Angela Martin
Angela Noelle Martin is a fictional character from the US
television series The Office
played by American actress Angela Kinsey
. She is an original character, and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office
’s flirtation with coworker Jim Halpert
. She also frowns upon any sort of superfluousness or inappropriateness in general. Like Dwight, Angela has little sense of humour and almost never smiles or expresses happiness. However, she has on several occasions participated in the office's more frivolous activities.
at the onset of their secret romance. Angela lives with several cats, adores posters of infants posed as adults, and is a vegetarian
and a singer. When she makes a mistake, Angela's first response is usually to shift the blame to someone else, along with an insult. Angela's extreme religious homophobia
makes her dislike Will & Grace
(although she says it's because it's "terribly loud"), except for the scenes with Harry Connick, Jr.
("He's so talented"). She is a former child beauty pageant contestant, and says that she enjoys being judged. She tends to list colors that she finds "whorish", including orange and green, that always seem to correspond to the color of clothes being worn by either Phyllis or Meredith. Angela bottles up her emotions to the point that, on occasion, she has private, emotional outbursts over relatively trivial matters. She also seems to be something of a conservative (albeit hypocritical) Christian. She states that the two books she would bring with her to read if stranded on a deserted island are the Bible
and The Purpose Driven Life
. Further, she would bring The Da Vinci Code
, but only so she could burn it. She despises the mystery novel genre because, in her words, "I hate being titillated." However, in a deleted scene from "Dream Team
", she says her new boss Charles Miner is mysterious and wants to flip to "his last page". In a deleted scene from Season 3, Angela glowingly compares Dwight to Fox News commentator Sean Hannity
. She says in Prince Family Paper
that her ideal of male beauty is Boris Becker
She was mainly seen as a minor character in the first two seasons but since starting her relationship with Dwight her character has been explored numerous times and has been so further since their break-up in Fun Run
. Angela, throughout season 3 and carrying on into season 4, has essentially become the second lead female of the show, after Pam Beesly
Angela has a sister to whom she was very close but has not spoken in sixteen years over a disagreement she does not even remember, a situation that she regards with a great deal of pride. She appears unable to apologize, as further detailed in "Product Recall
" when she cannot bring herself to say sorry on behalf of the company (saying instead "our official position is apologetic"), and in "The Return
" when she uses a wordy, third-person monologue as a way of apologizing to Oscar for being homophobic. She did, however, say she was sorry to Kevin for being "mean" twice in "The Accountants
It was revealed in "The Return
" and confirmed in "Happy Hour
" that her middle name is Noelle.
It is implied in "Money
" that she suffers from sleep apnea
Angela drives a light brown first generation Ford Focus sedan, as seen in "The Dundies
" and "The Client
". In the season six episode "Niagara
", she is seen to drive a second generation Saturn S-Series
(which Oscar's roommate Gill used to drive).
Angela claims to weigh eighty-two pounds and wears a child's size ten ("Women's Appreciation
"). In addition, because she finds the clothes at Gap Kids to sometimes be too "flashy", she occasionally shops at the American Girl
store, buying items meant for "large colonial dolls". "Michael has twice made fun of her stature, nicknaming her "Booster Seat" in reference to small children having to sit on one in restaurants. He later "roasted" her during "Stress Relief" by saying he couldn't see her when she was hiding behind a grain of rice.Her 5"1" height is sharply contrasted to 6"1" Dwight.
Angela ruled (in seasons 1-4) the Party Planning Committee (PPC) with an iron fist. Usually when a committee member suggests an idea, Angela immediately shoots it down with a mean comment or sharp rebuke. The PPC normally consists of Angela, Pam, Phyllis, and Meredith, although Meredith was naturally not present when the committee planned her surprise birthday party. Karen
became a regular member of the PPC when she was transferred to Scranton, but was expelled by Angela for her "unsuitable" ideas during "A Benihana Christmas
". Ryan
joined the committee to help plan the Christmas Party, and Oscar
joined it to help plan his own "Welcome Back" party ("The Return"). Angela was particularly hard on Phyllis during "Launch Party
" and was left with a huge burden when Phyllis got fed up and quit the PPC.
It is implied in the webisode series, Blackmail, that she has or had a clandestine sexual relationship with her church pastor when Creed hands out envelopes containing incriminating information on several of his peers and Meredith
opens her envelope and asks "Who's Pastor Davis?" prompting Creed to switch the envelopes between Angela and Meredith. After reading the note, Angela appears to be heavily embarrassed.
In The Chump, Angela reveals that her four cats are named "Ember, Milky Way, Diane, and Lumpy".
In the season eight premiere Angela is married to Robert and pregnant. She is pregnant with her first child but she has a step son with Robert. Angela wanted to name her son "Philip" after her cat, but Pam (who is pregnant with her 2nd child) wanted the name "Philip" after her grandfather. Pam eventually gets the name.
She's later shown to be in a state of depression, and at times openly regrets dating both men (though she clearly still is in love with Dwight). On Secretary's Day in Season 6 , Andy's new girlfriend Erin finds out about the two's relationship, and publicly demeans Angela in the conference room. Angela has a brief conversation with Erin shortly afterward, where she bluntly expresses her humiliation and reminds Erin that she wants to forget the memories of dating him.
", Michael gives Angela Phyllis's leads, and Angela, in retaliation for all the aggravating tasks she had to endure while under her control, makes her do some accounting work only to shred it later. Phyllis states in "Conflict Resolution" that (even though they constantly butt heads), they are close.
, often barely able to fathom his ridiculous and time-wasting antics. In a scene during the extended version of Michael's last episode, she refuses to say of any qualities Michael had besides the fact that he worked in the same office as her for nineteen years. She strongly disapproves of Office romances (even despite the fact that she's been heavily involved in more than one of them), playing a game called "Pam-Pong" in which she counts the number of times Jim leaves his desk to talk to Pam and referred to her as the "office mattress". Throughout the first three seasons, she's shown to have a one-sided crush on Pam's fiancee Roy Anderson, though this eventually fizzles out (ironically enough however, Roy occasionally showed interest in Angela as well, specifically when asked at one time who in the office he would have sex with besides Pam). During the fifth season, she developed another one-side crush, this time on Corporate higher-up Charles Miner
. She frequently tried and failed to engage in a relationship with him, often times butting heads with Kelly for his affection. It's subtly implied in an online webisode series, Blackmail, that she has or had a clandestine sexual relationship with her church pastor when Creed hands out envelopes containing incriminating information on several of his peers and Meredith opens her envelope and asks "Who's Pastor Davis?" prompting Creed to switch the envelopes between Angela and Meredith. After reading the note, Angela appears to be heavily embarrassed.
. She appears to be a prime example of an authoritarian personality
. She is also in charge of the Party Planning Committee and is often at odds with Phyllis Lapin
. When it is noted that red streamers are bad during Meredith Palmer
's party, she blames it on Phyllis, though it seems to be her fault. There are many deleted scenes in which Angela is interviewed, as well as other members of accounting, suggesting that the series was originally intended to take a two-perspective look at the office: one from accounting's point of view, and one from sales.
Angela refuses to accept the "Tight Ass" award at the 8th Annual Dundie Awards. When she sees Kelly
give Dwight
(her secret love interest) a small kiss in the episode "Christmas Party", she gets angry and throws Christmas ornaments outside the building. Though she is a constant source of complaints to Human Resources
(she and Oscar Martinez
fight over her poster of babies playing instruments, which she got from Toby Flenderson
for Christmas
), she redacts those lodged against Dwight at the onset of their secret romance. It is hinted during "Drug Testing" that she does not take birth control, in accordance to her Christian beliefs. This revelation is to the relief of Dwight implying that they are having sex. She has a bobblehead doll
made in Dwight's likeness as a Valentine's Day
gift, and receives a key to his house in return. Angela hints that she has a crush on Pam's
Roy (Webisodes: The Accountants, "Someone in the Warehouse") and admits that she would choose Roy over Jim
if pressed on the matter ("The Secret
"), and does not bother to hide it.
Her attitude toward him becomes much more sympathetic after he returns to work following an extended absence ("The Return"), and the two appear to have reconciled. She believes Oscar has the capability to cross over to dating women if he so chooses. Evidently, Angela continues to nurture a crush on Roy, complimenting him on his physique and greeting him, in the third season episode "Branch Closing
". In the same episode, she spontaneously hugs Kevin upon discovering their branch will not be closed, the second moment to date, along with Kevin's cancer scare in the season two episode "Michael's Birthday
", in which she has shown anything but contempt for him.
In "The Convention", she secretly follows Dwight to the office supply convention in Philadelphia under the name "Jane Doe" and gets a room which Jim accidentally enters, though it does not appear he saw that it was her (exclaiming "Dwight got a hooker!"). Angela would seem to call Dwight "D" outside the office, as she (mistakenly) does when Jim enters Dwight's hotel room. She also persuades Dwight to supplant Michael as Regional Manager (à la Lady Macbeth), but it does not succeed. She has a good first impression of Andy Bernard
when he shows up on his first day with a cat screensaver. When Angela rudely shoots down an idea proposed by Karen Filippelli
, the PPC defiantly splits into two groups and two parties. Angela holds the less popular one, to which only Kevin, Phyllis, and Hannah come, while [Pam] and Karen lead the more popular one. Eventually the two parties merge back into one and Angela returns a "missing" power cord for the karaoke machine. In "Traveling Salesmen
", it is suggested that Angela's middle name is Noelle when she becomes giddy over her blossoming relationship with Dwight (Kurt) Schrute and attempts to bond with Pam, a venture that is cut short when the latter declines Angela's offer of the "dominant male" in a recent litter of cats had by her favorite pet, Sprinkles.
