Treaty of Bromberg
The Treaty of Bromberg or Treaty of Bydgoszcz was a treaty between John II Casimir
of Poland and Elector
Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia
, ratified at Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) on 6 November 1657. The treaty consisted of several agreements, including the Treaty of Wehlau signed on 19 September 1657 by the Brandenburg-Prussian and Polish-Lithuanian envoys in Wehlau
(Welawa, now Znamensk). Thus, the treaty of Bromberg is sometimes referred to as treaty of Wehlau-Bromberg or Treaty of Wehlau and Bromberg.
In exchange for military aid in the Second Northern War
and the return of Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) to Poland, the Polish king granted the Hohenzollern
dynasty of Brandenburg hereditary sovereignty in the Duchy of Prussia, pawned Draheim
and Elbing
(Elbląg) to Brandenburg, and handed over Lauenburg and Bütow Land
to the Hohenzollerns as a hereditary fief.
The treaty was confirmed and internationally recognized in the Peace of Oliva in 1660. While Elbing was kept by Poland, Lauenburg and Bütow Land and Draheim were subsequently integrated into Brandenburg-Prussia. The sovereignty in Prussia constituted the basis for the later coronation of the Hohenzollern as Prussian kings
. Wehlau-Bromberg remained in effect until it was superseded by the Treaty of Warsaw (September 18, 1773) following the First Partition of Poland
in a privilege issued at Petrikau, which in addition to Albrechts branch of the House of Hohenzollern
(Hohenzollern-Ansbach) also allowed the Brandenburg branch of the Hohenzollern as possible successors. This privilege provided for the succession of the Brandenburgian electors as Prussian dukes upon the extinction of the House of Hohenzollern-Ansbach in 1618.
In 1656, during the early Second Northern War
, the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern first took the Prussian duchy and Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) as Swedish
fiefs in the Treaty of Königsberg
, before the Swedish king released them from the vassalage and made them absolute sovereigns in these provinces. After fighting alongside with the Swedish army in 1656, most prominently in the Battle of Warsaw
, Hohenzollern Frederick William I was willing to abandon his ally when the war had turned against them, and signalled his willingness to change sides if Polish king John II Casimir Vasa would grant him similar privileges as previously the Swedish king Charles X Gustav
- these conditions were negotiated in Wehlau (Welawa, now Znamensk) and Bromberg (Bygost, Bydgoszcz).
The Polish interest in an alliance with Brandenburg-Prussia was born out of the need to end the war with Sweden as soon as possible. On 3 November 1656, the Truce of Vilna
had promised Alexis of Russia's election as successor on the Polish throne at the next diet in turn for halting his offensive in Poland-Lithuania
and fight Sweden instead. While in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
there was support for this treaty among the nobles, who hoped for more privileged positions, this was not true for the Kingdom of Poland, where the elites looked for ways to circumvent Alexis' succession. To quickly end the war with Sweden and thus be able to avoid the implementation of Vilna, the anti-Swedish alliance had to be extended. The new-won Russian ally was reluctant to support Poland against Sweden as long as no diet had confirmed Vilna. A second ally, the Austrian Habsburgs were won in the first
and second Vienna treaties
, yet as the Habsburg forces were to be maintained by Poland, this alliance's prize was bound to rise the longer the war lasted. A third ally was Denmark-Norway, who joined the anti-Swedish coalition in June 1657 triggered by the second treaty of Vienna. Yet, Denmark was not fighting on Polish soil, and although her involvement bound Charles X Gustav's forces and a formal alliance with Poland-Lithuania was concluded in July, the Danish war aim was to recover Scandinavian territories
lost in the Second Treaty of Brömsebro (1645).
The Habsburgs' interest in the treaty was to build up good relations to Frederick William I, who as a prince-elector
was a valuable ally if he was won to support their policy in the Holy Roman Empire
. Thus, the Habsburgs were interested in Frederick William I changing from the Swedish to their camp, and sent diplomat Franz Paul Freiherr von Lisola to mediate a respective settlement.
Bromberg and Wehlau are regarded as "twin treaties", "suplementary treaties" or one treaty, sometimes referred to as "Treaty of Wehlau and Bromberg" or "Treaty of Wehlau-Bromberg."
Wacław Leszczyński and Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski
for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
, and Habsburg delegate and mediator Franz Paul Freiherr von Lisola.Signatories at Wehlau:
F[ranciscus] De Lisola, seren[issimi] m[ajestatis] Hungariae et Bohemiae regis ad hosce tractatum pro mediatione ablegatus, eiusdemque consiliarius
Annotated edition, IEG Mainz, retrieved 2010-02-22
The amended and final version of the treaty was ratified on 6 November by Frederick William I and John II Casimir in Bromberg (Bydgoszcz).The signatories at Bromberg also included Mikołaj Prazmowski and Kazimierz Samuel Kuszewicz. Annotated edition, IEG Mainz. Both the Brandenburgian elector and the Polish king attended the ceremony with their wives, Luise Henriette of Nassau and Marie Louise Gonzaga, respectively. Danzig (Gdansk) mayor Adrian von der Linde
was also present.
The treaties of Wehlau and Bromberg were confirmed by the parties and internationally recognized in the Peace of Oliva, which ended the Second Northern War
in 1660, and by the Polish sejm
in 1659 and 1661.
, was accepted by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
to be the sovereign possession of the House of Hohenzollern
Hereditary Hohenzollern
sovereignty was only agreed on for the Duchy of Prussia, while Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) was to be returned to Poland. In case of the extinction of the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern dynasty in the male line, it was agreed that the Prussian duchy should pass on to the Polish crown. Owing to this clause, the Prussian estates
were obliged to pay conditional allegiance to an envoy of subsequent Polish kings upon their succession ("hommagium eventuale, Eventualhuldigung"), while else they were released from previous oaths and obligations regarding the Polish crown.
