Isa Boletini
Isa Boletini was an Albanian nationalist figure and guerilla fighter, born in the village of Boletin
near Mitroviça
, Ottoman Empire
. He was a freedom fighter in Kosovo and became a major figure of Albanian resistance against the Ottomans, Serbia
and Montenegro
, Shkodra, Manastir and Ioannina
) into an independent Albania
n state. In 1902, Boletini was deported to Istanbul
by the Ottomans, where he remained until 1906. He was deputy of Kosovo in the Ottoman Assembly
between 1908-1912.
During the popular uprising against the Ottoman Empire in 1912, which engulfed all Albanian populated lands, Albanian patriots decided to establish an independent state. On November 28, 1912 in Vlora (the 469 anniversary of Kruja’s liberation by Skanderbeg
, who raised the Albanian flag
) the Albanian National Assembly
created the independent state of Albania. Ismail Qemali
refused to wait for Isa Boletini and other Albanians from Kosovo vilayet and hastily made the Albanian declaration of independence
. The southern elite wanted to prevent Boletini's plans to assert himself as a key political figure and used him to suite their military needs.
Isa Boletini contributed in the protection of Vlora government, while later was part of the Albanian delegation to the London Conference
(1913) together with Ismail Qemali
, Albanian head of state. The Albanian delegation wanted a Kosovo within the borders of the newly founded state of Albania, however the Great Powers conceded them only about a third of the demanded land.
When Peasant Revolt in Albania
deteriorated in June 1914, Isa Boletini and his men, mostly from Kosovo
, joined the International Dutch Gendarmerie
in their fight against the rebels. During the World War I
, Boletini was involved in the Kachak
movement against Serbia. Isa Boletini, along with several other of his closest relatives, was killed by Montenegrin forces led by Radomir Vešović, on January 23, 1916, in an abortive attempt to capture the Montenegrin town of Podgorica
in the wake of an Austro-Hungarian military advance.
Isa Boletini bound his and his family’s life with the destiny of his fatherland, for which his love and loyalty are remembered with his words: “I am well when Albania is well” (“Unë jam mirë kur asht mirë Shqipnia”). He was noted for always wearing the traditional Albanian white cap (Qeleshe
) and national dress.
In 2004, Ibrahim Rugova
, president of Kosovo awarded him the highest order “Hero of Kosovo” along with Adem Jashari
, Hasan Prishtina
, and Bajram Curri
was held in November 1897, where organizers were Haji Zeka and Riza Kryeziu from Gjakova, Shala had sent its representative. In the spring the community expanded and extended to Mitrovica
, the saddle Vushtrri Bajgorës. The Shaljanët Committee supported the Albanian secret community ran and sought the unification of the four Albanian vilayets in a single Albanian vilayet
In the Assembly of the League of Peja (23 to 29 January of the year 1899, attended Boletini Isa, who, accompanied by shaljanët, representing the facility. Shaljanët led by Isa Boletin supported the idea for the formation of the Albanian army, promising that the boys them will be recruited into volunteer forces would protect the borders of the Slavic attacks. At this time formed a battalion of Albanian army regiment to guard the border with Serbia starting of Guri i Kripës till Bistricë.
Some powerful families characterized this time of incessant rivalry for dominance of the rule at the expense of each other, now, to cope more easily risk, came and joined by connecting the covenant that will fight together for the salvation of the fatherland. Among the most popular families at this time was that of Isa Boletin.
Instead of fighting against each other, now the idea dominated for national liberation
. Since 1892-1912 the Turkish army, burning, killing, tried to crush the resistant. Large military forces had attacked Boletini 1892 and 1895, but encountered strong Resistance of Shaljanëve.
In 1901 under the Albanian forces under commamd of Isa Boletin went to Pazar të Ri to release Aqif Bazaar. He was arrested in the autumn of 1902, when he opposed the opening of the Russian consulate, setting Grigor Shqerbinit consul in Mitrovica. They endorsed the decisions taken in Parliament in Djakovica, and the Albanian leaders on January 15, 1903, attended the Assembly of alder and Luke on March 2, 1903, at the rally held in the Llausha Morina Drenica, in March 1903, at the Vushtrri (1903) rejected the Turkish reforms and the activity of Russian consulate opened in Mitrovica that worked against the interests of Albanians.
The Albanian forces then got help from many other Albanian cities, And attacked dozens of Turkish military battalions in Mitrovica. At this time, the Sublime Porte, to bring it closer to ourselves and to preventing the military patriotic activity, the syrgjynosi Isa Boletin.
After the rebellion in Kosovo, the Turkish military commander in Mitrovica ordered from the border with Serbia, a village Rrëzhanë to Albanik (Leposaviq), withdraw all the guards. So the Serbian border guards were forced to organize themselves shaljanët.
