Knightmare Frame
, or simply Knightmares, officially designated as the Humanoid Autonomous Armored Knight, are a form of mecha
in the Sunrise
anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. In the series, they were developed by the Holy Britannian Empire. Unveiled during the invasion of Japan, Knightmare Frames are almost exclusively used in place of the practically obsolete main battle tank
s. The name "Knightmare Frame" is a play on the words knight
, and nightmare
capability and an array of other data-collection functions which are collated in real-time
. Factspheres are commonly protected under a layer of armor which can be retracted to improve system sensitivity. Knightmare Frames are piloted from a cockpit set in the protruding 'hump back' of the unit. The cockpit is a self-contained control center which can be ejected in case of emergency.
Knightmare Frames are powered by the , a fictional energy source. Its centerpiece is a sakuradite device called the , wherein a cube of unknown composition is weightlessly suspended in liquid. The cube revolves at high speeds during a state of drive activation known as , apparently involved in the conduction of electricity. The technology is named after the Yggdrasil
of Norse mythology
. The drive is recharged through a sakuradite . All Knightmare Frames are activated by a 'key' interfacing through a USB-like port inside the cockpit.
Knightmare Frames are typically armed with wired rocket anchors called and a number of other weapons. Mass-production models usually carry handheld rifles and a number of Chaos Grenades, cylindrical air burst
grenades that spray deadly shrapnel over a specific area. Less common equipment, though more widespread as the series progresses, are Maser
Vibration Swords (MVS), a form of vibroblade which oscillates at a high ratio to cut through almost anything, and Hadron
Cannons, powerful energy cannons
which can obliterate almost anything in their path. Late in the first season, various models of , devices which allow Knighmares to fly, also fall into common use.
In the manga, Code Geass: Tales of an Alternate Shogunate, the Knightmares are reimagined as summons in the style of Final Fantasy, called forth by those with Geass.
in international politics. The Third Age also marked the creation of the Ganymede prototype, made by the Ashford Foundation. Its test pilot, Marianne, was famous for her piloting ability.
models, ranging into the thousands. They span across three major generations, from the original Glasgow model to the newer Vincents, as well as several specialised types like the anti-Knightmare Gloucesters and the aquatic Portman. A considerably large variety of Knightmares form the backbone of the Britannian army, in contrast to the less varied selection of rival nations.
of the Knights of the Round Table, is the seventh-generation mass-production model of the prototype Gawain. It has gold trim at various points and a similar style of integrated float system used on the Gawain, but its overall design is quite different from the prototype. Unlike the Gawain, it is more agile and maneuverable. Its Hadron Cannons are attached directly to its wrists and as such, it lacks hands altogether. It also does not use the Druid System equipped on the Gawain, and its cockpit is a standard single-seat version. It has eight Slash Harkens mounted in two quad-barrel launchers attached to the hips. It also has fourteen missile launchers, four on each leg and six on its chest. Finally, it has two triple-barreled machine guns mounted on its shoulders. The Glaston Knights switch from Gloucesters to Gareth models prior to the second battle of Tokyo
; they were used as part of the force sent to apprehend Lelouch Lamperouge
when he was identified as Zero.
The is a fourth-generation Knightmare Frame and the first mass-production model produced by Britannia. It is also the first Knightmare introduced in the series. The Glasgow actively contributed to the invasion of Japan
, providing an overwhelming tactical advantage over conventional combat vehicles. Amongst other flaws, the cockpit is considered quite cramped and uncomfortable. The Glasgow's armament includes shoulder-mounted Slash Harkens, Stun Guns, Tonfas, and a handheld assault rifle. Its hull still serves as a template for its successors, but the model itself is phased out in favor of the RPI-13 Sutherland by the start of the series.
Various Japanese resistance cells use modified Glasgow models called Burais. They also make use of a cannon built from four such units called a Raikou. Kallen Stadtfeld
uses a customized red Glasgow in the beginning of the series, which is destroyed in battle against the Lancelot during the latter's first combat deployment.
The , a paramilitary subdivision of the Britannian Police, pilot retired Glasgows painted white and marked with the Police emblem to indicate their affiliation. Knight Police frames are armed with two machine pistols instead of an assault rifle as well as a specially made anti-Knightmare Frame combat knife. In addition, Knight Police frames also use a shield during crowd-control situations where firearms or rogue Knightmares may be present.
The fifth-generation is a remodeled Sutherland focused on close combat. It features enhanced hand-to-hand capabilities, as well as being slightly larger and equipped with heavier armor. The Gloucester is mainly used by royal guards, although later on in the second season many of the royal guards move to using Vincents instead. It is first seen piloted by Gilbert G.P. Guilford and Andreas Darlton during the conquest of Area 18. In keeping with the fact that it is often used by personal knights of the Imperial family, most Gloucesters are draped in a cape. The Gloucester, in addition to the standard Sutherland equipment, uses a large gold jousting lance to charge directly at their opponents, their main preferred weapon at close quarters. In the second season, Gloucester models can equip a Float System backpack.
The Gloucesters used by Cornelia li Britannia and her knights differ slightly in their design and equipment. The Glaston Knights are shown to use a pair of five-barrel missile launchers attached near the shoulders, and Guilford's Gloucester carries a pair of Maser Vibration Swords stored in black scabbards on the sides of its cockpit. Although normal Gloucester models are painted a flat, dull purple, Cornelia's aides sport a more vibrant deep-purple color scheme which is sometimes referred to as a Commander Type. Cornelia's Gloucester is a custom model featuring two horn-like antenna arrays protruding from both sides of the headpiece, as well as a more ornamental waist armor. Its color is a lighter, more vibrant purple, and its cape is white. Though it possesses a similar armament, it does not use Chaos Mines and lacks the antipersonnel machine gun mounted on the torso that Sutherlands and Gloucesters are commonly fitted with.
Part of the fourth generation of Knightmare Frames, the RMI-13 Portman is the only mass-production series of amphibious
Knightmare to be produced. Much of its outward design is made with hydrodynamics in mind, making it awkward to use on land. In addition to the standard Slash Harkens, the Portman has a set of torpedo launchers mounted in its shoulders, and a hydro jet pack mounted on its back. A cluster of Portmans are used to cut off and board a Japanese tanker in an operation led by Cornelia Li Britannia against the JLF. Princess Euphemia makes use of one to try to catch up with the Lancelot on Shikine Island
An upgraded version of the Portman, the Portman II, appears in the second season. It is considerably faster than the original, possessing a second pair of turbines in its arms, and replaces the three-fingered claws of the original with ordinary five-digit hands slung below the turbines. Portman II models can be equipped with a Float System backpack, despite being designed for aquatic combat. They are a vital part of the naval task force dispatched under the command of the Knight of Seven, Suzaku Kururugi
, attempting to destroy the Black Knight's leadership while at sea. A number of Portman II models are stationed just offshore during the second battle of Tokyo
Jeremiah's Purebloods use Sutherlands with red shoulders and faceplates In the second season, Jeremiah initially uses a Sutherland with the Black Knights' model Float System and a large cannon mounted on its right arm. Cécile Croomy makes use of a heavily modified Sutherland created by Lloyd Asplund and code-named "Sutherland Air". It incorporates several test parts developed for the Lancelot, including energy shields on the arms and a Float System backpack. It is distinguished from the regular Sutherland model by its light gray armor with light orange parts. A Sutherland is also used by Rakshata Chawla as the core of a new custom knightmare, the Sutherland Sieg; as such it is the only Sutherland to make use of a neural control interface or an integrated Float System.
The RPI-212 Vincent is a seventh-generation mass-production model of the Lancelot, introduced early in the second season while it is still in the prototype stage. Vincent models are mostly piloted by commanders or special divisions of the Britannian army. The majority of the Britannian Army still uses the older Sutherland and Gloucester models. Two finalized mass-production versions of the Vincent are introduced later on: the Vincent Commander Model and the Vincent Ward. The Commander Model has no noticeable differences from the prototype version while the Ward is a weaker variant produced in far greater numbers, with an altered head unit and shoulder armor akin to the Lancelot Club.
The Vincent's agility and mobility is comparable to the Lancelot's, but its design still differs markedly from its predecessor. Its two Factspheres are mounted in its shoulders instead of on its chest, and it only has two hip-mounted Slash Harkens which are not equipped with Harken Boosters. In addition, it does not possess energy shielding. Its Maser Vibration Swords are slightly different from the Lancelot's, in that they are shaped more like spears, and can be attached at the hilts to form a double-bladed lance. It does feature a new weapon not found on the Lancelot: a pair of Electric Needle Blazers mounted on the elbows, which can punch a hole through an enemy Knightmare when coming into contact with the frame. The Vincent Ward lacks the Needle Blazers, which are replaced with the stun tonfa previously seen on the Sutherland and Glasgow models. Though it is never used in the series, the Vincent prototype and later Commander Model equips a second set of landspinners in its shoulders. All models of Vincent use Float System backpacks for flight regularly.
The first prototype of the Vincent is a gold and crimson model loaned to the Britannian intelligence division and piloted by Rolo Lamperouge
later uniquely equipped with a Black Knights' model Float System. Gilbert G.P. Guilford pilots a silver and purple-colored production model of the Commander variant. A quartet of pink and white Vincents referred to as the Grausam Valkyrie Squad are under the command of Luciano Bradley; the squadron and their Vincents are destroyed by Kallen with ease. A squadron of green and gold Vincents, known as the Vincent 4 model, serve as the royal guard for the Emperor of Britannia and are commanded by the Knight of Twelve, Monica Kruszewski; they are caught off guard and destroyed by a group of Sutherlands whose pilots are under the influence of Lelouch's Geass.
In the manga spin-off series, "Nightmare of Nunnally", Lelouch's twin brother, Rolo Vi Britannia, has a gold Vincent unit based on the anime version, but like that version's Lancelot this unit was built by the same manufacturers of the Alpha unit. This version appears in human shape with Geass symbols on its face and chest. Its base metal uses sakuradite and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system, and is also inputted with a Geass-Conduct which allows Rolo to use his Geass, The Ice, on his enemies. It also has a MVS Sword and was equipped with a large Hadron Cannon.
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of One, Bismarck Waldstein. Its armor is light purple and black, and it is approximately twice the size of an ordinary Knightmare (like the Gawain). Its Landspinners are built into its ankles, rather than simply attached to the side. The Galahad carries a heavy sword named Excalibur on its back, which is larger than the Knightmare itself. The sheath has an additional Landspinner and a Float System. Excalibur can break through armor in a single swing, and can generate an energy field capable of blocking and slicing through powerful energy blasts such as the Shen Hu's Baryon Cannon. Similar to the Gawain, each of its fingers are miniature Slash Harkens. The Galahad is also equipped with energy shielding. The Galahad is destroyed in battle with Suzaku's
Lancelot Albion, sliced in half along with its Excalibur; the two halves of the sword are salvaged for Gino's Tristan Divider.
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a prototype sixth generation Knightmare Frame developed by Prince Schneizel el Britannia. It is larger than most Knightmares, about twice as tall and wide, has no Factsphere sensors, and no ejection system. Its Landspinner system is also internalized, instead of the fold-out skate configuration common on other Knightmares. It features a double-seater cockpit, although it can be operated by one person.
The Gawain is equipped with an integrated Float System, and is the first unit in the series capable of self-sustained flight. Its fingers are miniature Slash Harkens, and it features a pair of shoulder-mounted Hadron Cannons. The Hadron Cannons fire erratically at first, but the Black Knights' scientific mastermind, Rakshata, is able to stabilize them using her Gefjun Disturber technology. As a side benefit, the Disturber's natural disruption properties also render the Gawain invisible to radar. Its experimental , originally intended to investigate the structure and function of the Thought Elevators, allows the Gawain to plot the probable movements of enemy units. Its float system was studied, which allowed the Black Knights to mass-produces the same model on their Knightmares, as seen in the second season. Despite its strengths, the Gawain is a fairly slow unit, and as such is easily outmaneuvered by smaller, faster Knightmares, such as Gloucesters.
Lelouch Lamperouge
and Kallen Stadtfeld
steal the Gawain from Prince Schneizel's expedition in order to escape from Kamine Island, outpacing the efforts of several Sutherlands using its aerial capability. Despite the amount of new technology consequently lost, Schneizel dismisses the Gawain's theft, considering it to be a mere "experimental subject." After its technology is studied and refined, it becomes Lelouch's and C.C.
's personal Knightmare; usually C.C. handling the piloting while Zero operates the weapons and issues orders and communications. The Gawain later proves instrumental in Zero's plans, amongst other things allowing him to save Suzaku from a swarm of Chinese Gang Lous and especially in the invasion of the Tokyo Settlement, single-handedly wiping out the totality of Britannia's air support in the area. The Gawain is lost during a battle with the powerful Siegfried Knightmare being piloted by Jeremiah Gottwald, C.C. uses its Slash Harkens to entangle the Siegfried and drag them both into the crushing depths of the ocean. Though the frame is damaged beyond repair, its Druid System and Hadron Cannons are salvaged. The cannons are incorporated into the Black Knights' flagship, the Ikaruga, and the Druid System becomes a critical component of the defense system of Zero's personal Knightmare, the Shinkirō.
The , named after Sir Lancelot
of the Knights of the Round Table, is an experimental prototype seventh-generation custom Knightmare Frame developed by Lloyd Asplund and the Military Engineering Corps. It is the personal Knightmare Frame of Knight of Seven Suzaku Kururugi
. It is the first seventh generation Knightmare Frame ever fielded. The Lancelot outperforms most other models thanks to the heavy amount of sakuradite scattered throughout its frame as well as in its Yggdrasil Drive, the Core Luminous. The same enhancements also make it difficult to pilot; while Suzaku can control it with ease, Lloyd notes that most of the test pilots could barely make it move. As it is still in development, the Lancelot lacks an ejection system.
The Lancelot serves as a test bed for experimental technologies, and as such has a wide array of armaments. It has two retractable Factspheres affixed on its chest (earlier models have a single, head-mounted unit), two forearm-mounted energy shields called the Blaze Luminous, and four Slash Harkens (two on its wrists and two on its hips). These Slash Harkens have experimental thrusters called Harken Boosters which can improve their speed and allow them to change direction midflight. It also sports a pair of Maser Vibration Swords. It carries a VARIS particle rifle (Variable Ammunition Repulsion Impact Spitfire) which can adapt its projectile repulsion output to any situation. The Lancelot is also the first Knightmare equipped with a backpack-like Float System; however, the power usage of the Float System is astronomical. When equipped with the Float System, it is redesignated as Lancelot Air Cavalry.
