André Andrejew
André Andrejew was one of the most important art directors of the international cinema of the twentieth century. He had a distinctive, innovative style. His décors were both expressive and realistic. French writer Lucie Derain described Andrejew at the peak of his career as "an artist of the grand style, blessed with a vision of lyrical quality." Edith C. Lee wrote recently: "Believing in creative freedom rather than academic reconstruction, André Andrejew fulfilled the 20th century's notion of the romantic, individualistic artist. The unusual titillated his imagination."
) in tsarist Russia
, (today Lithuania
), on January 21, 1887 as Andrej Andrejew (Russian: Андрей Андреев). He studied architecture at the Moscow
Fine Arts Academy. At the time in Russia, architecture could be studied at technical universities and with the more artistic angle at art academies, where accent was on interior design and decor and students were trained as artists. After the studies, André Andrejew worked as a decor designer at the Stanislavski´s theater in Moscow.
of 1917, Andrejew migrated to Germany, where he worked as stage designer in theater productions in Berlin and Vienna, working among others with Max Reinhardt
. In 1921/1922, he designed stage decorations for the Jasha Jushny's Der Blaue Vogel (Blue Bird), a legendary Russian émigré cabaret at Goltzstrasse in Berlin.
In 1923, he designed his first cinema décor for Raskolnikow
, directed by Robert Wiene
, film based upon Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment
. This expressionist work made him the foremost art director in Germany. Rudolf Kurtz in his Expressionismus und Film (1926) wrote: Andrejew is a typical Moscow mixture, distinction of the streaked folk art (his decors) dissolves the rhythm of images, creates gentle forms, establishes balance even when everything is broken and torn.
Germany produced at the time hundreds of feature movies each year, and as cinema was silent, they were often produced in a co-production with France and released in both countries with different language inter-titles. Andrejew designed décors for several major German and Franco-German productions directed by Pabst
, Feyder
, Duvivier
, Christian-Jacque. The titles of this period include Dancing Vienna, Pandora's Box
, The Threepenny Opera, Don Quixote, The Golem, Meyerling.
Especially interesting is today The Threepenny Opera (1930), directed by G.W. Pabst
. Andrejew built for this film huge sets of the imaginary London. These decors artistically continue German Expressionism
of the 1920s, but bring it to another level, creating the world far more realistic, intense and somber.
took power in Germany in 1933, Andrejew as several other Russian artists living in Berlin left for Paris. At first he worked with the directors who also left Germany (Fedor Ozep, Alexis Granowsky, G. W. Pabst), but later also with the most successful French filmmakers of the time, working on art direction of numerous film productions in France, England, and Czechoslovakia.
In collaboration with Pimenoff, Andrejew art directed 'Les Yeux Noirs'. Following this came sumptuous sets for 'Les Nuits Moscovites' and 'Myerling'. His sets for Duvivier's 'Golem' made in Prague were remarkable, the camera reproducing the artist's original designs very faithfully. Toeplitz brought Andrejew to England in 1937 to make 'The Dictator', and he stayed on to make 'Whom the Gods Love' for Basil Dean. Both these films were set against lavish eighteenth century backgrounds on which he was so much at home(...)Until 1937 he was associated with many productions for London Films but returned to his chateau in France in 1938.
Just before the WWII, Andrejew has been very active in France making decors for two films with Pabst
and several other films with L'Herbier
, Ozep, Pottier, Lacombe and Mirande.
and Jean Renoir
, but the directors who stayed in France like Marcel Carné
, Jean Cocteau
, Sacha Guitry
continued to make films and André Andrejew continued to design and build film décors. These French films had nothing to do with the occupiers ideology. Their default was to pretend normality, while the whole world has been set on fire and just next door millions of people were chased and send away to be exterminated.
Le Corbeau
. This anti-authoritarian film became very controversial not only during the occupation, when it has been seen as an indirect film about the Nazi system. It is just after the liberation of France in August 1944, that Le Corbeau
has been perceived as a movie made by the Nazi collaborators. The untrue rumors were spread that Le Corbeau
has been released in Germany and used by the Nazis to picture in a bad light France and French people. In fact, Le Corbeau
has been forbidden by the Nazi German censorship, and not released in Germany.
However, the film has been disliked by all political parties in after war France and there was a strong consensus to see this movie as a work of collaborators. In the post-war French social atmosphere, dominated by the feeling of guilt of the whole nation for not putting enough resistance against the Nazi Germany, these collaborators even if only imagined, had to be severely punished. Clouzot received at first ban from film directing for life, his actors who acted also in other movies, long prison terms.
Several important personalities in France, as artist Jean Cocteau
and philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, went to the defense of Le Corbeau
and Henri-Georges Clouzot
himself. The Clouzot´s
ban has been commuted to three years counted since Le Corbeau
release, which in fact meant two years ban from directing. Andrejew as his close collaborator received nine months ban. This ban forced André Andrejew to renew his English contacts.
The ban on Le Corbeau
has been lifted in France only in 1969.
, Alexander the Great
(shot in Spain), and Anastasia
Anna Karenina
produced by Alexander Korda
and directed by Julien Duvivier
, with the cinematography by Henri Alekan
, costumes by Cecil Beaton
and Vivien Leigh
in the title part, stands out in Andrejew's work as probably one of his best films. Andre Andrejew has done something good that very few set designers for films set in czarist Russia are able to do: create the impression of sumptuous wealth without making the rooms look like nearly barbaric combination of harems and safaris. The seeming alien-ness of Russia, particularly before 1917, has influenced many set designers to make the place look strange and combine several bizarre cultures which have nothing to do with anything. This production of Anna Karenina takes into account something very important: Upper class Russians were, in effect, Europeans, and they tended to live in the same sort of surroundings as other Victorian-era Europeans did.´
In Alexander the Great
(1956), Andrejew successfully used existing elements of primitive Spanish architecture to create the richness and glory of ancient Greece and Persia in far more authentic way, than the plaster and plywood decorations in similar Hollywood films of the time. Andrejew's ideas were continued a decade later in the mythological films directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini
, Edipo re (Oedipus Rex, 1967) with the production design by Luigi Scaccianoce, and Medea
(1969) with the production design by Dante Ferretti.
Andrejew briefly returned to Berlin in 1952, to work on a Carol Reed
's The Man Between. He made his last movies in mid-fifties of the 20c. in Germany (then West Germany).
André Andrejew died of natural causes in Loudun
, south of Paris on March 13, 1967.
Andrejew's production drawings are today in the collections in France and Great Britain, they also appear on art auctions and offering by the commercial galleries in France. Cinémathèque Française
in Paris presented several of Andrejew's gouaches during the exhibition' Le cinéma expressionniste allemand — Splendeurs d'une collection (French Expressionist Cinema — Splendors of the Collection) ´ - held in winter of 2007. They were collected by Lotte H. Eisner
, German film historian living in France, who documented for the Cinémathèque
works of the most important Filmarchitekte of the German expressionist cinema.
This filmography lists a year of release (not of production), an original title of the film and the name of its director. Eventual Andrejew's collaborators are mentioned before the film director's name. Additionally, after some titles, some significant names of the cast or of the crew have been noted.
