List of Digimon Adventure characters
This is a list of characters from the Digimon
series Digimon Adventure
, and its sequel series Digimon Adventure 02
is Tai's Digimon partner, a reptile Digimon who digivolved from Koromon when his human friend was being attacked by a Kuwagamon. Being brave, relaxed, and funny, Agumon fights by Tai's side. During Digimon Adventure 02
, Agumon made intermittent appearances throughout the series. His most notable contributions were in the chain of events that led to Davis getting the Digi-Egg of Friendship while he was controlled by the Digimon Emperor's Dark Spiral. He then befriended BlackWarGreymon, forced to fight him later on.
first encounter after the battle with Devimon. He claims to be data, but without the same attributes as Digimon. In Digimon Adventure
Geni appeared as a very old man, but when Kari is possessed by the powers of light and gives them a glimpse of the history of the Digital World
, he is seen as a young man wearing a hooded robe, apparently one among many of his kind. Geni and his group were the ones that created the Digivices, Tags, and Crests, as well as choosing the Chosen Digimon. The Dark Masters discovered their plans, and Piedmon, along with an army of Guardromon and Mekanorimon, soon invaded and destroyed the secret base, killing all but Geni. Piedmon stole the Tags and Crests, but Geni managed to rescue the digi-eggs for the Chosen Digimon as well as the digivices. In his flight he dropped Gatomon's egg, leading to her growing up separate from the others.
At some point after Digimon Adventure, Geni called the DigiDestined back into the Digital World so that they could use the power of their Crests to add another layer of protection to the Digital World. This act unfortunately meant that the eight children's Digimon could no longer digivolve to Ultimate or Mega.
In the sequel, Digimon Adventure 02
, he reappears as a young man. It is possible that he accomplished this by copying himself as many more of his kind later appeared in the series, and one of them stated that he and Geni were once one and the same.
Throughout the first and second series Geni takes a backstage role to helping the DigiDestined. He calls them to the Server Continent to defeat Etemon, he helps them get through Myotismon's interdimensional gate, he gives Izzy a Digital Barrier program, and he tells them of the existence of Apocalymon, the final enemy. In the second series Geni resurfaces younger than ever, and aids them during the World Tour arc and helped the 8 original Digimon to regain their ability to Digivolve to Ultimate and Mega thanks to one of Azulongmon's powers cores which allows Paildramon to become Imperialdramon. He has counterparts in the locations that the DigiDestined were taken to by Imperialdramon. He appears at the end, returning to Gatomon her lost Tail Ring, whose absence he explains allowed Gatomon to Armor & DNA Digivolve like the others.
Geni's clones in the second series were:
His young self was voiced by Hiroaki Hirata
(Japan) & Jeff Nimoy
in Season One and Two (where later on his replacement voice was done by Steven Blum
) (English) while his old self voiced by Joji Yanami
(Japan) & Mike Reynolds (English).
Apocalymon is the primary antagonist of the Digimon Adventure season, debuting in the final episodes (as the final villain) as the one responsible for creating the chaos in the Digital World, creating Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon
, and the Dark Masters
. He reveals that he was born from the data of Digimon who had died instead of digivolving, and that their sadness and anger fills his very being, causing him to be depressed and somewhat suicidal; this led him to wage war against the joyful Digital World, in order to share his suffering. In the Japanese version he refers to himself as "we", possibly because of his nature of being composed of the many Digimon whose data composes him, and as a reference to the Biblical Legion
. After demonstrating his ability to use the techniques of Digimon the DigiDestined defeated, he uses his "Reverse Digivolve" attack to revert all of the DigiDestined's Digimon back into their default forms before then destroying the tags and crests. Apocalymon then uses his power to delete the DigiDestined and their Digimon, sending them to the Data World until they realize that they had the true crest powers within them all along, and they are able to rematerialize in the Digital World with their partners in their strongest forms for the true fight against Apocalymon. After the other Digimon destroy his Death Claws, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon destroy his humanoid form. Though they think they have won, Apocalymon speaks, and explains that those were only minor parts of him. He performs his suicidal ultimate attack, Total Annihilation, in a last ditch effort to destroy the Digidestined as well as the entire dimensional space, but the DigiDestined are able to use their Digivice
s to contain the blast, and only Apocalymon is destroyed.
, and is responsible for enslaving File Island with his Black Gears, hiding the Tags and Crests, and attacking the children directly and indirectly multiple times. Devimon controls the Black Gears, which perform multiple tasks for him. He generally uses free ones that when summoned will fly towards and eventually collide with a Digimon, bending it to his will and increasing its power and size. There are also some that will serve as scrying mirrors to keep watch on the children. Another set of Black Gears are built into giant arrays as the core of File Island itself. When operated, they can cause the pieces of File Island to separate or rejoin Infinity Mountain. Although Devimon has a strong control over the Black Gears, and at one point transforms Ogremon into many of them, he claims to have only found them. Before the events of the series, Devimon took control of File Island after scattering the Crests across the continent of Server and placing the Tags under the Net Ocean. At some point, he found out about a prophecy claiming that the youngest Digidestined would destroy him, and so when the children arrive, he indirectly attacks them with Black Gear infected Digimon, and puts the renowned Leomon and Ogremon under his thrall. When the children reach the mansion at the top of Infinity Mountain, he reveals himself, splits the island, and scatters them across the pieces, as well as sending more corrupted Digimon after them. While the children make their way back, he explains the prophecy to Ogremon and Leomon. Shortly before the island reforms and the children rejoin, he sends a heavily-infected Leomon to kill T.K. and Patamon
, who are the youngest of the Digidestined. Leomon is so strong that the children's Champion Digimon cannot harm him, but he is defeated when Koushiro shares his discovery that the children's Digivices can purge the corruption. With the children all assembled after heading to Infinity Island, Devimon transforms Ogremon into Black Gears and absorbs nearly all of the Black Gears on File Island into himself, growing significantly larger. He easily defeats all of the Champion Digimon, including Leomon, but as he is about to kill Takeru and Patamon, Patamon digivolves to Angemon and is able to delete him with a suicidal "Hand of Fate"
. Though Devimon begins deleting, he reveals that even more powerful evil Digimon exist, gloating that his vanquishers will not be able to handle them, as Angemon couldn't even defeat Devimon without sacrificing himself. In Digimon Adventure 02, Devimon briefly reappears while the Digimon Emperor
is searching for the piece needed to complete Kimeramon's construction. When the Emperor finds the Dark Whirlpool and goes down into it to find the piece, he finds the broken remains of Devimon. The Digimon Emperor disregards Devimon's taunt-like warning that "the powers of darkness cannot be controlled", and harvests his data for what becomes the arms and Digi-Core of Kimeramon. However, Devimon's influence causes Kimeramon to rebel against the Emperor, and his voice returns to taunt him again until Kimeramon is finally destroyed by Magnamon. His ultimate form MarineDevimon also appears in 02 however it is unclear if this is the same Devimon that the DegiDestined fought he is defeated by Angemon and is the first Digimon Angemon and TK defeat possibly because TK's grudge he went to after him first.
is an ultimate level puppet Digimon, and the first main villain that the children run into when they arrive on the continent of Server. Etemon can pinpoint their location via his Dark Network, and has a large army of Digimon working for him. Etemon has the character of an Elvis impersonator, being full of pride with an intolerance for people those fail to acknowledge his over-inflated ego. Etemon considers himself to be a great singer, using it in his signature "Love Serenade" attack which can regress the DigiDestined Digimon. In a fight, Etemon can overpower the children’s Digimon in their champion forms single-handily. Etemon uses his Dark Network to terrorize the DigiDestined at every turn as they find their Crests, one such scheme resulting in Tai and Agumon becoming fearful of trying to use their Crest's power after the latter assumed the form of Skull Greymon, until the children go into an upside-down pyramid to find Sora’s crest and unwitting freed Datamon, a prisoner of Etemon, who kidnaps Sora and tries to create a clone of her to defeat Etemon. But managing to unknowingly activate his Crest when he musters courage, Tai save Sora as Etemon dukes it out with Datamon. Datamon, in a last ditch effort, programs the Dark Network to absorb all Digimon in its reach, including himself and Etemon. However, Etemon is instead fused with the Network from the waist down and uses its power to attack the children. However, Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon and uses his "Giga Blaster" to seemingly defeat Etemon.
However, it actually caused a wormhole to open with Etemon trapped into a time-space limbo. But refusing to accept this fate, Etemon absorbs the Dark Network's energy to return to the Digital World, in the process becoming the Mega-level cyborg Digimon with his entire body coated in the indestructible alloy Chrome Digizoid. MetalEtemon goes looking for the DigiDestined and finds Mimi, Joe, Palmon, Gomamon, and Ogremon as they were attacked by Puppetmon. After a brief battle between the two villains over who gets to kill them, MetalEtemon tracks Mimi's group to Digitamamon's now-abandoned restaurant where he battles SaberLeomon. When SaberLeomon is fatally wounded while protecting Mimi from MetalEtemon's "Dark Spirits DX", Zudomon manages to make a crack in MetalEtemon's armor with his hammer, also made of Chrome Digizoid, SaberLeomon lands the deathblow.
to free him by offering the Crest of Love he had on his person. Once this was accomplished, he turned on them and kidnapped Sora
and Biyomon
with the intent to use their power to destroy Etemon. When Sora refused to help the revenge-driven villain, he was forced to create a clone of her. Although he wanted to destroy Etemon, Datamon was willing to do all the wrong things in order to get there. But when his revenge plan to use Biyomon and the Sora-Clone to kill Etemon failed, Datamon infected the Dark Network with his Plug Bombs, causing the Network to suck in every Digimon in the area and absorb their data and Datamon was no exception. Though Etemon survived this attempt on his life, he was fused with the Dark Network itself.
is a spiteful imp Digimon who is constant liar whose great wording skills allow him to fool almost anyone with his sweet-sounding 'Evil Whisper' lies. When forced into fight, DemiDevimon can use his DemiDart syringe to poison his targets. When the DigiDestined
each went their separate ways to find Tai, Myotismon sent DemiDevimon to keep them from getting back together: he made T.K fight with Tokomon and tried to get Tai and T.K to lose their memories. He made Joe stay in Digitamamon's diner to pay for his meal. Yamato tried to help Jou pay his debt but DemiDevimon paid Digitamamon to keep Yamato in his custody. He engineered a way to create a series of mishaps that sank Joe even deeper into debt and Matt started losing his patience. DemiDevimon also trapped Izzy and Tentomon
in Vademon's domain and had Mimi
be pampered and spoiled by the desperate Gekomon and Otamamon. Each time one of the plans failed, DemiDevimon was punished by Myotismon or his bats, which DemiDevimon states to hating bats twice, despite referring to himself as a "bat Digimon". The reunited children found a very emotional Sora
, who revealed her part in helping the gang back together. DemiDevimon told her that her Crest of Love would never glow because she never had love in her life. After DemiDevimon failed to kill Sora, Myotismon decided to handle the task of destroying the DigiDestined himself. However, since Sora realized her mother did love her and tried to protect her, her crest began to glow and the newly Digivolved Garudamon got them out of Myotismon's grasp.
DemiDevimon helped in recruiting some Digimon to serve as part of the army that would enter the Real World so they could find and kill the 8th Child and submit the humans to Myotismon's rule. He gained a rival out of Gatomon when it came to the issue of Myotismon's approval and being the favorite. The children learned that Myotismon's passage to the Real World was a gate situated in his castle. The children entered the castle and tried to go through the gate as well but they were halted by Myotismon's minions, DemiDevimon included. The children were later able to use magical cards to open the gate but DemiDevimon and the other minions were flying across Tokyo
and its several neighborhoods searching for the 8th Child. They used a copy of the Crest of Light to serve as a means to find him/her. Wizardmon
found the eighth Digivice and he tricked DemiDevimon to send him away. On August 3, DemiDevimon helped in capturing children from their parents and submitting them to Gatomon
so she would tell Myotismon whether the child was the eighth DigiDestined or not, on the threat of killing every last child in the Odaiba
area. But when Kari revealed herself, a big fight started. DemiDevimon snatched Kari's Digivice but was unable to hold on to it when Kari's tears over Wizardmon's death evoked the crest's power. After Myotismon was destroyed, DemiDevimon hid away in the Fuji TV
building's ruins. DemiDevimon was excited when Myotismon was resurrected as VenomMyotismon. But VenomMyotismon, no longer needing DemiDevimon, sucked him into his mouth and ate him.
is a drider
-like Demon-Beast Digimon who is an extremely cunning with great intelligence but has an equally scary temper. Being created by Oikawa with his DNA synthesized into her data, Arukenimon can assume the form of a a woman in red and purple spider-themed clothing with large shades concealing her eyes. Overseeing Ken's actions as the Digimon Emperor from behind the scenes Arukenimon takes over after the boy turns over a new leaf. At first, Arukenimon appeared before the DigiDestined in her human form as she uses his Spirit Needle hair to turn Control Spires into Digimon-like monsters that follow her orders. But in light of Paildramon's debut, Arukenimon lured the children into Giga House and used a flute to control the resident insect Digimon to kill them off for her. But when the scheme failed, she decided to take drastic measures and shifted to her Digimon form. She fought the children and proved to be a formidable foe, but suffers a humilating defeat before Mummymon saved her.
Bent on revenge for what she endured, Arukenimon created BlackWarGreymon
to rid herself of the children. However, due to the one hundred Control Spires giving Black WarGreymon free will, Arukenimon refocuses her plan to to destroy the Destiny Stones to throw off the balance of the Digital World. When BlackWarGreymon is motivated to destroy them, Arukenimon decided to hold off the DigiDestined to keep them from interfering. However, with divine intervention from the Digimon Soverign Azulongmon, Arukenimon's plans are foiled.
Following this, Arukenimon and Mummymon turned to Oikawa as he instructed Arukenimon to open the Digital Gates in the entire world. During Christmas Day, as the DigiDestined traveled around the world and helped their foreign DigiDestined allies close the gates, Arukenimon and Mummymon drove around Tokyo in a truck and kidnapped twenty children. The following day, they kidnapped Ken as well, so that Oikawa could scan his Dark Spore and pass it on to the children. After this, Oikawa, Arukenimon and Mummymon ran off to hide in a vacation house in the mountains, but BlackWarGreymon came from the Digital World to destroy them. As BlackWarGreymon asked Arukenimon and Mummymon where they came from, Oikawa revealed their origins. While the revelation clearly shocked and troubled Arukenimon and Mummymon, Arukenimon preferred not to discuss it and focus her efforts on tracking the seeded children and protecting Oikawa as they hid back in his run-down apartment in Tokyo. In the end, Arukenimon was tortured and killed by MaloMyotismon in the world of dreams as an excuse to test his newfound power on her.
is an undead Digimon who is armed with the Obelisk rifle that he uses in his "Necrophobia" attack along with using his wrappings to constrict an opponent in his "Snake Bandage" attack. Being created by Oikawa with his DNA synthesized into him, Mummymon dons a royal blue coat and an odd hat with randomly scattered golden buttons and wielding a cane. However, unlike Arukenimon's human form, Mummymon is hardly human and is more of a concealment that an actual transformation.
