List of Dragonlance deities
The Deities of Dragonlance, also commonly referred to as gods, are the high powers of the fictional world of Krynn
, where the Dragonlance
campaign setting takes place. They differ from the gods of other Dungeons & Dragons
campaign settings in that the gods themselves do not have d20
mechanics. However, their aspects, the way they manifest into the world, do. The gods of Krynn are formless, and represent a particular aspect of creation. They periodically send messengers, omens, visions, and their own aspects to the world. The gods of Krynn never bring their full essence into the world.
The gods of Krynn are very active in the lives of the people of Krynn. They work to maintain the world, but all of them have different ways of going about it. For example, Takhisis, the major goddess of evil, believes in subjugating the world to bring order. Paladine, the major god of good, tries to educate the people to bring about order, and Gilean, the major god of neutrality believes that mortals have to be able to choose their own path to have order. The gods of the three alignments (Good, Evil, and Neutrality) form the Balance of Krynn. Clerics in the Dragonlance setting can serve any of the gods except Lunitari, Nuitari, and Solinari, who grant the arcane magic of wizardry rather than clerical power.
There are two eras in the Dragonlance world when the gods were not active in the world: the majority of the Age of Despair (after the Cataclysm until the War of the Lance); and the early Age of Mortals (before the War of Souls
The High God created the twenty-one lesser gods to be its servants in the plan for Krynn. When the mortals were created, Ionthas tried to take control of the world and its fate, beginning the All-Saints War as the gods wrestled for the fate of the mortals. One camp, led by Takhisis, held that mortals should be the slaves of the gods and tried to exert her influence to control them. The opposing camp, led by Paladine, said they should do as the High God instructed and guide the mortals, and realize that the mortals were gifted with the potential to grow, change and eventually become better and brighter than the gods themselves. This faction wrestled with the evil gods to stop them from gaining control of the mortals. The gods of neutrality took neither side, and did nothing more than tend their responsible areas. Eventually, the High God intervened and declared thus: It is the High God, and they were all nothing compared to it the High God. It was pleased with Paladine and his fellows, for they adhered to the spirit as well as the letter of the High God's instructions. It was displeased with Gilean and his camp, for they adhered only to the letter, but it would permit them their seeming neutrality, even though all they did would be to the High God's purpose. And it was mightily displeased with the gods of Evil, who sought to rise above themselves. However, it would permit them their efforts, for they made a balance with the other two, a balance that anchored the world—and the balanced could be changed, but the change must come from within, from the mortals themselves and not be forced upon it by the gods. It stated that the gods of Evil would ignore this and strive to enslave the world anyway, but it warned them that though they would try their mightiest to disrupt the High God's plan, all their efforts would only further it. The High God is virtually unknown to the mortals of Krynn, but Paladine says that the effects of its will are felt throughout the world, in the form of luck, to steer the world in the chosen direction. The High God is feared among all the gods. It seems that to say the High God's name in an oath is the most powerful oath a god could make. After Huma defeated Takhisis he made her swear by that which the Queen held highest, and she swore on the High God. This suggests that even though the evil Gods work against the High God's plan, they fear it and respect it.
. He encourages souls to rise to greater heights of happiness and beauty. He is the patron of music
and poetry
. He is closely allied with Habbakuk, and their followers often work together. Branchala earliest endeavors made a place of romance and esteem, bringing art and song in Krynn's mortals. The elves hold Branchala in high regard. In addition to his alliance with Habbakuk, Branchala works with Mishakal. He can be at odds with Kiri-Jolith, Majere, and Paladine because of their lawful tendencies and Branchala's chaotic ones. Among the Gods of Neutrality he is closest with Sirrion because of their joint interest in art and creativity. He opposes Chemosh, Hiddukel, and Morgion the most among the Gods of Evil. His celestial symbol is the constellation Harp.
. He believes in the perseverance of the soul and its opposition to adversity for the greater goal. Habbakuk's interests are generally directed at animals of all kinds. He is the patron of rangers, hunters, and the natural cycle of life and death, abhorring things like undead. He also represents loyalty and obedience to the whole. He promotes persistence of truths that promote good. He has a strong presence in the world through patronage of good druids and rangers. Sailors and explorers also honor him, as he is sometimes called the god of the sea. In times of war and crisis he directs his efforts towards the renewal of life. His closest ally is Branchala and is also close with Mishakal, Paladine, and Kiri-Jolith. He is closest to Chislev and Sirrion among the Gods of Neutrality for their roles in nature. He opposes Chemosh and Zeboim for their interference in the cycle of life. His celestial symbol is the constellation Phoenix.
. He encourages the soul to grow as a part of the whole in order to benefit from the strength of brotherhood. He patrons soldiers and warriors who fight in order to defeat evil. He promotes courage and justice, and is the spirit of honorable battle. He is not a warlike god, however, but supports war when it is necessary to maintain integrity. He promotes strength of spirit in times of peace. He is the courageous spirit of bonds among mortals. He is the patron of the Knights of Solamnia, and his warrior priests lead the fights against evil armies and advise rulers. Kiri Jolith is close with most of the Gods of Good, particularly Paladine and Habbakuk. He has the least in common with Branchala. He is the second most-worshipped god by the minotaurs, who also call him "Emperor". He is closest to Reorx and Shinare among the Gods of Neutrality, and is in opposition with Sargonnas, his opposite in war, who has a more violent approach to battle. He is also against Hiddukel because of his lies and deceit. His celestial symbol is the constellation Bison's Head.