1923 Raskolnikov , Directed by Robert Wiene
1923 Macht der Finsternis (Die), in collaboration with Heinrich Richter, Directed by Conrad Wiene
1925 Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten, in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1925 Geheimnis der alten Mamsell (Das), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Paul Merzbach
1925 Trödler von Amsterdam (Der), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Victor Janson
1925 Bankkrach Unter den Linden (Der), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Paul Merzbach
1926 Försterchristl(Die), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Frederic Zelnik, Cast: Lya Mara
1926 Mühle von Sanssouci (Die), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Siegfried Philippi and Frederic Zelnik
1926 Flucht in den Zirkus (Die) also known as Verurteilt nach Sibirien — Moskau 1912 (Die), in collaboration with Karl Görge and August Rinaldi, Directed by Mario Bonnard and Guido Parish
1926 Veilchenfresser (Der), in collaboration with Hermann Krehan, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1926 Überflüssige Menschen, in collaboration with Stefan Lhotka, Directed by Alexander Rasumny
1926 Lachende Grille (Die), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Zigeunerbaron (Der), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Weber (Die) , Directed by Frederic Zelnik, Makeup designer: George Grosz
1927 Alpentragödie , Directed by Robert Land
1927 Der goldene Abgrund. Schiffbrüchige des Lebens(Der), Directed by Mario Bonnard
1927 Tanzende Wien (Das) also known as An der schönen blauen Donau. 2. Teil; Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Spielerin (Die), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy; Directed by Graham Cutts, based upon Dostoyevski's The Player
1927 Im Luxuszug , Directed by Erich Schönfelder
1928 Thérèse Raquin
, Directed by Jacques Feyder
1928 Heut Tanzt Mariett, in collaboration with Erich Zander, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1928 Zwei Rote Rosen, Directed by Robert Land
1928 Marie Lou, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1928 Ladenprinz (Der) , Directed by Erich Schönfelder
1928 Heilige und ihr Narr (Die), Directed by Wilhelm Dieterle
1928 Mein Herz ist eine Jazzband, Directed by Frederic Zelnik; Cast: Lya Mara
, Carl Goetz, Iwan Kowal-Samborskij, Alfred Abel
1928 Rapa-nui, Directed by Mario Bonnard
1928 Wolga Wolga, Directed by Victor Tourjansky
1928 Herzensphotograph (Der) , Directed by Max Reichmann
1929 Diane , Directed by Erich Waschneck, Cast: Henry Victor (Oberst Guy de Lasalle), Kommandant von Tschamschewa, Olga Tschechowa
(Diane), Pierre Blanchar (Leutnant Gaston Mévil)
1929 Büchse der Pandora (Die)
or Loulou (French title), in collaboration with Gottlieb Hesch (Bohumil Heš); Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
, Cast: Louise Brooks
1929 Liebe der Brüder Rott. Irrlichter (Die), Directed by Erich Waschneck, Cast: Olga Chekhova
aka Olga Tschechova (Theresa Donath) who also produced the film
1929 Narr Seiner Liebe (Der), Directed by Olga Chekhova
aka Olga Tschechova
1929 Sprengbagger 1010 , Directed by Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg, Cast: Heinrich George (Direktor March) Viola Garden (Olga Lossen)
1930 Revolte im Erziehungshaus, Directed by Georg Asagaroff
sound movies:
1930 Letzte Kompanie (Die), Directed by Curtis Bernhardt
(as Kurt Bernhardt)
1931 Dreigroschenoper (Die), Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
; Treatment by Bertolt Brecht
based upon the musical by Bertolt Brecht
with the music by Kurt Weill
. Screenplay by Leo Lania, Ladislaus Vajda and Béla Balázs
1931 Raub der Mona Lisa (Der), in collaboration with Robert A. Dietrich; Directed by Geza von Bolvary
1931 Son altesse amour, in collaboration with Erich Kettelhut; Directed by Robert Péguy and Erich Schmidt
1931 Liebeskommando, in collaboration with Robert A. Dietrich; directed by Geza von Bolvary
1932 Don Quixotte Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
; Cast: Feodor Chaliapin
(Don Quixotte)
1932 Mirages de Paris in collaboration with Lucien Aguettand; Directed by Fédor Ozep - * Note: a film produced in Germany in a co-production with France
1933 Grosstadtnacht, Directed by Fédor Ozep - * Note: a film produced in Germany in a co-production with France
, Cast: Harry Baur (Professor Vautier),
Alice Field (Helene), Kiki de Montparnasse
aka Alice Prin (Kiki)
1933 Dans les rues Directed by Victor Trivas
1933 Volga en flammes Directed by Victor Tourjansky
1934 Nuits moscovites (Les) Directed by Alexis Granowsky; Music Bronisław Kaper aka Bronislau Kapper and Walter Jurmann
1934 Whom the gods destroy Directed by Walter Lang, Cast: Walter Connolly (John Forrester aka Eric Jann aka Peter Korotoff); * Note: a film produced in Great Britain
1935 Dictator (The) Le Dictateur Directed by Victor Saville; * Note: a film produced in Great Britain
1935 Tarass Boulba
Directed by Alexis Granowsky
1936 Mayerling, Directed by Anatole Litvak
, Written by: Marcel Achard
, Claude Anet (novel), Joseph Kessel
, Irma von Cube, Cast: Charles Boyer
(Archduke Rudolph of Austria) and Danielle Darrieux
(Marie Vetsera)
1936 Golem (Le) in collaboration with Štěpán Kopecký; Directed by Julien Duvivier
, * Note: a film produced in France, shot in Czechoslovakia
1936 Beloved Vagabond (The) Directed by Curtis Bernhardt
; * Note: film by a German director produced in Great Britain
1936 Gässchen zum Paradies Das) Directed by W.L. Bagier and Martin Fric, Written by: Hugo Haas and Otakar Vávra; * Please Note: a film produced in Czechoslovakia
1937 Dark Journey originally released as The Anxious Years, with the collaboration of Ferdinand Bellan; Directed by Victor Saville; Cast: Conrad Veidt (Baron Karl Von Marwitz), Vivien Leigh
(Madeleine Goddard); * Please note: a film produced in Great Britain
1937 Citadelle du silence (La) Marcel L'Herbier
1937 Tarakanowa Directed by Fédor Ozep, Cast: Annie Vernay (Princess Tarakanowa)
1938 Drame de Shangaï (Le) Georg Wilhelm Pabst
1938 Lumières de Paris Directed by Richard Pottier
1939 Esclave blanche (L') Directed by Marc Sorkin; Supervised by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
1939 Jeunes filles en détresse Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
1939 Musiciens du ciel (Les) Directed by Georges Lacombe
1939 Paris-New York Directed by Yves Mirande
1941 Caprices Directed by Léo Joannon
1941 Dernier des six(Le) Directed by Georges Lacombe
1941 La Symphonie fantastique
Directed by Christian-Jacque
1941 évadés de l´an 4000 (Les) in collaboration with André Chaillez, Directed by Marcel Carné
1942 assassin habite au 21 (L') Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
1942 Fausse maîtresse (La) Directed by André Cayatte
1942 Main du diable (La) Directed by Maurice Tourneur
1942 Picpus Directed by Richard Pottier
1942 Simplet Directed by Fernandel
and Carlo Rim
1943 Au bonheur des dames Directed by André Cayatte
1943 Corbeau (Le)
Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
1943 Ferme aux loups (La) Directed by Richard Pottier
1943 Mon amour est près de toi Directed by Richard Pottier
1943 Pierre et Jean Directed by André Cayatte
1944 dernier sou (Le) Directed by André Cayatte
; *Note: the movie released in 1946
, Directed by Leslie Arliss
1948 Anna Karenina
, Directed by Julien Duvivier
, Produced by Alexander Korda
, Screenplay by Julien Duvivier
, Guy Moran and Jean Anouilh
from Leo Tolstoy
's novel, Photography by Henri Alekan
, Costumes by Cecil Beaton
, Cast: Vivien Leigh
(Anna Karenina
1948 The Winslow Boy
, Directed by Anthony Asquith
, cast: Robert Donat
(Sir Robert Morton), Cedric Hardwicke (Arthur Winslow)
1949 That Dangerous Age also known in US as If This Be Sin, Directed by Gregory Ratoff
, Cast: Myrna Loy
(Lady Cathy Brooke)
1949 Britannia Mews Directed by Jean Negulesco, Cast: Dana Andrews
(Gilbert Lauderdale/Henry Lambert)
1950 Angel with the Trumpet (The), Directed by Anthony Bushell
1950 My daughter Joy, Directed by Gregory Ratoff
; Set Decoration by Dario Simoni; Cast: Edward G. Robinson
(George Constantin)
1952 The Man between, Directed by Carol Reed
, Cast: James Mason
(Ivo Kern), Claire Bloom
(Susanne Mallison)
, Cast: Patrice Munsel
(Nellie Melba
1954 Mambo, Directed by Robert Rossen
, Produced by Dino De Laurentiis
and Carlo Ponti
, Cast: Silvana Mangano
(Giovanna Masetti), Vittorio Gassman
(Mario Rossi), Shelley Winters
(Toni Salerno)
1955 Alexander the Great
, Directed by Robert Rossen
, Cast: Richard Burton
(Alexander the Great); *Note: a film shot in Spain
1956 Anastasia
, Directed by Anatole Litvak
, Cast: Ingrid Bergman
), Yul Brynner
(General Sergei Pavlovich Bounine)
1957 (released in January 1958) Madeleine und der Legionär, in collaboration with Helmut Neutwig and Fritz Lippman; Directed by Wolfgang Staudte
Fantaisies russes. Russische Filmmacher in Berlin und Paris 1920-1930, Jörg Schöning (Editor), CineGraph Buch, München, 1995, 187 pages, for Andrejew see page 113, ISBN 3-88377-509-6;
Fantaisies russes. Russische Filmmacher in Berlin und Paris 1920-1930, Jörg Schöning (Editor), CineGraph Buch, München, 1995, ISBN 3-88377-509-6 (in German)
Early life
André Andrejew was born in a town of Schawli (Lithuanian: ŠiauliaiŠiauliai
Šiauliai , is the fourth largest city in Lithuania, with a population of 133,900. It is the capital of Šiauliai County. Unofficially, the city is the capital of Northern Lithuania.-Names:...