In the second season, Suzaku receives an updated version of the Lancelot called the . The Float System backpack is now standard equipment. The Conquista gains a Hadron Blaster, which is mounted on top of the Float System and fired by docking the VARIS rifle to the underside of the larger cannon mount Its unique Core Luminous has been tuned and refined, increasing its power in battle, and it is equipped with countermeasures that provide a defense against the Knightmare-disabling Gefjun Disturber. The Conquista has an additional three energy shields on its legs and chest. The leg shields increase the effectiveness of its kicks. It also has four secondary emitters on the chest which can form the "Core Luminous Cone", a conical barrier that extends several feet ahead of the Lancelot. The Conquista is heavily damaged during a battle with Kallen's upgraded Guren S.E.I.T.E.N.
With the Conquista taken out of commission, Suzaku receives the , a ninth-generation custom Knightmare built specifically for him by Lloyd. Its design differs radically from its predecessors, featuring much more ornamental armor while the head unit is slightly larger. It maintains its previous armament and defenses, but enhanced. The shields are larger, it carries a pair of double-barreled VARIS rifles, and its MVS swords can match Galahad's Excalibur. It uses the same energy wing system used on the final form of the Guren, but with three energy feathers instead of four. The wings can fire dozens of energy bolts over a wide area, each one capable of destroying a Knightmare in a single hit. The Lancelot Albion is eventually destroyed in battle with the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N.
Near the end of the second season, C.C. receives a pink version of the original Lancelot called the Lancelot Frontier. It is slightly weaker than the original version, as it is made from spare and salvaged parts. However, it is equipped with the shield used on the Percival. This version also possesses an ejection system. It is destroyed in battle with Kallen shortly after entering.
In Code Geass: Lost Colors, the protagonist Rai receives a prototype version of the Lancelot called the Lancelot Club if the player chooses the Britannian military route. The Club is the sister unit of the Lancelot and it was built using spare parts from the Lancelot and some experimental components while having the Sutherland as a base. The application of Sakuradite was restricted due to a shortage of budget, so its performance does not match that of Lancelot's even though it is superior to the Sutherland's. Still, because it is adjusted to be quite peaky, nobody besides Rai is able to properly handle it. The Club was modulated to meet with Rai's high commanding abilities and his tactics of dispersing the enemy units in order to force them into one-on-one combat. It is equipped with a pair of Short Sword-type MVS that can combine into a single dual-bladed MVS, enhanced Factspheres, the same forearm-mounted Slash Harken/Blaze Luminous combo unit found in the Lancelot and a customized Assault Rifle that can changed into a "sniping-mode". In this sniping mode, both the barrel size and range of the weapon are greatly increased, but it becomes incapable of burst fire and, because its use requires an increase in the sensitivity of the Factspheres, the Club's energy consumption becomes 15 times greater. Its design combines elements from the Lancelot and the mass-production Vincent. In the Nintendo DS game version of the series, Suzaku Kururugi also receives an upgraded Lancelot model known as the Lancelot Enhanced.
In the manga spin-off series, Nightmare of Nunnally, the Lancelot was built by the same manufacturer as the Irregular's Alpha units. The Lancelot appears slightly human in shape and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system. Its base metal uses sakuradite with Geass-conducting circuitry. The main weapons are the same as in the anime, but each of them are upgraded to match the Alpha's weapons. Later in the issue, Suzaku received an upgraded version of his Knightmare, Lancelot Albion. While still maintaining the muscle framing system, the Lancelot Albion is given a samurai custom and mostly configures with weapons and equipments from what the Alpha units are currently using, such as its MVS swords now replaced with the Alpha's twin samurai sword, and the Alpha's long and short range fire arms.
in Arthurian legend, is a eighth generation custom heavy-artillery Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Six, Anya Alstreim. It has an integrated Float System enabling flight. In keeping with its role, the Mordred has heavy energy shielding surrounding the entire unit, making most attacks futile. Furthermore, it has equally tough armor beneath the shielding, such that it can withstand a direct hit from a Gekka's heated chain-sword without even being scratched, whereas any other Knightmare would have been sliced in half. The same cannot be said for the Float System, which can be sheared through with ease. It possesses four Hadron Cannons mounted on the shoulders, which can be unfolded and merged into a quad-barrel cannon called the Stark Hadron Cannon. The merged cannon is capable of obliterating an aerial cruiser in a single shot. Missile launchers are built into its chest, hips, arms, and legs. The Mordred's raw strength also allows it to crush other Knightmares bare-handed. During its final battle with Jeremiah Gottwald's Sutherland Sieg, the Mordred is heavily damaged, leaving its cockpit breached and exposed.
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Ten, Luciano Bradley. Its armor is oddly bulky, with large cones extending from the wrists, pointed leg armor at the hips and feet, and spikes on its Landspinners. It also has spiked-shaped Slash Harkens on its shoulders and head. It has an integrated Float System for flight. The Percival's main weapon is a large claw on its right wrist. The claw consists of four blades that can separate from each other and rotate to create a powerful energy lance. A pair of Hadron Blasters are built into its legs near the hips, and it carries a small shield in its left hand which hides six missile launchers. The Percival is destroyed in episode 18 of the second season, along with Bradley himself, by Kallen using her newly upgraded Guren. The shield is later used by C.C.'s Lancelot Frontier.
The Siegfried has a unique cockpit system wherein the pilot's nervous system is connected directly to the Knightmare, allowing for complete mental control. The cockpit is also considerably larger, allowing the pilot to move freely inside, though there are no monitors and no controls to speak of aside from the interface itself. The neural interface allows the pilot to react much quicker in battle, such that they can dodge attacks that would be nearly impossible for an ordinary pilot. However, the interface can only be used by those with nerve potential beyond that of ordinary humans, limiting the potential operators to V.V. and Jeremiah Gottwald, the latter having been modified by Code R to replicate C.C.'s abilities.
The Siegfried is equipped with a Float System and has a number of verniers
mounted on its frame, giving it excellent mobility despite its size. Its main armament consists of a set of Slash Harkens, which consist of the five conical structures on its frame and two ordinary versions mounted on the front. The five conical Slash Harkens are nearly as large as an ordinary Knightmare. It also possesses generators which can electrify the hull to keep enemies at bay. Using the conical Slash Harkens, it can perform a devastating attack in which it spins like a top to obliterate anything in its path or act as a physical barrier against projectiles. Its tough construction and energy shields make it incredibly durable; it manages to survive having a building dropped on it without even taking cosmetic damage, and likewise survives water pressure at depths that crush the Gawain.
The Siegfried is stolen by Jeremiah Gottwald during the first battle of Tokyo when he goes into a psychotic rage upon hearing the voice of the terrorist leader, Zero Unable to defeat it, C.C. ultimately resorts to using the Gawain in a kamikaze attack, wherein she ensnares the Siegfried with her Knightmare's Slash Harkens and drags them both into the ocean depths. Jeremiah and the Siegfried somehow survive and are next seen with the Geass Order. V.V. pilots it against Lelouch during the assault on the Order, but it is destroyed by the combined efforts of Princess Cornelia and Lelouch.
Following its destruction, the Siegfried is rebuilt by Rakshata into a new Knightmare for Jeremiah known as the Sutherland Sieg. Its size and basic shape are similar to the original Siegfried, but the weapons placement, as well as its armament in general, is much different. A large cannon is mounted on the underbelly, and it is equipped with an array of missile launchers. The Britannian energy shielding is replaced with the radiant wave surger-based shielding used on the Guren. The five conical Slash Harkens are also positioned differently. Two are mounted on the front as makeshift hands, and can channel the energy from the generators to stun opponents. The other three are located on the aft side: two are lined up parallel with the engine, and the remaining one is placed perpendicular to the cannon. It retains the neural interface from the Siegfried, which Rakshata finds disappointing since the technology is not feasible for mass-production. As the name implies, the Sutherland Sieg is built around a Siegfried-colored Sutherland, the head of which sticks out of the top normally. The Sutherland has Float System attachments equipped to its feet in place of Landspinners, allowing it to fly. The Sutherland Sieg's main body is destroyed by Anya Alstreim's Mordred, after which the Sutherland within breaks away and is self-destructed by Jeremiah to damage the Mordred.
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Three, Gino Weinberg. It is the first transforming Knightmare Frame introduced in the series, able to switch between humanoid and jet forms. It is very maneuverable, able to fold out and transform in mid-air. It can utilize a pair of machine guns in its jet form. It has two large Slash Harkens mounted on its forearms, which are equipped with Harken Boosters. The two Slash Harkens can combine to fire an energy blast, powerful enough to effectively match the Shen Hu's Baryon Cannon. When in humanoid form, it can wield two pickaxe-like Maser Vibrations Swords called the MVS Polearm, which can be joined together at the hilts to form a single, double-edged scythe. The Tristan is heavily damaged during a battle with the Lancelot Albion.
Following Gino's defeat by Suzaku, the Tristan is rebuilt by the Black Knights into the . It features a Black Knights' model Float System and a redesigned head unit similar to the Galahad with longer red horns. The MVS Polearm is replaced with the two severed halves of the Galahad's Excalibur, refashioned into twin swords. It manages to destroy the Shinkirō, but the Knightmare Frame is once again badly damaged by Suzaku
, who severs it in half at the waist.
In the manga spin-off series, Nightmare of Nunnally, the Tristan was built by the same manufacturer as the Irregular's Alpha units, but unlike the anime series the pilot of this unit is Anya Alstream instead of Gino. Like the Lancelot, the Tristan appears slightly human in shape and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system and its base metal uses sakuradite with Geass-conducting circuitry, however it does not have a Knight Giga Fortress mode. Its main weapons are the MVS Harken Automated Trajectory Variable type, and it function similar to the Mark Nemo's Blonde Knives.
The is the Black Knights' Seventh generation mass-production Knightmare model in the second season, following their exile from Japan
. They are given to the Black Knights as a show of support from India
, where they are manufactured. It is superior to the Gekka, though its frame is visually similar. It is silver with a green tinge, and can be fitted with a Float System backpack. Like the Gekka, the Akatsuki has a monoptic head, a machine gun built into the left hand and a single Slash Harken on the left side of its chest. It differs in that it features a pair of machine gun turrets concealed in its chest; and carries a modified version of the Katen Yaibatou, which is shaped like a baton with the blade situated near the top.
The squadron leaders in the Black Knights pilot an Akatsuki variant called . It bears a much closer resemblance to the Gekka than the standard Akatsuki. Chiba Nagisa, Shōgo Asahina, and other standard squadron leaders pilot indigo versions. C.C.
pilots a pink model. It is equipped with similar weaponry, but carries the full-sized Katen Yaibatou instead of the scaled-down baton. It also possesses radiant wave surger-based shielding mounted in the head antennas and rockets mounted with radiant wave surger warheads. They make use of the Float System in every battle, whereas the regular units only equip them as needed.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh pilots a black and silver customized Akatsuki called the . It resembles the Akatsuki Command Model Zikisan with a custom head crest and Gekka-style shoulder armor, plus the red hair-like attachments from his previous custom Knightmare. It carries the same Seidoutou as his old Gekka and employs the radiant wave surger-based shield used by his subordinates' Knightmares. However, it does not possess the same radiant wave surger rockets. The Zangetsu's hair-like attachments are tough enough to be used to ward off physical blows. Like his subordinates, Tohdoh makes consistent use of the Float System attachment. The Zangetsu is destroyed in combat with the Lancelot Albion.
The is a remodeled version of the Glasgow mass manufactured by the Kyōto House. It is basically the same as a Glasgow but has elephant tusk-like cheekbones, giving the appearance of an oni. It is primarily used by the Black Knights, though the Japan Liberation Front also makes use of them. Lelouch pilots a customized unit with a crimson head module and golden horns resembling those on a samurai's helmet, and Kallen briefly pilots a red-painted version in the ninth episode. The Burai were phased out following the Black Knights' exile from Japan in favor of the Akatsuki.
Though similar in terms of armament, the Burai differs from the Glasgow in several ways. It lacks the hand-mounted Stun Guns and Tonfas of the Glasgow (though the ones seen in episode 12 do have the latter), but its hands have been refurbished so that they can guard, a feature exclusive to the Burai. It also features a torso-mounted antipersonnel machine gun. Like the Sutherland, variants exist including close combat and electronic warfare types.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh and his subordinates, the Four Holy Swords, initially pilot optimized versions of the Burai called . The model has elongated head antennas which extend to the back of its torso, and Tohdoh's unit also has a distinguishing white head module They carry the Katen Yaibatou used on the Gekka. The Burai Custom can match Britannia's Gloucester in single combat, however are less numerous. All five units were lost after the battle of Narita, at least one in direct combat with Cornelia's Gloucester, and the remaining presumably abandoned by their pilots during their retreat. Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords switch to using Gekkas following the loss of the Burai Customs.
The Japanese resistance also makes use of the , a massive coilgun
built from four Glasgows or the Burai variants. It fires a high velocity shell which releases two-dozen ball bearings that tear through Knightmares with ease. The four Knightmares are arranged along both sides of the cannon for support, and their heads are attached to a circular disc on the top of the cannon for a 360 degree field of view. The cockpits of the two Knightmares on each side are linked to create a two-seater cockpit. In addition to the main cannon, the arm on the open side of each Knightmare is replaced with a linkable cannon, creating two secondary cannons in case the main cannon fails to destroy the target. Two of them are used in the series, the first by the Japan Liberation Front in the eighth episode and the second by the Black Knights in the finale. Suzaku Kururugi
destroys both.
In the Nintendo DS version are eight modified versions of the Burai that have been shown. These Burai's have been used by the Black Knights to some extent. The Burai Close Combat Type has been specialized with the role as a Close Combat Knightmare frame with the assignment of taking on the enemy within Close range, and has a green color scheme and two spike shields in both hands as a replacement for the Protector. The Spike Shields act as a weapon for the Burai. The Burai Drill Type is a Burai that have been specialized with a role as a Sapper, but is more suited for construction and demolition rather than as a Combat based Knightmare frame but seems to have a use for the latter. It have a Yellow color scheme and a pair of drill arm in both hand as a replacement for the Protector.
