1792 in art


  • François-André Vincent
    François-André Vincent
    François-André Vincent was a French neoclassical painter.He was the son of the miniaturist François-Elie Vincent and studied under Joseph-Marie Vien. He travelled to Rome, where he won the Prix de Rome in 1768...

     becomes a professor at the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in Paris.


  • February 24 – István Ferenczy
    István Ferenczy
    István Ferenczy was a nineteenth century Hungarian sculptor.-Artistic education:Ferenczy was born in Rimaszombat...

    , Hungarian
    Hungary , officially the Republic of Hungary , is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine and Romania to the east, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west. The...

     sculptor (d. 1856
    1856 in art
    - Works :*Samuel Colman - Meadows and Wildflowers at Conway*Hiroshige - Sudden Shower at the Atake Bridge*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - La Source*John Everett Millais - The Blind Girl*Eugene von Guerard - View of Geelong...

  • June 16 – John Linnell
    John Linnell (painter)
    John Linnell was an English landscape painter. Linnell was a naturalist and a rival to John Constable. He had a taste for Northern European art of the Renaissance, particularly Albrecht Dürer. He also associated with William Blake, to whom he introduced Samuel Palmer and others of the...

    , English
    England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

     landscape painter (d. 1882
    1882 in art
    -Events:* Walter Langley moves to Newlyn, Cornwall, becoming the first resident artist of the Newlyn School.-Works:*John Atkinson Grimshaw - Under the Moonbeams...

  • June 26 – Christian Albrecht Jensen
    Christian Albrecht Jensen
    Christian Albrecht Jensen was a Danish portrait painter who was active during the Golden Age of Danish Painting in the first half of the 19th century...

    , Danish painter (d. 1870
    1870 in art
    -Events:*Franco-Prussian War breaks out: Monet and Pissarro flee to London.*Édouard Manet and Louis Edmond Duranty fight a duel at Café Guerbois, Paris.-Paintings:*Henri Fantin-Latour - A Studio in the Batignolles...

  • August 9 – Alvan Fisher
    Alvan Fisher
    Alvan Fisher was one of the United States's pioneers in landscape painting and genre works.-Early years:...

    , United States
    United States
    The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

     landscape and genre painter (d. 1863
    1863 in art
    -Exhibitions:*First exhibition of the Salon des Refusés, and coining of the term avant-garde.-Works:* Alexandre Cabanel - The Birth of Venus...

  • September 1 – Chester Harding
    Chester Harding (painter)
    Chester Harding was an American portrait painter.-Biography:Harding was born at Conway, Massachusetts. Brought up in the wilderness of New York state, he was a lad of robust physique, standing over 6 feet 3 inches...

     – American portrait painter (d. 1866
    1866 in art
    -Works:*Paul Cézanne - Portrait of Louis-Auguste Cézanne, Father of the Artist, reading l'Evénement *Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot - Agostino...

  • December 17 – George Hayter
    George Hayter
    Sir George Hayter was a notable English painter, specialising in portraits and large works involving in some cases several hundred individual portraits...

    , English portrait painter (d. 1871
    1871 in art
    -Paintings:*The Narrows, Lake George by Daniel Huntington*The Old Stagecoach by Eastman Johnson*The Harbour at Bordeaux by Édouard Manet *The Barricade by Édouard Manet...

  • December 20 – Nicolas Toussaint Charlet
    Nicolas Toussaint Charlet
    Nicolas Toussaint Charlet , French designer and painter, more especially of military subjects, was born in Paris....

    , French
    The French Republic , The French Republic , The French Republic , (commonly known as France , is a unitary semi-presidential republic in Western Europe with several overseas territories and islands located on other continents and in the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. Metropolitan France...

     designer and painter, especially of military subjects (d. 1845
    1845 in art
    -Events:*February 7 – The Portland Vase is destroyed by a drunk. It has since been reconstructed three times.-Works:*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres – Portrait of Countess Haussonville*Jan August Hendrik Leys – Franz Floris se rendant a une fête...

  • date unknown
    • James Arthur O'Connor
      James Arthur O'Connor
      James Arthur O'Connor was an Irish painter.-Career:James Arthur O'Connor was born 15 Aston's Quay, Dublin – the son of an engraver and printer, William O'Connor. O'Connor would become a distinguished landscape painter. He was self-taught, receiving just a few lessons from William Sadler...

