Gabe Lewis
Gabriel Stuart "Gabe" Lewis (born in 1982) is a fictional character on NBC
's The Office. He first appears in the sixth season, where he is the Coordinating Director of Emerging Regions for the Sabre Corporate headquarters in Florida. Towards the end of Season 6, he is assigned to overlook the recently-acquired Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch (the most profitable out of all the branches). At the end of the seventh season, CEO Jo Bennett decided to reassign him back to Florida due to his personal issues within the office over his breakup with Erin Hannon
, and Gabe left the office. However, in the eighth season, Gabe is back in the Scranton office without any on-screen explanation. (A deleted scene has Gabe outlining that Corporate made a bafflingly illogical deal with the Scranton office, which would have Gabe be in Scranton three days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) and in Tallahassee two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays)), resulting in Gabe having to fly every night of the work week between the locations.
Gabe is played by Zach Woods
. He is an original character and has no counterpart on the British version of the show
Toby Flenderson
, facing the Break Room.
, and was apparently "the longest baby in the hospital". He is an atheist, as he states that he doesn't believe in Christmas
or God
. He is also a skeptic of horoscopes. In a deleted scene from "Andy's Play
", we learn that in his elementary
days, he was continually cast as Ichabod Crane
(presumably because of his slim frame) in his school's numerous productions of Sleepy Hollow
, and carried the role in College
as well. He also mentions portraying Abraham Lincoln
at one point in the eleventh grade
. During his senior year of College, he studied in Japan
. Although nothing is known of his family, he mentions having a stepfather, who was somewhat verbally abusive
towards him (as evidenced by Gabe commenting that his stepfather tells him his voice "sounds like Truman Capote
but gayer").
Gabe has a fascination with horror movies, owning over 200 of them, and is a fan of the growing film movement known as the "cinema of unsettling". It is implied in "China
", that he suffers from Katsaridaphobia (a fear of cockroaches
), as when Dwight (who has bought the industrial park building) places a gigantic roach billboard
over the windows of the office, Gabe (who is outside with the rest of the staff looking up at the billboard) claims he "can't look at roaches" and runs off looking nauseous. In a deleted scene from "Christening
", it is revealed that he sponsors children in poverty stricken countries. It seems he does not know much about the sport of Basketball
(or, at least, famous Basketball players), as he once incorrectly referred to Michael Jordan
as "Magic Jordan".
In a deleted scene from "Doomsday
", Gabe explains to the camera crew that he does not believe in the saying "Bros Before Hoes", lamenting that he would "throw any brother under the bus for any whore".
Except for Erin, whom he dated for the majority of Season 7, he has never had a romantic relationship
with anyone else due to, until Robert California
took over as CEO, Jo's erratic and demanding schedule. In "St. Patrick's Day
", it is revealed that he "has to" go to Amsterdam
seven times a year, presumably for the legalized prostitution.
Much like Toby, Gabe was an object of contempt for branch manager Michael Scott
, and was a frequent target for Michael's insults (which were usually about his his physical appearance, as Michael considered Gabe deeply unnattractive). On Gabe's first day at the office, Michael seemed to be impressed with him, but privately expressed his doubts (commenting in a talking-head interview that "Gabe seems tall. Hope we get along"). However, when Gabe announced the changes that Sabre would be making to Dunder Mifflin, Michael's opinion of him spiraled downward. During a private conversation with Erin in "Viewing Party
", Michael admitted that he considered him to be nothing more than a "weird little skeevy guy with no waist". However, due to his loathing, Michael's perception of him was warped, and many of his judgments on Gabe's character stemed from a disagreement in their professional life. Despite all this, it is lightly hinted that Michael may have held at least some vague affection for him, and occasionally Michael's scorn towards him was purely unintentional.
", representing Jo and the company. He's greeted by the Dunder Mifflin employees with a standing ovation and a song sung by Andy
and Erin. Shortly after arriving, he organizes a conference meeting, where he shows a video of Florida-based printer sales company Sabre starring Christian Slater
and then shares some of the company's new policies, including the use of metallic drink containers, fewer vacation weeks, and site blocking of time-wasting sites like YouTube
and Twitter
In "St. Patrick's Day
", he can be seen constantly walking Jo's dogs around the office and carrying her bags. When Jo offers Darryl a room upstairs, Gabe tells her that he's working there, but scared of her, awkwardly adds in seconds later that it's okay and that he'll go clean it out immediately. Gabe also had the unpleasant job of trying to keep Michael from disturbing Jo while she was working in the Conference Room. Later, Michael asks him how long they're expected to work for, and Gabe tells him that the hours vary with Jo. It's revealed that he has never dated or done anything he has wanted to because Jo expects him to work the long hours that she does.
In "New Leads
", Gabe arranges for Michael to hand out expensively-procured leads to the sales staff as part of Sabre's new 'sales is king' policy. He is not sympathetic to Michael's legitimate complaint that the policy is making the salespeople act like assholes, but he also cannot stop Michael from deliberately keeping the leads out of the sales staff's hands until they check their attitudes.
In "Secretary's Day
", when Oscar circulates a video he made which compares Kevin's voice to Cookie Monster
's, Kevin complains to Gabe about the video. In an effort to assert his fledgling and weak authority, Gabe bans the office from talking about the video and about Cookie Monster. However, this doesn't stop Pam and Jim from sharing a laugh at the party, while Kevin is at Erin's desk. In retaliation, Gabe suspends Pam without pay for contradicting his orders, then Jim for defending her, and then Dwight for applauding Gabe's prior punishments. Gabe later calls corporate and discovers he lacks the power to suspend workers or even reprimand them. He returns to the office to craftily make everyone forget about the incident, but Toby tips off Pam to the mistake. Pam and Jim team up and reverse the situation, getting a 'two day paid vacation', while Dwight apologizes and kisses Gabe's hand instead. After Jim and Pam leave, Gabe decides to save face and mock Kevin as well, but does a poor impression. Kevin finally retaliates by doing an impression of Gabe, and the rest of the office joins his mockery.
In "Body Language
", he submits Kelly to the Sabre minority management training program
"Print in All Colors". He's happy that he's submitting an ethnic Indian
into the program because "the program is too black" (though he quickly regrets this characterization). In a deleted scene, Dwight, attempting to bolster Kelly's chances for the executive training program, challenges Gabe to name an Indian CEO. He names several, including Indra Nooyi
. Dwight then challenges him to name one female Indian CEO. Gabe points out that Indra Nooyi is a woman. Dwight then asks him to name a female Indian CEO of a paper company, after which he is out of his hair. Gabe names one, but Dwight then challenges him to name two.
In "The Cover-Up", Andy reports to him about one of his customers complaining about a Sabre printer catching on fire during a routine operation. While Gabe does not seem to take the complaint seriously, he does talk to corporate about it. He later tells Andy that there have been 12 reports of faulty printers, but out of 400,000. He informs him corporate investigated the issue, and every time it was a user error. He then tells Andy thank you for bringing it to Sabre's attention, and rewards him with a $5 gift card for Dunkin' Donuts
In "The Chump", Gabe catches Jim and Pam sleeping at their desks (due to the long nights they've been staying up with their new baby), and talks to them privately about it. He tries to ask them what they would do about the rumors of printers catching fire, but they both nearly fall asleep listening to him.
In "Whistleblower
", Gabe, along with Jo
, interviews everyone in the office to find the potential person who leaked to the press that Sabre's printers catch on fire.
"), we learn that Gabe asked Erin out during the summer. In a talking-head interview she says she only said yes to him because he's her boss, but she had a surprisingly wonderful time and the two continued to see each other, much to the frustration of Andy.
In "Counseling
", Gabe figures out that Pam's claim of being the Office Administrator, and request for a $41,500/yr. salary based on her having had this position pre-Sabre, is fraudulent. However, when Pam challenges him to say what he thinks, he freezes and she is able to officially obtain her "former position".
In "Sex Ed
", Gabe becomes irritated because Andy's titular work meeting is a thinly veiled attempt to learn whether Erin is having sex or not (the answer is "Yes"). He bluntly tells Andy that he asked for Andy's OK before pursuing Erin (Andy sputters that he only gave it because Gabe asked him very politely) and says Andy needs to accept the situation and move on.