The Roman Catholic Church
in the former Duchy of Prussia was to remain subordinate to the archbishop of Ermland (Warmia), retain its possessions and income and be granted religious freedom.
was obliged to militarily aid Poland
against the Swedish Empire
in the ongoing Second Northern War
. Frederick William I had already in Wehlau agreed to aid John II Casimir Vasa with 8,000 men, and both parties agreed on an "eternal alliance". In Bromberg it was agreed that from his Prussian province, Frederick William I was to dispatch 1,500 foot and 500 horse to join the army of the Polish king.
as a hereditary fief. The fief was to be held at the same conditions as previously granted to the House of Pomerania
: it was to be free of duties, except that the House of Hohenzollern
was obliged to sent envoys to the coronations of successive Polish kings who were then to receive a written confirmation of the fief. In case the Hohenzollern dynasty was left without a male heir, the fief should return to the Polish crown.
In addition to Lauenburg and Bütow land, Brandenburg-Prussia was to receive the town of Elbing
(Elbląg). In an amendment, Brandenburg-Prussia was obliged to return the town to Poland once the latter had bailed it out with 400,000 thaler
s.The sum stated as Elbing ransom by historian Robert I. Frost
is 40,000 thaler
s in Frost (2004), p. 104, and 400,000 thalers in Frost (2000), p. 200. It is 300,000 thalers in Oakley (1992), p. 103 and Wilson (1998), p. 135. Kamińska (1983), p. 12 gives 400,000 thalers. The commented edition of the treaty at the Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Institute for European History) in Mainz
gives 400,000 reichstalers in the second amendment, overruling Article XII of the Wehlau tractates: instead of providing 500 horse, Brandenburg-Prussia was to return Elbing and level its fortification upon receiving the payment, sources given there are: AGADWarschau MK KK Volume 202, p. 40, print: Dogiel IV, p. 497; Pufendorf, p. 389; Dumont VI/2, p. 196; Dolezel, p. 208
The third Polish concession was the payment of 120,000 thaler
s to Brandenburg-Prussia for war-related damage suffered upon entering the war on the Polish side. As a security for this payment, the district of Draheim
was to be handed over to Brandenburg for three years. This district comprised the town of Tempelburg
(now Czaplinek) and 18 villages at the border of Brandenburgian Pomerania. The sum was to be paid in annual rates of 40,000 thalers, and Brandenburg was to keep Draheim if not paid by the end of the third year.
For the Catholics in Draheim, religious freedom was guaranteed. The Hohenzollern also agreed to grant religious freedom to the Catholic Church in Lauenburg and Bütow Land. The Catholic communities were to stay subordinate to and be represented by the Kuyavian bishop and keep all of their income, while the Electors of Brandenburg and the local nobility were to have the patronage over the churches.
The rights of the nobility of Lauenburg and Bütow Land were to be left unchanged, previous court sentences and privileges were to remain in force. The administration of the region should be exerted the same way as it was handled by the Pomeranian dukes. In a note issued separately from the treaty, John II Casimir assured the nobles that Poland would continue to treat them as members of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
, and that thus the nobles would enjoy the same rights and opportunities as the Polish nobles in case they decided to leave for Poland.
, who feared that the loss of privileges. As a leader of the opposition, Königsberg
mayor Hieronymus Roth was incarcerated for sixteen years, until his death. The estates' protests ended in 1663, when they swore allegiance to Frederick William I. The ecclesiastical subordination of the Roman Catholic Church
to the Polish Royal Prussia
n prince-bishop of Ermland (Warmia) also caused tensions with the House of Hohenzollern
. Despite these problems, the sovereignty in the Prussian duchy provided the basis for the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern to crown themselves "King in Prussia
" in 1701.
was officially handed over by John II Casimir's envoy Ignatz Bokowski and received by the Brandenburg-Prussian envoys Adam von Podewils and Ulrich Gottfried von Somnitz in April 1658. During the ceremony, the non-noble inhabitants swore the same oath of allegiance to the Brandenburgian electors that was previously sworn to the Pomeranian dukes, while the nobles swore a modified oath. The oath was given by 63 noble families from the Lauenburg district and 43 families of the Bütow district, represented at the ceremony by 220 persons. three persons swore in Polish
. The Brandenburg-Prussian administration did however not accept all of these families as nobles: in May, only thirteen indigenous and six immigrated Pomeranian families in the Lauenburg district and four families in the Bütow district were listed as nobles, the others were referred to as "besondere freye Leute" - "special free persons".
The Brandenburgian electors amended their title with "dominus de Lauenburg et Bytaw", despite Polish protests aimed at a change from "dominus" (lord) to "fiduciarus" (fiduciary). Until 1771, Lauenburg and Bütow Land was administered from Lauenburg (now Lebork), where the local Oberhauptmann had his seat, the nobles swore allegiance to the electors and assemblies of the nobles were held in a landtag
named "Seymik". After 1771, the region was governed from Stettin (now Szczecin) like the rest of Brandenburgian Pomerania, and allegiance to subsequent Prussian kings
was given together with the other Pomeranian estates in Stettin.
The provision that Brandenburgian envoys were to be sent to the inauguration of subsequent Polish kings was followed until 1698, before Brandenburg-Prussia ceased to sent delegations. The treaty of Bromberg was superseded by the Treaty of Warsaw (1773), which followed the First Partition of Poland
in 1772. In Warsaw, the terms of Bromberg were cancelled, including the guarantees for the Catholic Church and the nobles, and the Polish crown renounced all rights on Lauenburg and Bütow Land, which accordingly was no longer a fief and neither would be inherited by the Polish king in case the Hohenzollern line went extinct.
garrison withdrew from Elbing
(Elbląg), yet the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
seized it before Brandenburg-Prussia despite not having paid the sum agreed on in Bromberg. Because of this, Frederick William I did not support Poland in the contemporary Russo-Polish war
and instead yielded the neutrality agreement he had concluded with Russia
in 1656. Poland was to keep the town until the First Partition of Poland
in 1772, with short interruptions in 1698/1699 and 1703: In 1698, Polish king August the Strong permitted Prussia
n troops to siege and storm Elbing, but the Prussian troops withdrew in the following year when Russia mediated its exchange for the Polish Crown Jewels
as a security for the bills receivable. When August the Strong nevertheless failed to pay, the town was re-occupied in 1703, during the Great Northern War
, but the Prussians again withdrew shortly afterwards due to Swedish
until 1680. In Article V of the Warsaw treaty, Poland renounced her right to buy Draheim back, and ceded it to Prussia
"for eternal times".
