Bunt (community)
Bunt previously spelled Bant, are a community of erstwhile nobility
, feudatory
and gentry
from the region of Tulu Nadu
in the south west of India
which comprises the districts of Udupi
and Dakshina Kannada
in the Indian state of Karnataka
and Kasaragod taluk
of Kerala
. The Bunts claim Kshatriya
descent from the Nagavanshi
lineage and are classified as Forward caste by both the national
and state
governments of India. They traditionally follow a matrilineal system of descent and kinship and were endogamous
word 'Bhata' and means a powerful man or a soldier in the Tulu language
. Edgar Thurston's Castes and Tribes of Southern India
states that the meaning of the word Bunt implies that the Bunts are 'Martial nobility' or 'Military Class' of the Tulu Nadu region.
Bunts are also referred to as 'Nayaker', 'Shetray' and 'Nāgavan' which means leader, nobility and Serpent lord respectively in Tulu. The word 'Shetray' anglicised as 'Shetty' is used as a surname and is the most common last name for bunts followed by 'Rai'. In fact in Mumbai
where there is a sizeable emigrant population of the Bunts, the community is colloquially referred to as the 'Shettys'.
, an administrator and amateur ethnographer of the British Raj
described the Bunts in 1909:
As a military class, the Bunts may have established various kingdoms and independent feudatory states. The earliest of these may have been the Kingdom of Alva Kheda whose territory comprised the coastal region stretching from Kasaragod in Kerala to Gokarna in Karnataka. The Kingdom existed for nearly thousand years (450 C.E. -1450 C.E.) and the dynasty who ruled this kingdom were known as Alupas
Nevertheless the Bunts perhaps attained their greatest military success during the rule of the Vijayanagara Emperors
belonging to the Tuluva Dynasty
. The Tuluva Dynasty's founder was a Bunt chieftain called Tuluva Narasa Nayaka.
After the fall of the dynasty the Bunts remained confined to Tulu Nadu where they took to took to large scale agriculture in the vast area of land they still possessed and also served as administrators and served and commanded the armies of the various feudatory states that were established and ruled by some prominent Bunt clans. These feudatory states of the bunts were at their peak during 15th – 18th centuries C.E. Some notable Bunt clans who were sovereign of these states are the Honneyakambalis of Hosangadi, Samantha Rajas of Mulki, Bhair Arasas of Karkala
, Arasas of Kumbla, Ajilas of Venur
, Tolaharas of Suralu near Udupi, Heggades of Vitla
, Chowtas of Ullal
, and the Bangas of Bangadi among others. The feudal life and society of Bunts began to disintegrate in the succeeding colonial British Raj period and the Bunts today are a largely urbanized community.
.The legends and theories connect the Bunts to the Nāga
of Hindu mythology
as well as the historical Scythian people.
The 17th century Brahmin
-inspired books Keralolpathi
, written from the Nambudiri Brahmin perspective, and the Grama Padhati of Tulu Brahmins
both describe the Nairs of Kerala and the similarly matrilineal Bunts of Tulu Nadu as descendants of mercenaries who accompanied the priestly Brahmins to Kerala and Tulu Nadu respectively from Ahichatra/Ahikshetra
, the capital of an Indo-Aryan
kingdom called Uttara Panchala
which finds mention in the epic Mahabharata
. The remains of this city have been found in the village of Ramnagar, Uttar Pradesh
The principal subdivisions of the bunts are as follows
Until the 20th century the rules of intermarriage and interdining were in existence and strictly followed. The community as a whole practised endogamy but subdivisional exogamy was practised only by the Masadika and the Nad who freely intermarried with each other. The Parivara and Jains favoured endogamy and though interdined with other subdivisions but did not intermarry except for rare instances where a woman from the Parivara subdivision could enter into marriage with a man from other subdivisions and a man from the Jain subdivison could enter into matrimonial alliance with a woman from other subdivisions. Apart from the above mentioned principal subdivisions there are about 90 clans found among the Bunts
These clans claim descent either from the Alupas
or Perumal
kings and were feudatories or rulers of small principalities that existed in Tulu Nadu
until the period of British Raj
.The Ballal Bunts until the 20th century as a rule neither interdined with other Bunts since they are strictly vegetarian and preferred endogamy. The heads of ballal families mandatorily undergo the Upanayanam
ceremony and wear the sacred thread called Janivara or Janeyu. Wearing of the sacred thread and practising vegetarianism is not a compulsion for other Bunts,but apart from the Ballals. Heads of other Bunt families who were erstwhile royalty or have the privileges of “Pattam” (the highest Hereditary title
of nobility in Tulu Nadu region) as also certain families called “Shetty Vala’’ and “Hegde’’ who are “Mukteshwar’’ or Muktesar (Administrative Trustees) of temples and solved civil or criminal disputes of areas they had jurisdiction in former times also wear the sacred thread.
(a dialect of Kannada or Kanarese highly influenced by Tulu). Tulu is the mother tongue of majority of Bunts, who originally inhabit or hail from Kasaragod uptil Brahmavara (north of Udupi city). Bunts in Kundapura
taluk (north of Brahmavara) speak the Kannada dialect of Kundagannada natively. The Tulu speaking Bunts are called 'Tuluva' Bunt and Kannada speaking ones are called 'Kannadiga' Bunt. Tuluva Bunts generally call Kannadiga Bunts as 'Badakaydagul' which translates into "our people in the north." There is also term called 'Thenkaydagul' which refers to Bunts who live south of the Payaswini
river in Kerala.
Bunts are orthodox Hindu
s who primarily worship Adi Shakti
and can be termed as Shaktas, but Bunts are not exclusive Adi Shakti worshippers, they worship all gods of the Hindu pantheon including Shiva
and Vishnu
as aspects of the divine mother Adi Shakti. Other favoured deities of the Bunts include Ganesh, Subrahmanya, Krishna
and Mariamma. Bunts believe that all gods of the Hindu pantheon are nothing but various aspects of Adi Shakti. In her spiritual form Adi Shakti is attributeless and is sometimes referred to as Ullaya or Ullaldi in Tulu and Parambrahma in Sanskritised Tulu
which means impersonal god, Bunts therefore are monotheistic but at the same time worship all gods of the Hindu pantheon without any difference. Bunts believe that the way to moksha
or liberation is through bhakti
of any aspect of the divine mother. They are therefore followers of Bhakti
philosophy, therefore throughout Tulu Nadu there are numerous temples dedicated to various Hindu gods patronised by Bunts. Also believed is that the first temple to be built in Tulu Nadu was that of Adi Shakti in Kunjarugiri
near Udupi by Lord Parshurama
, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu and a great Shiva devotee. Parshurama is credited to have created Tulu Nadu which is part of Parashurama Kshetra or Kerala, mentioned in the Puranas
by reclaiming land from the sea god Varuna
by throwing his divine axe or parashu, hence Tulu Nadu is also referred to in the Puranas as Parashurama Shrishti, "The world created by Par[a]shuram".
Bunts greatly revere the serpents, specifically the cobras, which are considered to be sacred creatures and embodiment of serpent deities. Naga Dever (serpent gods) are usually worshipped in sacred groves called 'nagabana' which are usually situauted adjacent to traditional Bunt homes called Guthu da ill. Nagabana shrines contain serpent images carved on pieces of stones. There are many serpent idols in a shrines owing to the belief that there are lakhs of sepent gods like Ananta
, Vasuki
, Thakshak
and Karkotaka
, which are mentioned in the Puranas. The main serpent deity of the Bunts is Nagaraja
who is considered the king of all serpents. The elaborate rituals of serpent worship that is practised in both Tulu Nadu and Kerala began with the advent of Bunts and Nairs in these regions. A paddana, an oral legend in Tulu, mentions Bunts as Kshatriyas (warriors) of Nagavamsha (serpent dynasty), the original Nagaradhakas (serpent worshippers) who migrated from the serpent kingdom of Achichatra Madastana in the north to Tulu Nadu. Serpent worship rituals observed by Bunts is of three types: Naga Tanu and Ashlesha Bali rituals done under the priesthood of Shivalli Brahmins and organisation of rituals dances of Nagamandala, which involves two ritual dancers. One from the Nagapatri subcaste of Shivalli Brahmins and the other dancer who belongs to a small community of ritual dancers called Bolli Pambadas. The pomp and grandeur with which Bunts observe these rituals can only be matched by the serpent worship traditions of Kerala.