Mummymon first appeared to the aid of Arukenimon after she was beaten by the DigiDestined at the Giga House. Following this, he began working together with her to destroy the balance of the Digital World. Mummymon was in love with Arukenimon, and tended to flirt with her instead of focusing on their mission, but Arukenimon always rejected him in her arrogance. Mummymon never took the rejection to heart, however, and remained optimistic and cheerful. Still, because of his loyalty to Arukenimon and general skill, he remained a formidable foe to the DigiDestined over the course of the series. Learning of his origins as a Digimon/human hybrid, the revelation shocked and troubled Mummymon as he attempted to discuss it with Arukenimon who refused to get into it. In the end, when Arukenimon is killed to his horror, an enraged Mummymon attacked MaloMyotismon before the fiend proceeded to liquify Mummymon using his Crimson Mist attack.
Scorpiomon is gigantic sea scorpion-like Digimon that burrows in the sand and works for MetalSeadramon. He was the first henchmen of the Dark Masters to attack the Digidestined
first. After being trapped inside a beach hut by Metalseadramon, the Digidestined were knocked unconscious by Scorpiomon shoveling tons of sand into the hut. Scorpiomon was rewarded with clams to eat by MetalSeadramon and was then just as quickly punished by him for missing Mimi
and Joe
who managed to escape. Scorpiomon tried to capture them but was defeated by Zudomon and Lilymon, he was then stuffed back into the beach hut after the other children were rescued. MetalSeadramon set the hut on fire thinking the kids were still in it, but when Scorpiomon came running out on fire, MetalSeadramon picked him up and dropped him to his death as punishment for his failures.
Deepsea minions who works for MetalSeadramon. Repeatedly attacked the children until Ikkakumon digivolved to Zudomon and destroyed them.
Two of Puppetmon's 'playmates', they get killed by Puppetmon when he assumed they were lying to him while he was looking for Takeru in his dealy hide and seek game. The scene is edited in the US version.
Two of Puppetmon's 'playmates', actually helped the Digidestined against Puppetmon before they ran off in fear of what he would do to them.
Cherrymon worked for Puppetmon he nevertheless confronted Taichi. Living as long as he had, Cherrymon seemed to know every inch of "his" forest and pointed Yamato to a pond that would reflect the face of his greatest rival and could tell that the plan could still go wrong, knowing that the DigiDestined had something Puppetmon didn't. Cherrymon then informed Puppetmon from his plan but when he told his master that he must be careful, Puppetmon destroyed him out of anger, minutes before WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon clashed. Later when MetalGarurmon mortally wounds Puppetmon he asks Cherrymon what it is that the DigiDestined have that he doesn't (something that was also mentioned by Piximon) and his voice responded "friends" before Puppetmon was destroyed.
Machinedramon had a WaruMonzaemon as his slave master to use the Numemon to power his city on Spiral Mountain. When a group of the DigiDestined appeared in his area, he was lured away by Sora and Takeru while Hikari freed the Numemon. He was then attacked by the Numemon and although he easily defeated them he was weakened by the combined attacks of Angemon, Angewomon and Birdramon who rescued the enslaved Numemon. When Machinedramon heard his news about the DigiDestined, he was angry at WaruMonzaemon for not telling him sooner. Before he went to hunt them down, he killed WaruMonzaemon by activing the room's self destruct. In is edited in the dub to focus on the Digimon's disembodied paw.
was one of Piedmon's most loyal minions. As Taichi and his group approached Piedmon's observatory base, LadyDevilmon asked if she could be allowed to "punish them". LadyDevilmon is Piedmon's personal bodyguard, and an extremely dangerous digimon at the ultimate level. Piedmon agreed and she flew off to battle them at once. The DigiDestineds' Digimon took her on with help from Andromon but Taichi decided to have Sora and Takeru leave the battle to get Yamato and the others while Angelwomon battled LadyDevilmon, which quickly became a bitter catfight between the two enemies. With help from MegaKabuterimon, she obliterated Lady Devilmon with her Heaven's Charm attack.
After being knocked out of his castle by MagnaAngemon, Piedmon summoned a bunch of Vilemon to attack the DigiDestined. Most of them were destroyed by the DigiDestined's Digimon and their allies. The remainder of Piedmon's Vilemon army were sucked into MagnaAngemon's Gate of Destiny attack.
, Daemon is the leader of Daemon Corps. He first made himself known to the DigiDestined
after his minion SkullSatamon was destroyed by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. He demanded that Ken
come with him so he could obtain the Dark Spore's power (presumably, for his own ends). Arukenimon however appeared with a truckload of 'kidnapped' children and convinced Ken to come with her. Daemon refused to let Yukio Oikawa
get away with and sicked his other two minions, LadyDevimon
and MarineDevimon, after him. But after his remaining minions were destroyed by Silphymon and Shakkoumon, respectively, Daemon took matters into his own hands and stopped the truck, demanding Ken be handed over or else. But Daemon had to deal with the entire 02 team and the battle with the villain commenced. Despite everything they could throw at him, Daemon was too powerful to defeat. They decided to open a gate to the Digital World to send Daemon back there, but even while holding off their attacks, Daemon opens a gateway himself, telling them that banishing him to the Digital World would be pointless, as he can simply come right back (he also mocked them while he was at, saying "How did you think I was able to come in the first place?"). Ken was forced to use the dark power within him to convert a Digi-Port into a gateway to the Dark Ocean, through which Daemon was cast. Impressed at Ken's power, Daemon did nothing but laugh and vowed to return as the portal closed around him.
took control over the Digital World
, Andromon fought against Machinedramon. He was the first good Digimon to find the DigiDestined after Machinedramon sent them underground. Andromon said he was trying to round up a resistance against Machinedramon. When Machinedramon broke through and found the DigiDestined, Andromon fought him to give the kids some time to escape. Agumon was able to digivolve into WarGreymon, who then defeated the Dark Master. Andromon later helped the DigiDestined fight against Piedmon, but like most of them, he was turned into a key chain. After he was revived by MagnaAngemon, he helped the rest of the DigiDestined fight Piedmon and his Vilemon army. Andromon made a reappearance as a slave of the Digimon Emperor
, controlled by a Dark Ring. With Hikari stranded at Full Metal City, the Digimon Emperor decided to send Andromon. It seemed the Digidestined were outmatched by the powerful Andromon. It took Hikari's tears to bring Andromon back and make him remember his previous friendship with Hikari and the other Digidestined. After realizing who she was, he broke the Dark Ring from his neck and destroyed the Control Spire, freeing the Guardromon in the city. Andromon's ability to fight the Dark Ring was the first evidence that the Dark Rings could not successfully control Ultimate-level Digimon.
met on File Island - but not under better conditions. Devimon had infected Leomon with a Black Gear, having Leomon attack the DigiDestined against his will. He was briefly freed from Devimon's control to save Tai and Agumon by fighting Devimon. However, he was infected with another Black Gear and was under Devimon's control once more. When ordered to kill TK and Patamon, he was infused with an additional seven black gears, which changed him into BlackLeomon (although this name was not mentioned in the show), causing his size and power to increase so greatly he displayed power similar to that of an ultimate level digimon, and his colour tone darkened also, subsequently giving him the ability to incacipate the obstructive Garurumon and Greymon with his Fist of the Beast King attack. When he was freed by the children, he aided them in the final battle with Devimon. He also aided in the building of a raft that the kids needed to get to the continent of Server. While the DigiDestined tried to save their world from Myotismon
, the Dark Masters
took over the Digital World. Leomon was among those who tried to fight back. After being exposed to the power of the DigiDestined
's Digivices a few times when he was under the control of Devimon, he had inherited the ability to Digivolve to his Mega form, SaberLeomon. He rescued Mimi Tachikawa
, Palmon
, Joe , Gomamon
and Ogremon from being found by MetalEtemon and took them to where Digitamamon's diner was. When MetalEtemon attacked, Leomon Digivolved to SaberLeomon to fight him. He threw himself in front of an attack heading toward Mimi, being mortally injured in the process. Gomamon Digivolved immediately to Zudomon and attacked with his hammer sparks but could not hurt MetalEtemon since his body was coated with Chrome Digizoid. However, when Zudomon then threw his hammer at him, it cracked his body because the hammer was also made by Chrome Digizoid. With his remaining strength, SaberLeomon punched his claw into the cracked wound, defeating MetalEtemon and reverting to Leomon. As he died, Leomon made his peace with his arch-rival, Ogremon. With the Black Gear destroyed his tama was seen consolidating into an egg, and he was presumably revived after the defeat of Apocalymon.
is an Oni-themed Digimon who is Devimon's only willing minion, under the promise to kill Leomon once Devimon no longer needed him. But prior to the final battle, Devimon grabbed Ogremon by the throat and transformed him into a mass of Black Gears that he assimilated, along with all the other Black Gears on File Island, into his body so he could have the power to destroy the DigiDestined
. Ogremon, now a part of Devimon's body, assisted Devimon during the battle by fending off Leomon but was dislodged from Devimon by Angemon. Upon Devimon's destruction at the hands of Angemon, Ogremon escaped. He was eventually forced to battle the forces of the Dark Masters. As it turned out, Ogremon was never actually evil, he only wanted to fight Leomon and no one else. After getting injured by the meteor containing MetalEtemon, Ogremon allied with the two DigiDestined Mimi
and Joe
after their split with the other DigiDestined. After Leomon's death, Ogremon decided to help the kids in any way he could for his rival's sake. Following the defeat of the Dark Masters and Apocalymon, Ogremon left to be on his own once more to await the day that he and Leomon could resume their rivalry. Ogremon would later be referenced in the first episode of Digimon Adventure 02, when T.K. and Kari commented that their teacher looked like him (English dub only). He would also appear in the epilogue of the final episode, where Joe was teaching his son how to treat Digimon by using Ogremon as an example (referencing his treating of Ogremon for his injury in Digimon Adventure).
is a Champion level mutant Digimon that resembles fecal matter
("lemon custard" in the English version) who has the rodent
-like rookie beast Digimon by his side. The two first appeared while Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon
were separated from the others, harassing them until they were untentionally purified. Afterwards, they told her where Izzy and Tentomon
landed. Later on Chuumon and Sukamon were a part of Myotismon
's army which was trained by Nanimon until they quickly left due to his harsh methods. On the day Spiral Mountain was formed, Sukamon fell into a deep crack to his death with Chuumon left fending for himself until the DigiDestined
arrived. He sacrificed himself to protect Mimi from a knife thrown by Piedmon when he selected her to die first. When the Dark Masters
and Apocalymon were defeated, both Digimon were reborn. Three years later, the same Sukamon and Chuumon tried to get Mimi to go out with them after Shurimon broke Digitamamon free of the Dark Spiral. Mimi responded by punching them across the lake. In the Digimon Spirit Battle 1.5 game, Sukamon can Digivolve into Etemon.
first encountered Whamon when they were on their way to the Continent of Server, though it was not in better condition. Whamon was infected with a Black Gear and he swallowed them. When they came to rest in his stomach, they discovered a Black Gear embedded inside him. Taichi used his Digivice to destroy it, freeing Whamon from its influence. He shot them out his blowhole, but their raft was shattered in the process. To make it up to them, he would take them to Server. When they asked if he knew anything about the Tags, he mentioned that he had seen Devimon hide something underwater once, some time ago. The kids climbed inside him, and he took them to an underwater cavern, where they found their Tags after freeing Drimogemon from the Black Gear. He then carried them the rest of the way to Server. The DigiDestined who later meet Whamon again when they were cornered by the Dark Master MetalSeadramon. Whamon arrived just in time to save them, carrying them off to the depths of the Net Ocean. After evading the Divermon, Whamon then brought the DigiDestined to the surface, but there were immediately attacked again by MetalSeadramon. Whamon used his Tidal Wave attack to wash away the straggling Divermon, and then, when WarGreymon was caught between MetalSeadramon's jaws, saved him by head butting the villain. Enraged, MetalSeadramon fired his River of Power attack at Whamon, ripping a hole through his skull and fatally injuring him. As Whamon slowly died, he implored the DigiDestined to save the world. Whamon would later make a return appearance in Digimon Adventure 02, saving most of the new DigiDestined from being trapped in an offshore oil rig which was being attacked by a MegaSeadramon under the influence of the Digimon Emperor. This proves to be one of the cases in which a Digimon retains its memories despite being destroyed. In the original Japanese version, this Whamon actually helped to save the trapped DigiDestined while Ikkakumon battled MegaSeadramon.
first encountered Piximon when he used his Pixi Bomb attack to defeat Kuwagamon. Disgusted on how the DigiDestined Digimon did not fight him, he decided to train the group in his hidden jungle lair in the desert under a magical veil that Etemon did not know of. He had Taichi and Agumon try to find their way back out of a cave and had the others clean his floors. When Yamato and Koushiro sneaked out of the tower to find their crests, they found them in a well outside of Piximon's jungle. However, Etemon detected them and sent a Tyrannomon after them. When Tyrannomon invaded, Piximon put up his barrier to protect him and the DigiDestined from Tyrannomon's attack until Taichi returned with Greymon who defeated Tyrannomon. Piximon was about to attack Tyrannomon himself, a battle that he would easily win, but he was trying to buy time for Taichi and Greymon. Piximon knew that the DigiDestined would save the Digital World. Later on, Piximon returned to save the DigiDestined from the Dark Masters. He sacrificed himself so that the DigiDestined could get to Spiral Mountain. He was also the first one to mention that the DigiDestined had something that the Dark Masters didn't that made them stronger (this was later revealed by what can be assumed to be Cherrymon's spirit to a dying Puppetmon as the fact that they had friends). In the Japanese version, Piximon spoke in a quick falsetto voice and always ended his sentences with 'pi'.
Digitamamon was first seen running a diner with Vegiemon who made Joe and Gomamon
work off their bills, due to the fact Digitamamon accepts only USD
instead of the Japanese yen
that Joe had on him. Matt arrives to help Joe work off his bill and to ensure the safety of Joe when Digitamamon made a threat about "accidents" after DemiDevimon paid him in dollars to keep Matt at his diner. DemiDevimon told Matt that Joe was deliberately causing accidents so Yamato would stay there forever. Yamato eventually blew up and yelled at Jou. However, when Tai, Agumon, TK and Patamon
found them, Yamato decides to leave. Digitamamon, knowing he'll lose money, grew large and attacked. Veggiemon grabbed TK and held him by his ankle; Joe daringly jumps on Veggiemon, which freed TK and proved his reliability. Matt was stunned at how Joe tried to protect TK even after he yelled at him. Matt's thought of friendship allowed Garurumon to Digivolve to WereGarurumon and defeat Digitamamon. In Digimon Adventure 02
, Digitamamon runs a restaurant near the lake and the bill caused trouble for Yolei. When she tried to pay, Digitamamon said that he only accepted digi dollars. However, Mimi
and Palmon
appear with Michael and Betamon, who paid the bill for the gang. TK realized this was the same Digitamamon that forced Joe and Matt work in his restaurant. However, Digitamamon explains that's he a changed person since the ordeal and is now on the level. He even waives the bill, saying that it is on him. Everyone, except a still-annoyed Yolei, believed he was telling the truth. When a Gorillamon under the control of the Dark Spiral attacked, Digitamamon threw himself in front of the DigiDestined
and was sent flying. After Gorillamon was freed, Digitamamon rolled back. But this time, he had an unseen Dark Spiral in his shell and it regressed him to his evil self. When Halsemon, Flamedramon and Digmon's attacks couldn't get through his shell, Mimi tried to convince Digitamamon that he wasn't evil, but Digitamamon tackled her. That made Yolei angry and her talk of her trying to be sincere activated the Digi-Egg of Sincerity. Halsemon De-Digivolved to Hawkmon
and became Shurimon. Shurimon used the shuriken on his back to keep Digitamamon's shell open as Pegasusmon and Nefertimon trapped him. Shurimon used his Double Star attack and destroyed the Dark Spiral, freeing Digitamamon from its influence. A later episode would find the DigiDestined encountering him as the chef of yet another restaurant, with a Tapirmon serving as a waiter. The two of them attempted to assist the DigiDestined with stopping BlackWarGreymon
from destroying the last Destiny Stone (which was revealed to be the reason Digitamamon's soup tasted so good) by attacking Arukenimon and Mummymon, only to get wrapped up in bandages for their troubles.