, Wehlau-Bromberg was a "major geopolitical gain and surge in wealth and prestige", while Poland had "substantially benefited" from Brandenburgian support during the war. According to historian Robert I. Frost
, the concessions Poland made in Wehlau and Bromberg were thought as tactical and open to later reversal - which however did not happen due to the internal weakness of the commonwealth. Frost further says that the treaty was subject to criticism of historians such as Kazimierz Piwarski
, who says that the prize paid by Poland in Bromberg was unnecessarily high. According to Frost, these critics argue from a post-partition
point of view, and neglect the complexity of the contemporary situation: "Contemporary [Polish] politicians were aware of the dangers of conceding sovereignty, which they accepted not because they were stupid, indifferent, or lacking in foresight, but because the alternatives seemed more damaging to the Commonwealth's interests", he says. While Frost regards Piwarski's assertion, that the Polish decision was heavily influenced by the Habsburgs, to have merit, he also says that the Polish interest in a rapprochment with Brandenburg had already emerged in 1656, long before Lisola entered the scene. According to Anna Kamińska
, the treaty marked the point when Poland's influence on the Baltic was lost and Poland-Lithuania's position in Europe declined.
John II Casimir of Poland
John II Casimir was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania during the era of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Duke of Opole in Upper Silesia, and titular King of Sweden 1648–1660. In Poland, he is known and commonly referred as Jan Kazimierz. His parents were Sigismund III Vasa and...
of Poland and Elector
The Prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire were the members of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Roman king or, from the middle of the 16th century onwards, directly the Holy Roman Emperor.The heir-apparent to a prince-elector was known as an...
Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia
Brandenburg-Prussia is the historiographic denomination for the Early Modern realm of the Brandenburgian Hohenzollerns between 1618 and 1701. Based in the Electorate of Brandenburg, the main branch of the Hohenzollern intermarried with the branch ruling the Duchy of Prussia, and secured succession...
, ratified at Bromberg (Bydgoszcz) on 6 November 1657. The treaty consisted of several agreements, including the Treaty of Wehlau signed on 19 September 1657 by the Brandenburg-Prussian and Polish-Lithuanian envoys in Wehlau
Znamensk, Kaliningrad Oblast
Znamensk is a settlement in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia. It is located on the right bank of the Pregolya River at its confluence with the Lava River some 50 km east of Kaliningrad...
(Welawa, now Znamensk). Thus, the treaty of Bromberg is sometimes referred to as treaty of Wehlau-Bromberg or Treaty of Wehlau and Bromberg.
In exchange for military aid in the Second Northern War
Second Northern War
The Second Northern War was fought between Sweden and its adversaries the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth , Russia , Brandenburg-Prussia , the Habsburg Monarchy and Denmark–Norway...
and the return of Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) to Poland, the Polish king granted the Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
dynasty of Brandenburg hereditary sovereignty in the Duchy of Prussia, pawned Draheim
Draheim or Drahim was a starostwo of the Kingdom of Poland from the 15th century. Pawned to Brandenburg-Prussia in 1657, it was directly incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia in 1772.-History:...
and Elbing
Elbląg is a city in northern Poland with 127,892 inhabitants . It is the capital of Elbląg County and has been assigned to the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship since 1999. Before then it was the capital of Elbląg Voivodeship and a county seat in Gdańsk Voivodeship...
(Elbląg) to Brandenburg, and handed over Lauenburg and Bütow Land
Lauenburg and Bütow Land
Lauenburg and Bütow Land formed a historical region in eastern in eastern Pomerania. Composed of two districts centered around the towns of Lauenburg and Bütow , it was on the western periphery of Pomerelia...
to the Hohenzollerns as a hereditary fief.
The treaty was confirmed and internationally recognized in the Peace of Oliva in 1660. While Elbing was kept by Poland, Lauenburg and Bütow Land and Draheim were subsequently integrated into Brandenburg-Prussia. The sovereignty in Prussia constituted the basis for the later coronation of the Hohenzollern as Prussian kings
Kingdom of Prussia
The Kingdom of Prussia was a German kingdom from 1701 to 1918. Until the defeat of Germany in World War I, it comprised almost two-thirds of the area of the German Empire...
. Wehlau-Bromberg remained in effect until it was superseded by the Treaty of Warsaw (September 18, 1773) following the First Partition of Poland
First Partition of Poland
The First Partition of Poland or First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1795. Growth in the Russian Empire's power, threatening the Kingdom of Prussia and the...
Historical context
The Duchy of Prussia was established as a Polish fief under duke Albrecht (Albert) in the Treaty of Cracow of 8 April 1525. The fief was hereditary, and in case Albrecht or his brothers' house went extinct in the male line, Cracow provided for it to pass on to the Polish king, who would then be obliged to appoint a German-speaking Prussian-born governor. On 4 June 1563, this provision was changed by Polish king Sigismund II AugustusSigismund II Augustus
Sigismund II Augustus I was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania, the only son of Sigismund I the Old, whom Sigismund II succeeded in 1548...
in a privilege issued at Petrikau, which in addition to Albrechts branch of the House of Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
(Hohenzollern-Ansbach) also allowed the Brandenburg branch of the Hohenzollern as possible successors. This privilege provided for the succession of the Brandenburgian electors as Prussian dukes upon the extinction of the House of Hohenzollern-Ansbach in 1618.