The Burai Long Ranged Type has been specialized in a role as a long range support for covering ally Knightmare Frame charging at the enemy but it can also be used in a solo mission. The Burai Enhanced Long Range Type is upgraded from Burai Long Range Type, and has been specialized with a role as a Sniper, a long range support or even as a Mobile Artillery. The Burai have a Blue color scheme the same as its predecessor and a big rifle barrel sticking out of its chest that use electomagnetic to fire the projectile a trait that is shared with the other Knightmare frame used by the Black Knights the Raikou. The Burai Full Enhancement Type has been specialized with a role as a Mobile Support Knightmare Frame, and used to support friendly Knightmare frames and Infantry from afar while behind the Font line. The Burai have a Pink color scheme and sport a pair of missile pods that can be fired at full salvo a trait that is shared by the Gloucester Sattel Waffen. The Burai Heavy Weapon Type has been specialized with a role as a Heavy Duty Knightmare frame, and seems to be used to breakthrough enemy line and fortification as an Assault Knightmare frame. The Burai have a light Brown color scheme and utilize a variety of Heavy Duty weaponries. The Burai High Mobility Type has been specialized with a role as a High Mobility Knightmare frame, and seems to be suited when using a Blitzkrieg tactic as their high mobility and superior weaponry are best suited for. The Burai have a Blue color scheme and a variety of Weaponries. The Burai Powered Type has been modified to serve in a construction duty while also capable performing in a combat situation it may have been specialized to work in a construction works or harvesting lumbers than a true combat Knightmare Frame but the Burai Powered Type can also be find on the battlefield in the hands of the Black Knights, at first sight this Knightmare Frame also canibalized parts from a construction or demolition vehicle the reason for this is unknown for the moment, the Burai have a black color scheme and a pair of giant claw acting as a main weapon for the Burai.
In the video game spin-off Lost Colors, a different version of the Burai was revealed as the Burai Experimental Radiant Wave Type. As its name implies, this is a variation of the Burai that mounts a Radiation Wave arm unit. During the early development stages, the protagonist was supposed to pilot this machine if he were to joint the Black Knights. However, the idea was rejected and the Burai Experimental Radiant Wave Type lost its role in favor to the Gekka Pre-Production Test Type.
The is a Knightmare Frame model based on the Guren Mk-II. Using the same motorcycle seat design, it boasts sixth to seventh generation technology, making them superior to Britannia's fifth generation mass production models, the Sutherland and Gloucester. The only units seen are used by the Four Holy Swords and their leader, Toudou. They switch to the Akatsuki variants following the destruction of their Gekkas during the failed attempt to kidnap Nunnally vi Britannia and the Black Knights' subsequent exile from Japan in the second season.
The standard Gekka, sometimes referred to as the Shiseiken version, differs from the Guren Mk-II in several ways. It has silver armor as opposed to red (Kōsetsu Urabe briefly pilots a light blue model), and the head unit is replaced with a monoptic model. It does not possess a radiant wave surger, either, and the cannon embedded in the left arm has been replaced by a fully automatic rifle. Its primary weapon is the Katen Yaibatou, a heated chain-sword which can shear through Knightmares with ease. The Gekkas are equipped with a "Chaffsmoke" dispenser which enables dispensing of both chaff
and a smokescreen, which negates both visual tracking and electronic equipment.
Kyoshiro Toudou's Gekka is customized with two hair-like appendages flowing from the back of the head. His variant sports a black paint scheme and a unique version of the Katen Yaibatou dubbed . The Seidoutou has a Slash Harken mounted on the butt of the handle as well as several thrusters on the back of the blade, which can either increase the blade's force when swung or allow for a quick retreat by using it for an extra boost of speed. Tohdoh pilots a regular Gekka early in the second season, his custom unit having presumably been destroyed or captured along with him during the Black Rebellion in the first season.
In Code Geass: Lost Colors, the protagonist Rai receives a prototype version of the Gekka if the player chooses the Black Knights route. Called the "Gekka Pre-Production Test Type", this prototype unit is two-tone blue rather than gray, and is more akin to the Guren than the actual Gekka, possessing a three-fingered prototype version of the radiant wave surger, though mounted on the left arm rather than the right. In the second season, the Guren mounts a nearly identical arm as a replacement for its original one destroyed in the finale of the first season. Performance-wise this prototype is no different from the production model. However, it has a peaky output tendency much like the Guren Mk-II, which turns it into a machine that ordinary pilots find hard to handle. Its left arm is equipped with an early model of the Guren's Radiation Wave unit. Because it is a simplified version build with spare parts, both power output and energy efficiency are below the Guren's, but it is still capable of destroying ordinary Knightmares with a single burst.
The is a unique Knightmare Frame model designed by Indian engineer Rakshata Chawla, manufactured by Japan
, and built by the Kyōto House. In keeping with its name, the Guren's armor is predominantly red
. It is radically different from its Britannian counterparts, and its technology is on par with seventh generation Knightmare Frames, such as the Lancelot. The Guren Mk-II's speed and strength can easily match the Lancelot's, but its lack of long-range weapons relegate it to a defensive close-combat role. Unlike Britannian-made Knightmare cockpits, the Guren Mk-II features an unconventional pilot seat, shaped like a motorbike, and a helm-like outgrowth surrounding its retractable head. Its Landspinners fold out from within its legs instead of being attached to the ankle. It is given to the Order of the Black Knights and piloted by Kallen Stadtfeld
The Guren Mk-II's main weapon is its right arm. The arm is silver from the elbow down, and terminates in clawed fingers. Stored within the palm is the , a powerful microwave radiation emitter. By grabbing onto an enemy Knightmare and activating the emitter, the Guren Mk-II can fry the enemy's electronics and warp the frame itself, causing it to explode after a brief pause. The warping effect can also fuse the cockpit to the frame, preventing ejection. The arm can unhinge at the elbow to extend the Guren's reach. While not designed as such, the radiant wave surger can also function as a shield capable of blocking almost any attack, only failing against the Lancelot Conquista's Hadron Blaster. The arm is destroyed in the first season by Suzaku Kururugi
, but is replaced in the second season with a slimmer, three-fingered version. The Guren Mk-II also possesses a fork-shaped knife, a grenade launcher on its left arm, and a single Slash Harken.
In the second season, the Guren Mk-II receives a mid-battle upgrade through a series of rocket-mounted attachments. The upgraded model is dubbed the . It gains an integrated Float System and antenna on the sides of its head which carry a radiant wave surger-based shield, as well as a new "armor-piercing bombardment-type" radiant wave surger arm. The new arm has a dark gray forearm with silver fingers. In addition to its close-range blast, the new radiant wave surger arm can also fire a concentrated long-range beam or a wide-range blast. The long-range beam can eliminate multiple targets in a single shot. The wide-range blast, though not as destructive, cripples any Knightmares caught in it, and can still destroy weaker craft such as helicopters. Another addition to Guren's arsenal is the 'Gefjun Net', a series of small, fast-moving drones launched from the back of the Guren that surround an enemy Knightmare and release a Gefjun Disturber surge, immobilizing it.
After Kallen and the Guren are captured during a battle with the Chinese Federation and turned over to Britannia, Lloyd Asplund is given access to the Guren. Much as Rakshata had done when creating the Shen Hu, Lloyd and Cécile Croomy got carried away in their modifications, which resulted in a machine that they believed no one was capable of piloting. In his care, it is upgraded into the . S.E.I.T.E.N. stands for Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus. At this stage it is arguably the most powerful Knightmare frame in the series contested only by the Lancelot Albion. Kallen states that the Guren has better specs than the Lancelot in the final episode, hinting that the Guren may indeed be stronger. For flight, it uses a four-feathered Energy Wing designed by Cécile. The system allows the Guren to move at blinding speeds, such that it appears to be little more than a pink blur in flight. The wings can also serve as cutting weapons. Additional armor is added on the legs and left arm, replacing the cannon, and the antenna have been extended and enlarged, making them appear to be giant ears. The chest armor is extended into the shape of a beak and a pair of green jewels featured prominently on the front. Its single chest-mounted Slash Harken is also gone, replaced by a pair of larger Slash Harkens mounted in its shoulder joints. Its radiant wave surger arm has also been upgraded significantly. It can be fired like a Slash Harken, and has a Harken Booster for controlled flight. The arm still functions when launched as such. Its original functions are retained and far more potent: the ordinary radiation burst can block a Hadron Cannon blast and the hand can crush energy shielding without the aid of the emitter. In addition, it can fire energy disks. The Guren's fork knife is also upgraded, having been retrofitted with MVS capability and made about twice as long. Its MVS (which is colored purple as opposed to the usual red) is evidently more potent than normal versions, as it can cut through the Lancelot Conquista's MVS swords. It is damaged in battle against the Lancelot Albion, losing its head and both arms, but the chest survives intact. Artwork from the Last Picture Drama shows the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N rebuilt for reasons unknown.
In the Nintendo DS version of the series, Kallen also received an upgraded version of her Guren, the "Guren Mk-II Kai". This version is a slightly heavier version of the Guren Mk-II and has a black color scheme instead of Red. While it resembles the original Mk-II, the radiant wave surge is however covered in full armour, making it much larger than normal, and has four fingers instead of five. It also have a fork knife attached to its left arm.
personal use. It possesses an integrated Float System for and can transform into a submarine to move underwater, which Lelouch uses to travel to and from Japan undetected. Its armor is primarily black and gold with a crimson four winged jetpack, and it has several unusual physical features. Its feet are not flat, instead consisting of four large toes, and its head has four eyes. Its cockpit is also much wider. In addition to the standard control yoke system, the Shinkirō has keyboard-based controls similar to those used on the Gawain. The Shinkirō is destroyed by Gino Weinberg in his Tristan Divider near the end of the second season.
The Shinkirō's main feature is its , a system which uses an array of hexagonal energy shields that can be projected over any part of the Knightmare. The Druid System, adapted from the Gawain, plots the trajectories of incoming projectiles and shifts the shields accordingly, giving the Shinkirō the highest defensive power of any Knightmare Frame. The system requires incredibly complex calculations to form effective barriers, such that it takes an intellect on the level of Lelouch to use the system to its full potential. When Rolo attempts to use it, he is only able to erect a meager defense with a number of weak spots. At its full potential, the Absolute Defense Field can block a sustained blast from the Mordred's Stark Hadron Cannon, albeit at the cost of much of its power reserves. The Shinkirō must deactivate its shields in order to utilize its weapons.
The Shinkirō's main weapon is a chest-mounted laser called the . When activated, a prism-like object is fired from the Shinkirō's chest. The Shinkirō then fires a powerful beam into the prism, which refracts the blast into dozens of devastating pinpoint lasers. The beam can be fired without launching the prism for a concentrated blast. The Shinkirō also has a pair of Hadron blasters mounted on the underside of its wrists which fire sphere-shaped blasts, rather than continuous beams of energy; it is no less destructive, being able to destroy a Knightmare in a single shot, and being able to do massive damage to MSV particle shielding or radiation barriers. Unlike most Knightmares, the Shinkirō possesses no close-range weapon, lacking even Slash Harkens.
In in the upcoming game Another Century's Episode Portable
, a sequel to the Another Century's Episode R, shows the Shinkiro shooting energy bolts from its shield in a similar manner the Lancelot Albion shoots its enery bolt from its wings.
. Their design is highly unconventional as far as Knightmare Frames go; they have no limbs to speak of, and are shaped more like elongated tanks with an elevated "shoulder" area. It is also much larger than the Sutherland and Gloucester models, and needs to be operated by a large crew.
Its main weapons include two packs of missile launchers on the shoulders that carry up to six missiles, two side-mounted machine guns, and a long-range cannon mounted directly below the head. It is equipped with hover engines instead of Landspinners, allowing for improved traction over the desert sands. Its configuration gives it fairly good speed compared to more traditional Knightmares, but its size and lack of maneuverability make it a large, easy target.
Bamides units appeared in the fifth episode of the first season, where they fought to defend against a Britannian division. Their initial success was overcome by a group of Gloucesters piloted by royal guards which quickly destroyed them, while Princess Cornelia had already gotten behind them and annihilated the base that they were defending.
Despite its failings, the Ganymede served as the basis of practically every Knightmare Frame constructed thereafter. This is due to the effectiveness of the basic design, along with its skilled test pilot, Marianne vi Britannia. Her incredible abilities earned her the nickname "Marianne the Flash," and she would later become one of the many wives of the Emperor of Britannia. When Marianne was assassinated, the loss of its major benefactor and former test pilot caused the Ashford Foundation to dissolve, leading to rumors that the assassination was carried out specifically to curb the rising corporation's power.
The Ganymede is retained by the Ashford family and kept at their academy in Area 11. It is brought out of storage as a popular sight of the annual school festival exhibition. It is piloted several times by Marianne's son, Lelouch
. Lelouch cedes his role as the Ganymede's pilot to his childhood friend, Suzaku Kururugi
, so he can make a giant pizza for the latest festival, only to have it ruined when the press catches sight of Princess Euphemia and distracts Suzaku. At the end of the first season, Nina Einstein fits the Ganymede with a sakuradite-enhanced nuclear reactor
, intending to use it as a makeshift bomb. However, it fails to explode. Its fate following this is left unclear, but Milly Ashford makes a passing mention about Nina possibly completing the Knightmare.
The Gun Ru's armament consists of a pair of machine guns and a pair of cannons which are mounted on the shoulders of the body and are effective at considerable distance. The Gun Ru is extremely cheap to produce, allowing the Chinese Federation to rely upon the strength of numbers when using them. They deploy them by the hundreds in most engagements. However, they are also rather weak, both in terms of firepower and overall defense when compared to other Knightmare Frames. Nonetheless, during the failed Chinese invasion of Kyūshū
, Suzaku's
Lancelot was nearly overwhelmed through sheer weight of numbers by Gun Ru units; similarly Li Xingke's Shen hu was close to destruction when pinned down by a large division of Gun Rus.
s. It is equipped with two Slash Harkens in its shoulders and an ejection system. It also used Landspinners for quick and agile movement. Its limbs are flattened, allowing it to fold up into a form resembling a truck when inactive. A white and black coloured MR-1 is used by terrorists led by Lelouch Lamperouge
in the rescue of Suzaku Kururugi
, piloted by Kaname Ohgi. A purple and yellow model is used by Ashford Academy in place of the Ganymede during a festival honoring Suzaku Kururugi, the MR-1 is hijacked by Gino Weinberg after Suzaku, the intended pilot, was distracted by Arthur; the knightmare was intended for Milly Ashford's unothodox plan to make the world's largest pizza on stage.