The Albanian forces instead took an oath that he had given their leaders would not allow, even at the price of life, to establish the Russian consul in Mitrovica. Among the 250 people killed in the village Shupkofc in the war against the Turkish military, which was commander Shqerbin, 100 have been on the Albanian side.
Fight for the liberation of Mitrovica
had led Yasar Boletini, Bayt Selaci, Shaban Jashari, Nuhë Bajgora and others. In this struggle of life and death were killed Bayt Selaci, Shaban Gavazi-Bajgora, because of the set Boletini Haydar, Zenel Fetahu, Man Zeqiri, Rame Smaka, Sejdi Ibrahim and many others, while hundreds more were injured, among whom Tahir also Sejdi Selaci Vidishiqi the brother Bejta.
In the uprising that erupted in January 1904 in Mitrovica, shaljanët participated. In February 1906 Boletini Isa was released and returned to the saddle.
In this year the Albanian Committee has been formed over the country based on the one that was formed in Mitrovica.
In the Committee's branch in Mitrovica distinguished for their activity more Shaljanë, who worked in military preparations against the Ottoman rulers. Until 1908 the saddle Bajgorës had no power. The villages of this area during Ottoman rule have been owned by Vushtrria spahinjve and New Bazaar, who often bring their properties ririt çifçinj Orthodox family. On July 3, 1908 Young Turks revolution broke out. This revolution coincided with Iëvizjen for osrnanë çlirirn against the rulers.
Shaljanët at first supported the Revolution, Young Turks and the Albanians this support was a decisive factor in his victory and proclamation of the Constitution, rnë 23 to 24 July 1908, however, saw the election law and the attitude of the local Young Turks themselves, the who had begun cooperating with the Serbs and others, wanting to bring the Albanians increasingly unequal position, again turned his rifle. During the year këij Bare Young Turks zaptinjve built station.
On July 20, 1908, under the chairmanship of the Assembly held Isa Boletin j Ferizaj. Among the 30,000 Albanians were found shaljanët. As the Young Turks did not kept the promise they had given more rights for Albanians, etc. Self-country., National club formed in Mitrovica, officials decided to repulses osrnanë making efforts to give them power local Albanians.
Even requests for opening of schools in the Albanian language failed. Isa Boletini therefore, the mështetur by shaIjanët loyal Ottoman army turned his rifle.
To extinguish the fire of rebellion, freedom-loving soul to extinguish shaljanëve, kajmekami Mitrovica, Haydar Bey, on November 22, 1908 the forces of rnëdha sulrnoi leader Isa Boletini, in Boletin.
Turkish soldiers after failing to brake down the tower with balls, given to the fire. To arouse fear and panic they torched several homes in the saddle and the Tower of Sejdi Selaci. In March 1909 Young Turks back off large military forces under the command of Pasha Xhavit to hit Isa Boletin.
Kosovo government declared state of jashtëzakonshrne. In mid-April 1910 Shefqet Turgut Pasha tried by all means, with fire and iron to extinguish the Albanian uprisings. Among the homes of resistance, but Wolf's Kacanik Carralevës Wolf's (1910), became the Shala, especially Boletini.
Until 1912 the Turkish army burned several times made plain with the land and the villages of Shala of Bajgora, but failed to subjugate Shala, which they defend with their breasts her children faithful warriors of pëkulur sypatrembur. Shaljanët was distinguished in other wars antiosmane during 1910-1912.
They were supported by Draga Nexhip Hasan Pristina, the ciiët Shai came to Skopje, then in Drenica, etc.., Where he joined Boietinin Isa. In March 1912 a meeting was held between Isa Boletin Hasan Pristina's Zejnuilah çifliçet Gojbulë Beg in the village near Vucitrn.
Gojbulës meeting was followed by meetings at various locations in Kosovo: May 15 in Boletin, in which the heads of the Bajgorës Shale where he joined up Besa ShaIës Assembly of Drenica (May 16), which was linked Besa Drenica Besa Llapushës and was crowned with the Assembly of Junik (21 to 25 May 1912) held in Junik. After this Assembly Isa turned in the saddle.
Immediately established ties with fighters Shala and Lab, began to strengthen in the Boletin centers in Vesekovc etc. So immediately began the implementation of decisions of the Assembly in rural Junik his Llap in the saddle. In June 1912 Tie Assembly held a large saddle, which was recognized in the nation named Kurillovës Assembly. In the Assembly of Kurillovës, Shala place between the Lab, participated and about 400 shaljanë llapjanë 1500. Here was Iidh Besa Shala and Lab.