In "The Return
", she is briefly moved to tears while inviting Oscar to join the PPC as an apology for her apparent disapproval of his homosexuality and is visibly saddened by the insensitivity of Michael's proposal to celebrate Oscar's "Mexicality" by featuring Mexican lemonade (Lemoñadé, with diacriticals added by Ryan, presumably upon Michael's request)and bite-sized frozen-dinner Chimichangas, though in both instances she may be displacing her grief over Dwight's temporary resignation from the company.
In deleted scenes from Phyllis's Wedding, Phyllis seats Angela next to Dennis, a religious vet who shares her passion for cats. The two get along well, but when Dennis asks Angela for her telephone number, Angela tells him she's already having intimate relations with someone (Dwight). Dennis, visibly both upset and disgusted, apologizes to her before leaving, saying "Phyllis neglected to mention your promiscuity."
It is illustrated that Angela has a love of learning, as seen in "Ben Franklin
" where she is the only female intently listening to the Ben Franklin impersonator, "Diwali
" where she takes a cautious interest in learning more about Hindu religion and culture (although she also makes ignorant comments about the religion and Indian food, specifically whining that the naan
at the Diwali party is dry), and "The Job
" in which she enthusiastically participates in Dwight's lecture on soil.
Her refusal to allow Dwight to publicize their relationship prevented him from exonerating himself against suspicion of disloyalty and forced his resignation. Dwight returns to Dunder Mifflin after she clears his name while preserving the secrecy of their relationship (she tells Michael that Dwight bailed her out, but does not correct Michael's clueless assertion that Dwight helped her "as a random co-worker").
The relationship between Angela and Dwight is almost of Macbeth
proportions as when Dwight was fooled by Michael into believing he was going to be the new regional manager at the branch (which Angela pushed by Dwight going behind Michael's back), Dwight leaves her in charge of the women. In "The Job", when Dwight is temporarily given Michael's job as acting regional manager, Dwight immediately informs her and she seems to rekindle the idea of mastering the puppet strings over Dwight, as well as speculating happily that co-worker Kelly Kapoor will be fired.
In the episode "Fun Run
", Dwight and Angela's relationship hits a snag when Dwight euthanizes Sprinkles, Angela's old and sickly pet cat. Dwight thought Sprinkles had died after he'd expertly administered it with a lethal dose of Benadryl, and so put the cat in the freezer to cover the smell; however, Angela was horrified to find that Sprinkles had only died when frozen. Angela is especially bothered by this because, "cat heaven is a beautiful place, but you don't get there if you're euthanized". In the next episode, "Dunder Mifflin Infinity
", Angela breaks up with Dwight because "every time {she looks} into his eyes, {she sees} Sprinkles's cold, lifeless body". In "Launch Party
", Angela prepares a party for the launch of the company website. On the day of the launch, Dwight attempts to woo her back by competing (and winning) against the website to sell more reams of paper than the other, but Angela refuses to consider it. Michael, in a bid for vengeance against a perceived slight by Ryan, orders Angela, with one hour left before the party begins, to implement his over-the-top ideas for decorations and catering. She is unable to do so partly due to not having enough time and partly due to Phyllis taking a stand against her harsher than usual criticism and refusing to help. In the meantime Andy tries to win Angela's affection; although initially unsuccessful (to Dwight's relief), a last-minute performance of "Take a Chance on Me
" produces a partly suppressed smile from her. In the episode "Money", Angela decides to go out with Andy after he gives her a cat as a present (actually a stray that Dwight had tried unsuccessfully to give her as a reconciliation gift), giving him instructions on taking her to dinner that included "no seafood places". In the following episodes, they have apparently been seeing each other, but it is implied that Angela still harbors feelings for Dwight, as Andy reports in "Local Ad
" that she cried out "Oh, D!" when he kissed her, and Dwight recognizes this as her nickname for him (though Andy thinks it means "Dee" as in "An-Dee").
In "Job Fair", Angela and Dwight were the only two left in the office after the remaining members of the team took off early as a result of Michael not being in the office. For the rest of the day, the two share an awkward atmosphere which eventually thaws towards the end of the day.
In "Goodbye, Toby
", at Toby's outdoor leaving party, Angela reluctantly accepts Andy's proposal of marriage, after he asks her in front of everyone, including his own parents. At the very end of the episode, however, Phyllis is taking some of the party supplies back to the office and walks in on Angela mid-intercourse with Dwight. The episode ended on Angela and Dwight's reaction to Phyllis's walking in.
", Andy continually pesters Angela with ideas for their wedding. Most of his proposals are outlandish and expensive, and Angela continues to treat him and his ideas with contempt. She pages Dwight, and they meet in the Dunder Mifflin warehouse to have sex. This seems to be a habit, but later in the episode Andy tells Angela he doesn't care where they marry so long as they're together. This moves Angela enough not to cheat on him with Dwight who is left waiting alone on this one occasion but it doesn't last, as Andy continues to irritate Angela about his college friends coming to stay with them for three weeks to perform at the wedding. Angela tells Andy they'll talk about it later and rushes to page and subsequently hook up with Dwight downstairs.
Meanwhile, Phyllis has dethroned Angela as head of the Party Planning Committee and does not hesitate to give Angela harsh orders. Angela puts up with Phyllis' sternness because she doesn't want Phyllis to tell Andy she is cheating on him.
In "Crime Aid", Dwight, with advice from Phyllis, gives Angela an ultimatum — him or Andy. Angela looks to Andy, signifying that she chooses him, although Dwight says to Phyllis that "she ignored the ultimatum." Dwight then treats Phyllis coldly but forgives her after he realizes she was just trying to help.
In "Customer Survey", Angela finally agrees to Andy's renting a tent—as long as it's set on a site which matches Schrute Farm Bed & Breakfast. Andy books the farm and Dwight gleefully agrees to plan every detail of the wedding, pointedly offering to be available to Angela day or night. Angela understands the double meaning and shows signs of being very turned on by it.
In "Business Trip", it is revealed she and Andy have never been intimate. When Andy drunk dials her demanding sex, she is disgusted, even though, in the background, viewers can hear Dwight in her bed. She later demotes Andy back to "first base", which for her is a kiss on the forehead.
In "The Surplus", Dwight escorts Angela and Andy to Schrute Farms to plan details of the wedding. In a supposed mock ceremony, Dwight stands in for Andy as a Mennonite
, German-speaking minister completes the vows. Angela begins to admit she has made a mistake and seems to reconcile with Dwight, however he announces they have actually married. She is angered at his deception and storms off. At the office, she passionately kisses Andy in front of the staff and leaves to "take care of a legal matter", implying she will have the marriage annulled.
In "Moroccan Christmas", Phyllis continues her torment of Angela, going as far to force Angela to discard her personal nativity scene
and the Christmas tree
as they don't fit in with the theme. When she learns that she's eating food served during Ramadan
, she immediately spits it out. When Angela finally revolts because she believes Phyllis will never reveal her secret, Phyllis stuns the entire staff by revealing the Dwight-Angela affair. Angela is visibly humiliated and upset (while Dwight is actually amused), and asks Andy (who was out of the room at the announcement) to take her home.
However, the truth is eventually revealed in "The Duel
", when Michael decides to take the matter into his own hands, much to the objection of the staff by telling Andy the news. Devastated, Andy confronts Angela who tries to squirm her way out of the confrontation before admitting to the affair. This only sparks a duel between Andy and Dwight which seems to arouse Angela because of two men fighting over her. But that is short-lived when Andy tells Dwight that he slept with her twice in comparison to how many times Dwight has slept with her. Initially, Angela said that she only slept with Dwight. The two men break up with Angela with Andy making preparations to cancel the wedding and Dwight throwing out the bobblehead doll purchased for him as a gift by Angela. This all happens before her eyes, and a dejected expression appears on her face.
In "Stress Relief
", Dwight traps all of the employees in the office, while leading them to believe that it is on fire. Everyone panics and attempts to break out. Angela goes to get her cat, Bandit, who she is revealed to keep in a drawer by her desk. She sees Oscar climbing into the ceiling, and attempts to get him to save her cat by taking it with him, but he is ignoring her. She then attempts to throw Bandit up into the ceiling to Oscar, but this results in the cat going up into one part of the ceiling, and coming down hard out of another part. She later takes part in the roast and during an interview expresses amusement over it, before she realizes she is sounding human and puts her stern facial expression back in place.
In "Blood Drive
", Angela reveals that she once had two men duel over her, and everyone thinks she means Andy and Dwight, but she corrects them: two men named John (John Mark and John David) once fought for her affections in Ohio (which both Dwight and Andy are bewildered by). She also goes out of her way to tell Oscar she doesn't approve of his homosexuality, even though she also seems generally sympathetic to his tale of romantic failure.
In "New Boss", she, along with Kelly, develops a crush on Charles Miner
, the new Vice President. It leads to the women battling for his affections, with Angela insulting Kelly in an interview by saying Charles is an attractive and cultured man and "He does not need to go Dumpster-diving for companionship!".
In "Company Picnic
", Dwight's friend, Rolf, constantly insults Angela on her relationship with Dwight, telling her that he does not hear "Cheaters, Tramps, or Women who break his friends heart," after she wants to play in the volleyball game. However, by the end, Dwight defends Angela, indicating that their relationship may be thawing as the season ends.
In "Niagara
", Angela implies she has no living grandmothers when hearing Pam talk about hers. At the wedding, she refuses to dance down the aisle like everyone else, and simply just walks down.