, which may mean either. During the war between the E.U. and the Britannian Empire a division of Panzer-Hummels are successfully able to hold off an amphibious landing consisting of Sutherlands against continental Europe
until Suzaku
and his superior Lancelot arrive to decimate them. They are also used in the new combined United Federation of Nations military forces, one is seen amongst Li Xingke's forces during an amphibious assault on Japan's
. However, it was left in storage because piloting it was too physically demanding and thus a suitable pilot could not be found. Li Xingke proves capable of piloting it, but even at forty percent power the task proves very stressful. The Shen Hu has blue armor with red and gold parts, and its head unit has an intricate design with a red spike protruding from the top. Unlike most of Rakshata's creations, it uses a standard-style cockpit instead of the motorbike design common on Japanese Knightmares.
Having been built by Rakshata's team, the Shen Hu is equipped with the same type of Float System employed by the Black Knights. Mounted in its torso is the powerful , a directed energy weapon of similar power to the Hadron Cannon and equal to the Radiant Wave Surger on the Guren Flight-Enabled Version. Its main weapons are two rope dart
-like Slash Harkens mounted on its wrist. By wrapping or impaling an enemy with the Slash Harkens, the Shen Hu can send a powerful electrical charge along the cable, instantly destroying the Knightmare on the receiving end. The Shen Hu's wrist armor can spin in place to turn the Slash Harkens into powerful flails
and can double as shields. The Shen Hu also has a short sword stored near its shoulder. It is damaged in battle by the Lancelot Albion, but is seen fully restored in the end of the series.
Because of her sharp shooting skills, Sancia's Alpha unit was customize as a sniper unit. Her unit has its Right Arm replaced with an Anti-Knightmare Frame Rifle, and its right eye was installed an Long-Range Zoom Lens to target enemies from long distance. Her unit was also given a large amount of muscle framing system and more armour, this result having a bulking appearance and makes it quite heavy in order to withstand her Rifle's power. Her Knightmare Frame was Damaged by Cardinal Rolo Geass, the Ice ,when they turn against him.
Because of her Geass, "The Land", has often served as an analyst to Sancia, Lucretia's unit is slightly slimer and bulkier than the other units with more armour, which often serves for defences, and its head has large fin on the top of its head.
Because of her Geass, "The Power", her Knightmare Frame is much bulkier, possesses no weapons and has fang designs on its shoulder pads. Her cockpit is installed with synchronization receptors that allow expression of this ability as a highly effective frame strength enhancer.
Alice's Alpha unit focuses on her Geass, "The Speed", and so its appearance is slightly human shape, like the Lancelot. Her Alpha unit is also carried four pair of swords for melee combat in her scabbards for Alpha is a Knightmare Frame dedicated only to close range combat but combined with Alice Geass the Speed the swords of the Alpha is more than enough to combat any adversary. It remain as her primary Knightmare Frame until it was Destroyed by the Mark Nemo
-like appearance. Equus is Latin for "horse". The Factsphere sensor is located on the head, and it wields a large hammer. It is piloted by Castor rui Britannia.
. Unlike most Knightmare Frames, the Mark Nemo does not possess Landspinners but a muscle framing system and appears more human; as a result, it can move more acrobatically, and it can run and jump with greater ease. When merged with Nemo, Nunnally can summon the Mark Nemo.
The main weapons of the Mark Nemo are six remote wired rocket anchors known as Blonde Knives. They are similar to Slash Harkens, except that they possesses sharp blades on the end that can penetrate any Knightmare Frame and can also drill rapidly through the ground. The Blonde Knives can also move remotely either in mid-air or underground, allowing them to target and destroy multiple Knightmare Frames. The Mark Nemo is also armed with a katana
capable of cutting through nearly any obstacle. In the Lost Colors videogame, the Mark Nemo appears in the background when Nunnally is talking about her ideal Knightmare Frame.
's columnist Todd Ciolek attributes the soaring popularity of Code Geass to "the series hitting every important fan sector," with the audience appeal points ranging from a "complex cast of characters and a fast-paced story, told with Goro Taniguchi's capable direction" for "general-interest fans" to "pretty and just-a-little-broken heroes" for "yaoi
-buying female fans."
Some Knightmares that stand out tend to receive as much appreciation as some of the human characters that pilot them.
A mech , is a science fiction term for a large walking bipedal tank or robot, including ones on treads and animal shapes.-Characteristics:...
in the Sunrise
Sunrise (company)
is a Japanese animation studio and production enterprise. It is a subsidiary of Namco Bandai Holdings. Its former name was Nippon Sunrise, and prior to that, Sunrise Studios...
anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. In the series, they were developed by the Holy Britannian Empire. Unveiled during the invasion of Japan, Knightmare Frames are almost exclusively used in place of the practically obsolete main battle tank
Main battle tank
A main battle tank , also known as a battle tank or universal tank, is a tank that fills the heavy direct fire role of many modern armies. They were originally conceived to replace the light, medium, heavy and super-heavy tanks. Development was spurred onwards in the Cold War with the development...
s. The name "Knightmare Frame" is a play on the words knight
A knight was a member of a class of lower nobility in the High Middle Ages.By the Late Middle Ages, the rank had become associated with the ideals of chivalry, a code of conduct for the perfect courtly Christian warrior....
, and nightmare
A nightmare is an unpleasant dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind, typically fear or horror, but also despair, anxiety and great sadness. The dream may contain situations of danger, discomfort, psychological or physical terror...
Knightmare Frames are all robots but often have a humanoid shape and are usually between four to six meters (about 13 to 20 feet) tall. In addition to the standard range of bipedal movement, Knightmare Frames are equipped with Landspinners, self-propelled roller skates attached to the ankles of the machines, which allow them to achieve high mobility and speeds on most terrain. Visual data is gathered through Factsphere sensors, which have thermographicThermographic camera
A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light...
capability and an array of other data-collection functions which are collated in real-time
Real-time operating system
A real-time operating system is an operating system intended to serve real-time application requests.A key characteristic of a RTOS is the level of its consistency concerning the amount of time it takes to accept and complete an application's task; the variability is jitter...
. Factspheres are commonly protected under a layer of armor which can be retracted to improve system sensitivity. Knightmare Frames are piloted from a cockpit set in the protruding 'hump back' of the unit. The cockpit is a self-contained control center which can be ejected in case of emergency.
Knightmare Frames are powered by the , a fictional energy source. Its centerpiece is a sakuradite device called the , wherein a cube of unknown composition is weightlessly suspended in liquid. The cube revolves at high speeds during a state of drive activation known as , apparently involved in the conduction of electricity. The technology is named after the Yggdrasil
In Norse mythology, Yggdrasil is an immense tree that is central in Norse cosmology. It was said to be the world tree around which the nine worlds existed...
of Norse mythology
Norse mythology
Norse mythology, a subset of Germanic mythology, is the overall term for the myths, legends and beliefs about supernatural beings of Norse pagans. It flourished prior to the Christianization of Scandinavia, during the Early Middle Ages, and passed into Nordic folklore, with some aspects surviving...
. The drive is recharged through a sakuradite . All Knightmare Frames are activated by a 'key' interfacing through a USB-like port inside the cockpit.
Knightmare Frames are typically armed with wired rocket anchors called and a number of other weapons. Mass-production models usually carry handheld rifles and a number of Chaos Grenades, cylindrical air burst
Air burst
An air burst is the detonation of an explosive device such as an anti-personnel artillery shell or a nuclear weapon in the air instead of on contact with the ground or target or a delayed armor piercing explosion....
grenades that spray deadly shrapnel over a specific area. Less common equipment, though more widespread as the series progresses, are Maser
A maser is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification by stimulated emission. Historically, “maser” derives from the original, upper-case acronym MASER, which stands for "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation"...
Vibration Swords (MVS), a form of vibroblade which oscillates at a high ratio to cut through almost anything, and Hadron
In particle physics, a hadron is a composite particle made of quarks held together by the strong force...
Cannons, powerful energy cannons
Directed-energy weapon
A directed-energy weapon emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It transfers energy to a target for a desired effect. Intended effects may be non-lethal or lethal...
which can obliterate almost anything in their path. Late in the first season, various models of , devices which allow Knighmares to fly, also fall into common use.
In the manga, Code Geass: Tales of an Alternate Shogunate, the Knightmares are reimagined as summons in the style of Final Fantasy, called forth by those with Geass.
Fictional History
The Biglobe official site details the origins and creation of Knightmare Frames, dividing their production into four Generations which mark the birth of a new kind of weapons platform and its evolution into a full-fledged combat system, and the continued advancement of these fighting machines to better this purpose. Within the anime series, this technology undergoes evolution from one intended to assist in emergency survival to one of war.First Generation: Infancy
Knightmare Frames began with the creation of 'emergency survival cockpits' for conventional vehicles. The cockpits were equipped with rocket engines to propel the crew away from the wreck, followed by a pair of artificial legs to allow greater mobility. This provided the base design for Knightmare Frames.Second Generation: Turning Point
In the following years, the common Knightmare Frame technologies (Factspheres, Landspinners, etc.) were developed, but the prototypes developed from that technology performed erratically. The research was outsourced to the Special Dispatch Guidance System Division, a military-based robotics project, and a social-oriented program given to the Ashford Foundation. The foundation implemented technologies related to training and education, enabling the entire Knightmare Frame program to make progress fluidly. The bipedal weapon was nicknamed 'Knightmare' by the Army but its non-offensive equivalent was referred to as 'Frame' by civilians; hence the origin of the name 'Knightmare Frame'.Third Generation: Archetype
With the results gained from the two separate programs, Knightmare Frames were developed into combat-effective platforms. Use of sakuradite became paramount in making the Knightmare Frames perform to expectations, resulting in the mineral's value increasing greatly, turning it into resource as important as fossil fuelFossil fuel
Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms. The age of the organisms and their resulting fossil fuels is typically millions of years, and sometimes exceeds 650 million years...
in international politics. The Third Age also marked the creation of the Ganymede prototype, made by the Ashford Foundation. Its test pilot, Marianne, was famous for her piloting ability.
Fourth Generation: Implementation
The Fourth Generation saw the introduction of the RPI-11 Glasgow, the first mass-production weapons platform. Its abilities allowed the Britannian Empire to easily dominate Japan during the invasion in 2010. The Glasgow moved on to become the baseline unit for the Britannian Army, though it was eventually made obsolete. Some Glasgow units are still used by the Knight Police for law enforcement, and other countries have used it as a base in the creation of their own Knightmare Frames.Fifth Generation: Evolution
Following the success of the Knightmare Frames against conventional weapons of war, attention was turned to creating Knightmare Frames intended to destroy similar weapons, including other Knightmare Frames, reflecting the Chinese Federation and the EU's development of their own equivalent units. The Sutherland is the result of this. Second Princess Cornelia and her bodyguards make use of the Gloucester, a Sutherland variant designed specifically to combat other Knightmare Frames.Sixth and Seventh Generation: Missing and Continuation
The Sixth Generation featured almost no improvements in Knightmare Frame technology, earning it the moniker "Missing Generation". The most visible member of the Sixth Generation is the experimental Gawain, but most of its technologies are not mass-adopted. The creation of the Seventh Generation experimental Lancelot marks the first significant innovation since the mass adoption of Knightmare Frames, being the first Knightmare to employ electromagnetic shielding and MVS weaponry. The Lancelot becomes the template for the mass-production Vincent, which bears many similarities in design to the Lancelot but lacks many of the more-experimental technologies. The Seventh Generation also sees the mass adoption of Float Systems (first innovated in the Gawain) via modules that can be fitted to the backs of different Knightmares.Eighth and Ninth Generation: Aspirations
The Eight and Ninth Generations represent the highest level of Knightmare technology seen in the series. Britannia's efforts are led by Camelot heads Lloyd Asplund and Cécile Croomy while Rakshata Chawla produces advancements for the Black Knights. The Knights of the Round use mostly eighth-generation Knightmares, as does Lelouch when he acquires the Shinkirō. The Ninth Age sees the introduction of the Energy Wing, a Float System giving unrivaled agility and allowing for blinding speeds; but being highly difficult to control. Only two Ninth Generation Knightmares are known: the Lancelot Albion and the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N..Britannian models
The nation of Britannia was the first power to deploy knightmare frames, and as such over time has both developed more types of knightmare and usually has a technological lead over other nations.Mass-production models
Britannia fields a large number of mass productionMass production
Mass production is the production of large amounts of standardized products, including and especially on assembly lines...
models, ranging into the thousands. They span across three major generations, from the original Glasgow model to the newer Vincents, as well as several specialised types like the anti-Knightmare Gloucesters and the aquatic Portman. A considerably large variety of Knightmares form the backbone of the Britannian army, in contrast to the less varied selection of rival nations.
The Gareth, named after Sir GarethGareth
Sir Gareth was a Knight of the Round Table in Arthurian Legend. He was the youngest son of Lot and of Morgause, King Arthur's half-sister, thus making him Arthur's nephew, as well as brother to Gawain, Agravain, Gaheris, and half brother of Mordred...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is the seventh-generation mass-production model of the prototype Gawain. It has gold trim at various points and a similar style of integrated float system used on the Gawain, but its overall design is quite different from the prototype. Unlike the Gawain, it is more agile and maneuverable. Its Hadron Cannons are attached directly to its wrists and as such, it lacks hands altogether. It also does not use the Druid System equipped on the Gawain, and its cockpit is a standard single-seat version. It has eight Slash Harkens mounted in two quad-barrel launchers attached to the hips. It also has fourteen missile launchers, four on each leg and six on its chest. Finally, it has two triple-barreled machine guns mounted on its shoulders. The Glaston Knights switch from Gloucesters to Gareth models prior to the second battle of Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
; they were used as part of the force sent to apprehend Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Lamperouge
is the protagonist and antihero of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Lamperouge is his assumed surname, while his real name is , son of the 98th Britannian Emperor. His seiyū is Jun Fukuyama, and his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara...
when he was identified as Zero.
The is a fourth-generation Knightmare Frame and the first mass-production model produced by Britannia. It is also the first Knightmare introduced in the series. The Glasgow actively contributed to the invasion of Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
, providing an overwhelming tactical advantage over conventional combat vehicles. Amongst other flaws, the cockpit is considered quite cramped and uncomfortable. The Glasgow's armament includes shoulder-mounted Slash Harkens, Stun Guns, Tonfas, and a handheld assault rifle. Its hull still serves as a template for its successors, but the model itself is phased out in favor of the RPI-13 Sutherland by the start of the series.