The first ShogunGekomon seen was in a castle where his Otamamon and Gekomon servants worked, here being called simply "Shogunmon" by his subjects. A long time ago he lost a Karaoke
contest and thus fell into a deep sleep out of sorrow. The Gekomon and Otamamon were told by DemiDevimon that Mimi
was the one to wake their master by singing. However, Mimi took advantage of this to live the sweet life. When Mimi finally wakes up ShogunGekomon, he started to attack everyone and everything in a grumpy rage. Palmon
digivolved to Togemon to save Mimi from being flattened from the falling ceiling and MetalGreymon used his Giga Blaster attack to knock Shougun Gekomon unconscious again. Later, when the Dark Masters
attacked and kill their lord, a bunch of Gekomon and Otamamon from the castle assisted the DigiDestined's in the final battle against Piedmon and Vilemon. Three years later (in Digimon Adventure 02
) in the Night Forest, a small group of same Gekomon and Otamamon that were friends with Mimi ended up under the control of the Digimon Emperor's Dark Rings and were freed when Togemon and Halsemon took down the Roachmon Brothers and the Control Spire. Later, in a village under the control of the Dark Rings, the members of ShogunGekomon's group were found hiding underground and offered hospitality to the DigiDestined. A Ninjamon slipped a Dark Spiral on ShogunGekomon while he and the DigiDestined
were sleeping (as his solution to the Digimon Emperor taking over his territory was going to sleep and his love of sleeping was a running gag at this point), he went on a rampage. Pegasusmon and Nefertimon tricked him into attacking the Control Spire and he was knocked unconscious by Raidramon and Digmon. Raindramon, Shurimon, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon destroyed the Dark Spiral. The most prominent Gekomon, the unofficial leader of the other Gekomon and Otamamon, has a lisp that slurs his words and lengthens the S of his words.
The first Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon the DigiDestined
encountered were supposedly minions of Myotismon
, although they would rather have had it be otherwise. Dispatched to search for the Eighth Child, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon ended up in Shibuya
, where they became enthralled by the culture and populace of Earth and immediately set about exploring, having fun and generally causing trouble. It was only when they pulled a teenage girl's nose ring that they encountered Matt, TK and Gabumon
as they were searching for Patamon
(due to an argument he and Takeru had earlier). After explaining that they just wanted to have fun, the two carried on their mischief, with Matt and TK trying to get them out of trouble. But after the two stole some ice cream, Myotismon appeared and was angered to find the two slacking off. He ordered them to attack the brothers and Gabumon
, and they had no choice but to comply. As soon as they got far enough away from Myotismon, however, they simply quit as they did not want to hurt the DigiDestined. Enraged to find the two being friendly with his enemies, Myotismon attacked them. They tried to fight back but they were no match for his power and were killed off by his Grisly Wing attack. (in the English dub, they were condemned to his dungeon in the Digital World).
was actually a loner who traveled all over the Digimon World. On one of his journeys however, he nearly collapsed out of exhaustion. Gatomon
took pity on him and saved his life. Later in his life, he passed himself off as one of the mercenaries that Myotismon
recruited for his search for the Eighth Child. But in reality, Wizardmon's loyalties were to Gatomon, whom he believed to be the partner of the Eighth Child and wanted to unite them as his way of repaying her. After uniting the Eighth Child, Kari, and Gatomon as partners, Wizardmon and Gatomon broke into Myotismon’s Fortress to steal the Crest of Light (by hitting the guard Bakemon with a Thunder Ball giving Bakemon amnesia). However Myotismon discovered their plan, and fought Wizardmon one-on-one over Odaiba Bay. Despite Wizardmon’s skill in magic, he was beaten when Myotismon destroyed his wand and tossed him into the sea. Since Wizardmon could not swim, it seemed as though he drowned. However, he was saved by Zudomon, Patamon
, Joe, and Takeru and told them that he had the Crest of Light in his possession. After Wizardmon and the DigiDestined
assembled at the Fuji TV
Station, he revealed himself as an ally and healed Lillymon. Wizardmon and the children then prepared for an all-out assault against Myotismon. During the fight with Myotismon, it became evident that he was nearly impervious to all the attacks thrown at him. However, Wizardmon, though highly weakened from fatigue and damage from the last battle, and missing his main weapon, was the first to harm the vampire Digimon, by hitting him from behind while Myotismon gloated in his arrogance. Myotismon turned around, surprised and enraged to find that he failed to kill Wizardmon the first time. Wizardmon tossed the Crest of Light to Kari, but Myotismon blasted Wizardmon straight into a solid wall and assumed he finally killed the wizard and a fierce battle ensued. After Angemon came to the battle, Myotismon decided to finish it once and for all and, pouring all his power into one attack, threw the deadly Grisly Wing at Kari and Gatomon. Yet somehow, Wizardmon managed to stand in front of the attack a mere second before it could hit, mortally wounded in the process, and sacrifice his life for them. As he lay dying, Gatomon said she was sorry for getting him involved. However, he told her not to be sorry, as he had no regrets and that she was all that mattered, and had he not met her, his life would have had no meaning and he was glad that they were friends; Gatomon says they're friends forever. His death was quickly avenged when Gatomon Digivolved to Angewomon. Three years later (in Digimon Adventure 02
), on the day of his death, Wizardmon's data resurfaced and his "ghost
" began to cause activity at the Fuji TV station – his image appeared on screens all across the building and his voice would play from audiotapes. The DigiDestined came to the television station to remember Wizardmon’s sacrifice; the spirit manifested itself when Gatomon recognized him. Wizardmon gave the DigiDestined a cryptic warning, relating to the fight to occur after. Before he left, Gatomon called out to him, and the two of them reached forward to touch hands, but because he was a ghost, her paw went right through his hand. He pulled back, looking at his hands with a sigh, and apologized as he faded way. Every other Digimon who died in the Human World however appeared to have had their Data sent back to the Digimon World (this is confirmed because while Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon, and all the other mercenaries Myotismon had were destroyed in the Human World, their Data obviously did not linger in the Human world as Wizardmon’s did without a human host).
Intent on destroying the DigiDestined
once and for all (after the humiliation she was dealt), Arukenimon created BlackWarGreymon from 100 Control Spires to perform the task. He managed to easily defeat Paildramon without even trying. But when given the order to finish the job, BlackWarGreymon surprisingly refused to obey Arukenimon and simply flew away. It would turn out that, due to the number of Spires used in his creation, BlackWarGreymon had developed a conscious mind, separating him from his 'mindless' siblings. But it also made BlackWarGreymon confused about his purpose in life, with many questions that needed answers. He would encounter Agumon, who tried to help him. But in the middle of the talk, BlackWarGreymon felt a pain in him and left to find the source, destroying the first Destiny Stone as a result. After seeing Azulongmon when he destroyed his third stone, BlackWarGreymon made it his mission to destroy all the Destiny Stones in order to find and face Azulongmon, convinced he was his opponent. The DigiDestined attempted many times to stop him but he always got the best of them. Even when the last stone was protected by the combined might of Paildramon, Silphymon and Shakkoumon, BlackWarGreymon managed to take them all out despite the injuries he took, many of which resulted in him spurting oil from his cracked armor. However, when Azulongmon appeared, BlackWarGreymon attempted to combat the Mega, but Azulongmon explained to BlackWarGreymon that all things had a purpose in life. Thankful for hearing that, BlackWarGreymon left to find his purpose. On December 27, BlackWarGreymon emerged in the Real World to find/kill Yukio Oikawa
for disrupting the balance of both the Real World and the Digital World as he deemed since he created Mummymon and Arukenimon with his own DNA, Oikawa did not belong in either world after realizing his lack of answers for the questions of his existence in the Digital World, which caused Oikawa to see BlackWarGreymon as ungrateful. However, before he could kill the man, WarGreymon intervened and engaged him in battle. The raging battle spread into the nearby city, neither side able to gain the upper hand until the fight was joined by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, who together with WarGreymon fought BlackWarGreymon. After the battle it took lectures from Wormmon
, Agumon and Veemon
about the importance of life to convince BlackWarGreymon to enjoy life's pleasures and talk him out of killing Oikawa. BlackWarGreymon showed up when Iori's grandfather tried to talk Oikawa out of his plan. Myotismon
momentarily took over Oikawa's body and with the additional power from absorbing one of the Dark Flowers, fired a blast of dark energy at Cody's grandfather. BlackWarGreymon stepped in front and took the full blast, saving Iori's grandfather's life, but he was mortally wounded by the blast. Oikawa fled and BlackWarGreymon realized that Myotismon was actually controlling Oikawa like a puppet. He used the last of his strength to seal the Highton View Terrace Gate to the Digital World to prevent Myotismon from entering the Digital World. In the process, he found the purpose he had searched for all along and died a hero's death. His sealing of the gate would later cause problems. When Oikawa attempted to open the gate, they were thrown into an odd dimension. In the last episode, all of the original DigiDestined had to trek all the way to their summer camp location as that was the closest gate to the Digital World.
, short for , is a Japanese media franchise encompassing digital toys, anime, manga and video games. The franchise's eponymous creatures are monsters of various forms living in a "Digital World", a parallel universe that originated from Earth's various communication networks.-Conception and...
is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation of "animation". The definition sometimes changes depending on the context. In English-speaking countries, the term most commonly refers to Japanese animated cartoons....
series Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure
is a Japanese animated television series created in 1999 by Toei Animation based on the Digimon virtual pet made by Bandai. It is the first series of the Digimon anime "metaseries"...
, and its sequel series Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
Taichi and Agumon
- Agumon:
is Tai's Digimon partner, a reptile Digimon who digivolved from Koromon when his human friend was being attacked by a Kuwagamon. Being brave, relaxed, and funny, Agumon fights by Tai's side. During Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
, Agumon made intermittent appearances throughout the series. His most notable contributions were in the chain of events that led to Davis getting the Digi-Egg of Friendship while he was controlled by the Digimon Emperor's Dark Spiral. He then befriended BlackWarGreymon, forced to fight him later on.
- : Agumon's Champion form, a Dinosaur-type Digimon with well-muscled chest and forearms, orange skin with blue stripes, and a brown helmet with antler-like horns on the side and a single horn on the nose. Agumon first assumed the form to protect Tai from a Shellmon.
- : Agumon's Ultimate form, a Cyborg-type Digimon whose strength is said to be comparable to that of a nuclear warhead. While controlled by the DarkSpiral, Agumon assumed a blue-skinned virus version of MetalGreymon. Agumon first assumed the form when Tai invoked his Crest of Courage during the DigiDestined's final battle with Etemon.
- : Agumon's alternate Ultimate form, an Undead-type Digimon that resulted from forced digivolution. Overwhelmed by the urge to battle, SkullGreymon attacks friend and foe alike before losing enough energy to regress to a lesser form.
- : Agumon's Mega form, a Dragonoid Digimon clad in Chrome Digizoid armor who fights with improved speed and strength. He possesses Dramon destroyer gauntlets and the Brave Shield on his back. Agumon first assumed the form during the epic battle with VenomMyotismon and was the usual form assumed during the battles with the DarkMasters and then Apocalymon. WarGreymon can also DNA digivolve with MetalGarurumon to become Omnimon.
Geni is a mysterious being that the DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
first encounter after the battle with Devimon. He claims to be data, but without the same attributes as Digimon. In Digimon Adventure
Digimon Adventure
is a Japanese animated television series created in 1999 by Toei Animation based on the Digimon virtual pet made by Bandai. It is the first series of the Digimon anime "metaseries"...
Geni appeared as a very old man, but when Kari is possessed by the powers of light and gives them a glimpse of the history of the Digital World
Digital World
The Digital World is a fictional universe featured in the Digimon media franchise. In Digimon anime, manga, video games, and other related merchandise, the Digital World is a parallel universe to Earth that was made from computer data originating in Earth's communication...
, he is seen as a young man wearing a hooded robe, apparently one among many of his kind. Geni and his group were the ones that created the Digivices, Tags, and Crests, as well as choosing the Chosen Digimon. The Dark Masters discovered their plans, and Piedmon, along with an army of Guardromon and Mekanorimon, soon invaded and destroyed the secret base, killing all but Geni. Piedmon stole the Tags and Crests, but Geni managed to rescue the digi-eggs for the Chosen Digimon as well as the digivices. In his flight he dropped Gatomon's egg, leading to her growing up separate from the others.
At some point after Digimon Adventure, Geni called the DigiDestined back into the Digital World so that they could use the power of their Crests to add another layer of protection to the Digital World. This act unfortunately meant that the eight children's Digimon could no longer digivolve to Ultimate or Mega.
In the sequel, Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
, he reappears as a young man. It is possible that he accomplished this by copying himself as many more of his kind later appeared in the series, and one of them stated that he and Geni were once one and the same.
Throughout the first and second series Geni takes a backstage role to helping the DigiDestined. He calls them to the Server Continent to defeat Etemon, he helps them get through Myotismon's interdimensional gate, he gives Izzy a Digital Barrier program, and he tells them of the existence of Apocalymon, the final enemy. In the second series Geni resurfaces younger than ever, and aids them during the World Tour arc and helped the 8 original Digimon to regain their ability to Digivolve to Ultimate and Mega thanks to one of Azulongmon's powers cores which allows Paildramon to become Imperialdramon. He has counterparts in the locations that the DigiDestined were taken to by Imperialdramon. He appears at the end, returning to Gatomon her lost Tail Ring, whose absence he explains allowed Gatomon to Armor & DNA Digivolve like the others.
Geni's clones in the second series were:
- Benjamin: America-based clone
- Jackie: China-based clone
- Hogan (Eucalyptus): Australia-based clone
- José: Mexico-based clone
- Ilya: Russia-based clone
His young self was voiced by Hiroaki Hirata
Hiroaki Hirata
is a male seiyū from Tokyo. He stands at 175 centimeters , and is a member of Gekidan Subaru.He is most known for the roles of Sanji , Sha Gojyo , and the Narrator of Digimon Adventure...