In "Murder
", Angela takes part in Michael's murder mystery game but is uncomfortable at being assigned the role of a voodoo priestess.
In "The Delivery
", Angela and Dwight make a contract to have a baby, a prospect which brings visible joy to Angela. She makes several attempts to strike up conversations with Dwight while negotiating the contract, indicating that Angela sees the contract as her opportunity to reconcile with Dwight, but she either doesn't notice or ignores Dwight's clear unease after he signs the contract. However, in "Happy Hour
", Dwight makes clear both his interest in Pam's friend Isabel Poreba and his decision to nix his deal with Angela. Angela is angry and appears with a court summons ordering Dwight to honor the contract, but he is unmoved and ends up making out with Isabel, while Angela yells she will see him in small claims court.
In "Secretary's Day
", Angela is upset when Erin learns that Andy was engaged to her, not because she's jealous of Andy and Erin's relationship, but due to her disgust over everyone knowing she had sexual relations with Andy (which at least does confirm Andy's statement in "The Duel" that she and he slept together a few times); Erin doesn't want to hear it or talk to Angela any further. However, it appears as if Angela's relationship with Andy has at least become friendly at this point, as he specifically thanks her for her help with Erin's party, to which she responds with a broad smile.
In The Chump, Dwight and Angela call upon a mediator
to settle their contract. The mediator determines that the otherwise 'solid' contract is ultimately unenforceable, since you can't force two people to have sex and make a baby. Instead, Angela could sue Dwight for damages up to thirty thousand dollars for breach of contract. Knowing that Dwight would never want to pay her damages, she offers him a 'settlement'; five separate sessions of intercourse instead. He accepts, gloating that "thirty thousand for sex isn't bad at all". Later, Dwight is seen carrying out various methods to try to sterilize himself before the first 'session'. The episode ends with the two returning to the secret location in the warehouse to have sex. The pair don't notice, however, that Jim and Pam are nearby attempting to take a nap and they can hear everything that is happening.
, she has Dwight take her to the Sweeney Todd community production that Andy is a part of. During the play, she attempts to seduce Dwight by changing into tight clothing (she intentionally sticks gum on her dress so as to have an excuse to change). Dwight slowly appears to be falling for her again, and near the end of the episode, attempts to seduce her in return. Before they go too far, she cuts off the sex and drives away in her car (while she's driving, we see a visibly pleased expression on her face).
In Viewing Party
, she and Dwight agree to have sex during the night as part of their contract. However, Pam and Jim prevent him from going to Angela due to the fact that their baby seems to be attracted to Dwight, so she's left waiting in the back seat of her car, visibly topless when Pam comes out to see her.
In WUPHF.com
, Dwight's hay festival distracts him from fulfilling a request for sex from Angela (per their contract). Angela's at her most irritated when she meets a charming, friendly single father (Jack Coleman) named Robert Lipton who she actually finds herself smiling at and enjoying the company. When Angela learns the man is a widower, she makes it clear he's welcome to call her. When Dwight is done with the festival, he arrives at his and Angela's warehouse rendezvous point only to see that Angela has stamped their procreation contract VOID.
In Classy Christmas
, it's revealed that Robert is actually a state senator (although Angela only refers to him as the 'Senator', making it seem that he is a U.S. Senator like Bob Casey
or Pat Toomey
). She brings him to the office Christmas party, where she announces that they're officially dating. However, Oscar picks up hints about his attraction to other men (such as glancing at Ryan's backside). Throughout the next few episodes, Angela continues her gloating about Robert's job (at one point trying to impress Deangelo Vickers
with the information). The rest of the office staff make fun of this, particularly Michael during his last Dundies ceremony.
There are further hints of her boyfriend's homosexuality (or bisexuality). In "Goodbye, Michael
", she shows off pictures of her and Robert together with his male 'aide'. The pictures seem to heavily imply that he's gay (with the aide supposedly being his secret lover) but Angela remains oblivious.
In Search Committee
, she receives a call from his secretary and is told to meet him at a particular restaurant for lunch. She comes back, having rode in his limo, and shows the staff a ring on her finger. She tells him how he took her to a replica of a bridge, got down on one knee, and proposed. Immediately after this, she criticizes Jim's informal proposal to Pam and their "ironic wedding". Oscar, who strongly believes that Robert is gay, shares his feelings with Pam and the rest of the office; Ryan Howard states that Robert is definitely gay because he liked a Facebook picture at 3 o'clock in the morning. The office eventually decides not to share their suspicions with Angela out of respect for her feelings, although Angela's constant obnoxious and upbeat attitude about her forthcoming nuptials annoys Pam to the point where she nearly tells Angela the truth about Robert before stopping herself short.
As the eighth season opens up, Angela is now happily married to Robert and is pregnant with his child.
, Angela insists that she is not the source of the accounting discrepancy. When the error is revealed to be hers in "The Best Day of My Life", she initially denies that she made the error, but when Oscar points out that this implies that she allowed an unknown person to access her books, she is forced to admit, "Very well. Case closed". In A Benihana Christmas
, Angela says that she has not spoken to her sister in 16 years over some disagreement she does not even remember. In The Return
, Angela is forced to admit that she failed to submit important documents, but she blames Kevin for failing to remind her. In Product Recall
, Angela is pressured to apologize to Oscar and Kevin for insulting them. She says, "I'm sorry that you're both morons". In that same episode, she finds herself unable to apologize to customers on behalf of Dunder Mifflin for the recall. They joke on her about dating the State Senator and tell her that he's not a Senator.
infused her character with some of her own personal preferences, including bobble-head dolls, cats, party-planning and Baby Ruth candy bars. She initially auditioned for the part of Pam Beesly. Kinsey was pregnant during the filming of season 4, noticeably so from the episodes Dinner Party through Goodbye, Toby. The producers decided not to incorporate her pregnancy into the story line and shot around it.
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...
television series The Office
The Office (US TV series)
The Office is an American comedy television series broadcast by NBC. An adaptation of the original BBC series of the same name, it depicts the everyday lives of office employees in the Scranton, Pennsylvania, branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company...
played by American actress Angela Kinsey
Angela Kinsey
Angela Kinsey is an American actress. She currently appears as the uptight accountant Angela Martin on the hit NBC television series The Office.-Personal life:...
. She is an original character, and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office
The Office (UK TV series)
The Office is a British sitcom television series that was first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 9 July 2001. Created, written, and directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, the programme is about the day-to-day lives of office employees in the Slough branch of the fictitious...
Angela Martin is the head of the accounting department at the Scranton branch of the fictitious paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin (now under the label 'Dunder Mifflin Sabre'), extension 128. Cold, condescending, judgmental and uptight, Angela frowns upon all frivolous activity in the office, and openly expressed her disapproval of office receptionist Pam BeeslyPam Beesly
Pamela Morgan "Pam" Halpert is a fictional character on the U.S. television sitcom The Office, played by Jenna Fischer. Her counterpart in the original UK series of The Office is Dawn Tinsley....
’s flirtation with coworker Jim Halpert
Jim Halpert
James Duncan "Jim" Halpert is a fictional character in the United States version of the television sitcom The Office, played by John Krasinski. The character is based on Tim Canterbury from the original version of The Office...
. She also frowns upon any sort of superfluousness or inappropriateness in general. Like Dwight, Angela has little sense of humour and almost never smiles or expresses happiness. However, she has on several occasions participated in the office's more frivolous activities.
In addition to heading the accounting department, Angela is also (former) head of the Party Planning Committee. She is a constant source of complaints to Human Resources, although she "redacts" those lodged against Dwight SchruteDwight Schrute
Dwight Kurt Schrute III is a character on NBC's The Office portrayed by Rainn Wilson. He originally exactly resembled Gareth Keenan from the original UK version of The Office. Dwight is the top salesman and former acting manager for the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company and has won numerous awards for...
at the onset of their secret romance. Angela lives with several cats, adores posters of infants posed as adults, and is a vegetarian
Vegetarianism encompasses the practice of following plant-based diets , with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs, and with the exclusion of meat...
and a singer. When she makes a mistake, Angela's first response is usually to shift the blame to someone else, along with an insult. Angela's extreme religious homophobia
Homophobia is a term used to refer to a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards lesbian, gay and in some cases bisexual, transgender people and behavior, although these are usually covered under other terms such as biphobia and transphobia. Definitions refer to irrational fear, with the...
makes her dislike Will & Grace
Will & Grace
Will & Grace was an American television sitcom that was originally broadcast on NBC from September 21, 1998 to May 18, 2006 for a total of eight seasons. Will & Grace remains the most successful television series with gay principal characters...
(although she says it's because it's "terribly loud"), except for the scenes with Harry Connick, Jr.
Harry Connick, Jr.
Joseph Harry Fowler Connick, Jr. is an American singer, big-band leader/conductor, pianist, actor, and composer. He has sold over 25 million albums worldwide. Connick is ranked among the top 60 best-selling male artists in the United States by the Recording Industry Association of America, with...
("He's so talented"). She is a former child beauty pageant contestant, and says that she enjoys being judged. She tends to list colors that she finds "whorish", including orange and green, that always seem to correspond to the color of clothes being worn by either Phyllis or Meredith. Angela bottles up her emotions to the point that, on occasion, she has private, emotional outbursts over relatively trivial matters. She also seems to be something of a conservative (albeit hypocritical) Christian. She states that the two books she would bring with her to read if stranded on a deserted island are the Bible
The Bible refers to any one of the collections of the primary religious texts of Judaism and Christianity. There is no common version of the Bible, as the individual books , their contents and their order vary among denominations...
and The Purpose Driven Life
The Purpose Driven Life
The Purpose Driven Life is a devotional book written by Christian author Rick Warren and published by Zondervan. The book has been on the New York Times Best Seller list for advice books for one of the longest periods in history, while also topping the Wall Street Journal best seller charts as...
