Ilchi Lee
Ilchi Lee (born Lee Seung-Heun on December 23, 1950) is a South Korea
n author and the founder of a variety of mind-body training methods, including Dahnhak(丹学), Dahn yoga
, Brain Respiration, Brain Education, and DahnMuDo. Lee began teaching his methods in a park in the 1980s, and since that time the practice has developed into an international network of for-profit and non-profit entities.
(천안 天安), South Korea
. His father was a teacher, yet he reports having struggled in school due to his inability to focus and a preference for imaginative play. Later in life, he would identify himself as having overcome Attention Deficit Disorder through rigorous physical and mental training. He suggests in his books that these early experiences formed the foundation of the brain-based training techniques he would develop later in life.
In his adolescence he turned to the martial art Taekwondo
(태권도 跆拳道) to help calm his restless mind. He eventually earned a fourth-level black belt
, and opened a successful martial arts
studio. He took the first term of Taekwondo master education hosted by Kukkiwon
in 1972. After he graduated from Dankook University
(단국대학교 檀國大學校) in 1977 with a B.S. degree in clinical pathology and physical education, he opened a health clinic, which according to his own account did well. He soon married and settled down to raise a family.
However, Lee recounts that he was still plagued by nagging questions about the meaning of human life and the universe, even while on the surface living an ideal life. Thus, in his early thirties he set out to engage in rigorous solo training in the wilderness of Korea's Moak Mountain (모악산 母岳山) to engage in 21 days of ascetic practice and meditation without food, water, sleep or lying down. He writes that through this training he gained enlightenment
and deep insights that would provide the philosophical underpinnings of his methods.
Upon his return to ordinary civilization, he began to teach his methods in a community park, at first to only one stroke
victim. It was at this point that he took the name Ilchi (일지 一指), which means "finger pointing to the truth." Eventually, a larger group of people gathered in the park, and inclement weather necessitated that the classes be moved indoors. This led to the opening of the first Dahn Center in 1985 in Seoul
(서울), South Korea
, which would grow to over 300 Korean centers in the early twenty-first century In 1991, the first Dahn Center opened in the United States. As of 2006, there were approximately 146 Dahn Centers in the United States. In the meantime, many corporates and government organizations, including Samsung Group
, Hyundai
, and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea
employed Lee's program for their employees. Chung Ju-yung
, the former Hyundai CEO, Chey Jong-hyun, the former CEO of SK Corporation and Cho Soon the former Vice Prime Minister of South Korea took personal training from Lee. Lee has been given a letter of appreciation from Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea. Korean religions scholar Dr. Hai Ran Woo describes Ilchi Lee's Dahn World Co. (formerly Dahn-Hak-Sonwon) as South Korea's largest 'New Age' (or 'self-cultivation') 'meditation industry' with sales reaching $280 million in 2005. Dahn World has described their spiritual products as the most lucrative of all Korean exports; they plan to expand to 36,000 training centers worldwide by 2010.
Korean religions scholar Donald Baker regards Dahn World as one of the more noteworthy among more than 200 new religion
s in S. Korea that share a 'Korea-centric' view that Korea has become 'the spiritual center of the world' – with Dahn World asserting that Seung Heun Lee is a world renowned spiritual leader leading humanity toward an 'enlightenment revolution'.
In 2000, Ilchi Lee became a director of the Tao Fellowship, a non-profit religious charity and educational foundation, which purchased majestic property in Sedona, Arizona
to house the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center (SIMC). According to their Web site, the Tao Fellowship teaches and promotes Tao philosophy and provides training for a cultural movement for peace. The Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center is described as "the home from which the ideals of Tao Fellowship may flower and go forth to awaken the human consciousness," and as the location of 12 energy vortexes (Sedona
is believed by many visitors and locals to contain healing energy vortexes.) Described by Dr. Woo as the "heart of the 'world mission' or 'global management,'" SIMC hosts 3,000 participants annually from around the world in a variety of programs based in Lee's Brain Education system, including youth camps, residential healing, retreat programs and advanced Dahn training programs such as Dahn Healer School. Recently SIMC was renamed the Sedona Mago Retreat Center (SMRC) and celebrated its 10th Anniversary in May 2008."Mago" means "Mother Earth" in Korean.
According to his official website, Lee is no longer in direct management of the Dahn Centers, instead focusing on developing educational applications of his training system and serving as president of the consulting firm BR Consulting in Sedona, AZ, which provides services to corporations that provide his training programs, including management of trainer education programs, training and licensing of trainers, marketing and media relations, business analysis and planning.
On January 8, 2009, Lee held a seminar at the United Nations
on "The Role of Brain Education in Global Mental Health," as the president of IBREA. Coincided with the seminar, New York City declared this day "IBREA Brain Education Day," recognizing Brain Education's contribution to education, health and well-being of New York citizens.