In "Costume Contest
", he dresses up as Lady Gaga
and is also a victim of Todd Packer
's harassment (such as being called 'Gabewad'). He reveals that he gave the green-light for Daryll's smart idea about having the warehouse workers make on-site sales after Michael rejected it, and while Michael and Daryl start a mediation he's leading by fighting with each other, they eventually agree to simply bypass Gabe when needed and talk directly (and jointly) to Jo.
In "Christening
", he attends the Christening of Pam and Jim
's baby, Cecelia. He is also among the employees that try to talk Michael out of getting on the bus that's headed to Mexico to help build a school for underprivileged children.
In "Viewing Party
", Gabe and Erin host a Glee
viewing party at his apartment. Throughout the episode, he's the subject of hatred by Michael due to the fact that the office staff refers to him as their boss. Several items of Asian origin that increase sexual potency are in his bedroom. Later, after Andy used a medically-unsafe amount of his Japanese enhancement products out of pain over losing Erin, he helps Andy cope with his nausea through ambient keyboard music which Andy describes as "beautiful."
In "WUPHF.com
", he is not sympathetic when Jim complains about a sudden "commissions cap" policy that ensures Jim's earning power for the remainder of 2010 is at zero, first asking Jim if he's in his job for the money, then saying Jim should ignore the policy just as he ignores naked old men at his gym; Jim responds by setting up a prank where Gabe is forced to listen to Jo's rambling, boring autobiography.
In "Classy Christmas
", he and Kelly pass out Christmas gifts from Sabre. When the staff shows disdain that they received Hello Kitty
sleeves, he asks Kelly why the presents weren't fleece blankets, as he thought they agreed on them. He then adds that he and Erin made great use of their's. In a talking-head interview, he confirms that he and Erin are still dating, and asks the Documentary film crew why they ask him if he and her are still going out so often. He is also seen enjoying himself at the Christmas party.
In "Ultimatum
", he is in the Conference Room and tries to "intercept" the Sabre frisbee
Pam throws to Erin
, only to clumsily drop it on the floor.
In "The Seminar
", Gabe and Erin
play Scrabble
via texting. Unfortunately, she's not very good, and the winner of their Scrabble games always picks the movie they watch. Since Gabe has already subjected her to numerous horror movies such as The Shining
, Rosemary's Baby
and The Ring
, Erin desperately needs a win. With the help of Oscar
and Pam, she almost beats him but loses on the last turn, because she doesn't realize Oscar is trying to feed her a winning word ("apoplexy") and instead puts in the word "ape". At the end of the day, Gabe tells her that since she wanted to watch WALL-E
, he will "compromise" by putting on Hardware, because it has a robot in it as well (even though the robot in this movie is an unstoppable killing machine). Andy then gives Erin a DVD copy of Shrek 2
, which pleases her. Unfortunately, Gabe still chooses his horror movie.
In "The Search
", when Pam notices her Sabre printer doodle on the refrigerator has funny captions that insult Sabre, she gets the office to participate in a caption contest involving her cartoon of two dogs stranded on an island. Gabe however, finds the captions offensive, and implements a list of absurd rules: they can't insult Sabre, they can't use pop culture references (since they "tend to alienate those who don't get the reference"), and they have to use new Sabre "sticky quips." The office instead decides to use an instant messenger to share quips. Gabe catches them and prints out the list of quips and reads them to the office, which start off insulting Sabre before they attack him personally. The office gets a good laugh out of the ones that insult him. They are especially pleased by an anonymous line where one of the dogs decides to piss on Gabe, and an interview reveals the surprising identity of this joke's author: Angela.
", Gabe is shown to be enthusiastic about Valentines Day (claiming in a talking-head interview "I dominate Valentine's Day. I practically make romance into a science"), and makes Erin a romantic treasure hunt. Erin urges Andy to tag along with her, despite the fact they are both seeing other people. Andy is at first reluctant but soon relents. The hunt starts with a puzzle picture, which leads to Gabe's stereo in Darryl's office, which leads to glow in the dark stars in Ryan's closet, leading to sparkling cider with Hank the security guard, and finally to a Valentine's cookie in the break room. When the cookie tells her to enjoy her Valentine's kiss, Erin thinks she's supposed to kiss Andy. Andy points out Gabe blowing a kiss through the window and leaves awkwardly.
In "Todd Packer
", Erin and Gabe come into the office late, and Erin apologizes, saying Gabe slipped and got stuck in the shower. He tries to laugh it off by saying he's a klutz, but Erin breezily mentions that the fire department had to come and get him out. In a deleted scene, Michael tries to convince Holly that the rest of the office staff is simply indifferent to Packer, while Holly points out that Gabe is the one they're indifferent to (we see a close zoom in of him from the break room window eating Chinese food and staring into space).
In "Garage Sale
", when Michael takes Holly on a walk and shows her the significant spots in the office that pertained to their courtship, he later takes her through the kitchen where Gabe and everyone else are standing, holding candles. Various members of the office (including Gabe) ask Holly if they will marry them (all part of Michael's plan) and she politely says no; Michael insults Gabe by saying that Holly's response to him was an "Easy no". When Michael eventually finishes his proposal and Holly says yes, Gabe, along with everyone else, cheers and is soon shocked when Michael annonces that he and Holly are moving to Colorado
In a deleted scene that takes place earlier in the episode, Gabe is seen temporarily taking over for Erin at the receptionist's desk while she sells some of her goods at the warehouse garage sale.
In "Training Day
", Dwight comes to Gabe asking about becoming manager to Sabre; he thanks Dwight for coming to him directly, adding that corporate would have told Dwight to come to him anyway. Dwight then humiliates him a little by saying he left a message for corporate before coming to him. Dwight is then furious to learn that Michael did not give a recommendation for Dwight to become branch manager, leaving Gabe to utter that he’s bad in awkward situations like this, and he is unable to comfort the distraught salesman.
In "Michael's Last Dundies
", Erin starts avoiding Gabe at work because she doesn't enjoy his company and feels no attraction to him anymore. Erin reveals how she feels to Pam and Jim, with Pam saying she should not lead Gabe on if she's not in love with him (Jim ducks out of the conversation, interviewing that he's simply not interested in Erin's problems). She then breaks up with him while accepting her Dundie in front of everyone and a packed restaurant. Gabe tells everyone he is upset with Erin but tries to joke it off as his "quarter-life crisis", only to reveal he is genuinely upset before he leaves the award show. Darryl
feels some remorse for him, and mutters to Erin "damn, that was cold" as she walks past his table.
In "Goodbye, Michael
", Gabe is shown to be distraught and angry after Erin's public breakup with him, and he makes several threats against Andy, who showed chemistry with Erin before she dated Gabe. He eventually follows Erin into the women's bathroom to make his case. In his and Michael's final conversation, Michael tells him not to be afraid of dying alone, since it will all work out in the end. He tells Michael he will either quit his job or stay to ensure Andy's career is destroyed. Michael tells him not to quit just because Erin broke up with him, because everyone has had their heart broken once. However, Michael ruins the moment by advising him to minimize his Adam's apple
, as, in his opinion, it will make Gabe look less like a transvestite.
In "The Inner Circle
", Gabe is one of Deangelo's favorites among the staff and part of his "inner circle" of office workers. When Jim tells Deangelo that some of the women think he's a bit sexist, Gabe is the first one to assume that Pam brought it up to Jim. Later, when Deangelo tries to return from the hospital after his basketball hoop accident, Gabe, along with Jim, leads him back out.
In "Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager
", Gabe is still upset and depressed by Erin's break-up with him and continues his resentment towards Andy. He pulls Andy into the conference room for a quick second, where he breaks down in front of him and begs him to promise that he won't make any sexual advances towards her. He then later tries to embarrass Andy in front of Erin, only to have the tables turned on him when Andy tells Erin about her ex-boyfriend's crying and begging that had happened earlier. After Jo demotes Dwight upon learning of his gun accident, she appoints Gabe as one of the search committee members who would be in charge of interviewing candidates for the manager position (along with Jim and Toby).