In 1656, during the early Second Northern War
Second Northern War
The Second Northern War was fought between Sweden and its adversaries the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth , Russia , Brandenburg-Prussia , the Habsburg Monarchy and Denmark–Norway...
, the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern first took the Prussian duchy and Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) as Swedish
Swedish Empire
The Swedish Empire refers to the Kingdom of Sweden between 1561 and 1721 . During this time, Sweden was one of the great European powers. In Swedish, the period is called Stormaktstiden, literally meaning "the Great Power Era"...
fiefs in the Treaty of Königsberg
Treaty of Königsberg (1656)
The Treaty of Königsberg was concluded on 7 January / 17 January 1656 during the Second Northern War. Frederick William I, the "Great Elector" of Brandenburg and duke of Prussia, was forced to join the Swedish camp and became a Swedish vassal for the Duchy of Prussia and Ermland...
, before the Swedish king released them from the vassalage and made them absolute sovereigns in these provinces. After fighting alongside with the Swedish army in 1656, most prominently in the Battle of Warsaw
Battle of Warsaw (1656)
The Battle of Warsaw was a battle which took place near Warsaw on , between the armies of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the one hand and of Sweden and Brandenburg on the other. It was a major battle in the Second Northern War between Poland and Sweden in the period 1655–1660, also known as...
, Hohenzollern Frederick William I was willing to abandon his ally when the war had turned against them, and signalled his willingness to change sides if Polish king John II Casimir Vasa would grant him similar privileges as previously the Swedish king Charles X Gustav
Charles X Gustav of Sweden
Charles X Gustav also Carl Gustav, was King of Sweden from 1654 until his death. He was the son of John Casimir, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Kleeburg and Catherine of Sweden. After his father's death he also succeeded him as Pfalzgraf. He was married to Hedwig Eleonora of Holstein-Gottorp, who...
- these conditions were negotiated in Wehlau (Welawa, now Znamensk) and Bromberg (Bygost, Bydgoszcz).
The Polish interest in an alliance with Brandenburg-Prussia was born out of the need to end the war with Sweden as soon as possible. On 3 November 1656, the Truce of Vilna
Truce of Vilna
Truce/Treaty of Vilna or Truce/Treaty of Niemieża was a treaty signed at Niemieża near Vilnius on 3 November 1656 between Tsardom of Russia and Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, introducing a truce during the Russo-Polish War and an anti-Swedish alliance in the contemporary Second Northern War...
had promised Alexis of Russia's election as successor on the Polish throne at the next diet in turn for halting his offensive in Poland-Lithuania
Russo-Polish War (1654–1667)
The Russo-Polish War of 1654–1667, also called Thirteen Years' War, First Northern War, War for Ukraine was the last major conflict between Tsardom of Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Between 1655 and 1660, the Second Northern War was also fought in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,...
and fight Sweden instead. While in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania was a European state from the 12th /13th century until 1569 and then as a constituent part of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth until 1791 when Constitution of May 3, 1791 abolished it in favor of unitary state. It was founded by the Lithuanians, one of the polytheistic...
there was support for this treaty among the nobles, who hoped for more privileged positions, this was not true for the Kingdom of Poland, where the elites looked for ways to circumvent Alexis' succession. To quickly end the war with Sweden and thus be able to avoid the implementation of Vilna, the anti-Swedish alliance had to be extended. The new-won Russian ally was reluctant to support Poland against Sweden as long as no diet had confirmed Vilna. A second ally, the Austrian Habsburgs were won in the first
Treaty of Vienna (1656)
The treaty of Vienna, concluded on 1 December 1656, was an Austro–Polish alliance during the Second Northern War. Habsburg emperor Ferdinand III agreed to enter the war on the anti-Swedish side and support the Polish king John II Casimir with 4,000 troops...
and second Vienna treaties
Treaty of Vienna (1657)
The Treaty of Vienna, concluded on 27 May 1657, was an Austro–Polish alliance during the Second Northern War. After Habsburg emperor Ferdinand III had agreed to enter the war on the anti-Swedish side and support the Polish king John II Casimir with 4,000 troops in the ineffective Treaty of...
, yet as the Habsburg forces were to be maintained by Poland, this alliance's prize was bound to rise the longer the war lasted. A third ally was Denmark-Norway, who joined the anti-Swedish coalition in June 1657 triggered by the second treaty of Vienna. Yet, Denmark was not fighting on Polish soil, and although her involvement bound Charles X Gustav's forces and a formal alliance with Poland-Lithuania was concluded in July, the Danish war aim was to recover Scandinavian territories
Skåneland or Skånelandene are terms used in historical contexts in Scandinavia to describe the area on the southern and south-western part of the Scandinavian peninsula, which under the Treaty of Roskilde was transferred from Denmark to Sweden. It corresponds to the provinces of Blekinge,...
lost in the Second Treaty of Brömsebro (1645).
The Habsburgs' interest in the treaty was to build up good relations to Frederick William I, who as a prince-elector
The Prince-electors of the Holy Roman Empire were the members of the electoral college of the Holy Roman Empire, having the function of electing the Roman king or, from the middle of the 16th century onwards, directly the Holy Roman Emperor.The heir-apparent to a prince-elector was known as an...
was a valuable ally if he was won to support their policy in the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was a realm that existed from 962 to 1806 in Central Europe.It was ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor. Its character changed during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, when the power of the emperor gradually weakened in favour of the princes...
. Thus, the Habsburgs were interested in Frederick William I changing from the Swedish to their camp, and sent diplomat Franz Paul Freiherr von Lisola to mediate a respective settlement.
Bromberg and Wehlau are regarded as "twin treaties", "suplementary treaties" or one treaty, sometimes referred to as "Treaty of Wehlau and Bromberg" or "Treaty of Wehlau-Bromberg."