. Further, she would bring The Da Vinci Code
The Da Vinci Code
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective novel written by Dan Brown. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu as they investigate a murder in Paris's Louvre Museum and discover a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus having been married to...
, but only so she could burn it. She despises the mystery novel genre because, in her words, "I hate being titillated." However, in a deleted scene from "Dream Team
Dream Team (The Office)
"Dream Team" is the twenty-second episode of the fifth season of the television series The Office, and the 94th overall episode of the series. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on April 9, 2009. In the episode, Pam and Michael try to keep each other motivated as the two form their new...
", she says her new boss Charles Miner is mysterious and wants to flip to "his last page". In a deleted scene from Season 3, Angela glowingly compares Dwight to Fox News commentator Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity is an American radio and television host, author, and conservative political commentator. He is the host of The Sean Hannity Show, a nationally syndicated talk radio show that airs throughout the United States on Premiere Radio Networks. Hannity also hosts a cable news show, Hannity,...
. She says in Prince Family Paper
Prince Family Paper
"Prince Family Paper" is the thirteenth episode of the fifth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 85th overall episode. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on January 22, 2009...
that her ideal of male beauty is Boris Becker
Boris Becker
Boris Franz Becker is a former World No. 1 professional tennis player from Germany. He is a six-time Grand Slam singles champion, an Olympic gold medalist, and the youngest-ever winner of the men's singles title at Wimbledon at the age of 17...
She was mainly seen as a minor character in the first two seasons but since starting her relationship with Dwight her character has been explored numerous times and has been so further since their break-up in Fun Run
Fun Run
"Fun Run" is the fourth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's fifty-fourth episode overall...
. Angela, throughout season 3 and carrying on into season 4, has essentially become the second lead female of the show, after Pam Beesly
Pam Beesly
Pamela Morgan "Pam" Halpert is a fictional character on the U.S. television sitcom The Office, played by Jenna Fischer. Her counterpart in the original UK series of The Office is Dawn Tinsley....
Angela has a sister to whom she was very close but has not spoken in sixteen years over a disagreement she does not even remember, a situation that she regards with a great deal of pride. She appears unable to apologize, as further detailed in "Product Recall
Product Recall (The Office)
"Product Recall" is the twenty-first episode aired of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired on April 26, 2007 on NBC.It was written by Justin Spitzer and Brent Forrester and directed by Randall Einhorn....
" when she cannot bring herself to say sorry on behalf of the company (saying instead "our official position is apologetic"), and in "The Return
The Return (The Office)
"The Return" is the fourteenth episode of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired on January 18, 2007 on NBC and marked the return to work of Oscar Martinez, who had been on vacation since the first episode of the season....
" when she uses a wordy, third-person monologue as a way of apologizing to Oscar for being homophobic. She did, however, say she was sorry to Kevin for being "mean" twice in "The Accountants
The Accountants
The Office: The Accountants is an American comedy web series, spin-off from the television show The Office. The series depicts office accountants in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company trying to find $3000 missing from the office budget...
It was revealed in "The Return
The Return (The Office)
"The Return" is the fourteenth episode of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired on January 18, 2007 on NBC and marked the return to work of Oscar Martinez, who had been on vacation since the first episode of the season....
" and confirmed in "Happy Hour
Happy Hour (The Office)
"Happy Hour" is the 21st episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 121st episode overall. It originally aired March 25, 2010 on NBC....
" that her middle name is Noelle.
It is implied in "Money
Money (The Office)
"Money" is the seventh episode of the fourth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's sixtieth episode overall. It first aired on October 18, 2007, on NBC, and was the last of four consecutive hour long episodes that opened the fourth season...
" that she suffers from sleep apnea
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea, can last from a few seconds to minutes, and may occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Similarly, each abnormally low...
Angela drives a light brown first generation Ford Focus sedan, as seen in "The Dundies
The Dundies
"The Dundies" is the second season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office—the show's seventh episode overall. Written by Mindy Kaling and directed by Greg Daniels, who is also a producer for the show, the episode originally aired in the United States on September 20, 2005 on...
" and "The Client
The Client
The Client is a legal thriller written by American author John Grisham, set mostly in Memphis, Tennessee and New Orleans, Louisiana...
". In the season six episode "Niagara
Niagara (The Office)
"Niagara" is an hour-long episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office. It is the 4th and 5th episodes in the season's episode count and the 104th and 105th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by executive producer Greg Daniels and Mindy Kaling, and was...
", she is seen to drive a second generation Saturn S-Series
Saturn S-series
The S-Series was part of a family of compact cars from the Saturn automobile company. This was the first series of Saturn vehicles. The automobile platform, the Z-body, was developed entirely in-house at Saturn and shared very little with the rest of the General Motors model line...
(which Oscar's roommate Gill used to drive).
Angela claims to weigh eighty-two pounds and wears a child's size ten ("Women's Appreciation
Women's Appreciation
"Women's Appreciation" is the twenty-second episode of the third season of the US version of The Office, and the third supersized episode of the season...
"). In addition, because she finds the clothes at Gap Kids to sometimes be too "flashy", she occasionally shops at the American Girl
American Girl (company)
American Girl is an American line of 18-inch dolls released in 1986 by Pleasant Company. The dolls portray ten-year-old girls of a variety of ethnicities living in various times throughout American history. They are sold with accompanying books told from the viewpoint of the girls...
store, buying items meant for "large colonial dolls". "Michael has twice made fun of her stature, nicknaming her "Booster Seat" in reference to small children having to sit on one in restaurants. He later "roasted" her during "Stress Relief" by saying he couldn't see her when she was hiding behind a grain of rice.Her 5"1" height is sharply contrasted to 6"1" Dwight.
Angela ruled (in seasons 1-4) the Party Planning Committee (PPC) with an iron fist. Usually when a committee member suggests an idea, Angela immediately shoots it down with a mean comment or sharp rebuke. The PPC normally consists of Angela, Pam, Phyllis, and Meredith, although Meredith was naturally not present when the committee planned her surprise birthday party. Karen
Karen Filippelli
Karen Filippelli is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. She is played by Rashida Jones. She is loosely based on the character of Rachel from the original UK version of the show, in that she transferred during the merger of the two branches, and became romantically...
became a regular member of the PPC when she was transferred to Scranton, but was expelled by Angela for her "unsuitable" ideas during "A Benihana Christmas
A Benihana Christmas
"A Benihana Christmas" is the tenth and eleventh episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the thirty-eighth episode overall. It was written by Jennifer Celotta and directed by Harold Ramis...
". Ryan
Ryan Howard (The Office)
Ryan Bailey Howard , played by B. J. Novak, is a fictional character on the US television sitcom The Office. He is based upon Ricky Howard from the original version of The Office , but his role is significantly expanded and he is a main character.-Character profile:Little is known about Ryan's...
joined the committee to help plan the Christmas Party, and Oscar
Oscar Martinez
Oscar Jual Paul Martinez is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Oscar Nunez.-Overview:Oscar Martinez is an accountant at the paper distributor Dunder Mifflin. He is a first generation Mexican-American. Oscar is also openly homosexual after being...
joined it to help plan his own "Welcome Back" party ("The Return"). Angela was particularly hard on Phyllis during "Launch Party
Launch Party
"Launch Party" is the fifth episode of the fourth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's fifty-eighth episode overall. The episode was written by Jennifer Celotta and directed by Ken Whittingham...
" and was left with a huge burden when Phyllis got fed up and quit the PPC.
It is implied in the webisode series, Blackmail, that she has or had a clandestine sexual relationship with her church pastor when Creed hands out envelopes containing incriminating information on several of his peers and Meredith
Meredith Palmer
Meredith Elizabeth Palmer is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. She is played by Kate Flannery. She is an original character and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office....
opens her envelope and asks "Who's Pastor Davis?" prompting Creed to switch the envelopes between Angela and Meredith. After reading the note, Angela appears to be heavily embarrassed.
In The Chump, Angela reveals that her four cats are named "Ember, Milky Way, Diane, and Lumpy".
In the season eight premiere Angela is married to Robert and pregnant. She is pregnant with her first child but she has a step son with Robert. Angela wanted to name her son "Philip" after her cat, but Pam (who is pregnant with her 2nd child) wanted the name "Philip" after her grandfather. Pam eventually gets the name.