What is unique to all communities in Tulu nadu which includes the Bunts as well is their reverence of various spirits which are of both puranic and local origins, in addition to the established gods of Hinduism. Daivas or bhutas as they are referred to do not have a set form of physical representation. Symbolically a piece of rock is sanctified and considered as Daiva/Bhuta. Figurines made of wood or metal, are also used as symbols of Daiva/Bhuta, Planks of wood or stone pillars with a niche and a conical or a flat stone on its top also are symbols of the spirit. Some of the stronger spirits have more elaborate stone pillars and may even have temple-like permanent abodes called Daiva Saana or Boota Atte. These shrines can be both elaborate or simple. simple structures are usually with single cells with projecting thatched roofs. Elaborate ones resemble temples built according to the Dravidian
style of temple architecture. Both elaborate or simple Spirit shrines are built according to the guidelines of Vastu Shastra
. A number of weapons, made of metal, are kept in the Daiva Sanaas.
Some of the more revered Daiva/Bhuta have ornaments made from oblations of devotees. These ornaments (called abharana) are displayed during the yearly festival called Bhuta Kola or Dharma Da Nema, when the spirits are propitiated by the devotees. Ritual Dancers belonging to the Pambada ,Nalike or some other castes adorn make-up and dance to the tune of recitations called Paddanas
. These songs tell the story of the particular spirit and its relationship with the people that it protects. Each Daiva/Bhuta has its own unique costume and style of make-up. The Ritualdancer dances away at night to the beat of drums and other musical instruments Called Panchavadyam
, Some time later the Ritualdancer goes into a trance and is overwhelmed by the spirit's power.At this time He makes predictions or suggests solutions to the devotees problems.
The Bunts and other communities of Tulu Nadu seek protection from these good natured spirits. These spirits are classified as belonging to the whole village, or to a particular community or caste, or of a family. Some spirits are favored by certain communities, e.g. Bobbariya has a special place in the heart of the mogaveera community of Tulu Nadu. Jumadi
,Jarandaya,Pilichamundi are considered as kingly spirit and are worshipped by many Bunt families as their family deity. Some of these spirits are of puranic origin e.g.Jumadi
, Vishnumurti , Brahmer,Virabhadra who are identified with Dhumavati
, Vishnu
, Brahma
and Virabhadra
of the Puranas .Others are spirits of departed souls who were prominent figures in the community and had done good deeds while they were alive and attained moksha
. e.g. Annappa Panjurli,Jarandaya etc. Yet some are of Totemic origins who are considered as Lord Shiva
's, attendants or Gana
s like Pili-chamundi (Tiger), Nadigone (Bull), Mula Mysondaya (Buffalo) etc. There are hundreds of spirits that are worshipped in Tulu nadu.Worship of the Daivas/Bhuta gives Tulu Nadu a distinct cultural identity.It is thought that before bhakti Hinduism was introduced to the region, the spirits were the Protector deities worshipped by the local people.Shaktism and Shaivism
were the main religious branches of Hinduism
and since spirits are naturally associated with Shiva who is called Bhutha natha (Lord of the divine spirits). With the advent of Vaishnavism, the spirits attained a secondary role to the numerous other gods of Hindu pantheon. Yet, these spirits did not lose their place in the history of Tulu nadu, as they are worshipped even today with great reverence. Vaishnava Shivalli Brahmins, accepted the spirit's divinity and facilitated their worship in Tulu nadu. It is not uncommon to see the yearly ceremonies for the spirits conducted in the households of Bunt landlords, attended by the local village people including the vaishnava brahmins who seek the blessings of these spirits. The shivalli brahmins also worship these spirits as their family deities.Similar rituals called Theyyam
are practiced by Malayali
s in North Kerala.
Bunts also revere an Avadhuta called Bhagawan Nityananda
.His origins are very sketchy,as he rarely spoke and spent most of his time in meditation,but he had great following among the Bunts in particular. He Lived Between 1897 - 1961 and travelled through much of southern India. He initiated many Bunts into the sanyasi order of life
The Bunts also follow a custom similar to Onam
festivities of Kerala by welcoming Mahabali
a pious Hindu king who was born among asuras in their homes and honour his great devotion to lord Vishnu on bali pratipada during Diwali
. It is considered on this day Mahabali
attained moksha
and Fowl
is permitted,But as caste Hindus consumption of Beef
and meat from certain animals such as Pork
is strictly prohibited and doing so often resulted in excommunication or undertaking purificatory rituals during the pre-independence era.The most favoured meat preparaton of the bunts is the chicken curry called kori gasee. Jackfruit, Banana, Mango etc., are used in various forms to prepare a wide variety of detectable dishes ranging from Kundapur to Kasargod, the Bunt cuisine contains many variations in use of ingredients and methods of preparation. This has only enhanced the distinctive flavors of each region and lent freshness to the culinary marvels of the community
The cuisine of Bunts is popular all over India especially in and around Mumbai
where many bunts own a number of hotels and restaurants . Bunts specialise both in vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.Among non-vegetarian dishes, Kori Rotti
,Kane Gasee,Neer Dosa and kori gasee are well known. Vegetarian dishes include Gullāa Chutney,Pāthrode and Neer dosa
Bunts have always had a penchant for manly sports especially Kambala
- water buffalo racing. In ancient times Bunt kings used to organise Arasa kambala where people would compete for a huge price money in offer. Nowadays kambala are organised by associations run by Bunts.
Kori - katta a form of Cock fighting which is banned by the government of India due to pressure of animal activists was something which Bunts loved to organise.
Another passion of Bunts is Yakshagana
, a form of theatrical opera similar to Kathakali
of Kerala. Stories from
the Hindu mythology
are usually depicted in them. A popular yakshagana play among the bunts is based on the Devi Mahatmyam.
system of the Nairs. These Bunt bungalows are locally known as Guthu da ill or Beedu Mane, which translates into house of prestige. Royal palaces among the Bunts were called ArasaMane. Since Bunts were landlords or small feudatory, the location of the house was generally at the centre of the their family landholdings. The head of each household was the eldest male member known as Yejamanaye.
Situated amid fields and gardens, Bunt homes generally followed a distinct pattern of architecture taking into account the guidelines of the Vastushilpa
- the traditional Hindu system of architecture. These houses have an entrance through a large door called the Hebba Bakil. The Hebbakil generally made of teak wood had intricate carvings on them. The hebbakil gives way to an open yard called the Angala. Angala is walled on all the four sides and the walls are generally carved. Following the angala is the Chawadi or the main courtyard where the landlord met his tenants or solved matters pertaining to village disputes etc. The chawadi is decorated with wooden pillars called Khamb which are carved with images from Hindu mythology etc. Chawadi had to be elaborately decorated,the more the decoration of a chawadi, that much affluent a particular household was considered. Inside the Chawadi is the Nadu mane or the middle portion of the house, which was used only by the members of the house and entry to it was restricted to non-Bunts. Some houses have a small well created in the nadu mane for use of family members. Besides the Nadu mane a separate room is reserved for daily worship called Devarakonaye. Apart from this there is another room called gundakonaye where paraphernalia related to rituals of nagaradhane or bhuta kola was kept. Sometimes even the jewels belonging to the main Hindu temple of the village were kept here. These jewels belonging to the village deities were displayed only once in year during the annual temple festival called Ayana. Besides these there are several other rooms used for storing agriculture produce as well as bedrooms etc. Kitchen called adpil was located in the south east. A little distance from the house is the sacred grove called Naga Bana which are basically serpent shrines. The serpent shrines generally consisted of many stones on which Serpent images were carved.Special Pujas as held at these shrines every month on sankranti.Other rituals of Nagaradhane
are also performed but they do not follow a distinct time pattern. Further away from the nagabana is the Daivasaana (temple of the spirit deities).Annual ritual dances of the Bhuta Kola are held at these shrines.