Fifteen American cities including Atlanta, Cambridge, Las Vegas
and San Francisco have declared Ilchi Lee Day, in recognition of Lee's contributions through his original Brain Education
to be the ultimate goal of his training methods. Essentially, they are meant to facilitate a shift in human consciousness
toward a more suitable world culture, according to Lee. He stresses a concept of personal enlightenment
similar to those found in other Eastern philosophies, but emphasizes the need to take action based on that enlightenment. Appropriate action, according to Lee, should include some sort of action intended for the betterment of the human condition
. Based on this notion, he has spearheaded what he calls the "HSP Movement," a movement intended to spread "health, happiness, and peace."
Lee also believes peace can only be achieved if humanity gives up nationalistic identities in favor of a single common identity. He contends that this identity should be rooted in people's mutual appreciation of and reliance upon the Earth
, what he refers to as the "Earth Human" concept.
He believes that the Brain Wave Vibration training he created can help change negative thoughts which generate negative brain waves to positive ones, and understand the effects their actions have upon their brains.
In his book Human Technology, Lee asserts that people should become more self-sufficient in their own health care
. Citing what he believes to be modern civilization's over-reliance on pharmaceuticals and specialized health care, he encourages people to rediscover what he regards as natural means of health maintenance, such as the traditional Asian methods discussed in the book, including acupressure and moxibustion
The South Korean Government conferred the Order of Civil Merit (국민 훈장) on Lee in 2002, honoring his dissemination of Korean traditional philosophy and culture throughout the world through his founding of the Institute for Traditional Korean Cultural Studies (국학원 Kook Hak Won, or Kukhak Institute), an educational non-profit organization
devoted to the study and development of traditional Korean philosophy
Through this and other affiliated NGOs and projects, such as 'Erecting 369 Tan-gun Statues in Schoolyards', which proved controversial in Korea in the late 1990s, Lee contributes to the revival of Korea's nationalist movement by mobilizing large numbers to revere Korea's legendary 2333 BCE divine founding father Tan'gun [or Dangun
, Tan-gun, Dahngun], an indigenous tradition said to exist prior to the influence of foreign religions. Lee advances the belief that Tan'gun practiced a 15,000 year old Korean value called 'Hongik Ingan Ewah Saegae' ('Widely benefit humanity, rightfully harmonize the world') and that an ancient scripture exists, 'Chun Bu Kyung' [or Cheonbugyeong], that reveals that Heaven, Earth, and Human exist as One in each person. Lee maintains that this is the core Korean spirit that will prove key to Korean reunification as well as world peace, an ideal he contends to be attainable through his 'brain education' programs - resulting in a 'one world communal culture' of perfectly healthy and peaceful 'Power Brains' or 'New Humans'.
Religions scholar Massimo Introvigne
suggests that Dahn World School is an offshoot of Taejonggyo
, as exemplified by the large statue of Tan'gun at its U.S. headquarters in Sedona and memorization of passages from Taejonggyo's scriptures, "Heavenly Code," or "Chun Bu Kyung," by members. Practitioners, however, deny any connection to the religion.
, martial arts
, meditation
, and other recognizable Eastern disciplines, they have been modified with the said intent of uncovering the practitioner's natural brain potential. Lee's Power Brain Kids book describes that these practices may also be combined with other games and activities intended to develop mind-body connection and mental acuity. Collectively, the techniques have been termed Brain Education System Training (BEST) (formerly known as Brain Respiration).
Lee categorizes all of his training techniques under one or more of the five sequential steps that comprise the BEST method. The focus of each step is as follows:
1) Brain Sensitizing: Stress management, awakening of the five senses, physical health, and brain awareness.
2) Brain Versatilizing: Enhanced learning ability through the creation of new synaptic connections.
3) Brain Refreshing: Emotional release, emotional control, and positive mental outlook.
4) Brain Integrating: Developing latent brain abilities and increasing communication between diverse parts of the brain.
5) Brain Mastering: Improved decision making and developing a clear sense of life purpose.
Lee teaches that while the brain is the primary focus of his training methods, the health of the physical body as a whole is of primary concern in the initial phase of training (Brain Sensitizing). Exercises and practices followed during this phase are heavily influenced by the notion of ki
(기 氣) energy as it is understood in Traditional Korean medicine
. This typically includes a variety of exercises that are said to be designed to open up the energy meridian
system of the body. and work to open up the body's seven major energy centers, known as chakras.