Various Japanese resistance cells use modified Glasgow models called Burais. They also make use of a cannon built from four such units called a Raikou. Kallen Stadtfeld
Kallen Stadtfeld
is a fictional character in the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. She is legally known by this name, and goes by this name at school, but prefers her mother's maiden surname, using during her revolutionary activities. Ami Koshimizu won "Best Actress in supporting role" for...
uses a customized red Glasgow in the beginning of the series, which is destroyed in battle against the Lancelot during the latter's first combat deployment.
The , a paramilitary subdivision of the Britannian Police, pilot retired Glasgows painted white and marked with the Police emblem to indicate their affiliation. Knight Police frames are armed with two machine pistols instead of an assault rifle as well as a specially made anti-Knightmare Frame combat knife. In addition, Knight Police frames also use a shield during crowd-control situations where firearms or rogue Knightmares may be present.
The fifth-generation is a remodeled Sutherland focused on close combat. It features enhanced hand-to-hand capabilities, as well as being slightly larger and equipped with heavier armor. The Gloucester is mainly used by royal guards, although later on in the second season many of the royal guards move to using Vincents instead. It is first seen piloted by Gilbert G.P. Guilford and Andreas Darlton during the conquest of Area 18. In keeping with the fact that it is often used by personal knights of the Imperial family, most Gloucesters are draped in a cape. The Gloucester, in addition to the standard Sutherland equipment, uses a large gold jousting lance to charge directly at their opponents, their main preferred weapon at close quarters. In the second season, Gloucester models can equip a Float System backpack.
The Gloucesters used by Cornelia li Britannia and her knights differ slightly in their design and equipment. The Glaston Knights are shown to use a pair of five-barrel missile launchers attached near the shoulders, and Guilford's Gloucester carries a pair of Maser Vibration Swords stored in black scabbards on the sides of its cockpit. Although normal Gloucester models are painted a flat, dull purple, Cornelia's aides sport a more vibrant deep-purple color scheme which is sometimes referred to as a Commander Type. Cornelia's Gloucester is a custom model featuring two horn-like antenna arrays protruding from both sides of the headpiece, as well as a more ornamental waist armor. Its color is a lighter, more vibrant purple, and its cape is white. Though it possesses a similar armament, it does not use Chaos Mines and lacks the antipersonnel machine gun mounted on the torso that Sutherlands and Gloucesters are commonly fitted with.
Part of the fourth generation of Knightmare Frames, the RMI-13 Portman is the only mass-production series of amphibious
Amphibious vehicle
An amphibious vehicle , is a vehicle or craft, that is a means of transport, viable on land as well as on water – just like an amphibian....
Knightmare to be produced. Much of its outward design is made with hydrodynamics in mind, making it awkward to use on land. In addition to the standard Slash Harkens, the Portman has a set of torpedo launchers mounted in its shoulders, and a hydro jet pack mounted on its back. A cluster of Portmans are used to cut off and board a Japanese tanker in an operation led by Cornelia Li Britannia against the JLF. Princess Euphemia makes use of one to try to catch up with the Lancelot on Shikine Island
is a volcanic Japanese island in the Philippine Sea, administered by Tōkyō and located approximately south of Tōkyō and south of Shimoda Shizuoka Prefecture. It is one of the of the Izu Seven Islands group of the seven northern islands of the Izu archipelago...
An upgraded version of the Portman, the Portman II, appears in the second season. It is considerably faster than the original, possessing a second pair of turbines in its arms, and replaces the three-fingered claws of the original with ordinary five-digit hands slung below the turbines. Portman II models can be equipped with a Float System backpack, despite being designed for aquatic combat. They are a vital part of the naval task force dispatched under the command of the Knight of Seven, Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
, attempting to destroy the Black Knight's leadership while at sea. A number of Portman II models are stationed just offshore during the second battle of Tokyo
, ; officially , is one of the 47 prefectures of Japan. Tokyo is the capital of Japan, the center of the Greater Tokyo Area, and the largest metropolitan area of Japan. It is the seat of the Japanese government and the Imperial Palace, and the home of the Japanese Imperial Family...
The is the standard Knightmare Frame model mass produced for the Britannian Army at the beginning of the series. It is a fifth-generation unit based on the older RPI-11 Glasgow, boasting improved mobility through a better application of the Landspinner systems as well as an enhanced cockpit life support system over its predecessor. It features Stun Guns, Tonfas, Slash Harkens, and a handheld assault rifle. They occasionally carry lances similar to those of the Gloucester, but slightly smaller and colored silver. Various mission-specific versions exist, such as the all-range REVO-type and the Pinpoint Breakthrough-type. In the second season, production-model Sutherlands can be equipped with a Float System backpack. It is common for Sutherlands to have an anti-personnel machine gun mounted underneath the cockpit.Jeremiah's Purebloods use Sutherlands with red shoulders and faceplates In the second season, Jeremiah initially uses a Sutherland with the Black Knights' model Float System and a large cannon mounted on its right arm. Cécile Croomy makes use of a heavily modified Sutherland created by Lloyd Asplund and code-named "Sutherland Air". It incorporates several test parts developed for the Lancelot, including energy shields on the arms and a Float System backpack. It is distinguished from the regular Sutherland model by its light gray armor with light orange parts. A Sutherland is also used by Rakshata Chawla as the core of a new custom knightmare, the Sutherland Sieg; as such it is the only Sutherland to make use of a neural control interface or an integrated Float System.
The RPI-212 Vincent is a seventh-generation mass-production model of the Lancelot, introduced early in the second season while it is still in the prototype stage. Vincent models are mostly piloted by commanders or special divisions of the Britannian army. The majority of the Britannian Army still uses the older Sutherland and Gloucester models. Two finalized mass-production versions of the Vincent are introduced later on: the Vincent Commander Model and the Vincent Ward. The Commander Model has no noticeable differences from the prototype version while the Ward is a weaker variant produced in far greater numbers, with an altered head unit and shoulder armor akin to the Lancelot Club.
The Vincent's agility and mobility is comparable to the Lancelot's, but its design still differs markedly from its predecessor. Its two Factspheres are mounted in its shoulders instead of on its chest, and it only has two hip-mounted Slash Harkens which are not equipped with Harken Boosters. In addition, it does not possess energy shielding. Its Maser Vibration Swords are slightly different from the Lancelot's, in that they are shaped more like spears, and can be attached at the hilts to form a double-bladed lance. It does feature a new weapon not found on the Lancelot: a pair of Electric Needle Blazers mounted on the elbows, which can punch a hole through an enemy Knightmare when coming into contact with the frame. The Vincent Ward lacks the Needle Blazers, which are replaced with the stun tonfa previously seen on the Sutherland and Glasgow models. Though it is never used in the series, the Vincent prototype and later Commander Model equips a second set of landspinners in its shoulders. All models of Vincent use Float System backpacks for flight regularly.
The first prototype of the Vincent is a gold and crimson model loaned to the Britannian intelligence division and piloted by Rolo Lamperouge
Rolo Lamperouge
is a fictional character in the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2. His seiyū is Takahiro Mizushima, while he is voiced by Spike Spencer in the English dub.-Character outline:...
later uniquely equipped with a Black Knights' model Float System. Gilbert G.P. Guilford pilots a silver and purple-colored production model of the Commander variant. A quartet of pink and white Vincents referred to as the Grausam Valkyrie Squad are under the command of Luciano Bradley; the squadron and their Vincents are destroyed by Kallen with ease. A squadron of green and gold Vincents, known as the Vincent 4 model, serve as the royal guard for the Emperor of Britannia and are commanded by the Knight of Twelve, Monica Kruszewski; they are caught off guard and destroyed by a group of Sutherlands whose pilots are under the influence of Lelouch's Geass.
In the manga spin-off series, "Nightmare of Nunnally", Lelouch's twin brother, Rolo Vi Britannia, has a gold Vincent unit based on the anime version, but like that version's Lancelot this unit was built by the same manufacturers of the Alpha unit. This version appears in human shape with Geass symbols on its face and chest. Its base metal uses sakuradite and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system, and is also inputted with a Geass-Conduct which allows Rolo to use his Geass, The Ice, on his enemies. It also has a MVS Sword and was equipped with a large Hadron Cannon.
Custom models
In addition to variations on the standard Knightmare Frames, Britannia also builds various custom models of Knightmare Frame. Some, like the Lancelot and the Gawain, are experimental models meant to test and refine new ideas that are later pushed into mass production. Others, like the Galahad and the Tristan, are custom-built for elite pilots in the Britannian Empire: in particular the Knights of the Round.Galahad
The , named after Sir GalahadGalahad
Sir Galahad |Round Table]] and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend. He is the illegitimate son of Lancelot and Elaine of Corbenic, and is renowned for his gallantry and purity. Emerging quite late in the medieval Arthurian tradition, he is perhaps the knightly...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of One, Bismarck Waldstein. Its armor is light purple and black, and it is approximately twice the size of an ordinary Knightmare (like the Gawain). Its Landspinners are built into its ankles, rather than simply attached to the side. The Galahad carries a heavy sword named Excalibur on its back, which is larger than the Knightmare itself. The sheath has an additional Landspinner and a Float System. Excalibur can break through armor in a single swing, and can generate an energy field capable of blocking and slicing through powerful energy blasts such as the Shen Hu's Baryon Cannon. Similar to the Gawain, each of its fingers are miniature Slash Harkens. The Galahad is also equipped with energy shielding. The Galahad is destroyed in battle with Suzaku's
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
Lancelot Albion, sliced in half along with its Excalibur; the two halves of the sword are salvaged for Gino's Tristan Divider.
The , named after Sir GawainGawain
Gawain is King Arthur's nephew and a Knight of the Round Table who appears very early in the Arthurian legend's development. He is one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as the greatest knight, most notably in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a prototype sixth generation Knightmare Frame developed by Prince Schneizel el Britannia. It is larger than most Knightmares, about twice as tall and wide, has no Factsphere sensors, and no ejection system. Its Landspinner system is also internalized, instead of the fold-out skate configuration common on other Knightmares. It features a double-seater cockpit, although it can be operated by one person.
The Gawain is equipped with an integrated Float System, and is the first unit in the series capable of self-sustained flight. Its fingers are miniature Slash Harkens, and it features a pair of shoulder-mounted Hadron Cannons. The Hadron Cannons fire erratically at first, but the Black Knights' scientific mastermind, Rakshata, is able to stabilize them using her Gefjun Disturber technology. As a side benefit, the Disturber's natural disruption properties also render the Gawain invisible to radar. Its experimental , originally intended to investigate the structure and function of the Thought Elevators, allows the Gawain to plot the probable movements of enemy units. Its float system was studied, which allowed the Black Knights to mass-produces the same model on their Knightmares, as seen in the second season. Despite its strengths, the Gawain is a fairly slow unit, and as such is easily outmaneuvered by smaller, faster Knightmares, such as Gloucesters.
Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Lamperouge
is the protagonist and antihero of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Lamperouge is his assumed surname, while his real name is , son of the 98th Britannian Emperor. His seiyū is Jun Fukuyama, and his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara...
and Kallen Stadtfeld
Kallen Stadtfeld
is a fictional character in the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. She is legally known by this name, and goes by this name at school, but prefers her mother's maiden surname, using during her revolutionary activities. Ami Koshimizu won "Best Actress in supporting role" for...
steal the Gawain from Prince Schneizel's expedition in order to escape from Kamine Island, outpacing the efforts of several Sutherlands using its aerial capability. Despite the amount of new technology consequently lost, Schneizel dismisses the Gawain's theft, considering it to be a mere "experimental subject." After its technology is studied and refined, it becomes Lelouch's and C.C.
C.C. (Code Geass)
is a fictional character and the tritagonist in the Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion anime series by Sunrise. C.C. is not her real name; she involuntarily reveals her real name to Lelouch in her sleep, but it is muted so the viewer cannot hear it. Her seiyū is Yukana while she is voiced by...
's personal Knightmare; usually C.C. handling the piloting while Zero operates the weapons and issues orders and communications. The Gawain later proves instrumental in Zero's plans, amongst other things allowing him to save Suzaku from a swarm of Chinese Gang Lous and especially in the invasion of the Tokyo Settlement, single-handedly wiping out the totality of Britannia's air support in the area. The Gawain is lost during a battle with the powerful Siegfried Knightmare being piloted by Jeremiah Gottwald, C.C. uses its Slash Harkens to entangle the Siegfried and drag them both into the crushing depths of the ocean. Though the frame is damaged beyond repair, its Druid System and Hadron Cannons are salvaged. The cannons are incorporated into the Black Knights' flagship, the Ikaruga, and the Druid System becomes a critical component of the defense system of Zero's personal Knightmare, the Shinkirō.
The , named after Sir Lancelot
Sir Lancelot du Lac is one of the Knights of the Round Table in the Arthurian legend. He is the most trusted of King Arthur's knights and plays a part in many of Arthur's victories...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is an experimental prototype seventh-generation custom Knightmare Frame developed by Lloyd Asplund and the Military Engineering Corps. It is the personal Knightmare Frame of Knight of Seven Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
. It is the first seventh generation Knightmare Frame ever fielded. The Lancelot outperforms most other models thanks to the heavy amount of sakuradite scattered throughout its frame as well as in its Yggdrasil Drive, the Core Luminous. The same enhancements also make it difficult to pilot; while Suzaku can control it with ease, Lloyd notes that most of the test pilots could barely make it move. As it is still in development, the Lancelot lacks an ejection system.
The Lancelot serves as a test bed for experimental technologies, and as such has a wide array of armaments. It has two retractable Factspheres affixed on its chest (earlier models have a single, head-mounted unit), two forearm-mounted energy shields called the Blaze Luminous, and four Slash Harkens (two on its wrists and two on its hips). These Slash Harkens have experimental thrusters called Harken Boosters which can improve their speed and allow them to change direction midflight. It also sports a pair of Maser Vibration Swords. It carries a VARIS particle rifle (Variable Ammunition Repulsion Impact Spitfire) which can adapt its projectile repulsion output to any situation. The Lancelot is also the first Knightmare equipped with a backpack-like Float System; however, the power usage of the Float System is astronomical. When equipped with the Float System, it is redesignated as Lancelot Air Cavalry.