Such traditional Bunt houses can still be seen across the Tulu Nadu region.One of the well preserved Houses called Kodial Guthu stands majestically at the centre of Mangalore
city. Some other well preserved of these houses that display traditional architecture can be seen atBadil Guthu in Kannur, Dakshina Kannada
"Ullipady Guthu" near Bantwal
, Kolnadguthu near Mulki, Bettampady Guthu, Thokur Guthu, Paddana Guthu, BavaGuthu, Bellakonja Guthu , on the outskirts of Mangalore city, Balladi Guthu and Shirva
Nadibettu near Udupi,Kodethuru Guthu near Kinnigoli
as well as "Yedthre", "Kandavara" ,"Kolkebail" houses in Kundapura
and "Santhya guthu" near Mangalore
.Yelluruguthu is notably the largest house,representing six adjoining villages(Maganes) namely Kunjuru,Yelluru,Kolachuru,Ulluru,Majuru,Maniyuru etc. in the 2nd largest village of Udupi Taluka, Yellur
with the hereditary Mukteshwara of Yellur Vishweshwara temple.Prominent royal houses of the Bunts called Aramane are the Mulki Aramane,Kuthyar Aramane, Vitla
Aramane, Kannajar Doddamane and the Maipady palace near Kasaragod among others.
. Since the 20th century when Bunts began to emigrate out of their native Tulu Nadu region various organisations were formed outside Tulu Nadu, such as the Bunts Sangha Mumbai established in 1927 in what was then known as Bombay. There are also organisations abroad, such as the Bunts Sangha of Kuwait and Bunts Sangha of the United Kingdom.
Nobility is a social class which possesses more acknowledged privileges or eminence than members of most other classes in a society, membership therein typically being hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be...
, feudatory
Feudalism was a set of legal and military customs in medieval Europe that flourished between the 9th and 15th centuries, which, broadly defined, was a system for ordering society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.Although derived from the...
and gentry
Gentry denotes "well-born and well-bred people" of high social class, especially in the past....
from the region of Tulu Nadu
Tulu Nadu
Tulu Nadu is a Tulu-speaking region spread over to parts of present Karnataka and Kerala States of India. It consists of the Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts of Karnataka and the northern parts of the Kasaragod district of Kerala up to the Payaswini River...
in the south west of India
India , officially the Republic of India , is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world...
which comprises the districts of Udupi
Udupi district
Udupi district , ಉಡುಪಿ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆ) in the Karnataka state of India was created in August 1997. The three northern taluks, Udupi, Kundapur and Karkal, were separated from Dakshina Kannada District to form Udupi district. Udupi district is surrounded by Uttara Kannada district in north, Dakshina Kannada...
and Dakshina Kannada
Dakshina Kannada
- Geography :The district geography consists of sea shore in the west and Western Ghats in the east. The major rivers are Netravathi, Kumaradhara, Phalguni, Shambhavi, Nandini or Pavanje and Payaswini which all join Arabian sea. Vast areas of evergreen forests which once covered this district, have...
in the Indian state of Karnataka
Karnataka , the land of the Kannadigas, is a state in South West India. It was created on 1 November 1956, with the passing of the States Reorganisation Act and this day is annually celebrated as Karnataka Rajyotsava...
and Kasaragod taluk
Kasaragod taluk
Kasaragod, is a taluk which along with Hosdurg taluk constitute the Kasaragod district, Kerala, India.- External links :* *...
of Kerala
or Keralam is an Indian state located on the Malabar coast of south-west India. It was created on 1 November 1956 by the States Reorganisation Act by combining various Malayalam speaking regions....
. The Bunts claim Kshatriya
*For the Bollywood film of the same name see Kshatriya Kshatriya or Kashtriya, meaning warrior, is one of the four varnas in Hinduism...
descent from the Nagavanshi
The Nagavanshi dynasty is one of the ancient Kshatriya dynasties of India. The Vedas do not mention Kshatriyas of either Suryavanshi, Chandravanshi, Nagavanshi, Agnivanshi or such Vanshas or lineages. The Puranas, of debatable dating, constructed such genealogies. The Puranas were supposedly...
lineage and are classified as Forward caste by both the national
Government of India
The Government of India, officially known as the Union Government, and also known as the Central Government, was established by the Constitution of India, and is the governing authority of the union of 28 states and seven union territories, collectively called the Republic of India...
and state
State governments in India
State governments in India are the governments ruling States of India and the main minsters in the state are the chief ministers. Power is divided between central government and state governments. While central government handles Military, external affairs etc., the state government controls...
governments of India. They traditionally follow a matrilineal system of descent and kinship and were endogamous
Endogamy is the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class, or social group, rejecting others on such basis as being unsuitable for marriage or other close personal relationships. A Greek Orthodox Christian endogamist, for example, would require that a marriage be only with another...
The word Bunt is derived from the SanskritSanskrit
Sanskrit , is a historical Indo-Aryan language and the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.Buddhism: besides Pali, see Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Today, it is listed as one of the 22 scheduled languages of India and is an official language of the state of Uttarakhand...
word 'Bhata' and means a powerful man or a soldier in the Tulu language
Tulu language
The Tulu language |?]]]) is a Dravidian language spoken by 1.95 million native speakers mainly in the southwest part of Indian state Karnataka known as Tulu Nadu. In India, 1.72 million people speak it as their mother tongue , increased by 10 percent over the 1991 census...
. Edgar Thurston's Castes and Tribes of Southern India
Castes and Tribes of Southern India
Castes and Tribes of Southern India is a seven-volume encyclopedia of social groups of Madras Presidency and the princely states of Travancore, Mysore, Coorg and Pudukkottai published by British museologist Edgar Thurston and K...
states that the meaning of the word Bunt implies that the Bunts are 'Martial nobility' or 'Military Class' of the Tulu Nadu region.
Bunts are also referred to as 'Nayaker', 'Shetray' and 'Nāgavan' which means leader, nobility and Serpent lord respectively in Tulu. The word 'Shetray' anglicised as 'Shetty' is used as a surname and is the most common last name for bunts followed by 'Rai'. In fact in Mumbai
Mumbai , formerly known as Bombay in English, is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fourth most populous city in the world, with a total metropolitan area population of approximately 20.5 million...
where there is a sizeable emigrant population of the Bunts, the community is colloquially referred to as the 'Shettys'.
The earliest available epigraphic evidence indicating Bunt presence in Tulu Nadu are the Chokipali inscriptions from the 9th century C.E., found in the village of Chokkadi near Udupi, wherein the Bunt warriors are described along with the Shivalli Brahmins. Edgar ThurstonEdgar Thurston
Edgar Thurston CIE was a British museologist and ethnographer working in colonial Southern India. In 1885 he was appointed to the Madras Government Museum, where he held the role of Superintendent...
, an administrator and amateur ethnographer of the British Raj
British Raj
British Raj was the British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947; The term can also refer to the period of dominion...
described the Bunts in 1909:
As a military class, the Bunts may have established various kingdoms and independent feudatory states. The earliest of these may have been the Kingdom of Alva Kheda whose territory comprised the coastal region stretching from Kasaragod in Kerala to Gokarna in Karnataka. The Kingdom existed for nearly thousand years (450 C.E. -1450 C.E.) and the dynasty who ruled this kingdom were known as Alupas
The Alupas kings were a minor dynasty who ruled parts of coastal Karnataka. Later with the dominance of Kadambas in Banavasi, they became feudatory to them. With the changing political scenario, soon they became the feudatories to Chalukyas, Hoysalas and Vijayanagara Rayas...