In "Search Committee
", he, along with Toby and Jim, interviews several candidates for the manager position. However, he sabotages Andy's interview, snaps at him in anger and later tries to talk Jo out of hiring Andy. During an interview with Kelly, Gabe remains openly dismissive of her as not being a serious candidate before he ends it abruptly. Kelly, in response, tells Jo about Gabe's relationship with Erin and how he's been acting out these past few weeks because of their break-up. Jo is frustrated at Gabe, having wanted him not to get involved with any of the Scranton employees, and decides to send him back with her to the Sabre headquarters. Before he leaves, he reminds the staff that he'll still be in touch with them from time to time because he's the Corporate liaison. After being insulted about women not wanting to touch him, he makes a remark about how he's been with plenty of women and all they've wanted to do was hug him.
", Gabe is shown to be back working in the Scranton office. It's revealed through a deleted scene that Corporate worked out a bafflingly illogical deal where he would be in Scranton Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and in Florida Tuesdays and Thursdays, forcing Gabe to fly between the locations every night of the work week. He's glad to be back, but angrily acknowledges that he's not getting paid any extra. He is also on the "Losers" side of Robert California
's list, and is the only person on that list whom Andy tells the new CEO was properly placed there (while Andy defended Stanley, Pam, Erin, and Meredith from the fact that Robert didn't list them as "Winners").
In "Garden Party
", Gabe believes that Andy throwing a garden party
to impress Robert California is a "classic Gabe move" and vents his frustration to the camera crew, claiming Andy is stealing his business strategies. While at "Schrute Farms", Gabe expresses more frustration to the camera crew, since he didn't think of toasting Robert first, and tells himself to "get into the game" instead of talking to "Stanley's mistress". When he attempts to toast Robert, Andy cuts him short, claiming that you "can't triple toast someone". After Robert gives a speech, Gabe tries to give another toast in Robert's honor, but is once again interrupted by Andy, causing him more anguish. However, He manages to make a bit of an impression on Robert, as he wraps his jacket around him when he's cold (even though Ryan had already given Robert his jacket). Nonetheless, Robert is still grateful towards Gabe as well. Gabe also stays at the barbecue after the party with his co-workers.
In "Spooked
", Gabe dresses up as a skeleton, like Toby and Kelly, after he overheard them planning to wear matching costumes. Later, he is approached by Erin and asked for his help to make her halloween party less childish and more "scary and sexy". He tells her he will make it "sexier than [she] could ever imagine" (subtly hinting that he might've tried to use the party as another attempt to win her back), however, she asks him for his primary goal to be to make it scary. He succeeds in making the party notably spookier by adding a fog machine and some slightly gruesome decorations, and everyone seems to enjoy it. But, he ruins it when he has Erin put on a tape of a bizarre, disturbing, black-and-white horror movie of his own creation entitled "Do Yes Disturb: Meditations of Horror". The film unsettles the office, as all it does is play intense music while showing different scenes of random, creepy things (such as a plate of fruit rotting, a rat crawling over a picture of a screaming woman, and even a shot of Oscar's grandmother eating and secret back-seat footage of Stanley getting into his car). After the movie is turned off, Gabe quietly sneaks out of the conference room, leaving Erin to take the heat from it. However, he is present for Robert's ghost story, and is (surprisingly) disturbed by it with the rest of the office. Later, when Dwight has Robert's son, Bert, fake-fire Toby for revenge, Gabe displays more cowardice when Toby asks if Bert can really fire him, as he merely gives a bit of a shrug and watches.
In "Doomsday
", he is attracted to Val, the new warehouse worker. Believing that Val and he have a connection, he attempts to get the paper work for an office relationship from Toby. While Toby is at first happy for him, once he learns that Gabe and Val aren't even dating yet, he informs Gabe that he doesn't need to do the paper work. Gabe then spends the day at the warehouse making several pitiful attempts to try to impress Val (such as using a support belt as a hula hoop and using a 100 dollar bill to cover everyone's coffee orders). Darryl tries to imply to Gabe that Val doesn't feel the same way about him, but to no avail. Later, Gabe asks Val if she would like to have some wine with him at a cemetery he was planning to head over to, but she turns him down. She claims it's not personal, but she doesn't date co-workers. Gabe goes as far as to offer to quit, but Val strongly tells him not to, implying she wouldn't date him even if they didn't work together.
In "Pam's Replacement
", when Ryan announces to the other staffers that Pam's temporary replacement, Kathy, has a boyfriend (which may or may not be true, as Jim only told Ryan that to discourage him from asking Kathy out), Gabe suggests her boyfriend is a drug dealer, since, according to him, the best way to land an attractive woman is to "get her hooked on blow". He also attempts to subtley comfort the self-conscious Pam by bringing up that the most common fetish in the world is the pregnancy fetish.
In the beginning of "Gettysburg
", Gabe is reading the Sabre "Code of Conduct" to the staff during a meeting in the Conference room. Everyone is generally miserable, causing Andy to make a thinly-veiled insult that even though they all "want to die", they must listen to what Gabe has to say, and gives Gabe permission to continue. Gabe then snidely remarks that he doesn't need Andy's permission, since Andy technically works for him. Later, Gabe chooses to go on Andy's field trip to Gettysburg
, and while standing in line for the bus, he is hit in the face with one of Andy's company baseball hats when Andy attempted to toss it to Phyllis, who ducked out of the way. At Gettysburg, Gabe is mistaken for Abe Lincoln by a little girl. Gabe laments in an interview about how he he is often mistaken for the past President
due to his passing resemblance (which, he mentions, makes it hard for him to go to places such as museum
s, historical monuments and elementary school
s). After the girl's mother has her daughter put her stove pipe hat
on Gabe so she can take a picture of the two of them, other tourists believe Gabe to a historical impersonator
. While at first, he tries to clear up the misunderstanding, after getting some laughs from the tourists, he decides to play along with it, explaining the history of Lincoln and making mild jokes as well. He manages to deliver a satisfactory performance, but temporarely ruins it by telling a distasteful joke about Lincoln saying he needs his wife
like he needs "a hole in the head". He then hastily re-enacts Lincoln getting shot, earning him an applause and getting back on the tourists good side, before he runs back to rejoin Andy and the rest of the group.
for bringing weapons into the workplace for the filming of his horror movie. Erin and Kelly
then sneak up on Gabe and scare him so Kevin
can capture his reaction on his camcorder. Gabe then angrily orders Ryan to shut down production on the film. However, Ryan is able to coax him into letting him continue by offering him a job as the narrator of the movie. Gabe is shocked by this (as he admits most people consider his voice to be nasally), but flattered, he accepts, and narrates it when it is completed.
's blog, "There's No Accounting for Taste", is linked to the Sabre website. Gabe, trying to impress corporate with some initiative, attempts to get his new podcast for the Sabre website off the ground. He gets Kevin, Kelly, Erin, Creed
, Meredith
(and Angela
, by flattering her) to do his podcast. However, when they find out it is an audio
Podcast, they insist it be done on camera. Meredith brings her recording equipment (a joke that implies she films herself during intercourse), and they do a video podcast. Unfortunately though, a number of things go wrong when Gabe tries to interview them about the subject of "having it all", such as Kevin insisting he be Gabe's "sidekick", Meredith playing a cow bell
with her feet, and Kelly rambling about how she went to a Mongolian Barbecue restaurant and accidentally ate a raw bean sprout. Gabe finally bursts and calls their performance a "freakshow", which insults them and causes them to storm out of the Conference Room. Oscar then walks in (having to stay late so he could work on his blog) and offers to do Gabe's podcast. Gabe is touched, but Meredith comes back and takes her cameras back with her as soon as they begin. In the end, Gabe takes Oscar's job offer of proofreading
his blog for him.
The National Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York City's Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Angeles and in Chicago...
's The Office. He first appears in the sixth season, where he is the Coordinating Director of Emerging Regions for the Sabre Corporate headquarters in Florida. Towards the end of Season 6, he is assigned to overlook the recently-acquired Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch (the most profitable out of all the branches). At the end of the seventh season, CEO Jo Bennett decided to reassign him back to Florida due to his personal issues within the office over his breakup with Erin Hannon
Erin Hannon
Kelly Erin Hannon is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. She is the office receptionist for the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a position previously held by Pam Halpert before she left the company. Erin is played by Ellie Kemper...
, and Gabe left the office. However, in the eighth season, Gabe is back in the Scranton office without any on-screen explanation. (A deleted scene has Gabe outlining that Corporate made a bafflingly illogical deal with the Scranton office, which would have Gabe be in Scranton three days a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) and in Tallahassee two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays)), resulting in Gabe having to fly every night of the work week between the locations.