) in tsarist Russia
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
, (today Lithuania
Lithuania , officially the Republic of Lithuania is a country in Northern Europe, the biggest of the three Baltic states. It is situated along the southeastern shore of the Baltic Sea, whereby to the west lie Sweden and Denmark...
), on January 21, 1887 as Andrej Andrejew (Russian: Андрей Андреев). He studied architecture at the Moscow
Russia or , officially known as both Russia and the Russian Federation , is a country in northern Eurasia. It is a federal semi-presidential republic, comprising 83 federal subjects...
Fine Arts Academy. At the time in Russia, architecture could be studied at technical universities and with the more artistic angle at art academies, where accent was on interior design and decor and students were trained as artists. After the studies, André Andrejew worked as a decor designer at the Stanislavski´s theater in Moscow.
In Berlin
After the October revolutionOctober Revolution
The October Revolution , also known as the Great October Socialist Revolution , Red October, the October Uprising or the Bolshevik Revolution, was a political revolution and a part of the Russian Revolution of 1917...
of 1917, Andrejew migrated to Germany, where he worked as stage designer in theater productions in Berlin and Vienna, working among others with Max Reinhardt
Max Reinhardt
----Max Reinhardt was an Austrian theater and film director and actor.-Biography:...
. In 1921/1922, he designed stage decorations for the Jasha Jushny's Der Blaue Vogel (Blue Bird), a legendary Russian émigré cabaret at Goltzstrasse in Berlin.
In 1923, he designed his first cinema décor for Raskolnikow
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is the fictional protagonist of Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoyevsky. The name Raskolnikov derives from the Russian raskolnik meaning "schismatic"...
, directed by Robert Wiene
Robert Wiene
Robert Wiene was an important film director of the German silent cinema.Robert Wiene was born in Breslau, as the elder son of the successful theatre actor Carl Wiene. His younger brother Conrad also became an actor, but Robert Wiene at first studied law at the University of Berlin. In 1908 he also...
, film based upon Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment is a novel by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky. It was first published in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in twelve monthly installments during 1866. It was later published in a single volume. This is the second of Dostoyevsky's full-length novels following his...
. This expressionist work made him the foremost art director in Germany. Rudolf Kurtz in his Expressionismus und Film (1926) wrote: Andrejew is a typical Moscow mixture, distinction of the streaked folk art (his decors) dissolves the rhythm of images, creates gentle forms, establishes balance even when everything is broken and torn.
Germany produced at the time hundreds of feature movies each year, and as cinema was silent, they were often produced in a co-production with France and released in both countries with different language inter-titles. Andrejew designed décors for several major German and Franco-German productions directed by Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
, Feyder
Jacques Feyder
Jacques Feyder was a Belgian actor, screenwriter and film director who worked principally in France, but also in the USA, Britain and Germany. He was a leading director of silent films during the 1920s, and in the 1930s he became associated with the style of poetic realism in French cinema...
, Duvivier
Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier was a French film director. He was prominent in French cinema in the years 1930-1960...
, Christian-Jacque. The titles of this period include Dancing Vienna, Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box (film)
Pandora's Box is a 1929 German silent melodrama film based on Frank Wedekind's plays Erdgeist and Die Büchse der Pandora . Directed by Austrian filmmaker Georg Wilhelm Pabst, the film stars Louise Brooks, Fritz Kortner, and Francis Lederer...
, The Threepenny Opera, Don Quixote, The Golem, Meyerling.
Especially interesting is today The Threepenny Opera (1930), directed by G.W. Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
. Andrejew built for this film huge sets of the imaginary London. These decors artistically continue German Expressionism
German Expressionism
German Expressionism refers to a number of related creative movements beginning in Germany before the First World War that reached a peak in Berlin, during the 1920s...
of the 1920s, but bring it to another level, creating the world far more realistic, intense and somber.
France, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia: 1933-1940
Immediately after HitlerAdolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party , commonly referred to as the Nazi Party). He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and head of state from 1934 to 1945...
took power in Germany in 1933, Andrejew as several other Russian artists living in Berlin left for Paris. At first he worked with the directors who also left Germany (Fedor Ozep, Alexis Granowsky, G. W. Pabst), but later also with the most successful French filmmakers of the time, working on art direction of numerous film productions in France, England, and Czechoslovakia.
In collaboration with Pimenoff, Andrejew art directed 'Les Yeux Noirs'. Following this came sumptuous sets for 'Les Nuits Moscovites' and 'Myerling'. His sets for Duvivier's 'Golem' made in Prague were remarkable, the camera reproducing the artist's original designs very faithfully. Toeplitz brought Andrejew to England in 1937 to make 'The Dictator', and he stayed on to make 'Whom the Gods Love' for Basil Dean. Both these films were set against lavish eighteenth century backgrounds on which he was so much at home(...)Until 1937 he was associated with many productions for London Films but returned to his chateau in France in 1938.
Just before the WWII, Andrejew has been very active in France making decors for two films with Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
and several other films with L'Herbier
Marcel L'Herbier
Marcel L'Herbier, Légion d'honneur, was a French film-maker, who achieved prominence as an avant-garde theorist and imaginative practitioner with a series of silent films in the 1920s. His career as a director continued until the 1950s and he made more than 40 feature films in total...
, Ozep, Pottier, Lacombe and Mirande.
War years in France: 1940-1944
When Germany invaded France in May 1940 and the Vichy regime was established, German producer Alfred Greven and his firm Continental Films continued to produce French films. These films were shown in cinemas in France and other occupied by Germany countries, where cinema had to be kept alive while it has been seen by the Nazi regime, as an important propaganda tool. Several directors left France escaping the Nazis as Luis BuñuelLuis Buñuel
Luis Buñuel Portolés was a Spanish-born filmmaker — later a naturalized citizen of Mexico — who worked in Spain, Mexico, France and the US..-Early years:...
and Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir
Jean Renoir was a French film director, screenwriter, actor, producer and author. As a film director and actor, he made more than forty films from the silent era to the end of the 1960s...
, but the directors who stayed in France like Marcel Carné
Marcel Carné
-Biography:Born in Paris, France, the son of a cabinet maker whose wife died when their son was five, Carné began his career as a film critic, becoming editor of the weekly publication, Hebdo-Films, and working for Cinémagazine and Cinémonde between 1929 and 1933. In the same period he worked in...
, Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau
Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, playwright, artist and filmmaker. His circle of associates, friends and lovers included Kenneth Anger, Pablo Picasso, Jean Hugo, Jean Marais, Henri Bernstein, Marlene Dietrich, Coco Chanel, Erik Satie, María...
, Sacha Guitry
Sacha Guitry
Alexandre-Pierre Georges Guitry was a French stage actor, film actor, director, screenwriter, and playwright of the Boulevard theatre.- Biography :...
continued to make films and André Andrejew continued to design and build film décors. These French films had nothing to do with the occupiers ideology. Their default was to pretend normality, while the whole world has been set on fire and just next door millions of people were chased and send away to be exterminated.
Le Corbeau controversy
In 1943, André Andrejew worked as a production designer on a thriller by Henri-Georges ClouzotHenri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot was a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best remembered for his work in the thriller film genre, having directed The Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques, which are critically recognized to be among the greatest films from the 1950s...
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
. This anti-authoritarian film became very controversial not only during the occupation, when it has been seen as an indirect film about the Nazi system. It is just after the liberation of France in August 1944, that Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
has been perceived as a movie made by the Nazi collaborators. The untrue rumors were spread that Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
has been released in Germany and used by the Nazis to picture in a bad light France and French people. In fact, Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
has been forbidden by the Nazi German censorship, and not released in Germany.
However, the film has been disliked by all political parties in after war France and there was a strong consensus to see this movie as a work of collaborators. In the post-war French social atmosphere, dominated by the feeling of guilt of the whole nation for not putting enough resistance against the Nazi Germany, these collaborators even if only imagined, had to be severely punished. Clouzot received at first ban from film directing for life, his actors who acted also in other movies, long prison terms.
Several important personalities in France, as artist Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau
Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau was a French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, playwright, artist and filmmaker. His circle of associates, friends and lovers included Kenneth Anger, Pablo Picasso, Jean Hugo, Jean Marais, Henri Bernstein, Marlene Dietrich, Coco Chanel, Erik Satie, María...
and philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, went to the defense of Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
and Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot was a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best remembered for his work in the thriller film genre, having directed The Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques, which are critically recognized to be among the greatest films from the 1950s...
himself. The Clouzot´s
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot was a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best remembered for his work in the thriller film genre, having directed The Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques, which are critically recognized to be among the greatest films from the 1950s...
ban has been commuted to three years counted since Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
release, which in fact meant two years ban from directing. Andrejew as his close collaborator received nine months ban. This ban forced André Andrejew to renew his English contacts.
The ban on Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
has been lifted in France only in 1969.
Final years — Hollywood productions
Andrejew continued to work as a production designer in England, France, and since 1948, he designed décors for several major international productions as Anna KareninaAnna Karenina (1948 film)
Anna Karenina [p] is a 1948 British film based on the 19th century novel, Anna Karenina, by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The film was directed by Julien Duvivier, and starred Vivien Leigh in the title role...
, Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great (1956 film)
Alexander the Great is a 1956 America sword and sandal epic film written, directed and produced by Robert Rossen with Gordon S. Griffith as executive producer...
(shot in Spain), and Anastasia
Anastasia (1956 film)
Anastasia is a 1956 American historical drama film directed by Anatole Litvak for 20th Century Fox. The film stars Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, and Helen Hayes. Supporting players include Akim Tamiroff, Martita Hunt, and, in a small role, Natalie Schafer...
Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina (1948 film)
Anna Karenina [p] is a 1948 British film based on the 19th century novel, Anna Karenina, by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The film was directed by Julien Duvivier, and starred Vivien Leigh in the title role...
produced by Alexander Korda
Alexander Korda
Sir Alexander Korda was a Hungarian-born British producer and film director. He was a leading figure in the British film industry, the founder of London Films and the owner of British Lion Films, a film distributing company.-Life and career:The elder brother of filmmakers Zoltán Korda and Vincent...
and directed by Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier was a French film director. He was prominent in French cinema in the years 1930-1960...
, with the cinematography by Henri Alekan
Henri Alekan
Henri Alekan was a French cinematographer.-Life:Henri Alekan was born in Montmartre in 1909. At the age of sixteen he and his brother became travelling puppeteers. A little later he started work as third assistant cameraman at the Billancourt studios. He then spent a short time in the army,...
, costumes by Cecil Beaton
Cecil Beaton
Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton, CBE was an English fashion and portrait photographer, diarist, painter, interior designer and an Academy Award-winning stage and costume designer for films and the theatre...
and Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh, Lady Olivier was an English actress. She won the Best Actress Academy Award for her portrayal of Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire , a role she also played on stage in London's West End, as well as for her portrayal of the southern belle Scarlett O'Hara, alongside Clark...
in the title part, stands out in Andrejew's work as probably one of his best films. Andre Andrejew has done something good that very few set designers for films set in czarist Russia are able to do: create the impression of sumptuous wealth without making the rooms look like nearly barbaric combination of harems and safaris. The seeming alien-ness of Russia, particularly before 1917, has influenced many set designers to make the place look strange and combine several bizarre cultures which have nothing to do with anything. This production of Anna Karenina takes into account something very important: Upper class Russians were, in effect, Europeans, and they tended to live in the same sort of surroundings as other Victorian-era Europeans did.´
In Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great (1956 film)
Alexander the Great is a 1956 America sword and sandal epic film written, directed and produced by Robert Rossen with Gordon S. Griffith as executive producer...
(1956), Andrejew successfully used existing elements of primitive Spanish architecture to create the richness and glory of ancient Greece and Persia in far more authentic way, than the plaster and plywood decorations in similar Hollywood films of the time. Andrejew's ideas were continued a decade later in the mythological films directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Pier Paolo Pasolini was an Italian film director, poet, writer, and intellectual. Pasolini distinguished himself as a poet, journalist, philosopher, linguist, novelist, playwright, filmmaker, newspaper and magazine columnist, actor, painter and political figure...
, Edipo re (Oedipus Rex, 1967) with the production design by Luigi Scaccianoce, and Medea
Medea (film)
Medea is a film by Pier Paolo Pasolini based on the plot of Euripides' Medea. Filmed in Göreme Open Air Museum's early Christian churches, it stars the famous opera singer Maria Callas in her only film role; however, she does not sing in the movie....
(1969) with the production design by Dante Ferretti.
Andrejew briefly returned to Berlin in 1952, to work on a Carol Reed
Carol Reed
Sir Carol Reed was an English film director best known for Odd Man Out , The Fallen Idol , The Third Man and Oliver!...
's The Man Between. He made his last movies in mid-fifties of the 20c. in Germany (then West Germany).
André Andrejew died of natural causes in Loudun
Loudun is a commune in the Vienne department in the Poitou-Charentes region in western France.It is located south of the town of Chinon and 25 km to the east of the town Thouars...
, south of Paris on March 13, 1967.
Influence of Andrejew on production design in film
Through his individual style of the art directing, the visual wealth and the artistic quality of his decors and the sheer number of films produced in different countries, Andrejew influenced for more than thirty years aesthetics of the art directing in Europe and America. Several production designers were following his style and today Andrejew is regarded as a classic. Edith C. Lee writes about him: As critics began to condemn any strongly stated art direction as distracting, Andrejew slightly toned down his style. Nonetheless, he maintained his belief in the importance of intrinsic meaning in design.Andrejew's production drawings are today in the collections in France and Great Britain, they also appear on art auctions and offering by the commercial galleries in France. Cinémathèque Française
Cinémathèque Française
The Cinémathèque Française holds one of the largest archives of films, movie documents and film-related objects in the world. Located in Paris, the Cinémathèque holds daily screenings of films from around the world.-History:...
in Paris presented several of Andrejew's gouaches during the exhibition
Lotte H. Eisner
Lotte H. Eisner was a French-German film critic, historian, writer and poet.She was born Lotte Henriette Eisner in Berlin as a daughter of a Jewish merchant...