Dwight is the only person that Angela likes in the office. It is shown that in "E-mail Surveillance" that Dwight and Angela have started a romantic relationship. Although she has said she loves Dwight and cares about him, she will not under any circumstances tell anyone about their relationship. In "Traveling Salesman" Angela forgets to send an accounting folder to Corporate, so she asks Dwight to drive to New York and give the folder to them. After Dwight is told he would be fired if he didn't tell Michael why he went to New York, Angela continues to be stubborn and makes Dwight get fired, rather than telling the office about their relationship. Angela later tells Michael about what happened, but still doesn't reveal their relationship. In "Fun Run" Angela asks Dwight to feed her cat Sprinkles, who is feeling sick, but instead of feeding the cat, Dwight kills it by putting the cat in the freezer, which causes Angela to break up with him. After Angela begins a relationship with Andy in Season 4, she stops dating Dwight and commits to Andy, but at the end of "Goodbye Toby" Phyllis sees them having sex and Angela begins cheating on Andy with Dwight. In "Moroccan Christmas" it is revealed to all the workers that Angela is cheating on Andy, thus ending Andy and Angela's relationship. In "The Delivery" Dwight, who wants to improve his sales by having a child, asks Angela to have his baby, to which she says yes. The two write up a contract and plan to have a baby together, but at the end of the episode, Dwight seems less interested in having the baby. In "Happy Hour", Dwight hooks up with Pam's friend Isabel, and tells Angela he doesn't want her to have his baby. In The Chump the two call in a lawyer to discuss how the contract can be called off. Dwight and Angela later agree to have sex 5 times, of which Dwight attempts to sabotage their sex life. Although Dwight later becomes attracted to Angela again, it becomes shortlived when she voids the contract after meeting Senator Robert Lipton.Pam
Angela generally disapproves of Pam because of "all the people" she has dated in the office when in reality, Angela has dated as many co-workers as Pam has. She even calls her the "Office Mattress" in "Dunder Mifflin Infinity". Pam originally didn't invite Angela to her wedding with Roy because she didn't want anyone who'd called her a "hussy" to be at her wedding, and later is furious because she thinks Angela filed a complaint with Toby over her at-work wedding planning (it turned out that it was Jim who did so, and he retracted the complaint once he'd cooled down, but Michael's idiotic exposure of all Toby's HR records in "Conflict Resolution" revealed the entire story). Pam is the first to find out about Dwight and Angela's relationship in "E-mail Surveillance," and throughout the episode, she tries to find proof that she is right. In "The Injury", when Dwight gets a concussion, Pam notices Angela is upset and comforts her by hinting that Dwight is okay. Their relationship does warm up a little in "Traveling Salesman" where they share some nice conversation while getting coffee; in a deleted scene, Angela offers Pam her dominant male cat Ash, but after Pam apologetically declines, Angela's chilly behavior returns. In "Niagara", Angela's complaints lead Pam to bluntly say Angela does not have to come to the wedding; while Angela does arrive with everyone else, her main success there is a facetious offer to join Pam downstairs on the pre-wedding night, leading Pam to give up on going out and return to her room. In "Costume Contest", Angela uses a dismissive "blech" term regarding Pam, but gives her credit for choosing a terrific contest prize: a vastly overrated Scranton coupon book. The generally unfriendly Angela-Pam interactions are ironic because Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer are best friends in real life.Andy
Angela was in a relationship with Andy throughout Season 4 and carrying on into Season 5. Initially, she dates him on the rebound after a miserable break-up with her previous boyfriend of two years (Dwight); she believes thinking that this would be the perfect revenge act since Dwight purposely killed her cat. Scenes imply however that she was beginning to genuinely like him more and more, such as in Did I Stutter when Dwight watches the two of them in the break room playing Mad Libs together and laughing). Despite being surprised and shocked by Andy's sudden proposal in "Goodbye Toby" she accepts (knowing that this would further Dwight's depression), and the two are officially engaged until it comes to a miserable dissolution at the conclusion of "The Duel". Throughout her engagement with Andy, she was cheating on him with Dwight whenever she became angered/annoyed with him. It is shown that Angela and Andy have only gone as far as kissing in "Business Trip" and that Angela is having sex with Dwight and not Andy. In "The Duel" however, after learning of her ongoing affair with Dwight and fighting him briefly, Andy reveals to Dwight that she had sex with him twice (presumably sometime between the events of those episodes). Andy, betrayed and infuriated, calls the wedding off and ends his relationship with Angela.She's later shown to be in a state of depression, and at times openly regrets dating both men (though she clearly still is in love with Dwight). On Secretary's Day in Season 6 , Andy's new girlfriend Erin finds out about the two's relationship, and publicly demeans Angela in the conference room. Angela has a brief conversation with Erin shortly afterward, where she bluntly expresses her humiliation and reminds Erin that she wants to forget the memories of dating him.
Up until Season 5, Angela is the head of the Party Planning Committee along with Phyllis as her assistant. Angela is patronizing and bossy towards Phyllis, who admits that Angela is hard to deal with and that the two have a severe disliking towards one another. In "Goodbye Toby", Phyllis catches Angela and Dwight having sex in the back of the office (thus cheating on her fiance at the time) and uses this to blackmail Angela and make her do what she wants. In "New LeadsNew Leads
"New Leads" is the 20th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 120th episode overall. It was written and directed by Brent Forrester....
", Michael gives Angela Phyllis's leads, and Angela, in retaliation for all the aggravating tasks she had to endure while under her control, makes her do some accounting work only to shred it later. Phyllis states in "Conflict Resolution" that (even though they constantly butt heads), they are close.
Robert Lipton
Angela meets Robert Lipton at Dwight's hay festival, who's with his son. They get along well, and at the end of the day, he asks for her number. It's later revealed that they've started dating and also that Robert is a state senator. There are strong hints throughout the rest of the season that he's gay, which almost everyone eventually notices. Angela remains oblivious however. In the season finale, he proposes to her and they're officially engaged (marking her second engagement on the show). It was confirmed by Angela Kinsey at the NBC Press Tour that she and Robert will have gotten married over the summer. In the season 8 premiere, it is revealed that Angela and Robert are married and she is pregnant.Other relationships
Angela tends to be somewhat abrasive towards other office workers, often outright insulting them. In the season 3 premiere, she expresses an open homophobia and dislike for Oscar, who is outed as a homosexual. However, it appears that by The Return she has decided to overlook her problems with this, helping to plan a party for Oscar's return from vacation. She has a clear disgust and annoyance with her former boss Michael ScottMichael Scott (The Office)
Michael Gary Scott is a fictional character on NBC's The Office, portrayed by Steve Carell, and based on David Brent from the original British version. Michael, the central character of the series, was the manager of the Scranton branch of paper and printer distribution company Dunder Mifflin Inc...
, often barely able to fathom his ridiculous and time-wasting antics. In a scene during the extended version of Michael's last episode, she refuses to say of any qualities Michael had besides the fact that he worked in the same office as her for nineteen years. She strongly disapproves of Office romances (even despite the fact that she's been heavily involved in more than one of them), playing a game called "Pam-Pong" in which she counts the number of times Jim leaves his desk to talk to Pam and referred to her as the "office mattress". Throughout the first three seasons, she's shown to have a one-sided crush on Pam's fiancee Roy Anderson, though this eventually fizzles out (ironically enough however, Roy occasionally showed interest in Angela as well, specifically when asked at one time who in the office he would have sex with besides Pam). During the fifth season, she developed another one-side crush, this time on Corporate higher-up Charles Miner
Charles Miner
For the character on the US TV series The Office, see Charles Miner.Charles Miner was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania....
. She frequently tried and failed to engage in a relationship with him, often times butting heads with Kelly for his affection. It's subtly implied in an online webisode series, Blackmail, that she has or had a clandestine sexual relationship with her church pastor when Creed hands out envelopes containing incriminating information on several of his peers and Meredith opens her envelope and asks "Who's Pastor Davis?" prompting Creed to switch the envelopes between Angela and Meredith. After reading the note, Angela appears to be heavily embarrassed.
Seasons 1–2
Angela is established as a strict and stubborn office worker, and she is something of a perfectionistPerfectionism (psychology)
Perfectionism, in psychology, is a belief that a state of completeness and flawlessness can and should be attained. In its pathological form, perfectionism is a belief that work or output that is anything less than perfect is unacceptable...
. She appears to be a prime example of an authoritarian personality
Authoritarian personality
-Historical Origins:Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswick, Levinson and Sanford compiled a large body of research and theory , which attempted to characterize a personality type that described the “potentially fascistic individual”...
. She is also in charge of the Party Planning Committee and is often at odds with Phyllis Lapin
Phyllis Lapin
Phyllis Margaret Vance is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. She is played by Phyllis Smith.-Biography:...
. When it is noted that red streamers are bad during Meredith Palmer
Meredith Palmer
Meredith Elizabeth Palmer is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. She is played by Kate Flannery. She is an original character and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office....
's party, she blames it on Phyllis, though it seems to be her fault. There are many deleted scenes in which Angela is interviewed, as well as other members of accounting, suggesting that the series was originally intended to take a two-perspective look at the office: one from accounting's point of view, and one from sales.
Angela refuses to accept the "Tight Ass" award at the 8th Annual Dundie Awards. When she sees Kelly
Kelly Kapoor
Kelly Rajnigandha Kapoor , is a fictional character from the US television series, The Office. She is played by Mindy Kaling, who is also a writer and producer for the show....
give Dwight
Dwight Schrute
Dwight Kurt Schrute III is a character on NBC's The Office portrayed by Rainn Wilson. He originally exactly resembled Gareth Keenan from the original UK version of The Office. Dwight is the top salesman and former acting manager for the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company and has won numerous awards for...
(her secret love interest) a small kiss in the episode "Christmas Party", she gets angry and throws Christmas ornaments outside the building. Though she is a constant source of complaints to Human Resources
Human resources
Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations...
(she and Oscar Martinez
Oscar Martinez
Oscar Jual Paul Martinez is a fictional character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Oscar Nunez.-Overview:Oscar Martinez is an accountant at the paper distributor Dunder Mifflin. He is a first generation Mexican-American. Oscar is also openly homosexual after being...
fight over her poster of babies playing instruments, which she got from Toby Flenderson
Toby Flenderson
Toby Wyatt Flenderson, M.S.W. born 1971 is a character from the US television series The Office. He is played by Paul Lieberstein. He is an original character and has no equivalent in the British version of the show, The Office.-Overview:...
for Christmas
Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday generally celebrated on December 25 by billions of people around the world. It is a Christian feast that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, liturgically closing the Advent season and initiating the season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days...