In the second season, Suzaku receives an updated version of the Lancelot called the . The Float System backpack is now standard equipment. The Conquista gains a Hadron Blaster, which is mounted on top of the Float System and fired by docking the VARIS rifle to the underside of the larger cannon mount Its unique Core Luminous has been tuned and refined, increasing its power in battle, and it is equipped with countermeasures that provide a defense against the Knightmare-disabling Gefjun Disturber. The Conquista has an additional three energy shields on its legs and chest. The leg shields increase the effectiveness of its kicks. It also has four secondary emitters on the chest which can form the "Core Luminous Cone", a conical barrier that extends several feet ahead of the Lancelot. The Conquista is heavily damaged during a battle with Kallen's upgraded Guren S.E.I.T.E.N.
With the Conquista taken out of commission, Suzaku receives the , a ninth-generation custom Knightmare built specifically for him by Lloyd. Its design differs radically from its predecessors, featuring much more ornamental armor while the head unit is slightly larger. It maintains its previous armament and defenses, but enhanced. The shields are larger, it carries a pair of double-barreled VARIS rifles, and its MVS swords can match Galahad's Excalibur. It uses the same energy wing system used on the final form of the Guren, but with three energy feathers instead of four. The wings can fire dozens of energy bolts over a wide area, each one capable of destroying a Knightmare in a single hit. The Lancelot Albion is eventually destroyed in battle with the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N.
Near the end of the second season, C.C. receives a pink version of the original Lancelot called the Lancelot Frontier. It is slightly weaker than the original version, as it is made from spare and salvaged parts. However, it is equipped with the shield used on the Percival. This version also possesses an ejection system. It is destroyed in battle with Kallen shortly after entering.
In Code Geass: Lost Colors, the protagonist Rai receives a prototype version of the Lancelot called the Lancelot Club if the player chooses the Britannian military route. The Club is the sister unit of the Lancelot and it was built using spare parts from the Lancelot and some experimental components while having the Sutherland as a base. The application of Sakuradite was restricted due to a shortage of budget, so its performance does not match that of Lancelot's even though it is superior to the Sutherland's. Still, because it is adjusted to be quite peaky, nobody besides Rai is able to properly handle it. The Club was modulated to meet with Rai's high commanding abilities and his tactics of dispersing the enemy units in order to force them into one-on-one combat. It is equipped with a pair of Short Sword-type MVS that can combine into a single dual-bladed MVS, enhanced Factspheres, the same forearm-mounted Slash Harken/Blaze Luminous combo unit found in the Lancelot and a customized Assault Rifle that can changed into a "sniping-mode". In this sniping mode, both the barrel size and range of the weapon are greatly increased, but it becomes incapable of burst fire and, because its use requires an increase in the sensitivity of the Factspheres, the Club's energy consumption becomes 15 times greater. Its design combines elements from the Lancelot and the mass-production Vincent. In the Nintendo DS game version of the series, Suzaku Kururugi also receives an upgraded Lancelot model known as the Lancelot Enhanced.
In the manga spin-off series, Nightmare of Nunnally, the Lancelot was built by the same manufacturer as the Irregular's Alpha units. The Lancelot appears slightly human in shape and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system. Its base metal uses sakuradite with Geass-conducting circuitry. The main weapons are the same as in the anime, but each of them are upgraded to match the Alpha's weapons. Later in the issue, Suzaku received an upgraded version of his Knightmare, Lancelot Albion. While still maintaining the muscle framing system, the Lancelot Albion is given a samurai custom and mostly configures with weapons and equipments from what the Alpha units are currently using, such as its MVS swords now replaced with the Alpha's twin samurai sword, and the Alpha's long and short range fire arms.
The , named after the traitor Sir MordredMordred
Mordred or Modred is a character in the Arthurian legend, known as a notorious traitor who fought King Arthur at the Battle of Camlann, where he was killed and Arthur fatally wounded. Tradition varies on his relationship to Arthur, but he is best known today as Arthur's illegitimate son by his...
in Arthurian legend, is a eighth generation custom heavy-artillery Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Six, Anya Alstreim. It has an integrated Float System enabling flight. In keeping with its role, the Mordred has heavy energy shielding surrounding the entire unit, making most attacks futile. Furthermore, it has equally tough armor beneath the shielding, such that it can withstand a direct hit from a Gekka's heated chain-sword without even being scratched, whereas any other Knightmare would have been sliced in half. The same cannot be said for the Float System, which can be sheared through with ease. It possesses four Hadron Cannons mounted on the shoulders, which can be unfolded and merged into a quad-barrel cannon called the Stark Hadron Cannon. The merged cannon is capable of obliterating an aerial cruiser in a single shot. Missile launchers are built into its chest, hips, arms, and legs. The Mordred's raw strength also allows it to crush other Knightmares bare-handed. During its final battle with Jeremiah Gottwald's Sutherland Sieg, the Mordred is heavily damaged, leaving its cockpit breached and exposed.
The , named after Sir PercivalPercival
Percival or Perceval is one of King Arthur's legendary Knights of the Round Table. In Welsh literature his story is allotted to the historical Peredur...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Ten, Luciano Bradley. Its armor is oddly bulky, with large cones extending from the wrists, pointed leg armor at the hips and feet, and spikes on its Landspinners. It also has spiked-shaped Slash Harkens on its shoulders and head. It has an integrated Float System for flight. The Percival's main weapon is a large claw on its right wrist. The claw consists of four blades that can separate from each other and rotate to create a powerful energy lance. A pair of Hadron Blasters are built into its legs near the hips, and it carries a small shield in its left hand which hides six missile launchers. The Percival is destroyed in episode 18 of the second season, along with Bradley himself, by Kallen using her newly upgraded Guren. The shield is later used by C.C.'s Lancelot Frontier.
Developed in secret with funding from Prince Schneizel el Britannia, the Siegfried is part of the clandestine research project Code R. Originally funded by Schneizel's late brother Clovis, Code R is dedicated to the research of individuals linked to the mysterious power known as Geass. The massive Siegfried, classified as a "Knight Giga Fortress" rather than a Knightmare Frame, makes use of both the latest Knightmare technology as well as data from Code R. In keeping with its altered title, the Siegfried bears little resemblance to normal Knightmare Frames, consisting of little more than a large, flying cockpit. Its size is comparable to that of the Gawain, another larger than normal Knightmare. A Nintendo DS version of the series featured a pink version of this unit referred to as the Siegfried Kai, which is piloted by Euphemia li Britannia.The Siegfried has a unique cockpit system wherein the pilot's nervous system is connected directly to the Knightmare, allowing for complete mental control. The cockpit is also considerably larger, allowing the pilot to move freely inside, though there are no monitors and no controls to speak of aside from the interface itself. The neural interface allows the pilot to react much quicker in battle, such that they can dodge attacks that would be nearly impossible for an ordinary pilot. However, the interface can only be used by those with nerve potential beyond that of ordinary humans, limiting the potential operators to V.V. and Jeremiah Gottwald, the latter having been modified by Code R to replicate C.C.'s abilities.
The Siegfried is equipped with a Float System and has a number of verniers
Vernier thruster
A vernier thruster is a thruster used on a spacecraft for attitude control. It is a smaller thrust motor than main attitude control motors and is used for fine adjustments to the attitude or velocity of a spacecraft...
mounted on its frame, giving it excellent mobility despite its size. Its main armament consists of a set of Slash Harkens, which consist of the five conical structures on its frame and two ordinary versions mounted on the front. The five conical Slash Harkens are nearly as large as an ordinary Knightmare. It also possesses generators which can electrify the hull to keep enemies at bay. Using the conical Slash Harkens, it can perform a devastating attack in which it spins like a top to obliterate anything in its path or act as a physical barrier against projectiles. Its tough construction and energy shields make it incredibly durable; it manages to survive having a building dropped on it without even taking cosmetic damage, and likewise survives water pressure at depths that crush the Gawain.
The Siegfried is stolen by Jeremiah Gottwald during the first battle of Tokyo when he goes into a psychotic rage upon hearing the voice of the terrorist leader, Zero Unable to defeat it, C.C. ultimately resorts to using the Gawain in a kamikaze attack, wherein she ensnares the Siegfried with her Knightmare's Slash Harkens and drags them both into the ocean depths. Jeremiah and the Siegfried somehow survive and are next seen with the Geass Order. V.V. pilots it against Lelouch during the assault on the Order, but it is destroyed by the combined efforts of Princess Cornelia and Lelouch.
Following its destruction, the Siegfried is rebuilt by Rakshata into a new Knightmare for Jeremiah known as the Sutherland Sieg. Its size and basic shape are similar to the original Siegfried, but the weapons placement, as well as its armament in general, is much different. A large cannon is mounted on the underbelly, and it is equipped with an array of missile launchers. The Britannian energy shielding is replaced with the radiant wave surger-based shielding used on the Guren. The five conical Slash Harkens are also positioned differently. Two are mounted on the front as makeshift hands, and can channel the energy from the generators to stun opponents. The other three are located on the aft side: two are lined up parallel with the engine, and the remaining one is placed perpendicular to the cannon. It retains the neural interface from the Siegfried, which Rakshata finds disappointing since the technology is not feasible for mass-production. As the name implies, the Sutherland Sieg is built around a Siegfried-colored Sutherland, the head of which sticks out of the top normally. The Sutherland has Float System attachments equipped to its feet in place of Landspinners, allowing it to fly. The Sutherland Sieg's main body is destroyed by Anya Alstreim's Mordred, after which the Sutherland within breaks away and is self-destructed by Jeremiah to damage the Mordred.
The , named after Sir TristanTristan
Tristan is one of the main characters of the Tristan and Iseult story, a Cornish hero and one of the Knights of the Round Table featuring in the Matter of Britain...
of the Knights of the Round Table, is a custom eighth-generation Knightmare Frame piloted by the Knight of Three, Gino Weinberg. It is the first transforming Knightmare Frame introduced in the series, able to switch between humanoid and jet forms. It is very maneuverable, able to fold out and transform in mid-air. It can utilize a pair of machine guns in its jet form. It has two large Slash Harkens mounted on its forearms, which are equipped with Harken Boosters. The two Slash Harkens can combine to fire an energy blast, powerful enough to effectively match the Shen Hu's Baryon Cannon. When in humanoid form, it can wield two pickaxe-like Maser Vibrations Swords called the MVS Polearm, which can be joined together at the hilts to form a single, double-edged scythe. The Tristan is heavily damaged during a battle with the Lancelot Albion.
Following Gino's defeat by Suzaku, the Tristan is rebuilt by the Black Knights into the . It features a Black Knights' model Float System and a redesigned head unit similar to the Galahad with longer red horns. The MVS Polearm is replaced with the two severed halves of the Galahad's Excalibur, refashioned into twin swords. It manages to destroy the Shinkirō, but the Knightmare Frame is once again badly damaged by Suzaku
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
, who severs it in half at the waist.
In the manga spin-off series, Nightmare of Nunnally, the Tristan was built by the same manufacturer as the Irregular's Alpha units, but unlike the anime series the pilot of this unit is Anya Alstream instead of Gino. Like the Lancelot, the Tristan appears slightly human in shape and is installed with a synthetic and electrical gel with a special wax made from sakuradite and a muscle framing system and its base metal uses sakuradite with Geass-conducting circuitry, however it does not have a Knight Giga Fortress mode. Its main weapons are the MVS Harken Automated Trajectory Variable type, and it function similar to the Mark Nemo's Blonde Knives.
Japanese models
Despite the initial Britannian lead in knightmare technology, Japanese resistance groups and the Black Knights manage to attract the patronage of the Kyōto House and in turn Rakshata Chawla, allowing them to develop knightmares of their own original designs.Akatsuki
The is the Black Knights' Seventh generation mass-production Knightmare model in the second season, following their exile from Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
. They are given to the Black Knights as a show of support from India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
, where they are manufactured. It is superior to the Gekka, though its frame is visually similar. It is silver with a green tinge, and can be fitted with a Float System backpack. Like the Gekka, the Akatsuki has a monoptic head, a machine gun built into the left hand and a single Slash Harken on the left side of its chest. It differs in that it features a pair of machine gun turrets concealed in its chest; and carries a modified version of the Katen Yaibatou, which is shaped like a baton with the blade situated near the top.
The squadron leaders in the Black Knights pilot an Akatsuki variant called . It bears a much closer resemblance to the Gekka than the standard Akatsuki. Chiba Nagisa, Shōgo Asahina, and other standard squadron leaders pilot indigo versions. C.C.
C.C. (Code Geass)
is a fictional character and the tritagonist in the Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion anime series by Sunrise. C.C. is not her real name; she involuntarily reveals her real name to Lelouch in her sleep, but it is muted so the viewer cannot hear it. Her seiyū is Yukana while she is voiced by...
pilots a pink model. It is equipped with similar weaponry, but carries the full-sized Katen Yaibatou instead of the scaled-down baton. It also possesses radiant wave surger-based shielding mounted in the head antennas and rockets mounted with radiant wave surger warheads. They make use of the Float System in every battle, whereas the regular units only equip them as needed.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh pilots a black and silver customized Akatsuki called the . It resembles the Akatsuki Command Model Zikisan with a custom head crest and Gekka-style shoulder armor, plus the red hair-like attachments from his previous custom Knightmare. It carries the same Seidoutou as his old Gekka and employs the radiant wave surger-based shield used by his subordinates' Knightmares. However, it does not possess the same radiant wave surger rockets. The Zangetsu's hair-like attachments are tough enough to be used to ward off physical blows. Like his subordinates, Tohdoh makes consistent use of the Float System attachment. The Zangetsu is destroyed in combat with the Lancelot Albion.
The is a remodeled version of the Glasgow mass manufactured by the Kyōto House. It is basically the same as a Glasgow but has elephant tusk-like cheekbones, giving the appearance of an oni. It is primarily used by the Black Knights, though the Japan Liberation Front also makes use of them. Lelouch pilots a customized unit with a crimson head module and golden horns resembling those on a samurai's helmet, and Kallen briefly pilots a red-painted version in the ninth episode. The Burai were phased out following the Black Knights' exile from Japan in favor of the Akatsuki.
Though similar in terms of armament, the Burai differs from the Glasgow in several ways. It lacks the hand-mounted Stun Guns and Tonfas of the Glasgow (though the ones seen in episode 12 do have the latter), but its hands have been refurbished so that they can guard, a feature exclusive to the Burai. It also features a torso-mounted antipersonnel machine gun. Like the Sutherland, variants exist including close combat and electronic warfare types.