Witnesses, but also the popular song "Isa Beg Grepacimi I Beqir Vocës" talk about their different views on whether Turkey should return the gun or not, presents a greater risk of Turkey or Serbia, which stood on the front and was preparing to throw the victim in the back. In early July përgjithshrne uprising began.
This rebellion was marked by the establishment of the national flag, which brought some activists Kosovo Albanian National Movement of colonies in Europe, in Istanbul Thessaloniki. Flag raised in Vesekovc (now called Bajrakut Hill), had submitted outstanding patriot Xhemajl Pristina Pristina Hoxhë Kadri, who had come to Kosovo.
On July 12 a battle was glorious zhviliua Gorge Kulinës after another seven days in Broboniq. On July 22 Albanian insurgents led by Isa Boletini left for New Shopping and Iiruan it, and five days later went to Mitrovica, where it formed the organs of local popular councils with special duty to preserve order silence. Shaljanët led by Isa Boletin through ideologue Hasan Pristina announced that they Iuftojnë international opinion rather than to protect a life extended to Turkey in the Balkans, but to come god territorial integrity of Albania.
On August 9 Hasan Prishtina Turkish government presented 14-point program, which contained the following:
The Turkish government delayed the response to 14 requests of the Albanians, therefore Albanian rebels on August 11, 1912, under the leadership of Isa Boietinit, Bajram Curri, Hasan Prishtina, Riza beg Kryeziu, John Age Prizren, Mahmut Zajmi, etc. Small Zefi. entered in Skopje.
Ibrahim Pasha had earlier asked Isa shaljanët Boletini and not to depart for Skopje, Albanian leaders proposed high post of his comrades, fat bonuses, but in vain. Jesus, being consistent in his decision, responds:
Isa Boletin Boletini settled in and stayed until October 30, 1912. Within this time organized army to protect the border from the Serbian army. There were bloody wars Merdar Llukovë, Albanik, Llapashtica, KuIinë up in Pristina. Resistance became more powerful in Merdar.
After leaving the Turkish army from the hinterland Mitrovica, Albanians immediately chose their representatives in government bodies, formed their own judiciary and administration, but their leaders inside the country did not appear unique, unified face of rampant pillage appetites Balkan states Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece.
They had Iidhur alliance in September 1912, thus starting the First Balkan War, in order for them to devour each by a piece of the Albanian lands. The joy was short-lived victory of Albanians.
Albanians, a little intoxicated by the joy of victory, more tired and exhausted by the wars of succession, as if they had not foreseen that the armies of the Balkan states, their treacherous neighbors: Serbs, Montenegrins, Greeks and Bulgarians will be set forward on their lands.
Albanian volunteers, led by Isa Beqir Boletini of Voca, seeing great risk coming rnë there from the border with Serbia, from stone to Neck Uglarit Ibar, tried to be opposing forces well prepared Serbian Army resolutely resist their attacks, but failed.
Attacks Chetnik units were strong and intensified in the front along the Front of Shala, especially in the valley of the Ibar. Due to the lack of weapons, food, organization of regular, genuine army was forced to withdraw. Serbs, as occupied Pristina on October 22, after receiving the Vushtrri of Mitrovica, on November 1, 1912, forced the Albanian army exhausted and their leaders to leave disappointed. The withdrawal was made in relation saddle-CarraIevë-Sedllar Bajgora, Prizren-Bicaj-Doda Ujmishtë Castle, Castle again Doda-Kastrat-Sllovë of Elez Jsufi, in Bishop, Maqellarë-Debar and Vlorë.13
Pushtirni of these areas, especially Shale was associated with terror, with murder in rnasë not only combatants but also their families: women, children and elders. Serb army razed to the ground burnt almost all the villages of Shala of Bajgora.
In Albania was preparing Declaration of Independence. Boletini Isa, who was carrying Kamal Ismail ties with other patriots, he went to take part in the act of raising the flag and the formation of the Provisional Government. On 28 November in Viorë reached Rexhep Mitrovica, Sali Pejani Gjuka of Badr, and one day later also Isa Boletini with dozens fighters, mostly young shaljanë, among them two boys and two of his nephews.
Chairman of the Provisional Government, Ismail Kamal, set their own personal guard at the door of the government loyal comrades Isa Boletin, Halim and Ahmed Ali Muse Bajgorën Lab.
So shaljanët gave a valuable contribution to the protection of the Government of Viorës. On March 30, 1913, Isa Boletini with two sons, Moses and Adam, Luigj Gurakuqi, etc. Demetrius Berat. took part in the delegation headed by Ismail Kamal, who left for the trip through European capitals and to attend the London Conference of 1912-1913 on behalf of the entire Albanian nation. In 1913 he said: "When the spring comes, we will manure the plains of Kosova with the bones of Serbs, for we Albanians have suffered too much to forget."