. He believes the way for the soul to become better is through discipline and hard work. Majere is seen as distant and separate. He encourages mortals to look within for enlightenment, rather than turn to worldly desires and material goods. He is friend and adviser to Paladine. He has few faithful compared to the other gods, but does have a following of monks. His influence on the world is constant but subtle. He often gives counsel to the other Gods of Light in times of crisis. He is appreciated by all the Gods of Good, advising Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Mishakal. He rarely interacts with Branchala or Habbakuk, and counts among the Gods of Neutrality Gilean, Shinare, and Zivilyn his allies. He does not have any specific enemies among the Gods of Evil but responds to evil quickly. His celestial symbol is the constellation Rose.
. He sponsors the soul's aspirations to rise to greater heights and to improve itself by following the example of others. He grants divine right to kings and rulers. Paladine represents the power of redemption and righteousness can have on the world. He exemplifies glory and victory. He was one of the first Gods summoned from the Beyond. He is the leader of the Gods of Light until the War of Souls. He furthers the High God's plan among those who follow the ideals of compassion and peace. He leads the other Gods of Good through his example. Paladine responds to the demands of the Kingpriest, who arrogantly demands power from the Gods, by casting the fiery mountain upon the world, causing the Cataclysm
. Paladine takes the form of the absent-minded wizard Fizban the Fabulous to aid the Heroes of the Lance. From these strifes, he may be the first kender "god" as the immortal figure of Fizban. Such is evident is "Uncle Tas'" desire to have Fizban at such a state, this is only speculation, however. He sacrifices his godhood after the War of Souls to balance Takhisis's death. He is a patriarch of sorts to the Gods of Light. He is advised by Majere and is the partner of Mishakal. Kiri-Jolith and Habbakuk are also close to him. He honors Solinari by taking the form of a white robed wizard during the War of the Lance. He respects the Gods of Neutrality with no special friends among them, and opposes all Gods of Evil. His celestial symbol is the constellation Platinum Dragon.
used for good. He patrons wizards who use their magic with the ideals of compassion, protection, and foresight. As one of the creators of the Laws of High Sorcery he upholds them vigorously. At one point he was the divine power of vigilance, but when he and his cousins in magic abandon the godly planes to be closer to the world he becomes less focused on the Progression of Souls. Solinari guides the souls of good wizards to the Beyond. At one point he dwells in the Dome of Creation but chooses to represent himself in the white moon of Krynn in order to watch over and protect magic. He promotes using magic for the good of all the world. He is friendly with Majere, Habbakuk, Branchala, and Mishakal. He is saddened at Paladine's downfall and offered him his protection, which Paladine, called Valthonis, refused. His relations with the other Gods is minimal, aside from the other Gods of Magic, Lunitari and Nuitari, whom he is especially close to and is also often seen with them among meetings of the gods. His celestial symbol is the silver moon, Solinari.
. She believes the soul grows by releasing thought and instinct, and giving in to primal urges. She is the power of the natural world and all things wild. She is at one with Krynn, and extends her wrath to those that abuse the earth. Chislev is wracked with pain and suffering during times of war, and works in the current world to heal the wounds done to it. She is the partner of Zivilyn, and maintains friendship with Sirrion. She conflicts with Shinare and Reorx. Gilean grants Chislev knowledge but he is at times overly intelligent for her. Chislev is regarded among all the Gods of Good, and opposes Morgion among the Gods of Evil in particular. Her celestial symbol is the planet Chislev.
. He supports the growth of the soul through attaining knowledge and experience. He is the holder of the Tobril, which contains the divine plan of the High God for the world. He is the patron of sages, librarians, and scholars. He is the leader of the Gods of Balance. He supports free will and individual choice for all individuals of Krynn. He is one of the first gods to be called out of the Beyond and is on equal power with Takhisis and Paladine. A legend of him states that the High God commanded Gilean to ensure his own existence by raising the soul of a mortal scholar who would one day become him, in an ontological paradox of sorts. That scholar is most likely Astinus, who watches over the Great Library of Palanthas and scribes all history as it happens until the Chaos War
. Gilean is a mediator between the Gods of Good and Evil, siding against the faction that threatens the Balance. All of the Gods of Neutrality look to him for help and advice, and the Gods of Light often do the same in hopes he will side with them. The Gods of Evil manipulate situations to present Gilean with a case where he can only side with them, such as in the Chaos War where Takhisis forces Gilean to side with her Dark Knights, as they are the only chance that mortals can stand against Chaos. His celestial symbol is the constellation Book of Souls.
used for neutrality. She supports wizards who use magic in the name of balance, freedom, and curiosity. She seeks to preserve the balance of good and evil in magic. She is once the power divine force of mystery, but she removes herself from the Hidden Vale and joins her cousins Solinari and Nuitari in order to give magic her closer attention. Her focus instead became the mystery of magic. She is said to come fully born from the thoughts of her father Gilean. She resides in and represents herself through the red moon of Krynn. She tells to her faithful the secrets and discoveries of magic. She is close to Reorx, who sometimes helps her in forging magical artifacts. She, along with Reorx, conspires to trap Chaos in the Graygem, which has led the other Gods of Neutrality to distrust her. She rarely interacts with the Gods of Good and Evil, except for her cousins Solinari and Nuitari, whom she is especially close to, almost always being with them at the meetings of the gods. Her celestial symbol is the red moon, Lunitari.
and Dragonlance
. Those who follow Shinare grow by communicating with other people. She oversees all oaths, negotiations, and partnerships. She promotes the advancement of the world through enterprise. She patrons merchants, without regard to motivation so long as business is done fairly. With that principle in mind, she does not condemn slavery
or mercenary
activity. Things like theft and cheating, however, she opposes as they impair the principles of interaction. She secretly influenced the development of steel as the principle currency of Ansalon, and has recently become a major influence in the nation of Solamnia. Shinare is partnered with Sirrion, whom she sometimes clashes with because of his chaotic tendencies. She works with Reorx as well, but has only basic, polite relationships with the other Gods of Neutrality. She is closest to Kiri-Jolith and Majere among the Gods of Light because of her belief in honesty and truth, and directly opposes Hiddukel among the Gods of Evil because of his lies and cheating. Her celestial symbol is the planet Shinare.