, German film historian living in France, who documented for the Cinémathèque
Cinémathèque Française
The Cinémathèque Française holds one of the largest archives of films, movie documents and film-related objects in the world. Located in Paris, the Cinémathèque holds daily screenings of films from around the world.-History:...
works of the most important Filmarchitekte of the German expressionist cinema.
This is a filmography of films made by André Andrejew as a production designer or an art director, as in Europe at the time there was no sharp distinction between these functions.This filmography lists a year of release (not of production), an original title of the film and the name of its director. Eventual Andrejew's collaborators are mentioned before the film director's name. Additionally, after some titles, some significant names of the cast or of the crew have been noted.
Germany: 1923 - 1933
Silent movies:1923 Raskolnikov , Directed by Robert Wiene
Robert Wiene
Robert Wiene was an important film director of the German silent cinema.Robert Wiene was born in Breslau, as the elder son of the successful theatre actor Carl Wiene. His younger brother Conrad also became an actor, but Robert Wiene at first studied law at the University of Berlin. In 1908 he also...
1923 Macht der Finsternis (Die), in collaboration with Heinrich Richter, Directed by Conrad Wiene
Conrad Wiene
Conrad Wiene was an actor, screenwriter, film producer and director of Austrian and German silent film. He was a younger brother of the famous German film director Robert Wiene Conrad Wiene (born February 3, 1878; d. after 1933, exact date of death unknown) was an actor, screenwriter, film...
1925 Briefe, die ihn nicht erreichten, in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1925 Geheimnis der alten Mamsell (Das), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Paul Merzbach
1925 Trödler von Amsterdam (Der), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Victor Janson
1925 Bankkrach Unter den Linden (Der), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Paul Merzbach
1926 Försterchristl(Die), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Frederic Zelnik, Cast: Lya Mara
Lya Mara
Lya Mara was one of the biggest stars of the German silent cinema.Lya Mara was born as Aleksandra Gudowicz in a Polish family in Riga, Livonia. As a young girl she wanted to become a chemist, as then famous Maria Skłodowska-Curie...
1926 Mühle von Sanssouci (Die), in collaboration with Gustav A. Knauer, Directed by Siegfried Philippi and Frederic Zelnik
1926 Flucht in den Zirkus (Die) also known as Verurteilt nach Sibirien — Moskau 1912 (Die), in collaboration with Karl Görge and August Rinaldi, Directed by Mario Bonnard and Guido Parish
1926 Veilchenfresser (Der), in collaboration with Hermann Krehan, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1926 Überflüssige Menschen, in collaboration with Stefan Lhotka, Directed by Alexander Rasumny
1926 Lachende Grille (Die), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Zigeunerbaron (Der), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Weber (Die) , Directed by Frederic Zelnik, Makeup designer: George Grosz
George Grosz
Georg Ehrenfried Groß was a German artist known especially for his savagely caricatural drawings of Berlin life in the 1920s...
1927 Alpentragödie , Directed by Robert Land
1927 Der goldene Abgrund. Schiffbrüchige des Lebens(Der), Directed by Mario Bonnard
1927 Tanzende Wien (Das) also known as An der schönen blauen Donau. 2. Teil; Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1927 Spielerin (Die), in collaboration with Alexander Ferenczy; Directed by Graham Cutts, based upon Dostoyevski's The Player
1927 Im Luxuszug , Directed by Erich Schönfelder
1928 Thérèse Raquin
Thérèse Raquin (1928 film)
Thérèse Raquin is a 1928 drama film directed by Jacques Feyder. It is the third silent film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Émile Zola. The film stars Gina Manès as Thérèse Raquin, Wolfgang Zilzer as Monsieur Raquin, and Jeanne Marie Laurent as Madame Raquin. The décors of the Paris...
, Directed by Jacques Feyder
Jacques Feyder
Jacques Feyder was a Belgian actor, screenwriter and film director who worked principally in France, but also in the USA, Britain and Germany. He was a leading director of silent films during the 1920s, and in the 1930s he became associated with the style of poetic realism in French cinema...
1928 Heut Tanzt Mariett, in collaboration with Erich Zander, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1928 Zwei Rote Rosen, Directed by Robert Land
1928 Marie Lou, Directed by Frederic Zelnik
1928 Ladenprinz (Der) , Directed by Erich Schönfelder
1928 Heilige und ihr Narr (Die), Directed by Wilhelm Dieterle
1928 Mein Herz ist eine Jazzband, Directed by Frederic Zelnik; Cast: Lya Mara
Lya Mara
Lya Mara was one of the biggest stars of the German silent cinema.Lya Mara was born as Aleksandra Gudowicz in a Polish family in Riga, Livonia. As a young girl she wanted to become a chemist, as then famous Maria Skłodowska-Curie...
, Carl Goetz, Iwan Kowal-Samborskij, Alfred Abel
1928 Rapa-nui, Directed by Mario Bonnard
1928 Wolga Wolga, Directed by Victor Tourjansky
1928 Herzensphotograph (Der) , Directed by Max Reichmann
1929 Diane , Directed by Erich Waschneck, Cast: Henry Victor (Oberst Guy de Lasalle), Kommandant von Tschamschewa, Olga Tschechowa
Olga Chekhova
Olga Konstantinovna Chekhova, née Knipper — 9 March 1980, Berlin, Germany) was a Russian-German actress. Her film roles include the female lead in Alfred Hitchcock's Mary .- Biography :...
(Diane), Pierre Blanchar (Leutnant Gaston Mévil)
1929 Büchse der Pandora (Die)
Pandora's Box (film)
Pandora's Box is a 1929 German silent melodrama film based on Frank Wedekind's plays Erdgeist and Die Büchse der Pandora . Directed by Austrian filmmaker Georg Wilhelm Pabst, the film stars Louise Brooks, Fritz Kortner, and Francis Lederer...
or Loulou (French title), in collaboration with Gottlieb Hesch (Bohumil Heš); Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
, Cast: Louise Brooks
Louise Brooks
Mary Louise Brooks , generally known by her stage name Louise Brooks, was an American dancer, model, showgirl and silent film actress, noted for popularizing the bobbed haircut. Brooks is best known for her three feature roles including two G. W...
1929 Liebe der Brüder Rott. Irrlichter (Die), Directed by Erich Waschneck, Cast: Olga Chekhova
Olga Chekhova
Olga Konstantinovna Chekhova, née Knipper — 9 March 1980, Berlin, Germany) was a Russian-German actress. Her film roles include the female lead in Alfred Hitchcock's Mary .- Biography :...
aka Olga Tschechova (Theresa Donath) who also produced the film
1929 Narr Seiner Liebe (Der), Directed by Olga Chekhova
Olga Chekhova
Olga Konstantinovna Chekhova, née Knipper — 9 March 1980, Berlin, Germany) was a Russian-German actress. Her film roles include the female lead in Alfred Hitchcock's Mary .- Biography :...
aka Olga Tschechova
1929 Sprengbagger 1010 , Directed by Carl Ludwig Achaz-Duisberg, Cast: Heinrich George (Direktor March) Viola Garden (Olga Lossen)
1930 Revolte im Erziehungshaus, Directed by Georg Asagaroff
sound movies:
1930 Letzte Kompanie (Die), Directed by Curtis Bernhardt
Curtis Bernhardt
Curtis Bernhardt was a German film director born in Worms, Germany, under the name Kurt Bernhardt. Some of his American films were called "woman's films" including the Joan Crawford film Possessed . Bernhardt trained as an actor in Germany, and performed on the stage, before starting as a film...