Boletin is a settlement in the municipality of Zvečan, District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo. It is not to be confused with the homonymous settlement in the Republic of Macedonia....
near Mitroviça
Kosovska Mitrovica
Kosovska Mitrovica , is a city and municipality in northern Kosovo. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous district....
, Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman EmpireIt was usually referred to as the "Ottoman Empire", the "Turkish Empire", the "Ottoman Caliphate" or more commonly "Turkey" by its contemporaries...
. He was a freedom fighter in Kosovo and became a major figure of Albanian resistance against the Ottomans, Serbia
Kingdom of Serbia
The Kingdom of Serbia was created when Prince Milan Obrenović, ruler of the Principality of Serbia, was crowned King in 1882. The Principality of Serbia was ruled by the Karađorđevic dynasty from 1817 onwards . The Principality, suzerain to the Porte, had expelled all Ottoman troops by 1867, de...
and Montenegro
Kingdom of Montenegro
The Kingdom of Montenegro was a monarchy in southeastern Europe during the tumultuous years on the Balkan Peninsula leading up to and during World War I. Legally it was a constitutional monarchy, but absolutist in practice...
Family background
The original surname of the Boletini family is Maksutaj from the tribe Shala and village Isniq near Decan who later emigrated to northern Kosovo village Boletin and took that last name.Life
During the late 19th century, Boletini was member of Albanian movements which sought the unification of four Ottoman vilayets (KosovoKosovo Province, Ottoman Empire
The Vilayet of Kosovo was a vilayet of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkan Peninsula which included the current territory of Kosovo and the western part of the Republic of Macedonia...
, Shkodra, Manastir and Ioannina
Ioannina , often called Jannena within Greece, is the largest city of Epirus, north-western Greece, with a population of 70,203 . It lies at an elevation of approximately 500 meters above sea level, on the western shore of lake Pamvotis . It is located within the Ioannina municipality, and is the...
) into an independent Albania
Albania , officially known as the Republic of Albania , is a country in Southeastern Europe, in the Balkans region. It is bordered by Montenegro to the northwest, Kosovo to the northeast, the Republic of Macedonia to the east and Greece to the south and southeast. It has a coast on the Adriatic Sea...
n state. In 1902, Boletini was deported to Istanbul
Istanbul , historically known as Byzantium and Constantinople , is the largest city of Turkey. Istanbul metropolitan province had 13.26 million people living in it as of December, 2010, which is 18% of Turkey's population and the 3rd largest metropolitan area in Europe after London and...
by the Ottomans, where he remained until 1906. He was deputy of Kosovo in the Ottoman Assembly
Second Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire)
The Second Constitutional Era of the Ottoman Empire began shortly after Sultan Abdülhamid II restored the constitutional monarchy after the 1908 Young Turk Revolution. The period established many political groups...
between 1908-1912.
During the popular uprising against the Ottoman Empire in 1912, which engulfed all Albanian populated lands, Albanian patriots decided to establish an independent state. On November 28, 1912 in Vlora (the 469 anniversary of Kruja’s liberation by Skanderbeg
George Kastrioti Skanderbeg or Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu , widely known as Skanderbeg , was a 15th-century Albanian lord. He was appointed as the governor of the Sanjak of Dibra by the Ottomans in 1440...
, who raised the Albanian flag
Flag of Albania
The national flag of Albania is a red flag with a silhouetted black double-headed eagle in the centre. It is the only red and black flag of a recognised sovereign state....
) the Albanian National Assembly
Albanian Declaration of Independence
The Albanian Declaration of Independence is the declaration of independence of the Albanian Vilayet from the Ottoman Empire. Albania was proclaimed independent in Vlorë on November 28, 1912.-Background:...
created the independent state of Albania. Ismail Qemali
Ismail Qemali
Ismail Qemal Bej Vlora or commonly Ismail Qemali and in Turkish İsmail Kemal Bey or İsmail Kemal Vlora , was a distinguished leader of the Albanian national movement, founder of the modern Albanian state and its first head of state and government.-Life:He was born in Avlonya to a noble family...
refused to wait for Isa Boletini and other Albanians from Kosovo vilayet and hastily made the Albanian declaration of independence
Albanian Declaration of Independence
The Albanian Declaration of Independence is the declaration of independence of the Albanian Vilayet from the Ottoman Empire. Albania was proclaimed independent in Vlorë on November 28, 1912.-Background:...
. The southern elite wanted to prevent Boletini's plans to assert himself as a key political figure and used him to suite their military needs.