Gabe is played by Zach Woods
Zach Woods
Zach Woods is an American actor and comedian. From 2010-11, he portrayed Gabe Lewis on the NBC sitcom The Office. He was promoted to a series regular beginning in Season 7....
. He is an original character and has no counterpart on the British version of the show
The Office (UK TV series)
The Office is a British sitcom television series that was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 9 July 2001. Created, written, and directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the programme is about the day-to-day lives of office employees in the Slough branch of the fictitious...
Gabe Lewis is the Coordinating Director of Emerging Regions for Sabre, initially acting as a liaison between Corporate and the Scranton branch. A quietly insecure person, he was often resigned to being forced to work inhuman hours and have no social life as a consequence of former Sabre CEO Jo Bennett's unpredictable management style. Throughout his appearances, it is clear he suffers a rocky relationship with his co-workers. During his first year and a half at the Scranton branch, his attempts to be respected by the rest of the office workers ended in awkward failure, as he does not have any power to control the branch as some of the previous higher-ups did (such as Jan Levenson and David Wallace). And while the staff, at first, seemed to universally ignore him, he has since been resigned to become the office punching bag, and many times he is insulted or mocked despite his corporate status. His current workspace is a desk in the Annex, next to HRHuman resources
Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations...
Toby Flenderson
Toby Flenderson
Toby Wyatt Flenderson, M.S.W. born 1971 is a character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Paul Lieberstein. He is an original character and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office.-Overview:...
, facing the Break Room.
Gabe was born in 1982, presumably in Tallahassee, FloridaTallahassee, Florida
Tallahassee is the capital of the U.S. state of Florida. It is the county seat and only incorporated municipality in Leon County, and is the 128th largest city in the United States. Tallahassee became the capital of Florida, then the Florida Territory, in 1824. In 2010, the population recorded by...
, and was apparently "the longest baby in the hospital". He is an atheist, as he states that he doesn't believe in Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...
or God
God is the English name given to a singular being in theistic and deistic religions who is either the sole deity in monotheism, or a single deity in polytheism....
. He is also a skeptic of horoscopes. In a deleted scene from "Andy's Play
Andy's Play
"Andy's Play" is the third episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 129th episode overall. Written by Charlie Grandy and directed by John Stuart Scott, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on October 7, 2010...
", we learn that in his elementary
Elementary may refer to:*Elementary or Primary education, the first years of formal, structured education that occur during childhood*Elementary school, a school providing elementary or primary education*Elementary , 2007...
days, he was continually cast as Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane is a fictional character in Washington Irving's short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, first published in 1820.-Origin:...
(presumably because of his slim frame) in his school's numerous productions of Sleepy Hollow
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820...
, and carried the role in College
A college is an educational institution or a constituent part of an educational institution. Usage varies in English-speaking nations...
as well. He also mentions portraying Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He successfully led his country through a great constitutional, military and moral crisis – the American Civil War – preserving the Union, while ending slavery, and...
at one point in the eleventh grade
Eleventh grade
Eleventh Grade is the eleventh, and for some countries final, grade of secondary schools. Students are typically 16 or 17 years of age, depending on the country and the students' birthdays.-Brazil:...
. During his senior year of College, he studied in Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...
. Although nothing is known of his family, he mentions having a stepfather, who was somewhat verbally abusive
Verbal abuse
Verbal abuse is best described as a negative defining statement told to you or about you; or by withholding any response thus defining the target as non-existant...
towards him (as evidenced by Gabe commenting that his stepfather tells him his voice "sounds like Truman Capote
Truman Capote
Truman Streckfus Persons , known as Truman Capote , was an American author, many of whose short stories, novels, plays, and nonfiction are recognized literary classics, including the novella Breakfast at Tiffany's and the true crime novel In Cold Blood , which he labeled a "nonfiction novel." At...
but gayer").
Gabe has a fascination with horror movies, owning over 200 of them, and is a fan of the growing film movement known as the "cinema of unsettling". It is implied in "China
China (The Office)
"China" is the tenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the shows 136th episode overall. Written by Halsted Sullivan and Warren Lieberstein, and directed by Charles McDougall, the episode aired on December 2, 2010 on NBC.-Synopsis:When Michael...
", that he suffers from Katsaridaphobia (a fear of cockroaches
A cockroach is an insect of the order Blattaria. "Cockroach" may also refer to:*Cockroach , a 2001 album by Danger Danger*Cockroach , a 2008 novel by Rawi Hage...
), as when Dwight (who has bought the industrial park building) places a gigantic roach billboard
Billboard is a weekly American magazine devoted to the music industry, and is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world. It maintains several internationally recognized music charts that track the most popular songs and albums in various categories on a weekly basis...
over the windows of the office, Gabe (who is outside with the rest of the staff looking up at the billboard) claims he "can't look at roaches" and runs off looking nauseous. In a deleted scene from "Christening
Christening (The Office)
"Christening" is the seventh episode of the seventh season of the American version of the comedy television series The Office and the show's 133rd episode overall...
", it is revealed that he sponsors children in poverty stricken countries. It seems he does not know much about the sport of Basketball
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or "shooting" a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules...
(or, at least, famous Basketball players), as he once incorrectly referred to Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan
Michael Jeffrey Jordan is a former American professional basketball player, active entrepreneur, and majority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats...
as "Magic Jordan".
In a deleted scene from "Doomsday
Doomsday (The Office)
"Doomsday" is the sixth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 158th episode overall...
", Gabe explains to the camera crew that he does not believe in the saying "Bros Before Hoes", lamenting that he would "throw any brother under the bus for any whore".
Except for Erin, whom he dated for the majority of Season 7, he has never had a romantic relationship
Relationship or relationships may refer to:* Interpersonal relationship* Intimate relationship* In mathematics and statistics:** Binary relation** Causal relationship** Correlation and dependence** Direct relationship** Inverse relationship...
with anyone else due to, until Robert California
Robert California
Robert California is a fictional character on The Office, played by James Spader. He has no counterpart on the original British version of the series.- Season 7 :...
took over as CEO, Jo's erratic and demanding schedule. In "St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day (The Office)
"St. Patrick's Day" is the 19th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 119th episode overall. It was written by Jonathan Hughes and directed by Randall Einhorn....
", it is revealed that he "has to" go to Amsterdam
Amsterdam is the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands. The current position of Amsterdam as capital city of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is governed by the constitution of August 24, 1815 and its successors. Amsterdam has a population of 783,364 within city limits, an urban population...
seven times a year, presumably for the legalized prostitution.
Much like Toby, Gabe was an object of contempt for branch manager Michael Scott
Michael Scott (The Office)
Michael Gary Scott is a fictional character on NBC's The Office, portrayed by Steve Carell, and based on David Brent from the original British version. Michael, the central character of the series, was the manager of the Scranton branch of paper and printer distribution company Dunder Mifflin Inc...
, and was a frequent target for Michael's insults (which were usually about his his physical appearance, as Michael considered Gabe deeply unnattractive). On Gabe's first day at the office, Michael seemed to be impressed with him, but privately expressed his doubts (commenting in a talking-head interview that "Gabe seems tall. Hope we get along"). However, when Gabe announced the changes that Sabre would be making to Dunder Mifflin, Michael's opinion of him spiraled downward. During a private conversation with Erin in "Viewing Party
Viewing Party
"Viewing Party" is the eighth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 134th episode overall. Written by Jon Vitti and directed by Ken Whittingham, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 11, 2010.-Synopsis:The office employees...
", Michael admitted that he considered him to be nothing more than a "weird little skeevy guy with no waist". However, due to his loathing, Michael's perception of him was warped, and many of his judgments on Gabe's character stemed from a disagreement in their professional life. Despite all this, it is lightly hinted that Michael may have held at least some vague affection for him, and occasionally Michael's scorn towards him was purely unintentional.
Season 6
Gabe is first introduced in "SabreSabre (The Office)
"Sabre" is the 15th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 115th episode overall. It was written by Jennifer Celotta and directed by John Krasinski, which marks his television directorial debut...