Nevertheless the Bunts perhaps attained their greatest military success during the rule of the Vijayanagara Emperors
Vijayanagara Empire
The Vijayanagara Empire , referred as the Kingdom of Bisnaga by the Portuguese, was an empire based in South Indian in the Deccan Plateau region. It was established in 1336 by Harihara I and his brother Bukka Raya I of the Yadava lineage. The empire rose to prominence as a culmination of attempts...
belonging to the Tuluva Dynasty
Tuluva Dynasty
The Tuluva Dynasty was the third dynasty of the Vijayanagara Empire.-History:The Tuluva were the third Hindu dynasty which ruled Vijayanagara empire. The dynasty was founded by chieftain Bunts who originally ruled southern parts of coastal Karnataka, also called Tulu Nadu...
. The Tuluva Dynasty's founder was a Bunt chieftain called Tuluva Narasa Nayaka.
After the fall of the dynasty the Bunts remained confined to Tulu Nadu where they took to took to large scale agriculture in the vast area of land they still possessed and also served as administrators and served and commanded the armies of the various feudatory states that were established and ruled by some prominent Bunt clans. These feudatory states of the bunts were at their peak during 15th – 18th centuries C.E. Some notable Bunt clans who were sovereign of these states are the Honneyakambalis of Hosangadi, Samantha Rajas of Mulki, Bhair Arasas of Karkala
Karkala is a town and the headquarters of Karkala taluk in the Udupi district of Karnataka, India. Located about 380 km from Bangalore, it lies near the Western Ghats....
, Arasas of Kumbla, Ajilas of Venur
Venur or Venoor is a small village on the banks of the Phalguni river in the South Kanara of Karnataka, India. It was once the seat of Jainism and the capital....
, Tolaharas of Suralu near Udupi, Heggades of Vitla
Vitla also Vittal or Vittel is a village in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district, India, around 18 km from Bantwal in Bantwal Taluk. It is also 14 km from Puttur and 40 km from Mangalore. Vitla was an assembly constituency of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, but discontinued from 2008...
, Chowtas of Ullal
Ullāḷ is a panchayat town in Dakshina Kannada district in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is a small town about 8–10 km south of Mangalore close to the border between the two southern states of Karnataka and Kerala. It comprises two revenue villages, Ullal and Parmannur, in Mangalore Taluk...
Moodabidri , is a small town 37 km northeast of the Dakshina Kannada district headquarters, Mangalore, in Karnataka, India....
, and the Bangas of Bangadi among others. The feudal life and society of Bunts began to disintegrate in the succeeding colonial British Raj period and the Bunts today are a largely urbanized community.
There are various theories and legends surrounding the origin of the Bunt community. They all suggest that the Bunts are not native to the Tulu Nadu region and are migrants from Northern IndiaNorth India
North India, known natively as Uttar Bhārat or Shumālī Hindustān , is a loosely defined region in the northern part of India. The exact meaning of the term varies by usage...
.The legends and theories connect the Bunts to the Nāga
Naga or NAGA may refer to:* Nāga, a group of serpent deities in Hindu and Buddhist mythology.-People:* Nayan / Nayar/Nair people of Kerala Society* Naga people, a diverse ethnic identity in Northeast India...
of Hindu mythology
Hindu mythology
Hindu religious literature is the large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism, notably as contained in Sanskrit literature, such as the Sanskrit epics and the Puranas. As such, it is a subset of Nepali and Indian culture...
as well as the historical Scythian people.
The 17th century Brahmin
Brahmin Brahman, Brahma and Brahmin.Brahman, Brahmin and Brahma have different meanings. Brahman refers to the Supreme Self...
-inspired books Keralolpathi
The Keralolpathi is a Malayalam work that deals with the origin of the land of Kerala. Shungunny Menon ascribes the authorship of this work to Thunchaththu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan, a 17th century scholar of the Malabar region of India. The Keralolpathi is mostly an expansion from an earlier Sanskrit...
, written from the Nambudiri Brahmin perspective, and the Grama Padhati of Tulu Brahmins
Tuluva Brahmins
The Tuluva Brahmins are the three Tulu-speaking Brahmin communities of Shivalli Brahmins, Sthanika Brahmins and the Tuluva Hebbars.All these Brahmin communities trace their origin to Achichatra in north India, from which they migrated to Tulu Nadu. They were among the most orthodox of all Brahmins...
both describe the Nairs of Kerala and the similarly matrilineal Bunts of Tulu Nadu as descendants of mercenaries who accompanied the priestly Brahmins to Kerala and Tulu Nadu respectively from Ahichatra/Ahikshetra
Ahichatra was the ancient capital of Northern Panchala, a northern Indo-Aryan kingdom mentioned in Mahabharata. The remains of this city has been discovered near Ramnagar village in Aonla tehsil of Bareilly district in Uttar Pradesh state. The excavations have brought to life a brick fortification...
, the capital of an Indo-Aryan
Indo-Aryan is an ethno-linguistic term referring to the wide collection of peoples united as native speakers of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Iranian family of Indo-European languages...
kingdom called Uttara Panchala
Panchala is an ancient region of northern India, which corresponds to the geographical area around the Ganges River and Yamuna River, the upper Gangetic plain in particular. This would encompass the modern-day states of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. During the ancient times, it was home to a...
which finds mention in the epic Mahabharata
The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India and Nepal, the other being the Ramayana. The epic is part of itihasa....
. The remains of this city have been found in the village of Ramnagar, Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh abbreviation U.P. , is a state located in the northern part of India. With a population of over 200 million people, it is India's most populous state, as well as the world's most populous sub-national entity...
Traditonally the bunt community was divided into various sub divisions. The customs and traditions of each subdivision differed slighlty from the other. Though today the definition of subdivision is very vague since over time the homogenization of bunt customs and traditions has resulted in near extinction of subdivisional difference.The principal subdivisions of the bunts are as follows
- Masadika Bunt:The single largest subdivision of the community.an overwhelming majority of bunts belong to this subdivision.the masadika bunts natively speak the Tulu language and follow the aliya santana system of matrilineal inheritance.They inhabit or originally hail from the region between kasaragod town in kerala and brahmavar in udupi district,karnataka
- Nad Bunt : The Nad Bunt also known as the Nādava are the second largest subdivision among the bunts and form a sizeable minority within the bunt community.The Nad Bunt natively speak kundagannada,a dialect of kannada language and follow the aliya santana system of matrilineal inheritance.They inhabit or originally hail from kundapura taluka in udupi district,karnataka(north of brahmavar)
- Parivara Bunt : The parivara bunt are a minuscle minority within the bunt community and number around few thousands.The parivara bunt natively speak the tulu language but unlike other subdivisions they follow the makkala santana system of patrilineal inheritance.scattered population of the parivara bunt are mostly found in the taluka of sullia in dakshina kannada district,karnataka as also adjoining parts of kodagu district,karnataka and kasaragod taluka of kerala. Their customs and traditions are a mixture of bunt customs and those of the shivalli brahmins.
- Jain Bunt:Jain Bunt are traditionally defined as a distinctive subdivision of the bunt community and sometimes classified as a separate community in itself because of the religious difference since they are jains by faith while the other subdivisions are hindu.The subdivision arose when some bunt feudals embraced jain traditions during the rule of the Hoysala EmpireHoysala EmpireThe Hoysala Empire was a prominent South Indian Kannadiga empire that ruled most of the modern day state of Karnataka between the 10th and the 14th centuries. The capital of the Hoysalas was initially located at Belur but was later moved to Halebidu....
who propagated jainism.they number around few thousands and speak either the tulu language or kannada language. They follow the aliya santana system of matrilineal inheritance except for a few families who have taken to priestly duties.their customs are a blend of the jain customs and those of the hindu bunts.