Lee's Korean Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), which was granted http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ngo/faq.htmUN ECOSOC "roster consultative status
"] and Lee's International Brain Education Association (IBREA) report that Lee's programs not only help children develop better memory and concentration but also certain supernatural abilities (or Extrasensory Perception - ESP) due to "Heightened Sensory Perception," as their studies find that children could identify colors, shapes, and letters while blindfolded. - although this ability was found by KIBS to diminish significantly with less ambient light and greater filtering of the viewed material. While Lee asserts that these findings are based on cognitive neuroscience, mainstream neurologists generally regard such conclusions as strongly lacking in scientific support
One of the mental and physical health enhancement techniques that Ilchi Lee created, Brain Wave Vibration (head-shaking), was used as a kind of moving meditation in a research study published in the international journal, Neuroscience Letters
, in July 2010. Using two psychological questionnaires, this study suggested that regular practitioners of Brain Wave Vibration were less stressed and experienced more positive emotions and fewer psychosomatic symptoms. As well, regular Brain Wave Vibration practitioners had more dopamine
in their blood than the healthy control group. The Ministry of Science and Technology of South Korea
funded the research. Researchers from several departments of Seoul National University
and the university hospital collaborated for the research along with the Korea Institute of Brain Science, of which Ilchi Lee is president.
Lee says that although the underlying philosophy has remained the same, he continues to "refine and improve" the methods. He recounts in one newspaper report that the techniques have evolved from breathing methods to meditation to its current emphasis on the brain. An early English-language book by Lee, Dahn Meditation, which was published in 1997, focuses primarily on Ki
development through Lee's "practical and modern" version of traditional Korean Dahn Hak techniques and does not mention any exercises specific to brain development. The book describes stretching exercises ("do-in"), meditation for energy sensitivity ("ji gam"), energy dance ("dahn mu"), and energy building exercises ("haeng gong").
Dahn Center member and college professor seeking master-level instructor status.
On November 13, 2006, after more than four months of discovery, the Court dismissed all claims against all non-resident defendants including Lee . On August 1, 2008, the claims against the remaining two defendants were dismissed by stipulation.
The Court found that no sufficient basis for personal jurisdiction over Lee and six other non-resident Defendants had been demonstrated. The Court made such findings because plaintiff's contention that Lee may be subject to jurisdiction by virtue of his association with the "Dahn Organization" which operated in New York is without basis in fact or law, and because plaintiff's allegations of common ownership or Lee's control over the "Dahn Organization" are not factually supported.
The Court's Order indicates that "Plaintiffs then go on to contend that the evidence submitted demonstrates that defendants are all one organization controlled out of Arizona by Ilchi Lee and, because it is uncontested that there is jurisdiction over one component of that organization, non-movant defendant Bell Rock, there is jurisdiction over all Moving Defendants. Plaintiffs' theory falls short on all fronts." It also indicates that "There is no evidence that any corporate formalities have been disregarded," and "Plaintiffs fail to connect any transaction of business by Ilchi Lee to plaintiffs' causes of action. There is no evidence that Dr. Siverls-Dunham's death, or even her presence in Arizona, arose out of a transaction of business by Ilchi Lee or any other defendants in New York."
Ilchi Lee and Dahn yoga are being sued by 27 former members and masters. A complaint was issued at the end of May 2009. Charges range from undue influence, thought reform, and failure to pay proper wages, to RICO Law
violations and sexual assault. WBZ Channel 4 News in Boston interviewed two of the claimants on June 11, 2009.
On December 21, 2009, the New York Post published this clarification on the “article in The Post on Nov. 9, 2009, about the “Brain Education” program taught in New York City schools referenced an Arizona federal lawsuit filed by former employees of Dahn Yoga. Power Brain Education is not a defendant in that lawsuit and its methods are not the subject of any allegations in that lawsuit. The court in that case dismissed eight out of 10 claims brought by 26 of the 27 plaintiffs. However a second amended complaint was filed which was accepted by the court and the lawsuit is ongoing, despite claims on Lee's websites that the claims have been dismissed. The originally dismissed claims were allowed back into the litigation process once more information was provided in the 300 page second amended complaint. Plaintiffs moved for leave to file a third amended complaint with even more pages, but the Judge denied the motion on January 13, 2011. . The case was settled by mutual release with no money paid and dismissed on September 12, 2011, as to one plaintiff . The lawsuit is ongoing as to the other plaintiffs.
On August 25, 2010, in the case Barba et al. v. Lee (Case No. CV09-1115-PHX-SRB), the United States District Court for the District of Arizona dismissed Jessica ‘Jade’ Harrelson’s claims of alleged sexual assault by Mr. Lee, as she had already exceeded the 2 year statute of limitations for sexual assault claims in the state of Arizona. Harrelson also filed claims in the state of Massachusettes, which has a 3 year statue of limitations for sexual assault claims. This complaint survived motions to dismiss by Lee's lawyers and the case is currently ongoing. (Case 1:09-cv-11714-RGS)
Dahn Yoga and its affiliates have filed counterclaims against the plaintiffs in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona for conspiracy and interference with existing and prospective business relationships.
