.
- Se la/lo chupo la bruja - "Got sucked by the Witch." He or she got caught with no way out.
- ¡Se lució el chayote! - Chayote is a tasteless tropical fruit, that tastes only as good as its seasoning. A criticism used for someone who is showing off in any way. Lucirse means "to show off" on its own as well.
- Se pusieron los huevos a peseta - Things got really bad. Literally means "An egg is now worth a quarter."
- Si eres mudo revientas Idiom meaning "if you were mute, you'd explode". When someone is bursting to say something.
- ¡Siéntate a esperar! - Literally translating as "sit down and wait!", equates to "don't hold your breath" in English, which is used when a person promises something while lying.
- Sinvergüenza" - Standard Spanish. Literally means shameless. Someone who is good for nothing, a bum.
- Sipi" Dame un sipi - Cacophony of the English 'sip'. Translates to: "Let me have a sip of your drink", or, "Can I have a sip of your drink."
- ¡So anormal! - "You're so damned stupid/subnormal!"
- ¡Socio! - Equates to the America English term partner, a friend. e.g.: ¡Socio! ¿Como estas? translates to something like Partner! How are you?
- ¡Suelta como gabete! - Translates to: "Loose like a shoelace." Similar to the English Slang "She's easy", it implies that a female is free with her body and will have sex with just bout anyone.
- ¡Tanto nadar para ahogarse en la orilla! A lamentation literally translating as "so much swimming, to drown at the shore." It is used to describe someone who has come very close to completing something and yet failed.
- Tarantala - Alas, "Papi estoy esta bien tarantala". Another word cacos invented, to say this is suspicious or bizarre. Very similar to 'shady'.
- Tarambana - Standard Spanish for a person of poor judgement. A good for nothing. See also "Bambalán" or "sinvergüenza"
- Tato - ¡Tato' habla'o!, short for "Esta todo hablado" = "All is said. "Everything's, cool." "We have an understanding." Usually said at the end of a conversation right before each person goes their separate way. "Okay, ustedes traen el pan y nosotro' el queso. Tato." You gys bring the bread and we bring the cheese, all is said.
- ¡Te cagaste del miedo! - "You shit your pants from fright!"
- ¡Te dieron chino! - "While choni is a Chinaman, chino is the slang for "He humped your bump!"
- Tecato/a- a drug-addict. Mostly junkies who use drugs intravenously. It also means an inferior copy of something, i.e. a rip-off or a product of bad quality. Refers to "manteca" or heroin that tecatos inject to their veins.
- Te cogieron de mango bajito - Literally means they took you for a low mango(if the fruit is positioned low in the tree, it's easy to pick)"they took you for a fool", it's used when someone was easy to take advantage of.
- Te gua a dar un mamellazo!!" = I'm 'a hit you with a (big) mamey!"
- TeVeGuia - "TV GuideTV GuideTV Guide is a weekly American magazine with listings of TV shows.In addition to TV listings, the publication features television-related news, celebrity interviews, gossip and film reviews and crossword puzzles...
" - Te lo metieron bien mongo-It's referring to having been screwed by someone with a limp penis... Phrase used to express that someone took you as a fool.
- Te pones una plancha de zinc en la cabeza y eres una letrina ambulante!"- Literally "You place a zinc plank on your head and you're a walking latrine."- You stink big time!
- Tipeja - Standard Spanish for a twerp of a woman. Slang for an inexistent girlfriend created in the mind of very jealous woman.
- Tipo/tipa - Standard Spanish for 'type' and for 'fellow'. Equates to the American "fella" or "guy". "Dude/chick." It's used when someone's name cannot not be remembered. I.e.: Ese tipo que vino a la fiesta. ("That dude/fella/guy who came to the party"); Ese tipo que es amigo tuyo ("That dude/guy/fella who's a friend of yours"). It can also be used for someone who might be familiar but not a friend. It has derogatory connotations.
- Tirar, Te tiraste a alguien When you make out with some one. Usually not your boyfriend/girlfriend.
- Tirar la pata..."Estirar la pata" -Literally, "to stiffen your leg" Equates to "to kick the bucket","to die"
- Tiene mazamorra en los dientes!!. Mazamorra is Old Spanish for blancmange. "It translates as "he has blancmange/custard in his teeth."-
- Tirar al medio Tirar al medio significa delatar a alguien. También usan "Chotear o Bocón (Boca Grade)"
- Toque - Lit. Touch. Taking a hit of an illegal substance.
- Toribio - The name of a TV character who was a cuckold, it has come to mean a cuckold in general. Toribio is derived from toro ("bull") and thus implies being pegged with the horns of infidelity.
- ¡Tú eres bien fiebrú/fiebrua! - From the word 'fiebrudo' suffering from fever...Usually used as a compliment when admiring someone's passion for something, especially cars or car racing, it means "you're really into that!".
- ¡Tú sí que eres presentado!, ¡Tú eres bien presentado!, or ¡So presentado! - Presentado means presentee, to present oneself without invitation. A criticism meaning "You're very nosy", "you're forcing your presence here", or "Stop being nosy!".
- Tumbacoco- A very loud vehicle-mounted with heavy loudspeaker system. Refers to both knocking down coconuts with the noise and to doing damage to the political party symbolized by the coconut palm.
- Tu tío corre bicicleta sin sillín - Tu imply your uncle is gay. Literally means,"your uncle rides a bike without the seat", alas with the stick up his anus.