Isa Boletini contributed in the protection of Vlora government, while later was part of the Albanian delegation to the London Conference
London Conference
The London Conference could refer to several conferences:* London Conference of 1832* London Conference of 1838–39* London Conference of 1852* London Conference of 1866* London Conference of 1881 * London Conference of 1908...
(1913) together with Ismail Qemali
Ismail Qemali
Ismail Qemal Bej Vlora or commonly Ismail Qemali and in Turkish İsmail Kemal Bey or İsmail Kemal Vlora , was a distinguished leader of the Albanian national movement, founder of the modern Albanian state and its first head of state and government.-Life:He was born in Avlonya to a noble family...
, Albanian head of state. The Albanian delegation wanted a Kosovo within the borders of the newly founded state of Albania, however the Great Powers conceded them only about a third of the demanded land.
When Peasant Revolt in Albania
Peasant Revolt in Albania
The Peasant Revolt in Albania, or the Muslim Uprising in Albania, was the uprising of peasants from central Albania, mostly Muslims, against the regime of prince Wilhelm of Wied during 1914, and was one of the reasons for prince's withrawal from the country which marked the fall of the Principality...
deteriorated in June 1914, Isa Boletini and his men, mostly from Kosovo
Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. Part of the Ottoman Empire for more than five centuries, later the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia...
, joined the International Dutch Gendarmerie
International Gendarmerie
The International Gendarmerie was the first law enforcement agency of the Principality of Albania. It was established by the decision of the ambassadors of the six Great Powers that participated in the London Peace Conference. This decision was made on the basis of the London Treaty signed on May...
in their fight against the rebels. During the World War I
World War I
World War I , which was predominantly called the World War or the Great War from its occurrence until 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter, was a major war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918...
, Boletini was involved in the Kachak
A Kachak is an originally Turkish term for rebel or bandit. In Albania the term is used to define guerrilla units established by Albanian revolutionaries who fought in Albanian inhabited areas against foreign rule during the period of the Albanian National Awakening and the early 20th century in...
Guerrilla warfare
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare and refers to conflicts in which a small group of combatants including, but not limited to, armed civilians use military tactics, such as ambushes, sabotage, raids, the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to harass a larger and...
movement against Serbia. Isa Boletini, along with several other of his closest relatives, was killed by Montenegrin forces led by Radomir Vešović, on January 23, 1916, in an abortive attempt to capture the Montenegrin town of Podgorica
Podgorica , is the capital and largest city of Montenegro.Podgorica's favourable position at the confluence of the Ribnica and Morača rivers and the meeting point of the fertile Zeta Plain and Bjelopavlići Valley has encouraged settlement...
in the wake of an Austro-Hungarian military advance.
Isa Boletini bound his and his family’s life with the destiny of his fatherland, for which his love and loyalty are remembered with his words: “I am well when Albania is well” (“Unë jam mirë kur asht mirë Shqipnia”). He was noted for always wearing the traditional Albanian white cap (Qeleshe
A qeleshe is a traditional skull cap, which is worn by Albanian men throughout Albania, in Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and in the Arbëresh villages in Italy....
) and national dress.
In 2004, Ibrahim Rugova
Ibrahim Rugova
Ibrahim Rugova was an Albanian politician who was the first President of Kosovo and of its leading political party, the Democratic League of Kosovo ....
, president of Kosovo awarded him the highest order “Hero of Kosovo” along with Adem Jashari
Adem Jashari
Adem Jashari was born in Prekaz, in the Drenica region of Kosovo, . He is considered to be one of the chief architects of the Kosovo Liberation Army, along with Zahir Pajaziti...
, Hasan Prishtina
Hasan Prishtina
Hasan Prishtina born Hasan Berisha was an Albanian politician, who served as Prime Minister of Albania in December 1921.-Biography:He studied politics and law in Istanbul...
, and Bajram Curri
Bajram Curri
Bajram Curri was an ethnic Albanian politician and activist within the Vilayet of Kosovo, Ottoman Empire. He is awarded the title Hero of Albania....
In the assembly of the Albanians in PécPec
Peć or Pejë is a city and municipality in north-western Kosovo and Metohija - Serbia, and the administrative centre of the homonymous district. Governor of city is Ali Berisha....
was held in November 1897, where organizers were Haji Zeka and Riza Kryeziu from Gjakova, Shala had sent its representative. In the spring the community expanded and extended to Mitrovica
Mitrovica, which stems from the name "Saint Demetrius" or "Sveti Dimitrije" may refer to:- Places :* Kosovska Mitrovica, a city in the disputed region of Kosovo* Sremska Mitrovica, a city in Srem, Serbia...