Until the 20th century the rules of intermarriage and interdining were in existence and strictly followed. The community as a whole practised endogamy but subdivisional exogamy was practised only by the Masadika and the Nad who freely intermarried with each other. The Parivara and Jains favoured endogamy and though interdined with other subdivisions but did not intermarry except for rare instances where a woman from the Parivara subdivision could enter into marriage with a man from other subdivisions and a man from the Jain subdivison could enter into matrimonial alliance with a woman from other subdivisions. Apart from the above mentioned principal subdivisions there are about 90 clans found among the Bunts
These clans claim descent either from the Alupas
The Alupas kings were a minor dynasty who ruled parts of coastal Karnataka. Later with the dominance of Kadambas in Banavasi, they became feudatory to them. With the changing political scenario, soon they became the feudatories to Chalukyas, Hoysalas and Vijayanagara Rayas...
or Perumal
Cheraman Perumal
Rama Varman Kulashekhara was the last King of the Later Chera Dynasty and the first ruler of the independent Venad state from 1102 A.D to 1122 A.D, according to the Rameswarathukoil Inscription. Kotha Varman Marthandam succeeded him as the ruler of Venad.-The end of the Chera dynasty:Rama Varman...
kings and were feudatories or rulers of small principalities that existed in Tulu Nadu
Tulu Nadu
Tulu Nadu is a Tulu-speaking region spread over to parts of present Karnataka and Kerala States of India. It consists of the Dakshina Kannada and Udupi districts of Karnataka and the northern parts of the Kasaragod district of Kerala up to the Payaswini River...
until the period of British Raj
British Raj
British Raj was the British rule in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947; The term can also refer to the period of dominion...
.The Ballal Bunts until the 20th century as a rule neither interdined with other Bunts since they are strictly vegetarian and preferred endogamy. The heads of ballal families mandatorily undergo the Upanayanam
Upanayana is the initiation ritual by which initiates are invested with a sacred thread, to symbolize the transference of spiritual knowledge .- Significance of the sacred thread :...
ceremony and wear the sacred thread called Janivara or Janeyu. Wearing of the sacred thread and practising vegetarianism is not a compulsion for other Bunts,but apart from the Ballals. Heads of other Bunt families who were erstwhile royalty or have the privileges of “Pattam” (the highest Hereditary title
Hereditary Title
Hereditary titles, in a general sense, are titles, positions or styles that are hereditary and thus tend or are bound to remain in particular families....
of nobility in Tulu Nadu region) as also certain families called “Shetty Vala’’ and “Hegde’’ who are “Mukteshwar’’ or Muktesar (Administrative Trustees) of temples and solved civil or criminal disputes of areas they had jurisdiction in former times also wear the sacred thread.
Bunts are highly multilingual and are generally well versed in languages besides their mother tongues of Tulu and KundagannadaKundagannada
Kundagannada or Kundapura Kannada is a dialect of Kannada Spoken in Kundapura Taluk of Udupi district, Karnataka. Some people who speak this language claim that the Kundapura Kannada is the original and chaste Kannada that has not been influenced by any other language.It is also called as Kota...
(a dialect of Kannada or Kanarese highly influenced by Tulu). Tulu is the mother tongue of majority of Bunts, who originally inhabit or hail from Kasaragod uptil Brahmavara (north of Udupi city). Bunts in Kundapura
-Languages and culture :The town mainly consists of Kannadigas who speak Kundagannada, Konkanis and Tuluvas. The Goud Saraswat Brahmins who fled Goa during the Portuguese arrival in the 16th century arrived by Boat in Basrur and some settled in Kundapura and surrounding villages. These people and...
taluk (north of Brahmavara) speak the Kannada dialect of Kundagannada natively. The Tulu speaking Bunts are called 'Tuluva' Bunt and Kannada speaking ones are called 'Kannadiga' Bunt. Tuluva Bunts generally call Kannadiga Bunts as 'Badakaydagul' which translates into "our people in the north." There is also term called 'Thenkaydagul' which refers to Bunts who live south of the Payaswini
Payaswini also known by the name Chandragiri is a river in Kasaragod district of Kerala state, south India. On the banks of this river is 17th century Chandragiri fort...
river in Kerala.

Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is also attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion...
s who primarily worship Adi Shakti
Shakti from Sanskrit shak - "to be able," meaning sacred force or empowerment, is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe in Hinduism. Shakti is the concept, or personification, of divine feminine creative power, sometimes...
and can be termed as Shaktas, but Bunts are not exclusive Adi Shakti worshippers, they worship all gods of the Hindu pantheon including Shiva
Shiva is a major Hindu deity, and is the destroyer god or transformer among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. God Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything that happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. Yet one with great power lives a life of a...
and Vishnu
Vishnu is the Supreme god in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism. Smarta followers of Adi Shankara, among others, venerate Vishnu as one of the five primary forms of God....
as aspects of the divine mother Adi Shakti. Other favoured deities of the Bunts include Ganesh, Subrahmanya, Krishna
Krishna is a central figure of Hinduism and is traditionally attributed the authorship of the Bhagavad Gita. He is the supreme Being and considered in some monotheistic traditions as an Avatar of Vishnu...
and Mariamma. Bunts believe that all gods of the Hindu pantheon are nothing but various aspects of Adi Shakti. In her spiritual form Adi Shakti is attributeless and is sometimes referred to as Ullaya or Ullaldi in Tulu and Parambrahma in Sanskritised Tulu
Tulu language
The Tulu language |?]]]) is a Dravidian language spoken by 1.95 million native speakers mainly in the southwest part of Indian state Karnataka known as Tulu Nadu. In India, 1.72 million people speak it as their mother tongue , increased by 10 percent over the 1991 census...
which means impersonal god, Bunts therefore are monotheistic but at the same time worship all gods of the Hindu pantheon without any difference. Bunts believe that the way to moksha
Within Indian religions, moksha or mukti , literally "release" , is the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation or rebirth.-Origins:It is highly probable that the concept of moksha was first developed in...
or liberation is through bhakti
In Hinduism Bhakti is religious devotion in the form of active involvement of a devotee in worship of the divine.Within monotheistic Hinduism, it is the love felt by the worshipper towards the personal God, a concept expressed in Hindu theology as Svayam Bhagavan.Bhakti can be used of either...
of any aspect of the divine mother. They are therefore followers of Bhakti
In Hinduism Bhakti is religious devotion in the form of active involvement of a devotee in worship of the divine.Within monotheistic Hinduism, it is the love felt by the worshipper towards the personal God, a concept expressed in Hindu theology as Svayam Bhagavan.Bhakti can be used of either...
philosophy, therefore throughout Tulu Nadu there are numerous temples dedicated to various Hindu gods patronised by Bunts. Also believed is that the first temple to be built in Tulu Nadu was that of Adi Shakti in Kunjarugiri
Kunjarugiri is a village in Udupi taluk of Udupi district in the Karnataka state of India. It is located about 11 km from Udupi City near Moodubelle. The main attraction of the village is a hill, known as Durga Betta, on which is located a Durga temple locals call her kunjar amma in Tulu...
near Udupi by Lord Parshurama
Parashurama , is the sixth avatar of Vishnu and belongs to the treta yuga, and is the son of a Brahmin father Jamadagni and mother Renuka. He is considered one of the seven immortal human. He received an axe after undertaking a terrible penance to please Shiva, from whom he learned the methods of...