", representing Jo and the company. He's greeted by the Dunder Mifflin employees with a standing ovation and a song sung by Andy
Andy Bernard
Andrew "Andy" Baines Bernard is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. The character is highly insecure, yet egotistical, constantly mentioning his education at Cornell University...
and Erin. Shortly after arriving, he organizes a conference meeting, where he shows a video of Florida-based printer sales company Sabre starring Christian Slater
Christian Slater
Christian Michael Leonard Slater is an American actor. He made his film debut with a small role in The Postman Always Rings Twice before playing a leading role in the 1985 film The Legend of Billie Jean...
and then shares some of the company's new policies, including the use of metallic drink containers, fewer vacation weeks, and site blocking of time-wasting sites like YouTube
YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005, on which users can upload, view and share videos....
and Twitter
Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, informally known as "tweets".Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July...
In "St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day (The Office)
"St. Patrick's Day" is the 19th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 119th episode overall. It was written by Jonathan Hughes and directed by Randall Einhorn....
", he can be seen constantly walking Jo's dogs around the office and carrying her bags. When Jo offers Darryl a room upstairs, Gabe tells her that he's working there, but scared of her, awkwardly adds in seconds later that it's okay and that he'll go clean it out immediately. Gabe also had the unpleasant job of trying to keep Michael from disturbing Jo while she was working in the Conference Room. Later, Michael asks him how long they're expected to work for, and Gabe tells him that the hours vary with Jo. It's revealed that he has never dated or done anything he has wanted to because Jo expects him to work the long hours that she does.
In "New Leads
New Leads
"New Leads" is the 20th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 120th episode overall. It was written and directed by Brent Forrester....
", Gabe arranges for Michael to hand out expensively-procured leads to the sales staff as part of Sabre's new 'sales is king' policy. He is not sympathetic to Michael's legitimate complaint that the policy is making the salespeople act like assholes, but he also cannot stop Michael from deliberately keeping the leads out of the sales staff's hands until they check their attitudes.
In "Secretary's Day
Secretary's Day (The Office)
"Secretary's Day" is the 22nd episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 122nd episode overall. It aired on April 22, 2010 on NBC. It was written by Mindy Kaling, who portrays Kelly Kapoor on the series, and directed by Steve Carell, who portrays Michael Scott...
", when Oscar circulates a video he made which compares Kevin's voice to Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster is a Muppet on the children's television show Sesame Street. He is best known for his voracious appetite and his famous eating phrases: "Me want cookie!", "Me eat cookie!", and "Om nom nom nom" . He often eats anything and everything, including danishes, donuts, lettuce, apples,...
's, Kevin complains to Gabe about the video. In an effort to assert his fledgling and weak authority, Gabe bans the office from talking about the video and about Cookie Monster. However, this doesn't stop Pam and Jim from sharing a laugh at the party, while Kevin is at Erin's desk. In retaliation, Gabe suspends Pam without pay for contradicting his orders, then Jim for defending her, and then Dwight for applauding Gabe's prior punishments. Gabe later calls corporate and discovers he lacks the power to suspend workers or even reprimand them. He returns to the office to craftily make everyone forget about the incident, but Toby tips off Pam to the mistake. Pam and Jim team up and reverse the situation, getting a 'two day paid vacation', while Dwight apologizes and kisses Gabe's hand instead. After Jim and Pam leave, Gabe decides to save face and mock Kevin as well, but does a poor impression. Kevin finally retaliates by doing an impression of Gabe, and the rest of the office joins his mockery.
In "Body Language
Body Language (The Office)
"Body Language" is the 23rd episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 123rd episode overall. It aired on April 29, 2010 on NBC....
", he submits Kelly to the Sabre minority management training program
Program may refer to:* Computer program* Program , those executed by machines that are not computers* A synonym for patch, a synthesizer setting stored in memory.* The trade name for lufenuron, a veterinary flea control medication...
"Print in All Colors". He's happy that he's submitting an ethnic Indian
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
into the program because "the program is too black" (though he quickly regrets this characterization). In a deleted scene, Dwight, attempting to bolster Kelly's chances for the executive training program, challenges Gabe to name an Indian CEO. He names several, including Indra Nooyi
Indra Nooyi
Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi is an Indian-born American business executive. She is the current Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo, the second largest food & beverage business in the world ....
. Dwight then challenges him to name one female Indian CEO. Gabe points out that Indra Nooyi is a woman. Dwight then asks him to name a female Indian CEO of a paper company, after which he is out of his hair. Gabe names one, but Dwight then challenges him to name two.
In "The Cover-Up", Andy reports to him about one of his customers complaining about a Sabre printer catching on fire during a routine operation. While Gabe does not seem to take the complaint seriously, he does talk to corporate about it. He later tells Andy that there have been 12 reports of faulty printers, but out of 400,000. He informs him corporate investigated the issue, and every time it was a user error. He then tells Andy thank you for bringing it to Sabre's attention, and rewards him with a $5 gift card for Dunkin' Donuts
Dunkin' Donuts
Dunkin' Donuts is an international doughnut and coffee retailer founded in 1950 by William Rosenberg in Quincy, Massachusetts; it is now headquartered in Canton...
In "The Chump", Gabe catches Jim and Pam sleeping at their desks (due to the long nights they've been staying up with their new baby), and talks to them privately about it. He tries to ask them what they would do about the rumors of printers catching fire, but they both nearly fall asleep listening to him.
In "Whistleblower
Whistleblower (The Office)
"Whistleblower" is the 26th episode and season finale of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 126th episode overall...
", Gabe, along with Jo
Jo Bennett
Joleen MaryAnn "Jo" Bennett is a fictional character from the US comedy television series The Office, who first appeared in Season 6. She is the CEO of Sabre, who purchased Dunder Mifflin, and is played by Kathy Bates.-Biography:...
, interviews everyone in the office to find the potential person who leaked to the press that Sabre's printers catch on fire.
Season 7
In the season 7 premiere ("NepotismNepotism (The Office)
"Nepotism" is the seventh season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 127th episode overall. Written by Daniel Chun and directed by Jeffrey Blitz, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on September 23, 2010...
"), we learn that Gabe asked Erin out during the summer. In a talking-head interview she says she only said yes to him because he's her boss, but she had a surprisingly wonderful time and the two continued to see each other, much to the frustration of Andy.
In "Counseling
Counseling (The Office)
"Counseling" is the second episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 128th episode overall. Written by B. J...
", Gabe figures out that Pam's claim of being the Office Administrator, and request for a $41,500/yr. salary based on her having had this position pre-Sabre, is fraudulent. However, when Pam challenges him to say what he thinks, he freezes and she is able to officially obtain her "former position".
In "Sex Ed
Sex Ed (The Office)
"Sex Ed" is the fourth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 130th episode overall. Written and directed by Paul Lieberstein, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on October 14, 2010...
", Gabe becomes irritated because Andy's titular work meeting is a thinly veiled attempt to learn whether Erin is having sex or not (the answer is "Yes"). He bluntly tells Andy that he asked for Andy's OK before pursuing Erin (Andy sputters that he only gave it because Gabe asked him very politely) and says Andy needs to accept the situation and move on.
In "Costume Contest
Costume Contest
"Costume Contest" is the sixth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 132nd episode overall. Written by Justin Spitzer and directed by Dean Holland, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on October 28, 2010...
", he dresses up as Lady Gaga
Lady GaGa
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta , better known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American singer and songwriter. Born and raised in New York City, she primarily studied at the Convent of the Sacred Heart and briefly attended New York University's Tisch School of the Arts before withdrawing to...
and is also a victim of Todd Packer
Todd Packer
Todd Finch Packer is a fictional character on NBC's The Office, portrayed by David Koechner, and based on Chris Finch from the original British version.-Overview:Todd is a boorish Outside Sales Representative...
's harassment (such as being called 'Gabewad'). He reveals that he gave the green-light for Daryll's smart idea about having the warehouse workers make on-site sales after Michael rejected it, and while Michael and Daryl start a mediation he's leading by fighting with each other, they eventually agree to simply bypass Gabe when needed and talk directly (and jointly) to Jo.
In "Christening
Christening (The Office)
"Christening" is the seventh episode of the seventh season of the American version of the comedy television series The Office and the show's 133rd episode overall...
", he attends the Christening of Pam and Jim
Jim Halpert
James Duncan "Jim" Halpert is a fictional character in the United States version of the television sitcom The Office, played by John Krasinski. The character is based on Tim Canterbury from the original version of The Office...
's baby, Cecelia. He is also among the employees that try to talk Michael out of getting on the bus that's headed to Mexico to help build a school for underprivileged children.