), she redacts those lodged against Dwight at the onset of their secret romance. It is hinted during "Drug Testing" that she does not take birth control, in accordance to her Christian beliefs. This revelation is to the relief of Dwight implying that they are having sex. She has a bobblehead doll
Bobblehead doll
A bobblehead doll, also known as a bobbing head doll, nodder, or wobbler, is a type of collectible toy. Its head is often oversized compared to its body...
made in Dwight's likeness as a Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day, is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. The day is named after one or more early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine, and was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496...
gift, and receives a key to his house in return. Angela hints that she has a crush on Pam's
Pam Beesly
Pamela Morgan "Pam" Halpert is a fictional character on the U.S. television sitcom The Office, played by Jenna Fischer. Her counterpart in the original UK series of The Office is Dawn Tinsley....
An engagement or betrothal is a promise to marry, and also the period of time between proposal and marriage which may be lengthy or trivial. During this period, a couple is said to be betrothed, affianced, engaged to be married, or simply engaged...
Roy (Webisodes: The Accountants, "Someone in the Warehouse") and admits that she would choose Roy over Jim
Jim Halpert
James Duncan "Jim" Halpert is a fictional character in the United States version of the television sitcom The Office, played by John Krasinski. The character is based on Tim Canterbury from the original version of The Office...
if pressed on the matter ("The Secret
The Secret (The Office episode)
"The Secret" is the 13th episode of the second season of The Office . It was written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky and directed by Dennie Gordon. It first aired on January 19, 2006 on NBC....
Seasons 3–4
Angela is disgusted at the revelation that Oscar is gay ("Gay Witch HuntGay Witch Hunt
"Gay Witch Hunt" is the third season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's twenty-ninth episode overall. Written by executive producer and show runner Greg Daniels and directed by Ken Kwapis, the episode first aired in the United States on September 21, 2006...
"), and does not bother to hide it.
Her attitude toward him becomes much more sympathetic after he returns to work following an extended absence ("The Return"), and the two appear to have reconciled. She believes Oscar has the capability to cross over to dating women if he so chooses. Evidently, Angela continues to nurture a crush on Roy, complimenting him on his physique and greeting him, in the third season episode "Branch Closing
Branch Closing
"Branch Closing" is the seventh episode of the third season of The Office . It was first aired on November 9, 2006 on NBC. It was written by Michael Schur and directed by Tucker Gates. It is the first episode to have a "Producer's Cut" on NBC.com, with deleted scenes edited into the full episode...
". In the same episode, she spontaneously hugs Kevin upon discovering their branch will not be closed, the second moment to date, along with Kevin's cancer scare in the season two episode "Michael's Birthday
Michael's Birthday
"Michael's Birthday" is the nineteenth episode of the second season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's twenty-fifth episode overall. Written by Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg, and directed by Ken Whittingham, the episode first aired in the United States on March...
", in which she has shown anything but contempt for him.
In "The Convention", she secretly follows Dwight to the office supply convention in Philadelphia under the name "Jane Doe" and gets a room which Jim accidentally enters, though it does not appear he saw that it was her (exclaiming "Dwight got a hooker!"). Angela would seem to call Dwight "D" outside the office, as she (mistakenly) does when Jim enters Dwight's hotel room. She also persuades Dwight to supplant Michael as Regional Manager (à la Lady Macbeth), but it does not succeed. She has a good first impression of Andy Bernard
Andy Bernard
Andrew "Andy" Baines Bernard is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. The character is highly insecure, yet egotistical, constantly mentioning his education at Cornell University...
when he shows up on his first day with a cat screensaver. When Angela rudely shoots down an idea proposed by Karen Filippelli
Karen Filippelli
Karen Filippelli is a fictional character from the U.S. television series The Office. She is played by Rashida Jones. She is loosely based on the character of Rachel from the original UK version of the show, in that she transferred during the merger of the two branches, and became romantically...
, the PPC defiantly splits into two groups and two parties. Angela holds the less popular one, to which only Kevin, Phyllis, and Hannah come, while [Pam] and Karen lead the more popular one. Eventually the two parties merge back into one and Angela returns a "missing" power cord for the karaoke machine. In "Traveling Salesmen
Traveling Salesmen (The Office)
"Traveling Salesmen" is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired January 11, 2007. It was written by Michael Schur, Lee Eisenberg, and Gene Stupnitsky and directed by Greg Daniels. This is the first episode to use an abbreviated title sequence, presumably...
", it is suggested that Angela's middle name is Noelle when she becomes giddy over her blossoming relationship with Dwight (Kurt) Schrute and attempts to bond with Pam, a venture that is cut short when the latter declines Angela's offer of the "dominant male" in a recent litter of cats had by her favorite pet, Sprinkles.
In "The Return
The Return (The Office)
"The Return" is the fourteenth episode of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired on January 18, 2007 on NBC and marked the return to work of Oscar Martinez, who had been on vacation since the first episode of the season....
", she is briefly moved to tears while inviting Oscar to join the PPC as an apology for her apparent disapproval of his homosexuality and is visibly saddened by the insensitivity of Michael's proposal to celebrate Oscar's "Mexicality" by featuring Mexican lemonade (Lemoñadé, with diacriticals added by Ryan, presumably upon Michael's request)and bite-sized frozen-dinner Chimichangas, though in both instances she may be displacing her grief over Dwight's temporary resignation from the company.
In deleted scenes from Phyllis's Wedding, Phyllis seats Angela next to Dennis, a religious vet who shares her passion for cats. The two get along well, but when Dennis asks Angela for her telephone number, Angela tells him she's already having intimate relations with someone (Dwight). Dennis, visibly both upset and disgusted, apologizes to her before leaving, saying "Phyllis neglected to mention your promiscuity."
It is illustrated that Angela has a love of learning, as seen in "Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin (The Office)
"Ben Franklin" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's forty-third episode overall. Written by Mindy Kaling, who also acts in the show as Kelly Kapoor, and directed by Randall Einhorn, the episode first aired in the United...
" where she is the only female intently listening to the Ben Franklin impersonator, "Diwali
Diwali (The Office)
"Diwali" is the sixth episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office—the show's 34th overall. Written by Mindy Kaling, who also acts in the show as Kelly Kapoor, and directed by Miguel Arteta, the episode first aired on November 2, 2006 on NBC, twelve days after the...
" where she takes a cautious interest in learning more about Hindu religion and culture (although she also makes ignorant comments about the religion and Indian food, specifically whining that the naan
Naan is a leavened, oven-baked flatbread. It is typical of and popular in South and Central Asia, in Iran, and in South Asian restaurants abroad. Influenced by the large influx of South Asian labour, naan has also become popular in Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states.Originally, naan is a...
at the Diwali party is dry), and "The Job
The Job (The Office)
"The Job" is the third season finale of the U.S. version of The Office, and the show's 52nd and 53rd episode overall. It aired in the United States on April 19, 2007 on NBC. It is the season's second hour-long episode...
" in which she enthusiastically participates in Dwight's lecture on soil.
Her refusal to allow Dwight to publicize their relationship prevented him from exonerating himself against suspicion of disloyalty and forced his resignation. Dwight returns to Dunder Mifflin after she clears his name while preserving the secrecy of their relationship (she tells Michael that Dwight bailed her out, but does not correct Michael's clueless assertion that Dwight helped her "as a random co-worker").
The relationship between Angela and Dwight is almost of Macbeth
The Tragedy of Macbeth is a play by William Shakespeare about a regicide and its aftermath. It is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy and is believed to have been written sometime between 1603 and 1607...
proportions as when Dwight was fooled by Michael into believing he was going to be the new regional manager at the branch (which Angela pushed by Dwight going behind Michael's back), Dwight leaves her in charge of the women. In "The Job", when Dwight is temporarily given Michael's job as acting regional manager, Dwight immediately informs her and she seems to rekindle the idea of mastering the puppet strings over Dwight, as well as speculating happily that co-worker Kelly Kapoor will be fired.
In the episode "Fun Run
Fun Run
"Fun Run" is the fourth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's fifty-fourth episode overall...
", Dwight and Angela's relationship hits a snag when Dwight euthanizes Sprinkles, Angela's old and sickly pet cat. Dwight thought Sprinkles had died after he'd expertly administered it with a lethal dose of Benadryl, and so put the cat in the freezer to cover the smell; however, Angela was horrified to find that Sprinkles had only died when frozen. Angela is especially bothered by this because, "cat heaven is a beautiful place, but you don't get there if you're euthanized". In the next episode, "Dunder Mifflin Infinity
Dunder Mifflin Infinity
"Dunder Mifflin Infinity" is the third episode of the fourth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's fifty-sixth episode overall. The episode was written by Michael Schur, who also acts in the show, and directed by Craig Zisk...
", Angela breaks up with Dwight because "every time {she looks} into his eyes, {she sees} Sprinkles's cold, lifeless body". In "Launch Party
Launch Party
"Launch Party" is the fifth episode of the fourth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's fifty-eighth episode overall. The episode was written by Jennifer Celotta and directed by Ken Whittingham...