In another case, Myers v. Lee (Case No. 1:10-cv-00131-AJT-JFA), on September 21, 2010, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, ruled to dismiss Andrew Myer’s claims against Dahn Yoga, Mr. Lee and other defendants for RICO, fraud, Virginia Consumer Protection Act violations and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Judge found insufficient support for elements of some claims and lack of jurisdiction to uphold others.
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...
n author and the founder of a variety of mind-body training methods, including Dahnhak(丹学), Dahn yoga
Dahn yoga
Dahn yoga is a Korean "yoga" system and business founded in 1985 by Ilchi Lee. In Korean, dahn means "primal, vital energy," and hak means "study of a particular theory or philosophy." Dahn teachings are said to place equal emphasis on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being...
, Brain Respiration, Brain Education, and DahnMuDo. Lee began teaching his methods in a park in the 1980s, and since that time the practice has developed into an international network of for-profit and non-profit entities.
Personal History
Ilchi Lee was born in 1950 in CheonanCheonan
Cheonan is a city located in the northeast corner of South Chungcheong, a province of South Korea, and is 83.6 km south of the capital, Seoul...
(천안 天安), South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...
. His father was a teacher, yet he reports having struggled in school due to his inability to focus and a preference for imaginative play. Later in life, he would identify himself as having overcome Attention Deficit Disorder through rigorous physical and mental training. He suggests in his books that these early experiences formed the foundation of the brain-based training techniques he would develop later in life.
In his adolescence he turned to the martial art Taekwondo
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art and the national sport of South Korea. In Korean, tae means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon means "to strike or break with fist"; and do means "way", "method", or "path"...
(태권도 跆拳道) to help calm his restless mind. He eventually earned a fourth-level black belt
Black belt (martial arts)
In martial arts, the black belt is a way to describe a graduate of a field where a practitioner's level is often marked by the color of the belt. The black belt is commonly the highest belt color used and denotes a degree of competence. It is often associated with a teaching grade though...
, and opened a successful martial arts
Martial arts
Martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development....
studio. He took the first term of Taekwondo master education hosted by Kukkiwon
Kukkiwon , also known as World Taekwondo Headquarters, and home of the World Taekwondo Academy, is the official taekwondo governing organisation established by the South Korean government...
in 1972. After he graduated from Dankook University
Dankook University
Dankook University is a private university in South Korea. Dankook University has been constantly recognized as one of top universities in Asia ranked 148th in Asia by QS Asian Universities Ranking in 2010...
(단국대학교 檀國大學校) in 1977 with a B.S. degree in clinical pathology and physical education, he opened a health clinic, which according to his own account did well. He soon married and settled down to raise a family.
However, Lee recounts that he was still plagued by nagging questions about the meaning of human life and the universe, even while on the surface living an ideal life. Thus, in his early thirties he set out to engage in rigorous solo training in the wilderness of Korea's Moak Mountain (모악산 母岳山) to engage in 21 days of ascetic practice and meditation without food, water, sleep or lying down. He writes that through this training he gained enlightenment
Enlightenment (spiritual)
Enlightenment in a secular context often means the "full comprehension of a situation", but in spiritual terms the word alludes to a spiritual revelation or deep insight into the meaning and purpose of all things, communication with or understanding of the mind of God, profound spiritual...
and deep insights that would provide the philosophical underpinnings of his methods.
Upon his return to ordinary civilization, he began to teach his methods in a community park, at first to only one stroke
A stroke, previously known medically as a cerebrovascular accident , is the rapidly developing loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. This can be due to ischemia caused by blockage , or a hemorrhage...
victim. It was at this point that he took the name Ilchi (일지 一指), which means "finger pointing to the truth." Eventually, a larger group of people gathered in the park, and inclement weather necessitated that the classes be moved indoors. This led to the opening of the first Dahn Center in 1985 in Seoul
Seoul , officially the Seoul Special City, is the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. A megacity with a population of over 10 million, it is the largest city proper in the OECD developed world...
(서울), South Korea
South Korea
The Republic of Korea , , is a sovereign state in East Asia, located on the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It is neighbored by the People's Republic of China to the west, Japan to the east, North Korea to the north, and the East China Sea and Republic of China to the south...
, which would grow to over 300 Korean centers in the early twenty-first century In 1991, the first Dahn Center opened in the United States. As of 2006, there were approximately 146 Dahn Centers in the United States. In the meantime, many corporates and government organizations, including Samsung Group
Samsung Group
The Samsung Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea...
, Hyundai
Hyundai ) is a global conglomerate company, part of the Korean chaebol, that was founded in South Korea by one of the most famous businessmen in Korean history: Chung Ju-yung...
POSCO is a multinational steel-making company headquartered in Pohang, South Korea. It is the world's third-largest steelmaker by market value and the most profitable Asia-based steelmaker....