(Japan) & Jeff Nimoy
Jeff Nimoy
-Biography:Jeff Nimoy wrote, directed, and served as story editor for the English translation of the anime Digimon: Digital Monsters . He also served as an Executive Producer and writer on numerous other Fox Kids shows...
in Season One and Two (where later on his replacement voice was done by Steven Blum
Steven Blum
Steven Jay Blum is an American voice actor known primarily for his work in anime dubs and video games, using his distinctive deep voice. Among his credits include the voice of Spike Spiegel of the anime series Cowboy Bebop and Mugen of the anime series Samurai Champloo...
) (English) while his old self voiced by Joji Yanami
Joji Yanami
is a Japanese voice actor currently represented by Aoni Production.- Television :* Ookami Shōnen Ken , Boss* Hustle Punch , Professor Garigari/Garigari Hagase* Osomatsu-kun , Tou-san...
(Japan) & Mike Reynolds (English).
Apocalymon is the primary antagonist of the Digimon Adventure season, debuting in the final episodes (as the final villain) as the one responsible for creating the chaos in the Digital World, creating Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
, and the Dark Masters
Dark Masters
The Dark Masters are a fictional villain group that appear in the first season of the Digimon media franchise, Digimon Adventure. The group consists of four powerful Mega-Level Digimon. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon...
. He reveals that he was born from the data of Digimon who had died instead of digivolving, and that their sadness and anger fills his very being, causing him to be depressed and somewhat suicidal; this led him to wage war against the joyful Digital World, in order to share his suffering. In the Japanese version he refers to himself as "we", possibly because of his nature of being composed of the many Digimon whose data composes him, and as a reference to the Biblical Legion
Legion (demon)
Legion is a group of demons referred to in the Christian Bible. The New Testament outlines an encounter where Jesus healed a man from Gadarenes possessed by demons while traveling, known as Exorcising the Gerasenes demonic.- In the Bible :...
. After demonstrating his ability to use the techniques of Digimon the DigiDestined defeated, he uses his "Reverse Digivolve" attack to revert all of the DigiDestined's Digimon back into their default forms before then destroying the tags and crests. Apocalymon then uses his power to delete the DigiDestined and their Digimon, sending them to the Data World until they realize that they had the true crest powers within them all along, and they are able to rematerialize in the Digital World with their partners in their strongest forms for the true fight against Apocalymon. After the other Digimon destroy his Death Claws, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon destroy his humanoid form. Though they think they have won, Apocalymon speaks, and explains that those were only minor parts of him. He performs his suicidal ultimate attack, Total Annihilation, in a last ditch effort to destroy the Digidestined as well as the entire dimensional space, but the DigiDestined are able to use their Digivice
The Digivice is a device from the fictional anime/manga Digimon series. The name 'digivice' is short for 'digital device'. They are based on the first Digimon product, the Digimon virtual pet...
s to contain the blast, and only Apocalymon is destroyed.
Defeated by a Greymon four years prior to the events of the series. Evidence that this happened was in Digimon The Movie and some episodes in Digimon Adventure when the Digi-Destined came back to Japan to look for the eighth child. This happened when the Digi-Destined remembered small memories on what had happen four years ago when they were at Highten View Terrace watching a battle with their digimon and another digimon. In the movie Parrotmon was hatched by a giant egg in which seems like it was floating in the sky. It soon hatched into Parrotmon and it seemed like Greymon knew Parrotmon was near and chased after Parrotmon. Both Digimon battled and after the battle they both disappeared and nobody knew who really won the battle. All the Digi-Destined in Japan were watching the battle and soon became Digi-Destined about 4 years later.- Voiced in the dub of the first movie by David LodgeDavid Lodge (voice actor)David Lodge is a voice actor who is not to be confused with the British actor of the same name. He is active in the anime and video game voice acting community, but is also very well known for his voicework in the Power Rangers franchise...
Devimon is the first major villain to face the DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
, and is responsible for enslaving File Island with his Black Gears, hiding the Tags and Crests, and attacking the children directly and indirectly multiple times. Devimon controls the Black Gears, which perform multiple tasks for him. He generally uses free ones that when summoned will fly towards and eventually collide with a Digimon, bending it to his will and increasing its power and size. There are also some that will serve as scrying mirrors to keep watch on the children. Another set of Black Gears are built into giant arrays as the core of File Island itself. When operated, they can cause the pieces of File Island to separate or rejoin Infinity Mountain. Although Devimon has a strong control over the Black Gears, and at one point transforms Ogremon into many of them, he claims to have only found them. Before the events of the series, Devimon took control of File Island after scattering the Crests across the continent of Server and placing the Tags under the Net Ocean. At some point, he found out about a prophecy claiming that the youngest Digidestined would destroy him, and so when the children arrive, he indirectly attacks them with Black Gear infected Digimon, and puts the renowned Leomon and Ogremon under his thrall. When the children reach the mansion at the top of Infinity Mountain, he reveals himself, splits the island, and scatters them across the pieces, as well as sending more corrupted Digimon after them. While the children make their way back, he explains the prophecy to Ogremon and Leomon. Shortly before the island reforms and the children rejoin, he sends a heavily-infected Leomon to kill T.K. and Patamon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise."Patamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Patamon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series....
, who are the youngest of the Digidestined. Leomon is so strong that the children's Champion Digimon cannot harm him, but he is defeated when Koushiro shares his discovery that the children's Digivices can purge the corruption. With the children all assembled after heading to Infinity Island, Devimon transforms Ogremon into Black Gears and absorbs nearly all of the Black Gears on File Island into himself, growing significantly larger. He easily defeats all of the Champion Digimon, including Leomon, but as he is about to kill Takeru and Patamon, Patamon digivolves to Angemon and is able to delete him with a suicidal "Hand of Fate"
A murder–suicide is an act in which an individual kills one or more other persons before or at the same time as killing himself or herself. The combination of murder and suicide can take various forms, including:...
. Though Devimon begins deleting, he reveals that even more powerful evil Digimon exist, gloating that his vanquishers will not be able to handle them, as Angemon couldn't even defeat Devimon without sacrificing himself. In Digimon Adventure 02, Devimon briefly reappears while the Digimon Emperor
Ken Ichijouji
is a fictional character in the Digimon Adventure 02 anime series.Ken is the final member of the 02 DigiDestined, partnered with Wormmon and holder of the Crest of Kindness. Unlike the other 02 DigiDestined, he lives in Tamachi, which is next to Odaiba...
is searching for the piece needed to complete Kimeramon's construction. When the Emperor finds the Dark Whirlpool and goes down into it to find the piece, he finds the broken remains of Devimon. The Digimon Emperor disregards Devimon's taunt-like warning that "the powers of darkness cannot be controlled", and harvests his data for what becomes the arms and Digi-Core of Kimeramon. However, Devimon's influence causes Kimeramon to rebel against the Emperor, and his voice returns to taunt him again until Kimeramon is finally destroyed by Magnamon. His ultimate form MarineDevimon also appears in 02 however it is unclear if this is the same Devimon that the DegiDestined fought he is defeated by Angemon and is the first Digimon Angemon and TK defeat possibly because TK's grudge he went to after him first.
- Voiced in the dub by Tom WynerTom WynerThomas Halperin "Tom" Wyner is an English-born voice actor for anime series who usually gets tough guy or villain roles. He is also a producer, director, and writer...

is an ultimate level puppet Digimon, and the first main villain that the children run into when they arrive on the continent of Server. Etemon can pinpoint their location via his Dark Network, and has a large army of Digimon working for him. Etemon has the character of an Elvis impersonator, being full of pride with an intolerance for people those fail to acknowledge his over-inflated ego. Etemon considers himself to be a great singer, using it in his signature "Love Serenade" attack which can regress the DigiDestined Digimon. In a fight, Etemon can overpower the children’s Digimon in their champion forms single-handily. Etemon uses his Dark Network to terrorize the DigiDestined at every turn as they find their Crests, one such scheme resulting in Tai and Agumon becoming fearful of trying to use their Crest's power after the latter assumed the form of Skull Greymon, until the children go into an upside-down pyramid to find Sora’s crest and unwitting freed Datamon, a prisoner of Etemon, who kidnaps Sora and tries to create a clone of her to defeat Etemon. But managing to unknowingly activate his Crest when he musters courage, Tai save Sora as Etemon dukes it out with Datamon. Datamon, in a last ditch effort, programs the Dark Network to absorb all Digimon in its reach, including himself and Etemon. However, Etemon is instead fused with the Network from the waist down and uses its power to attack the children. However, Greymon digivolves to MetalGreymon and uses his "Giga Blaster" to seemingly defeat Etemon.
However, it actually caused a wormhole to open with Etemon trapped into a time-space limbo. But refusing to accept this fate, Etemon absorbs the Dark Network's energy to return to the Digital World, in the process becoming the Mega-level cyborg Digimon with his entire body coated in the indestructible alloy Chrome Digizoid. MetalEtemon goes looking for the DigiDestined and finds Mimi, Joe, Palmon, Gomamon, and Ogremon as they were attacked by Puppetmon. After a brief battle between the two villains over who gets to kill them, MetalEtemon tracks Mimi's group to Digitamamon's now-abandoned restaurant where he battles SaberLeomon. When SaberLeomon is fatally wounded while protecting Mimi from MetalEtemon's "Dark Spirits DX", Zudomon manages to make a crack in MetalEtemon's armor with his hammer, also made of Chrome Digizoid, SaberLeomon lands the deathblow.
Datamon was a wild card who was a sworn enemy of Etemon ever since Etemon severely injured Datamon and imprisoned him within his pyramid for years. During this battle, all of Datamon's memories other than those of said battle were deleted, leaving him focused and hell-bent on revenge. However, Datamon managed to rebuild himself over the years and used the DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
to free him by offering the Crest of Love he had on his person. Once this was accomplished, he turned on them and kidnapped Sora
Sora Takenouchi
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Sora has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Sora...
and Biyomon
Biyomon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Her name derived from the onomatopoeia for , Biyomon is a small bird with much curiosity whose wings double as arms that she uses to grip objects...
with the intent to use their power to destroy Etemon. When Sora refused to help the revenge-driven villain, he was forced to create a clone of her. Although he wanted to destroy Etemon, Datamon was willing to do all the wrong things in order to get there. But when his revenge plan to use Biyomon and the Sora-Clone to kill Etemon failed, Datamon infected the Dark Network with his Plug Bombs, causing the Network to suck in every Digimon in the area and absorb their data and Datamon was no exception. Though Etemon survived this attempt on his life, he was fused with the Dark Network itself.
- Voiced in the dub by Eddie FriersonEddie FriersonEdward Davies "Eddie" Frierson is an American voice actor and stage actor who is also known as Christy Mathewson, Ted Richards, and Eric Frierson Edward Davies "Eddie" Frierson (born November 22, 1959) is an American voice actor and stage actor who is also known as Christy Mathewson, Ted Richards,...

is a spiteful imp Digimon who is constant liar whose great wording skills allow him to fool almost anyone with his sweet-sounding 'Evil Whisper' lies. When forced into fight, DemiDevimon can use his DemiDart syringe to poison his targets. When the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
each went their separate ways to find Tai, Myotismon sent DemiDevimon to keep them from getting back together: he made T.K fight with Tokomon and tried to get Tai and T.K to lose their memories. He made Joe stay in Digitamamon's diner to pay for his meal. Yamato tried to help Jou pay his debt but DemiDevimon paid Digitamamon to keep Yamato in his custody. He engineered a way to create a series of mishaps that sank Joe even deeper into debt and Matt started losing his patience. DemiDevimon also trapped Izzy and Tentomon
Tentomon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Based on a , Tentomon is a naturally friendly Digimon with carefree way of life. There are several different Tentomon that appear in various...
in Vademon's domain and had Mimi
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
be pampered and spoiled by the desperate Gekomon and Otamamon. Each time one of the plans failed, DemiDevimon was punished by Myotismon or his bats, which DemiDevimon states to hating bats twice, despite referring to himself as a "bat Digimon". The reunited children found a very emotional Sora
Sora Takenouchi
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Sora has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Sora...
, who revealed her part in helping the gang back together. DemiDevimon told her that her Crest of Love would never glow because she never had love in her life. After DemiDevimon failed to kill Sora, Myotismon decided to handle the task of destroying the DigiDestined himself. However, since Sora realized her mother did love her and tried to protect her, her crest began to glow and the newly Digivolved Garudamon got them out of Myotismon's grasp.
DemiDevimon helped in recruiting some Digimon to serve as part of the army that would enter the Real World so they could find and kill the 8th Child and submit the humans to Myotismon's rule. He gained a rival out of Gatomon when it came to the issue of Myotismon's approval and being the favorite. The children learned that Myotismon's passage to the Real World was a gate situated in his castle. The children entered the castle and tried to go through the gate as well but they were halted by Myotismon's minions, DemiDevimon included. The children were later able to use magical cards to open the gate but DemiDevimon and the other minions were flying across Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
and its several neighborhoods searching for the 8th Child. They used a copy of the Crest of Light to serve as a means to find him/her. Wizardmon
Wizardmon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise consisting of Japanese manga, anime, collectible trading card games, and more. Wizardmon is a Majin Digimon. He comes from "Witchelny", which is a separate part of the Digital World. He is a shy and caring dealer by nature, though he...
found the eighth Digivice and he tricked DemiDevimon to send him away. On August 3, DemiDevimon helped in capturing children from their parents and submitting them to Gatomon
Gatomon, known as in Japanese, is a Digimon creature from the Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Despite her size and mischievous nature, Gatomon is stronger than she looks as long as she has her Holy Ring on her tail....
so she would tell Myotismon whether the child was the eighth DigiDestined or not, on the threat of killing every last child in the Odaiba
is a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay, Japan, across the Rainbow Bridge from central Tokyo. It was initially built for defensive purposes in the 1850s, dramatically expanded during the late 20th century as a seaport district, and has developed since the 1990s as a major commercial, residential...
area. But when Kari revealed herself, a big fight started. DemiDevimon snatched Kari's Digivice but was unable to hold on to it when Kari's tears over Wizardmon's death evoked the crest's power. After Myotismon was destroyed, DemiDevimon hid away in the Fuji TV
Fuji Television
is a Japanese television station based in Daiba, Minato, Tokyo, Japan, also known as or CX, based on the station's callsign "JOCX-DTV". It is the flagship station of the Fuji News Network and the ....
building's ruins. DemiDevimon was excited when Myotismon was resurrected as VenomMyotismon. But VenomMyotismon, no longer needing DemiDevimon, sucked him into his mouth and ate him.
is a drider
In the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, a drider is an aberration that was formerly a drow . Driders are centaur-like creatures in the game, appearing as drow from the waist up, with their lower portions replaced by the abdomen and legs of immense spiders. They are most commonly found in the...