      , Irish
      Irish people
      The Irish people are an ethnic group who originate in Ireland, an island in northwestern Europe. Ireland has been populated for around 9,000 years , with the Irish people's earliest ancestors recorded having legends of being descended from groups such as the Nemedians, Fomorians, Fir Bolg, Tuatha...

       landscape painter (d. 1841
      1841 in art
      -Events:*American artist John G. Rand invents the collapsible zinc oil paint tube, marketed by Winsor & Newton of London.*John Ruskin publishes The King of the Golden River, with illustrations by Richard Doyle.-Births:...

    • James Pollard
      James Pollard
      James Pollard was a British painter and aquatint engraver noted for his coach, fox hunting and equine scenes. He was born in what is now the London Borough of Islington, the son of the painter and publisher, Robert Pollard ....

      , British
      United Kingdom
      The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

       painter and aquatint
      Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique, a variant of etching.Intaglio printmaking makes marks on the matrix that are capable of holding ink. The inked plate is passed through a printing press together with a sheet of paper, resulting in a transfer of the ink to the paper...

       engraver especially of coach
      Coach (vehicle)
      A coach is a large motor vehicle, a type of bus, used for conveying passengers on excursions and on longer distance express coach scheduled transport between cities - or even between countries...

      , fox hunting
      Fox hunting
      Fox hunting is an activity involving the tracking, chase, and sometimes killing of a fox, traditionally a red fox, by trained foxhounds or other scent hounds, and a group of followers led by a master of foxhounds, who follow the hounds on foot or on horseback.Fox hunting originated in its current...

       and equine scenes (d. 1867
      1867 in art
      -Paintings:*George Henry Boughton - Pilgrims Going To Church*Giuseppe Calì - Death of Dragut *Edgar Degas - The Bellelli Family completed *Édouard Manet...

    • Thomas Wyon
      Thomas Wyon
      Thomas Wyon the younger was an English medallist and chief engraver at the Royal Mint.-Life:Wyon was born in Birmingham...

      , engraver of medals (d. 1817
      1817 in art
      -Works:*François Joseph Bosio – Hyacinth Awaiting His Turn*John Constable – Flatford Mill-Births:*January 29 – John Callcott Horsley, painter *February 15 – Charles-François Daubigny, painter...

    • William Guy Wall
      William Guy Wall
      William Guy Wall was an American painter of Irish birth.Wall was born in Dublin in 1792 and arrived in New York in 1812. He was already a well trained artist and soon became well known for his sensitive watercolor views of the Hudson River Valley and surroundings...

      , American painter of Irish birth (d. 1864
      1864 in art
      -Works:*Richard Dadd - The Fairy Feller's Masterstroke*Henri Fantin-Latour - Homage to Delacroix*Édouard Manet**Les Anges au tombeau du Christ, Le Christ mort aux anges...

    • Ulla Stenberg
      Ulla Stenberg
      Ulla Stenberg, née Colliander was a Swedish damask maker.Stenberg was the daughter of vicar Nils Johan Colliander in Jönköping. She was professional damask maker from 1822, and had her own weaving school from 1830. She also designed her own damask patterns...

      , Swedish damask maker (d. 1858
      1858 in art
      -Works:*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - Self-Portrait at the Age of 78 *William Henry Fisk - The Secret*William Powell Frith - The Derby Day*Édouard Manet - The Boy with Cherries...



  • February 23 – Sir Joshua Reynolds
    Joshua Reynolds
    Sir Joshua Reynolds RA FRS FRSA was an influential 18th-century English painter, specialising in portraits and promoting the "Grand Style" in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect. He was one of the founders and first President of the Royal Academy...

    , English painter, specializing in portraits (b. 1723
    1723 in art
    -Births:*April 12 – Franz Anton Bustelli, porcelain modeller *July 16 – Joshua Reynolds, English painter, specializing in portraits *date unknown**Johann Ludwig Aberli, Swiss landscape painter and etcher...

  • March 3 – Robert Adam
    Robert Adam
    Robert Adam was a Scottish neoclassical architect, interior designer and furniture designer. He was the son of William Adam , Scotland's foremost architect of the time, and trained under him...