(as Kurt Bernhardt)
1931 Dreigroschenoper (Die), Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
; Treatment by Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht was a German poet, playwright, and theatre director.An influential theatre practitioner of the 20th century, Brecht made equally significant contributions to dramaturgy and theatrical production, the latter particularly through the seismic impact of the tours undertaken by the...
based upon the musical by Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht was a German poet, playwright, and theatre director.An influential theatre practitioner of the 20th century, Brecht made equally significant contributions to dramaturgy and theatrical production, the latter particularly through the seismic impact of the tours undertaken by the...
with the music by Kurt Weill
Kurt Weill
Kurt Julian Weill was a German-Jewish composer, active from the 1920s, and in his later years in the United States. He was a leading composer for the stage who was best known for his fruitful collaborations with Bertolt Brecht...
. Screenplay by Leo Lania, Ladislaus Vajda and Béla Balázs
Béla Balázs
----Béla Balázs , born Herbert Bauer, was a Hungarian-Jewish film critic, aesthete, writer and poet....
1931 Raub der Mona Lisa (Der), in collaboration with Robert A. Dietrich; Directed by Geza von Bolvary
1931 Son altesse amour, in collaboration with Erich Kettelhut; Directed by Robert Péguy and Erich Schmidt
1931 Liebeskommando, in collaboration with Robert A. Dietrich; directed by Geza von Bolvary
1932 Don Quixotte Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
; Cast: Feodor Chaliapin
Feodor Chaliapin
Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was a Russian opera singer. The possessor of a large and expressive bass voice, he enjoyed an important international career at major opera houses and is often credited with establishing the tradition of naturalistic acting in his chosen art form.During the first phase...
(Don Quixotte)
1932 Mirages de Paris in collaboration with Lucien Aguettand; Directed by Fédor Ozep - * Note: a film produced in Germany in a co-production with France
1933 Grosstadtnacht, Directed by Fédor Ozep - * Note: a film produced in Germany in a co-production with France
France, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia : 1933 - 1940
1933 Cette vieille canaille Directed by Anatole LitvakAnatole Litvak
Anatole Litvak was a Ukrainian-born filmmaker who wrote, directed, and produced films in a various countries and languages...
, Cast: Harry Baur (Professor Vautier),
Alice Field (Helene), Kiki de Montparnasse
Alice Prin
Alice Ernestine Prin , nicknamed Queen of Montparnasse, and often known as Kiki de Montparnasse, was a French artist model, nightclub singer, actress, memoirist, and painter. She flourished in, and helped define, the liberated, early 1920s culture of Paris.- Early life :Alice Prin was born in...
aka Alice Prin (Kiki)
1933 Dans les rues Directed by Victor Trivas
1933 Volga en flammes Directed by Victor Tourjansky
1934 Nuits moscovites (Les) Directed by Alexis Granowsky; Music Bronisław Kaper aka Bronislau Kapper and Walter Jurmann
Walter Jurmann
Walter Jurmann was an Austrian-born composer of popular music renowned for his versatility who, after emigrating to the United States, specialized in film scores and soundtracks....
1934 Whom the gods destroy Directed by Walter Lang, Cast: Walter Connolly (John Forrester aka Eric Jann aka Peter Korotoff); * Note: a film produced in Great Britain
1935 Dictator (The) Le Dictateur Directed by Victor Saville; * Note: a film produced in Great Britain
1935 Tarass Boulba
Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba is a romanticized historical novel by Nikolai Gogol. It tells the story of an old Zaporozhian Cossack, Taras Bulba, and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap. Taras’ sons studied at the Kiev Academy and return home...
Directed by Alexis Granowsky
1936 Mayerling, Directed by Anatole Litvak
Anatole Litvak
Anatole Litvak was a Ukrainian-born filmmaker who wrote, directed, and produced films in a various countries and languages...
, Written by: Marcel Achard
Marcel Achard
Marcel Achard was a French playwright and screenwriter whose popular sentimental comedies maintained his position as a highly-recognizable name in his country's theatrical and literary circles for five decades...
, Claude Anet (novel), Joseph Kessel
Joseph Kessel
Joseph Kessel was a French journalist and novelist.He was born in Villa Clara, Entre Ríos, Argentina, because of the constant journeys of his father, a Lithuanian doctor of Jewish origin. Joseph Kessel lived the first years of his childhood in Orenburg, Russia, before the family moved to France...
, Irma von Cube, Cast: Charles Boyer
Charles Boyer
Charles Boyer was a French actor who appeared in more than 80 films between 1920 and 1976. After receiving an education in drama, Boyer started on the stage, but he found success in movies during the 1930s. His memorable performances were among the era's most highly praised romantic dramas,...
(Archduke Rudolph of Austria) and Danielle Darrieux
Danielle Darrieux
Danielle Yvonne Marie Antoinette Darrieux is a French actress and singer, who has appeared in more than 110 films since 1931. She is one of France's great movie stars and her eight-decade career is among the longest in film history....
(Marie Vetsera)
1936 Golem (Le) in collaboration with Štěpán Kopecký; Directed by Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier was a French film director. He was prominent in French cinema in the years 1930-1960...
, * Note: a film produced in France, shot in Czechoslovakia
1936 Beloved Vagabond (The) Directed by Curtis Bernhardt
Curtis Bernhardt
Curtis Bernhardt was a German film director born in Worms, Germany, under the name Kurt Bernhardt. Some of his American films were called "woman's films" including the Joan Crawford film Possessed . Bernhardt trained as an actor in Germany, and performed on the stage, before starting as a film...
; * Note: film by a German director produced in Great Britain
1936 Gässchen zum Paradies Das) Directed by W.L. Bagier and Martin Fric, Written by: Hugo Haas and Otakar Vávra; * Please Note: a film produced in Czechoslovakia
1937 Dark Journey originally released as The Anxious Years, with the collaboration of Ferdinand Bellan; Directed by Victor Saville; Cast: Conrad Veidt (Baron Karl Von Marwitz), Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh, Lady Olivier was an English actress. She won the Best Actress Academy Award for her portrayal of Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire , a role she also played on stage in London's West End, as well as for her portrayal of the southern belle Scarlett O'Hara, alongside Clark...
(Madeleine Goddard); * Please note: a film produced in Great Britain
1937 Citadelle du silence (La) Marcel L'Herbier
Marcel L'Herbier
Marcel L'Herbier, Légion d'honneur, was a French film-maker, who achieved prominence as an avant-garde theorist and imaginative practitioner with a series of silent films in the 1920s. His career as a director continued until the 1950s and he made more than 40 feature films in total...
1937 Tarakanowa Directed by Fédor Ozep, Cast: Annie Vernay (Princess Tarakanowa)
1938 Drame de Shangaï (Le) Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
1938 Lumières de Paris Directed by Richard Pottier
1939 Esclave blanche (L') Directed by Marc Sorkin; Supervised by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
1939 Jeunes filles en détresse Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Georg Wilhelm Pabst
-Biography:Pabst was born in Raudnitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary , the son of a railroad employee.Returning from the United States, he was in France when World War I began...
1939 Musiciens du ciel (Les) Directed by Georges Lacombe
1939 Paris-New York Directed by Yves Mirande
France, war time: 1940 - 1944
1940 Elles étaient douze femmes Directed by Georges Lacombe1941 Caprices Directed by Léo Joannon
1941 Dernier des six(Le) Directed by Georges Lacombe
1941 La Symphonie fantastique
La Symphonie fantastique
La Symphonie fantastique is a 1942 French drama film by Christian-Jaque based upon the life of the French composer Hector Berlioz. The title is taken from the five-movement programmatic Symphonie fantastique of 1830...
Directed by Christian-Jacque
1941 évadés de l´an 4000 (Les) in collaboration with André Chaillez, Directed by Marcel Carné
Marcel Carné
-Biography:Born in Paris, France, the son of a cabinet maker whose wife died when their son was five, Carné began his career as a film critic, becoming editor of the weekly publication, Hebdo-Films, and working for Cinémagazine and Cinémonde between 1929 and 1933. In the same period he worked in...