, and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea
Ministry of National Defense (South Korea)
The Ministry of National Defense is a department within the government of South Korea and responsible for the military branches of South Korea.For more information on the branches see Military of South Korea or* Republic of Korea Army...
employed Lee's program for their employees. Chung Ju-yung
Chung Ju-yung
Chung Ju-yung was a South Korean businessman and the the founder of Hyundai Group.-Early life:Chung Ju-yung was born in Tongchon, Kangwŏn province , during a time when Korea was under Japanese rule. Born to a large impoverished family of peasants, he was the oldest out of six children...
, the former Hyundai CEO, Chey Jong-hyun, the former CEO of SK Corporation and Cho Soon the former Vice Prime Minister of South Korea took personal training from Lee. Lee has been given a letter of appreciation from Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs and Ministry of National Defense of South Korea. Korean religions scholar Dr. Hai Ran Woo describes Ilchi Lee's Dahn World Co. (formerly Dahn-Hak-Sonwon) as South Korea's largest 'New Age' (or 'self-cultivation') 'meditation industry' with sales reaching $280 million in 2005. Dahn World has described their spiritual products as the most lucrative of all Korean exports; they plan to expand to 36,000 training centers worldwide by 2010.
Korean religions scholar Donald Baker regards Dahn World as one of the more noteworthy among more than 200 new religion
Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to...
s in S. Korea that share a 'Korea-centric' view that Korea has become 'the spiritual center of the world' – with Dahn World asserting that Seung Heun Lee is a world renowned spiritual leader leading humanity toward an 'enlightenment revolution'.
In 2000, Ilchi Lee became a director of the Tao Fellowship, a non-profit religious charity and educational foundation, which purchased majestic property in Sedona, Arizona
Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is a city that straddles the county line between Coconino and Yavapai counties in the northern Verde Valley region of the U.S. state of Arizona...
to house the Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center (SIMC). According to their Web site, the Tao Fellowship teaches and promotes Tao philosophy and provides training for a cultural movement for peace. The Sedona Ilchi Meditation Center is described as "the home from which the ideals of Tao Fellowship may flower and go forth to awaken the human consciousness," and as the location of 12 energy vortexes (Sedona
Sedona, Arizona
Sedona is a city that straddles the county line between Coconino and Yavapai counties in the northern Verde Valley region of the U.S. state of Arizona...
is believed by many visitors and locals to contain healing energy vortexes.) Described by Dr. Woo as the "heart of the 'world mission' or 'global management,'" SIMC hosts 3,000 participants annually from around the world in a variety of programs based in Lee's Brain Education system, including youth camps, residential healing, retreat programs and advanced Dahn training programs such as Dahn Healer School. Recently SIMC was renamed the Sedona Mago Retreat Center (SMRC) and celebrated its 10th Anniversary in May 2008."Mago" means "Mother Earth" in Korean.
According to his official website, Lee is no longer in direct management of the Dahn Centers, instead focusing on developing educational applications of his training system and serving as president of the consulting firm BR Consulting in Sedona, AZ, which provides services to corporations that provide his training programs, including management of trainer education programs, training and licensing of trainers, marketing and media relations, business analysis and planning.
On January 8, 2009, Lee held a seminar at the United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...
on "The Role of Brain Education in Global Mental Health," as the president of IBREA. Coincided with the seminar, New York City declared this day "IBREA Brain Education Day," recognizing Brain Education's contribution to education, health and well-being of New York citizens.
Fifteen American cities including Atlanta, Cambridge, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and is also the county seat of Clark County, Nevada. Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city for gambling, shopping, and fine dining. The city bills itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is famous...
and San Francisco have declared Ilchi Lee Day, in recognition of Lee's contributions through his original Brain Education
Ilchi Lee considers the creation of world peaceWorld peace
World Peace is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and/or people. World peace is an idea of planetary non-violence by which nations willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. The term is sometimes used to...
to be the ultimate goal of his training methods. Essentially, they are meant to facilitate a shift in human consciousness
Consciousness is a term that refers to the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts. It has been defined as: subjectivity, awareness, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind...
toward a more suitable world culture, according to Lee. He stresses a concept of personal enlightenment
Enlightenment (spiritual)
Enlightenment in a secular context often means the "full comprehension of a situation", but in spiritual terms the word alludes to a spiritual revelation or deep insight into the meaning and purpose of all things, communication with or understanding of the mind of God, profound spiritual...
similar to those found in other Eastern philosophies, but emphasizes the need to take action based on that enlightenment. Appropriate action, according to Lee, should include some sort of action intended for the betterment of the human condition
Human condition
The human condition encompasses the experiences of being human in a social, cultural, and personal context. It can be described as the irreducible part of humanity that is inherent and not connected to gender, race, class, etc. — a search for purpose, sense of curiosity, the inevitability of...