. He encourages the soul to grow by achieving enlightenment and wisdom. Zivilyn's influence extends to all realms and to all times. He promotes understanding and spiritual awareness. Zivilyn gives counsel to Gilean, bringing wisdom to Chislev as well. Zivilyn, despite his extensive knowledge of all times and places of Krynn, cannot foresee Takhisis stealing the world away during the War of Souls. Zivilyn is respected by all Gods, and never chooses sides in a fight or disagreement. He is closest to Gilean and is the partner of Chislev, and has much in common with Majere and Hiddukel because of their understandings of the power of wisdom and awareness, respectively. Zivilyn does not allow the forces of compassion or corruption to influence him. His celestial symbol is the planet Zivilyn.
. He encourages souls to give up to destiny and fate. Chemosh disdains life, feeling that it is wasted on the people of Krynn. He prefers to promise "immortality
" by making souls into undead
rather than letting them pass into the afterlife. Chemosh gains power as people surrender their free will to him. Chemosh sits in the Hall of Soul's Passing and watches the progression of souls into the afterlife, where he attempts to lure souls into becoming undead. Chemosh is the direct opposite of Mishakal as she promotes life and hope. He is the foe of all of the Gods of Good, and among the Gods of Neutrality is in opposition to Chislev, for disrupting the natural order of life, and Sirrion, for suppressing hope and creativity. He has few allies but sometimes works with Hiddukel and Morgion due to the nature of his schemes. His celestial symbol is the constellation Goat's Skull.
. He influences souls to use every encounter with another person to their advantage. He captures souls who are desiring or despairing to use the misfortune of others to their profit. He is ultimately selfish and cares for no one but himself, and passes that attitude on to his mortal followers. Hiddukel constantly attempts to make deals with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry out evil in the world. He is impressed and surprised at the deception of Takhisis in stealing the world from the other Gods. He can call upon nearly all of the Gods of Evil for aid because of his dealing with them and his ability to divert their attention from him if they begin to suspect him. All of the Gods of Neutrality - especially Shinare, because of her promoting of fairness and honesty - oppose him. Reorx as well dislikes him because Hiddukel tricked him into forging the Graygem. Majere and Branchala among the Gods of Good are his enemies, as the powers of discipline and positive interaction respectively. His celestial symbol is the constellation Broken Scale.
on Ansalon but is beaten by the Heroes of the Lance in the end. Her last great scheme, the theft of the world from the other gods, ends in failure for her as she is stripped of her godhood and slain by the elf Silvanoshei. Her celestial symbol is the constellation Many-Headed Dragon.
Krynn is the fictional world of the Dragonlance novels, co-written by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. It has also been used in many other books, set in the Dragonlance universe. It is also used as the main setting in the Dragonlance campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing...
, where the Dragonlance
Dragonlance is a shared universe created by Laura and Tracy Hickman, and expanded by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis under the direction of TSR, Inc. into a series of popular fantasy novels. The Hickmans conceived Dragonlance while driving in their car on the way to TSR for a job application...
campaign setting takes place. They differ from the gods of other Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and first published in 1974 by Tactical Studies Rules, Inc. . The game has been published by Wizards of the Coast since 1997...
campaign settings in that the gods themselves do not have d20
D20 System
The d20 System is a role-playing game system published in 2000 by Wizards of the Coast originally developed for the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons...
mechanics. However, their aspects, the way they manifest into the world, do. The gods of Krynn are formless, and represent a particular aspect of creation. They periodically send messengers, omens, visions, and their own aspects to the world. The gods of Krynn never bring their full essence into the world.
The gods of Krynn are very active in the lives of the people of Krynn. They work to maintain the world, but all of them have different ways of going about it. For example, Takhisis, the major goddess of evil, believes in subjugating the world to bring order. Paladine, the major god of good, tries to educate the people to bring about order, and Gilean, the major god of neutrality believes that mortals have to be able to choose their own path to have order. The gods of the three alignments (Good, Evil, and Neutrality) form the Balance of Krynn. Clerics in the Dragonlance setting can serve any of the gods except Lunitari, Nuitari, and Solinari, who grant the arcane magic of wizardry rather than clerical power.
There are two eras in the Dragonlance world when the gods were not active in the world: the majority of the Age of Despair (after the Cataclysm until the War of the Lance); and the early Age of Mortals (before the War of Souls
War of Souls
The War of Souls is a fictional war set in the popular Dragonlance fictional universe. The series follows the heroes of The War of the Lance to fill in many details of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game storyline...