Kyoshiro Tohdoh and his subordinates, the Four Holy Swords, initially pilot optimized versions of the Burai called . The model has elongated head antennas which extend to the back of its torso, and Tohdoh's unit also has a distinguishing white head module They carry the Katen Yaibatou used on the Gekka. The Burai Custom can match Britannia's Gloucester in single combat, however are less numerous. All five units were lost after the battle of Narita, at least one in direct combat with Cornelia's Gloucester, and the remaining presumably abandoned by their pilots during their retreat. Tohdoh and the Four Holy Swords switch to using Gekkas following the loss of the Burai Customs.
The Japanese resistance also makes use of the , a massive coilgun
A coilgun is a type of projectile accelerator that consists of one or more coils used as electromagnets in the configuration of a synchronous linear motor which accelerate a magnetic projectile to high velocity...
built from four Glasgows or the Burai variants. It fires a high velocity shell which releases two-dozen ball bearings that tear through Knightmares with ease. The four Knightmares are arranged along both sides of the cannon for support, and their heads are attached to a circular disc on the top of the cannon for a 360 degree field of view. The cockpits of the two Knightmares on each side are linked to create a two-seater cockpit. In addition to the main cannon, the arm on the open side of each Knightmare is replaced with a linkable cannon, creating two secondary cannons in case the main cannon fails to destroy the target. Two of them are used in the series, the first by the Japan Liberation Front in the eighth episode and the second by the Black Knights in the finale. Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
destroys both.
In the Nintendo DS version are eight modified versions of the Burai that have been shown. These Burai's have been used by the Black Knights to some extent. The Burai Close Combat Type has been specialized with the role as a Close Combat Knightmare frame with the assignment of taking on the enemy within Close range, and has a green color scheme and two spike shields in both hands as a replacement for the Protector. The Spike Shields act as a weapon for the Burai. The Burai Drill Type is a Burai that have been specialized with a role as a Sapper, but is more suited for construction and demolition rather than as a Combat based Knightmare frame but seems to have a use for the latter. It have a Yellow color scheme and a pair of drill arm in both hand as a replacement for the Protector.
The Burai Long Ranged Type has been specialized in a role as a long range support for covering ally Knightmare Frame charging at the enemy but it can also be used in a solo mission. The Burai Enhanced Long Range Type is upgraded from Burai Long Range Type, and has been specialized with a role as a Sniper, a long range support or even as a Mobile Artillery. The Burai have a Blue color scheme the same as its predecessor and a big rifle barrel sticking out of its chest that use electomagnetic to fire the projectile a trait that is shared with the other Knightmare frame used by the Black Knights the Raikou. The Burai Full Enhancement Type has been specialized with a role as a Mobile Support Knightmare Frame, and used to support friendly Knightmare frames and Infantry from afar while behind the Font line. The Burai have a Pink color scheme and sport a pair of missile pods that can be fired at full salvo a trait that is shared by the Gloucester Sattel Waffen. The Burai Heavy Weapon Type has been specialized with a role as a Heavy Duty Knightmare frame, and seems to be used to breakthrough enemy line and fortification as an Assault Knightmare frame. The Burai have a light Brown color scheme and utilize a variety of Heavy Duty weaponries. The Burai High Mobility Type has been specialized with a role as a High Mobility Knightmare frame, and seems to be suited when using a Blitzkrieg tactic as their high mobility and superior weaponry are best suited for. The Burai have a Blue color scheme and a variety of Weaponries. The Burai Powered Type has been modified to serve in a construction duty while also capable performing in a combat situation it may have been specialized to work in a construction works or harvesting lumbers than a true combat Knightmare Frame but the Burai Powered Type can also be find on the battlefield in the hands of the Black Knights, at first sight this Knightmare Frame also canibalized parts from a construction or demolition vehicle the reason for this is unknown for the moment, the Burai have a black color scheme and a pair of giant claw acting as a main weapon for the Burai.
In the video game spin-off Lost Colors, a different version of the Burai was revealed as the Burai Experimental Radiant Wave Type. As its name implies, this is a variation of the Burai that mounts a Radiation Wave arm unit. During the early development stages, the protagonist was supposed to pilot this machine if he were to joint the Black Knights. However, the idea was rejected and the Burai Experimental Radiant Wave Type lost its role in favor to the Gekka Pre-Production Test Type.
The is a Knightmare Frame model based on the Guren Mk-II. Using the same motorcycle seat design, it boasts sixth to seventh generation technology, making them superior to Britannia's fifth generation mass production models, the Sutherland and Gloucester. The only units seen are used by the Four Holy Swords and their leader, Toudou. They switch to the Akatsuki variants following the destruction of their Gekkas during the failed attempt to kidnap Nunnally vi Britannia and the Black Knights' subsequent exile from Japan in the second season.
The standard Gekka, sometimes referred to as the Shiseiken version, differs from the Guren Mk-II in several ways. It has silver armor as opposed to red (Kōsetsu Urabe briefly pilots a light blue model), and the head unit is replaced with a monoptic model. It does not possess a radiant wave surger, either, and the cannon embedded in the left arm has been replaced by a fully automatic rifle. Its primary weapon is the Katen Yaibatou, a heated chain-sword which can shear through Knightmares with ease. The Gekkas are equipped with a "Chaffsmoke" dispenser which enables dispensing of both chaff
Chaff (radar countermeasure)
Chaff, originally called Window by the British, and Düppel by the Second World War era German Luftwaffe , is a radar countermeasure in which aircraft or other targets spread a cloud of small, thin pieces of aluminium, metallized glass fibre or plastic, which either appears as a cluster of secondary...
and a smokescreen, which negates both visual tracking and electronic equipment.
Kyoshiro Toudou's Gekka is customized with two hair-like appendages flowing from the back of the head. His variant sports a black paint scheme and a unique version of the Katen Yaibatou dubbed . The Seidoutou has a Slash Harken mounted on the butt of the handle as well as several thrusters on the back of the blade, which can either increase the blade's force when swung or allow for a quick retreat by using it for an extra boost of speed. Tohdoh pilots a regular Gekka early in the second season, his custom unit having presumably been destroyed or captured along with him during the Black Rebellion in the first season.
In Code Geass: Lost Colors, the protagonist Rai receives a prototype version of the Gekka if the player chooses the Black Knights route. Called the "Gekka Pre-Production Test Type", this prototype unit is two-tone blue rather than gray, and is more akin to the Guren than the actual Gekka, possessing a three-fingered prototype version of the radiant wave surger, though mounted on the left arm rather than the right. In the second season, the Guren mounts a nearly identical arm as a replacement for its original one destroyed in the finale of the first season. Performance-wise this prototype is no different from the production model. However, it has a peaky output tendency much like the Guren Mk-II, which turns it into a machine that ordinary pilots find hard to handle. Its left arm is equipped with an early model of the Guren's Radiation Wave unit. Because it is a simplified version build with spare parts, both power output and energy efficiency are below the Guren's, but it is still capable of destroying ordinary Knightmares with a single burst.
Guren Mk-II
The is a unique Knightmare Frame model designed by Indian engineer Rakshata Chawla, manufactured by Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
, and built by the Kyōto House. In keeping with its name, the Guren's armor is predominantly red
Char Aznable
, born is a fictional character from the Gundam franchise. He is originally one of the main antagonists in Mobile Suit Gundam and later becomes one of the protagonists of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. In his final appearance in Char's Counterattack, he assumes leadership of the Neo Zeon movement,...
. It is radically different from its Britannian counterparts, and its technology is on par with seventh generation Knightmare Frames, such as the Lancelot. The Guren Mk-II's speed and strength can easily match the Lancelot's, but its lack of long-range weapons relegate it to a defensive close-combat role. Unlike Britannian-made Knightmare cockpits, the Guren Mk-II features an unconventional pilot seat, shaped like a motorbike, and a helm-like outgrowth surrounding its retractable head. Its Landspinners fold out from within its legs instead of being attached to the ankle. It is given to the Order of the Black Knights and piloted by Kallen Stadtfeld
Kallen Stadtfeld
is a fictional character in the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. She is legally known by this name, and goes by this name at school, but prefers her mother's maiden surname, using during her revolutionary activities. Ami Koshimizu won "Best Actress in supporting role" for...
The Guren Mk-II's main weapon is its right arm. The arm is silver from the elbow down, and terminates in clawed fingers. Stored within the palm is the , a powerful microwave radiation emitter. By grabbing onto an enemy Knightmare and activating the emitter, the Guren Mk-II can fry the enemy's electronics and warp the frame itself, causing it to explode after a brief pause. The warping effect can also fuse the cockpit to the frame, preventing ejection. The arm can unhinge at the elbow to extend the Guren's reach. While not designed as such, the radiant wave surger can also function as a shield capable of blocking almost any attack, only failing against the Lancelot Conquista's Hadron Blaster. The arm is destroyed in the first season by Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
, but is replaced in the second season with a slimmer, three-fingered version. The Guren Mk-II also possesses a fork-shaped knife, a grenade launcher on its left arm, and a single Slash Harken.
In the second season, the Guren Mk-II receives a mid-battle upgrade through a series of rocket-mounted attachments. The upgraded model is dubbed the . It gains an integrated Float System and antenna on the sides of its head which carry a radiant wave surger-based shield, as well as a new "armor-piercing bombardment-type" radiant wave surger arm. The new arm has a dark gray forearm with silver fingers. In addition to its close-range blast, the new radiant wave surger arm can also fire a concentrated long-range beam or a wide-range blast. The long-range beam can eliminate multiple targets in a single shot. The wide-range blast, though not as destructive, cripples any Knightmares caught in it, and can still destroy weaker craft such as helicopters. Another addition to Guren's arsenal is the 'Gefjun Net', a series of small, fast-moving drones launched from the back of the Guren that surround an enemy Knightmare and release a Gefjun Disturber surge, immobilizing it.
After Kallen and the Guren are captured during a battle with the Chinese Federation and turned over to Britannia, Lloyd Asplund is given access to the Guren. Much as Rakshata had done when creating the Shen Hu, Lloyd and Cécile Croomy got carried away in their modifications, which resulted in a machine that they believed no one was capable of piloting. In his care, it is upgraded into the . S.E.I.T.E.N. stands for Superlative Extruder Interlocked Technology Exclusive Nexus. At this stage it is arguably the most powerful Knightmare frame in the series contested only by the Lancelot Albion. Kallen states that the Guren has better specs than the Lancelot in the final episode, hinting that the Guren may indeed be stronger. For flight, it uses a four-feathered Energy Wing designed by Cécile. The system allows the Guren to move at blinding speeds, such that it appears to be little more than a pink blur in flight. The wings can also serve as cutting weapons. Additional armor is added on the legs and left arm, replacing the cannon, and the antenna have been extended and enlarged, making them appear to be giant ears. The chest armor is extended into the shape of a beak and a pair of green jewels featured prominently on the front. Its single chest-mounted Slash Harken is also gone, replaced by a pair of larger Slash Harkens mounted in its shoulder joints. Its radiant wave surger arm has also been upgraded significantly. It can be fired like a Slash Harken, and has a Harken Booster for controlled flight. The arm still functions when launched as such. Its original functions are retained and far more potent: the ordinary radiation burst can block a Hadron Cannon blast and the hand can crush energy shielding without the aid of the emitter. In addition, it can fire energy disks. The Guren's fork knife is also upgraded, having been retrofitted with MVS capability and made about twice as long. Its MVS (which is colored purple as opposed to the usual red) is evidently more potent than normal versions, as it can cut through the Lancelot Conquista's MVS swords. It is damaged in battle against the Lancelot Albion, losing its head and both arms, but the chest survives intact. Artwork from the Last Picture Drama shows the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N rebuilt for reasons unknown.
In the Nintendo DS version of the series, Kallen also received an upgraded version of her Guren, the "Guren Mk-II Kai". This version is a slightly heavier version of the Guren Mk-II and has a black color scheme instead of Red. While it resembles the original Mk-II, the radiant wave surge is however covered in full armour, making it much larger than normal, and has four fingers instead of five. It also have a fork knife attached to its left arm.
The is a unique eighth generation Knightmare constructed by Llyod Asplud for Lelouch'sLelouch Lamperouge
is the protagonist and antihero of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Lamperouge is his assumed surname, while his real name is , son of the 98th Britannian Emperor. His seiyū is Jun Fukuyama, and his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara...
personal use. It possesses an integrated Float System for and can transform into a submarine to move underwater, which Lelouch uses to travel to and from Japan undetected. Its armor is primarily black and gold with a crimson four winged jetpack, and it has several unusual physical features. Its feet are not flat, instead consisting of four large toes, and its head has four eyes. Its cockpit is also much wider. In addition to the standard control yoke system, the Shinkirō has keyboard-based controls similar to those used on the Gawain. The Shinkirō is destroyed by Gino Weinberg in his Tristan Divider near the end of the second season.
The Shinkirō's main feature is its , a system which uses an array of hexagonal energy shields that can be projected over any part of the Knightmare. The Druid System, adapted from the Gawain, plots the trajectories of incoming projectiles and shifts the shields accordingly, giving the Shinkirō the highest defensive power of any Knightmare Frame. The system requires incredibly complex calculations to form effective barriers, such that it takes an intellect on the level of Lelouch to use the system to its full potential. When Rolo attempts to use it, he is only able to erect a meager defense with a number of weak spots. At its full potential, the Absolute Defense Field can block a sustained blast from the Mordred's Stark Hadron Cannon, albeit at the cost of much of its power reserves. The Shinkirō must deactivate its shields in order to utilize its weapons.
The Shinkirō's main weapon is a chest-mounted laser called the . When activated, a prism-like object is fired from the Shinkirō's chest. The Shinkirō then fires a powerful beam into the prism, which refracts the blast into dozens of devastating pinpoint lasers. The beam can be fired without launching the prism for a concentrated blast. The Shinkirō also has a pair of Hadron blasters mounted on the underside of its wrists which fire sphere-shaped blasts, rather than continuous beams of energy; it is no less destructive, being able to destroy a Knightmare in a single shot, and being able to do massive damage to MSV particle shielding or radiation barriers. Unlike most Knightmares, the Shinkirō possesses no close-range weapon, lacking even Slash Harkens.
In in the upcoming game Another Century's Episode Portable
Another Century's Episode Portable
, abbreviated as A.C.E. P, is a mecha action video game developed by From Software and published by Banpresto and Namco-Bandai. It was released for the PlayStation Portable on January 13, 2011.-Featured Series/Units:* Blue Comet SPT Layzner...
