Cub Cadet
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Lt1045 the owners manual and both say my machine should have a one cylinder Kohler. Mine has the twin cylinder 20 hp Kohler. I boug... 0 9/29/2017
Any info about wiring problems or shorts on 2006 Cub Cadet 50 mower?It kills the battery, happens quickly, no signs of melting wire.Battery leads are ... 0 10/21/2015
I own a 1969 cub cadet 72 and it wont turn over by turning the key, it has a new solenoid and key switch, if i jump straight to the starter from the b... 1 9/26/2015
I just bought a cub 104,it wont roll when in out of gear is there anything i have to push to let it roll? 1 9/25/2015
I have replaced the fuel filter and fuel pump on my CC 1046 series riding mower and am still having problems with the engine not running. Mower will s... 1 9/10/2015
Does anyone have any info on the model 80 such as when made and serial numbers etc 0 9/4/2015
I have a AGS 2130 that has no torqe in forword gears, have changed hydro fluid, what else can I look for? 1 8/23/2015
I have a series 2000 cub, was bought around 1990, has been a great mower and used to plow snow. it will start, deck will turn on, but won't move forwo... 1 8/22/2015
I have a LT1050 series 1000 cub cadet mower how do i replace the drive belt from motor to transmission ? 1 8/13/2015
I engage th pto but the blades do not turn and it starts smoking under the engine area 1 8/4/2015
I have a older cub cadet goes fast in reverse but slow in forward i was wondreing if theres a adjustment .If anyone knows i would be gratefull 1 7/19/2015
I have a cub cadet lawn tractor/mower that I would like more information about. It has a KOHLER engine with 2 numbers on the attached plate ... 63132... 1 6/9/2015
I have an older cub cadet with a Kohler magnum 17. seemed to run normal last time i used. after parking in garage, noticed strong gas smell for the ... 1 6/5/2015
How much hydrolic fluid for trans on complete change out 1 6/3/2015
My 1045 model has no electrical power.. The metal seat support broke and made contact with the positive battery terminal. Sparks few from that area an... 1 5/27/2015
Why can't i find my belt any where but cub cadet dealer store really pisses me off because i go through like four from now til july 1 5/10/2015
How can I tell if my pot for my mower blades is working properly? 1 5/8/2015
What is the torque on head bolts for a 10 hp. Kohler. In a Cub 1000 series. 0 4/24/2015
How can i install a chevy and auto tranny to my 126 cub cadet when the tranny input shaft turns counter clock wise 3 4/23/2015
I have a cub cadet model 144-633-100. it has two caps with oil symbols on them. is one of these for 2 cylinder oil? 0 4/9/2015
42 " cut cub cadet. Just replaced starter motor. battery charged up turned key no sound nothing. Wires on left side of tractor started to smoke? Will ... 1 12/21/2014
I have aquired a Cub lawn tractor, mower. It has "hydro 129" on the side of the hood. And the seria; number is 2050045491265 Any idea of how I can ge... 0 10/1/2014
Cub cadet riding mower a piece of junk 1 9/25/2014
I have a 2009 cub cadet lawn tractor. I stopped to take a break and it won't turn over. The parking break light is on. Where is the parking break swi... 1 9/5/2014
3200 0 8/20/2014
We have a cub cadet that is two years old and we've made sure and kept it cleaned after use, oil changes, deck cleaning etc. We replaced the belt last... 0 8/17/2014
I have a cub cadet lawnmower 1 yr old. it starts and then quits immediately. 1 7/21/2014
I have a Cub Cadet 1050 Lawn Tractor. Is the snow thrower attachment worth the investment or should I go with a separate snow thrower? My driveway is ... 0 10/15/2013