. Based on this notion, he has spearheaded what he calls the "HSP Movement," a movement intended to spread "health, happiness, and peace."
Lee also believes peace can only be achieved if humanity gives up nationalistic identities in favor of a single common identity. He contends that this identity should be rooted in people's mutual appreciation of and reliance upon the Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...
, what he refers to as the "Earth Human" concept.
He believes that the Brain Wave Vibration training he created can help change negative thoughts which generate negative brain waves to positive ones, and understand the effects their actions have upon their brains.
In his book Human Technology, Lee asserts that people should become more self-sufficient in their own health care
Health care
Health care is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in humans. Health care is delivered by practitioners in medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, and other care providers...
. Citing what he believes to be modern civilization's over-reliance on pharmaceuticals and specialized health care, he encourages people to rediscover what he regards as natural means of health maintenance, such as the traditional Asian methods discussed in the book, including acupressure and moxibustion
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa, or mugwort herb. It plays an important role in the traditional medical systems of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet, and Mongolia. Suppliers usually age the mugwort and grind it up to a fluff; practitioners burn the fluff or...
The South Korean Government conferred the Order of Civil Merit (국민 훈장) on Lee in 2002, honoring his dissemination of Korean traditional philosophy and culture throughout the world through his founding of the Institute for Traditional Korean Cultural Studies (국학원 Kook Hak Won, or Kukhak Institute), an educational non-profit organization
Non-profit organization
Nonprofit organization is neither a legal nor technical definition but generally refers to an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals, rather than distributing them as profit or dividends...
devoted to the study and development of traditional Korean philosophy
Through this and other affiliated NGOs and projects, such as 'Erecting 369 Tan-gun Statues in Schoolyards', which proved controversial in Korea in the late 1990s, Lee contributes to the revival of Korea's nationalist movement by mobilizing large numbers to revere Korea's legendary 2333 BCE divine founding father Tan'gun [or Dangun
Dangun Wanggeom was the legendary founder of Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom, around present-day Liaoning, Manchuria, and the Korean Peninsula. He is said to be the "grandson of heaven", and to have founded the kingdom in 2333 BC...
, Tan-gun, Dahngun], an indigenous tradition said to exist prior to the influence of foreign religions. Lee advances the belief that Tan'gun practiced a 15,000 year old Korean value called 'Hongik Ingan Ewah Saegae' ('Widely benefit humanity, rightfully harmonize the world') and that an ancient scripture exists, 'Chun Bu Kyung' [or Cheonbugyeong], that reveals that Heaven, Earth, and Human exist as One in each person. Lee maintains that this is the core Korean spirit that will prove key to Korean reunification as well as world peace, an ideal he contends to be attainable through his 'brain education' programs - resulting in a 'one world communal culture' of perfectly healthy and peaceful 'Power Brains' or 'New Humans'.
Religions scholar Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne
Massimo Introvigne is an Italian sociologist and intellectual property consultant. He is the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions , an international network of scholars who study new religious movements. Introvigne is the author of tens of books and articles in...
suggests that Dahn World School is an offshoot of Taejonggyo
Daejonggyo meaning "Religion of Dangun") is a religion of Korea founded in Seoul in 1909 by Na Cheol . The god of the religion is the legendary king Tan-gun or Dangun, who ruled over a Korean empire around 5000 years ago; it is the best known of around 17 new religious movements that worship Tan-gun...
, as exemplified by the large statue of Tan'gun at its U.S. headquarters in Sedona and memorization of passages from Taejonggyo's scriptures, "Heavenly Code," or "Chun Bu Kyung," by members. Practitioners, however, deny any connection to the religion.
Training Methods
Ilchi Lee's training methods have been described as focusing primarily on the brain and its development. Although actual practices resemble yogaYoga
Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in ancient India. The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on Supersoul...
, martial arts
Martial arts
Martial arts are extensive systems of codified practices and traditions of combat, practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, as well as mental and spiritual development....
, meditation
Meditation is any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their minds or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit....
, and other recognizable Eastern disciplines, they have been modified with the said intent of uncovering the practitioner's natural brain potential. Lee's Power Brain Kids book describes that these practices may also be combined with other games and activities intended to develop mind-body connection and mental acuity. Collectively, the techniques have been termed Brain Education System Training (BEST) (formerly known as Brain Respiration).
Lee categorizes all of his training techniques under one or more of the five sequential steps that comprise the BEST method. The focus of each step is as follows:
1) Brain Sensitizing: Stress management, awakening of the five senses, physical health, and brain awareness.
2) Brain Versatilizing: Enhanced learning ability through the creation of new synaptic connections.
3) Brain Refreshing: Emotional release, emotional control, and positive mental outlook.
4) Brain Integrating: Developing latent brain abilities and increasing communication between diverse parts of the brain.