Chaos and the High God
Chaos and the High God are the highest beings in the cosmology of Krynn. They are mysterious but widely credited with a role in the creation of the world. Chaos was once the most powerful of the pantheon, Ionthas, second only to the High God, although the High God claimed to be further above the gods than the gods were above the mortals. Ionthas tried to corrupt and control the world, and when the gods created the mortal races, Chaos created the animals and as a joke, endowed them with superior attributes than the mortals had, among them long sight, long life, exceptional hearing, powerful magic. The dragons in particular inherited almost all of these traits. Ionthas was eventually banished from Krynn by the High God, where he spent time in his own company and deluded himself into thinking that he was the true High God, that the world should be his. When the god Reorx came looking for a sliver of Chaos to put into the Gray Gem—the equivalent of the clipping of a toenail or a few strands of hair, in Reorx's words—Chaos leapt at the chance and willingly put all of himself into the gem.The High God created the twenty-one lesser gods to be its servants in the plan for Krynn. When the mortals were created, Ionthas tried to take control of the world and its fate, beginning the All-Saints War as the gods wrestled for the fate of the mortals. One camp, led by Takhisis, held that mortals should be the slaves of the gods and tried to exert her influence to control them. The opposing camp, led by Paladine, said they should do as the High God instructed and guide the mortals, and realize that the mortals were gifted with the potential to grow, change and eventually become better and brighter than the gods themselves. This faction wrestled with the evil gods to stop them from gaining control of the mortals. The gods of neutrality took neither side, and did nothing more than tend their responsible areas. Eventually, the High God intervened and declared thus: It is the High God, and they were all nothing compared to it the High God. It was pleased with Paladine and his fellows, for they adhered to the spirit as well as the letter of the High God's instructions. It was displeased with Gilean and his camp, for they adhered only to the letter, but it would permit them their seeming neutrality, even though all they did would be to the High God's purpose. And it was mightily displeased with the gods of Evil, who sought to rise above themselves. However, it would permit them their efforts, for they made a balance with the other two, a balance that anchored the world—and the balanced could be changed, but the change must come from within, from the mortals themselves and not be forced upon it by the gods. It stated that the gods of Evil would ignore this and strive to enslave the world anyway, but it warned them that though they would try their mightiest to disrupt the High God's plan, all their efforts would only further it. The High God is virtually unknown to the mortals of Krynn, but Paladine says that the effects of its will are felt throughout the world, in the form of luck, to steer the world in the chosen direction. The High God is feared among all the gods. It seems that to say the High God's name in an oath is the most powerful oath a god could make. After Huma defeated Takhisis he made her swear by that which the Queen held highest, and she swore on the High God. This suggests that even though the evil Gods work against the High God's plan, they fear it and respect it.
Gods of Good
The Gods of Good believe that teaching mortals to love order and law is the way to preserve the Balance. Their combined doctrine is encouragement, nurturing, and love. They defend the world and mortals from evil, but usually through mortals themselves. The Gods of Good are led by Paladine until the War of Souls. Afterwards, they unofficially follow Mishakal, but have no true leader. They reside in the Dome of Creation, a plane of light and positive energy. The plane houses the essences of all the Gods of Good except Paladine who is now mortal, and Solinari, who remains closer to the world in his white moon.Branchala
Branchala, also known as The Bard King, the Song of Life, and the Songmaster, represents the godly power of inspirationArtistic inspiration
Inspiration refers to an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. Literally, the word means "breathed upon," and it has its origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. The Greeks believed that inspiration came from the muses, as well as the gods Apollo and...
. He encourages souls to rise to greater heights of happiness and beauty. He is the patron of music
Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch , rhythm , dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture...
and poetry
Poetry is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning...
. He is closely allied with Habbakuk, and their followers often work together. Branchala earliest endeavors made a place of romance and esteem, bringing art and song in Krynn's mortals. The elves hold Branchala in high regard. In addition to his alliance with Habbakuk, Branchala works with Mishakal. He can be at odds with Kiri-Jolith, Majere, and Paladine because of their lawful tendencies and Branchala's chaotic ones. Among the Gods of Neutrality he is closest with Sirrion because of their joint interest in art and creativity. He opposes Chemosh, Hiddukel, and Morgion the most among the Gods of Evil. His celestial symbol is the constellation Harp.
Habbakuk, also known as The Fisher King, Skylord, and the Blue Phoenix, represents the godly power of persistencePersistent
Persistent may refer to:* Persistent Systems, a technology company* USS Persistent, three United States Navy ships...
. He believes in the perseverance of the soul and its opposition to adversity for the greater goal. Habbakuk's interests are generally directed at animals of all kinds. He is the patron of rangers, hunters, and the natural cycle of life and death, abhorring things like undead. He also represents loyalty and obedience to the whole. He promotes persistence of truths that promote good. He has a strong presence in the world through patronage of good druids and rangers. Sailors and explorers also honor him, as he is sometimes called the god of the sea. In times of war and crisis he directs his efforts towards the renewal of life. His closest ally is Branchala and is also close with Mishakal, Paladine, and Kiri-Jolith. He is closest to Chislev and Sirrion among the Gods of Neutrality for their roles in nature. He opposes Chemosh and Zeboim for their interference in the cycle of life. His celestial symbol is the constellation Phoenix.
Kiri-Jolith, also known as the Sword of Justice and the Bison of Heaven, represents the godly power of unityHenosis
Henosis is the word for "oneness," "union," or "unity" in classical Greek, and is spelled identically in modern Greek where "Enosis" is particulary connected with the modern political "Unity" movement to unify Greece and Cyprus....