1942 assassin habite au 21 (L') Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot was a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best remembered for his work in the thriller film genre, having directed The Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques, which are critically recognized to be among the greatest films from the 1950s...
1942 Fausse maîtresse (La) Directed by André Cayatte
André Cayatte
André Cayatte was a French New Wave filmmaker and lawyer, who became known for his films centering on themes of crime, justice, and moral responsibility, themes which Cayatte persisted in affirming regardless of changing contemporary attitudes.Some of Cayatte's earlier films that covered these...
1942 Main du diable (La) Directed by Maurice Tourneur
1942 Picpus Directed by Richard Pottier
1942 Simplet Directed by Fernandel
Fernand Joseph Désiré Contandin , better known as Fernandel, was a French actor and singer. Born in Marseille, France, he was a comedy star who first gained popularity in French vaudeville, operettas, and music-hall revues...
and Carlo Rim
1943 Au bonheur des dames Directed by André Cayatte
André Cayatte
André Cayatte was a French New Wave filmmaker and lawyer, who became known for his films centering on themes of crime, justice, and moral responsibility, themes which Cayatte persisted in affirming regardless of changing contemporary attitudes.Some of Cayatte's earlier films that covered these...
1943 Corbeau (Le)
Le Corbeau
Le Corbeau is a 1943 French film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot. The film was notable for causing serious trouble to its director after World War II because it had been produced by Continental Films, a German production company established in France in the early months of the war, and because...
Directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot
Henri-Georges Clouzot was a French film director, screenwriter and producer. He is best remembered for his work in the thriller film genre, having directed The Wages of Fear and Les Diaboliques, which are critically recognized to be among the greatest films from the 1950s...
1943 Ferme aux loups (La) Directed by Richard Pottier
1943 Mon amour est près de toi Directed by Richard Pottier
1943 Pierre et Jean Directed by André Cayatte
André Cayatte
André Cayatte was a French New Wave filmmaker and lawyer, who became known for his films centering on themes of crime, justice, and moral responsibility, themes which Cayatte persisted in affirming regardless of changing contemporary attitudes.Some of Cayatte's earlier films that covered these...
1944 dernier sou (Le) Directed by André Cayatte
André Cayatte
André Cayatte was a French New Wave filmmaker and lawyer, who became known for his films centering on themes of crime, justice, and moral responsibility, themes which Cayatte persisted in affirming regardless of changing contemporary attitudes.Some of Cayatte's earlier films that covered these...
; *Note: the movie released in 1946
Great Britain: 1947 - 1952
1947 A Man About the HouseA Man About the House (1947 film)
A Man About the House is a black-and-white British film directed by Leslie Arliss and released in 1947. The film is a melodrama, adapted for the screen by J.B. Williams from the 1942 novel of the same name by Francis Brett Young...
, Directed by Leslie Arliss
1948 Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina (1948 film)
Anna Karenina [p] is a 1948 British film based on the 19th century novel, Anna Karenina, by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The film was directed by Julien Duvivier, and starred Vivien Leigh in the title role...
, Directed by Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier was a French film director. He was prominent in French cinema in the years 1930-1960...
, Produced by Alexander Korda
Alexander Korda
Sir Alexander Korda was a Hungarian-born British producer and film director. He was a leading figure in the British film industry, the founder of London Films and the owner of British Lion Films, a film distributing company.-Life and career:The elder brother of filmmakers Zoltán Korda and Vincent...
, Screenplay by Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier
Julien Duvivier was a French film director. He was prominent in French cinema in the years 1930-1960...
, Guy Moran and Jean Anouilh
Jean Anouilh
Jean Marie Lucien Pierre Anouilh was a French dramatist whose career spanned five decades. Though his work ranged from high drama to absurdist farce, Anouilh is best known for his 1943 play Antigone, an adaptation of Sophocles' Classical drama, that was seen as an attack on Marshal Pétain's...
from Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a Russian writer who primarily wrote novels and short stories. Later in life, he also wrote plays and essays. His two most famous works, the novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina, are acknowledged as two of the greatest novels of all time and a pinnacle of realist...
's novel, Photography by Henri Alekan
Henri Alekan
Henri Alekan was a French cinematographer.-Life:Henri Alekan was born in Montmartre in 1909. At the age of sixteen he and his brother became travelling puppeteers. A little later he started work as third assistant cameraman at the Billancourt studios. He then spent a short time in the army,...
, Costumes by Cecil Beaton
Cecil Beaton
Sir Cecil Walter Hardy Beaton, CBE was an English fashion and portrait photographer, diarist, painter, interior designer and an Academy Award-winning stage and costume designer for films and the theatre...
, Cast: Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh
Vivien Leigh, Lady Olivier was an English actress. She won the Best Actress Academy Award for her portrayal of Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire , a role she also played on stage in London's West End, as well as for her portrayal of the southern belle Scarlett O'Hara, alongside Clark...
(Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina is a novel by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, published in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger...
1948 The Winslow Boy
The Winslow Boy (1948 film)
The Winslow Boy is a 1948 film adaptation of Terence Rattigan's play The Winslow Boy. It was made by De Grunwald Productions and distributed by the British Lion Film Corporation. It was directed by Anthony Asquith and produced by Anatole de Grunwald with Teddy Baird as associate producer. The...
, Directed by Anthony Asquith
Anthony Asquith
Anthony Asquith was a leading English film director. He collaborated successfully with playwright Terence Rattigan on The Winslow Boy and The Browning Version , among other adaptations...
, cast: Robert Donat
Robert Donat
Robert Donat was an English film and stage actor. He is best-known for his roles in Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps and Goodbye, Mr...
(Sir Robert Morton), Cedric Hardwicke (Arthur Winslow)
1949 That Dangerous Age also known in US as If This Be Sin, Directed by Gregory Ratoff
Gregory Ratoff
Gregory Ratoff was a Russian-born American film director, actor and producer. His most famous role as an actor was as producer Max Fabian who feuds with star Margo Channing in All About Eve ....
, Cast: Myrna Loy
Myrna Loy
Myrna Loy was an American actress. Trained as a dancer, she devoted herself fully to an acting career following a few minor roles in silent films. Originally typecast in exotic roles, often as a vamp or a woman of Asian descent, her career prospects improved following her portrayal of Nora Charles...
(Lady Cathy Brooke)
1949 Britannia Mews Directed by Jean Negulesco, Cast: Dana Andrews
Dana Andrews
Dana Andrews was an American film actor. He was one of Hollywood's major stars of the 1940s, and continued acting, though generally in less prestigious roles, into the 1980s.-Early life:...
(Gilbert Lauderdale/Henry Lambert)
1950 Angel with the Trumpet (The), Directed by Anthony Bushell
1950 My daughter Joy, Directed by Gregory Ratoff
Gregory Ratoff
Gregory Ratoff was a Russian-born American film director, actor and producer. His most famous role as an actor was as producer Max Fabian who feuds with star Margo Channing in All About Eve ....
; Set Decoration by Dario Simoni; Cast: Edward G. Robinson
Edward G. Robinson
Edward G. Robinson was a Romanian-born American actor. A popular star during Hollywood's Golden Age, he is best remembered for his roles as gangsters, such as Rico in his star-making film Little Caesar and as Rocco in Key Largo...
(George Constantin)
1952 The Man between, Directed by Carol Reed
Carol Reed
Sir Carol Reed was an English film director best known for Odd Man Out , The Fallen Idol , The Third Man and Oliver!...
, Cast: James Mason
James Mason
James Neville Mason was an English actor who attained stardom in both British and American films. Mason remained a powerful figure in the industry throughout his career and was nominated for three Academy Awards as well as three Golden Globes .- Early life :Mason was born in Huddersfield, in the...
(Ivo Kern), Claire Bloom
Claire Bloom
Claire Bloom is an English film and stage actress.-Early life:Bloom was born in the North London suburb of Finchley, the daughter of Elizabeth and Edward Max Blume, who worked in sales...