Ratification and confirmation
The preliminary treaty of Wehlau had been signed on 19 September 1657 by Frederick William I's envoys von Schwerin and von Somnitz, as well as by Warmian (Ermland) bishopRoman Catholic Archdiocese of Warmia
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Warmia is an archdiocese of the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church in present Poland.The Archdiocese contains a population of around 700,000...
Wacław Leszczyński and Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski
Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski
Wincenty Korwin Gosiewski was a Polish-Lithuanian politician and military commander, a notable member of the szlachta.-Life:...
for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...
, and Habsburg delegate and mediator Franz Paul Freiherr von Lisola.Signatories at Wehlau:
- Venceslaus de Leszno, episcopus Varmien[sis] s[acrae] r[egiae] m[ajesta]tis Poloniae et Sueciae plenipotentiarius
- Vincentius Corvinus Gosiewski, supremus thesaurarius et campiductor m[agni] d[ucatus] L[ithuaniae] s[acrae] r[egiae] m[ajestatis] Poloniae et Sueciae plenipotentiarius
F[ranciscus] De Lisola, seren[issimi] m[ajestatis] Hungariae et Bohemiae regis ad hosce tractatum pro mediatione ablegatus, eiusdemque consiliarius
- Ottho Liber Baro a Schwerin, plenipotentiarius electoralis
- Laurentius Christophorus Somnitz, Plenipotentiarius electoralis
Annotated edition, IEG Mainz, retrieved 2010-02-22
The amended and final version of the treaty was ratified on 6 November by Frederick William I and John II Casimir in Bromberg (Bydgoszcz).The signatories at Bromberg also included Mikołaj Prazmowski and Kazimierz Samuel Kuszewicz. Annotated edition, IEG Mainz. Both the Brandenburgian elector and the Polish king attended the ceremony with their wives, Luise Henriette of Nassau and Marie Louise Gonzaga, respectively. Danzig (Gdansk) mayor Adrian von der Linde
Adrian von der Linde
Adrian von der Linde - Danzig's patrician. Lord mayor of Danzig.-Lord mayor of Danzig:* 1630 - 1631 - probably this date is referring to another person with same name, please see disambiguation.* 21 March 1647 - 17 March 1648...
was also present.
The treaties of Wehlau and Bromberg were confirmed by the parties and internationally recognized in the Peace of Oliva, which ended the Second Northern War
Second Northern War
The Second Northern War was fought between Sweden and its adversaries the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth , Russia , Brandenburg-Prussia , the Habsburg Monarchy and Denmark–Norway...
in 1660, and by the Polish sejm
The Sejm is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The Sejm is made up of 460 deputies, or Poseł in Polish . It is elected by universal ballot and is presided over by a speaker called the Marshal of the Sejm ....
in 1659 and 1661.
The treaty ratified in Bromberg consisted of three parts. The first one contained twenty-two articles and dealt primarily with the status and succession of Prussia, the Brandenburg-Polish alliance and military aid, it was drafted in Wehlau and signed there by the Brandenburgian and Polish plenipotentaries and the Habsburg mediator. The second part was a special convention ("Specialis Convention") containing 6 articles, also drafted and signed by the plenipotentaries and the mediator in Wehlau, which further detailed the alliance and military aid. The third part amended the Wehlau agreement and primarily detailed Polish concessions.On the status of Prussia
The Duchy of Prussia, where Frederick William I was full sovereign by the Brandenburg-Swedish Treaty of LabiauTreaty of Labiau
The Treaty of Labiau was a treaty signed between Frederick William I, Elector of Brandenburg and Charles X Gustav of Sweden on 10 November / 20 November 1656 in Labiau...
, was accepted by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...
to be the sovereign possession of the House of Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
Hereditary Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
sovereignty was only agreed on for the Duchy of Prussia, while Ermland (Ermeland, Warmia) was to be returned to Poland. In case of the extinction of the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern dynasty in the male line, it was agreed that the Prussian duchy should pass on to the Polish crown. Owing to this clause, the Prussian estates
Prussian estates
The Prussian estates were representative bodies of Prussia, first created by the Monastic state of Teutonic Prussia in the 14th century but later becoming a devolved legislature for Royal Prussia within the Kingdom of Poland...
were obliged to pay conditional allegiance to an envoy of subsequent Polish kings upon their succession ("hommagium eventuale, Eventualhuldigung"), while else they were released from previous oaths and obligations regarding the Polish crown.
The Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Church
The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with over a billion members. Led by the Pope, it defines its mission as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, administering the sacraments and exercising charity...
in the former Duchy of Prussia was to remain subordinate to the archbishop of Ermland (Warmia), retain its possessions and income and be granted religious freedom.
On military aid
Brandenburg-Prussia is the historiographic denomination for the Early Modern realm of the Brandenburgian Hohenzollerns between 1618 and 1701. Based in the Electorate of Brandenburg, the main branch of the Hohenzollern intermarried with the branch ruling the Duchy of Prussia, and secured succession...
was obliged to militarily aid Poland
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...
against the Swedish Empire
Swedish Empire
The Swedish Empire refers to the Kingdom of Sweden between 1561 and 1721 . During this time, Sweden was one of the great European powers. In Swedish, the period is called Stormaktstiden, literally meaning "the Great Power Era"...
in the ongoing Second Northern War
Second Northern War
The Second Northern War was fought between Sweden and its adversaries the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth , Russia , Brandenburg-Prussia , the Habsburg Monarchy and Denmark–Norway...
. Frederick William I had already in Wehlau agreed to aid John II Casimir Vasa with 8,000 men, and both parties agreed on an "eternal alliance". In Bromberg it was agreed that from his Prussian province, Frederick William I was to dispatch 1,500 foot and 500 horse to join the army of the Polish king.