, the sixth incarnation of Vishnu and a great Shiva devotee. Parshurama is credited to have created Tulu Nadu which is part of Parashurama Kshetra or Kerala, mentioned in the Puranas
The Puranas are a genre of important Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religious texts, notably consisting of narratives of the history of the universe from creation to destruction, genealogies of kings, heroes, sages, and demigods, and descriptions of Hindu cosmology, philosophy, and geography.Puranas...
by reclaiming land from the sea god Varuna
In Vedic religion, Varuna is a god of the sky, of water and of the celestial ocean, as well as a god of law and of the underworld...
by throwing his divine axe or parashu, hence Tulu Nadu is also referred to in the Puranas as Parashurama Shrishti, "The world created by Par[a]shuram".
Nagaradhane is a form of snake worship which, along with Bhuta Kola, is one of the unique traditions prevalent in coastal districts of Dakshina Kannada , Udupi and Kasaragod alternatively known as Tulu Nadu- Origin of Nagaradhane :...
Bunts greatly revere the serpents, specifically the cobras, which are considered to be sacred creatures and embodiment of serpent deities. Naga Dever (serpent gods) are usually worshipped in sacred groves called 'nagabana' which are usually situauted adjacent to traditional Bunt homes called Guthu da ill. Nagabana shrines contain serpent images carved on pieces of stones. There are many serpent idols in a shrines owing to the belief that there are lakhs of sepent gods like Ananta
Ananta is a Sanskrit word meaning "without end".It may refer to:*Ananta , one of the names of Vishnu.*Ananta , Actor and Producer for Bengali film.*Ananta, a serpent on which Vishnu lies, aka Shesha....
, Vasuki
Vasuki is a Sanskrit name for a naga, one of the serpents of Buddhist and Hindu mythology. He is a great King of the nagas and has a gem on his head. Manasa, another naga, is his sister...
, Thakshak
Thakshak is a 1999 action-drama Hindi film written and directed by director Govind Nihalani. Touted as Nihalani's attempt at popular cinema, this film starred Ajay Devgan, Tabu and Rahul Bose in the lead roles. The soundtrack was composed by A. R...
and Karkotaka
Karkotaka was a naga king, who bit Nala at the request of Indra, transforming Nala into a twisted and ugly shape. Karkotaka had deceived Narada who cursed him due to which he could not move a step...
, which are mentioned in the Puranas. The main serpent deity of the Bunts is Nagaraja
Nagaraja is a Sanskrit word from naga and raj meaning King of Snakes. It is applied to three main deities, Anantha , Takshak, and Vasuki. Anantha, Vasuki and Takshak are brothers, children of Kashyap and Kadru, who are the parents of all snakes...
Vasuki is a Sanskrit name for a naga, one of the serpents of Buddhist and Hindu mythology. He is a great King of the nagas and has a gem on his head. Manasa, another naga, is his sister...
who is considered the king of all serpents. The elaborate rituals of serpent worship that is practised in both Tulu Nadu and Kerala began with the advent of Bunts and Nairs in these regions. A paddana, an oral legend in Tulu, mentions Bunts as Kshatriyas (warriors) of Nagavamsha (serpent dynasty), the original Nagaradhakas (serpent worshippers) who migrated from the serpent kingdom of Achichatra Madastana in the north to Tulu Nadu. Serpent worship rituals observed by Bunts is of three types: Naga Tanu and Ashlesha Bali rituals done under the priesthood of Shivalli Brahmins and organisation of rituals dances of Nagamandala, which involves two ritual dancers. One from the Nagapatri subcaste of Shivalli Brahmins and the other dancer who belongs to a small community of ritual dancers called Bolli Pambadas. The pomp and grandeur with which Bunts observe these rituals can only be matched by the serpent worship traditions of Kerala.
What is unique to all communities in Tulu nadu which includes the Bunts as well is their reverence of various spirits which are of both puranic and local origins, in addition to the established gods of Hinduism. Daivas or bhutas as they are referred to do not have a set form of physical representation. Symbolically a piece of rock is sanctified and considered as Daiva/Bhuta. Figurines made of wood or metal, are also used as symbols of Daiva/Bhuta, Planks of wood or stone pillars with a niche and a conical or a flat stone on its top also are symbols of the spirit. Some of the stronger spirits have more elaborate stone pillars and may even have temple-like permanent abodes called Daiva Saana or Boota Atte. These shrines can be both elaborate or simple. simple structures are usually with single cells with projecting thatched roofs. Elaborate ones resemble temples built according to the Dravidian
Dravidian architecture
Dravidian architecture was a style of architecture that emerged thousands of years ago in Southern part of the Indian subcontinent or South India. They consist primarily of pyramid shaped temples called Koils which are dependent on intricate carved stone in order to create a step design consisting...
style of temple architecture. Both elaborate or simple Spirit shrines are built according to the guidelines of Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is an ancient doctrine which consists of precepts born out of a traditional and archaic view on how the laws of nature affect human dwellings. The designs are based on directional alignments...
. A number of weapons, made of metal, are kept in the Daiva Sanaas.
Some of the more revered Daiva/Bhuta have ornaments made from oblations of devotees. These ornaments (called abharana) are displayed during the yearly festival called Bhuta Kola or Dharma Da Nema, when the spirits are propitiated by the devotees. Ritual Dancers belonging to the Pambada ,Nalike or some other castes adorn make-up and dance to the tune of recitations called Paddanas
Paād-danāas are songs rendered in Tulu language, describing the origin and the deeds of the holy spirits. Paād-danāas are an integral part of Tulu culture and are sung during the Bhuta Kola ceremony. Some of the well known spirits worshipped by the Tuluvas include Panjurli, Jumādi, Pilichāndi,...
. These songs tell the story of the particular spirit and its relationship with the people that it protects. Each Daiva/Bhuta has its own unique costume and style of make-up. The Ritualdancer dances away at night to the beat of drums and other musical instruments Called Panchavadyam
Panchavadyam, literally meaning an orchestra of five instruments, is basically a temple art form that has evolved in Kerala. Of the five instruments, four -- timila, maddalam, ilathalam and idakka -- belong to the percussion category, while the fifth one, kombu, is a wind instrument.Much like any...
, Some time later the Ritualdancer goes into a trance and is overwhelmed by the spirit's power.At this time He makes predictions or suggests solutions to the devotees problems.
The Bunts and other communities of Tulu Nadu seek protection from these good natured spirits. These spirits are classified as belonging to the whole village, or to a particular community or caste, or of a family. Some spirits are favored by certain communities, e.g. Bobbariya has a special place in the heart of the mogaveera community of Tulu Nadu. Jumadi
Jumadi, also known as Dhumavathi, is a deity worshiped particularly in the Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka and Kerala in India. Shrines dedicated to Jumadi can be found all over Tulu Nadu and Kerala.-Legend:...
,Jarandaya,Pilichamundi are considered as kingly spirit and are worshipped by many Bunt families as their family deity. Some of these spirits are of puranic origin e.g.Jumadi
Jumadi, also known as Dhumavathi, is a deity worshiped particularly in the Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka and Kerala in India. Shrines dedicated to Jumadi can be found all over Tulu Nadu and Kerala.-Legend:...
, Vishnumurti , Brahmer,Virabhadra who are identified with Dhumavati
Dhumavati is one of the Mahavidyas, a group of ten Tantric goddesses. Dhumavati represents the fearsome aspect of Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother. She is often portrayed as an old, ugly widow, and is associated with things considered inauspicious and unattractive in Hinduism, such as the crow and...
, Vishnu
Vishnu is the Supreme god in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism. Smarta followers of Adi Shankara, among others, venerate Vishnu as one of the five primary forms of God....
, Brahma
Brahma is the Hindu god of creation and one of the Trimurti, the others being Vishnu and Shiva. According to the Brahma Purana, he is the father of Mānu, and from Mānu all human beings are descended. In the Ramayana and the...
and Virabhadra
According to Hindu mythology, Virabhadra or Veerabhadra was a super being created by the wrath of Rudra , when he stepped in to destroy the Yagna of Daksha, after his daughter Dakshayani - consort of Shiva, self-immolated in yagna fire...
of the Puranas .Others are spirits of departed souls who were prominent figures in the community and had done good deeds while they were alive and attained moksha
Within Indian religions, moksha or mukti , literally "release" , is the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation or rebirth.-Origins:It is highly probable that the concept of moksha was first developed in...