5) Brain Mastering: Improved decision making and developing a clear sense of life purpose.
Lee teaches that while the brain is the primary focus of his training methods, the health of the physical body as a whole is of primary concern in the initial phase of training (Brain Sensitizing). Exercises and practices followed during this phase are heavily influenced by the notion of ki
Ki or KI may refer to:* .ki, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code top level domain for Kiribati*Ki., an abbreviation for the Book of Kings in Judaeo-Christian religious texts* Ki * Ki , a Japanese syllabic character...
(기 氣) energy as it is understood in Traditional Korean medicine
Traditional Korean medicine
Traditional Korean medicine developed with the influence of other traditional medicine. Its techniques in treatment and diagnosis are both similar and unique to other traditional medicine...
. This typically includes a variety of exercises that are said to be designed to open up the energy meridian
Meridian (Chinese medicine)
The meridian is a path through which the life-energy known as "qi" is believed to flow, in traditional Chinese medicine. There is no physically verifiable anatomical or histological basis for the existence of acupuncture points or meridians.- Main concepts :...
system of the body. and work to open up the body's seven major energy centers, known as chakras.
Lee's Korean Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), which was granted http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ngo/faq.htmUN ECOSOC "roster consultative status
Consultative Status
Consultative Status is a phrase whose use can be traced to the founding of the United Nations and is used within the UN community to refer to "Non-governmental organizations in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council." Also some international organizations could...
"] and Lee's International Brain Education Association (IBREA) report that Lee's programs not only help children develop better memory and concentration but also certain supernatural abilities (or Extrasensory Perception - ESP) due to "Heightened Sensory Perception," as their studies find that children could identify colors, shapes, and letters while blindfolded. - although this ability was found by KIBS to diminish significantly with less ambient light and greater filtering of the viewed material. While Lee asserts that these findings are based on cognitive neuroscience, mainstream neurologists generally regard such conclusions as strongly lacking in scientific support
One of the mental and physical health enhancement techniques that Ilchi Lee created, Brain Wave Vibration (head-shaking), was used as a kind of moving meditation in a research study published in the international journal, Neuroscience Letters
Neuroscience Letters
Neuroscience Letters is a rapid-publication weekly scientific journal for short articles covering all aspects of neuroscience....
, in July 2010. Using two psychological questionnaires, this study suggested that regular practitioners of Brain Wave Vibration were less stressed and experienced more positive emotions and fewer psychosomatic symptoms. As well, regular Brain Wave Vibration practitioners had more dopamine
Dopamine is a catecholamine neurotransmitter present in a wide variety of animals, including both vertebrates and invertebrates. In the brain, this substituted phenethylamine functions as a neurotransmitter, activating the five known types of dopamine receptors—D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5—and their...
in their blood than the healthy control group. The Ministry of Science and Technology of South Korea
Ministry of Science and Technology (South Korea)
The Ministry of Science and Technology is a ministry of the government of South Korea which coordinates science and technology activities in the country. In 2008, it was combined with another ministry and renamed the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.- External links :*...
funded the research. Researchers from several departments of Seoul National University
Seoul National University
Seoul National University , colloquially known in Korean as Seoul-dae , is a national research university in Seoul, Korea, ranked 24th in the world in publications in an analysis of data from the Science Citation Index, 7th in Asia and 42nd in the world by the 2011 QS World University Rankings...
and the university hospital collaborated for the research along with the Korea Institute of Brain Science, of which Ilchi Lee is president.
Lee says that although the underlying philosophy has remained the same, he continues to "refine and improve" the methods. He recounts in one newspaper report that the techniques have evolved from breathing methods to meditation to its current emphasis on the brain. An early English-language book by Lee, Dahn Meditation, which was published in 1997, focuses primarily on Ki
Ki or KI may refer to:* .ki, the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code top level domain for Kiribati*Ki., an abbreviation for the Book of Kings in Judaeo-Christian religious texts* Ki * Ki , a Japanese syllabic character...
development through Lee's "practical and modern" version of traditional Korean Dahn Hak techniques and does not mention any exercises specific to brain development. The book describes stretching exercises ("do-in"), meditation for energy sensitivity ("ji gam"), energy dance ("dahn mu"), and energy building exercises ("haeng gong").
In 2005, Seung Heun (Ilchi) Lee, et al., was named in a $84 million wrongful death lawsuit following the 2003 death of Julia Siverls, PhD, a 41-year-old New York CityNew York City
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous metropolitan areas in the world. New York exerts a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and...
Dahn Center member and college professor seeking master-level instructor status.
On November 13, 2006, after more than four months of discovery, the Court dismissed all claims against all non-resident defendants including Lee . On August 1, 2008, the claims against the remaining two defendants were dismissed by stipulation.