-like Demon-Beast Digimon who is an extremely cunning with great intelligence but has an equally scary temper. Being created by Oikawa with his DNA synthesized into her data, Arukenimon can assume the form of a a woman in red and purple spider-themed clothing with large shades concealing her eyes. Overseeing Ken's actions as the Digimon Emperor from behind the scenes Arukenimon takes over after the boy turns over a new leaf. At first, Arukenimon appeared before the DigiDestined in her human form as she uses his Spirit Needle hair to turn Control Spires into Digimon-like monsters that follow her orders. But in light of Paildramon's debut, Arukenimon lured the children into Giga House and used a flute to control the resident insect Digimon to kill them off for her. But when the scheme failed, she decided to take drastic measures and shifted to her Digimon form. She fought the children and proved to be a formidable foe, but suffers a humilating defeat before Mummymon saved her.
Bent on revenge for what she endured, Arukenimon created BlackWarGreymon
BlackWarGreymon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is a Digimon who is feared as the "Black Dragon Soldier". He believes in justice and does not approve of the evil acts of others...
to rid herself of the children. However, due to the one hundred Control Spires giving Black WarGreymon free will, Arukenimon refocuses her plan to to destroy the Destiny Stones to throw off the balance of the Digital World. When BlackWarGreymon is motivated to destroy them, Arukenimon decided to hold off the DigiDestined to keep them from interfering. However, with divine intervention from the Digimon Soverign Azulongmon, Arukenimon's plans are foiled.
Following this, Arukenimon and Mummymon turned to Oikawa as he instructed Arukenimon to open the Digital Gates in the entire world. During Christmas Day, as the DigiDestined traveled around the world and helped their foreign DigiDestined allies close the gates, Arukenimon and Mummymon drove around Tokyo in a truck and kidnapped twenty children. The following day, they kidnapped Ken as well, so that Oikawa could scan his Dark Spore and pass it on to the children. After this, Oikawa, Arukenimon and Mummymon ran off to hide in a vacation house in the mountains, but BlackWarGreymon came from the Digital World to destroy them. As BlackWarGreymon asked Arukenimon and Mummymon where they came from, Oikawa revealed their origins. While the revelation clearly shocked and troubled Arukenimon and Mummymon, Arukenimon preferred not to discuss it and focus her efforts on tracking the seeded children and protecting Oikawa as they hid back in his run-down apartment in Tokyo. In the end, Arukenimon was tortured and killed by MaloMyotismon in the world of dreams as an excuse to test his newfound power on her.
is an undead Digimon who is armed with the Obelisk rifle that he uses in his "Necrophobia" attack along with using his wrappings to constrict an opponent in his "Snake Bandage" attack. Being created by Oikawa with his DNA synthesized into him, Mummymon dons a royal blue coat and an odd hat with randomly scattered golden buttons and wielding a cane. However, unlike Arukenimon's human form, Mummymon is hardly human and is more of a concealment that an actual transformation.
Mummymon first appeared to the aid of Arukenimon after she was beaten by the DigiDestined at the Giga House. Following this, he began working together with her to destroy the balance of the Digital World. Mummymon was in love with Arukenimon, and tended to flirt with her instead of focusing on their mission, but Arukenimon always rejected him in her arrogance. Mummymon never took the rejection to heart, however, and remained optimistic and cheerful. Still, because of his loyalty to Arukenimon and general skill, he remained a formidable foe to the DigiDestined over the course of the series. Learning of his origins as a Digimon/human hybrid, the revelation shocked and troubled Mummymon as he attempted to discuss it with Arukenimon who refused to get into it. In the end, when Arukenimon is killed to his horror, an enraged Mummymon attacked MaloMyotismon before the fiend proceeded to liquify Mummymon using his Crimson Mist attack.
Scorpiomon is gigantic sea scorpion-like Digimon that burrows in the sand and works for MetalSeadramon. He was the first henchmen of the Dark Masters to attack the Digidestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
first. After being trapped inside a beach hut by Metalseadramon, the Digidestined were knocked unconscious by Scorpiomon shoveling tons of sand into the hut. Scorpiomon was rewarded with clams to eat by MetalSeadramon and was then just as quickly punished by him for missing Mimi
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
and Joe
Joe Kido
Joe Kido, known in Japan as , is a character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. He is partnered to Gomamon....
who managed to escape. Scorpiomon tried to capture them but was defeated by Zudomon and Lilymon, he was then stuffed back into the beach hut after the other children were rescued. MetalSeadramon set the hut on fire thinking the kids were still in it, but when Scorpiomon came running out on fire, MetalSeadramon picked him up and dropped him to his death as punishment for his failures.
- Voiced in the dub by Lex LangLex LangWalter Alexis "Lex" Lang is a two-time Emmy Award–winning American voice actor, producer and entrepreneur. He is the cofounder of The Love Planet Foundation, a non-profit organization which creates educational materials for children on the importance of recycling, world water awareness, and the...
Deepsea minions who works for MetalSeadramon. Repeatedly attacked the children until Ikkakumon digivolved to Zudomon and destroyed them.
- Voiced in the dub by Tom FahnTom FahnThomas "Tom" Fahn is an American voice actor. His sister and brother, Melissa Fahn and Jonathan Fahn respectively, and wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, are also voice actors. Tom Fahn is also sometimes credited as Tom Charles and Marvin Lee...
, Jeff NimoyJeff Nimoy-Biography:Jeff Nimoy wrote, directed, and served as story editor for the English translation of the anime Digimon: Digital Monsters . He also served as an Executive Producer and writer on numerous other Fox Kids shows...
, and Michael SorichMichael SorichMichael John Sorich is an American voice actor who is also a screen actor, writer, director and voice director.- Biography :...
Blossomon and Mushroomon
Two of Puppetmon's 'playmates', they get killed by Puppetmon when he assumed they were lying to him while he was looking for Takeru in his dealy hide and seek game. The scene is edited in the US version.
- Blossomon is voiced in the dub by Melodee SpevackMelodee SpevackMelodee M. Spevack is a voice actress and vice president of the Nevada-based Voxworks voice-acting corporation. She is also credited as Sonja S...
Deramon and Floramon
Two of Puppetmon's 'playmates', actually helped the Digidestined against Puppetmon before they ran off in fear of what he would do to them.
- Deramon is voiced in the dub by Doug ErholtzDoug ErholtzDouglas J. Erholtz is an American voice actor. He is well known for voicing Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto and Ichimaru from Bleach.- Anime roles :* Battle B-Daman - Joe, Biarce* Bounty Dog - Additional Voices...
Cherrymon worked for Puppetmon he nevertheless confronted Taichi. Living as long as he had, Cherrymon seemed to know every inch of "his" forest and pointed Yamato to a pond that would reflect the face of his greatest rival and could tell that the plan could still go wrong, knowing that the DigiDestined had something Puppetmon didn't. Cherrymon then informed Puppetmon from his plan but when he told his master that he must be careful, Puppetmon destroyed him out of anger, minutes before WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon clashed. Later when MetalGarurmon mortally wounds Puppetmon he asks Cherrymon what it is that the DigiDestined have that he doesn't (something that was also mentioned by Piximon) and his voice responded "friends" before Puppetmon was destroyed.
- Voiced in the dub by Jeff NimoyJeff Nimoy-Biography:Jeff Nimoy wrote, directed, and served as story editor for the English translation of the anime Digimon: Digital Monsters . He also served as an Executive Producer and writer on numerous other Fox Kids shows...
impersonating Marlon BrandoMarlon BrandoMarlon Brando, Jr. was an American movie star and political activist. "Unchallenged as the most important actor in modern American Cinema" according to the St...
Machinedramon had a WaruMonzaemon as his slave master to use the Numemon to power his city on Spiral Mountain. When a group of the DigiDestined appeared in his area, he was lured away by Sora and Takeru while Hikari freed the Numemon. He was then attacked by the Numemon and although he easily defeated them he was weakened by the combined attacks of Angemon, Angewomon and Birdramon who rescued the enslaved Numemon. When Machinedramon heard his news about the DigiDestined, he was angry at WaruMonzaemon for not telling him sooner. Before he went to hunt them down, he killed WaruMonzaemon by activing the room's self destruct. In is edited in the dub to focus on the Digimon's disembodied paw.
- Voiced in the dub by Dan LorgeDan Lorge-Anime roles:* Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Otto, Baron von Horny, Youngest Triple Bag* Cowboy Bebop - Additional Voices* Digimon Adventure - Monzaemon, WaruMonzaemon* Digimon Adventure 02 - Seadramon, Cody's Grandpa* Rurouni Kenshin - Shiro...
LadyDevimon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise, a Fallen Angel Digimon of the Ultimate Level. She was mainly in the Digimon Adventure/02 anime continuity. She and Angewomon are natural enemies, not only due to being polar opposites: LadyDevimon being a pure devil female and...
was one of Piedmon's most loyal minions. As Taichi and his group approached Piedmon's observatory base, LadyDevilmon asked if she could be allowed to "punish them". LadyDevilmon is Piedmon's personal bodyguard, and an extremely dangerous digimon at the ultimate level. Piedmon agreed and she flew off to battle them at once. The DigiDestineds' Digimon took her on with help from Andromon but Taichi decided to have Sora and Takeru leave the battle to get Yamato and the others while Angelwomon battled LadyDevilmon, which quickly became a bitter catfight between the two enemies. With help from MegaKabuterimon, she obliterated Lady Devilmon with her Heaven's Charm attack.
- Voiced in the dub by Melodee SpevackMelodee SpevackMelodee M. Spevack is a voice actress and vice president of the Nevada-based Voxworks voice-acting corporation. She is also credited as Sonja S...
After being knocked out of his castle by MagnaAngemon, Piedmon summoned a bunch of Vilemon to attack the DigiDestined. Most of them were destroyed by the DigiDestined's Digimon and their allies. The remainder of Piedmon's Vilemon army were sucked into MagnaAngemon's Gate of Destiny attack.
is a Composition Digimon created by Ken while as the Digimon Emperor to be his ideal Digimon partner to help him take over the Digital World, and he is seen working on it over a period of time. By that time, Ken synthesized various Digimon data to combine the best attributes into his creation—Kabuterimon's helmet, MetalGreymon's, Greymon's torso, Angemon and Airdramon's wings, Kuwagamon's left arm, SkullGreymon's right arm, Garurumon's legs, and Monochromon's tail. After acquiring the data remains of Devimon, manifesting in its upper arms, Ken completes Kimeramon. Though it was too powerful for the armored Digimon to fight, Devimon's data intensified Kimeramon's terrifying combat instinct and made it beyond Ken's control as it starts to runs amok while destroying everything in its path. Worried for Ken, Wormmon takes Davis to the power source of the base, the Digi-Egg of Miracles. Using it, Veemon becomes Magnamon. Although Magnamon puts up more of a fight, Kimeramon eventually overpowers him, and he is only able to destroy Kimeramon using the energy sacrificed by Wormmon.Daemon
In Digimon Adventure 02Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
, Daemon is the leader of Daemon Corps. He first made himself known to the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
after his minion SkullSatamon was destroyed by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. He demanded that Ken
Ken Ichijouji
is a fictional character in the Digimon Adventure 02 anime series.Ken is the final member of the 02 DigiDestined, partnered with Wormmon and holder of the Crest of Kindness. Unlike the other 02 DigiDestined, he lives in Tamachi, which is next to Odaiba...
come with him so he could obtain the Dark Spore's power (presumably, for his own ends). Arukenimon however appeared with a truckload of 'kidnapped' children and convinced Ken to come with her. Daemon refused to let Yukio Oikawa
Yukio Oikawa
Yukio Oikawa is a fictional character in the anime series Digimon Adventure 02. He is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in the original version and by Jamieson Price in the English dub version....
get away with and sicked his other two minions, LadyDevimon
LadyDevimon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise, a Fallen Angel Digimon of the Ultimate Level. She was mainly in the Digimon Adventure/02 anime continuity. She and Angewomon are natural enemies, not only due to being polar opposites: LadyDevimon being a pure devil female and...
and MarineDevimon, after him. But after his remaining minions were destroyed by Silphymon and Shakkoumon, respectively, Daemon took matters into his own hands and stopped the truck, demanding Ken be handed over or else. But Daemon had to deal with the entire 02 team and the battle with the villain commenced. Despite everything they could throw at him, Daemon was too powerful to defeat. They decided to open a gate to the Digital World to send Daemon back there, but even while holding off their attacks, Daemon opens a gateway himself, telling them that banishing him to the Digital World would be pointless, as he can simply come right back (he also mocked them while he was at, saying "How did you think I was able to come in the first place?"). Ken was forced to use the dark power within him to convert a Digi-Port into a gateway to the Dark Ocean, through which Daemon was cast. Impressed at Ken's power, Daemon did nothing but laugh and vowed to return as the portal closed around him.
- Voiced in the dub by Bob PapenbrookBob PapenbrookRobert DeWayne "Bob" Papenbrook was an American voice actor. Fellow voice actors often nicknamed him "Pappy". He was very well known in the worlds of anime and video game voice-overs for his voice acting of "gruff" characters...
Introduced in the second movie Our War Game, he suddenly appeared on the internet as a digi-egg, and after hatching, started attacking the internet. (In the dub, they say that he was created by Willis, but turned evil because of a data-virus. This is not mentioned in the Japanese version.) . Taichi and Koushiro, along with Agumon and Tentomon confront him first as his Rookie form, Keramon. During the battle, Keramon digivolves past his Champion form and into his Ultimate form, Infermon. Agumon and Tentomon then digivolve to Greymon and Kabuterimon, but are quickly defeated. Shortly after Yamato and Takeru join the fight, Infermon digivolves into Diaboromon. He hacks into an American military-base and launches a nuclear missile, before making thousands of clones of himself, and challenges the children into finding the one clone who has a clock. Destroying this one would stop the missile. (In the dub, they had to destroy the real Diaboromon, which would cause all the clones to disappear and the missile to stop.) He confronts WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, and due to the large amounts of emails sent to Koushiro, the processing speed causes their Digimon to slow down, allowing him to defeat them. After Taichi and Yamamto enter the internet, their Digimon then DNA Digivolve into Omnimon and quickly defeat the Diaboromon copies. After Koushiro forwards the emails to Diaboromon to slow down his processing speed, he is killed by Omnimon. Diaboromon would appear one more time in Diaboromon Strikes Back, this time confronting the DigiDestined of Season Two.- Voiced in the dub by Paul St. PeterPaul St. PeterPaul Schmidl Peter , better known as Paul St. Peter, is an American voice actor. He also uses the names George C. Cole, George Z. Cole and Francis C. Cole...
- Susumu & Yuuko Yagami: Taichi and Hikari's mother and father. The English dub tends to poke fun at the odd and unpleasant recipes Mrs. Yagami comes up with, such as beef jerky shakes and fungus cookies. Koushiro seems to be the victim for her recipes.
- Voiced in the dub by Doug ErholtzDoug ErholtzDouglas J. Erholtz is an American voice actor. He is well known for voicing Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto and Ichimaru from Bleach.- Anime roles :* Battle B-Daman - Joe, Biarce* Bounty Dog - Additional Voices...
and Dorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Ann Elias-Fahn is an American voice actress who is the wife of Tom Fahn . She is also known as Dorothy Melendrez and Annie Pastrano...