", Angela prepares a party for the launch of the company website. On the day of the launch, Dwight attempts to woo her back by competing (and winning) against the website to sell more reams of paper than the other, but Angela refuses to consider it. Michael, in a bid for vengeance against a perceived slight by Ryan, orders Angela, with one hour left before the party begins, to implement his over-the-top ideas for decorations and catering. She is unable to do so partly due to not having enough time and partly due to Phyllis taking a stand against her harsher than usual criticism and refusing to help. In the meantime Andy tries to win Angela's affection; although initially unsuccessful (to Dwight's relief), a last-minute performance of "Take a Chance on Me
Take a Chance on Me
"Take a Chance on Me" is a song by the Swedish pop group ABBA. It was released in 1978 as the second single from their fifth studio album, simply called The Album. The song has been featured on a number of ABBA compilations such as ABBA Gold: Greatest Hits.-History:The working title of "Take a...
" produces a partly suppressed smile from her. In the episode "Money", Angela decides to go out with Andy after he gives her a cat as a present (actually a stray that Dwight had tried unsuccessfully to give her as a reconciliation gift), giving him instructions on taking her to dinner that included "no seafood places". In the following episodes, they have apparently been seeing each other, but it is implied that Angela still harbors feelings for Dwight, as Andy reports in "Local Ad
Local Ad
"Local Ad" is the ninth episode of the fourth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's sixty-second episode overall. The episode was written by B. J. Novak, who also acts in the show as Ryan Howard, and directed by Jason Reitman...
" that she cried out "Oh, D!" when he kissed her, and Dwight recognizes this as her nickname for him (though Andy thinks it means "Dee" as in "An-Dee").
In "Job Fair", Angela and Dwight were the only two left in the office after the remaining members of the team took off early as a result of Michael not being in the office. For the rest of the day, the two share an awkward atmosphere which eventually thaws towards the end of the day.
In "Goodbye, Toby
Goodbye, Toby
"Goodbye, Toby" is the fourth season hour-long finale of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's seventy-first episode overall...
", at Toby's outdoor leaving party, Angela reluctantly accepts Andy's proposal of marriage, after he asks her in front of everyone, including his own parents. At the very end of the episode, however, Phyllis is taking some of the party supplies back to the office and walks in on Angela mid-intercourse with Dwight. The episode ended on Angela and Dwight's reaction to Phyllis's walking in.
Seasons 5–6
In "Weight LossWeight Loss (The Office)
"Weight Loss" is the fifth season premiere of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's seventy-third episode overall. Written by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, and directed by Paul Feig, the episode first aired as a single 60 minute show in the United States on...
", Andy continually pesters Angela with ideas for their wedding. Most of his proposals are outlandish and expensive, and Angela continues to treat him and his ideas with contempt. She pages Dwight, and they meet in the Dunder Mifflin warehouse to have sex. This seems to be a habit, but later in the episode Andy tells Angela he doesn't care where they marry so long as they're together. This moves Angela enough not to cheat on him with Dwight who is left waiting alone on this one occasion but it doesn't last, as Andy continues to irritate Angela about his college friends coming to stay with them for three weeks to perform at the wedding. Angela tells Andy they'll talk about it later and rushes to page and subsequently hook up with Dwight downstairs.
Meanwhile, Phyllis has dethroned Angela as head of the Party Planning Committee and does not hesitate to give Angela harsh orders. Angela puts up with Phyllis' sternness because she doesn't want Phyllis to tell Andy she is cheating on him.
In "Crime Aid", Dwight, with advice from Phyllis, gives Angela an ultimatum — him or Andy. Angela looks to Andy, signifying that she chooses him, although Dwight says to Phyllis that "she ignored the ultimatum." Dwight then treats Phyllis coldly but forgives her after he realizes she was just trying to help.
In "Customer Survey", Angela finally agrees to Andy's renting a tent—as long as it's set on a site which matches Schrute Farm Bed & Breakfast. Andy books the farm and Dwight gleefully agrees to plan every detail of the wedding, pointedly offering to be available to Angela day or night. Angela understands the double meaning and shows signs of being very turned on by it.
In "Business Trip", it is revealed she and Andy have never been intimate. When Andy drunk dials her demanding sex, she is disgusted, even though, in the background, viewers can hear Dwight in her bed. She later demotes Andy back to "first base", which for her is a kiss on the forehead.
In "The Surplus", Dwight escorts Angela and Andy to Schrute Farms to plan details of the wedding. In a supposed mock ceremony, Dwight stands in for Andy as a Mennonite
The Mennonites are a group of Christian Anabaptist denominations named after the Frisian Menno Simons , who, through his writings, articulated and thereby formalized the teachings of earlier Swiss founders...
, German-speaking minister completes the vows. Angela begins to admit she has made a mistake and seems to reconcile with Dwight, however he announces they have actually married. She is angered at his deception and storms off. At the office, she passionately kisses Andy in front of the staff and leaves to "take care of a legal matter", implying she will have the marriage annulled.
In "Moroccan Christmas", Phyllis continues her torment of Angela, going as far to force Angela to discard her personal nativity scene
Nativity scene
A nativity scene, manger scene, krippe, crèche, or crib, is a depiction of the birth of Jesus as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke...
and the Christmas tree
Christmas tree
The Christmas tree is a decorated evergreen coniferous tree, real or artificial, and a tradition associated with the celebration of Christmas. The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree at Christmas started in Livonia and Germany in the 16th century...
as they don't fit in with the theme. When she learns that she's eating food served during Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and sex during daylight hours and is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and...
, she immediately spits it out. When Angela finally revolts because she believes Phyllis will never reveal her secret, Phyllis stuns the entire staff by revealing the Dwight-Angela affair. Angela is visibly humiliated and upset (while Dwight is actually amused), and asks Andy (who was out of the room at the announcement) to take her home.
However, the truth is eventually revealed in "The Duel
The Duel (The Office)
"The Duel" is the twelfth episode of the fifth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 84th overall episode. In the episode, Andy learns his fiancee Angela is having an affair with Dwight, and the two challenge each other to a physical fight to win her affections...
", when Michael decides to take the matter into his own hands, much to the objection of the staff by telling Andy the news. Devastated, Andy confronts Angela who tries to squirm her way out of the confrontation before admitting to the affair. This only sparks a duel between Andy and Dwight which seems to arouse Angela because of two men fighting over her. But that is short-lived when Andy tells Dwight that he slept with her twice in comparison to how many times Dwight has slept with her. Initially, Angela said that she only slept with Dwight. The two men break up with Angela with Andy making preparations to cancel the wedding and Dwight throwing out the bobblehead doll purchased for him as a gift by Angela. This all happens before her eyes, and a dejected expression appears on her face.
In "Stress Relief
Stress Relief
"Stress Relief" is a two-part episode of the American comedy television series The Office. They constituted the fourteenth and fifteenth episode of the fifth season, and the 86th and 87th overall episodes of the series...
", Dwight traps all of the employees in the office, while leading them to believe that it is on fire. Everyone panics and attempts to break out. Angela goes to get her cat, Bandit, who she is revealed to keep in a drawer by her desk. She sees Oscar climbing into the ceiling, and attempts to get him to save her cat by taking it with him, but he is ignoring her. She then attempts to throw Bandit up into the ceiling to Oscar, but this results in the cat going up into one part of the ceiling, and coming down hard out of another part. She later takes part in the roast and during an interview expresses amusement over it, before she realizes she is sounding human and puts her stern facial expression back in place.
In "Blood Drive
Blood Drive (The Office)
"Blood Drive" is the eighteenth episode of the fifth season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the 90th overall episode of the series. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on March 5, 2009....
", Angela reveals that she once had two men duel over her, and everyone thinks she means Andy and Dwight, but she corrects them: two men named John (John Mark and John David) once fought for her affections in Ohio (which both Dwight and Andy are bewildered by). She also goes out of her way to tell Oscar she doesn't approve of his homosexuality, even though she also seems generally sympathetic to his tale of romantic failure.
In "New Boss", she, along with Kelly, develops a crush on Charles Miner
Charles Miner (The Office)
Charles Miner was the Vice President of Northeast Sales for Dunder Mifflin, having taken over the position vacated by Ryan and Jan. He is portrayed by Idris Elba.-Character history:Charles is first introduced in "New Boss"...
, the new Vice President. It leads to the women battling for his affections, with Angela insulting Kelly in an interview by saying Charles is an attractive and cultured man and "He does not need to go Dumpster-diving for companionship!".
In "Company Picnic
Company Picnic
"Company Picnic" is the fifth season finale of the American comedy television series The Office, and the 100th overall episode of the series. It originally aired on NBC in the United States on May 14, 2009...
", Dwight's friend, Rolf, constantly insults Angela on her relationship with Dwight, telling her that he does not hear "Cheaters, Tramps, or Women who break his friends heart," after she wants to play in the volleyball game. However, by the end, Dwight defends Angela, indicating that their relationship may be thawing as the season ends.
In "Niagara
Niagara (The Office)
"Niagara" is an hour-long episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office. It is the 4th and 5th episodes in the season's episode count and the 104th and 105th episode of the series overall. The episode was written by executive producer Greg Daniels and Mindy Kaling, and was...
", Angela implies she has no living grandmothers when hearing Pam talk about hers. At the wedding, she refuses to dance down the aisle like everyone else, and simply just walks down.
In "Murder
Murder (The Office)
"Murder" is the 10th episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 110th episode overall. It was written by Daniel Chun and directed by Greg Daniels...
", Angela takes part in Michael's murder mystery game but is uncomfortable at being assigned the role of a voodoo priestess.
In "The Delivery
The Delivery (The Office)
"The Delivery" is a two-part episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office. Since it is an hour-long episode, it is considered to be the 17th and 18th episodes in the season's episode count...