, the saddle Vushtrri Bajgorës. The Shaljanët Committee supported the Albanian secret community ran and sought the unification of the four Albanian vilayets in a single Albanian vilayet
Albanian Vilayet
The Albanian Vilayet was a projected vilayet of the Ottoman Empire in the western Balkan Peninsula, which was to include the four Ottoman vilayets with substantial ethnic Albanian populations: Kosovo Vilayet, Scutari Vilayet, Monastir Vilayet and Janina Vilayet...
In the Assembly of the League of Peja (23 to 29 January of the year 1899, attended Boletini Isa, who, accompanied by shaljanët, representing the facility. Shaljanët led by Isa Boletin supported the idea for the formation of the Albanian army, promising that the boys them will be recruited into volunteer forces would protect the borders of the Slavic attacks. At this time formed a battalion of Albanian army regiment to guard the border with Serbia starting of Guri i Kripës till Bistricë.
Some powerful families characterized this time of incessant rivalry for dominance of the rule at the expense of each other, now, to cope more easily risk, came and joined by connecting the covenant that will fight together for the salvation of the fatherland. Among the most popular families at this time was that of Isa Boletin.
Instead of fighting against each other, now the idea dominated for national liberation
Albanian Declaration of Independence
The Albanian Declaration of Independence is the declaration of independence of the Albanian Vilayet from the Ottoman Empire. Albania was proclaimed independent in Vlorë on November 28, 1912.-Background:...
. Since 1892-1912 the Turkish army, burning, killing, tried to crush the resistant. Large military forces had attacked Boletini 1892 and 1895, but encountered strong Resistance of Shaljanëve.
In 1901 under the Albanian forces under commamd of Isa Boletin went to Pazar të Ri to release Aqif Bazaar. He was arrested in the autumn of 1902, when he opposed the opening of the Russian consulate, setting Grigor Shqerbinit consul in Mitrovica. They endorsed the decisions taken in Parliament in Djakovica, and the Albanian leaders on January 15, 1903, attended the Assembly of alder and Luke on March 2, 1903, at the rally held in the Llausha Morina Drenica, in March 1903, at the Vushtrri (1903) rejected the Turkish reforms and the activity of Russian consulate opened in Mitrovica that worked against the interests of Albanians.
The Albanian forces then got help from many other Albanian cities, And attacked dozens of Turkish military battalions in Mitrovica. At this time, the Sublime Porte, to bring it closer to ourselves and to preventing the military patriotic activity, the syrgjynosi Isa Boletin.
After the rebellion in Kosovo, the Turkish military commander in Mitrovica ordered from the border with Serbia, a village Rrëzhanë to Albanik (Leposaviq), withdraw all the guards. So the Serbian border guards were forced to organize themselves shaljanët.
The Albanian forces instead took an oath that he had given their leaders would not allow, even at the price of life, to establish the Russian consul in Mitrovica. Among the 250 people killed in the village Shupkofc in the war against the Turkish military, which was commander Shqerbin, 100 have been on the Albanian side.
Fight for the liberation of Mitrovica
Mitrovica, which stems from the name "Saint Demetrius" or "Sveti Dimitrije" may refer to:- Places :* Kosovska Mitrovica, a city in the disputed region of Kosovo* Sremska Mitrovica, a city in Srem, Serbia...
had led Yasar Boletini, Bayt Selaci, Shaban Jashari, Nuhë Bajgora and others. In this struggle of life and death were killed Bayt Selaci, Shaban Gavazi-Bajgora, because of the set Boletini Haydar, Zenel Fetahu, Man Zeqiri, Rame Smaka, Sejdi Ibrahim and many others, while hundreds more were injured, among whom Tahir also Sejdi Selaci Vidishiqi the brother Bejta.
In the uprising that erupted in January 1904 in Mitrovica, shaljanët participated. In February 1906 Boletini Isa was released and returned to the saddle.
In this year the Albanian Committee has been formed over the country based on the one that was formed in Mitrovica.
In the Committee's branch in Mitrovica distinguished for their activity more Shaljanë, who worked in military preparations against the Ottoman rulers. Until 1908 the saddle Bajgorës had no power. The villages of this area during Ottoman rule have been owned by Vushtrria spahinjve and New Bazaar, who often bring their properties ririt çifçinj Orthodox family. On July 3, 1908 Young Turks revolution broke out. This revolution coincided with Iëvizjen for osrnanë çlirirn against the rulers.
Shaljanët at first supported the Revolution, Young Turks and the Albanians this support was a decisive factor in his victory and proclamation of the Constitution, rnë 23 to 24 July 1908, however, saw the election law and the attitude of the local Young Turks themselves, the who had begun cooperating with the Serbs and others, wanting to bring the Albanians increasingly unequal position, again turned his rifle. During the year këij Bare Young Turks zaptinjve built station.