- Hiroaki Ishida & Natsuko Takaishi / Nancy Takaishi: Yamato & Takeru's divorced parents. Hiroaki works as a reporter at Fuji TV and tends to be a workacholic but has a nice demeanor. He finds out about his sons' connection to the Digimon during Myotismon's attack on the city. In Adventure 02 he takes the kids camping as a cover for staying in the Digital World. Nancy is a newspaper reporter. She met with Oikawa over Christmas, and later managed to track down the names and addresses of the Dark Seed children. Nancy's father, Michel, who lives in ParisParisParis is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
joins force with Takeru and Taichi to destroy the Black Spires in Digimon Adventure 2. He drives a motorcycle, is a true Frenchman, and mentions that Nancy's grandmother is a rather eccentric women due to the description of her antics.
- Voiced in the dub by David GreenleeDavid GreenleeDavid Greenlee is an American voice actor and actor best known for his portrayal of the nerdy hall monitor Dwight in the 1982 television series Fame from season 2 through to season 5 .-Anime Roles:...
and Barbara GoodsonBarbara GoodsonBarbara Goodson is an American actress known mostly for her versatility in voicing original and dubbed cartoons. She is voted one of the ten best women to do the voices for young males in cartoons...
- Haruhiko & Toshiko Takenouchi: Sora's parents. Toshiko, Sora's mother, banned her from playing soccer once when she came home with an injury. This caused a distance between them, though that was resolved later in the first season. Haruhiko is a college professor who is researching on the Digital World with Shuu, Jou's middle brother, who is one of his students. Yolei meets both of them during her class trip to Kyoto, and he explains some of his theories to her.
- Voiced in the dub by R. Martin KleinR. Martin KleinRobert Martin Klein is a voice actor who is known to play characters in Japanese animation and video games. He is also known as Bob Marx...
and Elizabeth Rice.
- Keisuke & Satoe Tachikawa: Mimi's parents. They spoiled her a bit and were overprotective of her. They also act like a newlywed couple.
- Voiced in the dub by Dan WorenDan WorenDaniel E. Woren is an American voice actor who is also known as Jackson Daniels, Warren Daniels, Dan Warren, Daniel Woren, and Dan Worren...
and Julie MaddalenaJulie MaddalenaJulie Lynn Maddalena is an American voice actress, sometimes credited as Julie Kliewer.-Anime Roles:* 3x3 Eyes - Ken-Ken * Battle Athletes Victory - Tanya Natdhipytadd...
- Shin Kido - Jou's eldest brother. He helps the Digidestined a little when Myotismon attacks Odaiba. In Michi E No Armor Shinka; he triple dates with Jun and Miyako's elder sisters and his brothers. In Digimon Original Stories CD2 reveals that Shin gets his own Digimon after "Million Points of Light" episode.
- Voiced in the dub by Doug ErholtzDoug ErholtzDouglas J. Erholtz is an American voice actor. He is well known for voicing Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto and Ichimaru from Bleach.- Anime roles :* Battle B-Daman - Joe, Biarce* Bounty Dog - Additional Voices...
- Shuu Kido - Joe's other older brother, the middle child. He meets Miyako when she is visiting Kyoto with her class. He also drove them to where they needed to be when Digimon was attacking. In Digimon Original Stories CD2 reveals that Shuu gets his own Digimon after "Million Points of Light" episode. Michi e no Armor Shinka sees him and Jun Motomiya triple dating with his brothers and Miyako's sisters.
- Voiced in the dub by Doug ErholtzDoug ErholtzDouglas J. Erholtz is an American voice actor. He is well known for voicing Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto and Ichimaru from Bleach.- Anime roles :* Battle B-Daman - Joe, Biarce* Bounty Dog - Additional Voices...
- Masami & Yoshie Izumi: Koushiro's adoptive parents. Masami was a distant cousin Koushiro's true father and after the death of Koushiro's true parents in a car accident the Izumis adopted Koushiro, having recently lost a son of their own. They never told Koushiro directly that he was adopted, but he overheard it himself, which troubled him for a while. The tension between Koushiro and his parents are resolved when they tell him directly that they are not his birth parents.
- Voiced in the dub by Jeff NimoyJeff Nimoy-Biography:Jeff Nimoy wrote, directed, and served as story editor for the English translation of the anime Digimon: Digital Monsters . He also served as an Executive Producer and writer on numerous other Fox Kids shows...
and Mari DevonMari DevonMari Devon is an American voice actress who is also known as Jane Alan.-Anime roles:* 8 Man After - Sachiko* Babel II - Juju* Battle B-Daman - B-DaMage* The Big O - Vice-President Mari Devon (born 1960) is an American voice actress who is also known as Jane Alan.-Anime roles:* 8 Man After -...
- Jun Motomiya: Daisuke' older sister. She and Daisuke argue repeatedly but are still close. She also chases after Yamato through most of the early second season, trying to get a date with him. After she finally realizes that he did not like her, she quickly formed another crush on Shuu Kido (In Michi E No Armor Shinka; the pair on a triple date with Jyou and Misako's older sisters). In Digimon Original Stories CD2 reveals that Jun gets her own Digimon after "Million Points of Light" episode.
- Voiced in the dub by Peggy O'NealPeggy O'NealPeggy O'Neal is a voice actress who is also known as Peggy O'Neil and Peggie O'Neal.-Anime roles:* Battle B-Daman - Liena Vincent* Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion - Dorothea Ernst, Ayame Futaba...
- Momoe, Chizuru, Mantarou: Miyako's siblings, two sisters and brother. Because there are four of them in one family, they have to fight for attention. In Michi E No Armor Shinka; Momoe and Chizuru, along with Jun Motomiya, go on a triple date with the Kido boys. Digimon Original Stories CD2 reveals that Chizuru and Momoe get their own Digimon after "Million Points of Light" episode.
- Momoe is voiced in the dub by Dina Sherman. Chizuru is voiced in the dub by Elizabeth Rice. Mantarou is voiced in the dub by Jonathan FahnJonathan FahnJonathan Fahn is a voice actor who is the brother of Melissa Fahn and Tom Fahn and the husband of Jennie Fahn.-Anime Roles:* Ambassador Magma - Mamoru Murakami* Battle Athletes Victory - Kannoji, Operator...
and later voiced by Tom FahnTom FahnThomas "Tom" Fahn is an American voice actor. His sister and brother, Melissa Fahn and Jonathan Fahn respectively, and wife, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, are also voice actors. Tom Fahn is also sometimes credited as Tom Charles and Marvin Lee...
- Hiroki Hida: Iori's deceased father. He was a police officer who died in the line of duty protecting a politician from an assassination attempt.
- Chikara Hida: Iori's grandfather, he serves as a father figure in Hiroki's absence. He also teaches Iori kendo. He has a strange obsession with Prune juice (in the English dub, he also enjoys drinking liquid yogurt drinks).
- Voiced in the dub by Dan LorgeDan Lorge-Anime roles:* Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Otto, Baron von Horny, Youngest Triple Bag* Cowboy Bebop - Additional Voices* Digimon Adventure - Monzaemon, WaruMonzaemon* Digimon Adventure 02 - Seadramon, Cody's Grandpa* Rurouni Kenshin - Shiro...
- Osamu Ichijouji: Ken's deceased older brother. When Ken was little, Osamu was an A+ student and got most of the attention. One day Ken wished he would go away because he was jealous. Ken was horrified to discover that on that same day Osamu was hit by a car and died.
Other Digidestined
- Original Digidestined: The chosen group of Digidestined before Taichi, Kari and others went to the Digital World. They were mentioned during the fight with Apocalymon and the conversation with Gennai that followed.
- Michael: An American Chosen Child whom Mimi knows. His Digimon partner is a Betamon who can Digivolve into SeadramonSeadramonAn Aquatic Digimon that has a long, serpentine body. Using its long body, it wreathes itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constricts until the enemy suffocates. Naturally, it doesn't have intelligence or speech, and it swims around the Net Ocean leisurely according to its instincts...
- Voiced in the dub by Tom GibisTom GibisThomas Wayne Gibis is a voice actor, best known for playing the voice of Shikamaru Nara on Naruto. Gibis made a rare public appearance at the Anime Expo 2006, along with many other cast members from Naruto. He had broken his arm as he showed up wearing an arm sling due to a separated shoulder from...
- Wallace (Willis)Willis (Digimon)Willis, known as in the Japanese version, is a fictional character in the anime series Digimon. He appears in the film Digimon Hurricane Touchdown/Supreme Evolution! The Golden Digimentals, as well as in the CD drama, Natsu e no Tobira...
: An American Chosen Child (from ColoradoColoradoColorado is a U.S. state that encompasses much of the Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains...
) featured in the third movie (and a CD special). He had two Digimon partners, Terriermon and Kokomon. Kokomon was infected with a virus and driven mad. The other chosen children helped him fight against Kokomon. They sadly had to destroy him, though he is reborn as a Digi Egg. Wallace also calls his mother frequently to tell her where he is. He receives the Digi-egg of Fate.
- Lou, Maria, Steve, Sam (Phil), Tatum - Five more American Chosen Children. Sam's Digimon partner is Flarerizamon, Tatum's is Airdramon, Maria's is Centarumon, Steve's is Frigimon, and Lou's is Tortomon.
- Lou is voiced in the dub by Dan LorgeDan Lorge-Anime roles:* Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Otto, Baron von Horny, Youngest Triple Bag* Cowboy Bebop - Additional Voices* Digimon Adventure - Monzaemon, WaruMonzaemon* Digimon Adventure 02 - Seadramon, Cody's Grandpa* Rurouni Kenshin - Shiro...
. Maria is voiced in the dub by Dorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Ann Elias-Fahn is an American voice actress who is the wife of Tom Fahn . She is also known as Dorothy Melendrez and Annie Pastrano...
. Phil is voiced in the dub by Brianne SiddallBrianne SiddallBrianne Siddall is an American voice actress. She is usually cast in the short kid role of a timid young boy. She was also a voice actress during the Power Rangers era who was active in the franchise until it moved to New Zealand in 2003...
- Hoi Brothers: Three brothers who help Koushiro and Hikari in Hong Kong. They all formed quick crushes on Hikari. Each of them has a Syakomon for a Digimon partner that can digivolve into Octomon.
- Voiced in the dub by Jonathan FahnJonathan FahnJonathan Fahn is a voice actor who is the brother of Melissa Fahn and Tom Fahn and the husband of Jennie Fahn.-Anime Roles:* Ambassador Magma - Mamoru Murakami* Battle Athletes Victory - Kannoji, Operator...
, Dan LorgeDan Lorge-Anime roles:* Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Otto, Baron von Horny, Youngest Triple Bag* Cowboy Bebop - Additional Voices* Digimon Adventure - Monzaemon, WaruMonzaemon* Digimon Adventure 02 - Seadramon, Cody's Grandpa* Rurouni Kenshin - Shiro...
and Kirk ThorntonKirk ThorntonKirk Thornton is an American voice actor.-Bio:He is known for playing tough or grouchy men in English-dubbed anime and video games. His career includes Hotohori in Fushigi Yūgi and Jin in Samurai Champloo...
- Yue Hong: A Chinese Chosen Child. Yuehon's Digimon partner is Apemon.
- Voiced in the dub by Mary Elizabeth McGlynnMary Elizabeth McGlynnMary Elizabeth McGlynn is an American voice actress, ADR director, writer, and singer best known for her extensive English-language dubbing of various anime, and her singing in multiple games from the Silent Hill series, as well as the movie adaptation and Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME. She has...
- Dien: A Vietnamese Chosen Child. Dien's Digimon partner is Gorillamon. He is seen in the background practicing with Jackie, Gennai's Chinese counterpart.
- Mina: An Indian Chosen Child. Her Digimon partner is Meramon.
- Voiced in the dub by Wendee LeeWendee LeeWendee Lee is an American voice actress. While she has done voice work for many video games as well as several episodes in the Power Rangers franchise, she is particularly prolific in the dubbing of anime. As of April 2009, with 223 credits to her name, she has more credits in this medium than any...
- Dingo: An Australian Chosen Child who helped Jou and Iori. His Digimon partner is a Crabmon who can digivolve into Coelamon. In the English version, his name is dubbed to Derek namimg him after his voice actor Derek Stephen PrinceDerek Stephen PrinceDerek Stephen Prince is an American voice actor who is most memorable for his various roles in the Digimon series, as well as the voice of Elgar in the live-action Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers in Space.While a talented actor, with vocal skills capable of anything from High School girls to...
- Unnamed Australian Chosen Children - Their partners include a Bukamon, a Divermon and 2 Gizamon.
- Catherine: A French Chosen Child who helped Tai and T.K. Both Tai and T.K. seemed to have somewhat of a crush on her. Her Digimon partner is a Floramon that can Digivolve into Kiwimon.
- Voiced in the dub by Philece SamplerPhilece SamplerPhilece P. Sampler is an American voice actress and television actress, whose credits include various characters in anime. She also goes by the aliases of Sue Beth Arden, Victoria Pryne, and Debra Cunningham...
- Unnamed French Chosen Children - Each one of them has an Elecmon, a Gotsumon, and 2 Gazimon, Vegiemon, and Vilemon.
- Chichos: A Mexican Chosen Child who helped Ken and Yamato. She had a crush on both Ken, and later on Stingmon. Her Digimon partner is Gotsumon that can Digivolve into Monochromon. She is one of the few non-star Digi-Destined to have her Digimon receive a Digivolution process like the "chosen Digimon".
- Voiced in the dub by Dorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Elias-FahnDorothy Ann Elias-Fahn is an American voice actress who is the wife of Tom Fahn . She is also known as Dorothy Melendrez and Annie Pastrano...
- Unnamed Mexican Chosen Children - They were unseen, but were known to exist.
- Yuri, Lara (Sonya), and Anna: Russian DigiDestined who help Sora and Miyako. They could not speak the same language and had to communicate through hand signals. In the English dub, Miyako used the only three Russian words she knew (piroshki, borschtBorschtBorscht is a soup of Ukrainian origin that is popular in many Eastern and Central European countries. In most of these countries, it is made with beetroot as the main ingredient, giving it a deep reddish-purple color...
, and caviarCaviarCaviar, sometimes called black caviar, is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed, salted, non-fertilized sturgeon roe. The roe can be "fresh" or pasteurized, the latter having much less culinary and economic value....
) to communicate. They had Kuwagamon, Snimon, and Unimon for their Digimon partners. Lara's name has been translated as Lala, Lola or Laura, however, the three names are, like the Digidestined of the other countries, cultural references: Yuri, Lara and Anna are characters from the Russian epic novel Doctor ZhivagoDoctor Zhivago (novel)Doctor Zhivago is a 20th century novel by Boris Pasternak, first published in 1957. The novel is named after its protagonist, Yuri Zhivago, a physician and poet...
- Yuri is voiced in the dub by Doug ErholtzDoug ErholtzDouglas J. Erholtz is an American voice actor. He is well known for voicing Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto and Ichimaru from Bleach.- Anime roles :* Battle B-Daman - Joe, Biarce* Bounty Dog - Additional Voices...
. Sonya is voiced in the dub by Laura SummerLaura Summer- Anime Roles :* Digimon Adventure/Digimon Adventure 02 - Patamon* Flint the Time Detective - Princess Hightower* Mirmo! - Ponta* Hello Kitty - Mimi- Non-Anime roles :* The Real Ghostbusters - Janine Melnitz...