(Susanne Mallison)
Big Hollywood productions: 1953 - 1956
1953 Melba, Directed by Lewis MilestoneLewis Milestone
Lewis Milestone was a Russian-American motion picture director. He is known for directing Two Arabian Knights and All Quiet on the Western Front , both of which received Academy Awards for Best Director...
, Cast: Patrice Munsel
Patrice Munsel
Patrice Munsel is an American coloratura soprano, the youngest singer who ever starred at the Metropolitan Opera, nicknamed "Princess Pat"....
(Nellie Melba
Nellie Melba
Dame Nellie Melba GBE , born Helen "Nellie" Porter Mitchell, was an Australian operatic soprano. She became one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era and the early 20th century...
1954 Mambo, Directed by Robert Rossen
Robert Rossen
Robert Rossen was an American screenwriter, film director, and producer whose film career spanned almost three decades. His 1949 film All the King's Men won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, while Rossen was nominated for an Oscar as Best Director...
, Produced by Dino De Laurentiis
Dino De Laurentiis
Agostino "Dino" De Laurentiis was an Italian film producer.-Early life:He was born at Torre Annunziata in the province of Naples, and grew up selling spaghetti produced by his father...
and Carlo Ponti
Carlo Ponti
Carlo Ponti was an Italian film producer with over 140 production credits, and the husband of Italian movie star Sophia Loren.-Career:...
, Cast: Silvana Mangano
Silvana Mangano
Silvana Mangano was an Italian actress.Raised in poverty during World War II, Mangano trained as a dancer and worked as a model before winning a "Miss Rome" beauty pageant in 1946...
(Giovanna Masetti), Vittorio Gassman
Vittorio Gassman
Vittorio Gassman Knight Grand Cross OMRI , popularly known as Il Mattatore, was an Italian theatre and film actor and director...
(Mario Rossi), Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters was an American actress who appeared in dozens of films, as well as on stage and television; her career spanned over 50 years until her death in 2006...
(Toni Salerno)
1955 Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great (1956 film)
Alexander the Great is a 1956 America sword and sandal epic film written, directed and produced by Robert Rossen with Gordon S. Griffith as executive producer...
, Directed by Robert Rossen
Robert Rossen
Robert Rossen was an American screenwriter, film director, and producer whose film career spanned almost three decades. His 1949 film All the King's Men won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress, while Rossen was nominated for an Oscar as Best Director...
, Cast: Richard Burton
Richard Burton
Richard Burton, CBE was a Welsh actor. He was nominated seven times for an Academy Award, six of which were for Best Actor in a Leading Role , and was a recipient of BAFTA, Golden Globe and Tony Awards for Best Actor. Although never trained as an actor, Burton was, at one time, the highest-paid...
(Alexander the Great); *Note: a film shot in Spain
1956 Anastasia
Anastasia (1956 film)
Anastasia is a 1956 American historical drama film directed by Anatole Litvak for 20th Century Fox. The film stars Ingrid Bergman, Yul Brynner, and Helen Hayes. Supporting players include Akim Tamiroff, Martita Hunt, and, in a small role, Natalie Schafer...
, Directed by Anatole Litvak
Anatole Litvak
Anatole Litvak was a Ukrainian-born filmmaker who wrote, directed, and produced films in a various countries and languages...
, Cast: Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman was a Swedish actress who starred in a variety of European and American films. She won three Academy Awards, two Emmy Awards, and the Tony Award for Best Actress. She is ranked as the fourth greatest female star of American cinema of all time by the American Film Institute...
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia
Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, the last sovereign of Imperial Russia, and his wife Alexandra Fyodorovna....
), Yul Brynner
Yul Brynner
Yul Brynner was a Russian-born actor of stage and film. He was best known for his portrayal of Mongkut, king of Siam, in the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The King and I, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Actor for the film version; he also played the role more than 4,500 times on...
(General Sergei Pavlovich Bounine)
Germany (West): 1956 - 1957
1956 Bonjour Kathrin, Directed by Karl Anton, Cast: Caterina ValenteCaterina Valente
Caterina Valente is a singer, dancer, and actress. She was born into an Italian artist family; her father Giuseppe was a well-known accordion player, her mother, Maria Valente, a musical clown...
1957 (released in January 1958) Madeleine und der Legionär, in collaboration with Helmut Neutwig and Fritz Lippman; Directed by Wolfgang Staudte
Wolfgang Staudte
Wolfgang Staudte , born Georg Friedrich Staudte, was a German film director, script writer and actor. He was born in Saarbrücken....
About the German and French periods of Andrejew's work
- Rudolf Kurtz, Expressionismus und Film, Verlag der Lichtbildbühne, Berlin, 1926 (Reprint: Hans Rohr, Zürich, 1965)
- Jochen Meyer-Wendt, Zwischen Folklore und Abstraktion. Der Filmarchitekt Andrej Andrejew; a chapter in
Fantaisies russes. Russische Filmmacher in Berlin und Paris 1920-1930, Jörg Schöning (Editor), CineGraph Buch, München, 1995, 187 pages, for Andrejew see page 113, ISBN 3-88377-509-6;
- Jean Loup Passek, Jacqueline Brisbois, Lotte H. Eisner, Vingt ans de cinéma allemand, 1913-1933: catalogue d'une exposition, 15. octobre-1. décembre 1978, Published by Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, 1978
- Jeanpaul Goergen, Künstlerische Avantgarde, visionäre Utopie. Die Regisseure Victor Trivas und Alexis Granowsky., a chapter in
Fantaisies russes. Russische Filmmacher in Berlin und Paris 1920-1930, Jörg Schöning (Editor), CineGraph Buch, München, 1995, ISBN 3-88377-509-6 (in German)
- André Andrejew, Cinématographe n° 76, mars 1982 (in French)
- Expressionistischer Dekor im deutschen Stummfilm, Gabriela Grunwald, Universität Köln, 1985, University Diploma Work (in German)
- Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film, Dudley AndrewDudley AndrewDudley Andrew is an American film theorist. He is R. Selden Rose Professor of Film and Comparative Literature at Yale University, where he has taught since the year 2000. Andrew is "one of the most influential scholars in the areas of theory, history and criticism," particularly specializing in...
, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 1995, ISBN 978-0-691-00883-7 (in English), pages 185-186 - City of Darkness, City of Light. Émigré Filmmakers in Paris 1929-1939, Alastair Phillips, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2003, ISBN 978-90-5356-633-6 (in English)
- The French Cinema Book, by Michael Temple, Michael Witt;. London: BFI Publishing, 2004; 300pp; ISBN 1-84457-012-6; read about André Andrejew on pages 103, 109, 110
About the British and Hollywood periods of Andrejew's work
- Edward Carrick, Roger Manvell, Art and Design in the British film: a pictorial directory of British art directors and their work, comp. by Edward Carrick. With an introduction by Roger Manvell, Dobson, London 1948, re-edited by Arno Press, New York 1972, ISBN 0-405-03913-1
- Larry Langman, Destination Hollywood, The Influence of Europeans on American Filmmaking, Jefferson, North Carolina and London, 2000
External links
- about the film Die Dreigroschenoper (1931), Directed by G. W.Pabst: Three Penny Opera. Brecht vs. Pabst by Jan-Christopher Horak, Jump Cut
- André Andrejew on Les Gens du Cinema, (as Andreĩ Andrejew)
- Anna Karenina (1948), a review by Laurie Edwards on Culture Dose
- a Cinémathèque Française site about the German film expressionism, reproducing drawings by Andrejew for Raskolnikov : (1923)
- a Cinémathèque Française page about Andrejew with the bio by Gabriela Trujillo (as Andrej Andrejew, in French)
- Working drawings by André Andrejew at the Galerie Michel Cabotse, Paris
- An info about André Andrejew and his drawings on the website Art & Design in The British Film # 2: Andre Andrejew