On July 20, 1908, under the chairmanship of the Assembly held Isa Boletin j Ferizaj. Among the 30,000 Albanians were found shaljanët. As the Young Turks did not kept the promise they had given more rights for Albanians, etc. Self-country., National club formed in Mitrovica, officials decided to repulses osrnanë making efforts to give them power local Albanians.
Even requests for opening of schools in the Albanian language failed. Isa Boletini therefore, the mështetur by shaIjanët loyal Ottoman army turned his rifle.
To extinguish the fire of rebellion, freedom-loving soul to extinguish shaljanëve, kajmekami Mitrovica, Haydar Bey, on November 22, 1908 the forces of rnëdha sulrnoi leader Isa Boletini, in Boletin.
Isa Boletini important
In this war except Isa Boletin, was distinguished by the Bayt Selaci, Çaushi Halim, Halil Jonuz Boletini, Nuredin of Zeqir Mehmeti. Were killed because of the set Boletini, Halim Çaushi of Zenel Koliqi, and injured Isa Boletini, Halit Ahmed from Syrigana, Selim Bislim Radisheva. Sejdi SeIaci and Zeqir Mehmeti.Turkish soldiers after failing to brake down the tower with balls, given to the fire. To arouse fear and panic they torched several homes in the saddle and the Tower of Sejdi Selaci. In March 1909 Young Turks back off large military forces under the command of Pasha Xhavit to hit Isa Boletin.
Kosovo government declared state of jashtëzakonshrne. In mid-April 1910 Shefqet Turgut Pasha tried by all means, with fire and iron to extinguish the Albanian uprisings. Among the homes of resistance, but Wolf's Kacanik Carralevës Wolf's (1910), became the Shala, especially Boletini.
Until 1912 the Turkish army burned several times made plain with the land and the villages of Shala of Bajgora, but failed to subjugate Shala, which they defend with their breasts her children faithful warriors of pëkulur sypatrembur. Shaljanët was distinguished in other wars antiosmane during 1910-1912.
They were supported by Draga Nexhip Hasan Pristina, the ciiët Shai came to Skopje, then in Drenica, etc.., Where he joined Boietinin Isa. In March 1912 a meeting was held between Isa Boletin Hasan Pristina's Zejnuilah çifliçet Gojbulë Beg in the village near Vucitrn.
Gojbulës meeting was followed by meetings at various locations in Kosovo: May 15 in Boletin, in which the heads of the Bajgorës Shale where he joined up Besa ShaIës Assembly of Drenica (May 16), which was linked Besa Drenica Besa Llapushës and was crowned with the Assembly of Junik (21 to 25 May 1912) held in Junik. After this Assembly Isa turned in the saddle.
Immediately established ties with fighters Shala and Lab, began to strengthen in the Boletin centers in Vesekovc etc. So immediately began the implementation of decisions of the Assembly in rural Junik his Llap in the saddle. In June 1912 Tie Assembly held a large saddle, which was recognized in the nation named Kurillovës Assembly. In the Assembly of Kurillovës, Shala place between the Lab, participated and about 400 shaljanë llapjanë 1500. Here was Iidh Besa Shala and Lab.
Witnesses, but also the popular song "Isa Beg Grepacimi I Beqir Vocës" talk about their different views on whether Turkey should return the gun or not, presents a greater risk of Turkey or Serbia, which stood on the front and was preparing to throw the victim in the back. In early July përgjithshrne uprising began.
This rebellion was marked by the establishment of the national flag, which brought some activists Kosovo Albanian National Movement of colonies in Europe, in Istanbul Thessaloniki. Flag raised in Vesekovc (now called Bajrakut Hill), had submitted outstanding patriot Xhemajl Pristina Pristina Hoxhë Kadri, who had come to Kosovo.
On July 12 a battle was glorious zhviliua Gorge Kulinës after another seven days in Broboniq. On July 22 Albanian insurgents led by Isa Boletini left for New Shopping and Iiruan it, and five days later went to Mitrovica, where it formed the organs of local popular councils with special duty to preserve order silence. Shaljanët led by Isa Boletin through ideologue Hasan Pristina announced that they Iuftojnë international opinion rather than to protect a life extended to Turkey in the Balkans, but to come god territorial integrity of Albania.
On August 9 Hasan Prishtina Turkish government presented 14-point program, which contained the following:
- Employees who would be appointed in Albania, Albanian knew and know the customs of the country;
- Military service was only in Albania;
- Be given weapons Albanians;
- To open in four vilayets: Kosovo, Monastir, Janina Shkodra and schools of all levels and be taught the language of the country in all primary and secondary shkoiiat;
- General amnesty was announced and taken a range of measures for economic zhviliimin etc.