In "Viewing Party
Viewing Party
"Viewing Party" is the eighth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 134th episode overall. Written by Jon Vitti and directed by Ken Whittingham, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 11, 2010.-Synopsis:The office employees...
", Gabe and Erin host a Glee
Glee (TV series)
Glee is an American musical comedy-drama television series that airs on Fox in the United States, and on GlobalTV in Canada. It focuses on the high school glee club New Directions competing on the show choir competition circuit, while its members deal with relationships, sexuality and social issues...
viewing party at his apartment. Throughout the episode, he's the subject of hatred by Michael due to the fact that the office staff refers to him as their boss. Several items of Asian origin that increase sexual potency are in his bedroom. Later, after Andy used a medically-unsafe amount of his Japanese enhancement products out of pain over losing Erin, he helps Andy cope with his nausea through ambient keyboard music which Andy describes as "beautiful."
In "WUPHF.com
"WUPHF.com" is the ninth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 135th episode overall. Written by Aaron Shure and directed by Danny Leiner, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 18, 2010...
", he is not sympathetic when Jim complains about a sudden "commissions cap" policy that ensures Jim's earning power for the remainder of 2010 is at zero, first asking Jim if he's in his job for the money, then saying Jim should ignore the policy just as he ignores naked old men at his gym; Jim responds by setting up a prank where Gabe is forced to listen to Jo's rambling, boring autobiography.
In "Classy Christmas
Classy Christmas
"Classy Christmas" is the eleventh and twelfth episodes of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 137th and 138th episodes overall...
", he and Kelly pass out Christmas gifts from Sabre. When the staff shows disdain that they received Hello Kitty
Hello Kitty
is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, first designed by Yuko Shimizu. She is portrayed as a female white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow. The character's first appearance on an item, a vinyl coin purse, was introduced in Japan in 1974 and brought to the United States...
A laptop, also called a notebook, is a personal computer for mobile use. A laptop integrates most of the typical components of a desktop computer, including a display, a keyboard, a pointing device and speakers into a single unit...
sleeves, he asks Kelly why the presents weren't fleece blankets, as he thought they agreed on them. He then adds that he and Erin made great use of their's. In a talking-head interview, he confirms that he and Erin are still dating, and asks the Documentary film crew why they ask him if he and her are still going out so often. He is also seen enjoying himself at the Christmas party.
In "Ultimatum
Ultimatum (The Office)
"Ultimatum" is the thirteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 139th episodes overall...
", he is in the Conference Room and tries to "intercept" the Sabre frisbee
A flying disc is a disc-shaped glider that is generally plastic and roughly in diameter, with a lip. The shape of the disc, an airfoil in cross-section, allows it to fly by generating lift as it moves through the air while rotating....
Pam throws to Erin
Erin Hannon
Kelly Erin Hannon is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. She is the office receptionist for the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a position previously held by Pam Halpert before she left the company. Erin is played by Ellie Kemper...
, only to clumsily drop it on the floor.
In "The Seminar
The Seminar
"The Seminar" is the fourteenth episode of seventh season of the American comedytelevision series The Office, and the show's 140th episode overall. Written by Steve Hely and directed by B. J. Novak, the episode aired January 27, 2011 on NBC....
", Gabe and Erin
Erin Hannon
Kelly Erin Hannon is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. She is the office receptionist for the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a position previously held by Pam Halpert before she left the company. Erin is played by Ellie Kemper...
play Scrabble
Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-15 grid. The words are formed across and down in crossword fashion and must appear in a standard dictionary. Official reference works provide a list...
via texting. Unfortunately, she's not very good, and the winner of their Scrabble games always picks the movie they watch. Since Gabe has already subjected her to numerous horror movies such as The Shining
The Shining (film)
The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick, co-written with novelist Diane Johnson, and starring Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, and Danny Lloyd. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Stephen King. A writer, Jack Torrance, takes a job as an...
, Rosemary's Baby
Rosemary's Baby (film)
Rosemary's Baby is a 1968 American horror film written and directed by Roman Polanski, based on the bestselling 1967 novel Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin...
and The Ring
The Ring (2002 film)
The Ring is a 2002 American psychological horror film directed by Gore Verbinski and starring Naomi Watts and Martin Henderson. It is a remake of the 1998 Japanese horror film Ring....
, Erin desperately needs a win. With the help of Oscar
Oscar Martinez
Oscar Jual Paul Martinez is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Oscar Nunez.-Overview:Oscar Martinez is an accountant at the paper distributor Dunder Mifflin. He is a first generation Mexican-American. Oscar is also openly homosexual after being...
and Pam, she almost beats him but loses on the last turn, because she doesn't realize Oscar is trying to feed her a winning word ("apoplexy") and instead puts in the word "ape". At the end of the day, Gabe tells her that since she wanted to watch WALL-E
WALL-E, promoted with an interpunct as WALL•E, is a 2008 American computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future...
, he will "compromise" by putting on Hardware, because it has a robot in it as well (even though the robot in this movie is an unstoppable killing machine). Andy then gives Erin a DVD copy of Shrek 2
Shrek 2
Shrek 2 is a 2004 American computer-animated fantasy comedy film, produced by DreamWorks Animation and directed by Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury and Conrad Vernon. It is the second installment in the Shrek film series and the sequel to 2001's Shrek...
, which pleases her. Unfortunately, Gabe still chooses his horror movie.
In "The Search
The Search (The Office)
"The Search" is the fifteenth episode of seventh season of the American comedytelevision series The Office, and the show's 141st episode overall...
", when Pam notices her Sabre printer doodle on the refrigerator has funny captions that insult Sabre, she gets the office to participate in a caption contest involving her cartoon of two dogs stranded on an island. Gabe however, finds the captions offensive, and implements a list of absurd rules: they can't insult Sabre, they can't use pop culture references (since they "tend to alienate those who don't get the reference"), and they have to use new Sabre "sticky quips." The office instead decides to use an instant messenger to share quips. Gabe catches them and prints out the list of quips and reads them to the office, which start off insulting Sabre before they attack him personally. The office gets a good laugh out of the ones that insult him. They are especially pleased by an anonymous line where one of the dogs decides to piss on Gabe, and an interview reveals the surprising identity of this joke's author: Angela.
PDA (The Office)
"PDA" is the sixteenth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 142nd episode overall. Written by Robert Padnick and directed by series creator Greg Daniels, the episode was shown on February 10, 2011, on NBC.-Synopsis:Michael and Holly have...
", Gabe is shown to be enthusiastic about Valentines Day (claiming in a talking-head interview "I dominate Valentine's Day. I practically make romance into a science"), and makes Erin a romantic treasure hunt. Erin urges Andy to tag along with her, despite the fact they are both seeing other people. Andy is at first reluctant but soon relents. The hunt starts with a puzzle picture, which leads to Gabe's stereo in Darryl's office, which leads to glow in the dark stars in Ryan's closet, leading to sparkling cider with Hank the security guard, and finally to a Valentine's cookie in the break room. When the cookie tells her to enjoy her Valentine's kiss, Erin thinks she's supposed to kiss Andy. Andy points out Gabe blowing a kiss through the window and leaves awkwardly.
In "Todd Packer
Todd Packer (The Office)
"Todd Packer" is the eighteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 144th episode overall...
", Erin and Gabe come into the office late, and Erin apologizes, saying Gabe slipped and got stuck in the shower. He tries to laugh it off by saying he's a klutz, but Erin breezily mentions that the fire department had to come and get him out. In a deleted scene, Michael tries to convince Holly that the rest of the office staff is simply indifferent to Packer, while Holly points out that Gabe is the one they're indifferent to (we see a close zoom in of him from the break room window eating Chinese food and staring into space).
In "Garage Sale
Garage Sale (The Office)
"Garage Sale" is the nineteenth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 145th episode overall. The episode was written by Jon Vitti and was directed by series star Steve Carell...
", when Michael takes Holly on a walk and shows her the significant spots in the office that pertained to their courtship, he later takes her through the kitchen where Gabe and everyone else are standing, holding candles. Various members of the office (including Gabe) ask Holly if they will marry them (all part of Michael's plan) and she politely says no; Michael insults Gabe by saying that Holly's response to him was an "Easy no". When Michael eventually finishes his proposal and Holly says yes, Gabe, along with everyone else, cheers and is soon shocked when Michael annonces that he and Holly are moving to Colorado
Colorado is a U.S. state that encompasses much of the Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains...