. e.g. Annappa Panjurli,Jarandaya etc. Yet some are of Totemic origins who are considered as Lord Shiva
Shiva is a major Hindu deity, and is the destroyer god or transformer among the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the primary aspects of the divine. God Shiva is a yogi who has notice of everything that happens in the world and is the main aspect of life. Yet one with great power lives a life of a...
's, attendants or Gana
The word ' , in Sanskrit, means "flock, troop, multitude, number, tribe, series, class" . It can also be used to refer to a "body of attendants" and can refer to "a company, any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims".In Hinduism, the s are attendants of Shiva...
s like Pili-chamundi (Tiger), Nadigone (Bull), Mula Mysondaya (Buffalo) etc. There are hundreds of spirits that are worshipped in Tulu nadu.Worship of the Daivas/Bhuta gives Tulu Nadu a distinct cultural identity.It is thought that before bhakti Hinduism was introduced to the region, the spirits were the Protector deities worshipped by the local people.Shaktism and Shaivism
Shaivism is one of the four major sects of Hinduism, the others being Vaishnavism, Shaktism and Smartism. Followers of Shaivism, called "Shaivas," and also "Saivas" or "Saivites," revere Shiva as the Supreme Being. Shaivas believe that Shiva is All and in all, the creator, preserver, destroyer,...
were the main religious branches of Hinduism
Hinduism is the predominant and indigenous religious tradition of the Indian Subcontinent. Hinduism is known to its followers as , amongst many other expressions...
and since spirits are naturally associated with Shiva who is called Bhutha natha (Lord of the divine spirits). With the advent of Vaishnavism, the spirits attained a secondary role to the numerous other gods of Hindu pantheon. Yet, these spirits did not lose their place in the history of Tulu nadu, as they are worshipped even today with great reverence. Vaishnava Shivalli Brahmins, accepted the spirit's divinity and facilitated their worship in Tulu nadu. It is not uncommon to see the yearly ceremonies for the spirits conducted in the households of Bunt landlords, attended by the local village people including the vaishnava brahmins who seek the blessings of these spirits. The shivalli brahmins also worship these spirits as their family deities.Similar rituals called Theyyam
Theyyam or Theyyattam or Thira is a popular Hindu ritual form of worship of North Malabar in Kerala state, India, predominant in the Kolathunadu area Theyyam or Theyyattam or Thira is a popular Hindu ritual form of worship of North Malabar in Kerala state, India, predominant in the Kolathunadu...
are practiced by Malayali
Malayali is the term used to refer to the native speakers of Malayalam, originating from the Indian state of Kerala...
s in North Kerala.
Bunts also revere an Avadhuta called Bhagawan Nityananda
Bhagawan Nityananda
Bhagawan Nityananda was an Indian guru. His teachings are published in the "Chidakash Gita". Nityananda was born in Quilandy , Kerala, South India.- Early life :...
.His origins are very sketchy,as he rarely spoke and spent most of his time in meditation,but he had great following among the Bunts in particular. He Lived Between 1897 - 1961 and travelled through much of southern India. He initiated many Bunts into the sanyasi order of life
The Bunts also follow a custom similar to Onam
Onam is a Hindu festival celebrated by the people of Kerala, India. The festival commemorates the Vamana avatar of Vishnu and the subsequent homecoming of the legendary Emperor Mahabali. It falls during the month of Chingam and lasts for ten days...
festivities of Kerala by welcoming Mahabali
Mahabali , also known as Bali or Māveli was a benevolent Asura King, and the grandson of Prahlada. The festival of Onam commemorates his yearly homecoming after being sent down to the underworld by Vamana, the fifth avatar of Vishnu.-Conquest of the Universe and banishment:Bali, an asura, was the...
a pious Hindu king who was born among asuras in their homes and honour his great devotion to lord Vishnu on bali pratipada during Diwali
Diwali or DeepavaliThe name of the festival in various regional languages include:, , , , , , , , , , , , , popularly known as the "festival of lights," is a festival celebrated between mid-October and mid-December for different reasons...
. It is considered on this day Mahabali
Mahabali , also known as Bali or Māveli was a benevolent Asura King, and the grandson of Prahlada. The festival of Onam commemorates his yearly homecoming after being sent down to the underworld by Vamana, the fifth avatar of Vishnu.-Conquest of the Universe and banishment:Bali, an asura, was the...
attained moksha
Within Indian religions, moksha or mukti , literally "release" , is the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation or rebirth.-Origins:It is highly probable that the concept of moksha was first developed in...
Bunts form one of the major communities of Coastal Karnataka. Their cuisine draws inspiration from the local produce and fruits found in this region. Rice is used imaginatively to create a vast range of delicacies.Apart from certain clans among bunts who strictly follow a vegetarian diet most bunts aren't strictly vegetarian and eating of meat mainly of FishFish
Fish are a paraphyletic group of organisms that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic vertebrate animals that lack limbs with digits. Included in this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish, as well as various extinct related groups...
and Fowl
Fowl is a word for birds in general but usually refers to birds belonging to one of two biological orders, namely the gamefowl or landfowl and the waterfowl...
is permitted,But as caste Hindus consumption of Beef
Beef is the culinary name for meat from bovines, especially domestic cattle. Beef can be harvested from cows, bulls, heifers or steers. It is one of the principal meats used in the cuisine of the Middle East , Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Europe and the United States, and is also important in...
and meat from certain animals such as Pork
Pork is the culinary name for meat from the domestic pig , which is eaten in many countries. It is one of the most commonly consumed meats worldwide, with evidence of pig husbandry dating back to 5000 BC....
is strictly prohibited and doing so often resulted in excommunication or undertaking purificatory rituals during the pre-independence era.The most favoured meat preparaton of the bunts is the chicken curry called kori gasee. Jackfruit, Banana, Mango etc., are used in various forms to prepare a wide variety of detectable dishes ranging from Kundapur to Kasargod, the Bunt cuisine contains many variations in use of ingredients and methods of preparation. This has only enhanced the distinctive flavors of each region and lent freshness to the culinary marvels of the community
The cuisine of Bunts is popular all over India especially in and around Mumbai
Mumbai , formerly known as Bombay in English, is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is the most populous city in India, and the fourth most populous city in the world, with a total metropolitan area population of approximately 20.5 million...
where many bunts own a number of hotels and restaurants . Bunts specialise both in vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.Among non-vegetarian dishes, Kori Rotti
Kori Rotti
Kori rotti is a popular spicy Coastal Karnataka dish, a combination of red-chili based chicken curry and crisp dry wafers made from boiled rice...
,Kane Gasee,Neer Dosa and kori gasee are well known. Vegetarian dishes include Gullāa Chutney,Pāthrode and Neer dosa
Neer dosa
Neer dosa literally meaning Water dosa is a crepe prepared from rice batter. It is light type of dosa, an Indian dish. Neer dosa is a delicacy from Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka. 'Neer' is the word for water in Tulu and a few other Indian languages.-Basic cooking method:Rice is soaked in water for...
Chutney is a a condiment used in South Asian cuisine that usually contains a spice and vegetable mix.Chutneys are wet or dry, having a coarse to fine texture. The Anglo-Indian loan word refers to fresh and pickled preparations indiscriminately, with preserves often sweetened. At least several...
Traditional pastime

Kambaḷa is a traditional water buffalo race in muddy waters held from December until March. It is the native sport of Tulu Nadu region of South India.-Format :...
- water buffalo racing. In ancient times Bunt kings used to organise Arasa kambala where people would compete for a huge price money in offer. Nowadays kambala are organised by associations run by Bunts.