    , architect and interior designer (b. 1728
    1728 in art
    -Births:*March 12 – Anton Raphael Mengs, German painter *date unknown**Johan Alm, Finnish painter and field sergeant **Ubaldo Gandolfi, Italian painter of the late-Baroque period -Deaths:...

  • December 12 – William Hoare
    William Hoare
    William Hoare of Bath RA was an English painter and printmaker, co-founder of the Royal Academy noted for his pastels....

    , English painter, noted for his pastel
    Pastel is an art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powdered pigment and a binder. The pigments used in pastels are the same as those used to produce all colored art media, including oil paints; the binder is of a neutral hue and low saturation....

    s (b. 1707
    1707 in art
    -Births:*March 2 – Louis-Michel van Loo, French painter *date unknown**William Hoare, English painter, noted for his pastels **Francisco Salzillo, Spanish sculptor **Giuseppe Bonito, Neapolitan painter of the Rococo period...

  • date unknown
    • Francesco Appiani
      Francesco Appiani
      Francesco Appiani was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque period, active mainly in Rome and Perugia. He was a pupil of Domenico Simonetti. Among his works, are a Death of San Domenico painted for San Sisto Vecchio, and for works in both Perugia and Assisi. He also painted lunettes for a church...

      , Italian
      Italy , officially the Italian Republic languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Italy's official name is as follows:;;;;;;;;), is a unitary parliamentary republic in South-Central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and...

       painter of the late-Baroque
      The Baroque is a period and the style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music...

       period, active mainly in Rome
      Rome is the capital of Italy and the country's largest and most populated city and comune, with over 2.7 million residents in . The city is located in the central-western portion of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River within the Lazio region of Italy.Rome's history spans two and a half...

       and Perugia
      Perugia is the capital city of the region of Umbria in central Italy, near the River Tiber, and the capital of the province of Perugia. The city is located about north of Rome. It covers a high hilltop and part of the valleys around the area....

       (b. 1704
      1704 in art
      -Works:*Paolo Alessandro Maffei - Engraving of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus-Births:*February 15 – Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, French sculptor *May/June – Johann Baptist Straub – German Rococo sculptor...

    • Antonio Ponz
      Antonio Ponz
      Antonio Ponz was a Spanish painter.He was born at Bejís in the province of Valencia. He was a pupil of Antonio Richarte at Valencia, then in 1746 moved to Madrid, where he studied for five years. He then went to Rome for a short time, but soon returned to help in repainting and compilation of the...

      , Spanish painter (b. 1725
      1725 in art
      -Births:*August 21 – Jean-Baptiste Greuze, French painter *September 25 – Francesco Bartolozzi, Italian engraver *November 22 – Ignaz Günther, German sculptor and woodcarver within the Bavarian rococo tradition *date unknown...

    • Pietro Scalvini
      Pietro Scalvini
      Pietro Scalvini was an Italian painter of the late-Baroque and Neoclassic period, active in Brescia.While training with Francesco Cairo, he is said to have been resistant to learning symmetry and proportions. He became a mediocre painter of small figures.-References:...

      , Italian painter (b. 1718
      1718 in art
      -Births:*April 24 - Nathaniel Hone, Irish-born painter *June 5 - Thomas Chippendale, English furniture maker *July 4 - Giambettino Cignaroli, Italian painter of the Rococo and early Neoclassic period...

    • Katsukawa Shunshō
      Katsukawa Shunsho
      was a Japanese painter and printmaker in the ukiyo-e style, and the leading artist of the Katsukawa school. Shunshō studied under Miyagawa Shunsui, son and student of Miyagawa Chōshun, both equally famous and talented ukiyo-e artists. Shunshō is most well known for introducing a new form of...

      , Japan
      Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

      ese painter and printmaker in the ukiyo-e
      ' is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints and paintings produced between the 17th and the 20th centuries, featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre, and pleasure quarters...

      style (b. 1726
      1726 in art
      -Paintings:* Johann Heinrich Tischbein painted Portrait of the Artist's first Wife, Marie Sophie Robert.-Births:* October 16 – Daniel Chodowiecki, Polish painter * Katsukawa Shunshō – Japanese painter and printmaker in the ukiyo-e style...

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