Financial and territorial agreements
In return, the Polish crown granted Brandenburg-Prussia Lauenburg and Bütow LandLauenburg and Bütow Land
Lauenburg and Bütow Land formed a historical region in eastern in eastern Pomerania. Composed of two districts centered around the towns of Lauenburg and Bütow , it was on the western periphery of Pomerelia...
as a hereditary fief. The fief was to be held at the same conditions as previously granted to the House of Pomerania
House of Pomerania
The House of Griffins or House of Pomerania, , also known as House of Greifen; House of Gryf, was a dynasty of Royal dukes that ruled the Duchy of Pomerania from the 12th century until 1637, after their power was temporarily derivated to Prussian Royal House...
: it was to be free of duties, except that the House of Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
was obliged to sent envoys to the coronations of successive Polish kings who were then to receive a written confirmation of the fief. In case the Hohenzollern dynasty was left without a male heir, the fief should return to the Polish crown.
In addition to Lauenburg and Bütow land, Brandenburg-Prussia was to receive the town of Elbing
Elbląg is a city in northern Poland with 127,892 inhabitants . It is the capital of Elbląg County and has been assigned to the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship since 1999. Before then it was the capital of Elbląg Voivodeship and a county seat in Gdańsk Voivodeship...
(Elbląg). In an amendment, Brandenburg-Prussia was obliged to return the town to Poland once the latter had bailed it out with 400,000 thaler
The Thaler was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, "Thaler" is an abbreviation of "Joachimsthaler", a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal in Bohemia, where some of the first such...
s.The sum stated as Elbing ransom by historian Robert I. Frost
Robert I. Frost
Robert I. Frost is a British historian and academic.He attended the University of St Andrews, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. He earned his doctorate in the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at the University of London.He taught school for three years in the mid-1980s...
is 40,000 thaler
The Thaler was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, "Thaler" is an abbreviation of "Joachimsthaler", a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal in Bohemia, where some of the first such...
s in Frost (2004), p. 104, and 400,000 thalers in Frost (2000), p. 200. It is 300,000 thalers in Oakley (1992), p. 103 and Wilson (1998), p. 135. Kamińska (1983), p. 12 gives 400,000 thalers. The commented edition of the treaty at the Institut für Europäische Geschichte (Institute for European History) in Mainz
Mainz under the Holy Roman Empire, and previously was a Roman fort city which commanded the west bank of the Rhine and formed part of the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire...
gives 400,000 reichstalers in the second amendment, overruling Article XII of the Wehlau tractates: instead of providing 500 horse, Brandenburg-Prussia was to return Elbing and level its fortification upon receiving the payment, sources given there are: AGADWarschau MK KK Volume 202, p. 40, print: Dogiel IV, p. 497; Pufendorf, p. 389; Dumont VI/2, p. 196; Dolezel, p. 208
The third Polish concession was the payment of 120,000 thaler
The Thaler was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, "Thaler" is an abbreviation of "Joachimsthaler", a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal in Bohemia, where some of the first such...
s to Brandenburg-Prussia for war-related damage suffered upon entering the war on the Polish side. As a security for this payment, the district of Draheim
Draheim or Drahim was a starostwo of the Kingdom of Poland from the 15th century. Pawned to Brandenburg-Prussia in 1657, it was directly incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia in 1772.-History:...
was to be handed over to Brandenburg for three years. This district comprised the town of Tempelburg
Czaplinek is a town in Drawsko County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland, with 6,879 inhabitants ....
(now Czaplinek) and 18 villages at the border of Brandenburgian Pomerania. The sum was to be paid in annual rates of 40,000 thalers, and Brandenburg was to keep Draheim if not paid by the end of the third year.
For the Catholics in Draheim, religious freedom was guaranteed. The Hohenzollern also agreed to grant religious freedom to the Catholic Church in Lauenburg and Bütow Land. The Catholic communities were to stay subordinate to and be represented by the Kuyavian bishop and keep all of their income, while the Electors of Brandenburg and the local nobility were to have the patronage over the churches.
The rights of the nobility of Lauenburg and Bütow Land were to be left unchanged, previous court sentences and privileges were to remain in force. The administration of the region should be exerted the same way as it was handled by the Pomeranian dukes. In a note issued separately from the treaty, John II Casimir assured the nobles that Poland would continue to treat them as members of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...
, and that thus the nobles would enjoy the same rights and opportunities as the Polish nobles in case they decided to leave for Poland.
The treaty first met the protest of the Prussian estatesPrussian estates
The Prussian estates were representative bodies of Prussia, first created by the Monastic state of Teutonic Prussia in the 14th century but later becoming a devolved legislature for Royal Prussia within the Kingdom of Poland...
, who feared that the loss of privileges. As a leader of the opposition, Königsberg
Königsberg was the capital of East Prussia from the Late Middle Ages until 1945 as well as the northernmost and easternmost German city with 286,666 inhabitants . Due to the multicultural society in and around the city, there are several local names for it...
mayor Hieronymus Roth was incarcerated for sixteen years, until his death. The estates' protests ended in 1663, when they swore allegiance to Frederick William I. The ecclesiastical subordination of the Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Church
The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the world's largest Christian church, with over a billion members. Led by the Pope, it defines its mission as spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, administering the sacraments and exercising charity...
to the Polish Royal Prussia
Royal Prussia
Royal Prussia was a Region of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth . Polish Prussia included Pomerelia, Chełmno Land , Malbork Voivodeship , Gdańsk , Toruń , and Elbląg . It is distinguished from Ducal Prussia...
n prince-bishop of Ermland (Warmia) also caused tensions with the House of Hohenzollern
House of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
. Despite these problems, the sovereignty in the Prussian duchy provided the basis for the Brandenburgian Hohenzollern to crown themselves "King in Prussia
King in Prussia
King in Prussia was a title used by the Electors of Brandenburg from 1701 to 1772. Subsequently they used the title King of Prussia....
" in 1701.