The Court found that no sufficient basis for personal jurisdiction over Lee and six other non-resident Defendants had been demonstrated. The Court made such findings because plaintiff's contention that Lee may be subject to jurisdiction by virtue of his association with the "Dahn Organization" which operated in New York is without basis in fact or law, and because plaintiff's allegations of common ownership or Lee's control over the "Dahn Organization" are not factually supported.
The Court's Order indicates that "Plaintiffs then go on to contend that the evidence submitted demonstrates that defendants are all one organization controlled out of Arizona by Ilchi Lee and, because it is uncontested that there is jurisdiction over one component of that organization, non-movant defendant Bell Rock, there is jurisdiction over all Moving Defendants. Plaintiffs' theory falls short on all fronts." It also indicates that "There is no evidence that any corporate formalities have been disregarded," and "Plaintiffs fail to connect any transaction of business by Ilchi Lee to plaintiffs' causes of action. There is no evidence that Dr. Siverls-Dunham's death, or even her presence in Arizona, arose out of a transaction of business by Ilchi Lee or any other defendants in New York."
Ilchi Lee and Dahn yoga are being sued by 27 former members and masters. A complaint was issued at the end of May 2009. Charges range from undue influence, thought reform, and failure to pay proper wages, to RICO Law
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization...
violations and sexual assault. WBZ Channel 4 News in Boston interviewed two of the claimants on June 11, 2009.
On December 21, 2009, the New York Post published this clarification on the “article in The Post on Nov. 9, 2009, about the “Brain Education” program taught in New York City schools referenced an Arizona federal lawsuit filed by former employees of Dahn Yoga. Power Brain Education is not a defendant in that lawsuit and its methods are not the subject of any allegations in that lawsuit. The court in that case dismissed eight out of 10 claims brought by 26 of the 27 plaintiffs. However a second amended complaint was filed which was accepted by the court and the lawsuit is ongoing, despite claims on Lee's websites that the claims have been dismissed. The originally dismissed claims were allowed back into the litigation process once more information was provided in the 300 page second amended complaint. Plaintiffs moved for leave to file a third amended complaint with even more pages, but the Judge denied the motion on January 13, 2011. . The case was settled by mutual release with no money paid and dismissed on September 12, 2011, as to one plaintiff . The lawsuit is ongoing as to the other plaintiffs.
On August 25, 2010, in the case Barba et al. v. Lee (Case No. CV09-1115-PHX-SRB), the United States District Court for the District of Arizona dismissed Jessica ‘Jade’ Harrelson’s claims of alleged sexual assault by Mr. Lee, as she had already exceeded the 2 year statute of limitations for sexual assault claims in the state of Arizona. Harrelson also filed claims in the state of Massachusettes, which has a 3 year statue of limitations for sexual assault claims. This complaint survived motions to dismiss by Lee's lawyers and the case is currently ongoing. (Case 1:09-cv-11714-RGS)
Dahn Yoga and its affiliates have filed counterclaims against the plaintiffs in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona for conspiracy and interference with existing and prospective business relationships.
In another case, Myers v. Lee (Case No. 1:10-cv-00131-AJT-JFA), on September 21, 2010, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, ruled to dismiss Andrew Myer’s claims against Dahn Yoga, Mr. Lee and other defendants for RICO, fraud, Virginia Consumer Protection Act violations and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Judge found insufficient support for elements of some claims and lack of jurisdiction to uphold others.
Published Works in English
- Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back into the Rhythm of a Happy, Healthy Life. (2008). Best Life Media. ISBN 978-1-935127-00-0
- In Full Bloom: A Brain Education Guide for Successful Aging. Co-authored with Jessie Jones, PhD. (2008). Best Life Media. ISBN 978-0-9799388-4-9
- Principles of Brain Management. (2007). BEST Life Media. ISBN 978-0-9799388-0-1
- Power Brain Kids. (2007). Healing Society. ISBN 978-1-932843-19-4
- Human Technology. (2005). Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-12-4
- Dahnhak Kigong. (2004). Healing Society. ISBN 1-932843-01-9
- Home Massage Therapy. 2 volumes. (2004) Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-9-3 | ISBN 1-932843-00-0
- Meridian Exercise for Self-Healing. 2 volumes. (2004) Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-7-7 | ISBN 0-9720282-8-5
- Peaceology. (2003). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-6-9
- Brain Respiration. (2003). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-3-4
- Healing Chakra. (2002). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720282-4-2
- The Twelve Enlightenments for Healing Society. (2002). Hampton Roads. ISBN 1-57174-355-9
- Mago's Dream. (2002). Healing Society. ISBN 0-9720280-0-X
- Healing Society. (2000). Hampton Roads. ISBN 1-57174-189-5
- The Way to Light Up Your Divinity. (1999). Dahn Publications. ISBN 89-87293-06-8
- Dahn Meditation. (1997). Dahn Publications. ISBN 86-87293-00-9