. He encourages the soul to grow as a part of the whole in order to benefit from the strength of brotherhood. He patrons soldiers and warriors who fight in order to defeat evil. He promotes courage and justice, and is the spirit of honorable battle. He is not a warlike god, however, but supports war when it is necessary to maintain integrity. He promotes strength of spirit in times of peace. He is the courageous spirit of bonds among mortals. He is the patron of the Knights of Solamnia, and his warrior priests lead the fights against evil armies and advise rulers. Kiri Jolith is close with most of the Gods of Good, particularly Paladine and Habbakuk. He has the least in common with Branchala. He is the second most-worshipped god by the minotaurs, who also call him "Emperor". He is closest to Reorx and Shinare among the Gods of Neutrality, and is in opposition with Sargonnas, his opposite in war, who has a more violent approach to battle. He is also against Hiddukel because of his lies and deceit. His celestial symbol is the constellation Bison's Head.
Majere, also known as Mantis of the Rose, Master of Mind, and the Dreamsender, The Even-Handed God, represents the godly force of disciplineDiscipline
In its original sense, discipline is referred to systematic instruction given to disciples to train them as students in a craft or trade, or to follow a particular code of conduct or "order". Often, the phrase "to discipline" carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order –...
. He believes the way for the soul to become better is through discipline and hard work. Majere is seen as distant and separate. He encourages mortals to look within for enlightenment, rather than turn to worldly desires and material goods. He is friend and adviser to Paladine. He has few faithful compared to the other gods, but does have a following of monks. His influence on the world is constant but subtle. He often gives counsel to the other Gods of Light in times of crisis. He is appreciated by all the Gods of Good, advising Paladine, Kiri-Jolith, and Mishakal. He rarely interacts with Branchala or Habbakuk, and counts among the Gods of Neutrality Gilean, Shinare, and Zivilyn his allies. He does not have any specific enemies among the Gods of Evil but responds to evil quickly. His celestial symbol is the constellation Rose.
Mishakal, also known as the Light Bringer, the Healing Hand, and the Blue Lady, represents the godly power of restoration. She embraces the soul's wish to grow and to learn from mistakes. She is the patron of healing, motherhood, and restoring the lost. She actively works to make things right in the world and tries to rid the world of evil with her compassion. Her nature sometimes conflicts with the violent conditions her faithful encounter, but she has a wide breadth of worship during times of strife. She was the Goddess who restored the knowledge of the true Gods during the War of the Lance. Mishakal is constantly loving and protecting to the world. The cleric Goldmoon was given the Blue Crystal Staff to restore the faith of the Gods to the world. The teachings of Mishakal, taken up by Goldmoon, led to the discovery of mysticism when magic was lost after the Chaos War. She is loved by all the Gods of Good, and the Gods of Neutrality all hold her in regard. She is in opposition to every God of Evil for the same reasons she is beloved by the Gods of Good. Every God of Evil harms life in some way, and for that reason Mishakal opposes them all. Her celestial symbol is the constellation Infinity.Paladine
Paladine, also known as the Platinum Dragon, the Valiant Warrior, and Draco Paladin, represents the godly force of majestyMajesty
Majesty is an English word derived ultimately from the Latin maiestas, meaning "greatness".- Origin :Originally, during the Roman republic, the word maiestas was the legal term for the supreme status and dignity of the state, to be respected above everything else...
. He sponsors the soul's aspirations to rise to greater heights and to improve itself by following the example of others. He grants divine right to kings and rulers. Paladine represents the power of redemption and righteousness can have on the world. He exemplifies glory and victory. He was one of the first Gods summoned from the Beyond. He is the leader of the Gods of Light until the War of Souls. He furthers the High God's plan among those who follow the ideals of compassion and peace. He leads the other Gods of Good through his example. Paladine responds to the demands of the Kingpriest, who arrogantly demands power from the Gods, by casting the fiery mountain upon the world, causing the Cataclysm
Cataclysm (Dragonlance)
In the Dragonlance books, the Cataclysm was a catastrophic event that occurred when the Kingpriest of Istar demanded to be given godlike powers in order to eliminate evil from the world.-Background:...
. Paladine takes the form of the absent-minded wizard Fizban the Fabulous to aid the Heroes of the Lance. From these strifes, he may be the first kender "god" as the immortal figure of Fizban. Such is evident is "Uncle Tas'" desire to have Fizban at such a state, this is only speculation, however. He sacrifices his godhood after the War of Souls to balance Takhisis's death. He is a patriarch of sorts to the Gods of Light. He is advised by Majere and is the partner of Mishakal. Kiri-Jolith and Habbakuk are also close to him. He honors Solinari by taking the form of a white robed wizard during the War of the Lance. He respects the Gods of Neutrality with no special friends among them, and opposes all Gods of Evil. His celestial symbol is the constellation Platinum Dragon.
Solinari, also known as the Mighty Hand, the Ivory Disk, and God's Eye, represents the godly power of magicMagic (fantasy)
Magic in fiction is the endowing of fictional characters or objects with magical powers.Such magic often serves as a plot device, the source of magical artifacts and their quests...
used for good. He patrons wizards who use their magic with the ideals of compassion, protection, and foresight. As one of the creators of the Laws of High Sorcery he upholds them vigorously. At one point he was the divine power of vigilance, but when he and his cousins in magic abandon the godly planes to be closer to the world he becomes less focused on the Progression of Souls. Solinari guides the souls of good wizards to the Beyond. At one point he dwells in the Dome of Creation but chooses to represent himself in the white moon of Krynn in order to watch over and protect magic. He promotes using magic for the good of all the world. He is friendly with Majere, Habbakuk, Branchala, and Mishakal. He is saddened at Paladine's downfall and offered him his protection, which Paladine, called Valthonis, refused. His relations with the other Gods is minimal, aside from the other Gods of Magic, Lunitari and Nuitari, whom he is especially close to and is also often seen with them among meetings of the gods. His celestial symbol is the silver moon, Solinari.
