Hyperbolic link
In mathematics
Mathematics is the study of quantity, space, structure, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns and formulate new conjectures. Mathematicians resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proofs, which are arguments sufficient to convince other mathematicians of their validity...

, a hyperbolic link is a link
Link (knot theory)
In mathematics, a link is a collection of knots which do not intersect, but which may be linked together. A knot can be described as a link with one component. Links and knots are studied in a branch of mathematics called knot theory...

 in the 3-sphere
In mathematics, a 3-sphere is a higher-dimensional analogue of a sphere. It consists of the set of points equidistant from a fixed central point in 4-dimensional Euclidean space...

 with complement
Knot complement
In mathematics, the knot complement of a tame knot K is the complement of the interior of the embedding of a solid torus into the 3-sphere. To make this precise, suppose that K is a knot in a three-manifold M. Let N be a thickened neighborhood of K; so N is a solid torus...

 that has a complete Riemannian metric of constant negative curvature
In mathematics, curvature refers to any of a number of loosely related concepts in different areas of geometry. Intuitively, curvature is the amount by which a geometric object deviates from being flat, or straight in the case of a line, but this is defined in different ways depending on the context...

, i.e. has a hyperbolic geometry
Hyperbolic geometry
In mathematics, hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry, meaning that the parallel postulate of Euclidean geometry is replaced...

. A hyperbolic knot is a hyperbolic link with one component
Connected space
In topology and related branches of mathematics, a connected space is a topological space that cannot be represented as the union of two or more disjoint nonempty open subsets. Connectedness is one of the principal topological properties that is used to distinguish topological spaces...


As a consequence of the work of William Thurston
William Thurston
William Paul Thurston is an American mathematician. He is a pioneer in the field of low-dimensional topology. In 1982, he was awarded the Fields Medal for his contributions to the study of 3-manifolds...

, it is known that every knot is precisely one of the following: hyperbolic, a torus knot
Torus knot
In knot theory, a torus knot is a special kind of knot that lies on the surface of an unknotted torus in R3. Similarly, a torus link is a link which lies on the surface of a torus in the same way. Each torus knot is specified by a pair of coprime integers p and q. A torus link arises if p and q...

, or a satellite knot
Satellite knot
In the mathematical theory of knots, a satellite knot is a knot that contains an incompressible, non-boundary parallel torus in its complement. The class of satellite knots include composite knots, cable knots and Whitehead doubles. A satellite knot K can be picturesquely described as follows:...

. As a consequence, hyperbolic knots can be considered plentiful. A similar heuristic applies to hyperbolic links.

As a consequence of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn surgery
Hyperbolic Dehn surgery
In mathematics, hyperbolic Dehn surgery is an operation by which one can obtain further hyperbolic 3-manifolds from a given cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold...

 theorem, performing Dehn surgeries
Dehn surgery
In topology, a branch of mathematics, a Dehn surgery, named after Max Dehn, is a specific construction used to modify 3-manifolds. The process takes as input a 3-manifold together with a link...

 on a hyperbolic link enables one to obtain many more hyperbolic 3-manifold
Hyperbolic 3-manifold
A hyperbolic 3-manifold is a 3-manifold equipped with a complete Riemannian metric of constant sectional curvature -1. In other words, it is the quotient of three-dimensional hyperbolic space by a subgroup of hyperbolic isometries acting freely and properly discontinuously...



  • Borromean rings
    Borromean rings
    In mathematics, the Borromean rings consist of three topological circles which are linked and form a Brunnian link, i.e., removing any ring results in two unlinked rings.- Mathematical properties :...

     are hyperbolic.
  • Every non-split
    Split link
    In the mathematical field of knot theory, a split link is a link that has a 2-sphere in its complement separating one or more link components from the others. A split link is said to be splittable, and a link that is not split is called a non-split link or not splittable...

    , prime
    Prime knot
    In knot theory, a prime knot is a knot that is, in a certain sense, indecomposable. Specifically, it is a non-trivial knot which cannot be written as the knot sum of two non-trivial knots. Knots that are not prime are said to be composite. It can be a nontrivial problem to determine whether a...

    , alternating
    Alternating knot
    In knot theory, a link diagram is alternating if the crossings alternate under, over, under, over, as you travel along each component of the link. A link is alternating if it has an alternating diagram....

     link that is not a torus link is hyperbolic by a result of William Menasco
    William Menasco
    William W. Menasco is a topologist and a professor at the University at Buffalo. He is best known for his work in knot theory.-Biography:Menasco received is B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1975, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1981, where his...


Further reading

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