In a deleted scene that takes place earlier in the episode, Gabe is seen temporarily taking over for Erin at the receptionist's desk while she sells some of her goods at the warehouse garage sale.
In "Training Day
Training Day (The Office)
"Training Day" is the twentieth episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 146th episode overall. Written by Daniel Chun and directed by Paul Lieberstein, the episode aired on April 14, 2011, on NBC...
", Dwight comes to Gabe asking about becoming manager to Sabre; he thanks Dwight for coming to him directly, adding that corporate would have told Dwight to come to him anyway. Dwight then humiliates him a little by saying he left a message for corporate before coming to him. Dwight is then furious to learn that Michael did not give a recommendation for Dwight to become branch manager, leaving Gabe to utter that he’s bad in awkward situations like this, and he is unable to comfort the distraught salesman.
In "Michael's Last Dundies
Michael's Last Dundies
"Michael's Last Dundies" is the twenty-first episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 147th episode overall. Written and directed by Mindy Kaling, the episode aired on April 21, 2011, on NBC. The episode revolves around Michael training his...
", Erin starts avoiding Gabe at work because she doesn't enjoy his company and feels no attraction to him anymore. Erin reveals how she feels to Pam and Jim, with Pam saying she should not lead Gabe on if she's not in love with him (Jim ducks out of the conversation, interviewing that he's simply not interested in Erin's problems). She then breaks up with him while accepting her Dundie in front of everyone and a packed restaurant. Gabe tells everyone he is upset with Erin but tries to joke it off as his "quarter-life crisis", only to reveal he is genuinely upset before he leaves the award show. Darryl
Darryl Philbin
Darryl Mathias Philbin is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Craig Robinson.-Overview:Darryl Philbin is the foreman of the warehouse of the Scranton branch of fictitious paper distributor Dunder Mifflin....
feels some remorse for him, and mutters to Erin "damn, that was cold" as she walks past his table.
In "Goodbye, Michael
Goodbye, Michael
"Goodbye, Michael" is the twenty-second episode of the seventh season of the American comedy series The Office and the show's 148th episode overall. The episode was written by series developer and executive producer Greg Daniels and was directed by Paul Feig. The episode originally aired on April...
", Gabe is shown to be distraught and angry after Erin's public breakup with him, and he makes several threats against Andy, who showed chemistry with Erin before she dated Gabe. He eventually follows Erin into the women's bathroom to make his case. In his and Michael's final conversation, Michael tells him not to be afraid of dying alone, since it will all work out in the end. He tells Michael he will either quit his job or stay to ensure Andy's career is destroyed. Michael tells him not to quit just because Erin broke up with him, because everyone has had their heart broken once. However, Michael ruins the moment by advising him to minimize his Adam's apple
Adam's apple
The laryngeal prominence—commonly known as the Adam's Apple—is a feature of the human neck. This lump, or protrusion, is formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx...
, as, in his opinion, it will make Gabe look less like a transvestite.
In "The Inner Circle
The Inner Circle (The Office)
"The Inner Circle" is the twenty-third episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 149th episode overall. The episode originally aired on May 5, 2011, on NBC...
", Gabe is one of Deangelo's favorites among the staff and part of his "inner circle" of office workers. When Jim tells Deangelo that some of the women think he's a bit sexist, Gabe is the first one to assume that Pam brought it up to Jim. Later, when Deangelo tries to return from the hospital after his basketball hoop accident, Gabe, along with Jim, leads him back out.
In "Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager
Dwight K. Schrute, (Acting) Manager
"Dwight K. Schrute, Manager" is the 24th episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office and the show's 150th episode overall. The episode was written by Justin Spitzer and directed by Troy Miller. It originally aired in the United States on May 12, 2011...
", Gabe is still upset and depressed by Erin's break-up with him and continues his resentment towards Andy. He pulls Andy into the conference room for a quick second, where he breaks down in front of him and begs him to promise that he won't make any sexual advances towards her. He then later tries to embarrass Andy in front of Erin, only to have the tables turned on him when Andy tells Erin about her ex-boyfriend's crying and begging that had happened earlier. After Jo demotes Dwight upon learning of his gun accident, she appoints Gabe as one of the search committee members who would be in charge of interviewing candidates for the manager position (along with Jim and Toby).
In "Search Committee
Search Committee
"Search Committee" is the hour-long finale of the seventh season of the American television comedy series The Office. It is the 151st and 152nd episodes of the series overall and the 25th and 26th episodes of the seventh season. It was written by show runner and executive producer Paul Lieberstein...
", he, along with Toby and Jim, interviews several candidates for the manager position. However, he sabotages Andy's interview, snaps at him in anger and later tries to talk Jo out of hiring Andy. During an interview with Kelly, Gabe remains openly dismissive of her as not being a serious candidate before he ends it abruptly. Kelly, in response, tells Jo about Gabe's relationship with Erin and how he's been acting out these past few weeks because of their break-up. Jo is frustrated at Gabe, having wanted him not to get involved with any of the Scranton employees, and decides to send him back with her to the Sabre headquarters. Before he leaves, he reminds the staff that he'll still be in touch with them from time to time because he's the Corporate liaison. After being insulted about women not wanting to touch him, he makes a remark about how he's been with plenty of women and all they've wanted to do was hug him.
Season 8
In "The ListThe List (The Office)
"The List" is the eighth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 153rd episode overall. The episode original aired on NBC in the United States on September 22, 2011. It was written and directed by executive producer B. J. Novak...
", Gabe is shown to be back working in the Scranton office. It's revealed through a deleted scene that Corporate worked out a bafflingly illogical deal where he would be in Scranton Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and in Florida Tuesdays and Thursdays, forcing Gabe to fly between the locations every night of the work week. He's glad to be back, but angrily acknowledges that he's not getting paid any extra. He is also on the "Losers" side of Robert California
Robert California
Robert California is a fictional character on The Office, played by James Spader. He has no counterpart on the original British version of the series.- Season 7 :...
's list, and is the only person on that list whom Andy tells the new CEO was properly placed there (while Andy defended Stanley, Pam, Erin, and Meredith from the fact that Robert didn't list them as "Winners").
In "Garden Party
Garden Party (The Office)
"Garden Party" is the fourth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 156th episode overall. The episode originally aired on NBC in the United States on October 13, 2011. It was written by co-executive producer Justin Spitzer and was directed...
", Gabe believes that Andy throwing a garden party
Garden party
A garden party is a social gathering with food provided, in the open in a park or a garden. An event described as a garden party is usually more formal than other similar gatherings, which may be called just parties, picnics, barbecues, etc,...
to impress Robert California is a "classic Gabe move" and vents his frustration to the camera crew, claiming Andy is stealing his business strategies. While at "Schrute Farms", Gabe expresses more frustration to the camera crew, since he didn't think of toasting Robert first, and tells himself to "get into the game" instead of talking to "Stanley's mistress". When he attempts to toast Robert, Andy cuts him short, claiming that you "can't triple toast someone". After Robert gives a speech, Gabe tries to give another toast in Robert's honor, but is once again interrupted by Andy, causing him more anguish. However, He manages to make a bit of an impression on Robert, as he wraps his jacket around him when he's cold (even though Ryan had already given Robert his jacket). Nonetheless, Robert is still grateful towards Gabe as well. Gabe also stays at the barbecue after the party with his co-workers.
In "Spooked
Spooked (The Office)
"Spooked" is the fifth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 157th episode overall. The episode originally aired on NBC in the United States on October 27, 2011. It was written by Carrie Kemper and directed by Randall Einhorn...