Gods of Neutrality
The Gods of Neutrality believe that mortals should exist in harmony with the world and make their own moral and faith related decisions. That makes them both a distant group of gods and an involved one at the same time. They promote elemental and conceptual truths as principles alone rather than tools towards an end. They have a strong presence in their particular domains, and keep the world from being in a constant state of conflict between Good and Evil. The Gods of Neutrality reside in the Hidden Vale, with the exception of Lunitari, who resides in the red moon of Krynn to be closer to her wizards. It is a place of both shadow and light which meld together in perfection.Chislev
Chislev, also known as the Beast, Wild One, and World Mother, represents the godly force of instinctInstinct
Instinct or innate behavior is the inherent inclination of a living organism toward a particular behavior.The simplest example of an instinctive behavior is a fixed action pattern, in which a very short to medium length sequence of actions, without variation, are carried out in response to a...
. She believes the soul grows by releasing thought and instinct, and giving in to primal urges. She is the power of the natural world and all things wild. She is at one with Krynn, and extends her wrath to those that abuse the earth. Chislev is wracked with pain and suffering during times of war, and works in the current world to heal the wounds done to it. She is the partner of Zivilyn, and maintains friendship with Sirrion. She conflicts with Shinare and Reorx. Gilean grants Chislev knowledge but he is at times overly intelligent for her. Chislev is regarded among all the Gods of Good, and opposes Morgion among the Gods of Evil in particular. Her celestial symbol is the planet Chislev.
Gilean, also known as the Book, the Sage, and the Gray Voyager, represents the godly force of knowledgeKnowledge
Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something unknown, which can include information, facts, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject...
. He supports the growth of the soul through attaining knowledge and experience. He is the holder of the Tobril, which contains the divine plan of the High God for the world. He is the patron of sages, librarians, and scholars. He is the leader of the Gods of Balance. He supports free will and individual choice for all individuals of Krynn. He is one of the first gods to be called out of the Beyond and is on equal power with Takhisis and Paladine. A legend of him states that the High God commanded Gilean to ensure his own existence by raising the soul of a mortal scholar who would one day become him, in an ontological paradox of sorts. That scholar is most likely Astinus, who watches over the Great Library of Palanthas and scribes all history as it happens until the Chaos War
Chaos War
The Chaos War, also known as the Second Cataclysm, is a fictional war in the Dragonlance setting. The war was massive, drawing in nearly all the people of Ansalon, as well as the gods themselves...
. Gilean is a mediator between the Gods of Good and Evil, siding against the faction that threatens the Balance. All of the Gods of Neutrality look to him for help and advice, and the Gods of Light often do the same in hopes he will side with them. The Gods of Evil manipulate situations to present Gilean with a case where he can only side with them, such as in the Chaos War where Takhisis forces Gilean to side with her Dark Knights, as they are the only chance that mortals can stand against Chaos. His celestial symbol is the constellation Book of Souls.
Lunitari, also known as the Veiled Maiden, Maid of Illusion, and Night Candle, represents the power of magicMagic (fantasy)
Magic in fiction is the endowing of fictional characters or objects with magical powers.Such magic often serves as a plot device, the source of magical artifacts and their quests...
used for neutrality. She supports wizards who use magic in the name of balance, freedom, and curiosity. She seeks to preserve the balance of good and evil in magic. She is once the power divine force of mystery, but she removes herself from the Hidden Vale and joins her cousins Solinari and Nuitari in order to give magic her closer attention. Her focus instead became the mystery of magic. She is said to come fully born from the thoughts of her father Gilean. She resides in and represents herself through the red moon of Krynn. She tells to her faithful the secrets and discoveries of magic. She is close to Reorx, who sometimes helps her in forging magical artifacts. She, along with Reorx, conspires to trap Chaos in the Graygem, which has led the other Gods of Neutrality to distrust her. She rarely interacts with the Gods of Good and Evil, except for her cousins Solinari and Nuitari, whom she is especially close to, almost always being with them at the meetings of the gods. Her celestial symbol is the red moon, Lunitari.
Reorx, also known as the Forge, the World Smith, and Tamer of Chaos, represents the godly force of creation. He desires for souls to grow through crafting and gaining skill. He is the patron of dwarves and gnomes, but also of all craftsmen. He is also followed by gamblers and rogues because they rely on their own talents to change the course of an event. He respects and encourages the power of mortals to shape, build, and produce. Reorx often takes the mortal form of a handsomely dressed dwarf named Dougan Redhammer. Reorx, at the behest of the High God, created the world of Krynn from the raw energies of Chaos. He unknowingly encases Chaos into the Graygem when he sought a bit of the essence of the higher deity to anchor the balance in the world, which later has dire repercussions on the world, releasing an aspect of hatred and destruction upon Ansalon, causing the Chaos War. He is a much loved deity; he works with Shinare and Gilean, and is respected by Sargonnas and Kiri-Jolith for his power of smithing mighty weapons. Zeboim is known to go to Reorx to better understand the workings of ships and the like, so that she can better destroy them. The dwarves hold that Reorx created them as his chosen; however, Reorx creates the gnomes instead when a chosen group of men fall from his grace. The dwarves and the kender are created when the energies of Chaos morph a group of gnomes into the two races. His celestial symbol is the red star Reorx. Reorx, along with other Dragonlance deities, has been included in Genesis LPMud, a text-based, massively multiplayer online game whose Fantasy/Adventure theme draws heavily from several fantasy settings, including Tolkien's Middle-earthMiddle-earth
Middle-earth is the fictional setting of the majority of author J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy writings. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings take place entirely in Middle-earth, as does much of The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales....
and Dragonlance
Dragonlance is a shared universe created by Laura and Tracy Hickman, and expanded by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis under the direction of TSR, Inc. into a series of popular fantasy novels. The Hickmans conceived Dragonlance while driving in their car on the way to TSR for a job application...
