1504 in art


  • Hieronymus Bosch – The Garden of Earthly Delights
    The Garden of Earthly Delights
    The Garden of Earthly Delights is a triptych painted by the early Netherlandish master Hieronymus Bosch , housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid since 1939. Dating from between 1490 and 1510, when Bosch was about 40 or 50 years old, it is his best-known and most ambitious work...

  • Lucas Cranach the Elder
    Lucas Cranach the Elder
    Lucas Cranach the Elder , was a German Renaissance painter and printmaker in woodcut and engraving...

     – The Rest on the Flight to Egypt
  • Albrecht Dürer
    Albrecht Dürer
    Albrecht Dürer was a German painter, printmaker, engraver, mathematician, and theorist from Nuremberg. His prints established his reputation across Europe when he was still in his twenties, and he has been conventionally regarded as the greatest artist of the Northern Renaissance ever since...

     – The Adoration of the Magi
  • Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer whose genius, perhaps more than that of any other figure, epitomized the Renaissance...

     – The Battle of Anghiari
    The Battle of Anghiari (painting)
    The Battle of Anghiari is a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci at times referred to as "The Lost Leonardo", which some commentators believe to be still hidden beneath later frescoes in the Hall of Five Hundred in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence...

  • Perugino – Marriage of the Virgin
    Marriage of the Virgin (Perugino)
    The Marriage of the Virgin is a painting by the Italian Renaissance master Perugino. It is housed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts of Caen, France...

  • Raphael
    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino , better known simply as Raphael, was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. His work is admired for its clarity of form and ease of composition and for its visual achievement of the Neoplatonic ideal of human grandeur...

     – Marriage of the Virgin
    The Marriage of the Virgin (Raphael)
    The Marriage of the Virgin, also known as Lo Sposalizio, is an oil painting by Italian High Renaissance artist Raphael. Completed in 1504 for a Franciscan church in Città di Castello, the painting depicts a marriage ceremony between Mary and Joseph...

    , Portrait of Pietro Bembo
    Portrait of Pietro Bembo (Raphael)
    Portrait of Pietro Bembo, also called Portrait of the Young Pietro Bembo, is an oil painting by Italian artist Raphael. Completed ca. 1506, the painting hangs in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest....

    , St. George
    St. George (Raphael)
    St. George or St. George and the Dragon is a small painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. It is housed in the Louvre in Paris. A later version of the same subject is the St...

    , Vision of a Knight
    Vision of a Knight (Raphael)
    The Vision of a Knight or The Dream of Scipio or Allegory is a small egg tempera painting on poplar by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael, finished in 1504. It is in the National Gallery in London...


  • April 30 – Francesco Primaticcio
    Francesco Primaticcio
    Francesco Primaticcio was an Italian Mannerist painter, architect and sculptor who spent most of his career in France.-Biography:...

    , Bolognese painter, architect, and sculptor (d. 1570
    1570 in art
    -Births:* Giuseppe Agellio – Italian painter of the Baroque period * Giulio Cesare Angeli – Italian painter of the early Baroque * Francesco Curradi – Italian painter of the style described as Contra-Maniera or Counter-Mannerism...

  • Camillo Boccaccino
    Camillo Boccaccino
    Camillo Boccaccino was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period, active mainly in Cremona and regions of Lombardy. He was the son and pupil of the painter Boccaccio Boccaccino. He was known to Gian Paolo Lomazzo and Giorgio Vasari...

     – Italian painter active mainly in Cremona
    Cremona is a city and comune in northern Italy, situated in Lombardy, on the left bank of the Po River in the middle of the Pianura Padana . It is the capital of the province of Cremona and the seat of the local City and Province governments...

     and regions of Lombardy
    Lombardy is one of the 20 regions of Italy. The capital is Milan. One-sixth of Italy's population lives in Lombardy and about one fifth of Italy's GDP is produced in this region, making it the most populous and richest region in the country and one of the richest in the whole of Europe...

     (d. 1546
    1546 in art
    -Events:The plan for the new St. Peter's Basilica dome which was begun by Bramante, was continued by the new chief architect Michelangelo-Paintings:* Domenico Beccafumi – Pagan Child Couple* Jacopo Bassano – The Adoration of the Shepherds-Births:...

  • Juan Vicente Macip (or Vicente Joanes Masip or Macip), Spanish painter, head of the Valencian school of painters (d. 1579
    1579 in art
    -Works:* Giambologna begins the Rape of the Sabine Women, a remarkable example of Mannerist sculpture-Births:* Trophime Bigot – French painter * Frans Snyders – Flemish still-life master, apprenticed in 1593 to Pieter II Brueghel...

  • Shin Saimdang – Korea
    Korea ) is an East Asian geographic region that is currently divided into two separate sovereign states — North Korea and South Korea. Located on the Korean Peninsula, Korea is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the northwest, Russia to the northeast, and is separated from Japan to the...

    n genre works painter and calligraphist
    Calligraphy is a type of visual art. It is often called the art of fancy lettering . A contemporary definition of calligraphic practice is "the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious and skillful manner"...

     (d. 1551
    1551 in art
    -Births:* Luigi Benfatto – Italian painter, nephew of Paolo Veronese * Jacopo Chimenti – Italian late-mannerist painter * Camillo Procaccini, Italian painter, in 1571 a student in the Bolognese painters’ guild -Deaths:...

  • Sesson Shukei
    Sesson Shukei
    Sesson Shukei was a Japanese Zen monk and painter from the Muromachi period born in what is modern day Ibaragi Prefecture. His works are classic examples of Japanese ink painting which was imported via many artists from China ....

     – Japanese
    Japanese people
    The are an ethnic group originating in the Japanese archipelago and are the predominant ethnic group of Japan. Worldwide, approximately 130 million people are of Japanese descent; of these, approximately 127 million are residents of Japan. People of Japanese ancestry who live in other countries...

     Zen monk and painter
    Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface . The application of the medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush but other objects can be used. In art, the term painting describes both the act and the result of the action. However, painting is...

     from the Muromachi period
    Muromachi period
    The is a division of Japanese history running from approximately 1336 to 1573. The period marks the governance of the Muromachi or Ashikaga shogunate, which was officially established in 1338 by the first Muromachi shogun, Ashikaga Takauji, two years after the brief Kemmu restoration of imperial...

     (d. 1589
    1589 in art
    -Births:*August 12 - Domenico Fiasella, Italian painter of primarily frescoes *date unknown**Johannes van der Beeck, Dutch painter **Adriaen van de Venne, Dutch Baroque painter of allegories, genre subjects and portraits...



  • April – Filippino Lippi
    Filippino Lippi
    Filippino Lippi was an Italian painter working during the High Renaissance in Florence, Italy.-Biography:...

    , Tuscan painter (b. 1457)
  • Pedro Berruguete
    Pedro Berruguete
    Pedro Berruguete was a Spanish painter; his art is regarded as a transitional style between gothic and Renaissance. Born in Paredes de Nava, Spain, he went to Italy in 1480 and worked in Federico III da Montefeltro's court in Urbino, where he could see some works by Melozzo da Forlì...

     – Spanish
    Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain languages]] under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. In each of these, Spain's official name is as follows:;;;;;;), is a country and member state of the European Union located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula...

     painter (b. 1450)
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