", Angela and Dwight make a contract to have a baby, a prospect which brings visible joy to Angela. She makes several attempts to strike up conversations with Dwight while negotiating the contract, indicating that Angela sees the contract as her opportunity to reconcile with Dwight, but she either doesn't notice or ignores Dwight's clear unease after he signs the contract. However, in "Happy Hour
Happy Hour (The Office)
"Happy Hour" is the 21st episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 121st episode overall. It originally aired March 25, 2010 on NBC....
", Dwight makes clear both his interest in Pam's friend Isabel Poreba and his decision to nix his deal with Angela. Angela is angry and appears with a court summons ordering Dwight to honor the contract, but he is unmoved and ends up making out with Isabel, while Angela yells she will see him in small claims court.
In "Secretary's Day
Secretary's Day (The Office)
"Secretary's Day" is the 22nd episode of the sixth season of the U.S. comedy series The Office and the show's 122nd episode overall. It aired on April 22, 2010 on NBC. It was written by Mindy Kaling, who portrays Kelly Kapoor on the series, and directed by Steve Carell, who portrays Michael Scott...
", Angela is upset when Erin learns that Andy was engaged to her, not because she's jealous of Andy and Erin's relationship, but due to her disgust over everyone knowing she had sexual relations with Andy (which at least does confirm Andy's statement in "The Duel" that she and he slept together a few times); Erin doesn't want to hear it or talk to Angela any further. However, it appears as if Angela's relationship with Andy has at least become friendly at this point, as he specifically thanks her for her help with Erin's party, to which she responds with a broad smile.
In The Chump, Dwight and Angela call upon a mediator
Mediation, as used in law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution , a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties. A third party, the mediator, assists the parties to negotiate their own settlement...
to settle their contract. The mediator determines that the otherwise 'solid' contract is ultimately unenforceable, since you can't force two people to have sex and make a baby. Instead, Angela could sue Dwight for damages up to thirty thousand dollars for breach of contract. Knowing that Dwight would never want to pay her damages, she offers him a 'settlement'; five separate sessions of intercourse instead. He accepts, gloating that "thirty thousand for sex isn't bad at all". Later, Dwight is seen carrying out various methods to try to sterilize himself before the first 'session'. The episode ends with the two returning to the secret location in the warehouse to have sex. The pair don't notice, however, that Jim and Pam are nearby attempting to take a nap and they can hear everything that is happening.
Season 7-8
In Andy's PlayAndy's Play
"Andy's Play" is the third episode of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 129th episode overall. Written by Charlie Grandy and directed by John Stuart Scott, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on October 7, 2010...
, she has Dwight take her to the Sweeney Todd community production that Andy is a part of. During the play, she attempts to seduce Dwight by changing into tight clothing (she intentionally sticks gum on her dress so as to have an excuse to change). Dwight slowly appears to be falling for her again, and near the end of the episode, attempts to seduce her in return. Before they go too far, she cuts off the sex and drives away in her car (while she's driving, we see a visibly pleased expression on her face).
In Viewing Party
Viewing Party
"Viewing Party" is the eighth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 134th episode overall. Written by Jon Vitti and directed by Ken Whittingham, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 11, 2010.-Synopsis:The office employees...
, she and Dwight agree to have sex during the night as part of their contract. However, Pam and Jim prevent him from going to Angela due to the fact that their baby seems to be attracted to Dwight, so she's left waiting in the back seat of her car, visibly topless when Pam comes out to see her.
In WUPHF.com
"WUPHF.com" is the ninth episode of seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 135th episode overall. Written by Aaron Shure and directed by Danny Leiner, the episode aired on NBC in the United States on November 18, 2010...
, Dwight's hay festival distracts him from fulfilling a request for sex from Angela (per their contract). Angela's at her most irritated when she meets a charming, friendly single father (Jack Coleman) named Robert Lipton who she actually finds herself smiling at and enjoying the company. When Angela learns the man is a widower, she makes it clear he's welcome to call her. When Dwight is done with the festival, he arrives at his and Angela's warehouse rendezvous point only to see that Angela has stamped their procreation contract VOID.
In Classy Christmas
Classy Christmas
"Classy Christmas" is the eleventh and twelfth episodes of the seventh season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the show's 137th and 138th episodes overall...
, it's revealed that Robert is actually a state senator (although Angela only refers to him as the 'Senator', making it seem that he is a U.S. Senator like Bob Casey
Bob Casey, Jr.
Robert Patrick "Bob" Casey, Jr. is the senior U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and a member of the Democratic Party. He previously served as Pennsylvania Treasurer, and Pennsylvania Auditor General. He is the son of former Governor Bob Casey, Sr..He is the first Democrat elected to a full term in...
or Pat Toomey
Pat Toomey
Patrick Joseph "Pat" Toomey, Sr. is the junior United States Senator for Pennsylvania and a member of the Republican Party. Previously, Toomey served as a U.S. Representative for three terms, but did not seek a fourth in compliance with a pledge he had made while running for office in 1998...
). She brings him to the office Christmas party, where she announces that they're officially dating. However, Oscar picks up hints about his attraction to other men (such as glancing at Ryan's backside). Throughout the next few episodes, Angela continues her gloating about Robert's job (at one point trying to impress Deangelo Vickers
Deangelo Vickers
Deangelo Jeremitrius Vickers is a fictional character in the television series The Office. Played by actor Will Ferrell, Vickers was Michael Scott's replacement as Branch Manager during the end of Season 7, since Michael was moving to Colorado with his fiancee Holly...
with the information). The rest of the office staff make fun of this, particularly Michael during his last Dundies ceremony.
There are further hints of her boyfriend's homosexuality (or bisexuality). In "Goodbye, Michael
Goodbye, Michael
"Goodbye, Michael" is the twenty-second episode of the seventh season of the American comedy series The Office and the show's 148th episode overall. The episode was written by series developer and executive producer Greg Daniels and was directed by Paul Feig. The episode originally aired on April...
", she shows off pictures of her and Robert together with his male 'aide'. The pictures seem to heavily imply that he's gay (with the aide supposedly being his secret lover) but Angela remains oblivious.
In Search Committee
Search Committee
"Search Committee" is the hour-long finale of the seventh season of the American television comedy series The Office. It is the 151st and 152nd episodes of the series overall and the 25th and 26th episodes of the seventh season. It was written by show runner and executive producer Paul Lieberstein...
, she receives a call from his secretary and is told to meet him at a particular restaurant for lunch. She comes back, having rode in his limo, and shows the staff a ring on her finger. She tells him how he took her to a replica of a bridge, got down on one knee, and proposed. Immediately after this, she criticizes Jim's informal proposal to Pam and their "ironic wedding". Oscar, who strongly believes that Robert is gay, shares his feelings with Pam and the rest of the office; Ryan Howard states that Robert is definitely gay because he liked a Facebook picture at 3 o'clock in the morning. The office eventually decides not to share their suspicions with Angela out of respect for her feelings, although Angela's constant obnoxious and upbeat attitude about her forthcoming nuptials annoys Pam to the point where she nearly tells Angela the truth about Robert before stopping herself short.
As the eighth season opens up, Angela is now happily married to Robert and is pregnant with his child.
Recurring Jokes
Throughout the show, Angela has always seemed reluctant to apologize and or accept blame for anything. In the episode The Alliance, Michael scolds the Party Planning Committee for doing a bad job with the streamers. Angela responds, "Phyllis wanted red. I didn't." In reality, Angela rejected Phyllis's suggestion of green streamers, because "green is whorish". In one of the webisodes for The AccountantsThe Accountants
The Office: The Accountants is an American comedy web series, spin-off from the television show The Office. The series depicts office accountants in the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company trying to find $3000 missing from the office budget...
, Angela insists that she is not the source of the accounting discrepancy. When the error is revealed to be hers in "The Best Day of My Life", she initially denies that she made the error, but when Oscar points out that this implies that she allowed an unknown person to access her books, she is forced to admit, "Very well. Case closed". In A Benihana Christmas
A Benihana Christmas
"A Benihana Christmas" is the tenth and eleventh episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office, and the thirty-eighth episode overall. It was written by Jennifer Celotta and directed by Harold Ramis...
, Angela says that she has not spoken to her sister in 16 years over some disagreement she does not even remember. In The Return
The Return (The Office)
"The Return" is the fourteenth episode of the third season of the US version of The Office. It aired on January 18, 2007 on NBC and marked the return to work of Oscar Martinez, who had been on vacation since the first episode of the season....
, Angela is forced to admit that she failed to submit important documents, but she blames Kevin for failing to remind her. In Product Recall
Product recall
A product recall is a request to return to the maker a batch or an entire production run of a product, usually due to the discovery of safety issues. The recall is an effort to limit liability for corporate negligence and to improve or avoid damage to publicity...
, Angela is pressured to apologize to Oscar and Kevin for insulting them. She says, "I'm sorry that you're both morons". In that same episode, she finds herself unable to apologize to customers on behalf of Dunder Mifflin for the recall. They joke on her about dating the State Senator and tell her that he's not a Senator.
Behind the scenes
Actress Angela KinseyAngela Kinsey
Angela Kinsey is an American actress. She currently appears as the uptight accountant Angela Martin on the hit NBC television series The Office.-Personal life:...
infused her character with some of her own personal preferences, including bobble-head dolls, cats, party-planning and Baby Ruth candy bars. She initially auditioned for the part of Pam Beesly. Kinsey was pregnant during the filming of season 4, noticeably so from the episodes Dinner Party through Goodbye, Toby. The producers decided not to incorporate her pregnancy into the story line and shot around it.