Shinare, also known as Winged Victory, the Silver Mistress, and Walking Liberty, represents the godly force of interactionInteraction
Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect...
. Those who follow Shinare grow by communicating with other people. She oversees all oaths, negotiations, and partnerships. She promotes the advancement of the world through enterprise. She patrons merchants, without regard to motivation so long as business is done fairly. With that principle in mind, she does not condemn slavery
Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation...
or mercenary
A mercenary, is a person who takes part in an armed conflict based on the promise of material compensation rather than having a direct interest in, or a legal obligation to, the conflict itself. A non-conscript professional member of a regular army is not considered to be a mercenary although he...
activity. Things like theft and cheating, however, she opposes as they impair the principles of interaction. She secretly influenced the development of steel as the principle currency of Ansalon, and has recently become a major influence in the nation of Solamnia. Shinare is partnered with Sirrion, whom she sometimes clashes with because of his chaotic tendencies. She works with Reorx as well, but has only basic, polite relationships with the other Gods of Neutrality. She is closest to Kiri-Jolith and Majere among the Gods of Light because of her belief in honesty and truth, and directly opposes Hiddukel among the Gods of Evil because of his lies and cheating. Her celestial symbol is the planet Shinare.
Sirrion, also known as the Flowing Flame, the Alchemist, and the Firemaster, represents the godly force of transformation. He promotes the soul to give in to passion and creativity to grow and change. He represents fire, because it is the element that brings change and growth, and it represents the creativity of artists and alchemists. Sirrion is chaotic, but does not condone random destruction; instead, change should produce something new. He is the patron of art and alchemy. Legend holds that he created his partner Shinare from grand metals, and that he gave fire to Reorx for the creation of the world. In truth, his responsibility was equal to the other gods. He is the companion of Shinare, although being her complete opposite; however, his passion with her progressive spirit can create much in the world. Sirrion works with Reorx and Chislev, but does not often work with Zivilyn or Gilean. Sirrion is close to Branchala and Habbakuk among the Gods of Light, and opposes Sargonnas among the Gods of Evil, for Sargonnas directs flame into the spirit of wrath and revenge. His celestial symbol is the planet Sirrion.Zivilyn
Zivilyn, also known as the World Tree, Wise One, and the Tree of Life, represents the godly force of wisdomWisdom
Wisdom is a deep understanding and realization of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgements and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of one's emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and...
. He encourages the soul to grow by achieving enlightenment and wisdom. Zivilyn's influence extends to all realms and to all times. He promotes understanding and spiritual awareness. Zivilyn gives counsel to Gilean, bringing wisdom to Chislev as well. Zivilyn, despite his extensive knowledge of all times and places of Krynn, cannot foresee Takhisis stealing the world away during the War of Souls. Zivilyn is respected by all Gods, and never chooses sides in a fight or disagreement. He is closest to Gilean and is the partner of Chislev, and has much in common with Majere and Hiddukel because of their understandings of the power of wisdom and awareness, respectively. Zivilyn does not allow the forces of compassion or corruption to influence him. His celestial symbol is the planet Zivilyn.
Gods of Evil
The Gods of Evil believe that they should direct the fate of mortals. They will willingly turn on one another if necessary. With Takhisis, their former leader, dead, they have begun fighting among one another more than ever before. None of the Gods of Evil have yet to attain the same amount of power Takhisis did, although one of them may take that position soon. The Gods of Evil reside in the Abyss, the source of negative energy, ending light and creation. There, the various fiends conspire, and their masters, the Gods of Evil, oversee the forces of wickedness and corruption. All the Gods of Evil reside here, with the exception of Nuitari, who has houses his essence in the black moon of Krynn, and Takhisis, who has been slain and no longer possesses divine essence.Chemosh
Chemosh, also known as the Lord of Bones, Lifebane, and the Black Goat, represents the godly force of fatalismFatalism
Fatalism is a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate.Fatalism generally refers to several of the following ideas:...
. He encourages souls to give up to destiny and fate. Chemosh disdains life, feeling that it is wasted on the people of Krynn. He prefers to promise "immortality
Immortality is the ability to live forever. It is unknown whether human physical immortality is an achievable condition. Biological forms have inherent limitations which may or may not be able to be overcome through medical interventions or engineering...
" by making souls into undead
Undead is a collective name for fictional, mythological, or legendary beings that are deceased and yet behave as if alive. Undead may be incorporeal, such as ghosts, or corporeal, such as vampires and zombies...
rather than letting them pass into the afterlife. Chemosh gains power as people surrender their free will to him. Chemosh sits in the Hall of Soul's Passing and watches the progression of souls into the afterlife, where he attempts to lure souls into becoming undead. Chemosh is the direct opposite of Mishakal as she promotes life and hope. He is the foe of all of the Gods of Good, and among the Gods of Neutrality is in opposition to Chislev, for disrupting the natural order of life, and Sirrion, for suppressing hope and creativity. He has few allies but sometimes works with Hiddukel and Morgion due to the nature of his schemes. His celestial symbol is the constellation Goat's Skull.