Lauenburg and Bütow Land
Lauenburg and Bütow LandLauenburg and Bütow Land
Lauenburg and Bütow Land formed a historical region in eastern in eastern Pomerania. Composed of two districts centered around the towns of Lauenburg and Bütow , it was on the western periphery of Pomerelia...
was officially handed over by John II Casimir's envoy Ignatz Bokowski and received by the Brandenburg-Prussian envoys Adam von Podewils and Ulrich Gottfried von Somnitz in April 1658. During the ceremony, the non-noble inhabitants swore the same oath of allegiance to the Brandenburgian electors that was previously sworn to the Pomeranian dukes, while the nobles swore a modified oath. The oath was given by 63 noble families from the Lauenburg district and 43 families of the Bütow district, represented at the ceremony by 220 persons. three persons swore in Polish
Polish language
Polish is a language of the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages, used throughout Poland and by Polish minorities in other countries...
. The Brandenburg-Prussian administration did however not accept all of these families as nobles: in May, only thirteen indigenous and six immigrated Pomeranian families in the Lauenburg district and four families in the Bütow district were listed as nobles, the others were referred to as "besondere freye Leute" - "special free persons".
The Brandenburgian electors amended their title with "dominus de Lauenburg et Bytaw", despite Polish protests aimed at a change from "dominus" (lord) to "fiduciarus" (fiduciary). Until 1771, Lauenburg and Bütow Land was administered from Lauenburg (now Lebork), where the local Oberhauptmann had his seat, the nobles swore allegiance to the electors and assemblies of the nobles were held in a landtag
A Landtag is a representative assembly or parliament in German-speaking countries with some legislative authority.- Name :...
named "Seymik". After 1771, the region was governed from Stettin (now Szczecin) like the rest of Brandenburgian Pomerania, and allegiance to subsequent Prussian kings
Kingdom of Prussia
The Kingdom of Prussia was a German kingdom from 1701 to 1918. Until the defeat of Germany in World War I, it comprised almost two-thirds of the area of the German Empire...
was given together with the other Pomeranian estates in Stettin.
The provision that Brandenburgian envoys were to be sent to the inauguration of subsequent Polish kings was followed until 1698, before Brandenburg-Prussia ceased to sent delegations. The treaty of Bromberg was superseded by the Treaty of Warsaw (1773), which followed the First Partition of Poland
First Partition of Poland
The First Partition of Poland or First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1795. Growth in the Russian Empire's power, threatening the Kingdom of Prussia and the...
in 1772. In Warsaw, the terms of Bromberg were cancelled, including the guarantees for the Catholic Church and the nobles, and the Polish crown renounced all rights on Lauenburg and Bütow Land, which accordingly was no longer a fief and neither would be inherited by the Polish king in case the Hohenzollern line went extinct.
In 1660, the SwedishSwedish Empire
The Swedish Empire refers to the Kingdom of Sweden between 1561 and 1721 . During this time, Sweden was one of the great European powers. In Swedish, the period is called Stormaktstiden, literally meaning "the Great Power Era"...
garrison withdrew from Elbing
Elbląg is a city in northern Poland with 127,892 inhabitants . It is the capital of Elbląg County and has been assigned to the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship since 1999. Before then it was the capital of Elbląg Voivodeship and a county seat in Gdańsk Voivodeship...
(Elbląg), yet the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was a dualistic state of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch. It was the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and 17th‑century Europe with some and a multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 17th century...
seized it before Brandenburg-Prussia despite not having paid the sum agreed on in Bromberg. Because of this, Frederick William I did not support Poland in the contemporary Russo-Polish war
Russo-Polish War (1654–1667)
The Russo-Polish War of 1654–1667, also called Thirteen Years' War, First Northern War, War for Ukraine was the last major conflict between Tsardom of Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Between 1655 and 1660, the Second Northern War was also fought in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,...
and instead yielded the neutrality agreement he had concluded with Russia
Tsardom of Russia
The Tsardom of Russia was the name of the centralized Russian state from Ivan IV's assumption of the title of Tsar in 1547 till Peter the Great's foundation of the Russian Empire in 1721.From 1550 to 1700, Russia grew 35,000 km2 a year...
in 1656. Poland was to keep the town until the First Partition of Poland
First Partition of Poland
The First Partition of Poland or First Partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth took place in 1772 as the first of three partitions that ended the existence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth by 1795. Growth in the Russian Empire's power, threatening the Kingdom of Prussia and the...
in 1772, with short interruptions in 1698/1699 and 1703: In 1698, Polish king August the Strong permitted Prussia
Kingdom of Prussia
The Kingdom of Prussia was a German kingdom from 1701 to 1918. Until the defeat of Germany in World War I, it comprised almost two-thirds of the area of the German Empire...
n troops to siege and storm Elbing, but the Prussian troops withdrew in the following year when Russia mediated its exchange for the Polish Crown Jewels
Polish Crown Jewels
The only surviving original piece of the Polish Crown Jewels from the time of the Piast dynasty is the ceremonial sword - Szczerbiec. It is currently on display along with other preserved royal items in the Wawel Royal Castle Museum, Kraków....
as a security for the bills receivable. When August the Strong nevertheless failed to pay, the town was re-occupied in 1703, during the Great Northern War
Great Northern War
The Great Northern War was a conflict in which a coalition led by the Tsardom of Russia successfully contested the supremacy of the Swedish Empire in northern Central Europe and Eastern Europe. The initial leaders of the anti-Swedish alliance were Peter I the Great of Russia, Frederick IV of...
, but the Prussians again withdrew shortly afterwards due to Swedish
Swedish Empire
The Swedish Empire refers to the Kingdom of Sweden between 1561 and 1721 . During this time, Sweden was one of the great European powers. In Swedish, the period is called Stormaktstiden, literally meaning "the Great Power Era"...