Kori - katta a form of Cock fighting which is banned by the government of India due to pressure of animal activists was something which Bunts loved to organise.
Another passion of Bunts is Yakshagana
Yakshagana is a musical theater popular in the coastal and Malenadu regions of Karnataka, India. Yakshagana is the recent scholastic name for what are known as kēḷike, āṭa, bayalāṭa, bayalāṭa, daśāvatāra . It is believed to have evolved from pre-classical music and theatre during Bhakti movement...
, a form of theatrical opera similar to Kathakali
Kathakali is a highly stylized classical Indian dance-drama noted for the attractive make-up of characters, elaborate costumes, detailed gestures and well-defined body movements presented in tune with the anchor playback music and complementary percussion...
of Kerala. Stories from
the Hindu mythology
Hindu mythology
Hindu religious literature is the large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism, notably as contained in Sanskrit literature, such as the Sanskrit epics and the Puranas. As such, it is a subset of Nepali and Indian culture...
are usually depicted in them. A popular yakshagana play among the bunts is based on the Devi Mahatmyam.
Traditional House
Traditionally Bunts lived in a joint family system wherein generation of maternal relatives lived in a large single bungalow. This system, called Manetana, is similar to the TharavaduTharavadu
Tharavad is a system of joint family practised by people in Kerala, especially Nairs. Tharavadu was a legal entity like a Hindu Undivided Family as per Indian Income Tax laws, and was entitled to own properties. The others, like Namboothriris, Ezhavas, Christians and Muslims also now refer to...
system of the Nairs. These Bunt bungalows are locally known as Guthu da ill or Beedu Mane, which translates into house of prestige. Royal palaces among the Bunts were called ArasaMane. Since Bunts were landlords or small feudatory, the location of the house was generally at the centre of the their family landholdings. The head of each household was the eldest male member known as Yejamanaye.
Situated amid fields and gardens, Bunt homes generally followed a distinct pattern of architecture taking into account the guidelines of the Vastushilpa
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra is an ancient doctrine which consists of precepts born out of a traditional and archaic view on how the laws of nature affect human dwellings. The designs are based on directional alignments...
- the traditional Hindu system of architecture. These houses have an entrance through a large door called the Hebba Bakil. The Hebbakil generally made of teak wood had intricate carvings on them. The hebbakil gives way to an open yard called the Angala. Angala is walled on all the four sides and the walls are generally carved. Following the angala is the Chawadi or the main courtyard where the landlord met his tenants or solved matters pertaining to village disputes etc. The chawadi is decorated with wooden pillars called Khamb which are carved with images from Hindu mythology etc. Chawadi had to be elaborately decorated,the more the decoration of a chawadi, that much affluent a particular household was considered. Inside the Chawadi is the Nadu mane or the middle portion of the house, which was used only by the members of the house and entry to it was restricted to non-Bunts. Some houses have a small well created in the nadu mane for use of family members. Besides the Nadu mane a separate room is reserved for daily worship called Devarakonaye. Apart from this there is another room called gundakonaye where paraphernalia related to rituals of nagaradhane or bhuta kola was kept. Sometimes even the jewels belonging to the main Hindu temple of the village were kept here. These jewels belonging to the village deities were displayed only once in year during the annual temple festival called Ayana. Besides these there are several other rooms used for storing agriculture produce as well as bedrooms etc. Kitchen called adpil was located in the south east. A little distance from the house is the sacred grove called Naga Bana which are basically serpent shrines. The serpent shrines generally consisted of many stones on which Serpent images were carved.Special Pujas as held at these shrines every month on sankranti.Other rituals of Nagaradhane
Nagaradhane is a form of snake worship which, along with Bhuta Kola, is one of the unique traditions prevalent in coastal districts of Dakshina Kannada , Udupi and Kasaragod alternatively known as Tulu Nadu- Origin of Nagaradhane :...
are also performed but they do not follow a distinct time pattern. Further away from the nagabana is the Daivasaana (temple of the spirit deities).Annual ritual dances of the Bhuta Kola are held at these shrines.
Such traditional Bunt houses can still be seen across the Tulu Nadu region.One of the well preserved Houses called Kodial Guthu stands majestically at the centre of Mangalore
Mangalore is the chief port city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is located about west of the state capital, Bangalore. Mangalore lies between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghat mountain ranges, and is the administrative headquarters of the Dakshina Kannada district in south western...
city. Some other well preserved of these houses that display traditional architecture can be seen atBadil Guthu in Kannur, Dakshina Kannada
Kannur, Dakshina Kannada
-Demographics: India census, Kannur had a population of 7241. Males constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Kannur has an average literacy rate of 71%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 78%, and female literacy is 65%. In Kannur, 15% of the population is under 6...
"Ullipady Guthu" near Bantwal
Bantwal is a taluk in Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka, India. It is also a town by the same name. The adjacent township of B.C.Road serves as the commercial center.- History :...
, Kolnadguthu near Mulki, Bettampady Guthu, Thokur Guthu, Paddana Guthu, BavaGuthu, Bellakonja Guthu , on the outskirts of Mangalore city, Balladi Guthu and Shirva
Shirva is a village in Udupi taluk of Udupi district. The village is known locally for cultivation of flowers, especially Jasmine, called Mallige in Tulu language spoken by locals...
Nadibettu near Udupi,Kodethuru Guthu near Kinnigoli
Kinnigoli is a small town in Mangalore Taluk. It is located approximately 32 km from Mangalore City, 7 km from Kateel , 8 km from Mulki and 17 km the from the Mangalore International Airport...
as well as "Yedthre", "Kandavara" ,"Kolkebail" houses in Kundapura
-Languages and culture :The town mainly consists of Kannadigas who speak Kundagannada, Konkanis and Tuluvas. The Goud Saraswat Brahmins who fled Goa during the Portuguese arrival in the 16th century arrived by Boat in Basrur and some settled in Kundapura and surrounding villages. These people and...
and "Santhya guthu" near Mangalore
Mangalore is the chief port city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is located about west of the state capital, Bangalore. Mangalore lies between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghat mountain ranges, and is the administrative headquarters of the Dakshina Kannada district in south western...
.Yelluruguthu is notably the largest house,representing six adjoining villages(Maganes) namely Kunjuru,Yelluru,Kolachuru,Ulluru,Majuru,Maniyuru etc. in the 2nd largest village of Udupi Taluka, Yellur
Yellur is village in Belgaum district of Karnataka state in India. Situated at the foot of a small hillock locally called Yellurgad , the place is a pittoresque village with multiple temples dedicated to Kamaleshwar, Lakshmi, Dattatreya, Parameshwara, Hanuman and Changaleshwari. The jatra in...
with the hereditary Mukteshwara of Yellur Vishweshwara temple.Prominent royal houses of the Bunts called Aramane are the Mulki Aramane,Kuthyar Aramane, Vitla
Vitla also Vittal or Vittel is a village in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district, India, around 18 km from Bantwal in Bantwal Taluk. It is also 14 km from Puttur and 40 km from Mangalore. Vitla was an assembly constituency of Karnataka Legislative Assembly, but discontinued from 2008...
Aramane, Kannajar Doddamane and the Maipady palace near Kasaragod among others.
There are many organisations that cater to the needs of the community. The oldest among them is the Bunts Mathr Sangha based in MangaloreMangalore
Mangalore is the chief port city of the Indian state of Karnataka. It is located about west of the state capital, Bangalore. Mangalore lies between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghat mountain ranges, and is the administrative headquarters of the Dakshina Kannada district in south western...
. Since the 20th century when Bunts began to emigrate out of their native Tulu Nadu region various organisations were formed outside Tulu Nadu, such as the Bunts Sangha Mumbai established in 1927 in what was then known as Bombay. There are also organisations abroad, such as the Bunts Sangha of Kuwait and Bunts Sangha of the United Kingdom.