Hiddukel, also known as the Prince of Lies, the Betrayer, and the Broken Scales, represents the godly force of exploitationExploitation
This article discusses the term exploitation in the meaning of using something in an unjust or cruel manner.- As unjust benefit :In political economy, economics, and sociology, exploitation involves a persistent social relationship in which certain persons are being mistreated or unfairly used for...
. He influences souls to use every encounter with another person to their advantage. He captures souls who are desiring or despairing to use the misfortune of others to their profit. He is ultimately selfish and cares for no one but himself, and passes that attitude on to his mortal followers. Hiddukel constantly attempts to make deals with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry out evil in the world. He is impressed and surprised at the deception of Takhisis in stealing the world from the other Gods. He can call upon nearly all of the Gods of Evil for aid because of his dealing with them and his ability to divert their attention from him if they begin to suspect him. All of the Gods of Neutrality - especially Shinare, because of her promoting of fairness and honesty - oppose him. Reorx as well dislikes him because Hiddukel tricked him into forging the Graygem. Majere and Branchala among the Gods of Good are his enemies, as the powers of discipline and positive interaction respectively. His celestial symbol is the constellation Broken Scale.
Morgion, also known as the Black Wind, Master of the Bronze Tower, and the Rat King, represents the godly force of decay. He urges souls to break down their complexities to attain their most basic form. He believes mortals should leave Krynn with nothing but what they came in with. Morgion is the god of diseases and of the ultimate decay of all things, from individuals to nations. Morgion succeeds in the suffering of Krynn. Morgion opposes things like a healthy, wholesome life or a quick, painless death. He believes that the strong survive, and to survive one must suffer. Morgion remains isolated from the other gods and tries to infect the world with plague and horror. He seeks to make Krynn endure as much pain as possible. He opposes Mishakal, Majere, and Habbakuk especially among the Gods of Good, all of whom oppose him. Chislev opposes him for seeking to degrade life, and Sirrion is against him because of Morgion's constant gloom. Shinare and Reorx oppose his goals as well. He interacts little with the other Gods of Evil, brooding in the Bronze Tower at the edge of the Abyss. His celestial symbol is the constellation Diseased Hood.Nuitari
Nuitari, also known as the Devouring Dark, Nightreaver, and Ungod, represents the power of magic used for evil. He patrons wizards who use magic for greed, revenge, hatred, and ambition. He uses the laws of High Sorcery, but only in an attempt to strengthen his own power. He was once representative of the godly force of ambition, but he leaves the Abyss and houses his essence in the black moon of Krynn. His focus now is the Black Robed wizards and watching them as they go through their lives. Nuitari is the son of Takhisis and Sargonnas. He houses his essence into the black moon when it becomes apparent to him that magic needs to be brought under control, to prevent it from falling into the hands of wild mages. Nuitari, for the most part, loathes his fellow Gods of Evil, and especially detests Takhisis for directing arcane power into the Gray Robed Knights of Takhisis. The only Gods Nuitari regularly interacts with are his cousins Solinari and Lunitari, whom he is especially close to. They are always seen together at meetings among the Gods and promotes alliegence to magic first over the forces of good and evil and law and chaos. His celestial symbol is the black moon, Nuitari.Sargonnas
Sargonnas, also known as the Red Condor, the Firebringer, and the Bull God, represents the godly force of wrath. He orders souls to seek revenge on anything that does them wrong or takes power from them. He is the master of vengeance, wars fought for passion, anger, volcanoes, birds of prey and broken promises. His followers are focused in the use of discipline and order for their pursuits. He is the favorite god of minotaurs, who claim him to be the supreme deity and name him Sargas. Sargonnas favors the minotaurs in turn. Sargonnas is the consort to Takhisis, despite having an uneasy partnership with her; he can ally with her or oppose her to further his own goals. With Takhisis gone and his followers flourishing, Sargonnas is a powerful god in the current time of Krynn. Sargonnas has no real allies. He conflicts with his child Nuitari, and Chemosh, Morgion, and Hiddukel are distrusted by him. He does, however, ally with Zeboim, because his minotaurs are a sea-faring people, and they often honor her. Kiri-Jolith and Paladine are his enemies among the Gods of Good, although each side has a grudging respect for the other. His celestial symbol is the constellation Condor. Sargonnas is known to appear in several forms: His most favored form is a minotaur with jet black or blood red fur, massive horns and blazing eyes, but he can also appear as a minotaur made of magma or a monstrous condor. Minotaurs claim that five is Sargonnas's favored number.Takhisis
Takhisis, also known as the Queen of Darkness, the Many-Headed Dragon, The Dragon of Many Colors and None, The Temptress, and the Dark Warrior, represents the godly force of control. She brings souls under her will and encourages them to grow according to her plans for conquest. She orders souls to surrender to dominance and give way to those who are stronger. She likewise orders souls to dominate others. She is the highest power among the Gods of Evil and believes that it is her right to one day dominate the entire world. Takhisis is one of the first gods, called along with Paladine. She controls the chromatic dragons and uses them for her conquests, but is always beaten back by the forces of good, evidenced by events like her defeat by Huma Dragonbane with his dragonlance. She launches the War of the LanceWar of the Lance
The War of the Lance is a fictional war in the Dragonlance setting, created by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.-Publication history:The War of the Lance is the prime conflict in the Dragonlance saga....
on Ansalon but is beaten by the Heroes of the Lance in the end. Her last great scheme, the theft of the world from the other gods, ends in failure for her as she is stripped of her godhood and slain by the elf Silvanoshei. Her celestial symbol is the constellation Many-Headed Dragon.