", Gabe dresses up as a skeleton, like Toby and Kelly, after he overheard them planning to wear matching costumes. Later, he is approached by Erin and asked for his help to make her halloween party less childish and more "scary and sexy". He tells her he will make it "sexier than [she] could ever imagine" (subtly hinting that he might've tried to use the party as another attempt to win her back), however, she asks him for his primary goal to be to make it scary. He succeeds in making the party notably spookier by adding a fog machine and some slightly gruesome decorations, and everyone seems to enjoy it. But, he ruins it when he has Erin put on a tape of a bizarre, disturbing, black-and-white horror movie of his own creation entitled "Do Yes Disturb: Meditations of Horror". The film unsettles the office, as all it does is play intense music while showing different scenes of random, creepy things (such as a plate of fruit rotting, a rat crawling over a picture of a screaming woman, and even a shot of Oscar's grandmother eating and secret back-seat footage of Stanley getting into his car). After the movie is turned off, Gabe quietly sneaks out of the conference room, leaving Erin to take the heat from it. However, he is present for Robert's ghost story, and is (surprisingly) disturbed by it with the rest of the office. Later, when Dwight has Robert's son, Bert, fake-fire Toby for revenge, Gabe displays more cowardice when Toby asks if Bert can really fire him, as he merely gives a bit of a shrug and watches.
In "Doomsday
Doomsday (The Office)
"Doomsday" is the sixth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 158th episode overall...
", he is attracted to Val, the new warehouse worker. Believing that Val and he have a connection, he attempts to get the paper work for an office relationship from Toby. While Toby is at first happy for him, once he learns that Gabe and Val aren't even dating yet, he informs Gabe that he doesn't need to do the paper work. Gabe then spends the day at the warehouse making several pitiful attempts to try to impress Val (such as using a support belt as a hula hoop and using a 100 dollar bill to cover everyone's coffee orders). Darryl tries to imply to Gabe that Val doesn't feel the same way about him, but to no avail. Later, Gabe asks Val if she would like to have some wine with him at a cemetery he was planning to head over to, but she turns him down. She claims it's not personal, but she doesn't date co-workers. Gabe goes as far as to offer to quit, but Val strongly tells him not to, implying she wouldn't date him even if they didn't work together.
In "Pam's Replacement
Pam's Replacement
"Pam's Replacement" is the seventh episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 159th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 10, 2011...
", when Ryan announces to the other staffers that Pam's temporary replacement, Kathy, has a boyfriend (which may or may not be true, as Jim only told Ryan that to discourage him from asking Kathy out), Gabe suggests her boyfriend is a drug dealer, since, according to him, the best way to land an attractive woman is to "get her hooked on blow". He also attempts to subtley comfort the self-conscious Pam by bringing up that the most common fetish in the world is the pregnancy fetish.
In the beginning of "Gettysburg
Gettysburg (The Office)
"Gettysburg" is the eighth episode of the eighth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 160th episode overall. The episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 17, 2011.-Plot:...
", Gabe is reading the Sabre "Code of Conduct" to the staff during a meeting in the Conference room. Everyone is generally miserable, causing Andy to make a thinly-veiled insult that even though they all "want to die", they must listen to what Gabe has to say, and gives Gabe permission to continue. Gabe then snidely remarks that he doesn't need Andy's permission, since Andy technically works for him. Later, Gabe chooses to go on Andy's field trip to Gettysburg
-Events:* Gettysburg Campaign, a series of American Civil War military engagements in the Main Eastern Theater** Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-3 military engagements during the 1863 Gettysburg Campaign...
, and while standing in line for the bus, he is hit in the face with one of Andy's company baseball hats when Andy attempted to toss it to Phyllis, who ducked out of the way. At Gettysburg, Gabe is mistaken for Abe Lincoln by a little girl. Gabe laments in an interview about how he he is often mistaken for the past President
A president is a leader of an organization, company, trade union, university, or country.Etymologically, a president is one who presides, who sits in leadership...
due to his passing resemblance (which, he mentions, makes it hard for him to go to places such as museum
A museum is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, or historical importance and makes them available for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. Most large museums are located in major cities...
s, historical monuments and elementary school
Elementary school
An elementary school or primary school is an institution where children receive the first stage of compulsory education known as elementary or primary education. Elementary school is the preferred term in some countries, particularly those in North America, where the terms grade school and grammar...
s). After the girl's mother has her daughter put her stove pipe hat
Top hat
A top hat, beaver hat, high hat silk hat, cylinder hat, chimney pot hat or stove pipe hat is a tall, flat-crowned, broad-brimmed hat, predominantly worn from the latter part of the 18th to the middle of the 20th century...
on Gabe so she can take a picture of the two of them, other tourists believe Gabe to a historical impersonator
An impersonator is someone who imitates or copies the behavior or actions of another. There are many reasons for someone to be an impersonator, some common ones being as follows:...
. While at first, he tries to clear up the misunderstanding, after getting some laughs from the tourists, he decides to play along with it, explaining the history of Lincoln and making mild jokes as well. He manages to deliver a satisfactory performance, but temporarely ruins it by telling a distasteful joke about Lincoln saying he needs his wife
Mary Todd Lincoln
Mary Ann Lincoln was the wife of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and was First Lady of the United States from 1861 to 1865.-Life before the White House:...
like he needs "a hole in the head". He then hastily re-enacts Lincoln getting shot, earning him an applause and getting back on the tourists good side, before he runs back to rejoin Andy and the rest of the group.
The 3rd Floor
Gabe appears in The Office webisode "The 3rd Floor" scolding RyanRyan Howard (The Office)
Ryan Bailey Howard , played by B. J. Novak, is a fictional character on the US television sitcom The Office. He is based upon Ricky Howard from the original version of The Office , but his role is significantly expanded and he is a main character.-Character profile:Little is known about Ryan's...
for bringing weapons into the workplace for the filming of his horror movie. Erin and Kelly
Kelly Kapoor
Kelly Rajnigandha Kapoor , is a fictional character from the US television series, The Office. She is played by Mindy Kaling, who is also a writer and producer for the show....
then sneak up on Gabe and scare him so Kevin
Kevin Malone
Kevin Jaye Malone is a character in the United States television series The Office. He is played by Brian Baumgartner. Kevin's counterpart in the UK series is Keith Bishop.-Biography:...
can capture his reaction on his camcorder. Gabe then angrily orders Ryan to shut down production on the film. However, Ryan is able to coax him into letting him continue by offering him a job as the narrator of the movie. Gabe is shocked by this (as he admits most people consider his voice to be nasally), but flattered, he accepts, and narrates it when it is completed.
The Podcast
Gabe gets jealous when he learns that OscarOscar Martinez
Oscar Jual Paul Martinez is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Oscar Nunez.-Overview:Oscar Martinez is an accountant at the paper distributor Dunder Mifflin. He is a first generation Mexican-American. Oscar is also openly homosexual after being...
's blog, "There's No Accounting for Taste", is linked to the Sabre website. Gabe, trying to impress corporate with some initiative, attempts to get his new podcast for the Sabre website off the ground. He gets Kevin, Kelly, Erin, Creed
Creed Bratton (character)
Creed Rowland Bratton a.k.a. "William Charles Schneider" is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. Confusion may arise from the fact that the character is played by and partially based on the musician of the same name, Creed Bratton...
, Meredith
Meredith Palmer
Meredith Elizabeth Palmer is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. She is played by Kate Flannery. She is an original character and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office....
(and Angela
Angela Martin
Angela Noelle Martin is a fictional character from the US television series The Office played by American actress Angela Kinsey. She is an original character, and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office.-Overview:...
, by flattering her) to do his podcast. However, when they find out it is an audio
Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations.-Propagation of...
Podcast, they insist it be done on camera. Meredith brings her recording equipment (a joke that implies she films herself during intercourse), and they do a video podcast. Unfortunately though, a number of things go wrong when Gabe tries to interview them about the subject of "having it all", such as Kevin insisting he be Gabe's "sidekick", Meredith playing a cow bell
Cow bell
A cowbell or cow bell is a bell worn by freely roaming livestock, so that they do not run away or wander off without being heard. While bells were used on various types of animals, they are typically referred to as "cowbells" due to their extensive use with cattle.A trychel is a large cow bell...
with her feet, and Kelly rambling about how she went to a Mongolian Barbecue restaurant and accidentally ate a raw bean sprout. Gabe finally bursts and calls their performance a "freakshow", which insults them and causes them to storm out of the Conference Room. Oscar then walks in (having to stay late so he could work on his blog) and offers to do Gabe's podcast. Gabe is touched, but Meredith comes back and takes her cameras back with her as soon as they begin. In the end, Gabe takes Oscar's job offer of proofreading
Proofreading is the reading of a galley proof or computer monitor to detect and correct production-errors of text or art. Proofreaders are expected to be consistently accurate by default because they occupy the last stage of typographic production before publication.-Traditional method:A proof is...
his blog for him.