- Tumbar - Literally 'to knock down'. Slang for 'to steal' something: "¿Te tumbaste eso?" (Did you steal that?)
- Toto tota, totito - A non offensive slang for vulva, vagina. more likely, pussy. Mostly used to reference the female genitalia when speaking generally to your children. "Vete y lavate el toto". A person who is a pussy.
- Tráfala - Adjective Similar to cafre. It describes a person that was not well brought up, has very bad manners, dresses really bad or is considered "trashy". The English equivalent term would be "Riff-raff", "ghetto" person
- Truckiar - Verb that means to have an intense kiss with someone who was just met. Example, "Fuí pa un party, y mientras bailaba con una nena linda, terminamos truckiado." Which translates to "I went to a party yesterday, and while I danced with a pretty girl, we ended up making out"
- ¡Uva!- Often used when good news are received, literally means "Grape". Está como uva - refers to a person deeply asleep. They also use the phrase as Uva "That's Cool, Groovy".
- ¡Un muerto hablando de un ahorcao! - literally means "a dead man talking about a hanged man". Used when a person is talking about someone who is on his same situation.
- Una paja- Masturbation.
- Vela Güira- An opportunistic person. Usually used to describe a man/woman who preys on someone else's romantic partner or a basketball player who just wants to score the easy layups.
- ¡Vete pa'l carajo!- It means "Go to HELL!"
- ¡Vete pa'l Caribe Hilton! - A minced oathMinced oathA minced oath is an expression based on a profanity or a taboo term that has been altered to reduce the objectionable characteristics.Many languages have such expressions...
for ¡Vete pa'l carajo! (the Puerto RicanPuerto RicoPuerto Rico , officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico , is an unincorporated territory of the United States, located in the northeastern Caribbean, east of the Dominican Republic and west of both the United States Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands.Puerto Rico comprises an...
version of ¡Vete al carajo!, meaning "Go to hell!" or "Fuck you!" or "fuck off!"). The Caribe Hilton is a hotel in the San JuanSan Juan, Puerto RicoSan Juan , officially Municipio de la Ciudad Capital San Juan Bautista , is the capital and most populous municipality in Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States. As of the 2010 census, it had a population of 395,326 making it the 46th-largest city under the jurisdiction of...
area. Note: When ¡Vete pa'l carajo! is used, it is sometimes accompanied by so cabrón/cabrona ("you damned asshole/bitch") right after it. - Viejo verde - Literally means "green old man." Refers to a horny/dirty old man.
- ¿Viste? -Equates to "See?!" "Did you see?" Meant to challenge or prove someone wrong.(Equivalent to ¿Viste?)
- ¡Volando bajito! - Literally "flying low", "Keeping a low profile" or usually used to describe speeding drivers or people who try to commit a given act without anyone else finding out. Driving very fast.
- Wepa - A word of jubilation that is uttered by mainly Hispanics, especially within the Puerto Rican community. It normally is yelled at high volumes in a nasal manner, especially after something that is celebrated. "Wepa" normally means, "All right! Good job! Congratulations! Yeah!" When saying, "Wepa!," you must hold the "e" for the longest amount of time, and "a" for just as long. Variations are also acceptable.
Pronounced: Weh - pah; you must say it nasally or there is no true jubilant effect.
Student 1: I just a 98 on my Chemistry final!
Student 2: All right, man! WEPA!
Puerto Rican singer: ¿Estamos listos? (Are we ready?)
Audience: WEPA!!!!
Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Attendee: WEEEEEEEPAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (applauding the couple as he says it)
(credit - Urban Dictionary)
- ¿Y qué? - Literally "And what!?" Equates to "So what?" or, depending on the context, "So what's up?"
- ¡Y se le(s) está haciendo tarde! - Literally "And it's becoming too late already!" equates to "Time is running out!" It's a sports phrase used when an individual or team is far behind on scoring as the event nears its conclusion.
- Yuca - Literally, "cassava" or "yuca root". When used as slang term, it can be used to mean "jerk", "dork", (as in ¡Tú eres tan yuca!, meaning "You're such a jerk/dork"). It could also refer to a penis as in pelar la yuca, meaning to peel the foreskin back, and rasca yuca referring to scratch the penis to provide pleasure. Other terms using the word yuca are: Cayó como yuca that translate literally as Fell as yuca and means that someone has fallen deeply asleep; Tienes yuca conmigo that translate as You have a yuca with me and means that somebody is in bad terms or angry against you; Saca la yuca that translates as Get the yuca out is an expression used to motivate someone to be in peace and put an end to any anger; Le dió yuca hasta el ñame translate to He/she gave him/her/it yuca up to the ñame (another edible root) and it would means to hit hard to knock out or in a vulgar form to penetrate the penis inside a vagina or anus.
- Yo sé como bate el cobre - Translates as I know how to beat the copper and basically means I know what's going on here, and it's usually used whenever someone is being lied to or told a fib.
- Zafacón - Zafacón is Spanish for waste basket. Many in Puerto Rico believe the word is derived from the English phrase safety can, other believe is derived from is Arabic zafaka.
- Zángano - From the name of the male bee (Zangano), whose only duty for the beehive is to breed the queen. So it denotes a worthless idiot. Used to describe a female or male that is acting stupid or foolish. A lazy man. Another word similar in Spanish is boba/bobo ninny, sod. It also means a coward or a weakling akin to the word, wuss or wimp. No te hagas la zángana translates to Don't pretend you are stupid.
- Zarrapastroso - Standard Spanish tor someone who's a ragamuffin, a tramp.