In addition to Elbing, the commonwealth aimed at also keeping Draheim, yet Frederick William I was able to thwart these plans by occupying it in 1663. While since the 1720s the government of the Brandenburgian province of Pomerania subsequently took over administrative tasks regarding Draheim, it retained its independence from the Pomeranian province until the terms of Bromberg were superseded by the Treaty of Warsaw (1773). Before the 1773 treaty, Poland had nominally held the right to bail out Draheim, which however was never actually pursued. Nevertheless the Polish crown underlined this right by granting privileges to the local SchulzeSchultheiß
In medieval Germany, the Schultheiß was the head of a municipality , a Vogt or an executive official of the ruler.As official it was...
until 1680. In Article V of the Warsaw treaty, Poland renounced her right to buy Draheim back, and ceded it to Prussia
Kingdom of Prussia
The Kingdom of Prussia was a German kingdom from 1701 to 1918. Until the defeat of Germany in World War I, it comprised almost two-thirds of the area of the German Empire...
"for eternal times".
Impact and assessment
For the House of HohenzollernHouse of Hohenzollern
The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania. It originated in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century. They took their name from their ancestral home, the Burg Hohenzollern castle near...
, Wehlau-Bromberg was a "major geopolitical gain and surge in wealth and prestige", while Poland had "substantially benefited" from Brandenburgian support during the war. According to historian Robert I. Frost
Robert I. Frost
Robert I. Frost is a British historian and academic.He attended the University of St Andrews, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. He earned his doctorate in the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at the University of London.He taught school for three years in the mid-1980s...
, the concessions Poland made in Wehlau and Bromberg were thought as tactical and open to later reversal - which however did not happen due to the internal weakness of the commonwealth. Frost further says that the treaty was subject to criticism of historians such as Kazimierz Piwarski
Kazimierz Piwarski
Kazimierz Piwarski was a Polish historian, professor of Jagiellonian University in Kraków since 1946 and Poznań University in years 1953-1955, member of Polish Academy of Skills since 1945, and member of Polish Academy of Sciences since 1958.He researched in the history of the Polish provinces...
, who says that the prize paid by Poland in Bromberg was unnecessarily high. According to Frost, these critics argue from a post-partition
Partitions of Poland
The Partitions of Poland or Partitions of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth took place in the second half of the 18th century and ended the existence of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, resulting in the elimination of sovereign Poland for 123 years...
point of view, and neglect the complexity of the contemporary situation: "Contemporary [Polish] politicians were aware of the dangers of conceding sovereignty, which they accepted not because they were stupid, indifferent, or lacking in foresight, but because the alternatives seemed more damaging to the Commonwealth's interests", he says. While Frost regards Piwarski's assertion, that the Polish decision was heavily influenced by the Habsburgs, to have merit, he also says that the Polish interest in a rapprochment with Brandenburg had already emerged in 1656, long before Lisola entered the scene. According to Anna Kamińska
Anna Kamińska
Anna Kamińska is a Polish mountain bike orienteer. She won a gold medal in the sprint event at the 2010 World MTB Orienteering Championships in Montalegre.-References:...
, the treaty marked the point when Poland's influence on the Baltic was lost and Poland-Lithuania's position in Europe declined.
Text of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty
- http://www.ieg-mainz.de/likecms/index.php?site=site.htm&dir=&nav=&siteid=133&treaty=110&lastsiteid=77&searchquery=%26is_fts%3D1%26filter_select%3D%26filter_wt%3D%26filter_id%3D%26filter_l%3D%26filter_p%3D%26searchlang%3Dde%26searchstring%3Dwehlau%26date%3D%26year_from%3D%26year_till%3D%26location%3D&comment=281Scan of the treaty ratified at Bromberg, consisting of the terms regarding Prussia and Ermland (22 articles, Wehlau), the terms regarding the Brandenburg-Polish alliance (6 articles, Wehlau) and the amendments regarding Lauenburg-Bütow, Elbing etc, and hosted at ieg-mainz.de (Institut für Europäische Geschichte Mainz), 24 pages]
- Annotated edition / transcription of the treaty hosted at ieg-mainz.de
- http://www.ieg-mainz.de/likecms/index.php?site=site.htm&dir=&nav=&siteid=133&treaty=1398&page=1&lastsiteid=77&sq=%26is_fts%3D1%26filter_select%3D%26filter_wt%3D%26filter_id%3D%26filter_l%3D%26filter_p%3D%26searchlang%3Dde%26searchstring%3Dwehlau%26date%3D%26year_from%3D%26year_till%3D%26location%3DSeparate scan of the Brandenburg-Polish alliance against Sweden (Wehlau) hosted at ieg-mainz.de, 7 pages]
Confirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty
- Annotated edition of the Peace of Oliva, including the confirmation of Wehlau-Bromberg, Oliva 1660, at ieg-mainz.de
- Confirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty, Warsaw 1672, transcription, ieg-mainz.de
- Confirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty, Warsaw 1677, transcription, ieg-mainz.de
- http://www.ieg-mainz.de/likecms/index.php?site=site.htm&dir=&nav=&siteid=133&treaty=114&lastsiteid=77&searchquery=%26is_fts%3D1%26filter_select%3D%26filter_wt%3D%26filter_id%3D%26filter_l%3D%26filter_p%3D%26searchlang%3Dde%26searchstring%3Dwehlau%26date%3D%26year_from%3D%26year_till%3D%26location%3DConfirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty, Warsaw 1688, scan, hosted at ieg-mainz.de]
- Confirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty, Warsaw 1688, transcription, hosted at ieg-mainz.de
- http://www.ieg-mainz.de/likecms/index.php?site=site.htm&dir=&nav=&siteid=133&treaty=1400&lastsiteid=77&searchquery=%26is_fts%3D1%26filter_select%3D%26filter_wt%3D%26filter_id%3D%26filter_l%3D%26filter_p%3D%26searchlang%3Dde%26searchstring%3Dwehlau%26date%3D%26year_from%3D%26year_till%3D%26location%3DConfirmation and extension of the Wehlau-Bromberg treaty, Warsaw 1698, scan, hosted at ieg-mainz.de]