The Turkish government delayed the response to 14 requests of the Albanians, therefore Albanian rebels on August 11, 1912, under the leadership of Isa Boietinit, Bajram Curri, Hasan Prishtina, Riza beg Kryeziu, John Age Prizren, Mahmut Zajmi, etc. Small Zefi. entered in Skopje.
Ibrahim Pasha had earlier asked Isa shaljanët Boletini and not to depart for Skopje, Albanian leaders proposed high post of his comrades, fat bonuses, but in vain. Jesus, being consistent in his decision, responds:
Albania's army
In general struggle for liberation of Albanian territories attended many shaljanë under the leadership of Isa Boletin, who, after signing the agreement by Hasan Prishtina with the Turkish government, on August 26, came back in the saddle.Isa Boletin Boletini settled in and stayed until October 30, 1912. Within this time organized army to protect the border from the Serbian army. There were bloody wars Merdar Llukovë, Albanik, Llapashtica, KuIinë up in Pristina. Resistance became more powerful in Merdar.
After leaving the Turkish army from the hinterland Mitrovica, Albanians immediately chose their representatives in government bodies, formed their own judiciary and administration, but their leaders inside the country did not appear unique, unified face of rampant pillage appetites Balkan states Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece.
They had Iidhur alliance in September 1912, thus starting the First Balkan War, in order for them to devour each by a piece of the Albanian lands. The joy was short-lived victory of Albanians.
Albanians, a little intoxicated by the joy of victory, more tired and exhausted by the wars of succession, as if they had not foreseen that the armies of the Balkan states, their treacherous neighbors: Serbs, Montenegrins, Greeks and Bulgarians will be set forward on their lands.
Albanian volunteers, led by Isa Beqir Boletini of Voca, seeing great risk coming rnë there from the border with Serbia, from stone to Neck Uglarit Ibar, tried to be opposing forces well prepared Serbian Army resolutely resist their attacks, but failed.
Attacks Chetnik units were strong and intensified in the front along the Front of Shala, especially in the valley of the Ibar. Due to the lack of weapons, food, organization of regular, genuine army was forced to withdraw. Serbs, as occupied Pristina on October 22, after receiving the Vushtrri of Mitrovica, on November 1, 1912, forced the Albanian army exhausted and their leaders to leave disappointed. The withdrawal was made in relation saddle-CarraIevë-Sedllar Bajgora, Prizren-Bicaj-Doda Ujmishtë Castle, Castle again Doda-Kastrat-Sllovë of Elez Jsufi, in Bishop, Maqellarë-Debar and Vlorë.13
Pushtirni of these areas, especially Shale was associated with terror, with murder in rnasë not only combatants but also their families: women, children and elders. Serb army razed to the ground burnt almost all the villages of Shala of Bajgora.
In Albania was preparing Declaration of Independence. Boletini Isa, who was carrying Kamal Ismail ties with other patriots, he went to take part in the act of raising the flag and the formation of the Provisional Government. On 28 November in Viorë reached Rexhep Mitrovica, Sali Pejani Gjuka of Badr, and one day later also Isa Boletini with dozens fighters, mostly young shaljanë, among them two boys and two of his nephews.
Chairman of the Provisional Government, Ismail Kamal, set their own personal guard at the door of the government loyal comrades Isa Boletin, Halim and Ahmed Ali Muse Bajgorën Lab.
So shaljanët gave a valuable contribution to the protection of the Government of Viorës. On March 30, 1913, Isa Boletini with two sons, Moses and Adam, Luigj Gurakuqi, etc. Demetrius Berat. took part in the delegation headed by Ismail Kamal, who left for the trip through European capitals and to attend the London Conference of 1912-1913 on behalf of the entire Albanian nation. In 1913 he said: "When the spring comes, we will manure the plains of Kosova with the bones of Serbs, for we Albanians have suffered too much to forget."
Further reading
- Bahlov, Dr. Hans, Deutschlands geographische Namenvett Baden: Suhrkamp. 1985, cited of Abdullah Konushevci, Toponomia e Mitrovicës, “Word”, nr. 6-7, July 2001, p. 19
- Fehmi Pushkolli, Ukshin Kovaçica-Bajgora, Horizontet e historisë, Prishtinë, 1997, p. 18
- Fehrni Pushkolli, Po aty, p. 20
- Ahdullah Konushevci, Po aty, p. 19
- Mitrovica dhe rrethina, Mitrovicë, 1979, p. 69
- Tafil Boletini, vepër e cituar, p. 153