. Anna is voiced in the dub by Philece SamplerPhilece SamplerPhilece P. Sampler is an American voice actress and television actress, whose credits include various characters in anime. She also goes by the aliases of Sue Beth Arden, Victoria Pryne, and Debra Cunningham...
- Unnamed Siberian Chosen Children - Each of them has some Frigimon as their Digimon partner.
- Noriko, Hiroshi, Takashi, Keiko: Four children who were infected with the Dark Spores. They became strong and smart but cold and callous once the Dark Spore took their hold on them. Noriko's Dark Spore ended up blooming early causing Oikawa to harvest it. The remaining Dark Spore children helped Oikawa try to go to the Digital World but ended up in another dimension instead. MaloMyotismon emerged from Oikawa and absorbed the Dark Spores inside each of them. When MaloMyotismon began to lose the fight, he fed on their fear to power himself up. Davis and the gang gave them some pep talk to cheer them up, which in turn weakened MaloMyotismon. When they listened on their dreams Hiroshi said he wanted to draw comics, Takashi said she wanted to play baseball, and Keiko wanted to become a baker, and Noriko wanted to become a kindergarten teacher.
- Noriko is voiced in the dub by Laura SummerLaura Summer- Anime Roles :* Digimon Adventure/Digimon Adventure 02 - Patamon* Flint the Time Detective - Princess Hightower* Mirmo! - Ponta* Hello Kitty - Mimi- Non-Anime roles :* The Real Ghostbusters - Janine Melnitz...
in the first appearance and by Bridget HoffmanBridget HoffmanBridget Hoffman is an American actress best known for her work as an anime voice actress. She also serves as an ADR scriptwriter and ADR director...
in later appearances. Takashi is voiced by Wendee LeeWendee LeeWendee Lee is an American voice actress. While she has done voice work for many video games as well as several episodes in the Power Rangers franchise, she is particularly prolific in the dubbing of anime. As of April 2009, with 223 credits to her name, she has more credits in this medium than any...
in the first appearance and by Brianne SiddallBrianne SiddallBrianne Siddall is an American voice actress. She is usually cast in the short kid role of a timid young boy. She was also a voice actress during the Power Rangers era who was active in the franchise until it moved to New Zealand in 2003...
in later appearances.
- Mr. Fujiyama: A teacher at the school. He is first seen when Taichi and the others first came back from the Digital World. In the second season he has become the manager of the school's computer lab, despite the fact that he knows relatively little about computers.
- Yutaka, Akira, Takashi: Members of the "Teenage-Wolves" band that Yamato sings for.
- Television Studio Employees: Several employees who work with Yamato's father at Fuji TV Station. Most are unnamed although two of them are identified as Charlie and Jeremiah. Charlie is a fatalist and often believes the world is coming to the end. In Digimon Adventure 2, he has created his own documentary but he never airs due to the spirit of Wizardmon infecting the systems in the television station while Jeremiah is a spectacled man who seems to be an audio operator and listens to mind over matter cassettes a lot. Other members include a brunette-haired woman who was part of the team working under Yamato's father, and a pessimistic bearded man who works with Charlie in Digimon Adventure 2.
Andromon was the first Ultimate level Digimon to appear in Adventure 01. The DigiDestined first meet Andromon when they are exploring a factory. Their initial hope was that the factory had human life, but they discover that everything is completely automated and run by machines. Taichi, Sora, and Jou hear a crash; when they investigate the sound, they see Andromon sprawled out, lifeless, under some machine equipment. They try pulling him out, but a black gear becomes embedded into Andromon’s bad leg, causing him to become obsessed with vengeance and attack the kids. Meanwhile, while in the factory, Koushiro taps into a program that activates his Digivice, but at the same time seems to affect Tentomon, causing him to become abnormally hot. Garurumon and Greymon make an attempt to fight Andromon, but are severely outmatched, as he is an Ultimate level Digimon. Tentomon suggests that Koushiro reenter the program; when he does, Tentomon digivolves into Kabuterimon and disables the black gear in Andromon’s leg. It turned out Andromon was actually a very helpful and kind Digimon who would never intentionally hurt anyone. When the Dark MastersDark Masters
The Dark Masters are a fictional villain group that appear in the first season of the Digimon media franchise, Digimon Adventure. The group consists of four powerful Mega-Level Digimon. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon...
took control over the Digital World
Digital World
The Digital World is a fictional universe featured in the Digimon media franchise. In Digimon anime, manga, video games, and other related merchandise, the Digital World is a parallel universe to Earth that was made from computer data originating in Earth's communication...
, Andromon fought against Machinedramon. He was the first good Digimon to find the DigiDestined after Machinedramon sent them underground. Andromon said he was trying to round up a resistance against Machinedramon. When Machinedramon broke through and found the DigiDestined, Andromon fought him to give the kids some time to escape. Agumon was able to digivolve into WarGreymon, who then defeated the Dark Master. Andromon later helped the DigiDestined fight against Piedmon, but like most of them, he was turned into a key chain. After he was revived by MagnaAngemon, he helped the rest of the DigiDestined fight Piedmon and his Vilemon army. Andromon made a reappearance as a slave of the Digimon Emperor
Ken Ichijouji
is a fictional character in the Digimon Adventure 02 anime series.Ken is the final member of the 02 DigiDestined, partnered with Wormmon and holder of the Crest of Kindness. Unlike the other 02 DigiDestined, he lives in Tamachi, which is next to Odaiba...
, controlled by a Dark Ring. With Hikari stranded at Full Metal City, the Digimon Emperor decided to send Andromon. It seemed the Digidestined were outmatched by the powerful Andromon. It took Hikari's tears to bring Andromon back and make him remember his previous friendship with Hikari and the other Digidestined. After realizing who she was, he broke the Dark Ring from his neck and destroyed the Control Spire, freeing the Guardromon in the city. Andromon's ability to fight the Dark Ring was the first evidence that the Dark Rings could not successfully control Ultimate-level Digimon.
- Voiced in the dub by Michael SorichMichael SorichMichael John Sorich is an American voice actor who is also a screen actor, writer, director and voice director.- Biography :...
Leomon was one of the first good Digimon that the DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
met on File Island - but not under better conditions. Devimon had infected Leomon with a Black Gear, having Leomon attack the DigiDestined against his will. He was briefly freed from Devimon's control to save Tai and Agumon by fighting Devimon. However, he was infected with another Black Gear and was under Devimon's control once more. When ordered to kill TK and Patamon, he was infused with an additional seven black gears, which changed him into BlackLeomon (although this name was not mentioned in the show), causing his size and power to increase so greatly he displayed power similar to that of an ultimate level digimon, and his colour tone darkened also, subsequently giving him the ability to incacipate the obstructive Garurumon and Greymon with his Fist of the Beast King attack. When he was freed by the children, he aided them in the final battle with Devimon. He also aided in the building of a raft that the kids needed to get to the continent of Server. While the DigiDestined tried to save their world from Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
, the Dark Masters
Dark Masters
The Dark Masters are a fictional villain group that appear in the first season of the Digimon media franchise, Digimon Adventure. The group consists of four powerful Mega-Level Digimon. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon...
took over the Digital World. Leomon was among those who tried to fight back. After being exposed to the power of the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
's Digivices a few times when he was under the control of Devimon, he had inherited the ability to Digivolve to his Mega form, SaberLeomon. He rescued Mimi Tachikawa
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
, Palmon
Palmon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. She is a plant Digimon with reptile features. The name "Palmon" comes from palm, a family of flowering plant. Palmon also appears in the sequel...
, Joe , Gomamon
Gomamon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Gomamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...
and Ogremon from being found by MetalEtemon and took them to where Digitamamon's diner was. When MetalEtemon attacked, Leomon Digivolved to SaberLeomon to fight him. He threw himself in front of an attack heading toward Mimi, being mortally injured in the process. Gomamon Digivolved immediately to Zudomon and attacked with his hammer sparks but could not hurt MetalEtemon since his body was coated with Chrome Digizoid. However, when Zudomon then threw his hammer at him, it cracked his body because the hammer was also made by Chrome Digizoid. With his remaining strength, SaberLeomon punched his claw into the cracked wound, defeating MetalEtemon and reverting to Leomon. As he died, Leomon made his peace with his arch-rival, Ogremon. With the Black Gear destroyed his tama was seen consolidating into an egg, and he was presumably revived after the defeat of Apocalymon.
- Voiced in the dub by Paul St. PeterPaul St. PeterPaul Schmidl Peter , better known as Paul St. Peter, is an American voice actor. He also uses the names George C. Cole, George Z. Cole and Francis C. Cole...

is an Oni-themed Digimon who is Devimon's only willing minion, under the promise to kill Leomon once Devimon no longer needed him. But prior to the final battle, Devimon grabbed Ogremon by the throat and transformed him into a mass of Black Gears that he assimilated, along with all the other Black Gears on File Island, into his body so he could have the power to destroy the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
. Ogremon, now a part of Devimon's body, assisted Devimon during the battle by fending off Leomon but was dislodged from Devimon by Angemon. Upon Devimon's destruction at the hands of Angemon, Ogremon escaped. He was eventually forced to battle the forces of the Dark Masters. As it turned out, Ogremon was never actually evil, he only wanted to fight Leomon and no one else. After getting injured by the meteor containing MetalEtemon, Ogremon allied with the two DigiDestined Mimi
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
and Joe
Joe Kido
Joe Kido, known in Japan as , is a character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. He is partnered to Gomamon....
after their split with the other DigiDestined. After Leomon's death, Ogremon decided to help the kids in any way he could for his rival's sake. Following the defeat of the Dark Masters and Apocalymon, Ogremon left to be on his own once more to await the day that he and Leomon could resume their rivalry. Ogremon would later be referenced in the first episode of Digimon Adventure 02, when T.K. and Kari commented that their teacher looked like him (English dub only). He would also appear in the epilogue of the final episode, where Joe was teaching his son how to treat Digimon by using Ogremon as an example (referencing his treating of Ogremon for his injury in Digimon Adventure).
Sukamon and Chuumon

- Sukamon:
- Chuumon:
is a Champion level mutant Digimon that resembles fecal matter
Fecal Matter
Fecal Matter was a short-lived punk band from Aberdeen, Washington, that formed in late 1985. It was the first band conceived by Kurt Cobain, who would become famous as the frontman and guitarist of the seminal grunge band, Nirvana. The band recorded only one demo tape, Illiteracy Will Prevail,...
("lemon custard" in the English version) who has the rodent
Rodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing....
-like rookie beast Digimon by his side. The two first appeared while Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon
Palmon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. She is a plant Digimon with reptile features. The name "Palmon" comes from palm, a family of flowering plant. Palmon also appears in the sequel...
were separated from the others, harassing them until they were untentionally purified. Afterwards, they told her where Izzy and Tentomon
Tentomon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Based on a , Tentomon is a naturally friendly Digimon with carefree way of life. There are several different Tentomon that appear in various...
landed. Later on Chuumon and Sukamon were a part of Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
's army which was trained by Nanimon until they quickly left due to his harsh methods. On the day Spiral Mountain was formed, Sukamon fell into a deep crack to his death with Chuumon left fending for himself until the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
arrived. He sacrificed himself to protect Mimi from a knife thrown by Piedmon when he selected her to die first. When the Dark Masters
Dark Masters
The Dark Masters are a fictional villain group that appear in the first season of the Digimon media franchise, Digimon Adventure. The group consists of four powerful Mega-Level Digimon. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon...
and Apocalymon were defeated, both Digimon were reborn. Three years later, the same Sukamon and Chuumon tried to get Mimi to go out with them after Shurimon broke Digitamamon free of the Dark Spiral. Mimi responded by punching them across the lake. In the Digimon Spirit Battle 1.5 game, Sukamon can Digivolve into Etemon.
The DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
first encountered Whamon when they were on their way to the Continent of Server, though it was not in better condition. Whamon was infected with a Black Gear and he swallowed them. When they came to rest in his stomach, they discovered a Black Gear embedded inside him. Taichi used his Digivice to destroy it, freeing Whamon from its influence. He shot them out his blowhole, but their raft was shattered in the process. To make it up to them, he would take them to Server. When they asked if he knew anything about the Tags, he mentioned that he had seen Devimon hide something underwater once, some time ago. The kids climbed inside him, and he took them to an underwater cavern, where they found their Tags after freeing Drimogemon from the Black Gear. He then carried them the rest of the way to Server. The DigiDestined who later meet Whamon again when they were cornered by the Dark Master MetalSeadramon. Whamon arrived just in time to save them, carrying them off to the depths of the Net Ocean. After evading the Divermon, Whamon then brought the DigiDestined to the surface, but there were immediately attacked again by MetalSeadramon. Whamon used his Tidal Wave attack to wash away the straggling Divermon, and then, when WarGreymon was caught between MetalSeadramon's jaws, saved him by head butting the villain. Enraged, MetalSeadramon fired his River of Power attack at Whamon, ripping a hole through his skull and fatally injuring him. As Whamon slowly died, he implored the DigiDestined to save the world. Whamon would later make a return appearance in Digimon Adventure 02, saving most of the new DigiDestined from being trapped in an offshore oil rig which was being attacked by a MegaSeadramon under the influence of the Digimon Emperor. This proves to be one of the cases in which a Digimon retains its memories despite being destroyed. In the original Japanese version, this Whamon actually helped to save the trapped DigiDestined while Ikkakumon battled MegaSeadramon.
- Voiced in the dub by Peter SpellosPeter SpellosPeter Spellos is a voice actor who is also known as G. Gordon Baer, Gordon Baer, G. Gordon Bear, David Conrad, and Orville Ketchum.-Anime:* Black Jack - Mr. Brane* Bleach - Koganehiko, Dordonii...
The DigiDestinedDigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
first encountered Piximon when he used his Pixi Bomb attack to defeat Kuwagamon. Disgusted on how the DigiDestined Digimon did not fight him, he decided to train the group in his hidden jungle lair in the desert under a magical veil that Etemon did not know of. He had Taichi and Agumon try to find their way back out of a cave and had the others clean his floors. When Yamato and Koushiro sneaked out of the tower to find their crests, they found them in a well outside of Piximon's jungle. However, Etemon detected them and sent a Tyrannomon after them. When Tyrannomon invaded, Piximon put up his barrier to protect him and the DigiDestined from Tyrannomon's attack until Taichi returned with Greymon who defeated Tyrannomon. Piximon was about to attack Tyrannomon himself, a battle that he would easily win, but he was trying to buy time for Taichi and Greymon. Piximon knew that the DigiDestined would save the Digital World. Later on, Piximon returned to save the DigiDestined from the Dark Masters. He sacrificed himself so that the DigiDestined could get to Spiral Mountain. He was also the first one to mention that the DigiDestined had something that the Dark Masters didn't that made them stronger (this was later revealed by what can be assumed to be Cherrymon's spirit to a dying Puppetmon as the fact that they had friends). In the Japanese version, Piximon spoke in a quick falsetto voice and always ended his sentences with 'pi'.