, a sequel to the Another Century's Episode R, shows the Shinkiro shooting energy bolts from its shield in a similar manner the Lancelot Albion shoots its enery bolt from its wings.
The Bamides is a type of Knightmare Frame produced in the Middle EastMiddle East
The Middle East is a region that encompasses Western Asia and Northern Africa. It is often used as a synonym for Near East, in opposition to Far East...
. Their design is highly unconventional as far as Knightmare Frames go; they have no limbs to speak of, and are shaped more like elongated tanks with an elevated "shoulder" area. It is also much larger than the Sutherland and Gloucester models, and needs to be operated by a large crew.
Its main weapons include two packs of missile launchers on the shoulders that carry up to six missiles, two side-mounted machine guns, and a long-range cannon mounted directly below the head. It is equipped with hover engines instead of Landspinners, allowing for improved traction over the desert sands. Its configuration gives it fairly good speed compared to more traditional Knightmares, but its size and lack of maneuverability make it a large, easy target.
Bamides units appeared in the fifth episode of the first season, where they fought to defend against a Britannian division. Their initial success was overcome by a group of Gloucesters piloted by royal guards which quickly destroyed them, while Princess Cornelia had already gotten behind them and annihilated the base that they were defending.
Code Geass Gaiden: Unknown Model
In the upcoming anime spin-off series, Code Geass Gaiden: Boukoku no Akito, concept art indicates the presence of a new Knightmare Frame that has yet to be identified.Ganymede
Developed during the third generation of Knightmare Frames, the Ganymede is the brainchild of the Ashford Foundation. Created shortly before the development of the Yggdrasil drive, the Ganymede is powered by a large external battery, limiting its range and operation time.Despite its failings, the Ganymede served as the basis of practically every Knightmare Frame constructed thereafter. This is due to the effectiveness of the basic design, along with its skilled test pilot, Marianne vi Britannia. Her incredible abilities earned her the nickname "Marianne the Flash," and she would later become one of the many wives of the Emperor of Britannia. When Marianne was assassinated, the loss of its major benefactor and former test pilot caused the Ashford Foundation to dissolve, leading to rumors that the assassination was carried out specifically to curb the rising corporation's power.
The Ganymede is retained by the Ashford family and kept at their academy in Area 11. It is brought out of storage as a popular sight of the annual school festival exhibition. It is piloted several times by Marianne's son, Lelouch
Lelouch Lamperouge
is the protagonist and antihero of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Lamperouge is his assumed surname, while his real name is , son of the 98th Britannian Emperor. His seiyū is Jun Fukuyama, and his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara...
. Lelouch cedes his role as the Ganymede's pilot to his childhood friend, Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
, so he can make a giant pizza for the latest festival, only to have it ruined when the press catches sight of Princess Euphemia and distracts Suzaku. At the end of the first season, Nina Einstein fits the Ganymede with a sakuradite-enhanced nuclear reactor
Nuclear reactor
A nuclear reactor is a device to initiate and control a sustained nuclear chain reaction. Most commonly they are used for generating electricity and for the propulsion of ships. Usually heat from nuclear fission is passed to a working fluid , which runs through turbines that power either ship's...
, intending to use it as a makeshift bomb. However, it fails to explode. Its fate following this is left unclear, but Milly Ashford makes a passing mention about Nina possibly completing the Knightmare.
Gun Ru
In an attempt to match the effectiveness of Britannian Knightmare Frames, the Chinese Federation designed and mass produced the . Larger than its Britannian counterparts, the Gun Ru's body is dome-shaped and painted green (though they do come in different colors), with smaller legs and manipulators that fold into the body, giving it a frog-like appearance.The Gun Ru's armament consists of a pair of machine guns and a pair of cannons which are mounted on the shoulders of the body and are effective at considerable distance. The Gun Ru is extremely cheap to produce, allowing the Chinese Federation to rely upon the strength of numbers when using them. They deploy them by the hundreds in most engagements. However, they are also rather weak, both in terms of firepower and overall defense when compared to other Knightmare Frames. Nonetheless, during the failed Chinese invasion of Kyūshū
is the third largest island of Japan and most southwesterly of its four main islands. Its alternate ancient names include , , and . The historical regional name is referred to Kyushu and its surrounding islands....
, Suzaku's
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
Lancelot was nearly overwhelmed through sheer weight of numbers by Gun Ru units; similarly Li Xingke's Shen hu was close to destruction when pinned down by a large division of Gun Rus.
The MR-1 is a basic non-combat Knightmare Frame used by civilianCivilian
A civilian under international humanitarian law is a person who is not a member of his or her country's armed forces or other militia. Civilians are distinct from combatants. They are afforded a degree of legal protection from the effects of war and military occupation...
s. It is equipped with two Slash Harkens in its shoulders and an ejection system. It also used Landspinners for quick and agile movement. Its limbs are flattened, allowing it to fold up into a form resembling a truck when inactive. A white and black coloured MR-1 is used by terrorists led by Lelouch Lamperouge
Lelouch Lamperouge
is the protagonist and antihero of the Sunrise anime series Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Lamperouge is his assumed surname, while his real name is , son of the 98th Britannian Emperor. His seiyū is Jun Fukuyama, and his child self is voiced by Sayaka Ohara...
in the rescue of Suzaku Kururugi
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
, piloted by Kaname Ohgi. A purple and yellow model is used by Ashford Academy in place of the Ganymede during a festival honoring Suzaku Kururugi, the MR-1 is hijacked by Gino Weinberg after Suzaku, the intended pilot, was distracted by Arthur; the knightmare was intended for Milly Ashford's unothodox plan to make the world's largest pizza on stage.
The Panzer-Hummel is a mass-production model Knightmare Frame used by the member nations of the Euro Universe, introduced in the second season. The Panzer-Hummel possesses two cannons mounted on its arms, two machine guns, and two Slash Harkens mounted on the hips. Panzer-Hummel is German and means "armor bumblebee" or "tank bumblebee", depending on the translation of the word PanzerPanzer
A Panzer is a German language word that, when used as a noun, means "tank". When it is used as an adjective, it means either tank or "armoured" .- Etymology :...
, which may mean either. During the war between the E.U. and the Britannian Empire a division of Panzer-Hummels are successfully able to hold off an amphibious landing consisting of Sutherlands against continental Europe
Europe is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia to its east by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting...
until Suzaku
Suzaku Kururugi
is a fictional character of the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, while his child self is voiced by Akeno Watanabe. In the English dub, he is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal and his child self is voiced by Laura Bailey.-Character outline:Suzaku...
and his superior Lancelot arrive to decimate them. They are also used in the new combined United Federation of Nations military forces, one is seen amongst Li Xingke's forces during an amphibious assault on Japan's
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
Shen Hu
A Knightmare Frame model developed by Rakshata Chawla's team at the same time as the Guren Mk-II, the was given to the main forces of the Chinese Federation by the MaharajaMaharaja
Mahārāja is a Sanskrit title for a "great king" or "high king". The female equivalent title Maharani denotes either the wife of a Maharaja or, in states where that was customary, a woman ruling in her own right. The widow of a Maharaja is known as a Rajamata...
. However, it was left in storage because piloting it was too physically demanding and thus a suitable pilot could not be found. Li Xingke proves capable of piloting it, but even at forty percent power the task proves very stressful. The Shen Hu has blue armor with red and gold parts, and its head unit has an intricate design with a red spike protruding from the top. Unlike most of Rakshata's creations, it uses a standard-style cockpit instead of the motorbike design common on Japanese Knightmares.
Having been built by Rakshata's team, the Shen Hu is equipped with the same type of Float System employed by the Black Knights. Mounted in its torso is the powerful , a directed energy weapon of similar power to the Hadron Cannon and equal to the Radiant Wave Surger on the Guren Flight-Enabled Version. Its main weapons are two rope dart
Rope dart
The rope dart or rope javelin , also known as Jōhyō in Japanese,is one of the flexible weapons in Chinese martial arts. Other weapons in this family include the meteor hammer, flying claws, and chain whip...
-like Slash Harkens mounted on its wrist. By wrapping or impaling an enemy with the Slash Harkens, the Shen Hu can send a powerful electrical charge along the cable, instantly destroying the Knightmare on the receiving end. The Shen Hu's wrist armor can spin in place to turn the Slash Harkens into powerful flails
Flail (weapon)
The flail is a hand weapon derived from the agricultural tool.The handle is attached to the striking part of a weapon by a flexible chain or cord...
and can double as shields. The Shen Hu also has a short sword stored near its shoulder. It is damaged in battle by the Lancelot Albion, but is seen fully restored in the end of the series.
The GX-01 Alpha is a Seventh Generation Knightmare Frame from the manga spin-off series, Nightmare of Nunnally, used only by the Special Honorary Foreign Legion "Irregulars". Each unit has a 'Geass Conduct' installed for their Geass use and is equipped with Landspinners, the Alpha is made with the same material as any other knightmare frame, but is outfitted with a synthetic, electrical gel combined with a special wax made from sakuradite to form a muscle framing system; resulting in a more human appearance than regular units. The main weapons of the Alpha are two katanas and a long-range rifle. Each of the Alpha units have different custom heads and weapons for each Irregulars member and are named after them because of their skills.- GX-01 Sancia
Because of her sharp shooting skills, Sancia's Alpha unit was customize as a sniper unit. Her unit has its Right Arm replaced with an Anti-Knightmare Frame Rifle, and its right eye was installed an Long-Range Zoom Lens to target enemies from long distance. Her unit was also given a large amount of muscle framing system and more armour, this result having a bulking appearance and makes it quite heavy in order to withstand her Rifle's power. Her Knightmare Frame was Damaged by Cardinal Rolo Geass, the Ice ,when they turn against him.
- GX-01 Lucretia
Because of her Geass, "The Land", has often served as an analyst to Sancia, Lucretia's unit is slightly slimer and bulkier than the other units with more armour, which often serves for defences, and its head has large fin on the top of its head.
- GX-01 Dalque
Because of her Geass, "The Power", her Knightmare Frame is much bulkier, possesses no weapons and has fang designs on its shoulder pads. Her cockpit is installed with synchronization receptors that allow expression of this ability as a highly effective frame strength enhancer.
- GX-01 Alice
Alice's Alpha unit focuses on her Geass, "The Speed", and so its appearance is slightly human shape, like the Lancelot. Her Alpha unit is also carried four pair of swords for melee combat in her scabbards for Alpha is a Knightmare Frame dedicated only to close range combat but combined with Alice Geass the Speed the swords of the Alpha is more than enough to combat any adversary. It remain as her primary Knightmare Frame until it was Destroyed by the Mark Nemo
Appearing in the Nintendo DS game, the Aquila is a seventh generation custom Knightmare Frame. This unit possesses wings and weapons that have been mostly optimized for mid-air combat. Aquila is Latin for eagle, as it refers to the eagle that brought Zeus his thunderbolts. It is piloted by Pollux rui Britannia.Code Geass (Nightmare of Nunnally)
The Code Geass is Alice's Knightmare Frame only appearing in the spin-off series Nightmare of Nunnally. It makes its first appearance after Alice makes a deal with Nemo, giving her access to this Knightmare. It generally resembles the Mark Nemo albeit with a slimmer physique, a more feminine figure, and a pair of horns. It retains the Mark Nemo's Blonde Knives and is able to generate balls of energy with highly destructive properties. After purging its outer armor in a battle with Rolo's Vincent, the inner frame is revealed disturbingly to resemble a human female. It later takes Nunnally and Alice to Kamine Island to discover the true nature of Eden Vital.Equus
Appearing in the Nintendo DS game, the Equus is a seventh generation custom Knightmare Frame. It has four legs and no Landspinners, giving a somewhat centaurCentaur
In Greek mythology, a centaur or hippocentaur is a member of a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse...
-like appearance. Equus is Latin for "horse". The Factsphere sensor is located on the head, and it wields a large hammer. It is piloted by Castor rui Britannia.
Mark Nemo
The Mark Nemo, which makes its first appearance in the Nightmare of Nunnally manga, is an advanced Knightmare Frame piloted by Nunnally LamperougeNunnally Lamperouge
is a fictional character in the Sunrise anime series, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. She is Lelouch Lamperouge's wheelchair-using younger sister. Her real name is . Her seiyū is Kaori Nazuka. In the English dub, she is voiced by Rebecca Forstadt...
. Unlike most Knightmare Frames, the Mark Nemo does not possess Landspinners but a muscle framing system and appears more human; as a result, it can move more acrobatically, and it can run and jump with greater ease. When merged with Nemo, Nunnally can summon the Mark Nemo.
The main weapons of the Mark Nemo are six remote wired rocket anchors known as Blonde Knives. They are similar to Slash Harkens, except that they possesses sharp blades on the end that can penetrate any Knightmare Frame and can also drill rapidly through the ground. The Blonde Knives can also move remotely either in mid-air or underground, allowing them to target and destroy multiple Knightmare Frames. The Mark Nemo is also armed with a katana
A Japanese sword, or , is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. There are several types of Japanese swords, according to size, field of application and method of manufacture.-Description:...
capable of cutting through nearly any obstacle. In the Lost Colors videogame, the Mark Nemo appears in the background when Nunnally is talking about her ideal Knightmare Frame.
Appearing in the Nintendo DS game, the Regalia combines the features of the Aquila and Equus into a single unit. It is piloted by both Pollux rui Britannia and Castor rui Britannia.Reception
Despite the wide variety of mecha designed and prominently featuring in the show, fans of Code Geass are of a wide variety and not always attracted purely to the Knightmare combat scenes. Anime News NetworkAnime News Network
Anime News Network is an anime industry news website that reports on the status of anime, manga, Japanese popular music and other otaku-related culture within North America, Australia and Japan. Additionally, it sometimes features similar happenings throughout the Anglosphere and elsewhere in the...
's columnist Todd Ciolek attributes the soaring popularity of Code Geass to "the series hitting every important fan sector," with the audience appeal points ranging from a "complex cast of characters and a fast-paced story, told with Goro Taniguchi's capable direction" for "general-interest fans" to "pretty and just-a-little-broken heroes" for "yaoi
In careful Japanese enunciation, all three vowels are pronounced separately, for a three-mora word, . The English equivalent is . also known as Boys' Love, is a Japanese popular term for female-oriented fictional media that focus on homoerotic or homoromantic male relationships, usually created by...
-buying female fans."
Some Knightmares that stand out tend to receive as much appreciation as some of the human characters that pilot them.