- Voiced in the dub by Richard CansinoRichard CansinoRichard Cansino is an American voice actor. He is also known as Richard Hayworth because he is the nephew of Rita Hayworth, and occasionally goes by the name Steve Davis after the British snooker player of the same name...
Digitamamon was first seen running a diner with Vegiemon who made Joe and Gomamon
Gomamon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Gomamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...
work off their bills, due to the fact Digitamamon accepts only USD
United States dollar
The United States dollar , also referred to as the American dollar, is the official currency of the United States of America. It is divided into 100 smaller units called cents or pennies....
instead of the Japanese yen
Japanese yen
The is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the United States dollar and the euro. It is also widely used as a reserve currency after the U.S. dollar, the euro and the pound sterling...
that Joe had on him. Matt arrives to help Joe work off his bill and to ensure the safety of Joe when Digitamamon made a threat about "accidents" after DemiDevimon paid him in dollars to keep Matt at his diner. DemiDevimon told Matt that Joe was deliberately causing accidents so Yamato would stay there forever. Yamato eventually blew up and yelled at Jou. However, when Tai, Agumon, TK and Patamon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise."Patamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Patamon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series....
found them, Yamato decides to leave. Digitamamon, knowing he'll lose money, grew large and attacked. Veggiemon grabbed TK and held him by his ankle; Joe daringly jumps on Veggiemon, which freed TK and proved his reliability. Matt was stunned at how Joe tried to protect TK even after he yelled at him. Matt's thought of friendship allowed Garurumon to Digivolve to WereGarurumon and defeat Digitamamon. In Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
, Digitamamon runs a restaurant near the lake and the bill caused trouble for Yolei. When she tried to pay, Digitamamon said that he only accepted digi dollars. However, Mimi
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
and Palmon
Palmon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. She is a plant Digimon with reptile features. The name "Palmon" comes from palm, a family of flowering plant. Palmon also appears in the sequel...
appear with Michael and Betamon, who paid the bill for the gang. TK realized this was the same Digitamamon that forced Joe and Matt work in his restaurant. However, Digitamamon explains that's he a changed person since the ordeal and is now on the level. He even waives the bill, saying that it is on him. Everyone, except a still-annoyed Yolei, believed he was telling the truth. When a Gorillamon under the control of the Dark Spiral attacked, Digitamamon threw himself in front of the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
and was sent flying. After Gorillamon was freed, Digitamamon rolled back. But this time, he had an unseen Dark Spiral in his shell and it regressed him to his evil self. When Halsemon, Flamedramon and Digmon's attacks couldn't get through his shell, Mimi tried to convince Digitamamon that he wasn't evil, but Digitamamon tackled her. That made Yolei angry and her talk of her trying to be sincere activated the Digi-Egg of Sincerity. Halsemon De-Digivolved to Hawkmon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Hawkmon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...
and became Shurimon. Shurimon used the shuriken on his back to keep Digitamamon's shell open as Pegasusmon and Nefertimon trapped him. Shurimon used his Double Star attack and destroyed the Dark Spiral, freeing Digitamamon from its influence. A later episode would find the DigiDestined encountering him as the chef of yet another restaurant, with a Tapirmon serving as a waiter. The two of them attempted to assist the DigiDestined with stopping BlackWarGreymon
BlackWarGreymon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is a Digimon who is feared as the "Black Dragon Soldier". He believes in justice and does not approve of the evil acts of others...
from destroying the last Destiny Stone (which was revealed to be the reason Digitamamon's soup tasted so good) by attacking Arukenimon and Mummymon, only to get wrapped up in bandages for their troubles.
Otamamon, Gekomon and ShogunGekomon
- Otamamon:
- head Gekomon:
- ShogunGekomon:
The first ShogunGekomon seen was in a castle where his Otamamon and Gekomon servants worked, here being called simply "Shogunmon" by his subjects. A long time ago he lost a Karaoke
is a form of interactive entertainment or video game in which amateur singers sing along with recorded music using a microphone and public address system. The music is typically a well-known pop song minus the lead vocal. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol,...
contest and thus fell into a deep sleep out of sorrow. The Gekomon and Otamamon were told by DemiDevimon that Mimi
Mimi Tachikawa
is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. First appearing in the film Digimon Adventure , Mimi has made regular appearances in the television series as a main character and also in other supplementary medias.As one of the DigiDestined, Mimi...
was the one to wake their master by singing. However, Mimi took advantage of this to live the sweet life. When Mimi finally wakes up ShogunGekomon, he started to attack everyone and everything in a grumpy rage. Palmon
Palmon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. She is a plant Digimon with reptile features. The name "Palmon" comes from palm, a family of flowering plant. Palmon also appears in the sequel...
digivolved to Togemon to save Mimi from being flattened from the falling ceiling and MetalGreymon used his Giga Blaster attack to knock Shougun Gekomon unconscious again. Later, when the Dark Masters
Dark Masters
The Dark Masters are a fictional villain group that appear in the first season of the Digimon media franchise, Digimon Adventure. The group consists of four powerful Mega-Level Digimon. They are MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon, Machinedramon, and Piedmon...
attacked and kill their lord, a bunch of Gekomon and Otamamon from the castle assisted the DigiDestined's in the final battle against Piedmon and Vilemon. Three years later (in Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
) in the Night Forest, a small group of same Gekomon and Otamamon that were friends with Mimi ended up under the control of the Digimon Emperor's Dark Rings and were freed when Togemon and Halsemon took down the Roachmon Brothers and the Control Spire. Later, in a village under the control of the Dark Rings, the members of ShogunGekomon's group were found hiding underground and offered hospitality to the DigiDestined. A Ninjamon slipped a Dark Spiral on ShogunGekomon while he and the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
were sleeping (as his solution to the Digimon Emperor taking over his territory was going to sleep and his love of sleeping was a running gag at this point), he went on a rampage. Pegasusmon and Nefertimon tricked him into attacking the Control Spire and he was knocked unconscious by Raidramon and Digmon. Raindramon, Shurimon, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon destroyed the Dark Spiral. The most prominent Gekomon, the unofficial leader of the other Gekomon and Otamamon, has a lisp that slurs his words and lengthens the S of his words.
Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon
- Gotsumon:
- Pumpkinmon:
The first Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
encountered were supposedly minions of Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
, although they would rather have had it be otherwise. Dispatched to search for the Eighth Child, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon ended up in Shibuya
Shibuya, Tokyo
is one of the 23 special wards of Tokyo, Japan. As of 2008, it has an estimated population of 208,371 and a population density of 13,540 persons per km². The total area is 15.11 km²....
, where they became enthralled by the culture and populace of Earth and immediately set about exploring, having fun and generally causing trouble. It was only when they pulled a teenage girl's nose ring that they encountered Matt, TK and Gabumon
Gabumon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media...
as they were searching for Patamon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise."Patamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Patamon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series....
(due to an argument he and Takeru had earlier). After explaining that they just wanted to have fun, the two carried on their mischief, with Matt and TK trying to get them out of trouble. But after the two stole some ice cream, Myotismon appeared and was angered to find the two slacking off. He ordered them to attack the brothers and Gabumon
Gabumon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media...
, and they had no choice but to comply. As soon as they got far enough away from Myotismon, however, they simply quit as they did not want to hurt the DigiDestined. Enraged to find the two being friendly with his enemies, Myotismon attacked them. They tried to fight back but they were no match for his power and were killed off by his Grisly Wing attack. (in the English dub, they were condemned to his dungeon in the Digital World).
Wizardmon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise consisting of Japanese manga, anime, collectible trading card games, and more. Wizardmon is a Majin Digimon. He comes from "Witchelny", which is a separate part of the Digital World. He is a shy and caring dealer by nature, though he...
was actually a loner who traveled all over the Digimon World. On one of his journeys however, he nearly collapsed out of exhaustion. Gatomon
Gatomon, known as in Japanese, is a Digimon creature from the Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media. Despite her size and mischievous nature, Gatomon is stronger than she looks as long as she has her Holy Ring on her tail....
took pity on him and saved his life. Later in his life, he passed himself off as one of the mercenaries that Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
recruited for his search for the Eighth Child. But in reality, Wizardmon's loyalties were to Gatomon, whom he believed to be the partner of the Eighth Child and wanted to unite them as his way of repaying her. After uniting the Eighth Child, Kari, and Gatomon as partners, Wizardmon and Gatomon broke into Myotismon’s Fortress to steal the Crest of Light (by hitting the guard Bakemon with a Thunder Ball giving Bakemon amnesia). However Myotismon discovered their plan, and fought Wizardmon one-on-one over Odaiba Bay. Despite Wizardmon’s skill in magic, he was beaten when Myotismon destroyed his wand and tossed him into the sea. Since Wizardmon could not swim, it seemed as though he drowned. However, he was saved by Zudomon, Patamon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise."Patamon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share. There are several different Patamon that appear in various Digimon anime and manga series....
, Joe, and Takeru and told them that he had the Crest of Light in his possession. After Wizardmon and the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
assembled at the Fuji TV
Fuji Television
is a Japanese television station based in Daiba, Minato, Tokyo, Japan, also known as or CX, based on the station's callsign "JOCX-DTV". It is the flagship station of the Fuji News Network and the ....
Station, he revealed himself as an ally and healed Lillymon. Wizardmon and the children then prepared for an all-out assault against Myotismon. During the fight with Myotismon, it became evident that he was nearly impervious to all the attacks thrown at him. However, Wizardmon, though highly weakened from fatigue and damage from the last battle, and missing his main weapon, was the first to harm the vampire Digimon, by hitting him from behind while Myotismon gloated in his arrogance. Myotismon turned around, surprised and enraged to find that he failed to kill Wizardmon the first time. Wizardmon tossed the Crest of Light to Kari, but Myotismon blasted Wizardmon straight into a solid wall and assumed he finally killed the wizard and a fierce battle ensued. After Angemon came to the battle, Myotismon decided to finish it once and for all and, pouring all his power into one attack, threw the deadly Grisly Wing at Kari and Gatomon. Yet somehow, Wizardmon managed to stand in front of the attack a mere second before it could hit, mortally wounded in the process, and sacrifice his life for them. As he lay dying, Gatomon said she was sorry for getting him involved. However, he told her not to be sorry, as he had no regrets and that she was all that mattered, and had he not met her, his life would have had no meaning and he was glad that they were friends; Gatomon says they're friends forever. His death was quickly avenged when Gatomon Digivolved to Angewomon. Three years later (in Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02
, also commonly referred as Digimon Zero Two, is the direct sequel to the previous series and takes place three years after the original series. With most of the original characters now in junior high school, the Digital World was supposedly secure and peaceful. However, a new evil has appeared in...
), on the day of his death, Wizardmon's data resurfaced and his "ghost
In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Descriptions of the apparition of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely visible wispy shapes, to...
" began to cause activity at the Fuji TV station – his image appeared on screens all across the building and his voice would play from audiotapes. The DigiDestined came to the television station to remember Wizardmon’s sacrifice; the spirit manifested itself when Gatomon recognized him. Wizardmon gave the DigiDestined a cryptic warning, relating to the fight to occur after. Before he left, Gatomon called out to him, and the two of them reached forward to touch hands, but because he was a ghost, her paw went right through his hand. He pulled back, looking at his hands with a sigh, and apologized as he faded way. Every other Digimon who died in the Human World however appeared to have had their Data sent back to the Digimon World (this is confirmed because while Pumpkinmon, Gotsumon, and all the other mercenaries Myotismon had were destroyed in the Human World, their Data obviously did not linger in the Human world as Wizardmon’s did without a human host).
Intent on destroying the DigiDestined
are the major heroes in the Digimon media franchise who have been chosen by certain beings to protect the Digital World, a plane which originated from data produced by Earth's telecommunications networks. This plane is often beset by evil forces, and is closely linked to Earth; saving the Digital...
once and for all (after the humiliation she was dealt), Arukenimon created BlackWarGreymon from 100 Control Spires to perform the task. He managed to easily defeat Paildramon without even trying. But when given the order to finish the job, BlackWarGreymon surprisingly refused to obey Arukenimon and simply flew away. It would turn out that, due to the number of Spires used in his creation, BlackWarGreymon had developed a conscious mind, separating him from his 'mindless' siblings. But it also made BlackWarGreymon confused about his purpose in life, with many questions that needed answers. He would encounter Agumon, who tried to help him. But in the middle of the talk, BlackWarGreymon felt a pain in him and left to find the source, destroying the first Destiny Stone as a result. After seeing Azulongmon when he destroyed his third stone, BlackWarGreymon made it his mission to destroy all the Destiny Stones in order to find and face Azulongmon, convinced he was his opponent. The DigiDestined attempted many times to stop him but he always got the best of them. Even when the last stone was protected by the combined might of Paildramon, Silphymon and Shakkoumon, BlackWarGreymon managed to take them all out despite the injuries he took, many of which resulted in him spurting oil from his cracked armor. However, when Azulongmon appeared, BlackWarGreymon attempted to combat the Mega, but Azulongmon explained to BlackWarGreymon that all things had a purpose in life. Thankful for hearing that, BlackWarGreymon left to find his purpose. On December 27, BlackWarGreymon emerged in the Real World to find/kill Yukio Oikawa
Yukio Oikawa
Yukio Oikawa is a fictional character in the anime series Digimon Adventure 02. He is voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa in the original version and by Jamieson Price in the English dub version....
for disrupting the balance of both the Real World and the Digital World as he deemed since he created Mummymon and Arukenimon with his own DNA, Oikawa did not belong in either world after realizing his lack of answers for the questions of his existence in the Digital World, which caused Oikawa to see BlackWarGreymon as ungrateful. However, before he could kill the man, WarGreymon intervened and engaged him in battle. The raging battle spread into the nearby city, neither side able to gain the upper hand until the fight was joined by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, who together with WarGreymon fought BlackWarGreymon. After the battle it took lectures from Wormmon
Wormmon is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Wormmon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...
, Agumon and Veemon
is a Digimon creature from the Japanese Digimon media franchise that comprises anime, manga, toys, video games, trading card games and other media."Veemon" is the name that all members of this particular Digimon species share...
about the importance of life to convince BlackWarGreymon to enjoy life's pleasures and talk him out of killing Oikawa. BlackWarGreymon showed up when Iori's grandfather tried to talk Oikawa out of his plan. Myotismon
Myotismon is a fictional character from the Digimon franchise. He is the third major villain in the first season, and the main antagonist of the second season of the anime series.-Appearance and characteristics:...
momentarily took over Oikawa's body and with the additional power from absorbing one of the Dark Flowers, fired a blast of dark energy at Cody's grandfather. BlackWarGreymon stepped in front and took the full blast, saving Iori's grandfather's life, but he was mortally wounded by the blast. Oikawa fled and BlackWarGreymon realized that Myotismon was actually controlling Oikawa like a puppet. He used the last of his strength to seal the Highton View Terrace Gate to the Digital World to prevent Myotismon from entering the Digital World. In the process, he found the purpose he had searched for all along and died a hero's death. His sealing of the gate would later cause problems. When Oikawa attempted to open the gate, they were thrown into an odd dimension. In the last episode, all of the original DigiDestined had to trek all the way to their summer camp location as that was the closest gate to the Digital World.